Heels: The Ultimatum - Chapter 5 - Kelly's Seduction free porn video

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Heels: The Ultimatum 5 - Kelly's Seduction By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 4: Gale's Quandary Though Dennis, whenever functioning as his feminine alter ego, Kelly, continued to restrain herself from engaging in anything could be misconstrued as being even mildly suggestive, the same could not be said for Gale. Owing to the fact that she was a touchy-feellie kind of person to begin with, she was, with increasing frequency, overstepping the bounds of the purely platonic relationship that she and Kelly had embarked upon. That, unfortunately, caused Dennis, as Kelly, the self-proclaimed nympheted-out narcissist that he, as a she was, no end of troubles in the horniness department. Those magical high heels of Dennis' had only one goal, with that goal of theirs being, to enrich Dennis' life by any and all means available to them. Dennis dearly wished that Gale might one day see her way clear to being able to function as his feminine alter ego's lesbian lover. The heels were keenly aware of those deep-seated desires of his, and while they were constrained from magically meddling with his wife's sexual orientation in such a way as to enable Gale to be able to engage in sexual acts that she would never engage in otherwise, they did the next best thing. Working on a subliminal level, and using Gale's dreams as their primary point of access, the heels initiated a cunningly crafted campaign which would allow her to at least ponder and explore the possibilities of engaging in a lesbian tryst with that simply gorgeous minx of a husband of hers. Though they were somewhat disturbing at first, Gale found herself nonetheless intrigued by those initial dream sequences that portrayed her and Kelly going one on one with one another. Within a day or so of her first exposure to those lesbian couched dreams, Gale, no matter how hard she fought against it, found that those dreams of hers had somehow piqued her interest. Seduced by the forbidden fruit of her dreams' erotic nature, Gale found herself both bemused and beguiled, to a point where she began to employ lucid daydreaming techniques to revisit those lesbian couched dreams of hers over and over and over again. Then, surprising herself in the process, Gale actual went so far as to up the ante. Employing the various plot lines that her dreams afforded her as a staging area or, one might more accurately say, a jumping-off point, she began to expand on the various lesbian-based scenarios that had begun to nightly plied her mind in a myriad of erotic and stimulating ways. The more Gale fantasized about engaging in a lesbian sexual tete-a-tete with Kelly, the more intrigued she became. Likewise the more intrigued she became, the more the impossible became the improbable, which in turn began to grudgingly give way to the possible, but highly unlikely. Basically, it all boiled down to the big fat maybe of indecision. Trouble was, the more Gale entertained the damn near omnipresent fantasy of getting it on with the knock-down, drop-dead gorgeous woman that those magical high heels transformed her husband into, the more turned-on she became. Fact is it got so bad for her at work one day, she had to beat feet for the ladies room, and there, take matters in hand and play a crass and furious game of clitty-tweak with herself. Chapter 5: Kelly's Seduction After their spunky waitress had taken their order, Kelly, upon informing Gale that she was sorry, but that she had to go to the ladies room, demurely slip out of the booth, and with those magical high heels of hers click-clacking away, sashayed off in the direction of establishment's restrooms. As that 'girlfriend' of hers did so, Gale, who had a tendency to become a little over-protective whenever her husband was operating out in public under the guise of his feminine alter ego, kept a watchful eye on Kelly's progress. Taking an inordinate amount of delight in the seductive gyrations of Kelly's so exquisitely reconstituted fanny, Gale came to the stark realization that she was sexually attracted to that sham of a 'girlfriend' of hers. 'Oh, shit.' she frantically thought. 'Have I all of a sudden up and turned into a bisexual? I mean, do I really like women in much the same way I do men?' To put that ominous question of hers to the test, Gale began to scan the restaurant, endeavoring to locate women who fit her own subjectively held criteria of what it took to be considered a good- looking woman. Seeing several who fit the bill, a few that surpassed it, and one that was a uncontested knockout in almost anyone's book, Gale was guardedly relieved when not one of them did a damn thing for her. Though she would continue to scope out women she deemed to be attractive throughout the course of the evening, so as to continually reassure herself that she had not become a full fledged, card carrying bisexual, capable of taking on all comers at the drop of a hat, Gale had to concede the point that where Kelly was concerned, she was about as bisexual as bisexual could be. Where before her love for that 'girlfriend' of hers had been a platonic love, albeit a rather bizarre and convoluted one at best, Gale had to face the undeniable fact that her love for Kelly had expanded beyond the accepted constraints of a love devoid of sexual desire. Lust, of the raw, surging and primordial variant, had somehow crept into the equation. If Gale needed any conformation of the rather remarkable shift in her sexual attitudes, she received it when she spied that 'girlfriend' of hers making her way back to their booth. With her mind reeling within the soaring whirlwind of licentiously thoughts, Gale torturously murmured under her breath, "God, she's beautiful..." +++++ What Gale did not know, and probably would never come to discern, was that the heels had used those lesbian couched fantasies of hers to fabricate a shadow, or if you will, an auxiliary libido, a libido that was heavily tinged with the pure essence from which manly desires arise. Whenever Dennis was operating as Kelly, Gale's shadow libido would kick in; there by supplanting her normal sexual drives with those that were more akin to those of her husband's. +++++ Having just swallowed a piece of steak that had precluded her from saying anything before that, Kelly, uncomfortable with the realization that her wife was starring at her breasts, felt compelled to inquire, "Is there something wrong? Was I an oaf? Did I somehow manage to get something on my blouse?" "No... Not that I'm aware of..." "Okay..." Kelly replied uneasily, as she began a hasty self- examination of the front of her blouse. "So, tell me. If there's nothing wrong, why are you staring at my breasts like that? I mean, are they leaking, or something?" Unaware that she been doing exactly what Kelly had accused her of doing, a thoroughly embarrassed and extremely startled Gale ashamedly stammered, "Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I was starring." "Well, just so you know, you were, and I'd kind of like to know why?" Feeling very foolish, a red-faced Gale sheepishly replied, "Oh, I don't know. I guess I was just sitting here, admiring them..." "You were, were you?" Kelly impishly teased. "Yes... I guess I was at that..." "So, am I to take it that you're a little envious of these rather prominent assets of mine?" "Yes..." Gale, aware that her own nipples had risen to the occasion, shyly admitted. "I guess I am a little envious of them at that..." However, Gale did not say what she was really thinking, which was something to the effect of how much she would have liked to have reached over and fondled and otherwise caressed the living shit out of Kelly's ample endowments. +++++ As mentioned previously, Gale was a touchy/feelie kind of person, who frequently and flagrantly violated the constraints of the operating parameters of the platonic relationship that she and Kelly had established at the outset of this renewed relationship of theirs. That evening though, Gale did not just push the envelope. She put great big dents in it, in that she seemed to be touching that 'girlfriend' of hers at damn near each and every opportunity which was presented itself. Correspondingly, as the evening progressed, Kelly, given that as a girl, she was a self-contained nymphomaniac, who was either horny, or on the cusp of becoming