Erosion free porn video

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A monolog with dominant submissive themes. EROSION By Bea Codes: ... (Later, the same day) *** (A day or more afterwards) Andrew? I'm not questioning your virility for goodness sake! Don't you think you may be imagining that I'm dissatisfied with your performance in bed? Well, you sound defensive to ME. You accuse me of just lying there and I don't think that's very fair. What am I supposed to do? Let's face it, you spend SO little time arousing me... Very well then, I admit it ... Yes, I would prefer to be taken over and dominated sometimes. Treated like a woman! Again dear, you're sounding defensive. I'm well aware that you're neither physically imposing nor particularly strong. But is there something wrong with me if I expect you to act like a man? Even if it's only occasionally? Talking about acting? You're suggesting that I act as if I'm aroused? Well, if you remember I did try that once. Yes, I know I laughed, but could you honestly blame me? I mean, after all ... But on second thoughts ? would you like me to try and act the part of the dominated spouse again? No? Well, if you'd just tell me what you DO want, I'll try and oblige. Well, frankly dear? I think you put far too much pressure on yourself. You should relax more. Maybe let me take the upper position ? let me be the initiator... ??. See? Now that wasn't so bad, was it? And yes, I must admit that I enjoyed sex for a change. Mind you, it WAS rather quick m'dear. Now why don't you just take your nice soft hands and caress me here... Andrew! If I'm to have the upper hand here in bed, you'll have to understand that I have to be satisfied too! Now stop this being sleepy nonsense at once. Now, lick my nipples why don't you ? and put your hand there ? yes ... Much better! I thought you were tired? Is that you stirring down there ? again? My goodness! Twice in one night? No need to be embarrassed darling. I understand perfectly. But just remember this, I sincerely appreciate you giving up the male position ? yes I do! Mmmmm! Now just lie there - that's it! *** Well, hello Bobby! You and Andrew having a nice gossip? Football? I didn't know that Andrew was into that game ... I mean it's so rough! Yes. I was out shopping. Bought myself a new dress and some undies. Andrew? Would you be a dear and hang my dress up for me? Put my new undies away? And I'd kill for a cup of tea! Thank you dear... Oh yes Bobby. Andrew makes a wonderful cup of tea. Would you like one too? ... Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see your beer there. Andrew? Get my stuff put away? Good. (Dramatic pause). Now, have you been drinking beer with Bobby? DARLING! You know I don't like you drinking alcohol ... No, I'm sorry. Please respect my wishes in my house. Why don't you take it into the kitchen and - yes ? pour the rest of it down the sink. Thank you! ... No Bobby. Of course not. Enjoy the rest of your beer. As a matter of fact, would you like another? No, I really rather enjoy seeing a man having a drink now and then. It's just that Andrew gets ? well ? kinda silly, you know? He's my little sweetheart, but he just shouldn't drink. (Calls out) Andrew? How's that tea coming along? And while you're waiting for it to brew, bring Bobby another beer, would you darling? No darling. How often do I have to tell you! That looks really uncouth. Go back and put his beer on a tray ? with a fresh glass for your friend, silly! Would you prefer him to pour it for you Bobby ? while he?s in the kitchen? No? Okay Andrew, you heard the man... Better! But that will never do! If you're going to serve something, do it right! Now, go back and put doilies under Bobby's beer and his glass. Please? Yes Andrew. That tray looks much better. But you haven't put a cup on it for yourself! Yes, I would like some company ? hate drinking tea on my own. Why don't you sit here at the table instead of lounging around on the couch like Bobby ? like a man? No, that's ridiculous! Bobby doesn't need you sitting beside him! But why don't you take the plate of biscuits over to him and offer him one? Then you can come back here and keep me company. ??? You've got that disgruntled look on your face Andrew. What's the matter now? What on earth do you mean? I put you DOWN in front of Bobby? I did NOT treat you like a servant! If I had, you'd have been told to wear one of your aprons! Which reminds me. That one you wore to serve dinner tonight was rather wrinkled and I could have sworn I saw a spot on it. Yes dear. I'm perfectly aware that the reason one wears an apron is to protect one's clothes ? but that doesn't give you the right to walk around looking slovenly. When you find you've dirtied one apron? I'm simply suggesting that you go and put on a fresh one. Is that so difficult to understand? What do you mean ? you've only got one? Dear, that is simply ridiculous! That apron you call yours is ? well, not really appropriate for wearing in a house. It was made for men to wear outdoors when barbequing... I was not implying that you are feminine for goodness sake! The fact that you cook indoors while I take pleasure in doing the barbequing has nothing to do with it. So? What's the matter with a few frills? Honestly, you get sillier and sillier with each passing day! Did you ever see me refusing to wear something because it was frilly? Sarcasm does not become you darling ? and I don't care for your tone of voice! That's better ? but NO! I'm not going to waste money buying you so- called plain aprons, when