- 4 years ago
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"Aren't you adorable?" Shelley cooed at my baby son. In twenty or thirty years Brian would bring a project in under deadline, just like his old man had last week; and he'd only hear that it was over budget, just like his old man had. Now, he garnered praise for sleeping. "Honestly, Jeff, Brian looks just like you."
"She still has a crush on you," Kristen said.
Shelley blushed. "I just think that Jeff is a pretty neat guy," she said.
Kristen snorted. Now, she must have thought that I had some good points; she'd married me after all. But, having married me, she wasn't about to admit any such opinion when I was within earshot.
As to her sister, I'd met Shelley on my first trip to visit Kristen's family. I had been very much "on approval." Kristen had to sleep with her sister to let me use her room. Aside from my actually being a pretty neat guy, I was fairly-well obliged to act nicely towards Shelley under those conditions.
(Yes, another sleeping arrangement had occurred to me. No, I hadn't dared suggest it.)
Besides that, she had been going through that coltish stage of girlhood then, not quite child -- not yet woman, and Shelley is one of those people who can't control their blushes. It didn't hurt at all that the woman-shape she grew into later was just about my ideal. Kristen can't object to that. You could always tell the sisters apart, especially in their faces; but you could always tell that they were sisters, too.
Shelley became sort of the younger sister whom I had never had, but I didn't push that relationship to the extent of teasing her into blushing as her sister and even her parents did, as a real brother certainly would have done.
On later trips, Shelley and I would usually spend one evening downstairs talking after everyone else had gone up, Kristen having confided in me that she "needed some time alone." And -- although most of the conversations were totally innocuous -- once I had been able to counsel Shelley on boys and their quirks. That conversation was almost lit by her blushes, but it had led to a few e-mails before she found someone else to give her advice.
Anyway, the nearly four years since that first visit had been sprinkled with reports from Kristen that "Shelley has such a crush on you." Sometimes the impetus was reasonably clear. A letter or a phone conversation had included mention of my name, or Shelley was present to blush at the report.
Sometimes the connection was distant, at best.
The quarter-break after that first visit to her home, Kristen and I didn't leave campus; my roommate did. Earlier precious hours of privacy and her whispered instructions had taught my tongue the way around her inner beauty, and that was my agenda for that afternoon. My roomie had left at eleven, after all, and there was no sense in waiting for nightfall.
"There is," Kristen said, "no hurry at all." That didn't count the hurry in my groin, but we did it her way. We almost always did, and it was almost always exquisite. We kissed, we petted, she stripped me to my waist before I removed her bra. She had one orgasm from my hand before we got to the main event. In those days, I was inordinately proud that I could bring her two orgasms in a single session.
Anyway, I kissed her mouth and her still-stiff nipples goodbye and scooted down the bed to her thighs.
She raised and spread her knees to give me maximal access. I kissed her thighs and sniffed the aroma that told me she was ready. I used my thumbs to part her outer lips. The inner ones were juicy and protruding. I licked along that ridge, and then slowly parted them with my tongue.
Her nectar tasted sweet and a little salty as I licked upwards. Stopping just short of her clitoris, I returned my tongue to the pool of her juices. Meanwhile, my breath was warming her clitoris and her sensitive flesh just around it.
I slid my arms up until my hands could cup her breasts. I gently stroked her nipples while my mouth was busy below.
Soon, she stiffened and pulled my head against her. I slipped my right arm down and was able to insert one finger into her tunnel. I rubbed the top there while sucking very gently around her clitoris. She undulated underneath my face while clutching around my finger.
Finally, she pushed my head away. I immediately withdrew my finger. Then I moved up the bed to lie hugging her.
"Do you have a rubber?" she asked after her breath came back.
Did I have a condom? Does Kansas have wheat?
"Do you want me to put one on?" I asked. I reached over towards the nightstand. Finally, I got the box out and extracted one packet. I opened it and fumbled the condom on.
"Be very gentle," she said. "I've never done this before."
Neither had I, and her statement scared me for a moment. Would I hurt her? Would she bleed? Would I even be able to find the place?
After wiping my face off with the sheet, I kissed her mouth. I retraced my earlier path down her body with my lips. When I opened her below, I started back up. While still kissing her mouth, I positioned myself. Her hand came down to guide me to just the right spot.
