Emily's Story free porn video

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Emily's Story I was standing in the office of my new high school. I had switched in the middle of the year, and the consular was setting up my new schedule. My guidance worker, a tall older woman, softly typed on her keyboard and bit her lip in thought. "Hmm. We have a problem," she sighed. "What?" "See, you need an elective credit, yet it says here that you haven't taken any woodshop class." "Yeah, I know. At my old school we didn't have shop. Everybody just took home economics." "Hmm. Strange," she said. "Well, I can't just throw you in a workshop if you haven't had any experience. I mean, all of the important safety information has already been covered." "Oh... Well, then what should I do?" "I guess you'll just have to take it in summer school." "This school doesn't have a home economics class?" I asked. "Well... Yes, it does." "Why don't I just sign up for that then? It counts as an elective and I already have a semester of experience." "Well... You could, that is if you want to. It's that or summer school, but I must warn you. Once I setup your schedule, it is set for the whole semester. I can't change it until the next year." I did not want to sacrifice my entire summer to a stupid woodworking class, and I quickly agreed to take home economics. "Alright then," she smiled. "We're all done. Home Ec is your first class and I'll walk you to it." I smiled back at her. My smile however soon faded when I entered the class. Apparently, home economics in this school was not co-ed. I was the only male in the classroom. The girls all sat at tables and stared at me as if they had never seen a boy in their lives. The teacher, who was a young and attractive women smiled and asked, "Hello, my name is Ms. Lois. Can I help you?" "Uhh..." I stammered. My consular then hurried over and began explaining my situation to the instructor. She nodded and smiled a little uncomfortably and then shrugged her shoulders. My consular then gave me one last smile and left the room. Ms. Lois then stood and faced the class. "It would appear that we have a new member joining our class." She gestured towards me and said, "This is Emily Reed..." "Call me 'M'," I said in embarrassment as I heard some of the girls laugh. "Very well. 'M' is a new student here at our school and he has been placed in this class due to unusual circumstances. I hope that you girls will find the maturity to treat him as one of your own. Thank you." She directed me to sit down at a table in the back and then resumed doing something on the computer while the students talked quietly. The girls at my table were fascinated by my situation and were extremely outgoing. One of them seemed particularly interested in me. "Hey Emily! It's so weird having a boy in this class. I'm Melissa by the way." Melissa and her friends were all tall and attractive girls, and I wasn't used to talking to this sort of crowd. I stammered and could only get out, "Hi." She then continued, "These are my friends Holly and Lisa." Both girls waved with smiles on their faces. Holly looked a little ditzy with her blonde hair and bright face but very sweet. Lisa on the other hand had black hair, wore dark lipstick, and seemed a little bit like a tramp. She was still friendly though and I liked them all right off the bat. Just then Ms. Lois began talking to the class. "Well, ladies... and boy." She gave me an uneasy expression and I smiled. "As you all know... or most of you at least, we completed all the cooking, sewing, and family units last semester. This means that it is time for everyone's favorite unit... cosmetics." The class cheered and I looked at the teacher in disbelief. "Now, I know some of you are already professionals with make-up, yet I'm afraid I'm going to have to bore you all with the basics. Don't worry though. I'm sure even the most experienced of you all, will learn a trick or two before we're finished. Before we start though, I want you all to get out a paper and pencil and write a brief summary on what you already know about cosmetics. I'll be at my desk if you have any questions." I immediately made my way to her desk as everyone else began to write. "I assume that I'm excused from this portion of the class?" I inquired hopefully. "I'm afraid not Emily. (My name is M!!!!) There are plenty of Tom-Boys in here that have never touched a bit of blush. Yet, if they want to pass this class and get their credits, they will have to try some new things, just as you will." "Come on... You can't seriously expect a boy to... I mean my other class never had a make-up unit." "Well, your other class was designed for both sexes whereas this one is designed for girls only. You can't honestly expect me to rework to curriculum just for you. If I let people pass this class without putting any work in or learning the material, then no girls will learn their lessons. I'm not a sexist and I can't favor you just because you're male. I'm sorry Emily. My hands are tied. You will be expected to complete your assignments just as a girl is. "Whatever," I said feeling defeated. Just a couple weeks ago I never would have cooperated with this. Just a couple weeks ago I was an out of control sixteen year old who didn't take shit from anyone. One day I had gone to far though. I had set part of the school on fire and the entire building had to be evacuated. When my mom found out that I had been expelled she had us move to a different state and legally changed both our names just out of shame. She was so angry that she ignored my pleas not to and legally changed my name to "Emily." I told people to call me "M" but they almost never did. It was just too funny to call a boy Emily. When I got to my new town my mother had me talk with a psychiatrist, Dr. Hurley to work out my problems. He immediately prescribed me some medication to "calm me down" and ever since I started taking that, I've been just that. The pill makes me very shy, relaxed, and agreeable. That is probably why I didn't punch the teacher in the face for telling me that I'd have to wear make-up. I just calmly went back to my seat and began writing everything I knew about lipstick. As class ended, Ms. Lois assigned us a list of materials that we'd need to pick up for the next class. It included lipstick, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, etc. I'd have to actually go into a drug store and buy these things. After that class, the rest of my day seemed uneventful. Since I was on those pills, I really was quite calm and didn't attract any attention. Therefore, I got none. Nobody seemed to want to be friends with me or even notice me, other than the girls I met at Home-Ec, and when lunch came, I sat with Melissa, Lisa, and Holly. I wasn't really surprised. I was sixteen, but I had not even begun puberty. I had long messy brown hair but very little body hair. I also had a high voice, was only 5 feet three inches tall, and honestly I had a pretty small penis. I had only just begun to become attracted to girls but girls did not seem to have become attracted to me yet. After school was over, I was once again rushed by Melissa, Holly, and Lisa. "Oh-my-god! We all live in the same neighborhood!" Holly shouted as she saw the direction I was walking. This was the first time that I had seen all three girls standing up and I found it disturbing that they were all taller than I was. "Wait. Emily!" Lisa said. "You have to come over to my house after school. We're all hanging out in my room. You have to be there." I smiled. I couldn't believe how fast I had made these friends. "Alright. Sounds cool." We all walked and talked. Actually I mostly listened since I couldn't really participate in conversations about clothes, make-up, and boys. Finally, Melissa noticed that I wasn't really involved, and tried to make me feel more comfortable. "So Emily," she said. I winced at the name but was too nervous to bring it up. "What kind of music do you listen to?" I knew people lov when you agreed on good music, but I couldn't really think of the kind of stuff that they'd listen to. "Um. You know. A bit of everything," I said trying to play it safe. "I bet he listens to that heavy metal junk all boys listen to. They don't know the first thing about good music," Holly smirked. "No way!" Lisa laughed. "Come on Emily. Tell us you don't listen to heavy metal or rap or any of that garbage." "Of course not!" I said trying not to sound defensive. "Good! Nothing can beat the new Justin Timberlake album. He is too cute. Right Emily?" asked Melissa "Yeah!... I mean... the first part... I like his music," I stammered. They all laughed and I laughed a little too. When we got to Lisa's house we immediately ran up to her bedroom. She had a huge room with a TV, walk-in closet full of clothes, a make-up table, a bookshelf of magazines, and a giant stereo. We basically just chilled out for a few hours reading magazines, playing cards, watching TV, and talking. It was really fun and I think I felt more accepted in this group than I ever have been with any of my friends back home. "Are you nervous at all about the cosmetics class?" Holly asked me. "Yeah! Are you kidding? Everyone is going to laugh their asses off when they see me in make-up," I answered sadly. "Please don't swear," Lisa asked and I apologized immediately. "Anyway, don't worry about it. More men should wear make-up. I mean look at this dreamy man here." She held up a magazine with a picture of Orlando Bloom. "Even you have to admit that he has a cute face, Emily." "I'm not gay," I said defensively. "Come on. I'm not gay either but I'm not afraid to say that Melissa's blouse is sexy or that Holly has the cutest haircut ever," Lisa argued. Both girls smiled at her. "Show us that you're secure Emily and tell us what you like about Orlando Bloom's face." "Well..." I stuttered. "He really has perfect skin." "Exactly!" Lisa said. "And you could too! All you need is a little foundation." With that she pulled me over to the make-up table and began applying powder to my face. Before I summoned the confidence to stop her, she was finished. I looked in the mirror and was completely astonished. The small amount of acne and redness I had before was gone. My skin literally looked as perfect as the picture did. "There," Lisa said. "Notice the difference?" I nodded. "Emily, you can have that powder, I have plenty," Lisa offered. "Thanks!" I said. I really was amazed at how much better I looked. Lisa and Holly showed me how to put on the foundation and even gave me some cream that would make my skin "healthier". I thanked them and then soon