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Synopsis--Jack Holiday is an ordinary man who lives an ordinary life as a sailor and for the government. It isn't until the end of his life that he is given a chance to live it all over again. Milk By ShannonQ Part One My name is Jack Holiday. I was born in Lawrence, Kansas on January 10, 1910. I was the son of a prominent farmer in these regions. I had two older brothers and one sister younger than me. On my seventeenth birthday, I left a note to my family saying that I loved them and I had to try doing something else with my life other than farming. It wasn't in my blood. So I stole a ride in a boxcar to Kansas City where up I joined the United States Navy. It sounded very appealing to me to be aboard a ship and see the world. I was sent to San Diego for my basic training then ordered to China to live the next five years on the Gunboat SS Eugene. I never drank and never smoke. Well, I did drink once and got so sick for two days that I felt it wasn't worth it so I swore off all forms of alcohol. It was during this time that the Nationalist Chinese under Chaing-Kai- Shek were attempting to takeover all of China. They were not all that friendly toward Americans. In one of their skirmishes I took a bullet in my right thigh and was operated on to have it removed. I returned to duty three days later. Our medical officer objected to this and after a discussion with the Captain I was given light duty just guarding the ship's bow sitting on a wooden bench with a rifle in my lap. I was awarded the Purple Heart for my injury. I didn't go ashore that much. When I did it was to get myself some fresh fruit since the Eugene didn't have that much. I lived on citrus products for a day or two. I even bought a pair of comfortable slippers to wear around when I was off duty. I loved to barter getting the guys with pushcarts to go lower, though I could afford what they were asking. Most of the other guys who went ashore hit the American run bars and had fun with the tiny but cute Chinese prostitutes. Some of them came down with venereal diseases and had to go through painful cures. Penicillin hadn't been discovered yet so those cures were agony and primitive. I felt it better to use my hand than take a chance of catching some of what my shipmates endured. In 1934 I was transferred back to San Diego where I took my basic training. I was a Petty Officer 3rd class at the time and given the job of managing our stores depot. I set about to get all supplies in order and properly warehoused. I had signs made to where every item was and simplified in finding it. I found it a mess and it took months for me and my crew to get everything in order. I categorized everything putting them in their proper place then tagging each item I seldom went off base on liberty because I found very little of interest to me. On one of my rare trips, that's when I met Lia Lee. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. The week before I noticed a sign on our company's bulletin board. Church Picnic July 4th Johnson Avenue Baptist Church Service, men welcome. I set about how to find this church and it wasn't until I asked a Lieutenant JG that he told me where to find it. So when the 4th came about, I dressed in my best whites and set off for some good food. That's when I saw her. She was helping on the long tables setting things up for serving. She was with two girl friends Marie and Sheila. But my eyes were only on her. Sure I'd seen other women before, but this one was love at first sight. I stood in line staring at her. She looked my way and our eyes made contact. She gazed at me for a moment then returned to work. I smiled at her when standing in front just drinking in her beauty. She had long curly brown hair, brown eyes, the prettiest face and a slim shape hidden by a light dress that went down to mid-calf. She smiled warmly back at me as she dished up some fruit salad on my plate. I stood in awe of her. I was given a shove by an older man to keep the line moving and away I went to fill my plate. I was sitting at a picnic table with two elderly people when she sat across from me. I was surprised that she didn't sit with her friends. "Hi," she smiled, daintily placing a napkin in her lap. "Hi," I stumbled in return. "My name is Lia, what's yours?" "Jack...Jack Holiday." "Are you from around here?" she took a nibble from a piece of cantaloupe. "I'm at the base, I'm in charge of supplies." "How old are you, Jack." "I'm twenty-five, you?" "Nineteen. Are you married?" "No, not yet anyway. Been single all my life." "Well you must have a girl friend." "Yes I do. It's you." I cringed thinking I overreached the bounds of decency. But you have to realize that no one had an effect on me like she did. She beamed warmly and took another little bite. "I'm happy to hear that." Was I hearing right? Lia's attitude was one of commanding respect. I wondered if it might be love at first sight for her too. "Am I being too forward?" I asked. "Yes, you are. But I like it," she took another bite of her fruit salad. I felt a stirring in my stomach. No girl had given me butterflies or even a loss of appetite before. But she most certainly did. This was no floozy saying that, she was a perfect lady. "You like men who are forward?" "No I don't," she wiped her mouth with her napkin then laid it on her lap again. "Usually I get disturbed by it, however for some reason it sounds nice coming from you." " you have a boyfriend?" "Yes, you." Her smile lit up the world around us. I could only grin not having any words. We chatted about her just finishing high school the previous summer and her job at a local Five & Ten store. She worked the register and helped customers find what they were looking for. She asked where I came from, what I did on base, and what I thought of San Diego. She asked me to church on Sunday and I readily accepted. When we were done eating, we cleaned up our spot then sat under a large tree in the shade, talking. Nothing she said was boring to me. Her sweet soprano voice sounded like music to my ears. Lia could read the San Diego telephone book to me and I'd be very excited. The day flew by. Many times in stores, the hours dragged. There was so little to do unless we received supplies and put them in their place. Or if a group of new recruits came by, we'd issue what they needed. Time went by a little faster. But today, with Lia at my side, the afternoon was over before I knew it. I helped her clean up, place the leftovers in containers and pack them away in the trunk of a car. She introduced me to her friends and then her parents. Everyone was so nice to me how would I not want to see her on Sunday. I went to Sunday school and attended the service. I sat by her as we shared the hymnal. Our fingers touched as we sang. During the service she had moved her arm by mine and it was all I could to concentrate on what the preacher said. After it was over I was invited back to their house for Sunday dinner. Then we sat on the porch swing just talking. I felt bold enough to take her hand and we locked our pinkies. Lia worked five days a week at the Five & Ten. She had Wednesdays off. The store was closed on Sundays. I met her every Saturday and bought her