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The Day After By Bill Hart It was the day after Halloween once again. I thanked my lucky stars that I remained unscathed and had somehow managed to live through another of those dreaded celebrations of Samhain. After finally arriving home from an exceptionally long and tedious day at work, I'd locked all my doors and turned out every light. I wanted nothing to disturb my retreat from the revelers of the day. And I certainly wanted no annoying disturbances from any wayward children out begging for their candy fixes. They had no inkling what the day they celebrated really meant. Of course they didn't; they couldn't. They were only children, whose parents had, just as had their parents before them, long forgotten the dangers of the day. I hid in my room, just as I always hid there on Halloween. I was safe in my room. It was never a wise move tempting fate on any normal day of the week. But yesterday was no normal day. Just the idea of tempting fate on Halloween of all days was something I'd always feared doing. Such an irresponsible attempt on my part was something simply inconceivable to my mind. The Fates had never liked being teased one little bit. The Moirae, as they were sometimes called, were the ultimate in spin doctors. The trio of old hags always spun their own webs onto the lives of others. They were never meant to be crossed; they could be real mean, nasty bitches at times. Of course, that old gypsy fortune teller I'd encountered so many years ago had helped fuel my paranoia of the day by telling me my life would be changed forever on some future All Hallow's Day. "Damn those brats," I muttered, as I went outside to get my paper. "I suppose I should have been expecting something like this." The damn neighborhood brat pack had teepeed my yard... again. At some point in the past, teepeeing my yard had - for whatever the reasons - evolved into an annual Halloween ritual. It made me wonder how those little candy beggars had paid for those several dozen rolls of multi-colored toilet paper that now waved in the morning breeze as it hung so freely from my tall pepper tree. Although I saw no signs of it, I hoped the neighborhood punks hadn't climbed up into my tree to paper it. That wasn't a real bright move. Pepper trees like mine could be so brittle at times. In the past, I had become convinced it took only a cross-eyed look at the tree to make a limb break and fall to the ground. I was sure it did it just to spite me. I could hear it all now. In all likelihood, the parents would have blamed me if one of their precious offspring had fallen out of my tree because their weight had broken one of its limbs. I knew they'd never consider their little angels at fault just because he or she was climbing around someplace he or she shouldn't have been in the first place. I took quick look around the yard. I groaned inwardly, knowing that it would take me several hours to clean up this mess. I'd have to call into work and tell them I'd be late coming in this morning. If I didn't clean it up now, one of the neighborhood Nazis would be calling the city to complain about the way I failed to keep up my yard to their standards. Didn't they have better things to do than pick on me? The story would probably get a good laugh once I told them my house had been teepeed again. I wondered who had won the pool this year. I knew it wasn't me. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't have come as any great surprise finding out some of those childish jerks at the office had been subsidizing the neighborhood brats with all those rolls of toilet paper. There was a note attached to the newspaper. "You shouldn't have squeezed the Charmin, Mr. Whipple," was all that was written on it. "Damn kids," I mumbled. I'd really hated that damn commercial the first time I'd seen it years ago. Instead of reviving it, I wished they'd left it dead and buried. When I turned and headed back for the door, the morning sun glinted off something apparently metallic in the flower bed beside the door. As it was on my way - more or less - I decided to investigate further. I was surprised to find an unrecognizable object that must have been at least half-buried in the dirt. Whatever the thing was, it looked like it might have been there for several years instead of only a few hours. Clearly, some of the neighborhood brats must have become more creative in the year since last Halloween. As I reached down and picked the thing up, I knew the object hadn't been there very long. What little dirt remained stuck to it fell away far too easily. "Damn," I mumbled. "What the hell is this shit supposed to mean?" I stared at the odd oil-burning lamp I held in my hand. It was an old lamp - there was little doubt about that - and possibly made of brass. As it seemed somewhat lighter than I thought a brass lamp of its size should, I had a few doubts about its composition. Even if it wasn't made of brass, the lamp was conceivably a valuable antique. Every once in a while, even I had to get a lucky break. A strange thought crossed through my mind. The lamp looked as if it might have been a magic lamp that came straight out of some old Arabian Nights movie I'd seen as a kid. I was suddenly filled with a sense of disappointment. Only then did I realize the lamp could be no antique. It could only be some kind of stupid prop for some dumb kid's idiotic Halloween costume. "Magic lamps. Bah, humbug," I grumbled. "There's no such thing as a magic lamp." Even I knew better than that. There might be abundant magic running around loose in the world, but it never came bundled up in the guise of an old hurricane lamp. I figured some kid would probably come calling for it later. Of course, that assumed - something I wasn't wont to do - the little fool had some idea where he'd dropped it. After a few days, if no one came looking for the lamp, then it would simply confirm it was nothing more than a worthless piece of junk that could be easily tossed into the trash. Once I went back inside the house, I set the lamp down on the kitchen table. I went over and made the obligatory phone call to the office to let them know I'd be coming into the office late. Even though she tried not to, the secretary still giggled as I told her my tale. I wasn't offended by her childishness. I'd known all along that she'd probably laugh. She told me she'd let my boss - and presumably everyone else in the office - know what had happened and why I'd be late. After hanging up the phone, I sure wished there could be some easier way of cleaning up my front yard. There just had to be a better way to rid myself of all that toilet paper. It was truly a shame the world possessed no magic lamps with wish-granting genies inside them. For some inexplicable reason, I looked at the ancient lamp as I passed back by kitchen table. I didn't have the slightest idea why, but I picked the pseudo-antique up. Even though I had no idea what I was looking for, I looked the thing over very carefully. I knew it was just some stupid kid's toy, but that didn't stop me from rubbing the damn thing just the same. And nothing happened. I wasn't the least bit surprised. Just what the hell had I been expecting? Having an overly curvy, bikini-clad blonde beauty with an impossibly exaggerated figure appear in a cloud of smoke might have been nice. But then, I couldn't have been so lucky. This was real life. That kind of weird crap only happened in B-movies or on some TV program. I was definitely glad no one else was around. Not that I didn't already feel foolish, but I would have felt even worse if someone had been around to see me foolishly rubbing a so called magic lamp and have nothing happen. I couldn't believe I done what I'd done. On top of