I'm Gonna, I'm Gonna free porn video

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I'M GONNA, I'M GONNA God, my life is shit. My life is nothing. I'm 25 and still living at home with my parents, no job, no girlfriend, what am I gonna do? I'm a wreck. My life is disappearing, one day at a time, and it adds up to nothing. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was him. He looks like he knows where he's going, in his flash suit, a young high-flyer. Or him. Or her. In a giddy flash I trip and stumble. I would fall, but Mommy's got hold of my hand and she pulls me up. There's something happening in the street, a crowd forming round a body on the ground. Mommy won't let me look. She pulls me away, but I know what's going on. The driver is out of his car and trying to explain, to himself as much to anyone else, "He came out of nowhere, wasn't looking where he was going, I didn't see him until too late." It wasn't his fault. Everyone sees that. But he still feels guilty. It was his car the young man fell under. He'll never forget that. Someone's called for an ambulance, but it's too late. The boy broke his skull open. His life is over. Mommy chats to me while we walk down the street and she doesn't seem to mind when I say nothing in reply. "We're going to the mall, ok, we need to get you some new stuff for going back to nursery, and then we'll go for coffee, I'll buy you some juice and a chocolate cake. You'll like that Amy, won't you, hmmm? And we're having spaghetti for tea, mmm-mmm!" She buys me new panties and tights and a navy blue skirt and a pink t- shirt with a glittery star on it ("Isn't that cute?") and a hairgrip with a cartoon character on it. And I trail after her on my little legs, saying nothing, thinking nothing, trying just to go with the flow. And before I know it I'm home with spaghetti hoops and a glass of milk inside me and I'm tucked up in bed in my cotton pyjamas and the darkness is closing in. What happened? That man, that man died, run over. That man, that man was me! I'm not dead. So who died? It must have been Amy, little Amy. One minute she's skipping along next to Mommy, the next she's bleeding on the road, dying alone. And nobody knows she's gone. There's nobody to mourn her except me. And it must be my fault. I made some sort of wish didn't I? How the fuck did that happen? I make a wish and Amy dies. She suddenly finds herself in a strange body, she can't control it, she trips and falls. Mommy's not there to hold her, she stumbles in front of a car. Bang! Or maybe, maybe I died and then went into Amy's body. I can't remember. I was distracted, I wasn't looking. Maybe I walked out in front of that car just from damned stupidity and then my soul, or whatever, passed on, into Amy. But then where's Amy? And anyway, re-incarnation doesn't work like that, does it? That's stupid! So what the fuck happened? The whole thing is fucked. And it doesn't make any difference anyway. Either way, Amy's gone and I'm still here and that's not fucking right. I've had a rubbish life and now I've caused so much suffering. The driver of the car didn't deserve to have that happen. He'll never forget seeing that broken body in the street and knowing he did it, even though it wasn't his fault. And my parents, they've lost their son. They must have been disappointed in me, but they'll be grief-stricken. A pointless accident took away their boy. They'll be clearing out my room. God, they'll find my porn. Hey, Mom, I'm sorry. I haven't looked at it in, like, 3 years and I've been meaning to throw it out. And then there's Amy. A totally innocent young girl, dead or gone heaven knows where. Because of me. I can't, I can't handle this. I'm gonna, I'm gonna kill myself. I've got a wee plastic stool in my room for sitting on. Some time when Mommy's watching telly I can take it to the kitchen and stand on it and find a knife and cut my wrists, or my throat or something. I can't live like this. I'm gonna end my worthless existence properly this time, I'm gonna... Oh, fuck, don't be stupid. I can't do that. What'll Mommy think? Am I gonna cause her the same suffering I caused my old parents? No. That'd be the lousiest thing ever. I can't do that. And anyway she's too careful. She'd never let me near the kitchen unsupervised. There probably are no sharp knives within my reach, even standing on my stool. And anyway, I'm a complete coward. There's no way I could stick a knife in myself. Not if my life depended on it. I'm gonna have to live this out. I'm gonna have to pretend to be Amy, the best I can, for Mommy's sake, maybe for Amy's sake as well. Whatever she could have been, I have to be, the best I can. I'm gonna, I'm gonna manage, somehow. I'm gonna... Right now I'm gonna go to sleep. The days pass quickly. You'd think I'd be bored out of my skull, no decent TV, movies, music. The new Tarantino movie's out. By the time I'm allowed to see it it'll be ancient history. But I don't get bored. The days are short and they pass quickly. And there's constant activity - breakfast, lunch, tea, bed, watching cartoons, going shopping, going