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Inez braced herself for the onslaught of a hot platter of soft-scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries and toast as waitress Janine seemed to be perfecting her flying disc toss to an imaginary canine seated at the table. Blessed with quick reflexes, Inez unfolded her white napkin and used it to shield her face and prevent first-degree burns from the greasy strips of bacon and home fries performing sizzling somersaults before her eyes. ‘Damn, now that’s a sure sign I should’ve worn my eyeglasses!’ she exclaimed.
‘Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa!’ Antoine yelled, then groaned.
Inez mistook her guy friend’s noises for guffawing at the acrobatic breakfast feat and replied in sing-song, ‘I wanna boogie with you.’
Laughing so hard she nearly choked on her leatherized gum, Janine turned her back to Inez and switched her way toward the kitchen. As she weaved through the hopscotch of tables in her path, she gave Inez the finger, letting it waggle on the downbeat of the güira heard in the eardrum-splitting merengue that was cranking from the diner’s speakers.
Unaware that she was keeping her own rhythm with the butter knife against the formica table, Inez followed the waitress’s percussive digit to a path beneath her dingy apron. She could not believe her eyes when the saucy server began scratching somewhere down in the valley of the Cordillera Central, between La Pelona and Pico Duarte. Instinctively, Inez shot a glance at her moist scrambled eggs. Are those white particles amid the fried yellow yolks really the egg whites, or a rooster’s sperm or — heaven forbid — are they bilious projectile from that hen? she wondered.
Antoine, why didn’t you chide that heffa?’ she clucked. She might have repeated her query, but realized that her companion’s eyes were shut and his mouth twisted into a whorl of flesh. ‘Antoine? Oh my God! What’s wrong with you?’
Patrons at surrounding tables paused only long enough to belch and to curse under their breath at the loud disturbances coming from Table #7. The din of suits and sluts resumed with the merengue segueing into Barry Manilow’s ode to showgirl Lola and her lover, Tony: ‘Copacabana.’
‘Awww, awww,’ Antoine was still groaning. Before actual words could travel from his brain to his lips, Janine trotted back to the fated table to the beat of Manilow’s disco cowbells. Slinking her sixtyish figure down toward Antoine, she lowered her eyes to groin and sang, ‘At the Copa … we fell in love.’ ‘Awww, awww, no. Nooo,’ he said, moaning and diverting his eyes from hers. To his chagrin, one of Janice’s stretchmarked pink breasts gingerly boxed his generous tanned nose. Then she swung a plate of hot eggs over easy and an English muffin from behind her back. ‘Fuuuck!’ he yelled. Looking in Inez’s direction, he added, ‘My huevos will never be the same after your swift goal kick to my monkey, sweetie. Fuck me!’
‘I’d love to,’ joked the waitress, her grin disappearing when she noticed the silence.
Inez played back the tape of Janice’s first serve. She realized she had been giving Antoine a footjob under the table. ‘Have you no compassion, dear?’ Antoine dared to inquire. While he gently squeezed his companion’s wrist as if to find a pulse, Inez eyed her target and relied on her rapid reflexes. Her fork’s trajectory barely missed Janine’s rear end as she moved away from the booth.
‘I guess that’s my answer, huh, baby?’ Antoine asked, all the while cupping the deflated denim over his pruned scrotum. His was the raspy voice of a male casualty in a game of footsie gone awry.
‘I suppose you’ll beg me to use my hands to stroke your ego next time, hon’,’ was all the endearment that Inez could muster before shoveling down her cold scrambled eggs. ‘Eat your eggs before they grow their shells back.’
Just for good measure, Antoine mouthed the words ‘I love you’ in her direction, but received nothing in return except a few home fries beside his lukewarm, floppy eggs. Where is the woman who used to coo when I undid her bra with my telekinetic vision? he mused.
‘Mmmm, I love the Intermission Diner’s scrambled eggs, Antoine. They must use a special ingredient, you think?’ she said.
‘Yeah, nothing like hacking up a good one from the throat,’ he said, regretting the remark before the last word was enunciated.
‘Care to repeat that, mister?’ she threatened. When she addressed him impersonally, he knew any chance of nookie was several months farther away from the long shot.
‘Look, sweetie, I’m damn near infertile from your, er, involuntary capoeira move in the cojones. I knew I shouldn’t have encouraged you to take that Intro to Kick Ass course.
