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Grace Bigelow, a patient under Nurse Leah Mullen's care had been raped, not once, but twice, and Nurse Mullen was furious. The thick rubber soles of her sensible shoes slapped the polished linoleum floor as she strode with purpose. At Hank Patrick's office door, she didn't knock; she opened the door and entered the office with blood in her eye. Patrick was the chief of security for the hospital.

Surprised by the interruption, Hank looked up from the papers on his desk.

"Hank, I told you yesterday that Grace Bigelow had been raped during the night," the head nurse said, her words precise and full of purpose and resolve. "You must have done nothing about it because Grace was raped again last night. I won't have that kind of criminal behavior happening on my ward. Do you hear me?"

"Calm down Leah. I hear you. Tell me what happened last night."

"The same thing that happened the night before," Leah said. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Was evidence of the crime washed away this morning, like it was yesterday?"

"No! That sick sociopath's spunk has dried on poor Grace like flakes from psoriasis lesions. I didn't like it, but I wouldn't let anyone bathe her this morning. She's completely helpless, Hank. Catatonic. She lives in a world of her own making, far away from our world. She doesn't speak. She can't tell us anything about the rapist. There's no way to even know if she realizes that she's been raped. I feel so sorry for her. Her life is bad enough without some sick son of a bitch creeping into her room at night and raping her. I don't know what the rapist sees in her; she's like a life-size, blow-up doll. She doesn't—can't respond."

"Rape isn't about sex, Leah. It's about power." He sighed and added, "Now there's some evidence of the crime, I'll call the police. They'll send out a female officer with a rape kit and open a case file. The rapist has to be a member of the hospital staff or one of the patients."

"I don't see one of my male patients being the rapist, Hank. None of them..."

"We'll check out every man who has access to your ward," he stated, interrupting her. "And when the rapist is identified, we'll have proof. We'll have his DNA, Leah."

"That's all well and good, but what about tonight? What about tomorrow night, and the night after until you and the police identify the pusillanimous bastard?"

Hank sighed. "Move her to a secure room at night."

-- Leah nodded and wondered why she hadn't thought of moving Grace at night. It was the perfect solution.

Just before the pre-school training session with the overweight students started, Danielle approached me and asked for a private conversation. As we walked away from the others, I said, "You look pretty this morning. I like your exercise outfit."

She appeared happy that I'd noticed and thanked me, and then went on to tell me that she purchased her yoga clothing online.

"There's special clothing for yoga?" I said, surprised.

She smiled and said, "Yes. The clothing is designed for comfort and style for every pose."

When we were out of earshot of the others, she said, "I hope you didn't get in too much trouble yesterday. If you did, I feel partially to blame."

"My anger and my inappropriate comments are to blame for any trouble that came my way from yesterday's debacle, Danielle. Rest easy, though. Except for making an enemy out of Harry Wiggen, I came out of the mess without any permanent scars. Tom, the principal, did ask that I apologize to Harry, which I did."

"Harry should have been the one apologizing, Coach, not you, at least that's what I told him last night. Coach, Harry and I have been dating. I think ... ah, hell, Coach, plain and simple, he's jealous of the time I've been spending with you. I haven't exactly been sensitive about it, either. I've been singing your praises. Last night, he gave me an ultimatum: have nothing to do with you, or he and I were finished. I told him bye, bye."

I said nothing.

"I wasn't in love with Harry, Coach, but I did like him, and he was good company. But yesterday ... well, you pegged him yesterday. He was extremely rude. I've never seen him act like that. I was very disappointed in him."

"Danielle, the time we've spent together hasn't been personal. We didn't go out on a date," I said. Then I grinned. "Not that I'm opposed to going out with you. I just think that dating so soon after my wife's death wouldn't be appropriate."

She nodded. "I understand."

"To change the subject, would the landlord for the rental house allow my daughter and me to take early occupancy? I'd pay the extra rent, of course. The reason I'm asking is that my wife's body was released for burial yesterday. Her father told me she wanted to be cremated, so I honored that wish. I have tentative plans for a memorial service for her on Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving or Friday the day after, preferably Friday so I won't have to miss any work. Weather permitting, my mother and an aunt and her husband will be here for the memorial service, and I'd like to be in the new house when they arrive. I purchased furniture for the house over the internet. It's scheduled to arrive tomorrow."

