A Fulfilling Life free porn video

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A Fulfilling Life

by Abrum Liquor (the first "r" is silent)
(aka Roblon)
07 / 99

Sophia Sappho, a beautiful society woman of 37 years, is having a few girlfriends over for cocktails one evening. Unbeknownst to her friends the hostess has a male washroom attendant available in the powder room.

The first guest retires to the powder room a little urgently. Frantically she lifts her skirt, pulls down her panties and with eyes shut, emptied her bladder. Her eyes open wide as she suddenly hears a man’s voice offering, “Do you require any assistance ma’am?”

Startled, the woman jumps up, pulls up her panties (forgetting to wipe) and storms out of the room. The attendant then resumes his duties and flushes the toilet, but not before he gazes inside and deeply inhales the aroma of fresh feminine urine.

Next, a second woman arrives in the washroom. She however, is not in as big a rush and notices the attendant. “Oh, excuse me” she says, “I didn’t realize the washroom was in use.”

“It wasn’t” offers our hero, “I am here to attend to your needs.”

The woman looks a little puzzled and nervous, “I thought this party was a girls’ night only?”

“It most certainly is ma’am” offers the attendant.

“Well this is the Ladies’ Room and you’re obviously not a lady so you will have to leave.” Dejectedly the attendant turns to leave. Seeing the forlorn look in his eyes, the woman deep in thought, tells him to wait. Pensively, her eyes roam around the room until they land on the dirty clothes hamper. She opens the hamper and rummages, while the attendant stands, confused, awaiting her next instruction.

She pulls out a bra and panties and suddenly with a newly discovered vigour, calls the attendant to her side. “Raise your arms” she commands and then proceeds to hold the bra against the attendant, checking the fit. “Aha, this will do nicely. Now get out of your clothes.” Dutifully, our hero disrobes and the woman dresses him in the soiled undergarments. “There” she exclaims, “just another lady in the Ladies’ Room. Now, kneel down in front of the toilet, I can’t wait any longer.” As he kneels, she lifts her skirt, pulls down her panties and sits down on her throne.

Our hero, listening intently, suddenly finds his head grabbed abruptly and his face thrust downward into the woman’s lap. A moment goes by and finally the woman pulls his head from her thighs. “Please Ma’am” exclaims the attendant, I am here to serve, you needn’t be so forceful”.

“Shut up and address me as Mistress you lowly pee boy.” The woman rises and commands “Now wipe me clean before I tire of this nonsense.” He reaches for the tissue, and proceeds to wipe her hairy bush. About to discard the tissue in the toilet, the woman grabs his hand stopping him. “A pretty young girl like yourself shouldn’t be caught so flat-chested on an evening such as this. Stuff that tissue into your bra, you may save it as a memento of your meeting me. I must return to my friends, I’ll be back later and you will have served me well if I find you still attired as you are now.”

Barely does the door close when in comes another guest. “My oh my, what do we have here?” she asks.

“I am the powder room attendant ma’am.”

The woman, wearing a very low cut top and showing a lot of cleavage, hikes up her skirt, pulls down her panties and quickly turns to sit on the toilet. “Please wait ma’am, I haven’t as yet wiped the seat for you…you arrived so quickly after the last guest.”

“Oh yes, of course, please hurry with your tasks.”

As the attendant bends to wipe the toilet seat, the woman, suddenly presented with his bent ass before her eyes, begins to enjoy the encounter unfolding. She reaches and fondles his panty-clad ass. “Continue about your business.” she orders as she reaches between his legs for his member.

As the attendant offers the freshly sanitized seat, the woman bends to inspect the cleaning job and in so doing the attendant is afforded a beautiful view of her magnificent thighs and pantied ass. “What is this?” the woman suddenly scolds. She rises and the attendant leans in to see. “That! That right there. ” She points to the seat.

“I don’t see anything ma’am.

The woman grabs the attendant’s head and forces his nose onto the toilet seat. “My beautiful ass should not come in contact with such an unsanitary seat, now clean it again, this time with your tongue you useless peeboy.”

The woman drags the attendant’s head back and forth across the toilet seat as he licks clean the offending spot. “Hurry up” she commands as she pulls his head away and abruptly sits down.

With the attendant standing in front of her the woman goes about her business until the erection in his panties catches her eye. Remaining on the toilet the woman exposes his member and begins to fellate the engorged head. Pulling the head from her mouth, the woman commands, “Hurry up the other girls are waiting for me.” She continues sucking his member and still the attendant shows no sign of coming. She again pulls the cock from her mouth and yells “hurry up you fagot pee girl! Jerk yourself off onto the tops of my beautiful tits, come on my beautiful tits but don’t you dare get any on my designer shirt!”

