Woman Partner - Chapter Four - "Debbie Introduces Me To Nightgowns" free porn video

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Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 4, Debbie Introduces Me To Nightgowns) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! ************************************************************************ This story is currently twenty-six chapters long. The author suggests reading previous chapters before proceeding. Chapter Four - Debbie Introduces Me to Nightgowns After cleaning the dinner dishes I went upstairs to our bedroom. Debbie was standing in her dressing area brushing her beautiful auburn hair. I stopped dead in my tracks. She wore a long, red, sheer nightgown with a pair of red lace thong panties. And no bra! Her luscious breasts jutted outward against the thin, featherlike material, her erect nipples poking out invitingly. She turned, coyly smiled, and walked deliberately toward me. She stopped next to me and kissed me softly on the cheek. "Lee," she whispered sexily, "I love you dear. Thank you for what you did for me today. I don't know if any other husband would do that for his wife. I want to show you tonight how much I appreciate you wearing my panties to work today so that I wouldn't worry about you with that vixen, Regina Rae." As she spoke she slid a hand inside of my shorts. I believe what she found must have caught her off guard. I'd forgotten that I had put her panties back on after taking my shower earlier. The look on her face turned from a loving, lustful gaze to one of astonishment. I quickly realized what was happening as she processed her discovery. I was wearing her panties, even though there was no reason for me to do so. "What is this Lee?" she asked teasingly. "You are still wearing my panties? You must like them," she grinned. I was caught so off-guard that I was tongue-tied. I couldn't speak. "Well? Do you sweetie?" she questioned me. I stood there with my mouth agape, unable to conjure up a reasonable explanation for why I was still wearing her panties. I stuttered, "Uh..uh..no...I just put them on without thinking after I got out of the shower," I said unconvincingly, knowing full well that my once again rock hard cock in Debbie's hand betrayed the painful truth. Debbie's expression softened as she tried to ease my mind. "It's alright Lee. I don't mind at all hon. I have to admit that the fact you like wearing my panties is a major turn on. Plus, I'm even more certain now that you are going to like the present I bought for you at the mall tonight. Are you ready to model it for me?" she asked, as if this awkward moment had never occurred. My embarrassment at being caught wearing her panties beyond the scope of her request was unabated. I cautiously replied that I thought I was ready, though I couldn't imagine what she would have purchased for me that she would want me to model for her. Debbie gently touched me on the cheek as her other hand continued to rub my panty covered cock. She kissed me softly on the lips and looked in my eyes. "Promise me that you'll at least try this on for me Lee. I really want to see you wear what I've bought for you. And I just know you'll like it. Promise? Pretty please?" she begged. How could I say no? I was so enthralled by her sensuous touch that I could deny her nothing. Looking into her beautiful green eyes, I committed to her, "Yes Debbie. I promise. Having no real idea what I was getting myself into or why I so willingly committed to the unknown, I asked, "So...what is it?" "Oh thank you Lee! Thank you! You are such a darling!" She removed her hand from within my pants and told me to remove my shorts and shirt. I complied and then she pointed to her panties (the ones that I was wearing) and told me to take them off. When I did, my cock sprang forward at full attention. Debbie smiled wickedly and licked her lips hungrily. "I could tell this morning that you enjoyed the way my panties felt the moment that you put them on Lee. Now I know you really do like wearing them. Tonight when I saw this nightie and panty set that I'm wearing I thought how much fun it would be if we dressed for bed tonight as twins. So I bought you this," she exclaimed as she presented me with a pair of black lace thong panties and a sheer black nightie in the same style as the one she wore. I stood before Debbie holding the soft lingerie. Naked. Speechless. I didn't know what to say. Being in a state of confusion was happening more frequently. I thought that I surely must protest her request. How could I simply take these sexy, girly clothes and put them on without at least pretending that I didn't want to? But, in my mind, I knew the truth. I wanted to wear her present. That was why I felt so uncomfortable. What was happening between Debbie and me was so far outside of our comfort zone that I didn't know what to make of it. And yet I knew that I was turned on and that I wanted to put these sexy clothes on my body. "Are you sure?" I asked, offering her an opportunity to change my mind for me. "Yes Lee," she insisted. "I'm sure. Put - them - on," she calmly commanded. My eyes remained locked with Debbie's as I held the thong panties before me and slid first one, and then the other leg inside them. I slowly pulled them up my legs and positioned my cock inside of them. They felt wonderful. I then held the sheer black nightie in front of me. I slid my arms inside of the arm straps and pulled it over my head. The featherweight nylon material settled over my body like a cloud encasing me in a cool silk cocoon. I'd never felt anything so magnificent before. I stood before Debbie as she looked lovingly at me. I wondered what was next on her agenda. She obviously had one. She pulled me gently toward her and slid her hands along the outside of my gown. Her fingernails stroked me softly through the soft material as she held me closer, both hands grasping my bare ass cheeks. She pressed her firm breasts against my chest. Our nipples touched. Her nipples were distended at least three quarters of an inch and mine had grown somewhat as well. The touch of our nipples against each other was electric. "Lee?" she whispered. "Yes Debbie?" I answered. "Will you do something for me love?" 