Wife Takes Charge Forever Chapter Three free porn video

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Wife Takes Charge Forever Chapter Three "Thank you Greg, for coming over and teaching sissy what life is like as a slut for the first time," Sara said, as I sucked his now limp and spent cock. "Sissy, tell Master Greg how much you appreciate His cock and the taking of your virginity," Sara said as I rose to my knees and with my head swimming from the humiliation and surreal atmosphere that surrounded my thoughts as I heard myself say, "Thank you Master Greg for allowing me to suck a real man's cock for the first time and for breaking in my boy pussy so well with your manly cock." I could not believe what I had just done for my Wife/Mistress and even though I had to admit to myself that I truly enjoyed what had happened, not only that it had been videotaped and now anyone could see what I had done, something inside screamed at me to escape this situation and run from Her while I still could. Then cold reality slapped me in the face like a strong gale forced wind. I could not run, anywhere, as I had signed over all income, investments, homes, cars, Hell, everything I had to my wife as well as all power of attorneys She had written up by Her attorney. Shit, shit, shit, this had gotten out of control completely, what the hell could I have been thinking. Almost as if Sara could read my mind, she reached over and attached a pair of handcuffs to my writs before I could object and locked them to a chain bolted to the floor. I was trapped. Dear Reader, please understand. I have always been submissive and have had many a fantasy to include some of the things that Mistress Sara had now made into a reality but I have never expected to actually live them out. Now I was and I was finding much to my consternation that I was scared and did not want to go through with this any longer. As I heard Sara climbing back up the stairs to our bedroom I decided to talk to Her and beg Her to stop this immediately. I mean I have not left the house in months, have lost a ton of weight, and I really think my tits are starting to grow like Sara says they are. I thought she was kidding me but it is so hard to tell with the 44DD falsies she has glued to my chest. I am so scared now of what she truly has in mind that I cannot believe that my petite wife has turned so quickly into a true Hellcat bent on my complete transformation into a she male sissy fag cock sucker. My God, I just sucked a cock and let and begged a man to fuck my ass and thanked him because Sara had told me to. What is happening I screamed inside my head as Sara walked into the room and unlocked the chain binding me to the floor. "Come, Alana, and let's talk. Lay down on the bed Dear one, and I will put your fears to rest." "No Sara, I do not want to go through with this any longer," I said, as a feeling of being a man came back to me. I suddenly realized I could stop this but did not know how to go about doing so as Sara gently took my hand and guided me to the bed. She kissed me deeply and said to me in a whisper, "You have no idea how much love I have for you, Alana, and I wish to tell you this now. When you were with Master Greg I was so hot I wanted to rip the chastity belt off of you and fuck you until you screamed for me to stop. Watching you give yourself to a superior man and becoming his little slut gave me the best orgasms I have ever had," Sara said soothingly and sexily as she started to unlock my chastity belt and slowly stroke my cock back and forth. "I know you are scared because you have lost all power, income, and masculinity that you had and it is understandable that you have this fear. But you have given all of those things to me and I will never hurt you or leave you, baby, I love you too much. You are truly mine now and I will always take great care of you and as you progress into your feminine self I will be there to guide you and train you so that when I am through with the transformation, no one will ever no you were a man." Sara smoothly said. Her hand was slowly working my now fully erect cock back and forth. "It is only natural after fucking like you did and cumming as hard as you did that you would feel a loss of femininity and want to be in control again of your life. But it is that feeling that I will teach you to overcome and you will thank me for it later. Hear me Alana when I say this. I own you and you will do as I say at all times! This may take you a while to truly accept but it is the honest and legal truth," Sara said bewitchingly as my cock strained to cum again. As she handcuffed me to the bed, she smiled wickedly as she strapped on the ten inch black dildo. "What is it you want, Alana, hmmm?' Sara said. "Please fuck me mistress and make me cum, please please please!" "Now, my little slut, let's chat as I widen that pussy of yours. There are a few things I need to tell you and it will probably deepen your fear of me but that to will be overcome in the future," Sara said teasingly as she rammed the cock deep inside my well used pussyboy ass. "I am going to tell you a little about your sweet wife you did not know, my pretty, and I will love the look of shock that I know will pass across that sweet face of yours," Sara said sternly as she slowly rammed the cock into me as a man would, her hands on either side of my face and her little body slowly pumping that large pretty cock deep inside me. "Although you do not wish to believe it Alana, I have been force feeding you female hormones since the second month we began dating. It is the reason you have become more passive and not lashed out in fear and anger at what I have done and am going to continue to do to you. You see my pretty husband, I am a small woman in physical appearance and I have always wanted a beautifully tall and feminine woman as a slave to my every desire. I am a true lesbian in that I do not like men in the least as friends or partners. But, I do so crave a huge cock at times so bad that it actually hurts until I go fuck some hapless male with at least nine inches of rock hard cock. When you walked into the bistro I felt something for you I had never felt for a man before. And after we chatted and went out I realized that I was falling head over heels in love with you but I could not understand why. And then it hit me, ," Sara said as she began ramming the cock harder into my now painfully sore boypussy as if she had gotten angry at some memory she had of me. After a few minutes of fucking me so hard, Mistress Sara slowed and continued talking to me. This was so surreal laying here as my small wife fucked me up my ass like a prostitute and was telling me how much she loved me. I was so confused but the soreness from Greg's cock, excuse me, Master Greg's cock, was turning into pleasure again as I stared deeply into my wife's beautiful dark eyes. This Dear Reader was the main weakness that I had and one Mistress Sara knew just how to exploit. I was completely lost in her eyes and she knew it and she could see the love I had for her and smiling in my face once again she used it against me. "After the first time we fucked, Alana, and I asked you to make me cum again by eating me and you did so without hesitating; I knew you were submissive. Then I knew why I had fallen so for you. That night as you had that pretty face