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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing

Father Moss

Elisabeth gives a dashing young priest the gift of her innocence
“What we did last night…” the boy ventured, compulsively thinking of sex as he watched his older temptress ease the cork out of a bottle of Merlot, “it…it wasn’t the first time for me.”

Elisabeth turned and looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”

The boy nodded quickly, averting her gaze. She poured a glass for herself and one for him.

“Anyone I know?” she inquired with a hint of playful suspicion as she handed his drink over, sure to let him get a good look down the front of her dressing gown as she did so.

He shook his head. “Someone from back home. A couple of months ago. Long story.”

Then he hastened to add, “But most of the things you and I did were new to me.”

Elisabeth smiled, amused by her plaything’s adolescent attempt to be tactful. Women her age don’t take s*******n-year-old lovers because of their personalities.

“Who was your first?” the boy asked. Her eyes met his and lingered there. She saw right through his ploy to divert the focus from himself, but decided to humour him anyway.

“My priest,” she replied with a grin, settling into the armchair opposite his.

She watched in amusement the look of disbelief on his boyish face.

“Father Moss,” she continued, swirling the wine in her glass before taking a sip. “As divine a creature as ever entered into God’s service. From the moment I saw him I knew I had to have him.”

The boy studied her face as she spoke; saw the obvious delight she took in the feelings her own words conjured up. Whatever memories she had of this man, they must have been pleasant ones indeed.

“Tell me about him,” he said, pulling her back to the present, her pretty eyes returning to his in such a way that it made him suspect his presence had been momentarily forgotten.

“Well,” she began, a contented smile on her lips, “I suppose he would have been about thirty when he moved to our town. Tall. Dark hair. The face of an intellectual. And his voice! That voice so enraptured me. It fuelled my daydreams and echoed throughout my fantasies at night.”

The boy smirked at this but Elisabeth did not notice. She was miles away now in a much nicer place as she continued with her story.


“He was transferred to our area from his previous parish to replace our aging confessor at the church and to serve as a sort of guidance counsellor to the girls of St. Agatha’s. He was also in charge of religious instruction. Every lesson with him gave birth to new images in my mind, each thought more depraved and exciting than the last. I still remember how damp my knickers would get during his lectures, how my thighs would involuntarily squeeze together every time he looked at me while he preached of floods and famine and hellfire. I lived for that discomfort.

I used to watch him; observe the way he interacted with the other girls, looking for signs. I was certain he favoured this one or that one over me and I put myself through hell conjuring up all manner of depraved things that I was convinced he was getting up to with them. My jealousy knew no bounds. But honestly, I didn’t care if he fucked every girl in the entire congregation, so long as I was one of them.

I had always been a good girl, but the day that man came to teach at our school that all changed. Suddenly and for no apparent reason I began talking back to my teachers, even the ones I liked best, and causing little disruptions during class in order to get myself sent to his office.

My first two offenses were only met with verbal chastisement. I remember sitting in an armchair opposite him, my chest rapidly rising and falling with excitement as he scolded me for my bad behaviour. His authoritative manner so enticed me that I decided to test the boundaries of his patience, and the third time I was sent to him for punishment he told me to remain standing. He then opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a wooden ruler. When he calmly informed me that he was going to beat me, I felt my juices tricking slowly into the crotch of my panties. My face went all warm and I tried hard to suppress a smile as he summoned me over to his desk. My heart sank a little when he instructed me to place my palms on the table, for I was hoping he would bend me over and smack my bottom, possibly catching a glimpse of the wet spot on my panties in the process. It would have made quite the conversation piece.

Too aroused to register pain, I endured my punishment and gazed up at him afterwards, spellbound, as he told me to think about my actions more carefully in future. He then dismissed me with the words, “And I don’t want to see you back in this office again, young lady.”

My knees trembled as I slowly made my way back to class, flexing my sore red fingers and replaying the whole scene in my mind. Everything about Father Moss turned me on, made me go warm and electric all over. Just the thought of him sufficed to arouse me and every time I was near him the feelings became even more intense. Rather than heed his advice, I decided I had to up the stakes.

