Caught Stealing Knickers free porn video

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In the early eighties, I was a chubby, shy sixteen-year-old virgin with only a few friends, but what I had was a love of ladies’ knickers (even now well into my fifties, I still love knickers, but at least now, I can buy for myself). This is a story of when I got caught stealing them.

I could not get enough of them, and so I went around looking for clotheslines in backyards to see what I could steal so that I could wear them and wank into them. The fact I may get caught made it all the more fun. I usually made my way to different parts of town so that if I got caught, it would not be by people who knew my parents. One specific Saturday, I was too lazy to venture far from home, so I made my way a couple of streets over from my house. The houses backed on to each other with an alley running between them. I would walk these and peek over walls to see what I could find.

It was getting late, so I decided one more alley before home. The last one only had yards on one side as the other was a local factory, so I thought a quick walk down and, if I see nothing I would head home, retrieve a pair from their hiding place and have a good wank while wearing them. On nearing the very last house, I could see washing hanging up. My heart started racing as I approached. I looked over the wall, and I could see several bras and panties of various sizes and styles hanging up between the other washing.

My heart raced, and my cock was slowly growing in my pants and straining against the material. From what I could see, they looked like an older lady’s knickers (lots of lace and such) and a younger girl’s knickers (soft cotton material) but I didn’t see any men’s underwear. Now, this was something new; if I could steal one pair of each, I could fantasize about doing it with a girl and her mother while I wrapped their knickers around my cock.

I looked carefully about the alley and then back over the wall, trying to see if anyone was moving in the kitchen (the only window overlooking the yard). As I could see nothing, I tried the back gate, and to my great joy, it unlocked. I slowly pushed it open and moved inside, watching and listening for any movements, ready to turn and run. As I heard or saw nothing, I continued in, the closest line had several pairs of knickers and bras hanging there, the bras did not interest me, but I saw what I desired, a red silk thong and next to it a pair of pink cotton knickers.

I grabbed the thong and brought it to my face to feel the smoothness of the silk. By now my cock was straining against my pants, so I freed it, unzipped my fly, and pulled my rapidly hardening cock out. Now, I did not have the longest dick in the world as it was only about seven inches when fully hard but, it was at least twice as thick as any other boy I saw in the showers after PE class. I draped the red thong over my hard cock and wrapped it around, then reached up to grab a pair of cotton knickers which I brought to my face and stroked them across my cheek. And that is when it all went wrong.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” came a high shrill voice.

I looked around, and standing at the kitchen window was Nicola Windwood, a girl I knew from school. Nicola was the same age as me, but not in the same class. She was about five feet two inches tall, slim body, narrow hips, small breasts, and a tangle of long bushy brown hair.

I froze to the spot where I was. There I was, standing with my cock sticking out of my pants and a terrified look on my face. There was a pair of red knickers wrapped around my hard cock and another pair in my hand. I nearly fainted! My next thought was to run away, but my legs were like jelly. I just stood there staring open-mouthed. The next thing I realized Nicola was no longer at the window but was walking towards me through the yard.

She stood in front of me and demanded to know what I thought I was doing.

I just looked at her and muttered something unintelligible about being sorry and that I do not know what came over me. It was then I noticed she was not looking at my face; she was staring down at my cock. The funny thing was my cock was getting harder the redder my face got.

“Are those my mother’s knickers wrapped around your hard cock?”

“Yes, I am sorry, I did not mean to; they just looked so good hanging on the line, and I wanted to feel them.”

Then she noticed the pair in my hands.

“Are those my knickers?”

“Yes,” I mumbled,

Then, a frown crossed her face, and she asked, “Why is mine not wrapped around your cock? Are they not sexy enough for you?”

“It’s not that. I took the red pair first and had to put them somewhere, so I could grab the pink ones, I think they are just as sexy.”

“I doubt that; even I know my mom’s underwear is a lot sexier than mine, and those are not even her sexiest.”

At that thought, my heart started racing again and my cock got even harder (if that is at all possible) and a little pre-cum started dribbling out and on to the red thong wrapped around it.

Nicola saw this and said, “What’s that, are you pissing on my mom’s knickers?”

I looked down to see clear soft cum dribbling from the end of my cock.