of yours buried in my freshly fucked pussy and you were eating your own cum I realized just how feminine your body was and could be. Yes, you were muscular I had to admit but you were a thin muscular and your legs were not nearly as muscular as your chest and arms and were long and thin. And as I caught your image in the dresser mirror with your ass arched high, on your hands and knees, eating my cunt I knew you were the man I wanted to transform into my permanent she male sissy fag maid and feminine husband. You were my dream come true Alana," Mistress Sara quietly spoke as her face took on a look of faraway eyes and I could tell she was in some place very dear to her that only her mind allowed her to go to. "Every girl dreams of her husband at some point and time in her life," Mistress Sara whispered quietly. With what appeared to be a great mental effort, Mistress Sara pulled herself back to the present and slowly began to pump my boypussy again. "Alana, I realized for the first time in my life what heterosexual women saw in men. You see, I was molested by my father for years and began to hate and distrust men in general. I never did anything about my father and ran away when I was old enough to and could survive on my own. He died I heard from an old friend of mine; a few years ago and I went and spit on his grave and allowed all my pent up feelings to explode and wash out of my body and mind that day. Until I had done that I could never begin to have any feelings at all for a man. I left Janet, a lesbian lover and friend that I have had for years and moved here and took the job waitressing and enjoying my newly found freedom from hatred and also of being free of Janet. I will tell you of her at a later date. I realized after being without Janet for a couple of weeks that my cunt and mind began to ache for a real cock like it had never done before. Then you walked into my restaurant and it was as if the Goddess Herself had delivered you to me! All the fantasies I had over the years of finding a man that was true and honest, kinky, loved femininity, and was submissive walked right in the door and I knew it to be you. And as we dated, and I found out you truly loved me, respected me, and truly enjoyed my company and doing special things for me, I lost my heart to you and know I will never get it back, baby!" Mistress Sara said as tears rolled down her face and dropped onto my lips. A feeling of love burned in my heart so deeply I realized that tears were steaming from my face as Mistress Sara openly wept and kissed them from my face. "Ohh Mistress Sara, Sara," I sobbed, "Please no that I will do what ever you desire. I will be what ever you desire me to be. I love you so much Mistress Sarafina," I cried out as emotion stormed out of me and I realized that I loved her with all my heart and wanted nothing more out of life than to be the love of Sara's life and make her happy with every passing day!!! We both hugged each other as if we were bound by unbreakable chains and openly wept together and openly laughed together as we both came to the realization that we were perfect for one another in mind, body, and souls! Sara & I fell asleep, her cock still deep in my boypussy and we both slept a dreamless sleep filled with the exhaustion that only comes from true mental awareness and love. The next morning was definitely another one of those out of control days when my emotions ran the gambit from crying to laughing and this, Dear Reader, is what happened as Sarafina awoke and gently woke me to follow Her to the bathroom. She simply pointed to the toilet and as if I was a trained animal I quickly knelt with sleep still in my eyes and laid my head backwards on the toilet seat as Sara sat down, as if this were the most normal thing in the world, placed her pretty little cunt securely on my mouth and let go with a torrential outpouring of her golden fluid as I, quickly awakened from a deep sleep, sucked and sucked as hard as I could in order not to miss any pee. I could feel my boy clit trying to harden, was slightly choking, and could hear Mistress Sara laughing and saying, "Get use to this Alana, this will be your first breakfast drink each morning. MMM, is not my juice tasty," she laughed, "So much better for you than orange juice? It's full of feminine hormones, waste, and that wonderful salty taste you will be coming to love from all the sperm you will be drinking soonest!" As she finished her peeing, she took me by the hair and gently pushed me into the shower. After the water heated up she bathed me and I returned the favor and completely and with a boy clit trying to once again harden, which only frustrated me even more, I bathed every inch of her small little body and relished being able to do so. The hormones I was beginning to really believe she had me on must really be working because I noticed that I truly focused completely on her bath and felt the most delicious feelings of submission that I had felt since Sara started her domination of me. After she was thoroughly bathed she pushed me to the little seat we have in the shower and reached for a bottle of something that was on the shower ledge. "Sit tight Alana as I apply this to your breasts. It is an adhesive remover. It will cause your fake tits to fall off and reveal the pretty pre-pubescent tits that are sprouting on your thin little chest. You are really beginning to lose the weight I want you to and with Greg's help I feel we will have you down to the proper weight very quickly," she said evilly as she prepared to take the false breasts off of me. Dear Reader, I was in no way prepared for what I saw as she removed the fake breasts and I saw for the first time that I had truly begun to grow real titties that were pert and close already to a full 34B on my now 170 pound body. Our shower, I should say Mistress Sarafina's shower, has the back wall of it and by the way it is rather a large shower, completely covered in a floor to ceiling mirror. Sara pulled me by the arm and I rose to my full height with her standing behind me as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. Here I stood, a man that use to be close to 200 hundred pounds of lean muscle and now I was down to 170 pounds of very lean and to be quite frank, skinny little arms, legs, and Hell, my whole body seemed to have shrunk and the constant wearing of corsets had actually pulled my hips in and with the hormones that I now realized she had truly been giving me my hips were flared, the body hair, what little I had seemed to have disappeared and what I saw was me, actually me, with this small feminine body, completely shaven head as well as all other areas of my body, with very real tits sticking out and hardening as Sara played with them and gently pulled on the aureoles that had grown to the size of quarters and nipples that protruded out at least half an inch. My knees gave out on me; and tears burst from my eyes as I hear this low wailing moan erupt from deep inside me as I crashed to the floor of the shower. "Now, now Dear, I know it will take you a while to get use to this but let's not fall completely apart Alana," Sara said as she smirked cruelly at me. "I know the hormones are wreaking havoc in your system but I do not and never will like a slut that falls to pieces over every little thing," Sara said with a very authoritarian