Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 299
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Malok had just given me the news that I was going to be a father by Soya (AKA my ex-wife, Sonya) when he decided to confirm something else. "Rona is with your child too."
I could not believe it. I had spent my entire life childless. Now, in this new one, I had knocked up two beautiful women, while the other two women in my life were hoping for the same result.
The week leading up to Hogat's second wedding was a busy time for us. The first few days, I decided that we should start working on the barn, to provide shelter for the large animals. With the rainy season coming, I wanted to be sure to have somewhere warm and dry for our animal friends. Additionally, Malok had originally told me that all of the dangerous predators had been cleared out before I arrived. There was no guarantee that they (or others like them) would not return. A barn would provide our animals with some protection at night.
At least for the morning construction session, I had decided that Lyna and Zeena would work with the dogs, while Rona and her elder daughter, Sula would care for the chickens. Speaking of which, by the end of the week we had our first chicks start to hatch.
As far as the rest of us, we worked with the horse and cow and then started building a large barn. I had originally conceived building something smaller, but I came to the realization that in addition to extra horses, I wanted to get at least one more bison cow and perhaps, even a bison bull. A domesticated source of bison became a fascination for me. I eventually settled on the idea of three cows and one bull to facilitate mating. I figured that first group would be our pets and would provide us lots of dairy. Eventually, with the help of the bull, they would also create livestock that would be an easy source of bison beef during the winter.
Of course, these grandiose plans meant a larger structure for them all to live in. We not only had plenty of material for the job, but probably still had enough to build at least another structure of similar size. Malok laughed when I told him. He then uploaded a revised set of plans for the new kit to my primary node. Also included were directions how to set up the same roof as the house. That would mean rain collection, solar panels and three small wind turbines.
While I had a lot of experience with basic carpentry, I had never built anything so big. My labor was completely untrained too, which meant that this would be an adventure for all of us. Fortunately, I quickly discovered that despite the size and scope of this project, it roughly had the same level of complexity as putting together the chicken coop and the kennel. Like with those other structures, the pieces simply snapped together like a snap on plastic model. There were pieces for the bottom, top and sides that contained latches that could be connected to other parts of the structure too. While the size and scope of the project had changed, the only real need was to increase the size of the walls and the height of the structure. As the support beams were "snap on" too, it was just as easy to adjust them to fit.
My crew worked with good cheer and basically little complaint. Soya surprised me with her understanding of assembling things from kits, until I reminded myself that Sonya and I had built a tool shed together many years ago. The thought that Soya had subconsciously made that connection and smiled whenever she passed me another section to install managed to make me wistful and happy at the same time.
Jontar was also a very enthusiastic helper. Having lived in tents so much of his life, the idea of building something permanent with his own two hands (even if it was only for animals) excited him. The only person who took some convincing to participate was Geeta. Not only was she still struggling with the notion of keeping animals (especially for milk!), she was still having some issues with her size and gender (despite our passionate lovemaking sessions). I reminded her that I found her every bit as much a woman as any of my mates. I also said that her size and strength was a gift from the spirits. This was a blessing for her family. I told her that I would need her strength and admired her for it. After a little daylight kissing and light petting behind a tree, my tallest and largest mate was all smiles and a very productive worker.
By midday, we were hot, so we broke for lunch. After introducing Geeta and Soya to our "creek bath", we went up to eat. We still had some leftover venison stew, which we augmented with tortilla chips and salsa. As with the creek bath, it took Geeta a little while to get used to seeing food cooked on the stove and the crunchiness of the chips, but in the end, she admitted, "Your ways are strange, Mike, but the food is so good. It has been so much fun today. It is a lot better than gathering roots and berries like I did at my old home."
"Geeta, you may not understand this, but in my mind, you have nothing that can stop you from doing anything. You have been blessed with great strength and that makes you a natural hunter."
"Me? Hunt?" she gasped.
"Yes, my huntress," I smiled. "You are a woman in every way that matters. I find you quite desirable," I said, as I let my hand roam down to her ass and began to rub it. "You will make babies for me and we will mate often just for fun. You are also capable of making our lives better with your strength. We will not gather much here. Instead, we will grow our own food and reap what we grow."
