MaleMilkers free porn video

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                       Deadly Male-Milkers

                            TJ Ryder                


   Todd had high hopes for the party tonight at Clarissa's.  He had just

gotten off a 6 month navy cruise and this was the beginning of a long

awaited furlough in New York.  He'd already made up his mind that if he

didn't see any chance of scoring in the first hour he'd head for Times

Square and find a working girl to take the pressure off his swollen

balls that had a lot of pressure built up during the long cruise.

    Todd was a good looking young 19-year old, tall and muscular, and

if he hadn't already decided on the night's plan would probably have to grab

his thick incipient cock and stroke off.  So Seaman first class Browning

arranged his python down one trouser leg and went down and grabbed a cab.


    On the way there he reflected idly on his invitation, because Clarissa

was a stuck up bitch he tried to score on in school because she was such

an incredible knockout.  Sure, stuckup maybe, but that incredible set of

tits and that pouty full lipped mouth drove him crazy in History class for

a whole year, only to get shot down on his first pitch.  And now she's in

New York City with him.  Strange coincidences in a small world.

   Ah well, and then finding an invitation in the mail on his first day

of liberty from her.  Maybe she finally relented, he thought.  Maybe she

just likes the uniforms.  More likely he thought she needed some extra

guys around for fat dumpy broads at the party.

   When he got there, a strange looking doorman, maybe seven feet tall

with a hawk-like face looked at him carefully with the strangest smile

and was overly polite in holding the door open to the old brownstone on

the west side. 

   "Welcome sir," he said, "and I hope you enjoy the evening."

   "Um, yes, thank you."  He walked to a very old elevator, the old

fashioned kind with the grating, and punched floor #13 button.  It was kind

of odd having a thirteenth floor, he thought, because he read somewhere

that they renamed it usually because some people were supertitious.

   In any case he heard music from a door in the panelled hallway, and

laughter and giggling, so he entered.  He smiled, the big room was

full of young guys like himself and stupendous babes, babes in low-cut

sheer dresses that rode up to their crotches. Lots of the girls were

more like women, some in their thirties or forties, but all super

stacked megababes that he never saw outside of a movie.  And it was

funny but all the guys were kids like himself, late teens or early

twenties, and he had to admit it, muscular studs like himself.


   Oh well, he was angling over to the opulent food and drink table

when he heard his name.

   "Todd!  Todd, don't you remember me?"  He turned and his jaw opened.

Clarissa, even more stunning with a low cut blouse almost to her distended

big nipples coming over, and then kissing him on the mouth, her tongue

he swore brushing his, then holding him as she smiled up at him.

    "Oh, sure, hi, you look, you look unbelievable."

     She blushed, "do you think so, really? I'm just so glad you could

make it."

    "Well, I'm, um, glad you invited me.  It was a little surprising

because I didn't think you even knew when I was coming in to port."

    "Oh," she said, smiling, "we keep track of our boys in the service.

We know it's been so long. It must have been hard for you."  She said

this as she fell into his arms, her belly against his crotch, and he

tried to use will power to stop his cock from erecting.

    "Ah, well, that part is true, six months at sea is a long time."

    "I know," she agreed, "I know what deprivation means too.  But

tonight, my friends and I have decided to show our boys how much we

appreciate that sacrifice."

    He couldn't help wondering if that mean't she was going to put

out or not.  They danced, and he was surprised for the first time cut

in by another female.  The girls tapped each on the shoulder to cut in

just like guys would at a dance.  The next one was a voluptuous mid

thirties blonde who hunched her crotch into his, humped his hardon, as

her big breasts mashed his chest, also asking him how his long tour was. 

   What he found was that every one of the voluptuous beauties liked

hearing how long he was deprived, several sighing and squealing with

delight as they ground themselves against his hardness. He was now

getting really turned on, and somehow the punch was making him even

hornier.  He knew that booze made it appear to make a guy hornier but

all it really does is lower inhibitions.  But when he went into the

bathroom he found a couple odd things.  For one thing the mirror

was missing.  Not even  a bracket in the wall for one.  Okay, but

then when he unzipped he discovered what he felt in his pants.

