Observer free porn video

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Observer By Enigma "Ohhhh!" Jeannie's moans of pleasure echoed around the room. Her breath cut off as her body first went rigid, and then shook as waves of pleasure washed over her. "I'm... come... ming...!" I gasped as I drove deeply into my wife and felt the pulses of climax shake my very being. I collapsed on top of Jeannie, and felt her wonderful C-cup breasts mash against my budding A-cups. I rolled to the side, pulling her with me, maintaining the intimate contact between our boobs, staying buried deep within her. As we both struggled to regulate our breathing and racing pulses, I reflected on how we got here. Jeannie and I met and fell in love in college, while I pursued a degree in communications, and she was working toward an advanced degree in psychology. It was the beginning of the last year of school for each of us, even though she was in her seventh year of college, while I was in my fourth. Our romance blossomed into flame very quickly, and led to an intense sexual relationship soon after. It wasn't long before she discovered my secret addiction, cross-dressing. I think that may be what influenced her to shift her specialty to the treatment of gender identity disorders, as she sought to understand what made me tick. Jeannie was gorgeous. About 5' 6", and around 120 lbs. with a trim, well toned body measuring in at 34C-24-32. She has beautiful auburn hair that I know is natural based on the color of another patch of her hair that I am intimately familiar with. I am about 2 inches taller, but rather slender. Her bras fit me just fine, excepting the filling for the cups. Given my penchant for dressing, I measured myself at 34- 29-30, and tipped the scales at a hefty 125. Not exactly a womanly figure, but it served as a reasonable canvas for painting the picture of femininity I seem compelled to present on occasion. My longish golden blonde hair helped too. Soon after graduation, we were married. Jeannie joined several other psychologists in a thriving practice, and I found work at a local advertising agency, doing rather obscure work for the various clients of the firm. That suited me fine, as I did not have great self- confidence, so I was able to do work that I'd trained for without the public interaction that frequently went with my career. I think Jeannie was using me to hone her skills in the counseling of GID patients. I had always felt that I was simply interested in an occasional bout of dressing in women's clothes. And that was all it was over the first two years of marriage. During that time, Jeannie first tolerated, and then came to support my 'hobby'. As she came to accept it, she gradually began to participate in my efforts, and even encourage it in some ways. By our second anniversary, my skill had progressed with her help to the point that I semi-regularly went out en femme with Jeannie for shopping, a movie, or dinner. I was comfortable in public and felt I made a reasonably attractive woman. Although I didn't recognize it at the time, I think this was about the point that her focus shifted subtly from my interest, which was cross- dressing, to her interest in transsexuals. As I say, it was not an obvious shift, but very gradual, and I did not pick up on it for some time. Maybe six months later, thanks to her guidance, my thinking had also followed that subtle shift, really without a conscious awareness on my part. I am sure the change was at least in part a result of 'unofficial therapy' administered by my wife. We had always been good at communicating with each other, and talked at length about many subjects, including gender identity issues and how they applied to me. So it was maybe seven or eight months ago that I made the decision to begin transition as a M2F transsexual. At least, I think I made the decision. What that amounted to was to begin taking hormones, and extend my now fairly frequent cross-dressing to be full time. In other words, I began my Real Life Test. Based on letters from my therapist (Jeannie), and thanks to the obscurity of my work at my agency, I was able to continue in my job while dressed as a woman with minimal impact. And Jeannie made sure the hormone regimen was such that it would have no impact on our still sizzling sex life for a long time, while gradually helping my body shift to a more feminine contour. My female impersonation has progressed to the point that I feel I am quite attractive, and apparently so do several of the men at the office, who ask me out with some regularity. Our breathing had settled more or less to normal as I was lost in reverie. I was snapped back to the present by Jeannie's words, "A penny for your thoughts." I blushed and averted my eyes. "Still have concerns about this journey you're on?" she asked. "No... Yeah... I don't know!" I fumbled for words. "Actually, that was not what I was thinking about. Not directly anyway." I blushed again. "I was just wondering what it's like for a woman. The sex, that is." Jeannie grinned. "Well, you get the chance to observe often enough!" She giggled. I snickered too, at the reference to our frequent encounters between the sheets, but sobered quickly. "Actually, I am always too distracted to be much of an observer." Jeannie looked pensive for a few moments, while I searched for something to follow that up with. I'm not sure who was most shocked at the words that tumbled from my mouth next, "Maybe I could watch you make love to someone else." When what I said sank in fully, I gasped in dismay. When Jeannie recovered enough to speak she said incredulously "Patrick! Um, Patricia! Are you suggesting I violate our wedding vow?" "No! Not really." But the thought had wormed its way deep into my brain and wouldn't dislodge. "It's just that I love the sex I have with you, and I don't really know what I would be getting into if I complete transition!" "Well you can forget that idea right now!" "I'm sorry! I don't know where that thought came from." But Jeannie had already turned her back to me, and was conspicuously ignoring my words. For the next several days, the atmosphere was decidedly chilly in our bedroom. For that matter, it was quite cool in any room we both occupied at the same time. No matter how I tried to apologize, she wouldn't listen. Finally, after almost two weeks, she snuggled up against my back one night after I had settled down and was almost asleep. Her arms came around me and stroked some fascinating spots as she whispered, "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch this past few weeks." What quickly followed was a frantic coupling that was frenzied due to the incredible length of the abstinence. At least in our married life, it was a record drought. When we came down from the rush, I spoke softly, "I'm sorry. It was an awful idea. It's just that I have this fear that I am giving up something incredible with no assurance that there is anything to make up for it!" "Shh. I know. If you could just feel what I feel right now, or even see the depth of my feelings as I climax, you wouldn't worry. The female orgasm is fantastic! From what I've observed, it is much better than your male one." "But how do I know that? My focus is so tied up in my genitals that I never truly see your release." She thought for a while. "Maybe you're right. You really have no way of knowing. And also maybe it is correct that observing without participation would give you the chance to really absorb what I feel. But I made a