'Would I do something for her?' I thought I was doing something for her. I mean....she was in complete control. I couldn't imagine saying no to her now. "What?" I asked timidly. "Will you kneel down before me Lee?" she asked in a calm and even tone. As she asked me to kneel she also placed her hands on my shoulders and gently directed me downward. I offered no resistance to her pressure and sank to my knees. I looked upward to my wife, wonderment in my eyes. 'Who was this woman?' I wondered. She smiled lovingly down at me. "Remove my panties Lee," she directed with a gentle, but firm tone of voice. I reached under her red nightie, grabbed her panties at either side of her waist and began sliding them down her amazing legs. As I pulled them down, revealing her auburn red bush, I saw that her hairy mound was glistening wet, droplets of her juice nearly dripping from her love nest. After I removed her panties, damp from her nectar, I dropped them on the floor. Debbie towered over me, smiling at me as I stared, mesmerized, directly at her swollen cunt. Her swollen labia were hanging down, protruding from her thick bushy mound of pubic hair. I looked back up into her eyes, waiting obediently for her next command. I found myself wanting her to be in complete control. I didn't want to make any decisions - only to comply. Debbie continued to smile devilishly at me. She was thoroughly enjoying her power over me. "Lick my pussy Lee," she urged. "Softly. Slowly," she directed me. "Make love to my pussy with your tongue and mouth Lee. For a long, long time. Until I tell you to stop. Will you do that for me Lee?" Her tone was so sensual. I shuddered as she spoke to me. "Yes Debbie. I will," I responded, as though in a trance. I pulled her nightie up above my head and leaned in close to her snatch. Letting her gown drape over my head, encasing me in her soft, sheer tent between her soft, smooth thighs, I grasped her naked cheeks and pulled her wet slit closer to my mouth. I stroked her cunt lips with the tip of my tongue. She tasted sweet. The pungent aroma of her pussy was intoxicating. I'd never felt sexual tension like this in my life. 'Where had this side of Debbie come from?' Such eroticism was previously beyond us. But I wasn't complaining. I loved the way this felt. And feeling the way I did at that moment, I realized that I would do anything Debbie asked of me. The task at hand was making love to her pussy as she had commanded. And love it I did. I gently kissed her smooth hood, licking between her folds with long wet tongue strokes. I placed my mouth fully and yet, softly, upon her shining slit and began French kissing her as though I was kissing her mouth and her clit was her tongue. Her clit was enlarged with excitement, feeling firm and hard against my tongue, almost like a small penis extending erect from her sex. I sucked her clit in and out of my mouth. Glancing upward momentarily, I saw that Debbie's head was tilted backward, her face enshrouded in a blanket of bliss. She was fondling her nipples through her gown, fingering her erect, hard titties. She moaned with pleasure. "Oh yes! Lee! Yes! That feels sooo good honey. Lick me! Suck me! Yes! There! Just like that!" She began swaying her hips toward my mouth in a rocking, fucking motion. We fell into a rhythm, my tongue penetrating her hole as she bucked forcefully toward my face, causing my tongue to probe deeper and deeper. I was literally fucking her with my tongue. Suddenly, I felt her hands grab the back of my head and she pulled me firmly toward her, pressing my mouth and face hard against her thick, wet, cunt lips, grinding into me as she bucked toward me more forcefully, urging me to suck her clit harder - to make her cum. I was no longer merely eating Debbie out. She was face-fucking me, driving her cunt as hard as she could upon my mouth. "Oh Lee! Oh Lee! I'm cumming honey! I'm cumming! You're making me cum sweet thing. Don't stop! God! You've never licked my pussy like this Lee! You are such a fantastic cunt licker! Yeeesss! Yeeesss! Yeeesss!" she moaned. As she announced her pleasure, she began cumming right into my mouth. A steady stream of her bittersweet love juice flowed down my throat. I loved how she tasted and wanted more. Eagerly, I continued licking her and sucking her as though starved for her nectar. And then, suddenly, the madness was over. Out of breath, she stopped her feverish face fucking. But she continued to rub her bush gently against my mouth and I continued to gently kiss and lick her, savoring every last drop of her cum. I didn't want to lose contact with her velvety smooth folds. Her juicy cunt lips were coated with her cream. Although it tasted slightly bitter, I loved it and didn't want to miss any as I lapped like a thirsty puppy all over her pussy with my tongue. I touched myself outside of my panties and felt a large wet spot. Damn! Without being touched I was dripping also, though I had yet to have an orgasm. Debbie saw me touch myself and asked, "Do you want to taste it Lee?" I looked up at her questioningly, not quite sure what she was asking. "I think you do," she said evenly. "Go ahead. Mix your sperm with my cum and then taste it. You know you want to," she insisted. I hesitated, wondering what was causing her to behave this way. "I want you to," she said. I hesitated. "Do it!" she commanded severely. Taken aback by her forceful tone, I did not react to her order. "Now!" she demanded, only more harshly, indicating a loss of patience with me. Frankly, she scared the hell out of me. I promptly obeyed. I stuck one of my fingers inside of Debbie's cunt and coated it with her love juice. I then placed the same finger inside my panties, squeezed out a large glob of precum and wiped it onto the tip of my cock. I then sucked the finger into my mouth, tasting our combined fluids. 