Tammy And Alex's Abduction free porn video

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It had only been intended as a fun night out on the town, my husband's first attempt at going out dressed as his persona Tammy. He had revealed to me very early in our relationship that he liked to dress up in women's clothing. I have to admit, while most women might be horrified by the prospect, I was bit intrigued and even a little turned on. In college I had explored my lesbian side, and it seemed like with Tammy I'd get the best of both worlds. It had been by my encouragement that Tammy had gotten up the courage to get out of the house dressed up. We both knew of places that were TV friendly, and with a little talk on my part, and some encouragement from some on-line TG sisters, Tammy had finally decided to go out. To me it was going to be the ultimate fantasy, out on a date with my beautiful girlfriend Tammy. And I have to admit, Tammy could be a beautiful woman with the right touches. So we took our time preparing that Friday night. Perhaps a little introduction of myself first, I'm Alexandra or Alex for short. Tammy likes Alex when we are in the bedroom, and the results I get from a smooth shaven and lingerie clad man is well worth it. I'm about 5'3", I like to keep myself in shape, 38 30 36, blonde shoulder length hair that I currently have in a ringlet style and around 115 pounds. But it's funny how in control I can be with Tammy despite my size. Friday night I was home first, I like to be dressed before Tammy, so we can dress together, and it's a real turn on for Tammy if I'm already dressed to the nines. Something she likes about being dressed with and by a beautiful woman. If I may be so bold. I showered, and put my makeup on; I tend to be understated to Tammy's heavy style. We call her the slut sometimes. But a little mascara, shadow, blush and a gentle red lipstick, can do the trick for me. I wore a strapless red bra, and red thong panties, no stockings. On my feet I put on a pair of 4" heeled black sandals, with straps over my instep and around my ankles. I put on a small gold ankle bracelet on my right ankle, just above the strap. By the time I was adding my gold chain necklace, I heard Tammy pull up in the driveway. She took a quick look at me, gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and headed for the shower. She would be a bit, as I knew she wanted to be a smooth as possible for her first night out and it would take some time to shave all over? and I do mean all over. I waited by going on-line to chat with a couple of local CD girls?, they were going to meet us at the club to offer Tammy encouragement and support, and I wanted to check in. Once I had done that, Tammy was ready for her dressing. She donned a gaff and over that a pair of black bikini panties and then sat down at our shared makeup table. I pulled her hair back and secured it in place with a hair net. Then I went to work on her face. Tammy has taken very good care of her skin, and with naturally blonde hair, five o clock shadow is not a major problem. But we use a heavy beard cover anyway. Over that I laid the cover makeup, and powder. She has her eyebrows trimmed very short, and so we use a little reddish brown powder to trace an arched look. Unless you are very close, it is hard to tell it has been "painted" on, and usually I'm not concentrating there anyway. I brushed a little blush on her cheeks and then turned to her eyes. First I outlined them in a charcoal color, very heavy and deep, she really likes to look a little over made up, and I admit it turns me on to let my "girlfriend" be the slut. Mascara on her lashes to give them a dark look, and a purple shadow on her lids and blended up to her brow. Sure it's a bit stereotypical for a CD, almost drag queenish, but again? we like it. Finally, I outlined her lips, and filled in with a bright red lip color, which we polished with a glittery sheen. Tammy was now ready to get dressed, and this is the part where I watch and make suggestions. We'd already decided on the outfit, so today I was able to just enjoy the show. Tammy works out as well, and has not an overly bulky physique, but it is definitely well defined. OK, rock hard abs is a clich?, but she has them. And above a frilly black garter belt, they are quite spectacular. Tammy put on the belt, and attached a pair of black Thigh High stockings with a scalloped top. I helped by attaching the back straps, taking a minute to linger and toy with the elastic top, pulling it out slightly and letting it fall back with a delicate snapping sound. I helped with her black satin bra, hooking it in back, and then handed her the latex inserts. Her figure suddenly became more feminine and it was tempting to take her then. But we had planned this night for weeks, and the fun could wait to later. I knew the tension would be building in both of us all night anyway, and when it came time to release it. Well. Tammy pulled on a satin lavender blouse and I noticed her fingers were trembling as she tried to button it. I gently pushed her fingers aside and went to work slowly, lingering over her tits, and looking up at her expectant eyes. I impulsively thrust my face to hers and gave her a long lingering kiss, mixing our lipsticks and coming away with a bit of her gloss on my own mouth. Ah well, we could touch her up later. But noticing her fingers I realized we had not put on her fake nails. So taking charge I led her back to the dressing table, and applied and painted them, the process having the desired effect of smacking her fingers appear slimmer and more feminine. We sat chatting for a bit while her nails dried, asking each other silly questions about our relative nervousness. Tammy had affected her best feminine voice and it quivered slightly as she spoke. I calmed her, asking her to relax, she was with me, I loved her and what could possibly go wrong? Once the paint had dried, Tammy returned to dressing herself, pulling on a short black leather miniskirt, zipping it up slowly for effect while watching me for a reaction. I let my tongue run lightly along my upper lip, Yummy. She pulled on her shoulder length blonde wig, falling in gentle waves about her face, and allowed me to fine tune the look with a brush. She was really very beautiful, and while it sounds conceited to say I consider myself quite beautiful, she probably had me beat. I guess we'd find out later I thought. See how often we each get asked to dance. She pulled on a pair of knee high black leather boots and zipped them up on the inside of her legs. They had a 5" heel, and she really towered over me now, but it was a devastating effect. I asked her if she was sure she wanted to go out, let's just stay home. She smiled, and nodded, well yes of course. Earrings and a pearl necklace completed her look and we were ready to go. We walked to our car and exercising my dominant role, I chose to drive. Tammy slipped into the passenger seat and swung her legs in as I had taught her a woman would do, and she self consciously reached down to pull her skirt down, as it was riding up to reveal her stocking tops and garter straps. I swear she blushed demurely and as I clicked around to the driver's side, my own red dress swishing against my bare thighs and knees, I felt a stirring deep within myself. If it was going to be like this all evening, we might just do it there in the club. I climbed in, started the car, and before driving off, we grasped our hands in best Thelma and Louise fashion and started off on our journey. We arrived at a club in our city's gay district that was famous for its TV/CD clientele. The unique aspect of the club restaurant was that it was also a popular hangout for the less adventurously inclined segment of the population. Whether it was the CD's looking to be seen, or the straight men and women, looking to see and or be seen as well, it offered a friendly and tolerant atmosphere. The question of me parking the car in a public lot, and my transvestite husband and I strolling up to the door would not stick out to most people in the neighborhood. It was wonderful to walk up the busy sidewalk, dressed to the nines. Our heels clicked together, Tammy's leather skirt swishing against her nylons, and my own dress, swirling about. We didn't speak, both of us breathless with excitement and anticipation. This was Tammy's first time out as a woman, and she floated as if on a cloud. I knew it had been her dream to do this for longer than I had known her. She had been dressing, she had told me, since she was a young teen. We attracted stares of course, don't get me wrong, but these were definitely the type associated with admiration for beauty. I was a little jealous as I was sure most of the appreciative looks were for Tammy, and not myself, but I was getting a charge about having such a beautiful