Old Wife's Tail--Part Two--Screw Loose Law Trek free porn video

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Old Wife's Tail - Part Two - Screw Loose Law Trek Juliette Lima Thank you, for your patience dear I am most highly distracted You see I just have lost my rear And large troubles have attracted. I stood amazed for a while peering through my wife's face at myself, as she (he) rubbed my (her) crotch through the thin crotch of my(her) panties. My sister-in-law and his (her) spouse watched us with our neighbors, Alex and Bettina. I gathered what wits I had and asked. "What happens when the cruise is over and we change back into our original selves?" "You get to be my pantied little sissy maid. Just like Tommy and Alex," Martina purred. "If you stay female you get to be my mistress if you become a male you get to be my bitch." "You okay with nightly sex as my sissy?" I asked. "Sure am, because when the Bayside Ladies get through with you you'll be ready to wear panties and be a sissy just to get away from the harpies." "You sound mighty sure of your plan, what if I like being your Domme and take to publicly humiliating you." "It won't matter, the worse you treat me the less likely the chance you can ever return to being a man, every woman in town is in "the club" you will be mincing in the womanless pageant if you take up being a man again. I will wear panties and dresses (what's the problem for me?) you have to struggle with dresses and go pantiless like all the silly bitches in town. I will take eating you every night for the rest of my life just to see you go out on the bay every day in skirts." Millicent chimed in with "You girls also have to get waxed totally smooth at tomorrow night's meeting, so the three of you can just doff your panties and be hot dates tonight for us, so we can enjoy ourselves." The ringing of the telephone interrupted my pithy and devastating riposte and I lifted the receiver. "Martina dear its Gayle" "Hello Gayle." "Sweetie I had the most marvelous time today and I'm so going to miss your sweet little rug when we play around again, but a crisis has arisen." "Oh my Gayle what has happened?" "Your husband is planning to screw up everything by being so compliant you will relax and he can get out of training and the womanless wedding ceremony." "Oh Gayle how do you know that?" "Stacia Gardener over heard Tommy and Alex at the marina talking about how they had a plan to flip the three of you to submissive wives and skip the wedding all together, something Jimmy has planned. I have called an emergency meeting of the husband training committee and we are moving up the training pickup to tonight. Can you get them into panties and out of the house and up to Myra's Restaurant?" "I suppose I can. Tonight is important?" "Yes if you have to tell them anything tell them you have to appear in public for a reception for new members and husbands. I have to run bye sweetie hope to be giving you a licking soon." "Bye Gayle see you tonight." "Well was that ?Gayle the Whale', your new honey?" Martina asked as I hung up. "Yes it was and she want us all to join her at "The Bee Hive" for dinner tonight, there is a new member reception, you will think it very funny for the three of us to be introduced in their very special way. She said something about showing us a warm reception and receiving a glowing tribute." "She wants all six of us?" Alex asked. "You know Myra has a rule that women can't wear panties in her restaurant?" Millie added. "You three going to risk having your fur on display? The thought of seeing Jimmy on the hot seat after Myra gives her a warm reception is too rich." "Well if you think it'll be fun why don't we make a party of it?" I rejoined. "You three go along with the program and wear panties under your slacks as if you were ready to be cute little submissive sissies. I'll even start you off with a peachy pair." With that I slipped the peach lace panties off and pitched the soft fabric into Martina's face. He (she) smirked and stripped off his khakis and boxers and slid the lacy garment up his legs. Soon the other two had followed suite and I led my two friends up to my new wardrobe. We swapped our tees and denim skirts for some clingy dresses Martina seldom wore. While we changed I told the girls what was about to happen. With breasts and buttocks all abounce we returned and led the way out the door and to the waiting car. Full of jokes about how we were about to be received Martina kept up a spiel that was quite funny. We arrived and were seated at a booth where the very embarrassed Henry Stilton waited on us. Henry was wearing a white nylon uniform over hot pink lingerie the seat of his panties was emblazoned with "Myra's Sissy" and the lettering was easily read through the