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Grace Bigelow, a patient under Nurse Leah Mullen's care had been raped, not once, but twice, and Nurse Mullen was furious. The thick rubber soles of her sensible shoes slapped the polished linoleum floor as she strode with purpose. At Hank Patrick's office door, she didn't knock; she opened the door and entered the office with blood in her eye. Patrick was the chief of security for the hospital.

Surprised by the interruption, Hank looked up from the papers on his desk.

"Hank, I told you yesterday that Grace Bigelow had been raped during the night," the head nurse said, her words precise and full of purpose and resolve. "You must have done nothing about it because Grace was raped again last night. I won't have that kind of criminal behavior happening on my ward. Do you hear me?"

"Calm down Leah. I hear you. Tell me what happened last night."

"The same thing that happened the night before," Leah said. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Was evidence of the crime washed away this morning, like it was yesterday?"

"No! That sick sociopath's spunk has dried on poor Grace like flakes from psoriasis lesions. I didn't like it, but I wouldn't let anyone bathe her this morning. She's completely helpless, Hank. Catatonic. She lives in a world of her own making, far away from our world. She doesn't speak. She can't tell us anything about the rapist. There's no way to even know if she realizes that she's been raped. I feel so sorry for her. Her life is bad enough without some sick son of a bitch creeping into her room at night and raping her. I don't know what the rapist sees in her; she's like a life-size, blow-up doll. She doesn't—can't respond."

"Rape isn't about sex, Leah. It's about power." He sighed and added, "Now there's some evidence of the crime, I'll call the police. They'll send out a female officer with a rape kit and open a case file. The rapist has to be a member of the hospital staff or one of the patients."

"I don't see one of my male patients being the rapist, Hank. None of them..."

"We'll check out every man who has access to your ward," he stated, interrupting her. "And when the rapist is identified, we'll have proof. We'll have his DNA, Leah."

"That's all well and good, but what about tonight? What about tomorrow night, and the night after until you and the police identify the pusillanimous bastard?"

Hank sighed. "Move her to a secure room at night."

-- Leah nodded and wondered why she hadn't thought of moving Grace at night. It was the perfect solution.

Just before the pre-school training session with the overweight students started, Danielle approached me and asked for a private conversation. As we walked away from the others, I said, "You look pretty this morning. I like your exercise outfit."

She appeared happy that I'd noticed and thanked me, and then went on to tell me that she purchased her yoga clothing online.

"There's special clothing for yoga?" I said, surprised.

She smiled and said, "Yes. The clothing is designed for comfort and style for every pose."

When we were out of earshot of the others, she said, "I hope you didn't get in too much trouble yesterday. If you did, I feel partially to blame."

"My anger and my inappropriate comments are to blame for any trouble that came my way from yesterday's debacle, Danielle. Rest easy, though. Except for making an enemy out of Harry Wiggen, I came out of the mess without any permanent scars. Tom, the principal, did ask that I apologize to Harry, which I did."

"Harry should have been the one apologizing, Coach, not you, at least that's what I told him last night. Coach, Harry and I have been dating. I think ... ah, hell, Coach, plain and simple, he's jealous of the time I've been spending with you. I haven't exactly been sensitive about it, either. I've been singing your praises. Last night, he gave me an ultimatum: have nothing to do with you, or he and I were finished. I told him bye, bye."

I said nothing.

"I wasn't in love with Harry, Coach, but I did like him, and he was good company. But yesterday ... well, you pegged him yesterday. He was extremely rude. I've never seen him act like that. I was very disappointed in him."

"Danielle, the time we've spent together hasn't been personal. We didn't go out on a date," I said. Then I grinned. "Not that I'm opposed to going out with you. I just think that dating so soon after my wife's death wouldn't be appropriate."

She nodded. "I understand."

"To change the subject, would the landlord for the rental house allow my daughter and me to take early occupancy? I'd pay the extra rent, of course. The reason I'm asking is that my wife's body was released for burial yesterday. Her father told me she wanted to be cremated, so I honored that wish. I have tentative plans for a memorial service for her on Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving or Friday the day after, preferably Friday so I won't have to miss any work. Weather permitting, my mother and an aunt and her husband will be here for the memorial service, and I'd like to be in the new house when they arrive. I purchased furniture for the house over the internet. It's scheduled to arrive tomorrow."

