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"An informal discussion. Is that even possible at a Presidential level?" Dee'rah asked.
"Your father and I certainly wish it to be so," Lyn'na-ra responded. "The alternative, if we are unable to find resolution, will be most painful."
"And that is?"
"Quarantine. We've mentioned it more than once. It is not something we wish, but unless we can convince Earth's leaders, and its peoples, that they are too far down the path; and that they must immediately reverse course, or face their fate;, then I fear there will be no choice. Michael and Jon'a-ren have convinced the planetary council to offer this one last opportunity," Lyn'na-ra said. "Jon'a-ren wishes to discuss it first with those he has come to trust and admire among the human leaders, in a private, and informal setting. If he is able to persuade them to make further effort, then we will assist. Otherwise, I fear we will be leaving."
Jon'a-ren flew straight to Camp David, where he was met and escorted to the President's lodge. Waiting there were President Bronstein, UN Secretary-General Kusnadi, and Swiss Ambassador Levant. It was late afternoon, so a small table had been set with a light meal. All knew and were comfortable with each other. Formalities were dispensed with. Only Jon'a-ren knew the serious topic about to be discussed, however.
An hour later, after a very convivial meal and exchange of pleasantries, catching up on family matters and affairs of grandchildren;, the men retired to the lodge's great room, and a circle of seats fronting a stone fireplace. The discreet serving staff wheeled in a small cart with cups and carafes of after-dinner coffee, with tea for Jon'a-ren. They poured for each man, then left as silently as they'd come.
"Forgive me, my friends, if I ask that we dispense with titles this evening. I wish to inform all of you as leaders;, but more importantly, I have requested this informal setting so that I may speak to you as one trusted friend to another. Please allow me to say what I must, and when I ask each of you for an answer, please know that I have good reason to ask, and that your answers are vitally important to the issue.
"Aaron, I ... we, the Masi'shen ... are aware that you consider the threat of nuclear weapons in the hands of Middle Eastern nations to be a grave threat. No one will admit that the Israeli government has such weapons yet it seems commonly accepted that they do. It is also accepted that the Iranian nation feels it must have such weapons to achieve parity, a balance of power. The nations who call themselves the nuclear club fiercely resist the Iranian effort. Is this an issue of trust? The nations with nuclear weapons trust themselves and each other not to use them, but do not trust Iran?"
"That sums it up pretty accurately, Jon'a-ren," President Bronstein answered.
"And there is the premise that any nation possessing these weapons, could use them in response to a sufficiently hostile threat, is that not so?" Jon'a-ren said.
"That over-simplifies it, but yes, I suppose so," Aaron responded. "For many years during the so-called Cold War it was the concept of 'MAD', mutually-assured destruction, that maintained a certain trust, a stability between the opposing powers."
"Yet if my reading of your history is correct, your nations came within moments of unleashing a nuclear holocaust upon yourselves in an incident known as the Cuban missile crisis. Correct?"
"Much closer than any of us care to admit to ourselves, yes," Aaron muttered.
"And I am also aware of an incident of a false alert in which a wave of nuclear-tipped missiles were within moments of being launched against your nation. It was prevented only because a Russian general refused his orders and stopped it. Is that also true?"
"Yes. I have read the classified intelligence briefing for myself. It left me with nightmares."
"Yet these systems, the balance as you call it, and the promise of retaliation should an attack come, these are still in place?" Jon'a-ren pressed ahead.
"They are, but we feel the numbers of weapons and their targets are greatly reduced. We also believe the safeguards to be greater. Where is this leading, Jon'a-ren?" President Bronstein asked. The others remained silent, thoughtful, sipping their coffee.
"Patience, my dear friend. Excuse my direct questions but you will come to see how essential the answers will be to our understanding. I mentioned that Israel has nuclear weapons. They have been very circumspect with them; they have treated their responsibility well. It is a pity I cannot say the same for their use of conventional weapons and their armed forces, however," Jon'a-ren said.
"Indeed? Israel has been hard pressed! They have armed enemies all around. Iran continues to demand the destruction of Israel. There is hardly a day their civilian population does not suffer a terrorist attack, with innocent people maimed or killed!" Aaron answered.
