The Wonderful Mrs Wilberforce (Part One) free porn video

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ONE The bungalow stood at the end of a neglected street in the bad part of town. The tatty wooden porch poked out like a nose from the pebble- dashed walls and onto a small front garden, with neatly arranged flower- beds flanking a broken concrete path. It was here that Neil Taylor lived with his widowed mother. His school uniform was old and worn and a little too small for him, but his shirt and trousers were freshly ironed and his tie was neat and straight. He was a slight boy, fifteen years old but looking younger, and shorter than most of his classmates. His mum had said more than once that it was a good thing he didn't keep growing, as she could hardly have afforded to clothe him otherwise. It was Friday, and Neil was coming home from school. He said goodbye to his friends at the junction and walked the last two hundred yards to the house. His mother opened the door and said hello. She was, as usual, wearing an old shirtwaist print dress of the kind she'd had for as long as Neil could remember. Her well-groomed hair was tied neatly back and she wore a little make-up daintily. It was a point of pride for her to maintain her appearance and her clothes, though old, were not cheap. "Neil dear" she said, "you remember how you promised to help me with the fete this weekend?" "Uh-huh" "Well, I'm having some of the ladies from the hospice over tomorrow. To help organise. I was hoping you'd help me tidy up tonight." "But mum, I'm going out with the guys." "You can do that anytime. This is really important to me." Neil looked round the kitchen. It was far from untidy, but he knew this was of no consequence to his mother. She was always like this when she had guests over. "Can't you do without me? I'll be helping you all weekend." "No. There's too much to do and besides," her voice dropped a tone, "I was hoping to spend some time with Juliette." Neil blushed and couldn't speak. He was angry too, he thought he'd grown out of this shit. "D-do I have to?" "It's only for tonight. It'll be nice to have my daughter back for a while. And I know you enjoy it." This was true, but to Neil it was a child's game. He was almost a grown man - he shouldn't be playing dress up with his mother. "Alright, but just for tonight. I'm almost sixteen." "Good girl. I've laid your dress out on my bed." It was Neil's third dress, and like most of his clothes it had gotten a little too small for him. It was a simple pull-over affair; red, with short sleeves, no collar and a single petticoat sown into the skirt. By now, it didn't even reach his knees and he felt naked with it on. There were also a pair of tights; Neil's mum loved him wearing tights, she got them almost for free at her job. He stepped into a pair of his mum's slippers and walked downstairs. Her face lit up when she saw him. "Juliette! It's so nice to see you again." Neil played the familiar game. "Hello Mummy, I'm sorry I haven't visited. I've been so terribly busy." "No matter. You're here now. Come over and give your mum a hug." "I've missed you Mummy." "I've missed you too. How's Aunt Edna?" "She's well. She sends her love." "And how about school?" "It's going really well. I got an A in chemistry last week!" "That's my clever girl. Now you're here, would you help me out darling? I've got guests coming tomorrow and the place is a pigsty." "Oh Mummy, you do say some silly things." "My darling Juliette, when you're older you'll understand how important these things are. Now how about some dinner?" TWO The fete was held once a year in a little village some ten miles distant. It was Sunday and Neil travelled up with his mum in their little car. Both were dressed in their best clothes. Neil in white shirt and black trousers, his mum in a blue and white floral print dress with matching hat. It was Neil's job to unpack their things; the picnic table, the chairs, the pots of jam and cakes and such that his mum was selling. It was quite a big event. The village green had been dressed with bunting and balloons, there were marquees and a bandstand set up in the centre. People came from miles around to visit. He was still unloading the car when his mum's friends came over. "Hello there Neil." "Hello Mrs Roberts." Neil had made himself scarce when they'd visited on Saturday. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. Don't you look smart!" "Er thanks, how's Jonathon?" "Oh he's about somewhere. Not like you, helping your old mum like this. You're so lucky Pauline." After a time, Neil escaped and had a look round. He bumped into Jonathon and some of his friends and they hung out in the music tent awhile. Eventually Mrs Roberts came over and told him his mum needed to see him. "I just need you to mind the stall for a bit" she said, "I won't be long." When she returned she was chatting to a couple of old ladies. Neil was hoping to make a swift exit but the women talked and talked. He was just beginning to lose patience when they all suddenly stopped and looked round. Neil followed their gaze and saw a grey limousine pulling up on the far side of the green. A grey-capped chauffeur got out and opened the rear door. "The Lady of the Manor." said one of the women. "What's her name?" "Wilberforce, Caroline Wilberforce." "Have you met her?" "Once, a bit snooty." Neil noticed his mother wasn't listening. She was watching the figure as she walked from her car to the bandstand. He saw his chance. "Mum, can I get going? I want to see everyone before they leave." "Oh sure, sure..." she said, waving her hand but not looking at him. He caught the last ten minutes of the band. They were pretty good and Neil was annoyed he'd missed most of the performance. A nasal voice came over the tannoy. "If patrons would make their way to the bandstand, the prize draw is being made at three o'clock." The crowd began to meander in the right direction. Neil went with them and he found himself standing a few paces from his mother as the ceremony began. She paid him no attention; she was watching the stage, transfixed. "And now to present this year's prizes, Mrs Caroline Wilberforce." The lady from the limo walked to the microphone and began. "First of all, I want to thank all of you for making the 32nd St Michael's Charity Fete such a huge success." There was a polite round of applause. "Now I hope you've all bought a ticket for the big prize draw, but first of all let us recognise the people who made this event possible. The prize for best display goes to..." Some of Neil's friends actually groaned. They all had tickets and they knew she was going to leave the draw till last. Neil could detect the same resigned impatience come over the crowd in general, but not his mother, who continued to listen with rapt attention. The voice droned on. "And the award for most dedicated volunteer goes to... Pauline Taylor." Neil looked at his mum and saw her face light up in amazement. She bounced up and down like a schoolgirl and almost skipped through the crowd and up on to the stage. "Thank you everybody. I'm really... I'm just overwhelmed. This means so much to me. I'd