vow..." I sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I've tried to tell you it was a bad idea. Forgive me?" She continued to frown with concentration. Almost to herself she said, "Maybe there's a way... Maybe that wouldn't be breaking the spirit of the vow." "Hunh? What are you talking about?" She spoke up a little, more like she was talking to me than herself now, "If we made a pact between us, to sort of clarify our definition of our wedding vow..." She could see I was lost. "What I was thinking was that if I swore to never engage in sex with another person unless you were there, and you initiated the contact, then it would prove that you knew of and approved the act. And you could swear the same thing. Then we both would have absolute confidence in the fidelity of the other, and not be breaking our marriage vow." I thought for a moment. "I don't know. I'm not sure I really want you... Um, what do you mean by me initiating the contact?" I was pretty flustered by this turn of events. She considered her words. "Well, before I could have sex with another man, you would have to, for example, guide his cock into my pussy with your own hand." My own manhood gave a definite twitch at the erotic picture that evoked. "Or into whatever opening was to be used." This new image made it positively stand at attention! I was shocked that the thought of someone else with my wife could have that effect on me! "Um, I'm not sure... I don't think... Um..." I couldn't formulate any coherent thought. "Well, a pact like that couldn't hurt even if we never do anything. Just to be on the safe side, do you so swear?" "Um, yeah, I guess." "No. There can be no guessing. We have to be absolutely clear on this. To swear the pact I suggested, you have to say specifically 'I so swear'!" I gulped then said with a shaky voice, "I so swear!" She nodded decisively and said, "And I also swear to the same pact." She settled down and soon was breathing regularly in sleep, while my mind was in a whirl, and sleep was very slow coming. With that settled in Jeannie's mind, our sex life soared back to its previous frenetic level. Neither of us raised the issue for a couple of months while my waist gradually narrowed, my hips and fanny puffed up, and my bust increased toward a B-cup. The sensations from my budding breasts increased as well, and teasing my nipples became a regular part of Jeannie's attention during our lovemaking. Finally, one night after our customary euphoric activity, Jeannie broached the issue of my transition again. "Are you finally comfortable that the sex after transition will be as good as before? As good as I say it is?" I blushed again. "No, I'm sorry, not really. How can I be? It still bothers me sometimes. I so love what we do now that I hate to give it up for the unknown." "Time is running out, sweetie. You have progressed to the appearance of a beautiful woman, and the final step to complete transition could be made soon. A decision will need to be made in the near future. Is it time to exercise our pact?" "No! Maybe... I don't know! Jeannie, love, I am just so confused." In point of fact, fantasizing over what my wife had said before, her description of the consummation she used to define our pact, had fueled my arousal to unheard of levels over the past two months. "Patty, darling, I have no great desire to do such a thing, but I have convinced myself that I will do it gladly if you think it will help your peace of mind." "I just don't know! It scares me. I don't even know how we would do it!" Jeannie smiled a bit sadly. "I guess my girlfriend and I would go out clubbing, pick out an interesting but safe looking gentleman and take him to a motel room. Once there, we would proceed as we agreed in our pact. It shouldn't be too hard." "Oh, um, OK." I wasn't sure if I was agreeing it wouldn't be hard, or if I was agreeing to do it. A tear rolled down Jeannie's cheek, so I figured she took it as the latter. Friday rolled around and Jeannie took charge when I got home from work. We both bathed with sweet smelling bath oils, and ensured there were no stray hairs where there shouldn't be. She encouraged me through doing makeup, then donning stockings, sexy lingerie, a short, figure hugging black dress, and black stiletto heels. She looked fantastic in a very similar outfit in royal blue. She packed a few toiletries and some sexy nightwear into a tote bag. As we left we looked like girlfriends out for a carefree night of fun. But the butterflies fluttering in my tummy threatened to lift me off the ground. Jeannie drove first to a motel where she registered, paid for a room, and returned with the key. She then proceeded to a dance club we had visited occasionally during the time I was becoming comfortable going out dressed. That was months in the past, but it felt immediately familiar as we entered. We chose a table near the dance floor where we could see and be seen and ordered drinks. Over the course of the evening, we each were invited to dance by several men, and by prior arrangement refused none that were reasonable. We avoided men too drunk or overbearing or just plain unattractive. We were looking for the right man to complete the evening. Actually, I was too nervous to do the picking, and after a couple hours, Jeannie led a handsome man back to our table, and introduced him as David. He was about 6' 2", with a well developed physique. Jeannie had once more done what I had been unable to, and the choice was made. I knew she would have whispered in his ear as they danced, inviting him for some after hour's entertainment with the two of us. We drove to the nearby motel, while David followed behind in his own car, and then led him to our room. Inside the room, Jeannie suggested David pour wine for the three of us from the bottle in the mini bar, and pulled me into the bathroom. From our tote, she withdrew our outfits for the remaining portion of the adventure. Her baby doll was again royal blue, while mine was red. Each had a matching thong that we'd chosen specifically to be sure it would hold my secret out of sight between my legs. The nightie hid almost nothing, and I was very nervous walking back to the main room, partly because my developing breasts would be on display to a man for the first time, but I think more, because Jeannie's would be on display too. We accepted plastic cups of wine from David and stood before him sipping the wine in anxious silence for a few moments. The tent in his pants as he took in the view made me quite tense. David seemed uneasy as well, and had finished his wine in only a couple of gulps. When it was empty, Jeannie calmly took his cup, and set it and her half-full cup aside, and moved up to him slowly, with frequent glances at me. I was at a loss as to what to do, so I just sipped nervously as I watched. When she was close, and I had given no signs, she collected herself, reached around his neck with both her arms, and pulled his head down into a kiss. This seemed to release David from his immobility, as his hands started to wander over Jeannie's lush body. He gave me a curious glance, but I remained frozen to the spot. Both Jeannie and David were soon breathing heavily, and David guided Jeannie to the bed and gently laid her on her back. He stepped back to survey her obvious charms, and hurriedly began stripping out of his clothes. Jeannie looked toward me, and motioned me over. I moved reluctantly till I stood by the bed beside her. David had completed removing his clothing to reveal an