- 2 years ago
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It’s only past seven in the evening and still already pitch dark outside the car. The headlights illuminate the fat raindrops that hurl themselves horizontally at the windshield. He is on the autobahn going barely 50 mph in the middle lane and it still looks like Chewie just punched it. Fall season in Germany is goddamn dreary.
The streets are packed today. It’s rush hour, but no one’s literally rushing anywhere. Wise decision in this weather.
He changes the radio channel and catches the tail end of the traffic news just as he clears a little crest and the view before him makes him curse. The road flows down the hill, snakes around a copse of trees and then up another hill, vanishing there - and as far as his eye can see, it’s a chain of red tail lights. Bumper to bumper gridlock.
Predictably, the truck in front of him slows down. He eases onto the brakes as well and swerves toward the right hand side as far as he can to allow rescue vehicles through on the left. Soon, he is sandwiched between the truck and the SUV behind him. With a sigh, he puts the car in idle, sinks into his seat, leans his head back and closes his eyes.
He’s not really in a hurry. There’s no one waiting for him at home except his bed. Thinking about that empty bed makes him sigh a little.
After the news and a couple of commercials, a slow, sensual guitar comes through the loudspeakers. He recognizes Chris Isaak’s ‘Wicked Game’ and slightly turns up the volume. He remembers the video clip, remembers watching it on loop back in the VHS days. Helena Christensen artfully strip-teasing herself out of her lacy underwear at the beach, damp, stringy hair falling across her glistening lips, pale, kohl-rimmed come-fuck-me-eyes hypnotically staring at the viewer, is not something anyone could ever forget.
He looks around himself – truck in front, SUV behind, dark van to his right. The truck’s tail lights, the reflection from his own headlights and the shine from the headlights of the cars in the leftmost lane do brighten the interior of his car a little, but there is more than sufficient shade and darkness, too. It’s public, but also private. No one is going to see. And even if they did… so what? The faint possibility is actually the thing that gives him the last little nudge.
He reaches down and unzips, wriggles his jeans down just a bit, reaches into his underwear and touches himself. He is half-hard already. He blames Helena Christensen and her pouty lips.
Leaning his head back against the headrest, he slowly and steadily tugs and strokes his meat into full hardness. As he pulls it out of his briefs, he imagines Helena and her sun-kissed skin, her perky tits, the nipples she never actually showed in the video. He imagines her video lover latching onto and sucking on them as she straddles him and rubs her panty-clad pussy against his crotch. Her lover’s big hands come around and cup her shapely ass, and the tips of his fingers slide under the seams of the lacey fabric to tease and tickle her cleft. He can almost hear her panting and moaning, can almost see her throwing her head back with her eyes closed in ecstasy.
Suddenly, someone honks and an ambulance howls past out of nowhere. Torn from his fantasy, he opens his eyes and looks around once.
Then he does a double take.
The van that was next to him is gone. It crept forward a couple of meters on the rightmost lane and the next car pulled up into its spot. It’s an English car, its front window lining up with his exactly, the driver behind the wheel that’s installed on the far right side instead of the left. The van’s tail lights are high and bright. That’s how he can see all of her.
She, in turn, can see all of him.
The woman in the other car is watching him – watching his cock, to be precise – with one hand on the steering wheel, the other in her own pants, burrowed into her crotch.
It takes a long, magical moment for her to realize that she has been spotted. She freezes like a startled rabbit as their eyes meet. Even in the bright red glow of the taillight, he can see how she blushes furiously. She pulls her hand from between her legs, acting like she had merely adjusted her underwear or her sanitary pad or whatever, and bows her head so that her dark hair falls between them like a curtain.
He chuckles to himself. It would almost be endearing, if only he wasn’t painfully hard and any thoughts of Helena Christensen hadn’t dispersed like clouds at the idea of jerking off with an eager, participating live audience instead. He keeps staring at the woman, wishing so hard she would look over at him again that he grits his teeth.
After a small eternity, she risks a sideways glance – just a glance – then turns away once more. He curses. Oh, now you’re shy?! Fuck that. You started this. He reaches up to switch on the interior light and then leans on his car horn. The blare goes on for full five seconds until she looks over again and he lets up.
Her eyes go wide. He knows she can see him properly now. She looks away again and he honks again – eventually, she gets it, gives in, bites her lip and holds the eye contact.
That is, until he grabs his cock again and gives it a good pump. Throwing down the gauntlet.