voice and one I had never heard before. "Get up and follow me to the bedroom and stop that incessant wailing this very minute you little bitch," Sara said as she cruelly slapped me across the face with a strength I never knew she had. I was so completely taken off guard by the slap that I ran to the bed and fell upon it and buried my face in my hands and cried all the harder. I was so upset that I was actually throwing a hissy fit and sobbing just like a woman. I heard Sara open and remove something from the dresser and walk over to the bed. I looked up to see the vision of beauty she truly was. My wife was there completely naked and standing on a pair of six-inch heels, her raven hair wet and flowing down her thin and tanned back. There was a look that told me consciously and sub-consciously that I would pay dearly for my outburst. Sara sat down next to me and said, " If you wish to cry then I will give you something tangible to cry over my little sissy fag," she smiled wickedly as she pulled me over her small lap and I could actually feel the heat rising off of her pussy. She reached under the bed, pulled out a small basket containing clothes- pins and attached one to each of my nipples, four to my scrotum sack, and two on either side of my cock head barely connected to the thin layer of skin there. I immediately began to squirm and realized that the more I moved the more the pins dug in and caused me exquisite pain. Sara smiled down as the pain increased and with a devilish glee said, "I use to use these on Janet and became quite adept at causing and stretching the pain out for hours. You will not have that much to worry about from the pins though, My darling little cock sucker because the pain on your ass will soon over ride the pain of your tits and clit," Sara said so evilly that I was actually scared to move or breathe. Before I could say anything or begin to protest my hands were cuffed to the bolt at the end of the bed and she quickly and expertly stuffed a large anal plug up my used sissy boy pussy. Dear readers I cannot describe the fear I felt as I realized I was completely helpless and my petite wife was seconds away from whipping my sissy ass. "STOP," I screamed, "STOP PLEASE SARA STOP." I screamed as she slapped me in the face again and I immediately and with a shocked mind and body, I shut up and stared at my Mistress in complete incomprehension. "You will learn to beg for my pain, you little slut, as I am a very Sadistic person when my sissy does not obey as she should, " Sara said so calmly that I actually wet myself in fear as she looked down and laughed out loud and hysterically at me. "You pathetic little sissy fag, you actually wet yourself in fear of me, I LOVE THAT, I ACTUALLY LOVE THAT," Sara mockingly said as she pulled me securely over her naked lap. "When I am through with you little Alana, you will lick your vile piss from my body and thank me for allowing you to do so," she said as the blows from the cat o nine she had slapped into the naked flesh of my ass immediately raising whelps on my white sissy behind. My screams filled the air as Mistress Sara laughed and continued to whip my behind only alternating at times between the whipping and balling her hand into a fist and punching the anal plug deeper into my boy pussy. "You need to learn discipline little slut, and today it starts," Mistress Sara said and the whipping continued for another five full minutes that seemed an eternity. As she stopped and my screaming began to subside, Mistress uncuffed me and ordered me to lay face down on the bed. Minutes later I felt a warm lubricant being spread over my bleeding and bruised anal cheeks and Mistress lovingly said, "Now Alana, you know what displeasing me will get you. How do the pins on your little titties feel mashed into the mattress?" Sara said as she massaged my ass cheeks with the lubricant more thoroughly. "It hurts so bad Mistress, it hurts all the way down to my toes," I whimpered as she continued kneading my ass cheeks. "You must learn never to displease me Alana, Never, and I mean that. Our relationship takes on a new meaning this morning and it is simply this; I own you and you are my property. I love you but never forget your place with me and never hesitate or shy away from a command I give you. There are far more painful punishments that I can give you than the simple whipping you endured today," she said as she ripped the clips from my breasts and balls and cock head as I screamed involuntarily as she laughed and smiled down at me. "Know that anytime I wish I can turn your life into a living hell and will do so if I am displeased with you in any way. You are a sissy fag slut maid and I am your Mistress at all time snow Alana, never forget this. Now get on your knees and lick this Damn piss of yours of my lap and legs," she commanded and I did just that. When I was finished, Mistress and I once again showered and began our day. Dear readers I cannot ever begin to express the feelings that were running through my mind as I showered and dressed in all the pink lingerie and corset with the heels Mistress laid out for me. With a very fearful whisper I asked Mistress, "Do you love me Mistress as a husband anymore?" Sara looked at me as she pulled the black mini dress over her head and wiggled it in place. "My sweet, I have decided not to take your training slowly any longer as I now have you completely enslaved and I know you will obey me. Yes, I do love you but as my sissy husband and not as a man anymore. Hell, little one, look at yourself in the mirror. There is no male left in you except in your mind and that marvelously gorgeous nine-inch cock of mine. You will learn to accept your femininity and adjust mentally as well. Know that I will always be with you and love you but things are different now and you must accept your sissy status completely. After lunch I have some people coming over to aid me in your training and after that I think you will understand better your position in life," Mistress said as we walked down stairs and ate lunch. I could barely chew and was to terribly afraid to ask who was coming over but let me say this, Dear Readers, I was never more shocked in my life when Sara's so called friends showed up. When the door bell rang we were sitting in the den and Mistress had just removed my anal plug, made me clean it with my mouth, then inserted a bigger one that I did not remember ever using before; then ordered me to answer the door. I almost hesitated and spoke out about someone seeing me but remembered the beating I had taken at her small hands and could still feel the sting and pain in my battered ass cheeks. It would take weeks for the bruising to heal as well as the pain to subside. "Remember your manners Alana and be the perfect little sissy fag for my guests," Sara commanded as I realized I did not know what to say or do. "What do I do Mistress, I feel inadequate to this task," I meekly said and Sara laughed and said, "Welcome my guests into my home and seat them here asking if there is anything they need or want, little one, it is really very simple. What ever they desire you will fulfill you little cock sucker," Sara said with a laugh as I made my way to the door. When I opened the door and saw who was standing there I was embarrassed as well as confused. There stood two African American