horny practically all the time, was having a hard way to go dealing with the liberties that her wife was taking with her. Several times before even arriving at the movies, she became so turned-on that she almost felt compelled to say something. However, in each and every instance, Gale seemed to sense that she was taking things a bit too far, and ceased such incursions just before things really got out of hand, and Kelly's horniness reached a stage that threatened to achieve critical mass. As bad as it had been for Kelly prior to arriving at the movies, it got a whole lot worse once they were seated in the theater. Gale, driven as she was by that new, lust crazed, manly attuned, auxiliary libido of hers, could not seem to keep her hands off of the sexy young woman that her husband had turned himself into. Not once, not twice, by a grand totally of three distinct times before the previews were even finished, Gale, using the pretext of acquiring a hand full of popcorn from the large tub that resided in Kelly's lap, ever so casually brushed the knuckles of her right hand down along the near-side curvature of Kelly's ample left breast. Though it was a calculated move on her part to: one, test the waters; and two, generate an extemporaneous thrill for herself, Gale took great pains to act the part of Little Ms. Innocent each time she completed the maneuver. Kelly, having employed similar moves on the various girls she had dated during her early years as a teenager, was not fooled one iota by her wife's feigned innocence. She knew exactly what was going on, and while it warned the cockles of her heart on one hand, she was rendered thoroughly confused and flabbergasted on the other. Thinking, 'Please, Gale, don't start something that you have no intention of finishing.' Kelly, not wishing to make a mountain out of a molehill about her wife's flagrant disregard of their convoluted relationship's mutually agreed upon operating parameters, did about the only thing she could do in the dicey situation she found herself in. In other words, since she did not wish to do something that might prove disastrous, in that in might lead to a scene, an extremely turned-on Kelly reconciled herself to the fact that she would just have to grin and bear it. However, Kelly was also keenly aware that should her wife continue to violate the rules of decorum that they had taken great pains to establish, she would eventual have to have a little heart to heart talk with Gale about it. If nothing else, Gale was persistent. All throughout the movie, she continued to tweak and nurture the horniness that was doing a real number on that ultra feminized husband of hers. Using various tactics, such as casually tracing her fingernails along the run of her 'girlfriend's satin enshrouded forearm, or grasping Kelly's hand and tenderly drawing it to her lips for the fondest of endearing of kisses, Gale managed to keep Kelly's loins perpetually awash with the lubricant of vaginal secretions. Then, just when Kelly thought she could not take any more, damn if Gale did not go and up the ante on her. Embracing the precept, "If you've got it, flaunt it." Kelly, liking the long-legged look of a first rate dick-teaser trolling for the attention of would be cock-hounds, had opted to attire that alluring figure of hers in a skimpy, denim micro-miniskirt; a sheer pair of glistening chocolate hued pantyhose, and an eye-catching, western styled, electric blue satin blouse. Though she never once suspected that the outfit she had selected for herself earlier that evening would cause her any kind of problem, Kelly became keenly aware that she had made a big mistake. As much as she savored the sensual feel of the sheer pantyhose encasing her lower extremities, somewhere around the movie's mid point, Kelly experienced a wild erotic electrifying jolt when her wife's hand settled ever so gently, ever so seductively, upon the nylon encased curvature of her leg's upper thigh. Then, to add to Kelly's misery, Gale, once again appearing oblivious to what she was doing, began to teasingly rotate the tips of her fingers ever so slightly along the uppermost run of her husband's inner thigh. Had Kelly still been in the possession of that manly, cum spewing dipstick of hers, she had no doubt that she would have creamed her proverbial jeans right then and there. That is how turned-on she was. Spurred on by the unimaginable amounts of pure unadulterated horniness that surged and cavorted within her, Kelly's mind raged, 'Oh, my Lord. Does she have any idea what she doing to me?' Unsure as to how to best deal with what was going on, Kelly, after a good bit of indecision, elected to try the simplest approach, that being: to simply shift position in her seat. Luck was with her. Gale appeared to take the hint, owing to the fact that she did what Kelly hoped she would, with that being: Gale withdrew her hand. Trouble was, after the passage of several more minutes; there it was again, its fingertips once again swirling ever so sensually along the crest line of Kelly's inner thigh's erogenous zone. Kelly shifted position for a second time, but to no avail. A few minutes after she had, her wife's hand returned to what Gale seemed to presume to be her very own nylon ensconced armrest. Twice more Kelly employed the hand-shrugging tactic of changing position. Her wife though, remained undaunted, for shortly after that absolutely gorgeous dick teaser of a husband of hers settle back in her seat on both occasions, Gale's hand once again swiftly homed in or its nylon clad landing pad. After four futile attempts, Kelly gave up all hope of trying to dissuade her wife from reaching over and fondling the delicious run of her upper inner thigh. However, she did toy around with the idea of reaching out; grabbing Gale's hand, and dragging the damn thing back into her sopping wet crotch, where she figured that her wife's marvelous fingers could do her some real good; achieving the results she so dearly longed for them to achieve. +++++ As the two of them began to traverse the multiplexes' spacious lobby on their way out to the parking lot, Gale, employing the distinctly feminine, extremely possessive, double-handed enhanced arm grasp, entwined herself about Kelly's arm, so that the two of them were walking pretty much shoulder to shoulder. "So, what'ya think? Did you like it?" Gale casually inquired of that stacked and packed beau of hers. Not sure if her wife was referring to the movie or the petting that had been lavished upon her, Kelly, not wishing to getting into anything heavy at the moment, figured that her best bet was to just assume that Gale was eluding to the movie they had just seen. "Oddly enough, even though it tended to get a little hokey every now and again, I have to say that overall it was pretty good." "Yeah... I kind thought so too." "I mean, I thought the actions scene were done well, and while the story line was predictable, it never went so far as to insult your intelligence." "So, tell me. What did you think about that girl?" "Which girl? Exactly which one are you talking about?" "What's his name's love interest in movie. You know who I'm talking about, the one the main guy ended up with at the end of the movie." "Oh, her." Kelly replied, as she dutifully opened the lobby's outer door for her wife to pass through first. "So, what'ya think? Was she hot or what?" "Oh, yeah." Kelly chuckled. "She definitely was a looker." "Yeah..." Gale concurred. "I kind of thought so too..." A few moments later, as the two of them neared Dennis' SUV, a somewhat discombobulated and horny as hell Kelly disengaged herself from Gale's grasp, so that she could more easily fumble in her purse for her keys. Locating them, she proceeded on to say, "Look, I know how much you hate having to drive a stick-shift, but could you do me a big favor tonight, and drive home?" Without hesitation whatsoever, Gale, thinking that she had a pretty good idea why Kelly had made such a request of her, replied, "Sure. In fact, I'd be more than happy to. But, since you rarely ask me to drive your car, I'd kind of like to know how come? I mean, is there something wrong with you?" Gale continued, as she nonchallantly put her hand out so that Kelly could hand over her keys. "No... Not really... I guess you could say that I'm feeling just a little distracted, and I just think it might be for the best if you did the driving tonight." "No, problem." Gale said, as she proceeded to unlock the driver side's door. "Head on over to the passenger's side and, as soon as I get in, I'll unlock it for you..." +++++ Kelly's first thought was to cut through all the crap, and just come out and ask her wife to please explain what, if anything, was behind all the touchy/feelie nonsense that Gale had been so crassly engaging in all throughout the course of the evening. However, as she parked that nicely rounded derriere of hers in the shotgun seat of her SUV, Kelly thought better of it. Since all she could think of doing at that moment was: getting home; heading upstairs; and once ensconced in the blessed serenity of her and Gale's bedroom, engaging in a narcissistic game of grabass with herself, Kelly figured that it was in her best interest to let sleeping dogs lie. Though she had full intentions of having a heart to heart confab her wife, Little Miss Can't Keep Her Hands To Herself, Kelly realized that it might be for the best were she too postpone such a discussion for a more appropriate time. 