everything else, just by rubbing the lamp, I'd apparently knocked its small lid a little off kilter. If there was ever any way to break something, I could always be counted on to find it. However, when I went to push the lid back down into place, it fell to the floor instead. As I leaned over to pick up the lid, I suddenly felt a little dizzy and light-headed. "Damn," was all I had the time to mutter before the lights abruptly went out. *** That is, the lights literally went out. I never lost consciousness. At least I don't think I ever did. But truthfully, I didn't really know if I did or didn't. There was just a moment or two before the lights went out that I felt rather odd. For some totally unknown reason, it had simply, not to mention quite abruptly, become darker than the darkest pitch around me. I couldn't understand how it could suddenly become so dark. After all, it was still early in morning. At the same time, something else was bothering me even more. I wasn't altogether sure I could explain it even to myself. Inexplicably, I simply had no real sense or feeling of myself. It certainly couldn't be that I didn't know who I was. I knew who I was. I was still Sam Whipple; that was what my parents had named me. No. Knowing who I was definitely wasn't the problem. It was like I was floating. No matter hard I tried, I simply couldn't find any trace of my arms or my legs or, for that matter, any other of my bodily parts. If that wasn't already bad enough, I couldn't even feel them. How could I ever hope to find my missing legs, when I had no feelings coming back from the hand that was seeking it? I had no idea what was going on. As impossible as it all seemed, I could almost believe that all my limbs were missing... somehow gone AWOL or even melted away. But all of that was just plain impossible. Wasn't it? I wasn't so sure. And where the hell was my body? That old gypsy hag had been wrong on the day. Never before had I heard of any strange things happening to people on the day after Halloween. But there was always a first time for everything. Only then did I finally realize that Halloween was All Hallow's Eve and the gypsy had told me All Hallow's Day. For all these many years, I'd been worried about the wrong damn day. On the other hand, the whole idea of something strange somehow seemed more of an understatement for whatever was going on. *** Time passed. Although I wasn't entirely sure how much time had passed, I didn't think it could have been very much. And then abruptly, I began feeling strange again. It was - and yet it wasn't - the strange kind of feeling I had before the lights had gone off. Even as I wondered what it all meant, I had no clues about what was going on. Very oddly, I seemed to be floating upward. In the distance was a dull light that I hadn't noticed before. The light continued growing brighter and brighter as I approached closer and closer. I didn't like the idea of heading for this mysterious light. I'd heard too many things about what that meant. Entering that strange light was something I wanted to avoid. However, I didn't seem to have another choice. As I went into the light, I had this strange sense of being squeezed out through some kind of opening. I had no idea what it all meant. Had I died without knowing about it and was now being reborn? However, once that strange squeezed feeling finally passed, I felt myself begin to expand. The dizziness I'd felt before returned. Abruptly, I began sensing various parts of my body again. It defied explanation. I was beset by a most peculiar set of sensations. Once I raised it in front of my face, I stared at my hand. Oddly, it appeared somewhat wispy as if made of smoke. Even worse than that, I could see right through it. But after it had solidified, I decided my imagination had been working overtime. "What the hell's going on?" I mumbled to myself, before I saw Gary Anderson, one of the guys from my group at work, standing across from me. What the hell was he doing in my house? And why did he look so pale? He almost looked as if he'd seen a ghost. In his hand was that old lamp I'd found in my flower bed outside. "You sure got that right, Sam," replied Gary nervously. "I'd sure like to know what's going on around here." Wondering how and why he'd entered my house without me knowing anything about it, I glared at Gary. He'd never been one of my favorite co-workers and I could only wonder why he was here. "I haven't got the slightest idea what's going on here, Master." Gary stared at me. I didn't know why. "What did you just say, Sam?" What was his problem? I didn't know he had a hearing problem. "I said I haven't got the slightest idea what's going on here, Master." I hoped I'd said it loud enough for him to hear it. "You did it again." "I did what again, Master?" He had a funny look in his eyes that I definitely didn't like. "You called me Master, Sam." "I did what, Master?" Stunned, I stared at Gary in disbelief. I'd always considered Gary as a conniving manipulative bastard. In truth, I'd never really liked him all that much. Why would I ever call someone like him Master? And yet, now that he'd told me, I somehow knew that was exactly what I'd done. What the hell was wrong with me? "Have you got any idea what's going on, Master?" "I sure wish I knew." A wish. Gary had just made a wish. I didn't know why his making a wish had seemed so important. But inexplicably, I knew something had changed. At the same time, somehow - I wasn't exactly sure why - I suddenly knew all the answers, even to questions that hadn't been asked. Since Gary had wished to know what was going on, I now felt compelled tell him. "You rubbed my lamp, Master," I said, as if that explained everything. Just when had that damn thing become mine? "That doesn't make any sense, Sam." He looked at the old brass lamp he still held in hand. "Nah! It couldn't possibly be." "What couldn't possibly be, Master?" I was furious with myself for continuing to call that bastard Master. Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to prevent myself from doing it. I could think of him as Gary Anderson or simply Gary, but whenever I spoke to him I had to address him as Master. And the more I did that, the more normal and natural it felt. Gary stared at me for a few moments. "The guys at work hadn't heard anything from you in over a week, Sam. Since I won the teepee pool, they decided I should come over here and find out if you were all right." I should have guessed he'd be the one to win the pool. That bastard had more luck than he knew what do with. But over a week? That couldn't possibly be right. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes since I'd called in to let them know I'd be late. "When I got here, I was surprised you hadn't cleaned up your yard. What a mess. I also found the door unlocked, so I came in and looked around. Even though I called out your name several times, you never answered. You were nowhere to be found. You had us all worried sick, Sam." Gary looked down at the old lamp again and then back at me. "As soon as I entered the house, I saw this old lamp lying on the floor." For some reason only he knew, Gary held the old lamp out at arm's length for me to see. I put my hands on my hips. "I've seen my lamp before, Master," I replied, a little too matter of factly. "After I picked the lamp up, I had this really strange urge to start rubbing it," said Gary. "As soon as I started doing that, a cloud of smoke like you wouldn't believe started billowing out of this lamp's little spout. I had no idea where it was all coming from or how such a small lamp could ever contain so much smoke." He gave me another odd look that made me wonder anew what he was thinking. "Just when I thought about calling the Fire Department, the lamp quit smoking and all that smoke began coalescing into a more recognizable and human form. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw all that smoke become you, Sam." My mouth dropped open with surprise. I stared at Gary in disbelief. "Just what the hell have you been smoking this time, Master?" Even though I'd never put much stock in any of the office rumors, there had been one circulating about Gary recently that now seemed to be true. Apparently, he often indulged himself by smoking substances of a dubious legality. Gary ignored my question. As he looked at me, he started smiling, an act that me nervous. "I believe I've discovered your deepest, darkest secret. Haven't I, Sam?" "What the hell secret are you talking about, Master?" I replied. I had no idea what the bastard was talking about. I didn't have any secrets, deep or dark or even otherwise. Just what strange thoughts were spinning through his furtive spaced out mind? "You're some kind of a genie," he declared. "Aren't you, Sam?" "What?" What a totally idiotic thought that was. Something he'd smoked had clearly warped his infantile little mind and turned his already feeble grasp on reality inside out. "Of course, I'm a genie, Master," I replied to my complete and utter surprise. Why the hell had I told Gary something like that? Gary smiled wickedly at me. "I'd be willing to bet you haven't been a genie very long, Sam. No one could possibly be the clumsy schmutzy putz you've always been and be a genie at the same time." He looked at the lamp again. "How'd you manage to get yourself stuck inside this thing, Sam? More importantly, how long have you been a genie?" How long had I been a genie? Was I really a genie? I glanced at the lamp again. Suddenly, I knew all those answers and more. "I haven't been a genie very long, Master," I replied, knowing, even though it didn't make me very happy, that I'd be calling him Master for as long as he possessed the lamp. When I'd rubbed the lamp earlier, nothing had happened because there was no longer a genie housed in this lamp. It wasn't until I'd accidentally knocked its lid off that the lamp must have sucked me up into it and, in doing so, transformed me into its newest genie. Wasn't that a damn crock? "It can't be more than a few hours, Master." "I don't think so," replied Gary. "As I've already told you, you've been missing for over a week, Sam." "That's not possible, Master." Even though I knew he had to be wrong, I didn't like the idea of disagreeing with the Master. On the other hand, maybe the Master was right and I was the one that was wrong. I had no idea how long it would have taken the lamp to process me into a suitable and knowledgeable genie. It seemed a logical assumption - even to me, who hated assuming anything - that time might have no real meaning to me whenever I was inside my lamp. But worse than anything else I could imagine, I was now stuck with Gary Anderson for a Master. What had I ever done to deserve that kind of cruel fate? "So how many wishes do I get, good genie Sam?" asked Gary. He had that kind of look in his eyes that had always made me distrust him. "As many as you desire, Master," I replied. Inwardly I cringed after answering his question. What a thoroughly revolting development that was. Wasn't it bad enough that I had to be a genie and get stuck with that greedy bastard Gary Anderson for my Master without giving him an infinite number of wishes on top of everything else. What a pile of dog shit. "What a fantastic stroke of luck, Sam. Don't you agree?" "Of course I do, Master," I readily agreed, even though I didn't agree with his assessment one little bit. Did he know what I really thought of him? Even if he were my Master, that would never keep me from thinking of Gary as a greedy little snot. Why had I been saddled with him of all people for a Master? I could only wonder what kinds of devilment he'd get himself into with an infinite supply of wishes to draw on. Unfortunately, I didn't have to wait very long to start finding out. "Clearly, your sense of time has been skewed. You've been missing for over a week, even though you believe it's only been a few hours," said Gary smugly. "At the same time, your value has definitely increased. You've become one incredibly valuable resource that I simply don't intend on ever losing." The Master smiled at me again. "I wish no one outside this room considered Sam Whipple a missing person. I also wish everyone outside this room believed Sam Whipple was off somewhere enjoying a long overdue extended vacation." "Done, Master." What an asshole he was. "You know, I've always wanted to own my own home. I wish I were the owner of this house." "Done, Master." How I hated this damn greedy bastard. Unfortunately, as long as he was my Master, I had to grant his every wish. Somehow, I just knew there had to be some way out of my dilemma. "And while we're on the subject of my house," said Gary with an evil grin, "I wish the yard was clear of all that unsightly toilet paper and that stupid pepper tree was a stately oak." "Done, master," I replied. Brittle or not, I was still going to miss my old pepper tree. The Master went over and looked out the window. "You're very good at this, Sam. I'll bet you get even better with a little quality time in the lamp. You should have become a genie earlier in your life. No one would ever believe you were once such a klutz." The Master turned back to me and smiled. Not that I could do anything about it, the Master had another of those evil looks in his eyes I didn't really like. "I've just had this very interesting idea. As long as everyone thinks you're off having fun on an extended vacation trip, I think people would get very confused seeing you wandering about the neighborhood. Don't you?" The Master didn't wait for my response, not that he really needed to wait. "I'm sure you'll agree that it just wouldn't be a very good idea to let anyone see you... at least as you currently are." His smile slowly widened. "But that's easy enough to fix. I wish you'd assume a new form that no one would ever mistake for your old one of Sam Whipple. Look into my mind and find a new form that will be esthetically pleasing to me, as well as more appropriate for my genie." Before I could say or do anything, my mind momentarily glimpsed into the Master's mind. Without any knowledge of whatever I must have seen, I felt my body begin changing. I felt increasingly odd and tingly all over as my body rapidly reshaped itself in order to please the Master. When all those odd sensations finally began fading, I quickly realized beyond any reasonable doubt that no one would ever mistake me for my former self now. "Done, master," I replied in a soft melodious soprano voice that sounded nothing like my old voice. As I slowly brushed away the several strands of my new shoulder-length blonde hair from the front of my face, I could only marvel at what the Master considered esthetically pleasing and more appropriate for his genie. Right then and there I made a decision. Whenever I finally got the chance, I was going to hurt him... real bad. I had certainly become quite shapely. I had far more curves now than I ever would have imagined possible. I had also grown a pair of firm round tits that might have easily passed for basketballs. Even though I'd always known the Master was considered a big boob man, I never would have guessed he liked them quite this huge. Of course, he wasn't the one that had to walk around with them on his chest. On top of everything else, the skimpy little harem costume I was now wearing left absolutely nothing to the imagination. The Master smiled at me. If I could only have my way, I'd knock that damn smile of his into the middle of next week. "My, my. I like the new