In confession I began to dish up the juiciest sins my young imagination could concoct, every one of a sexual nature. I said everything I could think of to provoke him, to seduce him the way he had seduced me. One time I even confessed to having fantasised about ‘a certain priest’ while pleasuring myself in bed at night, leaving as little room for misinterpretation as possible. And do you know what the bastard did? Nothing! He just waited for me to finish, then he issued the usual penance for naughty girls and told me I would be in his prayers.

Still, I refused to give up. I was determined to make him see me.

On my s*******nth birthday my parents threw a party for me. An ‘intimate gathering’, which in my mother’s language meant a full house. family, friends, neighbours, classmates; the whole town was invited. He would be there as well; that was all I cared about.

Dressed in my new frock, my makeup, hair and nails immaculately done, I was looking gorgeous and feeling quite the grown up young lady. My eyes discretely followed Father Moss' every movement around the room as I feigned interest in the never ending sea of well wishers surrounding me. As the evening progressed I lost sight of him. When a whole hour had passed and he still hadn’t resurfaced I assumed he had left and I fled to my bedroom to sulk.

There I was, lying on the bed and pondering the cruelty of life for denying me my most burning wish on my special day when I heard a gentle knock at my door, followed by that voice. His voice.

‘Liz, it’s Father Moss. May I come in?’

I scrambled into an upright position and invited him in, trying my best to act older than my age but feeling pathetically juvenile in his presence. He sat down on the edge of the bed and wished me a happy birthday. ‘Your father told me you weren’t feeling well,’ he added with a note of concern.

‘It’s just a little headache,’ I assured him, ‘I’m feeling much better now, actually.’

‘Glad to hear it,’ he said with a smile, then cast his eyes downward as he confessed ‘I excused myself from the party. Said I’d walk the grounds, get some air. Felt funny lying. I’m terrible at it, really.’ My heart swelled with pride at the fact that he was confiding in me and his modest air--a side of him I'd never seen before-- was irresistible.

‘I didn’t mean to disturb you,’ he continued, ‘only I thought it was time you and I talked.’

My stomach twisted in the awful anticipation of a lecture.

‘What about?’

He bit at his fingernail before replying, ‘You tell me, Liz.’

I had desperately wanted to come across as a mature young woman, to be cool and suave like him and to say all the right things like he always did. But now that he was actually there before me, my acting skills abandoned me. There could be no game playing with Father Moss. His hold on me, his powerful essence rendered me as honest as a little c***d and the words came pouring out of my mouth. I told him everything. How I wasn’t interested in boys my age and didn’t think I could ever be satisfied with one of them. How he was all I thought about every hour of every day and what a torment it was not to spend every moment in his company. How I’d give anything to be with him and how empty and meaningless my life would be without him.

He didn’t bat an eyelid. Just as bold as you please, he asked if I’d had sex yet. The question felt like a slap in the face. I told him I’d been saving myself for him. A bit over the top, I know, but I’d had enough. I had spent the better part of a year trying to get his attention and while it was frightening to be so upfront, it was also a relief to let it all out.

He still didn’t seem at all shocked or impressed, but simply sat there looking at me. Finally he commended me for my straightforwardness but said the thoughts and desires I had shared with him were sinful and wrong. That he was a member of the clergy and I was a troubled young woman who ought to give more thought to the needs of her soul rather than the mortal coil and its baser urges.

I winced at his callousness. Naturally I had expected him to say something along those lines, but that he could be so unjust as to dismiss what I felt for him, as though it were nothing more than teenage lust, was more than I could accept.

‘This isn’t fair,’ I said, on the verge of losing what remained of my composure.

‘Life, my dear girl, is unfair. Accepting that fact is a part of growing up.’

I had resigned. All I could manage by way of a retort was a helpless ‘I love you.’

Pausing at the door, he turned, smiled to himself and shook his head. “The human experience would be dull indeed if we could choose whom we loved, don’t you think?”

The barefaced cruelty of the remark made me feel sick to my stomach.

Not five minutes after he had quit my room, my mother came up to check on me and found me lying curled up on my side. Flushed and tipsy, she perched herself on the side of my bed, all sympathetic smiles and questions as to my condition. Would I not come back downstairs and say goodnight to everyone? But my despair at what had just taken place was too great to conceive of doing anything of the sort. I apologised and told her I wanted to sleep. She placed a hand on my forehead, laughed and exclaimed, “No wonder. You’re burning up!”