“That’s just a little pre-cum, it always comes out first and helps lubricate it for when I wank.”

She looked me right in the eye and I swear she was smirking when she said, “Yes, mine gets wet too!”

I was utterly gobsmacked. This girl standing before me looking at my dribbling hard cock had just basically admitted to playing with herself. She then looked down again and said, “Look at the mess, I am going to have to wash them again.”

She held out her hand, I sheepishly removed the thong from around my cock and handed it to her. She looked at the stain and lifting it to her nose, gave it a sniff.

“Smells different to mine,” she said.

“I wouldn’t know,” I said, “I have never smelled yours.”

She looked at me, then without saying a word, put her hands up under her skirt, removed the panties she was wearing, and said, “Why not give these a sniff?”

I reached out and took them from her, raised them to my nose, and sniffed. I thought I had died and gone to heaven; they smelled a little musty and sweaty, but underneath, they had a sweet vanilla aroma which I assumed came from whatever soap she was using. Unthinking, I reached down, and still with the knickers under my nose, I began stroking my cock.

Nicola looked at me and said, “If you want to do that, perhaps we should go inside where no one can catch us and, I can watch you play with it?”

I was too far gone at this point to answer, so nodded my reply. I followed her into the house, through the kitchen, and into the lounge.

“Why not take your pants off it will be easier?”

I kicked off my shoes and took my jeans and underpants off in one movement, standing in front of a girl I barely knew, naked from the waist down. I wrapped the panties she had been wearing around my cock and started moving my hand up and down. Having her recently-used panties and having her watch me meant I didn’t last very long, and soon my cum was shooting all over my knicker-clad hand. Nicola suggested using the panties to wipe it all up, which I did; she took them from me and smelled them, then pushing out her tongue, she gave my spunk a little lick off the knickers.

“Oh, that tastes nice.”

Seeing her do this made my cock stay hard. Nicola looked at my hard-on and asked, “Does it always stay hard like that? Becky, my friend from school, says boys' cocks go soft as soon as they cum.”

“Usually it does but, watching you sniff and lick my cum from your knickers and knowing you have none on is keeping me hard.”

"Wow," she giggled. “Do you want to see my pussy?”

I nodded like a village idiot and watched as she lifted her skirt and gave me what was the first in-person view of a pussy I had ever seen; it was almost hairless, just a small downy covering of dark curly hair and red puffy lips.

Throwing caution to the wind, I said: “You can play with it. I would love to watch.”

She sat on the couch spread her legs, and while still sniffing the cum soaked knickers, she started rubbing her pussy with her other hand. Then she slid her middle finger in and pulled it out; I could see her fingers were soaking wet as she slid them from her pussy lips. She lifted them to her mouth and licked it off. My cock was now as hard as it ever had been. I moved closer and got onto the floor between her legs to get a closer view.

Her pussy looked red and puffy as she slid first one, then two fingers inside, and went faster and faster. As she got faster, I grabbed my cock and started jerking it. I do not know how long we wanked together. I am not even sure who came first; her or me, but before I knew what was happening, she was shuddering with an orgasm while I let fly with a spurt of hot cum all over her legs. She smiled at me, reached down and wiped some off her legs with her fingers, put them to her mouth, and licked it off.

“We better clean this up, and you better go before my mom gets home.”

I found my pants and was about to put them on when Nicola said, “Here you can have these if you want.” She was holding out her hand to me, and in it was her mom’s red thong. “But only if you put them on now to go home in.”

I took them and pulled them on, feeling the sheer silk against my skin. My softening cock easily fit in, but I knew it would not fit for long. She then walked me to the door and turning me around she, kissed me hard on the lips and told me she does washing every Saturday when her mom’s at work, and maybe, I should come by next week and help.

Chapter 2

After my first afternoon with Nicola, I couldn’t wait to go back the following Saturday. The week seemed eternally long as I saw her every day, but she didn’t even give me a second look. At least I got the pleasure of wearing and wanking into her mother’s red thong.

Saturday came around, and I was awake early; I couldn’t wait. I hopped around the house all morning, had lunch, then told my parents I was off out and would be home later. I had on a tee-shirt and blue jeans with the red thong underneath.