"I do not understand what any of that means."
"Do you trust me?" I asked with a wide smile.
"Yes," she said quietly
"Very soon, Little One, you will understand everything."
We went back to work on the barn and made some good progress that afternoon. I figured that we had the frame almost completely built and tomorrow we would finish and then start on the walls. As I expected, in the morning, there was a lot more enthusiasm. This time, Lyna, Rona and Sula came to help. Even little Zeena came down played with the puppies (Liesl, Kurt and Gretl- hey, who doesn't like The Sound of Music) that were on leashes and were beginning to respond to her. After about an hour, I let Jontar and Sula join in playing with the dogs. Gradually, everyone started playing hooky in order to play with the adorable pups. At the end, it was just Geeta and I working. In my case, it was because I was hoping to finish the frame. For Geeta, I assumed that aside from her desire to help, she still was not comfortable with the idea of having animal friends. Finally, recognizing the unstoppable mutiny on my hands, I gave up the ghost of trying to finish the frame. I pulled Geeta over to the large group playing with the dogs. Eventually, Geeta seemed to warm to them; though I could tell that yapping kind of alarmed her at first. She looked like a big kid though when she saw Liesl roll over and Zeena rubbing her belly. I took that moment to put my arm around her shoulder.
"Everyone needs love, Geeta; even animals. Tall mates need love too."
"Love? Love is for children."
"No, my mate. Where I'm from there are all kinds of loving. This includes the kind of love, mates have for each other."
"Do you mean lust?"
"No, though lust is a healthy part of love between mates."
"Do you mean affection? Friendship?"
"No, though those are part of this love too."
"Again, I don't understand. Your ways are strange..."
I silenced her with a kiss. It started soft and sweet, before developing into a maelstrom of passion before ending with sheer tenderness. When I broke the kiss, I could tell that Geeta was as affected as I was.
I looked into her eyes. "Love between mates is all of the things you said, but even more. It is the way that your mate looks at you when they are happy, sad, angry, relieved, lustful ... it is looking at them back and feeling what they are feeling because you care so greatly about them. It is about supporting them when they need support and leaning on them when you need it. All of this goes far beyond affection, friendship and desire. It speaks to who we are inside and how we feel about each other."
"I ... I think I know what you mean," she whispered. "You were so kind to me. Even when I mocked you and tried to hit you ... you defended yourself ... but you comforted me..."
"I'd never want to see you hurt."
"It is more than that. You want me. Not just to mate with me. You respect me. You believe in me. You care about me like a child but desire me as your mate," she said pausing before she added. "Is that what you mean by love?"
I took her in my arms and kissed her again. When I broke it I smiled. "That's exactly what I mean."
Geeta smiled right back at me, before walking over to Kurt and giving the puppy a belly rub.
That night, I managed to make love to all of my mates. I had realized that Geeta had been kind of high maintenance due to her poor self-image. I had also spent some time with Soya, as I needed to make up for my lost time with her alter ego. I concentrated a bit more on Rona and then ended with my blond haired beauty. As I fired my seed into Lyna's spasming form, I hungrily devoured her mouth with mine. There was just something about her that set me off. It was not just her looks, which were exceptional, but I just felt this huge connection between us. When she made love to me, it was with her whole being. She told me it was never that way for her first mate. She told me all she would do was lie there and dream of wonderful mate who would treat her with kindness and tenderness. "Looks like I got my wish," she grinned, as I turned out the light, pulled my wonderful Lyna to me and soon we were asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning I introduced my brood to French toast with butter and imitation maple syrup. As it was unlikely I would find any "sugar maples" in my local woods, I had requested a lot of the imitation kind and some of the "good stuff". I did this primarily because of the shelf life of the real syrup compared to its imitation flavored kin. Everyone loved the sweetness. I had decided to slowly introduce sugar (corn syrup etc.) products to my family. Despite teaching my new family about tooth care (brushing, flossing etc.), dentistry was basically non-existent. I did not wish to rot out my family's teeth. Instead, we would save sugar products for special occasions and sweeten our beverages with Stevia.
