Sailors In Silk, Chapter 7B free porn video

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Disclaimer. If you are under 21 then be advised that this story contains explicit adult material that is unsuitable for minors as defined legally in whatever country or state you reside. The legal age for a minor differs from country to country and state to state and in some extreme circumstance; city to city. It may be 16 or 18 or 21 or any other specified age. Any potential reader would be well advised to ascertain whether he or she or whatever, is a minor as defined in that reader?s particular country, state or city?s laws. You should be a legal adult before entering this story and it is recommended that you leave this story now if you know yourself to be a legal minor. If you don?t know your circumstance then CHECK IT! Sailors in Silk, Chapter 7B List of Characters. Madeline: Myself, now a fully-breasted & fully-fledged lady-boy. Elizabeth: My erstwhile Sapphic partner. Azure: Our Moorish Arab Ships ?doctor? and herbalist Timothy: Now called Tomasina since the injuries during the battle and the effects of Azure?s feminising herbs. David: Now known as Davinia for the same reasons as Tomasina. Najanga: A beautiful African princess and rescued slave Ongola ? ? ? ? ? ? Obengi: ? ? ? ? ? ? Axetl: A Bisexual Amazonian Shaman. Lleft her tribe to join us. Trysta: A Young escaped Cornish ?bonds-woman? Sally: Her black companion who escaped with her. We bid farewell to the Cape of Good Hope and held a fair wind that took us East, then North around the Dark Continent. As we rounded the foot of the vast continent it was our first real encounter with stormy weather and an excellent test of our newly acquired seamanship. There were a few close calls but our little flotilla made it through adversity and we hauled steadily north until we passed the northern tip of Madagascar. Once we had run free of the powerful currents we had entered the great Indian Ocean proper and were now truly amidst Arabian waters. The Arab explorers had never managed to pass south around Africa because of the adverse currents that constantly pushed them back into the Indian Ocean. By taking the favourable eastbound route we had simply let the elemental ocean winds and currents take us the way we wished to go. As the strong currents of the Mozambique Channel eased us into the wide Indian Ocean, we finally found ourselves off the Mozambique coast where we took stock of our progress. That very morning we had spotted the first slender tip of the famous trysail that was so characteristic of the graceful Arab dhows. Accordingly, it was a good bet that our square topsails had been spotted by the dhow. We watched as he dipped swiftly below the horizon. There was little doubt that he was hastening north to spread the news that another Infidel had entered their domain. As the tiny triangle of white disappeared we stood off the land and took stock. This was to be our first encounter with Azure?s people and she was not looking forward to it. Constantly she warned us of doom and gloom. ?They are evil slavers, Madeline! Zanzibar can be but a few days north of here and it is the main Arab slaving port! We must be constantly on our guard. Their dhows are swift and manoeuvrable and they are skilled seafarers. We could all be taken captive for their harems and slave markets. I warn you now Madeline. Let us set out straight across the ocean and make for the oriental Spice Islands. Arabia is a perilous place for women!? ?We need water and we need to trade Azure,? I pointed out. ?The bigger the variety of goods we have, the better our chances of success. If we can show the Sultan of Zanzibar that it?s worth his while to trade and get richer then he will surely let us trade.? Azure shook her head pessimistically. ?He?s only interested in black ivory. It?s the only traffic he knows! Gold, silver, precious stones mean nothing to him. He is notorious throughout Arabia for his obsessions with women!? Eventually, Azure?s arguments prevailed. We agreed to adopt the tactic of letting only the Cornish Maid approach Zanzibar whilst the Damsel and the two cutters waited far offshore, hull down out of sight. Trysta grinned and shrugged. She was a slightly crazy girl who thrived on danger. It was just another challenge to her. Furthermore, we had recently re-rigged the Cornish Maid so that she had carried extra canvas and lower, heavier lead ballast for speed. The new ballast made her stiff and uncomfortable but the new rig had gained the schooner several extra knots. It would have to be a swift ship indeed that could catch her. The Cornish Maid was now built for flight, not trade. She carried very little cargo but she was better armed and faster than any similar craft of the same size and rig. Unfortunately, the Arab dhows were a totally unknown equation. Their reputation for speed was well earned and their trysails were much more efficient when sailing closer to the wind. We wondered if the Cornish Maid new rig had enough fore and aft canvas to compete. Only Trysta would find out. Whatever the outcome, we all agreed that the schooner was the only suitable craft for approaching the coast and testing the Arab reactions to her arrival. We agreed that she had a good chance of escaping if she approached in the late afternoon. If the reception showed the slightest hint of antagonism, Trysta still had the option to quickly stand offshore into the east and hide in the deep velvet darkness of the approaching tropical night. We debated out trading strategy and eventually stocked the Cornish Maid with a little of everything to wet the Sultan?s appetite. As darkness fell we put inshore and stocked up on fresh water from a sparkling stream before setting off to the east and into the darkness. The following dawn, Trysta and the bravest of the girls set course to the north. We knew we would not have to seek the port. Now that our presence was known, we were sure they would come looking for us. Fortunately, the Cornish Maid?s single square topsail easily resembled our own main topgallant provided the rest of the Damsel remained below the horizon. Our lookout had fortunately spotted the dhow a long way off and the vessel had quickly veered away. It was a good bet he had only seen the single maintop sail. The sultan?s intelligence would therefore lead him to think only a single schooner was abroad. At least, that?s what we hoped. For two days we sailed north. The damsel traveled further out to sea with her sails well down below the horizon. Her only link with the Cornish Maid was the two cutters ferrying between us. This way we sailed far out and unseen well below the horizon. Two days later the cutters reported that a pair of dhows had fallen in with the Cornish Maid, the Sultan?s forces had made contact. Fortunately the cutters were painted a suitable grey and blue which made them invisible in-between the waves without their sails being set. Carefully the cutters shadowed the dhows as Trysta deliberately kept her speed reduced to give no hint of the Maid?s speed. Slowly she followed the dhows towards Zanzibar as the cutters relayed the information to us on the Damsel, far out to sea. Eventually, the mighty fortress of Zanzibar appeared to Trysta and she cautiously stood off until she was certain of her reception. She related to us later what took place. One of the dhows entered the port whilst the other waited outside with Trysta. Eventually a picket boat appeared and requested permission to board. Trysta allowed only the officer to step aboard and she took him immediately to her cabin so that he could not check her fighting preparedness. Inside her cabin she showed what she had to trade. Naturally, the Arab officer was curious about a ship crewed mainly by copper skinned women so Trysta alluded to a tribe of Amazons from the Americas. Being as the majority of her crew were Amazonian Indians, her story was plausible. The picket officer left to report to his commander, the Sultan of Zanzibar. To demonstrate trust and goodwill, Trysta let him take a few samples of the goods she wished to trade. That night she stood off the port and maintained constant watches to ensure that no other vessels sneaked out to surround her and ensnare her. Fortunately, the new spyglasses that the Cornish Maid was equipped with saved their lives. Zanzibar is an Island, and the old Arabian slave harbour lies on the narrow straight that separates the island from the mainland continent of Africa. When the occupants of the old city felt threatened from the sea, the Sultan regularly used an old ploy that had served the defending occupants well for centuries. As Trysta waited off the southern entrance of the straight in the dead of night, a fleet of dhows slipped out of the northern end of the straights and set off in a great arc to seawards. They hoped to encircle the Cornish maid. They almost succeeded insofar as one dhow managed to approach legitimately under the pretence of being a messenger from the Sultan. Fortunately, Trysta?s lookouts were posted in the rigging with their spyglasses. Thus they could watch the other dhows that were obviously hoping to close in unseen from the stygian blackness of the oceanic night. Trysta waited on her poop deck as Sally, her African mate, stood by the rail to greet the Sultan?s emissaries. As the dhow made herself fast, a group of Arab soldiers suddenly emerged from under a dark canvas sail and stormed aboard the Cornish Maid. They immediately captured several of the girls along with Sally and her two Sissy retainers. Fortunately, Trysta was alert to such an attack and immediately retaliated with greater force. The attackers were suddenly confronted with the appearance of her whole crew heavily armed with numerous pistols and emerging from every conceivable hiding place. The attackers were totally surprised at the power and extent of Trysta?s preparedness and they immediately retreated back into their own dhow. Unfortunately they took Sally, her two sissy retainers and several of the reception party with them. All in all there were about nine girls and two sissies snatched off the Cornish Maid. The dhow made a swift escape for it had been deliberately chosen for its speed. Before Trysta could uncover her hidden cannon and bring them to bear, the dhow was lost in the black backdrop of the Dark Continent and speeding it?s way inshore. Trysta was now left to contemplate the line of dhows out to seaward. It was obvious from their behaviour that they had heard the pistol fight and they were now closing in to attack. What they didn?t know, however was that the Cornish Maid was heavily armed. Trysta had hidden her guns well when the Sultan?s emissary had visited. The small schooner was bristling with cannon far beyond the normal complement expected of a trading vessel. With the hostile African shore behind her she only had one option. She immediately set out for the open sea and directly into the apex of the ?vee? of dhows closing like the jaws of a crocodile. Then with a touch worthy of Nelson she veered hard a starboard half way into the triangle of death. The Cornish Maid sliced into one side of the Vee and with her cannons demolished the two nearest dhows. In one massive punch she had broken through the deadly jaws and punched her way into open sea. Of course she was not free yet. Several of the dhows were much faster than her but she at least now had open water before her and room to manoeuvre. Once through the line she turned to port again and ran down the outside of the ?Vee? raking the dhows with every gun she had got. Several of the faster lighter dhows managed to turn and chase her, but chase is all they dared to do. They were shocked at the unexpected weight of the Cornish Maid?s guns and they were now loath to come close. Instead they settled down into what they presumed to be a steady chase until they had enough dhows re-assembled to overwhelm her. This was there second mistake. In a perfect replay of our previous pirate trap, Trysta led them through the darkness directly into the Damsel?s mighty guns. As the chase extended off shore and beyond the sight of the island, we spotted Trysta?s identity lights and the occasional