Catching My Son With My Knickers free porn video

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Mark was in High School and would be on school holidays in a few more weeks.

One Friday evening, I had to work late. I had been pursuing a new account for the past few months. And I was hoping to finalise the deal over dinner with the client. Normally, I kept Friday evenings free for my son. It was a long-standing tradition with us. We always did something special on weekends. So it was a touch of guilt that I called up Mark to cancel our evening plans. I told him that I would be late, and that he was not to wait up for me.

"Ok, mum," he replied in his usual cheerful manner, "don't worry about me. I'll get a pizza or something."

I smiled to myself. My son was 14 and such a darling. I knew that he had been looking forward to this evening. We had planned to go to the cinema and then a new Thai restaurant. But as usual, he did not want me to let me know that he was disappointed. He was so careful about not hurting my feelings.

It was close to midnight when I returned home. I had had several glasses of wine, and had a nice buzz, and was looking forward to a good night's sleep. I let myself into the house, and slowly walked up to my bedroom.

As I passed Mark’s room, I noticed that his door was ajar and I could see him lying in his bed, fast asleep. Moonlight streamed into the room from the window and cast an ethereal glow over his bed. It was a warm summer night, and Mark was wearing just a pair of boxers.

As I stepped into the room to give him a goodnight kiss, my eyes strayed down to his shorts. His young penis was sticking out of his fly. I moved closer, and had to stifle a gasp over what I saw. His penis was enormous for a young boy of his age. It was easily 7 inches; and erect. A sparse covering of hair covered his crotch. I stepped closer to the bed, fascinated by the sight of my young son's cock. He was only 14 and already he had a cock that was much bigger than his that of most adult men.

One part of my mind was telling me that I was his mother, and that I should move away. But the other part of my mind, the part probably dulled by the wine I had consumed, was urging me on. Making me respond like a shameless slut to the stimulus of a virile young cock. My heart was throbbing and I unknowingly parted my legs slightly in response to an unspoken ache.

I had to see more of this wonderful cock. Motherly instincts be damned. I brought my face closer to his crotch to have a better look. His cock looked beautiful in the moonlight, and I could also smell his muskiness. A masculine aroma that was a combination of sweat, soap, and cock. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

It was intoxicating. I was getting almost mesmerised by the sight and smell of this virgin young cock. Seeing Mark’s penis up close, I was reminded of the fact that I had been celibate for a very long time. My present life did not provide me too many opportunities for a sexual relationship and I had consciously kept my social life almost dull and boring.

Now, the sight of my son's young cock released a flood of memories and longing in me. I remembered my High School days when I would make out at With boys at every possible opportunity: in the music room, behind the bleachers, at the cinema. I used to love giving head, deep throating till they came in thick copious spurts in my mouth.

Remembering those days, I started salivating and desperately wanted to get a taste of the penis just a few inches away from my face. I wondered what it would feel like to take that young cock into my mouth and suckle it. I did not care that this was my son; someone I had given birth to.

Suddenly, Mark shifted, and mumbled something in his sleep, and the spell was broken. I straightened up and pretended to pull the blanket over him. The movement woke him up.

"Oh hi Mum," he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Did you just get in?"

"Yeah, darling," I whispered. "I noticed that your door was open and just came in to tuck you in. Go back to sleep, honey."

I leaned across and gave him a kiss on his lips. His lips were soft and tender.

"Mmmm... mum, you smell nice, as always," he muttered dreamily and turned over and went back to sleep.

My mind was full of emotions, and I felt weak in my knees. I sat down on his bed, stroking his hair and looking down on his handsome features. Conflicting emotions washed over me. I realised that my own son was sexually arousing me. My maternal instincts were being challenged by feelings of pure lust and my dormant libido. I was in a torment and didn't know what to do.

I sat there for a few more moments, relishing the sensation of stroking his hair and looking down upon his young innocent face. There was a growing wetness between my legs, and my whole body was feeling hot and flushed. This was my son, I realised. My baby who I had suckled, and bathed and fed and protected. Someone who had come out of my womb; my own flesh and blood. And yet he was also a strapping young teenager with an enormous young cock who was making me moist with desire. A very handsome hunk of a lad who could probably fuck my brains out, if I so desired.

I closed my eyes and sat still for a while, trying to gather my emotions. The taboo word i****t sprang into my mind. I remembered watching porn movies with mark’s farther that featured i****t. Fuck movies in which sluttish mothers made guiltless love to their stud sons. Could I allow myself to turn into such a wanton degenerate? No, I decided, I should not do anything rash that would destroy my little baby' s boys life.

With a sigh, I got up and walked back to my room and undressed. As I took off my knickers, I noticed that the gusset was soaking wet with juices. I brought the knickers up to my nose and sniffed the gusset. It was an intoxicating smell of perfume and pussy juice and it made me giddy with desire.

I slowly brought my fingers down to my crotch. It was like a hot steamy swamp between my legs. My thick patch of dark pubic hair was slick with juices and even my inner thighs were coated with wetness. And my outer labia were puffed up and swollen. I eased one finger into my dripping hole, and let out a loud groan as it sank in wetly.

Oh my God, it felt so good. I quickly threw off the rest of my clothes and collapsed onto the bed, masturbating myself to a shattering orgasm. I did not care that the image that floated in front of my eyes as I pleasured myself was that of the thick young cock of my son. As I drifted off to sleep, all I wanted was to have that cock inside me.

The next morning, I woke up quite early. I wanted to put the previous night's happenings behind me. Mark was still asleep. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on a pair of silk running shorts and a white tank top over my sports bra and went out for a jog. I wanted to clear my head, and the best way was to go for a punishing run.

I started out slow, and quickly got into an easy rhythm. I ran down the river and the early morning breeze felt wonderful. I could feel the muscles in my legs rippling and stretching out.

There were a number of early morning joggers on the track, and some of the men were giving me unabashedly admiring looks as I passed by.

I knew I looked good, and enjoyed their attention. I had always taken care of my body, with regular workouts at the gym and watching what I ate. At 5'.8" I weighed only 120 lbs., most of it muscle with very little flab. My stomach was lean and taut, my breasts were a firm D cup size, and my legs were sleek and tan. I had been generously endowed with a shapely arse, and the constant workouts ensured that even in my early thirties, my proud arse had not succumbed to the pull of gravity. Normally, I would get a little irritated when men gave me the "hey babe" looks. But this morning, I felt excited and even slightly turned on when they looked at me appraisingly. It gave me an erotic charge.

I jogged for almost an hour, and returned home pleasantly flushed and tired. When I got back, Mark was already up and was getting breakfast ready. He was still in those boxers, and the sight of him moving around got me thinking about the previous night once again.

"Hi, mum," he greeted me. "I'm making some toast. Is that okay by you?"

'Sure darling," I replied. "Anything you do is fine with me." I grabbed a bottle of cold water from the refrigerator and sat down at the kitchen table watching him make the coffee.

As he moved around, I could see the outline of his young penis framed against the thin material of his boxers, and once again I felt a stirring somewhere deep inside me as the image of his young cock came rushing into my mind.

" Wow, mum," he said, glancing up at me. "Looks like you have had a gruelling workout." His eyes ran up and down my body, as though he was seeing something for the first time.

" You look as though you have just come in from a sauna." He looked hard at me once again.

I suddenly realised that I was sweated through completely. My tank top was fully drenched in sweat and was plastered to my sports bra. The silk shorts had almost become transparent with perspiration and my flesh coloured hipster knickers was clearly outlined beneath the sodden material.

"Yeah," I replied. "It was a pretty tiring run. Look at me. I am soaked through. Hand me that tea towel."

I took the towel and started wiping the sweat from my arms and shoulders. I then rolled my tank top up, and mopped my stomach and midriff. I pulled open the waistband of my shorts and ran the towel over my lower belly.

All the while I could see Mark’s eyes following my every move. I pretended to be oblivious of his looks and continued what I was doing.

I could sense an erotic charge coursing through me. My pussy was getting incredibly moist and I felt my nipples harden and become erect. I glanced down and saw them poking out impudently through the damp bra. They were sticking out a good half-inch, and I was certain that Mark could not but notice them.

I saw him glance furtively at me, looking suddenly uncomfortable. I pretended that nothing was amiss, and continued to wipe my neck and arms. I lifted my hands and patted my armpits, wiping them free of sweat. This action made my breasts thrust out even further. All the while I kept up a steady chatter of conversation so as to keep him at ease.

I then got up and walked past him to get a glass of orange juice, brushing against his body with my backside. I manoeuvred myself in such a manner that my arse gently snuggled up against his crotch as I passed by. Bingo! I could sense a little bump as I did that. My little baby was getting a hard on seeing his mummy’s breasts.