impressive hard-on. Jeannie spoke up. "David, I hope you don't think this is too kinky, but Patty and I are a couple. We have a pact that the only way the other can make love to someone else, to cheat on our union, is if the other of us guides the initiation of the sex with her hands." David's manhood stood out even straighter, and he looked searchingly at me. Jeannie continued, "Patty, do you want this?" That pulled David's gaze back to her, and freed me from my paralysis. I quickly shook my head no, while David's eyes were on her. She gave a little smile and what seemed to be a relieved sigh. Then she looked back at David, as she slid to the side of the bed and stood next to me. "David, it appears that this will proceed a little differently than we thought." Leaning next to my ear, she whispered so he couldn't hear, "Patty dear, thank-you. But we cannot leave David in this state, or we might have difficulties." With that, she gently guided me to my knees, and gestured David to come to us. Grasping his penis gently in her left hand, she stroked it lightly a couple of times, then guided it to my mouth, and pressed it to my painted lips. I could not believe this was happening, but I felt Jeannie's hand at the back of my head as she pressed me forward, forcing his manhood between my lips. Leaning down, she whispered, "You have to do this. Please get it over quickly!" As if in a dream, my head started moving forward and back, partly of my own volition, partly encouraged by Jeannie's hands on my head and his cock. Blanking my mind of my shock and dismay, I started trying to pleasure David with my lips and tongue, taking a bit more of him in with each forward stroke. I heard a deep groan, and flicked my gaze upward to see his eyes closed, and a look of pure pleasure on his face. He bent from the waist and moved one hand to squeeze and excite my right nipple, while his other hand sought out Jeannie's breast to fondle and tease. Her moans added to his, and to the rumble in my throat as I tried to moan as well, but was muffled by his cock. Before long, David was thrusting deep into my throat, then froze a moment before pulling back sharply, popping out of my mouth just as he started pulsing globs of jism. The first landed in my vacated mouth, the next hit my nose, another splashed my forehead, and then weaker spurts found my chin then my baby doll where it lay across my breasts. David's accompanying grunts trailed off as his climax faded. Not knowing what else to do, I swallowed the slippery glob on my tongue, and pulled myself to my feet. Jeannie stepped forward as David opened his eyes, and kissed him passionately, before urging me toward him, and suddenly David was kissing me with just as much heat. When he pulled back from the lingering kiss, he said, "Thank-you, Patty. That was wonderful." Jeannie let him know the fun was over for the night as she guided me toward the bathroom by saying, "We have to clean up. You can just get dressed now and let yourself out." She paused a moment before pulling the door shut behind us, "Thank-you, David." I was still in shock over how the evening had unfolded, so Jeannie gently washed my face with a warm moist cloth and dabbed the jism from my bosom. Finally we heard the outer room door close. When I was cleaned up, Jeannie led me back to the bedroom, to the bed, and gently guided me down and covered me. She crawled in next to me and wrapped me in her arms. She whispered in my ear, "Thank-you for not making me have sex with him. I love you." I drifted off to sleep snug and secure in her warm embrace. I woke sometime later to the erotic feeling of someone massaging my chest. The growing feeling of arousal pulled me from the depths of sleep, and eventually I registered that Jeannie was fondling me, and I sleepily began to return her attention. As my awareness grew, my ministrations became more effective, and soon she was moaning in lust. I felt her lips on mine, then her tongue invaded my mouth, plumbing it's depths as if in search of sunken treasure. Her hand had moved the thong aside and was stroking me to hardness. Her efforts became more frenzied, and soon she rolled on top of me and plunged my stiff tool deep inside her. She rode me wildly, repeating the same phrases over and over. "God, that was so exciting!' "I was so wet just watching you!" "Where did you learn to suck cock like that?" "I love you!" "Watching you turned me on like nothing ever before!" I was in a daze. I didn't know how to handle what she was saying! She got excited watching me suck off another man? This was driving me crazy, and all the time her wild actions pushed me toward the summit, until I exploded inside her, and I felt her shudder through a massive orgasm moments later. For the next several days, our lives returned to normal, more or less. Occasionally Jeannie was more abandoned in her lovemaking, and I knew she was fantasizing about our encounter with David. Truthfully, I still got a thrill out of fantasizing how it would have been had I guided David into her hot box instead. Finally she broached the subject again. "Patty, have you made a decision yet? Time is running out, and you have to decide. I think you know what you want. You are just afraid to commit." I moaned in despair, "You know I'm just afraid to give up what we have together." "Hush! We won't give up anything we can't replace with something better. I guess we will have to go through with the pact this time." She sighed sadly. "Jeannie, I don't want to do that to you if it will hurt you!" "I know, sweetie. If doing it will put your mind at ease, though, I want to!" So that Friday night started out virtually the same as our last attempt that ended with David. This time I was not so petrified, and some time into the evening of dancing and drinks, I found a guy that managed to make me feel comfortable in his arms as we danced. At the end of our dance, I decided he was the one for tonight, so I stretched up and kissed him lightly on the lips before inviting him for a romantic evening away from this noise. He nodded, and I led Kevin back to our table, introducing him to Jeannie. She studied him for a moment, and nodded approval. At our motel room this night, it started much as last time, but I was not frozen to the spot. When Kevin had stretched Jeannie out on the bed and shed his own clothes, Jeannie made the same speech as she had before to David. Kevin looked at me expectantly, and I slid up to him, and reached out to touch his manhood that stood so regally before him. As I stroked it gently, I looked down at Jeannie. As I tugged Kevin's lance toward it's target, I saw a look of fear flash across her face that gradually faded into sad acceptance. Kevin tried to complete the coupling, but I squeezed him and said sharply "Wait!" I resumed the stroking, and he stopped moving just an inch or so from the prize. My mind was in turmoil, and I thought I saw hope flicker in Jeannie's eyes. I pulled Kevin that last inch and started stroking his cock head across Jeannie's outer lips. Within a few moments, both started moaning, closing their eyes. I knew I had to make the decision now. Stop or continue? Do or don't. Could I do this to Jeannie? Could I not? Somehow I had to know if what I was giving up would have a replacement in a new life as a woman. Without conscious thought, I guided Kevin's weapon into position and tugged it forward. Jeannie's eyes opened wide in shock, then drowsed almost closed as the feeling of fullness and heat spread from her center. I