After I milked Bossie, we started our morning work on the barn. I decided that we would go hunting in the afternoon instead of another work session. I was glad that Malok had provided the ladder I used on my first day. The roof was only about twelve feet high at the lowest point with a pitch that would go as high as about twenty. I was working on a cross beam that was about sixteen feet high. As the material itself was quite sturdy when anchored at the base and fastened on the sides, in theory, the extra support and crossbeams were not really needed. Still, I was not used to the idea of building a frame without them, so I decided that a little overkill to be safe was not a bad thing.
While I finished the frame, Jontar and Sula were working on assembling one wall together, while Soya and Geeta each worked on another wall. The two kids seemed to be getting along better since I made my proclamation that I had no intention of mating them. Every once in a while I thought a saw little glances from one at the other. "Well, what do you know? Maybe they're crushing on each other," I thought.
Jontar's blond hair and relatively fine features made him seem like a prehistoric Robert Redford. Sula's forehead was not quite as pronounced as her mother's (which was smaller than most Neanderthal woman I had seen). It seemed that Neanderthal women physically matured at a faster rate than their Cro-Magnon counterparts (according to Malok), so I guess Sula's form had Jontar's pulse pounding too. I decided to sit back and see what would transpire. Still, regardless of their feelings, I was determined to set the age of mating for my group closer to what was acceptable in my time. I would probably meet with some resistance, but if they really wanted each other, they would wait.
By the time Noon came along, I herded my workers to our cold creek bath. Then we adjourned to the patio for hamburgers, grilled to perfection by Lyna. As I ate the steer beef burger, I had a hankering for a bison burger. I was happy with today's progress, so I decided to forgo an after-lunch building session in favor of another activity.
I decided to go hunting. I was in the mood for bison burger; which quickly morphed into a craving for bison steaks. Since I had no intention of eating "Bossie", I gathered my hunting and butchering party. I took everyone except Soya, Rona and Zeena. This time, we brought the makings of three travois, as there would be a lot of meat to bring back if our hunt was successful
We headed north (not far from the banks of the Rhone). I chose this route because it seemed the most direct but also to ensure that we would not travel too near Hogat's caves. It was not that I did not like Hogat, because I did. In fact, he was my closest friend who was not part of my family. I sensed I could trust him and his mate Tola and would eventually invite them to our camp. Still, I sensed if I showed up with a group of us, he would insist that we should all stick around for a pre-feast feast (as our joint wedding feast was only a few days away). Normally, I might have been inclined to say yes, but I wanted to improve our food stores (not provide the Neanderthals with more meat).
After walking a bit over a mile, we found the herd grazing in the plains about a mile from the Rhone. It was a bit of a surprise as we usually encountered the bison almost two miles further north. It confused me a bit, but then I realized that maybe the herd had migrated a couple of miles or that this was a different herd. This herd seemed a bit smaller, so I began to think it was the latter.
I planned to take down just one, large male and was ready to notch an arrow. I then had a change of heart. I decided to allow the junior members of the expedition to fire first. I realized that this was a bit of a risk, but felt it was important (for Jontar in particular) to go first. His bow work had improved over the past week and he had become a fairly good shot when shooting at fixed targets. Likewise, Sula was improving her aim. She was not quite as accurate as Jontar, but her strength allowed for greater draw than her brother/playmate. As I saw them take aim, I notched an arrow myself. I heard Jontar whisper "Now," and the kids unleashed a volley of two arrows at the unsuspecting beast. To play it safe, I immediately aimed and fired myself.
Sula's arrow hit first, striking the bison in the front left leg. It had little time to react as Jontar's arrow hit it in its thick torso. Had he more draw, it may have been a kill shot. Sula's leg hit was quite powerful. As the beast prepared to limp away, my shot missed its target location, but the bison's movement caused my arrow to hit it in the rear left leg with a little more force than Sula's hit. This threw the bison's balance off and it then collapsed to the ground under its own weight.
We waited a few more minutes for the rest of the herd to meander off and then approached our quarry. Seeing it was still alive, I picked up a nearby big rock and brained it to put it out of its misery. Then the butchering party took over. Both Lyna and Geeta had experience in butchering animals, so they went along with their business (with a few hints from me to be extra careful with the razor sharp titanium knives). In about an hour, the animal had been mostly skinned (the raw leather bagged separately), divided into three even sections, placed on each travois and then we started home.