lunch. Usually a burger and a coke from the fountain. One day when we were alone for a few moments, she kissed me on the lips. It sent shockwaves through every part of me. We had been seeing each other at church and most Saturdays. I waited until the store closed then asked her to a movie. She said that she wasn't allowed to see movies but she'd go nonetheless. We sat in the darkened theatre watching a Clark Gable film holding hands. During that time I had impressed an admiral who was inspecting the base plus how organized I made my place of work. He kept on saying out loud, "Outstanding" as he and the others with him carefully toured the facilities. I showed him my record keeping where anyone who replaced me could just look in the binder and find what he was looking for. He recommended me for a promotion, which I received two weeks later. I was elevated to Petty Officer 2nd Class. Nine extra dollars a month in my pay. I put it all in a savings account. After seeing Lia for eight months, I asked her to marry me. She said, "Yes" and went in to tell her parents. Her father was pleased. We had long chats about many things that men were interested in and I did sacrifice a day with Lia to go to a college football game with him. Her mother was not so delighted. She didn't see any future with Lia being wed to a sailor. It was as if she didn't like me, she did. Sailors had reputations of having girls in every port. After a month she got tired of talking Lia out of marrying me and relented to the inevitable. We were married at the Johnson Avenue Baptist Church on July 4th, 1936 exactly one year since we met. She was the most beautiful bride I ever seen. Her wide brimmed hat with the veil hanging just below her mouth. She seldom wore much makeup but that day Lia wore bright red lipstick. When we were pronounced man and wife, I lifted the veil and we kissed. There was a reception in the basement afterwards with sandwiches, cake and several types of drinks like coffee, tea and punch. I had taken two weeks leave and our honeymoon was in Coronado just a ferry's ride across the bay to a luxurious hotel. The Lee's paid for three days in the bridal suite. Since neither of us had sex before, there were lots of fumblings at first. By the last day we were getting better at it. We couldn't get enough from each other. We slept in the nude cuddling. I loved her very much. She was my whole life. Within a year she was pregnant. Morning sickness was awful to her. We rented a little flat not far from her parents place or the church. I gave her as much attention as I could and her mother was always there for us. I still ran stores like a marine drill instructor. I was not satisfied until every single item was in it's place and properly tagged. Things weren't going to good in Europe with Hitler demanding and receiving lands without firing a shot. I read with interest the news accounts of what was happening with Japan causing a ruckus in China and Mongolia. People were talking about war but most of them wanted to stay out of it. We had troubles enough here at home. Lia gave birth to a boy on January 11th, 1938. One day past my birthday. But we decided that we'd celebrate them both on the 11th. He was healthy and strong. We named him Frank after her father. This pleased her side of the family to no end. We called him Little Frankie but that would probably change by the time he started school. Things in America was getting better. We were still in the Depression, but more people had jobs now and the poverty level was dropping. A year later I was promoted to Petty Officer First Class and another bump in pay. Lia was pregnant with our second child. We hope for a little girl. Then we received word that the Department of the Navy was moving our fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I received my transfer papers a week later. I inquired if my family could join me and given my rank, permission was granted. Lia and Frankie would live with my parents until she could follow me in three months aboard an ocean liner. I was put on the Carrier Yorktown and headed for my new duty station. Once in Hawaii, I started looking for a home off base since only the higher brass got housing in Pearl Harbor. I found a house just off of Bellows Air Force Base and found we could live in relative comfort on my pay. Things were a little more expensive than back in the States but Lia was a fantastic gardener and could grow some fruits and vegetables in the backyard. I lived there alone until she joined me with Frankie holding her hand and that beautiful swelling in her belly. She was still the most beautiful woman in the world. We setup housekeeping right away. She brought a bed and some furniture with her and when it was delivered we got everything in order the way she wanted. Little Frankie would sleep in my bed while the twin sized would be our own. She brought along the crib for our new addition. We had relations the first several nights after Frankie went to bed. She would straddle me and slide me into her. Surprisingly she got better orgasms than before while she sent me over the edge every time. Then she'd go to sleep on her left side with a small pillow under her torso while I slept naked cuddling her. Many times during the night she had to get up to pee then came back, kissed me on the forehead and resumed her same position. I felt the kiss but not enough to waken. I loved everyone she gave me. Life in Hawaii was good. I worked the stores on the Yorktown and often we put to sea for a few days. I was allowed to stay back when it was time when Lia was due. She went into labor one morning. Driving Lia to the hospital her water broke right in the car. When I got her into the base hospital, it was only moments after she was taken in when she gave birth to our daughter, Nancy. Named after her mother. Mrs. Lee sent gifts to us all the time because she was thrilled having her granddaughter named after her. Nancy was born on January 1st, 1941. Three months later the Lee's visited us for three weeks. Her mother had glowing remarks how beautiful the children were and how cozy our little house was. She helped Lia with the kids while Frank took me golfing. I took my annual thirty days leave from the year before to stay with my family. I borrowed two cots from my ship for them to sleep on. We offered our bed but they refused. Lia found good therapy working the garden while I was away to sea and had grown some nice things. There was a pineapple plantation right across the road from us and the owner said we could have as much as we wanted. We soon got tired of the fruit seldom touching again. I saw his wisdom. Put a person in a candy store and tell them they can have all they want. After a few days, they didn't want any because it made them sick from eating too much. We avoided pineapples for months. The phone rang and I answered it. It was an officer to the Yorktown telling me there was a flash message from Washington, D.C. We were ordered to sea right away. I drove like mad and made it on board. Within the hour we put out to sea with no lights. We were just a large shadow on the waters. A few of the sailors brought their radios topside to listen to the battle of the bands. Some even danced with each other