knew I had to observe her carefully, after all, since this was why we were here. My breathing was heavy as I watched Kevin set up a rhythm plunging into my wife, and then withdrawing, only to plunge again. Jeannie's face ran through a gamut of emotions to finally settle on a look of utter pleasure. Soon her hips were bucking in time, and her body began to glow with the look of a woman in lust. I studied her features, and her emotions as reflected on her face. She arched her back and shuddered, her whole body reacting to the orgasm that shook her. Kevin continued his rhythm, and soon Jeannie rejoined him. Kevin groaned and plunged deeply within Jeannie, causing Jeannie's back to arch rigidly once again. Kevin's deeply buried member started pulsing sperm into her depths, and a look of pure rapture flooded her face as she began to shudder through another climax. Kevin collapsed onto Jeannie, and she pulled his head to hers, initiating a deep passionate kiss, then suddenly rolled him over, keeping his softening tool buried deep within her, until he was an his back, and she straddled him. She started grinding her crotch into his, and moving in a way that kept him trapped inside her. It seemed like only moments later that she threw her head back and emitted a deep groan as yet a third orgasm ripped through her, whereupon she collapsed on top of Kevin's still form. A few moments later, Kevin rolled her off of him, and rose to clean himself off and don his clothing. I had stood frozen through most of this, soaking up the feelings that shone from my wife's face. When he was dressed, Kevin came up to my still motionless form and kissed me deeply, fondling both my breasts at the same time. He glanced at the bed and said, "Thank her for me when she recovers, OK? And thank you, too!" He kissed me again, and was gone. I covered my inert wife with a blanket and crawled in beside her, snuggling her to me. Sometime in the middle of the night, we had a repeat of our wild coupling of the time before, only now with her gushing profuse thanks for making her have sex with Kevin. I wondered what I had done as we both rose to a fantastic climax. As our breathing settled down, she queried, "Can you see now what I was talking about?" "I'm beginning to." "Well, Patty, hold onto your hat, cuz you aint seen nuthin' yet!" We settled into a pattern of continued frequent lovemaking on our own with a clubbing excursion every Friday. The next time, she guided Jim's stiff pole into my virgin ass, after erotically applying lubricant to me and to him. Initially there was considerable pain, but that soon faded and the pleasure spiraled upward till I came in my thong without ever touching my cock. The next Friday, we both chose a guy, and later that evening I urged John's member into Jeannie's ass, and then moments later placed Gary's into her mouth. It was quite intoxicating to watch her as she was penetrated from both ends. This session, I'm sure she climaxed at least four times. And so it continued for a few weeks, each time doing something different, but always only what each of us started for the other. Observing Jeannie had long since convinced me that where could be fantastic sex after my transition, but I was still reluctant to commit. However, not long after we passed my one year anniversary of dressing full time as a woman, we became aware of a change. I think it had been sneaking up on us, but it was so gradual, and we were too involved to notice. It became obvious when one evening in our usual lovemaking I failed to achieve enough of an erection to penetrate Jeannie. I chalked it up to tiredness and laughed it off. Jeannie's expression indicated she didn't think it was funny. It happened again a week later, and increased in frequency until I could not get it up at all. All during this time, Jeannie kept pestering me for a decision, but I would never commit to taking the final step or to starting back toward what I once was. Finally, after three weeks of no intercourse because I was unable to penetrate her, Jeannie told me it was decided. My no decision had in fact become a decision, because it was now too late. The hormones had done their job, and now there could be no return. A month later, Jeannie accompanied me to Colorado, and stayed with me as I took the final steps on my journey to womanhood. I am still not convinced that I was a woman in a man's body. I think maybe I was just a transvestite with an overzealous psychologist. But, that's water under the bridge now. And life isn't too bad this way. I still have a loving wife, and my career. I still love dressing in women's clothes, even if I really have to pass as a woman all the time, since that is what I am now. Six weeks after my operation, we were back in a club trolling for a likely candidate. Later, in the motel room, Jeannie took extreme pleasure guiding him into my new orifice, then sitting back watching me experience repeated orgasms that shook me to the core. Afterward she just smirked and said, "I told you so!" So she had. And she was so right! We've also learned how to pleasure each other with tongues, fingers, lips, teeth, vibrators, and whatever else meets our need. Our lovemaking is as frequent and as satisfying as before, if quite different. We have continued to follow the pact. We still remain faithful to each other within the constraints of our agreement. Neither of us has initiated sex with another person on our own. We do frequently find enjoyable temporary partners to let me penetrate Jeannie with a hot hard cock that I guide into her with my hand, or for her to do the same to me. But now there is a problem. See, there's this guy at work, Mike. We've been friends for months now, and often eat lunch together. We've started to steal kisses in the copy room occasionally, and have even had a few heavy petting sessions in the storeroom. I have this fierce urge to ignore my pact with Jeannie and carry this to another level, but still feel bound by our agreement. Several weeks ago I tipped Mike off about our clubbing trips, and that Friday he was my 'random' choice for the evening. Two weeks later, he was one of the two we selected, and then two weeks later, I chose him again. Sex, initiated by Jeannie with the random men we pick up is fantastic, but when it is Mike, it is different. It is deeper. It is fulfilling in a way I've never encountered before, even when I was first with Jeannie, back when I was a man. Love is just different for a woman, I guess. But that doesn't solve my dilemma. I think Jeannie has figured it out though, because tonight she was the one to pick Mike at the club. And once she had planted his cock deep into my cunt, she quietly dressed and left the room. Somehow I kept Mike inside me all night, being very careful when he went soft after a climax, and then teasing him with touches and erotic pillow talk until he grew hard within me once again. I was in heaven the whole time! But I don't know what to say to Jeannie when I get home. While I didn't break the letter of the pact, since she put him into me, and he stayed there from then on, I feel I violated the spirit, and I feel guilty about that. I look across at Mike slumbering beside me and feel a warm glow growing in me. Yes, he finally was too exhausted to continue. He pulled himself out of me and collapsed beside me as the dawn light started to penetrate the curtains. I too am weary, but my feelings for him and my turmoil about Jeannie keep me awake, staring into the face of the man I have come to love.