Getting to her feet, she left the room as gracefully as she could, pausing only to wink and wish her young lady a good night. I lay there in the dark, a woman’s determination pumping through my veins as I gathered my thoughts and laid out my new strategy.

Winter arrived and with the holidays just around the corner, my mother and I slaved in the kitchen to bake up her famous gingerbread men to distribute to select neighbours and friends. On a special plate I intently arranged half a dozen from the very best batch and when my mother asked who they were for I told her I was taking them to Father Moss. She smiled warmly and said that it was a very sweet gesture. Little did she know.

For any young person, the loss of virginity is not so much a physical change as it is a psychological one. I had been infatuated with this man for what felt like my entire life and I was on a mission that afternoon: to sacrifice my innocence at his altar or die trying.

Still warm and rosy from my bath, I walked to his house. When he opened the door he looked surprised to see me, but in an instant his demeanour changed. If I didn’t know better I could have sworn that he had read my intentions the moment he laid eyes on me. I presented him with the biscuits and he invited me inside, asking me to wait in the hall while he fetched something.

No longer the most obedient of girls, I wandered through his house, passing through the living room and the kitchen until I reached the open door of what appeared to be his study. He was seated at his solid mahogany desk, hurriedly scribbling a dedication on the inside cover of a book which he was, no doubt, going to ask me to take back to my mother with his thanks. As I quietly entered the dim room, his hand stopped and he looked up at me. Instead of reproaching me for my audacity, he closed the book and put it aside before relaxing back into his chair.

Very well, Liz, the grin on his lips said. You want to play? Let’s play.

He had never looked at me in that way before, other than in my dreams. Emboldened, I recited the line I had turned over in my head a million times.

“I’ve a special gift for you, Father. Do you want to see it?”

After a long pause, he softly instructed me to close the door and summoned me over to him. Completely taken aback by his response, I felt a hot stirring in my insides at the anticipation of what was to come.

He remained seated and I stood before him, my bottom resting against the edge of his writing table. My eyes were glued fast to his handsome face when he reached out, grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. Operating on auto-pilot now, my hand moved up to my coat collar and I undid the top button, then the next one, then the next. I studied his features as his eyes moved up to my heaving chest, catching a first glimpse of the silky red ribbon beneath. The one I had wound tightly around my chest and tied off into a neat little bow between my pert little breasts.

“You wicked little imp,” he whispered, his lustful gaze transfixed on my body as he undid the remainder of the buttons himself. Fastened to the side of my knickers there was a second red ribbon, which I absentmindedly fingered, deeply conscious of his eyes upon me.

He leaned forward to slowly stroke my bare thigh and my pulse sped up. The calendar may have maintained my passage into young womanhood but as I stood before him then, offering myself up to him in the most literal sense, I felt very small. My mind began to focus on all the parts of my body I was ashamed of and suddenly I was convinced that if he saw me naked he would find me repulsive. After an entire year of endlessly rehearsing this moment in my head, teenage insecurity reared its ugly head and threatened to ruin my long awaited happiness. Before I was aware of it my hand closed around his wrist, stopping him. I was far too nervous and embarrassed to speak but the look on his face told me he had guessed the problem.

‘It’s alright, Liz,’ he said softly, ‘You look beautiful.’

Mortified though I was at having had my innermost fears exposed in this way, his words had an unexpectedly comforting effect on me and I felt my grip on him relax. Free now, h is hand slipped between my thighs and he massaged my stiff little bud through the fabric of my underwear with his fingertips. Letting go of all fear of judgement I closed my eyes and surrendered to the ecstasy of that perfect moment.

In one graceful motion he slid my panties down. I still recall the way his hands seemed to savour the experience of caressing my skin on their downward journey. One new impression rapidly followed the last and I felt his tongue, hot and wet, upon my slit. He explored it a while before taking my sensitive clit into his mouth and sucking it gently. The pleasure was unlike anything I had ever felt, and I am quite sure I would have come within a matter of seconds were it not for his attentiveness. He obviously didn’t want me to experience that particular sensation just yet.