like to thank my son Neil, Sue and Glenda from the hospice and... oh silly me..." she tailed off and Neil was amazed to see she was crying. "Anyway, thank you all." The applause was warm and heartfelt and Neil saw Mrs Wilberforce press his mother's hand and speak to her. She walked back to her friends with her head held high. "She asked me to come and see her at the manor" she said breathlessly. "I'm so proud!" THREE Coincidently, Neil knew Mrs Wilberforce's daughter, Clarissa. It was hard to believe the relation; overweight, loud and coarse, she was always in trouble at school. A year older than Neil, she was now in the sixth form, but there was a time when he had been quite afraid of her. One day, about a year ago, Clarissa had come to school wearing a nose- ring. Neil had never seen one before and had given her the double-take as she'd walked past. "What are you looking at?" "Nothing. It's just..." "Just what?" "Nothing. I..." "You like to stare at girls, is that it?" "No, I..." "What, you gay or something?" "No, I wasn't staring." "Because you're gay." "Yes, I mean no, I mean..." Clarissa laughed at him. "Get lost pansy, I'll be seeing you around." She'd made a point of calling him pansy every time she saw him after that, and Neil had done his best to avoid her. Eventually, she'd gotten bored and left him alone. The memory made him shiver a bit though. "Neil Taylor!" Neil broke out of his reverie. He was in maths class and the teacher was looking at him. "Daydreaming again are we? See me afterwards." ***** Neil got home feeling disconsolate. He'd been in detention all lunchtime and now he carried a letter from his teacher in his pocket. It was like he couldn't win. He found his mother dressed up and in high spirits. "Guess where I've been!" "I don't know, where?" "With Mrs Wilberforce, she's asked me to help run one of her charities." "That's great. What was she like?" "Oh, she was wonderful! She lives in that big manor house, out by the lake, you know the one." "Yeah" "I've never seen anything like it. The house is lovely. I've been eating off of bone china, with a silver dinner set. And there were servants. Servants! Can you imagine? Little old me!" "That's good." "And she's not a snob or anything. The work that woman does! She runs at least five different charities. There's the hospice of course, but there's also one for deaf children, that's the one she wants me to help with by the way, one for the homeless, one for Africa, and another for the elderly. It's just incredible! It was such a wonderful afternoon." Neil saw there could be no better time to give her the letter from school, so he did so. Her face fell when she read it. "Oh Neil." "What does it say?" "They want me to come in and discuss your behaviour." "I didn't do anything." "I know, but you've got to try harder." "I have been." "We'll see what your teacher says." "I'm sorry. Tell me more about your day." "Well I told Mrs Wilberforce all about you. She says she'd love to meet you. Maybe we can go and see her together sometime?" ***** Neil waited after school for his mother. She arrived wearing a little more make-up than usual, and Neil recognised this as a sign she was nervous. The teacher asked her to sit down. "Mrs Taylor, we're concerned about Neil's attitude in class. He's not disruptive, but his grades have been slipping for a while now and every time I turn round he seems to be staring out the window. Does he have trouble concentrating?" "Not really, he's always been very good at home. I'm a little surprised you called me to be honest." "I'm not accusing anyone of anything Mrs Taylor, but his final exams are in less than a year and at this rate he's going to fail." "Oh my, is there anything I can do?" "I'd like to set Neil some extra homework, to help him catch up. Will you make sure he does it?" "Of course." "And Neil, you're going to have to really knuckle down. This is the rest of your life we're talking about." FOUR "But Mum..." "Neil, you heard what I said. This is the rest of your life we're talking about." "But everyone's going." "That's not the point. You're grounded until your grades improve." "But I'm trying." "I'm sorry, but this is really important. It's only six months. What's that in a lifetime?" "But this is only one night." "Neil, I've said no." "It's not fair." "I don't care. Now go to your room." Neil was furious and he stomped away muttering "you can't do this to me you fucking bitch." "Neil!" He felt sick to his stomach. He hadn't realised she could hear him. "Oh mum I'm sorry." She had a look of total shock on her face. "I didn't mean it... I..." "Just go away Neil." She spoke quietly and firmly and Neil could feel her disappointment like the wind. "I'm sorry." He waited a moment but it was like she couldn't hear him. He felt awful all evening, so bad he couldn't concentrate on his homework, and he spent most of his time pacing up and down in his room. In the end he went to bed early, hoping things would be better in the morning. ***** But she still wouldn't talk to him. They ate breakfast in silence while Neil tried to think how to make it up to her. He looked at the rings round her eyes and fancied she'd been crying. The tension was unbearable and Neil didn't know what to do. Eventually, she went into town to do some shopping and he had an idea. He sat on his bed and waited and waited. She was gone for hours and Neil began to worry. Eventually, he heard the key turn in the lock and got up to meet her. Pauline put the shopping down and closed the door with a sigh. She turned to see her son's head poking out from behind the corner wall. He looked strangely nervous. Then he stepped out from his hiding place and she saw he was wearing his red dress. He spoke hesitantly. "Hello mummy." Her mouth broadened into a smile. "Hello Juliette." "I came to see how you are. I heard you were upset." "I'm alright. It's just Neil had a row with me. He was a little hurtful." "I know. He's really sorry. He just got angry, you know how boys are." "Yes, I know." "He's been getting all worked up about how to make things up to you." "Tell him it's alright. I forgive him. It was just some silly words." Neil smiled with relief. She was looking at him with such love and such pleasure that he had to look away. He managed to mumble to the floor "I will" and he blushed as he did so. "But how are you darling? Will you stay for the afternoon?" "Of course mummy. It's lovely to see you again." "Come here!" They embraced and everything was alright. ***** Pauline had some gardening she wanted doing, so Juliette was in charge of the kitchen. There was housework to do and they'd decided to have something special for dinner, so Neil was kept busy. There was plenty of time for them to chat through the window though and they talked happily and easily; there was none of the guardedness they both had when Neil was in his boy clothes. He was whistling and carrying a basket of laundry through the house when there was a knock at the door. Neil froze. He happened to be in the hallway at that moment and he thought maybe he could be seen through the frosted glass. He turned and ran straight back to his room and