look. Haven't you become one totally hot babe?" I didn't want to be any kind of babe. As I glared daggers at the Master, I knew it was all the defiance I could muster. If he even noticed anything, he said nothing. "It won't do to call a totally hot babe like you, Sam," said Gary. "But that's something else that's easily changed. I wish you'd consider this your true form and answer only to the name 'Sammi'." "Done, Master." Suddenly, having this outwardly female body didn't feel quite as bad as it had before. But I still didn't want to be a girl. And I still wanted to hurt the Master, as soon as I got the chance. The Master looked me over from head to toe. And here I'd thought I didn't like the way he'd been looking at me before. Clearly, he was starting to get a few ideas into his head that I just knew I'd hate. "How about you and me heading straight for my bedroom, Sammi babe?" "I don't think so, Master." It was a tossup whether he or I was more surprised. *** The Master stared at me for several seconds. "What the hell do you mean you don't think so, Sammi?" "I thought my reply was perfectly obvious, Master." I also wondered what I'd meant for a moment, but I certainly wasn't about to question it. Anything that kept me from climbing into bed with my jackass of a Master couldn't possibly be anything bad. "Explain it to me." "Very well, Master," I replied. It was very strange. I suddenly had access to plenty of new knowledge that hadn't been in my head before becoming a genie. The Master wasn't going to like what I had to tell him. "Under the latest collective bargaining agreement between HIBGEPUU and the Guild of Masters, I don't have to have sex with you unless I want to have sex with you." Well, how about that? I smiled at the Master triumphantly. At least something was finally going my way today. "It's nothing personal, Master. In spite of having this body, I'm still a man. It's simply that I can't stomach the idea of having sex with you, Master." "You what?" He stared at me in stunned disbelief. I could tell he wasn't happy. He'd never liked being rebuffed. "What the fucking hell is HIBGEPUU?" I had wondered about that myself when I'd first said it. "Although I know how much you enjoy drooling over the pictures, you really should start reading a lot more, Master," I replied, as if I already knew the answer, which, of course, I now did. "HIBGEPUU is the Hobs, Imps, Brownies, Genies, Elves, and Pixies United Union, Master. We're a whole lot stronger when we're all working together, you know. Even you should remember that there's great strength in numbers, Master." "That's bullshit! You can't possibly belong to that union," snarled Gary. "You couldn't possibly have been a genie long enough to qualify for membership." "How little you really know about how these things work, Master." I was really starting to enjoy myself. I'd always known the Master was a pompous damn fool and this exchange was only providing more proof. "Once I became a genie and granted my first wish, I was automatically granted full membership in HIBGEPUU. That's just the way it works. It's all spelled out in the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, Master." Gary shook his head. "That's interesting, but I still don't have to abide by that damn agreement," he replied haughtily. "I'm not now nor have I ever been a member of the Guild of Masters." "Master, Master, Master," I replied, as if he were some willful child. "Of course, you're a member of the Guild of Masters, Master. Under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement, you wouldn't be allowed possession of a genie or any other wish-granting member of HIBGEPUU, if you weren't a member of the Guild of Masters, Master." "When the hell did that shit happen?" "As soon as you rubbed the lamp, you became a provisional member of the guild, Master," I replied. In the short time I'd been in the lamp, I'd certainly learned a great deal about the dynamics of the Genie-Master relationship. "Once you made your first wish, you were granted full membership and thereafter became subject to all the terms and condition of the agreement between your guild and HIBGEPUU, Master." As Gary slowly shook his head, he began smiling. "That's okay, Sammi. I'll deal with all that damn red tape crap by making it a wish." "I'd advise against taking that action, Master," I replied. I was beginning to wonder just who'd hammered out this contract. It seemed so one-sided in favor of HIBGEPUU, which was just fine with me. "If you make any wishes requiring me to have sex with you against my will, then I'll have to file a sexual harassment grievance against you, Master. Although we don't have a lot of muscle in HIBGEPUU, I'm sure we could talk one of the guys from BOTGUD into hauling your ass up before the Labor Relations Board before you had time to spit, Master." "BOTGUD?" Gary shook his head again. "What the hell is a BOTGUD?" Gary was clearly confused and starting to get angry. I wasn't too surprised by his confusion, although I wondered what had taken his anger so long to appear. But truthfully, I really didn't give a jackalope's ass. "That's the Brotherhood of Ogres, Trolls, Giants, and Unspeakable Demons, Master," I replied calmly. "Those boys owe us a lot of favors, if you know what I mean, Master." I smiled at all the distress I was causing my smug bastard of a Master. "They're all pretty good guys, you know, except for some of those Unspeakable Demons, of course. But then, what else could you possibly expect from a lot of Unspeakable Demons, Master? I mean, they're just so... well, unspeakable." "This is all totally bogus bullshit," snarled Gary. "Who do I have to get in touch with to file my own complaint?" "You'd have to contact Hadji the Arbiter, Master," I replied. "You should have known that." "How do I get in touch with this Hadji, Sammi?" "Before I answer your question, I'd have to advise you against doing that, Master." I smiled; I really enjoyed having the Master over a barrel like this. "Hadji won't be inclined to rule in your favor once he finds out you want to force me into having sex with you. He's overly protective of the female members of HIBGEPUU." "If that's the case, why should any of this bother him? It's not like you're really a woman." "You know that and I know that, Master," I replied calmly. "But Hadji isn't too likely to look past what he can see with his own two eyes. And I am, to put it mildly, quite an eyeful." I smiled at the Master. I enjoyed seeing him squirm. "You've already seen to it that I've got all the requisite parts. You'll just have to trust me when I tell you they're in full working order, Master." "Damn bitch," mumbled Gary. I knew then that I'd won this first round. At the same, the Master seemed ready to commence the next round. "I wish Chuck Dalton from the office was here in the room with us." "Done, Master," I replied. Even though I hated the idea of granting more wishes to the Master, as long as his wishes didn't involve me having sex with him, I had no choice but to grant them. As a HIBGEPUU member in good standing, I had no choice but to honor the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. I wasn't about to give the Master any reason to file any viable grievances against me if I could help it. However, I wondered why the Master had wished for Chuck Dalton to be here. Chuck was Gary's supervisor at work and everyone knew they'd never been friends. As hard as it might be to believe, Chuck was an even bigger asshole and bastard than the Master was. "Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?" asked a shocked Chuck Dalton. I felt no pressing need to explain anything to Chuck Dalton. I didn't have to anyway. He wasn't my Master and I liked him even less. I also had my doubts he'd be