to the park to play on the swings. I have many stuffed animals of all different sorts and I carry one with me everywhere I go, something to hold on to. I have toys, building blocks, balls, picture books, a million distractions. I run everywhere, full of energy, and I trip and fall and then get up again and keep on running. I'm so clumsy. It's like this body, the controls are too sensitive, the slightest movement and I've overshot, or undershot, I've fallen down or knocked something over. But it's fun, somehow, a constant physical challenge. I concentrate so hard on everything I do. And Mommy's always there. Everywhere she goes I go with her and she holds me and hugs me and smiles at me and laughs with me and I love her so much I feel like I'm living on love. I breathe it and eat it and sleep it constantly. I never want to let go of her. I like Mommy's magazines, full of women I used to fancy, actresses, pop stars, models. Mommy reads to me from them, "So happy now ... beautiful baby ... wonderful husband ... new project ... I'm so thrilled to be working with ... he's so talented ..." I'm gonna, I'm gonna be like that when I grow up. I can picture it. When I go to school I'll be in the Christmas shows, in the drama club. I'll go to college, but keep up acting on the side, student productions, maybe the odd commercial, then get plucked from obscurity for a TV role, in a soap or a sitcom. I'll become a celebrity and I'll entertain millions. And I'll be happy and fulfilled - new husband, wonderful baby, thrilling project. Pretty soon I'm back at nursery, holiday over. And that's hard. Mommy leaves me there, and it's full of people I don't know, but they all know me, and they crowd around me, wanting me to play with them. I just have to try and be friendly to everyone and concentrate very hard to get people's names. And sometimes I make mistakes - "Donnie? I'm Ronnie. Miss, Amy called me Donnie!" And there's so much screaming and rushing around. And I feel a bit out of it, I stand on the sidelines, not quite knowing what to do with myself here. And that's not how the other kids expect me to be. The Amy they know is as boisterous and energetic and unselfconscious as they are. They want me to be involved in everything, like Amy was. "Amy, come and play in the sand." "Amy, do you want to see my new dolly?" "Come along children, let's sing a song. Amy, would you choose a song for us to sing?" The nursery teacher says to Mommy that I'm quieter than usual, quite subdued even. And Mommy agrees, says I've been like that for a few days now. She hopes it's just a phase and the teacher says it probably is. Quiet, subdued. That's nothing to do with being in a new situation, that's just how I am. That's me, not Amy. I am a quiet, shy person and it is very hard to pretend to be different. But it doesn't seem to matter. The other kids get used to my new mood almost immediately and accept me as I am. And they seem to like me so much. They all want to play with me and share their sweeties with me and sing and dance with me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be popular. I'm never gonna be short of friends. I will always be invited to parties and I will have big parties myself for all my many friends. And I will never need to be alone, never go to the cinema on my own or to bars on my own or on holiday on my own. And the boys'll love me. If I grow up like Mommy I'm gonna be a real cracker and the boys'll chase me. Or I'll chase them first. After all, I already know about the birds and the bees. I've got a head start. Girls mature faster than boys, they say. Well I'll mature so fast I'll knock their socks off. I'll give them what they want before they even know they want it. The instant I hit puberty I'll grab me all the love I can get and I won't let go. I'll make up for, for before. I'll have all the boys, maybe some of the teachers, if there are any young, handsome ones. Maybe some of the other girls as well. I'll seduce my girlfriends. We'll pretend to be practising for our boyfriends. "Here, Mary, pretend I'm a boy and kiss me." But in fact we'll share our passionate urges with each other more deeply than we could with any boy. God, I'm gonna be the school bicycle, everyone gets a go with Amy. Or maybe, maybe I'll be selective. To most people I'll be proper and decent. But a lucky few will feel my passionate fire. I'll pick on the shy boys, like I used to be. I will pick the quietest, geekiest, most sensitive boy and make him happy like he never could be otherwise. He won't brag about me to his mates because he won't have any mates. He will only have me and he will be devoted to me and he will adore me like a goddess. Meanwhile, day after day, I throw myself into nursery activities as best I can, building sandcastles, playing ball, drawing and painting. Luckily I was never any good at art before, so I don't have to pretend to be childishly bad at it now. My daubs in crayons and watercolours are no more recognisable as trees or doggies or mommies than those of any of my classmates. There are lots of posters and stuff with writing