distant flash of cannon fire. Trysta was deliberately illuminating her pursuers so we could make our preparations. Once she got close she stopped firing to preserve the protective mantle of the night and allow us to benefit from our spyglasses. We smiled our encouragement as Trysta raced towards us leading at least six dhows directly into our guns. It remained for us to decide when to spring the trap. This time we had both cutters set either side of the damsel and each armed with a brace of light bow-chasers. The trap was set and it sprang perfectly. As Trysta swept past under our guns, the pursuing attackers suddenly realised that the shadowy shape ahead of them in the blackness was not a topsail schooner they had been chasing but a heavily armed full rigged ship. Too late they realised their blunder as the Damsel opened up with both broadsides. Even as the moors screamed their warnings, our guns crashed out and completed the argument. Four of the pursuing dhows were sunk immediately and the remaining two were quickly smashed to splinters. To add to the confusion, the cutters joined in from the wings and the Cornish Maid had doubled back on her tracks to rejoin the action. As dawn finally broke there was not a trace of the Sultan?s dhows and we had taken about forty prisoners from the water. These appeared to be the only survivors who could swim. Most of the others had drowned because of the heavy elaborate body armour they wore. The survivors were mostly the low class crewmen deemed expendable and therefore left unprotected. As each man was dragged from the water, he was swiftly drugged and imprisoned then made ready for Azure?s specialist attentions. By dawn all the sleeping prisoners were well on the way to feminisation and sissyhood. That morning, we held a council of war about recovering our sisters. Trysta was particularly worried about Sally?s fate and was desperate to act quickly. Our plan was simple and it utilised the Moors very own customs to infiltrate their citadel. Most of the respectable Moorish women wore the long black burkhas that covered them from head to toe. Furthermore, these long robes allowed them to carry virtually anything under their garments. It was deemed discourteous for a man to demand to look under the black burkha of a respectable woman. Only the slave girls or captured girls destined for slavery wore revealing clothing. For our skilled crews it was a simple task to run the cutters into a quiet creek at night and silently infiltrate the town and its street markets. After donning their burkhas, our girls could not be identified from any ordinary Moorish woman. Quickly, the chosen girls slipped ashore during the night then casually emerged from the forests under the guise of picking firewood. Needless, to say that inside the bundles of sticks the girls carried ?blow-pipes? and poisoned darts that were used so effectively by the Amazonian girls. Silent and deadly, the pipes and their darts were the perfect weapon for secret attack. The poison was a special concentrated version of the Indian?s original poisons that had been improved by Azure and Axetl The drug was fast acting and deadly. In the time it took for the blood to return to the heart, the target was paralysed and helpless. Without the antidote, he would lie silent and helpless as his vital signs slowly diminished until the drug paralysed his chest muscles and he eventually asphyxiated. The effect on the victim?s limbs was almost instant but the effect to the chest was slower A victim would linger for several hours unable to shout and silently gasping for breath unless the antidote was administered. As a weapon of terror, the darts and the poison were unsurpassed. During the first day, the girls simply wandered around the town completely anonymous and unchallenged. Our best spy was of course Azure who was Moorish born and bred. The other African girls who only had a smattering of Arabic simply listened and watched but Azure could speak to the local women in the market and garnish what was afoot. That day she learned where and when the slave market would be held and what slaves were for sale. Naturally, we learned that our girls from the crew were being offered for sale except for Sally and the two sissy eunuchs With plenty of gold Azure was free to bid at the market but to her chagrin she was outbid by a wealthy slaver from the north who knew the exotic Amazonian girls would fetch a high price in the northern Arab markets. Frustratedly, she watched the girls being herded aboard a slaving dhow and prepared for the Passage north to Arabia. That night she sent word to us via one of the cutters and a few days later, the dhow was intercepted in the darkness as it set sail around the horn of Africa. Meanwhile, back in Zanzibar, Azure was working on a plan to release Sally and her two sissy retainers. The sultan had detained Sally and her retainers because he was curious about the sissy?s strange feminisation and Sally obvious scars. The scars showed her to have been an escaped slave and he was curious as to how such a spectacularly beautiful girl had managed to elude capture when she would have turned every man?s head. Also she had obviously been an officer on the strange impertinent little schooner that had so dared to invade his domain. Sally for her part had recognised certain aspects of the sultan?s character that indicated possible weaknesses. The Sultan was obviously a man of strange tastes because he was fascinated by the sissies and drawn irresistibly to their strange conditions. He was intrigued to learn how they had been so totally dumbed down and turned into vacuous doxies. Their simplicity further suited his desires for once the sissies had proven to be utterly effeminate and readily controllable by the slightest of threats, the sultan had decided to take them into his bed. As an extra provocation, Sally was manacled and detained in an anti-chamber next to the bedroom. From there she could easily hear the excited girlie gasps and high-pitched squeals of the sissies? delight as the Sultan tested his perverted skills upon their sensitive bodies. As the sissies moaned and whimpered with delight, even Sally herself found her body responding to the provocative noises filtering through the door. Unfortunately her hands were manacled to a slave collar and she was denied access to her own erotic parts. So as her passions became aroused she was forced to simply hump her sex against the nearest protrusion. Sally was unaware that her activities were being monitored via a secret spy-hole and precisely when she was at the height of her climaxes, the knowing Sultan appeared through another doorway. ?Well my little ebony beauty,? he sniggered, ?Wishing you had your fingers free are you?? Sally gasped with shock as her eyes fluttered open and her orgasm stopped in mid flow. ?Uurgghh,? she croaked as the shock sent a wave of nausea that left a sudden cold, weighty lump of fear in her belly. ?Yes my little black bitch. You will stop that right now. No girl in my harem is ever allowed to serve herself without my explicit orders. And we have ways of enforcing that order.? With that, he snapped his fingers and two massive eunuchs appeared and seized her. Sally screamed and squirmed but her efforts were futile. The eunuchs just lumbered away with vacant impassive stares as they carried Sally like a feather to another room. As she entered, Sally recognised it as some sort of treatment chamber. There was a large table with several straps that were obviously meant to restrain whoever was placed upon the table. Despite Sally?s furious struggles, the eunuchs easily restrained her as they fastened the straps and tightened them until Sally was utterly immobile. The Sultan now smiled as he gazed down on the naked girl with her legs stretched wide apart and her arms drawn out above her head. Sally shuddered at her totally helpless vulnerability. ?What are you going to do?? demanded Sally nervously. ?Me! I?m going to do nothing. I have special physicians who work for me.? As he spoke, another door opened and an old woman entered with two young female retainers at her sides. They wore nothing but loose, hooped loincloths and their hands were cuffed to their neck collars. The girls were obviously beauties but the dark shadows under their eyes and the fearful expressions on their faces betrayed a deep-seated fear. It was obvious to Sally that the two girls were victims of some cruel treatment. The girls also seemed to use a strange rolling swaying walk that made their naked breasts wobble and emphasised their the luscious curves. Sally?s lesbian eyes drank in the visions of loveliness until the Sultan placed himself in her line of sight. He blocked out the view of the girls as he smiled. ?Here we are,? smiled the Sultan. ?Meet my doctor and her acolytes.? The old woman?s eyes fell upon Sally and she grinned knowingly as she examined Sally?s back and fingered the cruel scars. The scars told their own story of Sally?s previous resistance. ?This one?s a fighter,? whispered the old crone hoarsely. ?She?ll need taming.? ?Well do it Mama,? giggled the Sultan as he massaged his fingers and squeezed his own crotch. The old woman smiled evilly then bent forward to examine Sally?s sex that lay utterly exposed between her widely parted thighs. Delicately, she traced her gnarled rough fingers over Sally exposed clitoris and Sally squirmed as her body responded uncontrollably. The old woman tasted the fluids that escaped from Sally?s sex then she glanced up at her perverted son and nodded. ?It?s good. She?s not been circumcised and she has a healthy sexual appetite. She?s exquisitely sensitive down there so she?ll make a splendid addition to your collection.? The Sultan gave a sickly grin and nodded to his mother. She motioned to one of her terrified, naked young acolytes and made her to stand with her legs parted. Then she forced Sally to look by tightening the strap on one side of Sally?s head and twisting her gaze directly into the girl?s crotch. ?Watch,? croaked the old crone evilly, as she lifted up the girl?s hooped loincloth and the girl twitched uncontrollably. Sally stared fearfully at the girl?s exposed sex and noticed for the first time that the clitoris was considerably deformed and grossly oversized. It protruded ludely from the girl?s labia and resembled a man?s erect penis except that her labia were clearly visible where there would normally have been a pair of testicles. In fact the girl could not properly close her legs without compressing the sensitive swollen protuberance. The swollen erect clitoris was obviously the reason why the girl walked so strangely. Sally?s eyes met the crones as the old hag?s eyes glittered. ?Yesss! Now watch and learn,? she hissed as she took a stiff wing feather from her bag and gently drew it up along the girl?s distended clitoris. The girl let out a squeal of anguish and promptly collapsed as her hips pumped urgently and she desperately tried to relieve the cravings in her grossly swollen clitty. With her hands cuffed to her neck there was no way the girl could now assuage the lust burning in her loins. Instead she let out a wail of despair and continued pouring tears as her thighs squirmed and squeezed in a desperate attempt to complete the process that the old hag had initiated with one simple tantalising stroke of the feather. Sally could readily see that the girl was frantic with a need that could only by satisfied by her own or somebody else?s knowledgeable fingers. It was obvious that no amount of squeezing, squirming or wriggling by her thighs could invoke the orgasm that the poor girl?s body so desperately demanded. It was obvious to Sally that the old crone had some special technique that enlarged the clitoris then made it hypersensitive and turned the owner into an insatiable nymphomaniac. The crone smiled wickedly then held up a small jar of putrid looking fluid. Sally did not recognise the strange dull liquid. In those eighteenth century days she would not have known that the dirty fluid contained the microscopic parasites that induced the terrible swollen organs she had seen so often back in her childhood African village. Later the disease