woman on my arm. I held the door for my lady and we entered the restaurant. We were meeting some of Tammy and my on-line friends and it was easy to recognize the ladies from their e-mailed pictures. Again, not to sound conceited, but Tammy had these girls beat in all aspects of her cross-dressing ability. We don't judge, but there are some CD's who don't really convince anyone, and Tammy's own reticence was due to her ability to pass. She wouldn't of course, and neither would our friends. But that wasn't the point. It was to be out, free, and having a good time. But I was feeling very special to be escorting my pretty husband tonight. We exchanged some quick hellos and caught up on what we'd all been doing. Since this was our first actual face to face we had plenty to talk about, but several times I would catch Karen and Ann stealing glances at Tammy. And they kept complimenting her and me on the great job we'd done with makeup, hair, and wardrobe. And I was complimented on my ability to not only allow Tammy her lifestyle, but to actually support and encourage it. We had a couple of drinks each before we were seated at the table in the restaurant. We all enjoyed a nice meal, a very attentive waiter that seemed to thoroughly enjoy the prospect of serving these 4 beautiful women. I wondered if he knew that I was the only natural born woman there, and I did notice that most of his attentions were to my Tammy. After the meal it was time to take a short walk down the street to a dance club. Like the restaurant, the place was well known as a TV CD hangout, and on this night the place was packed with all manner of cross dressed men, a few women going for a real male look, and admirers of both sexes. I have to say that I was quickly becoming an admirer not only of my Tammy, but of all the men who had the courage to go out dressed as women. We found a small table and ordered more drinks from our cross dressed waiter/waitress. I asked Tammy to dance and we were out on the floor. Now when we were dating we'd been dancing a few times, but it wasn't one of Tammy's favorite activities in her male persona, and we had not gone out a lot. But this was a totally different person now. I was amazed at how well she was doing in her high heels, and the way her leather skirt moved as her legs flashed back and forth. Well, as I say, I've already confessed my lesbian leanings, and tonight Tammy was NOT helping at all. I couldn't wait to get home, but we were having way to much time to leave now. We returned to our table, and before we had a chance to sit down, our companions asked each of us to dance. And then we switched partners, and so on through the night. We both danced with other CD's, men, women and in between. Tammy in particular was enjoying the attention of two young men, and confessed that they'd both asked her to ditch me and go with them. Now that really got me going. I felt pretty weird to be the odd woman out, but it was a genuine compliment and turn on to know that she'd be going home with me. Finally we were able to disengage ourselves and finding it was after midnight, made our goodbyes, promised to do this again; I was all for it; and headed for the door. The cool night air greeted us out on the now quiet sidewalk, and Tammy commented on the way it felt on her legs. I knew of that pleasurable sensation from previous experience, but it was fun to hear Tammy comment on it. It was all just so new to her. As we walked arm in arm down the sidewalk, leaning into each other, giddy from alcohol and sexual energy, we were talking up a storm. Neither of us noticed the two figures that fell into stride behind us. As we chatted about the night and in our minds made plans for the bedroom that night, we were suddenly grabbed from behind. We both started to scream, but a hand was quickly clamped across my mouth as I felt a strong grip wrapping across my chest and around my shoulders. I fought, kicking and screaming into the hand over my mouth. I was shocked to see out of the corner of my eye that rather than fighting, Tammy had simply slumped over, and was limp in her own captor's arms. She was gently laid on the sidewalk, her skirt riding up, and both men turned their attentions to subduing me. I realized she had probably been drugged to sleep and now I waited for the same. I continued to try and fight and scream, but the second man had pulled a pair of handcuffs out his pocket and the two of them soon had my wrists cuffed behind me. The hand was slipped from my mouth, but as I opened it to scream, a wad of cloth was stuffed into it, and then tied securely in place with a cloth. Just as quickly a blindfold was being tied around my eyes, and I felt myself being carted to a waiting vehicle. It sounded like a panel van door being slid open and then being shut behind. I was being kidnapped, and Tammy lay on the ground unable to rescue me. I was worried for her, and wondered if the kidnappers were going to just leave her out there like that. What was she going to do now, I had the car keys, and our money in my purse. Hers was just for effect and carried little but a supply of makeup for quick touch ups. How was she going to report this to the police?.I hoped she would be ok, maybe she could go to the club. After what seemed an eternity, I heard the door slide shut again, I was still screaming into the gag, but to no effect. As we pulled away from the curb I sobbed loudly for my poor cross dressed husband, laying unconscious on the sidewalk, far from home, far from help, and totally helpless in coming to my aid. I lay in the back of the van, bouncing and sliding helplessly as we drove through the streets. I tried to listen to see if my captors talked, to see if I could get some sort of clue. I wondered if this was a ransom, or was it something else. I wondered why they had abducted me. But, there was only silence and I wondered if both of my captors were in the van, or if one had been left behind to attend to Tammy. Why would they do that? I had no rational thought. The cuffs were cold on my wrists, and it was useless to try and escape them, but I did. The stuffing in my mouth made speech impractical, but I did try, screaming to be let go. And though I did try and peel the blindfold from my eyes by rubbing my head back and forth on the floor of the van, this too proved to be ineffective. Finally I gave up and gave in to my captivity. It would be soon enough that I'd discover their plan for me, and I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to know what that was. I didn't cry, I think it had more to do with being in shock and my mind being so busy with worry about Tammy, where we were going, and what exactly was it that my kidnappers wanted. I couldn't of course tell the time frame, but it was not too long before we stopped. I heard the sound of the door being opened, and then I felt hands on my body as I was lifted and carried out into the night air again. I knew that my dress was now riding up my thighs, this I could feel, and it made me furious to know my thong panties were fully exposed. I began to thrash a little, I don't know why, I was blindfolded so I couldn't run, I was cuffed so removing the blindfold was out of the question, and I certainly couldn't call out for help. But I knew I was not going to go peacefully. I didn't know what my immediate future held for me, but it wasn't going to be easy for my captors. I was carried into a building and was immediately laid down on the floor. One of my wrists was uncuffed, but before I could gain my senses enough to react, it was quickly recuffed. I had been attached to some sort of pipe, or conduit as I was now immobilized. I pulled against it furiously, but it wouldn't budge. I felt my dress being pulled back down over my thighs and comically mumbled thank you. I was told that I would be ungagged, but only if I remained silent. I temporarily rebelled, but soon gave in to my situation. What good would it do now? But they were so unfair, instead of leaving the gag out, it was quickly replace by a large rubber ball that was strapped and buckled behind my head under my hair. It was pulled very tightly as I felt the straps cutting into the corner of my mouth and my cheeks bulging around them. I felt myself beginning to drool immediately and was ashamed at my helplessness as I felt saliva collect on my bottom lip and then drip onto my breasts. And then I began to cry, this last indignity opening the dam of the brave front I'd been trying to put on. As if in response to my tears, I felt hands again, working at the knot of my blindfold, and with sight restored, I tried blinking the blurriness of sudden light and my tears back. If I had worried that the sight of my captors might mean this was more than a kidnapping for ransom, and my future was bleak indeed, the thought was quickly replaced with the shock of