'Mmmm. I did like it!' I'd never experienced sex in this way. Debbie, on the other hand, acted as though she knew precisely what she was doing. She seemed so...., well...., experienced. But that could not be. We had each only ever been with each other. As I've said, our lovemaking had always been commonplace, ordinary and vanilla. We were each virgins before marriage. What we were engaged in now was anything but ordinary. My wife had me mesmerized. Still on my knees, kneeling close to her hairy, wet snatch, I looked up at Debbie, wondering what would happen next. I had completely abandoned any thoughts that I might request that she perform anything upon me. It was as though I was her servant and she my mistress. She silently gazed into my eyes for what seemed like eternity. "Did you like the way it tasted honey?" she quizzed me. "Did you like tasting our cum?" I timidly nodded as she gazed down at me. "Taste some more then," she ordered. She watched me as I obtained more precum from my dick and licked it off of my fingers. Finally she spoke. "Would you like to cum inside of me Lee?" I nodded again, still wondering what had gotten into my wife. "I bet you do. And do you know what?" she asked sweetly. "What?" "I want you to. I want to fuck you Lee. You are so pretty in your sexy nightie. I want to fuck you and feel your hot seed explode inside of me. I bet you are ready to burst. Look at how big your dick is. Come on sweetie. Stand up and remove your panties so I can examine you closer." I obediently stood, lifted the hem of my nightie and pulled my panties down. My pole sprang from its' nylon entrapment and pointed straight out. I don't think my cock had ever been so swollen and large. I must have been nearly ten inches long and thicker than I'd ever been; I was throbbing with excitement. The bulbous head of my cock was pumped so full of blood that it was nearly maroon. I felt Debbie's eyes upon me and I slowly raised mine to meet hers. She was smiling and said, "Hmmm. I think you are excited Lee. I think you like sucking my clit. You really are so pretty in your sexy nightie. I'm glad that you seem to like wearing it. In addition to being so pretty you have a very beautiful cock honey," she complimented me. It felt strangely nice to have her voice her approval to me in that way. Continuing her control of the situation she asked, "Why don't you lay on your back on the bed dear and let me take things from here? I have a feeling that I'm going to enjoy this ride," she said wickedly. I climbed upon our bed and lay on my back, silently watching Debbie, captivated by her dominance over me. She stood over me at the edge of the bed. She took hold of her lacey red gown, slowly removed it, and let it fall to the floor. Debbie was now completely nude. Her dark areolas were stretched wide. Her stiff nipples stuck straight out from her firm breasts. Her pussy shone as light refracted from the dampness soaking her pubic hair. Debbie crawled on top of me and straddled me just below my rigid love wand. She took me in her hands and rubbed me from the base of my cock to the tip with her long manicured fingernails. Removing some precum with one of her fingers she seductively licked her finger, tasting my sweet juice. "Mmmm," she moaned. "Tastes good." Softly groaning, she lifted herself up and pressed my engorged helmet against the entrance of her soaking wet hole. Taking the scenic route, she slowly lowered herself down the length of my member, arching her back as she descended, jutting her beautiful titties farther forward, moaning in ecstasy as she impaled herself. Her slick pussy lips stretched wide around my dick, gripping it tightly as she engulfed me. Finally she nestled down upon my balls and I felt my cock pressing against the inner depths of her cunt. I'd never penetrated Debbie this far before. I sensed that she felt it also. Once she'd enveloped my rod, she sat still upon me for the longest time, savoring the full feeling. As she sat on my cock she softly massaged her nipples, squeezing her titties. Her eyes were closed. Her smile was one of total contentment. She seemed miles away, on her own private journey of sexual gratification. She then leaned over me until her breasts came into contact with mine, and she softly kissed me. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue between my lips, encouraging me to accept her kiss. I willingly joined in the dance with her tongue. Her lips were so wet and soft. She slid her tongue in and out of my mouth, as though she were fucking my mouth with her tongue. I moaned softly as Debbie made love to me. She began to rise back up the length of my dick. Slowly. Very slowly. The trip was more important to her than the destination. A slurping, suctioning noise was made from the seal her cunt created as it molded itself around my cock. As she reached the point where my mushroom-shaped head just barely remained inside of her slit, she plunged back down the full length, this time a little more quickly. I was slick with her love lube. As soon as she hit bottom, she raised back up. Then down. Then up. Over and over she slid her slick cock-pocket up and down the length of my penis. Each time, as she hit the bottom, she pressed tighter against my groin. I felt my dickhead driving against the back of her love tunnel. Soon she was bucking on top of me like she was riding a wild stallion. "God Lee! This feels sooo good. You are such a good fuck! I love fucking you like this. Do you want to cum Lee?" she screamed. I was now totally under her power and responded enthusiastically. "Yes Debbie! I want to cum! I love the way you are fucking me too!" She suddenly slowed her pace, holding me on the edge of release, prolonging our pleasure. She looked down, staring deeply into my eyes and then calmly, almost devilishly, said, "Beg me Lee. Beg me to let you cum. Beg me to fuck you harder until you cum. I want to hear you beg Lee." What could I do? She was like a woman possessed. I could not refuse her. I began to plead with her. "Please Debbie! Please make me cum! Please fuck me harder! I want to cum so badly! I want to cum inside of your hot wet cunt! Fuck me Debbie!" I was screaming for more. As I begged, she began riding me hard again, sliding up and down on my throbbing cock. I could feel my sperm ready to explode. "Fuck me please!" I continued to beg. "Oh yes! I feel it coming! I'm ready to erupt! I'm cummmmming! I'm cummmmmming!" As I came, Debbie contracted her pussy tightly, gripping my dick, pulsing on me, as I pumped shot after shot of my sperm deep within her hot hole. When I'd completely ejaculated inside of her, more sperm I think than I'd ever injected inside of her before, Debbie stopped bucking, but continued to grip my softening cock inside of her. She leaned over me, holding onto my shoulders for support, gasping for breath, her naked body drenched in sweat. "Wow!" she sighed. "That was sooo nice Lee," she said, almost too matter of factly. 