‘It was an African Brazilian dance class, and don’t be such a smart ass, Antoine. I didn’t object to your repeating the Salsa y Sueños class with ex-wife Katrina at the 92nd Street Y when, as you insisted, she was trying to deal with her immense solitude. Salsa y Sueños, all right. Hmpf. That woman remains la mujer des tus sueños, I bet.’
‘Oh, boo, don’t be so hard on me, especially when it’ll take rehabilitative therapy for me to get hard in your presence again. Besides, my intimacies with Katrina soon will be a memories.’ If Pinocchio were not a fairytale, he would have his only possible hard-on, one long enough to whiff more of the coconut essence from behind her ears, which now were blushing like her face.
‘Am I really your … boo?’ she asked, her voice softening upon uttering each syllable.
Knocking over what remained in his glass of orange juice and sending his utensils clanging on the tiled floor, Antoine reached over the table and embraced Inez’s tensed shoulders until they surrendered to his warmth. She tasted his eggs over easy, he, her bacon bits. In the next minute, they both were wearing an assortment of condiments, from ketchup and butter to strawberry jam. They both hated the deli variety, but this kind of tongue sandwich whetted their appetite.
‘Ah-he-he-hem,’ Janice said while cracking a new stick of gum. She was not amused by the pair’s foreplay. She had a reason to feel selfish, having survived the first year of celibacy since the third of her husbands ran out on her with yet another friend. In a tough city such as New York, friends were hard to come by, but apparently not to come with. At least that what her first dear heart used to tell her when she would complain to him about needing a boob job to keep up with her friends’ silicon masterpieces. ‘Hey, hey,’ she said to her smooching customers, ‘Mickey and Kim, it’s nine-and-a-half weeks later and my shift has ended. Botha youz get a room.’
All that Inez could muster, once Antoine removed his octopus suckers for lips from her neck, was, ‘Geez, Janice. I would’ve expected more sophistication from you. For instance, that classc line delivered by the server in A Man and a Woman, where the couple are dining in the Normandy Hotel –‘
‘Yeah, yeah, I know that movie,’ Janice interrupted her. ‘I remember when Un Homey et Une Farm was released with that happy-go-fucky ‘dubba-dubba-da’ theme by Francis Lee .’
‘I think you mean ‘Lai,’ Janice,’ Antoine corrected her.
‘Whatever, honey. Lay is what youz wanna do here at dis here booth table, but not on my watch,’ the waitress cautioned.
‘Are you a warden or a warlock, I mean, waitress?’ Inez teased.
‘No hon’, only men can be warlocks. Women are the witches,’ Antoine offered, grabbing the remainder of his smashed English muffin and stuffing a ten dollar bill inside Janice’s exposed bra. ‘Adios, Janice.’ He accentuated his farewell by slowly spinning Inez away from the booth and into a hustle figure to the first strains of Yvonne Elliman’s ‘If I Can’t Have You.’
Wrapped in Antoine’s arms, Inez had a 20-second fantasy of their own version of Saturday night fever that made her body tremble. He noticed and held her tighter as they headed out of the diner and into the urban humidity. Kissing me would make it better, she desired to co
nfess to him. He pulled her into his body, into his stiffness, and held her there. Her knees buckled suddenly, but he provided all the support she needed. Dragging her backward, tango style, toward a concrete wall of a bank that was going out of business, he pondered how easy it might be to make a quick deposit. A no-brainer, he thought as he smothered Inez’s profile in full-lipped kisses.
Pedestrians either skated past them, their jaws fastened to their mobile phones, or pounded the pavement while their telltale white cords announced to onlookers that they had been invaded by body snatchers via iPods. Urban zombies rushed by the euphoric lovers, unaware of their undulating movements and primal aromas.
In the sliver of shadow beneath the building’s roof, Antoine’s long fingers made a swamp of Inez’s grassy vulva, and her writhing response sent them probing her canal down to his knuckles. Her moans matched his in intensity and wavelengths. Feeling her muscles contract and release around his dewy digits, he knew it would not be long before his throbbing erection, impaling her buttocks’ crevice through her swing coat, would turn to titanium in a chemical reaction.
‘I want to do you here, baby, out in the open,’ he whispered with rattled breath into her ear reddened more with ketchup than the blush of embarrassment.
