RivertonPart 2 free porn video

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When I woke up Wednesday morning the shock that had kept me in a cloud the day before was gone and reality had set in. I found myself dealing with the real possibility that I could lose Holly. I still couldn't get my head around the idea that someone would want to kill her. Was this a random act or did someone we know do this? It seemed that every few minutes the impact of what happened would hit me and I would start crying. I called work to let them know that I wouldn't be in and then I called the police station. Detective Olson wasn't in yet but I managed to find an officer who could help me. I was told that they had processed my car and I could go home and get it but I wasn't to go inside the house until the forensic people were done with their investigation.

I took a cab to the house, got my car and drove to the hospital. I was allowed to see Holly for ten minutes every two hours always with a police officer in the room. Holly's face was very pale and swollen. I was told that there had been no change in her condition since I left the hospital the previous evening.

Several friends from PAP, as well as friends of Holly's from the library and the diner, stopped by the hospital to offer their support. Detective Olson came to the hospital around four o'clock, apparently to see if I wanted to change any of my answers to his questions from Tuesday night. He finally left me alone around seven o'clock.

At 7:15 I headed over to the Riverside Diner to get something to eat. I could not face eating in the hospital cafeteria for the third time that day. I had just pulled into the parking lot at the diner when my cell phone rang.

"Mr. Blanchard, it's Detective David Olson."

"What now?" I asked.

"I thought you might be interested to know that we believe that we have the gun."

"The gun that was used to shoot my wife?"


"Where did you find it?"

"It was hidden under a stack of newspapers in your garage."

"Why would he hide the gun in my garage?"

"Who is he?"

"Who is who?"

"You asked why he would hide the gun in your garage. Who is he?" Detective Olson asked.

"The guy that shot my wife."

"Do you know who he is?"

"No, I don't know who he is."

"Then how do you know it's he and not a she?"

"I don't know. I just have a hard time thinking of a woman doing something like that."

"Well, the gun has been dusted for finger prints and is being test fired to determine if it was the gun used to shoot your wife."

"Good, let me know what you find out," I said.

"Actually the reason I called was that I wanted to have you come down to the station."

"Now? I haven't eaten since noon. I was just going to get some dinner."

"Where are you now?" Detective Olson asked.

"I'm in the parking lot at the Riverside Diner."

"Good. I am close by. I'll join you there in a couple of minutes."

Detective Olson disconnected before I could say anything else. I slammed the car door and stood leaning against the car and waiting for him.

I sensed rather than saw that someone was approaching me from behind but before I could turn around something hard was pressed into the side of my head.

"Don't move or you're dead," said a voice from behind me.

Was I being robbed, perhaps a car jacking or was I being arrested.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I said.

The man behind me gave me a sharp rap in the head with his gun and pushed me up against the side of my car.

"Shut the fuck up and just do as you're told," he said. "Give me your keys and your cell phone."

I passed the keys and my phone back over my right shoulder and he snatched them from my hand. I was beginning to panic. I was terrified of what would happen when Detective Olson arrived. Would there be shooting? Would I survive the next few minutes? These were the questions that occupied my thinking and I didn't have to wait long to get the answers.

When I saw the brown Ford Crown Victoria turning into the parking lot my heart began pounding and my hands began to sweat. I, apparently, wasn't the only person to recognize the brown Ford as a police car.

Another voice from behind me said, "Shit, it's a cop."

The man with the gun squatted down next to me pressing the gun into my kidney and said, "Don't fucking move and don't say anything."

Detective Olson spotted me as soon as he got out of his car and started walking toward me. "You didn't have to wait for me out here," he said.

The man with the gun moved behind me and stood up using the car and my body to hide himself from Detective Olson. The detective was about fifteen feet away from me when the gunman, slide his gun up my side and then pushed it through my armpit and fired three quick shots. The gun must have had a silencer on it because the thwap, thwap thwap sound I heard was just barely loud enough to hear over the sound of the traffic passing on River Street. All three bullets hit Detective Olson in the chest and he went down onto his back and didn't move after that.