'After all,' Kelly told herself, 'life does have its priorities, and, for the here and now of it, my first priority has to be without a doubt, taking care of this damnable horniness that's threatening to do me in...' +++++ As soon as the two of them got in the front door of their house, Kelly, egged on by those ever so demanding narcissistic needs of hers, quickly placed her purse on the end table and hung up her coat. Then, saying something to the effect that she would be sure to let Gale know when it was safe to join her, she bounded up the stairs. What Kelly was not aware of, owing to the massive amounts of horniness she was contending with, was that Gale climbed the stairs only a step or two behind her. "Hey." Kelly agitatedly quipped. "What's with you? What in the world are you doing up here? Didn't you just hear me tell you that I would call down, and give you the all clear when I'm done?" "Yes..." Gale nonchalantly countered, as she briskly stepped in, and manfully enfolded that ever so scrumptious husband of hers in a passionate embrace. "And, if you really want to know what's up," she brazenly declared, "this is." Having said that, Gale proceeded on to plant a torrid lip-lock on those quivering lips of that 'girlfriend' of hers in a manner that left little doubt to her intentions. "Gale." Kelly gasped, even as she became aware of the fact that her wife was in the process of unbuttoning the shimmering electric blue satin blouse that those heels of hers had saw fit to adorn her with. "What the hell's going on here? Are you actually doing what I think you're doing?" Lifting her lips from off of Kelly's neck, Gale, who was well on the way to becoming thoroughly turned-on herself, sensually purred, "If you want to know if I'm seducing you, than the answer is yes. I'm seducing you." Then, after taking time to plant another tender lover's nibble-kiss somewhere around the mid point of Kelly's aristocratic neck, Gale softly murmured, "And, to answer that other question of yours, I'll have you know, missy, that contrary to what you might think, I know exactly what I doing. Look. I know you've always longed for me to one day become your lesbian lover. Well, guess what, sweetcheeks, it looks as if today's your lucky day." A few short minutes following that sexually charged exchange, Gale, with teasing caresses deliberately directed at several of that 'girlfriend' of hers erogenous zones, completely the seductive removal of Kelly's clothing. Whereupon Kelly, playing the part of the gentleman she could not at that point in the proceedings lay any claim to being, returned the favor, disrobing Gale as adroitly as Gale had disrobed her. Then, once they were both bare ass naked, Gale gently guided Kelly towards the open invitation of their awaiting bed. Having turned back the covers to reveal the inviting opulence of a gleaming set of copper colored satin sheets, Gale turned; took both of Kelly's hands in her own, and with a huge shit-eating grin spreading impishly across her face, began to back herself onto the bed. As she did so, she drew that 'girlfriend' of hers along with her. A moment more and the two of them lay entwine within the erotic wonderment of one another's loving embrace. With a cautionary word to Kelly that she was do nothing; save to kick back and enjoy herself, Gale began to lay siege to several of her lesbian lover's erogenous zones. Going with what she was familiar with, aware that it was by far the best foreplay that she herself had ever experienced, Gale tactfully adopted Dennis' very own game plan. Starting with a varied arsenal of oral techniques, techniques that included, but where not limited to kisses, both standard and of the French variety, tongue swirls, teasing sucks and gently executed nibbles, Gale seesawed back and forth between Kelly's neck and lips. However, just to spice things up and keep that new lesbian lover-girl of hers sexually off balance, Gale would occasionally make a side excursion in order to bring those oral administrations of hers to bear on one or another of Kelly's ever so femininely sculptured ears. Concurrently, Gale, employing the dexterous fingers of her right hand, opened up a second front, as she began to fondle, caress and otherwise stimulate the nipple and corresponding areola of first one, and then the other of her 'girlfriends' ample breasts. Sometimes, when sifting from one teat to the other, Gale would extend her hand downwards, where upon she would use the tips of those well manicured fingernails of hers to delicately trace an ascending path along the inner run of one or another of Kelly's ever so shapely thighs. Reaching Kelly's taint, Gale, who was keenly aware of the teasingly tortuously nature of such a maneuver, would allow her index finger to traverse along one side of the multiple lip-folds of Kelly's vaginal orifice, while her middle finger traversed along the other. Comb- like, she would then draw her fingertips through the tamed and nicely defined curlicued mat of her husband's honey blonde pussy. Passing over Kelly's quivering lower abdomen, Gale would continue to draw her devilishly tapered nails over that new lesbian lover of hers taught little tummy, eventually returning once again to the maddening erotic summit of one or the other of Kelly's exquisitely sculptured chest protrusions. When Gale reached what she jokingly thought of as the Goldilocks Point in the proceedings, with that guesstimated debarkation point being arrive at neither to soon, nor to late, she opted to up the ante by moving on to Phase II. Putting the kibosh on Phase I with what can only be described as the most impassioned French kiss of the evening up to that point, Gale, with all the grace and agility of a prima ballerina, fluidly shifted position. Without missing a beat, those luscious, love-giving lips of Gale's enthusiastically homed in on the arousal trigger of Kelly's left teat. Not to be left out of the equation, her hand, supplanted as it was by her oral ministrations, concurrently shifted down to tease, and titillate first one, and then the other of the erogenous zones locate along the run of Kelly's magnificently sculpted inner thighs. With a whimper and a wince, Kelly giddily exclaimed, "Oh, my God, Gale. That feels absolutely wonderful. "You have no idea how fantastic that feels..." Gale, who knew exactly how it felt to have someone attend to those marvelous erogenous zones of hers, since there was nothing to gain by pointing out the utter absurdity of her husband's ill conceived assertion, elected to let it stand unchallenged. Then, just when Kelly thought it could not get any better, it did. Felling what she supposed was the tip of Gale's middle finger ever so dexterously being inserted within the rearmost confines of her satin slick pussy, Kelly's body involuntarily shuddered with the wanton expectations of what was to come. With her index and ring fingers acting as assisting flankers, in that they were positioned in such a way as to traced dual paths along the outer rim of the multiple lip folds of her husband's crevasse crease, Gale began to slowly draw her middle finger upwards. Then, pulling off a move than bordered on the sadistic, Gale, having gauged the depth of her middle fingers passage with cunning accuracy, barely grazed the elusive nub of Kelly's clitoral prominence ere her finger completed its initial transit of her husband's honey pot. Having