men both quite tall and looking at me with very open looks of authority and disdain. "Please come in," I said and they entered the foyer. Mistress Sara called out and invited them into the living room where we have a large comfortable couch as well as large chairs done in leather. "Go and get us all some drinks, Alana, and what would you gentlemen like," Mistress Sara said as she walked over to the tallest man and openly kissed him while fondling his quickly hardening cock that was quite large I could see as it tented his pants out at his crotch. "Beer would be fine for us both and let me introduce Andre, a friend of mine," The man said as Sara shook hands with Andre and I went and got the beers. I also brought Mistress a glass of wine I knew she would want. When I entered the room they were all three sitting on the couch and were kissing openly and erotically as if I was not there. I screamed out in rage, "Get your filthy hands off my wife and started to run towards them dropping the drinks on the floor and reaching for Sra to pull her away from the men. She rose and openly slapped me across the face and I saw her pull something from the pocket of her mini dress. All at once I felt a great shock and pain inside my ass as I fell to the floor in agony and grabbing my ass as my body shook as if I was being electrocuted and all at once I realized I was being electrocuted. All three of them laughed as Sara said out loud not even trying to ignore the look of pleasure on her face. "See, Gentlemen, she is completely under my control even if she is not restrained. The plug is locked and strapped to her chastity belt and she cannot remove it without pulling her little boy balls off and castrating herself," Sara laughingly said as she grabbed Andre's cock and asked him to help me to my feet and to also help me in cleaning up the mess I made. "Slut, you will be punished severely for your bad behavior but at a later time as Reginald has a schedule to keep with his slave Andre and himself, "Sara said as she and Reginald sat back on the sofa and Andr? and I went to fetch the drinks. While in the kitchen I heard Mistress Sara say, "Make sure you obey Andr?, sissy. Do whatever he tells you to do and without hesitation." "Yes Ma'am," I said quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly as I saw that Andr? noticed how nervous I was. "Don't be so nervous you little sissy fag. If you relax and enjoy what happens to you today you will be so much better off. Master told me to keep you in here for at least fifteen minutes while they talk," Andr? said mischievously. "If you give me a good blowjob and you know you have to do whatever I say, I will tell you a secret I promise you will want to know. It is about your Mistress and my Master," Andr? said as he wiggled his hips and gently pushed me to my knees. "I do not want to do this, please cannot the two of you just leave, I am begging just leave us alone, please," I whined as Andr? took off his pants and I noticed he was wearing frilly sissy pants too. It suddenly dawned on me just how openly gay Andr? was. Then it dawned on me like a cold slap in the face that I was the true bottom of this little get together. Perhaps it was the Valium Sara was feeding me at times during the day, or the hormones that ravaged my body, but all at once I craved to taste this lovely gay man's cock. And what a cock it turned out to be. Dear reader, it was truly the largest penis I have ever seen in real life or on video. Andre noticed my shock at seeing his cock and told me, "Yes you little white sissy, it is twelve inches long exactly. Isn't it the biggest cock you have ever seen? Now you see why Master keeps me around with an elevated status. If I had a tiny (he was calling my nine and a half inch cock tiny) like yours, I would be just another sissy fag slave like you, eating cum and being trained to be a toilet to your Mistress. Now let's see you open that mouth and get the taste of some real black cock. Once you go black you never go back," Andr? laughed as he grabbed my head and pulled me towards his massive cock. In the living room Mistress Sarafina and Reginald were having some fun of their own unfortunately I was in no position to know this. "Suck my cock head into your mouth Alana and do it now. When I am through with this little playtime you will be deep throating me completely," Andr? stated as he tenderly leaned down and took my face in his hands. With a tenderness I did not expect, he gently pulled me to him and kissed me open mouth on my lips. I resisted at first but quickly felt his tongue slip between my lips and all resistance I had seemed to melt away. For the next few minutes we kissed deeply and passionately and as we were I looked down at Andr?'s body and realized just how feminine it was and that he definitely enjoyed femininity as I was being trained to love. He had wonderful tiny little titties with large pierced nipples, and a flat very in shape stomach that seemed to glide muscularly down to that magnificent cock that now was a raging hard on and openly leaking precum. "Clean my pretty clit, Alana, and do it now sweet baby," Andr? whispered. And Dear reader, I took that huge cock head into my mouth and greedily sucked the precum off of it and out of it as hard as I could. It tasted so delicious and I wanted more and more. My own clit/cock was trying it's best to he heard in my chastity belt and the pain was becoming unbearable but I did not care. I could not believe that I was acting this way and literally wanting and craving to fuck and suck another man. "Yes, Alana, let yourself go. Sarafina's subliminal tapes have been working wonders on your sissy ass," Andre said in obvious pleasure as I tried my damnedest to take his entire cock down my throat. All at once I was stroking his shaft and sucking his cock like my life depended on it and wanted nothing more than to make this monstrous cock blow his man seed deep into my tummy. "Well, well, Alana, I see I do not have to worry about you hesitating with Andre, now do I," Sara said in a very condescending manner. "Perhaps you two should come out here and entertain Reggie and I, After all that is the reason you two faggots are here is it not?' Sara said as Reggie stroked her breasts openly in front of me and all at once I realized I had never stopped sucking Andre's beautiful black cock but had turned my head and was looking out of the side of my face so I could continue to suck and stroke this magnificent cock. "Stop it now Alana!' Sara said. I stopped and we all three walked into the living room where I noticed a video cam was set up and Sara was smiling wickedly. Now Alana, come over here and assume the position of submission," she commanded and I immediately did so wondering why I was so easily led this by her this afternoon. I knelt with my face on the carpet and my sissy ass stuck up high in the air. "It is time for your first truly mind fuck to take place. Andre stick that wonderful cock straight up my sissy's boypussy and do it now. Rape this bitch while your Master and I have some fun," Sara said as she hand cuffed my hands to the ringbolts on the floor and cuffed my feet in the same manner. "This will make it easier for you to see me and Reggie fuck." Sara laughingly said as she took a padded piece of wood and stuck it under my chin. It was designed to support