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Rush Time By Bea The phone rang. "I'll get it!" I called down to mom. "Got an idea it'll be John." "Don't forget that your sister's here too," she called back. "Nah!" I said, getting to the phone. Truthfully I'd forgotten she was back in the house for a great moment or so. "Al Here!" I said into the phone. "Hello Al," John said. His voice carried his excitement. "Counting the days, huh?" "Got THAT right!" I laughed and let out a sigh of relief. John couldn't know of course exactly what my relief consisted of, but he was going to college in a few days, just like I was and he thought that that was why I was so relieved. Wasn't wholly true of course, but close enough. His voice dropped. "Counting the hours too? I got the mix today. Put it out beside the booze at the barn. Sill on for tonight?" I breathed a big sigh of excited happiness. "Got THAT right son! Can't wait. Brad and Ed still on? "They'd better be!" he laughed excitedly, voice rising. "Everybody's paid their share now. Don't turn up? Just the more for me to drink! Checked the sleeping bags too, Everything's fine. My folks think I'm staying the night at yours. Your mom thinks you're at mine. Brad and Ed have the same set up. Nobody'll EVER think of checking up on us!" There was a hint of bitterness in his voice. I forget how the four of us got thrown together but we were all nerds at the school. All far too small for anything athletic. All scared shitless of girls. Tonight? We were gonna HOWL! Bought booze up the ying yang and set up a meeting place at an old - but dry - barn. Intended to get pissed out of our minds. Then we'd sleep it off and get home the following day. Everybody thought we were totally harmless - but tonight? We were gonna show them. Gonna get drunker than shit! I couldn't help but laugh triumphantly in return. "Tonight we're going to HOWL baby!" I said - and then gulped. Anna my stepsister was standing in the doorway, her black obsidian eyes staring maliciously at me. I gulped and spoke quickly into the mouthpiece. "Well? See you later John." Didn't give him a chance to reply, just hung up the phone. "Hello Al!" she said in that quiet menacing tone. "We haven't had much of a chance to talk, have we?" "H...H...Hello Anna," I managed after a gulp or two. Then with a false bravado, managed. "Well? You've been busy I guess. We've never had the chance to get together!" She smiled and settled down on the edge of my bed between me and the door. Patted the bed beside her. "Well, no time like the present, is there little brother? Come and sit beside big sister. Mmmm?" "Aw c'mon Anne!" I said, protesting. "You're not that much bigger than me." She smiled awfully then flexed her arm. "I think I've gotten stronger Al, know that? Why don't you come and feel it, huh? Tell me what you think?" I balked. "Hey! I don't think we need to..." "I'd LIKE you to. Just for old times sake." She was staring at me now. I licked my lips. "Okay. Ha ha! My, you don't have a big arm, but it sure looks nice and strong, You really DO feel that you're improving." I said, feeling like an idiot as I gingerly felt the brown sinew that she bared. "Now it's your turn!" she said. "Flex now for big sister. Let's see how you've grown!" "Please Anne?" I said helplessly but flexed my arm. She took my bicep gingerly between her forefinger and thumb. "Al? You haven't been exercising much at all, have you? Still all soft and white. Why if I closed my eyes? I'd swear this was a girl!" She looked at me, false concern in her eyes. "I'm SO sorry. But you really do feel weak. You don't mind me pointing it out, do you?" She squeezed my muscle - and it came close to hurting. "No Anne. That's all right," I murmured. "Remember when I lived here? The fun we had Indian wrestling! Me trying to strengthen you up? But I couldn't, could I?" My step sister Anne was just over two years older than myself. Not much taller, or bigger but she had 'something' I guess, an innate confidence I lacked. Once my dad had died and we'd been left with just her mom, it was as if she was determined to show me up. I had spent many embarrassing moments in front of her mom and friends as she'd demonstrated her superiority. We hadn't seen much of her since she'd been back - a lot of which was me staying to hell out of her way, but she had me trapped now. As you can probably figure out, she scared the hell out of me. She patted my thigh. "Going to howl tonight sweetie? That what you going to do? How nice to see you turning into a big strong man! I hear that the athletic teams are having a big party tonight. Is that what you're going to do?" She had overheard my conversation! But how much? "Not a team," I admitted. "Never made it. Just guy talk with some of the other fellows, you know? Didn't really mean anything!" I managed. "Does mom know anything about this?" she asked. "Yes! Of course! Me and John getting together over at his place. Just a sort of last fling, you know - with us going to college and all." She patted my thigh again. "Oh, a guy thing! I don't know anything about them! Glad to see that you're finally starting to enjoy things like a normal male." Then she paused. "Oh. I nearly forgot. I'm sorry. Helen called! Wants you to call her..." and then she paused. "What?s the matter Al? You just turned all white! Just as you used to do when I would tease you!" I fought my horror. "Helen? Haven't heard from her in ages! Me turning white? Feel fine. Honest! Maybe a goose walked over my grave?" She didn't believe me and I could tell I was in for some kind of grilling, but then I was saved! Mom called me about something she wanted to talk to me about. Now there are people on this world that I am scared of : Helen, then Anne - then Mom. With mom being a