would come to be known as Elephantiasis, but in those days the cause was unknown, except to the old crone and a few other skilled Arab physicians. If a wound was not protected, the tiny microscopic parasites would infect the wound and the affected part of the body would begin to grow abnormally until the victim was encumbered of some grotesque deformity that cruelly restricted their mobility. The old crone only had to scratch the clitoris and introduce the fluid that contained the parasite. The parasites entered the wound and did the rest. Sally cursed and wriggled as the crone bent down evilly and gently tickled Sally?s stiff little bud. With her skilled fingers she quickly brought Sally to orgasm then, as Sally moaned and gasped, she felt a tiny little stinging nick just under her clitoral hood. This was the most sensitive part of her clitoris and Sally let out a confused wail of pleasure-pain as the hag carefully pierced the wound with a sharpened hollow feather quill. Desperately, Sally squirmed and wriggled but the straps were too tight and there was nothing she could do. The hag smiled then nodded to the eunuchs. ?There! It?s done. Release the straps then return the slave collar to her neck and secure her hands.? The other straps were loosed and Sally sprang to her feet to investigate her sex. ?What did you do?? she cursed as her fingers searched urgently. ?You will soon learn,? cackled the crone as she spoke to the eunuchs. ?Put a neck collar on her then let her go with these others. They can explain her fate.? Sally?s eyes blazed as she struggled against the giant eunuchs but despite their soft podgy feminised bodies, they were still infinitely stronger than her. The collar was quickly attached and her wrists were cuffed to the collar. Except for kicking and running, Sally was now helpless to protect her body. The Sultan?s eyes glittered greedily as he watched Sally being escorted to the harem with the other two unfortunate creatures. He turned to his revolting mother and giggled. ?I?ll have her tonight.? ?No my son,? crooned the hag. ?Better to wait a few days until the treatment takes effect. Then she will want you; or more correctly, need you!? In the privacy of the harem apartments, Sally tried to take stock of her situation. The first thing she noted was that all the girls were cuffed to their neck collars and all waddled with the same strange swaying gait. The main part of the harem floor was nothing but one huge cushion that rippled and wobbled to the slightest footfall. Most of the girls were lying in various states of nervous, tense repose as though trying to avoid any sort of movement. ?If this was a harem?, she thought, ?it was a bloody strange one.? She noted that all the girls were extremely pretty and there was a goodly cross section of all the world?s women. The variety and colours indicated that the Sultan traded in women from all over the world. It was obvious he had trading links with many different countries. After carefully checking the security and any possible escape, she eventually approached the group of women. All of them lay still and quiet yet the tension seemed to radiate like a raging fire. Sally decided to approach another black girl who seemed similar to her own people. She hoped they shared a common language. As she walked on the cushion the girl tensed and whimpered then struggled to part her legs and rearrange her position. She turned dark shadowed eyes towards Sally and wagged her head nervously. Sally tried several languages before she finally got a response. ?What?s wrong with you?? The girl whimpered nervously then lowered her eyes towards her naked sex. Sally?s gaze recognised the now familiar swollen clitoris and she tried to move closer to inspect it. The girl whimpered again and pleaded. ?Don?t shake the cushion, the movement sets us off!? ?What d?you mean? ?Sets us off?.? ?It?s the vibrations from the cushion. There is a sprung floor under the cushion and it trembles when you walk on it. Our clitties are extremely sensitive to any sort of vibrations 0r movement. Your footfall on the cushions sets off sensations in our clitties and we cannot appease them. The old crone?s magic has made our clitties hypersensitive.? ?What d?you mean.? ?You?ll see. Just you wait. The crone has done the same to you. In a few days, you?ll be just like us. Then you wont ask all these stupid questions! Now stop walking on the cushion and stop shaking us. Ooh! Oooohhh!, It?s starting. Now you?ve done it. You?ve started one and that starts us all. Once someone shakes the cushion, everybody gets disturbed. Ooohh my God! Please release me. Anything but this! Oooohhh! Aaaahhh.? As the girl started to squirm helplessly, her convulsions set up a chain reaction throughout the whole group. It reminded Sally of a colony of seals all responding to the same stimulus. Within seconds the whole harem was moaning and squirming in a desperate effort to reduce the excruciating torment that radiated from their swollen clitties. Then Sally noticed a pattern in their behaviour. Every girl was trying to somehow slide or slither as gracefully and carefully as they could to the hard cold marble floor. Once off the vibrating cushion their buttocks would cease to be agitated and they could eventually lie still in the hope of appeasing the desperate torment in their clitties. Shadowed tormented eyes glared at Sally as the last girls still stranded on the cushion became demented with unsatisfied lust. One voice wailed in distress. ?Damn you girl. Just wait until you are like us. Then you?ll be sorry! Sally stared in horror at the writhing mass of tormented women, suddenly felt the first twinge of lust tingle through her loins. Her collar prevented her from looking down but already she knew that the diabolical treatment was taking hold of her own clitty. Nervously, she stepped off the cushion and picked her way to the toilet. There in the mirror, she could already see her clitoris beginning to glisten and stiffen. Whatever the crone had done it was already beginning to work. She felt an urgent need to pee and quickly squatted over the crude lavatorial hole to relieve herself. As she passed water she suddenly felt her urethra become alive with pleasurable sensations and even before she had finished passing water, she could feel herself becoming indescribably horny. ?My God!? she cursed, ?What evil trick is this?? It was all she could do to keep her feet as the raging passions overwhelmed her. Cautiously she settled on the cold marble floor but it was impossible to assuage the demands of her clitty. Her body seemed to be ascending into a crescendo but it was always just that fraction short of the climax. A steady climb towards the peak but somehow, she never seemed to quite achieve that ultimate final cataclysm of delight; the full-blown female orgasm that culminated in the crescendo of satisfaction. Instead, Sally was left hanging in limbo as the urges pulsed through her loins but simply refused to complete the circuit. After frantically jerking her hips and humping just about anything she could find, Sally was left feeling frustrated and tormented as her body called out for satisfaction. Her lust seemed to have multiplied tenfold! Tearfully she staggered helplessly back to the group and settled carefully on the hard tiled floor. The rest of the girls studied her and nodded their heads woefully. ?It only gets worse,? cautioned the girl she spoke to earlier. ?Just be ready for it. You?ll never sleep properly again and you?ll go to an early grave!? ?Not if I can help it!? croaked the exhausted Sally. Even as she spoke, her naked butt began to feel uncomfortable seated on the hard uncompromising marble. She shifted her weight carefully but the slightest movement was already sending unwelcome sensations to her clitoris. She stopped again and cursed silently as she looked around. There was nowhere to sit except the cold marble floors or the large central cushion that seemed to serve as one huge communal bed and divan for the poor girls. The only comfortable place was therefore the giant cushion but that was a lethal device that demanded total stillness if the occupants were to benefit from it?s soft silky texture. Sally was beginning to understand the twisted logic of the perverted sultan?s harem. She spoke softly to the same girl as before. ?Is there any relief?? ?Only when he takes one of us.? ?And?? ?It?s no pleasure. He simply uses us as receptacles to dump his seed. Then we have to share his bed with his weird sissy boyfriends. He?s sick. The only pleasure for us is that we finally get to have our hands free and we can masturbate to orgasm. More importantly, we get a proper night?s sleep. His bed doesn?t vibrate.? ?Then in the morning?? pressed Sally. ?It?s breakfast then back in here. The prison.? ?So you can achieve satisfaction if your hands are free.? ?Huh! Fat chance! Just try breaking free from the collars and look around you. D?you see any sharp objects. In fact d?you see anything that could serve as a dildo. Just look. There?s no corners, no protuberances, nothing!? ?But what about serving each other, you know, with your mouths.? The girl?s eyes flickered wearily. ?Two things. Firstly you can be cross-infected. If you have any mouth ulcers or sores then the disease will invade your lips or tongue. Several girls have been affected this way and the girls who?ve had their tongues infected started to choke. They had to have their tongues removed and then they were no good to the sultan. God alone knows what happened to them, but nobody risks that fate. Secondly, the girls are all heterosexual; the idea of sucking another girl?s clitty is abhorrent. Anyway the danger of disease is all too apparent. I?ll not risk it. Better to wait for the sultan. Now if you don?t mind, I?ve somehow got to join the rest of the girls on the cushion. This cold hard marble does my butt in, I?ll take my chances with the soft feathered cushion. ? So saying, the girl gently manoeuvred to her feet and swayed cautiously onto the bed. As she waddled precariously she explained to Sally. ?The cushion takes between six and nine girls before it starts to vibrate. There are twenty-three of us, and you make it twenty-four. We have to take turns if we are to get any peace. You can work it out for yourself.? Sally watched the girls organise their sleeping arrangements and was mildly surprised at the co-operation shown by the girls. She remarked to the same girl again. ?By the way, my name?s Sally what?s your name?? ?Limpopo. My mother named me after the river.? Sally had heard of the river and it also told her where Limpopo came from. ?I notice there?s no bullying or fighting.? Limpopo rolled her eyes as she sighed resignedly. ?It?s impossible to fight when the slightest movement causes you to become hopelessly horny. How can you struggle or wrestle when your clitty takes immediate control.? Sally then realised the total subjection that the girls endured. There was no way they could fight, struggle or run. Their intensely sensitive clitties ruled their every move and they were forced to lead passive sedentary lives. Sally then wondered why they didn?t become fat. Limpopo put her wise again. ?Wait until you see the food. It?s mostly fruit and not a lot of it. He treats us like apes in a cage.? Sally fell silent. It was quite obvious that the Sultan and his evil mother had sussed out all the angles. The main preventative from escape was the fact that the girl?s own bodies denied them any sort of athleticism. Their hypersensitive clitties ruled their every movement. Reluctantly, she settled down on the cold hard marble floor to contemplate her situation. It was then she realised why the harem had a tight ring of narrow pillars all around the walls. There was nowhere that a body could sit with their back against a smooth upright flat place. One either sat with one?s back against a single narrow pillar or one sat with one?s back between two pillars that offered no support. Alternatively, one lay on the cold narrow floor. There was no comfortable place except for the damned cushion. Tears started to form in Sally eyes as darkness overcame her. ?Surely, her friend Trysta would make every