His eyes wandered to my lips and he commented on what a pretty mouth I had. Said he had always admired it and should like very much to kiss it. My gaze dropped to the bulge in his lap and my heart threatened to beat out of my chest. Before I could gather my thoughts his mouth was hot upon mine and I was instinctively parting my lips to invite his determined tongue inside. A potent cocktail of adrenaline and dopamine rushed to my head and I felt more alive than I ever had before. An intense wave of pleasure hit me hard when he began to caress my tongue with his and I moaned softly into his mouth as his lips crushed mine, his fingers entwined in my hair, pulling me to him. I savoured the sensuousness of every moment. The sound of his breathing, the faint taste of wine on his lips and his tongue; the heat of his hands on my face. He led and I followed, oblivious to time, space and all else around me. We devoured one another for what seemed like an eternity. It was dizzying. Wet. Intoxicating. Perfection.

That little taste of heaven drew to a close and his lips pulled away from mine. He gave me a reassuring little smile and adjusted the conspicuous bulge beneath his robes, throwing me a provocative glance. A grin crept across my lips and I drank in the sight of him, barely able to contain my excitement.

With sudden force he turned me around and bent me over the desktop. My burning cheek pressed against the cool polished wood as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and held my head down. Then he leaned over me and put his mouth so close to my ear that I could feel his lips form the words, “You’re a naughty little cock tease, Elisabeth North. It’s high time someone disciplined you.” The sharp, sudden sting of his palm smacking my bare bottom took my breath away, and a dozen more hard slaps followed in swift succession. He was not playing around. He really put his weight into it. My pulse raced feverishly and I sighed as an intense wave of wanton lust surged through my body, culminating in the sweet wet spot between my thighs.

A prickly heat spread across my backside and I struggled to catch my breath. His fingers caressed and probed my soaked cunt, which was shamelessly and totally on display for him. I moaned at the exquisite discomfort of my nipples tightening and felt his moist palms on my arse, like fire against the hand-shaped welts on my skin.

My temperature rose further and my knees turned to jelly when he introduced his tongue into the routine. It wandered to my aching pussy, pausing to dip into my entrance and sample the nectar there before moving up to my arse. I closed my eyes as his hot mouth explored my most intimate recesses. The strange and wonderful sensation of him licking and sucking my tender flesh, so lovingly and with such great care, made me quiver with lust. There was something indescribably sensual and intense about the way his tongue laid claim to the most private and sinful parts of my body. He kissed and licked me there for a very long time, leaving me thoroughly soaked when he finally pulled away.

Behind me I heard the rustle of clothing being rearranged and my heart pumped furiously in my chest. When the warm, wet tip of his cock touched my virgin portal, it sent a jolt of pleasure through my loins. And I was ready for it. More ready than I had been for anything in my entire life.

In one slick stroke he penetrated me and my breath caught in my throat. The sweet, familiar twinge of pain I had tasted during countless night time sessions with myself was magnified several times over. It was the sweetest agony imaginable, and it overwhelmed my inexperienced body, making me compulsively writhe with desire. When he had worked the entire length of his cock into me, he ran his hands down the entire length of my back and then let them close around my hips. Grabbing hold of them firmly, he proceeded to make love to me.

It hurt immensely, but the desire to be filled by him overshadowed all else. His proud manhood slid home like a key into a lock again and again and he turned my face to his to taste my mouth while I squirmed and wriggled about beneath him, relishing the feel of him inside me.

'Is this what you want?' he demanded breathily, ramming harder and harder into me, but there was a tremor in his voice. It was desire.

A wave of lust swept through my body and I shuddered. I closed my eyes and let the physical sensations inundate me. My breathing involuntarily quickened as warm little sparks of pleasure exploded into a raging fire which spread throughout my entire body. He fucked me passionately and I did not even attempt to keep up, too overwhelmed was I by the surreal sensations he was bestowing upon me with each expert thrust.

All strength had left my legs and sweat had begun to gather on my brow when he tenderly brought his mouth to my ear and whispered, ‘Come for me. Now.’ His nails dug into my hips as he guided my movements, rhythmically impaling me and quickening the pace with each thrust. A chill ran down my spine and I closed my eyes, taking in the sounds of his frantic breathing and the blissful agony of his hand working its magic upon my clitoris. The dam burst within me and wave after wave of unutterable pleasure washed over me. Had I held out just a few seconds longer my climax would have come at the same moment as his, and yet in my memory it could not have been more perfect.