At that moment, I decided that I was going to seduce my son; consequences be damned. An idea quickly formed in my mind.

"Darling, what are your plans for the day," I asked.

"Oh, nothing special," he replied. "I thought I would just hang around the house. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I need to go shopping, and was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming with me."

"Ye ok mum that will be great. Perhaps we could have lunch later at that nice restaurant."

"Okay, then. It's a date," I smiled at him. " Only thing is I need your help before that. After breakfast, can you please do the laundry? I have some work to attend to before I can make myself free for the day."

"No sweat, mum," he replied”.

In fact, I have already put in a load of my laundry. As soon as that is done, I will do yours." He gave me a warm hug as he put the toast and coffee on the table.

As soon as breakfast was over, I went to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes and donned on a short robe. I then took out the laundry basket to sort out the clothes for wash.

I quickly put my regular clothes into a separate pile and filled the basket with my undergarments - slips, camisoles, bras and knickers. I put the sports bra and the damp knickers I had worn while jogging right on top of the basket. The knickers were completely wet and there was a strong musky aroma wafting up from the gusset. I was certain that Mark could not but help notice it.

I carried the laundry basket down to the utilities room. Mark was already there, folding his laundered clothes.

"Here, this is my load. It's mostly my lingerie. So please do them carefully. Be sure to use the gentle wash cycle" I added.

He nodded without looking up. "Don't worry. Mum. I will take care of it. I know how you are when it comes to your lingerie."

"Okay honey. I am now going up to make a few phone calls. After that my shower, and then we can leave. Remember, you are mine for the day, young man."

I gave his arm a gentle squeeze and climbed up the stairs. When I reached the top, I closed my door, leaving just a little gap through which I could surreptitiously look down into the utilities room and watch him sort through my laundry basket.

Just as I had anticipated, Mark’s attention fell on my damp knickers. He picked up the wispy garment and seemed to notice the musky odour emanating from it.

Furtively glancing up the stairs to see that I wasn't around, he brought the knickers up to his face and inhaled deeply. He rubbed the material between his fingers, feeling the slippery wetness. And in an almost reflex action, he stuck his tongue out and tentatively licked the gusset, getting a taste of the wet slick. I could hear him whimpering softly.

Straightening up, he emptied the laundry basket on the table and started examining each item of lingerie more closely. It was as though he had discovered something new, something forbidden. He went through the entire pile of undergarments, feeling them, stroking them and smelling them.

One of his hands went down to his boxers, slowly fondling his cock. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be lost in his own private world

I smiled. I have him hooked, I thought to myself. My son is intoxicated by the smell of my pussy!! The rest would be easy.

Watching him, I was getting excited myself. My hand went inside my robe, to my hairy pussy. My pussy was very wet, and the insides of thighs were slippery with cunt juice. I ran my fingers across my pussy lips, rubbing their slick insides, and occasionally probing one finger inside. I brought my hand up to my face and slowly licked my wet fingers, tasting my tart juices. I felt very wicked and sluttish; something I had not felt like in years.

When I looked down into the stairs, Mark had taken his cock out of his shorts. He was holding one of my teddies to his face and was slowly stroking his cock. His cock was enormous, easily over 7 inches and it was almost glowing in the

light. His eyes were closed, and I could hear him murmur to himself, " mummy, oh mummy."

I quietly opened my door and crept down the stairs without making any noise. Mark’s eyes were still closed and he was pumping his throbbing young cock to an inner rhythm.

"Darling, what are you doing?" I asked gently.

Mark’s eyes flew wide open when he heard my voice. His face became red with embarrassment when he saw me standing in front of him and he quickly dropped the teddy on the floor, and released his cock from the other hand.

He started stammering. "I am sorry Mum. I don't know what came over me." His head dropped down and his voice started to break. He looked like he was going to burst into tears any minute.

I stepped close and hugged him. "Darling," I said. "It's okay. At your age, boys do such things."

"But," he almost sobbed. "What I did was dirty. I am so sorry mum. Please forgive me for what I did."

"Of course, darling, I forgive you" I replied. "This is a natural part of growing up. Boys get curious about women. It's part of your awakening sexuality"

I held his hands in mine as I propped myself on the edge of the table used for sorting and folding clothes. "So since when have you been getting turned on by my undies?"

"Mum, I don't want to talk about it."

"No darling. There is no need for any embarrassment. Unless you talk about what happened and get it off your chest, you will carry guilty feelings in your mind. And I don't want that to happen."

"Well," he began tentatively. "A couple of months ago, this girl Sandra started developing a crush on me. We have been seeing each other a lot since then."

" So, have you both started making out? "I asked.

"Not really. She says she is not yet ready. And I also don't feel like forcing her. She is really a nice girl."

"That's real nice of you, Mark. I am proud of you. You should never force a girl to do anything she might regret later."

"But, mum, I am finding it so difficult to control myself. I am so turned on when I am with her. Especially after we kiss and fool around a bit."

"Why, what happens then?" I asked mischievously.

"Mum. You really want to talk about this? I am feeling funny, discussing this with you."

"Yes, Mark. I think we should have a talk about what's happening. Since your farther is not here, I guess I will have to talk about the birds and the bees with you."

"Alright then, mum," he smiled at me. "When I fool around with Sandra, I get a hardon. There, that's what you wanted to hear isn't it.? I get a major hardon and I masturbate after that."

"So, my little Marky has learned the joys of wanking off, is it?" I teased him a bit more. "Now tell me. Have you gone any further? Have you touched her down there?"

He hesitated for a moment, and then a happy smile lit up his face. " Yeah. I did. A couple of weeks ago I was at her place. We had been kissing like crazy. After a while Amy's breathing got real heavy, and she took my hand and placed it under her skirt"

"And then, what happened?" I prodded him gently.

"I slowly drew up her skirt. She was wearing pink cotton knickers with little flowers all over them and I saw the bulge of her pussy."

By now, I was getting real turned on myself. I could feel my pussy getting wet, and a warm tingly feeling was spreading through my lower abdomen. "Go, on," I encouraged him.

"Sandra pushed her knickers to one side and showed me her pussy for the first time."

"And how was it to look at?

"It was a pink in colour. And there a was little blonde curls plastered to her pussy lips.

"And then what happened?"

"With a shy whisper, she asked me whether I wanted to touch her."

"So that was when you touched a girl down there for the first time, isn't it?"

He nodded his head without looking at me. "Mum, when I touched her pussy, the feeling was incredible. The lips of her pussy were so wet. I moved my fingers around a bit and it was real slippery. I kept touching her for some time, rubbing my fingers all around her pussy, and then suddenly Sandra moaned out loud let out a big sigh and crossed her legs over my hand."

"Did you do anything more?" I asked.

"No mum. At that very moment, Sandra’s dad called out to us, and we had to go downstairs."

"Poor baby boy," I replied, commiserating with him. " How did you manage to hide your hardon when went downstairs?'

"Don't tease me, mum. That's what Sandra is also now doing. Whenever possible, she flashes me her knickers and teases me. It's maddening."

"So darling, now you know what a woman can do to a man. That's pussy power for you." I laughed.

"Mum, it's not funny. These days, all I can think of is somehow getting my hands inside Sandra’s knickers once again."

"Mark, honey, what are you are going through is a very natural process of growing up. I remember your dad when we were in school. He used to literally beg me to flash him my underwear."

"And what's more frustrating is the new Math teacher we have; Mrs. Stephens. She is about your age, and she comes to class wearing these short skirts and stockings. And sometimes when she is sitting down, you can even get to see her knickers."

"Oh yes. In every school there will at least be one teacher who turns the boys on. When I was in High School, it was our Geography teacher, Miss Rudy. She was single, in her early thirties, and had a knockout figure. All the boys wanted to sit in the front row for her class. Just to get a peek up her skirt. Now, your Mrs. Stephens; is she a sexy woman?"

"Sexy? I would say she is super sexy. She has these long legs that seem to go on forever. And she wears real fancy underwear all the time. You know the lacy stuff. Just like yours."

"So you get turned on by her, is it?"

"Oh yeah mum. Yesterday, was just too much. I was sitting in the front row, and at one stage I could see right up her skirt."

"And what did you see?"

"She was wearing a pair of white knickers that were almost see through . When she uncrossed her legs, I could see right up to her skirt. I could even see the outline of her pussy, all covered with black hair. I got so horny, mum. And when I saw your lingerie today, I just got carried away. Your stuff is so sexy."

"What were you thinking of when you were feeling and fondling my lingerie?"

Mark kept quiet for some time, his head bowed down.

"It's alright baby. You can talk to me about anything. Tell me, were you thinking about anyone?"

He replied in a halting manner. "I was reminded of Mrs. Stephens when I first saw your lingerie. I was thinking of her long legs and her sexy white knickers. But after a little while....." he hesitated.