endeavour to rescue her?, she thought. Eventually she fell into a fitful sleep. The cold marble sucked the warmth from her bones but there was little alternative other than to join the all-night queue for the cushion. The problem was that the cold marble floor made her uncomfortable and every time she shifted to ease a sore spot, the movement sent tendrils of lust shimmering down to her clitty. By dawn, Sally was exhausted but still awake as the door opened and some Eunuchs arrived with plates of fruit. Sally readily noted that they were meagre rations indeed and she struggled to her feet quickly in an effort to reach the food quickly. Only then did she realise that this was not to be. She had not noticed the developments to her body during the night. Her sudden movements now caused her grossly distended clitty to wobble and shake as she stepped towards the food. Unlike a man?s erect penis, Sally?s clitty had little to support the swollen erection and it waggled sloppily as she moved. The sudden vibrations sent paroxysms of lust screaming through her loins and she froze after a couple of steps. With a desperate wail she slumped against one of the narrow pillars and fought for breath as the urges controlled her body. Slowly; too slowly, the urges eased a little and Limpopo swayed towards her. ?You?ll have to walk like this. Spread your legs slightly then sway your hips as you walk on the balls of your feet. Don?t land your heels for that sends vibrations into your clitty. There?s two pieces of fruit waiting for you. It?s no use trying to steal more. The eunuchs ration it out. There?s no need to hurry. The eunuchs sit there all morning watching the food. Once you?ve learnt to walk and reach the tray, they?ll feed you the food. There?s no way we can feed ourselves with our hands in these collars. The tray?s too high.? Sally nodded her silent thanks then cautiously tested the strange rolling delicate gait that was the normal means of locomotion in the harem. After some practice she managed it but the effort was exhausting. Ruefully, she realised this was the essential exercise that combined with the meagre diet to keep the harem girls slender. Eventually, she made it to the food tray and waited dutifully in line for her rations. She tried to speak to the eunuch but he simply pointed to a rounded scar were his Adam?s apple should have been. It was obvious that he could not produce a single sound, then, for good measure, he opened his mouth to reveal no tongue. Sally turned shocked eyes to Limpopo who nodded sadly as she explained. ?Their vocal chords have been taken out so they cannot utter a single sound. Their tongues are removed to prevent any whistling or other inflexions. They are totally mute and they cannot even give us a tonguing.? ?What about their fingers?? Pressed Sally. Limpopo looked at her scathingly. ?By the time you are fully fixed, you?ll not want rough heavy fingers anywhere near you. Just wait until the sultan takes you! His tongue alone will drive you mad.? A cold heavy fear sagged in Sally?s belly but she made a brave face to hide it. ?So no help there then,? observed Sally as she studied the huge podgy impassive eunuch and wagged her head. She did not know who to feel most sorry for, the totally desensitised eunuchs or the hypersensitive harem girls. Limpopo turned tearful eyes away and looked longingly between the closely set pillars out to the sea beyond the windows. There was no way anybody could squeeze between the pillars to reach the windows. Each polished decorative marble pillar gave the harem an exotic architectural appearance but they also served as cruelly effective prison bars. They also produced a cold slippery rounded surface that prevented any comfortable support if one tried to sit upright against them. Sally knew that all she could do was wait. That night the harem bell tolled it?s message that the Sultan was coming for his pleasures. He arrived with the two feminised sissy pirates who he had adopted as his exotic playthings. The sissies accompanied him one at each shoulder with their oversized breasts bouncing and wobbling whilst their hands were securely cuffed to their belts. They could reach neither their breasts nor their useless de-sexed penises then Sally noticed that their nipples were grossly oversized. She realised that the Sultan?s evil mother must have infected their sissy nipples just as she infected the harem girl?s clitties. ?If their sissy nipples were as proportionately sensitive as the girls clitties,? thought Sally, ?then they would be living in almost a constant state or arousal. Their tormented frustrations would soon overwhelm them and their lives would be correspondingly short.? Her thoughts were confirmed when the sultan paused momentarily then reached out and lightly touched each of the sissy?s nipples. Both sissies gave a wail of lustful pleasure pain and their jaws sagged slackly as their bodies responded wantonly and they humped desperately against their silky harem pants. The sultan smiled wickedly then rested his eyes on Sally. ?Ah yes, the rebellious pirate queen. And how do you feel now my little plaything?? Sally felt a dull thud of fear settle like a leaden weight in her belly. She tried to appear calm but she could not hide the fear in her eyes as the sultan approached. As he motioned towards her naked sex, she automatically flinched and tried to cross her legs as a natural defensive act. Instead however, the pressure of her thighs on her hypersensitive clitty caused a lightening bolt of lust to explode inside her organ. She let out a nervous wail of desire as her body took control and she helplessly humped the air. The sultan?s smile glittered with perverted delight as he motioned her to follow him and the sissies back to his own apartments. With no option but to obey, Sally swayed and minced as fast as her body would let her. The sultan was very aware of her predicament and he occasionally paused with a knowing leer as she struggled to catch up. ?Are you feeling good?? he gloated softly. ?Does that make you ready?? He continued as he delicately traced his finger down her swollen erect clitty. Sally let out a defeated wail of as the lightening bolt of sensation exploded in her clitty then radiated out to all her erotic spots. Desperately she struggled to keep her feet but her desires overwhelmed her and she slowly sank into a helpless shaking heap at the sultan?s feet. He grinned then released the sissy?s hands from their belt locks and instructed them to carry Sally. With a nervous whimper the sissy?s hesitated then obeyed their master. Sally was too engrossed in her own desperate circumstances to recognise the sissy?s dilemma. They had to make desperate efforts to resist immediately attending to their own nipples and instantly obeying the sultan?s orders to carry the girl. As they accompanied the sultan around his palace, the two sissies had seen the results of disobedience to the sultan?s absolute rule. All around the sultan?s palace there where cruelly mutilated previous servants who were forced to labour endlessly at tasks that suited their mutilations. Death was the only escape and the sissies had read the resignation in victim?s faces as the sultan explained their supposed crimes and punishments. The sissies desperately wanted to avoid such a fate and their imaginations could only increase their fears. Ipso-facto, they obeyed the sultan?s word absolutely despite their desperate yearnings to play with their own nipples. Nervously, the sissies picked Sally up whilst striving to avoid letting their tits flop onto Sally?s body. Even the slightest contact of their nipples with Sally?s soft black silky belly would have set them off again. Sally was surprised at the gentle handling she received until she realised that any sudden movements would set the sissy?s tits bouncing and trigger their nipples again. The three of them were in the same boat and the sultan knew it. Fortunately for Sally the sissies lifted her by her armpits and ankles so this spread her legs and relieved the pressure on her clitty. Slowly they manhandled her to the sultan?s giant cushion and carefully eased her onto it. Sally froze in expectation of the same vibrations that activated the harem girl?s communal cushion but nothing happened. The sissies waited tense and fretfully then the sultan released them with a nod and both sissies flung themselves upon the cushion with a moan of relief. There they set to urgently each with their fingers busy on the other?s nipples. Their urgent actions caused the cushion to shake and wobble which set up further dismaying sensations in Sally?s clitty. She had no chance to react however because the sultan had already settled beside her and poised his knowing fingers over her core. Sally tensed fearfully. Being a lesbian the sultan?s approach was doubly disgusting to her but there was nothing she could do to protect herself. Her wrists were still cuffed to her neck and she was forced to lie prostrate upon the silky smooth cushion as the sultan slithered up to her like some obscene python measuring up its prey. He then reared over her with his eyes glittering greedily and gently traced a satin smooth strip of silk over her engorged clitty. Sally let out an uncontrollable moan of confused pleasure as her needful lusty body contradicted her unwilling lesbian mind. She closed her tearful eyes and tired to wish the sensations away but it was an impossible task. Each delicate whisper of the sultan?s silk handkerchief sent increased paroxysms of lust screaming through Sally?s clitty. She was quickly reduced to a gibbering, whimpering, mindless mass of squirming black flesh. The worst of it was that the sultan was an obvious expert in orchestrating the women in his control. He seemed to know exactly when to stop the caresses of silk and prevent completion of Sally?s lust whilst still tantalising her with occasional light trace of the delicate fabric over her engorged nipples. Sally felt her juices starting to emerge but the sultan had anticipated that. He motioned to the sissies who promptly inserted an absorbent tampon into Sally?s sex then sat back to watch. The hollow tampon was obviously loaded with some sort of irritant and Sally suddenly felt a desperate itch developing in her vagina. Her eyes flashed open and she squealed with frustration as the effects spread to her enlarged clitoris. ?What have you done?? she croaked. ?This powder sets you off my dear. It leaches slowly out of the tampon and reacts with your acidic love juices. This causes a demonic itch inside your cunt and that delightful giant clitty you now own. If you cannot wash the powder out, you wont be able to sit still for at least a couple of days with this inside you. The powder is also absorbed into your clitty and makes you even hornier. Then we?ll see how rebellious you are. It usually only takes a few hours to bring my girls into line.? Sally froze for a few moments as she tried to somehow freeze her itching scabbard but her efforts were useless. The itching increased inexorably and she soon found herself searching around the sultan?s bedroom for something to impale herself upon and somehow address the desperate sensations radiating from her cunt. Her efforts served only to worsen her plight. She had spotted an obvious ?dildo? device protruding from one of the head posts of the Sultan?s giant bed and in her frenzy to assuage the itching; she had almost thrown herself upon its phallic invitation. This of course only served to spread the irritant out of her scabbard. As her juices were smeared down the dildo, the irritant was finally leached out onto her labia and eventually reached her grossly swollen, hypersensitive clitty. The itch now took hold in her clitty. Sally let out a squeal of demented lust and slumped once more to the floor. There was now no escape from the dreadful, itch. The sultan watched with evil fascination as the frantic girl lay helplessly on her back desperately humping the air. He smirked knowingly at the castrated sissies then pointed to a shackle ring set into the floor at the foot of the bed. ?Shackle her foot to that then she cannot reach the phallus on the head post. She can suffer for