"I'll ask the landlord," Danielle said. "I'm sure he'll say yes."

"Danielle, it might appear crass to some in the community because not everyone knows that I don't remember my wife at all and have no emotional connection with her, but a week or so after the memorial service, I'd like to go out with you on a personal basis."

"I'd like that, too, Coach."

Robyn's office door was open, so I stuck my head in and said, "Gotta minute?"

"I do, come in."

I sat in front of her desk.

"That was a good session with the kids this morning," Robyn said. "They really seem to get into free weight training."

"They're great kids and highly motivated," I said.

"Your tai chi is still the big hit, though."

I chuckled. "It's a good exercise. Danielle uses yoga to meditate. I use tai chi."

"Isn't tai chi a martial art?"

"It can be, but I prefer krav maga for self defense," I said. Then I had to explain krav maga.

"Are you planning to teach the kids self defense?" she asked.

"No," I said. "Right now, they're getting in touch with their bodies. They have enough on their plates with free weight training, running, yoga, tai chi, and pilates. Free weight training at the intensity required for weight loss requires 48 hours of rest between sessions. Running should be used for one of the two days off from weight training. On the other day off they can exercise with yoga, tai chi, and pilates. Also, preferences will surface. I've noticed already that Nora prefers yoga to pilates; whereas Marylyn prefers pilates."

"All three prefer tai chi," Robyn said.

"Tai chi is a good way to start a day regardless of what other training is scheduled on any given morning. It's not so intense that it precludes other exercise efforts. When I said preferences would surface, I was referring to the students selecting either yoga or pilates. I noticed you haven't tried any yoga postures, and Danielle hasn't done any pilates exercises. Like you and Danielle, the students don't really need both yoga and pilates to stay fit. And don't forget that the achievement of excellence requires concentrated effort. After they become proficient in the beginning exercises you and Danielle are teaching them, I'll suggest they select one of them to reach for excellence."

She nodded. "What about Cory?"

"He hasn't demonstrated any preference yet. Robyn, I stopped by your office to talk about Larry. Would you pull his file for me?"

"Sure, just a sec."

When she returned with the file, I opened it looking for something that would help him become a better human being. What struck me most were his grades. Then I had an idea. "He's very good in a number of subjects. Can he test out of any of them?"

"Maybe, but why?"

"He needs some time during the day to work a job that pays more than minimum wage," I said. "Right now, he works nights at a convenience store five days a week. I don't know how he does it."

"Let me see his file," she said. A minute later she looked up. "I think he could test out of English, history, and Spanish. If he did, he'd have his afternoons free, except for a physics lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and if push comes to shove, he could test out of physics, as well. And there's an added benefit. They're all AP classes. He'd get college credit for them."

I smiled. "That would work. Now I just have to find him a good-paying job."

"Coach, while you're finding him a job, put together a scholarship for him so he can attend the community college."

"Aren't scholarships your bailiwick?" I said.

She laughed. "Okay, I'll go to work on it."

"Is there an Alcoholics Anonymous Chapter in Ely?" I asked.

"There must be. I've noticed meeting announcements for AA in the Ely Times. If you're thinking of intervening with Larry's mother on his behalf, don't do it."

I smiled. "Never crossed my mind."

"Good morning, Elizabeth," I said cheerfully on the telephone.

"Good morning, John. What can I do for you today?" she said.

"You can help me find a job for a worthy high school student."

"John, I do a lot of things, but I'm not in the employment business."

"I know that, but I also know that you know just about everyone in the professional services industry in this town. Here's the deal. Larry Foreman is a senior at White Pine High. He's carrying a 3.67 grade-point average, and he works nights full time at a convenience store, which pays minimum wage, or not much above minimum wage. His days off at the convenience store are Thursdays and Fridays so he can play football. What's more, I'm told his mother is an alcoholic. He..."

"I know Katy Foreman, Coach. She's a lost cause," Elizabeth said.

"Maybe so, but Larry works the convenience store job to put food on her plate and a roof over her head. I just left Robyn Clark's office. She's the guidance counselor at the high school."

"I know Robyn, John," she said.