He sees her gaze snapping down, sees her staring, scandalized and mesmerized simultaneously, mouth slightly open. He even switches hands for her so that she can better see what he’s doing. He knows he has a nice cock, with the right length and girth, and a pleasant curve and shape. No wonder she got stuck watching him. He smirks to himself.
The smirk falls right out of his face when he sees her hands reaching up to her chest and cupping her tits – big ones, C-cups at least – through her white blouse and underwear. Her fingers knead and pinch. Not in the porn star Look at these kind of way, but in the I’m so horny that my tits are heavy and my nipples are achy kind of way. He groans to himself and slows his hand down to match his strokes to her rhythm, imagining his cock wedged between those tits, pumping upwards, his angry red mushroom head reaching for the tip of her tongue. She would be sticking it out to lick his pre-cum off the little slit, he just knows it.
His groan fills the car when she decides to make a goddamn commitment and take his challenge, and unbuttons her blouse hastily. Her breasts are confined by a very sensible-looking flesh-colored bra, and as if she can hear his thoughts, she folds down the cups immediately. Her glorious tits spill out, jutting forward. Her nipples are dark and pointed and he longs to suck on them. Instead, he watches her pinch, roll and tug them between her thumb and index finger, much harder than he thought women liked it.
Her other hand slides down her body and back underneath the belt of her black office slacks. She doesn’t unbutton or unzip them. With the fabric still so tight and tense, her hand shows up as a moving bulge, which is somehow even hotter than seeing exactly where her fingers are going and what they are doing. Again he matches his rhythm to hers.
They lock eyes across the two cars and it’s like they are locked in a strange sort of embrace.
Faster, he mouths, and she speeds up right alongside him, pressing her lips together to stifle her moans. He imagines that she is used to keeping quiet. Maybe that’s how she’s also an expert on masturbating without even opening her pants first. He imagines her in her cubicle, her co-workers all around her and her hands busy with her cunt without anyone the wiser. Or maybe she’s one of those women who like to keep it inside, the ones who implode instead of bursting outward when they cum, screaming silently instead. Or does she like to be told to keep quiet? To be threatened a little? One peep, my slut, and I’ll give you proper reason to scream this house down.
Shit, he curses. Her hand and arm are working so furiously and have almost sunk so deep past the waistline now he knows she has at least one finger inside her pussy. He imagines the smell filling the car, imagines the squishy noises. I’m gonna cum, he tells her.
She shakes her head once. Not yet.
With another, heftier curse, he clutches his cock at the base and squeezes to stall the orgasm just a little longer. His balls feel achingly full. His cock and his fingers and palm are slick with his pre-cum.
He watches her flying solo for a moment, and she watches him watching her, her eyes flicking down to his cock every time it twitches. He can’t help but think how beautifully desperate she looks with her tits bare, her fingers clamped around one nipple and her hand between her legs.
With his empty right hand, he points and gestures for her to pull her hand out of her panties, and she does – with her lips pressed together again, this time to stifle a groan of frustration, he imagines. In the taillights’ glow, he can see the wet glisten on her skin. Fuck.
He sticks his own middle finger into his own mouth and licks it.
Her eyes go wide, but she complies and licks her juice from her fingers, never breaking eye contact, never stopping to fondle her tit.
Delicious? he asks, and she blushes again and momentarily hides her face in her palm. He huffs a laugh. So dirty and so innocent.
Then she gestures back, and he is stumped for a second before he realizes what she wants from him. Well, maybe not so innocent. He laughs, swipes some pre-cum off his cock with his thumb and very showily licks it off. It’s salty and not unpleasant. Her eyes watch him with a heated glow. She bites her lip and sticks her hand into her pants again.
Before long, they are both writhing and pumping their hips in their seats, and as if by telepathy, they both ask Now? and then both nod desperate affirmatives.
He jerks his cock almost painfully, feels the hot flesh swell just a little more until it’s ready to burst, flicks his wrist and feels his orgasm barrel down his spine like an avalanche. With a long, feral groan he watches his cum spurt from his cock, onto his chest and stomach, drip down his knuckles and then get rubbed back into his skin as he pumps and wrings the last few drops from it.
Looking up, he sees her riding her own wave, her hand clenched and cupped around her pussy, her back bowing off the seat, her face in a grimace of pure bliss, eyes screwed shut, mouth open on an O. Gasping, she relaxes again as her orgasm slowly subsides, and with a last shiver, she unhands herself. Shooting him a sheepish look, she rummages in the door pocket to find a tissue, readjusting her boobs and bra in the meantime.