there are perfectly usable ones at hand! Fit you? Of course they'll fit you! Here! Let me show you! Andrew! Stop pretending to cower away from me. Come out of that corner and let me put this apron on you! There! It's clean and fresh. Fits you perfectly well. Please don't be arguing with me on this point any more! Honestly, some times I feel like putting you over my knees and giving you a damn good spanking! Now twirl around for me! Andrew? I said twirl! *** Andi? Like to get Betty and me a drink? I'll have another Scotch and water. Betty'll have a martini please... Darling? Trust me. I can tell when I've had enough to drink. Now don't be a NAG! (Laughs quietly) Betty? For goodness sake! You don't tell a man that he looks cute! Look at poor Andi. You have him blushing like a schoolgirl! And he'll probably be ALL over me after you leave. I mean, the fuss he raised about wearing aprons like that in the first place! Yes, I know he looks like a little pussy cat ? but once he gets his fur ruffled? (Giggles) he turns into a regular pussy. Now off you go my little kitty cat and get us our drinks, huh? Well, thank you dear! You're so sweet ? isn't he Betty? ... Andi? I forgot to ask you before. Did you rinse out my undies like I asked? Oh good! Thank you. Now would you sit down a minute... Dear? The dishes can wait! Before she had to leave, Betty was just apologizing earlier for laying you off, but I was telling her that you're settling down to looking after me and the house quite well and seem quite content . Yes, she's probably aware that I keep you so busy around here that you haven't had much chance to look for further employment she did say that she DID have a part time opening, but I wasn't too sure you'd be interested... Well dear, how was I to know that you'd jump at a chance of getting away from the house? It wouldn't be back at the office I'm afraid... Are you SURE now? Working at her new business... So you hadn't heard of it. How could you? Well anyway, it's only three mornings a week, as I understand it. Frankly, I'm not sure I want to give you up for that amount of time. You're turning into quite a little treasure around here. Oh stop that blushing Andi! It's cute, but you seem to be getting carried away with it... Oh, I'm only teasing for heaven's sake! No, of course you wouldn't be reporting to Betty. It's just a little boutique in her chain and she's got Joan managing it until it gets fully staffed and gets the inventory in place... Yes. Joan Raney ? your old office girl. She's really come up in the world, huh? And so quickly too! I wish you'd make up your mind! Hot to trot out to work one minute ? then cool about the idea the next! So, it's a boutique? What's wrong with that? Oh, for heaven's sake! I don't KNOW what you're needed for! Probably help to rack the inventory or help Joan. How the hell would I know? Oh ? go and do your dishes for goodness sake! I'm getting tired of your nonsense! *** Well, hello gentlemen! Who's winning? Poker is it? Bobby? Haven't seen you since last week. Bill? Where have you been? How is that charming wife of yours? David my love! Been losing weight? You look positively skinny! Andi darling? I simply crave a good cup of tea. Be a sweetheart and go make some, would you? No dear, I don't think I'm wrecking the game. Simple solution. You go and make the tea ? and I'll take your place at the table! Simple as all that. Off you go, little pussy... What's the game gentlemen? Five card stud? Roll 'em! I'm hot to trot! Andi dear? Is that a stain on your shirt that you just ironed this afternoon? Well, it looks like it to ME! Why don't you put an apron on? Andi? Don't make faces at me. It's not polite! Oh, I see what's bothering you! David, Bill, Bobby? You don't care if Annie wears an apron, do you? Andi? I did NOT say ANNIE! Now stop that. Go and put your apron on! My bet? Five bucks! ... You're pouting again dear. What did I do wrong now? So your friends teased you a little about your pretty apron! That's just the way men are ? even I know that! And it wasn't me that picked that swishy one you wore. Trying to look cute, were you? Annie? It's not MY fault that you took so long in setting up the table and making the sandwiches for them to eat. Okay, so they teased you about the dainty sandwiches too and the nice way you set the table ? but it didn't stop them from eating, did it? Then, you should have seen your face when you slopped that dishwater onto your apron. I thought you were going to cry for goodness sake! I think you're friends were embarrassed. Of course I looked at you funny when you took it off! It was just as well that I didn't have to tell you to put a clean one on! But you know something? The bows you're tying at the back of your apron need quite a lot of work. I'd strongly suggest you practice tying nicer ones! Annie! What's got into you tonight? If you're going to wear a pretty apron, why mess up the whole impression with a sloppy job of tying the bow? Andrew, Andi! What's the difference? Well? If I did call you Annie that one time, I'm sorry. What more can I say? Oh. Just remembered. Before you come to bed? That green blouse of mine with the cowl neckline? How's about tightening up the buttons on the right sleeve, huh doll? *** Forgot to ask. That depilatory that Betty suggested? Been using it? C'mere and let me feel. Ooooh! That feels nice and smooth. Have you shaved under your arms like I asked? Good! Lift your arm and let's see. Don't you think that looks much better? Betcha it feels cooler too, don't it? Just wait until you