"I'll ask the landlord," Danielle said. "I'm sure he'll say yes."

"Danielle, it might appear crass to some in the community because not everyone knows that I don't remember my wife at all and have no emotional connection with her, but a week or so after the memorial service, I'd like to go out with you on a personal basis."

"I'd like that, too, Coach."

Robyn's office door was open, so I stuck my head in and said, "Gotta minute?"

"I do, come in."

I sat in front of her desk.

"That was a good session with the kids this morning," Robyn said. "They really seem to get into free weight training."

"They're great kids and highly motivated," I said.

"Your tai chi is still the big hit, though."

I chuckled. "It's a good exercise. Danielle uses yoga to meditate. I use tai chi."

"Isn't tai chi a martial art?"

"It can be, but I prefer krav maga for self defense," I said. Then I had to explain krav maga.

"Are you planning to teach the kids self defense?" she asked.

"No," I said. "Right now, they're getting in touch with their bodies. They have enough on their plates with free weight training, running, yoga, tai chi, and pilates. Free weight training at the intensity required for weight loss requires 48 hours of rest between sessions. Running should be used for one of the two days off from weight training. On the other day off they can exercise with yoga, tai chi, and pilates. Also, preferences will surface. I've noticed already that Nora prefers yoga to pilates; whereas Marylyn prefers pilates."

"All three prefer tai chi," Robyn said.

"Tai chi is a good way to start a day regardless of what other training is scheduled on any given morning. It's not so intense that it precludes other exercise efforts. When I said preferences would surface, I was referring to the students selecting either yoga or pilates. I noticed you haven't tried any yoga postures, and Danielle hasn't done any pilates exercises. Like you and Danielle, the students don't really need both yoga and pilates to stay fit. And don't forget that the achievement of excellence requires concentrated effort. After they become proficient in the beginning exercises you and Danielle are teaching them, I'll suggest they select one of them to reach for excellence."

She nodded. "What about Cory?"

"He hasn't demonstrated any preference yet. Robyn, I stopped by your office to talk about Larry. Would you pull his file for me?"

"Sure, just a sec."

When she returned with the file, I opened it looking for something that would help him become a better human being. What struck me most were his grades. Then I had an idea. "He's very good in a number of subjects. Can he test out of any of them?"

"Maybe, but why?"

"He needs some time during the day to work a job that pays more than minimum wage," I said. "Right now, he works nights at a convenience store five days a week. I don't know how he does it."

"Let me see his file," she said. A minute later she looked up. "I think he could test out of English, history, and Spanish. If he did, he'd have his afternoons free, except for a physics lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if push comes to shove, he could test out of physics, as well. And there's an added benefit. They're all AP classes. He'd get college credit for them."

I smiled. "That would work. Now I just have to find him a good-paying job."

"Coach, while you're finding him a job, put together a scholarship for him so he can attend the community college."

"Aren't scholarships your bailiwick?" I said.

She laughed. "Okay, I'll go to work on it."

"Is there an Alcoholics Anonymous Chapter in Ely?" I asked.

"There must be. I've noticed meeting announcements for AA in the Ely Times. If you're thinking of intervening with Larry's mother on his behalf, don't do it."

I smiled. "Never crossed my mind."

"Good morning, Elizabeth," I said cheerfully on the telephone.

"Good morning, John. What can I do for you today?" she said.

"You can help me find a job for a worthy high school student."

"John, I do a lot of things, but I'm not in the employment business."

"I know that, but I also know that you know just about everyone in the professional services industry in this town. Here's the deal. Larry Foreman is a senior at White Pine High. He's carrying a 3.67 grade-point average, and he works nights full time at a convenience store, which pays minimum wage, or not much above minimum wage. His days off at the convenience store are Thursdays and Fridays so he can play football. What's more, I'm told his mother is an alcoholic. He..."

"I know Katy Foreman, Coach. She's a lost cause," Elizabeth said.

"Maybe so, but Larry works the convenience store job to put food on her plate and a roof over her head. I just left Robyn Clark's office. She's the guidance counselor at the high school."

"I know Robyn, John," she said.