stuck up on the walls and there are also blocks with letters on them. But I'm too young to read them so I don't have to pretend to struggle with them. I can just ignore them. But school's gonna be a problem though, when I get there. How will I manage? Can I pretend to learn things I already know perfectly well, reading, writing, arithmetic? If I grip my pencil very hard and try to make big, clumsy movements will I be able to make those big, spidery letters junior school kids make when just learning to write. If I try and phonetically spell out every word ("guh, uh, er, luh, girl,") can I sound just like the other kids learning to read? Can I work out what sort of realistic mistakes I should make in my sums, so nobody realises I can do it already? And, most important, can I keep it up, day after day, week after week? Can I be consistent, not be too smart one day, and go back to making mistakes again the next? If I slip up, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be some kind of infant prodigy if I don't watch out, a freak. I'll have the authorities on to me in no time and they'll be testing me and wanting me to go to a school for gifted children. But maybe, maybe that won't be so bad. I could relax a bit. I wouldn't have to work quite so hard pretending to be an ordinary little girl. I wouldn't get bullied for being a swot. I'd get to study interesting stuff more quickly than I would normally. I always liked science and maths and I was good at it. I didn't drop out of college from stupidity. Maybe this time I can make a go of it, become a great scientist or something, discover new drugs, new stars, new theorems, or something. Or not. I'll be, like, advanced for my age, until I get to first year at college. Then I'll have, like, caught up to my previous self. And I'll be no brighter than anyone else, not a prodigy any more, just an average college kid. They'll say I'd burned out. Hey, I'd be normal for my age then. Nothing wrong with that. I'll not have to pretend any more. And maybe, maybe I wouldn't be normal even then. I mean, if I start out from where I am now, a four year old girl who can not only spell 'differential calculus', but also knows what it means, then who knows where I can get to if I work at it. Maybe, maybe I'm gonna be a real genius, someone important, Nobel-prize winning, doing cure-for-cancer or solving-the-energy-crisis kind of stuff. Maybe I'll do some great service to humanity. Maybe... Oh, who knows? I don't know. I don't know. I think I'll just take it one day at a time for now, just enjoy my finger-painting and sandcastle building while I can. Daddy came home today. Back home from a six week contract, fresh pay packet in his pocket and many beers in his belly, he swept in all at once, pinned Mommy to the wall, squeezed her breast and plastered a drunken kiss on her lips. Then he swept me off the floor and kissed me as well, boozy breath in my face, unshaven cheek on my lips. "Hey baby, sweetie, how are my two favourite girls eh? How've you been with daddy away, eh? Get me a whisky would you babe? Hey, little Amy, look what I got you?" It was a big teddy bear, really too large for me to cuddle properly, though I give it a dutiful squeeze and tried to look happy with it. It was late in the day and I was sent to bed after that, but I couldn't sleep. Life with Mommy was just so perfect I could hardly bear to think of this alien presence coming between us. I'd sort of known he existed. There were a few photos. And Mommy mentioned him occasionally, but kind of distantly. I'd never thought of him as someone who might actually turn up some day. But now here he was. I must have dozed for a few hours because then I was awake again and hearing Daddy clomping up the stairs to bed. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he was clearly in a jolly mood. He clattered into Mommy's room and I could hear his drunken chatter and Mommy asking him to shush, don't wake Amy. And then their bed was banging against the wall for a few minutes. And then there was quiet and I was asleep again. The next morning Mommy seemed kind of quiet and distracted. She bustled around the kitchen while Daddy had breakfast and read his paper. Then he went out. Mommy swept around doing housework all day and told me to stay out of her way, so I sat in my room. It was a Saturday, so no nursery. And that's how it was then. When Daddy was here he sat watching telly, sports mostly, and Mommy sat next to him or got him drinks when he asked. When Daddy was out at the pub Mommy was busy, too busy for me. Sometimes I joined them on the sofa, Daddy's arm round me. But it was boring just watching the football. Daddy didn't want to play with me, but he wanted me there. He called it "being a family," the three of us sitting there watching his programmes. He was frequently affectionate. He ruffled my hair or squeezed my shoulders. But he was easily irritated. If I showed my boredom he could turn on me. "Don't you want to sit with Daddy? Well bugger off then. Nobody's forcing you to sit there. Go on, get lost." And I would be glad to get