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You know when its a holiday and you just wanna check out & play video games? Especially when your grandma is trying to get you to go to church. Step-grandma, whatever… Easter is barely a holiday & bunnies don’t lay eggs. When my step-grandma Andi James called in sick for me, I (Johnny Love) couldn’t believe my ears! A whole afternoon of online video games was in front of me. But Andi wanted a favor in return. When she started running her hands into my boxers I was...

2 years ago
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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

3 years ago
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A Day on The River

It was late Friday night by the time I got home from work. I thought about calling Maggie but decided to wait until morning and went to take a shower. With the warm water soothing my tired body, I closed my eyes and began thinking of her.As I washed my upper body, the familiar feelings of arousal were getting stronger the more I thought of Maggie being with me at this moment. As my hands moved lower I felt myself getting hard. My eyes were still closed as I imagined her behind me pressing...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Bath House Bi Fun

I had a day off work last week so I decided to make the 45 minute trip to the nearest bath house. I got there for 10 am, just as they were opening. I paid my fee of $25 for a room with a single bed. The attendant told me I was the only one there and that guys usually didn't show up until noon. I went to my room, stripped down, threw my towel over my shoulder and made my way to the showers. I took a nice long steamy hot shower and soaped up my cock, balls & asshole really good. Then I...

2 years ago
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The Duchess

I didn't want to see Whitey after I left Catepillar...I didn't want the confrontation that just led to a mix of confused and wicked sex, yet I still didn't want it so I moved on to the next door. The wood is warm to touch as I push it open and spices instantly fill my senses. I look around and see that I am in someones home, dark and decadent with luscious velvet drapes leading down their hallways. I wander in the darkness towards the lit room up ahead, and instantly gasp as the hall opens up...

1 year ago
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The Skiing Holiday

I have been skiing since I was introduced to the sport when I was in the army however, at that time it was part of my combat training but once let loose on the slopes I loved the sensation of using the elements to travel at more than thirty miles an hour without an engine and there is no silence to compare with being on a mountain top above the tree line with virgin snow spread before you and then just the swish, swish of the skis as you weave your way down. Skiing and sailing are my two...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 40

Marbury Transport Systems, MTS was always busy. Traffic at the border was crazy. And I was going crazy. I wasn’t in the warehouse anymore that was a plus, at age 51 I appreciated not having to be moving pallets and inventorying merchandise and tonnage. Oh yeah, dispatching was a way better gig and the pay was a tad better, about five percent better. Still it was a hustle all of the time. Run-run-run, that was the name of the game. The trucks had to move, and move on time. The loads had to be...

3 years ago
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Wet Dreams to Crossdressing

Confessions of a Crossdresser I am a crossdresser. It is an addiction. I’ve tried, but I really can’t stop myself: fantasies, endless looking at pornography, shopping, dressing, masturbation, and inevitably, seeking men to please. I started out as a young teen as a panty fantasizer and have progressed to where I am today. I think that I am pretty “normal”: dating girls, and now a responsible man, married with a f****y. But, I have evolved to a cock sucking crossdresser. I’m writing to try to...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sexteen Virgins EEII Video1

AMSTERDAM BEAUTIES on CAMERA COLLECTION : 'DEFLORATION' EXCITIG EROTICS @ 'BAUTZEN-BANG Story of Six Sexy Sexteens below their in my gallery of dozen private pretty pictures :ADMIRE: Jana - Jarka - Svenja (Dresden)_- Janina ( From Siitard NL) -- Anja 1958 -- Celine native Amsterdam 1960 - Loesje Liefmann 1955 Amsterdam -- Stella-Maris 'SM' - Born as Sailor's Dod in Flushing - Zeeland 1957 -- Marta 1960 born in Wroclaw, former Breslau (D) in Poland at about 1oo miles from our shoot in Bautzen...

4 years ago
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Meeting a friend

Arriving in my hotel after the long flight from Europe, I suddenly found myself feeling very horny. I needed some relief. Maybe a shower would help, I thought to myself as I stripped away my traveling outfit. My skirt slipped down my legs and pooled at my feet. I stepped free, my already bare feet slipping carelessly away from the skirt. I took a few steps toward the bathroom as I unbuttoned the white, just almost see-through blouse. It was on the floor just in front of the door to the...

2 years ago
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Unten ohne unterwegs

Ich entscheide mich für den schwarzen Minirock, obwohl es erst Mai ist und vermutlich kalt werden könnte. Aber ich weiß, dass meine Beine darin am besten zur Geltung kommen und die Möglichkeit, dass Jemand bemerkt, dass ich kein Höschen trage, ist mit einem so kurzen Rock einfach höher. Was hab ich mir dabei nur gedacht, frage ich mich, während ich noch einmal meine Bluse zurechtzupfe. Diese Gedanken und Wünsche habe ich schon lange, aber ich habe noch nie so etwas gemacht, wie heute. Noch...