left, saying goodbye. "Bye Emily. See you in class tomorrow!" I waved goodbye and began walking home. It was already really late and I figured that I'd stop at the drug store and see if I could pick up the things I needed for Home Economics. I had my list and carefully selected lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, blush, and nail polish. I also had to buy at least one beauty magazine to read. The list went on and on and my bill was really racking up. I carried all of the items to the cash register and the women behind the counter gave me a funny look. "For the girlfriend," I murmured quickly. "Right," she said sarcastically. Just then I saw a Justin Timberlake CD on the counter for sale. I thought about what my new friends had said about him earlier and threw it in my pile. "Is that for your 'girlfriend' too?" giggled the cashier. I paid and left without responding. My mother saw me as I walked in the door and suddenly stopped me. "Why are you coming in so late Emily? What is all that stuff in your bags?" "Do you have to call me that! My name is M!" "M for 'Manly Man' right? Is that why you have all those cosmetics in your bag?" I realized my situation and had to laugh with her. I explained to her my home-ec class and what I had to do and how I was stuck. I also told her about Melissa, Holly, and Lisa. She was astonished about how many friends I had made and was thrilled at the news. "You know Emily, I think this will be really good for you. You've never had many friends among girls, have you? Maybe you'll even get to be more than friends with one of them." "Jesus mom! You're making me uncomfortable." I went to my bedroom and shut the door. I suddenly was reminded of how much the girls hated that "heavy metal junk" and was humiliated to see the posters of "Black Sabeth" and "Hellhammer" all over my walls. I walked over to my wall and actually tore down all of my posters and threw them away. The same went for my CD collection. I never really even liked Heavy Metal anyway. I just bought all that junk to fit in with my old friends. I replaced the Heavy Metal CD's with my new Justin Timberlake one, and put it in my stereo. While I listened to it, I began to do all my other homework and read the beauty magazine. When I woke up the next morning, the white powder was smudged all over my pillow. After I took a shower, I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was back to its normal self, with small blemishes and imperfections. I got out the foundation and began fixing my face up before school. When I got to school, I went to my first period, Home Economics and sat down with the girls. The class could have been the most humiliating day of my life, but Melissa, Sandy, and Lisa were all very supportive. They were all extremely feminine pretty girls and were already quite skilled in cosmetics. The teacher was more than willing to let them divert their attention towards me. They were excellent teachers and insisted that it would only increase my appeal, and not make me too feminine looking. Before they began they tied my long brown hair back in a ponytail. "So it wouldn't get in the way." Then they spent a full 30 minutes working on my face and nails, while giving me instruction every step of the way. They complimented me on the fact that I remembered to wear foundation this morning and when they were done, they let me look in the mirror. I was astonished. I had gone from a pretty normal looking kid, to a boy who could've been a model. It definitely didn't make me look anymore masculine, but I didn't think I looked that much more feminine either (other than the ponytail). I looked a bit younger than usual, but other than that I just looked better in general. There was not much color and even the nail polish was clear. It just really cleared up my complexion and highlighted my features. Before they started, I had assumed that I would just wash it off afterwards, but after seeing myself and after hearing their encouragement, I decided that I would leave it on all day. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. I didn't realize that I was still wearing my ponytail until 3rd period, which was a little embarrassing but nobody seemed to notice. At lunch Holly ran up to me. "Emily, we're all signing up for Yoga Club come on." I followed her and she led me to a signup sheet where Lisa and Melissa had already written down their names. Holly pretty much insisted that I do it too and I didn't take much persuasion. More time with my new friends sounded good to me. After school we went to Lisa's house again and they continued their conversations that I had no part in. Suddenly the conversation drifted to Justin Timberlake and I finally chimed in. After listening to his entire album last night (and actually enjoying a lot of it) I took advantage of a subject that I could relate to. "Oh! I just heard that one, 'Right for Me' and it has to be one of my new favorites," I said. "Well, if you like him, Emily. You'd definitely go for Usher," exclaimed Melissa. "Really?" I said making a mental note. "Yeah! Hold on. I think I have the DVD of his last concert in my bag." "No, No. Don't worry about it. I'll just buy the CD. I don't need-" "Come on Emily," Melissa laughed. "You don't get 'Usher' unless you see 'Usher'." "Yeah," Holly chimed in. "Nobody has a body like that man. I don't even listen to the music. I just watch his abs." "I watch a little lower," whispered Lisa guiltily. "You slut!" laughed Melissa and hit Holly with a pillow. Apparently, some swear words were allowed and we all laughed for a while. I took Melissa's DVD and promised that I'd watch it when I got home. "Hey Emily!" Holly remembered. "Hey, I bet you don't own any leotards." "No. Why?" "Well, you'll need one for tomorrow in Yoga. It's required." "Are you serious? Whatever. I'll just call my mom and ask her to pick up one for me on the way home." "You have a lot of trust in your mother!" laughed Lisa, as I called. My mom was skeptical at the request but said she'd do it. We all watched Dawson's Creek for a while (which I once again was surprised at how much I enjoyed it) and then we all freshened up our make-up before going home. Before leaving they all hugged and kissed each other on the cheeks like they had yesterday, yet this time they included me in it. I did my best to mimic their actions and kiss them back but I found it was strictly platonic. When I got home my mother was waiting for me. She barely recognized me but only had nice things to say about my make-up. She then showed me my leotard and I was stricken with horror. To be honest, when I asked for one I really didn't know what it was. I thought it was more like a jumpsuit, but what my mother handed me looked much more like a black women's bathing suit. It was tight and although it had sleeves, it had a girl's cut below the waist. "It's what you asked for and it's all they had," she said. "I think it's what you need. Here these came with it also." She handed me a pair of black panties. "You don't have to wear the panties if you don't want to, but otherwise it might look kind of strange down there." Once again my mother had made the situation extremely uncomfortable and I ran with the leotard back to my room. The only underwear I had was boxers so I tried it on wearing those. It looked ridiculous with the plaid boxers sticking out of the bottom. So I took them off and reluctantly tried on the panties. When I looked at myself in the mirror I had to admit that it looked much better. I also found the panties to be much more comfortable, and although it flattened my already small manhood, I kind of enjoyed their feeling. I then did all of my homework, removed my make-up, and applied my skin cream all over my body. Then I remembered the Usher DVD and put it in my TV. As I watched him dance I was amazed by his body. The music completely faded from my mind as my eyes fell on his massive abs. Part of me envied him but another part of me felt very funny. Very different. There was only one word to describe this guy; hot. Those thoughts made me feel very uncomfortable but at the same time I really enjoyed watching him. The hour long show was over before I knew it and when it was done I put it away. I noticed that the DVD came with a free poster and looking at my bare walls I decided to put it up. He looked great on my wall and suddenly an idea hit me. I ran to my Justin CD and sure enough it came with a poster too. I put that one up as well next to Usher. Now I had posters of my new two favorite singers. The next day was a very similar routine. I went to Home Economics where I learned more about make-up. When I looked in the mirror I noticed that my eye shadow was much darker. I asked Melissa about it and she explained that she was trying to exemplify my positive features, by drawing more attention to my eyes. I was flattered by this and although I felt it made me look more feminine, I also thought that it made my face look more attractive. I knew that I couldn't clean it off with out clearing the entire canvas, so I decided to leave it alone for the day. Yoga club came after school and everybody went to the bathrooms to change into their leotards. I had mine and my new panties in my bag and I put both on in the guy's bathroom by myself. Although I was self- conscious I had to admit that the uniform was great for movement. Also my groin was as flat as any girl's. I also noticed something that was quite surprising. The hair on my arms and legs was gone. It must've simply fallen out in the shower that morning. Was it the skin cream? I'd have to talk to Lisa about that. I came out and realized that once again I was in a class of all girls. "Emily!" Melissa shouted as she ran towards me. "Let me tie your hair back during class so it won't get in your face." She pulled a hair tie off her wrist. "You should always keep one of these on you, just in case." She tied my hair back in a ponytail again like yesterday. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked ridiculously feminine, with my hair tied back, my make-up, my flat groin, and my leotard. I just shrugged my shoulders though, and figured it was better to fit in then stick out. I was almost embarrassed about my flat chest. The class was hard and afterwards we went back to Lisa's house to hang out. The girls kept encouraging me to be open about what I thought about the Usher DVD and I was eventually honest. They said it was perfectly normal for a boy to be attracted to another boy, especially one as "cute" as Usher or Justin. It felt great to be so honest and after that I was much more involved in discussions about boys, and openly told them which ones I thought were cute or not. I even went as far as to imply that I might kiss Ashton Kutcher if given the chance. The girls just laughed and commended me on my security with my sexuality. My confidence shot through the roof and I asked for anymore recommendations on music and movies. They told me that boys were great for videos but the best music was by girls. Lisa gave me a mix with Kelly Clarkson's "A Moment Like This," the Ronette's "Then He Kissed Me," and Jamie O'Neal's "Somebody's Hero." We listened to them and I was sort of persuaded into loving them all. Later I kissed my friends goodbye and left. When I got home I listened to the mix CD and even danced a little in my room while reading some girl magazines Melissa gave me. I realized that I was still wearing the panties from Yoga and after a day in them, I never wanted to go back to boxers. I decided to ask my mother for more. I was having such a great day, I figured nothing could go wrong. "Hey mom!" I said happily as I came down the stairs. "Hi Emily, how was your day?" I knew she was expecting the same answer I usually gave her which was "fine" or "okay" but I really wanted to talk to her. I told her all about home economics and about the new tricks I learned with eye shadow. I told her how at first I was anxious about the leotard but nobody said a thing and I felt really comfortable. I even accidentally let something slip about how I thought Usher was cute. She seemed shocked by everything I said, but at the same time happy that I was talking to her. I decided that the panties question could wait for another day and I just went to sleep after I took off my make-up and applied my cream. I had forgotten to ask Lisa about the hair problem and figured it was all for the better. I actually thought my skin looked fine without the hair and there was no point in starting a fight. The next few days were sweet. I got much closer with my girlfriends and while I was with them I just felt so much more secure with myself. I found myself staring at a cute boy in my Math class the entire period. I was kind of worried about this. I mean I wasn't gay, but Holly comforted me and convinced me that it was only natural. The make-up unit was nearly over and I was doing it all on my own now. Ms. Lois said I was her most improved student and I was even experimenting with new things. I had used a darker lipstick to increase the fullness of my lips and had used more blush on my cheeks to give myself more color. I also plucked my eyebrows so that they'd make a thin arch. When I looked in the mirror, I really felt like I looked good. On Thursday when I kissed Lisa goodbye she said, "Wow girl, your skin is really taking to that cream. You feel softer and smoother than I do." "Yeah right Lisa," I laughed. I had already asked my mother for the new panties and when I got home she had already gotten them. She seemed really skeptical on the phone but when she saw me, she looked happy. "I got these for you today at JC Penny. They're cheap but I figured if you want more expensive ones you can get them on your own." She had gotten me plenty of pairs for everyday and they were in shades of blue, purple, and pink. "They're gorgeous!" I screamed. "I got you some other things too. A pair of jeans and a shirt." She pulled out a pair of tight faded jeans and a red blouse. The garments were not ultra girly, but they were distinctly female. "Oh my god!" I ran up to her and hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. As I did, I pulled my right foot up a bit as I saw the girls do. My mother was taken aback. "I'm going to go try them on right now!" I said excitedly. "No, not right now Emily. I'm going out for a bit to see Doctor Hurley." I didn't know that what my mom had just done was a test. As I tried on my new clothes my mother was driving to her psychiatrist's office. A half hour later she was sitting on Dr. Hurley's couch explaining the recent changes in her little boy. "He has posters of shirtless male pop musicians all over his room, he's been wearing make-up, all his friends are girls, HE'S WEARING PANTIES!" she rambled. "Yes. I see. Well it seems clear to me that your son is going through a stage of transition. He is developing his gender identity at a remarkably late age, yet that is what he is doing. It is clearly being influenced not only by his new friends, but by his mother as well." "What have I done?" "What kind of effect were you expecting to leave on your son's psyche by changing his name to Emily?" "Oh my god... This is all my fault," my mother cried. "You say this as if this is a dug grave, miss. From what I can tell, your son is going through an extreme change. Your choice is whether you want to encourage the change, or put an end to it. So it falls on you. What do you want to do?" "Well, honestly I am only seeing the positive elements of this change. He has more friends, his grades are improving, he is in great shape, or if he was a girl he would be. Best of all, our relationship has never been better. He tells me things he never would've before and is very open with his feelings." "Then you've made your decision. The important thing is that you stick with it. What Emily needs now is stability." "But what can I do? How can I encourage this behavior without taking complete control of his life?" "Once again this is pure speculation. Yet he seems like he is on the path towards transition into the female sex. What we can do is simply put him on a strict hormone regimen in order to 'help him along'. Otherwise, he'll eventually go through a male puberty, causing his vocal chords to lengthen irreversibly and other changes which will make his transition infinitely more difficult. I can prescribe you some medication immediately." From that day on, my mother secretly placed a small pill in my juice every morning. Meanwhile, my life was going great. We began the hair unit on Friday and I learned simple things such as putting my long hair in a ponytail by myself. During Yoga I put on my leotard and tied my hair back into two pigtails which my friends thought were adorable. After school on the walk home I saw the cute boy from math class walk near us. I had learned that his name was Nick. "That's him!" I whispered excitedly. "That's the boy I told you about." "You've got good taste," laughed Lisa. "Go talk to him!" urged Melissa. "No, No. I can't," I smiled and blushed. I searched for an excuse. "I'm not even wearing any lip gloss." Holly ran into her purse and grabbed some and hurriedly put it on my lips. Then they shoved me into him and I fell on him. He was much bigger than me and he didn't fall down but just shoved me off him. "Hi," I said shyly. "Dude! Get off man." He then saw who it was. "Oh. It's you. I see you staring at me man." My heart rose. "I'm sorry... But uhh... I'm not gay. So... please go away." He saw my pained expression and looked like he genuinely felt bad. "I'm sorry. It's cool if you are, but uh... you know... I don't want to send you the wrong message. I'm sorry." He hurried away. I turned back to my friends and saw their faces. I burst into tears. It was the first time I had cried in years, and I had never felt this much emotion at once. I honestly wanted to die. They rushed over and hugged me. "It's okay Emily," Holly cooed. "You'll get the next one," Melissa cheered softly. "He was a pig anyway," Lisa sneered. They helped me up and walked me to Lisa's house in silence. It was more than just the rejection. He thought I was gay. I had completely forgotten about sexuality at that point. I had just thought that he was attractive and I thought maybe he felt the same way about me. Did that mean I was gay? When we got to Lisa's house, I cried for hours. The girls just told me to forget that jerk and handed me tissues. My tears ruined all of my make-up and it made me cry more. Finally Lisa came up with an idea to cheer me up. She lifted my head. "How about we have a slumber party tonight with just us and no mean boys. And tomorrow we'll go to the mall and buy some more cute jeans and shirts. Does that sound good?" I sniffled and nodded. I called my mom and told her what happened and that I was staying the night at Lisa's. She consoled me and I felt a little better. We all stripped down to our shirts and panties and watched "The Notebook." I guess I was still recovering from what happened earlier but I was the only one that cried in the end. That night Lisa told us about her relationships with different guys in horrific detail. "Ooooo! Gross! Steve Hans!" Melissa screamed and laughed. "Come on! He's cute," Lisa said with a smile. "I'm actually jealous," I said. "I can't wait to lose my virginity." "No way, Emily!," Lisa said seriously. "I'm jealous of you. I miss being a sweet and naive little girl. You can wait... and so can the boys." Everyone laughed. When we woke up the next morning, we all got dressed to go to the mall. My clothes were dirty, but Lisa lent me some of hers. I wore my own purple panties underneath some floral jeans, and a yellow blouse. The clothes were a bit big on me, but I liked them anyway. I put my hair in a ponytail so that I could do my make-up and then we all left for the mall. Lisa's mother drove us and she introduced herself to me. She was very nice and said that she was glad that her daughter has befriended such a nice boy. We all had lots of money and when we got to the mall, we had a blast. First, we all went to a vintage clothing store that was very expensive. I bought some more hot jeans, with glitter writing and flower designs. I also picked out some different colored blouses. Suddenly Holly ran up to me, holding a pink long skirt and begging me to try it on. "Pleeeeease..." she begged. Melissa and Lisa came over to me cheer me on as well. "I don't really think it's me... I mean... Come on. I'll look silly." I was very reluctant. They kept at me though, and finally I went into the changing room and tried it on. When I came out, the reaction was so strong that I had no choice but to buy it. Afterwards we went to a jewelry store, where I got two piercing in each ear. I started crying from the pain, but Holly hugged me and told me that I did great. They only gave me these pink studs for each ear, but said that I could get better ones once they've been in there for a while. Lastly, we checked out the music store, where I bought two new CDs of Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees when I saw that they both came with posters. The clerk was male and laughed at me when I made the purchases. "What a fag," he sneered. Melissa actually flicked him off and hugged me when she