away. He made me jumpy. And late at night, when Daddy came home drunk, he was always noisy, in the kitchen, on the stairs, in Mommy's room, with loud footsteps, banging, sometimes singing. One night I heard shouting, a slap, then the bed banging against the wall. That morning Mommy was very quiet and her eyes were red. I wanted to comfort her, somehow, but she pushed me away, she wouldn't look at me. "Go to your room. Can't you see Mommy's busy?" One night I woke to the sound of Daddy banging the door and clomping up the stairs. Then he came into my room. "Hey, Amy, how's my little baby doll, eh? How's daddy's little girl?" For some reason I was suddenly struck rigid with terror. I couldn't move a muscle. Daddy ruffled my hair, slobbered over me with beery kisses and tried to tickle me on the chest. "Hey, hey, Mommy's sleeping, shush, shush, let's not wake Mommy, just us two, eh, eh?" And then he pulled down my pyjama bottoms, spat on his hand and started rubbing me between my legs. What the fuck? What the fuck did he think he was doing, foreplay? Did he think he was getting me hot? I was four, for Christ's sake, I wasn't hot. I was sore. Daddy was hurting me. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "What the...!" He couldn't believe it. "Shush! Shut up! What are you doing?" "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "I said Shut! The Fuck! Up!" And he raised his hand and - Bang - he slapped me across the face. "WAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Shut up I said!" And he stuffed his hand against my mouth, desperate to silence me any way he could. And then suddenly Mommy, may God bless her soul forever, is there, in nothing but her panties and her righteous wrath. And she takes one look at me, wailing my eyes out, with my jammies round my ankles, and one look at him, backing off, hands raised defensively, and she starts trying to lay into him, beating her fists off his chest. And he has to physically push her off him, throw her against the wall, while simultaneously trying to get his excuses in. "Calm down, you stupid bitch! It's not what you think." And then the police are around to speak to Daddy. "This really isn't necessary. My wife just panicked a bit. Nothing happened." "Well, ok sir, but we still have to investigate any complaint, so if you'll just open the door sir..." And Mommy has to confess that she didn't actually see anything happen, as such. And I'm crying too much to give a coherent story. And Daddy is contrite and cooperative. "Ok, I was drunk, I blundered into the wrong room. I obviously frightened her.... Her pyjamas? It's warm; she must have pulled them off herself... Yes, I did hit her, just a tap really. I panicked. I thought she was going to wake the whole street up... No, no, I don't believe in it normally. No, we never smack Amy... probably the shock as much anything, she got a bit of a fright from her stupid old dad, she'll get over it... I feel so stupid... never happened before." A nice policewoman interviews me. "Amy, can you tell me, has this ever happened before?" And I cannot tell a lie. "I don't know. I don't know." But really, I do know. That can't have been the first time. It's just that Amy never cried out before. She suffered in silence. And then the police are away again. "Call us again, Madam, any time you need to. And there'll be a social worker round tomorrow, just to check up, ok?" And a medical exam shows no sign I've been interfered with and there's not really enough evidence for further action. And Daddy wonders if maybe he can put this all behind him, get on with life, back to normal. But the look in Mommy's eyes tells him he can't. Nothing she's put up with from him before compares to this. No matter how often she's given in to him before, she will not give in again. Two days later Mommy and me have moved out of our house into a tiny flat in the city. Mommy has to work in a supermarket and I hardly get to see her. When I'm not at nursery I stay with an old lady down the corridor. She's quite nice and gives me sweeties, but her flat smells funny and I feel lonely. I go to a different nursery now and because I'm new nobody's surprised that I'm a bit quiet and shy. I think they must know something about me because they all seem really careful to be nice to me. And when Mommy's home she won't let me out of her sight. She hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe sometimes. She won't let go of me. She looks at me sometimes with fear in her eyes and I can hardly bear it. I feel I would do anything, absolutely anything, to make her happy again. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be a policewoman, or a social worker, or a doctor or a nurse, or something, something to help people in desperate need, people like Mommy, like Mommy helped me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make Mommy proud of me, for all the love she gives me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Oh, God, who am I kidding? I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might do anything, or nothing. I'm gonna, I'm gonna...