getting any access to my lamp. My Master had always been an overly possessive bastard and I couldn't see that changing any time real soon. Besides, if my Master wanted anything about anything explained to Chuck, then he'd have to be the one to do it. As Chuck started looking around, he spotted the Master. "What the hell am I doing in your house, Gary?" he growled. "How the fuck did I get here." What a damn bastard. It was one of those many thoughts I could think about the Master, but never be capable of vocalizing. I didn't like how the cheap asshole had used a wish to steal my house from me. Unfortunately, it had been a perfectly legitimate wish. There was nothing I could do about it. Not waiting for any answers to his questions, Chuck continued looking around the room. Not too surprisingly, he soon spotted me. I wish I could say I was surprised by his first comments after seeing me; but I wasn't. He was even more crude and predictable than the Master. "You've been holding out on us, Gary. Who's this hot babe?" he asked snidely. "I would have definitely remembered meeting a pair of boobs like those before." "That's Sammi." The Master had one of those evil gleams in his eyes. "You sure know how to pick them, Gary." Was that drool I saw at the corners of his mouth? "Sammi's definitely one totally hot babe." "She certainly is that," replied the Master. "Tell me, Chuck. How'd you like to bed her?" "Really? Could I? That'd be great." I'd had enough. "No, you can't have sex with me," I replied. "We've already been through all this shit, Master." "That sounds kind of kinky. Why did she call you Master, Gary?" "It's a pet name she has for me." The Master turned and stared at me. "What the hell's wrong with Chuck?" he asked me. Since Chuck wasn't my Master, I could be blunt. I didn't have to pull any of my blows. "What the hell's right with him? He's an asshole and a bastard," I replied calmly. "But you knew that already. Didn't you, Master?" I could already see where this had to be leading. "You have a far better chance of getting into my bed than he does, Master. And, as we've already discussed in some detail, you have no chances whatsoever of that ever happening." "I'll make it a wish." "Master, Master, Master. Wishes don't solve everything," I replied, trying hard to be patient. "You know, you really should listen to what I have to say when I'm speaking to you every once in a while, Master. It's not as if we haven't been through all of this nonsense before." I really doubted that the Master was going to like what I was about to tell him. But, that was just tough pooka shit. "If you make having carnal knowledge of Chuck a wish, I'll have to file a grievance." "Whatever for?" shouted Gary. "He's not your Master. And it's me, not him, making the damn wish for you to have sex with him." "I'd have to agree with you there, Master. On the surface, it's not quite the same thing as what we discussed earlier," I replied. "However, it's still an actionable grievance. Another section, not to mention several dozen paragraphs, of the collective bargaining agreement specifically outlaws any member of the Guild of Masters from prostituting out any member of HIBGEPUU, Master." I hoped I never ran up against the lawyer that had drawn up that contract. He'd thought of everything. "What's the world coming too?" growled the Master. "I sure wish I knew everything I needed to know about that damn agreement." "Done, Master." Even though I had no other option, I saw no problems in granting that wish. I figured it was pretty much of a rhetorical wish anyway. Even though it was something he needed to know, the Master hadn't actually expected his wish to be granted. But a wish was still a wish in my book. Besides, I was thoroughly convinced I'd already sufficiently explained everything about the agreement to the Master. "So where's your bedroom, Sammi? Is it as hot as you?" Chuck was grinning from ear to ear. Why was it that no one ever paid any attention to me? The answer seemed obvious when I thought about it. It had to be the boobs. "Just forget it, Chuck," said Gary. "I'm afraid she's not overly interested." "Shit! That's horrible. And after I came all this way over here to see her too." Chuck paused and shook his head. "I did come all the way over here to see her... didn't I?" He shook his head again. I could tell he was having a little trouble filling in all the holes in his memory. Magical teleportations very often had that affect on the more weak-minded individuals. But that wasn't my problem. "Are you sure you don't want to do it with me, Sammi? I mean, as soon as I saw you, I really started looking forward to having some really good old-fashioned, healthful, wanton sex with you." "I'm absolutely positive, Chuck." He was a man, such as he was. And, despite the body that screamed otherwise, so was I. "You just aren't my type." "Shit!" swore Chuck. He turned and glared angrily at the Master, which I really didn't think was such a hot idea. But that was his problem, not mine. "This is all your damn fault, Gary." I didn't think that was an overly bright move on Chuck's part either. I wondered if Chuck had any idea how dangerously close he was skating to the edge of thin ice. "Maybe we could work something else out instead, Chuck." "What?" Chuck's face swiftly reddened. "If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, you can just forget that kind of shit right now, buster. You're a guy; I've never been into other guys." "Oh really," replied Gary, after a sideways glance in my direction. "That's actually not that big of a problem, Chuck," he grinned. "You should know that I've never been a big fan of rejection, Chuck. It's the pits." Gary's grin widened, just before he turned and glared in my direction. "I've already faced rejection twice today and I didn't like it either time." Suddenly, the Master's mouth was curling into one of those evil nasty grins of his. I was definitely glad I wasn't standing in Chuck's shoes right that moment. But, unknown to me at that second, that little distinction was about to become a moot point. "I was looking forward to a little quality sex myself, Chuck. But like you, I've always preferred girls." The Master turned toward me. "Sammi dear, I wish you turn Chuck into your physical double." "Done, Master." One moment, Chuck Dalton was standing beside the Master. And in the wink of an eye, he'd been replaced by my identical twin sister. Just as the Master had wished, Chuck was now my physical double. I'd even dressed him in an identical skimpy harem costume. Since the Master had mentioned nothing about clothing in his wish, I thought it would be better for Chuck, especially with those new overdeveloped tits, if he wasn't standing naked beside him? Of course, I didn't have anywhere near the power necessary to make him over into a genie, but I didn't think that was what the Master had on his evil little mind. If Chuck became a genie, he'd become a member of HIBGEPUU and be fully protected from evil Masters like the Master. "What's going on here, Gary?" asked Chuck in softly melodious tones. "I feel awfully damn peculiar." "I wouldn't worry about that too much, Chuck. I'll bet you feel just fine," replied Gary, grinning like an obnoxious Cheshire cat. "You should also be told that you look real good now, babe." "Babe? What the hell are you talking about? I'm no babe!" As Chuck turned quickly to confront the Master, his now shoulder-length blonde hair swirled about his face. "What the fuck is this shit?" After grabbing a handful of hair, he stared at his now golden locks. At least that was what he did until he noticed the hand that was holding that silky mass of blondeness. "What have you done to me, Gary?" Wasn't that just like a man to jump to the wrong conclusions? All