received the merest hint of what was to come, Kelly's body bucked. It shimmied. It shook. Gasping, in a desperate effort to catch her breath, she moaned. She groaned. She wailed. She whimpered. Gale, aware that she was on the verge of turning her feminized husband into a fully credentialed, sex crazed pillow eater, inwardly smiled as she deftly repeated the titillating maneuver. Having repeated the stratagem several more times, and guesstimating that she had once again reached the Goldiloocks Point, Gale settled in for the long haul. That is to say that she brought the terminus of her middle finger to bear on the object of her endeavors, with that object being none other than the elusive nub of Kelly's clit. Oddly enough, while Gale had made the conscious decision to engage in a lesbian tryst which that sexpot of a husband of hers while the two of them were at the steakhouse earlier that evening, she had yet come to any conclusion concerning the cunnilingus issue. All throughout the evening, she continued to waffle, one minute thinking that she could, and the next, admitting to herself that she couldn't. Though she dearly wanted to go down on that 'girlfriend' of hers, aware of the massive amounts of orgasmic pleasure she derived whenever Dennis went down on her, Gale was not sure that when push came to shove, she would actually be able to stifle those well-entrenched inhibitions of hers. Sometimes it is really funny the way things work themselves out. Take for example Gale's indecisiveness over the issue of her functioning as the instigator of lesbian oral sex. There she was, wanting in the worst way to be able to do something that she knew husband would not only thoroughly enjoy, but really appreciate on one hand, yet seriously doubting she would ever be able to actually do it on the other. Then, all of sudden, without any conscious decision on her part, Gale, spurred on by her love, as she was, once again shifted position. Moving into the splay of those lovely long legs of Kelly's, Gale eagerly maneuvered her head in such a way so as to bring her lips and tongue to bear on Kelly's clitoris. Oddly enough, well before her tongue actually made physical contact with Kelly's clit, the poignant fragrance of her husband's love juices filled her nasal cavities, enticing her even more so with the erotic nature of their carnal bouquet. As intoxicatingly sensual as Gale found the scent of her lover-girl's vaginal secretions, contrary to what she had so erroneously believe before, she found that the taste of those very same juices was like sweet ambrosia to that darting, flicking and caressing tongue hers. What Gale did not know, nor would she ever come to realize, the heels had done a little tinkering. Working in conjunction with the magical wherewithal that they had replicated in Dennis, and were even them beginning the process of replicating the very same magical potential within Gale herself, had made a few subtle modifications in some of the subsystems of Kelly's girlish reproductive system. What the heels had done, was to make Kelly's self-lubricating secretions erotically pleasing to both Gale's sense of taste and smell. They also went the extra mile in fulfilling their prime directive to make Dennis' life as happy and rewarding as they could. They accomplished this by rendering Kelly's love juices to be highly addictive. One whiff, one smell, and Gale was hooked. The heels had in effect, turned her into a love juicy junky. Often, in the days to come, whenever Dennis would kid his wife with respect to how much Gale seemed to relish the idea of being the instigator of lesbian based oral sex, she would sarcastic offer the retort, "Gale is my name. Cunnilingus is my game." Kelly had assumed that being the recipient of cunnilingus was on par with being the recipient fellatio. Fully aware of just how much more sexual pleasure could be derived from a blow-job over a hand-job, Kelly thought herself prepared for the rather substantial increase in the amounts of carnal gratification she would receive should Gale ever see her way clear to going down on her. However, as the tip of her wife's tongue teasingly made its first swipe about the elusive nub of her clitoral protrusion, Kelly knew that her assumptions were all wrong. Fellatio, as fantastic as it was, paled in comparison to cunnilingus. The second swipe of Gale's salvia slick tongue turned Kelly into a wanton hussy. The third, a riving primordial she-beast, who craved the gushing surge of orgasmic fulfillment. Kelly moaned. She screamed. She cried. She squealed. She screeched, over and over and over again, beseeching the Almighty on High to grant her the orgasmic succor she so desperately sought. Her body squirmed. It shivered. It shook. It bucked. It was repeatedly racked with the spasms of pre-orgasmic splendor, as the pure, unadulterated essence of unimagined ecstasy coursed and cavorted within her, ricocheting and rebounding in a kaleidoscoping cacophony of erotic fury. Gale, in an almost sadistic way, was thoroughly enamored with the impish notion of what she was doing to that sexually transmogrified husband of hers. Loving the way that 'girlfriend' of hers responded, Gale began to playfully experiment, as she started to intersperse those initial tongue swirls of hers with gentle nibbles, and at times, lust infused little puckering lip-sucks. Endeavoring to employ the very same oral techniques that Dennis used on her, Gale managed to pace herself; there by prolonging the blissful agony and the excruciating ecstasy that comprised the welling overture to Kelly's orgasmic ascendancy. Then, upon becoming aware that the crescendo point was at hand, Gale, with one decisive last flick of her tongue, opened the floodgates on Kelly's orgasmic ressivor, there by triggering the gushing and tumultuous release of one tsunami-like orgasmic spasm after another. +++++ Though it took a good while before Kelly found either the desire or the physical wherewithal within herself to say anything that even came close to resembling cohesive speech, she finally managed to coo, "Gale... Look... I know how hard that was for you to do something like that to me, and I just want you to know that I really, really appreciate it." "Oh." Gale, in a coquettish tone of voice, casually responded. "So, I take it that you liked it?" "Liked it? I loved it. I absolutely loved it." Kelly squealed with unfettered delight. "I mean, I can't begin to tell you how fantastic it felt, when you did what you did to me just now." "Oh!" Gale voice conveyed a note of sarcasm. "Now, isn't that something. My husband actually enjoys having that pretty little pussy of his eaten out. "So," Gale coyly continued, "how 'bout it? Do you think that you might be interested in incorporating something such as that into our regular love-making sessions?" "Gale, are you pulling my pud? Or, are you being totally serious about all of this?" Kelly, frantic to know the answer, clamored. "Oh," Gale chuckled, "fear not lover-girl. I'm about as serious as serious can be. "So, I guess what I'm saying is: if you want me to be your lesbian lover, as well as your wife, Kell, I'm up for it if you are?" "That's fantastic." Kelly gleefully exclaimed. "But," Kelly voice suddenly took on an ominous tone, "are you sure you can handle the oral sex business? And the reason I ask is because now that I've had, shall we say, a taste of what's it's like - Pardon the pun. - I'm going to want more. Truth be told, I'm going to want a lot more. So, I just want to make sure that you're going to be able to handle it." "Oh, if that's what you're worried about, Kell, don't. Now, that I had, as you so rightly put it, a taste of it, I can assure you that you needn't worry that pretty head of yours about it. "In other words, sweetcheeks, your wife is now an unabashed, self-proclaimed pussy-eater, albeit a rookie one that. "However, you might as well know, given that I've always been considered a fast learner, plus the fact that I've got an great instructor, who I think I can rely on you to show me the ropes, I don't plan on being a rookie for long. In fact, I have high hopes of one day being able to actually teach my teacher some of the finer points involved in giving his lady love a good and proper tongue- lashing. "So, tell you what, Kell. As soon as you think you've recuperated enough, I think it would be nice were you to return the favor, and do unto me as I just did unto you..."