She was tight around the head of my cock. Tight and incredibly hot. As I pushed in, however, there was no real resistance.
When I was in as far as I could go, I looked at her face. She didn't appear to be in discomfort. Neither did she look like she did when she was near climax.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm okay. I feel glorious. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Do you want to move?"
If anything, moving in and out felt even better. As warm and smooth as her mouth had felt over my cock, it was nothing to compare with moving inside her. Soon, I couldn't help but speed up. I was pulling almost out and then ramming myself into her.
I exploded. Then I collapsed onto her sweet frame.
For minutes, I felt nothing but her hands patting me on the back. Then she was giggling under me.
"What so funny?" I asked.
"You are. Can you roll over?"
I did. "That was wonderful," I told her. "That was the best I've ever felt in my whole life."
"I'm glad."
"It wasn't wonderful for you was it?"
"I enjoyed it. I loved the feel of you inside me. You know, Shelley is right."
"Huh," I said, sounding more intelligent than I felt.
"You are a pretty neat guy."
That was nice to hear, but she hadn't come. Nor did she that evening when we tried it again. Later, lying in bed with my roomie in the next room and Kristen blocks away, I relived every detail of that experience. I decided that my worries had been silly. My finger had been there before me; her fingers had; there had been at least one boy back home, and who knows how many tampons. She'd never been quite so explicit about her freshman year as she had about her precollege past -- these were guys I was likely to meet, after all -- but she had gone through a lot of relationships before she met me at the beginnings of our sophomore year.
I never doubted that I was the first man she had gone all the way with. She was so open about her other activities before me that she wouldn't lie about that.
For some time, we went on as we had done that first afternoon. I would bring her to a climax -- maybe several, then I would have my climax inside her.
Meanwhile, other life went on. We ended our sophomore year; I suffered through a summer away from her; I got a new roommate in for my junior year, a guy named Jason. I visited Kristen's family on our spring break.
The time with her was lovely. Her family treated me kindly. On the other hand, her closeness was a constant provocation, and there was no way to relieve that provocation in that house. The last day before we left, her mother took Kristen aside for a very private chat. Kristen wouldn't tell me what it was about, although she looked a little amused when I mentioned it on the bus. We couldn't really talk there, though. We were surrounded by strangers who could overhear. We couldn't do much else, either, although we did get a little silent petting in.
Luckily Jason was out when we got to my room, He had left me a note saying he was out on a late date. That was enough permission for Kristen and me. We kissed as soon as we saw that note. Soon we were both naked on my bed. I had seen Kristen most of the time for a week; I had touched her for hours on the bus; I kissed her to a writhing climax on that bed. I was at my limit when I reached in my drawer for the box of condoms.
I found a piece of paper instead. "Jeff," I read to Kristen, "I hate to do this. But I have a hot date, and it's too late to get to the drugstore. I'll buy you another box on Monday. Jason." Monday was in the future; shopping hours on Monday were in the far distant future.
Kristen laughed. "Poor Jeff," she said. "Lie down."
I did. Her mouth was magic around me. When I erupted, she took it all. She spat into the wastebasket afterwards. "Poor Jeff," she said again, "you must have been saving that up forever."
"All week," I said. I never mentioned my solitary reliefs to her in those days.
She lay down beside me. We hugged quietly, and talked for a bit. We were young, though, and naked, and lying beside each other in a bed. We hadn't had enough contact for a week. Soon, we were petting again. I brought her to two more climaxes. She pushed me down and went to get her purse. "You wonder what Mom talked about so privately?" she asked.
I'd wondered. I'd even asked her that, and she'd refused to answer. Right then, however, I had other things on my mind. Well, mostly on other organs, but on my mind, too.
"She had noticed that I seemed to be fairly serious about you." This was more than half way through our second year together, my third visit as her guest in that home. "She worried about our getting physical. 'This isn't granting permission, ' she said. But she wanted to make sure that if we did anything, I had protection." Kristen showed me a single condom. "She gave this to me. She worried that boys sometimes didn't take care. I was tempted to reassure her."
I reached for the condom. "Lie back!" she said. "This one is mine." She opened the foil and rolled the rubber slowly down my cock. A necessary interruption when I did it, her application of the condom was a sensuous delight.