distant third. But she does have authority over Anne. Doesn't hit me or anything - says that I'm too small for that. Constantly questioning my lack of prowess in male things. Puts me down something fierce. "Excuse me Anne," I said. "Mom wants me. Have to go!" Her nostrils flared a little and I could feel my knees tremble. "Well that's okay for now," she said. "But once you and she are finished, we can have another... ." Then she shook her head. "Damn and blast. I've got something to do now. But later you and me can discuss this Helen of yours. Okay?" "Sure thing Anne! Sure thing! But I have to run now!" With that, I avoided her and sped to mom. She had a little chore for me to do and I was never so glad in all my life when I saw Anne leave. Shortly after that I finished the chore for mom, I called Helen. "Took you long enough dear," she said silkily, when I told her who I was. "Was my sister took the message. She just told me now. Honest Helen, honest." I found myself pleading. She snorted a little, but relented. "That's all right sweetie. Be here in about an hour." "An hour! That's awful early, is it not?" I asked. "Yes?" "I wasn't arguing Helen! Far from it. It just seems awful early?" "You wouldn't be discussing this with me, would you? Feel that you're at my level?" Her voice was hardening. "I don't care for my little sissies getting out of hand." "Please Helen? I'm sorry. But it looks as if I got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry." I said in my meekest voice. "You'll be here then?" "Absolutely. But may I ask one thing?" There was a pause while she thought of this. "Okay. Go ahead - but keep it short please?" "Is there any chance that I'll be finished fairly early?" "What do you mean by fairly early?" "Well the sessions usually only last about three or four hours. I was just wondering... ?" Her voice was impatient. "Darling? I can't tell. Might be less. Might be more. But the sooner you're out here?" Then she paused. "You ARE smooth, aren't you?" "Oh yes Helen, oh yes! Thank you so much! I would never forget that!" I babbled. She actually giggled a little bit. "Yes. I spanked you once for that, did I not?" "Oh YES Helen - and I'll never forget again!" I was VERY sincere. "You're welcome!" she said still laughing a little. "Now be here in an hour!" I started to thank her, but she cut me off by hanging up without even saying good bye. I was in a sweat. Should I call any of the guys and say that I might be late? But Helen wanted me far earlier than usual and I was normally only required for three or four hours. Maybe I'd have time to satisfy whatever it was she needed and still get my night with the boys in? I was scared of Anne being on the track now, but Helen hadn't used me in weeks. Maybe this would be the last time she'd need me? Another reason for my big sigh of relief I thought. I decided not to tell the guys. Went and made sure I was clean thoroughly. I'd showered so that was okay, but brushed my teeth, combed my hair into place. Shined my shoes. Grabbed a quick bite from the fridge while mom wasn't looking - then took off. I got to the house in plenty of time. Parked the car in back then reported to the back door. The girl that answered was quite pretty. Smiled at me nicely, then took the lobe of my ear firmly between her thumb and forefinger then led me, yowling, into meet Helen.. Even though I was still in my pants and stuff, I got a nod of approval from her when I immediately upon being let go, I ignored my throbbing ear and curtsied. "You're learning," she smiled. "Off you go like a little bunny and change. Terry will give you a hand today." I had no idea who Terry was, nor why she should give me a hand, but knew enough to shut up. Went into the normal small room to change. Was immediately surprised. Instead of a cheap set of falsies, Terry - a nice affable blonde, took a great deal of care in checking my bra, made me take the bra off then affixed the better grade false breasts with adhesive. Then I was allowed to put my lingerie on, with her turning her back to provide me with some modesty. That gave me surprise number two - the lingerie was of a much nicer quality than I was used to. Then, she spent a LOT of time checking out my hair and appearance. Gave me a nice negligee and had me walk in some high heels before she picked a dark pair, which were quite comfortable although higher than I was used to. Then she spent a lot of time in my hair, using a curling iron and mousse. Then my makeup of course. Again, I was surprised at the level of care that she took. She used perfume on me - another thing that made me wince. How was I supposed to cover that up? Then my final surprise. I was given a close fitting black cocktail dress with a slit skirt to wear instead of my normal uniform! Then Jewelry! Astonished, I was fitted with a gold necklace and my lobes were scrubbed clean and gold earrings - long and dangling - put in my ears. A bright colored bracelet and a slave anklet! I couldn't believe my eyes! Then finally, making sure I was walking correctly, I was led into Helen. She BEAMED at me! "What a pretty girl you make, Alice. Now sit down and have Terry do your nails. You can watch TV while she does, okay?" I knew it was now or never. She was obviously in a great mood and, with me being dressed and made up the way I was she probably didn't want to muss me up or take the chance that my tears would mess things up if she put me over her knees.. "May I ask something ma'am?" I said, curtseying properly now although the dress made it a little more difficult. She nodded, I think reading my mind, but admiring that I still had some chutzpah left. "Yes dear, you may." "It's been a few years now ma'am that I've worked as a maid for you." "True," she laughed. "You were a naughty