    His balls were bigger, and he couldn't help drooling precum

from his inflated cock.  Using cold water he finally got his cock

soft enough to piss, sighing with relief.  A couple other guys were

in there, and he found in chat they had also been on either long

tours of isolated duty or cruises like himself and were primed and

ready.  Then as he was leaving, he met a shipmate, Rufus.

Rufus was a big studly black kid who he used to meet in the

weightlifting room.

   "Hey man, ah dint see you."

   "Hi buddy, you got an invite too?"

   "Ah sho did, an normally ah'd pass but de foxes heah, dey prime.

Dis young blonde knockout practically be squeezin my johnson every

time we dance."

   "Yeah, I think it's a kind of serviceman appreciation thing theyr'e


    "Yeah well, bro, ah kin tell you this thing is in the bag, cuz

we gwine get laid heavy tonight, bro.  Ah ain't never seen fine foxes

act like dis."

   Todd grinned, but had to arrange his hardon again as he went out.

   When he went back to the punch bowl he sniffed it, and it was

tasty, but had an odd fragrance, and somehow it seemed to make him

drink it.  He could feel his balls inflate even as he sipped it

down, and then felt a tap on his shoulder.  Clarissa smiling at him,

and she looked so hot! 

   "Well, Todd," she smiled, moving forward, kissing him softly, "I

think we can skip the formalities, don't you think?"  She moved her

hand down and felt his probing hardon, and sighed with pleasure,

and then moved it to cup his inflated balls.  Whispering into his

ear, "I know Iv'e had enough pleasantries for the evening, and we

both need something more, don't we?"  His throat was so tight he

couldn't speak, but had the vague impression that every woman

at the party was also embraced with a young man.  In fact the

chesty blonde dish was squeezing two males, and one seemed to be

trying to unfasten her blouse and then his knees seemed to give out.

   "Um," he said, moving back, feeling his hammering pulse as she

squeezed his glans, his head getting dizzy.  His own knees seemed

to get weak, and after some more making out, he noticed none of

the men standing any more, and all the women were turned, smiling

at him, as Clarissa murmured things in his ear, but he couldn't

tell what they were.  Looking around the room to see where the guys went

he realized they were laying in crumpled heaps around each woman.

A blonde voluptuary put her hand on her hip, as if to say 'well?'

   "What, um, what's going on?"  Clarissa  didn't reply, lowered him to

the floor as his consciousness fled.

   He had strange dreams, vivid erotic imagery, and finally a ray of

light was flashing and going away.  After a bit he realized it was

a door opening. He heard the hum of electric motors, and conveyor

belts, and also realized he was naked, standing up. His hands were

in comfortable but secure manacles overhead, and his bare feet

on a rubber covered floor.  Looking to right and left he saw that on

each side separated by several feet were other young naked secure men,

most still unconscious.  And the ones who weren't had feeding hoses in

their mouths, which they were sucking at. As well as hoses attached to their

other orifices.  It reminded him of a combination horse barn and

cow milking center.  He had grown up in farm country and looked

sideways at the logo on the feeder machine.  His family had a

similar machine in their dairy farm.  "McGuirk's Milking,

Patent #20938.

   "I thought you'd recognize McGuirk's."

   Startled  he looked up.  It was Clarissa in a tiny thong bikini

and heels and rubber gloves.  "Clarissa!  My God!  What's going on

here.  Let me loose!"

   Moving toward him, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Todd. Like my

outfit?"  He couldn't help but stare at her generous curves, and even

in spite of the situation he hardened instantly, making her giggle

with pleasure, and cup his balls again, hefting them with a

professional appraising feel.  "Every now and then we get a boy from

the farms and they all recognize the place.  It's a milking facility

all right."

   "Are you crazy?  Look, if your'e some terrorist group it won't do

you any good.  You know my folks don't have any money!"

   She giggled, "terrorists?  Do I look like a terrorist to you? 