She pushed me back on the bed and straddled my chest. For minutes, she moved only enough to bring one breast and then the other to my mouth. I loved that, delighted in kissiing and sucking her nipples; but I wanted more. So, really, did she. When she reached back to position my cock, I parted her lower lips with the fingers of one hand.
"Oh!" she said as she lowered herself onto me. "I've wanted that." And so had I, for days. She was gloriously warm around me, hugging my entire length. She was beautiful above me, with a lascivious smile I saw whenever I forced myself to look past those luscious breasts.
I kept one hand on her mound, the other wandered from one breast to the other. She rested her hands on the bed to either side of me. As I caressed her, she began to move up and down on my cock.
This felt wonderful. I was totally excited, totally engorged. Yet, between having come in her mouth in the past hour and lying in this strange position, I couldn't quite come. Both exalted and frustrated, I petted her as she moved in her glory above me.
Kristen was becoming more and more excited. Not only were both my hands free to reach all her other erogenous zones, she was also rubbing her g-spot directly against me. She threw her head back and forth, making her always-exciting breasts dance under my hands. She was flushed and panting.
Then she climaxed. I could see a ripple of tensed muscles start at her ribs and proceed towards our junction. I could feel her spasms around my cock. That, finally, took me over. I pulsed within that clutching warmth.
She collapsed over me. We both lay there gasping as I oozed out. Minutes later, I managed to raise my arms to hug her. We might have been lying there yet, but the alarm rang -- Jason would be back in fifteen minutes.
When Kristen got up, most of the condom was still in her. The mouth, luckily was outside by inches. Most of my jism had poured out. She grinned at me, pulled out the condom, and threw it in the wastebasket.
I walked her home, leaving the dorm well after I had expected Jason. "I suppose I should forgive him," I said. That had been the finest sexual experience of my life thus far.
"I don't see why," Kristen said. "I enjoyed myself greatly, but that was your doing. It was hardly his."
We learned from that experience, even so. In our later encounters, I would bring Kristen to more than one orgasm, then excite her to the brink of another. Only then would I enter her.
Forgiving or not, I wanted an end to roommates. When I got an internship with Bradley Electronics that summer, I got my own one-room apartment off campus. I signed a year-long lease.
Kristen would visit me there; she would even cook us meals there. She wouldn't move in. When she ignored my hints towards the end of the first quarter, I invited her openly. She rejected the idea.
Meanwhile, our relationship was developing. I still petted her to orgasm before I tried anything else. But her orgasms during intercourse were now reliable -- indeed, quite enthusiastic. We no longer needed her to be on top, although I still found that a great position. I had both hands free, and watching Kristen work herself closer and closer to the edge was a recurring delight. I could feel it, of course, whatever position we adopted.
And, with only ourselves in the apartment, we found places other than the bed for making love. She didn't like being on the bottom on the floor, and who could blame her? Even with her lesser weight on me, I found it uncomfortable; the sensations were worth the discomfort, though.
Towards the end of the second quarter, I really pushed. By that time, I was seriously considering matrimony -- although I hadn't mentioned that to her, yet. Whatever the case, we should live together for a while before we committed to doing it for the rest of our lives.
I had planned my campaign. I had fed her a good meal for which I'd done all the cooking. I'd kissed her until she was anxious to go beyond that. Then I'd brought her to four orgasms without seeking my own. "Enjoying yourself?" I'd asked while we took a break lying side by side in the bed.
"Yes. I always enjoy myself with you." The 'always' was a white lie; I can be a bastard on occasion. Still, I tried to make our times together as pleasant for her as possible.
"You could have this every night, you know. Why not move in? By now, even your mother knows that we have something physical going on."
"I can't!"
"Why? Tell me. Maybe it's something I can change. But, if you don't tell me, it's not likely to be something I do change."
"You wouldn't like me any more if I told you."
"But I'd still love you. How can I love you if there is this big thing about you that I don't know?"
"It's not big. It's much less important than you think."
"It's important enough to keep you from lying in my arms all night. It's important enough to make me walk you home again and again."
"Well, if I tell you, you will only walk me home once more."
"Is it another man?" I was scared.
"No. It's not even about sex, although you wouldn't believe that."