"She thinks Larry can test out of some of his classes, which would free up his afternoons during the week. The football season ends this afternoon, so that will give him some extra time, as well. The boy is college material, Elizabeth, but that'll never happen unless someone gives him a leg up in life. I figure someone in the professional services industry might have a need for a motivated, smart young man to work half-days starting with the crap jobs that are part and parcel of every profession. He could start as a gofer, do courier work, filing, whatever, and slowly handle more meaningful work as he learns more about the job. I spoke with Winston Brown. He runs the computer lab at the high school. He told me Larry is a whiz at computers. The boy has also earned straight A's in math, so he'd be good with numbers, and..."

"What about his appearance?" Elizabeth said.

"He's a good-looking young man, big but not overweight, plays tackle on the football team. He's poor, though, so haircuts are rare, and although his clothes are clean, they're wrinkled and worn thin. He probably doesn't own any business casual clothes."

"Demeanor? Attitude?" Elizabeth said.

"Both are a problem," I said. "He's an angry young man, Elizabeth. Would you be pissed if you were eighteen years old, in the top ten in your high school class, but were shackled with an alcoholic mother and had to work nights in a crap job to put food on the table while trying to finish high school? Think about how you would feel if you were college material but saw no opportunity to go to college because you felt obligated to take care of your mother, a mother that others consider a lost cause. Larry can be saved, Elizabeth. He isn't a lost cause, not yet. If just a few elements in the equation that makes him angry are altered, he'll come around. I'm trying to change the equation to give Larry a brighter future. It's that simple, and it's that complex. Robyn will help. She'll talk to him about testing out of some of his classes to free up his afternoons. She's also going to work on finding him a scholarship for the community college."

"Do you have Robyn's phone number?"

"Just call the school. They'll transfer your call to her."

"I'll also speak to Tom. I'm not making any promises, but I have an idea that might solve your problem, or rather Larry Foreman's problem. Call me later this afternoon."

"You're a good woman, Elizabeth. I feel privileged to know you."

"Yeah, well, you're a fucking boy scout."

"Elizabeth! Such language coming from a leader in the community is ... Well, it's shocking." I snickered. "Probably accurate though. I'll call you from my office before I meet with the football team before the game."

I was on thin ice. I didn't know how Larry would react. Would he think I was meddling in his life, or accept my help in the spirit in which it was offered.

The young man sat in front of me with heavy, black clouds on his face ready to rain all over me at the slightest provocation.

"Larry, you have a cancer growth on your soul," I said. "You expect the worse, and that's what you get most of the time. I don't know how you do it. You go to school full time and manage to earn superior grades. You work full time at a crap job. You play football, and you excel at the game. And you take care of your mother, to boot."

"Leave my mother out of this," he hissed through clenched teeth.

"You've got to be dead tired, and if you aren't angry most of the time you should be. Larry, I didn't call you into my office to hassle you. I called you into my office to discuss your future."

He said nothing.

"Your job at the convenience store, what does it pay?"

"Not much. Not enough," he said. "But that's the only job I could find. I make do. It's not so bad, Coach. The job isn't taxing physically, and I can get in a few hours of study time most nights."

"When do you sleep?"

"I get my rest, not all at once, but ... why these questions, Coach. Do you think I'm too worn out to play the game this afternoon?"

"No. You'll play, and you'll play well. How you do it with everything else that's on your plate surprises me, though. Tell me. Why did you shackle yourself with the extra time it takes to play football?"

"I like the sport. I'm a fan. I like the contact. I like to hit the other guy and hit him hard. You talked about anger management therapy. Football does that for me. It's therapy. It's how I expend my anger."

"What happens next week when you no longer have that outlet?"

He laughed, but not with any gaiety. "I catch up on some sleep."

I laughed then, but it was an honest, happy laugh. "Fair enough," I said. "Where do you see yourself next year, Larry?"

"What do you mean?" he said.

"At college or working a job."

"College is out. If I'm lucky, I'll land a job at one of the mines."

"If college is out, why are you enrolled in college preparatory courses?" I said.

"Humph, I'm an anachronism. Don't tell anyone or l'll lose my rep, but I like learning. I don't have much joy in my life, but learning is one of them. I've learned more on my own than I have in school, and although college isn't in my future, I'll continue to learn."

"What if I told you that college is a possibility?"

"I'd ask you what you've been smoking. You don't understand my situation, Coach. Nobody does."