I don't want anything that you can't provide, Todd."

    Laughing as she had a thought, "oh, I see, because you saw so

many young servicemen. They are a very convenient source I must

admit, but we certainly don't discriminate.  We do servicemen from

all countries.  I don't want you to think I'm not as patriotic as

the next girl."

   "But, but, what are you then?  What's this all about?"

   "Tsk, It's probably a waste of time to say this.  None of the other

girls ever bother to explain but you were a classmate and I suppose

for old Harding High's sake. (Sigh) Okay I might as well tell you that

wer'e vampires."

   He laughed, and she did also, until he stopped, looking at her.

She nodded with a smile.

   "That's not possible."

   "I am a vampire, Todd.  Your'e going to find out anyway not too long

from now."

   "You mean...  but there's too much wrong with that.  I saw you during

the daytime.  And if your'e going to bite my neck what are we all doing

in this, whatever."

   "This milking facility?" she added.  "That's what it is.  Forget the

old movies, Todd.  We suck sperm, not blood."

   Gaping at her, feeling her hand cupping his balls again, "this isn't

happening, it can't be happening.  Your'e crazy, you know that?"

   "The Victorian writers couldn't talk about sperm, theyr'e so repressed

and all, but that is the vital life force we need and love.  They changed

it to blood to keep the censors happy."    

   "But, me, will I be...?"

   She nodded, "I'm afraid you won't survive, Todd.  That's what happens

when you suck someone's vital lifeforce.  But consider that it will be

going into me, just like when you eat a hamburger.  The difference is

that you get more pleasure than a cow gets when he gets the power staple

in the forehead."  He was stunned, and almost cried, but stopped himself.

   "But, but, we grew up in the same town.  We went to school together."

   "Of course, wer'e just like everyone else, although we are practically

immortal. But everyone comes from somewhere."

   At that moment that stunning blonde he danced with last night came in

also in a thong bikini and heels and carrying a clipboard and smiled at

them both.  "How are you doing, dear?"

    Clarissa gave her a kiss on her full lips, their breasts mashing

together, and replied, "just fine, Veronica."

    "I want to get the menu straight dear, I know your'e having this one,"

she said, smiling and absurdly nodding at Todd who felt ridiculous about

almost nodding back in politeness, "but is there some other particular

one I should note down?"

   Clarissa smiled at that, looking at Todd.  "I think you had a shipmate

with you tonight, didn't you?  I like to do friends together. A big black

stud, a Rufus something."  Veronica nodded as she checked the guest list.

    "Okay, I'll tag him for you. I want to get all the selections made first

and then everyone else is first-come first-served." She noted it on her

clipboard, gave Clarissa a more than friendly kiss "and, darling, let's do

our first ones together as usual," and swished off.

   "Well," Clarissa said, releasing his glans and stepping back, "I have

to get you ready for milking.  You see this?" She held up what looked

like a horse feeder adapted to a man sized head.  "I'm going to slip it

on, so is there anything else you need to say? Quickly!"

   He stood there open mouthed, and tried to think of something, and she

shrugged, "We can talk later anyway." He felt a leathery harness over his

head, and a feeding tube into his mouth.  It was more of that pleasant

punch mixture, and she smiled as he started sucking.  Then he started as

she attached waste removal tubes to his already hard cock, and then

to his anus.   She moved down to the next male who was stirring awake as

he felt his senses swim, and his erotic visions increased as he sucked in

this strange punch.  Minutes moved into hours, maybe days.  He had

a memory or a dream, not sure which, of Clarissa and another voluptuary

having a water fight and giggling with delight as they sprayed each other

in addition to spraying himself and the other naked males.  That was

how he cooled down and cleaned the horses and cattle on a hot day in the

barn.  Then he felt his harness removed, and surfaced to consciousness.

He realized Clarissa was standing in front of him.

   "How you doing, classmate?" she grinned.  He felt her hand moving

over him, and it felt different.  "Oh yes," she cooed, using both hands

on him, "your'e doing very nicely indeed."  Looking down he saw with

astonishment his balls were like grapefruits and his big cock enormous.