saw the tears in my eyes. When I got home, I modeled my skirt for my mom. She said that she loved it and that the Yoga class was really giving my body a good shape. I hugged her and ran to my room to listen to my new music. I put up the new posters too and fantasized for a while about Usher and the Backstreet Boys. My fantasies were beginning to become very specific and it often involved scenes with just myself and Usher. I took a bath and used some new scented oils and shampoo that I got at the mall. When I got out, I realized that my mother was right. In just a couple weeks, Yoga had already had a massive effect on my body. I was very lean, and although I loved my new body type, I realized that I had practically no muscle mass. I blow dried my hair, pulled on a pair of panties, and went to bed. I began to notice strange changes in my body in just a few weeks. The first was probably the most embarrassing. My penis was shrinking considerably. Even though it started out at a mere three inches erect, I was now less than two. I was frightened at what was happening. A result of this was that I could no longer pee standing up. It would just fall straight down like a girl. This meant that from that day on, I had to pee sitting down like a woman and use toilet paper afterwards. In addition, I found that I no longer was the least bit aroused when I thought about women. One day, Melissa showed us a porn movie and the only thing I could focus on was the guy. I was finally beginning to confess to myself that I was gay. Another huge change, were in my nipples. It began as just an itchy sensitivity, but now it was obvious that they were actually swelling. Also, rather than my dick getting hard, which never happened anymore, when I was aroused my nipples would harden and stick out. My hips were also becoming wider, whereas my waist might actually have been shrinking. I didn't understand what was happening. I finally decided to tell my mother about it. "Mom... I don't know if you've noticed but my body's been changing a little bit." "Well, of course I've noticed Emily. I see you everyday." I didn't know what to say, so I just took off my blouse and showed my mother my chest. At first she looked like she was about to giggle but she immediately got a hold of herself. "Emily dear. I have something for you." She pulled out of her bag something that looked like a white extremely small and tight undershirt. She told me to put it on, and I did. It just went over my head like a shirt and it fit me perfect, supporting my small chest. "There. Nice and snug." "Is this a bra?" I asked. "No, No. It's just something people wear for extra support. People with your problem. Lots of people wear them." It was now my turn to be skeptical, but I had to admit that they were comfortable. My mother gave me enough to wear everyday, and I began doing that. A couple weeks later one night while I was reading a magazine, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I stripped down to a bra (I had outgrown the training bra and bought new ones for an A cup) and panties. I began examining my body. I had absolutely no muscle and my skin was extremely soft and smooth. I touched my belly and it jiggled a bit. "You're disgusting." I told myself. "You look like a whale." I was ashamed at how much I weighed. Just wearing a bra and panties, I walked into the hall bathroom where the scale was. I stepped on it and saw that I tipped the scales at 120 pounds! I had just measured my height at 5'4! I started crying. Desperate to lose a couple pounds real quick, I sat down and peed in the toilet. After wiping, I unhooked my bra and kept my panties off. I stepped back onto the scale and weighed myself again; 119 pounds. I pulled some more toilet paper out to dry my tears. I looked in the bathroom mirror. My penis was now less than a half an inch, and my testicles had resided into my body. I was even seeing folds of flesh developing on each side. The changes were happening so slowly, that I barely even noticed them and it felt easier just to live in denial. Just then my mother walked into the bathroom, not knowing I was in there. She saw me naked and crying. Our relationship had changed a lot and when I covered up, she told me to relax and let her see. I lowered my hands and she looked at my naked body and smiled. "You look beautiful. Why are you crying?" "I'm as fat as a cow!" She shook her head. "Emily... you look gorgeous." I looked in the mirror again and started crying and hugged her. "How's this?" she said. "I'll write up a diet that we can both go on. That will help you burn off the few extra pounds that Yoga isn't doing." I sniffled and nodded as I hugged her. "There there, Emily. Now let's get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow." The next day, I told my friends about how weird it was to be comfortable while I was undressed in front of my mother and they weren't surprised at all. "It's great to feel secure with your own body. I mean, if I have a problem or want some advice on my body, I'll openly ask one of you all or my mother," Holly assured me. "In fact, we've all kind of noticed that you seem really protective of your body," Lisa said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, like before and after Yoga class. Instead of staying with all of us, you go over to that empty locker room and change by yourself. You should just come in with us." "But that's a girl's locker-room!" "Just come in today. I swear, nobody will say anything," Melissa promised. That day before Yoga class, I followed the girls into their locker room. It was filled with all the other girls in the Yoga class changing. I had never seen so many naked girls at once, but I found that I was not aroused or uncomfortable. Instead it made me feel more willing to get undressed myself. I removed my rings, bracelets, and necklace, took out my earrings, changed into a sports bra and my leotard and went into the class. After the class, I went back into the locker-room, and realized that we'd now all have to take showers. I was worried about taking off all of my clothes, but I did anyway, and went into the shower room. I joined the other naked girls and stood next to Holly and Melissa. They both complimented me on my smooth skin. We took a long shower, and laughed about boys and the Yoga exercises. As I was washing my body down with scented soap and shampoo, Melissa turned to me and started talking privately. "Emily... you know you're really letting yourself go down there." She indicated towards my genitals." "What do you mean" I whispered back. "Well, look at Lisa and me." I looked down at their vaginas and saw that they were both completely waxed. It was funny that I hadn't been interested enough to look once down there. I suddenly felt very self conscious at my messy pubic hair. Even Holly was at least trimmed neatly. "Here, I'll show you how, come on." Once I rinsed out my hair, I mimicked the way she wrapped the towel around her chest and bottom, and followed her into the bathroom stall. She had some small scissors in her hand and told me to sit down on the toilet. I was extremely nervous that she'd laugh at me when she saw how small my penis was but she didn't mention it. She just trimmed my bush into a thin little heart. As she worked she spoke, "boys love a clean trimmed vagina. If you can find one sweet enough to lick it for you... Oh girl. That's heaven." Then she pulled out something else that seemed to be some sort of biological adhesive, and began applying it to one side of my thin, short penis. Then she placed it in-between the small labia that were forming and held it there for a few seconds. When she finally let go, it stayed there on its own, and my penis was completely invisible beneath my labia and trimmed pubic hair. What I now had between my legs was practically indistinguishable from an authentic vagina. At first I was shocked and a little angry. I tried to put it back like it was, but the glue wouldn't budge. It really wasn't that much different than before, but at least before I could wiggle it around if I wanted to. Now it was as if it wasn't even there. But Melissa was persistently telling me that it looked "so much sexier" and eventually I had to agree with her. I put on some perfume and make-up and even tried out a new color called devil red. I blew a kiss at the mirror and my friends laughed. I got so many compliments that I actually got excited to show my mother my new look when I got home. First, though I went over to Lisa's house and she let me borrow one of her thong panties, as long as I gave her some of my lip gloss. When I tried on the thong, it looked sexy in the mirror with my new trimmed bush. The one good thing about being a little fatter than I'd like to be was that I had a sweet looking ass. I came out and modeled the thong for my friends and they insisted that I had to get a tattoo on my butt. I blushed and giggled. When I got home, I told my mom about it and showed her my thong. She looked very amused but told me that it looked very realistic and pretty. She warned me that I didn't want to be marked as "easy" when wearing clothes like that, and I just laughed. I was so excited that I ran up to my room and planted a huge kiss on Justin Timberlake's poster. I closed my eyes and imagined it was really him and when I finally pulled my head away I saw my lipstick on his lips. I grabbed a magic marker and drew a heart around his head and fluttered my long eyelashes. In about a month we were finished all of the beauty units in Home Economics and I had done so much extra reading in magazines that I was the star pupil. However it was around this time, that I got into huge trouble. Me and Lisa were watching some Ashton Kutcher movie at her house and talking about school when suddenly Holly walked in with a smile on her face. "What's so funny?" Lisa asked. "Guess who's coming over," Holly said as she tried to hold back a huge smile. "WHO?!" I asked excitedly. "Adam... Bennot!" she said dramatically. I gave out a high giddy scream. "Right now! He's coming here!" Lisa asked seeming angry. "Yeah! Why? What's wrong?" Holly said "Do you have any idea how much trouble we'll get into! I'm not allowed to have boys in my room! My parents aren't even home!" "What about me?" I asked confused. "What do you mean you?" Lisa asked annoyed. "Oh you know what I mean... boy-Boys." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Whatever. We don't have time for this right now!" The doorbell suddenly rang. "He's here!" I screamed forgetting all about what Lisa said. We ran to the stairs and stopped at the top to listen excitedly while Lisa opened the door. "Hey Lisa," Adam said uncomfortably. "Hello Adam," Lisa answered coldly. Evidently they had a history together. "Is Holly here?" "YES!" Holly screamed and ran down the stairs. I followed her. "Hey Holly. And you're Emily right?" He knew my name. Adam Bennot was a senior while we were only sophomores and he was one of the cutest boys I knew. He turned to Lisa. "Would you like to... go up to your room." She shook her head. She turned to us. "If you two girls want to go with him that's your problem. He's all yours!" With that she sat down on a couch so that she could see the window and watch for her parents. Adam looked at me and Holly and smiled. "You heard her." He was a real guy. Six feet tall, 180 pounds of muscle. I wished I was wearing a skirt rather than jeans, and was relieved when I remembered that I was wearing a black thong and bra. (I was now a B cup) We walked upstairs giggling with excitement. When we got to Lisa's room, Adam, closed the door, dimmed the lights, and set himself on the bed. He stared at us. "Who wants to start?" he said with a smile. "I will," Holly said excitedly. She pulled off her top and slowly took of her jeans. I saw the cellulite on her sides, and actually felt an evil joy that I had a better body than her. She laid down next to him and began making out with him. I saw his groin begin to stick up as he grew hard. His penis looked like it was about eight inches long. I felt humiliated at my inexperience but at the same time determined to get Adam's attention off Holly and onto me. I kicked off my jeans to reveal my sexy thong and pulled off my top. Then, I walked slowly over to the foot of the bed and began crawling up on top of Adam's muscular body like an animal. When I got to his face, I was sprawled out on top of him and I could feel a bulge beneath me. I stuck my tongue into his ear and began rotating it around. He turned his head towards me and began kissing me. His tongue went all the way in my mouth and he was very aggressive. Suddenly he used his muscular hands to push my and Holly's head away and into each other. He wanted us to kiss. Holly opened her mouth and I reluctantly followed. It felt disgusting and weird kissing a girl, but I felt that if it would make Adam happy, I'd do my best. After a while, Holly went back to kissing him. Determined to beat her, I unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers. Hard as ever, was his enormous cock. I licked all around it and finally began sucking it directly. It was gross but I could tell that I was making him happy. Suddenly the door flew open. It was Lisa's mom and she screamed. Adam sat up abruptly, and me and Holly fell off the bed. Lisa's mom had apparently heard Adam's moans and Lisa could not hold her off. She didn't even give us time to get dressed, and while we tried to cover up she herded us into the car. I had left my pants and blouse at Lisa's house and was just wrapped in a sheet that I shared with Holly. It felt really weird being so close to a naked girl. A guy walking by saw two hot naked girls sharing a sheet and whistled. It made me feel worse. Lisa's mother drove me and Holly home while we sobbed in the car. She spoke with my mother and my mom gave me a furious and disappointed look which made me cry harder. I ran up to my room sobbing, and trying to cover up while waiting for my mother to come in to give me a lecture. Not only did my mom know that I was having sex but now she knew that I was gay. I got dressed and did my best to fix my make-up and hair in-between sobs, but my tears kept messing it up. When my mom finally came in, she saw me crying and hugged me. "Everything's going to be okay, Emily." "Mommy. I'm-m sorry. I was just at L-l-l-lisa's house and... and he was there and I d-d-don't know why I did. But h-h-he... was so nice... and I-I-..." I couldn't even talk, I was sobbing so bad. "It's okay Emily. People make mistakes. Just calm down. I want to tell you something." "W-w-what?" I cried. "It's perfectly normal for a teenager your age to start liking boys. I did it. My mother did it. All of your friends are going through the same thing you are." "They are?" "What's important is that you channel those impulses and those feelings, and control them. Today you were going to have sex with a man you didn't know too well, and from what I understand he wasn't even wearing a condom. That is not healthy." "I know that!" I cried. "Alright, so here is what I'm going to do. I got this for you already, but wasn't going to give it to you until you were a little older, but I guess now is a good time." She handed me a box. "What is it?" I asked. I opened it and saw the long hard wiggly thing in it. "It's a vibrator. Women use it for masturbation. You can use it until you meet the right guy." "Thank you," I cried and hugged her. She smiled at me. Sadly, I did not get off without punishment. My allowance was completely cut off and I now had to be home before dark everyday. I also had to call before I went out with my friends and tell her who I was with. Holly and Lisa received the same punishments. I felt bad that Lisa was punished even though she wasn't really involved but she was nice about it and said that it was going to happen one of these days. This meant that instead of buying clothes, we would share more, which meant that I would wear much more feminine clothes than I was used to. It made us that much closer though, and we would often model each other's clothes. One day while walking to school with just Melissa and Holly, I collapsed. When I woke up, I learned that I had already been to the hospital had and moved to gynecological specialist who had no choice but to do an emergency operation. My mother was next to me and told me that I had developed female organs inside myself, and my uterus and ovaries had caused me to menstruate. Yet my vaginal opening was deformed so the doctor had to correct it. She said that was the reason why I wasn't having my period and that it should start monthly very soon. When I finally looked down, I saw that I now had a new beautiful, clean shaven vagina. I had very mixed emotions and felt very confused and vulnerable. The female doctor came in and put my legs on those things that pregnant people use so that she could get a better look inside me. She told me that my new vagina was flawless, that I had a clitoris for sexual stimulation, and I could even become pregnant. My mother thanked her and she complimented her for having such a beautiful daughter. When I finally came home, life was not much different. I finally got to see my friends and they had me show them my vagina. They said that it was very pretty and that I was the hottest of all of them. They then surprised me by telling me that we were all going to the beach for the weekend. It turned out, that Melissa's parents had a house down there, and they had invited all of us to come along. I asked my mom if it was alright, and she smiled and nodded. It was me, Melissa, her father, her older brother, Lisa, and Holly. That meant that there were four of us jammed in the backseat, while Melissa rode up front with her dad. I didn't complain. I was squeezed up against Melissa's extra cute brother, Charlie, who I flirted with the entire trip down. I even fell asleep on his shoulder at one point and he let my lay there. When we got to the beach, all the girls (including me) realized that we didn't even have cute bathing suits. Lisa, Melissa, Holly, and I all separated from the boys and hit the shops. First, we found a spa, that we completely bought into. We spent all of Friday night being pampered and madeover. I found the cutest male masseuse who was from Germany, and I let him rub me for about an hour until Lisa pulled me off the table. Before we left, we all got are vaginas waxed so that we'd look hot when we tried on bathing suits. As I was leaving the German masseuse ran up to me and asked for my number. I remembered what my mom said and gave him a fake one. After that, we checked out the shops and tried on all sorts of bathing suits. I was kind of shy at first and just picked out a blue one piece, but Lisa insisted I buy a pink thong bikini. We also got these cute designer sunglasses and towels. When Melissa's dad saw how much we spent, he was so angry but Melissa did her "daddy's little girl" act and got us all off. That night, Melissa and Holly went nightswimming in the ocean, while me and Lisa tried to get into one of the clubs. The bouncer wouldn't let us in because we were underage and didn't have an ID. I looked at Lisa and smiled. I was only wearing my pink bikini top and a pair of baby blue short shorts, and I brought my tits right up to the bouncers face. I took one hand and touched his cheek and winked at him. He made a noise and I saw the front of his pants move. I slowly moved my long red fingernail down his naval until I felt his cock and I moved it a bit. He shuddered. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked playfully. "Leroy," he said in a nervous voice. He was a big strong guy, and I wrapped my lean arms around his neck, and slowly pulled his head down a little. I stood up on my tippy-toes so that I could just barely reach his ear and whispered, "I'm Emily. We don't really need our ID do we, Leroy." I made a sad face, and he finally let me in. I jumped and smiled, and then gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked like he was about to faint. "You're my hero, Leroy." I wiggled my fingers goodbye and went inside. Once we were inside, nobody carded us and we drank all we wanted. We didn't have to pay for any of our drinks, because cute guys kept buying them for us. I tried all these tropical dainty beverages that I never had before. I was pretty tipsy by the end of the night and the boys were able to get me and Lisa on top of the bar dancing and we even made-out at one point. I was really drunk, but Lisa was able to hold her liquor and she took me out on the town. She led me to a tattoo parlor and we were both laughing as I picked out a little pink butterfly tattoo to go on my ass. The tattoo guy looked excited and told me to lay down on his lap. "Are you gonna spank me?" I giggled as I kicked off my shorts and laid down so my hips were on his waist. "Only if you ask me to," he laughed. I was only wearing a bikini and he began tattooing the feminine shape on my butt. I was so drunk I barely felt it. When he was done, I looked at it in the mirror and jiggled my ass as I laughed. You could see the pink butterfly dance. After that I got one more on my arm, which was a black chineses symbol that meant "princess." I kind of wanted to leave after that