He produces a hanky from his own pockets and also quickly cleans himself up. Once his cock is soft enough again, he slides back into his briefs and pants, zips and buttons up again. Then he opens the driver’s side window just a crack and sighs when the colder air from outside blows across his slightly sweaty face.
Just that second, the brake lights of the truck in front of him come on, alerting him to the fact that the vehicle has moved forward a bit and then stopped again. Before long, there is a widening gap between his car and the truck’s back bumper and the lane definitely starts moving. The driver of the SUV behind him starts honking like an idiot.
He looks to his right and finds her looking back at him with a cheeky smile on her face, giving him a small wave with her fingers.
See you in the next gridlock, he says and steps on the gas.
She has heard so many rumors about the autobahn. Apparently, it’s a near-magical place and driving on it is a fantastic, almost therapeutic experience. Wonderful asphalt, nice, broad lanes, no speed limits, great fellow drivers.
Most of it turned out to be b.s. The asphalt is okay, she supposes. The lanes are pretty much the same at home. But there is a speed limit almost everywhere, and the fellow drivers apparently fuck up once it gets dark and a single raindrop falls from the sky. There must have been an accident somewhere ahead. Yep, truly magical. She checks her watch again. She’s been practically standing still for almost twenty minutes already. So much for getting home and getting that report of today’s meeting done before midnight.
The van in front of her lurches forward a couple of meters and she lets her right-hand drive Vauxhall Insignia roll a bit to close the gap.
The radio jabbers something in German, and then plays ‘Wicked Game’ by Chris Isaak. She hums along. Such a sad but sexy lyric to go along with a music video that’s always made her envious. She remembers that the woman in it looked gorgeous, the guy – was it the singer himself? – was dreamy, and the passion between the two… wistful-sigh-inducing. She hasn’t had a tenth of that in the entirety of her relationship with her ex whom she left on the other side of the Channel, the same guy who had always been against her plans of going to Germany. They’re all cold fish there, she remembers his words. You won’t connect with them.
She is almost afraid to concede that he may have been right. For sure, all of her colleagues, the few neighbours she has met, and even the people she has met at the bar on Friday nights seem… dispassionate. They like to talk about their many interests and hobbies and are very animated when they do, but there isn’t any trace of a deeper connection. She can’t feel any heat, not even a spark.
Then she looks over to the car next to hers – their windows line up perfectly and are closer than normal because the other driver has pulled to the right hand side for emergency corridor – and gasps.
The driver of the other car is clearly… Well, he is wanking.
She looks around to see if anyone else is seeing what she’s seeing. There is the dark van in front of her, and a huge truck in front of the, uh, wanker. In her rear view mirror, she sees an older couple in a big BMW right behind her, next to an SUV so towering she can’t even see the passengers. No one has the angle to see him there behind the wheel of his car with his head back and his hand on his crotch.
Well, except herself.
She glances at him again, looks away.
Glances again. A little more thoroughly.
Looks away. A little more briefly.
The sight pulls her like a magnet.
He has a nice cock. She blinks at herself, but the thought doesn’t go away. It’s true. Very true. It’s big and has an appealing shape. And God, the way he moves his fist is also very alluring. The few times she has seen men wank, it always struck her as strangely hilarious rather than sexy. Something about the hunched shoulders and the too-quick jerky movements. But this man, he makes it look like…
Like he’s making love to himself. Like he’s got all the time in the world.
She glances away – now ‘looking’ and ‘glancing’ is definitely reversed – this time to check if anyone can see her. No one can. With the truck’s tail lights blocked by the A-pillar of her Vauxhall, she’s in deep shadows.
No one will know.
She leaves her left hand on the steering wheel and slips her right hand between her legs, on top of her slacks. She jolts with the first squeeze. Everything feels tender there, and like her panties are too tight. She can feel her own sweaty heat through two thick layers of fabric. When she looks up and at the man and his beautiful cock again, it’s suddenly too much and not enough at the same time. She hesitates a moment, sees him flick his wrist like that, and slides her hand underneath the waistband of her stretchy-but-respectable trousers and into her panties.
Her fingers easily slip between her lips because they are already thickly coated with her warm honey, brush against hot, slick flesh that seems to light up at the touch. Gently, she presses on the little turgid pearl of her clit and pets it. This always makes the muscles in her abdomen shake like someone is tickling her sides.