   "Please, Clarissa (groan), what, what are you doing?"

   "Just checking out the meat, buster, and you have plenty of it."

   "Are you going to, you know?"

   She smiled, "no, not yet, I think you could nourish for a little more.

That liquid you drink is a very ancient recipe.  It gives males a big

boost that makes them so horney they do anything for a woman, but

it also changes them.  By the time your'e ready to be harvested you

will basically be a male genitalia on legs.  So much a part of you will

be converted into your male reproductive organs that you will have

a wonderful ejaculation.  You will just love that, I can promise you, and"

she smiled, licking her full lips, "so will I."

   "But, but, what will happen to me then?"

   "I don't think you understand, Todd.  Don't be so dense.  You will

go into my mouth, your vital essence.  I just can't wait till I taste you.

Won't that be nice, nourishing me for a while?  That should give you

satisfaction.  Oh I suppose you mean on the physical plane.  Well, I'm

afraid the male can't handle an orgasm when this much of his body is

reproductive organ.  You will expire either during or shortly after

it happens, but I doubt you'd notice."

   "What,(sob) will happen to me then?  Don't I even get a burial?"

   "Well, I didn't want to tell you this, but you don't believe in

vampires, so how can you believe in ghouls?  That strange doorman

you met?  We have other servants like him.  All ghouls. You see we

believe in not wasting anything, plus its good evidence removal. They

are very scrupulous about eating up whatever we vampires leave."

   "That's, that's horrible.  How can you do that?"

   "How can you eat a steak?  But if your'e going to be insulting I

can put the feeding tube on again.  Let's see how your friend is doing." 

She pulled back a curtain and in front of him Rufus was also manacled

to an overhead, also hooked up to the feeding and waste removal hoses.

   She walked over to him, her hips swaying and Todd cursed himself for

hardening even more.  He felt a pang of jealousy as she cooed over his

even bigger Black balls, bloated with sperm.  Rufus shivered with lust.

   "Oh yes, yes, very nice, " she said, removing the tube from his engorged

penis which was expanding as Rufus was watching her, wide eyed.  A pearl

of white precum appeared on his dark black purplish knob and she bent her

pretty head and licked it up. Rufus writhed in pleasure.  "Mmmmm," she

said, licking her lips.  She straightened up and smiled up at the bound stud.

   "I'm going to call Veronica because you, young man, are ready to burst."

Turning back to Todd, she came over and picked up a pager on a table.

   "Yes, darling,  oh, are you doing one now too?  I thought so, I can

hear you," she chuckled.

   Todd thought he heard male groaning and gasping from down the hall.

   "Yes, I just luckily checked on one of my meals, and he's ready to

absolutely pop.  I'm going to drain him now.  And you?  Uh huh. 

Wonderful, come right over afterwards, darling."

   Hanging up the phone, Clarissa smiled up at Todd.  "You probably gather

that we vampires are also lesbians, Todd.  Except for the sperm drinking we

get our pleasure from each other.  But it's so much better after we eat."

   "Please, please, don't..."

   "Hush, I'm going to let you watch, because soon I'll be doing you."

She fastened his feeding face harness again, and went and undid Rufus

who immediately had lots of questions.

   "Hey, what dis is, mon?" 

   "Hush, honey," said Clarissa.  "Don't you want to feel good now?" She

used both hands and ran them over his huge Black cock, cupping each ball.

   "Aw, baby, dat so good, dat so good.  What dis I hear about eating

people, aw dat feel good?"

    Licking precum from his seeping knob, Clarissa looked up with a smile.

"Don't let that bother you.  Don't you like what I'm doing to you?"

    He groaned as she squeezed his cock, and gasped as she temporarily

released him so she could move a small milking stool under his genitals

and then sat down, her head perfect for his bloated penis.