seeing Tammy sitting slumped in a wooden chair not 10 feet away from me. I cried into the gag, but my cross dressed husband sat motionless, eyes closed, the purple shadow we'd put on the lids, was it only just a few hours ago, shimmering slightly in the light. I cried again into the gag, but to no effect. And now our captors were ignoring me entirely. The absurdity of this all really was becoming too overwhelming. Our kidnappers were masked so there was no clue there. Why had we been targeted? I watched as they began the process of tying Tammy to the chair that she had been placed on. They worked slowly and thoroughly, apparently not worried she would be waking anytime soon. She was seated upright, and her wrists were placed behind the back of the wood chair, where they were tied with white rope. More rope was used to tie her upper body to the chair back, crossing several times above her breasts and below her breasts, around her upper arms and across her shoulders, crisscrossing between her false tits. When they were done with this, rope was turned over her lap, beneath the seat, around again and again and finally knotted off, pressing her firmly to the chair. Her black leather skirt had ridden up exposing her stocking tops and garter straps and that's how the ropes froze them in place. The hem of the skirt would move no further up, but even were she able to free her hands; it would be difficult to modestly pull it back down over thighs. Now her knees were tied together, and cinched both above and below, the lower rope starting at the very tops of her boots, and continuing down to just about mid calf, stark white against the black of her boots. And finally her ankles were roped and cinched together as well, and gathered beneath the seat where they were then firmly anchored to the bottom cross rung. It appeared she would not be able to move a single muscle but our captors were not done as they placed several more ropes at various parts of her body anchoring her to the chair, around her waist and over her bound wrists, at her calves and her upper knees, pulling them as much as the tight constraints would allow slightly to one side. I cried into my gag and winced in pain for her, but she still remained unconscious as she was bound. And all my efforts gained me was an acceleration of the drooling process. I squirmed in my own bondage, compared to Tammy I was relatively free; I looked behind awkwardly to see that indeed I had been cuffed to a small pipe that ran up the wall. I was seated very close to the door, and just below a large picture window. I was amazed to note that the drapes were not closed and anyone looking in would very clearly see Tammy tightly bound, and if they really looked possibly the top of my own head. Our kidnappers continued to work on tying Tammy up, checking the slack here and there, and tightening a knot as they felt necessary. One of the masked men produced a black leather contraption which I took to be a gag. A large leather panel with, and they took special care to display it for me, a penis shaped attachment on one side. They placed it into Tammy's mouth and I cried in horror at her humiliation, which she was not yet privy to. They yanked very hard on the two black straps forcing the penis attachment as deeply into her mouth as possible and then buckled in back, beneath her hair. Then they started to slap her face, telling her to wake up. One of the men produced what appeared to be smelling salts and placed it beneath Tammy's nose and she awoke quickly, startled by the ammonia smell and suddenly shocked at her confinement in rope. My fears were confirmed as it was obvious aside from her breathing and the ability to turn her head slightly that she had been rendered immobile. I made eye contact and it was obvious with our look, that we were sending the same message. I'm sorry. And finally after spending the entirety of our kidnapping in silence our captors spoke to us. "Take a last look at your girlfriend honey; it's the last you'll see of her for awhile. We think it best if you not see what we do to her, but definitely hear it, so we can insure your own cooperation." With that another leather piece was produced and it was clear that this one was intended as a blindfold. The last look I saw in Tammy's eyes was of fear, and I could only imagine her thoughts as she saw her wife, handcuffed to a pipe, ball gagged and drooling. Was it humiliation at being dressed as a woman at a moment like this? I knew only of my own humiliation and helplessness at the sight of Tammy in bondage, knowing that as much as I wanted to fight to save her, I was unable to do so. I've always been protective of Tammy and this was almost more than I could take. Their words, what we do to her, meant nothing to me, they could do what they wanted to me, but they had to leave Tammy alone. The blindfold was brutally buckled into place and my cross dressed husband suddenly became a motionless object. I screamed in protest as the final degradation took place as they threaded rope through the back of her gag and blindfold strap and pulling down on it as hard as they could, bent Tammy's head back so that if she could see she would be staring at the ceiling, utterly motionless. I was broken now, I could take more. I passively sat sobbing as I too was blindfolded with the same type as Tammy's. I was still cuffed to the pipe, but in a move clearly meant to communicate that we were totally helpless, my own ankles were bound with rope, crossed one over the other and tightly tied in place. And then I was left alone, whatever they had planned would wait until they were ready. But Tammy didn't know that, and I had no idea whether she was being tormented herself. I tried to communicate to her that I was OK with a loud mphhing sound. My efforts were rewarded with a mewing from Tammy, high and feminine, but still Tammy. We spent the time we were left bound this way, with an occasional mphh or mew just to reassure each other and ourselves we were still nearby. Physically unable to comfort each other we still were able to do so with our gagged cries. I must have dozed off, experiencing a fitful and nightmarish sleep and I awoke with a start, not quite sure of where I was and why I couldn't move my hands, or open my eyes to see. And the strange taste of rubber in my mouth. But I quickly came back to our situation and worried about Tammy I mlpphed out a greeting, only to be met with silence. I attempted several more times, the panic rising in me until it was almost unbearable and then faintly I heard my lover mew back. She must have dozed too, though I could not possibly imagine how, bound as I had last seen her. I had lost all sense of time by now, and was growing impatient with our captors. I had a foreign thought that I would rather they just kill me than keep me waiting in suspense over what they had planned to do to me and Tammy. Obviously torture of some kind, and I knew enough through casual contact on the internet that it couldn't be pretty. I had wondered how people could enjoy that sort of thing; I knew if I was ever a political prisoner or captive of war, I'd give the secret up right away. But I had no secrets to give in this case and the only thing that would temper the torture would be the mercy of my captors. And at this moment I didn't have any faith in their mercy. I mewed to Tammy and was satisfied to hear her mew back, weakly. And that frightened me too. With that huge penis shaped gag in her mouth I supposed her drool factor was twice as bad as mine. Her torture was happening now. Obviously by our physical situations and our sight and speech deprivation we were being broken down. But I was impatient, the sooner I could get Tammy out her strict bondage the better I knew I'd feel. Even if they killed me at the end. But they didn't come for us right away. I couldn't ell time, and I knew it had to be dragging, but I'd bet we had spent a day bound as we were. With no bathroom breaks food or water. And then as if in answer to my thoughts, our captors returned. They must have taken care of Tammy first as I heard a lot of activity in the vicinity of where I last saw her. The activity worried me, and I needed to go real bad, but I bided my time, until there was a further flurry of activity. They must have retied Tammy to the chair as it was awhile before I felt someone kneel next to me and hiss out: No funny business while I uncuff you. I weakly nodded my head, even if I'd have had the will, my captivity had physically sapped me to the point that I knew I had no fight left. And with Tammy still a prisoner, I wasn't going to do anything to threaten her safety. My ankles were untied but then quickly cuffed. I had a little bit more freedom of movement and I could hear the jingle of a connecting chain. My left wrist was temporarily uncuffed, and then recuffed. I was