She stifles a moan when she sees him flicking his wrist again, imagines the veins bulging on his forearm during this hard, abrupt, even slightly violent move, and God, German men do have sexy forearms. So nice and strong, great to twine around someone from behind and pull them back onto that long, big cock, which he should keep stroking with his hard hands, keep stroking--
He has stopped.
She looks up and when their eyes meet, someone has dumped a bucket of icy water straight into her stomach. First comes the cold shock, then her body turns up the heat in counteraction and all the hot blood flows straight into her face. Oh, shit!
Embarrassed to her core, she hurries to pull her hand out of her trousers, so fast she gets her wristwatch caught in her underwear and has to twist her hand around to free herself, and shakes her hair forward to hide her face – now both ashamed for and also annoyed with herself that she didn’t think of doing that right away.
Her fingers are wet. Somehow, stupidly, doesn’t dare to wipe them off. Through two car windows and across several meters, she can still feel his eyes on her.
Indeed, when she dares to peek around her hair, he is still watching her with the same intensity with which he jerked his cock. A shiver zips up her spine and she looks out the other side window into the dreary, rainy German night.
Suddenly, a car horn starts up and goes on and on and on, vibrating ear-piercingly through her passenger cabin. She turns her head again and the horn falls mercifully silent when her eyes fall onto the man in the car next to her, now illuminated in all his exposed and erect glory by the overhead light of his own car. Jesus Christ! She averts her eyes again, but the car horn promptly rings out again. This is… blackmail! Or coercion or something!
Eventually – much too easily – she gives in and looks at him. Into his eyes this time. Not at his cock. Into his eyes. Don’t look at his cock. Don’t. Look.
The movement of his hand is entirely impossible to ignore. Such a nice cock in such a nice hand. Long fingers, but not too long. Strong and sturdy. She would bet there are calluses on his palms, and that they feel good to himself as he massages and tugs and twists his own shaft.
How would they feel on her? Just thinking about it makes her boobs hurt a little from want and deprivation and she presses her palms to them. When was the last time a man – or anyone, really –touched her properly? Cupped and kneaded her tits like she liked it? Her tits used to be so primed and sensitive she could orgasm just from nipple play and having the undersides touched. She had once seen a porn movie in which a woman was riding a man’s cock, and the man sat up and licked, sucked and bit the nipple of her one breast and slapped the other with his hand. She still returns to this memory now and then in lonely nights, pinching her nipples as she lies in bed.
As quickly as she can, she unbuttons her blouse and pulls her bra down to get to her painfully erect nipples. A groan slips out of her mouth once her fingers close around the engorged nubs. It feels like both have a direct line to her clit. With her eyes searching his and then latching on to the beautiful movement of his hand again, she plays with her nipples as long as she can stand – which is not very long – and eventually slides her hand back into her panties.
Everything is more now. More sensitive, more intense, more swollen, hotter, wetter. She can feel a gush of cream squeeze out through her pussy lips when she leans back a little more to give her hand more freedom of movement. Normally, when she masturbates she merely touches her clitoris. Today, however, with a fat cock right there on display, her vagina has turned into an achingly hollow that begs to be filled at least a little. She slides her middle finger into the hot, wet well and feels her own muscles flutter as she slides out again, slipping all the way up to her clit and back. Matching her rhythm to that of his hand on his cock, she pushes back in and out, in and out.
Her right hand is around her breast, her left between her legs, her eyes are caught by his. Faster, his mouth says and she wants to moan and complies readily, greedily, wants to scream with glee when his pokerface breaks and his lips say Oh shit, I’m gonna cum.
She is close, but not there yet. Not yet. She shakes her head.
He grabs his dick by the base as if to strangle it and it twitches like crazy, visibly shiny with pre-cum. Knowing just how close he was and that he stopped just because she said so makes her moan.
With his free hand, the man gestures at her to also stop and pull her hand out of her pants. Breathing hard, she complies, still feeling the ghost of her own finger inside of her pussy. At this rate, she assumes she might literally pass out from the orgasm that is currently building within her.
Then, he sticks his middle finger into his mouth and motions for her to do the same. Blushing again, she complies, smelling and tasting herself, feeling the strange consistency of her juice on her tongue and swallowing it down.
Delicious? he mouths and smirks. For some reason, that makes her feel embarrassed, and she giggles. Well, time to pay like with like. She flicks her now-clean fingers at his general direction in a ‘well? What are you waiting for? Your turn!’ type of motion.