'C'mon Mark, you can tell me. What happened? Were you thinking of me instead of Mrs. Stephens?"

He nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, mum. I was thinking about you. In my mind I had a picture of you wearing those knickers."

"Did it turn you on, feeling mummy’s knickers?"

Mark was silent for a moment. He looked uncomfortably at me, not knowing what to say.

"Darling, you can be honest with me. It maybe uncomfortable in the beginning. But, it is better to get it off your chest.

"Yes, mum. It was an incredible turn on. There was a wonderful smell, a combination of your perfume and something else that made the blood rush to my head."

"Were you thinking about my pussy when you were licking

the gusset of my knickers?" My voice was almost a whisper now.

'Mum, did you see me do that? I feel so terrible. I am sorry if I have upset you."

"Darling, I told you there is no need to be sorry about anything. But tell me, were you thinking about my pussy when you were fondling and licking my knickers?'

"Oh yes mum," Mark’s voice had a catch in it now.

I was wondering how your pussy would look. And how it would feel to touch it"

Mark moved closer to me. He lifted his face and looked at me. His eyes were brimming with tears. "Are you ashamed of me, Mum."

I drew him closer and hugged him. "No, darling, I am not ashamed of you. It is perfectly natural for boys to get curious about women."

Mark raised his face from my breast. "So you are not angry with me?"

I brought his face up and kissed him. First I kissed his eyes, gently wiping away his tears. Then I stroked his head and murmured into his ears, "I can never be ashamed of you. I love you too much for that." I cupped his face in my hands planted soft kisses all over his face.

'Mum, this feels so nice," he whispered as snuggled closer, his chest mashing into my breasts.

"Mark," I replied. "I love you more than you will ever know. You are my entire life."

His breathing was now getting a bit ragged and I drew him even closer to me, my robe slipping open. His arms involuntarily went around me as he drew me into an embrace.

I moved my lips lower towards his. I could feel the hot breath from his nostrils as I gently brushed his lips with mine His lips were incredibly soft and tender.

I slowly brought my lips against his, applying a gentle pressure. Mark’s body seemed to stiffen for a moment in my arms.

I did not break the kiss as I ran my hands down his back to slowly cup his arse cheeks. I opened my mouth and gently caressed his lips with the tip of my tongue.

Mark started moaning, and his body began to relax in my arms. Slowly he started responding to my kiss.

"Oh mum," he whispered as he hugged me closer to him.

"My little baby boy," I responded, as I gently pressed my lips against his, applying a bit more pressure.

In an almost reflex action he parted his lips and started kissing me back. As his mouth opened, my tongue quickly darted in, duelling with his. I drew his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it, drawing the sweet nectar from his mouth into mine.

I could sense his cock swelling up against my belly. The front of my robe was open and I wondered whether he could feel the humidity emanating from my crotch. I parted my legs allowing his leg to slide against my wet pussy lips.

Mark’s hands slid behind me, and he slowly lifted the hem of my robe and began to caress the contours of my backside. His fingers were stroking and kneading my arse cheeks. His touch was heavenly.

"Oh mum," he whimpered. "Is it okay for me to do this? I don't want to stop now."

"Sshhh..... baby," I replied. "Don't stop what you are doing." I brought my right hand between us and reached below. His young cock had grown to amazing proportions. I could feel the heat as I touched him through the boxers.

I lifted my hands to the waistband of his boxers and slowly began to pull it down.

"Mum, what are you doing?" Mark asked in a shocked voice.

"Quiet, darling," I responded. I lowered myself to the floor in front of him and removed his boxers. His young cock sprang into view, thrusting up majestically from his groin.

I lowered my face into his groin, inhaling his musky aroma. His cock was already moist and I could see the precum glazing the end of his foreskin. I took his cock in my hand. It was incredibly warm. The skin was soft and velvety and I could feel the veins pulsing in my hand.

'Would you like mummy to stroke your cock for you, darling?"

He simply nodded and closed his eyes in pleasure as I wrapped my trembling fingers around his monster cock.

Mark had almost an inch of foreskin and I gently peeled it back to reveal his purple glans. He let out a deep sigh of pleasure as I moved his foreskin back and forth over the head of his cock. Precum was now bubbling up from the tip of his foreskin, and as I rubbed my hand over his cock, the slick wetness took on a milky sheen.

"Mummy," he cried out in pleasure. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed.

I moved my hands below his cock and started fondling his balls. I cupped the smooth sac in my hand and gently squeezed them. I reached my hand behind into the crack of his arse, rimming his arsehole with my finger.

Mark let out a groan. "Oh, Mummy, that feels soooooo nice."

I could not wait any longer. I had to have a taste of the young cock in front of my face. My own son's cock. I felt incredibly sluttish and wicked.

I took Mark’s cock into my mouth. Precum was now freely leaking from the slit of his cock, and I greedily lapped it up. Oh, the taste of a man's cock. How I had missed it.

Mark was now almost in a delirium. "Oh mum, please don't stop," he cried out. He grabbed my head and pulled it closer into his crotch.

I stretched my mouth wide open as he pushed his hard young cock into my mouth. I sat down on the floor and bent my head back so that he could slide it in deeper. I could feel the head of his cock touching the back of my throat. After sucking for a couple of minutes I lifted my face from Mark’s cock and looked up at him.

"You enjoying this darling?" I asked him while pumping his cock with my hand and licking his balls.

"Mummy ..... I have never had such pleasure in my life," replied Mark.

Even with my head tilted back, I could not take all of His hard cock into my mouth. A good few inches was still sticking out. I slowly started pumping his cock with my right hand while sucking him and swirling my tongue around his sensitive crown. My left hand slid into the crack of his arse as I started probing his puckered ring.

"Ooooh mum......." He started to almost scream. "I think I am going to die with pleasure."

"You like what I am doing to you sweetheart?" I took my lips off his cock for a moment. "You like what mummy is doing to her darling baby boy?"

"Oh, yeah, please don't stop now." Mark began moaning with pleasure. His hands gripped my head and started guiding it up and down his cock in a steady rhythm.

"Ohh mummy, faster," he cried as began to pump his cock into my face.

I felt his cock getting harder in my mouth, and his pelvic muscles began to start twitching.

Suddenly, he slowed down and started to withdraw his cock from my mouth. "Mum, I think I am about to cum."

I hugged him closer to me. "Its okay darling. Don't stop now."

"Uhmmmmm..mummy, I am about to spurt. If I don't stop now, it will be all over your mouth."

"Darling," I mumbled, "I want you to cum in your my mouth."

Mark started groaning.. It was almost a wail of pleasure from deep down in his throat. I started probing my index finger deeper into his arsehole while furiously bobbing my head up and down his hard cock.

"Oh yes, mum, oh yes mummy..." he started shouting. "Suck my cock."

My mouth was stretched wide open as I sucked on his giant cock. A mixture of saliva and precum was dribbling down my chin, as I worked on his cock with my hands and mouth.

I began to feel his body beginning to tense up. I cupped his balls in my hand and began to fondle them gently.

"Oh yes,, oh yes mummy," he started to wail. "I am cumming," he shouted. And then he started convulsing as he began to shoot copious streams of cum into my mouth.

The first spurt shot out like a cannon and caught me by surprise, and his cock slipped out of my mouth, splashing cum over my cheeks and chin.

I quickly grabbed his spurting young penis and put it back into my mouth and started milking him with my mouth.

His cum was thick and creamy, and just a little bit salty. The taste was delicious, and there was so much of it. I kept on gulping and swallowing as much as I could. Some of it dribbled down my chin on to my breasts and thighs.

I felt completely wanton. Here I was slurping my own young son's cum, and enjoying every minute of it. As his cock began to soften slightly, I pushed my face deeper into his crotch, mashing my face against his balls.

"Oh mummy , Mummy ," he was whimpering. His hands were still gripping my head and his eyes were closed.

I continued to suck his cock till I had milked him completely. When I finally let his cock slide out of my mouth, my face was bathed in perspiration and streaked with gobs of cum. I scooped the cum off my face and licked my fingers clean.

I slumped down on the floor, completely overwhelmed by what had just happened. My robe had slipped down from my shoulders and my body was bathed in a fine sheen of perspiration.

I knew I had crossed the line of no return. This was my young f******n year old son and I had seduced him. There was no turning back now. But strangely enough I didn't feel and remorse or guilt. Rather I was feeling exhilarated. A strange and delicious mixture of excitement and thrill, something you experience when you are doing something new.

Mark was silent. When I looked up at him, his eyes were full of guilt. He looked almost like a wounded puppy.

"Mum....mummy..." he almost stuttered. "Did we do something bad? Are you going to get angry with me?"

