Abducted Ch. 06 free porn video

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Chapter 6 – It Just Got Worse

The two men got back into their uniforms, but left Emma naked. They conversed together in whispers. Emma strained her ears, but could make out nothing. Suddenly Clyde strode towards her, grabbed her wrists and pulled her off the bed and to her feet. He marched her across the room to an upright frame and tied her wrists to the cross-bar, above her head, about a metre apart. She struggled, and kicked out, but Boris held her around her thighs, taking the opportunity to let his fingers explore again her cum-soaked cunt.

Clyde pressed a button, and she felt the cross-bar rise, pulling her arms upwards until her feet left the ground and she was suspended by her wrists. He pressed again, and the bar fell a few centimetres, allowing her extended toes to take a little of the pressure as they touched the floor. She heard the rustling of a package being opened. ‘Hey, Clyde, look what I’ve found,’ called Boris, obviously impressed with a discovery. ‘These are brand new – I’ve never seen them before.’

‘What?’ enquired Clyde, sounding bored. ‘More toys?’

‘Japanese Clover Clamps,’ announced Boris proudly. ‘Apparently, they actually tighten on the nipple when you pull on them. Very ingenious. Let’s try them on the slut!’

Boris walked towards Emma, who stared at him apprehensively. He reached out towards her right breast, and stroked it lightly. Emma swung a leg, trying to knee him in the groin, but he deftly avoided her.

‘Fucking minx!’ he swore. ‘Fasten her ankles please, Clyde!’

Emma struggled helplessly as Clyde adeptly fixed ropes to her ankles and secured them to the base of the frame.

Boris again stroked her right breast, with surprising gentleness. He grinned. ‘Mmm! Great tits!’ he announced, ‘So firm!’ He licked her nipple, and then hungrily sucked it between his lips, biting it gently, and feeling it harden to his touch. He pulled back to admire her again. ‘Oh yes, really great!’ he exclaimed. ‘Nicest tits I’ve seen in ages!’

Then he let his nails drag along the white flesh. He flexed his fingers, digging in harder, as Emma squirmed and tried to pull away. Holding her breast with his left hand, Boris took the clamps and tried to apply them to Emma’s erect nipple, but couldn’t get the jaws positioned correctly. He looked at Clyde, silently asking for help. Clyde gripped first one breast then the other, holding out the distended nipples so that Boris could snap the clamps in place. Emma stared with disbelief at the torture being applied to her poor tits. Silently, she begged for mercy, and sobbed. Boris pulled on the chain which connected the two clamps, and she grimaced as they tightened even more around her nipples. Boris noticed. ‘It works!’ he announced triumphantly. ‘They tighten up as you apply pressure! Great!’

‘Very interesting!’ replied Clyde, with a bored expression, ‘But we still haven’t punished her for trying to escape, and for trying to stick me with a knife! You can play with your fancy toys later, but what this bitch needs is a damn good whipping!’

He went over to a cupboard on the wall and selected a thin cane, flicking it through the air several times, and enjoying the ‘WHOOSH’ sound it made. Emma’s eyes opened wide as she watched his practice swings. She braced herself, realising that there was no possible escape. Boris watched his companion, noting his steely gaze, obviously Clyde intended revenge.

There was a brief silence, and then the whistle of the thin cane as it sliced through the air, followed by a satisfying crack as it came to a halt against the soft white flesh of Emma’s left buttock. Boris heard the sudden intake of breath as the blow landed and the brief pause before it registered on Emma’s brain. Then came the first scream. It always surprised him that a girl experiencing the cane for the first time could communicate so much with a single scream – the shock that such a simple stick could yield so much pain, the agony of the stroke itself, the begging and pleading, and the utter horror in the realisation that the stroke was the first of many. Again Clyde struck, this time on the other buttock. Emma screamed again, watching the cane rise, trying to work out how she could avoid the pain. Clyde continued caning her, carefully picking the placement of each stroke, sometimes spacing them far apart, sometimes right on top of each other. After only a few minutes, Emma’s bottom and the back of her thighs were covered with welts.

‘Wait!’ Boris interjected.

Emma whimpered. ‘Thank you,’ she gasped, thinking that he was stopping the punishment.