"True. But are these attacks the crimes of terrorists, or the only possible response left to a bitterly oppressed people who live under total Israeli subjugation, economically oppressed, and without any hope of that which the Israelis reserve for themselves? For every Israeli killed, a hundred or more Palestinians die. And Israeli soldiers and bulldozers crush and destroy their homes, entire neighborhoods. Is this not true?"
"They defend themselves," Aaron charged. "They respond to terrorism in the only way they can. They target the terrorists!"
"For every Palestinian father, brother, son they kill, they cause a hundred to rise up in anger in their place," Jon'a-ren responded. "Israeli tank and artillery shells, bombs and missiles, they kill far more than terrorists. They kill families, children, old people in their homes and shops and schools. Far more innocents die than terrorists, my friend. The Israeli retaliation turns the surviving Palestinians into enemies who will never forget, never forgive. Is that the legacy Israel wishes? To forever be the captors and punishers of a subjugated people who despise them and have come to such despair that they live only to die in the effort of taking an Israeli life?
"You do realize, my friend, that the Islamic nations of the Middle East truly consider America their enemy because of blind support for Israel while they continue down this insane path?" Jon'a-ren said.
"What choice do they have? Every gesture of accommodation is met with another attack, another terrorist atrocity?" Aaron snapped back.
"Perhaps. It seems that both the oppressor and the oppressed, are like two men locked together in a grotesque embrace, each holding a knife thrust into the other's back. They are locked in a struggle to the death. Both will die. Is this not hopelessly insane?"
"That's one way of viewing it," Aaron responded. "But what is the answer? We certainly cannot abandon Israel. They are the only beacon of freedom and democracy in that blighted region, and without our guarantee of support they'd be overrun and swept away!"
"Ahhh, yes. We come back to balance of power and retaliation again. The thread from which hangs the fabled Sword of Damocles. The threat of doom which hangs over all. What would you say, Aaron, if I were to tell you that deep under its northern desert Iran has already accomplished its goal of nuclear weapons production? That they have a small arsenal of nuclear weapons already stockpiled and they continue to refine them and add to them? All that remains to accomplish is to retrofit their conventional missiles to carry the new warheads, and that is progressing rapidly?"
Aaron, Sugiarto Kusnadi, and Jacques Levant gasped in shock. Aaron turned pale and then red with anger.
"Those infernal bastards--" he began to shout, until Jon'a-ren's raised hand and stern words stopped him in mid-shout.
"Aaron! I do not tell you this so that you may order your nation's armed forces on high alert! Calm yourself!"
Aaron struggled to come to grips with the horror of this revelation by his Masi'shen friend. Jacques broke the sudden silence.
"This is true, my friend? All the surveillance satellites, the intelligence networks, the probing, the inspectors, all have failed to uncover this horrible Iranian secret?"
"Yes, it is true. That is one reason why I have begged you, my trusted friends, to meet with me. For the moment, Aaron, my friends, please calm yourselves. Please trust that we would not allow a surprise use of these weapons in anger. They are safe where they are for the moment."
"Thank God for small favors," Aaron spat. "But that won't let me sleep any better tonight!"
"I fear you face far greater fears than that, if I cannot convince everyone here of a greater issue," Jon'a-ren sighed. "But first, there is another issue. I'd like to clear up one point. Sugiarto, given this new development in the nuclear balance of power, what can the United Nations do to bring this threat to global security under control?"
Sugiarto hesitated for a long moment before answering: "Given the history of actions by the permanent members of the Security Council, the opposing sides and their views and the historic use of their veto powers, there is nothing that can be done except to hope for a resolution asking for voluntary remission of the weapons. More realistically, given the existing fears, I'd expect one side to call for a coalition of forces to force Iran into yielding the weapons, and equally fierce opposition from the other side. It would result in another increase in tensions between opposing interests," he responded.
"So it is fair to say that the United Nations are not united on the issue of nuclear weapons?" Jon'a-ren accused.