By the time we returned, we were pretty damn tired. At that point, Rona and Soya took over, as they used the small table (I originally used when I first arrived) to finish skinning and then slicing the beef into large steaks and then cutting out some bison ribs (at my direction when the rest of us returned from a much needed creek bath). We crammed several large steaks into the fridge for dinner for the next few nights (and a few to grind into bison burgers). The rest we fit in the large freezer chest. I figure that this one bison would provide us with many more meals. The ribs got me thinking about building our smokehouse. I knew that would be our next project once the barn was built.
That night, Soya and Rona grilled some bison steaks on the fire pit. We had roasted potatoes and frozen peas.
After dinner we butchered some thin cuts to salt and dry for jerky. After treating them and hanging them out, we cleaned and stretched the buffalo hide on another set of racks and cleaned up using the water tank water. Then we put the kids to bed. By now, even Geeta was participating as "mom number four".
As the five adults crawled into the "Master bed", we were too tired and sore to do much, except cuddle and kiss a little. I then fell into a deep and much needed sleep with Lyna on one side of me and Soya on the other.
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Mike and Sam Part 1 -Now and forever- Mike sat at the dressing table he was looking closely at his freshly shaven face, and Sam was laying on the bed just watching. Mike was already dressed in a padded panty girdle, waist cincher, panty hose, and a pretty bra with breast forms, all this gave him a nice feminine figure. He had the padding added to the panty girdle, and it gave him a nice rounded rear with feminine looking hips. Sam smiled knowing what they were going to do...
“Everything ok,” Mike said to Kate. “Not really, the Estate Agent has just said the house has fallen through, the sellers have decided they don’t want to sell anymore," Kate said. “What, really?” Mike said, “Do they not know we sold our house and had to move in with your mom?” “I did tell them but they don’t seem to care,” Kate said. Both Mike and Kate were both shocked, they had not expected this to happen and were looking forward to their new life in a their new house. “We will have...
Mike and Sam Part 2 - Back home - His parents met him at the airport, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood...
Author's note: A number of people, after reading parts 1 and 2 of "Mike and Sam" have asked for more. The original parts took a long time to write, it was a small labor of love, that also took some research into Japanese culture. Here is a third and maybe final part, I just hope that it's as good as the first two. Mike and Sam Part 3 Miyuki One thing that Mike found changed when he got back to school, was a new Dean of the Psychology Department. It was a Dr. Ruth Halloran....
Mike and Kim A “Wittol” is a Confident Cuckold who embraces, shares and will assist.Pure Fantasy inspired by one of my contacts! Hot Wife, Flashing, Upskirts, Exhibition, Mature and Young, Cuckold, Wittol Kim sat glancing young Erik her assistant. He had been permanently hired after his excellent temporary help. She enjoyed the feel of his eyes and the constant innocent blush when she caught him viewing her. Eric was lost in his thoughts, eyes locked on her. It was nearing their lunch hour...
As Mike turned off highway 64 on to West Mercury Blvd he realized it had been four weeks ago tonight that everything changed with him and Amy. The Friday night Robert came to their house for what was to be just another cuckolding experience like they had done several times before e over the last 7 months. Only one two weeks that in his frustration over the coming of Robert that he met Dan and Laurel online. Life living at the Hampton Manor Motel on Pembroke Avenue over the last four weeks...
Mike and Sam Part 4 Dr. Ruth's Party Dr. Ruth had taken Miyuki by the arm, and walked with her into the den. As soon as Miyuki saw who was there she stopped in her tracks. There was Masumi, and Dr. Ruth's husband, and Dr. Wolfe, and his wife. Also, there was a Japanese couple. But, what sent chills up Miyuki's spine was the other two people in the room. Those other two, were Mr. Warner, and the psychologist that she had spoken with in Washington. Her name was Dr. Price. Miyuki...