He takes a moment to understand but finally drags his thumb up the side of his cock to collect some pre-cum and sticks it in his mouth, never breaking eye contact.
Oh, fuck. That sight goes straight to her clit again. She can’t wait any longer. She puts her hand back onto her pussy just as he puts his back around his cock, and this time there is no holding back for either of them. It only seems to take a few seconds of frenzied touches for both of them to break and beg Now? and for each to give the other one permission.
Every cell in her body seems to sing and buzz with joy for a long moment that floats, suspended weightless in mid-air, and then her orgasm crashes through her with the force of a freight train, making her legs jerk like she’s being electrocuted, driving sweat through each pore, actually blinding her eyes for a long second. Her pussy clenches and gushes more wetness into her panties. She bows off her seat, throws her head back and shouts a long, creative curse into her passenger cabin.
Time stands still for a blissful ten, fifteen seconds as the afterglow percolates through her.
Eventually, reality sets back in. Shivering a little, she collects herself.
Being sweaty and wet is not necessarily comfortable, so she gropes around for the pack of Kleenex she keeps in the door pocket and cleans herself up as much as possible, stuffing a tissue into her panties to soak up some of the, uh, spillage and putting her boobs back in place. In the other car, the man does the same, putting himself back together again although he does nothing about the big white stains on his dark shirt.
Just then, the brake lights of the big truck in front of his car come on and then go out again. The truck has moved a couple meters, then moves again. Apparently, the traffic jam is finally dissolving, one lane at a time. Behind them, the other drivers immediately start honking like mad, impatient for the man to get a move on.
Well. So much for not connecting with the cold Germans, she mutters as if he can hear her, smiles at the thought that her ex is really an ignoramus, then smiles at the man in the other car and gives him a little wave good-bye before he drives away.
The autobahn really is a somewhat magical place, and the fellow drivers... whew.
Hello! So, I've been on the autobahn recently... Hope you enjoyed the story that little joyride inspired!
P.S.: Seriously, though. Don't wank (or text, or drink) and drive, and always remember to form an emergency corridor in case of a traffic jam. Also, don't fucking take pictures of the accident. Only capital-A Assholes do that. Thank you~!
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Rush hour with a black manFriday afternoon I left early my office and caught the train during the rush hour. I was going to meet my friend Paula, to arrange a birthday party in a club.It was summer time in L.A. and that warm day I was dressed up in a tight black fitting top, with no bra; a silk skirt short and flirty and nice high heels. As I was standing and waiting for the train, I got some attention from men around, when my skirt lift up with the light breeze. I could only hold the front of...
Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...
I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...
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As anyone who commutes too, from and within a large city will tell you rush hour is somethig everyone wishes they could avoid. Whether it be the long drive home where the only thing touching medal is the brake pedal or weathering the upstream effect as you walk the crowded sidewalks to and from the office. As a new yorker I take the subway to and from work so you can imagine my pain. The situation in question happened a few months ago on a Thursday evening. It had been a long day and grimaced...
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Straight Sex‘One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend’ I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I’d have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...
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It was three in the afternoon and there I was standing in his backyard completely naked, except for a collar that my Master made me wear that had - BITCH - written across it in rhinestones. The party was all set up. Lots of food and bottles of beer with my Master setting up the BBQ. I knew his friends would be arriving soon and I still didn’t know what was coming. My Master had said he’d enjoy watching me perform my first power hour. I asked what that was and he said that it’s a surprise for...
Let me try to paint a picture of the scene…. The previous train was cancelled and this one is already running ten minutes late. When it arrives, several dozen people try to get on compressing the mass of people already standing at the carriage doors until finally pleading and cajoling, I and no more than six others manage to squeeze ourselves on. It’s so tigh,t my briefcase is jammed so hard, I simply cannot move my right arm. My body is pressed against the woman who got on in front of me, the...
He quietly slipped out of the office and down the hall, checking around as he walked. He didn't necessarily think anything would go too far but nonetheless, he wasn't trying to get rejected in front of an audience. He knew he wasn't quite her type standing 5'11, light skinned built with light brown eyes and big lips...but he figured, hey...he wasn't ugly, and the worst that could happen is a "no." He stood in the door way of the lab and gazed in at her. She sat about 6 feet away,...
Stacey rather sheepishly welcomed the large man into her house. She couldnt explain why shed been so compliant, maybe it was something about his mature powerful frame that unnerved her. Hed been polite asking if her husband was in, saying he was expected. She had looked quizzical at him. Her husband didnt know any black guys, in fact both of them didnt really like his type. But that would be how Stacey would word it, other might say they were just down right racist. The Boss eased past her,...