"She thinks Larry can test out of some of his classes, which would free up his afternoons during the week. The football season ends this afternoon, so that will give him some extra time, as well. The boy is college material, Elizabeth, but that'll never happen unless someone gives him a leg up in life. I figure someone in the professional services industry might have a need for a motivated, smart young man to work half-days starting with the crap jobs that are part and parcel of every profession. He could start as a gofer, do courier work, filing, whatever, and slowly handle more meaningful work as he learns more about the job. I spoke with Winston Brown. He runs the computer lab at the high school. He told me Larry is a whiz at computers. The boy has also earned straight A's in math, so he'd be good with numbers, and..."

"What about his appearance?" Elizabeth said.

"He's a good-looking young man, big but not overweight, plays tackle on the football team. He's poor, though, so haircuts are rare, and although his clothes are clean, they're wrinkled and worn thin. He probably doesn't own any business casual clothes."

"Demeanor? Attitude?" Elizabeth said.

"Both are a problem," I said. "He's an angry young man, Elizabeth. Would you be pissed if you were eighteen years old, in the top ten in your high school class, but were shackled with an alcoholic mother and had to work nights in a crap job to put food on the table while trying to finish high school? Think about how you would feel if you were college material but saw no opportunity to go to college because you felt obligated to take care of your mother, a mother that others consider a lost cause. Larry can be saved, Elizabeth. He isn't a lost cause, not yet. If just a few elements in the equation that makes him angry are altered, he'll come around. I'm trying to change the equation to give Larry a brighter future. It's that simple, and it's that complex. Robyn will help. She'll talk to him about testing out of some of his classes to free up his afternoons. She's also going to work on finding him a scholarship for the community college."

"Do you have Robyn's phone number?"

"Just call the school. They'll transfer your call to her."

"I'll also speak to Tom. I'm not making any promises, but I have an idea that might solve your problem, or rather Larry Foreman's problem. Call me later this afternoon."

"You're a good woman, Elizabeth. I feel privileged to know you."

"Yeah, well, you're a fucking boy scout."

"Elizabeth! Such language coming from a leader in the community is ... Well, it's shocking." I snickered. "Probably accurate though. I'll call you from my office before I meet with the football team before the game."

I was on thin ice. I didn't know how Larry would react. Would he think I was meddling in his life, or accept my help in the spirit in which it was offered.

The young man sat in front of me with heavy, black clouds on his face ready to rain all over me at the slightest provocation.

"Larry, you have a cancer growth on your soul," I said. "You expect the worse, and that's what you get most of the time. I don't know how you do it. You go to school full time and manage to earn superior grades. You work full time at a crap job. You play football, and you excel at the game. And you take care of your mother, to boot."

"Leave my mother out of this," he hissed through clenched teeth.

"You've got to be dead tired, and if you aren't angry most of the time you should be. Larry, I didn't call you into my office to hassle you. I called you into my office to discuss your future."

He said nothing.

"Your job at the convenience store, what does it pay?"

"Not much. Not enough," he said. "But that's the only job I could find. I make do. It's not so bad, Coach. The job isn't taxing physically, and I can get in a few hours of study time most nights."

"When do you sleep?"

"I get my rest, not all at once, but ... why these questions, Coach. Do you think I'm too worn out to play the game this afternoon?"

"No. You'll play, and you'll play well. How you do it with everything else that's on your plate surprises me, though. Tell me. Why did you shackle yourself with the extra time it takes to play football?"

"I like the sport. I'm a fan. I like the contact. I like to hit the other guy and hit him hard. You talked about anger management therapy. Football does that for me. It's therapy. It's how I expend my anger."

"What happens next week when you no longer have that outlet?"

He laughed, but not with any gaiety. "I catch up on some sleep."

I laughed then, but it was an honest, happy laugh. "Fair enough," I said. "Where do you see yourself next year, Larry?"

"What do you mean?" he said.

"At college or working a job."

"College is out. If I'm lucky, I'll land a job at one of the mines."

"If college is out, why are you enrolled in college preparatory courses?" I said.

"Humph, I'm an anachronism. Don't tell anyone or l'll lose my rep, but I like learning. I don't have much joy in my life, but learning is one of them. I've learned more on my own than I have in school, and although college isn't in my future, I'll continue to learn."

"What if I told you that college is a possibility?"

"I'd ask you what you've been smoking. You don't understand my situation, Coach. Nobody does."

"You're probably right about that, Larry, but I stuck my neck out today anyway. I called around. I found you a half-day job that will probably total your pay for the full-time job at the convenience store. You'd be working for an attorney and an accountant."

"At night?" he said, looking surprised.