though spread a distance. We zigzagged with the other carriers, cruisers and destroyers ending up near the island of Hilo on Sunday. That was the day the Japanese struck. Admiral Halsey was all for going to meet the attack but was ordered to stay where he was. It was late afternoon when we set sail back to Pearl and Tuesday morning when we arrived the place was a mess. Many ships had been sunk. Mostly battleships. I also learned that my wife and kids were killed by a Zero strafing our home with machinegun fire. I spent the rest of the month in shock over my beautiful wife and kids. Lia was everything to me. Plus Frankie and Nancy. Neither who ever got the chance to see life other than a few years and Nancy, eleven months. I wept every night when lights were out. I couldn't live without them. Then shock gave way to anger. No hatred. Hatred toward the Japs who ruined my peaceful life. I was one who didn't have a loathing toward anyone of another race but now I hated the Japs. We got orders to put to sea about a month after I buried my precious wife and kids. I spent many nights standing on the stern of the Yorktown. Sometimes even tempted to jump overboard and end it all. But something inside me told me not to. Little did I know at the time that we knew where the Japanese were going to attack next and we were headed there to stop them. And stop them we did. The Battle of the Coral Sea ended in a stalemate but the enemy was foiled in their plans. The Yorktown took several hits from the big guns of the Japanese navy and we were towed back to Pearl Harbor for several months to be repaired. As soon as we arrived, Admiral Nimitz came aboard telling us we had seventy-two hours to get ready to put to sea again. We would have laughed but doing that would show him disrespect or even a court martial. Stores hadn't been hit so I manned it as the crew and civilian contractors came aboard to do the impossible. Make the Yorktown seaworthy in three days. There wasn't hardly any place that one could move about. It was like an army of ants swarming over a large bug trying to kill it. I slept very little but stayed at my post all the time. A buddy would bring food up to me from the galley because I did him a favor a while back. He had ruined one of his uniforms and didn't have the money to pay for a new one. No one was looking so I gave him one telling him to pay me, or rather the ship, next payday. That saved his bacon for inspections and he never forgotten it. I stunk so bad after the second day I asked permission of the Officer of the Day to lower myself into the water to bathe. He granted it to me and after fifteen minutes, I was clean again. Amazingly they managed to get the job done and we put to sea to join up with the Hornet and Enterprise to meet the enemy for the Battle of Midway. Admiral Halsey had taken sick so all the strategy and tactics fell upon Admiral Raymond Spruance. He never commanded a carrier before but he knew as much as anyone in the United States Navy about sea warfare. In just three days the tide of the war turned to our side. After losing many aircraft to the enemy, we sent in dive-bombers to sink four of the cream of the Japanese Carriers. The Kanga was hit, then the Hiryu, then the Soryu, and lastly the Akagi. Not only did the enemy carriers sink but the majority of Japan's finest pilots were lost when their planes ran out of fuel and had to ditch in the ocean. There were very few survivors. Spruance had paid them back in spades. The sad thing that happened was a Japanese sub pumped four fish into the Yorktown. It couldn't stand another devastating hit so soon after being repaired. We were told to abandon ship. I heard some cries of help below so I ran down and found many men hurt and managed to bring six of them up to the flight deck but the fires prevented me from going back again. I sustained burns on my arms, torso, and back. My face was burned too but not that badly. I was carried with the others to the Hornet burns unit. As soon as we arrived back in Pearl, I was sent to a military hospital in Honolulu. I spent over six months recovering. The pain was excruciating. When I was able, I was presented with another Purple Heart and the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. Admiral Nimitz pinned it on me and shook my hand. I had tears running down my face as I told him, "I would rather have those guys live than presented with this." He nodded his understanding and moved on to present other awards. Despite my pleas, I was given an honorable discharge. My arms were not as good as they used to be. So I was transferred stateside. I managed to get a few hours to visit the graves of Lia, Frankie, and Nancy. I wept again. I left them for good on a Sunday as a ship carried me back home. I visited the Lees and was invited for dinner. I thanked them for Lia and how she made my life happy in the time we spent together. Her mother sobbed as I left for my new posting in Washington, D.C. I arrived at a building that housed a little area called Magic. It was top secret not to be mentioned by anyone. The commander was Colonel Rufus Bratton and I was in charge of security. He told me that in no uncertain terms that was I to enter any of the rooms without exception. He saw my file that I had won the Medal of Honor and that impressed him. I was told to be friendly with the workers but never ask what they were doing. I agreed with him and promised not to meddle in any of their affairs. For the record, I was given an FBI clearance and credentials but never to report to J. Edgar Hoover or anyone else within the agency. If I ever got into trouble over my credentials I was always to refer back to him. He would clear up any misunderstanding. I acknowledged my orders. Bratton had found a small two room apartment for me that was within walking distance of the building. He also said that since I was head of security I was to check the backgrounds of all security people under my command. All the others plus myself had been already covered. I was technically in the Navy as Chief Petty Officer and was told to wear my new uniform. I took my new job very seriously. Within days I was at my desk checking all reports of any possible leaks which all turned out to be nothing. I personally checked all people coming and going. I searched their briefcases and if I had any suspicions I would search the men and we had a female who was a WAVE check the women. Helen and I got along nicely. She was young and very pretty with her short dark hair and blue eyes. I was thirty-two at the time almost thirty-three and she was a young looking twenty year old. Her whole job was to search females that worked in those rooms and report to me what she found. In all the years we worked there, not once was there a security breach. But we kept on our toes. She had never married and had no male interested in her at that time which was odd because she was so pretty. She had a multitude of romance novels that kept her busy during the day while I worked on crossword puzzles. "Attention," I heard an order issued. Helen and I snapped to attention. She dropped her book while I scooped my crossword puzzle into the top drawer of my desk. A swarm of civilians accompanied by Colonel Bratton entered. I was