    "Oh yes," Clarissa said, lightly feeling each bloated testicle,

thumping them like a housewife thumped a cantelope.  "You have a nice

big load, don't you stud?"  Rufus' throat was too tight to speak as she

licked his huge balls, and then his eyes bulged as she traced her long

soft tongue up the underside of his mammoth cock.  She teased him

with long and fluttering tongue kisses on his genitals. 

   Todd was gaping at the scene a few feet away, could smell the sperm

and cunt juice fragrances from all around him.  He heard other sets of

female giggling and cooing and male groaning and grunting.  Clarissa

had stretched her mouth impossibly wide and taken in his knob, which he

didn't think possible, but she was doing it, and now she was sliding her

mouth down his glistening hard cock.  She sighed, feeling him in her

stuffed mouth and halfway down her throat, feeling his pulse now in his

manmeat.  Now she began to softly pump her head, and he almost came

but she squeezed the base of his glans with expert precision, shutting

down the orgasm.  She wanted him to cum on her terms.  She slurped his

precum that flowed abundantly in her soft mouth, and moved her head up

and down, making him almost pass out in the throes of pleasure.  Sometimes

she gently nipped at his cock to bring him back down, and then continued

sucking.  Todd could see Rufus was about to cum.  His body was getting

rigid, and trembling all over, he was gasping as his breathing increased.

His muscles and tendons stood out in stark relief as he strained.

   "Oh yeah, oh yeah, baby, yeah, YEAH! Ah gots to!"

   Clarissa moved her head back so just the knob was in her mouth, and

sighed with the first blast of hot male sperm, swirling in her mouth,

"Oh yesss," she moaned to herself, as she began to swallow, jet after

thick hot white wad of sperm jet of Rufus' essence.  Todd couldn't believe

it but Rufus just kept on coming, coming, and Clarissa moaned, kneaded

her big thick nipples now with both hands, her mouth covering his

knob that puffed out her cheeks.  After several minutes Todd noticed

that Rufus looked thinner, and he was!  His body was jerking back and forth

as he cooperated with CLarissa's draining mouth, and with all his effort

continued to spray her draining mouth and tongue.  Rufus after a while

began to weakly beg her to stop, but couldn't help himself thrusting into

her mouth, making her giggle between swallows.

  Clarissa squeezed his balls then, which had gotten noticeably smaller.

Taking her mouth off the seeping spitting cockhead, a strand of sperm

hitting her big naked breasts, "Come on, honey, give me all youv'e got,

that's my big male stud, that's it, mmmmm."

   She covered his spraying knob with her soft still-hungry mouth as he

passed out, jangling in his manacles, but even unconscious he continued

to pump and thrust, until finally, his testicles drained, his body hung

still and flaccid and empty looking.  His eyes were shut and his mouth

hung open with saliva hanging down a lower lip. He wasn't breathing and

he looked shrunken like a flat tire. Todd thought he looked like

he weighed less than a hundred pounds.

    Clarissa looked even better now though, her bikini strained with her

breasts, glowing somehow as she stood up and stretched.  Her eyes were

bright and her nipples were an inch long, and looking at her crotch in

the tiny thong bikini, she smiled and pulled it away from her swollen

clitoris and puffy cunt lips whose cuntcream was drooling down her smooth

thighs.  She looked smug and pleased, and somehow Todd knew that she had

Rufus, his shipmate and friend, down her mouth and in her belly now. 

Turning and looking at Todd, she sighed with deep pleasure even as a

similarly engorged and turned on Veronica entered to embrace her.   

   Todd was sipping from his feeding tube as he saw them lie down on a

couch in a 69 position, and what he saw made his cock stand up harder even

as his senses swam.  His erotic dreams were making his pulse pound even

as he watched the two voluptuaries give their own essences to each other.

What had he gotten into?  It's not real!

Chapter 2

   Time seemed to flow by as he once again rose to the surface and realized

his feeding mask was removed and Clarissa was smiling at him.  He heard

an odd but somehow familiar bell chiming from somewhere.

   "Wake up, Todd!"

   Startled, he was struck with fear, thinking it was his time now!

"Gulp! Are you going to...?"