After we finished and our breathing had returned to normal, he told me I ought to be getting back home as my mother would be wondering where I had got to. I buttoned up my coat in silence, his warm seed trickling down the inside of my thigh, and he hurriedly finished writing his note before closing the book and handing it over to me. I glanced at the cover, noticing that it was on the subject of religious art, and thanked him. Mother would love it. She was into that sort of thing.

He walked me to the door and when I turned for one last look at him he gently stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. With a little shake of his head, he sighed. ‘The risks we are willing to take for a fleeting moment of bliss.’

I didn’t know how to respond so I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

As I made my way home the first flakes of snow began to fall, melting on my flushed face and clinging to my dishevelled hair.”

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Father Learys Private Confessions

Normally Thursday afternoon confessions were something Father Leary disliked. All those high school teenagers confessing the same sins every week, but this Thursday the priest was in a splendid mood and was more lenient than usual when doling out penance. He was in a good mood because he expected young Jill Ebber this Thursday to give penance in the good Father's private office as she had done last week. The fifteen year old had allowed the priest to spank her on her cute rounded bare bottom...

2 years ago
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Father Dowling I Am Heartily Sorry

It was late on the evening of a First Friday, and St. Michael's was almost empty. Father Dowling says it wasn't like that in the old days, before Vatican II, but I wouldn't know about that. All I get in the confessional nowadays is a lot of old ladies and little kids, and none of them have much to confess. I'd just gotten through with two old ladies whose worst sins were gossiping about their neighbors -- and that wasn't what they'd come to confess, it was what they'd come to do. In...

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Fathers day

  FATHERS DAY               A present for Daddy on his day.by Muffian Fathers day is going to be special for Carol's Daddy.      Well, fathers day, again. I can hear the pots and pans rattling in the kitchen and the aroma of pancakes wafting down the hall to the bedroom. I got up and went to the shower before the kids came and dragged me out of bed.     We have two kids, girls, Beth is 14 and is in junior high school. Carol is in senior high.  They are  both blond and very pretty. Beth is...

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Father Mike and Sister Ann

Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...

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FATHER OF THE BRIDE 2.THE JOHN THOR STORY Two months into her marriage Gail is nearly at the end of her rope. Her plan had not gone as she had hoped, and her life had begin to spiral out of control. Life as Mrs Larry Chandler was hard. Because as hard as she tried, she just couldn't get the memory of her father out of her mind. John Thor had been his daughter's lover for close to ten years. She was just sixteen years old the first time John bedded his daughter. For years John had trained his...

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Father Barton

Subject: FW: Father BartonFather Barton hated masturbating the dogs Subject: FW: Father Barton??? Father Barton hated masturbating the dogs. It was demeaning for theyoung priest to have to put his hands on the dirty canine pricks and ballsand rub them until the dogs unloaded copious amounts of doggie sperm intothe glass jar. But how else could he collect his special "protein elixir"for the boys.? He couldn't very well ask one of the other priests to do it.They already wondered why the...

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Father Knows Best

James Greggs had been divorced from his wife Susan Greggs for a little over three years now. His wife left him. His daughter Kylie Greggs was to live with her mother most of the time and get to see her father one week out of every month and alternating holidays. James was forty-six years old and was about five foot and eleven inches tall. He was not a very hairy man and had a rather nice sized dick, which measured at about 7 inches when hard and was about the width of a bratwurst and was...

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Father and Son bond over Nudism in more ways than

growing up, my father and i had never been close, quite the opposite in fact, he wasn,t exactly the paternal type. he was however very open minded when it came to the subject of whether or not it was ok for a parent to be naked in front of their k**s. i have very vivid memories of my father walking between the bedroom and the bathroom while naked and seemingly not caring if we saw him. my mother disapproved, and said so frequently, and my older brother always looked away or ran into another...