hid. Mrs Wilberforce knocked on the door again and waited. She could have sworn she saw something move in the house but maybe she'd imagined it. Turning her ear, she could hear the sound of a radio from inside. That was it. Pauline must be in the garden and couldn't hear her. She turned to her chauffeur. "We'll go round the back." Neil waited in his room. After the second knock he judged that whoever it was must have left so he cautiously walked through the house and into the garden. "Mummy." "Yes Juliette." "I'm sorry but there was someone at the door. I thought you'd hear." "Not to worry darling, I'm sure..." She stopped when she saw Neil's face. Mrs Wilberforce had just opened the back gate and seen Neil, in his red dress, tights and slippers, with the laundry basket still in his hands. There was an awful pause before Neil dropped the basket and ran back into the house without saying a word. FIVE "Neil, it's alright." "What do you mean alright? I'll be a laughing stock!" "She promised she wouldn't tell anyone." "But she still saw me. And so did that guy." "Jenkins is Mrs Wilberforce's chauffeur, he won't tell either. He might get fired." "Don't be stupid mum." "I'm not being stupid. It..." "Everyone at school will know." "They won't ." "They will. I can't go in." "Neil. You're going to school." "No! They'll pick on me." "You'll go even if I have to drag you there." As it turned out, school wasn't so bad. He was worried as hell to begin with but everyone acted normally. He could detect no innuendo in anything his friends said and no-one seemed to be looking at him strangely. At one point, he walked into a room and everyone started laughing, but he soon realised it was about something else. He passed the day with mounting relief and was soon laughing at himself for over- reacting. Then, on his way home, a voice from behind made him jump out of his skin. "Oi Pansy!" This was the first time Clarissa had spoken to him in months. She had matured a little in the meantime, and had lost the nose ring; if she weren't so scruffy she might have been almost attractive. "So your mum's the one I've been hearing about." Neil tried to keep a straight face. "What do you mean?" "They're working together aren't they? My mum was round your house on Saturday." "So what?" Clarissa smiled knowingly. "I like your mum. Real nice person. I bet you two get on really well." "No we don't!" "Don't sound so touchy. It doesn't become you." "What do you want?" "Just thought I should say hi. We'll probably be seeing more of each other." "Well, hi." "Don't be like that pansy, I'm just being friendly. My mum really likes you. Her and Jenkins couldn't stop talking about you last night. I heard them." "Did they..." Neil stopped himself before he finished the question but it was too late. Clarissa broke into a grin as she savoured her victory. "So it was you!" Neil was panic-stricken. "Please don't tell anyone." "We'll see pansy, we'll see." Then, with a wink, she turned and swaggered off down the street. SIX Neil walked into the house and slammed the door. His mum came straight out of the kitchen to greet him. "Are you alright darling?" "Clarissa knows." "Sorry?" "Clarissa Wilberforce. She knows all about it." "Oh dear." She gave a awkward pause. There seemed to be something she wanted to say but couldn't. "Um... listen darling, I know this isn't the best time... but Mrs Wilberforce is coming over." "I'll go out." "No! Um... you see she's coming to see you." "What!" "Well I saw how upset you were and I know how understanding she is and I thought if you two could meet and smooth things over..." "Mum!" "But you must talk to her. You've got to believe me, this isn't as bad as you think." "She told Clarissa." "Are you sure? That doesn't sound like her." "Well... Clarissa said she overheard them talking." "That sounds more likely. Please Neil, just give her a chance ok? I promise it'll be alright." It was an hour before she arrived and the tension was too much for them both to share a room. Neil went and played computer games whilst his mum tidied up and watched the clock. Eventually the doorbell rang. Mrs Wilberforce folded her umbrella and stepped in out of the rain. As usual, she looked rather overdressed and old fashioned, and she carried an brown leather suitcase. Seeing her, Neil thought sardonically that she looked like Mary Poppins. "Neil" she began, "I'm so sorry about what happened on Saturday." Neil remained silent, not looking at her. "I want you to know that I won't tell anybody. Your secret is safe." "Clarissa knows. She heard you talking to that servant." "Oh. I'll speak to her. I promise, I'll make sure she tells no-one." "She still knows. She'll make my life a misery." "I'll speak to her. I know how she can be, but she's a good person deep down. She wouldn't want to hurt you really." Neil just snorted to let her know what he thought of that. "Listen Neil, I know you must feel embarrassed. Of course you are. But there's really nothing to be ashamed of. What I see in front of me is someone who will do anything he can to make his mother happy. His poor widowed mother, who's struggled all her life to make ends meet, and all she wants is a little happiness now and again." Neil looked at her. It was the first time they'd made eye contact. "And you give her that happiness Neil. I think that's wonderful." Neil looked over at his mother, who had a huge smile on her face. It is wonderful, she was thinking. She understands! She really does! Neil gulped. "I... I guess it's alright then." "Of course it is. But I wanted to prove it to you. I know you'll think I'm silly for doing this but I want you to remember what I've said today. So I brought you something." Mrs Wilberforce reached over to her case and pulled out a soft package, wrapped in tissue paper. She opened it and unfolded the contents, so that Neil could see. It was a dress; pale blue silk, sleeveless, with a high neckline. The bodice was cut plain and simple, with a pink rose pattern printed on the fabric. The belt was made of the same blue silk; it sat high on the waist and was tied off in a neat bow at the front. The skirt was knee length, cut so as to flare outwards and it was overlain by the sheerest veil of white organza. It was clearly very expensive. Its beautiful, thought Neil, and he immediately blushed. He was speechless. "I hope you don't think me presumptuous" Mrs Wilberforce continued, "but I didn't want what happened to ruin our relationship. Your mother and I will be seeing a great deal of each other in the coming months and I want you to know you can trust me." There was a long pause. "Neil?" said his mum. "Yes" said Neil, "it's ok." "Are you sure?" "Yes. It doesn't matter. I just..." "Yes Neil?" "Please don't let Clarissa tell on me." "She won't Neil. I promise she won't." SEVEN "Hey pansy!" Neil was at school. He tried to walk away from Clarissa, but she ran to catch up then stood in front of him. "So I got told about you last night." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Mum had a right fire up her ass. What you do to get her like that?" "What did she say?" "That if I don't keep schtum she'll read the riot act. Never seen anything like it. Not even when..." "Even when what?" Clarissa paused. She looked one way then the other and leaned forward. "Do you want to know a secret?" "What d'you mean?" "I know something 'bout you. You wanna know something 'bout me?" "Ok" said Neil, leaning in. Suddenly, Clarissa reached up and twisted Neil's ear as hard as she could. "Owww!" Clarissa laughed. "Oh pansy, you are just too easy." Neil rubbed his ear and tried to keep a hold of himself. "You're not gonna cry are you mummy's boy?" "You're such a bitch." She laughed again. "Relax pansy, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of each other. I'm supposed to tell you that you're invited to dinner Friday night." "I can't wait." "Me neither." She smiled and winked at him, then walked away. ***** "You've got to be kidding me." Neil was looking at his mother, astonished. She must have gone insane. "Why would I kid you? You have to wear it." "In public? That's just mental!" "It's good manners. Mrs Wilberforce bought you that dress and now she's invited us to dinner." "But I'm a boy! I can't go out in a dress." "You heard what she said to you, she's ok with it. She thinks it's wonderful." "People will see me." "Her and Clarissa will be the only ones there. She made a point of telling me that." "Clarissa will see me." "Clarissa's ok. Didn't you hear?" "You don't know what she's like mum. She..." Neil faltered. He didn't want to admit to being beaten up by a girl. "She says nasty things about me." "I'm sure she's only joking." "I'm not going." "You are." "I'm not." Pauline drew herself up to her full height. "Juliette, why are you upsetting me so?" "Mum, what are you doing?" "You know I've been looking forward to this all week. Don't ruin it for me." "Mum, don't." "I bought you those shoes especially. And we really can't afford them." "Mum..." "Please Juliette, I don't ask for much. Just this one night?" "I..." "This one night, just for me?" Neil spoke so quietly he barely heard himself. "Yes mummy." EIGHT Neil and his mother got out of the car and began the walk through Mrs Wilberforce's big front garden. It was a warm spring evening and the cool breeze gently caressed Neil's hose-clad legs whilst blowing his delicate skirts up around him. He tottered slightly in the brand new open-toed shoes his mother had bought to go with his dress. They were a little tight, with a two inch heel and he struggled on the gravel of the driveway. Both mother and son were silent. They had talked in the usual manner on the way there, but now they'd arrived, both had misgivings. Neil felt betrayed and was sulking. Pauline was beginning to worry. Suppose she'd misread the situation? Neil would never forgive her. She rang the bell and was reassured when Neil took her hand. He was very nervous indeed. "Hello Pauline" said Mrs Wilberforce "so nice of you to come." When she saw Neil she seemed a little shocked, but she recovered quickly enough. "And Juliette, what a pleasant surprise. Please come in." Neil let go of his mum's hand and instead began to fiddle with the clutch purse he'd been forced to carry. "Come through. Would you like something to drink? I've just opened a good claret." "That would be lovely. Would you like a glass Juliette?" Neil was a little surprised. Normally his mum hated the idea of him drinking. "Y-yes please." "I'll just go and get it" she said. "All the staff have the night off - it's just the four of us here." She smiled reassuringly at Neil, then left the room. "Did you see how she looked at me" Neil whispered. "This wasn't her idea at all." "You're imagining things darling. Everything's going to be fine." When she returned, Mrs Wilberforce sat down next to Neil. "I must say Juliette, I was surprised to see you wearing that dress. Surprised and flattered. It's a very brave thing you've done tonight. But I have to warn you, Clarissa isn't expecting to see you like this. You know how she can be." Neil sighed. "Yeah." Mrs Wilberforce squeezed his hand. "You'll just have to bear it with good grace. I honestly don't know what gets into that girl." She talked with his mum for a little after that. Neil grew a little restless as Clarissa failed to make an appearance. After a bit Mrs Wilberforce suggested she show them round the house. "You'll find some of the paintings quite interesting. They have a long history." They walked down one of the wide corridors and Neil had the strangest feeling he was being watched. He looked round. There was no-one there. It happened again. Still no-one. The night was drawing in and the big old house began to seem a little spooky. He moved closer to the two women. "And this one is of my great grandfather" Mrs Wilberforce was saying "from when he was Lieutenant-Governor of Assam..." It was interminable. Why were people interested in these things? He decided to take a break. "Excuse me Mrs Wilberforce. Could I use your bathroom?" "Of course. End of the hall, turn right." "Thanks." There was something about the house that made him want to hurry. He scampered along as fast as his heels allowed him. Turning out of the hall, he almost walked into Clarissa, who was hiding round the corner. "Oh Jesus!" "Hello pansy. Didn't mean to scare you." "Hello Clarissa." "Wow" she said as she began to walk in a circle around him. "You look great. Really pretty." "Stop it!" "Come on, girls like compliments. Where did you get your dress?" "Your mum bought it." "Did she? She must think you're a right fag. Why'd you wear it here?" "My mum..." he couldn't explain. "So the little pansy didn't want to upset his precious mummy?" Neil looked at the floor. "If my mum wanted me to wear something like that, I'd tell her to jump of a cliff. But then I'm not a pansy. Do you think I'm a pansy?" she began pushing him. Short, sharp jabs the chest and arms. "Do you? Pansy? Pansy?" "Leave me alone!" Weakly, he brushed one of her blows aside and turned to walk away. But he'd forgotten about his heels. He stumbled and only avoided falling over by grabbing onto the wall. Clarissa started laughing. When he stood up and brushed his skirts back down she laughed even more. And when he walked off primly, with his head in the air, she was almost on the floor. ***** They ate dinner round the small kitchen table. After the cold grandeur of the rest of the house, the meal was warm and homely. Clarissa helped with the food. She was a lot more subdued in her mother's presence though she continued to give Neil mocking looks over the table. When he was first introduced as Juliette she had a hard time controlling herself, but on the surface she was as good as gold. The conversation turned to Mrs Wilberforce's affairs. "It's such a stroke of bad luck. She's been my housekeeper for twenty years." "Yes" said Pauline, "I hope she gets better." "The doctors are optimistic of course, but you never can tell." "So what are you doing in the meantime?" "We make do without her. I couldn't stand to let Doris go, and I don't trust agency staff." Clarissa butted in. "Why don't you hire Juliette? She's a dab hand round the house." "Clarissa! What have I told you?" "What? It's true ain't it?" "Isn't it. But you know, we could