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First time threesome

My first sexual experience I was 16, horny and single – not a good mix! Although I was attractive with short blonde hair, a toned body and deep blue eye, I had never had sex or a real relationship. I live in New York with my family and go to school. This say began like every other with me going to school bored and coming home bored. My friend for a few years, Adam, was a bit shorter than me with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a nice tan. Me and Adam were walking through my neighbourhood...

2 years ago
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Yes I Would Do That For Money

Harvey Peterson reached into his expensive, hand tailored suit jacket and withdrew a thick wallet. He opened it, revealing a fat wad of mostly hundred dollar bills. He removed one and set it on the table before him. "Would you do it for that?" he asked, a slight smirk on his face. They'd met at the bar and, considering they didn't know one another, had chatted quite openly about embarrassing things strangers didn't normally talk about. Wanting more privacy, Harvey had tipped the Hostess to...

1 year ago
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A Game of Dressup

Vanessa was dressing, slowly and carefully, watching herself in the mirror as she did so A Game of Dress-Up   It was Monday night and Vanessa was dressing up. It was, in fact, a holiday and she'd been home from school all day, free to laze about.? The house was empty, her mom and brother were at the movies, and she was all alone, free to take her time. She stood in her bedroom in front of the full length mirror, watching herself and posing as she slowly and deliberately got dressed in her...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 28

It turned out to be the following week before we could corner Debbie. Sharon invited her to spend the weekend. We weren't playing around this time and when Sharon brought her over we were all there waiting for her. I flat out told her "look Debbie, we know the story because we're all living it. Let's cut to the chase and have you tell us how you died and what talents you have." I guess it wasn't a smart thing to do because she fainted at the moment I quit talking. George caught her...

4 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 30 A Fisher of Men

Summer 2052 Clark cast his fishing line back into the stream, hoping to catch a third fish one each for Sally, Katie and himself for their supper. The steady drizzle wasn’t helping much, although rain was dearly needed for the crops and hayfields. He would have been soaking wet by now, if he hadn’t given in to Katie’s insistence that he wear one of Brother Matthew’s robes to go outside. If Katie had been with him, she would have caught a dozen fish by now and he would be back inside...

1 year ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 8

Lisa woke me up with some kisses saying, "Come look at something you won't believe." I slipped my shorts and my peg on before following Lisa to the room where the other women were sleeping. There were the rest of the women, all snuggled together with most of the babies in cribs surrounding the room. Lisa walked over to the bed and pointed. Uh oh, a naked Jane was snuggled face to face with Tina, and being hugged by Gina. The other women were all sleeping peacefully. We stepped out of...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover

                    Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover Jess was in her last lesson at the end of what had been a long day at university. She had been kept frustrated all day and was driven wild with lust with the need for a release. The cause for this was the two blondes who were sat in front of her. Their names were Emma and Sarah and they were, which Jess couldn’t think of any other way of describing them as very open Lesbians. Their relationship was no secret to the rest of the school...

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MilkChapter 5

Conclusion "Gooood morning, Emily," I sang as I walked into the office proudly wearing my stunning engagement ring. I loved the bright sparkle and reflection of many colors coming from the stone. As Jack, I could care less except the rings I'd given Lia and Helen excited them so much. Being a woman now, I knew how they felt when Jack slid the rings on their fingers. It was oh so exciting. "Good morning, Ms. Brooks," Emily chirped as she followed me into the office. As I hung my hung...

1 year ago
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Ham (Or: Who Needs It Anyway?)Carly's POV:The bottom line is... Sam loves ham. She absolutely adores it. The smell, the taste, the texture... the flavor. It all forms this obsession she has."Carly, do we have any ham?" Sam asks, sticking her head in the fridge.I admired her ass in the air, wiggling suggestively. It reminded me of last night. We almost had sex. But Sam's ham craving got in the way and we stopped before it could get too far. So here I am, hot and horny and staring at a girl's...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Kristen and I

We would usually go stay with my mother's sister Aunt Stacy and her family twice a year, once in the summer and then again for the holidays. So I was pretty close ofcourse to my three cousins Sam , the oldest ( 21 yrs at the time of this story ) Natalie (18) and Kristen(16). The lived on a farm with horses and barns filled with hay to play in. Kristen being the closest to my age would always take me under her wing during our stays. She had watched me grow up from a little child to a nicely...