I walked with anticipation (and a throbbing hard-on) towards Nicola’s house. I walked down the back alley with my mind wondering what we would and wouldn’t do, then I saw her in the backyard hanging up washing. She looked great in a short jean mini skirt and blue tee-shirt and her hair tied back in a ponytail. Just then, she turned and saw me, and a smile broke across her face.

“Hi, I was wondering when you were going to get here; I have been waiting for you.”

“I didn’t know what time your mum leaves for work, so I left it as late as I could.”

“She left about thirty minutes ago and won’t be back for a few hours, come and help me finish hanging up the washing.”

I let myself in through the back gate and helped her hang the washing; while doing this, I kept looking around and could see no knickers on the line. She saw the look on my face and laughed.

“I haven’t done the underwear yet! I was waiting for you!”

We went into the kitchen, and there on the counter was a basket full of underwear. My already hard cock was straining to get out of my pants.

Nicola smiled and said, “Will you help sort them so I can wash them?”

I thought I had died and gone to heaven; it was clear which were Nicola’s and which were her mums. Nicola’s were all sensible cotton knickers in various shades whereas her Mums, wow, they were an assortment of colours and styles. A couple of thongs, some high cut bikini briefs, and a pair of silk French knickers along with various matching bras and even a suspender belt and stockings in black.

Nicola then said, “Oh, just one more pair.”

And reaching under her skirt pulled off a pair of white panties, she then lifted her tee-shirt and removed a matching white bra and added that to the pile. Her breasts were fantastic, not huge; about the size of a grapefruit, with very dark nipples and areolas. She pulled her tee-shirt back on, making sure I got a good look at her hard nipples.

“Did you perhaps bring my mum’s knickers back as I think she missed them?”

“I did, I’m wearing them.”

“Maybe give them here and, I can wash them and, I will give you another pair to take home.”

I quickly removed my shoes and jeans and gave her the red thong. My hard-on was pointing straight up. She looked down at my hard cock and smiling said: “Well, somebody is very pleased to see me.”

I didn’t bother putting my jeans back on, hoping we would do something similar to the weekend before. Nicola gathered up the thong, and taking a smell of them, added them to the washing. She bent down to pick up the rest of the washing; her skirt rode up, and I got a long lingering look at her ass and her pussy lips between them.

“Come through to the living room where we can get comfortable,” she said.

“Do I need to put my jeans back on?”

I asked hopefully; she just smiled and shook her head. We went to the living room and; she beckoned me to sit beside her on the couch, all the while looking at my hard cock.

“Can I touch it?”

I nodded my approval and leaned back a little; she ran her fingers along the length and around the head, stopping to lift a little pre-cum from the tip of my cock, and she put her finger in her mouth and sucked it dry.

“What’s it taste like?”

“Mmm very nice, would you like to taste mine?”

Then reaching between her legs, she slid a finger in her pussy; pulled it out and offered it to me to taste. I licked it clean and then looked at her and asked.

“Can I taste it again?”

She stood up and removed her skirt and pulled her shirt over her head. Standing there naked she asked: “What do you think?”

To me, she looked amazing. She sat back down and shuffled her ass to the edge of the couch and spread her legs. Getting down on my knees and moved in between them, I leaned down and got that wonderful musky aroma with a hint of vanilla. I lightly kissed along her inner thigh before reaching her pussy; and lightly kissing her labia lips before running my tongue along them; they soaking wet and hot.

I parted her lips and exposed her clit; as I licked her, I put my finger inside and slid it in and out of her wet slippery pussy. I could feel her pussy muscles tightening on my finger, I started slowly then got faster and faster, I could feel her get all tense and she grabbed my head to pull it into her pussy as suddenly she gasped and came; wetting my face and dribbling down my chin. I tried to catch as much as I could and drink it all down. The taste was something I will remember for the rest of my life.

I looked up at her, and she smiled.

“My turn,” she said

I stood up and as I was already naked from the waist down, I just removed my shirt to stand naked before her. She grabbed my hard cock in her right hand and my balls in her left. She pulled the foreskin back and examined it. Then she reached out her tongue and licked the dribbling pre-cum from the head and swallowed it.