‘Let me re-arrange her for you,’ continued Boris.

He untied Emma’s right ankle, but then pulled it sideways, until her leg was at an angle of forty-five degrees to her body. He attached her ankle to the side of the frame, leaving her weight balanced on her left foot. He then untied that foot, and pulled it sideways as well, attaching it to the opposite side of the frame. Now, her weight hung from her wrists, and her body formed an ‘X’.

‘Thanks,’ said Clyde, smiling broadly, and swishing the cane underhand, twice, in rapid succession, across the tender insides of Emma’s thighs. She howled, but she had no more tears. Clyde repeated his onslaught, and two more red weals decorated her thighs.

Emma gasped. ‘Please, no!’ she pleaded, ‘I’m sorry I tried to escape. I’m sorry I attacked you. Please stop. I can’t take any more!’

She sighed in relief when she saw Clyde set the cane down. Then, to her utter dismay, she realised that he had not finished, he was merely switching to a flogger. Emma stared at it in disbelief. It had about a dozen long, thin leather tails, each ending in a thick knot. She strained uselessly at the bonds that held her suspended in midair. Perspiration streamed down her body, so open, so exposed, and so vulnerable. She braced herself against the inevitable pain.

Clyde aimed the first stroke right across Emma’s breasts. Most of the leather strips found their way directly to her flesh, the knots at their ends stinging her violently, but some tangled with the chain on her nipple clamps, increasing the pressure on her tender tits. Her body stiffened in agony as she screamed for the hundredth time and begged her tormentor to stop.

Clyde ignored her pleas, and kept on whipping her. The strands of leather fell on her stomach, her thighs, and again on her breasts. He moved behind her and directed more strokes on her buttocks and back. He then used an uppercut motion to land a blow directly against her sore, abused pussy. It was too much. Emma felt herself fainting, felt as if her mind was leaving her body behind. She knew she couldn’t take anymore. Then she heard a soft, guttural moan, followed by a gentle hiss. She opened her eyes wide. Boris and Clyde were staring at her. ‘Hell, Clyde,’ exclaimed Boris in astonishment, ‘I think she liked that last one. Give it to her there again.’

Emma realised that she herself had made the moaning sound, and the hiss. She shook her head violently. ‘No!’ she screamed. ‘No more, please!’

The stroke landed despite her cries. The animal moan returned as she shuddered and quaked. The soaring sensation returned. She stared in disbelief at Clyde. ‘Please, Sir,’ she whispered, ‘please. I need to cum. Please!’

Clyde whistled in admiration. ‘Hell, woman,’ he exclaimed, ‘you are some fine slut!’ He let the flogger fall to the floor, and reached out his hand to feel between her legs. ‘Mmm, really damp. OK, Slut, I’ll bring you off!’

Almost brutally, he forced two fingers of his right hand into her welcoming cunt, and pressed urgently on her clitoris with the tips of the fingers of his left. Suspended from her wrists, Emma strained against him. ‘Yes,’ she heard herself say, ‘yes, that’s good!’

Clyde continued to fuck her with his fingers, and frig her clitoris. Her moans and cries grew louder. Boris pulled on the chain attached to her nipple clamps, and the a
dditional pressure on her tender buds sent her over the top, crying out loudly as she came.

As Emma recovered from a shattering orgasm, she felt her ankles being released from the frame, and thankfully was able to support her weight on her feet, taking the strain off her agonised arms and shoulders. She opened her eyes and noticed Boris seated at the computer screen. ‘OK, Clyde!’ he announced, ‘I’ve entered up the details. What’s next?’

‘Don’t know,’ replied Clyde. ‘I think we’ve beaten her enough to teach her a lesson. I’m a bit bored with it, and hungry. Let’s go for dinner, and continue here later.’

‘But I want to experiment with some more toys,’ complained Boris.

‘Come on, Boris, I’m really hungry. We can leave her tied up and come back after we’ve eaten, there’s lots of time.’

‘OK,’ agreed Boris with some reluctance, ‘but help me set her up before we go. There’s something here I really must try.’