little thing at first, weren't you?" "Yes ma'am. But I thought you were finished with me - me going to college soon and all." Her head drew back as if puzzled. "So?" "I just wondered is all," I said lamely. She smiled, but didn't answer that question if, indeed, it was a question. "Get your nails done Alice, there's a girl." I knew that at that point I daren't go any further. "Yes ma'am," I said meekly. Later, my nails all nice and red, and perfumed prettily, I was shocked by being allowed to sit by the fire and - miracle of miracles - given a drink! This allowed my nails to dry and me to think. The fire was nice and warm and, truthfully, my dress felt comfortable on me. I sat there, half dozing and reviewed what had been happening to me. My first worry was the finger polis and perfume. How was I to get rid of that stuff by tomorrow? But that could be figured out - I had some time, after all. My career as a maid had started with Anne, naturally. She'd had me dress as her maid for Halloween one year, with her playing a Southern Belle, and there was no question about it. Being the perfectionist that she is, she demanded that I play the part perfectly. This involved me wearing high heels on a regular basis around the house - a source of great hilarity for my step mom and, finally, getting my hair done. I was then 'allowed' out with Anne and her friends - the only male in the group. Nobody was ever apprised of my true identity I thought, but it was the source of great embarrassment for me. Months later one day at school I was approached, in a friendly fashion, by Helen - one of the nicest looking girls at school. She was a year behind me, but ask me if I cared to chat. It was very private, just her and I, but I sure didn't give a shit - after all, I was a nerd and entitled to nothing seemed to be the way everybody else thought. She even let me take her out after that! I soon found out that there was no way that I was going to be allowed to be the aggressor in our relationship - but as I had absolutely no experience with girls let her take over and soon lay in her arms quite happily as she fondled me.. It turned out that she was a cousin of one of Anne's friends and had found out of my evening as a maid. Laughingly, she suggested that I show her how good I was. Naturally, I had protested but then one afternoon when her mother had been away, Helen 'found' this maid's uniform - and it wasn't long before I was her maid. The shock and horror when a few of her friends turned up and their hilarity at my utter compliance to their orders. Some photographs were taken and, from that point on, some minor blackmail was used on me - what would my mother say? And I became a maid on demand. I wasn't used too often and was surprised to find out that events had gone by that appeared to have needed a maid - but didn't use me. I certainly wasn't going to complain and, quite frankly, the money was good - the girls ALL paid me. Truthfully? I knew that I was starting to enjoy the feelings that the clothes and humiliations brought me - so was really glad that college had come up in time. Didn't want to think about what I might become if the situation kept up. So far, had escaped both mom and Anne's finding out about me - so now that release wasn't very far away? I was almost delirious with joy. It was about then, almost in some kind of self-protection that I started meeting regularly with the guys. I think they were just like me - nerds - so needed the feeling of belonging that a group gave us. Had met fairly regularly and boasted - the way guys will of course - but all of us were pretty weak when it actually came to women. So sitting there in the warmth of the fire, my drink in my hand - and secretly enjoying the soft and lovely fabrics I was wearing? I may have dozed off a little. "Right Alice!" Tiffany was standing beside me, a black silk wrap with white edging in her hands. "Time to go!" I shook myself awake and stood as she put the wrap around me. It felt SO nice and I thanked her prettily. Then to my surprise, she led me to a car. It didn't take us very long before we reached a big house. She led us in through the back and I was led into a nice sitting room. "Just stay there until you're called," she smiled. "You should have some company in a little while." There was nothing in her words by any means, but her smile gave me a little pause, I sat down by the fire. Not long after, the door opened and another young lady was ushered in by Tiffany. She was in a yellow dress trimmed in black and looked nice, although confused. She stood ny the door, looking at me. Somehow, she looked familiar. Then behind her the door opened again, and two other young women were shown in The three young women were all obviously strangers to each other and to me - yet there was 'something'? They all smiled weakly at each other, though didn't say anything. Slowly advanced into the room towards me. Then I saw it. Horrified I saw that the three 'girls' were John, Bradley, and Edward! What was also astounding was that they looked so comfortable in their dresses - and moved comfortably in their high heels! They were just like ME! Girly-boys! Just about then, they caught on as well. Gasps of horror and shame burst from all of our lips. The door opened behind them and Helen came in. "Good Evening ladies! How nice you all look! Now have you met each other yet? No? Why don't you all do it properly then! Take it from left to right, curtsey to your friends and give them your true name - then a little girlish kiss on each cheek?" Bradley was in green satin, his hair a burnished auburn. He sighed then curtsied. "Hello ladies and Helen. "I'm Bernice!" Then he came and kissed us all! It was awful, but we all knew well enough to greet him. "Hello Bernice - don't