'Nice?' I thought. That was certainly an understatement, although I didn't argue. I simply agreed, "Yes," I smiled. "That was nice. Thank you," I said. In truth, it was more than nice. It was amazing! It was incredible! It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! "You're quite welcome," she smiled. "I don't know about you sweetie, but my little pussy is tired and so am I," she spoke in an almost motherly tone. "Are you ready to go to sleep?" I nodded. "Did my pussy make you feel really, really good tonight sweetie?" she cooed. I nodded enthusiastically. I'd never had a night of sex like that. "Why don't you kiss her goodnight and then we can snuggle together and go to sleep?" Without thinking, and still caught up in the wildness, I nodded my assent. Flashing an evil grin, she raised off of my dick. As she pulled away from my flaccid, wet penis, a strand of our mixed cum stretched from the tip of my meat to her hairy, auburn bush. She then scooted toward my head and lowered her pussy down toward my mouth. She gently placed her pussy lips against my mouth and said, "Okay honey. Kiss her goodnight. Show her how much you love her. Show me how much you love me. Kiss my pussy. Let me feel your tongue inside of me one last time before we drift off into dreamland." Without thinking, still under her spell, I did as she directed. I placed my lips against her sex and, imagining that I was kissing her mouth, I kissed her pussy. At nearly the exact moment that I did I realized that sperm was drooling out of Debbie's cunt and into my mouth. My tongue was immediately covered with my own thick, bittersweet goo. She caught me off guard. Had she tricked me? So lost in the moment, I had not considered this possibility when I agreed to kiss her pussy goodnight. I didn't know what to do. I recoiled. But I was too late. I couldn't voice my protest as Debbie's pussy now covered my mouth. I struggled for air. I resisted the urge to gag on the flood of sperm that was suddenly flowing into my mouth. As I fought against the intrusion, Debbie pressed her crotch tightly upon my mouth, holding her pussy firmly against my face. I was trapped under her full weight. She began grinding her cunt into my face. I was barely able to breathe as she covered my mouth with her enormous wet pussy, our combined cream flooding out of her. As I struggled for air, globs and globs of my ejaculate flowed from her cunt and down my throat. I had no choice but to swallow the jism. Otherwise, I'd choke. Realizing that Debbie wasn't going to relent, I chose not to fight what was happening. There was no point anyway. Debbie was having her way with me. Forcefully. I was trapped. I had to obey. And as I submitted, I strangely found myself enjoying it. Our cum mixture was intoxicating. And so, succumbing to the desire of my wife, who I no longer knew, I kissed and sucked her as her body encouraged me to continue. There was a lot of cum inside of her too. I'd never really considered how much sperm I filled Debbie with when we fucked. As I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to clean all of my sperm out of my wife's cunt, I began to reflect on the taste of the cocktail that I was experiencing. Though salty tasting, but it wasn't bad. I kind of liked it. I could tell that Debbie was enjoying my ministrations upon her pussy as she continued pushing her wet hole tightly upon my face, rubbing her clit against my nose and, apparently, beginning to have another orgasm. "Mmmm. Yes," she sighed. "That feels soooo nice sweetie. Suck my pussy clean. Lick me deep inside my pussy. Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" she cried urgently. I could tell that she'd just had another orgasm to add to the pungent flow of my sperm. I could feel gooey jizz dripping down my cheeks as she coated my face with the seed that I'd released inside of her only moments before. Finally, Debbie relaxed her pressure. As she did I was able to breathe easier. She began to lift away from me and I realized that I didn't want her to leave. I stretched my tongue toward her sweetness and lapped more of her juice. Without thinking about what I was saying, I begged her to stay. She smiled at me at the realization that I wanted to continue to suck her. She gently rocked, sliding her lubricated slit back and forth across my mouth and nose. I was intoxicated with her liqueur. Finally, she touched my face and whispered, "Thank you sweetie," and rolled off of me. She kissed me gently on my lips and then held me in her arms, spooning me from behind. "Mmm. You taste good honey," she cooed. "You look rather slutty though, with so much cum covering your face," she added gratuitously. 'That stung!' I thought. "Goodnight Lee," she said. "Sweet dreams lover." "Goodnight Debbie," I replied, still smarting from her last remark. She cuddled close to me, her hand draped over my chest, softly rubbing my nipple outside of my satiny gown. As I lay there, I reflected upon what I'd just done. An overwhelming sense of guilt and shame settled in as I reflected upon the dirty deed. Jeez! I'd just cleaned my sperm out of my wife's pussy with my tongue. And to add insult to injury, though I tried to rationalize that she forced me to do it, I couldn't deny that there was moment when I enjoyed licking her clean. Finally, sleep relieved me of my anxiety. I fell asleep in Debbie's arms. We slept like that the entire night, Debbie naked, and me still wearing my nightie, my face covered with dried sperm. .....to be continued in Chapter Five, "The Cocktail Party" Keep your comments coming. I love hearing feedback!! Hugs, Lee Anne