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Father Son Cuckolds

This is my story. It's a bit unusual in relative to the relationship most husbands have with their in-laws. I felt I needed to tell it because of all the twists and turns I and my family (my mom and dad) have experienced as a result of my relationship and marriage into the Jones family. The problem is where do I start? Where should I begin? I guess I should begin with the obvious.My name is Victor and my wife's name is Vicki. We are both in our late twenties. Our parents are in their mid...

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Father Daniels Spell

I was young and nubile and also, this was the important part, longed for and loved orgasms and climaxes and all kinds of things like that which were a kind of ‘forbidden fruit.’ After all, I was not that old but my body was fully developed. Nice breasts, a slender waist and a pussy that wouldn’t stop wanting attention…not to mention anal…another joy. I was all systems “go” and systems were ready to go with any suggestion, or no suggestion at all. Then there was this young priest, Father...

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Father oreillys true confessions part one

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

5 years ago
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fathers story

Dave watched from outside the kitchen window as his father locked thecellar door behind him. Looking around trying to make sure he wasn’tseen. Daves father Richard hid the key inside the kitchen clock.Dave had been hoping to find the hiding place for this key for a longwhile, his curiosity of what was and happened in that room had been drivingthe eleven year old crazy. All he had to do now was wait for his father toleave him so he could investigate.The next day his prayers were answered. Just...

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Father Murphy

Father Murphy Hears Cathleen's Confession Patrick Joseph Murphy was the son of Patrick Xavier Murphy. The line of eldest son Murphy's extended way back long before anyone living could possibly remember. The most current Murphy discovered early in life that he was destined to be a priest and represent the family honor behind the walls of the church. Actually, it was his mother who informed him of his decision to take up the cloth. She had already decided the younger son Donald would be the...

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Father Daughter Camping Trip

Ray grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and surviving off the land so it was no surprise to his family that he ended up in an elite special forces unit in the military. He married his high school sweetheart and they had one daughter, Tiffany, before his wife died from an aggressive form of cancer. Tiffany grew up idolizing her father and became the consummate tomboy. She learned how to hunt and fish, gut a rabbit and clean a fish without the slightest hesitation. Following in her father’s...

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Father Leary

Father Leary slid closed the window, pivoting to slide open the window on the opposite wall of the confessional. Oh, how he disliked Thursday afternoons. From three to five P. M. there was a never ending procession of the local high school boys and girls confessing their petty sins to the priest. I lied to my parents. I swore at my sister. I had impure thoughts, Yada ... yada ... yada. Once in a while some teen would titillate him with a confession but too often it was like the Smith boy had...

1 year ago
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Father oreillys true confessions part two

My name is Father Francis O'Reilly and everything you are about to read is absolutely true, as told to me by parishioners in my flock!!! The confessional box is one of the final places on the face of the earth where you can pour out your heart without fear of retribution or exposure, and I believe for this reason more and more people are forsaking the "communal forgiveness" that is bestowed each week during regular Sunday Mass, and opting instead for the much more intensely personal experience...

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Father8217s Sees The Sexy Side Of His Daughter

Meera had a life as normal as any girl of a middle class can have. There were a few financial problems. Meera and her family used to live in the village of up until she was 16. Due to problems, her whole family moved to Mumbai. Mumbai being the dream city is also one of the most expensive cities. The whole family had to adjust in a single room. It has been 3 years since they arrived in Mumbai and their financial situation has improved but not as much to improve their quality of life. Meera had...

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Fatherdaughter Day

"Kylie..." "Yeah mom?" I was passing through the living room on my way to the kitchen for a little water before bed. " ... Is your father taking you to work tomorrow?" Mom asked me, reaching for my hand and pulling me just a little closer. "Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged, the way sixteen year old girls do. "That Father-Daughter Day thing. Why?" "Sit down for a minute. I want to talk to you." "Uh, sure mom." I pulled some long black hair out of my eyes and sat down next to her...

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Father And Son At Hunting Camp

My father and I had decided to go hunting last weekend but we never thought we would end up having the most bizarre time that it ended up being. We got to our hunting camp on Friday night. It was just the two of us in a small camp in the woods and we had to build a fire in the fireplace to keep warm. Once the fire got going really well the camp heated up fast and soon we had to take off our winter coats and hats and we could just sit around in our shorts and t-shirts. My Dad and I have been...