It took me a lot longer to tease it all out of her. I had been so proud of giving her multiple orgasms. The number I gave her, however, couldn't compare with the number she gave herself. At least once a month, sometimes more often, she had to lie in bed and bring herself off many times in a row. How many, she didn't know. She thought the number varied from one month to the next, but she wasn't in a mood to count them at the time.
She'd done this since about a year after puberty. And the discovery of masturbation had released her from really bad periods. I was the first person she had ever told, and she only told me because I wouldn't let the subject go. When she needed a little privacy at home, that is what she needed to do.
"And having you around all the time just makes the need worse. You'll think it's all about sex, but it's not. It's just about getting a little relief. When you came in me and I didn't come, that was sex."
"And you need privacy for that? You couldn't do it lying in bed beside me?"
"No. Never."
"Well, I already know you do it. And I'm not horrified." My ego was fairly-well crushed, but I wasn't horrified. I had been so proud of the orgasms I delivered; now I knew that these were a trifle compared to the home-brewed ones she needed. "We can arrange times for me to leave you alone. For that matter, I'll probably be gone enough times so that special scheduling is unnecessary."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your moving in." We hadn't been talking about anything else. "If you moved in, I could find a way to give you the privacy you need."
"You still want me?" she asked. As a matter of fact, I wanted her desperately. I'd concentrated on her satisfaction as a prelude to this conversation. I wanted her then and there, and picturing her pleasuring herself hadn't helped.
"I still want you to move in. What ground-rules do you require?"
"Oh Jeff." She kissed me. One thing led to another, and we didn't finish the discussion that night. She did lay down conditions later, but she did move in.
One of her conditions was that I not mention the subject any more. If she needed time alone, she would say that. Neither of us would mention why she needed it. I found, as I had suspected, that her "once a month" meant just before her period. Without even making her say that she needed time alone, I would be careful to tell her that I would be staying at the computer lab late or the library until it closed at those times.
She could claim that this had nothing to do with sex, and she seemed to believe that. Still the aroma when I got home was sexy as hell. If she'd done that in Shelley's room on my visits to her family, I couldn't see how Shelley hadn't known.
One Saturday, I was planning to give her some privacy. Then the heavens opened. The rain was coming down in sheets, and getting to the library was out of the question. Nor was there likely to be any place I could go the next day; the library and the computer lab would be closed, the park would be unbearably wet. I could tell that she was antsy, but she could tell that I wasn't pulling her chain deliberately. It was raining a little more lightly when we went to bed.
When I turned to her, I had an idea. We petted as we usually did, although I may have been more direct than was my custom. Soon, she was lying on her back with my mouth on her breast and my right hand on her mound. After her first climax, though, I didn't move to replace my hand with my mouth. Instead, I kissed her on the mouth and continued stroking her.
I counted ten of her climaxes before my hand tired out. "I love you," I said. "Can you carry on from here?"
This violated her condition of silence on the subject, and she had absolutely rejected the idea doing anything while I was present. By this time, however, she had more important things on her mind. Her hand moved down to replace mine. I counted twelve more orgasms. There may have been more, she didn't relax much between them towards the end.
After the last, she turned over and went to sleep. I turned off the light and held her close. It took me a while to doze off, though. In the first place, I was quite aroused. In the second, I was thinking about everything I had learned.
In the morning, we made sweet love. Kristen, whom I would have expected to have run dry, came once to my hand and again around me.
A month later, I came home from a long bout in the computer lab to find Kristen asleep and the bed saturated with the aroma of her arousal. By the next time her period rolled around, our graduation was looming over our future. Well, it had been looming for some time, but -- by then -- even I couldn't ignore it.
Anyway, I had scheduled a long visit to the library for the last possible day. The night before, I kissed and petted Kristen as usual. Instead of moving over her when she climaxed, though, I kept up my strokes. She came a second time and -- very soon after the second -- a third time. I kissed her ardently, and then trailed kisses down to her breast. I broke from kissing her nipple to say, "My hand is tired; want to take over?" Then I went back to sucking on her nipple.
She hesitated for a bit. Then she spread her legs and reached between them. My lips were on her nipple as she convulsed again. "Oh darling," I said. Then I kissed a line from one breast to the other. I was licking the far nipple when she got close again. I managed to time it so that I sucked the entire top in while she was climaxing. Then I kissed her forehead while she went on with her strokes.