my head and did not allow me to drop my head or lower. In essence, it forced me to keep my head pointed straightforward and looking directly at them. Andre knelt behind me and as he did Sara laid down on the couch and started sucking Master Reggie's cock. Master Reggie's cock was not quite as large as Andr?'s but it was very close. As Sara sucked his cock she stared me straight in the eyes and I felt Andr?'s cock head at the entrance to my boypussy. Sara stopped and said quite loudly, "Now Andr?, rape my bitch now!" Sara screamed and Andr? shoved his massive cock straight in my ass and I screamed as loud as I have ever screamed in my life. It felt like a tree trunk had been shoved directly up my ass and I realized I was screaming louder each time he shoved it home. Sara reached out and slapped me hard across the face and shouted at me to stop sniveling and crying like a baby. "You stupid little slut, I told you I never wanted to hear you raise your voice again. Stop crying this minute you sissy fag cock sucker," Sara said and she had the hardest time trying to keep from laughing out loud as Reggie was doing. "Is that cock to big for your pussy Alana?" Sara asked. "Well I believe it is. Perhaps we should break you in with one that is a little smaller but will still stretch that boypussy of yours into a gaping hole filled with real man's cum." Sara wickedly said. She reached out and uncuffed me as she pulled me to my feet. "Sit here you pathetic little slut," and Sara pushed me into Reggie's lap as his cock plunged directly into my boypussy and I screamed again only to feel him starting to fuck me quicker and quicker. "You need something to keep that mouth quiet, huh? Mistress Sara stated. "Andre, fill that sissy mouth up as I start the video,' Sara commanded and Andre stood up on the couch and stuffed his cock in my mouth. I now had a very large black cock up my boypussy; an even larger black cock in my mouth, my wife/Mistress was videotaping me in this position. Reggie continued to pound me from behind as Andr? grabbed my head and face fucked me in the mouth. After the pain subsided, I realized that it felt good to have a large cock in my mouth and ass and I saw that Sara had seen this realization come over me. She positioned the camera to catch it all and walked over to me as I was being fucked and sucking cock as if my life depended on it. "Yes, Alana, you are truly a sissy fag maid now. Just look at you with pretty black cock stuffed in both your openings. As she said this she reached down and took off my chastity belt. My cock immediately sprung to its nine and a half inches and Sara slowly stroked it up and down. As she did this, I lost all control and really started pounding back against Reggie's cock and stroking and sucking Andre's cock as hard as I could. "Yes, you little sissy lose all control and accept that I now own you and have conditioned you to be a cock sucker and boy fucker. You are truly lost in me now Alana, and will now truly start your descent down the road of pure degradation and submission to your Mistress/Wife. Picture this Dear Reader, I was sitting on Reggie's cock on my leather sofa as he pounded my ass and at the same time sucking off Andre's cock while my wife/Mistress was slowly jacking me off and I was so lost in the sensations that I went crazy and fucked Reggie back as hard as I could and screamed for Andre to cum down my throat. Sara was laughing and smiling in the knowledge that she had broken me completely and walked back the video recorder and started doing a close up of me sucking Andre. Suddenly Reggie screamed that he was going to cum and I felt his muscular hips, legs, and cock pound me all the harder as Andre pumped my face harder and quicker so he could cum at the same time as Reggie. Sara pulled back with the camera, I know this because she makes me watch this video at least once daily since it was my first gang bang with black superior cock, and caught Reggie as he was cumming up my ass and Andre started pumping out what felt like a gallon of sperm into my eagerly sucking mouth. It started running out the sides of my mouth and I heard Sara yell for Andre to pull out and blow the rest all over my face. Dear Readers, when I felt that warm sticky cum splash all over my face, my tongue reaching for and desperately trying to find that wonderful cock that I had been sucking, I realized that my own cock was about to explode and there was nothing I could do to stop it now. "Yes, you little slut, CUM CUM CUM for your Mistress," I heard Sara say and all at once my body and brain hit sensation overload and I started cumming harder than I have ever cum before. I felt like the Energizer rabbit and just kept cumming and cumming. I didn't realize that Andre, at Mistress Sara's command, had caught all my cum in a cup. After Reggie pulled out of my ass with a very audible plop, Mistress took the cup and looked me in the eyes and said, "Alana, if you give yourself to me as a sissy fag maid, prove it by drinking this cum," she said. Without hesitation, I reached out knowing that without trying to put a stop to this I was truly sealing my fate. I took the cup, looked at the massive amount of cum that had come from my cock and drank it straight down without so much as a whimper or hesitant move. Mistress Sara smiled and said, "Clean these wonderful cocks with your mouth, Alana, and then gentlemen; feel free to use and rape my sissy fag slut as much as you desire for the next two hours. With that said, Mistress walked over to the video cam and caught the next two hours of me sucking, fucking, degrading, and humiliating myself with my new black Masters. At the end, I had swallowed cum five times and was leaking so badly from my ass that it looked like I was cumming all down the back of my legs. Mistress walked back in after the two hours were over and stopped the video tape. "Well, what do you two studs think about my little sissy?" she asked as she walked over to me and placed me in the position of submission my face only inches from her beautiful behind. Reggie and Andre I was glad to hear gave me wonderful standing ovations all the while calling me a little cock sucker, sissy fag, cum dumpster, etc?. I could see by the smile on Mistress's face that she was pleased by my first performance and that there would be many more performances to come. "Well, gentlemen, or faggot boys I should say, let me show you the depths my sissy will go to in order to please me." With that said Sara walked over top me and raised her leg placing it on the coffee table and placing her pussy directly over my mouth. "Drink, my pretty little sissy, you must be thirsty after all that fucking and sucking," She teasingly said as I placed my mouth directly on the petite little pussy that owned me and relished the taste and played with my now free cock as she pissed directly into my mouth grabbing my head and forcing her piss directly down my throat. I could hear both men gagging and saying how disgusting it was for a man to drink piss so willingly. "Tell them why you drink my piss, Alana," Mistress said. "I drink Mistress Sarafina's piss because she tells me to, Dear gentlemen. I am her personal sissy fag maid and always do as I am told!" Sara smiled and led the boys out of the house and ordered me to go upstairs and clean myself up. Part four to follow soonest!