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 7 Kinky Squeamish

Heels: The Ultimatum 7 - Kinky & Squeamish By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 6: Road Trip Having just enjoyed their first lesbian encounter, Gale suggested that they both take the remaining personal days that they both had due them from the previous year, and use them for a long weekend lesbian based getaway together. Kelly absolutely loved the idea. The next morning, having called into work and left voice-mail messages with their...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 9 Alterations

Heels: The Ultimatum 9 - Alterations By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 8: Variations On A Theme After experiencing an unprecedented unbroken string of simultaneous orgasms via their nightly use of the double-ended dildo, Gale and Kelly had to concede that their good fortune could only be due to some sort of intervention initiated by Dennis' magical high heels. Several nights after that, Gale asked Kelly if the dildo felt somehow different to...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 3 Platonic Relationship

Heels: The Ultimatum 3 - Platonic Relationship By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 2: Show & Tell Having watched Dennis transform himself into her girlfriend, Kelly, via the use of those magical transsexualizing high heels of his, Gale proceeded on to make another request of that drop dead gorgeous husband of hers. Somewhat demurely, she asked Kelly to demonstrate the extra-added magical ability that allowed that ultra feminized husband of...

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Kellys Awakening Part 3

Introduction: Kelly gets more than she bargained for when she tries to seduce her ex girlfriends sister! Revenge is sweet, but pussy is sweeter Kellys Awakening Part 3 Id recommend reading the first two instalments of this series to fully understand the story, but, if you just want to read this one, or if youre a returning reader to the series, here is a very quick recap of what happened in the last chapter. Enjoy! P.T Jennifer has ended the relationship between herself and Kelly. Jennifer...

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Kellys Awakening Part Four final

Introduction: Kelly learns everything, and it isnt all good Kellys Awakening Part Four Once again, as with the previous parts, Id recommend reading the first few stories so that this one makes more sense to you! For those of you that just want to read one story, or if youre returning to this series, heres a quick recap from the last story. Enjoy! [After seven months Jennifer, Kellys girlfriend, had ended their relationship because she suspected that Kelly desired her sisters, Amy and Bianca,...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 6 Road Trip

Heels: The Ultimatum 6 - Road Trip By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 5: Kelly's Seduction What Gale did not know, and probably would never come to discern, was that the heels had used those lesbian couched fantasies of hers to fabricate a shadow, or if you will, an auxiliary libido, a libido that was heavily tinged with the pure essence from which manly desires arise. Whenever Dennis was operating as Kelly, Gale's shadow libido would kick in;...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 10 More Surprises

Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy...