but then Lisa said that we could get matching ones on our breasts that would make us like sisters. It seemed kind of goofy but I was drunk and I went with it. We both took off our tops, and each got the same tattoo on each breasts; on the right in pink letters, "Girl," and on the left in the same style, "Power." Lisa also had the guy pierce both our left nipples, and we got rings. That really really hurt and in combination with being tired, the pain, and these weird cramps that were making me really emotional, I started crying. Lisa saw me, "It's okay Emily. It's alright. We're going." She paid and we left. We snuck back in to Melissa's house at 2:00 AM, changed into a bra and panties and slept for twelve hours straight. When we finally woke up, I remembered the tattoos and the piercings I had gotten the previous night and looked down at the carnage. It wasn't that bad. In fact the butterfly tattoo was hot, and the piercing looked kind of sexy. I didn't really like the girl power tattoos on my breasts but I was relieved to see that my bra and top completely covered them. They were all in all super girly. I met with Lisa, changed into my pink thong bikini, grabbed my sunglasses and headed out to the beach. Melissa and Lisa were crazy enough to go into the water, but me and Holly just laid back and tanned on the beach. Some 14 year old boys started harassing us. It wasn't that big of a deal but I was in a really bitchy mood because of the cramps for some reason and screamed over to their mothers. I was really satisfied when the annoying boys got told off and seeing how embarrassed they were. Holly gave me a weird look. Later I saw some cute guys playing football on the beach. They kept trying to showoff to impress me and Holly. It was adorable. I played along and flirted. I had not thought about football in forever and had completely forgotten all the complicated rules. It really seemed like a silly game. Me and Holly were both lying on our stomachs tanning and watching these guys play, and just for fun when I saw the quarterback looking at me, I slapped Holly on the ass. The quarterback looking at us forgot what he was doing and was tackled immediately. Me and Holly cracked up. "Guys are so easily manipulated," I laughed. Holly smiled at me. All day I continued to act on edge and grumpy. We stopped for dinner at a pizza place, and I whined how I couldn't et anything, because nothing was on my diet. I went to the girl's room during dinner and sat down to pee. When I looked down at my bikini bottom, I saw that the white interior was stained red. The suit was ruined, and I was bleeding. I started crying and ran to get someone. I found Melissa and she came into the bathroom with me and I showed her what happened. "Oh my god. That is so cute," she said with her hand over her heart. "What. Do I have to go to the hospital?" I said with tears in my eyes. "No... Emily. You're having your first period. It means you're getting older." She had her purse with her and she took off my bathing suit bottom and handed me a tampon. She explained to me how to insert it and how it was important to change them often, to avoid infection. "I thought it might have been your time of month from the way you've been acting," she laughed. "Don't worry about it. We've all been there. That night I went to the drug store and bought a box of tampons. I couldn't believe I'd have to live through these cramps once a month. They hurt so bad. I just stayed indoors on Sunday and talked with Melissa's brother, Charles. He was very shy, but also very funny and nice. I flirted with him all day, just waiting for him to make a move on me, but apparently he was too scared. He was too sweet. He even sat through all of my chick flicks and bitching just so he could be with me. We finally drove home and I fell asleep in his lap again. When I got home I talked to my mom about my period. She had tears in her eyes as I spoke. I also ended up admitting that I got those tattoos, and that I had gotten my nipple pierced. At first she looked angry but then just shrugged it off. She smiled and said, "Girls will be girls." I hugged her and went to bed. Life between us, was so much different. She was dating again finally, and I was beginning to as well. We would give eachother beauty and style advice. We were so close that we never used any of the locks around the house, and I often would walk downstairs without even getting dressed. Our house became, the great hideaway from all boys, where you could just put your feet up and not have to worry about how you look. One night I was walking home from Lisa's house all by myself. It was past curfew and my mother had warned me with stories about raped and kidnapped girls who thought they could walk home alone. Suddenly, out of nowhere a man grabbed my wrists. It was an adult and I tried to fight him off but he was a strong man and I was just a weak girl. He held my arm against the wall and I bit his wrist. He let go and I tried to run, but tripped on my high heels. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. "I like it when they fight," he whispered maliciously. I started crying. He pulled down my panties and lifted up my skirt. I heard his zipper unzip and I screamed. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming toward us, and he let go of me. I fell down still crying and pulled my panties up. I saw a man I recognized. It was Charlie. He threw the guy on the ground and punched him. He then turned to me. "Are you okay?" he asked gasping for breath. The rapist ran away, and Charlie looked pale and scared. "Thanks to you. I think I twisted my ankle," I tried to catch my breath and then I remembered who I was talking to. "Emily!?," he said in shock. "Is that you? Are you alright?" "I'm fine. It's just my ankle.," I tried to stand but couldn't. "Listen. I was just wondering... You look like you could use... Can I-" "Will you carry me home?," I asked with a smile. "I'd love to. You look cold." He handed me his Varsity jacket and then he picked me up in his arms and physically carried me home. I felt so vulnerable in his arms and was not only attracted physically but emotionally as well. I held onto his neck and leaned my head into his large pectorial muscles. I felt his breathing relax me. We talked a little as we walked. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met and I thought it was adorable how shy and uncomfortable he was. He admitted that he had had a crush on me, but I kept the fact that I thought about him while using my vibrator to myself. When I finally got home, he asked for my number and promised that he'd call me. The next day, Lisa insisted that I must've had sex last night from the way I was smiling. I insisted that I had not, and then finally told them about Charlie. They contorted with horror when I told them about the attack and then sighed with envy as I described the romantic act of heroism. Melissa was completely cool with me dating her brother, and said that it would be great to have me as a sister. When the weekend came, Charlie was true to his word and called me. He invited me out to dinner, which I quickly accepted. I told my mom everything and she decided to let me go out past curfew. I was wearing a dress that I had purchased from my savings. It was a black strapless mini-dress that was a little high above the knee for my mother's taste, but my friends insisted I was hot. I had gotten my hair and nails done, and had taken extra care with my make-up. I was wearing dark eye-shadow and red lipstick, and when I looked in my mirror I saw that I had never looked better. I was waiting by the door when he got there and I pulled it open just as his hand began to knock. He saw me all made-up and looked at me with his mouth opened. I could tell he wanted to skip dinner and go straight to his bedroom, but he restrained himself. Even with my high heels, I was only up to his chin and I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was too stunned to move and I kissed his limp face on the lips. We went to the restaurant, where he let me order whatever I wanted and paid like a gentlemen. The entire meal we talked about ourselves. I learned that he was going to John Hopkins University on a scholarship, and that his grades were good enough to put him through medical school. He was going to become a doctor. He was so ambitious that he had already begun classes planned to get through all of college in just eight years That night, he dropped me off at my house and instead of being aggressive, he simply kissed me goodnight "Hey Emily. One more thing." "Yeah, Charlie?" "Will you go to prom with me?" I ran up to him and kissed him. I was the only one of our little group who was dating a senior, so I was the only one going to prom. The girls gushed over my gown, which was pink and flowing. I had picked out the sexiest panties and bra that I could find to go underneath it, and I was determined to go all the way with Charlie. I reserved hours worth of appointments to get ready. I had my nails done, hair done, vagina waxed, and my teeth professionally whitened. When Charlie picked me up on prom night, I looked better than ever. We danced and kissed all through prom, and afterwards I was exhausted. I fell asleep in his truck while he was driving. When I woke up I found that he had driven all night to the beach house while I slept, and had picked me up and laid in the bed inside. He was laying down next to me and we were both fully clothed. I slowly took off my dress and high heels. Then I slid down my panties and unhooked my bra. Trying my best to be sneaky I unzipped Charlie's pants and pulled them off him. I giggled as he lay there asleep in his dress shirt and underwear. I unbuttoned his shirt and opened it up a little so that I could see his muscular chest. I finally decided to wake him up by sucking on his nipple. He woke up, laughed, and then we made love. During sex his demeanor completely changed. Rather than being easygoing and shy, he took complete control. He held my wrists down on the bed as he thrusts his cock into my wet pussy. He moved up and down. "You're my bitch! Say it!" "I'm you bitch! Oh Charlie! Oh Charlie! I'm Charlie's bitch!" I gave out in high screams. "Say, I'm your master!" Say it bitch!" "CHARLIE! YOU'RE MY MASTER! I'M YOUR BITCH!" He then flipped me over with ease and started fucking me from behind. I loved it. It hurt, but I loved it still. That night I went out with him and had me get a tattoo on my other arm that said "Charlie's Girl." The rest of the year flew by. I kept in touch with my girlfriends but spent most of my time laughing and making out with