Then opening her mouth, she sucked my entire cock in. Then wanking with her right hand she swirled her tongue over the head of my cock, I grabbed her head and pulled her in closer; she sucked and licked and it was only a few minutes when I pushed her away and said I’m cumming. She just smiled up at me and reached forward to take my cock back in her mouth again and kept sucking, before long my cum exploded, she swallowed every drop. I collapsed on to the couch next to her,

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked.

“Yes, it was great. Want to taste?”

I looked a little puzzled. Then she pulled me closer and kissed me hard on the lips. Her tongue reached in and mixed with mine. What a taste, a little of her cum from me and a lot of my cum from her.

We just stretched out on the couch, kissing and fondling each other, and pretty soon, my cock was hard again.

“Could we go further?”

“Do you have a condom?”

I shook my head.

“Well, get one for next week and, we can see what happens.”

"What do I do about this?" I said pointing to my hard cock. She smiled and got up then went upstairs to the bedroom and came back with a pair of black satin panties.

“These are my mum’s newest pair.”

She knelt and, wrapping them around my cock, wanked me off, bending forward she stuck out her tongue and licked the head of my cock while wanking me. I reached behind her and ran my hands down her back and over her ass, reaching between her legs. I rubbed her wet pussy. It was so wet that first one, then two fingers slipped in easily. Nicola rubbed my cock in her mom's panties while kissing and licking the head. Pretty soon I could no longer keep it in, so said I’m cumming. She put her face closer to my cock and soon I shot my load all over her face and chest.

I collapsed back on the couch while Nicola smiled and licked my cum from her face; she looked at me and said: “We better clean up, and you better get going soon, but please try to get condoms for next week.”

I looked around for my clothes and realised I had no underpants as I had given the red thong back to her; she saw my look and went to the basket, returning with a pair of green cotton briefs.

“Here these are mine, you can return them next week.”

They were a little small but; they felt so good.

Nicola walked me to the back door even though she was still naked, kissed me long and hard and said: “See you next week.”

Chapter 3 to come.

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I Love wearing stockings with no knickers

And my husband loves me to go out like that too. I love it when I go out with my husband wearing stockings, garter belt, heels and no knickers, it is such a turn on, for me, for him, and for the guys that I decide to share our secret with.Long skirts, long dresses, short skirts and short dresses, shaven or hairy, it does not matter. After I have had a drink or two to loosen up, I love to first show my stocking tops and then to maybe open my legs slightly to put those guys watching into a bit of...

3 years ago
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My friends Moms Knickers

I ran into my friends Mom the other day, she still great she is about 55 now. That got me thinking about when I was 14 or 15 and I used to stay at my friends house all the time. I always fancied his mom she was so sexy, short blonde hair, curvy figure, big boobs and a big ass. I remember going to the toilet in his house. I was in the bathroom and I was just about to leave and then I noticed a pair of his Moms knickers on the floor, so of course being a young lad I couldnt resist, I picked them...

1 year ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 18 Knickers

An interesting development occurred this week. The faeries believed they needed to pay for the homes, but they didn’t know-how. Sparky informed Lee of the problem. During lunch, Lee was talking to Sandra and Debora when Deb winged about the quality of lingerie in the replicator. She wished she had her silk knickers back. Kyle added that he missed his silk boxer shorts. That afternoon Lee scrounged through the library for lingerie patterns and printed a heap of patterns out. The next...

3 years ago
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Caught Stealing

It was another boring Monday and it wasn't going to get any better, I was called in for work even though I had the day off. I had just started college and I was your above average white teenager who needed a job to get through college. I was a part time night janitor at a big building in the downtown area of my city, at the time of getting this somewhat crappy job it was this or working at a fast food joint which I wanted to avoid. Anyway I got called in because another co-worker called...

3 years ago
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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Message begins. Hiya, lad. I miss you so much, and I wish you could be here now, but I’ll have to wait. Do you know, all I have on right now is my knickers. They are white cotton knickers with a thin band of lace around the top. They cover the glorious curves of my large cheeks, and hide the aroused blushing my skin is racing with. And I’m thinking about you. I wonder, would you like to see me? Do...