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From the view of Mrs Wild.I got out of my car and went inside to set up the experiments as well as my own first experiment. I was wet with excitement.It was about six months ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind. * Six months earlier, I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was a couple of years younger than me, must have been in her early sixties now. We met when Michelle was...

3 years ago
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CD Domina training two slaves

Just five days had passed since my last session with my slave Candy and already I was yearning for his sexy body again. I was in need of another meeting and had something special planned for it. I called Candy's phone and just like previously he answered before it could ring twice and greeted me anxiously."Hello Mistress Cheyenne," Candy said as he answered his phone."Hello slave Candy," I replied. "I want you to be at my house tonight at 8 PM and this time I want you wearing nothing but the...

3 years ago
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HomelessChapter 12 More than a mouthful

When we got back up to our hotel room (at about 3:00 the next morning), she gave me back the money she had won. I told her she could keep the $200 that she was up, but she pushed it back to me. "I know that what I'm giving you, you could get from tons of girls. I'm not so stupid that I think I'm the only girl in the world. Whatever you make me do can't be worth what I'm costing you, so let me pay you whatever I can... I just want you to want to keep me. That's all." She was now...

1 year ago
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First session with a dominant bi couple

First session with a dominant bi couple. First of all, this is the first story that I publish online and please be considerate accordingly :) I look forward to criticism or suggestions in the comments or by message. I wrote it in German and have now translated it, I hope you enjoy reading it. And now have fun reading. The first session I sit in the car in front of your apartment, nervous and excited. Fortunately, I arrived on time and now wait the last few minutes so that I can ring you at 6...

3 years ago
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Happy To Be Of Service

I was tired. I had worked a double yesterday and was neck deep in another one today. The restaurant was crawling with people and families of all different kinds having a grand old time on Mother's Day. I rushed from table to table, normally we're only restricted to three tables at a time but due to some servers coming down with sudden inexplicable "illnesses" I had three six tops and a party of 15 all to myself. I forced a smile and bid farewell to one of my tables as they got up and left,...

Straight Sex
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My Best Friend Dave Becomes My Wifes Lover

Dave and I had been friends for the past ten years. I got to know him from the office, and our friendship then carried over into our personal lives. Dave went through a rough stretch about three years ago when he got divorced. My wife Jen and I were there for him, we spent a lot of time with him after that. Jen felt sorry for him and I watched the two them become close. Dave was several years younger than Jen and I, at 38 he still was very much a ladies man. He had that charisma about him...

2 years ago
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Me and my stepmom part 3

*DISCLAIMER* ALL OF THIS STORY IS FANTASY AND WHAT I'D LIKE TO DO WITH MY STEPMOM ( THE ATTRACTION IS REAL THOUGH )One day while me and Sarah were in wal-mart, I walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. "I'm super horny baby." She giggled, and said "wanna fuck in the public bathroom? " I rubbed her ass, and said "I'd love to." She went in first (into the family bathroom. The one with only one toilet, and for all genders) and I followed a couple minutes after. I knocked, she said ...

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Toms Revenge

It took me some time before I could make it happen, but I had promised myself that one day I would get back at the bitch and that night the stars aligned themselves just right. Laurie looked good, but then she always did. Five foot four, blond hair and 145 pounds distributed to make her 36C/25/37 body truly mouth watering. At thirty-seven she looked more like she was in her late twenties and I could see all of the male eyes in the place linger on her. I hadn't known that this would be the...

2 years ago
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     The door closed behind me as I slid into the seat.  I watched in total apprehension as the Police Officer walked around and climbed behind the wheel.  He checked his mirrors and pulled away from the curb without speaking.  After he closed the windows he turned on the air-conditioning, it felt good.  "Thought I told you to wait for me at the car he said."  'You did, I answered.'  'But you took off,'  'Yes. I got scared, I said'  He looked me over, for a second or two, I was wearing shorts...