I was staring at Detective Olson's body lying in the parking lot when the gunman spun me around and pushed me toward the open trunk of a red Toyota Camry. This gave me my first look at my antagonists. The guy who had shot Detective Olson was about five foot five, weighed at least 300 pounds and was bald. The other man was the complete opposite. He was about six foot five and maybe weighed 170 pounds soaking wet. In my mind I immediately began to think of these two as Porky and Slim.

Slim, who also had a gun, ordered me to climb into the trunk of the Camry while, Porky climbed into my Mustang. As I climbed into the trunk I heard my Mustang fire up and spin the tires leaving the parking lot. Once I was in the trunk, Slim wrapped my wrists and ankles with duct tape and then closed the lid. My fear level had spiked when I saw that I would be sharing the trunk space with a shovel. What possible use could these two men, who had just killed a cop and abducted me, have for a shovel?

With my hands taped behind my back I could not reach the trunk release nor was there anyway I could use the shovel as a weapon. The best I could do was to try and remain calm so that I would be ready if and when an opportunity to escape presented itself. I couldn't see my watch so I could only estimate how long I had been in the trunk when we finally stopped. I guessed that the trip had only taken about fifteen minutes.

Slim opened the trunk and grabbed me by my shirt collar and tried to pull me out. He quickly realized that I wasn't going to be able to help with my legs tapped together so Slim pulled a switchblade out of his pocket and used it to cut the tape and free my legs.

I had my left foot on the ground and was lifting my right leg out of the trunk when Porky arrived in my Mustang.

"Did anyone see us leaving the parking lot?" Porky asked as he got out of the car.

"Didn't look like it," Slim said.

Porky came over and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face close to his. When he spoke to me his breath smelled so foul it almost made me retch.

"You know what's really funny asshole?" Porky said. "Everyone's gonna think you shot that cop."

I heard Slim laugh but I didn't think there was anything funny about it.

A quick look at my surroundings told me exactly where I was. We were standing in the old Union Pacific rail yard. The main rail line through the yard was still used occasionally but the sidings were no longer used. If I walked about a mile and a half down the main line tracks they would cross over Fifth Street Road and from there the tracks passed within two hundred yards of the back of my house.

"Okay, let's go," Porky said as he pushed me toward the railroad tracks. I saw Slim grab the shovel out of the trunk of the Camry and then follow us across the tracks.

Once we crossed over the main line through the yard and three more sets of tracks that had been sidings when the yard was in use, we started walking up Parker's Hill. I don't know where the name came from but I knew this area well.

I hadn't been on top of Parker's Hill in fifteen years. When I was in high school my friends and I used to camp out on Parker's Hill. There was a clearing on top of the hill where we would build our campfire and lay out our sleeping bags. The spot was ideal because there were no houses around and our campsite could not be seen from the rail yard below. The side of Parker's Hill opposite the rail yard was heavily wooded with the trees growing so close together that it was nearly impossible to find your way through the ten acres of woods unless you could find one of the three paths that had been cut through the woods. Fortunately, I knew where the paths were and where they led.

As we walked up the hill I studied my abductors looking for potential weaknesses. Porky wasn't dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. He was wearing tight jeans, which did not look good on his egg shaped body. He was also wearing a long sleeve blue oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The shirt was already sweat stained and Porky didn't look comfortable. Slim on the other hand was wearing knee length lime green Bermuda shorts with a matching Polo shirt. On his feet he was wearing penny loafers and no socks. He was dressed better for the weather but he looked like a giant green Popsicle with his skinny legs sticking out of those ugly lime green shorts. By the time we reached the clearing on top of Parker's Hill, Porky's shirt, as well as the waistband of his jeans, was completely drenched with sweat.

The clearing had changed some since the last time I had been on Parker's Hill. There were small trees growing where we used to have our campfire but I still recognized the place.

Porky stood behind me with his gun pointed at my head while Slim walked to the backside of the hill and stopped about fifty feet from the woods started to dig a hole. He worked at this for a few minutes and then stopped.

"I think our buddy Blanchard can dig his own fucking hole," Slim said.

"Whatever," Porky mumbled.

Slim came over and took me by the arm and led me back to where he had been digging. Then he cut the tape off my hands and handed me the shovel. "Start digging asshole."