introduced to a Senator Truman. I didn't recall his first name. He asked me several questions then spotted my ribbon indicating I was the recipient of the Medal of Honor. His tone softened and he told me he respected me. Asked for the details and I gave them to him. "The Yorktown was a hell of a good ship," he said with a tear rolling from his thick glasses down his cheek. "I knew many men on board there." "I'd give this medal back if my buddies had lived," I said for only the second time. "I'm sure you would, son," he shook my hand again. Then he moved off to shake Helen's. If he noticed the romance novel she was reading Truman never acknowledged it. Then Bratton escorted the Senator into the rooms we were forbidden to see. His staff stood and waited. Helen and me returned to our chairs. She quietly put her book away in her top drawer. The Senator spent about twenty minutes in the room. When he came out we stood once more. He shook our hands again then he was gone. Bratton never returned. "How about dinner and a movie tonight," I mentioned to Helen a few weeks later. It was a Friday. Although Magic was a twenty-four hour seven day a week function, Helen and I had the weekends off. Our backups would fill in for us then they'd take Mondays and Tuesdays off. "Which one?" she inquired, looking surprised that I asked her. "You can pick the movie." "Give me your paper to see what is playing." I handed it to her. She looked at a whole page of them. "How about Yankee Doodle with James Cagney? I was told it is very good." "Yankee Doodle it is," I grinned. After a nice dinner at Montclaire's, a fashionable D.C. restaurant, we went to the Regency Theatre. I had heard of The Three Stooges before but never seen them. I laughed like a jackass at their antics. They were to change a light fixture on the wall and ended up tearing down the entire mansion. I don't know if Helen was embarrassed by my laughter but I found it quite hilarious. She grabbed my hand tightly to quiet me down. She saw nothing funny about three idiots tearing down another person's house. Being people from the Great Depression waste was nothing to laugh about in her view. We both enjoyed Cagney in Yankee Doodle. I was not much of a moviegoer but I was surprised by it. I liked it very much. The newsreels about the war were very favorable. The Allies were advancing everywhere in all theaters of conflict. She held my arm as we walked the mile back to her place. She never mentioned about my laughing episode at the Regency. I felt wonderful having a pretty young lady at my side as we slowly ambled down the sidewalk talking about anything that came to mind. She knew about my marriage to Lia. Helen was from Spokane, Washington where she was born and raised. The only claim to fame about the city was that Bing Crosby was born and raised there too. She never met him but said that he was Spokane's favorite son. She grew up on a large farm just south of the city and upon graduation, joined the WAVES, which was the women's part of the navy. Both of us were in civilian attire that night. "What are your plans for after the war?" she inquired. "I haven't given it much thought. I'd like to work for the government for as long as I can given the fact that I don't know too much about anything else." "I think I'd like to go back to school. Get a degree of some kind," she said firmly. "In what?" "I haven't decided. Perhaps nursing or something where I can help other people." "I have to confess that is a noble calling." We reached her building where she lived. We turned toward each other and both kissed, lightly. She broke it off and gave me a big smile. "Thank you for the wonderful evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it." "Even when I laughed like a hyena. I must have embarrassed you." "You didn't! But I just can't see the humor in destruction." "Me either, but the way they went about it..." She kissed me again. "Good night, Jack. Thanks," she smiled. "Think we can do this again?" I asked. "Yes," she blew me a kiss then walked into her building. I was on cloud nine as I walked to my flat a half mile away. I really liked Helen. She'd make some man a fine wife, I reasoned. The pain of Lia returned and briefly felt that I was cheating on her. After all, it was only three years and two months since she was killed. Helen and I were married in a quiet ceremony on April 10th, 1945. The war in Europe was coming to a close as the Allies held almost all of Germany. Italy had surrendered to us in 1943. Unless something unforeseen occurred, the war on the continent was about over. This left only Japan to deal with. Helen and I took leave from our jobs and honeymooned in the Adirondacks at a resort. It wasn't tourist season yet so we were one of the very few people they had and treated us newlyweds like royalty. It was during that time we heard of FDR's death and the emergence of Harry Truman as our new president. We remembered him visiting us at Magic a few years back and how we liked him. During our lovemaking Helen released such passion upon me. I was surprised because she seemed so reserved. She had two personalities. One, a quiet lady with gentle manners on the outside. Two, a tigress in our privacy in bed. I chalked it up to her reading so many romance novels. One of her favorites was giving me oral stimulation in the mornings knowing that my bladder was full. She wouldn't let me out of bed until I spilled my seed into her mouth. I found it very pleasurable but surprised that this little innocent lady was not so innocent after all. This continued deep into our marriage for many years. The war against Japan was over on September 2nd, 1945 when they signed the documents of surrender. We had dropped to atom bombs on them, which prompted the quick conclusion of hostilities. America celebrated while Helen and me sat at our desks doing our job. Magic was still at work. I didn't know until many years later that these people were code breakers and played a big part in winning the war. The day Japan surrendered, the whole block of workers there turned their attention to breaking the Soviet's codes. It was the 1970's before I learned what they were doing behind the door only ten feet from my desk. We were stationed there until midyear of 1947. Both of us were offered jobs. Helen to the Department of the Treasury and me to the State Department. So after five years of working side-by-side, we went our different ways from then on. Now that gas rationing was over, I drove Helen to work then went down six blocks to my place of employment. I would pick her up that evening then go home to make dinner. She taught me how to cook and I was surprised how good I became at it. We banked her paycheck and lived off mine. In those days that two can live as cheaply as one was certainly true. She still took care of my stiffness in the morning before getting ready for work. She'd hold my manhood in two of her figures and try to talk like Groucho Marx. If I told anyone this, they would look at the sweet demur lady and not believe me. But I never said a word. Helen became pregnant in 1950. She gave birth to a girl and we named her Elizabeth. Then two years later, she gave birth to our second daughter, Olivia. She stayed home to care of the