helped unsteadily to my feet, teetering in my sandals, and then I felt myself being steered away from Tammy and into another room. It must have been a bathroom, my captor told me he would be removing my panties and then guided me to a toilet where I was more than happy to relive myself. As I sat there with my wrists cuffed behind me, gagged and blindfolded I was overwhelmed with shame. I'd bet they hadn't untied Tammy much either, and the thought hit me that someone had to have had their hand on her penis and now, if they hadn't known it before they most certainly knew what Tammy was. I sobbed slightly and shivered. I was told my gag was going to be removed if I wanted water but that I was not to speak a word. I nodded my assent, and though it was tempting to ask a million questions I refrained. A straw was held to my parched lips and I sucked greedily on the water. I was asked if I wanted more, too afraid to speak and ask, and I nodded vigorously. Not to much I was told, you'll be tied for quite awhile before your next break. The voice was neither harsh nor gentle, but matter of fact, as if kidnapping CD's and their wives was an everyday occurrence. And then I wondered if it was. After I had another glass of water the ball gag was reinserted in my mouth and I cried slightly as the straps were pulled back and into the already tender and abused corners of my mouth. My jaw ached horribly and the taste of rubber that the water had nearly washed away returned quickly. What taste did Tammy's gag have? I was assisted back to my feet; my panties were not returned to me. I was led back out into the other room and mewed to Tammy that I was back. She mewed back and then we were told to stop. Instead of being retied to the pipe on the floor though I was led to a new position. I was assisted up onto some sort of stepping stool, turned around and then my handcuffs were removed. Before I had a chance to rub them I felt both wrists being seized and drawn up and out from my body. I realized I was being bound to some sort of cross and felt the leather cuffs encircling my ravaged wrists, and heard as they were padlocked in place securing each arm to an upper cross piece. Then the footstool was suddenly kicked away and I fell slightly, dangling off the cross. The quick short fall didn't hurt me, but the shock was so startling I cried into my gag loudly. And from another part of the room I heard Tammy's mlphh of concern. And just as swiftly I felt a sharp sting of pain across my thighs. I'd been whipped or cropped. Almost in synchronous I heard a sharp slap and knew Tammy too had been punished for her cry. My dangling legs were the grabbed and pulled apart, and locked into place on the two opposing lower beams, and I was stretched out, helpless. I could feel my dress being cut away and my bra removed as well and suddenly I was tied naked in front of my unseen tormentors. A strap was placed around my waist and I was firmly secured to the wooden cross. Additional straps were placed around my thighs and my arms just above, or in this case below my elbows. I trembled in fear. I knew that they said Tammy would not see me, but I feared what was coming for her to hear. It didn't take long, for the first sharp stinging blow cane across my breasts. Tears sprung to my eyes and fearing response I stifled my cry. For the first ten or so blows I was able to do so, but by number eleven by body was screaming in pain and I could control my screams no longer. I was cropped across my breasts, my belly and my thighs; over and over the stinging blows came. I writhed against the cuffs that held me fast, and bit as hard as I could on the ball in my mouth, but the punishment continued. They removed the gag, and I screamed for mercy, finally I must have blacked out for when I came to, I had been gagged again. I felt hands running up and down my body, caressing my tits and playing with my crotch. Seeing I had regained consciousness they again picked up the crop and delivered blow after blow. My vision behind the blindfold was one of fiery redness. I never knew where I'd be whipped next, and each was as fresh and painful as the first, as areas were revisited the pain only intensified. My voice had become one continuous agonized muffled scream. My world had been reduced to my naked bound body and the unseen leather device that was my only sensory experience. I did not hear my own screams, nor did I feel the cuffs or blindfold, or even the gag in my mouth. The last was the worst?. It seemed my torturers had stopped s there was an extended period where I was not touched, I only hung there weeping and sobbing into my gag, and just when it would seem I would recall that Tammy sat bound and gagged and blindfolded only feet away, a blow would come and once again, pain was my only companion. Cruelly they did this to me a number of times, extending the lapse each time, but always returning to crop me again. And when the blows did finally stop, after I had hung there for an eternity, every sound from within the room, caused me to flinch as much as my bonds would allow, until finally the pain became just numbness and I finally allowed myself to relax. I sobbed uncontrollably... Slowly, I began to take in my situation and I recalled that I was not alone in this, that my Tammy had sat through this too. I could only imagine how she must have felt. I wondered if she had lost her will to resist just by listening to me. I had hoped not, I wanted her to be strong for me and not give in. I willed myself to believe I could telepathically tell her that I loved her more now than ever and that she must resist, that I would take the torture for her. I could not of course and I knew she was going to break, if she had not already. I was released from the cross, and felt myself being seated in a wooden chair. I was roped into place, the cords burning my flesh where the crop had struck me. And then as the final humiliation my nipples were clamped and weights hung from the ends to provide me with constant pain. I whimpered without cease until exhausted I fell into a fitful and pain ridden sleep. My dreams were of pain and my nightmares were worse. I dozed until my body twitched and the weighted clamps sent me off into new paroxysms of pain. After that, we were left alone again for a long period of time and my blindfold was removed. I saw that Tammy was still bound to the chair in the same position. Her skirt had been removed and her blouse was open and I could see that the ropes had started a run in one of her stockings. But she was still severely gagged and blindfolded with her head pulled back. Alone I mewed to her and received a mew back? but that was the extent of our communication. I was whipped several more times, this time without the blindfold and it was my horror and torture to watch as my lover sat bound, forced to listen to my punishment. Though she could not move, it was easy to see her tense against her own bonds every time I screamed. I tried not to, but by now my poor ravaged body could take no more, and my mind broke down. At least if I screamed Tammy would know I was still alive. The final piece of my torment was to be raped by my captors. And this Tammy was able to witness. Our kidnappers came into the room and undid the rope holding Tammy's head back. At its release it fell forward. Then her blindfold was removed and she blinked against the sudden light all I could assume was that she had been blindfolded since our kidnapping had begun. Her mascara and shadow was a mess, and she'd obviously been crying as well. She was repositioned facing a mattress and then her head was strapped immobile once more so that she had to look directly at the mattress. We had only a passing glance and I tried with my eyes to reassure her it was going to be OK. I didn't know how, but I needed to give her whatever encouragement I could. It was obvious we were not going to be released. It was either death, or perhaps we were to be sold into slavery, but I wanted her to believe I would find us a way out. I was then released from the chair I had been bound to, still naked. I put up a token fight, just to encourage Tammy, but a quick tug on the chain attached to my nipple clamps and I was brought back under control. I was led to the mattress, and force to my knees. One of my captors positioned himself behind me, while the other dropped his pants and positioned himself in front. My gag was removed and I was forced to suck his cock while Tammy watched. Tears streamed down my face as his cock was pumped in and out of my mouth. When he came, he shot semen all over my face breasts and hair, while his partner held me in place. Then I was laid back on the mattress in spread eagle position and raped by the other man. I cried out for them to stop, but only received slaps and tugs on my nipple clamps, and then was regagged. This man