I didn't move. My first thought was that I was not going to dig my own grave but after giving it a little more thought and receiving a little encouragement from Slim in the form of a slap to my head with his gun, I changed my mind. It occurred to me that having the shovel in my hand might give me a chance. At least it could be a potential weapon.

I started to dig while at the same time I watched for my opportunity to get away. As soon as I started digging, Porky tucked his gun into his belt and walked over to a tree and sat down under it. The fat bastard then pulled a candy bar from his shirt pocket and removed the wrapper.

As long as Porky was sitting on the ground I would only have to deal with Slim but Slim was not cooperating. Every time I tried to get closer, Slim moved staying just far enough away from me that I would not be able to reach him if I tried to swing the shovel at him. My chances of surviving weren't looking good. I knew I was going to have to find a way to deal with Slim before Porky got off his fat ass and I was running out of time.

In desperation I came up with a plan. My plan was to throw a shovel full of dirt in Slim's face and then charge him, swinging the shovel and screaming. My hope was that I would startle him enough so that I could get to him before he could shoot me. I scooped some dirt and was about to begin my attack when I saw them. It's funny how things work out sometimes. My salvation did not come as a result of my brilliant plan, as well thought out and foolproof as it was but rather from an attack from a tiny third party.

Slim was standing at the far end of the hole I was digging, watching me. I was sizing up how far I would have to throw the shovel full of dirt when I saw that Slim had placed his right foot on a soft mound of dirt. What I saw and Slim was unaware of was the thousand or so fire ants that were swarming over his shoe and up his bare leg. The amazing thing about fire ants is there ability to coordinate their attack. I knew with certainty that within the next few seconds, Slim was going to be in a lot of pain. I waited.

"What the Fuck! Oh Jesus Christ," Slim screamed.

When Slim bent down to try and brush the ants off his leg I lunged toward him and swung the shovel like a baseball bat. I connected with his gun hand, which elicited another scream from Slim as his gun flew at least sixty feet through the air.

Slim was screaming in pain as I bolted from the hole and ran toward the woods. I looked over my shoulder as I ran to see what Porky was doing. He was trying to stand up and draw his gun at the same time and was having a great deal of difficulty with both endeavors. I had just reached the woods and had slowed down to work my way through the thick growth when I heard the first bullet hit into the branches above my head. The next two shots missed by an even wider margin.

When I was about twenty feet into the woods I turned to see if they were following me. I could see Porky pacing back and forth along the edge of the woods. He was too fat to squeeze through the thick growth of trees. I could hear him yelling at Slim, telling him to go into the woods after me but Slim was still jumping around and cursing as he tried to get rid of the ants that were still biting his leg.

With no one pursuing me I was able to carefully work my way through the trees to my goal. It took me ten minutes but I finally found the path I wanted. The path led south, away from Parker's Hill. Apparently the path hadn't been used much recently because it was overgrown with weeds and branches from the surrounding trees. The path wasn't very wide and it had lots of twists and turns through the woods but it allowed me to move quickly away from my abductors. A glance at my watch showed me that it was 8:15. The sun was starting to go down but it was already getting quite dark in the woods. I stopped for a minute and listened for any indication that I was being followed. Except for an occasional bird chirping I didn't hear a sound. I was scared, I hadn't eaten in several hours and I was feeling weak but I had to keep moving. I just wanted to get out of the woods before it got too dark to see where I was going.

Chapter 8: The Farm House

I checked my watch again at 8:30. I had reached the point where the path exited the woods and I decided to wait there until the sun completely disappeared from the sky. It was 9:20 when I finally felt that it was dark enough for me to leave the safety of the woods. From my hiding place I walked another twenty yards down the path until it ended on a dirt farm road that belonged to the old Cheswick Farm. This was not a public road and hadn't been used in years. It was more of a wide dirt path that had been used by tractors and pickup trucks, than a road. I knew that if I followed this path to my left it would eventually cross under the Union Pacific railroad tracks and then end at a gate in the fence that ran along Rayburn Road. Rayburn Road was an unpaved county road. If I followed the farm path to my right it would take me alongside a couple of old pastures and from there it would lead me passed a barn and up to the Cheswick house.