Emma watched with bewilderment as Boris picked up what looked like a large metal T-square, with a spike, about fifty centimetres long, and about one centimetre in diameter, and a couple of switches. He carried it over to the frame, turned it upside down, and placed it on the bottom bar of the frame, moving Emma’s feet to allow him access. ‘Here, Clyde,’ he commanded, ‘I’ll hold it steady while you screw it to the frame at both ends.’

Emma looked down. To her horror she now realised that the spike on the T-square was aimed straight at her pussy. Realisation dawned. She whimpered. She squirmed, cursing the bonds which held her wrists secure, and swung her right leg, yelling, ‘NO! You can’t do that!’

Boris grabbed her ankle. Silently, he started to tie it to the bottom of the frame. She swung her left leg, but Clyde was ready for her and grabbed it almost as soon as it moved. ‘Tie her ankle to the frame, Clyde,’ ordered Boris, ‘but leave about ten centimetres play, like I’m doing. You’ll see why in a few minutes.’

‘Now, we need a suitable cover,’ he continued, opening a wooden case, and revealing a large selection of dildos, in a variety of shapes and sizes. ‘This would be great,’ he mused, picking up a large double dildo, ‘but we’ve been warned off your ass!’

He rummaged further. ‘This will do nicely,’ he finally announced, ‘not too big, not too small.’ He picked out a large flesh-coloured, natural-looking specimen, twenty centimetres long and about three centimetres across, fitting it snugly onto the waiting spike. He loosened the nut at the end of the spike, raising it so that the end of the dildo was at the entrance to Emma’s vagina. Instinctively, she shrank away from it, rising on tip-toe. Boris took a tube of lubricating gel, applied a good dollop to the dildo, and smeared some on the inner walls of her vagina. ‘Hold her hips steady, Clyde,’ he asked, ‘I’ll make sure this thing docks correctly.’ He pushed a switch, and Emma felt the intruder pushing upwards, separating the lips of her pussy, and entering her cavern. She winced, and tried to get further on to her tip-toes, but the dildo continued its slow progress. Emma tried lifting her body by pulling with her bound wrists, but the ropes on her ankles allowed only a couple of centimetres extra movement.

Finally, Boris flicked the switch again, and the advance ceased. ‘That should do it,’ he announced, ‘there’s about twelve centimetres up there now, but you’re on tip-toe. If you come down, I reckon your clit will rub nicely on the little nub at the base. Want to try it?’

‘No, I don’t, you bastard. You can’t leave me here like this. Let me go!’

‘Oh yes, we can,’ he sneered, ‘and I’m not finished yet. I need to do something about these!’

Boris pulled roughly on the chain attaching the clamps on her nipples, and Emma gasped as the clamps dug deeper into her flesh. Boris looked thoughtful. He sought and found a couple of lead weights, which he attached to the chain. Emma gasped again. Boris stepped back and viewed her with a practised eye. ‘No,’ he mused, ‘I don’t like the way it makes your tits sag and hang down.’ He thought again, his brow furrowed, but suddenly a smile appeared on his lips. ‘Yes!’ he hissed, ‘I’ve got it!’

He searched and found some thin twine. Standing on a stool, he passed one end through a pulley on the ceiling directly above Emma. He then tied one end of the twine to the centre of the nipple chain, and removed the weights. Getting down on the floor, he attached the weights to the other end of the twine, so that they just rested on the floor. Emma watched with consternation as he pulled on the twine, her breasts being forced upwards in the shape of a cone, the clamps biting into her tender nipples. Boris added some more weights, made a few further adjustments, and then stood up to admire his handiwork.

‘What do you think, Clyde,’ he asked proudly. ‘Look, if the bitch stands on tip-toe, the weights rest on the floor, but when her feet and ankles get too sore for tip-toe, and she comes down, the weights are pulled off the floor, and the pain in her tits will increase. Ingenious, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, Boris,’ said Clyde, with a supremely bored expression, ‘Very clever. Can we go now?’

‘Please, no!’ screamed Emma suddenly. ‘You can’t do this, please. I can’t bear any more.’

‘Oh, and one final thing,’ replied Boris, ‘this switch works as well.’