you look lovely! That's such a pretty dress!" Or something like that - while Helen looked on, almost laughing at our effeminate display. She let Edwina - in a bronze taffeta gown then Joan in her yellow dress introduce herself. Then she addressed us again. "Girls? It's very important that you show how nicely you can behave. We have some guests tonight - and if you're naughty? You'll be spanked in public - and I guarantee that you WON'T enjoy it. If that's clear? Give me a nice curtsey - like the sweet girls you are!" The four of us, ashamed and red faced did exactly as she directed. Then she said, "Be on your best behavior girls. I'll come and get you all in a minute. Maybe you can use this little time to have a small get-together?" With that, she left and I could swear I heard a stifled giggle. We all looked at each other in horror, all of us unable to speak. Finally, I croaked. "So it wasn't just me?" Everyone else slowly nodded and it seemed to me that four sets of made-up faces with sultry, mascara'd eyes searched each other's faces with pleading looks for some sort of understanding.. "They got me about two years ago!" Brad admitted. "They've made me work as a servant - a maid - for them for some time!" I said in some shock, and everybody nodded. "How do we get OUT of this?" John asked helplessly and us four little sissy boys looked at each other, almost on the point of tears. "And WHAT are we doing here?" Ed said, panting a little. He fingered his pretty dress. "I didn't know when they made me put on this nice stuff. Thought it was some sort of farewell party thing, you know?" Just then, the door opened and Helen came in, smiling. "Sorry to interrupt your little gossip girls, but why don't you just follow me out into another room. Okay?" We all nodded sheepishly. She continued. "Oh, you're ALL so sweet! I could just eat you right up! But once we get through this first door, I want you all to hold hands like the pretty little debutantes you are, Don't let go now! And once I get you in the main room? I want you to form a nice straight line. Got that? Then I?ll introduce you and while I do? Curtsey the audience nicely. Later, if any one of you is asked a question? Taker one step forward, towards the person who asks the question. Curtsey that person and answer the question. Then go back to your place in the line. That isn't too difficult for your pretty little heads, is it?" We all nodded shyly, frightened to look at this woman who was talking to us as if we were a group of little girls. She smiled. "C'mon then ladies. Off we go!" Out of that room, we stumbled about a little, embarrassed in our small crowd of sweetly smelling girls in a sort of cloud of satins laces, taffetas and tulles, but finally took each other's soft hands and in our high heels daintily followed Helen into a fairly dark large room with a good sized clearing in the center, a sort of spotlight lighting the four of us. We lined up as directed, about an arms length apart, still holding hands. A smattering of applause came from the audience. "All right girls. You can let go of each other now," Helen laughed at the audience. "They're all SO shy. But let me introduce them!" She then did as she had said she would, introduced us by our girlish names. There were a few titters from the audience as she did so, Once she had finished she spoke to them again. "Now ladies? This is the very first time we've done something like this. These 'girls' you see in front of you were, sort of, taken in, by my group. Over time we have discovered how handy it is to have a male maid - especially if they look nice. Obedient, docile, and at least one of them has proved to be sexually handy to the more masculine of us." (I was too frightened to look! Who was she talking about!) "Anyway? We just hated to see them go off to college on their own. Seemed like such a waste somehow!" She changed subjects. "Now, we think you might have some questions? But first of all, we want to impress on them that we have a lot of data on them - and if we catch them lying to us? We'll spank them immediately. Now please listen up." There was a short pause then came the sound of male voices over loudspeakers. And then it dawned on me - it was US - at one of our secret get-togethers! And how the audience laughed at the deep voices we put on - and the vainglorious masculine boasts we made!. I didn't have too much time to squirm or wonder how they had recorded us, when a large screen lit up to one side of us - and there John was, getting picked up by Helen , then there I was lying in her arms getting masturbated, while a voice over from the machine plays me boasting about how I screwed her! Then Ed and Brad being dominated - with Ed being the girl- all tearful and weeping as his panties are taken down to a dildo wearing woman. He four of us were given a moment to collect ourselves as the audio and video machines were turned off and the lights went on. Facing us in a loose formation of sofas and soft chairs were about a dozen women. They were smiling at us. One of them spoke. "Edwina? When you pee do you do it sitting down like a proper girl?" Ed curtsied and admitted that he had 'learned' to do this properly. In turn, all of us said the same thing. "Alice? Do you ever window shop? Want nice things for yourself" I swallowed and admitted that I sometimes looked at nice window displays. "Just window displays?" Helen asked. Luckily, an audio came on showing me in a lingerie store, fingering the items there - as a woman would. "Well I thought of buying my mom some undies," I lied, just in time. "Edwina?" A rather deep voice came. "Did you enjoy being a girl that time, your panties all down with you being penetrated and all?" "No ma'am." Ed answered after a short pause. "But did it ever happen