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 11 Skidrow

They drove back to town at a high rate of speed. Nearing the outskirts they passed through the skid row section of the city. Earl slowed and began to look at the surrounding area. Suddenly he stopped the van and got out. Walking down a dark and narrow alley, Ted could see him approach what appeared to be an old wino sitting on the ground with his brown paper bag of booze. Earl spoke with the wino for a minute and then returned to the van. "Debbie, you have a customer." Debbie stared...

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Debbie Takes Tissues ShoppingChapter 5

Debbie strode quickly and I stumbled to keep up as she pulled me by the hand. The toy plastic heels I was wearing weren’t made for walking. We walked about two blocks when Debbie pulled me toward the door of a bar. I thought about reminding her that we weren’t old enough to go to a bar but thought better of it. Nothing I said mattered anyway. We entered the bar. It was dimly lit and there wasn’t much in the way of decoration. Just the bar stools and a few tables. All the chairs didn’t even...

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 5 The Meeting

A gag was placed over her mouth and tied in back. Someone unhooked the band on her ponytail and let her golden hair fall fully over her shoulders. Debbie was now shaking badly when a familiar voice whispered in her ear, "Relax my dear, these are your new friends and they will show you new heights of pleasure of which you could never have dreamed of in your short lifetime. However you must not insult them by refusing to accept their offerings no matter what. To do so will cause pain and...

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Nurse Debbie chapter 2

As I started to come too I begain to realize I could not move and was not in my bed. I tried too call for help from nurse Debbie but could not due too a ball gag in my mouth, once my eyes begain to focus I could see I was strapped in a sex swing a strap across my chest and adomin, my legs pulled up and back and strap to the chains holding the swing to the frame and my arms pulled under the swing and tied togrther. I tried to move but all I could do was rock the swing. I was still in my room...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 3

"Well Debra," the demon said as Debbie walked (a bit wobbly) down the street after leaving the café. "That went well." "Went well?" Debbie started to rise to the bait. "How can you say that? Okay, okay, I'll stay polite, I believe you are who you say you are, and you obviously control me utterly. But what went well? I just let two perfect strangers violate me, pump their (retch) semen into my mouth and vagina! Besides being unfaithful to Dan, I'll probably get pregnant, or...

1 year ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 12 The Hearing

The afternoon heat was again above one hundred degrees as Ted and Debbie arrived at the courthouse. Going directly to the judge's chambers they were met by the judge himself. "I've let my secretary off for a while to keep this meeting confidential." The judge pointed at two chairs in front of his desk and said, "Please come in and sit down, both of you." The judge sat down behind his massive oak desk and clasping his hands together and smiled that smile that brought chills to Debbie....

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Jackis BitchesChapter 3 Debbie and Marions Invite

Across town Debbie and Marion were enjoying their evening ritual. Debbie and Marion, along with their respective husbands, Bill and Ron, were personal friends with Rob and Joy as well as David and Amy. And they all belong to the same Spanking Club. The only differences were that while David and Amy have a maledom relationship, the other two couples live a femdom, CFNM lifestyle. Debbie and Marion usually get together after dinner each night for a pussy eating cocktail. As was usually the...