wear a blouse of synthetic material, you'll really notice the difference then... Oh a shirt ? blouse ? what difference does it make? Which reminds me. What are you wearing when you do your housework? Okay, so I didn't phrase the question correctly. Are you wearing old clothes? Okay okay okay! How was I to know you'd be laid off work and doing housework when I donated that lot of old clothes of yours to the Red Cross. Sue me! Well, since you ask? I've got a ton of clothes that I've grown out of ? would probably fit you fine ? and be great for doing your housework in. Who's forcing you? It was just a suggestion, that's all! *** So how was your first day at the boutique? How did Joan take to being your boss? See? I told you she'd be okay. Last week when she called to find out when you'd be starting she and I had a very pleasant chat. Andrew? I don't think you can deny that you shillied and shallied about the day we discussed you working there. I remember, for sure, you saying that you'd jump at the chance to get out of the house now and then. True? Okay. You may have changed your mind afterwards, but just try and assure me that you said "No! I don't want that job!" You can't, can you? I just assumed that you wanted the job and told her that. So, what did she have you doing? Oh? She told me she wanted you to be moving some of the heavier stuff about... Got one of the girls instead? Well dear, I did mention that you're not exactly bulging with muscles... I did NOT say you were a weakling! So, what DID you end up doing? Checking that the clothes on the racks were hanging and filling any open spaces left by sales? Getting the clothes out of the fitting rooms where they'd been left and re-hanging them? So you were up in the store itself then, not down in the inventory? Mmm. Andi? I just said Mmmm for chrissake! I was just wondering how Joan felt about having a guy walking around inside a boutique, that's all. So, did my pants fit you okay when you vacuumed this afternoon? See, I told you they'd be cooler to wear than those heavy old pants of yours. Know what? I feel kinda randy. Let's go and snuggle, what do you say? You really turn me on when you blush like that! *** That was a nice dinner, Anne. I'm stuffed. You're welcome. But I noticed something when you were serving it up. Your nails. Look like they've been manicured ? and is that polish on them I see? Well dear, I hate to tell you ? but that shade has a lot more red in it than most pinks. ANNIE! Stop it! I wasn't teasing you. For God's sake, enough already! NO! I will NOT allow you to go and take the polish off! Sit down. The dishes can wait! Okay. All calm now? Good! Now tell me how come your nails are so nice. Ah! Joan and the girls at work suggested it! Makes sense. Handling all of those nice materials, you sure wouldn't want to snag anything, would you? Oh ? and you're helping Rose with the fittings now? How exciting for you! Is she teaching you how to sew as well? Yes ? but basics are basics! I'm sure you'll advance rapidly with a woman teaching you properly. I'm so PROUD of you! No dear. I'm absolutely delighted that you're fitting in so well with the other girls. But dear? Before I forget though, I have a confession to make. And I don't want you getting all upset. Well ? remember a week or so back when I played cards with your friends? Well, I really enjoyed myself ? you know how one gets tired of being with nothing but women all the time? And, anyway, to cut to the chase, I asked them back around for a game of poker. Well, to tell the truth? Tonight. Right about now. What's all the panic about? They'll never notice that you have my pants on ? or that blouse... So, the pants zip up the back ? the apron bow hides that pretty well ? and the apron bib hides the fact that the buttons are fabric covered... Well ? that's another thing. I really don't think you should play ? so there's no need to take your apron off, is there? Serving drinks and munchies. Making sandwiches. What else? And don't forget? You've got dishes still to do ? and a whole LOT of ironing! Dear? It's the doorbell! What do you think it is? Go and answer it. Let my friends in, okay? Anne? If I have to spank you just now ? and I will if you don't behave - your friends will see you with tear marks all over your face. That what you want? ... Not drunk! Juss wanna thank you sweetie ? I had SUCH fun tonight with the guys! An' KNOW something? You were SO cute! I think Bill kinda fancies you ? but no WAY! No Sirreee bob! You're MY gal! C'mere and gimme a kiss! Whatja mean you're not a gal? Course you are! Z'matter of fack? See this gorgeous nightdress here? Thass what I want you to wear tonight ? I'm hot and ready to trot! Need my gal to get with it! Go with the flow! Put a bit perfume behind your ears ? and some lipstick on those luscious lips of yours too! I said I wanna KISS! But put your nightie on first! There Anne! You look so goddam pretty now! Get into bed ? this minute ... This very min ... SNORE. ... Andrew? What in hells name are you wearing? You look like a woman! Oh god, my head! Get me a drink of water ? or something, would you? My mouth tastes like shit! Thanks dear. What do you mean that I told you to wear that nightgown? I don't remember anything of the sort... No. Keep it on. I'm starting to remember you flitting around like a pansy in front of my friends last night. Probably felt you may as well dress the part in bed. Well, they may have been your friends before, but they're mine now. Yeah ? I'll admit it. I'm getting mannish ? but who's wearing