thin fabric. Throughout the meal I rubbed my spouse's crotch trough his slacks and my friends followed suite. Poor Martina shuddered as the orgasm came over him. As the blush covered his face I rubbed the spewed fluids into his pants so his khakis showed a prominent wet spot. As I was enjoying my spouse's discomfort and pleasure Julie Southwick came to the table and ushered my two friends and me up a flight of stairs and into a foyer where we were blindfolded before entering the meeting room. Blindly we stumbled to our places and were backed onto stools that sank under our weight and caused us to fall backwards and also caused our legs to be lifted and spread. I reached back for something to stabilize myself and felt my wrists become clasped by a device that pulled me back and arched my hips as my legs spread to show my crotch. I struggled to test the grip and gave up to save energy. In short order I felt straps cinched and my dress drawn up over my waist. A padded support rose to cradle my head and the blindfold came away just as a woman's bottom descended onto my face. A sharp hot sting hit my pubes and shortly I screamed into the muff that muffled me as hair was removed from my pubes. As the pain subsided my face was released from its wet imprisonment and a new woman plopped upon my face. Another ripping tear and scream followed by release and recapture. Once completely bald we were placed on tits and knees upon a pad and our bottoms were exposed. A mist of water spritzed my buttocks and a paddle stroke connected with the soft flesh I squealed over and over as each woman slammed the paddle home. Rest assured I was determined to be a stoic, however no stoic ever lasted indefinitely. I was reduced to a sobbing mess by the time I was let up. I was asked if I promised to fulfil my pledge period faithfully, I sobbed that I would. I was asked to promise my sponsor complete devotion and I sobbed I would. My dress was tied up in back and in front and I was paraded out to the sidewalk in front of "The Bee Hive' where I was joined by my new sisters who had been similarly abused. To complete our tableau our husbands were frog marched out wearing only the cum stained panties, a pair of high heels, handcuffs, and ball gags. We were arrayed in a row behind our spouses and each of us was given a stout oak paddle. Our spouses were fitted with straps that attached their knees to their necks and thus bent them over. We marched the pained trio down the street to the Sissy Center (a tidy cottage with cute pink shutters, a picket fence, and tiny lawn) where we paddled them up the steps and into the cottage. Once in the cottage the trio was locked into stocks that kept them bent over and the handcuffs were clipped to a strap that was tightened to draw their arms parallel to their legs. We were then sent our new home, at the trainee's cottage and our big sisters (Mine was Myra Stilton) supervised us as we stripped. The big sisters then revealed a large plastic ball set upon a cross frame with four cuffs at the ends. I was strapped over the ball and Myra sprinkled something between my buttocks, which promptly started to itch. Myra smeared the powder into my hot wet cleft and left. I squirmed uncontrollably to try and ease the itch and finally sobbed myself to sleep. I suffered through the night along with my friends and by early morning the cramping muscles and itching privates had taken such a toll I was wracked with sobs and screaming for release. As I writhed and cried I heard a soft gentle voice, "Are you in and emergency situation, Jimmy? I can alleviate pain and itch if you need relief." "Who said that?" "It is Nina, your reticulum, if you are in deep distress I can ease any suffering." "Oh god yes stop the itching and the cramps." At once my body went from pained to merely contorted. Alex and Tommy heard me talking ostensibly to myself and asked me to whom I was talking. In a few seconds the three of us were out of pain and had no itching. We found we could rotate on the bondage balls and when we faced on another we could see how we were bound and also could release ourselves. We made a pretty sorry sight when we were released, but we made our way to the shower and washed away the residues of our ordeals and after a short search found clothing, well some short dresses, but at least we were clothed. I interrogated Nina and learned we could send a conversion signal to another reticulum and if it was not password protected or set to reject all external programs we could flip a male to female or vice versa, and could swap bodies with another person. The only catch was the location of the receiver in all bodies was at the anus and the strongest signal we could generate would be from our tongues. When we learned how to change we were