When she seemed to be coming to the end, I grabbed a condom. I knelt between her legs and pushed her hands away. When I kissed and licked her center, she reacted immediately. After that orgasm, I moved up her body and entered her. She continued to climax.
The first two were the first climaxes she had ever had around me without my participation. They were glorious. She clutched around me and thrust her groin upward against mine. I could hear her panting in my ear.
Her third carried me with her. The feel of her tightening around me triggered me, and I gushed into her -- or, at least, it felt like it was going into her. The condom held, however.
We slept wrapped together that night. The morning was too hectic for any discussion, and I really did have studying to do at the library that night. It wasn't until she got home the next night that we could talk.
"Look," I said. "The lease is about to run out. Should I renew, or do we need a bigger place next year?"
"What makes you think there will be a 'we' next year?"
"That's the other thing. Will you marry me? This has been great, but we're about to turn into college graduates -- old people. Don't you think we need more permanence and legality in our lives?"
"You're asking me to marry you?"
"Yes. I want to spend my life with you. Marriage seems to be the way to do that."
"I thought that you would consider me too odd."
"Well, you seem to like me. That's odd enough. But, as for the other thing, it's maybe not something you should tell your mother, but I have thought of you sexually for a long time. I'm not shocked that you are sexy."
"I've told you before. Sex has nothing to do with it."
"So, you think I have weird opinions. Will you marry me anyway?"
"I dunno," she said. "Maybe I should ask Shelley's advice." I was devastated, and she must have seen that. "Silly! Of course I will. You should know what Shelley would say. When did you have in mind?"
I didn't really have anything in mind. I wanted to be married; I'd have been perfectly willing to skip the wedding if that had been possible. "Soon. Just when requires scheduling. I've been saving up for the ring."
Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...
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I had a crush. We all do. This crush was like no other. The girl--a perfect ten. Jet black hair that glistened in the sunlight. A captivating smile. Luscious tan skin with a pair of perfectly toned legs which were put on display in the summertime when she wore tight jean shorts.If I could just spend some time with her... If she just knew how I felt about her... If... These thoughts whizzed through my head like cars on the freeway, but I never had the courage to talk to her. She never knew how I...
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You hike the stupid P.R. style grin a little higher and spray more of the cheap champagne provided over the heads of the waiting journalists and photographers as they fire questions and photographs off at you. Behind you the trio of bikini clad models grin just as stupidly, but far more convincingly as they hold the giant copies of your winning cheques up. These three are your only contribution to this afternoon's activities and it was only when Camelot promised that Tara King, Rebekah, and...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 34Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills,...
My wife Dee Dee and I married in 1975. We had known each other for about 3 years and dated regularly and I finally popped the question. During this period, Dee Dee had met my brother Alex many times. We had all gone camping together, eaten many Thanksgiving meals together, and generally hung out together both at our house and his apartment.Dee Dee and Alex had always gotten along very well. They were both the same age and had attended high school together. They had sat in the same...
Sunday When I commed Cooper after breakfast, he had both Red and Blue Squads ready to pick up where we left off Friday. There were no new danger vectors from Chongqing so we headed north. I’d already taken second vectors to complete the vectors for the rest of China. I hugged and kissed my wives goodbye as the Talons began arriving to take my family home. The Mistresses of the Dragon stayed here and I had instructions from Sally to make sure Zan, Nuo, Wei, and Jia were pregnant since that’s...
Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. Napoleon Bonaparte Grindelwald, in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, Thursday, June 28 Darryl and Courtney If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don't, they never were. Kahlil Gibran "I will welcome you back as my friend or as my spouse," said Courtney. "But I don't want you back until you decide which it is going to be. We have hurt each other...
"Thank you very much!" Sarah said to the man who handed her the travel case. The train had just pulled into the Gard du Nord station and Sarah's heart was beating fast in anticipation of meeting up with her friend, Alan. They had been exchanging emails almost daily since he left London for an extended working holiday in France, but she missed seeing him in person and sensing his proximity when they were together. She loved her husband, Kevin, Alan's oldest friend, and she was very happy...