girls while I was given a position in management, which gave me a nice pay boost. The only conflict between us was I wanted the girls to go to public school while Helen wanted them to attend a private one. We argued about it until I gave in. It wasn't worth breaking up our marriage over something so trivial. Once the rift was healed, we returned to normal and she became even more loving as time went on. She hadn't lost any zeal in our bedroom pleasure even though I was over forty. She initiated it all. In 1963, I reached the mandatory retirement age. With the navy then government work I had labored a little over thirty-five years. Helen was given a partial pension for her work in the navy and at Treasury. I was given my full pension plus another pension for my Medal of Honor, which was for life tax-free. In 1964, we moved to Spokane with the girls. Helen felt the school system was good enough for them to attend high school there. Olivia was in the eighth grade while Elizabeth would be starting high school at Lewis & Clark. I found work at Kaiser Aluminum as production manager. My previous skills bode well for my job there. Helen and me were as happy as the day we were married. She was the perfect housewife and worked as a volunteer at our church. In 1967 we took a ride up to a town north of Spokane called Green Bluff. There were all kinds of fruit orchards up there. One that had lots of cherry trees was up for sale. The old man who owned it wanted to move south to a warmer climate. After much discussion, we decided to buy it. So Helen and the girls moved in while I communted every day to Kaiser. I worked there until 1972 when I felt like I couldn't handle the work or travel to and fro consistently. We worked the orchards selling our cherries to various grocery outlets and people coming for an afternoon to pick them for 25 cents a pound. We did very well for the first two years until Helen came down with breast cancer. It was terminal. The girls were married and gone. One to Texas and the other to California. My world was crashing around me. I was there at the Sacred Heart Hospital when she died in September 1977. Our girls made it home in time to be with me and then the funeral a few days later. Elizabeth and her son stayed with me for a month while Olivia had to get back to her husband and four boys. In 1980, I sold the orchard to a young couple and I moved to Florida. I was seventy years of age and didn't know how much longer I'd be on this earth. I turned all my assets into a trust for my grandchildren and moved just south of Daytona Beach. I'd been making a good living down in Central Florida. My government pension, pension as a recipient of the Medal of Honor, and whatever I found on the beach. I was nearing ninety years of age and was a one of dozens of old timers with metal finders combing the beach in the morning. I dug up from pennies to even some silver dollars in my years just with my finder. Also there were watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets and other valuable items. Once in a while I would even find a wallet or two. I always mailed it back to the owner leaving the money intact. I recall losing my wallet once and it was no end to the trouble I had to replace my driver's license, social security card, and other papers I needed to make it easier for me. I didn't care about the forty dollars I had in there but all the other things were more important to me. Since the beach was so large, we divided plots of sand to work over so there wouldn't be disputes of who found what and who it belonged to. Only inclement weather stopped us from our daily search. Sometimes I found as much as fifteen dollars in cash a day but those were rare. An average take was usually five to seven dollars as people from all over the States and some from overseas came to sun themselves in the warm Florida sun. I'd keep the jewelry in my pocket and if someone came around looking for something I would return it if they described that piece they lost. I even got a few kisses from pretty young girls I returned their valuable item to. Always on the cheek. The other guys did the same. We were there to make money, not steal it. When people came to the beach at about nine to ten in the morning, I'd return to my cheap flat not far where I worked the sand. Get something for breakfast at a fast food place or have a bowl of Cheerios. I'd read the newspaper then take a nap until mid-afternoon. Then I set myself up a TV tray for dinner. Sometimes I'd go out to a get a burger or something, other times I'd make something simple like an egg or cheese sandwich with soup. I'd watch the television until after the eleven o'clock news then go to bed. Outside my second floor flat there would be fights, shootings, knifings, drug deals, lover's arguments, boom boxes blaring like mad, or loud laughter. Sometimes I didn't fall asleep until 2am because all of the racket going on. Still, I was up at the crack of dawn with my metal finder to work my part of the shore. Just us old goats trying to make a buck. One morning it was cold, drizzling and foggy out. You couldn't see five feet in front of you. I dressed warm, put on my poncho and went for a walk. The other guys weren't out this morning. So I was alone in my thoughts thinking about Lia and Helen. The two loves of my life. I always teared up when I became melancholy wondering how long Lia would have lived if she wasn't killed on December 7th, 1941. How would my kids have turned out? Frankie and Nancy. The girls from my second marriage Elizabeth and Olivia were in their late forties and already grandmothers themselves. They wrote me monthly keeping me up to date on what was going on in their lives. I always wrote back in a few words telling them that I was okay and keep me in their prayers. Just ahead I spotted a large dark object at the shoreline. I walked over to it. With my eyes getting old, I had a difficult time seeing what it was even when I was on top of it. It looked like a piece of ambergris from a dead sperm whale. It used to be very valuable for making perfumes for women. They didn't use ambergris any longer due to the ban on hunting down whales so it was now worthless. I took the handle from my screwdriver and poked it just a bit. I never jumped so fast or so far when I heard it speak. "Milk," it groaned painfully. It didn't take a genius to know it was alive. I looked about me and saw no one else around my immediate area. I pulled off my poncho, wrapped it up and lugged it back to my apartment. I was wheezing and every muscle burned in agony as I finally got it to my place. I was huffing and puffing when I laid it on my upholstered recliner. I carefully unwrapped the object trying not to hurt it. "Milk," it repeated over and over. I got to the refrigerator and pulled out a full quart. I had no idea where to feed it. Then it opened its orifice and I saw a pink inside. I started pouring it in the hole a little at a time. "More, please," it groaned. "I'll have to go to the store and get it." I hurried outside and down the street to a 7-11. I waved to Juan who was behind the register. "Hey Jack, what's up?" I pulled two gallons from the cooler and brought it up to pay him. "Gonna tie one on, I see," he joked. "Yeah, I'm