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Mark and Debbie Naked In SchoolChapter 2

Wednesday I hadn't arranged a time to meet Debbie last night and, for the first time in almost five years, I walked to school alone. Shit I missed her. I missed the banter; I missed the closeness; I'd give anything for last night not to have happened, but it did and, somehow, we'd have to get past it. Only right now, this instant, I couldn't see how. I arrived at the undressing area and all I could see was the spectacle of Steve and Debbie in deep conversation. Even from here I could see...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 2

When they woke the next morning, Debbie and Dan had sex again. Good sex, but not the wild time of the previous night. Dan found it very satisfying and Debbie was certainly not back to her old self, but she wasn't last night's wanton slut. After the usual shower and shave time, they dressed and headed out for last day activities. Dan wanted to tour some government buildings, but Debbie begged off and headed to a quiet café to think. Debbie's clothing was not flashy, but not her...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 5

Debbie returned home tired, a little sore, and in need of comfort. Dan gave it to her. Li had gone, leaving a kiss and a promise for Debbie. After a long hot bath, Debbie curled up in bed with Dan, the lights off and the house quiet. "You and Li had a good time?" Debbie asked quietly. "Sure, we missed you though." I got... tied up. Sorry I couldn't be here. What's Li like? Li's a lot of fun, very... inventive. But she's not you. I wish you could have been here, it would have been...

1 year ago
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Olivia and DebbieChapter 3

Hi, I'm Olivia, along with my sister Debbie, and, she just turned 17 years old. Man, what a birthday celebration that she just had with Carlos and his cousin Jorge. Also, you would not believe what happens to me at the end of this story. So, keep reading, and, enjoy! Here I am at Mick's house setting up the party (and video) with me directing the hot sex that was going to ensue. So, with me behind the camera and focusing on Debbie wearing a sundress, and her birthday cake, I asked...

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 8 Exposure

Ken had noticed that Debbie was drinking when he got home and had another drink in her hand when he came out of the bedroom dressed in his best suit. Knowing that she still seemed traumatized from the jailing he didn't make a point of it and thought she probably needed some relaxation. At seven the doorbell rang and he opened the door to find a nice looking couple standing before him. "Hi, I'm Earl and this is Cindy," said the man as he and his lady entered. Debbie froze when she saw...

4 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 13 The Job

Ted and Debbie arrived the address given them on time. The building was set back in lush landscaping and hard to see from the road. A large parking lot in the rear already contained many cars, most of which were very expensive models. Not knowing what to wear, Debbie had put on a white blouse and a short black mini-skirt and black high heel shoes. She thought she looked a cocktail waitress should look. Going in the front they were met by one of the largest men Debbie had ever seen. Not fat,...

2 years ago
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Olivia and DebbieChapter 2

Hi, once again, this is Olivia the 18-year-old former street whore, who is black, along with my 16-year-old sister Debbie, who is also black. So, here we are, just sitting together on the sofa, just waiting for Kris, Mizuki, and the two guys to show up at the house. In preparation for the event, I was wearing a black lace bra with matching panties, my sister was wearing a simple black bikini. While watching a little TV, Debbie already started to put her hand down her bottoms and was rubbing...

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 6 Reflections

It was early morning the next day when Debbie finally awoke and began to gather her thoughts. Lying in her own bed it was almost impossible to realize that the scenes passing before her eyes were in fact true happenings from yesterday. Debbie stared at the ceiling and wondered how if ever she could tell her husband Ted about the 'meeting' and what had happened to her. More importantly how to tell him what had happened to the naive girl that used to be his wife. Debbie was unable to...

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Debbie Crane DriverChapter 3

Christmas came and went. Two days after the incident at Lord Brackenbury's, Benny and a couple of the lads borrowed a van and moved my stuff into 'Uncle Joe's', as the house became known. I'd had to tell them the whole story because they'd already heard exaggerated rumours as one of the temporary staff employed for the party had a boyfriend on the site. "If he causes you any more trouble Debs, just let us know and we'll make sure he sings with a high pitched voice from then on,"...

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Debbie Her Two Lovers

Debbie pulled into the parking lot at her work place.Traffic was horrible this morning, she thought to herself as she checked out her reflection in the mirror.Debbie is 27, 5'6, 110 pounds, with long red hair, sparkling blue-green eyes, and 34c breasts.She lives in New York. She opens the door of her 2000 Black Ford Mustang and steps out onto the pavement, taking a deep breath.Debbie walks up the step and into her office building. She waves to her coworkers and goes to her desk. She sits down...

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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 9

Zach's relationship with Debbie, Dan and the others they had "recruited" continued happily and lustily. A few vignettes: First, Debbie (pushed by Zach, but not very hard) suggests to Li (who Zach compels to agree, though it takes very little compelling) that they hire out as strippers for a local fraternity party. Surrounded by a room full of young, healthy college boys the two take on all comers (pun intended). They start with a sultry strip that includes spreading each others legs and...

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Awakening of DebbieChapter 2 The Arrest

"Place both hand behind you neck and interlock your fingers, DO IT NOW!" he shouted. Debbie, her head spinning and having difficulty breathing, complied with his order. Big Al placed his body against hers and pressed hard preventing any movement. His erection was full now and he didn't care if she felt it. The smell of her perfume and the feel of that beautiful ass pressed against his hard cock sent more shocks throughout his body. "Please don't, you're hurting me," cried Debbie as...