now.? The sissies obeyed his instructions then he beckoned the trembling pair onto his bed. ?The girl could wait. It was now only a matter of time. Plenty of time for him to indulge his preferred pleasures with the sissies.? Sally was oblivious to the ecstatic moans of the sissies; she was utterly in thrall to the endless itch from her sex. It was to be two hours before the Sultan finally turned his attentions to the hysterical girl. After two cruel hours tantalising the sissy?s only source of stimulation, their grossly oversized nipples; the sultan dispensed with his spent sissies and turned his attention to the gibbering shuddering wreck on the floor. Despite the overwhelming itch, Sally?s hands were still cuffed to her neck whilst her foot was secured to the slave ring set in the floor. Unable to reach the phallus, she was thus unable to climax and orgasm. Instead her itching frustrations had reduced her to an incoherent, demented animal. The Sultan looked down from his bed and grinned as he motioned to the sissies. ?Bring her onto the bed.? The sissies minced forward delicately and released Sally?s foot before carefully manipulating her onto the giant cushioned bed. The sissy?s nervousness was caused by the sensitiveness of their nipples. They went in morbid fear of Sally somehow making contact with their gigantic hypersensitive starter buttons protruding so ludely and so vulnerably from their bouncy oversized breasts. This total vulnerability made the sissies utterly obedient to the sultan?s slightest whim. They gently lowered Sally onto the cushions and hovered uncertainly as the sultan filled a pair of silky satin gloves with some white powder then slipped them onto his soft pudgy paws. He grinned as he let his fingers linger over Sally?s crotch before slowly approaching her hard swollen erect organ. ?I like a real girl with a cock!? he whispered menacingly. Sally whimpered with fear as the sultan?s satiny fingers wrapped around her swollen clitty then gently slid up and down her column just as a youth experiments with his first orgasmic discovery. ?You see dear, the tight satin weave of the glove keeps the magic powder from spilling and that protects me from infection by the strange magic that now inhabits your sex. It makes me immune to the sickness. My mother?s magic you see. Now, as your girl-cock expands, you?ll feel just like a young boy with his first emission.? Sally groaned helplessly as the soft satiny fingers slithered and slipped up and down her ?girl-cock? and set her hips pumping urgently for relief. As her juices flowed again, the sultan smirked knowingly then inserted a dildo into Sally?s saturated sex. Then one of the sissies was fitted with satin gloves and made to gently trace the backs of his long shiny nails over Sally nipples, as Sally writhed and moaned until the multiple stimulations finally brought her to a cataclysmic orgasm. She let out a wail of relief as her body was orchestrated to a series of repeated orgasms that finally reduced her to unconsciousness. The sultan let out a grunt of dissatisfaction but even he realised there was nothing to be gained by abusing an unconscious body. For him, all the pleasure was gained from the sadistic abuses of a conscious victim. Frustrated by Sally?s inaction, he grabbed the two sissies then shackled all three victims together for company. Next he then produced some short chains and shackled the trio to some hidden rings deep under the cushions of the bed. Sally would wake up to find herself intimately entwined with the useless impotent sissies who had been liberally dosed with the white powder and medicine to make them immune to any further infections from the parasites. The sultan paused to study his handiwork then left to meet his evil mother. Mother and son returned an hour later to find a frustrated Sally struggling to assuage her raging lust by humping the two helpless sissies. They in turn, were squealing and whimpering as they simultaneously tried to satisfy the overwhelming needs in their grotesquely oversized nipples whilst trying to avoid anal penetration by the rampant Sally?s girl cock. Their efforts were frustrated because, although they were chained intimately together with their hands still attached to their slave collars. Furthermore, the powder served as an aphrodisiac as well as a prophylactic and their sensitised rectums were utterly betraying their basically heterosexual brains. The sultan?s eyes gleamed with delight as he watched the frustrated squirming bodies seething with lust. Mother and son studied the ?m?nage-a-trois? for a brief moment then grinned conspiratorially. ?We?d better sprinkle some more protection over that girl cock, mummy. We wouldn?t want my favourite sissies to catch the evil in their arse- holes. Imagine what that would do to their lust.? The sultan was not as clever as his mother and knew nothing about elephantiasis. He was ignorant of parasites and he thought the grotesque deformities were caused by his mother?s powerful magic. His mother let him believe she was a powerful witch and thus kept her own son in thrall to her ambitious craving for power. She just smirked and suggested her son finally have his evil way with the stunning ebony beauty. To this end, she gave him a potion to drink which was a powerful aphrodisiac combined with a prophylactic against infection. The sultan took the drink then hugged his wicked mother as he felt the stirrings in his loins. He was not normally attracted to girls, but the hardening erection that erupted from his loins now demanded immediate satisfaction. Thus encouraged by his mummy and having gained her ?permission? to use the girl, the sultan fell on the bed amidst the squirming trio and inveigled his rampant cock finally into Sally?s ravenous sex. He indulged himself as Sally?s body betrayed it?s lesbian owner and urgently reciprocated the lustful conjugation. Simultaneously, the intimate coupling revolted Sally?s lesbian mind and tears poured down her cheeks as her body betrayed her. As the sultan humped away at the girl, ?doggy fashion? the mother deftly released Sally?s imprisoned hands from the slave collar to allow her grab one of the sissies and penetrate his rectum with her own swollen clitty. Sally finally achieved her goal and slipped her cunt-soaked swollen clitty into one of the sissy?s rectums. The impaled sissy let out a wail of confused delight. He still thought his colon could become grotesquely infected then swollen like a female chimp in oestrus. He did not understand the nature of the white powder that was now so liberally sprinkled over their seething bodies. In his ignorance, all he could do was pray that Sally?s clitty did not damage the tender tissue around his anus. His fears of being ?torn? were unfounded for Sally?s cunt-soaked clitty was well lubricated by her female passion. Her swollen clitty easily slipped into his intimate parts and the sissy could only sag with relief. He had not felt any pain and he could live in hope that she had not torn his sphincter. It suited the Sultan for the sissies to remain ignorant of the powder?s sterilising effects. Eventually, the sissy found himself responding to Sally?s ministrations and a strange lust spread from his anus, throughout his body. The sissy started to whimper with a perverse delight as his own body betrayed him and he found unexpected pleasure in being taken by a girl with a cock. Sally found herself to be the meat in a sandwich and quickly lost herself to the unimaginable but confused delights as her body took control and she soared to ecstatic heights. The sultan quickly orgasmed and let out an animal squeal as his body convulsed then sagged. To Sally it was a typically rushed urgent selfish ?one minute wonder? that she had found to be so typical of men. It was this male sexual brevity that had turned her eventually to women. Fortunately, the old crone ignored her son?s transience, and allowed the girl to indulge her needs even after the sultan had fallen off her like a satiated rabbit. Sally continued humping the sissy until he and she finally climaxed whilst the sultan lay enervated beside them and blissfully uncaring of their needs. He was selfish to the last, but because his mother seemed to savour the sight of a woman penetrating a man, he lay unprotesting at the continuing union of lesbian and sissy. The sultan went in morbid fear of his mother and dared not protest at her voyeuristic indulgence. Finally the remaining pair gave a squeal of pleasure and exploded into mutual delight until their bodies and needs were satisfied. Then the mother motioned to her son and he quickly reattached their wrists to their collar cuffs. Mother and son left the bedroom as the shackled trio were once again left to address their situation. Sally and sexual partner were satisfied to try and sleep but the other sissy was frustrated and jealous of their good fortune. After he had learned that the first sissy had not been injured or torn, he winged and cajoled the lesbian Sally to take him. Reluctantly, she finally managed to do for him what she had done for the first sissy for her clitty was now permanently swollen and hard. Finally the trio collapsed into an exhausted but restless heap as their weariness overcame them. Sleep however, refused to bring its relief. Throughout the night Sally?s sex continued throbbing and tickling whilst the sissy?s rectums continued itching from the powder. They spent a restless but active night trying to assuage their needs and met the dawn more exhausted than when they had gone to bed. As the eunuch brought them their meagre breakfast, the sultan followed him in and sneered at the exhausted trio. ?You go back to the harem now and endure your frustrations until the next time.? They had hardly finished nibbling at the pieces of fruit that the eunuch had fed to them when two more massive vassals appeared to herd them back to torment of the harem. A penis gag was stuffed in each of their mouths, to prevent them tonguing each other. The gag completely covered their lower faces and prevented any oral intimacies. Thus constrained with tongues and fingers immobilised the trio were ordered to move. Sally and the sissies struggled uncertainly to their feet and gingerly minced with a bizarre swaying motion, back to the harem. Their sensitised organs continued to torment them and the powder?s effects had yet to wear off. Sally could have screamed with frustration but the gag firmly prevented any such indulgence. She reappeared in the harem with her needs burning yet utterly unable to satisfy them. The other girls studied her knowingly then turned to examine the strange sissies who seemed to be now demoted to the harem as well. Curiously the girls examined the flaccid useless appendages between their legs then shrugged dejectedly at the total lack of response. Despite owning the only two penises in the palace besides the sultans, their male appendages were utterly unusable. They were as utterly useless to the girls as all the other palace eunuchs who had even had their penises removed to avoid the slightest opportunity. The girls realised that there was to be no pleasure gained in that quarter. Sally swayed onto the giant communal cushion and claimed her first rightful turn. The other girls accorded this privilege as a clear right to any girl returning from the sultan?s cruel perversions. Gingerly Sally sagged down and lay gasping with frustration but thankful for at last being allowed to lie in immobile silence. The sissies gratefully accepted the girl?s concession and carefully settled beside Sally to lie worn out and broken from unremitting lust. That evening, the effects of the powder finally started to ease and Sally was at last able to settle her thoughts on things other than her tormented bodily needs. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger and she nibbled desperately at the meagre titbits offered to her by the food eunuchs. She finally relinquished her coveted spot on the cushion and settled to crouch uncomfortably against one of the smooth narrow pillars that served so effectively as prison bars. There her thoughts finally fell to escape or rescue. End of Chapter 7 ? To Be Continued