As Liana lies sleeping on the ground with Kaito’s armlet glowing a bright blue color, Elinore and Bonny sigh with relief. Bonny turns away sitting down on the ground and staring off in the distance blushing. “How was it for you?” Bonny asks. “Huh?” “How was having sex for you!?” She yells out. Elinore blushes. “It was uncomfortable at first. But it felt great after a moment, it’s still weird to think about.” “It was kind of humiliating to me, but it still felt good in the end. Even if I...
Mai puja..mere jiju yash ne mujhe kaise choda ..unhi ki prerana pakarkar mai apani aapbiti sunane ke liye utawali ho rahi hoon. Ise aapjaise chahen len, pyar muhabbat se. Apana pyar de kar mujhe nihal karden jisase main aap ko har bar naye-naye tarah se deti rahoo. Meri bahan ki shadi abhi haal hi me hui hai. Jiju multi-national ek achchhi post par hai. Sajeele sunder naw jawan jisaki chahat koibhee laraki kar sakati hai. Meri bahan bari seedhi hai aura paneduniya mein hi magan rahati...
I walked into the bedroom I share with my sister, Debi aka Deborah (Separate beds, of course). She was on the phone with her best friend, stopping long enough to wave and smile at me. I just got in from a 14-hour shift (noon to 2am shift - Love that overtime) at the nearby 7-11, stripping down to my underwear and lay face down on my bed hoping to fall asleep. Debi has seen me in my tighty-whiteys hundreds of times, plus I was facedown. I heard her finish up, saying, “Bye Shirley,” and got...
"That box can wait. I can’t. Strip down lover, and meet me in the shower." I lean in to kiss you, and trail my hand down your body to your cock. I cup your balls and rub my hand up and down, feeling you harden. I love touching your cock, but I force myself to pull away, pulling my dress over my head as I walk toward the bathroom. I can feel my pussy start to pulse a little, knowing you are watching me. I turn the water on and let it run hot. I step inside and let the hot rain fall over my body,...
MarriedI'm Jonah,a H.S. freshman, and I'm in the middle of a sexual awakening. First I had awild encounter with my P.E. classmate Harry. Now the weekend has arrived, and my cousinEd is on his way. Ed is two years older than me, and has an amazing body. We play video games, and he lets me massage his back. Harry had been avoiding me at school, so I was totally pent up.Ed, and his mother were heading up for the weekend as a bit of a break for my aunt. We have a nice country home as apposed t their...
Ed, dressed in jeans and work-shirt, sat back enjoying his cup of coffee after finishing his breakfast. He laughed as Betsy ran into the room to begin her breakfast. Any time now Ling would show up looking bedraggled as she tried to keep up with the dynamo. Betsy had already asked Marguerite to make her favorite breakfast and had sat down at the table before Leroy entered the room. Groaning, he said, “Good morning, Ed.” “Where’s Ling?” “I’m letting Ling sleep in a little,” said Leroy. He...
November 7, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “You do know this sushi isn’t the ONLY thing which needs to be eaten today, right?!” Molly teased. We were sitting in the NIKA loft apartment eating Japanese food which I’d had delivered. “And now the TRUE reason you wanted to have a private lunch with me today is revealed!” “If you didn’t know THAT, you’re even more hopeless than the average guy!” “I might have had an idea,” I smirked. “Seriously, though, I’m glad you could take time out of your...
Monday evening Rachel had to talk to her son and Jock about the dinner she had to attend the next evening. "Yes, Jock. I have to go. This is something to do with my husband's promotion." "But how can you go alone, mom?" "Don't worry, son. There will be others. It's a sort of party that dad's boss, Bill, is giving to the senior staff who will be promoted soon. I have to represent your father." It was a lie, she knew. But she couldn't tell her son and Jock the truth, could...
Wednesday morning was special. It was Christmas Eve. Bob's father was home. Vi was coming on the afternoon train. "You will get your wrapping done before that, won't you dear?" Katherine said. "I want Kathleen to have the wrappings before church." Katherine was practicing. Kathleen Violet Brennan had been Vi for most of her life. She had decided to be "Kathleen" as soon as she entered medical school. It made sense; it is hard to imagine a woman less like a violet. Her family took its...