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Kellys Awakening

Introduction: How Kellys adventures began This is rather a short opening, not as much sex as you may want but Ill upload more of the story in future depending on the response Kellys Awakening Part One Kelly Richmond was having a very bad day. It had been about 20 minutes since she had hung up the phone and she was still in shock. Jennifer, her girlfriend for the last 9 months, had ended their relationship with a phone call! Not only that, but Jennifer had admitted that she had been having...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 3

Kelly sat her wine glass on the night stand and took a breath held it for a second and exhaled. She looked around and said "Are we ready to keep going?" A few guys walked to the bed and climbed up next to her. Another black guy climbed between her legs. Kelly adjusted herself on the bed and reached down to grab his cock. Then, she looked up at him and then leaned to look at me and said "Oooh babe! A big one! All for me!" and then she started aiming him towards her cunt. I got a glance...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 5

Kelly had rested and told the white guy to come over to her. She said "Here. Let me help you." She leaned over and took him into her mouth and started giving him head. That didn't take long and he was growing harder. Kelly pulled away and said "Jam that thing into me before he goes soft again!" He climbed between her legs and he reached down to guide his cock in and Kellys hand hit his. She said "Oh, are you going to do it or do you want me to guide him in for you?" He let go and Kelly...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 4

After Kelly was rested, she said "Are we ready to go some more?" Two black guys stepped forward to the bed. Kelly said "Okay guys. Who's first here?" They were the two guys that came with their friend the first night. One of them said "Do you think we can both fuck that tight pussy of yours at the same time?" Kellys eyes got big and looked at me a little shocked at what they said. She said "Both in me at the same time?" One of the guys said "Sure! Can we?" Kelly looked at me and said...

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Kellys letter of a black stranger she met

I have been asked about Kellys side of things. An XHamster member asked me to have her write and tell her side. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. Kelly was killed in a car accident in 2009, and it has taken me this long to even think about sharing all of the things we did. However, while I was in the Marines, I was sent to Germany for 45 days and while I was gone, we wrote to each other a lot because phone calls were limited to 5 minutes. Kelly sent me a long and detailed letter about her...

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Ultimatum Video Game Series

Stand proud, John. The Ultimatum is in front of you. Few get to see this artifact, and fewer get to use it. The Ultimatum deems you worthy. Make your wish. A large unnatural mirror stands in front of you. You can see your entire body in its reflection. It has no frame and its edges seem to fade into shadow. The world around you is a dark, shifting shade of purple. You know it. You stand in front of the Ultimatum. Suddenly, hundreds of cracks tear their way across the mirror's once pristine...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 2

I was talking to two guys and looked over and Kelly was surrounded by a bunch of others. From the smile on her face, I could see that she was enjoying the attention. When she went to the kitchen to get herself some wine, she had three guys follow her like little puppies! She was trying to walk back to the living room, but was being swarmed. She finally come up to me and pulled my arm, wanting me to go to the kitchen with her. When we were in the kitchen, she was speaking very softly and...

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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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Kellys Passion The Final Chapter

Kelly awoke slowly from the first peaceful sleep she’d enjoyed in many nights. Daylight poured through the window, filling the room with the welcoming warmth of the morning sun. As she opened her eyes, memories of the night before filled her mind in vivid detail, almost as if she had been dreaming of them in her sleep. She felt cozy and relaxed with Alex spooned behind her and she snuggled deeper into the gentle embrace of his arm as it lay still over her hip. She could tell he was asleep....

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The Ultimatum Part 2

Story note: This is the second part of the re-telling of "Daddy's Man-Cave" from the father's perspective. ************** I had become resigned to the fact that at some point, no matter how hard I tried to throw down the boundaries, the sexual attraction between me and Monica was so strong that we were inevitably going to end up doing the deed. But then what? Could I go back to being "Daddy" after I had violated the sacred parental bond of father and daughter? I didn't see how it was possible....

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Gender bent ndash The ultimatum

Gender bent – The ultimatum I Stared at my phones screen as I watched a video on me getting fucked not even 24 hours ago. I was angry. How could they do this? Why? I needed answers and fast. What if someone would recognize me? I would be ruined. I paused the video and look at who posted it. The user was called “The Feminizer” and private account meant I couldn’t even look at his pictures or his bio. All I could do is leave a message which I did. “Dave. Dude what the hell. This is Nick the one...

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Ultimatum Part 3

For those who didn't read the previous parts:Part One: Harriet is a loving but traditional woman. Her boyfriend begins to have cuckold fantasies about her, though it's clear she's not interested. Desperately, he sets up a scenario where he hopes she will at least consider the idea. He takes her out for dinner and drinks, then takes her to a local pub and gives her an ultimatum: she will sit there alone for the rest of the evening and let herself get chatted up by some local guys or he will...

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Ultimatum Part 2

For those who didn't want to read the first part:Harriet is a loving but traditional woman. Her boyfriend begins to have cuckold fantasies about her, though it's clear she's not interested. Desperately, he sets up a scenario where he hopes she will at least consider the idea. He takes her out for dinner and drinks, then takes her to a local pub and gives her an ultimatum: she will sit there alone for the rest of the evening and let herself get chatted up by some local guys or he will pack...

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Ultimatum Part 1

Three months after we moved in together, I decided I wanted to see Harriet fool around with another man.I knew she'd never go for it. She wasn't the type.She was a traditional kind of woman, wasn't overly concerned with her career, and had no grand plans for the future. She'd left school with decent grades but no desire to go into further education. At eighteen, she'd taken a quiet administration job at the local council and been there ever since. I asked her once if she ever thought about...

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It was Christmas, and Dad and Mom had invited my favorite female senior administrator over for dinner. Janet, a knock-out beauty of thirty-two, was recently divorced and a mother of one five year old girl. Janet was my Dad’s work partner at the State Department and I dreamed of having her over my knee more times then I could count. I was seventeen at the time.Janet was well-dressed in hose and a pretty white dress with red shoes. She had the outlines of a athlete, very toned, the perfect MILF....

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Ultimatum by Vickie Tern My big sister came home unexpectedly and caught me trying on her clothes, and boy was she ever mad! She slammed her bedroom door tight shut and she said, "Not a word! I thought it was you, little brother, messing with my dresses and undies! Well, I've got good news for you! Since that's what you want to wear, that's what you want to be, from now on you're my little sister, and like it or not you'll wear my bras and panties and...