The attendant takes matters into his own hands and within seconds spews his load into her waiting cleavage. “Who the hell do you think you are?” shouts the woman jumping from the toilet. “Look what you’ve done to my beautiful skin, how dare you!” Grabbing the attendant by the back of his head, she thrusts his face into her ample bosom and commands him to lick her beautiful skin clean. As the attendant finishes up she suddenly shouts, “my god, I can’t go back out to my friends like this, it would be so unhygienic!” Regaining her composure the woman recalls the attendant’s original purpose. Pointing to her beautiful mons, the woman casts a stern look at the attendant. “I haven’t wiped yet,” she said, as the attendant dropped to his knees and quickly buried his come-smeared face into her crotch.

She listened to his mewling, happy licking sounds as he cleaned the many drops of urine from her bush. Moments later he arose proclaiming her thoroughly wiped. The woman reached down and felt her now matted and slightly gooey thatch. Bringing a finger up to her nose she smelled a faint trace of his come. She smiled and said, “you’ve done a very good job. As your reward,” she bent and presented her beautiful posterior to his gaze, “you may spread my cheeks and plant one small kiss on my heavenly rosebud.”

The attendant, with a look of total enchantment on his face which belied any assertion he might later proclaim as to the act being only his duty, dropped again to his knees, gently spread her voluptuous cheeks and planted a warm, wet kiss on her quivering asshole.

The woman realizing her enjoyment was too great, quickly pulled up her panties and rushed out of the bathroom to rejoin her friends.

Our hero, the attendant, still on his knees and realizing his good fortune, turned to the toilet bowl. Now beginning to relax after his thoroughly uplifting climax, he recounted having his dick sucked, exploding onto an extremely buxom bosom, french kissing the sexiest winking asshole he had ever seen and now, now consumed by total contentment, he dipped his face toward the toilet bowl and deeply inhaled the somewhat acrid scent of the urine of the woman who had brought him to this state.

“Life is good,” he said to himself as he flushed the toilet and another beautiful woman opened the door and entered the powder room…


Instantly recognizable to the attendant were the curves and air of his beautiful employer, Sophia Sappho. “Yes Miss Sophia” he addressed, “can I be of service?”

“Two of my guests have informed me that there is some raging, psychotic transvestite holed up in my Powder Room. Is this true Peeboy?”

The attendant stood motionless, transfixed by Sophia’s beauty and ashamed of the attire that incriminated him.

“Where did these clothes you have on come from?”

“From the hamper” his hand shook as he pointed to the lid of the hamper that still remained open.

“And whose panties and brassiere are you wearing anyway?” asked his employer in a voice full of scorn.

“I suppose they are the housekeeper Hilda’s.”

“Does Hilda know and approve of you wearing her dirty undergarments?” Sophia did not wait for an answer: “And have you been admitting my guests to this room with the clothes hamper lid ajar, allowing them free accord of all my servant’s filthy clothes, not to mention your own, s**ttered hear on the floor and in the tub?”

“Yes Miss Sophia.” the attendant whispered meekly.

“Well Peeboy or perhaps I should say Peegirl, this conduct is certainly unexpected. Gather up your belongings and leave my domain at once. You’re fired!”

Just as the gravity of the situation was hitting our hero, in walked another beautiful guest. It was Alanna Exquisette, the guest who had forced him to don the housekeeper’s bra and panties. “Now, now Sophia, don’t be too hard on the hired help. He was only doing my bidding. It was I who dressed him as you see and do you really think Hilda will mind? Gosh, if anything, Hilda will probably agree he looks almost as good as she does in her underwear.

“Please do not interfere Alanna, I cannot have my guests subjected to the bizarre whims of my lowly staff, especially one so lowly as the powder room attendant.”

“Why? Are you afraid your guests will be offended? Certainly some may have already been taken aback but I am sure that reaction was more from initial astonishment and surprise at discovering they were not alone in the washroom, then from genuine disagreement. Watch, you shall see.”

With that, Alanna flitted through the door and hailed all of the evening’s guests. “Ladies! Sophia would like me to make this announcement: For your personal use, hygiene and pleasure the Ladies’ Powder Room today has been staffed with an attendant to assist you in anyway you require. Ladies, may I introduce to you, the highly recommended Peeboy uh girl, oh call him what you will, the Attendant.”