"No, of course not. That has been held as a sovereign right of the great powers, the charter members of the United Nations. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia, the victors of the Second World War; they came together to form the United Nations from the ashes, and they reserved for themselves the right of unhindered sovereignty, essentially granting themselves immunity from any United Nations rulings," Sugiarto explained.
"So it is of no consequence, then, if all the other member nations who do not possess such weapons would decide for themselves that they wish those nations who do have them to be ordered by UN mandate to give up all stockpiles of their nuclear weapons for destruction?"
"Good God, man! No nation would agree to that!" Aaron burst out.
"Regrettably, that is so," Sugiarto agreed. "There would be great fear among each of the nuclear powers that if they were disarmed, left naked and exposed without retaliatory defense, then some rogue nation would somehow acquire a nuclear device and use it with impunity. That is the fear."
"Damned right it is!" Aaron retorted. "Even if I tried, and God knows I wish I could get rid of the damned things, there's not the slightest chance in Hell that I could get the Congress, the military, the courts or the people to go along with it. I'd be driven out of office, impeached, branded a hopelessly insane idealist if I even suggested such a thing!" Aaron explained.
"So in effect, a small handful of nations are holding the world community of nations hostage in a precarious standoff, one that has proven liable to provocation and susceptible to accident. Is that an accurate analysis?" Jon'a-ren asked.
"In point of fact, I think the situation of the vast majority of Earth's peoples forced to live under the shadow of nuclear annihilation with no choice in the matter, no voice that can be raised in meaningful protest, and that your so-called United Nations is deliberately crippled and powerless to act on their behalf ... this speaks volumes as you would say, to the disparity in meaningful relations between our two worlds!" he said.
The others remained silent. Sugiarto was clearly embarrassed and upset; Aaron remained unsettled and angry. Jacques finally cleared his throat and answered.
"As representative of a historically neutral nation that has declined participation in modern wars; one that has exercised neither the desire nor the will to develop such unspeakable weapons, cruel devices of unspeakable horror, I must answer your question by saying, 'yes, we feel as though we've been held hostage to nuclear terror for many years.' We are totally powerless to intercede. We have no choice, no voice, no say in the matter. What you say describes the situation perfectly. And I will add, my friend Aaron, that as much as we do trust you and value your friendship and the support of your great nation, we do resent going to sleep each evening wondering if we will wake in the morning to a world in ashes, or if we will wake at all!"
"Aaron, you are the leader of a great nation, a superpower on the world stage. The burden falls upon you to heed this last challenge.
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Saturday night, the four couples got together as usual, this time at Sean and Kat’s home. Owen and Pam also were invited. Owen made himself more welcome by carrying in a case of very expensive wine as a house gift. Several of the others thought his gift was over the top, especially since they didn’t know who Owen really was. Pam made both potato and three bean salads as her contribution to the meal, and also helped Alice prepare some baked beans and a blueberry pie. Over the previous...
This is a fantasy about an encounter with a female to male transsexual. The possible categories really don't have anything that fits. Thanks to member ftmcock for his inspiration :)I'd finished my regular workout and was showering at the gym. This place was a proper hardbody establishment. Not some yuppie spandex stairmaster place. This is all about weights and reps. So I was feeling pretty good about the shape I'm in and slightly getting off on how my hard, tight body felt as I lathered...
SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERWWW.CRAZYXXX3DWORLD.COM, COPYRIGHT (c) 2011CHAPTER 2"Go sit down. You look like you're gonna pass out," Cassie instructed as she pushed me towards the bed. I was trying very hard not to hyperventilate, without much success. I kept my eyes on the floor and stumbled backwards, finally hitting the bed. I sat down carefully on the edge, waiting for her to start in on me. I refused to look up at her, even though I could feel...
A slavegirl's pain pt 1 Rachel was a masochist. She was also very nervous. She looked again at the advertisement that had brought her on this journey. "Wanted young, blond house and sex slave. Must be willing to suffer bondage, extreme humiliation, severe whipping, and sexual duties. Apply to Mistress Sandi Box 444 Auckland." Rachel put the ad. back in her bag. She shuddered with a mixture of pleasure and horror as she recalled Sandi’s cold, demanding voice on the phone. She told Rachel...