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Kellys Passion ch 4

Kelly’s Passion Chapter 4 Kelly awoke hour’s later feeling the delicious ache of sexual exertion radiate through her body. Rolling flat on her back, she sighed in contentment as she stared at the mirrored ceiling. Her matted hair was against her head and her thighs were sticky with the dried film of her juices. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve made a hot mess of myself, haven’t I?!’ Memories that were as delicious as they were humiliating replayed through her mind and she giggled softly at the cause of...

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Kellys PassionA Prelude

Kelly stepped out onto the deck of her beachfront condo. It was almost noon and the morning shadows had moved off the back of her home, bathing it in the warmth of the summer sun. She leaned against the solid railing and gazed at the deep blue of the Pacific. The sounds of the surf crashing on the shore and the salty smell of the ocean never failed to put her in a wonderfully relaxed mood. The bright sun was now high in the cloudless sky and felt warm on her bronzed skin. Kelly watched as a...

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Kellys Passion ch 1

Chapter 1 By Milik the Red Four years later… Kelly sighed as the warm spray splashed over her soft breasts. The soapy water felt wonderful as it flowed down her flat belly and over her smoothly shaven mound. Slowly running her hand over her moistening sex, she moaned softly as her finger dipped into her wetness. Her nipples became enlarged, and her heartbeat quickened as her body responded eagerly to the invading digit. Kelly was always easily aroused. She loved the intimacy of sexual...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 1

Because Kelly had sex with a black guy she had met while I was over in Germany, she thought I was upset with her for doing it. I really wasn't and I enjoyed hearing all about it. But she mentioned a couple of things she thought would make up for it so I decided to tell her I wasn't mad, just disappointed. She said she wanted to make it up to me, and that we could talk it over and maybe make plans for her to fuck a few guys at the same time in front of me. We had a video that showed...

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Kellys Exploration

A yearning was growing inside her. A yearning that was very unfamiliar. As she stared at the magazine rack her eyes kept drawing back to the one with the picture of a girl strapped to a wooden cross and a man dressed in black with his head covered holding a paddle in his hand. The title read BDSM Lifestyle. She grabbed the magazine along with a current edition of Cosmo, paid the cashier and headed home. Kelly was a housewife, 38 years old and kept herself in good shape. When she got home she...

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Kellys Passion ch 5

By Milik the Red Kari was overjoyed at her reunion with Kelly and relished the time they spent together that afternoon. As evening approached though, Kelly told her that she had been unable to clear her schedule for the night and had to be at a photo shoot for a few hours. Kari knew her sister was a successful model, and excitedly hoped she might be able to go along with her and watch Kelly be photographed. It all sounded so very glamorous to her, so when Kelly explained that it wouldn’t be...

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Mothers seduction

There was no question, a part of me was shocked yet at the same time I have to admit, it wasn't as if the signs hadn't been there and for that matter, for some long while. I guess the truth was I'd hoped it was little more than my imagination. I eased back a little from my vantage point at the top of the landing, sure I couldn't and wouldn't be seen. For one, the two of them would have assumed I had gone to bed. The second reason being, sitting as they were on the sofa, pretty...

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Kellys Passion ch 2

Chapter 2 Kari stared out through the window and into the night. The moon was full that evening, casting its eerie light upon the floor of the desert. The pale blue radiance of the moonlight gave the desert’s rocks and cacti an almost mournful appearance, as if they were suffering a terribly painful loneliness as they silently watched the world travel by on the blacktop of the interstate. Loneliness was something Kari could understand. For the last nine years of her young life, she had lived...

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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Kellys Passion ch 3

Alex was gone by the time Kelly woke that morning. Opening her tired eyes, she checked the ornate china plate she kept on the nightstand and smiled in satisfaction at the thick envelope he left behind. By the look of it, he had tipped her quite handsomely for her services. This was her standard practice. Unlike most women in her business, Kelly never asked for money up front. Her ‘lovers’ knew she charged five thousand dollars for a night in her bed. Once satisfied, they discretely placed the...

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Kellys sister

If you have read any of my other sexcapades you will know that Kelly was the married woman who i first had sex with at a school disco party then went home with during our lunch break and bunked off of work for the afternoon to spend it shagging. Well Kelly has a sister,Trudy who works at the same place.She is a few years older than her sister with similiarly large boobs and an even bigger butt.I guess she could be labeled a bbw.As they are close as sisters they obviously share...

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Discovering Kellys Secret

I knew Kelly was a different kind of girl. She stood at about five feet nine with a slender build. Her long hair encased her fair, feminine face and big brown eyes. By the way Kelly wore her red short cocktail dress, I could see she kept in shape. Her tits were about an A or B cup with perky nipples and her ass was round and firm to the touch. After several drinks at the hotel bar, Kelly flashed her inner thighs as she caressed my inner thigh. I could tell she was ready to party but not quite...

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Kellys Passion ch 6

As she sat naked in Dan’s lap, May silently mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to Kelly as her friend quietly slipped out of the room. May knew how difficult it had been for Kelly to be with her that night, but May had promised to fulfill a fantasy for Mr. Worley, and one didn’t back out on Hollywood Directors without a very good reason.  Kelly had been masterful with her though. She had skillfully played May’s body like a finely tuned instrument, and driven her to orgasmic distraction while May was...

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Kellys second letter about Darius

This was another letter I got from Kelly while I was in Germany. I still had another week to go before I headed back stateside. While nothing happened this time, it tells of something possible when I returned home. I am posting it because Kelly can get so graphic and I thought you might like this! I have a big box of cards and letters from the entire time we were together and I will keep looking to see if I can find Hi Babe,I miss you and I love you so much. I cried just thinking I let you...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 66 Long Slow Seduction

March 21, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “You seem to be doing a good job with your new friends,” Jessica said as we walked to karate. “I think so, yes. Michelle will be here tomorrow for our usual Sunday afternoon chat, and I already told you about Gina.” “She just tries to wind you up with that stuff!” “Oh, I know,” I chuckled. “And I give as good as I get. I have plenty in reserve!” “What about your artist friend? The one you’ve adopted.” “You know how you girls say I give off a vibe? I’m...