   Shaking her head with a smile, "No, not yet.  Your'e being moved to

hook you up for milking.  You remember the old farm don't you?"

   "But, what?"

   "Now, I'm going to release your wrists and I strongly suggest you don't

do anything stupid.  For one thing you can't run away because, well, why

don't you look down?"

   Wondering what was going on, he did look down at his groin, and gaped,

and Clarissa giggled at his reaction.  He had balls like medicine balls

and his cock, almost fully hard, was engorged to twice its normal size.

   Clarissa moved her shapely bare right leg, "congratulations, Todd. 

Isn't this a male fantasy, to be hung like a bull?  Well you are now.

And perhaps your'e wondering why you don't feel their weight, must be,

ooh, (thumping his inflated skin tight balls and smiling) at least a

hundred pounds there.  You would be in a lot of pain if they weren't

resting on a stool we put under you guys. If I kick out the stool you

will really find out what true male pain is."

   "Gasp!  Then, what, what are you going to do?"

   "Your'e going to join the march down to the milking room.

So I  suggest that when I release your wrists you

reach down and grab your balls and lift them up before I kick out the

stool."  Laughing she reached around behind her and he felt his wrists

unlocked, and when he saw her move to yank the stool, he panicked and

reached down, hefting the warm firm heavy balls, feeling a pulse through

the enlarged veins that were feeding blood to them, the skin so

stretched and tight it was almost translucent, and he could see

the sacs of sperm inside.  The stool was yanked out, and he groaned, now

supporting at least a hundred pounds of his own sex organs. 

   Standing back, Clarissa smiled, "very good.  I know theyr'e heavy but

you only have to move a hundred yards.  Let's add the leash and collar

now.  Come on out to the hallway, quickly now bossy!" laughing, "Isn't

that what you called your first cow?"  Blushing, he realized how totally

vulnerable he was.  He was handicapped by the huge awkward weight of his

sensitive organs.  Even if he could escape, how far could he get now?

All he could do was slowly shuffle along, stooped over, straining with

the weight of his warm pulsing testicle sacs.

      By sliding one foot in front of the other, he moved out as she

pulled a leash attached to his collar, and heard a little bell.  She

had attached a tiny cowbell to his collar, and he heard

from the corridor a chorus of similar sounds softly chiming.

   Looking up, he saw he was last in a line of other prisoners, all

hunched over and holding up their testicles, all attached to each other

by leashes around collars.  Clarissa attached his leash to the

man in front of him, and that gorgeous blonde Veronica came by in

a thong bikini and cowboy boots and hat and riding crop.  She looked

glowing and he realized she had probably just drained an unfortunate

young man.

   Clarissa slapped his bare rump and said she would see him later,

and gave Veronica a tongue kiss and left to release another prisoner.

   Veronica stood imperiously by his side, her hands on her hips,

cunt drool down her firm thighs.

  "Now I want you cows to move together when I order it.  I'm the trail

boss here, and anyone who slows down, well,..." 

   She swung the riding crop viciously and whacked Todd across

his bare bent-over buttocks, making him writhe and cry out as a

red weal appeared over both white cheeks.

   "Now, " she giggled, "if anyone wants to drop their balls and try to

run, now's the time."  Laughing, she added, "I didn't think so but

there's always a joker in the herd. Now MOVE OUT!"

   Todd shuffled slowly trying to keep up, and Veronica stutted up

and down the line, wielding her riding crop, and singing the

lyrics to Rawhide.

   "Head em up, (WHACK!)  Get em up, (WHACK) Rawhide!...."

   Stopping at the head, she yelled, "are we having fun yet?  Let's

hear a nice moo for your trail boss.  Let's hear it!"

   As Tod shuffled past some giggling vamps, he mooed to her satisfaction

or he would get more crop marks.

   Finally, the hundred yard journey taking almost an hour and exhausting

the males was over. They were greeted by other luscious male milkers in

farmer outfits who hooked them up to a long line of adapted milk suction

tubes, and had their other feeding and waste removal tubes attached.