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Father in law catches us in the barn

Unlike my other stories this one is not 100% true. its just one of my fantasies. though there are a lot true parts, you'll just have to guess what is and isn't true. Enjoy!When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, were first married we moved into a mother-in-law apartment attached to my father-in-law's, his name is Eric. Eric's wife, my mother in law, unfortunately passed away when Charles was young. So Eric had been single since.Eric had a very nice home and 5 acres of land to go with it. My...

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Father allow son

I am a young guy. Middle class family, consist of four members. Me, father, young brother and mom. Father is physically disable for the last ten years. Mom is housewife. Her age is 40.I am 26 and only earner in the family. As mom is not getting sexual satisfaction for the last 10 years, I think she is very hungry to have it. I am a very well build guy. She always look at me. She wear sarees below her navel. Her boobs seems to me the largest in the world. After the age of twenty my only dream...

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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 9

Mom and Ronnie had their dinner on Sunday and he asked her again to marry him and she said yes, but wanted to wait a year. He wasn't happy but accepted it knowing they would eventually tie the knot. The next few days Ronnie spent on the computer setting things up and going to rooms talking to people. Occasionally he'd find someone in the rooms who lived close enough to set up a date for me. He also set up a few from guys I'd fucked before and at times he'd parade me around Vicksburg...

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Fatherrsquos day went wrong ndash personal experience

Father’s day went wrong – personal experienceI am girl who have tried a few things in life and I will share one of my sex experiences with you people. I will try to do my best writing in English. I hope to reach more people/readers but please don’t judge me if I make too many errors.Well as the title reveals it all happened on Father’s Day. I and three female friends in the age of 19 -20 years old went shopping in the mall. You know typical girl shopping, buying lots of crap that we don’t need,...

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Father Explores Daughter8217s Small Pussy With Big Dick 8211 Pt 1

Hi, all of you guys there. This is Tony with my first story. This story is about an innocent 18-year-old girl named Luna staying with her father Ajay (age 45) and her mom Suhana (age 40) at her home in Nasik. Luna was a very beautiful and charming girl. She was studying in class 12th. She had very good assets at the age of 26-32-28. She was the topper of her class. Her father was working for a government bank. Her mother worked for an IT firm. Everything was going well for her. But, one day,...

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Father Bill and Me

When I turned 18 in the boys' home, I was summoned to meet with Father Bill for an exit interview. I thought it was strange meeting him at 7 at night, but I arrived right on time for the meeting in his room. He greeted me happily, shook my hand firmly, then asked me to sit down. "David," he said, "as you know, the time has come for you to leave the home. Have you given any thought to where you would like to go now?"I had to admit I hadn't thought about it. "No, father," I finally said. He...

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Father And Daughter Share A Hotel Room

This is a continuation of my previous story, “Father and Daughter share a Sleeper”. Different from your usual story and a bit longer. You can leave your feedback at *** Amit and Bojo had to return to their sleepers much sooner than they wanted. During the booting of Naresh, they were busy placating and calming her. They closed the window looking outside and drew the curtains, but even then, every time the burly man screamed, this girl trembled all over. After a while she became jittery and...

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Father Takes Daugher As His Wife

By : Huma Yousuf had been lusting for his daughter Zarina ever since his wife died five years ago. Zarina looked exacly like his wife Salma. Zarina had plump buttocks, nice long legs and a pair of boobs that can make a man’s mouth water. Zarina had shown signs she wanted her Abbu to fuck. She had in fact rubbed her ass on his cock but he was not sure she wanted him to fuck her. After all she was his daghter! Zarina was 20 years old beauty. One day Yousuf fell from the stairs and pretended to be...

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Father daughter

The next day my wife was working a 12-hour shift at the hospital and I was home ostensibly keeping an eye on Clara, who basically came and went as she chose all that summer. My son Matt was off at the skate park again, as usual, and I was back in the garage, finishing preparations on Clara’s loft and hoping Alyssa didn’t find her way back over at an inconvenient time.At around noon, Clara came into the garage and said she was going to go over to her friend Beth’s house. I said okay, but then a...