the sexy nightdress right now, huh? About time someone around here acted like a man! Sweetie? I told you. Leave it ON! If I have to get outta this bed to you ? you'll be sorry. So? If you're cold ? put on the negligee that goes with it. That's better. Now why don't you run along and make breakfast. *** Why Hello Betty! Come in! What a nice surprise! Annie? Look who's here! Slip of the tongue Betty, that's all. Well, I kinda like him in aprons now. But Annie, you've finished all your work now, you can take off your apron and come and have a little chat with us girls. Yes Betty. These pants he's wearing. Now that you mention it ? I did get them from your store a year or two ago ? the blouse too. Well ? housekeeping can be so wearing on clothes and ? after all ? it IS woman's work, so it seems appropriate enough for him to be wearing clothes like that. He gets all macho though if I even dream of suggesting that he wears a skirt or a dress. Last night, I had some of the guys come around for a game of poker. He was wearing a plain pair of my pants and a blouse with hardly any frills ? not like this one ? and you should have seen the fuss he made! Yeah ? guys are silly that way. I agree. But I'll admit, he's been very good about using that depilatory you suggested. Anne? Lift your blouse and let Betty see your smooth tummy. Yes Betty. Now that you mention it? He IS getting a tummy, isn't he? Better put him on a diet I think! A corset? Oh Betty, you are a devil! But you know? I've been thinking that he's been developing a real slouch lately. His posture is awful! Exactly! Kill two birds with one stone! Oh Andrew! Lots of men wear corsets! Okay Betty! Maybe the Merry Widow kind isn't the best, but that's the only kind I've got ? and beggars can't be choosers! ... Andrew! You'd think you'd have learned by now. I don't like being contradicted, that's for sure ? but Betty is something else altogether. She's a very successful businesswoman in her own right. Is a dyed in the wool feminist ? and is just not inclined to have her wishes denied. No. I'm NOT saying that you just accept everything that's said to you and do as you're told, when it's obvious that a woman is joking with you! Of course we were joking ? silly! It was when you started making all that fuss ? challenging our authority for goodness sake! We HAD to react, can't you see that? Yes ? I do feel that I have some authority over you. I'm the major breadwinner in this household and Betty, let's face it, is the owner in your place of employment! You expect us to defer to the likes of you? What do you think I mean by that? You're standing there in a corset, nylons, and panties ? that you were made to wear. Not a figure of masculine pride, are you? Now I will help undo the back of your corset ? but only if you ask me nicely. What do you think? Come and sit on my lap, play a little kissy-poo. There! Isn't this nice? You may not want to hear this ? but you feel lovely and soft. Annie? I thought we explained all that! It would have been utterly ridiculous looking for you not to take advantage of the garter straps attached to the corset ? don't you agree? Naturally! And how do you think you'd have looked in a pretty corset, nylons ? and men's jockey shorts? So I called you Annie in front of Betty and a few seconds ago. I mean, I'm fondling your erection under a pair of lacy panties. Gonna blame me for calling you by a girls name? Mmmm! Your lips are so soft! *** Hi sweetie! Have a nice morning at the boutique? But what's wrong ? and what's that you got there? Well, you're blushing to beat the band for one thing ? and your shape? You look funny. And what IS that you're carrying in the bag? Andrew? Don't cry. Whatever's the matter? Come over here and sit on mummy's lap and tell me all about it. Come on now! Oh oh. You feel funny under your shirt. An oh my! Are these breasts? Makeup too? I think you'd better tell me. Okay, Joan called you into her office? A present from Betty? Was she there? Ah ? she'd phoned Joan with the instructions. So what's wrong with that? And dear, try to stop crying ? your mascara is running. You're kidding! Three corsets! A dozen pair of panties! Packages of nylons? What on earth? I did NOT tell Betty I wanted you to dress like a girl ALL the time! She must have misunderstood! Oh those naughty girls! Took you into the ladies room? Put you in your corset and nylons ? and panties? Made your face up? And is that perfume I'm smelling? But the breasts? Padding? Breast forms? And they've attached them with adhesive? How do they expect you to get them off? Well I don't know either. Here, let me take your shirt off. Come on now ? don't be shy. Mmmm! They look so real! Can I touch them? Ooooh! They feel real as well! Gosh! I'd never realized just how much like a girl you look. Give me a kiss, huh? ... Wasn't that NICE? Honestly, our lovemaking is becoming so wonderful! So now, why don't you tell me more about this morning? Did they put you in a dress or a skirt and blouse as well? No? Well, that was nice of them, wasn't it. Well, I think it was nice of them. You see Annie? When some women get an idea that a man is a sissy? They can't wait to sissify him! Put him in frilly dresses and make him act all sweet and girlish. Give him girl things to do. Okay. So that IS happening to you ? but just a little. But truthfully Anne? What I just said applies to men ? well, somebody that looks and acts like a man. Yes. I must admit it. With you it's getting very hard to tell. Maybe tomorrow you can wear a dress to the boutique? The end