3 years ago
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Irresistible Temptations Chapter 1 8211 The Beginning 8211 Part 1

[Pardon me if there are grammar errors in the story, also if you’ve got any feedback you could send it at ] It was the dawn of 28th October, as I woke up I felt my body against something warm as I lay under my comfy blanket .. A nice, sexy, warm feeling against my crotch that was only provoking my morning wood to grind against it’s source harder ! As I opened my eyes, partly disappointed for having woken up… I wasn’t sure what to feel anymore as I saw there was a girl lying asleep next to me...

1 year ago
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brother and sister

My sister, Joni, and I have been close since she was born. She is only 3 years younger than I am. We are just an average brother and sister, not really good looking, and not bad looking. We look a lot like each other. We both have straight jet black hair. She is 5'4" and about 120 lbs. She doesn't have big tits, but they are nice and round, and she has big hips and a nice butt. I am 5'8" and 170 lbs. My penis isn't overly large, but it is big around. Some have said it is almost as big around as...

3 years ago
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My diaries part 2

Him and me have been messaging on and off for a month now. I can't believe he even pays attention to me. He started to fallow me even and like/comment on my photos. I try to play it cool but still can't believe it. He says next month he is attending and demonstrating during a shibari expo in San Francisco he said if he has the time we should go out for coffee or something. I was quick to reply with a yes. I keep trying to get him to agree to let me be a new model for him. He said he's very...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 37

It took three weeks to get to Japan, for I had business meetings in many other countries too. In Tokyo, like in Europe, I found the war damage still very visible. There were still raggedly dressed people wandering around but the economy was starting to recover. I had conversed over the phone with three drug companies and one seemed to be the best choice. When I and some accountants were able to see the books firsthand, I made them an offer in cash and a licence to make the vaccine. It took...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 18 Put Ice on Itmdashor Put It on Ice

My roommate used to put candles in the freezer. She said they’d last forever that way. Duh. Becoming Peg Cinnamon picked me up at six this morning, complaining all the way to the W. But I was Deb Riley and I needed to be Peg Chester before I could do today’s business. It took two hours and Cinnamon’s help to get all the makeup on, and I started feeling older as I progressed. After what I found out last night, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to Georgia’s house at all. When I’d fully...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 16

Early-morning sunlight bathed my bedroom as I woke that Saturday morning. Taking inventory, I noted that my back did feel a little better ... but something seemed a little bit off. I rolled onto my back and felt my arm press against something. I turned my head and realized the “something” was a gorgeous, curvy body topped with a mop of dirty blonde hair and dressed in a t-shirt. Lisa was in bed with me. I was certainly not about to pass up an opportunity to take advantage. Carefully, I...

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It was the start of my fifth year at Braxton High School; to say I was nervous would have been the biggest understatement of all time. My name is Johnny Canton, and before anyone asks, no I was not held back, in fact up to this point I have a perfect 4.0 GPA. I fear that is all about to change; however, and if you think that is the reason I am apprehensive, then you don't even know the half of it. For you to truly appreciate the gravity of my situation, I must take you back a few years to when...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Candy White Grass Gas Or Ass

Blonde teen Candy White is looking extra hot in her gold bathing suit today, and her stepbrother pops a raging boner as soon as he sets his eyes on her. She asks him for a ride to a pool party, but he tells her that it is grass, gas, or pass. She does not understand, so she just settles for giving him some ass and titties! A couple days later, Candys stepbrother takes the blame for a bag of herb she left sitting around the house. Their parents are pissed, but all he wants in return is a little...

1 year ago
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One sunny afternoon

Hunching over their slim coffee table he sighed softly and ran a hand through his high ponytail before tossing his pen aside and leaning back against the couch.  His blackberry, tossed nonchalantly against his binder had started to buzz again and with a frustrated growl he eyed the contraption before glancing back to the muted T.V, fully considering introducing the heinous device to the toilet?She knew he’d read the text she just sent. She also knew that given him, he’d be in the middle of...

3 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 27B

"I can't believe you made me do that," I was saying as I entered Seth's room, lifting the bottom of my shirt to wipe my tongue every few moments. The shirt didn't taste much better than the soap. "I haven't had my mouth washed out with soap since I was six and told my grandma she was a slut because some kid at school said it was supposed to be a compliment." This had Seth laughing even harder than he had been as he closed his door, and a moment later he had his hand comfortably...

3 years ago
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A Visit From Boyfriends Past

Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine’s Day since high school that she didn’t have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects. She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn’t how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she’d never done that before. She’d always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....

2 years ago
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Her Secret Life

He entered the little cafe and immediately saw her. She was turning her back to him like he had asked her, and she was tense. He could see it even from a distance. Her hair was in a braid, a white pashmina on her shoulder, and she wore a blue shirt and jeans, as she had promised.He approached the table without saying a word and he could see she knew he was approaching because her back straightened. He caressed her hair, then her neck, and then with both hands, started to relax her...

Straight Sex
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Training Of A Husband 8211 Part III

Hello friends! I am extremely sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time. Actually I was undergoing some very vigorous training under Sunita mam (my wife) and therefore I couldn’t get any time for completing my story. First I will briefly summarize my story for the new readers. In the previous two versions, I told you that how my wife was very dominant from the very beginning of our married life. She was not only superior to me mentally & financially but also was physically much...

2 years ago
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Kids scream and dogs bark, yet I come with new lemon! GOD SAVE US ALL! This particular lemon was comissioned by (believe or not) my gf and soul mate. I hope you like the lemon, it took me longer than I expected to make. Asuka looked at the packages Kaji had put his clothes at. "You don't have to go,“ she said kinda sad. Kaji gave a heavy sigh. "I got a open challenge. If I were to back away now, I'd never hear the end of it." he said finally. "Well…Can I wish you luck in my...

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What I Think About When I Masturbate Part 7 Sport For All

When I was in my final year of secondary school, year eleven, I became a Sports Prefect. Apart from being something good to add to my CV, the role brought extra responsibilities, such as helping the teachers with running sports events, setting up and putting away sports equipment before and after lessons, and assisting with coaching younger pupils during PE lessons.It was during that last year at school that an incident occurred which I have often thought about since, and which my fears and...