Same as Wife Takes Charge Forever Chapter Three Videos

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Flirting Can be Hazardous to your Health Chapter 2 Sandy Takes Charge

This is the second part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge. In this chapter the transformations that Ken and Kristy underwent in chapter 1 take root in the changelings minds affecting mannerisms, desires and instincts. Also, unknown to Sandy the talisman had further reaching affects on Ken and Kristy. The most obvious is the ten-fold increase in their already substantial libidos. Less obvious is the size of Kristy's new penis. Ken's penis was large,...

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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 1 Mother Takes Charge

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Wife takes charge

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Mommys Boy Takes Charge Chapter 5

"Look at us both girl! Now you tell the boy the truth. All of it." Betty's father demanded. Betty looked up at her father and son, her face red with embarrassment. "I don't even know where to start." "First you can apologize to your son for lying to him." Betty stuttered. "Ye ... ye ... yes. Willy baby. I lied to you about never being spanked. I didn't want you to know that my Daddy spanked me all the time. I was afraid you would want to spank me also. I didn't want my teenage...

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Deidre Icke, the president of the Institute of Apotheosis, shook her head as she stared at the camera feed of her two sixteen-year-old children each lying unconscious in separate storage rooms, locked inside and kept away from the others in the Institute. It was all falling apart. Guilt pressed down on her. Dr. Blavatsky entrusted his dream to her, leaving the Institute in her hands. She was charged with guiding the cult to finishing the creation of the Halos, locating the twelve new Gods,...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 3

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Willy Takes ChargeChapter 2

Willy stared at his nude mother who was still tied spread eagle on the bed. She had red welts from the tawse his grandfather had left him as a gift. She had stripes left by the split leather across the front of her thighs and more on her full breasts. There were several globs of Willy's cum cooling on his mother's stomach and breasts. He had shot an intense load of cream without ever having touched his cock. His cock now hung limp from his groin but it was beginning to rise again while he...