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My Wifes Admission That She Had Cheated On Me

My wife and I had been married for over twenty years. Our marriage was great until one day she dropped a bombshell on me. My wife is in her upper forties and is very attractive for her age. Her body doesn’t show her age at all as her tits are fantastic and her ass is gorgeous. I would think most men would fuck her in a heartbeat if they had the chance. She is a great mom and works very hard at her job. She mainly works with men and has been hit on several times at work. I think it is great...

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craigslist hook up

I had been looking at men seeking men ads on craigslist for a while.I think it started with my wife funny enough.She had started fingering my ass while sucking me off,and I liked it a lot.Then every time she wanked me off,I ended up pushing her hand to my ass while I wanked myself off.That escalated to me secretly using her dildo on my ass,and I could get it all the way in.I had started wondering what a cock would feel like in my ass.I even started fantasising about men while fucking her or...

1 year ago
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The High School Bully Part 2

"We would like to thank everyone for coming to our dinner party in celebration of our upcoming wedding," Frank said as he raised his glass of champagne, his arm tucked around Rachel's waist as they grinned out at their friends and family.I watched with disdain near the hallway. The party had been going on for an hour already and didn't look like it would be ending anytime soon. I'd already had several Aunts and Uncles come up to me with worried looks and patronizing, "How are you doing,...

1 year ago
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The Scenic RouteChapter 3

The powerful aroma of coffee filled the house and I had no problems finding my way to the kitchen. We set down to breakfast. I enjoyed every piece of burnt bacon and toast. "Sorry, I don't usually have guests for breakfast." We both laughed. We started to share our stories. Charles had told me about his late wife and how they had met in school. He told me about building this house for her, and how she said she wanted to fill the rooms with children. Almost ashamed, he confessed that he...

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for my friend

This piece was for a friend a few years back. I wonder how she is.As my eyes finally open, my body is sending so many different signals to my brain. I am not sure if I feel pain from my toes to the ends of the strands of my hair, or is my body just so tired from the past twelve hours that physical exhaustion is disguising how I really feel. Never has my body been put through the wringer like last night. And now my world has changed because I don't think I can ever go back. What she has...

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Summer Sex PART 2

"What time is it?" he grumbled into the sheets. I reached for my phone one the nightstand and clicked on a button. The screen lit up brightly. "7:00 am." "That's soo early," he whined. I laughed and got up and out of bed. I put on a silky robe that reached the floor and pulled apart the curtains letting the sun to shine through the window in a gentle yellow as it began to rise above the beautiful beach horizon. I stretched, then went to the shower and quickly popped in...