again?" another voice broke in. "Yes ma'am." Ed said. "A number of times." His relief was obvious as he was allowed to get back into line. Then the deep voice again. "Alice? You're very pretty. Were you ever that kind of girl?" "No ma'am." I trembled. "Mmmm!" A few voices said but the matter seemed to be closed. Embarrassing questions were asked over the next ten minutes or so, with our answers showing us to have become trained maids with ever growing feminine tendencies. Finally, we were let go and released to the audience. Being treated like women as we all held hands was bad enough. Now, being separated was a million times worse as we each found ourselves the center of a small group of grinning dominant females - with many of them touching us and our dresses on the most familiar way. Then for a little while they put on some dancing music and we had to take our part with the women taking the male parts - then with a great deal of laughter they made us dance with each other. The look on Ed's face when they would not let him take the male part under any circumstance. Though I can't say that mine was much different when the woman with the deep voice demanded that she dance with me a few times. She didn't say much though. Just commented how soft and womanish I was - and grinned. To be quite honest? She was a nice dancer and I started to feel fairly natural in her arms. She said that her name was really Tiffany - but her hormones liked her to be called "Tiff'. Then came Helen's 'Piece de la resistance' as the four of us were called back at the same time. Back in the room she complimented us on how well we'd done- and had our uniforms ready for us. They were more farcical versions of French Maids than anything and I think that all four of us felt funny in our short skirts and multi layer petticoats, tiny aprons and silly, flounced, hats - but we still had to go out and prove to the ladies that we 'knew our true places' and could perform as necessary. Surprisingly, we were allowed to drink. We couldn't drink the amount we'd originally intended for that night, but I think that the other four felt as I did - there weren't too many chances left before we left for college, so we were all pretty unsteady on our heels as the night wore on and we wended our way between the bar that had been set up - and the ladies, mincing and letting out little squeals as hands found their way up under our petticoats and stroked our false breasts. I was very tired. Didn't even care too much at the laughter as us four girly-boys were told to say goodnight properly - and we did - kissing each other naturally now. Wasn't too surprised to find myself in Helen's car as, still in my flounced uniform being driven back to the house where I'd changed originally. Almost fell asleep. Didn't really come awake until I was halfway up the path to my own house! I struggled in Helen's grasp, but it was futile. Hey! Here! What are you doing Helen? This is the wrong... ." "Want me to spank you in front of your mom and Anne?" she cautioned me. "No but..." "Hush girly!" she said, and rang the bell! Anne answered it but didn't recognize me. "Yes?" she asked. "My name's Helen - and I've brought your little brother home," Helen said. "My little - what?" Anne said, taking a close look at me. Then she smiled. "Why don't you come in. Both of you? Maybe some explanation Helen?" Mom and Anne had been watching TV, but switched it off to hear what Helen had to say. She had me stand in front of everyone while she explained how she and her cronies had got me and the other three started. "You mean it was ME that got this whole thing started with him?" Anne laughed, cicling me. "Mostly," Helen admitted. "But we'd had our eye on him for some time. You see, we've been doing this for years, and once we'd heard what you'd done? It just reinforced our thoughts." "Look mom!" Anne crowed, lifting my skirts and petticoats. REAL panties! Aren't they lovely!" Mom glared at me. "You mean you've been acting as a MAID for these girls - for YEARS? And not doing laundry or ironing around here? Pretending that you were a BOY and didn't do things like that? Wish I'd known! Now you're going away to college and missing all of the help you could give me! I always thought you were just a sissy! But I must say that you fooled me! Now I see that it's panties and petticoats and stockings! More than just a sissy, I think!" "That's why I brought him home like this tonight," Helen said. "You see, me and my friends used to train the little sissies - and then just let them go!" "Such a waste!" Anne laughed. "Exactly!" Helen said. "That's why this year - when we had SUCH a good crop, we got in touch with the sororities in the colleges where they're going?" "Sororities? But that's all girls!" Mom said, then paused.. "You mean..." "Exactly!" Helen laughed. "And the thought of having nice male maids? All sweet and docile! They've all been snapped up. Alice here?" She stroked my head. "Hardly lasted a minute. A girl called Tiffany is an officer of a major sorority - wants him - her - desperately. Frankly? I think she fancies him. But that's why I came to see you I thought you might have some objection - you see, her house will pay for his lodging - and uniforms for the next few years - maybe even some of his 'relaxing' clothes, if you know what I mean?" "You mean he'd be a girl all the time?" Mom asked and for a minute I had hope. "Up to you," Helen answered. "To make sure he was sellable, we adhered falsies to him and painted his nails. There's only a few days left - and we wanted to see if you'd want him this way, before sending him to his sorority." "Sounds good to me, mom. I've always wanted a little sister," Anne said. "What did you say you called him - her - Alice?" Mom asked. The end