As he pressed the second switch, the dildo began vibrating gently. It didn’t move a lot, just buzzed slightly in Emma’s vagina, feeling remarkably like a fast-fluttering tongue. Emma sighed, and moaned. ‘No, please,’ she whimpered. ‘No more!’

‘Not sure how long the battery will last,’ announced Boris, ‘but we’re off now. We won’t be too long. Enjoy yourself while we’re away.’

‘You bastards!’ called Emma as they locked the door behind them.

Emma hung on her frame, and considered her sad predicament. Raped, abused, humiliated, tortured, left here in agony, she saw no prospect of release. The dildo in her pussy was no problem, she could cope with that – in fact the constant buzz was becoming quite pleasant. She could live with the clamps on her nipples, they had been there so long, she was getting used to the constant pain. If, however, she came down from tip-toe, the weights applied extra pressure to the clamps, and the pain increased tenfold. Already, a pain was building in the arches of her feet, and travelling up the backs of her calves, it got worse with every second. She wouldn’t be able to keep on tip-toe much longer.

She tried pulling on her wrists, attempting to take the strain off her feet and legs, but her arms were already wracked with pain. No – she couldn’t hold this much longer. Experimentally, she lowered her heels to the top of the bar to which she was attached. The weights came off the floor, and a piercing agonising pain grasped her distended nipples. Her breasts were pulled, distorted into a sharp cone. She grimaced, and suppressed a scream.

No, that was no good, she couldn’t stand this for long either.

She peered down towards her feet, at the weights hanging from the long length of twine, watching them sway backwards and forwards.

Suddenly, an idea began to take shape in her befuddled brain. The weights were swaying, like a pendulum, almost touching her toes. She bit her lip against the impending pain, went on tip-toe so as to ground the weights, and quickly dropped her heels again.

Yes! As a shot of agony surged through her tortured tits, she saw with delight that the swaying was increased. Concentrating madly, fighting the immense pain, she raised and lowered her heels in time with the swinging of the pendulum, increasing the arc of swing, and bringing the twine ever closer to her outstretched toes. Finally, in exuberance, she was able to grasp the twine between the toes of her right foot and hold it there. Her pulse raced. She relaxed momentarily, and then pulled on her wrists, raising her feet as much as possible, managing to reach the weights with the outstretch
ed toes of her left foot. She tried to guide them onto the bottom bar of her frame. At the third attempt she succeeded. She relaxed her wrists, and allowed her heels to descend to the bar. Oh yes! With utter joy, she realised that the weights stayed on the bar, above the floor, and now she could relax her feet from tip-toe without having to submit to an unendurable agony from the nipple clamps.

Through the dull ache in her nipples, Emma was aware of the constant throb from the dildo in her pussy. It penetrated her by about twenty centimetres. She pushed against it, and found that the little ridge at the end vibrated gently against her clitoris. It felt good, and she automatically tightened the walls of her vagina around the intruder. ‘Oh, Max!’ she whispered to herself, tears trickling down her cheek, ‘Oh, Tiger! I wish you were here!’

Exhausted, she hung on her frame, barely conscious, aware only of the pain in her arms and breasts, and of the vibrations in her pussy. She gazed down at her naked body, the soft white flesh criss-crossed with angry red welts – on her breasts, stomach, pubic area, and thighs. She could only imagine what her poor buttocks and back looked like. She sobbed quietly, all hope now vanquished. She lost track of time. It seemed that hours had passed since her tormentors had left her here. She found that the pain lessened a little if she pushed herself against the dildo, clamped her pussy around it, and thought of Max, remembering his expert love-making, and imagining his tongue on her clit, his cock in her cunt. Slowly, almost unwittingly, she found herself moving up and down on the dildo. ‘Oh, Max. Oh, yes, Max, my Tiger! Fuck me! Hurt me!’ Her mind seemed distant again. She closed her eyes, and drifted in a warm sea of pleasure, mixed with numbing pain. She rubbed her clit against Max’s finger as if drunk, trying to forget to her predicament.

Suddenly, the door burst open. The abrupt movement startled Emma from her reverie, and the resulting vibration on the frame toppled the weights. Emma howled as the clamps bit into her nipples and the chains distended her tits. She came to, Max had disappeared, only Boris and Clyde were in the room, shouting at each other, and at her.