4 years ago
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Jackis BitchesChapter 8 Debbie and Marion Head Home

As Jacki was freeing the two freshly whipped young girls from their suspension, Sara and Beth came over and whispered into her ear. As soon as the two girls were free, Jacki, Sara, and Beth began doing the same to Marion. First, they freed Marion's legs, then her arms. Only as her arms came free from their cuffs, Sara and Beth grabbed Marion's wrists, pulled them tightly behind her back, and forced her over to the now empty dangling cuffs. There the three of them quickly forced Marion to...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 13 A Dalliance with Debbie May 1990

March and April went by with Pippa waiting to hear how her thesis had been received. She knew it could take up to 4 months to complete the review procedure, but had hoped that friends in the various universities where the thesis was being reviewed would get some idea of how things were going and let her know. "How will they know which is yours?" I asked, "I thought your thesis was entered anonymously." "They are but I've told my friends the title, so they should pick up any news by...

3 years ago
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Janet Debbie Have a Black Gangbang

Janet and Debbie were sitting home on a Saturday afternoon, just lounging around, naked as usual without any plans for that night. Suddenly, Janet had an idea. She asked Debbie if she would like to participate with her in a gangbang with just black men and maybe a black woman or two. Debbie told her that she had never fucked any black men or women and that the idea sounded wonderful and if that was what Janet wanted to do, she would love to do it with her and fuck her first black man. Janet...

1 year ago
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My wife Debbie gone wild

Robert and Debbie are your average Americans. Working and struggling to live a good life in America. They have been married for twenty years. Debbie is now in her middle forties but you would never know that from her pictures. She has very large breasts that are plump and firm. Her waist still thin and tight. She is what they call today (thick). Thick like Kim Kardashian thick, although Debbie is a blonde. Debbie carries this very well. Debbie is 5'4" and 115 lbs. She has 36 Double D cups. She...

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My Married Friends Debbie And Keith Bisexual

It was late at night, last fall. I was walking up to their house and my heart was pounding. The lights were on and I had already walked by the house once. 'Would I ring the bell?' The excitement was racing through my body and I had an erection that wouldn't stop. I would really regret not walking up there.I put my foot on the step of their porch, stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. Without thinking I pressed the doorbell. I couldn't back out now without fleeing in terror.I heard...

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Chris And Jessica Have Fun With Debbie

I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about a vacation we took with my wife’s father and his girlfriend. We went to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. My father-in-law insisted on paying and wanted to treat us. My parents were kind enough to watch our children for the week. My wife and I haven't been on vacation without them in years. I was hoping to talk my wife, Jessica into being a little spontaneous on our vacation. Jessica sometimes could be very timid, when it comes to sex. I was going...

Group Sex
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Debbie Instructs Gus In the Finer Points

Hi, my name is Don. My wife is Debbie who is thirty-five, blonde, blue eyesd and five feet tall. We've been married for seventeen years. We met in high school and have been sweethearts ever since. Both of us were virgins when we met, so you can appreciate that neither of us has had much sexual experience with other people. When we hold each other, the top of Debbie's head rests just under my chin. Sex is incredible, but sometimes having Debbie in my arms is better. There is nothing greater...

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Debbie Instructs Gus In the Finer Points

Hi, my name is Don. My wife is Debbie who is thirty-five, blonde, blue eyesd and five feet tall. We’ve been married for seventeen years. We met in high school and have been sweethearts ever since. Both of us were virgins when we met, so you can appreciate that neither of us has had much sexual experience with other people. When we hold each other, the top of Debbie’s head rests just under my chin. Sex is incredible, but sometimes having Debbie in my arms is better. There is nothing greater...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 03

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. *** We woke up finally around 11:00AM and while I cleaned up I noticed some cum around my pussy lips. I thought I’d cleaned everything up last night, but either I failed to or else some cum oozed out of my pussy during the night and onto my lips. I was beginning to get worried-Tom had not pulled out in time and it was my fertile time of the month! We checked out of the...

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Debbie our baby sitter

We had moved to WA. Sue had promised me that she would not continue her cheating ways if I took her with me. We had been there less than three weeks and she was pushing me to allow her to break the promise. Marg was due in a few days. Sue had encouraged me to have sex with the babysitter. I was reluctant because she had only recently turned eighteen and I did not want to do anything that could cause her any harm or stress. I agreed only on the basis that she made all the moves. Sue and I were...

Group Sex
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debbie leaves the light on

This story happened about twenty-three years ago. Shortly after our daughter was born, our sex life shifted into high gear and we had great sex almost every night. Debbie had lost a lot of weight after the pregnancy, looked great and knew it. She started wearing more revealing clothes -- shorter shorts, halter-type tops, slinky sundresses and often went without a bra and sometimes, even without panties. She bought some very sexy teddies and nightgowns and we played in the evening for hours at a...