With that Alanna motioned for Sophia to bring the attendant out into the parlour for display. Awash with both fear and shame, our hero was paraded before the guests.

At first the parlour was silent, then some tittering was heard followed by laughter, but as Alanna began clapping, from another guest far in the back, a catcall type loud whistle was heard. Soon the entire parlour was filled with clapping and ovation.

Our hero, wanting desperately to return to the safe and secure surrounds of the powder room, through all his misery managed to envision a dignified escape. Amidst the applause, he strutted to the centre of the room, did a pirouette, curtsied and quickly exited through the corridor and back to his powder room.

Alanna and Sophia followed close behind.

As the women re-entered the facility, Alanna spoke first: “Surely you’ll reinstate the attendant to his former position, won’t you Sophia?”

“Well after the reception I’ve just witnessed I suppose I must. However, one cannot overlook the infractions entirely. He did shock at least one of my guests and he did borrow Hilda’s undergarments without asking.”

“Perhaps you could find a deserved punishment and put Peegirl on probation.”

“Yes, six months grounding ought to serve to remind him later, but what about for the immediate.”

At that, Alanna leaned into Sophia’s ear and whispered. Sophia’s eyes opened wide, then she smiled as she agreed, “what a marvelous idea, Alanna.” With that, the two women embraced and Sophia opened her mouth and accepted a big enduring kiss from Alanna.

Peegirl, stood beside the toilet and was amazed that, after all that had transpired in the last hour or so, he could feel a stirring in his loins at the sight of the two beautiful women embracing and kissing erotically before him.

The women broke away from one another and Sophia closed the door behind her with the toe of her black patent pump. Alanna asked Sophia: “what was it you came in here for a few moments ago Sophia?”
“Well to relieve myself and powder my nose of course.”

“Well then…” said Alanna trailing off.

“Peeboy” called Sophia, “come closer my dear.” The Peeboy stepped up to his employer, “Yes Miss Sophia?” he asked.

Sophia leaned in close to him, observed closely and then sniffed his face and neck. “Do you realize you just paraded yourself and curtsied to all of my guests with your face still aglow with a mixture of urine and your cum.”

“Oh my gosh” said the Peeboy in disbelief.

“We cannot have my next guest wandering in here with you all dishevelled and displaying poor hygiene, now can we?” Before he could answer, Alanna chimed in “we must wash and rinse his face Sophia. Get into the tub Peegirl and I mean right now!”

Our hero, a little unsure of what was to come obeyed immediately, the reluctance he felt however, did show on his face. “Lay down” commanded Sophia, “on your back.”

As the Peeboy lay down, Sophia exclaimed, “ooh, I can’t hold it any longer” and she straddled the Peeboy’s face and let loose a torrent of golden fluid. Peeboy hardly had a second to realize that his employer wore no panties when he was struck full in the face by her piss. “Use your hands and scrub that filthy cum off your cheeks and lips” said his employer, “hurry now get it all off as Alanna will be along any minute now to rinse you off.

The Peeboy was just finished scrubbing when Alanna and Sophia were to exchange places. Alanna stepped to the side of the tub and raised her skirt. “You’ll have to get on your knees for a moment and help me out of my panties” said the beautiful woman handing him a hand towel. “Don’t get any of Sophia’s golden champagne on my undies though, I have to wear them home this evening you know.” The Peeboy arose and removed her panties marveling at the two perfect cheeks presented before him. He carefully threw the panties onto the hamper as Alanna stepped up and straddled the tub. Before Peeboy could lie back down however, Alanna grabbed the back of his head and shoved his face into her crotch. “Lick me!” she shouted.

“Oh Alanna you’re so wicked” cooed Sophia as she watched and began fingering her own pussy.

Soon both women were in the throws of ecstasy. As Alanna finished quivering she pushed Peeboy’s head away. “Time for your rinse” she said and immediately a torrent of golden nectar, equal to that unleashed by Sophia, came cascading down upon the Peeboy’s face, neck and shoulders.

“Look at the front of his panties,” shouted Sophia. Alanna looked and there was an enormous raging hardon. “Put out the fire” hollered Sophia, douse it quick! With those words, Alanna backed off, took new aim and began pissing on his cock through the housekeeper Hilda’s panties that he wore. Soon Alanna’s torrent started to sputter, and then finally a few drops clinging to her bush was all that remained. Sophia bunched up some tissue, wiped Alanna and discarded the tissue onto the Peeboy’s soaking wet chest. Sophia traced her fingers through her own bush and brought them up to Alanna’s nose. Alanna inhaled deeply then licked the offered fingers sensuously.