‘Hurry up. Get her off that frame quickly. We’ve only got a few minutes before they arrive,’ cried Boris excitably.

Boris untied her ankles and Clyde her wrists. Boris lifted her off the still-throbbing dildo, and Emma screamed as Clyde removed the nipple clamps, allowing the blood to rush back into her tormented buds. Hurriedly, Boris carried her over to the screen. ‘Quick!’ he commanded, ‘Have a toilet and clean yourself up a bit. We’re expecting company.’

Emma sat on the toilet seat, glad to relieve her bursting bladder. She rubbed her aching wrists and arms, trying to restore circulation. ‘Hurry up!’ called Clyde. ‘We don’t have much time.’

In a daze, Emma hobbled to the basin, wet a flannel, and tried to rub it over her face and body. Her arms were so sore she could hardly manage to hold the flannel, let alone use it. ‘I can’t!’ she said. ‘My arms won’t work. They’re too sore.’

Boris appeared behind the screen, grabbed the flannel from her and roughly wiped it over her tear-stained face. ‘Water, please,’ she murmured to him.

He filled a glass, and she drank greedily.

Boris continued wiping down her ravaged body and with his incompetent fingers made an attempt to re-arrange her hair. ‘That’ll have to do,’ he finally announced. ‘We’re running out of time.’

‘Who is coming?’ asked Emma, tremulously.

‘Just some friends. You’ll find out soon. I hope you like them,’ he responded with a grin.

Roughly, Boris grabbed her arm, and pulled her back into the room. Clyde was standing near the bed, holding ropes. ‘On the bed?’ he asked.

‘Yes. Face up!’ agreed Boris.

Within seconds, Emma found herself lying on the bed, her wrists and ankles tied to the four corners, leaving her thighs spread and her pussy exposed. The door rattled. ‘OK!’ yelled Boris, ‘Two minutes! Nearly there!’

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The apparatus coughed and steered to the left. Cory could see sweat pouring on Edgar’s forehead. “We’re going to crash, aren’t we?” he shouted the question, feeling in his gut the danger they were in. “This is all I can do,” Edgar shouted back, trying to cover the sound of the hollowing wind. “Hold on tight!” Cory felt in every muscle in his body how their machine impacted with the ground. The sand dunes seemed to have been their savior, though, and, as he moved to get up, he was glad to...

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The ThrowAway Line

I met Amanda when I went back home to settle my father’s estate, “home” being a small city on the Intracoastal Waterway north of Vero Beach. Since the last time I had been back, a new pizza place had opened in a town that had more pizza places than it really needed. Their hook was “Authentic New York Style” pies, and my sister swore that they were. So after spending the better part of the day with lawyers, bankers, investment counselors, and the like, I decided to try the place out. Walking...

4 years ago
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A Students Plan 8211 The Journey And Twist Of Fate Part 8211 4

Next day, Suraj came over. Rimi was shocked to see him. She said, “Today I gave an off day for you guys remember?” Third-year students and the solo 1st year had their classes on Thursday and Friday. But this Friday she gave a day off. And that was the reason she said earlier that tomorrow is free. Suraj: Mam you told me to come tomorrow as no one will come for class. So, I am here for today’s treat. You said you will give both the days treat. But I had yesterday’s treat, so only today’s treat...

4 years ago
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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 13

Maine fir dadaji se bola, “Aap toh kal kuch kar hi nahin paye mere saath. Aap kaho toh aaj aapko bhi thodi shaanti de du?” Toh dadaji ne muskura ke kaha, “Beti mere dimaag mein kuch aur chal raha hai.” Main boli, “Kya hua dadaji?” Iska jawab dete hue woh bole. “Beti, mere potey se shaadi karne ke liye koi ladki nahin mil rahi hai. Woh bhi ab 32 ka ho chala hai. Toh mere dimaag mein aaye din wahi chalta hai.” Toh main bhi dadaji ki dasha ko samajhte hue boli, “Dadaji, aap pareshaan mat hoiye...