totally put off by the process, but we decided we would swap with our trainers when they came to continue our torment. We scrubbed the bondage gear clean of the itching powder and after stripping off the dresses and re-hanging them we retired to the one oversize bed for a quick nap. We awakened well before the three tormentors appeared and after putting together a breakfast we dressed and sat on the cottage porch waiting for our foes. At noon the three strolled up and Myra was surprised to see me free from her bindings as were Julie Southwick, (Tommy's terror) and Cyndi Lambert (Alex's agony). They ordered us to the curbside where we were ordered to bend over the cottage fence and grasp the pickets. Our skirts were lifted and a hard hand spanking followed. At the conclusion of the spanking the three raised the backs of their dresses and demanded we kiss their asses. We complied and also triggered the swapping signal. What happened next was funny and gross. I watched the person in front of me collapse and morph into a man. I looked to where Tommy was and saw Julie standing over her husband Hank, Alex was morphed into Cyndi and stood (actually knelt) over Cyndi's husband Carl. I looked at the scrawny male ass in front of me and had the overpowering disgust of knowing I had just kissed Henry Stilton in the ass. The signal we had sent had not swapped us, it had reverted the recipients to their "Baseline Form" and had knocked them out. We peeled off the dresses they wore and carried them in to the cottage where we bound them over the balls we were once tied to. I located three gags and three wicked looking penis chastities, which we added to our victims. I loved the wild-eyed terror Henry displayed when he awoke. I had changed into Myra's dress and was towering over him as he looked up from his bondage. He screamed into his gag and convulsed against the bindings. Ignoring our victims' cries we left them to search out our wives. We left the cottage and proceeded to "The Bee Hive" where we joined Gayle Cockburn, Stacia Gardner, and Mindy Simmons. Along the way the three of us had linked our reticulae into a network and had listened to the tutorial on copying and identifying persons from the unique signature of the person's reticulum. By the time we arrived at the "Hive" we had noted more than a half dozen men posing as their wives. And upon joining the other "ladies" we knew they were actually the husbands of the women they appeared to be. Gayle confirmed our suspicions by asking me "Henry did you get the copying data from Martina? Let me have the memory stick so I can go swap Jimmy out and we can add the three of them to the sissy pool." "They are password protected, we can't reprogram them, Gayle. We will have to find a different way to proceed." "How the hell did those three cows get protected? We have every dumb ass domineering bitch except those three working as sissy slaves and THEY are password protected! BULLSHIT! This could blow up like a damn aerosol can in a bonfire. You know what happens if Myra gets her fat ass back, you will be back here waiting tables in that stupid uniform. You want that? You want to be queened every night while she watches the "Soap Opera Channel" for five hours? I had enough of Gayle's ass in one hour of her ?supremacy' I am not going back under her thumb or her ass either. Right now Gayle would kill to get a chance to make me service her." "Maybe if we do some research and find out more about the reticulae we can work it out," Tommy offered "Is Julie's blonde-ness wearing off on you Hank? How in hell do we work around a password?" "We can make a shunt," Alex added. "What?" "A shunt, a direct connection from one to the other the memory card sticks can be connected back to back and the search and match protocol that starts the programming can hack into the password." "How long would it take?" Stacia asked. "I don't know, I need to review the tutorial from my reticulum," Alex replied. "Those gadgets have a tutorial?" Gayle asked. "Yes they do, and everyone would do well to read up on the reticulae," I added. "Mine hates being called a ?gadget'" "Look you three take the three guys down to the cottage and get them swapped out with their wives any which way you can. Then get the wives back in the stocks for training, then we can just cruise along with no more talk of ?pussy power' and ?sissy school'. If having a cunt gets you power then okay let me have the cunt and the dumb broads can be the pussy whipped sissies. Okay?" Gayle-Stanley handed me a ring of keys and dismissed us with a wave of her hand and one last "When you get the Lunds swapped bring Jimmy here, that Martina was one good muff diver. I hope Jimmy is as good when he's in Martina's body." I held my tongue and left the presence of