"No my darling, I am not going to get angry with you. What just happened was beautiful. Don't feel sorry or guilty about it.." I lay back on the floor, a contended smile playing across my lips.

"Mummy. I don't know what to say. It was incredible. I have never experienced anything like it in my life. Now I know why the guys in my school talk about getting a blow job as something very special."

"Yeah, darling. Now you know why.

My legs were stretched out in front of me and I could see Mark’s eyes straying down to my crotch. My pussy was soaking wet and my inner thighs were shining with slick juices.

I spread my legs open just a tad. "Would you like to see my pussy, Mark?"

He looked at me, not quite knowing what to say.

"You want to see mummy’s hairy pussy, don't you? After all you were fantasising about it, a little while ago."

I opened my legs a little wider so that the lips of my cunt were now visible. "Here, look at it to your heart's content."

Mark’s eyes were now riveted to the space between my legs, as I started to gently caress the outer lips of my labia.

" Tell me," I smiled. "How does it compare with Amy's pussy?"

"Ahh, Mum. You are embarrassing me again. Stop asking questions".

"C'mon, now. You can tell Mummy about it. After all,we are now best friends after you just came in my mouth."

I saw Sandra’s pussy. But...." He hesitated.

"But what?" I teased him further. "Is mine is different?"

"Mum.... You are something else. You know that?" He was now responding to my teasing. "Yeah, your pussy is different.. You have a lot more hair."

"That's because this is not a girl's pussy." I teased him a bit. "This is your mother’s pussy. The pussy through which you came into this world." My legs were splayed wide open now.

Mark’s eyes grew wide as he stared directly into my open pussy.

"Come closer," I told him. "Come and get a good look at your mummy’s pussy. That's what you boys call it isn't it? A pussy, Beaver or is it a cunt?"

Mark’s eyes were getting a glazed look. He got down on his knees and moved closer to me.

"Come to mummy, darling," I whispered and drew his face to mine. I kissed him on his lips as he opened his mouth and kissed me back feverishly.

He hugged and kissed me for a few moments and then started moving down to my crotch. It was as though my pussy was a magnet that was attracting him inexorably closer to it.

I spread open the lips of my pussy with my fingers. I was sopping wet, and I could smell the pungent aroma wafting from inside my vagina. Wet and earthy. Marshy like a jungle. It was a powerful smell.

"Come darling," I whispered sibilantly. "Let mummy take care of you."

Mark’s face was now hovering above my crotch. I could feel his hot breath on my slick thighs.

"Let mummy give you a primer on a woman's pussy. Here," I said, spreading myself open with my fingers. "These are the lips of my pussy. They are called the labial lips."

"It's so puffy, mum ." His voice was full of surprise. Tentatively, he touched my labial lips. "And so soft," he added in a voice filled with wonder.

"Yes, darling, feel them, " I said, guiding his fingers up and down my wet crack. "When a woman gets excited, blood rushes down to her vagina and these lips get flushed."

He pulled on my pussy lips gently, stroking the rubbery flesh between his fingers and feeling their texture.

"And this here is my clitoris," I added, running my fingers higher and pulling back the hood at the top of my vaginal lips to reveal the pink nubbin of sensitive flesh hidden under the wet, fleshy folds of tissue,

"Mum. It is so wet and shiny." He gently touched the tip of my clit.

A jolt of electricity shot through my body as his finger made contact with the turgid flesh. "Oh, darling, be gentle. This is the most sensitive part of a woman's vagina."

"Did it hurt mum?" He was immediately contrite.

"No, darling no. But sometimes, when you touch a woman's clit, the pleasure can almost be painful. Go on, touch me more."

I kept still. I allowed him to do things at his own pace. This was his first experience with a woman, and I wanted him to have the thrill of discovery, the joy of exploration?.

Mark ran his fingers up and down my slit, feeling every ridge and every fold. Slowly his fingers were getting coated with my stickiness.

"Yeah, darling," I crooned, as he discovered the entrance to my vagina. "That is my pussy hole."

He slowly inserted one finger into my pussy. I let out an audible sigh as it sank in smoothly.

"Does this feel nice mum?" he asked tenderly, as my vaginal muscles closed in around finger.

"Yes darling. Push your finger inside. It feels soooooooo nice."

Mark slowly pushed his finger deeper into my pussy. And then he started to slide it in and out, making soft swishy noises.

'Is this the way you like it?" he asked me softly, as he worked one more finger into the open passage. As his fingers moved in and out of my sticky hole, I could feel the crack of my arse getting slippery with my cunt juice.

By now, I was almost screaming with pleasure. "Yes, my little cuddly bear," I replied. "Just the way I like it. Now start moving your fingers inside me."

Mark began to get a rhythm going as started to finger fuck me in steady strokes. His slender fingers were sending waves of pleasure cascading through my body. They originated deep inside my cunt and spread in ripples through my lower abdomen.

I spread my legs even wider. I was now panting with passion. I started clenching his digits with my cunt muscles. My pussy juice was now literally dripping down my legs.

"Mmmm mum.... You are clutching at my fingers. How do you do that?"

"Darling, a woman can do a lot of things with her pussy. You are soon going to find that out."

Wet slurping noises filled the room as Mark started pumping his fingers in and out of my dribbling hole. He moved closer to me, and his face was just a few inches away from my pulsing cunt.

"Mum. You are so wet. There's so much juice leaking out from your pussy."

"Darling, I know. I am so fucking wet. I have not felt this good for a long time."

Mark kept plunging his fingers in and out of my pussy. I was riding a wave of intense pleasure and all my sensations were now on my cunt.

I suddenly reached down and pulled his fingers out of my pussy. They were soaking wet and shining with my juices. I raised his hand to my face and pushed his fingers into my open mouth and began to suck them clean, tasting my tart juices. It was a heavenly feeling. His fingers tasted tangy and creamy.

"What are you doing, mum?" he asked incredulously.

"Having a taste of my pussy juices, darling. You want to try it?"

He nodded mutely, his eyes riveted to my blood gorged pussy lips.

I thrust my hips up at him. "Go ahead, darling, have it straight from mummy’s pussy."

Mark slowly brought his head down as I slumped back on the floor. He moved his face close to my crotch and began to run his fingers over the throbbing lips of my cunt.

I was now literally on fire, and my pussy was bubbling over with my cunt juices. I could not wait any longer. I needed his tongue inside my hole.

With my fingers, I spread the lips of my cunt wide open.

"Mark, please lick my pussy," I almost begged him.

I watched with glazed eyes as my son, my own offspring, brought his lips down and began kissing my pussy gently. He then began to lick me. I felt that I had died and gone to heaven. The feeling was exquisite.

"Oh, darling. Push your tongue inside me."

"Like this, mum?," he asked, while burrowing his face into the musky warmth of my juice-drenched cunt and sliding his tongue in and out of the slippery slit.

"Oh yes darling...... that's the way to do it," I almost screamed as I began pulling on my swollen nipples.

"Mummy, this tastes sooooo good." Mark began to make muffled noises as he started to push his tongue in and out of my hole with a renewed vigour.

"You like the taste of my pussy juice, darling?"

"Yes, mum. It tastes wonderful. So tangy." He mumbled while pushing his tongue deeper into my hole.

"Oh, God, my sweet darling boy. That feels so good."

I grabbed his head in my hands and began to mash my crotch against his face.

"Please suck on my cunt lips my darling son," I screamed out. "Suck your mother’s pussy."

I started bucking my hips with pleasure as Mark began to suck hungrily on my slippery pussy lips that were swollen with passion. With a wild grunt, he clutched my arse cheeks and sank his tongue even deeper into my sodden hole. Strange mewling noises bubbled up from his throat as he started to literally suck my creamy juices from the very depths of my cunt.

"Suck, darling, suck," I howled out as I pressed his head closer into my crotch.

Mark slipped his hands under my arse and began to fondle my arse cheeks as he stabbed his wriggling tongue furiously into my pussy.

"Yes, darling, that feels good. Squeeze your mummy’s arse. Fondle it baby." I was now thrashing around in the throes of uncontrollable pleasure.

Suddenly, the tip of his tongue grazed against my engorged clitoris .It was like a jolt of electricity passing through me.

"Oh, Jesus, I squealed. "That is my clit darling. Lick it baby, lick it."

I slowly guided his head till his lips were firmly placed over the sensitive nub of my clitoris. His tongue flicked out and started teasing the delicate flesh. The sensations were exquisite.

"Now put your fingers inside my pussy and move them while you are licking my clit," I instructed him. "Darling, I am going to teach you how to make a woman happy."

Immediately, he removed his hand from my arse and slipped two fingers inside my weeping gash. By now, I was so wet that the air was punctuated with loud squishy noises every time he moved his fingers in and out of my cunt.