2 years ago
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Mutual Satisfaction Part 3

"Lets see. Your step sister catches you jacking off using the panties that you borrowed from her room and she then stays to help you finish. You then help her mastrubate because she had gotten hot watching and helping you that she needs release. You touch, kiss and lick her breasts while she does herself. Today you wear a pair of her silky panties while she rubs her hot silk covered pussy along the length of your silk covered cock. You then wind up banging the hell out of her because the...

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Cockatoo Part 18

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Previously, Nin had persuaded James to come along with her as Scarlett to meet with Joe and Nancy, two Americans who wanted a foursome. The session had finished and Scarlett...

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When It All Goes Away

The screaming of tires on asphalt in a desperate attempt to stop, the sickening metal on metal crunch of two cars colliding headlong into each other. That’s what started my day. I knew as I jumped out of bed and threw on jeans and a t-shirt this was going to be bad. I could only mumble a hasty prayer to The God and Goddess as I headed out the door almost forgetting my shoes and everything else. Leaving the dog barking insanely in the living room, I sprinted for the hidden curve behind my...

2 years ago
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Jamie Chapter 2 A Squirt Adventure

***** several hours later ***** Jamie woke with a start. She blinked groggily and rubbed her fingers across her eyes as the events that had unfolded over the previous night came flooding back into her mind. She glanced down at Kelsey, who was still laying close to her side and smiled softly. ‘Who knew that this is how the evening would have gone?’ Jamie thought, watching her friend sleep peacefully beside her. She gently pushed Kelsey’s hair back behind her ear and admired her soft face,...

4 years ago
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King8217s Son And Mother Queen

The characters in this story are King Dhirendra ,queen Divya and their son, prince Devendra. There were many small kingdoms at that time and they were fighting with each other to become bigger kingdoms.King Dhirendra was the bravest among the kings of small kingdoms . He married the neighbouring powerful kingdom princess Divya to have her kingdom in support of his kingdom.King Dhirendra was at 26 and Divya was just 16 at the time of marriage. (She was the most beautiful princess in the entire...

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Would anothe jo buddy be possible

Ultimately, i'd love to find a person to j-o with, exchange vids and pictures. In a perfect world, I could even discreetly meet that person so we could j-o each other while watching porn. But with all this COVID bullsh*t, and the world being such a big place, I could be satisfied by a virtual connexion with someone.You never know. Maybe. Internet, work your magic! I've been coming to xhamster for porn for... I dont even remember how long. Very long! I went through a ton of niches: blowjobs,...

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Final Adventure with Amy

Amy had left Phillip and me in bed together after a night of fun. It was intentional, hoping that her two boyfriends would have sex without her. She knew I would give her all the details later. And there were details. After an initial handjob round, Phillip had gotten me into his skimpiest bikini underwear and both of us were amazingly turned on. Later that evening I was on my way to put on a fashion show for Amy.“So...?” she asked as soon as I arrived. “Did my two lovers have fun after I...

1 year ago
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Reuniting with Regan

It had been over twenty-five years since I had last seen her. Somehow, even at alumni reunions or homecoming outings, our paths had never crossed. She was my college crush during my freshman and sophomore years at the University of Maryland, before I really knew what I was doing from a sexually active standpoint, that is. Sure, I had fucked my share of coeds (well, OK, three), but it was more from dumb luck and circumstance than it was from skill or cunning. And, the classically beautiful...

2 years ago
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The Mother Saga Part 12 First Trip As Newly Weds

As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Please read all the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses to my stories. I am overwhelmed by the lovely responses to this series. I thank all the guys and gals who read through the stories and appreciated their emails. Your love and criticism are accepted and cherished....

3 years ago
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Hand Sex

Dawn has beautiful hands. Soft, with shapely fingers, and fastidiously maintained nails. On the index finger of her right hand she wears a plain silver band, and on the pinkie, her grandmother’s old ruby ring. She keeps the fingers of her left hand bare, although on special occasions, she adorns the wrist with a silver bracelet. Her hands are much smaller than mine. When we walk together, my hand will completely engulf hers. I love the way her hand feels in mine: so warm, so feminine. Holding...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

3 years ago
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Swimming hole

When I was younger we lived in a small town. I was helping a man my family knew clear brush from his land. He asked if I wanted to go swimming. I said I didn't have my trunks. He smiled and said you don't need them. Puzzled I asked how. Follow me was all he said. Dav lead me down to a wooded area. We walked a few yards into the woods and I seen a pond. Let's go, Dav said. I was shocked seeing him strip everything off. Expecting to see tan lines, he was dark all over. He had a little hair on his...