Mike was 19, living on his own. He was a medium built man, 5' 11" with dark curly that was shaved on both sides. He had a thin mustache, and wore wired frame glasses. He moved out of his mom's apartment when he turned 18. He needed to get away from his crack whore mom. For a short time, he was staying at his girlfriend's parents house, until their relationship fell through. Then, he moved in with one of his buddies who was looking for a roommate to help pay for rent and stuff. Later, his friend...
Although Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...
Mike Trains a SlutbyColdfinger©Mike smiled to himself as he gazed at the bare ass of his Aunt Beth, u*********sly stroking his hard cock straining against the material of his running shorts. Beth was bent over the big oak desk in his grandfather's office, waiting for ten strokes from the switch that lay on the desk next to her. As he stroked at his cock, Mike reflected on the events that had led to this situation.Mike, now a strapping nineteen year old, had been orphaned fours years earlier...
.....Mike walked over to Jenny and fondled her bottom, then pulled her skirt down as Julie would be arriving soon. Jenny stood up kissed Mike and stroked his cock through his trousers, Mike said "That's nice, you've given me an idea!" A knock on the door, Jenny let Julie in she was wearing high heels, a tartan mini-skirt and a cropped white top, went well with her blonde hair. " Hi Julie, how does your bottom feel this morning?" asked Mike. " A bit sore, but I had a lovely warm feeling inside...
One night while Kate was at work Mike decided to go out for a drink with his friends. He met up at the bar with his usual fellas but there was this new guy John who happen to be a mutual friend of someone else. Everyone was laughing drinking and having a good time, but as it got later people were leaving until it was just Mike and John left. Mike asked John if he would like to come over for a few more drinks and to keep talking. John was down with the idea but was way too drunk to drive, and so...
Mike & Laura (The Wedding) It’s my wedding day today, I am looking at my reflection in the mirror to make sure that my makeup is flawless and my hair is perfect. My maid of honor comes in to help to stand up and move since I have a corset on under my gown that is so restrictive I can barely draw enough breath. My breasts are being pushed up by the corset and I also have a chastity belt on with a butt plug attached and a vibrator in my pussy. My maid of honor who will also be my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! MF Incest, Samantha-18, Mike-18 Mike had picked up Samantha on hot summer day, both had been planning this road trip for months, and were excited to get on the open road and explore. Samantha and Mike were cousins and both had just graduated from high school, they had always been close, but never anymore than just cousins. The last year had been tough on Sam since her dad had passed away and mo was working allot to keep her from going into debt, Mike...
IncestBefore he decided to hit the gym, Mike had gone out for a jog, getting in his usual three miles before he jogged up to the doorstep of Justin's house to ask his best friend to join him for an evening workout, and maybe check out some hot babes while they were there.Mike had been a little surprised that Justin's mother, Lauri, had answered the door."Hey, Miz Beckett," he greeted her."Hi, Mike," she said pleasantly, not failing to look him over.He was one of her son's better looking friends; he...
As Mike turned off highway 64 on to West Mercury Blvd he realized it had been four weeks ago tonight that everything changed with him and Amy. The Friday night Robert came to their house for what was to be just another cuckolding experience like they had done several times before e over the last 7 months. Only one two weeks that in his frustration over the coming of Robert that he met Dan and Laurel online. Life living at the Hampton Manor Motel on Pembroke Avenue over the last four weeks...
I woke up sometime around 5am well rested, but I felt like I was gonna be sick. Mike was still sound asleep, actually snoring a bit. It was real faint, but definitely a snore. It was kinda funny actually. I couldn't laugh to hard though as I had to pee bad. I untangled myself from Mike as gently as possible trying not to disturb him, then went into the rest room did my business. Must have been all that wine last night, cause I sat there for what seemed like forever. Can the human bladder...
Notes : I am British, the characters are British, set in England in fact the Cotswolds, I use English spelling and terms, none are unusual. The people and places are all fictional but inspired by real life, this is the first part. * Mike Wood had just got back from a disastrous holiday, it was at the coast with friends and there was a major falling out, he returned home after two days away, the rest of his family were away on their holiday, so he had the house to himself. Mike had...