‘Y’know, it’s illegal … ahhh … in New York C-C-C-City … aaaahhh … to carry a concealed weapon … aaaAAAHHH! Oh, God!’
By the time she turned holy, he had maneuvered her clothing and his trench so that he could slip inside her, but he spotted a police car coming into view. The pair straightened up quickly and gathered their composure. ‘Guess you’ll need to wear that trench back to the trenches,’ she teased her lover. As they walked past the diner again, they held hands and smiled each other’s way. He squeezed her hand firmly then brought her knuckles to his moist lips. She glanced into his black rhinestone eyes, which met her dilated dark brown pupils.
Before they could reach the corner, they were separated from their fantasy world. The curbside saxman appealed to them with his clairvoyant sense of humor: his rendition of Evelyn ‘Champagne’ King’s ‘I Don’t Know If It’s Right.’ Inez began to panic, although the chapped-lipped musician had no way of knowing about her stolen moment with Antoine. Yet he was the judge of their transgression, and it stood to reason that Inez’s co-workers at the law firm of Greed, Avarice & Corruption LLP would be the jury — that is, if clucking and snorting were allowed in court. Inez had survived the firm into her fifth year by the motto of ‘better seen, not herd.’ While she was chewing on her cud, it was as if Antoine were reading her mind when he sighed and said, ‘Back to the cutthroat culture of the ad agency, cutie.’
Antoine watched Inez’s figure disappear into the late-lunch crowd. Her absence created a safety zone where he could reconnect with his fidelity to his former wife, Katrina. He was like a chameleon in his erotic desire, having no guilt over using residual his lust shared with one woman to fulfill another woman’s emotional void. He walked out of the saxophonist’s line of sight and yanked out his mobile phone. Bluetooth inserted, he phoned Katrina on his way back to Mather & Long, rehearsing a script stored for priapic days like this, when he needed her manual relief by midnight.
It would take only 12 hours to make good on his booty call, but he wished he had more than a week to figure a way to weasel out of the planned romantic dinner with Inez . He had never missed celebrating Katrina’s birthday with her, and this would be the big ’40.’
To be continued …
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The day after Dawn had given herself to me I was confused, had I taken her, had she taken me, had I been set up by Dawn and Helen, who was in control here. Dawn had returned to head office and I was wandering round my office, there was still the faint stain under my desk where Dawn had been squatting and sucking me off, her cunt had been dripping her juices and with a faint hint of piss which must have squeezed out as I pumped down her throat causing her to wretch and gag as she took my swollen...
According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...
The showers are usually empty after my evening swims. If not, I wash quickly exposing myself as little as possible. When I can't help showing myself, when it's busy, some men studiously avoid looking, but some stare in amazement and some even laugh in open derision. Sometimes they are embarrassed for me. I have occasionally caught another man's eyes, and we have exchanged half smiles, sympathetic smiles. If I'm honest, one of the things I love about swimming is the changing room atmosphere - it...
(Author's Note: For greater enjoyment and atmospheric ambiance, listen to this while reading the intro or the whole story, really. Thanks to cronor for first posting the link to this great song that is now the unofficial theme song to this story in my mind. ) Space. The final frontier...or something like that, anyway. Who can remember? It's been centuries since humanity took to the stars as they'd dreamed of for years and years. It was so long ago...
One day, late in the evening but before bedtime, Derwen received word her express rider station north of our freehold had to be abandoned. The raiders had split up and one of their sub-groups had taken to the road, seeking more plunder. I was sure my nightly dreams would confirm this movement but if this party was mounted they could enter the freehold anytime. We sent word to Hajin about the southwestern movement of the raiding party and asked him to confer with us at the manor immediately....
Hi, this is Pavan from Visakhapatnam. This incident happened when I was in the final year of my B. Tech. My college was in West Bengal. I was going home for the Durga puja holidays. I met this lady on the train. She was a Bengali woman with proper Bengali attire. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall which was 2 inches shorter than me. The Bengali woman was 36 years old. Her measurements were 34b-30-36. She and her husband were also going to Visakhapatnam. Her husband was working in the steel...
Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...
This happened years ago, when I was a curious and horny 13yr old boy. I had moved schools and was still in touch with my best mate, Paul, who would take the time to come over for occasional visits. We were normal, good mates, and soon, we became closer still. He was a nice looking boy as i recall,full lips, and a nice slightly browned skin...we would often sit and play with lego or build models together, but as we began to reach puberty, our interests changed. It was on one of his visits to me...