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 5

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 5 The ride home was wonderfully uneventful. So many things had happened today, It had been confusing and...

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The cell door opened and I looked up to see a Hispanic looking man being ushered into the holding cell. The cell door clanked behind him and he took a seat on the bench along the opposite wall. We eyed each other for a bit and then he said: "Hey man, what you in for?" "Beating the shit out of a cop. You?" "Back child support. No shit? You stomped a cop?" "Afraid so." "Wow man, that's heavy shit. Why ain't you all busted up and bruised? Cops don't like it when one of them gets...

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A few months ago, my wife, Kara mentioned she had read an article in a magazine concerning fantasies. She said she was a little surprised to read that men were more likely to withhold their fantasies from their partner than women were. Kara asked, "Have you any fantasies that you are not telling me? Anything you are keeping to yourself because you might be embarrassed to reveal it to me? Something you might think is too weird?"After a moments thought, I replied, "I am not sure this counts as a...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 2

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 5

By Special Guest Author Susan Bailey and T. MaskedWriter “Dear Mr. Occupant, to whom it may concern. I thought I’d leave this note for you to read on your return. Your daughter came to see us play, me and all the band. And since you’re not around today, I knew you’d understand if we... FUCK YOUR DAUGHTER! WRECK YOUR HOME! CALL LONG-DISTANCE ON YOUR PHONE! EAT UP ALL YOUR FOOD AND STEAL YOUR BEER!” -Sloppy Seconds, “Steal Your Beer“ Because La Familia didn’t get invited over to the...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

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Beth OuttakesChapter 6

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 3

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Unspoken Emotions Always and Forever Chapter One

Daniel. I’d been in love with him for as long as I can remember. Something about his tanned skin, deep brown eyes, and inviting smile always made my stomach flip. After years of unsure feelings, late night talks and secret sharing, he found the guts to ask me out. Not because he needed me, but because I needed him. * “I always hoped this day would never come,” My voice is shaky in the microphone. I look out into the sea of people, squished into the pews of our small community church. “My...

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As A Song Forever Together Chapter 3

I got a surprising call from on my cell from Eve at the end of the day. She apologized and said she had gotten the flu and had diarrhea so she would spend the whole weekend in bed, and she didn’t want me to catch it and we missed out on our chance to get together over the weekend. I knew that she was lying to me and how so transparent she was that I laughed silently to myself and my brain started working overtime trying to figure out what else she could be hiding from me and why she was...

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Chargers Bengals and Clothing

Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is true. Sometimes I'll tell you when a story is fictional. Sometimes I won't tell you either way. This one really happened. Like many wagers with penalties, the rules can get confusing when reduced to writing. To try and simplify things, this story is about a wager between two woman, on an NFL football game. It is a five part clothing wager. Each quarter of the game stands alone, with the final score being the fifth part. Each woman is only wearing...

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Donna Takes Charge

Donna Takes Charge By The Qmoq, inspired and dedicated to TH. Now "She's a woman?" asked Amy. "Yeah," I replied. "You invited a woman here?" Portia sniffed, raising an eyebrow. "I guess I did." "But we're not lesbians." Amy was right. We weren't lesbians, though we occasionally gave a good impressionof them. Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself, I should start a bit further back. A Bit Further Back My name's Charlotte Adams, and I'm a singer-songwriter, mainly acoustic stuff.Observant...

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Alice Takes Charge

Alice Takes ChargeBy: Alice Parker   Finally, I heard the key-card engage the lock on the door.? Joe opened the door and walked in realizing the lights were off.? I heard him say "Fuck!" and put his brief-case down on the floor next to him.? Before he got the opportunity to find the switch, I took a hit off of my cigarette, illuminating myself in the chair.  "Jesus! Alice?!?? How did you...?" "You don't worry about how I got in.? It is not your concern.? I expect by now you know why...

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Tiffani Takes Charge

TIFFANI TAKES CHARGE by Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This story is a sequel to "Holly, Tiffani and Me." I would strongly suggest reading "Holly, Tiffani and Me" before jumping into this story. Enjoy!!! ----- Morning found me groggily coming to, cradled warmly in Michael's lap, with my hand resting comfortably between his legs. My initial surprise was offset by fond recognition, and fonder memories, as I surveyed my body, admiring the...

1 year ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 4 of 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 4 More shopping? I thought to myself. How much more of this could I take. "Mrs. Karen?" I spoke...

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Mindcontrol Panties 14 Slut Takes Charge

The figure stepped out of the mist and opened the front door of the house. For once, it wasn’t entering a public place. Even the house party it had visited a few panties ago had been open to all. So many youths had flooded in and out of that house, anyone could have entered unnoticed. But at this residence, anyone who didn’t belong would stand out. Even the figure. The unremarkable, boring, plain figure would be obvious. However, this was the perfect place to plant its newest pair of...