the Master had done was make one stupid wish. All the real work had been channeled through me. I sure hoped I'd never been that obtuse while I'd still been a man to the rest of the world. After Chuck's smaller, decidedly more feminine hand let loose of his hair, it absently fell to his chest. Even as his eyes widened in amazement, Chuck visibly paled as he discovered the twin mammoth mounds of pulchritudinous feminine flesh hanging there. "I've got boobs!" Clearly, he didn't want to believe the obvious. Abruptly, one of his hands flew down to his crotch. I didn't know how it was possible for Chuck to pale any further without falling to the floor, but he did. "I've got a damn pussy too!" Although I didn't know how he could continue denying all the evidence, he clearly didn't want to believe that either. Ignoring me - what else was new - Chuck looked over at the Master. All of a sudden, he let loose with a blood-curdling, ear-piercing scream. The Master covered his ears. "I really wish you'd stop doing that right now." "Done, Master." That was one wish I was glad the Master had made. Had it been possible, I definitely would have granted myself that wish. My ears kept ringing from Chuck's horribly loud caterwauling. Unfortunately, I didn't believe for even one tiny instant that the Master had made that wish for anything other than his own benefit. He simply couldn't help being a selfish bastard. For as long as I'd known him, niceness and consideration for others were things that had never really been a part of his nature. "What the hell did you do to me, Gary?" "Isn't it obvious?" Once more Chuck poked cautiously at the mounds on his chest. With the same wariness, he felt the dampness at his crotch. "This isn't possible. You turned me into a girl somehow." He grabbed a handful of blonde hair and stared at it. And then, he unexpectedly turned toward me. "Who were you before?" he asked me, the question itself catching me off guard. There was no reason not to answer his question. "I was Sam Whipple when I woke up this morning, Chuck," I replied. "But I'm afraid everyone I've ever known calls me Sammi now." "That's impossible. You can't be Sam. He's on a long overdue extended vacation." "Do you really think so, Chuck?" I asked. "How can you possibly stand there as you've become and honestly think it's impossible for me to be Sam Whipple?" "Damn! You're right." Chuck started to pale again. "You got to help me do something about this, Sammi. I don't want to be a girl." "There's nothing I can do for you, Chuck." I might not have liked the man very much, but I was beginning to feel sorry for him. He was as much a victim of my cruel, evil Master as I was. "The Master made the wish that made you as you are now. Only the Master can make a wish to alter or negate his earlier one." Although I doubted it would do much good, Chuck turned his attention to the Master. "You've got to wish me back into me again, Gary. I don't want to be a girl." He got down on his knees. "Please wish me back into the real me again, Gary." The Master grinned wickedly. As bad as he'd been before, he was even worse now. Having a genie to command had made him more insufferable than ever. "You grovel so nicely, Chuck," he replied. "Since you've asked me so very nicely for a change, I believe there are a few changes I can make for you." "Oh, thank you, Gary. Thank you. Thank you." Still on his knees, Chuck kissed the Master's feet. I thought that was a little overkill. Besides I wasn't as gullible as Chuck. I didn't trust that sneaky bastard any more than I could fail to grant his wishes. "You may stand now, Chuck," said the Master arrogantly. I wondered what foul mischief he had up his sleeve. "I'm beginning to think turning you in Sammi's twin wasn't exactly the best decision I've ever made, Chuck. With you being identical, it's a little too difficult to tell which of you is which. Even if you don't, I'm sure Sammi understands my need to be able to tell the two of you apart." "I don't understand, Gary." "It's unnecessary for you to understand," replied Gary. "Sammi, I wish Chuck's shoulder-length blonde hair was chestnut brown in color and flowed down to the tops of his ass cheeks. I also wish Chuck would respond only to the name 'Charli' now and that everyone knew that was his name." "Done, Master." What a vile, conniving, evil Master I had. I could only hope that one day he'd somehow get whatever was coming to him. "How are you feeling now, Charli?" "Something's different, Gary," replied Charli. "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know something's changed." As he turned away from the evil bastard, his now longer chestnut brown hair fell across his face. He grabbed a handful of his hair and stared at it. "Damn it, Gary!" he exclaimed, once he discovered he still possessed what he'd hoped would be gone. "I'm still a girl." "I know," smiled the Master. "It's just that you make such a pretty girl, Charli. It'd be a shame to lose such a pretty girl." "Damnit! That's beside the point, you fucking bastard. I don't want to be a girl," replied Charli, as he swept the mass of hair away from his eyes. "You lied to me, Gary. You said you'd wish me back into the real me." "You misunderstood me, Charli." He smiled at Charli. I wondered if he hated that damn smile of the Master's as much as I did. "You are the real you. I said I'd a few changes, which I have. I can easily tell you and Sammi apart now. I never said anything about giving you back your dull old male form. This new one is so much better suited for you." Charli glared at the Master, not that I could blame him. "You damn bastard. I should have fired you when I had the chance," he growled. "You'll be sorry. You won't get away with this shit, Gary." "I wouldn't bet on it, Charli." The Master smiled. "But I'm willing to open further discussions with you on this subject, if you'd like." "Just name the time and place," snarled Charli. Just when I'd started thinking Charli wasn't as stupid as I'd always thought he was, he went and made the biggest mistake of his life. "How about right now? And in my bedroom?" The Master held out his hand. "I'll lead the way. I'd be willing to wager that you're an excellent performer." "Now? Your bedroom? That's not what I meant." A flustered Charli paled at the mere thought. "I should have known you'd try something like this as soon as you wished I had this damn female form. There's no fucking way in hell that we're ever going to your bedroom, asshole. No matter what you've done to my body, I'm still a man up here." He tapped the side of head with his index finger. "Since I still think of myself as a man, there's no bloody way in hell you're getting me into your damn bed. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. So there." Bad move, Charli. Somehow I wasn't surprised that he continued making mistakes. Clearly, he was a very slow learner. I didn't think it had been a very wise thing to say some of those things to the Master. He was too unpredictable. There was just no telling what that slimy bastard would do next. "I think there's something I can do about that," replied Gary with a wide grin. "You wish," snapped Charli. "That was exactly what I had in mind." The Master turned toward me. "Do you have a problem with the wish I'm about to make, Sammi?" "No, Master," I replied, even though I had plenty of objections to what I was sure he planned on wishing for. Unfortunately for Charli, he wasn't a HIBGEPUU member. "I thought not," he replied callously. "I wish whenever I say the phrase 'Let's get it on' to Charli, his body will fill with female hormones that will turn him hornier than hell, superhot to trot, and unable to keep his hands off me. I further wish that Charli would remain a totally insatiable lover until I say 'That's enough for now' or he collapses from exhaustion." "Done, Master." I hated my Master more than any mere words could ever hope to explain. In school I'd been told that power corrupts and the Master was a living example. I wondered if I could somehow make things a little easier for Charli. Needing wild uncontrollable sex with the Master was likely to scar poor Charli forever and possibly even longer. "Would you like to make a wish that makes Charli forget that he's really a man. Master?" "Of course not," replied the Master with that evil gleam in his eyes. "Where would the fun be in any of that, Sammi? Can you tell me that?" "The fun, Master?" "Of course, Sammi," replied the Master. "Chuck was a real bastard before he became Charli, but you knew that already. It will be so much better if he remembers who is and what we do together." The Master smiled wickedly. He should be happy that I've given him a great gift. He'll have the chance to see if he makes as great a horny bitch as he was a damn bastard. It'll be so much fun watching Charli switching back and forth between his bitch and bastard personalities. I have no doubts he'll be a thrill a minute whenever we're in bed. And it will be so amusing watching him wallowing in the throes of self-pity afterwards." I stared at the Master, but said nothing. I could voice no negative opinion of him. It wasn't allowed. I couldn't even begin to believe that anyone could be this cold and cruel to another person. Clearly, my Master was an uncaring, heartless beast. As the Master looked at me, I was convinced he knew exactly what I thought of him. He knew I didn't have to like him. However, he also knew for as long as I was his genie, I'd have to grant any of his wishes not in conflict with the collective bargaining agreement between HIBGEPUU and the Guild of Masters. Unfortunately, that meant poor Charli was just shit out of luck. Charli cleared his throat. "I hate to tell you guys this, but if you're finished with whatever it was you were doing, it didn't work. I'm still a girl." He crossed his arm beneath his breasts. "I'd like to go home some time today, but I sure as hell can't go home looking like this." "No one would notice," replied the Master. "Are you kidding?" asked Charli. He cupped one of breasts. "I look like a girl." "For all practical purposes, you are a girl," replied the Master. "I think it's time for a little demonstration." "What the hell are you talking about, Gary?" The Master grinned. "Let's get it on, Charli." As I watched, Charli's eyes filled with an unmistakable lust. He took several deep breathes, all the while being unable to take his eyes off the Master. At that moment, I really wanted to puke. When he finally began slithering sexily toward the Master, I was almost glad Charli had a female body. Gyrating as he was, Charli would have definitely hurt himself in more places than I could count had he still possessed a male body. With a grin that made me nervous, Charli asked, "What took you so long, you handsome studly hunk of manhood? A hot-blooded boy like me can only wait for so long, you know." 'Oh, give me a break,' I thought, wishing I could be some place else. Anywhere other then here would have been just fine. I had this funny feeling this was more than just a simple a demonstration for Charli. But if the Master thought this would make me waive my rights under the collective bargaining agreement, he needed his head examined. Of course, that was probably true any way. And it kept getting worse. Charli laid one on the Master's lips. That was bad enough. But a moment later, I could have sworn he was auditioning for the ongoing role of a vacuum cleaner. Just as the Master had wished, Charli couldn't take his hands - or any other part of his oversexed, super laden with female hormones body - off the Master. Then unexpectedly, Charli slipped one of his slender legs behind the Master's and effortlessly took him to the floor. Having executed a nearly perfect two-point takedown, I wondered if Charli had been a wrestler when he'd been Chuck. I could see where that move might come in handy. Sprawled atop the Master, I saw Charli grin. "Now I've got you right where I want you, my hot little stud muffin." I realized at that moment Charli intended on raping the Master. I wasn't sure I liked the idea, not that I could stop it. On the other hand, the Master had made the wish that had led to this. Besides, I figured that damn bastard had it coming. "I think that's enough for now, Charli." Damn. I'd forgotten about that part of his part. I couldn't begin to imagine what Charli must have been thinking as the lust faded from his eyes and was replaced with the shock of realization of what he done and what he'd been about to do. "You filthy bastard!" Charli wiped the back of his hand across his lips. "How could you do that to me?" The Master laughed at him. Charli had trouble getting to his feet. The Master made lewd comments and suggestions as Charli stumbled across the room. When he finally reached what had been my favorite reclining chair, he fell into it, collapsed into a ball, and began weeping. I felt so sorry for Charli. Although I knew it was useless, I wished I had the power of that Old Norse god Thor. I would have felt so good smiting my Master with a few bolts of lightning. At the same time, I would have really enjoyed using Thor's enchanted hammer to try beating a little sense into the Master's thick head. "Is something bothering you, Sammi?" "No, Master." I could tell by his evil grin, he knew what I'd been thinking. But that wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist and the Master was a far cry from being one. "Good. I want you to return to your lamp, Sammi," he said in an even voice. "I wouldn't want to prevent you from recharging your powers. I'd hate to see you file a grievance over something like that." "Yes, Master," I replied obediently. I was surprised the Master had remembered those limits, before deciding he didn't want me watching him with Charli. I felt my fleshly form evaporate and be pulled back inside my lamp. But I was glad I wouldn't have to watch them. And maybe I learn a few more useful things while I rested in my lamp. *** "I've sent Sammi back to her lamp, Charli," said Gary with a wide, lustful grin. "I didn't think you wanted her watching us." "Sammi wasn't the problem, you bastard." Charli's eyes were red; his cheeks were wet. "Now go away and leave me alone." "I can't do that." "Why not?" asked Charli. "You had Sammi. Why did you have to do this to me?" "There were problems with Sammi you'd never understand," replied Gary. "Unfortunately, she spent the formative time in her lamp as a man. It warped her sense of reality. According to that blasted collective bargaining agreement she was so fond of quoting to me, some of that should reset along more appropriate lines as the lamp recharges her powers." "Whooped-dee-doo!" snarled Charli. "I don't know what any of that shit has to do with changing me into a girl and making me want to do... that... with you." "That's simple enough, Charli. You fill a need I might never get from Sammi." Gary smiled at the look of confusion on Charli's face. "Even with that little reconditioning in her lamp, I doubt she'll ever willingly want to have sex with me." He looked into Charli's eyes. "That's where you come in, Charli. You should be thrilled that I thought of you to whom to give this wonderful gift." "This is no gift, Gary. This is a damn fucking nightmare." Charli glared angrily at him. "What happened earlier is never going to happen again, if I have anything to say about it." "That's just the point, Charli dear. You don't." Gary began leering lustfully. "Let's get it on, Charli." "Your bed or mine, big boy?" THE END