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Sears IslandChapter 13 A farmers day is never done and an ultimatum is issued

I used the tractor to spread the rotted peat over the proposed garden patch. The soil conditioner dug down over fourteen inches to distribute the peat and aerate the soil. We planted the garden including transplanting the tomato seedlings and setting the potato hills. Then I set the fence around the garden. The next time I went into town I bought a bolt-action .22LR rifle with a low-light scope and a brick of ammunition. I thought about what might be coming to dinner and bought a .22 WMR...

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MMDChapter 8Ultimatum

There I was flat on my back at 20,000 miles altitude, flanked by a pair of black panthers at shoulder level. A pair of cheetahs were draped across my legs. A tiger had her head on my chest. There was another cat nuzzling my ear, a Russian Blue named Gunga Troll. When the rabbit nipped my ear I knew I was supposed to get up and go back to work. “AI, next appointment please.” Five minutes! “Excuse me, ladies,” I shifted out from under close to a ton of cats—and a bunny rabbit. It...

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HouseChapter 6 Ultimatum

I stepped out on the hotel veranda. My cup was sitting on the small white ice cream shop table. The cup was full and steaming. I 'accidentally' bumped the table and the cup tipped, spun and crashed to the floor, shattering in a million pieces. One of the "J's" came out with a fresh cup and the pot. I reached in my suit jacket pocket and removed a six and a half ounce bottle of Coke, pried the top off and took a sip. "J" looked disappointed. A summerfolk stuck a cup in her face and...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 41 Ultimatum

"An informal discussion. Is that even possible at a Presidential level?" Dee'rah asked. "Your father and I certainly wish it to be so," Lyn'na-ra responded. "The alternative, if we are unable to find resolution, will be most painful." "And that is?" "Quarantine. We've mentioned it more than once. It is not something we wish, but unless we can convince Earth's leaders, and its peoples, that they are too far down the path; and that they must immediately reverse course, or face...

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Kellys First Time

I was the summer of my 19th birthday, and college parties were the norm. I had been in a few relationships with guys, but they never seemed to work out. There was always one problem or the other. I often found out they were cheating on me, and this really upset me. My name is Kelly and back then I was sort of innocent to the ways of the world. I had dark hair that I always kept short, my brown eyes are big and round, that helped that innocent look I had about me. I had just finished yet...

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Kellys 20th birthday

BY: KellyOn my 20th birthday, I had a home party. It was just my dad, brothers and me. Afterwards, my brother asked dad if he could take me to a party as a birthday present. He said no at first, but after I pleaded with him and brother # 2 promised to watch me like a hawk, he agreed. We jumped in the truck and drove a mile or so. I was wearing A bra, thong and a dress. The dress was thin cotton and showed the outlines of my bra. My brother told me to give him my bra and panties. I did as he...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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A Stepmothers Seduction

Jackie shut the bedroom door behind her and dropped the laundry basket abruptly, her hands flying to her mouth in shock, a load of her husband's clean underwear tumbling to the floor around her feet. She couldn't believe what she just saw as she was walking down the hall, yet she was sure she saw it clear as day - her teenage stepson Brett was in his bedroom totally jacking his dick to a family vacation photo of her in a bikini on the beach! She recognized herself instantly when she saw...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Carrie8217s Seduction

“Do you have your sunblock, Carrie?” asked her mom. She worried about Carrie’s fair skin, and Carrie’s new, first time two- piece swimsuit was an invitation to solar disaster. But she sure looks cute, she said to herself, as ten-year-old Carrie promptly displayed the bottle of sunblock. “Lisa, make sure Carrie uses it. And don’t let her stay in the sun without it. Okay, towels, cooler, beach blanket…do you have every thing?” ...

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Caribbean Temptation and Seduction Chapter Two The Seduction

This is the continuation of Chapter One. Please read that introduction first.THE FIRST NIGHT OUT The two couples sat at a table together and ordered drink. Just as John predicted, every man in the place was staring at his wife – ogling her ass and tits. They ordered drinks and appetizers and sat back listening to the pounding of the music and watching the beautiful bodies on the dance floor moving to the beat. After their second drink John whisked his wife off for a dance, and they enjoyed the...

Wife Lovers
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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 8 Seduction

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Eight: Seduction Notes: Thanks to b0b for Beta reading this! Lamia – The Abyss “I wish to parley with your Lord,” I purred, staring at the women and the charred, skeletal demons that had us surrounded. “Let me tear them apart,” growled my sister Cora. My sister was a brute. A manticore. She towered over me, her body a mass of muscles. I touched her arm and whispered, “Force is not the answer. We are outnumbered. And we need allies if we...

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A Mothers Seduction

The movie was hot. It showed this really hot looking older woman doing all kinds of stuff to this young stud. It wasn't long before I had my pants off and my dick in my hand when all of a sudden I heard "What the hell do you think you're doing young man?" I jerked my head around and saw my mom standing off to the side of the sofa with her hands on her hips glaring down at me as my mouth dropped open is shear horror at being caught. "Is this what you do on MY sofa when nobody's...

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Fictionmania Joanne Chapter 3 Seduction

Chapter Three The Seduction After dinner I helped Carole put everything in the dishwasher and then she took my hand and we went back to the living room. As I sat down she went to get our glasses of wine. As she sat down she moved closer to me. I was wondering what would happen although I had a very good knowledge. She placed her hand on my knee and looked at me; she took her glass of wine and raised it. "Well Joanne here is to our first dinner together, it was very pleasant being...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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The Seduction

01.01 Mary, Lilly, John, The conspiracy: 01.02 Mary, Lilly, John, The preparation: 01.03 Lilly, John, Seduction, Handjob: 01.04 Lilly, John, Seduction, Deep Throat: 01.05 John, Lilly, Seduction, Mating: 01.01 Mary, Lilly, John: Mary, 30, a widower, and her daughter Lilly, live next door to John, a 32 year old who is still recovering from a three year old failed marriage. Their relationship is close but not intimate. Lilly is a precocious 16 year and has come to look at John as both a...

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The Meeting Chapter Two The Seduction

Introduction: She was under his spell as his dominate ways subjugated her completelt. Sex in public is a powerful aphrodisiac to all tha see it. The Meeting Chapter two: The Seduction I was filled with a nervous excitement all day as I kept remembering Willies words. I showered, shaved my legs and pussy making sure my pussy was soft and slick, even rubbing moisturizer on my mons, which of course had me rubbing my clit cumming my ass off thinking that I may have to renege on my statement that...

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