3 years ago
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Three for the Summer

The boss was a nice guy, but sometimes he did goofy things. Last summer was one of those times. In early June he brought these three beautiful blondes to my desk and said, “Bill, I want you to meet my daughters. They’re called Pine, Oak and Maple because they’re such wooden heads.” He laughed; the girls didn’t. “They want to work here this summer. OK? So put ‘em to work. They’re out of school until September.” I found some chairs and they sat. They could have been triplets, almost. Three...

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A very special 15th birthday part 2

"what did you think?" i asked "that was incredible!" "i'm glad you enjoyed it but now its your turn to do that to me" "emm... ok but i may not be very good, it will be my first time" "yeah well me doing it to you was my first time, now stopping making excuses and move over and let me lie on the bed." With that i moved him over and lay down on my back on the bed, my cock at right angle to my body hard as a rock and desperately needing some relief. ross finally got the drift and...

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Stein Um SteinChapter 3

Martin had been thinking as he drove home, an idea had hit him on his way out of his office. Now he was working out what needed to be done to implement it. He pulled up outside his house and sat for a while going over the last details in his mind. He smiled to himself, it was ingenious in it's simplicity with only one complication, if it worked he was home free if not he would have to go with the plan laid out to him by his anonymous copper. He heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs as...

3 years ago
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Soulmates All Along Ch 01

Clark sat there across from her, staring into her eyes for what felt like an eternity. Finally he slowly put his hand gently on her left cheek. His expression got serious as it often did when he was about to tell her something he didn’t want her to take lightly. ‘You are so beautiful. Do you realize wars have been fought for this?’ She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her whole life, Jean had dreamed of hearing sweet things from Prince Charming, but never in her wildest imagination could...

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Wife got cock flashed

A few years ago we had a near neighbour who had recently moved into the street and very soon after parted with his very pretty wife. She was a 30 something redhead who I tried on many occasions to get a peek at dressing/undressing through her bedroom window but unfortunately it just never happened, he was a 30 something fit quite good looking guy. Anyway, a couple of months after moving in she up and left the marital home A few weeks after his wife left home, Sue (my wife) noticed the guy (who...

1 year ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 3

With the events of this day, a new legend was born in the Dakotas. The story spread like prairie fire across the plains and people from hundreds of miles away made the pilgrimage to Eagle Creek Trading Post. They wanted to hear from Mr. Raif and his woman first hand about the day the heavens opened up and Good fought Evil above the plains as their son was delivered to them by a giant eagle, sent from heaven directly to the Dakotas. The Sioux came by the hundreds to give homage to the Sky...

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The full body workout

I really like to work out. So, to avoid getting sick, I bought full set of gym equipment to home. Well, not full set since that would have been overkill. But more like bench, bar, dumbbells, and enough weights to manage. It's funny how much you can get done just by even having a simple lifting bar at home. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to working out, but that is my standard method of staying in shape. I am quite athletic, and I like to show it off. What's the point of working out if...

2 years ago
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Dost ki saadi ke baad

Hi dosto aap ne is story ke aage ke bhag padhe honge ye 4 part hai bahut lambi ho rahi hai kyu ke me jo hua wo pure ka pura sach bata raha hu taki aap ko maja bhi aaye. Ha to me rohit gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau se hu or me 25 saal ka hu me mere mayur dost hai ushki shadi me gaya tha waha ki bat hai.to aage ab story pe aate hai…. Me or payal bhabhi bike pe shadi me ja rahe the tab mene bhabhi se puchha tha ki bhabhi aap ki suhagraat kesi rahi thi. To bhabhi ab batate hai ki jab me shadi karke...

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My vacation with nurse

Hello Readers, I have been reading Indian sex stories and watching porn movies over the net for long time but this is first time I decided to share my experience with you. I narrated our conversation in Tamil with hope you all will enjoy it. Please don’t forget to send your views comments and valuable suggestions to improve my writing in forthcoming encounters which I expected shortly. My e-mail ID. Let me brief about me. I am Rajhkumar, 35 yrs, fair, slim looking, married, 5’7” height and...

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Take It

          Sam knelt down on his Mistresses command, legs spread.            "On your knee's" she commanded, slapping a whip against her open hand. It hit with a small sound, enticing Sams gaze to flick to the whip. His Mistress stopped hitting her hand and Sam looked up obediently, his wants apparent. She smiled at him. Though, not a nice smile. Sam opened his mouth to speak and received a hard slap against his cheek. He took it; hardly wincing. The red mark slowly faded,...