really gonna get myself drunk today. How much is the Lotto worth?" "Seventy million, man!" "Gimme a ticket," I pulled out a ten to settle up. "Whadda ya' goin' to do with all that money, Jack?" "Haven't figured that out yet." "Gonna get you a couple of 20 year old girls to keep you happy?" he gave me my change. "I'd be dead in a week if not sooner with two young babes that age. I'd never keep up with them." I grabbed the jugs and the ticket then headed for the door. "What a way to go," Juan laughed. "See ya'." "Yeah, see ya," I shuffled back to my place still hearing the Cuban man laughing. I poured more milk down the orifice and watched it slowly changing color like that of human flesh. "Thank you, I'll have more later. I need to rest." "Who are you?" I asked. "Later. I need to sleep." I picked it up, carried it over to my bed, and covered it. Grabbing a blanket, I got in my recliner and took a nap myself. When I awoke, it was gone. Both jugs were empty on the table. I saw a piece of paper torn from a notepad I used to remind myself what to get from the store whenever I went. You saved my life. I will be back to thank you later. It had made my bed and cleaned up after itself. I must have been knocked out not to hear it moving around. I pinned the note on my bulletin board then made myself a bowl of chili for lunch or an early dinner. With all these beans I'd be farting all night. I was watching the news ready for bed as soon as the weather was reported. I turned off the television and about to shut my nightlight when three people came into the room from nowhere. I stared at them for a moment. They were tall. The two females were beautiful. The male was handsome. They wore the same clothing like you'd see on Star Trek. "I'm John," the man had his hand out to me. "Jack Holiday," I shook it. "I'm Mona," the pretty blonde had her hand out. "Jack Holiday," I shook hers. "And I'm Alice. The person you saved this morning," She stuck her hand out to me. I had say that she was very pretty too. Sweet face, nice smile, short black hair, blue eyes. In fact all three had blue eyes. "I was careless this morning. I got too near the saltwater and it covered me. I asked for milk because in your world milk is the only cure we can get when we are in a life and death situation like I was." I was speechless. "May we sit?" John asked. "Be my guest," I motioned to three chrome chairs with cheap padding sitting at the table. The trio sat in unison. I sat at the edge of the corner of my bed. "We want to thank you for saving our sister's life," Mona smiled. Gosh! Was she beautiful. "Your welcome," I said. "Jack we want to reward you for what you did for us today." "I don't need a reward. I don't need money and I am comfortable being here." "That not exactly what we had in mind," Alice spoke up. "How would you like to live your life over again?" John inquired. "Go back to the beginning?" "Not exactly that," Mona tried to explain. "Become young again. Say, your early twenties? See what life unfolds for you from today until you get old once more." "Look, this is a joke, isn't it?" The three shook their heads. "We could make you into your youth, give you a boost in your intellect, fix yourself up with a great job, and put a few million dollars in your name so you can live the good life." "I already lived a good life." I protested. "We know all about you. You are a war hero, been married twice, widowed twice, loved both of your wives, you were a good father to your children and never harmed anyone knowingly in your entire existence." "How did you know I was a war hero?" "Your ship was torpedoed and you saved six men from certain death near the Island of Midway in 1942. You suffered bad burns too. You were awarded your country's highest award plus two purple hearts and several battle ribbons." "Are you guys spies?" I asked suspiciously. "Not at all," Mona smiled. "We are aliens of your planet. We have been coming here for over two hundred years settling and blending in with your population. We're not here to spy or invade. We love this world as much as anyone else. What we are trying to do is give you a second life. Maybe find another love like Lia and Helen." "You guys really know a lot about me." "Probably more than you can remember," Alice stated. "Why not live your second life as a woman?" "A WOMAN!" "A stunningly beautiful woman who is wealthy, very intelligent, being able to attract men without blinking. A woman with a commanding firm personality but also sweet and good. A woman..." "You mean you want me to be a woman?" "Why not?" Alice asked. "Beautiful women have a power over men. You would have the same effect on them as Lia had on you when you first saw her." My mind shot back to Lia and how she looked the second I laid eyes upon her. How utterly breathless I was seeing her beautiful face, slim shape, soft brown hair, so young and so desirable. How I instantly fell in love with her. Yeah, she had a huge effect upon me. Her life with me went by in a flash. Helen's life with me was too short also. "I don't know." I shook my head. "And how are your going to do this anyhow?" "We have a way to transform you into a younger man or into a woman. We can give you any age you wish. We have that power within our means. It would take days, even weeks to explain how it is done but we do have the ways to accomplish this," John nodded to me. "Why do you want to do all this for me?" All three looked at each other then back to me. "You saved one of our kind. We are very grateful. We could give you millions but you wouldn't live long enough to spend much of it." Mona explained. "The best way to reward you for saving Alice is to make you young again. As a youthful man or woman." "You've got my head spinning." "Let's make deal," Alice got up from her chair and joined me on the bed. "We make you into a young, gorgeous woman. Give you all that we promised you, and we'll return to you in a year. If you don't like what we've done for you, we can change you into a man with all the money we will give to you living your first year as a female." "Let me get this straight! I live as a female for a year. I am given a top-notch job, millions of dollars, everything a woman might want, and if I don't like it. You turn me into a man and I get to keep everything you give me now?" "That's right," John affirmed. "How do I know you aren't pulling my leg? Make me a woman, I'm unhappy and then never see you again?" "Why are we here now making you this offer?" Mona added. "Good point," I had to admit. "But why a woman?" "So you can see how the other half lives. Then when you get old, you'll know what it was like living on both sides of the genders." "Now you're not shitting me, are you?" "Absolutely not!" John declared. "Okay, but only for a year." I pressed my point. "In one year from tonight we will appear before you and you can make your final decision." "All right I agree but I want one other thing." "What is that?" Alice inquired. "I want all my memories and all my medals and things plus I need for you to get the money I put in trust from my grandkids and get it to them." "We'll be happy to do that!" John promised. "Alice!" I felt two warm hands touch both sides of my temple then I blacked out. END OF PART ONE