came inside me, and despite my own horror, my body, weakened by my torture, orgasmed when I felt his hot semen gushing. I'd been broken down completely in front of Tammy. She was crying and whimpering vainly in her gag, I watched as she valiantly struggled but the ropes were too tight and there was no hope of her coming to my rescue. I was left like that and was raped again and again in full view of my husband as he sat helplessly dressed as a woman and tied up. And then my torture ended and it was my horror to watch as Tammy's began. I was given my dress back and allowed to redress?.I shivered in pain as the fabric touched every whip mark on my body. The ball remained in my mouth and I was recuffed to the pipe. They didn't whip Tammy or crop her, her torture was done? it had been to sit and listen as her wife was beaten and raped, forced to suck cock and anally penetrated. When they untied Tammy from the chair, they removed her blouse so she stood in front of them in her bra and panties, her garter belt and torn stockings and her boots. Now she was led to the mattress and forced to her knees. A black leather arm binder was placed on her, pulling her shoulders back. Her falsies were removed and her bra was pulled down exposing her nipples which were now clamped. She cried out in pain and simultaneously I cried with her. Her blindfold was replaced. Her knees and ankles were bound with black leather straps and finally her gag was removed. It was now obvious why she had been gagged with a penis gag, and I noticed that the gag they removed now had a much longer penis attached. They had been progressively lengthening her gag during our captivity. I gulped as I witnessed the size and wondered how she had not choked to death. Tammy was docile as our captors took turns forcing her to suck their cock. I turned away in horror as my cross dressed husband was violated in this way. But I heard everything, and I sat bound to the wall, weeping and whimpering in pain for Tammy. I heard one of the men say she was very good, much better than the wife. It meant nothing to me now. I laughed sardonically to think that only day's before I had been a tad jealous of the attention Tammy was receiving at the club. Now we had both received the full measure of our captor's depredations. One of the men noticed I was not watching and came over to hold my head as Tammy sucked the other one off. It was horrible to watch as his cock was pushed past her lips, and the head distended her cheeks. He pushed it in until his crotch was right against her face and then out. He told her to lick it, and kiss it, all of which Tammy did. He slapped her face with it again and again. Finally he inserted it one more time and came down her throat. He told her to swallow it or they would begin whipping me again. Tammy did as she was told, and submissively accepted the gag in her mouth when they were done. She was laid face down on the mattress, with her ass up in the air. She was strapped to the mattress in this position and left waiting for what was to come next. The men left the room at that point and suddenly my resolve to escape was renewed. It was obvious that from the position Tammy had been bound in she was to be raped. I had to get us both out of there no matter what, and I began to reevaluate my position. I looked up at the pipe I was cuffed to. Due to the shock of the kidnapping and the blindfold, I had not truly noticed that the pipe I was cuffed to ended about 8 feet off the floor. I couldn't imagine why, but I didn't care; it offered an opportunity for me to free myself and since the fools had not tied my legs again, I could walk. I awkwardly drove myself to my feet by leveraging my back to the pipe. I stood up to the fullness of my 5'3" frame and my 4" heels and tired to wrench my arms back up and over the pipe. But I was still short of my goal by a good foot and a half. I strained several times until I heard the voices of our captors coming near, and quickly fell back to the floor. I decided I would wait until dark, knowing we were tied up with no means of escape, hopefully they'd fall asleep and I could put my plan in action. I prayed they would leave Tammy alone for now. Apparently they had no plan to use either of us for the rest of the day, as they released Tammy from her position and retied her to the chair. It was dispiriting to watch the way they were able to handle her, without any fight or resistance. But I had my plan, and for now that was my whole motivating factor. I passively accepted the water they offered me, and then I was regagged, my handcuffs checked and left. One of the men spent a few minutes running his hands up and down my thighs and breasts, tracing the red welts on my skin. I did not react, but stared at him with dullness. I didn't dare let them think I had any fight left. I wanted them to believe that they had broken us both down, and that we were now willing to just be their sex slaves. After one last check of Tammy's bonds, and a touch to her nylon clad penis. I pretended to be dozing and they finally left us alone. I willed the sun to go down and for it to get dark, listening for any sounds. Fortunately the room we were in was not lighted and I was sure that would benefit my escape plan. While I waited cuffed I tried to devise a new plan for getting myself over the pipes. I thought of jumping, but realized that that might create noise and attract attention and jumping up and backward seemed impossible. I could only imagine myself hanging up by my cuffs over the top of the pipe, my shoulders permanently popped out of their sockets. What I decided was that by bracing my feet against the wall behind the pipe and grasping the pipe between my palms I might be able to crab walk my way up and over. Finally the house we were in grew quiet, I could hear Tammy breathing nearby in the dark, and I imagined she was dozing in her bondage. She still looked lovely in the half light of the room, clad in her underwear and boots. She was strapped not roped and I knew that those would come off much quicker should I find a way to get off the pipe and get my cuffed hands in front of me. It was amazing that the plan actually worked. It may have been the survival instinct, that mothering urge that all women have to protect the ones they love, or just adrenalin, but I was able to walk my way up the wall in no time, and despite the ravages of my body, my cuffed wrists slipped easily over my bottom and in front. I didn't waste time trying to remove my gag; my main objective was to free Tammy. I walked over to her quickly, and bent near her ear and mewed gently into it. She woke with a start and then she must have sensed I was free, and calmed down. I mlpphed reassuring words to her as I freed her from the blindfold and gag. She mouthed the words thank you, and then I bent to her knees and ankles. It was more important we have mobility; our hands could be freed once we were clear of our prison. She rose unsteadily from the chair, but gained her legs quickly and we literally ran to the door and out into the night. I could hear our captors rising in the back of the house as the door swung open but we ran together and headed for the shadows. We needed cover quickly and I am amazed at how well Tammy was able to run in her heels. We ran gagged and with our wrists cuffed behind us, and were soon off the property and on the street, which appeared to be quiet and residential. I led the way to the first house I could find with a porch light on and we kicked the at he door with our feet until we were able to rouse the startled homeowner. The police were called and it wasn't long before we were free of the cuffs and gags. I was surprised when Tammy refused the offer to change into more masculine attire, but did accept a robe. And I put on one of the policeman's overcoats as we sat describing our ordeal for the detectives. Postscript It wasn't long before our kidnappers were apprehended. It turns out that they were part of an organized crime syndicate and they were tasked as white slavers. But it was not women that they specialized in, but men who liked to dress as women. Apparently there is more money in that line. Tammy was to be sold to the highest bidder who was to take her and turn her into his own personal sex slave. If he wanted me, I was to be a throw in to the deal, if not I would have been killed. Our lives have changed considerably, we have been placed in witness protection and part of the identity change is that Tammy has become a woman, well, partway. She retained her own penis, but now has real tits, and a permanent voice change. Our lives have quieted down and we spend a lot more time staying in, but we make our own fun. Tammy has quite a taste for being tied up now, and rescued by me. Of course I also do the tying. She repays me in all sorts of different ways. Ashley.