the three changelings. We returned to the cottage containing our spouses and before approaching the three bound men we reverted to our wives' forms. We made our way back to the backroom where our bound spouses were left and found it empty. As I turned to open the door to the connecting room Nina sounded an alarm and a high voltage shock from a cattle prod hit me in the middle of my back. Nina absorbed the shock and as the assailant's arm grabbed my throat in a chokehold she re-radiated the equivalent voltage through my hands into the arm I had reflexively grabbed. The arm flew from my neck and the person attached gasped audibly as the power pulsed again and I bent at the waist pulling down on the arm and thrusting my buttocks back while dropping into a crouch. Into the wall slammed the slight figure of a woman. I took a step toward her and paused when I heard the unmistakable sound of a pump action shotgun cycling. The petite woman shouted, "No Carl, stand down!" I spread my arms and felt a bit disoriented as an image began to play on the virtual screen in front of me, I realized I was receiving a visual feed from Tommy, who was face to face with a 12 gauge held by another petite woman. The cutie on the floor in front of me spoke "Jimmy it's okay don't make any sudden moves, I'm Cindy your cousin, you remember the one married to the other Jimmy?" "Tell Carla to lower that 12 gauge and we'll repair to the parlor, gee Cindy I don't remember you being a redhead, nice that the rug matches the drapes." Cindy stood and her skirt covered her previously public pubis. "Hey a girl has to reinvent herself to stay exciting. How you been? Martina and her friends send their love, I just bet you wonder what in hell is going on, don't you?" "That Cuz, is putting it mildly. Who the hell are these other folks? I do wish Carl or Carla would just put the damn shotgun down. " Cindy continued, "Carl, play nice now, good now go stand watch. Marta are you okay? It appears you took a heck of a tumble." Marta rose from the floor shaking her head "Whoa, that was quite a wallop, if I'd had my abs tightened you never would have dropped me. Hey Jimmy remember me, it's Marta Langebruck, you planning on coming to our Fourth of July celebration at Drescher's Glen, I'm sure the whole town will welcome you." Cindy giggled, "Marta did you get these two to be contestants? Or did they just have to be Liberty Belles all day?" Marta, who is married to my former commanding officer, laughed heartily and replied, "Jimmy was a Liberty Belle our second year in Drescher's Glen, he pranced around all day in the red, white and blue satin maillot and carried Jarod's sponsor book. We offered to let him stay with us if he would join the contest." I put a stop to the trip down mammary lane with, "Look Cindy just spill the beans without a lot of side trips, what is going on? Where's Martina and the other two? The last I heard you and Jim were starting a new career. Does any of this have any real relevance to daily life? I am pretty tired of the game my neighbors are playing, so if it's okay with you I want to take Martina and the others out on the bay in Bouncing Betty and leave the whole town to go hang. So out with it, what the hell is going on?" Cindy quickly filled us in on the story, some of our neighbors had been using the swapping feature of the Somatic Neural Reticulae to get even with their wives for being domineering. Henry Stilton had posted a blog about how he made his ball-busting wife into her own sissy by swapping out his body for hers. The other men in the village had followed suit. Soon only the six of us were the only couples not swapped out, but that did not affect the rest so we were left alone. (No one even suspected our wives had turned us into women when they went off on their bus trip). The agency Cindy worked for had intercepted Bettina when she was sent to the "Submissive School" and Carl had taken her place so they had a eye on the situation, because there had been ?chatter' on the web and in cell traffic about big goings on scheduled for three weeks from now. The name of my boat and the cruise to Tangier had surfaced and so the two women had swapped with Martina and her sister, so they could get close to the plot. It seemed the three men we currently had under lock and key were the main contacts with the terrorists, or rather their wifely forms were. Also the spouse of Gayle Cockburn had been kidnapped and his place taken by the kingpin of the plot. Our wives were safely secreted at Cindy's house in Drescher's Glen, and now all we had to do was help the team get the three stooges we had bound on to the offshore assault vessel, then facilitate the insertion of replacements. We agreed to help and soon were walking our body doubles down the