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Emilys Ass Goes English

“You want me to do what?” my husband, Jack, asked me. “Fuck me in the ass,” I whispered. “You serious? That’s what fags do. Why the hell do you want me to do that?” “Because I like it.” He hauled himself up onto one elbow and looked down at me accusingly. “You like it? You’ve done it before?” I was unsure of how much to admit to him but decided honesty was the best policy. “Before I married you,” I explained, “When I was going out with Tom. If he forgot to get condoms he’d screw my ass so...

3 years ago
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Emilys Horny Christmas Shopping

Introduction: Never take a horny blonde shopping The moral of this story is: Never take a horny blonde shopping if you want to get anything done, give her what she wants and needs before you leave. It started on the forum Wednesday morning with some flirty chat with the one that gets my motor running and my juices flowing. But, sadly, we didnt have enough time to satisfy the horniness that was building inside me. So there I was, getting hornier and hornier as the day passed. Usually when this...

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

2 years ago
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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se hu..jo log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/1352687/bi_sexual_beki.htmlThis all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg (http://www.drizzle.com/~elf/) had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender fiction.TGStorytime.com was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Emily Goes Black

Emily Goes BlackEmily's hands were shaking as she fumbled for her keys to the front door in the porch light. "I can't believe I'm doing this." she thought. She opened the door and glanced back the well dressed, dark skinned man standing a few steps behind her. She smiled and motioned for him to come inside. As Marvell stepped across the threshold, she quickly closed the door. Emily motioned for him to sit on the couch. "Would you like a glass of wine?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen....

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Emilys anal Photoshoot

Emily’s Anal PhotoshootHer stomach fluttered with anticipation and excitement during that short walk on the beautiful, warm spring morning.She looked forward to the adventure that lay before her with excitement. The weather matched her mood perfectly. The dark months of winter were behind her and the morning sunshine warmed her pretty face. Emily felt her spirits lifted with the blossoming beauty of the day, which caused a surge of joy at just being alive to swell her heart in her chest.As...

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Emilys Slutty Experience MMMF

Note: If you're a woman and enjoyed this story, feel free to message me. ***Emily was feeling great as she stepped out of her client’s offices. It was Friday, she had just finished with work and a free weekend stretched out in front of her. She had spent the week in Brighton on a work trip and her boss had allowed her to stay in the hotel paid for by the firm until Sunday. Emily’s husband Chris was waiting for her back home in London but they had agreed he could have a weekend hanging out with...