"You're probably right about that, Larry, but I stuck my neck out today anyway. I called around. I found you a half-day job that will probably total your pay for the full-time job at the convenience store. You'd be working for an attorney and an accountant."

"At night?" he said, looking surprised.

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"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods, " I said as I sat in front of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared," Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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A Trip to the Pharmacy Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 Kristin grabbed some diuretic pills and muscle relaxers, poured them into a mortar, and ground them up into a fine powder with a pestile. Taking a bottle of pain relief capsules, she opened up the capsules, dumped out the pain relief medicine, and replaced it with the diuretic / muscle relaxer combination. She then closed the capsules up and put them back into the bottle which she slipped into her jacket pocket. She had researched each drug beforehand to make sure she had...

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The Path Not Taken

It began like this… I was in an awful marriage. My husband was always cheating, and then coming home and complaining about how out of shape I had become. It was true to some extent. After I’d become a full-time geek at the firm, all I did was work at a cubicle and then bring back my work and sit at the computer some more. Once only 110lbs I had become a 150lbs. When I looked in the mirror I only thought about the number of miles I’d have to run in the scorching heat to lose it all. ...

1 year ago
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Fat Mom Tube! Are you horny as fuck for fat ass old women? Moms in particular? If so, then you probably find yourself jacking off across the street at the local hair salon as MILFs of all ages get their hair done, thinking they don’t look fucking ridiculous. But you are into that shit, right mother fucker?I know what you are into. I see the shit you look at on ThePornDude. Hey, I’m not going to judge you! I just want you to be aware of a site called Fat Mom Tube!Oh, now you are interested in...

BBW Porn Sites
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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 5

It's about 12 pm when I wake up. I have to leave soon. I send Holly a text saying "Good morning" and wait with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. It doesn't take long for Holly to reply. She says good morning back and I ask her if she's given any thought to my offer. She says "I need to talk to you before I decide." She gives me an address and I tell her I'll be by soon. I pack up my bags and put them in the trunk of my car and set off. It takes 20 minutes for me to get to her...

3 years ago
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My best friends mother

After walking for about 10 minutes Angel arrived at his friends house and knocked on the door. To Angels surprise, Brian's mother Lisa answered the door. He Hadn't expected her to be home because it was the middle of the day and she was usually working at this hour on Saturdays. As she opened the door, he saw that she was only wearing a white bath robe. Angel's eyes quickly looked up and down her body, then back to her face, hoping she hadn't noticed. Lisa was a beautiful women in her...

3 years ago
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Sparkle Someone Elses Eyes

Melanie decided that she definitely liked this club-- "Empire", it was called. Located in a somewhat revitalized part of the city, the decor was classy, the drinks were expensive ... and everybody was dressed to the nines. Very chic. In addition, this DJ was pretty good, but she wanted to hear something closer to heart. She wandered over towards his booth while a dance mix of some Eighties tune was spinning. He sat amidst a tangle of wires, a microphone, and a laptop computer. Hispanic,...

3 years ago
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Catching My Son With My knickers

Mark was in High School and would be on school holidays in a few more weeks.One Friday evening, I had to work late. I had been pursuing a new account for the past few months. And I was hoping to finalise the deal over dinner with the client. Normally, I kept Friday evenings free for my son. It was a long-standing tradition with us. We always did something special on weekends. So it was a touch of guilt that I called up Mark to cancel our evening plans. I told him that I would be late, and that...

2 years ago
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The LibrarianChapter 9 Dinner at Lesas Part Two

Lesa arrived home well ahead of the others. She asked Sara to listen for the doorbell as she headed upstairs to change out of her business suit. In the hope that the crowd would be delayed long enough at the pizza parlor, she took a quick shower and reapplied some light makeup. She was coming down the staircase in a sleeveless white tunic top, matching drawstring pants and straw sandals when she heard the front door open. Everyone had arrived together. Susan looked around the foyer and...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Aunt

I’m a frequent reader of ISS. Gr8 website it is………. Hi I’m Arun Kumar living in Chennai. I’m 19 years old and I’m going to share my sex experience with you guys! I was enjoying my semester holidays in my Aunt’s house. We all went to ECR to a resort for a swim in the pool. She don’t know swimming so I taught her. I had a great opportunity to see her curves. I held her navel and gave her a support to swim. I could not resist myself. I touched her breast and it was so soft. We came home so late....