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Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Rush Hour Rush

It’s only past seven in the evening and still already pitch dark outside the car. The headlights illuminate the fat raindrops that hurl themselves horizontally at the windshield. He is on the autobahn going barely 50 mph in the middle lane and it still looks like Chewie just punched it. Fall season in Germany is goddamn dreary.The streets are packed today. It’s rush hour, but no one’s literally rushing anywhere. Wise decision in this weather.He changes the radio channel and catches the tail end...

4 years ago
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Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Late at night when I wasn’t doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I’d get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how… Oh yeah, I know you’ll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they’re still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a...

2 years ago
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one day while we were doing the usual foreplay [which was me naked giving him head while he was in boxers and a shirt], he brought out a small pink vibrator. Now this was long before i became a porn addict, so i had no idea how a vibrator worked. neither did he, and he used it on me like a dildo. i hated the feeling to be honest, it was like a giant bee was inside me, and the vibrator wasnt as big as he was so it didnt feel as good. Neither of us knew that vibrators are best used on a clit,...

3 years ago
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Late at night when I wasn't doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I'd get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how... Oh yeah, I know you'll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they're still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a vibrator, but it went dead, I tried a second, that too went dead.... I asked about them and found, they all go dead after awhile. I guess they're made to. So, instead of buying another one... embarrassingly, I...

1 year ago
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"Hey Todd, wanna grab a drink?" said his coworker Damion as he approached his desk. "Dumond and I are going bar hopping." He gave a small apologetic smile. "Sorry, I have something at home. Need to take care of something." Damion let out a sigh of disappointment. "It's okay, I understand. How about this Sunday?" "Sure," Todd said. "The normal place?" "You know it!" Damion grinned as he left, leaving him the only person still in his cubicle. Slamming his face on his desk, Todd sighed...

2 years ago
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iCRUSH[In "iThink They Kissed" when Sam is in the dentist chair recovering from the laughing gas she confesses she and Freddie kissed. What if she confessed to a different secret?]"What's so funny?" demanded a suddenly sober Sam Puckett of her best friend."You! You're acting all loopy from the gas the dentist gave you," Carly Shay laughed."Oh," responded Sam woozily and grinned again."Hey.""What?""C'm here. C'm here," Sam clumsily tapped Carly on the shoulder."What is it?""I want to tell you a...

3 years ago
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Aarush Priya Aur Karishma Ka Threesome Sex 8211 Part I

Hello guys this is aarush again, how are u all. kese ho sab??? ISS k sare readers ko mera saalam aur ladkiyo,aunties aur bhabis ko mere land ka saalam. Dosto meri sex stories to aapne padhi hi hai Sheena k sex adventures part 1,2,3,4,5. feedback dene k liye mail kare “”. Ab ye meri bilkul nayi story hai aur ye ek sachi ghatna hai. Ye story mere school time ki hai jo mere sath hui thi. Aap sabke mail muje mile hai aur isiliye me ye story post kar raha hu.Ese hi aap mail karte rahe aur muje kafi...

4 years ago
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Brushstrokes By Katharine Sexkitten The wisest human I've ever known explained it to me. Life, he said, was a painting. Each new experience, each new adventure, each new day, was a color, applied to the canvas. Some were barely there, whisper-thin, hardly noticed, applied by the Master with a deft and light hand. Almost invisible. Others were striking, important, broad and dark and heavy. It was the accumulation of all of it that creates our masterpiece. Life was...