   Gasping and groaning, Todd welcomed it when he was finally attached

to the adapted Mc Guirk's milker, his heavy balls again resting on a

bench, his arms too tired to raise as they were once again cuffed behind

him.  A naked girl in bib overalls came by as she sprayed him down with

a hose, as he sucked the feeding tube avidly.

   Time streamed by, and Clarissa was either in a dream or in his

stall when he felt his cheek pinched, and then a thump on his left

inflated testicle.  Opening his eyes, he saw several vampire milkers

standing by a faucet holding champaigne glasses.  Then, he saw one

turn and look at him and the other males, and she noticed he was

aware and conscious and winked at him. 

   "Look, Stall # 17 is awake."

   Veronica came by and laughed, "that's Clarissa's next meal.  Let's

wake them all up, I think it adds a bouquet to the yield if they are


   Ten minutes later all the men in the line of milker suction tubes

were awake, their feeding harnesses removed, and their cocks

involuntarily erecting at the presence of the stroking strutting

teasing gorgeous naked female bodies.  Finally, a girl pressed a switch,

and Todd groaned in pleasure as he felt the suction machine massaging

his giant hardon, squeezing, sucking, pulling, and soon he felt his

orgasm approaching, but he also felt a constricting, regulating his

spray.  Veronica swished by, nodding, thumping an occasional testicle

with approval.


    "You cows are just being sampled now.  The productive ones will

be kept around."   Todd gaped as he saw through the transparent tubes

the warm thick white sperm running down the pipes from all the pent up

huge balls in the row.  A girl squealed with delight as she filled a

big glass under a faucet, and took a sip.

    "Mmmmm," she said, licking her lips, "I think Stall 14 is a good one.

What do you think Charlene?"

    Charlene kissed her and sipped from her glass, "too local and it lacks

finish.  Needs to ripen more."  The girls, including Clarissa, sampled each

male in turn, and Veronica made notations on a chart.  Todd watched her

nod and wave at him as she held up a glass, letting him know this was his

sperm, and she smiled as she drank.  He wanted to be selected for continuance

and desperately tried to push more sperm  into the machine, which was only

taking so much, even as every male now did, all wanting to live a few more

minutes.  After a pleasant afternoon, the girls talked and argued and drain

prodigious amount of still pumping sperm, as the males were caught in a

series of controlled ejaculations.

   Sometimes they mixed males sperm to create a better blend, and

finally made a selection, and the males, about half, were shocked as some

were disconnected.  The muscular young man to Todd's right sobbed and

begged as a luscious vamp pulled up a stool in front of his huge erection,

smiling up at him, hungrily kissing his organ.  Todd thanked his maker as

he realized he was still going to be connected, even as he heard the

ravenous sucking and nursing on helpless engorged male cockflesh, and

male gasping and groaning as expert mouths teased and pleased the sensitive

swollen cockknobs.

    Todd didn't want to watch but he couldn't help it.  The stacked brunette

in the farmer's bib beside him licked and teased the young man, even as

she ran her hands all over his bloated testicles.  After she had worked him

up to a pulsating quivering mass of ready to explode sex organs, she

slipped her drooling soft mouth off the knob and looked up at the young

man with a smile, as her red tongue slurped up a healthy dollop of precum

hanging from her full lower lip. 

   "Mmmm, slurp, nice.  Let's see, by your chart your'e Tony Romero, USN.

Hi Tony, I'm a real Navy fan so I want you to know I'm going to make this

very enjoyable for you."

   Unable to speak because of the pre-orgasmic sensations flooding his system

he croaked and shook his head, and she giggled and bent her head down, licking

up a healthy drop of precum from his seeping swollen knob.  Clearing his throat,

Tony tried to beg her not to eat him but then her expert mouth overwhelmed

him, and his body trembled in the throes of passion, his barely restrained

orgasm beginning to build, his glands and arteries about to burst.