"Oh yes, sweet Jesus. You really seem to have a natural talent for this, my darling boy."

My son was lost in frenzy and he just mumbled something as he buried his face in my crotch, nuzzling my clit.

"Oh yes, oh yes," I screamed. "Now start licking my cunt once again darling." I lifted my up my legs, spreading them as wide open as possible.

Mark clutched my arse cheeks in a vase like grip and he began to lick my wide wet gash in quick stabbing strokes.

"That's it honey. Mmmmmmmm.. Faster, faster." My inner thighs were now completely wet with a mixture of saliva and pussy juices and I could feel Mark’s cheeks sliding against them as he ravaged my pussy with his feverish tongue.

I was now almost at the peak. I closed my legs around his head and pushed his face deeper into my pussy. "Oh yes, my darling baby boy, lick me, eat me...EAT YOUR MOTHER" I wailed.

As if responding to my needs, Mark flattened his tongue and began to lave my pussy from top to bottom. As I lifted up my legs even higher, he moved his tongue lower and started licking the sensitive ridge leading to my anus.

"Aaahhhh....Oh my God, Marky.. Move your tongue lower. Lick my arsehole."

I screamed out in pleasure as his tongue found the puckered ridge of my anal hole. "OH MY GOD......Lick me faster baby, mummy is going to cum." My cunt was now oozing fluids as the depraved thrill of what was happening swept over me.

Mark understood my passion, and began to literally hump my pussy with his face. His tongue was now stabbing at my cunt and my arsehole alternately, and the tip of his nose was rubbing against my clit.

"OH YES..OH YES... MARKY... I AM GOING O CUM," I cried out, as I began to thrash around.

"Mummy , Mummy" he mumbled from between my legs.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, my darling son. AAAAAHHHH... SWEET JESUS, I AM CUMMING.... I AM CUMMING... GOD.... THIS FEELS SO GOOD."

With a heart-wrenching cry, I peaked just as Mark stabbed his tongue deep inside my pussy. I clamped my legs in a vase like grip around my son's head as I came in a shuddering climax.

For a few moments, I could not feel anything. It was as though my entire being had collapsed into an inner core and I had lost touch with reality. I was floating in an infinite space and it felt as though my soul had left my body.

Then a warm glow began to suffuse my body as I slowly came back to consciousness. My legs slackened and slid down to the floor. When I opened my eyes, I saw Mark staring at me.

'Wow, mum? For a moment there, I thought you had passed out." His face was smeared with my juices, and there was a wild look on his face.

"Yes, darling. I almost did passed out. That's what a mind blowing orgasm can do to you. Thanks you darling. I think you are going to make a lot of women very happy one day!!"

"So you really enjoyed what I did to you mum?" He smiled at me in a teasing manner.

"Sweetheart, today I had a glimpse of heaven once again. That was how good it was for me. And you took me there."

"Mum," He looked at me shyly, "I really loved it when I was kissing you down there. I loved the way you tasted. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before."

"Like father, like son," I laughed out loud. "Your dad also loved the taste of my pussy. He used to call it my nectar."

"Do all pussies taste the same? Will Sandra’s pussy also taste as good?"

"I am sure that she will also taste good. But each pussy is different from the other. That is the mystery of nature."

"I think your pussy is prettier than Sandra’s. All that dark hair makes it much sexier. Sandra has just a few blonde curls. And your pussy lips are so plump and red."

"That, darling, is because Sandra is so much younger than I am. Her pussy is yet to mature completely. In a couple of years she will also have a plump, juicy pussy with lips as red and full as mine "

"And mum, I felt I was really close to you when I was lying between your legs and kissing your c......"

"Go on, say it..... kissing my cunt." I smiled indulgently.

"Yes, mum. I loved kissing and licking your wet cunt. I felt I could just lie there forever kissing you. It was beautiful."

"Sex is always beautiful. Especially if you do it with someone you really love. And you know how much I love you."

"But," his face took on a troubled look. "Did we do something wrong?"

I reached across and touched his face. "You did not make me do anything I did not want to. I enjoyed it as much as you did. So, you don't have to feel guilty. We will deal with everything else later. Okay?"

I stood up and put on my robe. "C'mon now, get up. We got a busy day ahead of us. We are going out to lunch and to do shopping?. Get ready. We must leave in an hour. We are going to have fun today."

It was a glorious morning as we set out to Chester where an out of town shopping centre had recently opened. I thought it would be just the place for me to celebrate my newfound sense of wantonness.

"Mmmmmm." I remarked, as we approached the car. "You look very handsome young man. Are you having thoughts of seducing anyone today?"

"I don't know," he replied looking at me. "I think I am in the mood to be seduced by an older woman."

"Oh, Mum." Grabbing me by the waist, Mark lifted me off the ground and kissed me on my lips.

Arriving at the shopping centre, we found that the place was not yet crowded. We got a parking space not far from the entrance, and quickly made our way inside. Anyone watching us would not have guessed we were a mother and son. More like an attractive older woman with a younger lover.

The centre was one of the new concept malls, with fountains, indoor gardens, food courts, specialty shops, and just about everything else to seduce a shopper into spending more money. The place was attractively laid out, and it was quite a pleasure to walk around just looking at everything.

"Darling," I said, when we came to La Femme, a lingerie boutique. "I have to buy new underwear. Do you mind if We go in here?"

"Mum, do you really need any more underwear? You have so many pairs already."

"Well, I suppose, I really don't 'need' any. But I feel like buying some anyway. I am in that kind of mood. And," I added with a sly smile, "if you are a good boy, I will even let you help me choose some."

Mark’s eyes immediately began lighting up. "Really, mum. That is something I would love to do. I have never been inside a lingerie shop before."

"Shhhh...." I cautioned him. "Go easy on calling me mummy in public. People might find it kinky to see a son helping his mother select her underwear."

Walking inside the shop, we discovered it was tastefully done up in pastel shades, and the displays were mounted aesthetically. Seeing me, an attractive, middle aged woman came up to us. She must have been in her early forties, and was stylishly attired.

"Hello, I am Diane and welcome to La Femme. I own this shop. Please tell me how I can be of assistance to you."

"Well," I replied, "we are just looking around. My young lover here is in a romantic mood. He wants me to splurge on expensive lingerie. He says that will make him feel good."

"Sure, I bet it will," she replied saucily. "That's what lingerie is for, isn't it? " She turned to Mark. "You have anything special in mind young sir?"

"Everything here looks very pretty," Mark replied looking around the shop. "But what I like most," he began adding in a slightly mature grown up tone, "are silk and lace. And it has to be very classy."

"You are a lucky lady," Diane responded, looking at me. "He is a young man of style." She beckoned us to follow her to an inner section of the shop.

"Here, I think the La Perla selections are just what you want. Very European and classy. I am sure you will like this range."

"Mmmm, La Perla," I replied. "I am impressed. Not many shops in this area stock the brand."

"I am glad to have a customer who appreciates the nice things in life." Diane squeezed my arm in an intimate gesture. "Now that you have discovered La Femme, you don't have to travel to Far each time you want to splurge on lingerie."

"That’s a relief," I responded as I walked around looking at the displays. "I love the way you have set up your shop. And so many lovely designs and patterns. I think I am going to find it difficult, making up my mind."

"Oh, honey. Take as much time as you want. Just let me know when you are ready."

"Some of these designs look very, very alluring. Can I try them on?"

"Sure. The changing rooms are at the back. One condition, though. With intimate apparel, once you have tried them on, you will have to purchase them."

"Oh, surely yes. It's just that I would like to give Mr. Handsome here, a preview of what's in store for him this weekend."

"In that case, you should definitely look at the range of French knickers. They are the current rage in Europe." Diane was smiling as she gave me a naughty wink, and left us to attend to some other customers who were just walking into the store.

Mark and I walked around, trying to make up our minds on what to buy.

"Darling," I breathe into his ears, standing in front of a rack displaying bras in gossamer thin silk. "Select whatever turns you on. This is going to be my treat for you."

"Mum, everything here looks so sexy. I don't know where to start."

'Do you have a favourite colour, darling? Or do all colors turn you on?"

"Mum," he whispered, "I find everything you wear a big turn on.. Anyway, since you asked, why don't we start with white? "

He pointed to a white underwire bra with a delicate floral pattern embroidered on the cups. "I think this here, will look very pretty on you."

"I like your choice, sweetie. Looks like you have a natural talent for this. Why don't you pick one up while I look around for a pair of matching knickers? You know my size, don't you? It's 38 D."

While Mark was looking through the rack to select the right size, I turned to a rack displaying knickers.