1 year ago
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Shall we check out Rush Porn? Usually, I don't get too excited over websites such as this one for a very simple reason: They are very, very basic! However, this does not always have to be a bad thing, it's just not that exciting, and that's about it...I mean, who the hell would get excited over a website filled with a ton of vanilla videos where nothing too interesting happens, right? Well..a lot of men would. In fact, most men would get off to such a thing, seeing a whole lot of dudes really...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Do you sick fucks want to see some daddy daughter porn at Dad Crush? Yet another "incest" porn site in line that crosses that border that shouldn't be crossed. It seems as if there are plenty of people who actually want to fuck their "step-daughters". I understand that there are no blood connections in these relationships but still, there is something deranged about it. Perhaps, it is that deranged feeling that's drawing people into these kinds of niches. Who am I to judge, I've seen worse. So,...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Looking for a chocolate hookup at Black Crush? Attention all seekers of ebony pussies; if you believe that the darker the berry the sweeter the juice, today The Porn Dude is the bearer of excellent news in the way of a site that allows you to hook up with hot, horny ebony girls looking to get nasty with someone like you. I’m talking about Black Crush and anyone with a secret desire to grab a round, bubbly butt or some perky boobs and probably bury your head into their creamy thighs would be...

Hookup Sites
1 year ago
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Do you have Lucky Crush on anyone, or are you looking to find one? Perhaps you’re just looking for a quick wank with a stranger or even just a friendly conversation with a pretty girl. Fuck, how long have we been social distancing? I’ve lost track, but this next website promises at least a temporary solution to your loneliness, isolation and ball-aching horniness without forcing you to breach the respiratory safety of your dank, weed-and-BO-scented basement is a video chat...

Live Sex Cam Sites
1 year ago
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Toothbrush Part V

TOOTHBRUSH PART V Tonight was a special night. It was several weeks after Dr. Grant (Tina) had examined both John and Anna, and John was busy setting the dinner table for three. Tina informed John and Anna that she had the preliminary results of her examinations. Anna suggested that all three of them would have dinner together at Anna's apartment and Tina would make her report. Tina at first balked at this suggestion, but on the basis that she did have a long standing social...

3 years ago
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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

2 years ago
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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

3 years ago
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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

3 years ago
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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

3 years ago
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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

2 years ago
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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

3 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Last October at my sister’s 35th birthday dinner, my brother feels the need to inform the entire table of my old thumb-sucking habit. I was really surprised anyone remembered, but apparently the way I went about my little rituals, is strange and fun to bring up at inappropriate times. My family, especially my brother, enjoys watching me squirm and fidget because I am the only one left with secrets apparently. I sat across the table a bit embarrasses but struggled with the comments. I look to my...

2 years ago
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Thank Goodness for Bathtime

We lived with our parents, Jayne and Dave. My brother and I are the only two children. We live in the South of England, so in the winter months, it is usually cold, and raining a lot, which meant that there was little to do except stay inside and play video games. It was mid-December, not much more than a month after my 13th birthday, when, on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, I played football with some friends. Unlike my friends, I didn’t exactly have a masculine...

2 years ago
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Omegle ChatTimes

You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...

3 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 04 Primetime

‘You’re thinking about Simone again, aren’t you?’ Amanda asked me. My wife had this uncanny way of knowing my thoughts regardless of what I was thinking. She knew me well. She could tell if I was thinking about putting on the winter tires, buying an overly expensive gift for one of the kids, moving money from one investment to another, or, in this case, thinking about Simone. Of course she knew all about my history with Simone and that there were things about her with which she could never...

1 year ago
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Deep Secret Ch 28 Mealtime

After the workout, the three of us went upstairs and had some juice and coffee. Joa said she’d make breakfast for us, but wanted to shower first. A good idea, we all agreed, was putting showers on the morning’s agenda. Once upstairs in our room, I stripped out of my workout clothes. Simone had done the same before me and I enjoyed watching her naked body do the mundane things that two people do when they’re close. She brought over a basket for my sweaty clothes and threw them in on top of...

3 years ago
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Robert and Clara Bathtime

The arrival of the Earl of Oxbridge and his lady at the George and Dragon caused more excitement than the freak show with the pig faced lady. Ned Briarly, the peddler who had found them limping at the side of the road and given them a lift to the village, basked in the reflected glory and didn’t have to pay for a drink for the rest of the week. The Earl lived up to everyone’s expectations of what a real life Earl would be like. Even dripping wet and supporting a lady so cold she was turning...

2 years ago
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It was her Saturday morning. She awoke early with her man already awake beside her. Brushing him with a hand, he reached for her and held her. She reached for his cock and knew it would be hard when she found it. He held her tighter when she moved to go down on him. He wanted to lie there just a little longer. Playfully, she broke away from his grip and took his cock in her mouth slowly. It had been awhile since they’d done it in the morning. She knew he loved it and she was gonna give it to...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

2 years ago
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School Timestop

Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...

1 year ago
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Family Bathtime

Lance was a middle child. His older sister Stephanie had graduated high school 3 years before him, and his younger sister Michelle had graduated just the last year. Lance had graduated 3 years ago, but was still living at home - having dropped out of school due to poor grades and many un-mentioned issues with his roommates. He was an average 20 year old, blonde hair that was short, a thin, somewhat wirey build, and a small cock that grew to about 5 inches when properly aroused. In Lance's case,...