5 years ago
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Goddess Initiation

A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a movie but the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense of arousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selected from a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other. The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremony for one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organization was nothing more than a Black BDSM...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 11 77 Denmark Hill

WE SAID our farewells to Petersen and headed down to catch the bus back up to Chiswick, where we would use the Underground from there. “Are you alright, Edgar?” Mary was concerned. I suppose I had gone rather quiet while Petersen discussed the different operations carried out on his leg, before the doctors finally decided to take it off. “Yes. I hadn’t had the same problems as Petersen, Mary. You know, the series of operations, the hopes first raised and then dashed each time. I was dragged...

2 years ago
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BrattySis Lola Fae Rachel Rivers My Immature Step Brother

With school online, Rachel Rivers and her friend Lola Fae can study together. The only downside is that Rachel’s infantile stepbrother, Kyle Mason, has decided that Rachel needs to take care of him. He whines at her. When Rachel doesn’t make him lunch, he complains that it’s late. Eventually, his complaining pisses Rachel off to the point where she pulls up her shirt and tells Kyle that if he’s going to act like a baby he may as well such her teat. Lola is a little...

4 years ago
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25 October 2008Chapter 9

During the drive home, Lisa was planning all the fucking she wanted to do with Dan, especially his secret number of men he wanted to fuck her next time out. Dan walked Lisa through the front door, her dress remaining open. Wendy and Tina smiled seeing her bare tits and pussy. “Where’s Karen?” Wendy asked. “She’s spending the night with Lisa’s husband, John and Lisa is staying with me.” “I hope you don’t mind but Karen and I had so much sexy fun fucking with the other’s husband we decided...

3 years ago
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A night turns into glory hole fun

I had just broken up with my girlfriend of two days. She just decided to up and leave one day and wasn't exaclty nice about it. She ended up cleaning out our entire apartment. In an attempt to cheer me up a few good friends decided it'd be a good idea for me to get out and have a couple of drinks. After a while of pounding them back I decided to just head out and drive home.As I was driving home I passed a run down looking sex shop. My drunk curiosity got the best of me and I decided to wander...

4 years ago
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Second Time Camping

so you all remember my first time camping right, well a couple of months later i went camping again with some more friends zack didnt go to this one but a guy who i thought might be gay was going. So i thought i might try and get with him and to do this i had to pretend to be straight. The guys name was fred and he was about 6ft slim and ginger.we got to the camp and then everyone split up to do jobs such as tents and food me and fred got paired and we had to go wood collecting for the massive...

2 years ago
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Virgin Marwari Ipsi

Hi, I am Pankaj and this story is about a Girl from Delhi who approached me after reading my story. But first, those who are interested in contacting me ping me at kik “pkgargxx” or mail at “” Let’s begin with action then. The best part of the incident is Ipsi. She read my story at Indian Sex Stories and KIK’ed me. IP: Hi PK, ur stories are great ☺ Me: Thanks and Hi, where are you from IP: From Gurgaon why are u asking Me: Just trying to know you IP: Hmmm so where are you from Me: Mostly in...

1 year ago
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Join with us

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a summer holiday as we sat in our farmhouse sharing a meal with our friends Ravi and sindhu, a brother and sister like us. We initially met Ravi and Sindhu in a resort one of our special vacation tour and created a friendship, which led to a meeting with them. Our initial meeting with them was magical as we all had similar interests. After five more meetings we invited them to our farmhouse for a visit. Sindhu is her mid twenties Longhaired...

2 years ago
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First Time Fun With An Online Girlfriend

Hi, friends. I am 35 m from Delhi. Who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know. I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 18 years age. Experience do counts hehe. No, I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal Punjabi Indian man heavy built with an average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to the core. Love giving and getting oral fun. Experiments with food items etc. I am in for online phone...