Elizabeth tossed and turned in her bed, dreaming about what cruel creatures lurked beyond the confinement of Installation One. Being a member of the government’s elite science unit, it was her job to investigate the foul creatures left by the nuclear fallout. She had come face to face with most of the passive mutants left in the wastelands including two headed cattle, two headed stags as well as rather large moles that weren’t as friendly. It was now her duty to start rounding up the more...
SupernaturalThe white SUV rolled to a stop at the end of the long driveway nestled amidst the green rolling hills. At its end sat a sprawling ancient mansion, covered in vines and terraced balconies, with spires, towers, and buttresses jutting out at odd intervals in a way that almost made it seem a castle. The car door opened, and Gina Nicholson stepped out to stare at the massive structure. After a merger with a smaller technology firm, her company discovered they held some sort of joint ownership of...
FantasyLisa Kramer stood naked in front of the full-length bathroom mirror, admiring the graceful curves of her body. She had been considered a pretty girl ten years before, when she first met and married Mike, and now, she knew, she was prettier still. The youthful leanness of her body had slowly and subtly disappeared during those ten years, to be replaced by a luxuriant voluptuous fullness that was far more mature, far sexier. Yes, Lisa thought as she ran her hands along her sides and over her...
"I've got it, don't bother." Earl's voice on the phone assured me he was at the site and the heater was on. "I'll come in if you need me to." I told Earl. It was a very cold December for this far south. I'd guessed the mountains being so near made the difference. The site had a few people working today to do basic things that needed to be done before the next step kicked in. Then they were to head home. It was a Friday and a cold one. There was no need to push for a full day's...
July 20th – 23rd, 1998As Heather gazed out across the lush green grass, she thought to herself that she had been on this college campus more times in her life than she really cared to. She had never attended a class here, yet, she knew her way around the campus as if she was a fourth-year senior. At the age of twenty-one, three years removed from high school, she honestly thought she would never return here.“Try to stay together!” Heather yelled out tentatively as she noticed some of her...
TrueCongratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...
Mind ControlIt was early summer and Carol and I had finally slipped into somewhat of a normal daily routine. That doesn’t mean that there was less sex. In fact, I was actually getting a bit concerned about how often we were fooling around. No complaints. But I had work that needed to get done, and a semi-deadline of early September when I was to have some detailed outlines of my dissertation topic in the hands of my doctoral committee. I hadn’t been making much progress on those outlines since that first...
Straight SexSnowflakes melt on my face as I numbly trudge through the ever deeper cover of cottonlike snow. I give a silent prayer to the Gods for the cold. Else I would never have gotten this far.I reach a patch of windswept land and up my pace. A backwards glance tells me my pursuers are lagging behind. This is my territory. My terrain. I know how to make friends with the spirits of ice and rock.Not far now. The glacier sits just on the far side of these craggy spires. Her body a vast mass of white,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI bought my new airplane later that day. It was a little Cessna 172, a four place, single engine plane. It was almost new, having less than a hundred and twenty hours in the air. I had to pay a year in advance in order to lease a tie down space from the company where I'd taken my flight lessons earlier. I had checked out everything about my new plane, including having the guardian perform tests on the structural integrity of the fuselage. Before I bought it, I had checked it out as...
Two is company but Three is … Sonu lay tossing and turning on her bed on the hot summer afternoon. Her 3 yr old son Raghu was playing nearby. Her husband worked in a software firm and had gone abroad for a 4 month assignment. She felt lonely and lazy through the days. The only bright moments were when her husband called but more often than not he was more interested about the kid than her and then he would disconnect. He was a good guy but somehow never connected intimately with Sonu. Even...
IncestHi doston, just to introduce myself, I m 5’9″ in height, smart and fair and from north India but staying in Bangalore working in reputed IT company and earning enough to have fun in my life. Now, coming to my story. This incident happened around 8 month back and after that I’m completely alone. This is all about a gal staying in my apartment in sharing. They were three all together in 2BHK and one of them uses to sleep in hall. And coincidentally we were also 3 bachelor guys staying together in...