Same as Tammy and Alex's Abduction Videos

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Tammy and Gwynn

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tammy and GwynnPrologue - Samantha Delivered--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gwynn drove her BMW up the long dark drive to the asylum on the hill and parked in front of the mansion in the weed infested circular driveway.  The remains of a pond and waterfall in the center of the circle was now almost black with algae.She opened her door, stepped out onto the gravel...

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Tammy and Josh Part 3

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Tammy and Josh Part 3

Today was Friday. Josh flew home from high school and quickly changed his clothes. He flopped down on his bed and began to watch television, but his mind was on Tammy. He pictured her as she was last night, in the bathroom with her shirt off. It was all he could do to not rub his cock just thinking about her. “Josh?” His mom stuck her head in his door. “Listen, dear. Your father and I are going out for the evening. We will probably be home very late, so I already set it up with Tammy for you to...

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© Copyright This story was written for a special friend of mine and you will see I use her name a lot in my stories. I love you baby. Walt has been a loner since he graduated from high school. He's not had any close friends, just a few people that he knows in town. It never really bothered him much at all. The only time it does, is when he needs female company. Then there are the local bars that Walt visits on the weekends, and most of the time he can find a woman to go home with. He...

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Tammy and Josh Part 2

Every day for the next week it was the same. Josh would come to Tammy’s house and do his homework. Then they would find a place in the house away from windows, and she would let him feel her up for a bit. Sometimes Tammy would take her bra and top off. Sometimes she was in the middle of a project, so she would only allow him to grab at her boobs from behind while she worked. If she was reading, Josh would lie on her lap and play with them. By the end of the week, Tammy was beginning to get more...

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Tammy and Josh part 2

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Tammy Blames Her Husband

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Tammy loves some nigga cock

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Tammys teenaged cum lust

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Tammy and the BachelorChapter 2

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Tammy True Tres

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Tammy and Josh Part 4

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Tammy Gets Beat And Loves It

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Tammy Janet Stickney As the only son, my dad had looked the other way whenever I pestered my sisters, kind of a wink and a nod as I screwed their closet door shut, or put paint in their hairspray bottle. By the time I was in my first year at high school, (I was 14) I had quit growing, but my sisters had not. I was now smaller than Cheryl...

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I first became involved with Tammy as her form teacher. I taught Math's at Hazlehurst Grammar and like most young teachers the sexual provocation from the girl students seemed to be almost everlasting. Each school year brought a new crop of young girls whose hormones were doing their best to motivate the girls to seduce any eligible male within the orbit of their daily lives. I was unmarried, basically because I had not yet met the right girl. Not that I had been searching strenuously, but as...

1 year ago
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I first became involved with Tammy as her form teacher. I taught Math’s at Hazlehurst Grammar and like most young teachers the sexual provocation from the girl students seemed to be almost everlasting. Each school year brought a new crop of young girls whose hormones were doing their best to motivate the girls to seduce any eligible male within the orbit of their daily lives. I was unmarried, basically because I had not yet met the right girl. Not that I had been searching strenuously, but as...

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Tammy and the Elders

Tammy and the EldersThe doorbell forced Tammy out of her reverie. Last night had really been something. She had met this guy at a local bar and they had made a night of it. He had fucked her 4 times and Tammy had cum at least twice as often. The thought of his huge cock pounding her was enough to send shivers through her body now. Bleary-eyed she made her way to the front door. ?Hello, Tammy.? The man was in his fifties with a slight paunch and a serious expression on his normally smiling...

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Tammy and Josh part 1

Josh knocked on Tammy’s door. Moments later Tammy opened up the door and, seeing Josh, let him into the house. Tammy was Josh’s next door neighbor, and she had been a friend of his family for over ten years. Tammy was single, having divorced her husband soon after they married. She was 30 years old and very attractive. Josh’s parents had used her to baby-sit him as he grew up, and he loved her very much. She was like a big sister to him. Well, sort of. Josh was 18 now. He was in the tenth...

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Tammy came again and again

While growing up the only one of my three stepc***dren that wanted to go fishing was my youngest stepdaughter. The oldest daughter had no use for it as well as my stepson. Tammy, the feisty redhead would beg to have me take her fishing, and that we did. She finally grew up, got married and found a husband that loves to fish, but only with his brother.One day, the family was all together and we got to talking old times. Tammy brought up how we used to go fishing together and what fun she had....

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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 2

Tammy Leigh quickly managed to establish herself at the exotic men's club where her girlfriend Amy had challenged her to try out as one of the featured dancers. In fact, Tammy Leigh had to be careful because as her name and the hotness of her dance performances began to spread, she not only suspected but found out through the grapevine that some of the other girls were becoming very jealous of her newfound success and popularity. Tammy found herself very soon not only feeling much more...

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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 3

A few nights after Tammy and Amy had enjoyed their first sexual experience together in a girl/girl situation, Tammy had been dancing through her first two routines when she got a card sent to the dressing room by a man in the audience. Tammy took it from the girl who'd been asked to deliver it to her and she looked at the name -- Bob Willington, Casting Director, Imperial Film Studios. She looked at the card for a moment and then walked into the larger dressing room and asked the other...

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Tammy True

Tammy True Part 1 My Flight into Hell Or Why I Hate Airports! By Angel I've always looked forward to the end of school, that is, until 2 years ago! That was when my mother got it in her head that my summers would be better if I spent them with my Aunt Megan, her older sister. My mom, Ms. Greta Cert, gets very busy in the summer and flies off at almost anytime and never knows how long she will be gone. From the beginning of June until the end of August I might see her...