3 years ago
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One Hand In My Knickers

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Message begins:"Where are you? I need you to answer....Pick up?...Please?Oh, come on! I need you. I'm so hot, and I've got one hand in my knickers right now. I'm in the toilets, and I'll have to be quiet if anybody comes in. Pick up, dammit!Mmm...Oh, lad, where the fuck are you? Why can't you be there? My hand is all wet and sticky, and I'm smearing my juice on my fingers, and rubbing my clit. Oh...

3 years ago
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Sniffing Her Dirty Knickers

Last night i went out to meet my friends for a few drinks and spend a night getting drunk. When i got to the pub to meet them they were alreay drunk and i was still sober.My friend was dressed casualy and wanted a pair of jeans and shoes but as he was drunk he couldnt drive his car back. He gave me his keys and told me to drive to his house and pic his jeans and shoes up and not to worry as his parents were away for the weekend.I turned up at his house and walked into his room to get his jeans...

3 years ago
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Mistys Magic Knickers

The pretty redhead with the deep green eyes saw the multicolored box right out on the table in the outdoor market out of the corner of her eyes and it drew her attention like a magnet to true North. She pretended to be looking at something entirely different because she didn’t want the old man with the hooked nose to think she was interested in the strange item sitting out all alone on a large table with no other items closer than an arm’s length away. She looked closely at an egg-beater that...

2 years ago
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Vince left his hotel room and was heading to a conference when he realized he’d left his wallet in his suitcase back in his room. When he returned to get it, he found that Amy – a hotel maid – had opened his suitcase and was stealing money from his wallet. Vince started to call the manager and have Amy fired, but she stopped him, and Vince made her give him a blowjob, instead, blasting his spunk all over her face and tits. Vince was still erect and horny from being angry and having Amy totally...

3 years ago
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Back To College Kneehigh Socks and No Knickers

Danielle perused her latest balance sheet, as she relaxed in her plush office at DC Lingerie. Emma, her PA, was massaging her shoulders, relieving what little knots had formed after her session in the gym. “Looking good?” asked Emma. “Yes, hosiery is up 33% on this time last year.” “Hmmm… you’re a genius baby.” “Thank you Emma,” said Danielle, stroking her friend’s hand as her fingers brushed the side of her neck. “I was thinking Danielle…” Danielle looked up at her sexy assistant. “Come and...

3 years ago
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Annie Loses Her Knickers

My name is Ruth. I hate that name. It makes me sound so Jewish. The fact that I am Jewish has nothing to do with it. It is just the way it comes out, so utterly harsh and brittle. I can't tell you the jokes about "Baby Ruth" that haunted me in elementary school. I don't look Jewish at all. The nonsense of being what your name is makes me want to puke. That is why I changed my name to Annie when we moved to New Jersey. I feel that as Annie I have a whole new world in front of me. Now I...

1 year ago
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Caught Stealing and fed to Make a Deal

I was 18 and home from college for the summer. I got a job delivering groceries for a large supermarket. I had some regular customers who wanted me to leave their deliveries in their garage when they ordered all non-perishable items, which often happened. Beer, soda, snacks were common orders. One of these customers was Mr. ‘L.’ He was divorced, in his late 40s, average looking. He would always start conversations with me, and lately they were becoming explicit and definitely over the line....

3 years ago
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Caught Stealing and forced to Make a Deal

I was 18 and home from college for the summer. I got a job delivering groceries for a large supermarket. I had some regular customers who wanted me to leave their deliveries in their garage when they ordered all non-perishable items, which often happened. Beer, soda, snacks were common orders.One of these customers was Mr. "L." He was divorced, in his late 40s, average looking. He would always start conversations with me, and lately they were becoming explicit and definitely over the line....

3 years ago
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caught men stealing glances at my smooth teenage t

It's cherie really, but I like cherie and everyone calls me that. It is Friday night, and I am spending a three-day weekend with my uncle at his place.He's in pretty good physical shape for a guy in his sixties, and I could always feel the hardness in his arms and chest when I hugged him. He still skis, plays racquetball, and bicycles. I used to rollerblade and bicycle with him when I was aged six to f******n, but now that I am eighteen, it's mostly dinners and movies.uncle's pet name for me is...