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Pursuing a Fantasy

Pursuing a Fantasy Part 1 I'm sitting in my car outside the Albatross, its rainbow flag fluttering in the soft night breeze. Would tonight be the night? I have come here on three consecutive Saturdays to find an answer, or to answer a longing. Well, perhaps three is a charm. I lock the car and proceed to the door. A wave of music and conversation greets me as I open it. I give what I hope is a friendly smile to the few faces that turn to witness my entry. I walk up to the bar and select an...

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Melissas Dreams

Melissa found her svelte body being pushed into the bed. Her legs curved outwards and tucked up beneath her; her bum partly projecting over the end of the bed. A large hand pressed down onto the base of her spine, pinning her in place. A cock, the largest cock she had ever felt, fucked her relentlessly. Every penetrating thrust resulted in Melissa exhaling into the damp bedclothes; her hands outstretched and clinging onto the sheets above her head, pulling them towards her. Her head shook from...

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‘I wouldn’t know,’ said Carol, blushing furiously ‘I’m still a virgin!’ I looked at her in astonishment. ‘Still a virgin? But you went out with Roger for five years. Didn’t you ever do it?’ ‘Roger didn’t believe in sex before marriage and, well, you know me. I’m too bloody self-conscious and nervous to say anything.’ she replied, her cheeks turning scarlet. Carol is my best friend. We met at University and we’ve been close ever since, to the point of taking jobs in the same company. She was the...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 39

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 39 Laura and Miriam were still talking in the dry cleaners, completely unaware of what had transpired. Only pausing when customers came in, they were now awaiting the arrival of their daughters. "They should have been here by now," said Miriam. "I'll just take a look outside," said Laura. Paula was kneeling over Kelly, tears and mascara running down her face. A crowd had gathered and the female driver of the car had also come out to see if Kelly was...

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GeniusChapter 15 Brak Distar

We arrived to find a battle-zone had been created in the town; the park was a mess of craters. Immediately Al deployed himself around me and began displaying the immediate surroundings. There were several blips showing on the screen which were of injured soldiers. I ran to the nearest seeing Margaret going to another injured man 'Revitar' I said hearing Margaret saying 'Revitar' as well, the man I was working on began coughing and then he looked around, "What ... what happened?" He...

4 years ago
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Didi Ki Pyas Kathmandu Me Bujhai

Hello friends mera naam Naitik(name changed) hai. Mai Birgunj (Nepal) ka rehne wala hu.. Ye story meri aur meri didi Sweta (name cahnged) ki hai.. Ye meri pehli story hai.. Ye story bikul true story hai.. Ab boar na karte hue storie pe ata hu. Ye story Kathmandu ki hai.. Meri didi ki shadi Kathmandu me hui hai… Sayad unka fig 38 26 34 hai .. Dikhne me sex goddess hai… Ye story 1 saal purani hai. Mai aur meri didi ek dusre se bht close hai.. Par kabhi bhi didi k bare me aisa soch nae rkhta tha.....

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Shirley 02

At this point in my life I was pretty naive, actual sexual encounters had been limited to 'fumbles' with girls in not very conducive situations.Frustratingly I always knew that I was up for anything, from viewing porn that was available and just by instinct.During our time together Shirley showed me that she enjoyed every fuck pleasure AND enabled me to experience them.She was an attentive lover and was always understanding of what I needed at any given time.The first thing I learned from her...

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Unexpected Threesome 2

I am lying back on the bed, sweaty, a bit out of breath and my thoughts all over the place. Wow is the usual expression I think for these things. My wife is cuddling up to me. “How is my boy?” She asks with a naughty look in her eyes. “I’m very good thank you”. Laura grabs a towel and places it between her legs. Getting up off the bed with a small giggle she declares that she needs to clean up a bit and that she will be right back. I turn to look at my wife. So, she says, are you ready for...

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The Gift Hitchhiker

Early in the spring of 1977, on a sunny Saturday afternoon, my young bride and I (Our first anniversary and her twenty-first birthday was still a few months away, in June. I had just recently turned thirty-three.) drove to Pomona for a portable TV that was on sale and then the plan was an early dinner prior to us going home to get ready for Game Night. By now the 'Game' was a regular weekend activity that we had successfully played at least a dozen times. She had taken the opportunity to...