4 years ago
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Office Help Rewarded Chapter 1

Christie, you have been working for me for three months and we have established a fabulous “friends with benefits" relationship. You seem to be aroused more by the fact that you know you are having relations with a married man, than by my sexual prowess. This is fine with me, because in my mind, anything that heightens a woman's pleasure, short of pain, that I can create for her, has always been my goal to provide. I adore women; it's that simple! You have accepted the dress code that I...

Office Sex
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The Asylum

The Asylum, a large Gothic manor that over looks the sea somewhere in England. The building is older then records, no one is sure when the Asylum was built, or who founded it, they just know it was always here. It is a place for the insane, the depraved, perverted and the unwanted. Not all who are forced to come here are insane, but one thing is certain... They soon will be. The inmates, the Doctors, the nurses and the staff all live inside the asylum, the building itself wants you to stay,...

3 years ago
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Teacher Takes a Dare Part One

‘I’m so turned on right now,’ she typed back to him. ‘I’m so hot. I can’t believe I got this way just from chatting with you.’ ‘It’s because you’re being naughty. You’re doing things that you shouldn’t be doing. It goes against the rules that you live by,’ he responded. ‘Besides, you know how incredibly aroused I am right now just from talking to you.’ That really excited her. She had never done this before, but she was home on winter break and really bored. She was a teacher at the local...

2 years ago
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The Best Blind Date

Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...

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Black VelvetChapter 13 Cheek to Cheek

“Being a diplomat is not just about knowing the laws as they are written,” Jules said as he paced before the holographic fireplace, Zuki watching him intently as she took notes. “Nor is it limited to interpreting and understanding how those laws are applied. It’s also about forging connections between people and governments, knowing who talk to and how to do it, navigating the bureaucracy in order to get the information that you need.” “What kind of information?” she asked. He considered for...

1 year ago
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Sharing Black The Ultimate Betrayal The Uncut Version part 2

TYRELL 6:00p.m. Dinner went great. No more hounding questions at the dinner table. Everyone ate and was stuffed. Big Momma and LaJoria got up, cleared the dinner plates and went into the kitchen. She brought back the hot peach cobbler from the oven and a bucket of vanilla ice cream. She served everyone their portions and returned to the kitchen. “Why don’t we take our dessert into the living room, Rell and Jori.” my step dad suggested. Jori and I looked at each other and got up. She walked...

1 year ago
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Lost FoundChapter 26

I woke up early in the morning with a piss hard-on. Kelly's clock showed it was 7:03 am. I slipped on my robe and went across the hall to use the bathroom. Fortunately no girls answered when I knocked on the door. I took care of my business and headed back to Kelly's room. I decided to check-in at the hospital before I went back to sleep. I grabbed my cell phone and went back out into the hallway. The front desk at the hospital wouldn't give me any information. The nurse did agree to take...

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Easy shag in a rough part of town

Our little town has a McDonalds down at the bottom where no other shops are, it's where all the scratters and rough k**s hang out. I needed something to eat and I decided to have a burger. After I'd eaten I was outside having a cigarette when this lad approached me, he looked about 20 and was tall and clean shaven with scruffy blondish hair.He said "I don't suppose you have a spare fag do you?", I thought 'why not', as I got the packet out, opened it and offered him one, as he took he smiled at...

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The StormChapter 45

John carried his and Anita’s luggage down the back stairs and out to the garage. The family’s luggage consisted of a three-piece set of matching soft-side Samsonite, as well as an ancient nylon hanging bag he had owned since college. Over the years, he and Anita had settled into a comfortable situation with the luggage. They would split the largest suitcase and the hanging bag, while the girls would share the other two bags. Whatever else they had packed was basically so much trash in the...