use some help with the laundry. And I'm sure Neil could use a little money. He need only come in on Sunday." "I don't know." "Well the offer stands. If you change your mind you can always pick up the phone." "Let him think it over" said Pauline, "the offer's most appreciated." "And I'd love to have you over Neil. You'd be a great help." The evening concluded amicably. Pauline and Mrs Wilberforce embraced before she left and even Clarissa wished them well. The night had turned chilly so Mrs Wilberforce insisted Neil borrow one of her fur stoles to keep him warm. He didn't find it at all strange. They said goodbye and walked to the car and Neil could see that his mum was very happy. NINE "Neil, have you given any more thought to Mrs Wilberforce's offer?" "I still haven't decided mum." It was the second time she'd asked that day and she had asked him every day that week. He didn't want to do it, but he couldn't say no to her either. "We could really use the extra money and it could be a great opportunity, mixing in those circles." "I'd be doing the laundry mum." "We've all got to start somewhere Neil." She made him feel like he'd be hurting her prospects if he refused. She came back from Mrs Wilberforce's on Wednesday full of excitement about the work she might be doing. But it wasn't a done deal. There were others with more experience at the meeting and they wanted the job too. She let him know all this, then casually mentioned; "Mrs Wilberforce asked about you. Have you decided about the laundry?" Eventually, he bowed to the inevitable and said that he'd do it. His mum went straight to the phone and left a message. "Would you tell Mrs Wilberforce that Neil has accepted her offer. He says he can't wait to start." So, on Sunday, Neil found himself in his best clothes, being shown around the manor by Maggie, the junior maid. "You see, these are the laundry chutes" she explained, "when we clean the rooms, all the linen goes in these and it goes down to the washing room. That's where all the machines are." Neil nodded and tried not to look bored. Maggie glanced at him sympathetically, "I have to say Neil, I'm so glad you're here. I've worked four Sundays in a row now." "As well as nine to five you mean?" "Yeah, there's just been no staff. Come on, I'll show you what you'll be doing." The laundry room was old, hot and low-ceilinged. The chute came out into a great basket which was piled high with dirty linen. A line of machines stood across the wall opposite and adjacent to both were the cupboards, the ironing boards and so on. In the middle were a series of tables. There was a smell of damp in the air. "I know it's a bit grim. It's an old house." "It's ok." "You're sweet. The first thing we have to do is sort the laundry into piles. It really builds up I'm afraid." So Neil spent the morning and part of the afternoon sorting, folding, washing and ironing. The work was tedious and demeaning but the one consolation was Maggie, who was really nice. He went to see Mrs Wilberforce on the way out. "So Neil, what do you think?" "It's alright. I'd like to take the job please." "I'm glad. Do you think you'll manage alright on your own?" "Sure. The work's pretty simple, there's just a lot of it." Mrs Wilberforce smiled. "If you think you can cope, I'd like to give Maggie the day off. She's had to work awfully hard." "I know. It's fine, I'd like to help Maggie out. She's really nice." "Oh she's an angel, I don't know what I'd do without her." "So should I get here at nine o'clock?" "That's right." "Ok, I'll see you then." "Yes... oh wait, no. I'll be away next Sunday, Clarissa will let you in." Neil tried not to react but something must have shown. "You mustn't let her get to you Neil. She only wants a reaction." "I know, but she's really good at it." Mrs Wilberforce chuckled, then put her arm round him and kissed him on the cheek. TEN A week later, Neil was dropped off by his mother at 9am sharp. He wore his oldest, tattiest clothes; the jumper had holes in it, the jeans were at least two inches above the ankle. As instructed, he went round the back to the servants entrance and rang the bell. Clarissa answered the door. "Why, hello Juliette." "Shhh! Don't call me that." "There's no one around. And it's kinda appropriate ain't it? Now you're my little housemaid." "I'm not a maid. It's just a part-time job." "You'll be doing my laundry Juliette. You'll be washing my clothes, folding my skirts," her voice dropped to a husky whisper, "ironing my panties!" Clarissa had moved her face very close to Neil's as she said this and he started to back away from her. Clarissa began to laugh at him again. "No need to be embarrassed Juliette, it's just us girls." "I'm not a maid and I'm not a girl!" She smiled that smug, mocking smile of hers and said, very gently "oh Juliette. You're going to just love this." She beckoned him to follow as she walked out of the room. Neil hesitated, full of distrust, but found there was nothing else to do. Clarissa didn't wait for him and he made no effort to catch up so, Neil found himself following her through the house, Clarissa beckoning all the while. She showed him into the laundry room and pulled the door to. Neil noticed a grey dress, like the one Maggie had been wearing, hanging on the back of the door. A terrible thought occurred to him. Clarissa picked up a piece of paper from the table. Next to it was an envelope, ripped open, with his name on it. "Dear Juliette" she began, "I've given the matter some thought and I've decided it would be better for you to wear the same clothes as the other housekeepers. I've spoken to the other servants about this and they agree that it would be better for morale if we had the same rules for everyone. I know you won't mind, you make such a sweet and charming girl! Yours faithfully, Caroline Wilberforce." Clarissa looked up, smirking, from the letter and saw Neil's face full of shock and anger. He stormed forward. "Give me that!" He ripped the letter from her and began to read. It was as she'd said. The handwriting was unmistakeably Mrs Wilberforce's and the signature was as he remembered it. He felt betrayed. How could she humiliate him like this? "Juliette!" Clarissa's voice was sing-song. "Are you going to try this on?" She held the dress up for him and Neil stared at it, not knowing what to do. "Would you like me to help you?" "No!" "Well hurry up then." She threw the dress at him. "I want you changed in ten minutes or I'm calling your mummy." "What?" "I'll tell her everything that's happened. The way you've refused her friend's request." Neil hesitated. What was happening was outrageous; surely she'd agree with him? But he wasn't certain; he knew how keen she was to stay on Mrs Wilberforce's good side. Clarissa shouted through the door. "Nine minutes Juliette." "Damn it" he muttered, "let's just get it over with." ***** The dress was a dull grey tunic, with a skirt that fell to the knee. He also wore a plain white apron, tied roughly at the back. "That's better Juliette. Much more appropriate." "Are you happy now?" "I won't be if my laundry isn't done. Where are your clothes?" "Over there. Wait, what are you