3 years ago
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First time caught with BBC

I would slip away every day to meet the older boy with the BBC, in the shed down the alley. He was always waiting on me with his shorts down and his BBC dick out. Ready for my warm mouth and tounge to suck him off. He would greet me with a big smile and a French kiss. I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees to suck his BBC. His limp dick started to grow and fill my mouth. It did not take him long to start fucking my mouth and for me to taste his salty cum. He told me that i was the best...

2 years ago
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I Broke My New Years Resolution Version B

I Broke My New Year’s Resolution Version B I made a resolution to lose some weight. You see, I am overweight and slightly obese, and I want to correct that. I have tried almost everything, and nothing has worked. So I made a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier foods, stay away from fast food restaurants, and exercise. During the first three weeks of January everything went really well. I bought a membership at a nearby gym, and was exercising at least four days a week. I found two grocery...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Club Pt2

** I don't claim authorship of this story. It was originally posted on Dark wanderer by Cuck Hubby. Thought it was good.Linda, meanwhile, was not thinking about her husband. At the moment she was standing in the center of the room while her soon-to-be lover, James, sat in an easy chair gazing at the sexy wife who was about to become his. His cock was uncomfortably hard and he couldn’t wait to free it. Or rather, for her to free it. He always enjoyed it when he was a white wife’s first black...

1 year ago
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Anas Betrayal

 I was so excited when I found out that I'd be returning home a day earlier than expected from my first business trip as a junior banker at Martin Keller Group.  It was early April, almost nine months since Ana and I got married and moved to Los Angeles.  I started at Martin Keller about a week later, choosing to spend my first week back from our honeymoon in an effort to extend it.  I bet we made love at least three times a day all week long!  It got to the point that we'd have to slather...

Wife Lovers
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Fucking A Sweet Chick

Hello everyone at ISS. My name is Ayaan. I am 25 years old. This is my first story here. Read it and I am sure you will love it. Give your feedback/comments. If any girl/women is interested in me after reading the same, please contact me through my email id I was in Pune for my training. The training was for two months. My office timing was 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM. I was alone in the city and due to that my masturbation increased. Sometimes I had jerked off twice, particularly on Sundays. I...

2 years ago
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Shirley Dating Chapter Two

This is the continuing story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. . Chapter Two .... Matt took charge Matt: Both of you girls get on the other bed. You are not to talk or say anything. You are here to watch and learn. Shirley: What am I doing? This whole thing was intended to have me sexually satisfied;...

1 year ago
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Porn Star Roadtrip with OHGirl Velvet and Denise

I spent the week finishing my work demands and packing my things for the road. I’d be staying at a hotel with my mom and grandma as we traveled and that included while we were in LA, my hometown. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I had a great round of sex before I stopped to visit my dad and siblings to let him know about my new gig. He had kept up with me via texting, so he knew the story, but it had been a while since I had been home. I spent the evening visiting and then drove back into the city to...

3 years ago
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Dragon Age Origins ScenesChapter 2

"Alistair?" "Oh, good, you couldn't sleep either?" He pulled her into a tight hug. "I would have come to your room, but with all the sisters and Templars about, I didn't want to be seen 'fraternizing'. Why did you think me being King was a good idea, again? I liked it better when I was an anonymous nobody, and could do as I liked." "We need to talk." "Nothing good ever comes out of a conversation that starts like that." "Yeah, I suspect you won't like what I have to...

2 years ago
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An evening with you

Thoughts of you being in the shower with me were shattered when the phone started ringing. I quickly grabbed the towel that was hanging on a hook and wrapped myself as I picked up the receiver. “Hello?” “Hey You, it’s Me, are you busy?” “Never too busy for you… I was just taking a shower, what’s up?” “Well, I know we’ve only met a couple of times, but would you like some company?” “You know, I was just thinking about you.” “Hmmm, what were you thinking about?” “Actually, I was...

2 years ago
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Daddys Bad Girl

I was seventeen going on eighteen in my senior year of high school. More than once that year I had been suspended for fighting, talking back, and parking in faculty spaces. My dad was getting fed up and running out of ways to punish me. One day after being sent home for texting during class, I found my dad home early from work. I walked in just as he was getting off the phone. He gave me the worst stare of death I had ever seen from him. I took off my sweatshirt to reveal my low cut tank top...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 4

My phone rang as Benjamin and I walked back into the lower level of the new house. It was Nanette from Mr. Bell's office. She wasn't a scatter brain by any stretch of the imagination, but she could be off the wall, just for fun, and at the drop of a hat. "Hey, Dave ... I mean Brian. Crud! I've got to learn your name. You'd think I could remember Brian, since we had a Brian before, but not me. Nope. I've got to keep making the same mistake, over and over again... "Well, anyway. Mason...