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Naangu Perum Ondraga Sappi Oothom

Vanakam enathu peyar Maalathi vayathu 26 ennaku oru thozhi irukiraal avalin peyar suganya vayathu 25. Naangal iruvarum inai piriya thozhigal iruvarum ore kalluriyil padithu vanthu irunthom. Naangal chennaiyil vasikirom thinamum perunthil sendru varuvom appozhuthu niraiya aangalai idithu kaama sugathai anubavaipom. Engalin mulaigal migavum perithaaga irukum athnaal niraiya vayasu pasangal engalin arugil vanthu urasuvaargal. Naangalum engaludaya mulaiyaal avargalai idipon pinbu avargalin sunniyal...

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Lori Tries a Gloryhole

Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...

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All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go 3

All Dressed Up but Nowhere to Go By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three As the door slammed, Tim felt terrible, instantly losing his appetite and then knocking on Jacob's door. His efforts to talk were turned away as Jacob shooed him off so into his own room he went, watching television. In the morning, Jacob was waiting in the kitchen having Tim's breakfast ready when he came out of his room. He was dressed even more casually in black leggings, flats and a sparkly...

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Hermione Granger and the Sneaking Spell

"Akobabae lumaho," Hermione read quietly, carefully going over every syllable. It was just after dinner, but she was already in bed. Her curtains were drawn shut despite Gryffindor's girls dormitory being nearly empty. The witch's heart was beating at a maddening pace that threatened to rip a hole through her tee shirt. She struggled to control her breathing enough to allow her to repeat the words, but her thoughts were whirling out of control. A high-pitched, mad, sort of giggle escaped her...

2 years ago
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I Think Theres Something Funny Going On Here

“I think there’s something funny going on here!” Mila whispered.   We were just getting back to our room from an afternoon down at the beach. It had gotten dark, and we were going to take a dip in the hot tub in the common room of the rustic bed and breakfast where we were staying.   “What do you mean?” I asked.   “Listen!” She said, her ear to the door.   I put my ear to the door, and could hear noises of people moving about.   “So we don’t have the...

Group Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 453

On Owning a Canadian On her radio show in the U.S.A, Dr. Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, written by a U.S. man, and posted on the Internet. It's funny as well as informative: Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show,...

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The Hawkins Place

by Philip Johnson Chapter One I had lived in the Midwest for all of my thirty-seven years, and a good number of those years were shared with Pat. We never married but we had been inseparable. Now, all of a sudden the Midwest and Pat seemed out to get me. It started with me coming home from work one day to find a note from Pat saying goodbye. It seemed she had a sudden need for California sun. Were there warning signs? Probably. Did I see them? Apparently not. Her leaving caused a big hole in...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Jaimie Vine She Gets Satisfaction

Age: 27; Born: August 13; Ht: 5’5″; Wt: 126 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Black thongs, usually; Anal: Yes; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: At least once a day. We asked Jaimie why she decided to make her first porno. “I realized that I was masturbating all the time but not getting the kind of satisfaction that I required. I figured porn is full of well-endowed guys who know their way around a pussy and can stay rock-hard for hours. That sounded enticing to me. “I live in...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 42

Sir Henry began again, "Another thing while I've got you; the overheads of the 'Widow' show that there was a period of electronic interference broadcast about the time a 'tainer was discharged from the vessel out of usual hours. We got the feeds from the overheads and have identified the safe house being used. I put in some Ghorkhali teams to follow the people inside buildings and I am seeing an interesting mesh being made. Sidney has been most helpful, he has identified one of the...

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MrLuckyPOV Joseline Kelly Juicy Booty Brunette Nympho Throws That Ass Back

Joseline Kavaski (previously Joseline Kelly) is ready to get raunchy, sloppy, nasty and covered in cum once again. This tattoo’ed brunette slut with perky natural breasts and a round, thick, incredible ass uses her prime pussy and dick sucking lips to keep this cock cumins over and over and over. She whispers filthy words while climaxing multiple times. She shakes her world famous ass and bounces it back from doggystyle and reverse cowgirl. Watch her pussy and mouth get stuffed with cum in this...


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