I turned right and started walking. I remembered that the Cheswick house had been empty for a couple of years with a 'For Sale or Rent' sign in the yard. I was hoping the house was still empty so that I could hide there until morning. In the morning I would walk to a neighbor's house and ask them to call the police for me.

As I stumbled along the old farm road in the dark, I started to think about what I was going to tell the police. A short fat sweaty guy I call Porky and a tall skinny guy that looked like a green Popsicle and that I call Slim, grabbed me in the Riverside Diner parking lot. Porky shot Detective Olson and made it look like I did it then Slim forced me into the trunk of his car. They took me up Parker's Hill where I was forced to start digging my own grave but then Slim was attacked by thousands of fire ants and I got away. Being that I was the prime suspect in the shootings of my wife and Detective Olson, the police were certain to believe my story. Actually, I wasn't sure that I would believe my story and I knew it was true. I tried to make sense out of what was happening but I couldn't. What possible reason could Porky and Slim have for wanting me dead and did they also shoot Holly?

I followed the road passed the two empty pastures, the old barn and into the yard behind the Cheswick house. There were no lights visible from the back of the house so I walked around to the front. The front porch light was on but I could see no lights on inside the house. It appeared that someone was living in the house so I had to change my plans. I took a chance and rang the doorbell. I waited but when no one came to the door I walked out to the road.

I looked up and down County Route Fifteen, which runs in front of the house but saw only darkness. This was all farming country and the houses were quite far apart and I knew that the next closest house was to my left on CR 15. The house was almost a half mile away over a hill. I stood at the end of the driveway looking to my left and I had just about made up my mind that I would walk to the next house and ask them for help when I saw lights from a car coming over the top of the hill. Fearing that the car might be Porky and Slim searching for me I turned and ran to the back of the house and ducked around the corner. I peeked out and looked back toward the road. What I saw almost made my heart come out of my chest. There were two cars, my Mustang and the Camry and both had slowed and were turning into the driveway.

Could they have seen me? I didn't think so. I moved farther behind the house looking for a hiding place. Except for three steps leading up to the back door and a large propane tank there was nothing else along the back of the house that would provide a hiding place. I ducked behind the propane tank and lay down on the ground and watched the two cars drive past the house and all the way down to the barn. I broke into a cold sweat as I watched Slim get out of the Camry and open the barn doors so that Porky could drive my Mustang inside.

I was in trouble, again. The stairs going up to the back door were behind me so there was no way I wouldn't be seen when the two of them came up to the house. I tried to move closer to the house while keeping my eyes on Slim. I reached out with my left arm to find the wall of the house and discovered what appeared to be an opening for a cellar window right next to me. I took a quick look to see if the window casement was big enough to hide me but it was only a couple of feet deep and about three feet long. I did noticed, however, that instead of a window the opening was covered by what appeared to be a small door that was hinged at the top so that it would open inward. While Porky and Slim closed the barn doors I pushed against the small door as hard as I could. Luck was on my side as the door was not locked from inside. It shuttered a little and then with a squeak it swung open.

I could see nothing beyond the open door. I was terrified of what might be waiting for me in the darkness beyond the door but I was even more terrified of what would happen if Porky and Slim were to find me.

I quickly turned my body so that I could keep my eyes on Porky and Slim while I pushed myself feet first into the darkness. I worked my way backwards through the opening using only my arms as there was nothing but air under my feet. It took me thirty long seconds to push my body through the opening and drop down to the cellar floor.

I couldn't see anything at first but I could hear the two men approaching the house. From their conversation I knew that they hadn't seen me. I was able to clearly hear what they were saying as they climbed the steps and entered the house through the back door.

"I am not looking forward to facing Big Tony when he gets here," Porky said. "He's pissed and it's your fault."

"How's it my fuckin fault?"

"You're the asshole that let him get away."

"I couldn't help it. Those fuckin' ants were biting the shit out of me. Look at my fuckin' leg. It's all swollen and it hurts like a mutha-fucka," Slim said. "Then the asshole hit me with the shovel and I think he broke my fuckin' hand. And what the fuck were you doing? Sitting under that fuckin' tree stuffin' your face. You shoulda been watchin' him too."