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LifelineChapter 13

I found Elizabeth and Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons when I got home. I was hours earlier than normal and my daughter, who I hadn't seen awake and alert in three weeks, jumped off the chair and raced to give me a hug. I scooped her up and kissed her on the end of her nose – which wrinkled in the most adorable manner – and tucked her on my hip as I turned to Elizabeth. My wife greeted me with a warm smile and a wink. I did my best to return the smile but...

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SisLovesMe Chanel Shortcake After The Club Stepsister Rub

Chanel Shortcake is a cute blonde with beautiful blue eyes, so you can imagine that everyone is trying to get in her pants. Guys and girls love staring at Chanel, which makes sense because she has seemed to develop a liking for both. But when her stepbrother finds out that she has been texting his girlfriend behind his back, he is fully pissed. His stepsister is trying to snatch his lady right from under him! The only way she can make up for the betrayal is by getting down on the floor and...

3 years ago
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One Night Stand In Banglore

Hi, I’m 26 yrs. old from India n this is my first post here. I’m 5 11’, 65 kgs with 30 waist n athletic body. The story I’m going 2 tell is a true one that happened with me a week back. I was on a trip n i was supposed 2 stay in this city for 3 days. So on the second day after all the commitments when i got free, i went back 2 my hotel room got freshen up and started searching for guys in that area on gay friend finder site. Meanwhile i ordered some drinks in my room n started drinking. I found...

Gay Male
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My brother and the Taos Cousins Reunion

While I was growing up my brother Big Tom was 2 years older than me. When he got into Jr. High he started going through puberty. He started growing pubic hair his cock started getting bigger and he had hardons almost all of the time. We shared a room so I had a front seat view. When Big Tom was a freshman that summer my dad's brother, wife and three sons came to town for a visit. Big Tom was 15, Allen was 15 also, Jake and Gage were twins and were almost 17. I was the youngest at 13. We...

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My daughter Miriam ch03

Debbie walked into her bedroom with a couple of glass of ice cold water. She stopped at the doorway to soak in the view of her handsome husband and pretty, sexy little daughter lying in bed naked. Miriam has a “just of fucked good” smile on her face. The sight made her pussy itch. “Well don’t you 2 look sexy together?” Miriam looked up to see her mother standing there in the doorway. She started to freak out thinking her mother would kill the 2 of them. Here she was naked, next to her...

4 years ago
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My Sexperience with a Japanese Man

After an enormous response to my previous story and due to many requests to share another experience I’m sharing one of my exciting experiences. As I have told in my previous story itself that I’m someone who has not had too much sex say less than 30. Sex is something I enjoy a lot. It is a wonderful experience and when you have it once in a while the intensity is too much. I don’t think if I involve in sex more regularly I will be able to enjoy it like I do when I experience it once in a...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Mom

Introduction: Barbara was astounded when she learned her eleven year old son and his buddy already had great sex techniques. Then she learned she was bi. Neighborhood Mom Barbara looked out the kitchen window and smiled. Bradley Junior and his best friend Joey took turns jumping their skateboards over a plastic milk case. Both eleven year olds had the bruises and bumps of dedicated skateboarders. She smiled and looked up at the clock over the window. The minute hand touched the four on the...

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My friends girlfriend

Me and my friend Jake were going to a festival. We had tickets well in advance and were going to camp in a tent over night. Over the next couple of months before the festival Jake met this girl Kate who he started dating and I saw him less and less. All his time he spent with he and he kept bailing on night outs. About a week before the festival I called Jake to ask if we were still on. ‘Hey mate, how is it going? I was just wondering if it would be cool with you if Kate came with us and stayed...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 8 Look Ma No Knickers

After spelling out to everyone what the letters C ... O ... N ... stood for Shona turned to Chris and Tammy and asked, “So, when did this happen? And is this why you guys have been so quiet?” Tammy looked at Chris then looked at Shona and replied with, “Our parents have just registered themselves and us as Clothing Optional Nudists. We can officially object if we want but it is expensive. Or we can just wait until we turn sixteen and legally decide for ourselves.” Shona looked at them both...

2 years ago
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My 13th Birthday initiation with mom

In my family, we have something called the initiation into adulthood. This is not an initiation like a barmitzvah or something like that, but very different. It goes like this: on the 13th birthday of a c***d in our family, the parent of the opposite sex will join the c***d in a log night of sex, in which the parent will not only give the c***d their first sexual experience, but teach the c***d everything they know about sex so that someday they might teach their own c***dren. Another thing I...