By : Mohitkmr2626 Let me introduce myself first. I am Mohit from Delhi. It is a true incident I’m going to tell. I’m 18 yrs of age. I have a slim built body with an average look. My height is 5’10. Now let’s come to the story. It all started when I was studying in std X two years back. I had a friend named Pooja. She was a complete sex bomb having 34-28-32 figure with fair complexion. We always talked about sex and porn movies with each other. Anyone would want her in bed. Whenever I see her,...
sundra and i made it back to the house with just enough time to clean up after the mornings sex.i did notice on the way that there were two more cars there and wondered who had arrived.when we finally got to the kitchen oh wow her older sisters were there claire and carol both in there mid twentys and both very hot claire being a favorite of mine with her black hair and blue eyes,god i lusted after her but damm she had her two k**s with her i didnt think i was going to get a chance there.well...
Hi incest lovers, this is amit again. It’s a very true story between Indian mother and her son and please don’t’ think about it as fake. It happened between my friend and his mom. I am telling this story from my friend’s perspective. I know it is very rare for such thing to happen in India but believe me it happened between these families. So please, let your fantasies and role playing is away for some time as what you are going to read is a true account of incest which blossomed in a...
IncestThe Hotel’s bar is virtually empty now. Sitting across from you with my knees between yours, and lightly touching my hand, you tell me to wait 10 minutes then come up to the room.In the room you begin to make preparations. On the side tables by the bed, you lay out your toys: vibrators, dildos, paddle, belt, singletail, and ointments. Not that you plan to use them all, but for interest and decoration. You light a dozen candles in the room, open a bottle of wine, shut the lights off, and turn...
About an hour after she officially closed, there was a knock at the office door. She could barely contain her excitement as she opened the door for D, his wife, and their dog. "Hello, I'm Stephanie, I run the kennels and facilitate the breedings," she said, offering her hand. "I'm Janice," replied D's wife. "D says you run a very professional operation here. So, why the after hours meeting?" She asked, somewhat skeptically. As Stephanie led the bitch out to the kennel, she...
They had spoiled their son,they had indulged him at every turn and now there was a lot of trouble to contend with. Chase James ,snr. and his beautiful wife Tara found themselves sitting in a room at The Monastery of Repentance,not just any room,but the Private study of the Abbot.The room was lined by bookshelves,in one corner stood an old school blackboard,in front of the blackboard was a chair and a school desk,Chase and Tara exchanged looks,they could only imagine what happened inside the...
My Grandmother my WifeI often wonder about my life if a Saturday night with a baby sitter for my young sister had not happened my life would have been very different to be honest I’m glad it did.My father served in the Air Force and we moved a round quite a bit this one Saturday my parents went out for the evening and Left me and my eleven year old Sister in the care of our then next door neighbour who’s husband was a way on detachment.I was 16 at the time and once my Sister went to bed I got...
This is my true story of my first time sucking my own cock. It all started right before I turned 19, but it feels like it happened yesterday. I can remember it so well. I was never popular in HS and was still really new to college, so I hadn't had a blowjob yet.I was just home alone watching porn one afternoon. Nothing really got me excited, but I was so horny. I just could get hard enough to masturbate. So I started browsing different sections of the site I was on. This never had happened....
In this steamy patrol, Chuck and Avery become related by marriage. Their parents fell in love and now Step Sibling Porn is born. That’s right, nothing is stopping these two from getting down and dirty and they take full advantage. Actually, quite convenient if you think about it. The result is a very hot suck and fuck fest which results in not one, but two cumshots. Avery Black tends to have that effect on men. For example, her smooth silky skin and shapely body are big-time turn-ons. On top of...
xmoviesforyouI looked at Karen and said "What the hell do you mean Round 1." Karen gave me no answer. Instead, she removed her shirt and began to spread some of my cum on and between her tits. Watching her do this, quickly got me hard again. I licked my lips and purred. I knew what Karen had in mind. It was something I just loved doing, I was going to fuck her 40C's. "Slide to me," said my bared tittie, cum covered sister. I did as was told. I was soon back in the world of sexual bliss. Karen wrapped her...
She Males