2 years ago
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Devlins StoryChapter 4A

They were going to be late for the party. Danny fretted through the traffic on I-39, but some sort of accident up ahead had left only one lane open. While Danny kept drumming the steering wheel, Devlin kept running her hand down her leg. It was hot in the car, the early evening sun made it seem like being inside an oven and she could feel the sweat trickling down her back. She hoped it didn't stain the dress. It seemed like the whole afternoon things had been just a few minutes late....

1 year ago
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Three of three

Three of threeThis is the third story in a set of three about three ladies I slept with over 6 years all related to my best friend Davy.If you are reading this then it would be better if you read Times three first as it will explain what has gone before? You will find it here.http://xhamster.com/user/sexgician/posts/266744.htmlFollowed by Two of three which is here.http://xhamster.com/user/sexgician/posts/278998.htmlIt will help make a bit more sense of this one.I had been good friends with...

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EvilAngel Aurora Belle HotAssed 18YO Pixie Defiled To Bliss

Adorable, 18-year-old Aurora Belle flaunts a petite bod and a bubbly tush tucked into tight shorts. The insatiable girl playfully fondles herself and enjoys a lewd rim job from director Mike Adriano. Mike soaks his thick prick in lube to accommodate to Aurora’s tight pussy. A sloppy sex session leaves Aurora defiled, whimpering in orgasmic bliss. The pleased pixie giggles when Mike splashes her face with pre-cum. Mike’s cream coats Aurora’s tongue to cap off a tasty, climactic...

2 years ago
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A quick fuck upstairs

A quick fuck upstairsThe party was commencing to get a little bit boring after midnight. We had been invited by Victor’s boss, who was celebrating a new fusion of one of his several enterprises. The man and his wife were both absolutely excited and happy.Victor had asked me to get dressed not too much conservative, but not too sexy either. So, I decided to wear a classic silk dress, mid leg long, strapless but full covering my breast, letting my back almost naked up to my waist. Of course I...

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WildOnCam Aria Khaide Hot MILF Aria Khaide Loves Being A Slut LIVE

Aria Khaide is the MILF you wished lived next door because as soon as that hubby was away she would love to fuck you! Aria loves sex and sucking cocks! She is asked what her heels smell like and she knows they smell like slut not being afraid to say so either. How quickly would you try to get her out of that dress that accents and shows off her bright red lingerie below! Aria loves getting your cock hard. She wants to see it rise and wants to be the one that sits down and fucks it! Her pussy...

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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Maya Woulfe The Doppelganger

Ryan Mclean and his girlfriend Aubree Valentine are at a party. Things are winding down, and this Little Red Riding Hood wants to ride her Big Bad Wolf. Aubree tells Ryan to find a room while she goes to freshen up. As Ryan is wandering down the hall, he sees what he thinks is Aubree. Her back is turned, so Ryan comes to kiss her on the shoulder. Little does he know that it’s Maya Woulfe, not Aubree. Taking her mystery lover by the hand, Maya leads Ryan into a bedroom where he crawls into...

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BBWs Weekend Ch 02

She was extremely sensitive at this point so I stayed away from her tortured clit. Just taking my time, tasting and licking. Clearing her juices away to make room for round two. I worked her over slowly, until the shaking stopped and the writhing and moaning started again. Until she was dripping for me, again… ———– Best meal of my life, and it wasn’t just the food I was dining on. I was still taunting her, with my hands and my mouth. It wouldn’t be long until she came again if I’d kept it...

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Sarah 3

sarah and i were in high school and were still dating. i was a junior and she was a sophmore. we had been having sex in new places and almost three times a day. i was now driving and had my own car which was cleaned a lot because of all of the cum stains. i gave her a ride to school everyday, *wink*wink. we both had a lot of friends and we both were very popular. i had to keep other guys off of her a lot now because she had long blonde hair and a full C cup and had an ass that everyone...

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Blind Date with a Mistress

BLIND DATE WITH A MISTRESS by Submiss18 After having scoured several different adult personal services, it seemed I'd finally found a dominant woman who responded to me. Upon sending her an initial email to let her humbly know of my intentions and past experience as a submissive slave, Mistress Diana sent me several other emails questioning my level of commitment and I've learned she is very adept at prodding me to want to please her as soon as possible. She has given me...

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