"What do you think of this?" I asked, picking up a G-string in soft stretch tulle. The front of the knickers had a simple cut, tapering down into a narrow gusset made of smooth sheer satin. The back was breathtaking. There was a tiny, high riding panel in an exquisite pattern of criss-crossing braids. It looked absolutely sexy. "Do you think this looks too slutty?"

Holding the knickers in his hands, Mark began running his fingers over the material, touching and fondling the soft fabric.

"Mmmmmm. Mum, they look soooo sexy. You must definitely take this. And in any case, I think, slutty is nice."

"Darling, do you want me to model them for you?"

As he began nodding his mute assent, I walked over to the trial room and quickly undressed. Picking up the panties we had selected, I pulled them up my legs. They fitted snugly over the hairy mound of my pussy, and I turned around to give Mark a glimpse of my arse cheeks bisected by the thin strip of cloth.

Bending down from the waist and slowly spreading my legs, I could feel the gusset of the knickers riding into the crack of my arse. "Is this what you wanted to see darling?"

Mark stepped close to me and cupped my arse cheeks. "Yes," he replied in a husky voice. "Exactly what I wanted to see," he said, running his index finger up and down my crack.

'Aren't you going to try on the bra as well? I want to see how the whole ensemble look."

I picked up the bra and lowered my breasts into the soft lace cups, and then pulled the straps over my arms.

"Here, " I said, looking over my shoulder, "will you please fasten the clasps for me?"

I could feel Mark’s hot breath on the nape of my neck, as he took the straps in his hands and began to fasten the snaps on the bra.

Moving back a little, I snuggled up closer to him as he cupped one hand over my breasts and gently squeezed them. The feeling of the smooth sheer silk on my nipples was exquisite.

"Oh yes darling, keep rubbing my nipples. Pinch them baby."

Mark held one of my nipples between his thumb and forefinger and began to gently pull and tug at it. The sensation caused by the friction of the silk on the sensitive skin was indescribable. It felt as though my entire breast was on fire.

"Yeah, sweetheart, that's the way to do it," I moaned deliriously.

With his other hand Mark drew me closer to him till I could feel his throbbing hard young cock nudging against my arse.

"Mum," he whispered into my ear, "you look so hot and sexy. I feel like taking off your knickers and licking your pussy right now."

I could feel myself getting moist. "Easy darling," I said, disengaging myself from his arms, "or you will get me all juiced up. I don't want to get these knickers wet and sticky. We still have to buy them, and let's not have Diane at the counter give us funny looks."

I watched myself in the mirror and it was an erotic sight. My son was standing behind me; his crotch pressed firmly to my backside, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

"C'mon honey, let us quickly choose some more things that you like, and get out of here before we do something naughty."

We spent the better part of the next hour at La Femme, selecting sexy underwear for me. I purchased teddies, G stings, sheer knickers, camisoles, and sheer bras in a variety of colours, everything that my son took a fancy to.

"My, my," Diane commented, when she was ringing up the sale. "Looks like someone is going to have a wild weekend."

Mark let out a throaty laugh. "I certainly hope so. That's what she has promised me."

Diane looked at me and winked. "It's so nice to see a couple in love. You must visit La Femme again"

“ I’m sure we will," Mark replied. "Maybe next time, I will come alone, and get something to surprise her."

"Please do that. And I promise to give you my personal attention."

"Now, I don't want you to give him too much attention," I chipped in. "Remember that he is already spoken for."

"Ain't that the truth, darling . The good ones are almost always spoken for," Diane let out an infectious laugh as she wrapped our purchases and put them into a large shopping bag.

"Here you go," she said, handing over the bag to Mark. "Thank you very much for shopping at La Femme."

I turned to Mark and said, "Darling, why don't I wait here while you go and put this bag in the car. That way, we won't have to carry it around the centre for the rest of the day."

As Mark walked out of the shop, Diane turned to me and laid her hand gently on my arm.

"Do you have a business card? I will put you on my list of preferred customers. That will ensure you get an email of all the special offers and promotions."

I opened my purse and handed her one of my business cards. She looked at it, and a smile formed on her lips. "Helen! What a lovely name!.”

We chatted while I waited for Mark to come back from the car. I asked Diane was she from Chester.

"I am originally from around here. I got married and moved to London when I was barely out of High School. A few years ago, I went through a messy divorce. I discovered my husband was cheating on me. So I left him. My lawyer was very good, and managed to get a generous settlement for me. So I came back to my roots here in Chester, and opened up this shop. I always had expensive tastes in lingerie; so this looked like a good business to get into."

"Good for you," I replied. "Husbands can be quite a pain in the arse at times. Don't get me started on that topic."

"Oh hey, are you both talking about me?" Mark came walking back into the shop. "Your purchases are safely deposited in the car, and if you are finished, we should get going."

As Mark put his arm around me, Diane turned to me and touched my shoulder. "Please do stop by again. We get new collections in here almost every other month or so. And frankly, it's not always that I get the pleasure of having a customer who appreciates the better things in life."

"Sure, Diane," I smiled. "I have a feeling that you will see me quite regularly. Now before we leave, can I ask you for some help? We are ready for lunch. I heard there is a good Italian restaurant in this mall."

"That must be the Tuscany? It's adjacent to the kitchen shop at the west entrance of the mall. It's a good place. Serves great Italian food. Their lasagna is easily the best in town."

"Mmmmmm. sounds yummy. Thank you. You have been a great help." I turned to Mark. "C'mon, darling, I am famished."

The centre was now getting crowded with weekend shoppers. Mark was holding my hand in his as we made our way to the west entrance of the mall. It had been a very long time since I was in such a romantic mood. I felt like I was walking on air.

I knew what I was doing was totally wrong by all standards of conventional morality. But I did not care. All that mattered was the intense feeling of sexuality that my son had aroused in me. I wanted to shout out to the world, "Look at me. I am with my lover, my son, and I don't care what you think about it."

Tuscany was a tastefully done up restaurant with discreet décor and subdued lights. Not the kind of garish place one usually finds in a mall. We got a table at the far corner of the restaurant. I ordered a bottle of wine to go along with our lasagna.

"I think you are ready to have the occasional glass of wine, young man," I joked as the waiter walked away after pouring us each a glass of wine. "As of this morning, you have officially become an adult. There's one condition though. Drinking only under the supervision of your mother."

"I think I can live with such rules," said Mark, raising his glass in a toast. "To my mum who I think is the most beautiful woman in the whole world."

"Oh darling, that's so sweet of you. You do know the nicest things to say to a lady." I raised my glass and clinked it against his. "And to my wonderful son, who is helping me re-discover what it is to be young and desirable."

Lunch was a cozy, intimate experience. We kept up a light, mischievous banter, occasionally touching one another under the table or holding hands when we were not busy eating.

Looking across the table at Mark, my son, I wondered how my world had changed so dramatically within the course of a few hours. It was as though I had been reborn, and was living an entirely new life. I had not experienced such intense feelings in years. The mood was so erotic that I felt myself getting moist.

"Darling, what would you like to do next," I asked Mark once the table was cleared and the bill had been settled. "It's only half past two. Still early to go back home."

" Let's see. Why don't we go and watch a movie? The multiplex is just around the corner. I am sure there will be something we both like to watch."

"Now that's what a brilliant idea." I held his hand in mine as we stepped out of the restaurant and walked towards the multiplex. There were three theatres in the multiplex. Two of them were showing the latest blockbusters. The third one was showing an oldie, a favourite of mine. The marquee read, "Pretty Woman. Last show at 2.45 PM."

A naughty thought quickly formed in my mind. "Darling, would you mind if we went for Pretty Woman? It's a favourite of mine, and I am in that kind of mood today."

'Sure, mum," he replied as we neared the ticket counter. "That's fine by me. I know you have always had a crush on Richard Gere."

I stepped up to the counter and raised two fingers. "Do you have two tickets for Pretty Woman please?"

The counter clerk smiled at me. "Lady, it's the last show. I think you maybe the only two people in the theatre."

Ah, I nodded to myself; my hunch was right. I plucked the tickets from his hand and we entered the foyer of the theatre.

"Sweetheart, why don't you wait here for me? I need to visit the toilet. Maybe you can get us something to drink."

Leaving Mark at the refreshments counter, I went into the toilet. I had been so turned on by what had happened during shopping and lunch that my knickers were already soaked through with pussy juices. I needed to get out of my wet underwear.

Walking into one of the stalls, I lifted up the hem of my skirt. Hooking my fingers to the waistband of my knickers, I slowly peeled them off, leaving a slick, wet trail down my thighs. I smiled to myself as I stuffed them into my handbag. I knew what I would do with them later on.

I sat down on the toilet seat and spread open my legs. In the bright light of the toilet, I could see the swollen lips of my sex glistening with juices. Bringing my hand down I slowly touched myself. My labial lips were puffed up and slick with wetness. I ran my forefinger up and down my slit, and let out an involuntary shudder as the tip of my finger grazed my engorged clit.