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Jill Dipping our toes in the water

I'm going to publish this under “stories” and while most of this completely true, I've had to change or embellish on exact verbiage as best I can remember it. This is going to be a slow burn, so if you are looking for a quick sex story, you might want to move on. Just a fair warning.I was engaged to my wife Jill when I was fairly young. I was twenty-three and she was twenty-two. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and stunning blue eyes. It was definitely lust or infatuation at first sight....

Wife Lovers
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e15 Em Smith 37

from Newcastle We fade in on the familiar frontage of Charley’s stylish townhouse – then we cut to inside, right to Charley’s home office, and find her once again sitting at her editing suite. She’s not doing much editing though – she has her back to us, both feet up against the front of her desk, her legs spread wide, and she appears to be working her pussy (we can’t actually see what she’s doing) as she watches her screen... On screen, partially obscured by Charley’s shoulder we can see...

2 years ago
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Hiding in Hose

Hiding in Hose Belladonna Journal Log: 1/22/15 This was the most hellish day of my life so I must keep this short. As I walked towards my office this morning, a van pulled up next to me. Three men jumped out and tried to pull me inside. I bit and flailed at the men in a mad effort to free myself. It was only the help of a few good Samaritans that allowed me to escape their clutches. I may very well owe those brave people my life, and I will reward them well upon my...

4 years ago
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My First Sex Experience During Journey 8211 Part II

I am Nikita Sahoo, 23 from Bengaum. I am Arts graduate and doing M.A. (Part II). I remember an incidence of about 2/3 years back when I was in the last year of my college. I was traveling from Belgaum to Kolhapur to attend our family function. My younger sister, Kavita 20, and my brother Rajesh 18, were with me. The function was scheduled in the afternoon next day, but there were so many things which remained undone at Belgaum. So, whole day we were busy in completing most of the work and left...

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Payback pt1

Introduction A few of these characters can be found in my previous story “A New Start”. Chapter One: Background My name is Sonja and I am thirty years old. Although I am fairly average, my best assets are my long straight black hair and blue eyes. My body is fairly average. I am not a stunning beauty and neither a woman who makes heads turn. I think that my main qualities are my strong sense of duty and loyalty, which I pride, despite the fact that some people find them either boring or...

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Obsession ReduxChapter 4

"I guess I'm a bit nervous," admitted Lynn as they settled into their seats on the chartered jetliner, "I've never flown before. I guess I've lived a pretty sheltered life." Denise took Lynn's hand. "All that is behind you now. Just enjoy it. Flying is wonderful. I chartered this jet for two reasons. First, was to get us to our new home as quickly as possible. Airline schedules are so frustrating and they're never on time, but I also wanted to invite a few friends to the island...

1 year ago
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I WOKE UP before dawn. I mean, I really woke up. I felt like I wouldn’t need sleep again for a year. I was so jazzed I grabbed my stuff and was out the door within five minutes of waking up. Just before I left, I stopped and grabbed the sketchbook with my original sketches in it. I stopped at the all-night Starbuck’s a block from campus and the only person in it was a sleepy-looking barista who did her best to smile at me when I came in. I got a shot in the dark—a dark roast coffee with a...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 54 The Nagarsquos Lusts

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – The Treasure Box, Grahata Harbor “I serve Lord Kurtis,” the demon said as she glared in defiance at me, her shadowy whip in hand. “He tells me what to...

2 years ago
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The Married Woman

Hi everyone, I am Rahul from Mumbai. I am married from the past four years but do not have a wonderful sex lyf. My wife is working come back from office at 8PM and since I am working in stock market am back at 5PM. My usual everyday routine is to chat online and search for sex partners. Have been lucky 3 times in the last 4 years. But now I was looking for a LTR with a woman and not a one night stand. I used to chat with a gal on hotmail since a long time. I knew her as she was my friends GF...

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Romancing Jan

College for me was a time of growing up in a lot of ways. Academically, I learned a lot through the classes I enrolled in. Socially, how to get a long with a lot of people from different walks of life. Spiritually, I adopted a set of values that continue to serve me well to this very day. And personally, I learned a lot about myself, what was important to me and what wasn’t. College was also a period of time where I learned a lot about the opposite sex and where guys, and where, specifically,...

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Sweet Melody

She was still sitting alone on a bench inside the covered walkway where Lydon had left her four hours earlier. Her bemused thoughts could no longer grasp the situation; and this particular town centre had become a very lonely place. So how had this situation arisen? What was this girl with a strong American accent doing alone in an English town; and why was she acting so strangely? Perhaps Lydon should explain; after all it was he who had instigated this episode. Let me say from...