Sophia then powdered her nose and Alanna put her panties back on. As the women left the powder room, the Peeboy asked “what about this?” while pointing at his erection now poking out the side of the housekeeper’s panties.

“Oh, you’ll just have to take matters into your own hands, surely you don’t expect either of us to handle your problem through all that disgusting piss” said Alanna.

“Yes, but don’t start jerking off until the next guest arrives to relieve herself” instructed his employer.

With that both women returned to the party, laughing and giggling, obviously very proud of how they had handled the unruly Peeboy.

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Jay knew from a young age. After finding that “Playgirl” magazine in a field near his house, he knew. As his eyes excitedly washed over the photos of nude men, he could sense his desires welling up, he could feel his attraction and lust swell his cock within his pants. Jay had seen naked girls in magazines before and been turned on, but this was something different, something altogether more powerful. He was drawn to the cock’s in the pictures. He found them beautiful and sexy, yes, but it was...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling a Fantasy

A few years back when I was still in college I started to fantasize about having sex with a random woman. I've always been a bit shy though, so I wasn't sure how to make that fantasy a reality. I was 20 at the time and couldn't get into any of the bars downtown, so I thought I'd try posting an add on Craigslist. I didn't expect much to come from it, and I started getting a lot of fake replies, as well as a couple guys offering blowjobs. But there was one woman who was real and we start...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling The Desires Of My ISS Reader

This incident happened between me and my ISS readers. She was impressed with my story. She took a bold step to meet in her home and had fulfilled our desires. About myself, I live in Tirupathi alone in flat in an apartment which is easier for the girls out there to approach me. I am slim and fit with a 6-inch tool which can satisfy any women and with bearded. Coming to the story, I had a mail from Keerthi. She had read my previous story and had enjoyed. She loved the entire story. In reply to...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling fantasy part 1

My wife Brittney was asleep. She really got a kick outof the flowers I sent her this afternoon. It wasn'teven a holiday or her birthday. Just red roses and aspecial love note written by me. It was the thirdbunch of roses I sent my wife in the past four weeks.Last week I took her shopping for a brand new dress.We stopped at this little specialty shop in the mallwhere I encouraged her to try on the most sexiestrevealing dresses I could see hanging on the racks.Brittney is a size 3 petite and I...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Destiny

My sex life drastically changed lately. I’ve never been too outgoing in that department, but recently my wife and I discovered a mutual kink. Well, I might be getting ahead of myself. In order for you to understand my situation I’ll give you some background. I’m a real quiet dude. I don’t have many friends, I’m not social, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m practically a 31 year old kid. That may be a turnoff to most, however I am extremely kind and generous. The few friends I have absolutely...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling a Promise

I have to write this final chapter. There is no one else to do it, I have to do it for Lee. Lee and I worked together in a medical wellness clinic. I learned that she started writing after her husband (Magichands on this site) passed away. I have read all of his stories, and all of hers that she posted under ‘Magichandslee’. In some ways, I think Lee wrote better than her husband did. Although I personally found most of them wonderful, Lee’s showed emotion and the pain she went through right...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling a Rape Fantasy pt1

Just before the meeting time she sent me a picture so I knew who to look for in the coffee shop only a mile or so from my house. She was an attractive black female in her late 30s, but I couldn't tell much more, as it was only a head shot. I walked in and found her immediately, it helped that she was the only black woman in the coffee shop. She had a better body than I expected, with a curvy shape and big tits for a small frame. I thought it would be awkward, but the conversation flowed...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Casual Lovers Second Impregnation Wish

I ran some more hot water to make sure the suds covered my erection. Shelly came into the bathroom putting the tray down on the floor before resting on the edge of the tub, I could smell her perfume. Her gown slipped open revealing smoothly crossed thighs, she absentmindedly pulled it back over her knee. She looked very tired and sad but more beautiful than ever, tall and slim with an attractive face, piercing blue eyes, full red lips on a very pale but flawless complexion, and long straight...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Her Fantasy

I heard the front door shut from her upstairs bedroom. I softly made my way to her closet and closed the door without latching it. I went over my supplies again in my pocket just to make sure I had everything I needed. Sally, according to the mail on her kitchen counter, came up the stairs to her bedroom. Through the slats of the closet door I watched as she removed her work jacket and placed it on a chair back next to the bed. Her red hair was short and straight coming to just above her...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Lust

Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping in and out of her making slurping sounds from the constant plunging down on him. This elf was something else, the words kept echoing through her head, at times images of Allen, whom she knew had feelings for K'lara. Occasionally images of the time she spied on Allen as he would dive in and out of her sister would flash in her mind. The man she had loved and still might love had chosen her sister...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

"Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got on with pretty well. "Will you be able to come?" "Yeah, of course." I replied. "Her parents will be away," she continued, not looking at me and starting to fidget with the carpet, "so we were talking about what we could do, and..." "And what?" I asked when she came to a halt and began toying with her new tongue piercing. "And... well, they know about, you know,...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

"Now Jack," she said, kneeling at my feet and rummaging in the bag, "This is a fantasy I've had for a long time, so please let me do this. I'm going to shave you, so keep very still." She pulled out a razor and some shaving cream. Applying it to my left leg she quickly began shaving it with smooth, confident strokes. In no time my left leg was bare up to the hip, tingling, and she started on the right leg. That done, she turned me around to do my arse. I was quite enjoying all this,...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling my boyfriends fantasy

I am standing at your front door, wearing a not-so-long black coat, that ends suggestively mid-thigh. You invite me in, licking your lips in anticipation. My sexy heels straighten my back and gently push my ass out, and as I slowly turn around to close the door, you catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. I turn back to look at you, expecting a gentle, yet passionate welcome, but instead you grab me around the throat and snap a collar around my neck. “You’re mine today bitch, and you...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the ‘man’ only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a couple of months after our first encounter, we were both in her room talking and listening to music. ‘Kat’s having a party next weekend,’ she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

Introduction: Jennifer has a surprise request for Jack. Get undressed, the pretty brunette told me, and I obeyed. She was called Jennifer, wed met the night before at the rock nightclub, and Id thought that she looked gorgeous in her goth make up so she invited me back to her place. It turned out that she was eighteen and still living at home, so we locked her door and did our best to keep quiet as we fucked the night away. Now it was noon, her parents were at work, she was on half-term break...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 1

‘Get undressed,’ the pretty brunette told me, and I obeyed. She was called Jennifer, we’d met the night before at the rock nightclub, and I’d thought that she looked gorgeous in her goth make up so she invited me back to her place. It turned out that she was eighteen and still living at home, so we locked her door and did our best to keep quiet as we fucked the night away. Now it was noon, her parents were at work, she was on half-term break from sixth form college, I had the day off uni and we...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling a Promise

The summer was finally over and it was time to head home. Working at the camp had been a lot of fun. You got to know many new people, with one in particular. Your summer love. It happens to many people, at least that's what you've heard. A childish crush that lasts for only a few weeks, and a little into the fall after you go home. Unfortunately they live half way across the country. The chances of seeing them again are very small, at least until the next summer. Just before you leave each...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Her Fantasy

"You know, I've been thinking."I looked up, when he starts off with those words, he has something crazy on his mind. The last time he said those words, I slept with his friend in front of him. It was his fantasy come true."Oh.""I know what you're thinking, I'm up to no good. In this case however, I think you'll like my idea."I nodded, letting him know I was listening."You've stood by me through a lot, most people would've walked away, but by the Grace of God, you stayed. You picked me up when I...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Fulfilling his fantasy

My fantasy scenarioThe perfect scenario in my eyes would go like this.....One of my girlfriends and I would be going on a girl's​ getaway weekend. We decide to stay somewhat close to home. We pick a nearby city..One that's very busy, fun and only two hours away. Since we are so close to home, I suggest we just get a cab so we can enjoy a few drinks on the way. Of course... I already have a plan in mind. I bring along a bottle of tequila, margarita mix and two large cups. For our first cocktail,...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling my hunger

For those of you following our play time, you know I have a slut that I play with in Myrtle Beach. I skipped writing about a couple of our meetings, but I have had more positive reactions than negative ones so I will write about Sunday. For those who may be reading this for the first time, know that we are in a DOM/sub relationship and she is a sub in training. She is a little reluctant to surrendering herself totally so I told her we will take it slow in order to build her trust. She also...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Long Lasting Sexual Desires With My Cousin

Hello readers. My name is Krish, and I am working in an MNC in Germany since 2016 after completing my MBA. I am 34 years old, married but like most of us here, always looking for adding spices in my sexually boring life. I am a normal-built individual with 5’10” (1.78 m) height and above-average looks. Well, the lead heroine of my story is Ankya who is my maternal cousin living in Indore and the same age as mine. Ankya is an Indian sex-goddess with 5’8″ (1.73 m) height and a figure of 38-28-36....