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Matthews dreamy birthday

Matthew had just graduated from university when he landed his dream job as a systems analyst. His new colleagues were nice, making him really welcome especially his manager Vincent.As the months progressed, they got to know Matthew better as well as he likewise with his colleagues including Vincent.Where his colleagues like to spend their leisure time socialising like going to concerts, football matches etc, they were intrigued as well as more bewildered by his hobby. Matthew like spending his...

4 years ago
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

1 year ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 24 Holliday Surprise

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 1, 2010) Chapter 24 - Holliday Surprise Wednesday morning had me dreading school again. I couldn't believe that the day before I had been excited to go to school as Megan. Now, I was considering dressing up as Brett again....

4 years ago
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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

4 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

5 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 16 Holliday Dinner

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 4, 2010) Chapter 16 - Holliday Dinner Dad, acting as our agent instead of my dad (I hoped), had made us reservations at an upscale restaurant. I also found out that pulling a limo up to the door was not exactly the best...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

5 years ago
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The Dayton Hillbillies Ch 02

California… Anaheim… Disneyland And suddenly, the loudspeakers all over the park announced, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Dayton Hillbilly Marching Band from Dayton Ridge, Texas.’ A momentary hush fell over the crowds, until from beyond the Matterhorn came the sound of drums and then the sound of horns, cymbals and washboards as the band played ‘The Horse’ and marched to their position directly in front of Cinderella’s Castle. The people all gathered as the drum majors silently...

2 years ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Daya ke bukhaar ka ilaaj 8211 Part 3

Pichle parts mein aapne padha, ki Daya ko bukhaar ho gaya. Aur hospital mein usko doctor Karan ne choda. Udhar Daya ka pati Jethalal nurse Shweta ke sath rangraliya mana raha tha. Ab wapas chalte hai Daya ki taraf. Karan se chudne ke baad Daya ki chut shaant ho gayi thi, aur woh aaram se so gayi thi. 12 baj chuke the, aur Daya so rahi thi. Woh ek taraf karwat leke soyi hui thi. Tabhi ek hath Daya ke boobs par aaya, aur uske boobs dabane laga. Fir woh hath uski shirt ke andar gaya, aur uske...

2 years ago
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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

4 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

3 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

1 year ago
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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 4 Daya ko akela dekh Iyer ne faida uthaya

mein aapne padha tha, ki kaise Jethalal ne Sonu ki paison ka laalach deke choda tha. Ab thoda flashback mein chalte hai. Jab Jethalal Sonu ko window mein se dekh kar uske peeche jata hai. To woh room ka darwaza band karna bhool jata hai. Jethalal ke room se jaane ke baad Daya akeli hoti hai. Woh is baat se anjaan thi, ki Jethalal room ka darwaza khula chhodh gaya tha. Aur woh befikar hoke bathroom mein nahane chali jati hai. Koi 10-minute baad Iyer Jethalal se koi baat karne ke liye uske...

2 years ago
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Tmkoc Bapuji ne Daya ko kiya majbur 8211 Part 1

Baat hai Gokuldham society ki. Ek din Bapuji jaldi subah uth ke bathroom ki or jaate hai. Waha unhe darwaja khula dekha aur andar paani chaalu tha. Bapuji: Are yeh paani kisne chaalu kiya? Jarur Jethiya bhul gaya hoga, hmm akal vagar no dhandhiyo. Lekin woh jaise hi darwaje ka paas gaye to unhone Daya ko nanga dekha aur turant waha se chale gaye. Yeh sab Daya ko nahi pata tha. Fir jaise hi Daya bahar nikli to Bapuji andar naahne gaye. Aur unhone Daya ki panty aur bra dekha to unka lund khada...

4 years ago
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

3 years ago
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

3 years ago
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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 1 Daya Ke Photos

Hello guys my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old studying in college. Please puri story padiye jise ek acha sa mahol banee aur imagine karte jayie jis characters ki baat hoti hai jisse jyada maja ayega. ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ARE 18+ ADULTS. Iss serial ko introduction ki koi jarurat nahi hai yeh meri aapki aur sabki favourite serials mein se ek hai ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.’ Toh iss story ki characters toh aapko pata hee hai toh sidha story pe aata hun! Toh start karte hai...

2 years ago
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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

3 years ago
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Daya aur Roshan ka sonswap

Gogi ko ek school project ke liya kuch important file aur document internet se download karna tha. Lekin uske pass apna computer nahi tha. Gokuldham mein Gogi ke sirf do doston ke pass hi computer tha. Tapu aur Sonu. Gogi ne socha ki kyun na Tapu ke pass jaya jaye? Udhar aacha khane ko bhi milega aur Tapu se project bhi karwa lunga. Gogi Tapu ke ghar jane bahar nikalta hai. Udhar dekhta hai Tapu aur Bapuji kahan bahar ja rahe hai auto mein. Gogi- Oye, Tapu kahan ja raha hai? Tapu- Aare Gogi,...

4 years ago
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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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