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Tammy and Tyler

Tammy was only 15 years old but she was rapidly realizing that there was a whole world of sexual exploration that she was only beginning to become aware of. She wanted to start having sex and she'd given a few guys at school the indications that she'd like to date them, but before she let any of those guys have her sexually, she wanted to learn some things and gain a big of sexual experience. Tammy had talked to some of her girlfriends of her own age and a couple of years older and she'd...

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Tammy and Josh Part 1

Josh knocked on Tammy’s door. Moments later, Tammy opened up the door and seeing Josh, let him into the house. Tammy was Josh’s next door neighbor and she had been a friend of his family for over ten years. Tammy was single, having divorced her husband soon after they married. She was 30 years old and very attractive. Josh’s parents had used her to baby-sit him as he grew up, and he loved her very much. She was like a big sister to him. Well, sort of. Josh was eighteen now. He was in the...

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Tammy Starts Work In Africa

David Burton gripped the steering wheel hard as he drove downtown. A slight sweat beaded his brow. He glanced in the rear view mirror. His beautiful daughter sat there quietly. Her sapphire blue eyes watching the passing scenery as the light faded and another magnificent sunset broke over the African city of Harare. His thoughts were far from the sunset, just one of many hundred panoramic and beautiful sunsets he had seen over the last 21 months. As she turned her head and looked through the...

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Tammy and I meet mary

After work I would get home about 1 in the afternoon. One day after lunch Tammy announced that she wanted me to help her work on her tan. She stripped, and we went out to the backyard, where I found out that she had already laid a blanket out on the grass. On the blanket was a bottle of tanning oil. She had also pounded 4 tent stakes into the ground, with ropes attached to each. She pulled my cock and balls out of my pants and sucked until it was hard, which took about 5 seconds. Then...

1 year ago
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Tammy “Bye honey, have fun at work, I'll miss you?” I said to Karl as he hugged me good bye.It was Monday morning and another sunny day. I watched as he got into his Maserati and listened to the roar of the engine as he revved it. He was like a kid with a new toy, and I loved the sound of it. I watched him disappear down the hill and when he was gone out of sight I walked back into the empty house.Brad would arrive in an hour or so from music camp so I had time to do the dishes and the cleaning...

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TammyPart 3

I was having trouble sleeping anyway. Sunday night, knowing that Jenna was going to talk to Tammy the next day, I really had trouble. I knew it was probably futile--but I also knew it was probably my last shot at getting Tammy back. So, I slept fitfully. When I woke up for the thousandth time, at four-thirty in the morning, I gave up. I got out of bed, made myself a bagel and coffee, and decided to go for a walk. In downtown Burnham, there was a supermarket. Behind the supermarket was a...

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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 4

Bob Willington was on the set the first day Tammy Leigh showed up, and he quickly made her feel welcome and introduced her to the man who would be directing her first adult fuck movie. His name was Stan Hardy, and he took Tammy over to makeup and let the specialists there start getting Tammy ready for her role while he described to her what the film was about and what her role in it would entail. "We're actually going to use your exotic dancer experience, Tammy, and I hope you won't mind...

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Tammys teenaged cum lust part 2

They stayed on the sofa like that for at least ten minutes, and by thattime the boys were ready to cum again. Their cocks were hard and theirballs were starting to ache. The camcorder was still running, and theyadjusted it for a wide-angle shot. "Stand up and take off your clothes," Larry said to Tammy. Tammy's heart thumped hard in her chest and her body tingled as she gotup off the sofa. Smiling at the camera, she pulled her top over her head,pulling a few thin strings of cum with it,...

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Growing up in East Tennessee near the man made lakes I would always spend my summers boating and on the water. My family owned a small piece of land right on the water which they had a summer house built. Every 4th of July my parents and I would drive up to the lake for the family picnic. Everyone in my family attended these gatherings. Though I had no brothers or sisters I had plenty of younger cousins. This event happened the summer before I was to graduate from high school.From the moment I...

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Tammy opens up

I love beaches. When I was 20 my buddy Leo and I went to a beach down on the south shore. We lived a good two hours from the shore so it was an adventure and a nice break from the lakes. The beach we went to was upscale and we looked pretty out of place. We were the only 2 black guys on the beach and we were getting a laugh out of it. It didn't take long to get the attention of two young ladies. I'm 6'1" athletic build and very dark complexion. Leo is a bit taller and not as built but over all...

3 years ago
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It was eight thirty when my doorbell rang. As I opened the door and looked at the faces of my neighbors, it was obvious that they came for a change of scenery and maybe, some moral support."Hi, sorry to barge in on you so late," apologized Isabel, but we just had to see you for a few minutes and talk to someone like you to refresh ourselves. We are worn to a frazzle.""You definitely need a refresher, and I have one. I just opened a bottle of a nice Pinot Noir that you cannot refuse." They had...

2 years ago
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Tammy And Shelby Meet Again

Picking up the receipt and my phone, I began tapping in Shelby's number. My finger trembled; I was really that nervous and, truth be told, was not at all sure what I wanted to say.  Holding the phone to my ear, my hand shook as I heard the first note of a distant ringtone. Oh my, I’m really doing this. Then, alarmingly, I also heard the noise of my front door being opened and closed. My boyfriend!  I quickly disconnected the call, hoping that my number would not appear on Shelby’s screen. I...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Tammy True Duex

Tammy True Deux By Angel O'Hare "No, I haven't started my period yet! What the heck is a period, anyway?" Tammy True Deux Tammy True Part 2 Crinolines and Aunties By Angel It took forever for everybody else to leave the plane. I had to pee real bad now. Cindy finally came back and unbuckled me. I still hadn't figured out how to get out of that thing. She told me Sue had to work and was flying out in 4 hours, but she would join us for my surprise. I told her I had to pee...

3 years ago
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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 5

Tammy Leigh quickly moved into her newfound work as a porn film star. She actually found herself loving the ability to not only perform on camera but to also have sex with some of the hottest sexiest men in the porn film industry in her work. Some suggested that she consider changing her name and assuming an even sexier "porn film name" but Tammy said she was already well known as Tammy Leigh and that she wanted to continue to do work as an exotic dancer so she'd just keep her real...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 9

"That was very unexpected," Karl told Tammy as they walked across the meadow back toward the house. "Ya think?" Tammy laughed at him. "I was afraid that Sergeant was going to shoot you," she added. "I will admit that part was quite scary," Karl told her. "They must have thought I was some sort of Serial Pervert something or other." "Well, you are perverted in your own special way that I love," Tammy laughed. "Oh yeah!" Karl said stopping and turning her to him, holding onto...