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KarenChapter 16 Whom

“Hello, Karen. May I have this dance?” “Sure, um?” “Jeff.” “Jeff. Wait a minute...” “Well, you’ve already said that you’ll dance with me. We can dance and wait at the same time.” “Aren’t you that pervert?” “No. We had that conversation. We decided that appreciating the sight of your luscious derriere is a normal male reaction, not a perversion.” “I’m not too sure about that.” “Did you have a male acquaintance who said he didn’t like the sight of your butt? Are you certain that he was...

3 years ago
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Taking it Like a Bitch

When Jonah asked if I fancied going for a walk in a secluded part of the countryside - in the pitch black, to boot - I quivered with excitement, thinking about all the possibilities he might have planned for me. Was he intending a fuck in the woods? Up against a tree with the bark scraping my back through my blouse? Or dragging me by my hair, throwing me down on the ground and forcing me to have sex? Now that idea really appealed: being forced into having sex was a special fantasy of mine....

Oral Sex
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 24 Joining The Harem

The following week seemed normal to Jack, normal in the new and improved normal that he now had. He went back to work Monday morning, to begin closing out his projects and plans with Will and Don. Tina called in saying she was going to be out a couple of days, but that she planned to be back on Wednesday. She had already told Jack that, but he didn’t want it known he was involved with her. Instead, she called Lisa. The entire office had concluded Jack and Lisa were an item, and he saw no...

3 years ago
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A Welcomed Guest 9

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra) Ra – God...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 98 Direct From Salzburg

They had a morning practice the next day. They blew it off. They had told June and Kathy--both of whom were there with them--that they were going to. "We're going to watch downhill skiing. We'll see you at the afternoon practice!" "Guys..." Kathy started. "Hey, it's the Olympics," Sophia told them. "Screw it. We're trained, this practice isn't on the main ice, and Warren loves downhill skiing. See you!" They found a spot at the end of the hill. To their amusement, they found...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 13 Word Spreads

Ninety minutes later, Dave’s large cock was buried to the hilt in Tan’s boiling hot love box. Holly sat on his face, making out with Tan as she slowly rode the new cock in her life, savoring every inch of the hung man as she rose and descended on his body in slow and studied fashion. Tan moaned, “God, not only is he a sex god, he’s also got the largest cock I’ve ever experienced in my tight little cunt.” Holly said, “AND, he eats his own cum from your cunt after he’s left you orgasmically...

2 years ago
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Kiski Mummy Kiske Saath Saga Continued

Ek din darwaze ki ghanti baji .babloo kotian aunty ke saath apne room mein busy tha . wo kotian aunty ki chudai karte hue keh raha tha ki asli mazaa tab aayega jab rohan ghar mein ho aur ek kamre mein main tumhare se mazey loot raha hoon. fir 3-4 baar fir se ghanti baji. babloo gusse se apne kamre se baahar aaya aur darwaza khola to ashwin khada tha. babloo gusse se bola abe kya hai . kyun mood kharab kar raha hai. ashwin babloo se bola yaar ghar pe koi nahi hai . babloo bola abe phoot na ....

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The Assistant Prequel

Well, I got the job. I am now the assistant of TV actor Matt Steiner, star of the popular series The Single Life. I’m assuming the agency feels I can handle the incredibly mind-wobbling responsibility of this job: make him coffee, pick up his dry-cleaning, and, more importantly, pay his bills and run his errands. You can envy me now, girls! This is by no means my dream job. I was hoping to become a journalist. I want my career to be based on the entertainment industry, but instead of doing...

2 years ago
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Pretty Maids All in a Row

PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW (Contains: sorcery, non-consensual hanging, wet panties) by C. Now was the final showdown. In the main hall ofFortress Arkan, Evil, in the guise of Syldav the Sorcerer, met Good, in theform of mild-mannered Noam, part-time bookstore clerk and full-time historystudent. Noam had so far defeated the Sorcerer's every spell; but now theywere face to face. Now the evil Mage raised his Wand of Power, with which hehoped to atomize this impudent intruder. The next few moments...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kat

I had the dream again. I don’t know why it keeps coming back ... it’s always the same. Even when some of the details are different, it’s the same. I’ll wake up, and instead of being me, I’ll ... well... I’ll be a cat. And it’ll feel so right. My name’s Kat. You’re probably thinking “Hey, that’s where the whole thing comes from,” but I really don’t think it is. My full name’s Kathryn, and the only person who really calls me Kat is my older brother, Duncan. The weirdest part is always the...

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TeensInTheWoods Kirsten Lee Wood Nympho E06

Lean, lanky, and just made for rough sex, Kirsten Lee and her BFF head out to the deep, dark woods for a hardcore video shoot and a little girl-girl fun. Kirsten is so horny, she can’t wait, and rubs one out in the car while her friend watches and plays with her nipples. Her girlfriend rubs one out too, and the two extreme teen sex addicts arrive in the woods with their tight bald pussies already dripping. The camera comes out and submissive Kirsten slowly strips, teasing her friend (and...

1 year ago
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Confession of an exhibitionists Part 2

Angela certainly had fun masturbating herself to three complete strangers in the train last night. She had the best orgasm in months. What next, Angela? Angela talking to herself...Hope Jim doesn't find out...that gets her excited hiding this from her husband, Jim while she does naughty things with other men. She is an exhibitionist. It was a weekend, and she decided to go the shopping centre. Wore a low cut blouse, skirt and high heels. Again, did not wear bra and panties. Jim did not go as he...


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