3 years ago
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From Dildo to Cock Pt3

This is the last part of my story. You can find the first two parts on my Channel.Our first night together had been crazy. We barely slept, in the morning my ass was still lose from all the fucking and I still felt the taste of his cum in my throat. I couldn't be happier, never in my life did I feel so alive. I had finally found my place.I got up while he slept, buttnaked and got to the kitchen to get some food. I stood by the patio door to check my texts, my wife had written about 10 messages...

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Perfect Wife to Black Dick Slut Part 1

Introduction: My wife is pregnant and I blame myself that its not my child growing in her womb From Perfect Wife to Black Cock Slut – Part 1 Chris and I had just flown back from Rome, a trip Id arranged so wed be back in the UK on 15th April, which was our 10th anniversary and Chriss 35th birthday. The plan was to dine at the same restaurant that Id proposed to her exactly 11 years previously, am I a romantic at heart? The flight landed at Stanstead so I was driving up the M1/M6 heading back...

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Slave Rule Rules

It's not every day my girlfriend gives me one of her friends as a sex slave. I wish it did happen every day, but alas, the world has to have some sense to it. Fortunately for me, today was more or less one of those days. What started off as a fairly boring day took a dramatic turn when my girlfriend called me and said she needed my help, both as her boyfriend and as a lawyer (I am not an actual lawyer, but I do try to keep up on the regulations.) Apparently one of her work friends had gotten...

3 years ago
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Compulsion IslandChapter 2

I vaguely remember a dream with Melissa dancing around me as she stripped off a filmy negligee, wanting her as she lay down beside me, and then the wonderful warmth of her body undulating against my hip as she gripped my cock. I felt her slide on top of me, as we kissed. But my mind began to spin, as the mouth pressing against mine opened and a tongue rather clumsily twisted in my mouth, while I entered her pussy, but a body softer, more sensual, and wetter than Melissa had ever been. I knew...

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richboys love 52

so me and harvey woke up and i said "baby can we go baby shopping please" harvey looked at me and said "baby its to early to go baby shopping" i looked at harvey and said "umm okay baby i understand" after i said that i looked down. harvey put his hand on the left side of my face and said "you really want to go shopping for the baby dont you" "no baby its fine" harvey got out of bed without any clothes on and said "get your sexy ass up and dressed and we will go do some shopping"...

1 year ago
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Divine Intoxication

Note : This story is completely fictional! One of the girls at the publishing company where I work asked me if I would like to go to church with her. Tonya had been attending what she referred to as Sacred Name Chapel for several months and raved about the ‘spiritual awakening’ she received at each service. I don’t like to walk in a church cold, not knowing anything about the doctrine or statement of faith. So I did a little research. I didn’t find out much about the church but I did come...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 6 Old Wounds

Lara groaned. Her head was pounding and her eyes felt like sandpaper. She and Ben had been up until ... when? drinking and toasting. Oh god, how much had she drank? They'd finished off one bottle of that shoe varnish that Quohog claimed was whiskey but after that ... They'd spent the last part of the night telling wild tales and comparing scars. Everything else was a blur. Oh God, had she? had he? Eyes still clenched against the world, Lara felt down with her hands to tell if she was...

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South Indian Sexy Girl In Train

This is what happened when we were final year students in our college and had planned a trip to Goa. The long journey from New Delhi was to happen in a train and we were looking forward to see a lots of hot semi-nude chicks on the beach. Why our college sponsored our trip to Goa was because we had convinced our professors that we would be doing some site-visit and learning new things that would be beneficial for our career and future. Beneficial, it was, indeed, but not quiet in the same sense...

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A Summer in Olympia Ch 07

There was enough visibility to get to the barn without carrying a lantern. The moon was approaching first quarter, and its light guided me down the path without a stumble. I’d been to the barn a few times when I needed a ride into town for writing supplies, and the lads, Gus and Max, were kind and helpful. The animals were quiet in the darkness, not stirring at my approach. I saw a gleam from inside the barn, and from a distance I heard a woman’s voice muttering: ‘My sins, my sins, oh my many...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 622 Shradha Ko De Gaya Yaade Apni

Narrated by Amit Shradha ko apne Angrezi shabd kafi the mujhe pagal karne ke liye aur ye woh bhi jaanti thi. Main uth kar khada apne lund ko pakad uski phaili jangho ke beech gaya. Woh mujhe uksati hui boli: Spread me, Amit. Mere neeche ki honto ko phaila dalo aaj, please! Main apne ek hath se uski ek tang pakada aur dusre se apne lund ko uski choot par lagakar andar de mara. Mere andar bhi itni aag thi use chodne ki ki main beraham ban baitha. Lund uski geeli choot ki diwaaro...

1 year ago
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The Gallery

Julia stepped into the gallery out of the London rain.  She shook her umbrella and closed it before looking around.  She had come into the city to kill some time, to do some shopping - some of it just window shopping - and maybe to take in some culture as well.  When the showers had started the shops had started to fill up with those retreating from the rain, so Julia had set out, brolly in hand, to look for something of interest.  As she walked through the West End streets the gallery had...

2 years ago
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Fanny HillChapter 7

On the landing-place of the first pair of stairs, we were met by a young gentleman, extremely well dress'd, and a very pretty figure, to whom I was to be indebted for the first essay of the pleasures of the house. He saluted me with great gallantry, and handed me into the drawing room, the floor of which was overspread with a Turkey carpet, and all its furniture voluptuously adapted to every demand of the most study'd luxury; now too it was, by means of a profuse illumination, enliven'd by...

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A Walk In The Park

“Are they doing what I think they are doing?” I asked. Tim laughed. “Ah, Katey, you are so innocent!” I smiled up at him as we stood in the park behind the shopping mall. Tim had volunteered to walk me home after work, a part time job I had after college some nights and Saturdays at McDonalds. He was my manager and I was flattered by the attention of someone older, hence I had agreed to take the walk with him. It was to be my first semi-romance. I must have been about 18. I kind of knew what...