3 years ago
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Caught Stealing Panties Of My Kinky Neighbour Ritu

Hi Guys, This is Raghav. I am a B.Tech Computer Science 3rd year student. I am 23 years old and 5ft 9 inches tall, with a well-built musculature. My dick is 5.87 inches long and quite thick. Well, my neighbor Ritu aunty is (actually was) a really graceful lady, to whom the others used to look up to. She is 36 and I am staying beside her house for more than 6 years now. She has a 17-year-old daughter and a 10-year-old son. Her husband, being a businessman, usually stayed out for the majority of...

4 years ago
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Caught Stealing

She felt a large hand on her arm, pulling her away from the cosmetics counter. A baritone voice from behind said, "Come with me, miss." The security guard's massive, well-defined biceps bulged as he pulled her away from the group of ladies gathered around the counter. Her body jerked like a rag doll, forcing her to drop the bottle of perfume she was holding. The sound of glass bottle shattering pierced the air as she was whisked away. The women gathered at the counter looked on, wide-eyed...

2 years ago
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One day I was in the local mall, and as I was wandering around the jewelry section of a major store, I decided I would try to steal some jewelry that my young brain was convinced I couldn’t live without. Spotting a silver bracelet I liked, I snuck it down the front of my mini skirt and into my panties, then walked casually toward the front of the store, thinking I had pulled it off. As I approached the door, I was almost out of the store when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a man in...

1 year ago
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Stealing Away With Radhika Chapter 2

Hey there readers, this is my second story in my series about some fun I had with a girl I dated early on in college, towards the end of first year, I’ll call her Radhika (I’ve changed her name out of respect). We broke up a long time back but we had some pretty interesting experiences together, and I’ll try and put each one out to you guys as a series of episodes. Check out my previous story here : And feel free to get...

2 years ago
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At last Up North and Lisa loses her knickers

We arrived on the stroke at 21:15, and all the fun began, on the bus ride into the camp, with my niece Lisa, losing her knickers, before we even arrived at the hostel.We arrived at the train station and were met by some old friends, I had been keeping in touch with, over the years since my last stay, you can read about them in my story about myself and my mother, in the sauna, something Karol and Lisa knew about, so both girls were on a high, on the way up.We were of course way up North,...

3 years ago
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Baggy Knickers

Inspired by a newspaper article about an old lady spotted in delicato in her own garden. I heard an anguished yelp alongside a footpath. The wooded area surrounding the ancient but seemingly occupied old house was pretty dense, so I couldn’t see anything immediately. Initially not knowing the area, I had been surprised to see a brand new white, Smart car up against a building through some once ornate closed gates. I had carried on following the way marked signs indicating my log distance hike...

2 years ago
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Stealing Me Away Part 2

Amelia wakes the next morning with her head on Drake's bare chest. She looks up and kisses his cheek, he is already awake. He pulls her close and kisses her deep and passionately. Soon they are lost in the moment, Drake is on top of her, tangled in the sheets, kissing her with great passion.Amelia pushes away from him, saying, "Drake, I have to get up. I need to help my parents get the stuff ready for the party tonight.""I get it, how about I go with you. We both live together, no sense in...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Stealing Catherine

Stealing Catherine By Melissa Blake [email protected] Part 1 The room is dimly lit as I stare out the windows into the sunrise. The rays of light cascade through the panes as the morning comes into view. I sit staring; smoking a cigarette in the early dawn of Saturday. My cup of coffee stares at me. I find it harder to get started without it these days. Abby, our dog, lies at my feet, her cold nose nudging against my foot, beckoning me for attention. I slowly get up and...

1 year ago
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Stealing Catherine 2

Stealing Catherine 2: Closure An ashamed look on his face as I stand looking down at his naked form. He no longer remembers the events from moments before. "You had better get dressed sweetheart, your father will be home soon." I run my hands over my nylon encased legs and smooth out my tights. He watches intently and I know that he desperately wants to be me. I look for the stones and cannot find them, only a small patch of dust where they once sat only a second ago. It is...

1 year ago
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Stealing Jeff

STEALING JEFF by Long Tall MaryFor Laura the evening held great promise. At 6:00 she would have the date of her dreams with Jeff, a prototype alpha, who was quite selective as to whom he dated. But something had gone terribly awry, it was now 5:00, and Laura was naked, tied spread eagled to a bed, in the home of a thirty five year old woman, to whom she had been first introduced less than two hours ago, by her best girlfriend Kathy.Laura and Kathy were both nineteen years old and had been close...