Sir Mark, Jeff and I made our way out of the party to their car which was a big US made pick up. I started to ask a few questions now that the thump of the dance floor was behind us, and I could really see how hot both Sir Mark and his boy are. Sir Mark stopped, pulled my mouth to his and whispered “Shhh boy. No talking until I say!” And I nodded.I got in the middle of the front seat while Sir Mark made his way through North Hollywood to a private club associated with a Nasty Kinky Pig play...
Hi one and all, I am Pradeep age 25 basically from Hyderabad. I’m a 6feet athletic shaped boy. Currently, I’m working in an MNC. I’m a big fan of sex stories irrespective of the categories. As far as I sense Some are true and some are fake or just imagination. Aunties and girls in and around Hyderabad contact me at if interested only for sex and fun. I’m not interested in a relationship. I have been reading these sex stories after completion of my 12 th standard. Getting into the story,...
IncestHi this is shyam age 24 from bengaluru and I would like to share one of my experiences that had happened in my life talking about me I am fair and average built body girls will say cute and have a tool which can a satisfy any unsatisfied women and coming to the story it happened when I was in the college days at that time I used to stay along with my friends in a flat and there was a neighbour aunty who was damn beautiful and sexy who was in age between 28-30. I guess but her parts are pretty...
hi friends this is a real incident which happened to be enjoyed by me very well.ok i will come to the description of my story. pushpa is my friends sister, she is married, and about our sex i have already narrated in couple edition SHE WAS WILD and she thought me all kind of sex and this happened during that period only. PREETI was her name,and was studying in 1st PUC,well shaped good boobs and ass, she lived opp to pushpas house,she had seen me going in pushpas house n lock the door n return...
In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...
In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...
In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...
Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Mumal Oasis, The Halani Desert I groaned as the female entity in the water of the oasis engulfed my cock. She suckled at me with a passion. A hunger that...
After a long day of classes all I wanted to do was get home. I ran down the steps to the crowded subway platform and waited for the next train to arrive. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a tall, dark and handsome man reading a financial magazine. He looked about 25 and looked incredible in his fitted suit. I turned away as the train pulled into the station. My hair was blowing in my face and when I looked back to see if he was still standing there he was gone. There was something about...
Straight SexI often enjoy taking public transit, even though most people don't. I like people-watching, trying to imagine what everyone's lives are like, and what they're doing that day. The only time I don't particularly enjoy it is during the early evening. In a crowded city like mine, the downtown trains and buses are packed like sardines as everyone rushes to get home after a long day's work. I held my purse tighter to my side as I stepped on board the bus, and sighed, realizing I wasn't going to find...
Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Late at night when I wasn’t doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I’d get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how… Oh yeah, I know you’ll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they’re still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a...
one day while we were doing the usual foreplay [which was me naked giving him head while he was in boxers and a shirt], he brought out a small pink vibrator. Now this was long before i became a porn addict, so i had no idea how a vibrator worked. neither did he, and he used it on me like a dildo. i hated the feeling to be honest, it was like a giant bee was inside me, and the vibrator wasnt as big as he was so it didnt feel as good. Neither of us knew that vibrators are best used on a clit,...
Late at night when I wasn't doing anything, I would fantasize about them. Sometimes it would get so bad, I'd get incredibly wet. I needed to be relieved, some how... Oh yeah, I know you'll say go get some guy, but being a geek, they're still hard for me to come by. I tried to get a vibrator, but it went dead, I tried a second, that too went dead.... I asked about them and found, they all go dead after awhile. I guess they're made to. So, instead of buying another one... embarrassingly, I...
Needless to say I had my mind on other things than paint that Thursday, but we did get the kitchen painted. We talked a lot about my sexual experience, which wasn’t much other than masturbation mostly looking at playboy. Had never touched a female yet alone have any type of sex with one. Hopefully 1959 would be my year to become a sexually active man.Rose and I had taken the leap that she had been reluctant to take at first. She admitted that she planned to make the first move for us to be...
I was tied to his dining room table. His wife and k**s ate at this table. My hands and feet were tied to the table legs, and he had tied up my huge breasts and atatched nipple clamps. My pussy was on full show and i was sopping wet. Master was stood up infront of me, admiring his work. On the cabinet, there was a row of the toys he planned to use on me. A paddle, weights for the nipple clamps, and a...toilet brush? oh god, what had he got planned?Master stroked my inner thighs, working his way...