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Silkie and Casper from the Shamrock Tavern2018

"I got up on a weekday morning, took a long shower, washed my hair, put on a little light lipstick, then changed my mind and put this ugly, really red shade on. It looked terrible against my pale freckled skin.I put a lot of it on my lips. I thought "This is going to be all over some guy's dick pretty soon.""I piled my hair on top of my head, like I was preparing for some kind of stage role. I never used eye shadow or eyeliner, except on stage, but I found some and put that on around my eyes....

3 years ago
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Silkie in Paris 1991 from No Anesthet

Silkie tells this story from Paris, while at a nightclub, twenty years later....She was with her friend Denis and her sister, Rachel. It was her birthday. Silkie was so happy and excited to be performing with her sister...Rachel had finally had her Asberger's diagnosed, not that it changed anything about how she lived her life................. "It's nice to have a name for being as weird as I am." Rachel was a piano phenomenon from the age of three, composing her own pieces at age four and...

2 years ago
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Sylvia Greenberg becomes Silkie Greene She loves

After the events with Al Lombardi, and his murder, Sylvia needs to get out of Los Angeles as quickly and discreetly as she can. The L.A. mob guys know that Al never gave them the 450,000 dollars he was supposed to, but they don't know where it went. They are looking hard through all his contacts. Sylvia is staying with Gerald for the time being, with all the money in cash under her bed. She and Gerald both know this can't go on forever. after six months at Gerald's, things are starting to calm...