Same as Riverton
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 110 Hot Tub Party Democracy in Action

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Vanessa walked in from the hallway door. The girls were surprised by her sudden appearance. Most of them were fully dressed and had no reason to react beyond surprise, but a few did. Anna frantically pushed my hand off her breast. Pat stiffened, hesitated, then looked at me. By way of answer, I resumed stroking her breast (I'd stopped in surprise too). Pat relaxed, trusting me to know how to act. She'd also met Vanessa before and knew of her permissive...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 4 Aid for Heartaches

Since I had planned to spend the four day weekend with my family and Jennifer, I had insisted on doing most of my sluts due those days on that Wednesday. I had been warning them all that I wasn’t going to be doing these weekly fucks one on one much longer and had had threesomes with most of them at least once. I had not yet done anything more than use my magic touch on any of them, but I decided I would take it to the next level that evening. As I drove to my home, I completely forgot about...

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No HopeChapter 3

I woke with a start, partially blinded by sun light streaming through the window. My alarm must not have gone off this morning. I would be late for work, and Ms Whitfield would fire me for sure. No, wait a minute, this wasn't my bedroom. Where was I? Then I remembered this was a room at the Johnson Institute. Climbing out of bed I realized I needed to pee. Walking to the door I tried to open it only to discover it was locked. Oh yes, that was right I needed to buzz the nurse's desk for...

2 years ago
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Failures of PerfectionChapter 10

Ellen wasn’t surprised to see the somewhat strange scene with Gregory staring at Natalia’s half exposed, curvaceous chest, but she was pleased to see that Pamela and Natalia both were smiling. “I see you girls are happy,” Ellen purred, “Did Gregory behave himself?” Gregory chuckled and said, “I had to if I wanted to have any chance to survive: they are a lethal couple.” She laughed when Natalia rolled her eyes as she said, “Well, Pam didn’t mince a single word. But she was funny.” “Hey!“...

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You Are A Jobber

You are the newest wrestler at L.E.W.D. Lustful Erotic Wrestling and Debauchery. You are new to the world of wrestling. And while you’ve always had a passion for it, that doesn’t exactly translate into talent or physical prowess. As a result, the only wrestling company that’ll give you a chance is this crude company. However, you’ll take any chance to get a taste of wrestling, even if that means working for a perverse promotion like this one. LEWD is known for it’s more unsavory wrestling....

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My bisexual Uncle

My uncle grabbed me and pulled my face to his. We kissed deeply with him kissing and licking away his cum from my face. He shared his cum from his own tongue as our tongues entwined in our mouths. We finally went to just pecking at each others lips as he held me. Hi, my name is Kay and most just calls me K. I am a married 50-year-old mom from the Midwestern United States. I live a secret life as most have no idea of my kinky past nor of the present fun, I am having. I would like to share some...

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Me And My Virgin Girlfriend In A Hotel Room At Chandigarh

Firstly let me introduce you all , myself from Chandigarh average athletic body with 6ft 3inches height. Currently pursuing b tech and in 3rd year. About my gf, what should I say.. She is just beautiful with a sexy figure even she is also 5’8” in height she is living in jalandhar. We both were in relationship since last year but recently we both broke up just due to some misunderstandings. Now let’s come to the story , here my gf is described as simran (due to privacy).Please forgive me for...

4 years ago
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A Welcomed Guest 6

Hathor smiled as did Maat, "a first to be sure dear sister," Maat said. "A mortal concerned more for us then his self." Walking up to the man, her hips swaying in an almost hypnotic way Maat kissed him passionately. Withdrawing a minute later almost breathless she nodded. "I will have to congratulate sister Bast," a sexy smile crossed her lips as she licked them. "Umm I think I know just how also!" The shocked look on the man's face drew giggles from all the females there even...

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Thank Goodness for Bathtime

We lived with our parents, Jayne and Dave. My brother and I are the only two children. We live in the South of England, so in the winter months, it is usually cold, and raining a lot, which meant that there was little to do except stay inside and play video games. It was mid-December, not much more than a month after my 13th birthday, when, on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, I played football with some friends. Unlike my friends, I didn’t exactly have a masculine...