    His cries of terror turned to pleasure as he

felt her soft mouth take him, and soon was gasping in the throes of passion,

spewing gob after gob of hot thick white sperm, and Todd watched her roll

her eyes back, her smooth throat swallowing and keeping up after her

cheeks swelled with each burst.  The vampire squealed with pleasure

between swallows and gulps.  He was so taken with watching her, as she

seemed to glow, her breasts get even bigger, her nipples harder, her pussy

drool juice down her legs as the whole room seemed to join in a sustained

orgasm.  Finally, as she stood up, smiled and stretched, noticed Todd watching

and his hardon stretched to the breaking point, she nodded and winked.

   Licking her full lips of the white creamy sperm dripping off, she

giggled, "mmmm, slurp, I always love Italian food.  Did you enjoy the show?"

   She laughed as he involuntarily blushed, and strutted off,

feeling so refreshed and satisfied and now looking for another fed vamp

luscious girl.  Todd watched her sweet rump as she left, and finally

turned to look at the young man she had drained.

   He screamed in horror,  he was barely more than a skeleton dangling

in his bonds, his gaping mouth open as he looked at him with staring eyes. 

What made it even worse was the trace of a smile on his dessicated face.

   This isn't happening!

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Is Three a Crowd

My name is Cheryl and I am thirty something, working for a large investment bank in the city. I’m 5’8 inches tall, have shoulder length brown hair, and a tidy figure that I work hard in the gym to keep in shape. I work very long hours and am very career minded so I don’t have time for a normal relationship, just the occasional one night stand if it feels right. I finished work around 8.30pm one night, and decided to stop for a drink in my local wine bar on the way home. I had been there for...

2 years ago
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The Story of Dave

A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...

2 years ago
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Expo Summer 6 The Truth About Adults

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. I'm sure that any recognizable names you might encounter are purely your own imagination. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or...

2 years ago
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Sharing My Sister With My Friend And An ISS Reader

Hi I am vijay 26 here back with my third part of seducing my sister with my friend.Thanks for your feedback on my past stories.i have replied to most of you. I have even shared our pics and our phone numbers to some of the iss readers.U can read my previous stories of Seducing My sister and making her my wife and Sharing My sister with my friend before reading this part. For all those who have not seen my sister pic I wanna describe abt here once again. She is 21 doing M.E in one of the reputed...

4 years ago
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Juvenile Sexuality by Jim Stanley Ch 19

Juvenile SexualitybyJim StanleyChapter 1Its Beginnings"He's a love c***d." These words of my mother to our next-door neighborwere my first introduction to sexuality. I was nine at the time, justcoming into sexual awareness and I wondered what those words meant. I hadan inkling, but I wasn't sure. I sought out my older next-door neighborand asked him the meaning of these words. Red was quick with hisanswer. "It means," he said, "that your mother and father had sex at a latedate in their life and...

5 years ago
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The First Time Part 2

I wake naked and cold wondering about the events from just a few hours ago. I check my phone and see that it's 10pm, only three hours after my amazing experience with Jaiden and Savanna. As I gradually become fully awake, I hear moaning coming for the room next to mine. I quickly get up and find Savanna and Jaiden on Jaiden's bed scissoring. I start to watch their beautiful sticky pussies rubbing against each other as strings of their juice hang between them. With one hand, I feel my way over...

3 years ago
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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 9

Tuesday The next day things only got worse, as I picked up Tiffany and headed to school, with the press right on my heals shouting questions at me whenever they could get within speaking distance. They setup just outside of school property and even had helicopters flying over trying to get pictures of me during the day. Something obviously had to be done. I was called to the principal's office during lunch period, and Tiffany followed me in for moral support. Dad was there as well, and...

4 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 10 Hard Decisions

I woke at 9 am to find that Cindy and Suzanne had left sometime during the night. I jumped into the shower and let the hot water loosen my sore muscles. When I got out of the shower, I checked myself in the mirror and didn't like the view. Being blindsided so many times had me looking as if someone had taken a two-by-four and beat me. I ached all over and was a little hesitant to see what the trainers had in store for me. I slipped on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and then put on some sweats...

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