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Debbie my 1st Encounter

Debbie– Part 1 - My first encounter I arranged for Debbie to come to my hotel, she arrived at the correct time walked past reception straight into the lift and up to my floor, she knocked on my door, its opened, Debbie goes straight into the bathroom as she has been instructed before hand.20 minutes later Debbie emerged wearing her hair piece, light make up, a short black see through skirt that shows off her thong, hold up stockings, camisole top and a pair of high heal shoes, Debbie walks into...

3 years ago
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Debbie Learns All About Pain And Pleasure

Debbie woke early on Saturday morning just as it was getting light. She'd slept like a log and as she opened her eyes the only thing on her mind was the caning her mum promised she was going to give her today.Her hands where she'd been caned at school yesterday were barely tingling now. But her striped palms were still an angry red and she felt the excitement down below as she looked at them remembering her thrashing.   She rang Mike at the usual time. This was after he'd been on his morning...

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Debbie Does Rudolph

Debbie recoiled in disbelief after her gal pal of many beers sucker punched her in the tit.“This is NOT a thing,” Debbie blurted, berating her drinking bud while rubbing the side of her breast. “You don’t punch Mrs. Claus in the fucking tit. Ever!”“I disrespectfully disagree, you silly twat. This has always been a thing,” Olive reminded her long-time confidante. “Ever since we hooked and crooked our way through college. Say or do stupid shit - get a boot to the box or a fist to the tit. And...

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Woman Partner Chapter Fourteen Post Coital Bliss

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 14, Post Coital Bliss) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

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Bob Debbie

George and Veronica wandered about the party, a mix of old friends and new faces. George spotted a couple he’d never seen on the other side of the pool and gently nudged Veronica. "Look at those two," he said, motioning his head subtly at the tall man and lithe woman. Veronica followed George's gaze and smiled. Even though everyone was nude, these two stood out. Their bodies were completely smooth from the neck down, every nook and curve of their tanned skin visible in the afternoon...

2 years ago
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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

Introduction: The girls let Steve tape them skiing and dancing in their bikinis and show the tape to our friends. This story is partly fiction. Debbie did have a skimpy white bikini that showed her nipples, aureoles, cunt hair and cunt when it was wet. She liked everyone looking at her when it was wet, especially when she got into the boat and brought her rope in. Debbie loved being videoed and being seen naked. About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife,...

3 years ago
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Mature BBW Debbie Gets Some More Sex

Fifty-five-year-old BBW Debbie Simpson enjoyed sex but she did not really get enough of it for her liking. In recent times she had had two exceptional experiences and a handful of less than satisfying ones and she was in need of some more sexual stimulation.She was not really expecting anything to be happening this particular evening because she was on a Friday night girls night out with three colleagues from work. They had got a taxi to a country pub a few miles out of the town where they...

1 year ago
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Angela and Debbie Play Ten Questions

It was the last Thursday night of the month and time for another session of Ten Questions. Bill and I were headed for our favorite campus watering hole to find this month's lucky contestants. We walked into 'The White Tiger Tavern' and headed for the bar. The place was not too crowded, but it was still early. We ordered a beer then leaned back to check out the babes. Several potential candidates entered the bar, but unfortunately all were with a date. We hit pay-dirt about twenty minutes...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 01

DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in the series, ‘TOM & SUE JOHN & DEBBIE,’ are fictitious, as they do not exist. Any resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and should not be construed to associate a real person, living or dead, with the scenes or events described within the series ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ I hope you enjoy my story Reverse Cowgirl. * * * As I lay in bed relaxing, Tom was downstairs watching the NBA playoff games and I noticed the date,...

2 years ago
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Educating Bobby and Debbie part 2

Introduction: Second part of a fictional story Educating Bobby And Debbie Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools wont teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor...

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Playing Naked in the Wild Debbie in the Wo

Thinking back on my life brings back lots of memories, and the occasional fantasyabout "back then." I'm not dead yet, and some of you might find my talesinteresting. Check out the intro if you want more background. Living in thecountry was great fun, and it was becoming even more interesting.Jeff Zephyr's Life JZL10_01: "Playing Naked in the Wild - Debbie in the Woods" Age 10. (bg exhib, bbgg exhib, p*****n, no sex)It was about a month after school let out for the summer, not long after...

2 years ago
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Educating Bobby and Debbie part 2

Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools won't teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor speedway. They left on Thursday morning, and wouldn't be back until late...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 02

If you haven’t read Chapter 1 yet, I suggest you read it first to pick up details not included in this chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie’ is about sex, sports, and romance as the fictitious characters take the readers on a roll coaster ride with each chapter building on the previous chapter. The story plot centers on the adventures of two HS senior girls who are best friends, but come from different social and economic families. One is a star basketball player from the poor side of...

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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife, Debbie, bought herself a new bathing suit for sunbathing. Both the bottom and top were unlined. It was really skimpy, exposing an inch of the bottom of her tits, and two inches of the outsides and three inches insides of her tits. The top part went clear down to the edges of her aureoles. It was really soft and stretchy and molded perfectly to her tits and nipples, without distorting her nipples. The...

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