Watching a recent tribute to Jordyn Jones inspired this story.I drive a limo for a company that has a lot of stars as customers so I'm always getting film stars and such in the car. I've had some experiences but the day I was told to pick up Jordyn from her rehearsal and take her to her hotel beat them all. She came out of the studio lugging a heavy looking bag so I jumped out, introduced myself and took her bag. She was wearing a loose black T shirt and black leggings that showed off her...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 13, 2010) Chapter 7 - Press Forward Dad had hired a limo to take us home. I felt really weird leaving the hospital and climbing into a limo, but that's what happened. "You need to take it easy for the next week or so,...
Mrs Welders was a petite lady with grey hair and glasses. We used to be teacher colleagues, before her retirement a couple of years ago, We kept in touch because Mrs Welder continued working as a substitute every now and then even after retirement. Her husband had passed away about a year prior to her retirement and I supposed she needed the extra money. We always came a long fine and I always liked her for her gentle personality. She was quite strict and even if she had a sense of humor, she...
She asked me a question about my gf that I do not remember because the next second her hands were holding my belt buckle and she was trying to get it undone. I said "Whoa! I uh...", and Kim replied "I thought this is why what you wanted? A blow job isn't really cheating now is it?". I have to start this story to explain why I had my affair, it's in no way saying I'm shallow or a bad person, but we all have our moments of weakness and we all do have expectations of what our partner should be to...
AffairYousuf ka ye khwab peeccha nahin chhod raha tha bada sa kamra hai. yousuf ek kamre se dusre kamre mein kuchh talash kar raha hai Tabhi ek kamre mein se kuchh awaz sunayi deti hai. Vo kamre ki taraf badhta hai. Darwaze par ek safed parda hai jo ki kuchh hata hua hai. Yousuf ka dil dhak dhak karne lagta hai jab usski nazar kame mein padti hai. Kamre mein palang par ek nangi aurat leti hui hai. Gori, chitti, bade bade chuchey, faili hui janghen, bina baalon ke chamkati hui choot, chehra kale balon...
Monday rolled around with a lot of anticipation. It was my first day at the new office. Henry and I were there in time to see Randy opening the door. I set my coffee on the desk in the front office, claiming it for my own. "Hey!" Randy yelled from the his office, "What happened to my old office chair?" "I put it out by the dumpster with the couches but I think one of the workers picked it up and brought it home. It was gone before the trash pick up came by. "Do you know who got it?"...
Sylvia and Steve: Sylvia is a great story teller. After she came to Bellingham, Washington, in 1969, fleeing for her life from the Mob guys in Los Angeles. Her pimp never gave any of the money she made whoring to them, he kept it for her. They caught up to him and put three bullets in his head, but they never found our that Sylvia, age s*******n, had received over four hundred thousand dollars from Al before he was killed. They are looking for that money, but Al never let them know who she...
Disclaimer:English is not my native tongue, so please forgive the grammatical errors, as the story was originally written in Danish and then translated into English.To have an intern can be a mixed experience. It is necessary in order to secure their qualifications, so they can learn the tricks of the trade, but on the other hand is it somewhat of a nuisance in the daily life, and hampers the productivity. Of course it also has it benefits in having a pair of fresh eyes looking at things, but...
Amy Lickbottom was teased mercilessly about the erotic flavor of her last name. She knew her parents were quite proud of their heritage and she kept the name even though she was the butt of nasty remarks wherever she went. Even her passive boyfriend Herman joked about pulling her panties down to see if she could live up to her name. She pretended to be aghast but in all honesty she would have liked Herman to be a little more adventurous than he was in reality. At the time that she decided to...
April always was my friends, since our high-school year we had been friends since she lives so close and could do our homework togetherI was with her one weekend her mom was away and we talked about me never meeting any girl after a while of talking and being shy telling her I never saw a girl pussy up closeshe decided to teach me how to lick pussyall I had to do was wear one of her cute panty and i would learn to lick heri was sure she was joking but she brought me a cute pair of pink...
The woman on the telephone was quite abrupt, but nonetheless had Cam's undivided attention. Marjean Atkins was an editor for Houndstooth Publishing, and was calling him from New York. "I'm intrigued by your manuscript, Mister Stuart. We don't get stories like this very often. It appears to be well researched. Of course, it would need quite a bit of work before it could be published, but nothing that would take from what is a very good story. Is it possible for you to come to New York so...