1 year ago
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He closed his suitcase, placed it on the floor and pushed it underneath the bed with the toe of his shoe. Then he grabbed his room key, stepped into the hall, heard the lock click into place as the door closed, and turned to begin the long walk to the elevator to take him downstairs. As he turned away from the door, he noticed a young woman dressed in a maid’s uniform rummaging around on a cleaning cart in the hallway right next to his room. They nodded silent “good mornings” to each other,...

3 years ago
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Caught Stealing and Paying the PriceChapter 3

He noticed that both he and his friend had cum but Jan had not gotten there yet. He motion for his friend to pull out and when he did, Tony sort of let his dick pull out of Jan at the same time. This time he did notice the white sperm dripping from Jan's cunt. He had loosened up her pussy enough that sperm could make its way back out. He motioned for the guy to get up and come around to the back of Jan. When he got there, Tony also slowly got up. Tony quickly removed Jan's hand from her...

3 years ago
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Step sisters knickers

One weekend i came home to visit my mums house, and by chance my stepdads daughter was staying over too. I dont get to see my step-sister very often but have fantasized about her before and have always thought about her knickers!! She had a habit of leaning forward and showing her knicker line off!! She was 20 back then, slightly chubby with pale skin, and has straight red hair and a freckly face.She had driven the long road up to our house from london so that night she went straight to bed....

2 years ago
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Stealing Bras And Fucking Mallu MILF Annamma

This all started when Annamma aunty was going bra shopping. I knew Annamma aunty for a long time and we were very close. I used to hug her sometimes and touch her back every time. I touched her back to feel her bra hook and later masturbate thinking of her. Sometimes, I used to steal her used bras from her washing machine or bathroom, masturbate over them, and used to keep them with me. I don’t know whether she realized it or not that I used to steal her bras as she would obviously notice that...

4 years ago
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One Hand In My Knickers

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Message begins: ‘Where are you? I need you to answer. … Pick up? … Please? Oh, come on! I need you. I’m so hot, and I’ve got one hand in my knickers right now. I’m in the toilets, and I’ll have to be quiet if anybody comes in. Pick up, dammit! Mmm… Oh, lad, where the fuck are you? Why can’t you be there? My hand is all wet and sticky, and I’m smearing my juice on my fingers, and rubbing my clit. Oh...

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Aunts knickers

When I was very young I used to stay with my aunt, who was quite a stern career woman and the one who made the money in the house. She had huge tits and often wore a tight white shirt with her trouser suit, which for me as a boy was too much; I would often sit there staring at those luscious big boobs while she walked around the house giving my uncle a hard time, then nip off to the toilet for a quick wank. Anyway, one evening, bored, while walking around the house, I made a discovery. She was...

3 years ago
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Step sister with no knickers

No dont get your hopes up not a threesome, although the thought of me fucking my step sister while my wife is fucked by her hubby is quite a turn on.The other day Lisa called round for an evening of fun and food....oh yes drink too.Her and her hubby turned up with a box of red wine some lovely chocolates and she with a beaming smile. She was wearing a slinky dress very very tight and didnt leave anything to the imagination. Knee length, and low cut. She walked in the door and she kissed me on...

2 years ago
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Inside Auntie Vals Knickers

We were strict in our family. What I mean is we all had to keep our sexual activities to ourselves, pretending to each other that we were celibate! My sister used to either have to wait until she thought the house was empty to bring a man back and satisfy herself, or go to a hotel or secluded spot to get her panties off. And whenever I had sex with Linda, my first girlfriend, we used to have to do it on the floor so that my sister wouldn't hear my bed creak as we fucked each other like crazy -...

2 years ago
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Roses Dirty Knickers

My older Auntie Rose was a bit of a drinker. I never saw her quite drunk, mind you, but she had the reputation of having quite the "hollow leg". When she lived with us in our house at the end of Pokebottom Mews, she was always entertaining all sorts of strange men with varying degrees of mute adoration of her nylon clad legs. My mum told me that Aunt Rose had "lost" her true love when they were a lot younger and were both walking out with different young lads from the area. My mum met me da...

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