4 years ago
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Tom and Silkie Romance on the ferry Q

The blast of the boat horn stopped our conversation.The Washington State Ferries, particularly this one, on this day, were perhaps not the select place for a sexual liaison. I knew Silkie pretty well by now. She was not easily discouraged. "Are we gonna do this?"We roamed the ship. We would stop in the passages and little alcoves that we could find. Because of the weather, few people were leaving the large passenger area on deck 2 with the over-priced under-cooked food and the bad coffee. If...

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Tom and Silkie make love In the Dorm at WWU Belli

Tom and Silkie have been teasing each other for weeks about sex they are both so aroused by the story she told about her birthday, Now the teasing is a thing of the pastNo Anesthetic for Love@2014 Sylvia had been groping me a little before she finished telling me the birthday story. Now we were in her bed, in the soft April afternoon light, with no place that either of us had to be anytime soon: Silkie was still sittting across the room, fully clothed: "I can't believe that you didn't have your...

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Rachel Silkie Denis and Julian in Paris 7

For ten minutes, Silkie shut out the rest of the world, Denis, Rachel, even Julian, to concentrate, eyes closed, as the artist she was, on the sensations in her own body..............she was thirty-eight years old tonight. She had been having sex of one kind or another since she was many lovers................she remembered telling Tom, her special lover when she was nineteen, that she thought she might have fucked a hundred men and boys before she was with...

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Silkie and Denis in Paris 1991Silkie spins a tale

Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...

4 years ago
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SilkieSylvia on Orcas Island with Tom and Leo

Later on that summer, I blew the drummer who played with my mom when she was singing. He was thirty, at least. Oh my god, Tom, I'm glad my mom never found out about that. I think she would have killed him, like shot in the face killed him. You have never met her, but mom has been playing and working in nightclubs since she was a teenager, she has a permit for a gun and carries one. She knows how to use it, too. I went to one of her shows, and she had to leave the club for something between sets...

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Silkie Denis Bruce and Rachel from Silkie i

"Rachel and I were born show-offs and working to become performers , so this was easy for both of panties were damp and the whole room was getting fragrant..............."Silkie stopped talking to masturbate. This time she didn't talk to Denis, but she could feel the bed shaking under both of them."I was masturbating and Rachel was too, just watching Bruce watching us, jacking off like he invented it and would never get the chance again...................""I want to taste them" "Oh ho!...

2 years ago
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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris8

."Taste that, bitch"....Denis was moaning. tears were running off his face....."Oh please.......................Silke.......................oh...................oh please"If there was ever a tonic of love for her, this was it." Denis, I can reach down and rub my clit when I fuck you with it.....................oh shit..................that makes me so fucking hot....."Silkie had already had a lot of sex this evening, an orgasm that literally knocked her out; she thought about Rachel's tongue...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian 5

........she was lying there beside him, quiet for now, masturbating gently, swooning, overcome with desire for him. She couldn't have him....not even a little bit.Rachel started up the game again."Julian, sweetheart, do you think you are ready for another go?"" I am going to put this thing back on and fuck you in the ass, Julian.....yes dear, right up your German ass....... Silkie is going to suck your sweet dick while we do that........I like variety........OOOooooooooohhhhhh...I want to fuck...

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Silks Final Punishment

Introduction: This is the last part of Silks punishment. There is more to come of what happens before this but here is the last Part for now. Enjoy, comment and rate As I said, there is more to come on this. This is the last part that begins with Anger. I will be adding all this in as the weeks go by so read, comment and rate. And about all enjoy. Please inform me of mistakes too… Faith Michaels… ******************** Since Silk went out with Becker of her own free will, slept with Jason and...

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Silkie spins a tale for Denis from Silkie in

She enjoyed the attention to her breasts. She held them in her hands and turned around. "Do you think they are pretty or just too big and goofy looking on my body?""Come over here and let me see"She was standing next to him.He put his arm around her waist and pulled her in." Those are the loveliest titties I've ever seen. All I want to do is just kiss them and love them."Silkie lifted her right breast, put it close to his face." Would you kiss my nipple, please?" Her nipple, her breast and her...

4 years ago
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Silk by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved-may not be posted to any other site-period. It was our fifth wedding anniversary. We'd talked for a couple weeks about how we were going to celebrate and I'd decided to get Lorianne a string of real pearls. I'm 27 and she's 26 & figured it was about time I gave her something really nice. After all, I was doing well in the insurance business even though I wasn't making full commissions because of working for a general...

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Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories

Flawed Red Silk - 12 linked stories Copyright Oggbashan November 2003The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.FLAWED RED SILKChapter 01The New Secretary.Today is my first day as temporary secretary to Christopher Jones, the Managing Director of Silk Designs 4 U.I...

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Silk and Lacey

Silk and Lacey By Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] I had gone through quite a dry spell in my love life. I was 32 years old and it had been over a year since I had had any sexual relations with a woman. My last girlfriend and the previous before her had left a sour taste in my appetite for the quest for the perfect woman. I had a decent job for the area but worked long hours and evenings. This is perhaps why they had both been selfish gold diggers...

2 years ago
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 Emma Morgan walked, naked, out of the bathroom, fresh from a long session in the shower. On the bed lay the gown, meticulously spread. Emma felt so proud, that she had designed and applied every last stitch to the burgundy silk material.Mainston College, having a course in fashion design, had been her first choice when leaving high school. Emma had shown such flair that she was encouraged to stay on for a doctorate in dress design. Now, at twenty-four, it was the end of her college life. Soon...

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Attacked by Silk Gloves

Attacked by Silk Gloves by RH Music The set-up takes a few pages, but stick with it, for there is plenty of good stuff later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter 1 --------- Paul was obsessed. He had no friends, no social life, and no spare time. All this because his mind was completely consumed by his obsession with magic. It started when he was in high school with simple magic tricks and then increased as he gradually learned more and more complicated illusions. He...

5 years ago
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Raping Silk

Introduction: Silk has a fantasy of rape and Michael is more then happy to fulfill it Opps messed up the last TOC for you guys… Heres the right order ************************************************************************* 10.A Night out Dancing. 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling Hidden 16. Raping Silk 17. Bad Day Sex 18. Club Cane – Coming Soon 18. Blurred Lines Defined – Coming Soon...

4 years ago
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The Silk Panties

He had a thing for silk. He didn’t know exactly why he liked it, or where his love of silk came from; he just knew that he liked the look of it and the feel of it. He loved it when his wife wore a silk blouse. He liked the way the light shimmered off the fabric, and he liked the way the silk was tight and gave her the most incredible cleavage. If his wife wore a silk blouse that day, it meant that later on, they would have sex. They always did. It was like a tradition now. He loved taking the...

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Sylvia Silkie and Tom make love

Sylvia, fleeing Los Angeles, changes her name, and her life story, moves to remote Bellingham, Washington, nearly in Canada. While in Bellingham, she meets Tom, who she had met on the train several years earlier; They were briefly lovers then, they become lovers again:Silkie is telling her lover about sex with another boy, while playing with his erect cock. She has spent time with erotic angels and goddesses: "He '' ''....Steve thought we were going to fuck, so he went out to find somebody who...

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Sexy Talk at Leos Cabin Silkie Leo and Tom

I couldn't take my eyes off Silkie: ''You're like an Italian movie star.." (Then I thought my god, what a stupid thing to say.) Silkie laughed. "That's what Joe said. Do you know what my name was before? Sylvia Greenburg. Isn't that right from Brooklyn or the lower east side?" Holding up her breasts: "Leo Rabinowitz, meet Sylvia Greenburg. Yeah, I guess you could call me Jewish, but my grandparents on both sides, my parents, my brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, all non-practicing Jewish...

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Silkie Denis and RachelThings Change Forever

Denis stopped her. He was not excited. He was weeping."Silkie, stop. Please. Stop talking. Come into my arms. I love you so much............just let me hold you....."Silence"I think our time as lovers is at its end.""I have a letter from Rachel. In the envelope, she has a letter for need to read it: Slikie took the envelope from Denis and opened it:"Hey Syl...I'm back in L.A. ... I got some bad news yesterday.....I've got cancer! Yeah, fucking breast cancer. Cancer all over. I've...

2 years ago
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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 16 Raping Silk

************************************************************************* 10.A Night out Dancing. 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling Hidden 16. Raping Silk 17. Bad Day Sex 18. Club Cane - Coming Soon 18. Blurred Lines Defined - Coming Soon *************************************************************************** Please send me love... **************************************************************************** Michael had planned the...