Using my fingers, I gently parted my plump outer lips, and looked at the glistening inner lips that were almost twitching in anticipation. They gleamed pink and wet, and as I watched, a long pearly strand of clear juice bubbled up and began to drip down into the toilet.

Resisting an urge to plunge my fingers deeper into my wet hole, I tore off a length of toilet paper and wiped the juices from my cunt. I was so excited that the more I wiped, the wetter my pussy seemed to get. Finally, I folded a large wad of toilet paper and gently patted my pussy lips dry, not applying any pressure. My legs were wobbling with passion as I stood up and smoothed my skirt.

My cunt was on fire, a

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 21 Son Cumming In Mom8217s Mouth

Joy clenched his jaws as he answered his father, “Dad, it is too good to describe. Mom’s mouth is out of this world, dad, almost unbearable. Oh, mom, I think your mouth is going to make me cum soon.” Suvendu gestured me to stop my head movements as he wanted to see his son cumming. “Hold it, Soni, don’t make him cum so soon. Son, take a break. I’ve special plans for your first ejaculation with a real woman. Let your cock get some fresh air while you watch your mother suck mine.” I moved my...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 12 Best Cowgirl Sex For My Son

I went to the restroom to redo my hair and reapply my favorite cherry red lipstick. With all that friction of my son’s cock against my lips, the previous coat was wiped out. I was pleased to notice the glow on my face. No wonder, as Vineeta had mentioned, a young man’s cum does wonders for a woman. The intake of warm young cum in your digestive system generates a lustrous glow within a week. In one day, I had swallowed two huge loads. What a cum slut I had become. As Joy drove the car back...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 6 Sonali Sees Her Son8217s Masturbation

That night I tossed and turned in the bed and tried hard to sleep but just couldn’t. images of Vini with her son and Joy fantasizing about me kept on bombarding my brain. And more than anything the words of Vini, “Sonali you should fuck your son,” kept me hitting like a torpedo. In the morning I hit the gym with a vengeance and sweated it out hard in an effort to get all that had happened out of my mind. It was nothing but a bad dream, I kept on telling myself and succeeded to an extent. I was...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 10 Mom Loses Anal Virginity To Son

Joy put two pillows beneath my stomach so that my ass protruded up for his unhindered vision. I squirmed a bit as I felt a generous amount of almond oil drop in my asshole. It was followed by a gentle push of finger which started massaging my anal passage expertly. I could not believe that within a few minutes my son’s oiled finger was moving in and out of the passage effortlessly. Then he inserted the second finger and I felt a pressure in the rectal muscles. However, due to another dollop of...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 3 Vineeta Fucks Her Son

Rick looked at me with desire in his eyes and moaned, “Mom your lips are so juicy and hot.” And in a swift move put his lips on mine and started feeding on them. Such was the intensity that a short gasp emitted from my mouth. But got submerged in his soft groans of pleasure. I also found myself gorging on his mouth. Within a few seconds lost total control immersing ourselves in the most passionate kiss of our lives. I felt his penis growing hard and long and banter upon my thigh. It must have...

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Sonali Er Narom Sona

He iss readers, I am back after long time. Here I will tell u how I seduce my uncles sexy maid, sonali. I am from kolkata and I will tell the story in bengali. If anyone want to know, may write to me Sonali, bachor ponero solo er halka gom ronger meyetar sorir chilo khub akorsoniyo. Amar kakimar bari kaaj korto. Sbsamoy bra panty er sathe porto ekta paatla naity. Naity er arale or panty er rong majhe majhe bojha jeto, ar besirbhag samoyei or bra er fite beriye thakto. Ami takhon college e...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 8 Son8217s Dick In Sonali8217s Pussy

Joy emerged from his room with an envelope in hand and entered my bedroom and came out with a smile of relief on his visage. “Ma, it was a great relief to write all my feeling for that unique lady. Read it with patience and tell me what you feel. You might get angry but all I have been is bluntly honest. Whatever will be your next step, I’ll accept it gladly.” “Why do you think I might get angry?” “Well, it’s not the matter mother and son usually talk about.” “I told you, dear, I won’t get...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 2 Horny For Her Son

Vineeta took a large sip of the champagne and started her narrative. Vineeta’s Story It was morning when I bathed my son and gave him a handjob. Now as I was preparing his favorite chicken biryani. I started replaying the whole scene in my mind. The only thing that was recurrently playing was his hard, erect penis and the thick ropes of sperm that hit the bathroom wall. Any trace of guilt had evaporated from my mind and I was feeling horny. But I decided I won’t make any first move and let...

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Simpsons Father and Son Camp Bonding

As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again. He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night. He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s. “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to. Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

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How it started with Mums dirty knickers

As I was stretched out on the sofa when I heard the front door open, and then Mum's familiar voice, "Hello Darling I'm home, how was your day?"I turned towards her. "Hi Mum. It was fine thanks."She came up to me and gave me a big hug and a motherly kiss on the lips, Mum was what most people would call pretty. She wasn't stunning and she rarely turned heads, but she had an almost c***d-like face, which had its own attractions. She kept her dark brown hair fairly long. She had a good shape, curvy...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered...

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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 7 Erik Ragnarsson returns to Nilfeheim

The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...

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Wearing Mums Knickers

Mum and myself were in the Lake District on holiday.On the third day of our holiday, I woke up late and found my mum reading a book with a cup of coffee. She was dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. My mother is 32, She has black hair, nice 38D breasts and a nice firm arse. I found her attractive, and thought about her a lot in my wank sessions."Nice of you to get up darling," she said looking up from her book."Yeah, I guess I needed some sleep. I made a coffee and some toast. "And what...

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Caught With Mumrsquos Knickers

I was in bed with a pair of her knickers, smelling them. Yes one of her worn knickers I picked from the dirty cloth hamper in the bathroom. But it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.I am the love of mum’s life. I have always loved being around her. Even though she is in her thirties, she has a really sexy body, with big, full, 38D breasts. When I was 13 I started to notice my mother as a woman, more than just myMother. She would walk around the house either nude or...

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Pru and her Knickers

In the early 1980s I won a role in a film that involved a certain amount of, implied, sexual interaction in bed. In that era it wasn’t anything like as graphic as sex on film is these days but I was to be in bed with a fellow actor with both of us being, supposedly, ‘nude’. I was topless but my breasts wouldn’t be seen properly on film whereas Mike was to be completely naked because towards the end of the scene his back and the top of his buttocks would be seen. It was a closed set with a...

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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

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Caught Stealing Knickers

In the early eighties, I was a chubby, shy sixteen-year-old virgin with only a few friends, but what I had was a love of ladies’ knickers (even now well into my fifties, I still love knickers, but at least now, I can buy for myself). This is a story of when I got caught stealing them.I could not get enough of them, and so I went around looking for clotheslines in backyards to see what I could steal so that I could wear them and wank into them. The fact I may get caught made it all the more fun....

First Time
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Mums Missing Knickers

Everything suddenly clicked into place for Helen on that afternoon at home, over a period of several months she had been sure that some of her knickers had gone missing only to show up again later on, at first she thought that she was just getting forgetful or that they had fallen behind a drawer or somewhere but now here she could clearly see the truth.Her 14yr son Mark was sat in his room playing on the playstation, clearly unaware that his mother was looking into his room from the doorway...

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Aajker Sondhe Shudhu Dipika R Songe

Ami Raja Kolkata e thaki, unmarried, Kolkatar e ekta MNC te kaaj kori, amar boyos 30 height 5’8” ektu golgaal average chehara. Je ghotona ta apnader kaache uposhapon korte cholechi seta bochor khanek aager ghota… Amar ei jibone khub kom meye e eseche karon ami se bhabe kauke dekhtam naa…Kintu sedin, office theke, berobar somoy assistant Mili jiggasa korlo “Ki Rajada kothay jacchen???” Ami or answer ta na diei bollam tomer ki lift lagbe sune bollo “bhaloi to hoy” Ami oke namate raji hoy gelam...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 17 Mommy Son Roleplay

Sometimes it happens in life that one plans a lot to achieve their dreams, and that achievement is brought about by sheer fate. That’s what happened with my experience of mommy son roleplay. On weekdays, right after the departure of my husband, my son would waste no time to fuck my brains out. The fact that the nights were booked for his dad had increased the intensity with which he fucked me. Similarly, my hunger to have his cock plunge inside my cunt, mouth, and ass had also increased many...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Personae Dramatis

(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...