1 year ago
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An Unsuitable Job for a Man

Author's note: Apart from obvious place names such as Bournemouth and London, all people, places and events are entirely fictional. Seacombe is a fictitious seaside town on the south coast of England. The story contains adult actions, some of which are naughty, but nice, and others are plain naughty and evil. Don't read it if you're not an adult, or if you may be upset or offended by the content. Apologies to PD James, from whose book I adapted the title, and gained the idea of the...

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Me And My Wife With Our Old Friend8217s Couple

Hi all reader, My name Is Raja, age 26,(5.2″ height, fair, slim, broad shoulder) doing a business. it is my second story, my first story is named “Meeting My Dream Girl In Chatting” This is story of my wife, me and an another couple. My wife’s name is Bindu,she is 27,elder than me, we are married an year ago,long black hair, fair,. she has fab figure of 36-31-38,and she is 5 feet tall, which make her big Assets look more attractive. we both are very happy till our marriage enjoying the life in...

2 years ago
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A Good As It Gets 8211 Part VI

Hey Guys, I am Anand back. This is actually the fifth part of the story. Let me get Back to my story straightly. I slept peacefully that night. I cummed in my dreams of sex with my angel Rani. I woke up and went downstairs to watch TV…and I sat on the couch. Objective 3: Select a sexy outfit for me including bras and panties…. I thought thoroughly of how I was going to achieve this task….I am just 18 years old and I have to go to a public textile shop and get her sexy outfit…..Not just that I...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 457

Many of the task force members left in a hurry to return to their own agency to assist in and get updates on the new problem with Namibia. I was left with my four from the Department of Education and they thought they were going to get to leave. “I have been told that I have access to the entire Department of Education database through you. I want a series of reports run a couple of different ways.” “I want a list of all colleges in the US from the largest to the smallest; I want their...

2 years ago
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Muh Boli Bahan Ki Chudai

Hi reader’s Mera name Sanjay hai height 5.11” feet average body. Mai Delhi me rahta hun. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai. Jab me Delhi aaya me ek bpo me kaam karta tha. Tabhi mujhe kuch kaam ke silsile me apane ghar jana pada Bhopal jaha mere mummy papa rahte hain. Dosto jab mai waha se lautane ko hua tabhi mere pados wali aunty aai aur mujhase kahne lagi ki beta meri ladki bhi delhi me rahti hai uski tabiyat bahut kharab hai please use ye kuch paise de dena aur ho sake to uska kuch din...

4 years ago
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TemptationChapter 18

Ruby suddenly stood up and looked at Yumi. "That's not funny." She said, and Yumi slowly stood up. "It wasn't meant to be. I was being serious." She said, and Ruby turned around. "I'm sorry." Yumi said, and stepped out of the room. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Forgive me." She said, and walked towards the front door. Ruby fought with herself for a moment, and sighed, running after Yumi. "Wait!" She yelled out, as Yumi was just stepping out the door. "How do I know you're...

1 year ago
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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 07

Note: This is a work of fiction. No person, place, or object in this story is real. They are figments of my imagination and should be treated as such. The author retains all rights to this story. Chapter 7 21. Male Call When he emerged from the bedroom Wednesday afternoon, Frank no longer had any doubts, which of them was the stronger. The one hundred pound weakling had beaten him into submission. He had to beg for sleep, rest, and food, while all she wanted was him. He was not sure how...

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TheRealWorkout Selena Ivy Getting The Pool Boys Attention

Selena has the hots for her pool cleaner, Donnie. She knows how to get his attention and starts working out, showing off her midriff and fit body basking in the sun. She pours water over her tits and motions for Donnie to come and fuck her. He doesn’t waste a second and eagerly jumps at the chance to fuck Selena. With his cock deep inside her, she moans with deep pleasure and squirts all over Donnie’s cock. Selena lets Donnie cum in her mouth and on her face to show her appreciation for all his...