Hello guys this is aarush again, how are u all. kese ho sab??? ISS k sare readers ko mera saalam aur ladkiyo,aunties aur bhabis ko mere land ka saalam. Dosto meri sex stories to aapne padhi hi hai Sheena k sex adventures part 1,2,3,4,5. feedback dene k liye mail kare “”. Ab ye meri bilkul nayi story hai aur ye ek sachi ghatna hai. Ye story mere school time ki hai jo mere sath hui thi. Aap sabke mail muje mile hai aur isiliye me ye story post kar raha hu.Ese hi aap mail karte rahe aur muje kafi...
Hi All, this is yashwanth. Please mail me your comments at [email protected] about myself. I’m a post-graduate working in Hyderabad. I’m 5’9” tall with fair skin. I’m smart enough and good looking. Most of the girls and auntie’s keep staring at me. So do I, Now coming to the story it happened nearly 6 months back. I had just joined and had started earning. I had a colleague named Rajesh who had become very friendly with me because he thought that I’m very smart and could help him with...
I got bored with the missionary position real fast. Many of you probably know, once you’ve worked your way through the Kama Sutra, well, then things get really interesting. Being both imaginative and possessed of a somewhat disreputable character I had enjoyed sexual adventures, some of which are best not described, even here.I’d made a filthy amount of money in nanotechnology right out of college having discovered a manner of using molecular chemistry to build atomic level structures for use...
BDSMIndru tamil kama kathaiyil enathu thodar kama kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Sir en soothil sunniyai vida naan udane vali endru sola avar sunniyai veliyil eduthu soothai naka aarambithaar. Soothil sex seivathu enbathu ithu thaan muthal murai, enaku soothil kuda sex seivaargala endru viyapaga irunthathu athai vida athai naki ookum pozhuthu sugam kidaithathu innum ennai achariyathil aazthiyathu. Teacher soothu ootaiyai nandraaga echu seithu avarin oru viralai vitu aata aarambithaar, haaaaaa...
I hadn't been to the mall since I stopped going there looking for another Her that fall. With it being the week before Christmas, the mall was like a totally different place than it had been. I couldn't believe how... uncomfortable I was being around so many people again. I think I would have freaked out and left if I hadn't been there with Joey. But I couldn't show that kind of weakness in front of him like that. My biggest problem was what to do with my eyes while we were walking....
It had been a long day. My feet were killing me and the summer heat left trails of sweat running down my back as I pushed my way through the crowds. The press of bodies made me feel uncomfortable at first but as I felt the pressure of a woman's breast pressing against my arm things suddenly began to change. Looking around I suddenly became aware of just how many women there were around me. In fact I could barely see any other men as I made my way down the stairs and onto the station platform. I...
TOOTHBRUSH PART V Tonight was a special night. It was several weeks after Dr. Grant (Tina) had examined both John and Anna, and John was busy setting the dinner table for three. Tina informed John and Anna that she had the preliminary results of her examinations. Anna suggested that all three of them would have dinner together at Anna's apartment and Tina would make her report. Tina at first balked at this suggestion, but on the basis that she did have a long standing social...
RushI’m just inside my door, a cool late summer early morning touching my body. I feel an anticipatory tingling down below that teases my mind. I love doing this but it’s hard to explain. Around midnight I rose out of bed and went downstairs into what I call “the man cave” and stripped off my sparse bedclothes, getting naked - a state of being I wished I could be in all the time. If only society would allow it, I would do it 24/7. I love being naked and don’t mind being seen.As soon as I...
Rush Time By Bea The phone rang. "I'll get it!" I called down to mom. "Got an idea it'll be John." "Don't forget that your sister's here too," she called back. "Nah!" I said, getting to the phone. Truthfully I'd forgotten she was back in the house for a great moment or so. "Al Here!" I said into the phone. "Hello Al," John said. His voice carried his excitement. "Counting the days, huh?" "Got THAT right!" I laughed and let out a sigh of...
Upon entering the home, on the kitchen table a single burning candle in an old-fashioned brass holder greeted her with a note saying, ‘Walk with me.’ The home was completely dark and the air was warm and still. She heard the faint sounds of a jazz piano drifting down the hall from the direction of the bedroom. She lay her purse and keys down on the table and began her journey down the hall, candle in hand. She reached the bedroom door, which was just ajar. She held the candle in her left hand...