2 years ago
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Caught Stealing Knickers

Chapter 3After getting home on that Saturday evening, I lay in bed naked, except for Nicola’s knickers around my hard cock. It had been a wonderful time with her. But no matter how hard I tried and how many times I came, my cock stayed hard. I eventually fell asleep with a very sore cock, still wrapped in a sticky pair of knickers and I had some wonderful wet dreams.The following week seemed to drag on forever. The only bright point was that I got my hands on some condoms (I stole them from my...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 16 Satisfying Her Husband And Son

My hubby’s eyes opened wide when I opened the door for him. “Wow, Soni, you look stunning.” He spoke and hugged me tight on the door itself. “I missed you a lot.” It felt good to feel the eagerness in his body. I knew he would love to have a quick fuck with me. “Where is my son? I have got a real good racquet for him.” “He has gone for practice, will be back after a couple of hours.” “Oh yeah – then we can use these hours.” He smiled with a lusty look in his eyes. “Of course, darling, but do...

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Mistresses knickers

She told me to undress, I stripped down to my boxers and felt really nervous. She sat on the bed in front of me and parted her legs, I could see she was wearing white cotton knickers and her hairs were peeking out either side of the gusset. I was told to get on my knees, as I did this she pulled her skirt right up to her tummy revealing a wonderful pair of full cotton knickers. She then said come closer and sniff. My heart was pounding I pressed my nose into the gusset, It was so warm and damp,...

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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Message begins.Hiya, lad. I miss you so much, and I wish you could be here now, but I'll have to wait.Do you know, all I have on right now is my knickers. They are white cotton knickers with a thin band of lace around the top. They cover the glorious curves of my large cheeks, and hide the aroused blushing my skin is racing with. And I'm thinking about you.I wonder, would you like to see me? Do you...

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Cum knickers

The other day, I was walking around town wearing a short mini skirt a nice short pleated one and a strappy top which was kind of struggling to hold my boobs in. I was wearing a nice pair of knickers which had a cute pattern on and really comfortable to wear. I was getting horny under the sun and seeing quite a few girls in short skirts which with the odd few managed to get a good upskirt view, some of the girls were wearing really cute panties, a couple had decided to go commando. I met up with...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 22 Mom Dad And Son

After downing my son’s reservoir of cum in the sex between mom, dad, and son, I firmly closed my mouth. I gulped hard to give the same treatment to possible minuscule cum residuals concealed in the inner corners of my mouth. I flashed a gratified smile to both, as my son watched The expression of disbelief mixed with awe, admiration, and raw lust on the faces of both pleased me to a large extent. Suvendu commented, “Soni, that was incredible.” Joy agreed, “Mom, you must be the first woman in...

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Andersonville 5 The Guilty Soul

Andersonville 5 - The Guilty Soul by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the TG writers out there, who make the days easier to deal with by posting new stories to read each day. Fade in... The sun wasn't even peeking over the hills when the alarm started going off. I hit the snooze button several times but eventually realized I was going to have to get out of bed and get ready for work. I stir slightly, stretching my legs and arms in a poor attempt to wake up. Then...

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Two Mistresses knickers

I had arranged to see a mistress, it had been a long time since I'd done this. When I arrived I was shown into a room and saw another lady sat there, I was told that this other "mistress" was here to watch and maybe help out.I was told to undress, I stood there naked in front of them both, my cock was growing, it seemed even naughtier that there were two of them looking at my naked body and half erect cock. I was handed a pair of lacey knickers and told to put them on - as I pulled them up I...

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Andersonville 2 Judgeless

Andersonville 2 - Judge-less by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Mathew Shepherd, who lives in the hearts of all open-mind people. Fade in... The warm glow of yesterday's conversation with my father ended in the cold reality of Monday morning. The cold reality that I was a young, teenage girl. The cold reality that I was expected to act like a girl, something totally foreign and yes, something I found even a little scary. And the cold reality that I had no idea why I...

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Andersonville 1 Home Sweet Home

Andersonville 1 - Home Sweet Home! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to Susan M. Bidwell - a young lady who died before her time. Andersonville is based on the story "The life and death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series. Fade in... Dennis Butz worked on some last minute paperwork with a certain relief. In a few hours his dream would become a reality and then the real work would begin. He heard...

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Andersonville 6 Friendship Lines

Andersonville 6 - Friendship Lines by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my TS brothers and sisters, who have the guts to stand up to the world and say, "I'm not going to live a lie anymore." Fade in... I saw them come out of the courthouse from across the street. There were four of them; all men dressed in business suits. Every day, just a few minutes after 6pm, they left the courthouse to go home. Three of them proceeded to their cars but the fourth man, maybe 21...

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Andersonville 7 Soul Mates

Andersonville 7 -- Soul Mates by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to all the writers of TG Fiction. Fade in... There I was, in the file room working hard to make sense of the mess I had gotten myself into. I had accidentally misplaced a file and suddenly everything seemed to be out of whack, causing me a great deal of frustration. As a private investigator I was never good at filing, that had always been Al's job. Now, unfortunately, the job was mine and asking myself how...

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Andersonville 25 Dr Jensen I presume part II

I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...

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Leannes Knickers

There’s no denying it, I fancy Leanne and I have done the whole time that I’ve know her. We’re old school friends that have reconnected thanks to Instagram. She’d been posting to her ‘story’ and I’d sent the odd reply to her in the hopes of striking up some conversation. Eventually we’d began messaging each other almost daily and I have to admit that I’d become quite impatient waiting for her replies because I looked forward to them. Leanne’s messages were exciting to receive and always gave me...

Quickie Sex
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Red Dress No Knickers

Red Dress no Knickers. Dinner.  Posh restaurant, dark, lots of heavy drapes, black and red, velvet tablecloths and seat covers. Large black candles on floor mounted candelabra provide the seductive illumination. A 20’s theme night. A pleasant murmur of conversation pervades the room, the actual voices and content muffled by the heavy furnishing. The clientele are very obviously affluent; there is an undercurrent of decadence often brought about by gatherings such as this. All of the ladies are...

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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

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Andersonville 8 The return of Tom McClain

Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...

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Andersonville 10 Boy trouble

"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...

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Sonya Siren Song

Introduction: A middle-aged man finds out his stepdaughter is more grown-up than he thought It was late summer, on a Friday afternoon, after a long week, as I turned into my driveway, and there was Sonya, playing a solo game of basketball with the hoop over the garage door. The weather was still warm, and she was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a pink sleeveless top, and as she jumped gracefully into the air to take a shot, I thought, She moves just like her mother. She put the ball...

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Andersonville 9 Never cry wolf

Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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I Found My Soaked Knickers

My husband decided to run off with a young girl from his work. The divorce settlement was to my advantage; I got the house, and a car.For the first few years, everything was great, except for my sex life. I made several purchases of 'toys' that I kept hidden in the back of my knicker drawer under my underwear. These seemed to be enough for me for the time being...I used one or two of them a couple of times a week. One Monday morning, as I was getting the dirty clothes ready for the washing...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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Young guyrsquos quest to have my used knickers

Ben and his two pals were on holiday here for a few weeks, earlier in the summer. By the last week of their holidays his two mates were hopelessly lost in holiday romances. As for the rest of their holiday? well you can guess...! He looked an increasingly lonely figure for the last week or so, and the shine he had taken to me earlier at the beach seemed to be his only brightness as he took every chance to chat me up, during which amid other flattery, he told me that he had already noticed me...

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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

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Two Moms Two Sons 7 London Visits Her Son In College

I licked my lips nonstop as I calmly made my way down the hallway. 'This is an excellent school, but I have no interest in seeing it, I only want to see a hunk in 1D, and no it isn't Pete. I can't wait, Joe, I want your hard cock inside me, and hopefully we'll have a little privacy,' I thought, keeping my eyes on the door. 'I'm just wearing a sexy short skirt and a spaghetti tank top too,' I thought before I halted at the door. 'I'm wearing a bra and thong though; I wouldn't want the...

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Andersonville 17 Childhood

Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

3 years ago
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Caught in her knickers

Looking back, it was only a matter of time before I got caught dressed in my wife's lingerie.I have loved dressing up ever since my early teens when I first discovered the delights of dressing in my mum's underwear. Although I have gone for long periods abstaining from dressing, the truth is that I am addicted to wearing lingerie. So, I will always return to it. My particular favourite is to wear retro underwear like french knickers, slips, basques, fully fashioned nylons and the like.My...

4 years ago
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I Love wearing stockings with no knickers

And my husband loves me to go out like that too. I love it when I go out with my husband wearing stockings, garter belt, heels and no knickers, it is such a turn on, for me, for him, and for the guys that I decide to share our secret with.Long skirts, long dresses, short skirts and short dresses, shaven or hairy, it does not matter. After I have had a drink or two to loosen up, I love to first show my stocking tops and then to maybe open my legs slightly to put those guys watching into a bit of...

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