doing?" Clarissa walked straight over to where he'd left them and picked them up. Neil tried to stop her but she pushed him aside with ease. "I'm going to hold onto these pansy, and if my clothes don't get done, you're not having them back." She left the room. Neil started to go after her but didn't want to be seen in the dress. So he went back to his laundry and began to sort the dirty linen, his cheeks burning with shame. Clarissa wasn't gone long. "Hey Pansy!" Neil turned and she took a picture. "Stop that!" "Why? What are you gonna do?" "I'll tell. I'll tell your mum." "She won't believe you. Now shouldn't you get back to work? You ain't going anywhere till its done." "Fine!" He walked back to the laundry chute but Clarissa didn't leave. "Is there something you want?" Clarissa smiled at him. "No." "Then what are you doing?" "Just watching you work pansy. I never had my own maid before." She watched him for an hour or so, occasionally amusing herself by giving him orders or taking a picture. Neil decided to just grin and bear it. It would be over soon and he'd never have to do this again. Eventually, she left him alone with his thoughts and the terrible, grinding work. There was a very long, boring hour when everything was in the washing machines and he had nothing to do. He couldn't go anywhere and actually found himself wishing Clarissa was still around. She eventually showed up when he was doing the ironing. "How ya doing pansy?" "I'll be done in an hour or so." "This my stuff?" "Uh-huh" "You'd better get all the wrinkles out." "I will." "I brought you a sandwich." "Oh thanks." Neil was really hungry. What's more, this was the first nice thing he could remember Clarissa doing. He stopped work to eat it. "So what's in this?" "Ham, goat's cheese, salad." "It's nice." "Mm. Say, you don't look bad in that dress you know." Neil tensed up and waited for the attack. "I mean it. You make a pretty girl." "That's not funny!" "It's not a joke." "Oh go to hell." Neil saw a flash of anger come into Clarissa's eye. She walked straight up to him and then. seeing the familiar terror come over his face, she walked away. She didn't turn round as she told him: "You better get my laundry done good Juliette. Or I don't know what I'll do." ELEVEN "It was awful mum. She made a complete fool out of me." "Oh dear. I... I don't know what to say." "I know she's really important to you mum, but I can't go back there I just can't." "Alright, it's just... tell me what happened again." He told her. He told her about the letter, about Clarissa, about how she'd humiliated him over and over again. He told her about how she made him stand there while she inspected every one of her garments, finding fault wherever she could. "Look at that" she'd say, "what is it?" "It's a crease miss." "If it's a crease, you can't have ironed it very well, can you Juliette?" "No miss." "We'll put this in the 'to do' pile shall we?" "Yes miss." "And don't slouch Juliette. It isn't becoming." "Clarissa, please stop this." But she loved that game. She had even borrowed one of her mum's hats to make her look more aristocratic. It had gone on for hours. "You see what she's like mum? You can't ask me to go back there." "No I won't. It just seems a shame, that's all." "I'm sorry mum, I'm really sorry." "It's alright. But... do you think you could just speak to Mrs Wilberforce? I mean, before you burn all your bridges?" "Mum!" "I know, I know... but just to speak to her. I'll come with you. And you won't be forced into anything." She looked at Neil imploringly. "Please?" ***** Graciously, she agreed to see them at short notice. Neil was burning with anger; both for what had happened and what he was being forced to do. Mrs Wilberforce noticed his tone straight away. "Hello Neil, is everything alright?" "No" he said with a sigh, he didn't want to talk about it. His mum intervened. "We're a little confused about your letter." "My letter? I don't understand." "The one about the uniform" she continued, trying to be diplomatic, "we thought it a little unreasonable." "I'm sorry Pauline, but I don't know what you're talking about." "Maybe Neil should tell you." "When I arrived on Sunday, there was a letter from you saying I should wear the housekeepers uniform." Mrs Wilberforce looked genuinely confused. "Neil, I can assure you, I wrote no such letter." "It was in your handwriting. It had your signature. Clarissa showed it to me." "Clarissa? Wait one moment." She went to leave the room, but Neil stopped her. "Please don't make me talk to her." "My God Neil, what did she do?" He blushed and looked down at his feet, but he couldn't talk about it. "I see. Right, I'm not standing for this. Clarissa! Clarissa! Get down here this instant!" Neil's mum came up alongside him and held his hand. "It'll be alright darling. I'm here." Eventually, Clarissa made her appearance, strolling nonchalantly into the room. She smirked and winked at Neil before turning to her mother. "What's up mama?" "What's this I hear about a letter?" "What do you mean?" "The letter to Neil about the housekeepers uniform. You gave it to him." "Well yeah, he got it alright. What's the problem?" "I didn't write it." "Really? That's odd. It looked like it was from you." "Clarissa, I know you can forge my handwriting. Don't you remember Bournemouth?" That stopped her dead. Neil saw the confidence vanish from her face as she struggled to find something to say. She had gone white as a sheet. "Yeah... well... that doesn't mean I did it! I don't know how it got there!" "You're lying Clarissa." "No I'm not! I didn't write that. Why would I want to watch him wear a dress?" Clarissa stopped suddenly as everyone stared at her. Neil and Mrs Wilberforce exchanged a look then looked back at Clarissa. A touch of panic came into her features. "You're all crazy!" she screamed before almost running out of the room. Mrs Wilberforce let out a heavy sigh and shook her head. "Neil I'm sorry. About everything. Clarissa... she has some problems. I thought we'd turned a corner - she's been much better the past month or so - but I suppose... I'm sorry you got mixed up in it." "It's alright." "I wish there was something I could do to make it up to you, but I guess it would be better if you stayed away - for the time being anyway." "I guess. If there is something I can do though, just let me know." "Oh you are such a sweet boy. I wish I had a son like you." They embraced like good friends and she showed the two of them out. His mum forgot something so Neil walked to the car on his own. Clarissa sneaked out and intercepted him. "So you ran to your mummy then pansy?" "Uh-huh." "Shame. I had plans for you." "Yeah. Real shame." "Guess I'll see you at school then." "Maybe." "Maybe I'll show everyone that photo. Let them see what a pansy you are." "Maybe you will. See you." Neil turned his back on her (did he roll his hips?) and started to stroll. He was in no hurry. "Don't you walk away from me! You little pussy! You mummy's boy! Pansy! Pansy! Pansy!" Neil smiled to himself as he sauntered to the car. Clarissa continued to shout abuse at him but, for some reason, he no longer minded. (To be continued...)