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Third World War

This story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...

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My Wife Her Students And Me

My Wife, Her Students and Me By Sabrina Gisselle Langton A year after we were married, when both my wife and I were 25, my wife Lola caught me in all my crossdresser glory. I was wearing a black corset, bra, garter-belt, silk panties, almost black sheer stockings and 6 inch come fuck me pumps. This is an outfit I have perfected since I was 16 when I was able to buy clothes instead of borrow them from my mother and 3 sisters. The only thing was, is that I didn't give the appearance of...

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Padosi wali aunty

agar koi. To aab main apni story suro karne ja reha hoon, ye kahani ajj se 2 month pehale ki hai, jab school mein garami kiyan chutiyan chal rahi thi. Ek din mera ek dost mere pass aeya or muje kehane laga ke koi makan muje rent pe lean hai agar koi tumari nazar main hai to bata, to mere man main ek dum kheyal ayea ke hamare pass wali padosi ke upar wala porsan kahli hai to maine ose kaha ke main onse baat karke btatan hoon. Main agale hi din main padosi ke ghar geya or main bell bajai to...

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Spring Breeze

Ah Spring, when a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of … well … sex actually. Or baseball, but that is a completely different story. Washington seasons suffer from ‘mood swings,’ especially when it comes to the temperature during the spring and fall. This spring was no different. Yesterday, the weather gurus had been calling for a high in the mid to upper sixties, yet it had struggled to get to fifty. Today, they were calling for highs in the upper sixties to lower seventies, so it was no...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 152 One Thing Leads To Another

Three days after Sophie had been to Jessie's house, Sophie and Warren were surprised by a knock on their door. It was Jessie, looking much better. "Hi, can I come in?" "Of course," Sophie said. They went into the living room, where they chatted, Jessie playing with Betsy. "You look a lot better," Sophie said. "Well, I ate some. I still feel horrible. I'm depressed and I feel guilty. But I've been in my room crying for three days. Enough. I need to get a damn life." "I think...

4 years ago
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My First And Last Love Part II

By : Loveboyarun Hello friends, I’m Arun, apni dusri story jo ke pehle ke story ka aagey ka part h aap ko bataney ja rha hu, friends mujey kafi  mails aaye or meri story ke taarif kar rhey they lekin ye ek sachi story h koi entertain k liye banaie hue nhe h, m ye story isliye likh rha hu taki boys kisi ladki se dhoka na khaye or aware rhey boys normally true lover hotey h aap sab ne mera sath diya mujey bahut khushi h. aagey bhe mail karte rhey Par now m apni story “my first and last love”...

2 years ago
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Fun with Angelyna

My friend Manu had invited a few of us to his place for a drink. I arrived first to find him arguing with his girlfriend, telling her she couldn’t go out dressed as she was. (you can see her in this photo told him she’d wear what she liked and stormed out of the room to continue getting herself ready for her night out with the girls. Manu told me she was behaving like a slut just lately and thought it was time she was taught a...

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South Carolina for the Summer pt 4

Pam and Ethan's Sexploits continue... Chapter 27Pam and Amy stood in the bathroom at two in the morning, applying makeup to their faces. They were very quiet as they concentrated on their work, and Amy's house was very quiet. Pam was wearing silk bikini panties and a thin tank-top. Amy was wearing a bra and panties."I think Todd is so cute," Amy said. "I'd love to make out with him."Pam checked her lips after carefully covering them with bright red lipstick. "Yeah, he is cute." Pam pulled up...

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Finally Convinced Reena Chachi Part 8211 3

Hi guys, this is Saurabh back with the next episode of my chachi Reena’s transformation to a complete slut. So far I had managed to fuck her pussy and take the virginity of her ass. After drilling her ass, she submitted completely to me. We would meet up at hotels and I would fuck her brains out. But it was never enough. She needed more. I knew a guy in my neighborhood who fucks his elder sister. We met in a chatroom where he was looking for someone to share his sister with. We once gangbanged...

1 year ago
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Blacked Quinn Wilde He Brings It Out Of Me

Quinn never thought she would see him again. Before her boyfriend’s best friend, Cash, moved to New York, they hung out all the time, and even joked how she was the third wheel. To be honest, she breathed a sigh of relief when he moved, because as much as she loved her boyfriend, he wasn’t Cash. But now he’s back and she isn’t going to let that spoil her fun. Even though she’s never cheated, she fantasises about him all the time, even when she is with her boyfriend...