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Emily and her father

He was waiting when she got home. It was dark. The house was full of shadows as Emily crept along the long hallway towards the stairs. Anxious, she had just started to relax, thinking she’d gotten away with it when she heard, “Where the fuck have you been?”Emily gasped and yelped out a startled, “Oh fuck!”“Get in here, you dirty little bitch,” he growled.Emily’s guts turned to water. She was caught. Properly busted. “It isn’t what you think,” Emily warbled.“I said to get in here,” she heard him...

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Emily Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was dismayed at the way I looked. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, and here I was, my dream shattered, unable to correct my many mistakes. I had gone into the storage closet and taken some of my sisters clothes, and in the privacy of my room, tried to dress as my dream girl. The clothes were the right size, but I didn't have the right undergarments, my hair, while long enough to be brushed into a feminine style, was...

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Emily Gets Her Dues

She’d seen it online and thought it’d be perfect for her perky C cup breast. She was wearing a purple blouse that blended shadows well and underneath a cupless bra. The satin felt amazing against her nipples and every time she moved she felt a little arousal. She was having a management team meeting today and really wanted to get the guys riled up. She knew that with this get-up every dick in the room would be rock hard as the men did their best to stare at the conference table. To add to her...

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Emily Invites Catherine To Meet Adam

Having had sex on three consecutive days, Emily and Adam did not have any sexual contact in the next two although there was a little bit of mild flirting when they were in the car together.Emily had telephoned her friend Catherine Phillipson to tell her about the wonderful sex she was getting from her twenty-two-year-old chauffeur and to suggest that Catherine might like to join her and Adam for an afternoon of sexual adventures. Catherine, like Emily, was equally happy having sex with males or...

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Emily Our TexMex Waitress

My wife and I frequent a Mexican restaurant here in a Dallas-area suburb. Our favorite waitress is Emily, a young girl about twenty-five with long brown hair and an hour glass figure. Emily is always very friendly and provides excellent table-side service. On one particular night, not long ago, as I was seated across the booth from my wife, Emily stood at the side of our table, taking our drink orders, I scooted over and patted the cushioned seat next to me. I could see that Emily was tired....

Group Sex
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Emily and Clyde

The aftermath of the school production of Romeo and Juliet was like a lit box of damp fireworks. Things fizzled and threatened to explode after I had obliquely asked Mr Rupert Acres for the hand of his daughter Emily in marriage. Mrs Angela Acres had fainted and the school nurse was quietly asking the textiles teacher, Ms Evans, whether she should sedate or revive her. I believe a splint was being contemplated, although they couldn’t decide on which limb. Mr Acres seemed to be in shock and...

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Emily and Megan Pissing time

Emily looked towards the bathroom door, “one more minute!” She shouted back to her sister. She had to get ready for this. She studied herself. Her F cup tits almost spilled out of the tank top she was in, her equally large ass sat comfortably in the sweatpants she wore, and her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders. She took a deep breath, it was time to fuck her sister. Or rather, it was time for her sister to fuck her. Megan was into bondage, one of her ex’s got her started and she could...

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It was a quiet day then a simple phone call……. I had been a bull for some time, in fact I was bull for a couple just this past week. But I wanted something more regular so I joined a dating service. I am 5 foot 9 inches and in very good shape. The call, there was a woman interested in meeting me. I drove over and watched her video and reviewed her profile. She was probably a small C-cup, 22, 5foot 4 inches, blonde, since I was 33, I questioned the age difference. The lady at the dating service...

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Emily Osments Best Christmas Ever

It had been a few months since I'd seen Miley and Emily. Since our last encounter, my family and Miley's parents had decided to rekindle the tradition that we did years ago. I tried to make it to the one last year but couldn't because of a freak snowstorm that swept in dumping 4 feet of snow and ice on my doorstep where I couldn't get out for a week. I told them that I would make it next year come hell or high water since I had to work Christmas Eve and couldn't get to an airport to fly in and...

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Emily and Megan

“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...

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Emily at Nutrition Providers School

She longed to go on to College but realizing the connection between entry and grade average doubted she would ever find a college which would take her. Her mother ,undaunted, wrote away on her behalf to college after college trying to gain admission by way of a scholarship as Mrs Perkins, a widow, had little money of her own. Rejection slip after rejection slip arrived at their letterbox and still Gloria persevered until one day a large envelope arrived. The letter from Fish Memorial...

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Emily Takes It Up The Arse

Adam was not too happy the next morning because sitting down was uncomfortable after the whipping that Emily had given him so the prospect of possibly spending most of the day in the driving seat of the car was not very appealing.To add to his discontent he had had a row on the telephone with his, sort of, steady girlfriend who he had been neglecting recently both with his time and sexual attention. He had not helped matters when she demanded on the phone, "Are you shagging someone else?" and...

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Emily and the surprise

We’d both giggled and shared our time through puberty and had no shame with each other. We had often “beat off” in each others company, staring at the latest porno mag we’d got hold of or looking at internet porn pictures. Jack’s cock was long and thin, like him,although it appeared to be longer than mine, because mine was much thicker, my stature mirrored my cock, shorter and stout, it was the same length, yes, we had measured each other. Never had we touched each other or even thought...

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Emily Awakes Ch 3

Emily made Evan’s transition to married life as easy as possible. She achieved her goal of making him happy, as happy as he had ever been. His colleagues at the university noted that he became more confident and outgoing. Always grounded in his own professional knowledge of his discipline, Evan even seemed to be more assured of himself in his interaction with students. He continued to enjoy the basic survey courses taught to freshmen and sophomores. In his graduate studies courses he challenged...

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Emily Kirsty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My storey starts two years ago when I was married and very happy, I worked from home and my wife had a good office job, I and my wife had hired a new Nanny named Emily to help look after our daughter Sarah. Emily was a pretty little 18 year old sweetheart, lovely pert tits and a stunning curvy ass that had me drooling every time I caught a glimpse, after a few weeks it got to the point where I was flirting with her every chance I got and I was sure she...

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Emily Gets an Enema

It was a cold snowy morning when a very sick Emily was woken up at 6:15 AM by a knock on her front door. She knew who it is, one of her friends Pat who was going to check up on her and possibly give her a much needed enema. Pat was a bull dyke lesbian and has always been crazy about Emily and Emily and everyone around them knew it. Pat was 5’5, a little overweight, with short spiked hair. It seems that Emily likes her as a friend but nothing more. Emily was Bi and therefore liked women but only...

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Emily Goes Black part 2

Emily Goes Black Part 2Emily slowly stirred the next morning as the sun began to stream through her bed room window and fall on her pale nude figure. Panic gripped her for a brief second when she realized she was not alone in her bed, but just as quickly she remembered the events of the night before. It had been three months since her husband left on deployment, and this was the first morning she had not woken up alone. Emily thoughts ran back to the previous night, and a strange mix of...

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Emily and Oliver

Emily and OliverMy wife died today. Seven years ago, but today. She walked out the door only to be carried back in, a small wooden urn that stunk of extinguished flames. I love my wife though. Love her. Walking through the door and driving down to the shops into an unexplained tragedy. It wasn’t the impact that killed my wife you see, but the airbag. As the motor company representative told me later, with only a freckled hint of apology marking his face, the mechanism that should have deflated...

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Emilys TinyCunny Part 2

Emily finally came over to us that evening in the pub, and after blushing and going red thank Wendy and me for “taking care “ of her a few weeks ago. We all chatted about that night and offered that if she ever wanted to stay over at any time she was more that welcome. Emily asked if she could stay next weekend, Wendy’s eyes opened wide to the thought of having her tight cunny again, but I said that we had a weekend away arrange to friends at Wyn and Bev’s as it was Wyn’s birthday and he was...

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