Same as The Wonderful Mrs Wilberforce (Part One) Videos

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The new Mrs Harris Part 4

When I returned home that evening I resumed my mundane duties of doing housework and washing. At least it kept me busy. I also had to mentally prepare myself for my one day a week job, which was coming up the following day. Only a few days ago I was at school with ambitions of being a computer programmer, and yet here I was not facing the prospect of my career being that of a one day a week receptionist! I decided to take a bath to try and relax. I never normally took a bath in my male...

2 years ago
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With Mrs Sharma Mom And Maid 8211 Part II

By : Shanu41 Hi guys this is Shanu again I really-really hope that you enjoyed the first part of my story and I am thankful to all those who sent me emails and commented on my story. I am here as promised with the second part. For those who didn’t read the first part of my story I request them to read it before reading this one. It’s posted on and for those who couldn’t find it I will be glad to send those personally on request through my email id you have to just...

2 years ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Four Mrs Wilson

For the rest of that week I fucked Mrs Wilson every day. On Friday she told me her daughter Ellen was coming home from her grandparents house that afternoon and I would not be able to visit her for a while. She told me then about her friends Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Brady. It seems these two women knew all about Mrs. Wilson and me. I was kind of embarrassed that she had told them, but happy to know that both women wanted me to visit them. It seems there was a flipping of a coin and Mrs. Martin...

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Mrs Abernathy Goes To Florida Part 2

Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Part 2 The fiction story continues Part 1 and should be read first. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. May be downloaded for personal use only. No other approval is given unless approved by the author. It contains strong humiliation, unwanted sex and forced feminizing. Comments may be made at [email protected]. Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Part 2 Once Mrs. Abernathy left the small group, Carol jumped up and grabbing Mark's hand...