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Caught my sisterInLaw The next scene

The story so farI had just walked into the lounge of, my sister-in-Law Sandy. I had previously spent some time secretly watching her, through a crack along the hinge side of the door, giving masturbating herself to two orgasms watching porn. As I entered she was standing there with her breasts out of her open blouse struggling to pull up her trousers and panties.“I can explain,” she said sheepishly.“There is nothing to explain!” I responded. “It is obvious that you have just had an orgasm! The...

1 year ago
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Niece Becomes Our Nanny

The greatest experience of my life happened when my niece agreed to be our nanny. But I am getting ahead of myself. My wife and I had been married for just over 10 years when we had our first baby. It almost amazes that we did have a baby, since we rarely had sex after the honeymoon. It wasn’t really a sudden stop, but gradually there were more and more days that my wife said “No, she wasn’t in the mood” For my part, I quit trying. It wasn’t worth the effort. Noone likes to beg. Two weeks...

4 years ago
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Babysitter Deluxe Complete

Cast of characters: Debbie 4, Donna 7, Darlene 9, Dixie, 11, Mom is Mrs. Dawn Wilson; Mr. Roberts is her boyfriend; babysitter is Hal. Lainie, Sept. 7, 2008. Views parts 1,2,3 nearly 20,000 to date. Since this is such a long story, maybe an hour or more reading it, I am re-dividing and re-titling the parts in case you want to do it in parts. BABYSITTER DELUXE Part One the Surprise I was babysitting the four kids I usually did every weekend. they were 4, 7, 9 and 11. One...

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Celebrating Diwali With The Boyfriend

Hi guys, thank you all for appreciating all my storiess and all the emails. I try to reply to all the emails, except the ones that are asking for sex hook ups etc. feel free to write me an email at giving a brief discription, I am Parth and my boyfriend is Nakul. I am normal height, not much fair and good built. Nakul is tall, about 6 gym built and brown skinned. We have been in a relationship for about 3 years. This is a story based on recent events. I have passed my college this year. I am...

Gay Male
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My Sons Friends Part 2

Introduction: Nikki Comes to Dinner My Sons Friends Part 2 Nikki Comes to Dinner This is a continuation of my story Part 1 (I get to know my sons girlfriend better). If you havent read it, you might want to, it makes sense of whats going on here. Nikki comes to dinner Everything at home was as normal as you could expect. Thats if normal includes your 38 year old wife constantly asking you when youre going to fuck your sons 18 year old girlfriend. Even though our sex life was already amazing,...

1 year ago
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Punished For Spying Part 2

Tom could only stare at his sister as she entered his room. Tammy had clad herself in a makeshift costume that resembled one of the girls in his beloved hentai videos. A short pleated skirt, white stockings and a crisp white blouse under a blue blazer. The blouse was unbuttoned just enough to display her tiny white bra to be visible. Wasn't she the same girl that he had caught balling her boyfriend not a few hours ago? She looked up from being boned and saw him looking through the partially...

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Teen in the Castle 1 Welcome to the Castle

This is the story of Alyssa, a sixteen year old girl growing up in the middle ages. Alyssa’s dad, a successful merchant, had gathered a fair amount of wealth during his years of trading. Accompanying him for as long as she could remember, Alyssa had never gotten to know many people her own age. Nevertheless the girl had no problem being raised by her Dad, they got along very well. She tried making herself useful whenever she could, helping to unload the goods, taking care of the horses,...

First Time
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The Alpha Challenges 5

“I was seen to already.” Orion shrugged, hands still up. “Omegas get a little shaken by challenges. I think Vincent might have rushed it a bit.” Megan could smell the truth in that, had felt it in Vincent’s shaking hands when he’d stitched certain wounds together. Orion slowly lowered his hands, gesturing to her bed. She sat down and he pulled out a kit before he began to unbandage her leg. “This isn’t how things usually go, I think,” she teased to try and break the silence....

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