Aidan needed a hobby, so he bought a metal detector. It was supposed to help him deal with the stress of caring for his parish in the north of England, but straightaway he developed an obsession with Vikings. "They were all through here, you know," he told his wife Edie. "Absolute hordes of them. And they buried their gold and silver, all sorts of valuable things. People have discovered caches all over the countryside with metal detectors." He was convinced there was Viking gold buried in...
Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for real fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story the heroine of the story is named Samyuktha. She...
Less than four hours remained until his dinner date with his ex-wife, Katrina, at her favorite Manhattan restaurant: Sardi’s. In less than five minutes his mistress would emerge from the ladies’ restroom with freshly scrubbed hands, ready to pry open a three-pound lobster across from him at a ramshackle diner. As the wisecracking waitress Janine approached their table, adjusting her apron and popping open one button too close to her mountainous cleavage, adman Antoine wondered aloud, ‘How in...
TOOTHBRUSH by Gloria John was parking at the Mall he usually went to for lunch. It was a bit foggy, but no problem for driving. He was looking forward to his usual fries and a soda pop. Anna, too, liked to lunch at the mall. There was a yummy salad bar at the grocery store, which was tasty, and light on calories. Neither John nor Anna had met the other but, by coincidence, they both were looking for a parking spot in the same area at the same time. No problem; though the Mall...
TOOTHBRUSH PART II Both Anna and John were feeling increasingly turned on as John, with steadily increasing pace and force, sucked up and down the full length of Anna's large stiff penis. The pliancy, the texture, the strength of Anna' s penis in John's mouth, sliding up and down his throat was deeply exciting and wonderful to John. At one point he looked up with his brown eyes and saw Anna's blue ones, half closed. Anna was biting her lips and breathing heavier by the second. She...
TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...
TOOTHBRUSH PART IV As John sipped on his coffee, he could half hear little snippets of Anna on the phone ."...personal situation...won't be in for a coupla can call me at....", etc. Silence for a few seconds, then the faint beepings of Anna punching in another phone number.. "Dr. Grant., please....need to see you ASAP...urgent personal difficulty...this aft at 1? - great....will introduce you to my new boyfriend....yes, thank you." Silence again as the call ended. Anna...
TOOTHBRUSH PART VI Tina sipped the last bit of yummy wine in her glass and gently leaned back in her chair. She and Anna and John had just finished dinner, a dinner both delicious and sensual. All three of the lovelies had been relaxed by the wine and the warm, convivial company. All three were also experiencing a slow, steady buildup of sexual arousal, from the tops of their heads to the tips of their pretty toenails. Almost imperceptibly, Tina stilled herself. "Ladies" she...
Inez braced herself for the onslaught of a hot platter of soft-scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries and toast as waitress Janine seemed to be perfecting her flying disc toss to an imaginary canine seated at the table. Blessed with quick reflexes, Inez unfolded her white napkin and used it to shield her face and prevent first-degree burns from the greasy strips of bacon and home fries performing sizzling somersaults before her eyes. ‘Damn, now that’s a sure sign I should’ve worn my eyeglasses!’ she...
Glancing at her watch, the woman sighed. Like the last time, she was five minutes late. In midflight from the elevator to the lobby of the Apex Building, where she temped for the law firm of Greed, Avarice & Corruption LLP, modesty was briefly hijacked by vanity in one act: pressing the buttons to all of the floors in order to increase the time to apply fresh coats of velvet-black mascara and midnight-blue eyeliner. By the time the rickety car squeaked to a jolt and the ‘L’ lighted in green on...
Ahmad al-Haytham tried to relax in the crowded pod. The Confederacy was treating them like cattle! They had locked four families into this pod and there were too many children running around making too much noise. Things would be better on the Salah al-Din, the crew there would recognise his importance and give him the necessary respect. These ignorant infidels had no proper idea how to treat someone as important as himself. His uncle Tareq had helped get him a place on the Salah al-Din, but...
FIRST HOURI’d been lusting after Cloe Simmonds ever since I figured out all the amazing things the package in my pants can do. But she only had eyes for her handball coach. It was damn painful to watch. Luckily, he eventually decided that she wasn’t worth his career. Fool. As soon as he was out of the picture, I swooped in and swept her off her feet with a little help from my dad’s Jag and credit card. It was all worth it. Losing myself in her scent, kissing her whole delicious body from her...
SwingersJust an HourBy Abe Froman (c) 2008 All Rights ReservedThe following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental.Please send any comments/suggestions to me at...