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Father Of The Bride

Father of the Bride 1: Their last night of blessThere was a knock on the door. John jumped to his feet, hoping and praying that it would somehow be her. He dare not hope for something that could never be. She was gone. She couldn't get him out of her mind. The last time she saw him and the way he made her feel when he touched her. The last time they kissed, he undressed her, laid her down in their bed, and wrote his name all over her sweet little kitty, so she wouldn't forget who she belongs...

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Fathers Day part 2

Introduction: Marks fathers day continues with his wife and daughter I had so much fun writing the first part of this story I couldnt wait to write more. This whole story is entirely fictional. ============================================== Alex got up from the bed first and headed towards the bathroom. As she walked Mark savored the view of her large, firm ass bouncing from side to side. Alex shot him a sly look over her shoulder. She knew exactly what he was looking at anytime she turned...

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Father Fucks Me HARD

In his dream she stood before him naked, her mouth open in hot desire as she looked up to kiss him, their tongues thrashing as he squeezed her full breasts. As he fondled her breasts he felt his arousal grow and his need became desperate as he tried in the dream to enter her. Then he woke up, still hard and desperate, the bed beside him big and empty, so he couldn't roll into Marion's waiting and welcoming embrace for a morning quickie. He reached for the laptop and opened a tab to his...

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Father and Son Campoutbyspicylatina1991©*All characters in this story are 18 years or older at the time of all sexual activity.* *"Here we are!" Dad called out happily as we emerged from the narrow rock opening. He was ahead of me by a few feet and had stopped there, putting his hands on his hips and breathing deeply. Sweat dripped from his face and it had accumulated on his shirt beneath the backpack he wore. I must have been equality sweaty, I knew."Great," I replied, coming to his side....

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Father and Mother of a Bride

FATHER AND MOTHER OF A BRIDE by enduringshades A SPECIAL DAY I am sitting in my living room all dressed to the nines. The car is not due for another half hour, but I am very excited and I couldn't wait to get ready. I've been preparing for this special day for six months now. I have been dieting and exercising, learning how to dance and planning and deciding what to wear. I am really pleased with my outfit. Since my twenties, it is one that I often daydreamed about wearing if I...

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Father Has Needs

Nell's father had needs. When Nell's mother was dying of cancer she had confided in her daughter about her father George's unique needs and elicited a promise from Nell to help her dad for as long as he needed her. One Saturday about a month after Nell's mom passed away George showed up at Nell's bedroom door. Nell was a sweet, petite twenty two year old. Slender with a nicely rounded bottom, beautiful brown eyes and brown hair. Her breasts were a bit smallish but shaped like a pair of...

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Father Son

At the age of sixteen, Grisham, named after one of his mother’s favourite authors, had a very strong feeling that he was gay. No real affirming opportunities had ever arisen in his life because he was very wary of being exposed. It was, however, totally clear to him that guys rang all his bells. In his penultimate year of school he accepted that he had to bide his time and that when the day finally arrived, he would happily embrace his homosexuality.In one of those strange twists of fate,...

Gay Male
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Father On Leave Son Funds New Way To Fuck Mom

Hi friends, I’m Mark from Kerala. I’ve got good response for my last few stories. More happy to tell that one guy from Chandigarh successfully seduced his divorced mom and got laid. Our chats help him identify the hints his mom was giving him for last few months. When she asked how he got her signs finally he told her about my guidelines. I got thanks from her side also. Coming back to my story about if you have not read part one pls read Mom gets angry on cheating husband and son uses the...

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Father Son Summer

“ Uh good morning dad” “ Good morning johnny “ Johnny had begun to walk away from embarrassment, when his dad said, “ Ah don’t be embarrassed, I get them every morning as you do. Since mom isn’t here this week, I have to deal with them.” Still embarrassed johnny said, “ well im going to go up stairs now ill see you a little later.” Johnny began to walk upstairs and he paused as his dad got up and johnny saw his father had a big cock as it was stuffed into his white briefs. Johnny began to...

4 years ago
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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and SonsMy sister was getting married in Vegas and had invited my father even though Mom was dead set against it. Their divorce had not been amicable and it was years before my sister and I knew the reason for the divorce in the first place. Dad was gay.I am sure Mom still took that as an insult to her womanhood and even though she knew it was not a choice he had made she still would not let it go. My sister and I argued with her and pointed out he had always been a great father but...

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