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HandsOnHardcore Stacy Cruz Passionate Pussy Fucking On Demand

When Mugur is out for a jog with his college sweetheart, Stacy Cruz, his horny little brunette girlfriend can hardly wait to get him home and fuck his brains out. The curvy assed coy green-eyed cutie masks her sexual desires for him claiming to want a massage but what she really wants is his cock and tongue deep inside of her eager pussy. You get to watch this Hands On Hardcore 2d 4k and 3d 5k 60fps virtual reality with binaural sound release as the two tears the bed apart in a display of...

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A visit to the VCT

Note : This story is completely fictional! Since I did my form four back in the year 2005, my Aunt has always insisted that I go for a V.C.T. She counsels and tests people for H.I.V in Nairobi while I have been staying in mombasa with my family. When we close college (first semister) I decided to go to visit her at Nairobi where she stays. That is may this year 2008. She is single and lives alone. When I arrived, she took issues with me for not going for V.C.T despite her continued insistence....

3 years ago
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Amisha Ki Hot Aur Jabardast Chudai

Hi doston mera naam rishab hai main delhi ka rhne wala hun meri height 6 ft ki hai aur main 23 saal ka hun main ye sachi ghatna aapke samne leke aa rha hun main logon ki tarah yahan jhoot nhi likhta ye ek sachi ghatna hai mera lund ka size 8 inch hai aur 4.5″ inch ka hai ye mujhe isliye pta hai kyunki maine khud napa hai ise ye jab soya hota hai tab ye 2 inch ka hi rhta hai isse aapko pta lag jayega ki main sach bol rha hun ab jyda na bor karte hue story pe aata hun ye baat aaj se 6 mahine...

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My Reluctant Lactating Wife at the Halloween Party

At the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. This is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services, so we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night. Max...

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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Pretty in Pink Part 4

Pretty in Pink 4: The next morning we had breakfast and began to get ready for the beach. I put on my pink bikini and Philippa wore her blue one. Mum was wearing a sexy shiny black swimming costume and Aunt Edwina put on the pink costume she bought yesterday. It looked great on her but she still needed to do something about her lack of a bustline! "What am I going to do about this Lorelei?" Aunt Edwina said to Mum pulling at the top of her costume. "I can't wear a padded bra under...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e1 Elizabeth

We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a build up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Then we’re in a large carpark ... Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 511

I had intended to go to Washington later today so it was no inconvenience when Robert called and said I needed to see him before I left. “Last night there were a series of emails between the four and a phone call among the three persons of interest. There was a firm date agreed on by all; four weeks from Saturday,” Robert said. “The Prince has upped his order and added another delivery point. He now wants the CH-4B drones - equal to our Reaper - capable of carrying more missiles a lot...

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Gold MountainChapter 4

Brightman First Offer “Jim, I think we’ve got company,” Vi Brightman called out from the kitchen. “Oh? Anybody we know?” he replied, standing up from his leather-padded swivel chair in their ranch office. “No. It’s somebody in a suit. And it’s a Lincoln Town Car with Colorado plates.” Vi watched the car circle around. It came to a stop alongside the gated rail fence separating the yard. A balding, paunchy man in a tailored suit emerged from the passenger side. The driver stayed...

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Mother and Daughter part one

While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later … *This story is only partly true … I have just taken things a lot further than what actually happened by adding a fair bit of fantasy. Mother and Daughter part one Now that I’m getting on a bit and nearing retiring age things are not normally all that...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 20 She Meets The Bosss Son Brett

Introduction: Cindy meets her bosss son and enjoys a fun night. Sharing Cindy Chapter 20 Another true story about the fun that comes from having a sexy wife that loves sex&hellip,&hellip,. ——————————————————————— Those of you that have been following these stories know that my wife Cindy is free to experience sex with other men. I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of many of these adventures, others I hear about when she comes home. But there have been a couple of times that I...

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When the worlds collided, the borders became a blur, what was once a view into the horizon was now a keyhole into the unknown. What was once a walk in the woods, low led into the claws of an unknown mistress. All of them were merciless, all wished for nothing more than to usurp the other, whilst playing with the people caught in between. But one of them saw the bigger picture... "Mistress... please..." A knight whispered from the foot of her throne. He was still in his plate, his sword not two...

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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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The First 150 Rules for sissys

Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows big fake titsRule#14: A sissy is a pro cock suckerRule#15: One is...

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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6'1", I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight 'A's and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me.One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I'm watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...


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