4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Shawna

It might have been going on for a while, but I first noticed it at mile marker 197 just west of Brady on Interstate 80. A red late model Dodge Intrepid seemed to be playing some kind of game with me. It would be behind me for a while and then it would pull out to pass and blow by me at 85 or 90 miles an hour and a quarter mile down the road it would pull back into my lane and slow down. The speed limit was 70 and I had my cruise control set on 76 and I was trusting that no cop was going to...

1 year ago
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Barely Legal Austin

Like always, he was on my doorstep, smiling, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, sweat glistening on his exposed chest. “ Hey Mr. Hunt!” he exclaimed. “ Is Josh home?” “ Call me Mike.” I told him again. “ Yes, he’s here, go on upstairs.” He ran by me and up to the second floor. I could smell him as he jolted by and the smell made me hard. I pushed the thought from my mind and closed the door. I yelled up to them that I would be in the garage if they needed me. “OK” came the...

2 years ago
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Dont Pull Out Gary Cindy

I never thought I would ever be telling anyone about a situation like this, let alone writing about it, but I have to get these strange new feelings off my chest. My name is Gary and I’ve been married to the love of my life, Cindy for about 15 years. We were each other’s high school sweethearts and after dating all through college we got married and its been pretty good up until recently. Our sex life has always been a good one, and I had no real complaints except that sometimes I felt like we...

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Directors Meeting

It was one of those standard boring directors’ meeting in an old fashioned meeting room with a big round wooden table. This is the last presentation, but the speaker is so uninteresting that you cannot wait to get out of here. Suddenly, you hear someone saying *dinner time*! You look around the room and everyone was staring blankly at the screen. ‘Hi, it’s me’ and then you realise that it was my voice and you told yourself that you must be losing concentration, so you switched your mind back...

3 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 14

As Hyandai entered the bathing enclosure, she noted that she could hear giggling from beyond the canvas. She pulled the flap aside an inch or two and peered into the bathing area. The enclosure had no roof, and the stars overhead twinkled through the dimly glowing haze that spread over the campsite. The area itself was lit with several torches guttering from poles driven into the ground at the enclosure's center. A great expanse of oilcloth had been laid out to form a floor of sorts for the...

3 years ago
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Never Cheat at Truth or Dare Chapter 2

Volunteering for two hundred spanks! I could now be sure that I was ape-shit crazy, and when a giggling Jen confirmed that thought, I realised that I had spoken it out loud. “How are we going to do it?” asked a chipper Mandy from across the room, where she was just locking away my diary. “Over the knee?” “However you like,” Liz answered with a grin, “though having her on all fours on the bed does have its appeals. I want to see her tits bounce, even if they are little more than a handful.” Her...

1 year ago
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Giving me what I wanted

I was driving home from the buddies house and had a good buzz going from the wine we were drinking. As I made may way home driving through San Francisco I turned on Castro street. As I passed a small bar on a corner called "Mans Stop" I saw several guys standing in front of the bar and instantly my cock started throbbing. I had never been with a man, but had been having dreams about having sex with men for years. Also, for the last year I had been going on the internet and looking at men with...

2 years ago
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A sexy train mate

This is Kumar, I wanted to share one of my experiences with u guys hope u find it interesting. As part of my work I travel a lot to different cities inside and outside the country. During last December I boarded rajdhani express in premium class from Delhi to Calcutta. It was ice cold in Delhi at that time. I was wearing warm clothes. Let me describe myself. I’m 36 yr old. 5 feet 11 inches tall. Very short haired (I love that US marines type hair cut. Hope u guys like it too) .I’m strong faced...

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The storm had been the most terrifying experience in your life, and you had been convinced it would be the last. Your boat had been capsized in the complete darkness of the early morning hours. You wake up completely disoriented. The last thing you remember is being thrown around in the waves, the storm roaring around you. It takes a few moments for you to register your surroundings. You are lying face down. Your entire body aches and feels as heavy as lead. Your back is burning, but your legs...

4 years ago
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School hero at girls sleepover

I was pretty popular at collage. I'm Nineteen years old and stand Six foot nine inches tall my name is Jagger Tomlinson and love geeky stuff like SIFi Movies. Chapter 1 .The invite I got to my locker just before the bell rang I was deep in though think back to this Sunday at church I noticed a petty red head sat not far from me I look at her legs and ass as she stood up and sat down."" I hadn't noticed her before but other girls I like we're always there I like them to as they too had long red...

Group Sex
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Amber AlexChapter 2

Over breakfast the following morning Alex casually bought up the subject of Bradley, “Uh; you reckon on seeing that boy across the hall any-time this coming week?” “Alex! Really! You’ve got a mind like a sewer!! It’s not the kind of thing a decent man should be thinking about at breakfast time!” “Oh ... I see ... yes.” There was disappointment in Alex’s expression, but he nodded slowly, seeming to agree to with my logic. “I just wondered if you intended going further with him? That’s...

2 years ago
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Awakening of Alexis part 4

The Awakening of Alexis – Part 4 Things had definitely changed. Alexis was more ‘alive’ now, more easily sexually aroused, more ‘awakened’ in the sense of a kind of primal lust. This is what I had been wanting to bring to life in her, to really perk up the sexual side of our marriage, to make things more exciting for us. Great things were happening. She would go with me to the adult video store and she would do her own selections. Nearly always she picked black on white action videos, always...

1 year ago
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mi sexi dreams

ok this is what mi dream was last night....i was in the tub then this butaful red haired women..comes up behind me and washes mi back...then another..women walks in to the room gets in the tub with me and asks it ok if i joine u..i say be mi gessted...then she kisses mi neck and i look in to her pretty green eyes and say would it be ok if i wash u? she says only if i get to wash u we wash echother hand slids jently down her butaful tits ....she kisses mi...

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