3 years ago
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With Mrs Sharma Mom And Maid Part II

Hi guys this is Shanu again I really-really hope that you enjoyed the first part of my story and I am thankful to all those who sent me emails and commented on my story. I am here as promised with the second part. For those who didn’t read the first part of my story I request them to read it before reading this one.It’s posted on and for those who couldn’t find it I will be glad to send those personally on request through my email id [email protected] you have to...

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Learning about jacking off Part Five Mrs Wilson

I called Mrs. Wilson as soon as I got home. The phone rang twice before her daughter Ellen answered the phone. I asked for Mrs Wilson and she told me her mother was taking a short nap before her Daddy got home from work. I was all of a sudden awkward talking to a female who was much closer to my own age. I didn't know what I could say, so went all dork with her. "Uh...well...hello are you?" She told me she was doing fine and asked back how was I. It seems she was just as nervous...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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Mrs Higgsley and the Graduate Party

Mrs Higgsley and I have been sleeping together for about three months now. She’s a strawberry blonde, 42 years old, with a body made for pleasure and a mind designed for domination. At her age she’s still young enough to be sexy and old enough to know it. She’s an estate manager at the university where I worked as a 25 year old assistant professor of physics. My responsibilities as warden of the student hall I where lived meant that we had regular chats to update each other on events and new...

First Time
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The new Mrs Harris Part 5

A couple of weeks later I lying on a sun lounger in Florida. Allen and I had come here on vacation here, and whilst he had gone to play golf, I had chosen to go lie at our hotel's private beach. It had been a difficult choice, as it meant wearing a bikini, a modest bikini, but a bikini all the same. It was navy blue with white polka dots and a frilly trim, which of course did nothing to hide my muffin top but that didn't seemed to deter any of the other middle-aged women down here. I...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Mr and Mrs Cage Part 2

Mr. and Mrs. Cage Part 2 By Deewet Mrs. Cage held her hands to her mouth in silent surprise. Although it wasn't my fault to be riding this horse, I felt guilty and ashamed, as if my mother caught me doing something bad. Without a word, she strode over and smacked Mr. Cage in the face. She lowered his head and she hit him again. I was terrified on what she might do to me. Mr. Cage hurried from the room and I closed my eyes as Mrs. Cage came over to my horse. I opened my eyes when...

4 years ago
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Mrs Braithwaite Part III

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part III. by Geneva After meeting an old friend and surviving an attack, a witch reevaluates her way of life and her place in her coven. This is a following story to "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II". Although it will stand on its own, it might be advisable to read "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II" for background. While this story has a transgender component, it is only one of the themes. Brian Errol drove carefully away from the scene, keeping below the speed...

3 years ago
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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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Mrs Wild 2 Mrs Davis Short Red Skirt Part 1

Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...

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SUMMARY: Luke buys Violet a round trip airfare to Cancun Mexico with him and his friends. They are enjoying their vacation living the resort life. Luke and Violet have sex again. His best friend, Jacob, walks in on them two. Instead of being embarrassed by the surprise presence of Jacob, Luke and Violet let him stay and watch. However, Jacob gets to do more than just watch. Violet is going to enjoy being double teamed by Luke and Jacob. We landed in Cancun. Me and Violet walk...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 3

mrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...

3 years ago
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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 4

Justin is in the kitchen trying to ignore the sounds coming from gerrys room when his phone rings'hello ?''hello justin i see gerry has his girlfriend over i'm watching them fuck now you placed that camera well would you like to watch it''oh yes please mrs watson''well i need you to do something for me then i need to catch gerrys girlfriend doing something so i can have some fun with her''um i don't know mrs watson how could i do that''well something i find usualy works is cash leave some...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 2

3am justins phone rings he picks it up and answers'good morning justin did i wake you ?' asks mrs watson'uh yes good morning mrs watson' says justin sleepily'what are you wearing ?''nothing i sleep in the nude''pull back the covers put your phone on videocall and show me your clit'justin pulls back the covers points his phone at his tiny cock'hmm no morning wood ? keep the phone pointed at your clit while we talk''uh no mrs watson its very early''have you been good or have you been touching...

2 years ago
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Tuition With Mrs Lal 8211 Part 1

Hi, friends, my name is Surya, a software engineer working in Mumbai. I am a muscular, fair and handsome man in my 20’s. The incident I am going to narrate in this sex story, happened when I was studying in class 12 and used to go for tuition to my gorgeous chemistry teacher Mrs. Lal. Mr. Lal was a busty Bengali lady in her 40’s, with a perfect body. She had huge milky white boobs and nice curvy ass which distracted us all during tuition. Even at that age, she had maintained her figure so well....

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

3 years ago
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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The Transformation of Mrs Matthew Part 1

Mrs. Matthew was an attractive woman. She enjoyed gardening and painting. For a mature woman in her mid-fifties, she kept herself fit and healthy. She worked in a nearby vintage store, tending to select clientele and helping them dress in unique fashions and accessories. During her spare time, she practised yoga and was an avid reader of literature. Gregory was a thirty-six-year-old barber who recently took over his father's shop. He was the heartthrob of the town. All the young women swooned...

2 years ago
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Mrs Patterson Part 2

During the flight i was supper horny my penis was hard and jenny couldn't help but rub it. she slowly proceeded to suck it while everyone was asleep and a good thing we were way in the back of the plane. when we landed in mexico we got into our hotel room locked the doors closed the curtains. Mrs Patterson had on some nice tight track pants i teased her with my cock buy poking her ass with my cock she got so aroused she wanted to grind her ass on my dick and i let her. but it wasn't enough to...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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