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Raping Silk

Introduction: Michael fulfils Silks Rape Fantasy Michael had planned the night well. He had told Silk he had to stay late for an a meeting and so she had said she would meet him later at his house but that she had to stop by her apartment to pick up a few things. This was perfect for Michaels plans. Silk had mentioned that the idea of rape sort of excited her. A controlled situation where she knew there was no real danger. Michael knew many girls actually found this erotic and didnt mind...

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The night of silk

I had a beautiful neighbor. A gorgeous lady, fairest of the fair, full of flesh at places required, lovely lusty lips, big eyes, silky hair going down to her back, covering all her back. You could hardly see any part of her back, except black hair if was left open and she used to keep them open. The tips of the hair, dancing on the buttocks with every moment of her’s. Shaped and fleshy ass tightly wrapped in silk. In silk running all through her body which was no less then silk. A silk smitha u...

2 years ago
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Raping Silk

Silk had mentioned that the idea of rape sort of excited her. A controlled situation where she knew there was no real danger. Michael knew many girls actually found this erotic and didn’t mind indulging her fantasy, but he also knew it worked best if it was early on in the relationship. While Silk trusted him fully the newness of their relationship added a certain element that allowed this fantasy to work best. Michael said good-bye to Silk around 5:30 telling her the meeting was at a...

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Spider Silk the Beginning

Spider Silk, the beginning "Why do you have to go Daddy? Can't they send someone else?" the thirteen year old asked her father at the airport. "Spider I already told you why," Red Eagle told his only daughter. "It's my duty, they need me there and I signed a contract. This will give us the money for your future to go to college and make something better for yourself." Her mother hadn't come to see him off, just his brothers and their families. Beaver Lightfeather didn't like her...

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Silk Panties for You

I do this all for you. In front of the full-length mirror in my bedroom, I slowly unbutton my silk blouse, revealing a pretty white bra edged with pink lace. It has a little pink bow in the center, nestled between my large breasts. I softly caress the tops of my tits, then unzip my skirt, kicking it to one side. My panties match the bra, with the ribbon in front. I'm wearing thigh-high stockings, again with pink ribbons. I reach behind me and unfasten the bra. My breasts are free, and I admire...

4 years ago
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Spider Silk

Ute Trucking, Spider Silk By: Malissa Madison 6/22/2013 At twenty three the driver of the black truck looked more like a super hero type. Something on the same level with Laura Croft with her long black hair braided down her back, ending just below her belt line. Her figure sported flaring hips a tiny waist, and a pair of firm B cup breasts. This was the end of a month long haul she was making for her friend Robert, who was in turn taking care of her son while she...

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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 3

A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 3 by Cordellian (Dedicated to all the lovely girls on Fictionmania who have given me so much encouragement with their flattering reviews) (One) Dean had been quickly marched out through the rear door - the servant's entrance - of the hotel and into a staff compound where a transit van lay idle with its engine running. The rear doors were already open, offering a glimpse inside of two rows...

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Silkies story for DenisParis 1991

(author's note): Silkie, now thirty-eight, is telling her lover Denis, about things that happened in her life before she was eighteen. I don't know if her anecdote violates guidelines for this site or not. Can fictional adults in a piece of fiction talk about events in their past? Silkie might even be making some of this up for Denis' pleasure, which adds yet another layer of fiction to the story, I don't know the answer, so I'll just put it out there and see what happens. Thanks!...

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Silkie tells Denis a story from Silkie in Pa

He was getting all flustered. I was thinking:"Bruce doesn't want to come in his pants in the middle of the fucking library........I knew enough about boys to know they could go off really fast..but still, I was turned on too, and I wanted to be kissing him...........I wanted to kiss him and pull his dick out and kiss him and jack him off right there." So I decided it would be hot to talk to him about that. I had done some hand-jobs with boys at this point in my life, seen some boys come, I...

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Silkie goes to a porn theater 19702016

"How does that feel, Leo, if I push my ass on you like that? How does that feel, baby?" " If he comes before I do, I'm gonna be really pissed. Can't have that. I need to come, I really need it, I don't think he is going to last very long." "One thing I learned about getting it in my ass is that I can rub myself as hard and fast as I want, the dick never gets in the way, and the guy is still fucking me like crazy................"" 'I was masturbating as hard as I could. He had his arms around...

2 years ago
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Sarah Silkie and Leo have a party from No A

Sarah came over where i was stnding, mostly naked, in the midlle of the room"Silkie, you were great, I don't know what's wrong with these people. I always start to beat off when you tell that story, especially when your panties are around your ankles and you are dancing. with Miguel.I want you to try something. Let's get one of this big-dicked boys over here. I'm sorry that I never got to see you whoring, baby, I'll bet that was really something.can you do your whore talk on one of these...

1 year ago
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Sailors First

It all started when my ship was in San Francisco for repairs. My buddy who was a Marine decided to go into town and see what was happening. At that time there was a place for servicemen the Marine Hotel, it was a lay over place for service men who were being deployed. We entered the bar and were having a drink when we started talking with this guy who we thought was a serviceman lets call him BIll. First let me describe this guy he was about 6'2 260 lbs looked like a football player. Never...

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Purple Silk

I once read somewhere that only mature women can wear purple successfully. I hate the word mature. It connotes old age, rather that sophistication, which is closer to the mark. But you can be sophisticated and not mature. If you have not experienced this, you will just have to trust me until you experience it for yourself. Besides, old was not a term I would use. She admitted to being over 40, but standing in the opening of my cube, I would not have put her at more than 35 and judging by the...

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A Study In Silk

A Study in Silk by Aleisha James Greg and I were in the bathroom, crowded around the small vanity, each trying to get as much of the mirror as we could without actually poking elbows at the other. Greg had started ahead of me and was already doing his eyes, while I was still making sure that my foundation looked perfectly smooth. Suddenly he stood up, and lowering his eyeliner pencil he began to shake, while I could see tears beginning to well from his eyes. "What's...

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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 2

A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 2 (One) Dean wasn't happy about this, but on the other hand going along with the plan meant he now had the key to his penis restraint. After a couple of days locked up, he longed for some sexual relief. Truth be told, certain aspects of his situation were actually quite erotic, though he could never admit as much to Gemma or anyone else. The stockings in particular were very sensual, and it was impossible not to be turned...

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Brad was heading to his parents’ house for Thanksgiving. Even though it was a seven hour drive, he tried to make it back home several times a year to visit for a few days, to see his mom and stepfather, and catch up with friends. He worked as a park ranger and lived in a remote outpost in a national forest, and although he loved the woods and the solitude and the peacefulness of the wilderness, it was good to get back to civilization every now and then. He usually was craving human interaction...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris 1991 co

"Julian, we would like some more wine and that hashish you and I had the other night............yes, that night, any of that left?.............but before you go............ "Rachel what do you prefer, men or women?" "Silkie, you are messing with me..........I like............ummmmm...what shall I say?.............I like to have my face between a woman's thighs while I feel a man do me from behind..........oh..I like that a lot.....Julian, I packed Sylvia's ass with...

4 years ago
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Imprisoned in Silk Part 1

Imprisoned in Silk 1. A new home with a girl "This must be what's called 'Love at First Sight'," Geoffrey thought as he laid in bed, as he was about to fall asleep. He had gotten to Mrs Driver's foster home that very morning, and as soon as he had seen Alice, he had known that, this time, at last, he was to be blessed with the apparition of an angel. The (almost) sixteen years he had spent on this planet, or rather the Birmingham area, had been rather gray, bleak and dull. Taken...

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Imprisoned in Silk Part 4

10. A quiet dinner They went downstairs, and Geoffrey amazed Mrs Driver with the skill he displayed to walk on high heels. As they entered the large kitchen and dining room, Alice shrieked with delight as she saw "Jessica". "Oh, Mommy Driver, Jessica looks so good. She has such a nice smile! I'm glad she decided to become a girl, it's like I'm going to have a little sister..." Geoffrey did not comment in any manner. He had very mixed feelings: he was appalled at the way the women...

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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 5

A Nightmare in Silk and Lace pt 5 by Cordellian (Dedicated to the lovely Annabel Barnes who has never failed to remind me to complete this story each and every time we've met at some dinner party or other...) 'Taking good care of our sissy' is the way Marina and Claire liked to describe it. They smiled at one another as Dean screamed, which he always did when the hard jet of cold water hit his skin. Coming so soon after the hot water from the shower, the shock was extreme to say...

4 years ago
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Purple Silk

I once read somewhere that only mature women can wear purple successfully. I hate the word mature. It connotes old age, rather that sophistication, which is closer to the mark. But you can be sophisticated and not mature. If you have not experienced this, you will just have to trust me until you experience it for yourself. Besides, old was not a term I would use. She admitted to being over 40, but standing in the opening of my cube, I would not have put her at more than 35 and judging by the...

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