4 years ago
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Tammy Leigh Exotic Dancer and Porn StarletChapter 6

The next night, Tammy Leigh's dance routines were even hotter than the night before and as in the old days, she occasionally noticed that several of the girls were in the sidelines there, watching her as she performed and got undressed before her audience. Tammy Leigh was really enjoying being back in her old haunts and she was enjoying the popularity her dancing at the club was giving her and the large enthusiastic crowds that were coming to see her dance. She wondered how many people were...

2 years ago
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Tammy Gets Fucked Again

It was early afternoon at Tammy’s house...“Ugh... Ugh... Fuck me!"“Oh, God, you’re so beautiful,” Joel said in Tammy’s ear. He started kissing her and stroke her lovingly. She giggled at the compliment as she looked back at him. “I get that a lot for some reason,” she smiled. Joel loved her smile. They met eyes. He went faster, penetrating her sweet womanhood.“Ugh! Ugh! Fuck me! Fuck me with your big dick! Oh, God!”He looked at Tammy and her raw beauty as he got to squeeze her ebony breasts. He...

3 years ago
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TammyChapter 12

Tammy smiled at the other three as they sat around the table after Sergeant Frame and Officer Post said their final goodbyes. She'd signed the official paperwork confirming she had no intention of pressing charges against George and his friends. "I'm relieved that's all over," she commented. George sighed, "Me too!" and immediately had to duck as Sally released another pass at the back of his head with a swift hand. "I don't care if it's over," Sally said firmly to George. The...

1 year ago
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Tammy tries something new Learns she loves it

Tammy had just moved to the city, she had an hour before the restaurant she worked at closed but was exhausted, Jill the girl who had trained her when she started saw her yawn. "Hang in there girl." she said with encouragement, "I'm trying," Tammy responded, "My boyfriend went on tour with his band 2 days ago and i haven't been able to sleep much." Jill gave her a devious look and whispered in Tammy's ear. "Do you party?" she said it while tapping her nose. "Like coke?" "Kinda like that." Jill...

2 years ago
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tammy by marvin coxTammy was delirious with climaxing release. Her voice was now a series of hoarse grunts as the spasms began to swell together in a final, exhausting explosion of pleasure. Her cunt was now overflowing with hot, frothy sperm, squirting out of her pussy lips with each of his thrusts. She felt the sticky fluid ooze down, warming up her asshole and thighs. When he gave a last, grinding pump, she felt her guts press into her lungs, causing her to lose her breath.After a few...

2 years ago
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Tammy Tammy was delirious with climaxing release. Her voice was now a series of hoarse grunts as the spasms began to swell together in a final, exhausting explosion of pleasure. Her cunt was now overflowing with hot, frothy sperm, squirting out of her pussy lips with each of his thrusts. She felt the sticky fluid ooze down, warming up her asshole and thighs. When he gave a last, grinding pump, she felt her guts press into her lungs, causing her to lose her breath.After a few moments, he pulled...

3 years ago
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Tammy made a surprised visit

My wife called me from work this afternoon” I won't be home until later”she said. She said “ a friend came into town and I am going to meet them after work”. She didn’t tell me who just said that I would be surprised . Now my wife and I have an open relationship and she rarely sleeps with other men . But when she does she will call me ,her voice sounded excited today . I have heard her sound this way a few times before when she meets with a guy. Well I knew she was going to get laid today...

2 years ago
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Tammy and Lea need our help

You people who have seen my other stories know my wife Kat and what she is into, for you others she loves to bed women who has never been with another women then takes control of them.. I was at work one day when my office girl Tammy came in crying asking to leave eraly I said OK but what is wrong she explaned her husband was at it again and her daughter was home alone with him, I told her let's go. When we got there He had thrown the girl out and locked the doors and passed out so being the...

1 year ago
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Tammy I

I had always had a close relationship with my older sister Tammy. She was 15 months older than me, and a total knockout. She has brown hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, tanned, with a very toned body from years of gymnastics. She is about 5'6" 125#. Her breasts are pert and perky at 34C, a nice slender waist a tight, apple-shaped ass, long muscular legs. She used to make me a bit uncomfortable though, she would let her kisses linger a bit too long, rub herself against me when we'd hug,...

1 year ago
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Tammy gets First aid

As a work requirement I had to take a first aid class. I took it at the local community college because they had good class times that fit in with my schedule. The fact that I would be with hot 18 and 19 year old girls didn't hurt either. All through the class I worked with two girls Jill and Tammy. Often first aid involves transporting of the wounded. Tammy made it really easy. She was just about 5' tall and maybe weighed a whole of 85 pounds. I simply would scoop her up and carry her. We did...

2 years ago
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Tammy in Trouble

Dedicated, of course, to Tammy Ng... I'm not usually one to worry, at least not about Tammy Ng. With a good head on her shoulders, a black belt and a marksmen's certificate, on a rational level I've assumed that she could take care of herself in the two years we've been partners. Even for a dame, she's downright dangerous. But there are some things you just don't learn on the target range or the gym mat. You can hit the target every time, or leave your opponent in competition looking up...

1 year ago
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Tammy was my older sister’s since they were in grade school and now at 19 she was a real hottie. Long dark hair and a sweet a person as you’ll ever want to meet. I had the hot’s for her for years, and loved to watch them as they practiced putting on their makeup and try different clothes on and model them for me, Mainly so I could be close to Tammy! It used to make me mad to listen to Tammy talk about her newest boyfriend and how they always tried to get in her pants. Even though I had only...

First Time
2 years ago
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TammyChapter 11

While they were fishing at the lake the soft sounds of nature had been interrupted by the distant sounds of a helicopter. The group headed back as soon as they heard the deep whirring rumbles. Rounding the last bend in the path running along the stream the meadow came into view. Karl called back over his shoulder, "Just as we figured, it's the Police helicopter again." "I still wonder what they want now," Tammy replied. Sergeant Frame and Officer Post were standing next to the...

1 year ago
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TammyPart 2

First of all, the idea of me in love with anyone was preposterous. I don't fall in love. Love is for fools. I swore, a long time ago, that I wasn't going to get sucked into that trap. But it seems I had. And not only did I do something that I swore I'd never do, I did it with the most unlikely person I could've ever picked. And I didn't know what to do about it. I mean, how the hell was I going to explain this to the guys when I couldn't even explain it to myself? And I didn't know...

3 years ago
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Tammy and Sammy chapter three

Much, much later, it was two very drunk young girls who fell asleep in each other's arms on the living room floor and later on woke up freezing, we staggered upstairs and fell into bed shivering."I feel awful Tammy," she said as we huddled in for each other's warmth."You look it Sammy," I said and I drifted off to sleep with a 'Thank you' from my lover.We missed breakfast thank God and staggered onto the school's mini bus feeling only slightly better, it was a mixed outing and I was getting...


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