Hi Everyone! I am Jannat Sheikh of Didi Tera Devar Deewana fame. I am back again with the second part of the story. This is part 2 of the story Didi Tera Devar Deewana which is published in the couple section of the Indian Sex Stories. Let me remind you a little story of the past. It went as:- Read Didi Tera Devar Deewana – Part 1 Now the story after this goes as:- Now my pussy was also itching. It demanded a cock to fuck it continuously and continuously. My situation was like that of a fish...
IncestThere's something great about pirate settings for erotica. I'm trying out stats/variables for a more RPG experience, so hit the 'Start' Game' button. Hit the 'customize' tab to set your own name. If you enjoy the story, feel free to add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. You are a lowly crew member—named Jack—on a pirate ship, with dreams of one day being captain of your own ship....and hopefully finding plenty of plunder and booty on the way. You wake up with a start....
FantasyAlina, a bit of a hot mess, could tell that her new roommate Mike was a bit of a neat freak. She was super respectful at first, but once they became more comfortable with each other, she’d often forget to put her dirty dishes away, or pick her clothes up off the floor. He’d been patient with her, but after finding his own clothes crumpled all over the floor, Mike snaps. He storms into her room, only to find Alina lying down, pressing her Aurora vibrator between her legs. About to lace into him...
xmoviesforyouCostume Gun: Coming Full Circle By Heather St. Claire It seems like no matter how far you travel in life, all the roads lead back to your starting point. My name is Martha. Martha Collins. I'm a 58-year-old widow and the mother of three fantastic children. It's kind of an old-fashioned name, but I like it, and I should. I chose it when I became a woman twenty- three years ago. No, I didn't get a sex-change operation, although gender reassignment surgery really is a more correct...
I was originally from Hong Kong, but at the age of ten, my family decided to immigrate to Canada for a more stable and secure environment. Despite the fact that Hong Kong was an international economic center and one of the largest concentrations of wealth, life for the average middle-class citizen was not as splendid as one would think. Jobs were competitive and there was no assurance of the future. We were able to immigrate with a reasonable amount of savings. Coming to Canada, there was a...
First TimeJess and I settled back and relaxed, we discussed how things had all come together at the store and kicked around a few ideas for the future. We lunched on the leftover ham with a salad that Jess had conjured up; we then sat out in the sun room with a couple of beers and stuffed our faces. After a while Jess went into the kitchen and returned carrying a couple of glasses and a bottle of Purple Para, a distinctively Australian wine with a deep purple hue and a very meaty consistency,...
When I woke up Wednesday morning the shock that had kept me in a cloud the day before was gone and reality had set in. I found myself dealing with the real possibility that I could lose Holly. I still couldn't get my head around the idea that someone would want to kill her. Was this a random act or did someone we know do this? It seemed that every few minutes the impact of what happened would hit me and I would start crying. I called work to let them know that I wouldn't be in and then I...
Hello, guys, myself Neil again back on ISS to share with you all the story about my new adventure. Thank you for your response to my past two stories. Those of you who haven’t read my previous stories, read them out at and let me know your feedback at This is a story about me and my childhood friend Priyanka. We knew each other from childhood as we studied in the same school. Back during our school days when we were in class 8th, we use to have sex chat on the backside of our notebooks, small...
My name is Ken, and in Part 1 of this story I described how I am the fifty-year-old black owner of a successful engineering company in Allentown, PA, and I have a huge, eleven-inch cock. I use my position of power over some of my white employees to seduce their wives and make the husbands cuckolds. I identified, David, an engineer, and his beautiful, lactating wife, Kate, when they were twenty-four years old, and offered him a significant promotion if he and his wife came to my home in the...
InterracialNow all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since. I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie. On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop, and decided to use this information to blackmail me, into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife, if I didn’t comply, and that she knew, that Sue, would end our relationship, if she found out I had...
Next Things Next Yet Another Tale of Revenge =============================== The two men wrestled on the floor of the posh office. The younger man easily help the upper hand. "Martin, have you completely stopped going to the gym?" "What the hell are," Martin Manson grunted and flexed his body, trying to gain advantage over his unknown assailant, "you talking about? Who are you?" His push failed and actually lost him some control. Martin was now face-down against the carpet in...