The phone rang. “Hello.” “Hi mike this is mom.” “Oh hey mom what’s up?” “I need a big favor form you. You sisters friend Kristin is falling way behind in her math class. Since you are so good at math I was hoping you could help her.” Not wanting to sound too eager. “You can’t find any one but me? What about Mrs. Cross the lady that helped missy” “She moved a few weeks ago and she was the only math tutor in town. The reason I thought of you was so you could make some extra money on...
Mike Becomes a Scout ? by: Joney Cunningham Mike didn't really want to go on the camping trip with the Boy Scout Troop his father forced him to join, but her like nature and looking at all the pretty flowers he may find there. Mike was not popular in school, had few friends, and the friends he did have were girls. His father was an ex-football player who was now the coach at his high school, where he was now a freshman. He packed his clothes for the one-week trip in to the...
Mike A Detective Story by EmileCopyright 2008. This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities. You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. ______________It starts with photos. A handsome buff chestnut haired guy swaggering off the gym mats, tee balled in his fists to expose his lightly dusted beefy body, arms defined and abs rippling as he walked, only the loose red trackpants hugging the curve of his tight...
I hesitate moving and Karen repeats the order with the addition that if I don’t wear everything she will tell her brother and he will just call off the wedding. I move to the rack and start with the cuffs she hooks them up so my arms are over my head and I feel her move under the gown fastening the leg cuffs she works the racket mechanism and I am stretched tight again. I beg her not to tighten the corset any more the leather and steel it is closed with screws instead of laces and is...
When we were k**s, I was pretty familiar with sucking another guys cock, but never really had a sexual romp with more than one guy. My first time was with Mike and his friend Amil. Mike and I had been sucking each other for several weeks. He was new in our neighborhood. he lived 5 blocks away and we met by accident in the swimming pool showers. I saw him on his knees in front of another teen and i peeked under the stall to see what they were doing. I wasn't shocked but the excitement was unreal...
Mike stepped out of the closet and noticed that all of his weapons were in a pile on the floor of the closet. He glanced over at the clock on the desk and saw that only fifteen minutes had passed. Cat had told him that would be the case, but it was difficult believe considering that an entire week had passed in Crossroads. He bent down and picked up his gun belt, badge, wallet, and coins from the floor. It took him a couple of minutes to get presentable. Once he was sure that everything was...
As he accepted the week’s pay from John Rider, Mike said, “It’s been an interesting week. I won’t say that I loved the job, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” John said, “I’ve got to admit that I’m shocked that you stayed the week.” “I learned a lot this week,” Mike replied dropping the coins into his money purse. Cat had told him to stay the week regardless of what happened. He wasn’t sure why she had been so insistent, but he followed her instructions and made the best of the...
Although it was nearly impossible for Mike to believe, Erica was even more responsive in bed than Cat. The young woman came just from being kissed. He had never thought of himself as having much stamina in bed, but she was unconscious before he was even close to coming. At first it worried him a lot, but he got used to her collapsing on the bed unconscious within a minute of two of him entering her. The solution was to include Cat in the bed so that she could warm him up before he turned his...
This is part 2 reading part 1 first is recommended. I have fleshed this out a bit more, but this is quite short compared to part 3. * Sarah was in the bathroom doing her morning routine of toilet then shower. She looked in the mirror, she applied her makeup, she smiled as she noticed a lack of wrinkles, her skin was good. She thought of how much Mike looked like his father Alan. When she was a teenager, Alan was the one man Sarah wanted, but her friend Karen got there first, her friend,...
Mike stepped out of the bank and took his first look upon Chaos. The majority of buildings surrounding the bank were made of stone. Further up and down the road were cheaper wooden structures. The wooden buildings were made of rough cut lumber. Most of the buildings weren’t painted leaving them in various states of decay. The wind shifted bringing with it the overwhelming stench of a distant tannery that nearly made him sick to his stomach. The heavy smoke of burning wood hung heavy in the...
Following the Mayor’s suggestion, Mike and Erica decided to spend the night in Kevin’s house. According to the law as pronounced by the Mayor, it was their property. There wasn’t much in the house; just a bed, a table, two chairs, a chest, and some cooking equipment. The shed outside had the tools for running a small farm. The real value of the farm was in the livestock. After looking around the little shack, Erica opened the chest and looked at the contents. There was some cloth, a bundle...