4 years ago
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Katee Platime

Katee is a beautiful 18 year old girl. Her heart shaped face, big green and full pouty lips set off her long curly red hair. A full C-cup, slim waist, and tight ass sure help to draw the eyes of those passing by. Katee is quit, and prefers the companionship of a few close friends, but all that might change. You see Katee has a secret. She loves getting Naked! From a young age she didn't like being clothed. This became a BIG problem when she was about 14. She already had nice breast. Well, her...

2 years ago
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This story is meant for everybody to use it freely. Make it funny, or tragic, make it epic or silly, open your own arcs or help me completing mine. Just have fun telling the story of a girl fucking her way through time. Amy is a history student with an odd genetic disorder. When she falls asleep during her studies, she travels through time and space. Only by fucking the right people and changing history can she hope to return. The problem is she never knows who to fuck and needs to find out.

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

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At 18 years of age, I was soaked through and freezing cold when I finally arrived home, I was cursing whoever had hidden my coat as I pushed open the front door. The warmth hit me like a sledge hammer; making my body burn painfully. "My god Josh your soaked, what happened to your coat?" My mom asked. Through chattering teeth I tried to tell her but to no avail. "You're not dripping over the carpets, get out of those wet things." Shivering, I undressed with mom's help standing by the front door;...

3 years ago
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I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Rent that apartiment

My wife became a star fan of the new night club and they of her. They sent a group over to rent an apartment for a playhouse for their little sex parties! They have gotten smart to the fact if someone complained about the club being frequented by young white bitches wanting big black cock! They could lose their liquor license and have to close their club as well as lose all that sweet pussy. My wife set them up with an apartment even helped by demonstrating it fucking the two owners all...

2 years ago
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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

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mom and son bathtime

I sat at the other of the bath looking at mum’s breasts, they were a little larger than mine and her nipples were much bigger, but the fact she was a 42 year old woman who had a baby she was in great shape, it made her more sexier than ever“Sweetheart, are you looking at my breasts again” she smiled at me,“Yes, I was thinking that someday I will have boobs as nice as yours” I remarked,Mum cupped them; she knew this would turn me on,“Mum likes you looking at her, particularly her breasts” she...

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Lunchtime Munchtime

As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...

1 year ago
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Hot Fun in the Sumertime

Let me first explain how I got here. My name is Kaycee. I have always had a rather unconventional view of sex (for a woman) I suppose. I can honestly say that I don't actually recall when or how I lost my virginity. I can recall sexual play going back to my c***dhood. As a young teen I engaged in groping and playing with boys and some girls. These sessions at times included some of my cousins. But it wasn't until I was a bit older that I feel I really hit my stride. But the really different...

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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

3 years ago
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Day out and nightime

On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...

2 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Teenage valentimes

It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...

3 years ago
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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 14 Ladies Favorite Pasttime

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 14 - Ladies' Favorite Activity I finished all of my work assignments and my home chores by Thursday. I had chatted with Kay a few times and was surprised when the phone rang on Thursday evening. "Hi Gabrielle, this is Kimberly. Are you all set for Saturday?" "Hi Kimberly, what's happening Saturday?" "Don't bull-shit me, you bastard. You know what's happening as well as I do and I'll bet you've been thinking about it all week." "I have...

2 years ago
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First Ttime

First time by Sylvia Wechsel Tiffany was the name of a transvestite, who was a good friend of mine. We met at the bachelor?s party of a friend. My friends, trying to do a prank with me, incited me to go talking with that bombshell blonde at the balcony. I had some alcohol in the head, so I went. She, like a perfect lady, told me who and what she was before I got into some compromising position. We decided, then, to play a prank ourselves and faked a "dating". At first my friends...

4 years ago
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Airtime By Rosie The opening credits roll by and my mother appears on the screen. She's wearing a shiny, lime green jacket. "Is that satin?" I whisper to my father, not wanting to drown the sound of the television. The seams on it are very stiff, making it look almost as if the shoulders are padded, and although the neckline is quite high, her breast are accentuated by darts that run all the way down until they disappear in a black patent leather waist. Below the waist, the...

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A Sissys Teatime

A Sissy's Teatime by dirteesissy It was a beautiful summers day, the sun shone warmly, the birds were singing in the lush treetops and life was good Milly Clarke. The daughter of a billionaire Mother, head of her own division of her company and married for a little over a year. Her new husband, Chris had started out, as per her Mother's orders, at a lower level position in the company with a chance to prove himself as the personal assistant to Adrienne Moore. In fact she was on her...

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