1 year ago
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A bondage weekend

"I am staying until sunday, and I know you have bondage plans so I have decided to help you out. John is coming over for the night, so you will be tied up and gagged here so that you don't disturb us. We will be using this bedroom so you will be under the bed or the basement" She said." Where do you wanna spend your night? " I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. This was going to be fun, being tied up and horny while they had their fun would arouse and humiliate me like hell. "Under the...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 21

We walked in and every head turned; those on necks and otherwise. There were quite a few people in the shop front at this particular time and it felt momentarily awkward until Jess walked around the counter. She had changed clothes since this morning and the effect was breath taking. Her lovely breasts were being contained, barely, by a low cut sports bra that would most likely be completely useless as an actual sports bra. It was, however, exceptionally good at showing off her ample cleavage,...

3 years ago
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Through My Teacher To Her Daughter 8211 Part 2

That night I slept well. Who would not, after getting to fuck your favourite teacher in a totally unexpected way. And also, after her promising me her little daughter for me to enjoy. I had gone to sleep imagining the girls cunt, hidden safe, untouched and un-fucked till date, it’s shape it’s texture, it’s hole size etc. I was more curious about the shape of the daughter’s cunt. Would it be like her mother’s cunt ? Why not, when one can get facial resemblances, why not pussy resemblances of...

4 years ago
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Caning SuzyJayne Part 2

It was a Thursday evening and almost a week since I’d met Suzy-Jayne at Blake’s party, the one to one session I’d done with her had never been far from my mind. I’d copied her phone number into my diary using my unique, personal coding system which I guess was hardly necessary now that I was once more living on my own, but old habits die hard as they say. Rosalind, my nymphomaniac, but sadly, very vanilla girlfriend of two years, had moved out of my flat four weeks earlier. It was an amicable...

2 years ago
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Hotwife travels for work

Not long ago my wife was traveling around the state on day trips with her coworker, Tim. I encouraged her to have some fun during their trips! She texted me as they traveled one day. What would he do if I just sucked his dick while he drove?:)Find out! I encouraged. Not long after I received a text that said..he's much longer than I expected:) I was so happy that my wife had sucked her coworkers cock!! I'm sure Tim was shocked at first, but she said that he...

3 years ago
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Long Time Coming 2

Long Time Coming 2 (Apologies for the delay)A work of fictionPart 1 @ http://xhamster.com/user/dbfortyniner/posts/127548.htmlDavid visited his aunts graveside regularly every month come rain or shine. He removed the old flowers and placed new ones in the vase. He removed any weeds and when he was satisfied that all was tidy he knelt on the grass beside the grave. Looking around to ensure there was nobody in earshot he spoke slowly. “Well I’m here again aunt Betty, it’s turning cold again and...

2 years ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Aria 12242018

18 year old fast food worker Aria looks so young, I check her IDs before we even talk about sex. Once I confirm this adorable sweet heart is indeed legal, we learn that Aria is a kinky porn fan and she realized she is into being a submissive but isn’t getting the proper treatment from guys in real life. So maybe porn dudes can “manhandle” her properly? After making her strip and putting a butt plug in her tight little ass, we let Mr Vince show her what a well-trained...

4 years ago
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The German Sub

The German Sub. By Miss Irene Clearmont Synopsis: Georg, a sailor on U143, is swept overboard and falls into the clutches of a woman who takes what she needs from her captive. An Adult historical tale of Female Domination. Chapters The Death Of U143. The Survival Of Georg. Night Games. Daytime Games. A Glass Of Cream Sherry. Time Passes. Asking For A Date. Unconditional Surrender. The End and Notes Copyright © 2012 (June) Miss Irene Clearmont. The...

2 years ago
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Private Stasia Si Anal is the Best

Tattooed and sexy, the sensual teen Stasia Si has come to Private Specials, Anal Loving Teens 3 for an intimate and passionate time with stud Nick Rock XXX and this young cutie is looking forward to her favourite sexual practice… anal! It doesn’t take long for this hot couple to get the action started as Stasia’s juicy pussy is devoured before she repays her man with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com where this beauty enjoys a hard and deep anal pounding...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Forever Part Two of Thirteen

CHAPTER 3: Sammy was right; I did drink too much, but I didn’t give a damn. I needed to drink and to drink often. And why the hell not, John Daniels loved me. I wonder what they’d named the baby. I wondered if it were a boy or a girl. I guess it didn’t matter; I’d never be meeting it—him, her.It was strange it was. I couldn’t get the kid out of my mind. I couldn’t get the two of them out of my mind either. The way they’d done me. Was I jealous even after a year? I guess I was and bitter too. I...

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