1 year ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 12 Sally Takes Charge

"When am I going back, then?" "Soon as you like. It's up to you." "It's up to you, Brains. I'm just the helpless time traveller round here." They strolled on through the park. The morning frost had melted and a watery sun was trying to break through. Sally kicked at a pile of wet leaves. Schoolkids did that kind of thing. "When you say 'when', do you mean 'now when' or 'then when'?" "D'uh?" "It amounts to the same thing really. Let's assume that three week period is...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 2

“It was late, one night, when the palace was asleep. Out of my royal chamber and into the garden I creep. And I wait till the appointed time, when the moon is lighting the pitch, At which point, my peasant friend who looks just like me arrives, and we make a switch.” -Moxy Früvous, “King of Spain“ “È Solo Divertente Se Conosci L’italiano,” apart from meaning “It’s Only Funny If You Know Italian,” is the name of the weekly live sketch comedy show on San Finzione television whose cast of...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 4

“How’d you dare to tell me that I’m my father’s son, when that was just an accident of birth? I’d rather look around me, compose a better song. Cause that’s the honest measure of my worth. In your pomp and all your glory, you’re a poorer man than me, as you lick the boots of Death, borne out of fear.” -Jethro Tull, “Wind-Up“ I left Maria and Jeanne to the decorating and went to prepare for meeting them and everyone else in Helen’s Study soon. (I figure hey, used to be a war room, probably...

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My Pet Lucy Chapter 2 Taking Charge

It had been a week since Sam had accidentally learned about Lucy's BDSM fantasies. She had been devastated, at first, fearing that it would scare him off, but was delighted to discover that he had similar desires. Anxiety turned to excitement as she daydreamed about what they might get up to next time they were together.However, she would have to wait. They both had a busy week and wouldn't get to spend any real time together until the weekend. And there was a lot to do before they could have...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 6

“I’ll see you at the weighing-in, when your life sum total’s made. And you set your wealth in godly deeds against the sins you’ve laid. So you place your final burden on your hard-pressed next-of-kin. Send the chamber pot back down the line to be filled up again. Take your mind off your election and try to get it straight. And don’t pretend perfection; you’ll be crucified too late.” -Jethro Tull, “Lick Your Fingers Clean“ It can be embarrassing picking out exactly the right outfit for a...

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Mommys Boy Takes Charge Chapter 4

Willy had enjoyed fucking his friend Barry's tight teen ass. He also liked that Barry's sister Cindy had watched the whole episode. She had helped by greasing her brothers tight ass hole and Willy's big cock. Cindy had been smiling at her brother's plight while Willy moved his seven and a half inch prick back and forth in the stretched orifice. After cleaning Willy's cock with the warm face cloth Cindy kissed the spongy head allowing a little precum to moisten her attractive lips. Willy...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 8

A day later, Jane lay in bed with her iPod, a pill, and the vibrator. She looked at her iPod. This was the last podcast from Dr. Susan. Would she be able to do it? At her session with Dr. Susan the day before, she had cried and cried, letting years of suppressed feelings boil to the surface. How she had let that man ruin her life! It was all so clear now - all her hiding, all of her problems with intimacy. And how her husband had suffered all those years! All of that lost time... But now,...

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Susan Takes ChargeChapter 7

“And as you join the Good Ship Earth, and you mingle with the dust, be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust. And the hard-headed social worker who bathes his hands in blood will welcome you with arms held high and cover you with mud. And he’ll say ‘you really should make a deal’ as he offers round the hat. Well, you’d better lick your fingers clean. Well, I’ll thank you all for that.” -Jethro Tull, “Lick Your Fingers Clean“ The next morning, Lucinda de San Finzione...

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The FavorChapter 2 Jeff Takes Charge

I shivered and my pussy released a surge of fluid. I may even have had a little orgasm. All from four little words: My fantasy begins now. For months I had been contemplating this, and now I was committed. Could I go through with it? Could Jeff? I loved Jeff like a brother, but we would now start a whole new relationship. I just signed my body over to him. I gave him carte blanche. I know he is my best friend; that he loves me. I know that he is a thoughtful person, not prone to...

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Mommys Boy Takes Charge Chapter 3

Willy dozed off, satiated by his four orgasms that morning. When he woke up he was alone. He walked to the kitchen where he found his mother and Cindy making a big Sunday dinner. They were both dressed in only bra and panties. Willy's pecker began to rise inside of his briefs which was all he had put on after waking. Barry was standing completely naked in the corner of the kitchen facing the juncture of the walls. By the crimson of the boy's buttocks Willy could tell that poor Barry had...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 28 Megan Takes Charge

"Just how trustworthy are you guys?" Megan wasn't asking Mina or DD, she was asking the Coasties. "You're about to confess something," commented the Lieutenant as he rocketed along just feet over the water. "Can I guess?" "You couldn't come close in a year," Megan said, and she was pretty sure she meant it. "What do I get if I get it right the first time?" He chuckled. "What do you want if that happens?" "I want to get to know DD ... a whole lot better. I know you can fix...

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Wifes Cheating Delimma Chapter 1

A story based in part about finding out my ex-wife had been cheating on me and my devious way of getting back at her with the help of our very best friend, her girlfriend. (FFM, nc, bi, voy)***Chapter 1My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her pleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at home.I incorporated my...

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Beth OuttakesChapter 2

The below is comprised of two different chunks of text that I excised from Beth that shared a theme, though I did not write them at the same time. However, they fit together reasonably well. IN-BED STUDENTS, SECTION 1 “Charlie, you got a 12.” Dad thought for a minute. “Okay. Since there are few or no rules concerning 12, everyone, stop what you’re doing.” He said the last part somewhat loudly. “We are moving the rest of this game to the master bedroom.” Sandy said, “Wh ... what?...

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