4 years ago
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Gender change at school

I am Jake a tall 18 old boy who always wanted to be a girl because I think girls have a exciting life. But that is impossible so I live my boring life. Toady I woke up at 6 and went to bathroom and did a jerk for 10 minutes. I wore my school dress and went to the school . I entered the schools and went to my boring classes. In between I went to the washroom for the nature's call. While I was going to the washroom I saw some aurora at our HM room. I went to the room and found noone and the...

Mind Control
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 88

The girls arrived in time to grab food before it disappeared into the guys' mouths but only just. The group spent the evening getting to know the newcomers and learning more about the people they'd met earlier. It was starting to get dark and Sean, who had driven farthest of everyone that day, was starting to tire. "Where is everyone sleeping?" he asked. "With Adam apparently," Mary joked just to see the look on Adam's face. She got what she expected. "I have room for one if they...

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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 24

“What are you bleating about Mari, we all know they are fakes?” Symone replied. Symone looked at her fellow nobles with contempt. “If she is more gifted than we are, she will know as soon as she touches one of us. These people are posing just like we are; they just pretend that they have more magical items than we do. We all know that we either have ability or not and these heirlooms do nothing to enhance them.” “May I?” asked Dusty, putting her hand out for the diadem. Symone thrust it at...

3 years ago
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Franks Lucky Run

This is my first story. Please tell me what you think, harsh or otherwise! I was running on the park trail one sunny afternoon when I saw the figure of a goddess. She was almost one hundred feet ahead of me but I could see the amazing ass that swung with each step. I picked up my pace hard and in no time I pulled up behind her. Her figure was sleek, she had a taught fantastic body that willed men to follow, and I was no exception. She was a brunette, her hair tied in a ponytail, with black...

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The Training of a Bisexual Cockslut Part 3

I did as I was told, putting my feet on the dash, spread my legs as far as I could and put the dildo in my ass with one hand, stroking my cock and balls with the other. We pulled out of the parking lot onto the road for the 15 minute or so drive to the hotel. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my cock and the dildo in my ass, trying to put on a good show for my girlfriend. I felt the car stop and opened my eyes to see that we were stopped at a light. I looked over at the SUV next to us...

2 years ago
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My Doctor

in july 2011 i called up my doctor to make an appointment for health check up, to be honest the only reason i made the appointment was to see my doctors sexy ass in her tight skirt. so she booked me for the following week, i couldn't wait i was really excited.it was appointment day, i was sitting in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called. i was so excited i was tapping my feet and fiddling with my fingers. then i heard her sexy voice "Mr mali I'm ready for you" i jumped up and rushed...

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Karsten gegen die Frauen

Karsten Jürgens war verzweifelt. Seine Frau hatte ihn verlassen und ihren gemeinsamen dreijährigen Sohn mitgenommen. Fast zwei Wochen hatte er kein Lebenszeichen vernommen, bis dann das Schreiben von ihrer Anwältin kam. 1.100 € Unterhalt wollte sie für sich und das Kind. Doch woher sollte Karsten das Geld nehmen. Er verdiente gerade mal 2.000 € netto als Elektriker und davon verwendete er schon 400 € im Monat um die Raten für seinen Audi abzubezahlen. Und den würde er nicht wiederverkaufen,...

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Kat sees Becky a 34yrs 5'6" about a buck ten nice tits great ass red hair Kat's answer to a deep long dream, in the store. Becky has a short dress open in the back low in the front enought to see lots of tit with a man kinda a wimp buying flim Kat can hear them talking Becky saying come on we will be late and I really don't want to hear your mom bitch! Kat being Kat walks up behind Becky while they are in line and indrictly runs her hand over Becky's ass OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY Becky looks at...

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A Guy called Richard

“Is this okay, Alex?” I murmured that this was heaven and not to stop. I’d watched Richard unzip my jeans as I spread out on the settee and almost instantly I felt the familiar surge beneath, like it wanted to burst out and that glorious feeling of sexual lust was there, in expectation of what was to come and enjoying every minute, knowing how Richard just adored to strip me like this; the way he used his finger tips to tease me up over my jeans as he tinkered with the zip fastener was so...