3 years ago
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Fulfilling The Sexual Desires Of My Married Neighbor

Hi, this is Raj from Vijayawada again with a beautiful story that happened. I am 25 years old 5.9 feet tall guy with an athletic body, friendly guy with 6.5-inch cock. This sex story is about how I and my neighbor got into a lustful relationship. College girls, school girls, girls of any age, ladies of any age can share your views and comment. We can have chat, sex chat, and even good and secret sex. Connect me at  Be free to contact me, think of me as your friend. Every girl like and wants to...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Sex With Lady Manager Part 2 Devoruing Her Sexy Body

Dear friends, this is part 2 of the sexual adventure with my manager at her house in Bangalore when her husband was away on travel and her daughter went with friends to Mysore for a trip. We had met on Saturday morning and had sex on the living room sofa, kitchen and finally in her bedroom. Do read the details in the first part of the story. We were sleeping together. I am a light sleeper when I am not at home and so woke up a couple of times to see the naked beauty in slumber next to me. But...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling Sex With Lady Manager In Her House 8211 Part 1

Dear friends, this is Srini. I am back with another adventure with my manager Lakshmi. After we returned from a two night sex-filled trip to Pune, it was work as usual. Lakshmi had a desire to repeat the sexcapade in Bangalore, but it was not so easy. In the office, we kept usual distance, nothing beyond ‘Hello’, ‘Hi’ and work-related discussion. For those who didn’t read the previous stories, Lakshmi is a medium height 30-year-old lady with a 36 inch D cup breasts and a 38-40 inch mega...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling a Need

My parents started teaching my brothers and me at a very young age the importance of helping others, though they stressed that helping wasn't necessarily limited to the less fortunate or the poor or the needy. Basically what they taught was that if someone was lacking an ability or resource that you possessed, the right thing to do was to offer it to them. We were also taught to do this out of the goodness of our hearts rather than for personal gain, but we learned that the people we were...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Madam8217s Sex Desire Made Me A Gigolo

Hi readers, This is Ram from Hyderabad. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on This is a true incident happened in my life. I’m a B.tech student and no money. So I do part time job in free time in Chennai. At that time I met my madam (name not revealed for privacy so let’s call her madam only) This story may seem boring in the beginning as I’m explaining true...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling My Desires

Hello to all the readers of ISS I am sush(hyderabad). I am a reader of ISS. I’m from hyderabad. Any female looking for some private or intimate moments contact this e-mail- Please share your thoughts and lets jump right into the story. Coming to the sex story. It was early spring break, everyone were getting ready to go home for vacation as it was our first year at college.Leaving home for education gets you homesick but we get used to it anyway. Speaking of which I packed all bags and was...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling My Dream With My Neighbor Aunty

Hi I am from bijapur a short boy and cute one is bringing you a story which was happened about a year ago.any aunties or girls or unsatisfied aunties want to have sex can mail me its full privacy can mail me my mail id is I was in 12 and my vacations were going and daily I will be roaming here and there. Lets come to story.this was happened few months back my neighbor aunty was named by savita size was nearly 36 34 36 while she was very sexy and bomb I will be fantasizing daily and...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling Desires 8211 Part 1

Vali bra pehni thi. Ye dkh kar mein khush ho gaya aur mine use kaha.. Wowww janu tumne aaj meri fav. Bra pehni hai.. Usne kaha haa darling.. Tumhe jo khush karne hi to aaye hai. Dosto sach mein mein jab bhi ladies ke koi sexy undergarments dekhta hu to mera lund vahi khada ho jaata hai. Aur ladies ke kuch undergarments hi hame horny karne ke liye kafi hote hai. Meine kaha jaanu aaj to tumhe jam kar chodunga. Apne boo boo to dikhao. Ab nahi raha jaa raha. Usne kaha haa jaan puri kasar nikal lena...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling a fetish fantasy in the throes of a dyi

We were on holiday in the Malaga area of Spain, with her parents, staying at their villa which was situated in the hills there. We'd had a nice day to be honest; a bit of a walk, some dinner, a couple of drinks etc. We then headed down to the sea, where we ventured out a few metres from the beach. Floating around in the warm water, I couldn't help myself, and started to grope Joanne's pussy through her two-tone blue Speedo-style swimsuit. Suspended in the water, she was pushing herself onto my...

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