4 years ago
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The StormChapter 14

With everyone on their way home, Jennifer and I went into our expanded cabin. I saw that someone, probably one of the ladies, had brought a vase and had arranged some of the local wild flowers in it then left it on the kitchen table. Jennifer almost collapsed into the chair and I agreed with her - I was tired too. “Wally, now that this is over, I have to confess that I knew Elizabeth was organizing this. Until I stayed over on the main island though, I didn’t know just how much the folks...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 7

Alana was lying on the bed, cooing as Frank and Mac suckled on one breast each. Tanya was rubbing her gorgeous breasts against Sy's smooth hybrid chest, enjoying the pleasure he radiated as she played. She turned around to watch the show on the bed, attracted by Alana's soft, sensual moans of pleasure and leaned back to brush her luxurious blond hair against Sy's cheek and shoulder. Sy took advantage of her new position to grasp her from behind, gently squeezing her pendulous breasts and...

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Randys women

Randy's WomenHi all my name is Randy. My story started years ago when I was still in high school , my first real job was working in a book store. After school I went to the book store and unpacked magazines and paperback books that were delivered that day. It was a very easy job . One day an older lady came into the store , she saw me lifting heavy boxes around the store. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and when I turned around she said excuse me young man , do you think you could come over...

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Success Inc Case 201 ABC Inc

Copyright© 2004 "You've read the contract?" his voice was brusque, businesslike, not quite what she'd expected after reading the fine print in that contract. She half expected a few snickers, or at least a leer. "Yes," Melody paused searching for words, "your methods are, to say the least, unconventional! Do you really expect me to sign a contract like this? Something like that belongs in an adult book store, not in corporate offices!" "Am I to understand that you no longer...

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My First Whore

He had picked out the one he thought looked the best out of the small group gathered at the corner under the glow of the streetlight. She was slim, with blonde springy curls, dressed in a long sleeved red top that was open at the neck to reveal plenty of shoulders and a short white skirt. She was maybe 24 or 25, not too old and not too young. When he had motioned for her to come up to the passenger window of his car she had approached with the confidence that told him that she had no doubt that...

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In the NavyChapter 16 Aftermath

For two weeks, Harriet had stayed in Portsmouth, ever since the news of the great victory had reached England. She already knew from her father that Tony was not among the dead or wounded of the battle, but she wanted to welcome him on the quay, welcome him and comfort him, like her mother had done for her father whenever possible. “Harriet, darling,” Tony exclaimed when she broke the kiss “You here? What a wonderful surprise!” Harriet, her dignity notwithstanding, silenced him with another...

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Such a Drama Wendy And Friends Punish Peter Again Part One

My spankings at Mrs. Taylor’s house continued after I had left school. She had summoned me to her home every six to eight weeks or so during my time in the Sixth Form, most of the time with just her, sometimes with a special guest in attendance too. There had been a couple of occasions where Pauline Manson and Jane Wardell had joined Auntie Wendy to discipline me; my ex-Maths Mistress, Louise Walton had also popped over once again and, most interestingly for me, Rachel Lindley, the lesbian PE...

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It was nice of my Mother to host dinner for us; it was, after all, a special occasion. I hadn't seen her for at least a year, but she offered Martin and I free run of the place for a month, which would give him plenty of time to get out into the country and see everything. Still, as we sat down for dinner, I had to shoot her a disappointed look. My ex-boyfriend was there, hovering around the table in a pink, frilly apron, obsequious and submissive to a fault. "Mother," I said,...

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My sister in law with 18 year olds

My sister in law hasn't been fucked for many years because her husband (not my brother) cannot get it up. He will not lick or suck her and he will not let her give him a blow job.Jane is very proper, sings in the choir, has never watched porn so is innocent for her age 50+. Jane has grey hair that she has died blond and cut in a modern style. She has a curvy figure topped of by boobs that every man would love to suck. When she is at the net and I am serving I have to really concentrate to keep...

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Daddys Princess in Training Part Five

                                                    Daddy' s Thoughts  As I look down at my beautiful sleeping angel I smile in memory of the past loving moments and closeness we have shared and enjoyed these last six years. Her bright intelligent mind, her softness of heart, her deep devotion to me causes my heart to over flow with love and tenderness that I have never felt for or from another living soul. "My child, born from my seed, the love of my life, my princess lover, my daughter."   "A...


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