road in panties, bra and spike heels, to the jeers and catcalls of the "ladies" of the village. We entered the cottage and viewed our three victims still looking terrified. We made some body changes (Thank God, I didn't end up face first in Henry's ass again.) we marched out what looked like ourselves and appeared to be our wives, under the control of Myra, Julie, and Cyndi. We took the ensemble to my house where we kept the three men bound until dark, when we loaded the deadrise and went southeast into the deepest part of the bay. At about 10:00 PM we were joined by a submarine that surfaced off our port beam. The three men from town were carried aboard squealing and replaced by Cindy and Marta's husbands and a tall lanky man who they called Eddy. On the way back in the three new guys changed into copies of Myra, Julie, and Cindy Lambert, while the other three morphed into our wives and donned plain white dresses. We looked on and were stunned when bra and panty sets and ankle strap heels were set in front of us. It was clear we were expected to make that long walk back to the Bee Hive in sissy garb. We reverted to our male forms and slipped into the panty and bra sets and kept the heels set aside until we had disembarked from the boat. We slipped on the shoes and watched as small locks secured the buckles. Our wrists were buckled into cuffs and they were attached to our waists so we appeared to be prissily holding or hands on our hips. The last indignity was a ring gag that kept each of us from closing his mouth. We were hustled back to the cottage and left over the bondage balls to wait for the plot leaders to see us. Just as the six women were about to leave Marta spoke up "Hey we need to put those vibrating butt plugs in place. Carl get them out of the cabinet." We all squealed as the large plastic plugs violated our rears. Then began to moan as the vibrations began to tickle our prostates and cause large erection to tent our panties. Cindy leaned over me and rubbed my satin clad butt as she murmured in my ear " Martina will be so glad to see the results of our little film session. Now you just lay here and be a good little sissy while Jim and I rid the world of evil. You look so cute in your little panties." I tried to cuss her out but only succeeded in sounding like a muzzled dog barking. Soon the throbbing in my rear had raised my arousal to a climax and I thrashed about as my orgasm occurred. Unfortunately I could not stop the plug from throbbing, nor would my cock stop swelling, squirting, and deflating in an awful yet sensuous cycle. Over and over I writhed and struggled to get free, but the erotic and awful torment continued. I hated and loved every minute of my ordeal. I could hear my fellow victims as they rode the same waves of agony and ecstasy. I was sobbing as I came the last time and had the humiliation of hearing footsteps enter the room. "Poor dears the harpies have started their torment. Relax sweetie I'll get this out of you." I felt a hand seize the horrid plug and pull. I squealed as my sphincter let go of my torturing device. My new friend slipped my soggy panties back up over my blushing bottom. A pair of hands lifted my shoulders and slid me onto my knees then lifted me onto my feet. I turned to see Henry Stilton facing me. He spoke again " Let me wash my hands dear and I'll get that awful thing out of your mouth." Shortly my aching jaws were loosed and I was able to speak "Myra is there any other clothing in this house?" "Oh no Martina that's the horror of this place there is no way for anyone can travel around any more unless they comply with the harpies. You have to be seen in those awful clothes by Gayle before you can change, and she gets to collect your ?kiss of submission' before you can walk back here to collect a dress. The closets have locks on them that only Gayle can unlock. Now come along we have to walk to the "Bee Hive". Don't talk to anyone keep your head bowed and wiggle your ass like a slut. It'll be over soon and we can go off to the sissy quarters and get better aquainted, we can be good friends, you know. " I did as I was told and trudged with as much ass wiggle as I could manage the women (men) of our little town lined the street and whistled and catcalled at us as we were walked down the short road to the restaurant. I shuddered as I entered the presence of the three leaders and saw my cousin Cindy standing by Gayle's side. Nina brought up the data screen as a "blue window" with the question "shall I execute a ?drop and swap'?" I silently thought "On my command of ?execute' shut down whoever is inside of Gayle and make sure they stay down for the maximum time' Gayle grabbed me by the arm and hustled me into a backroom of the restaurant, and pushed me to the floor. She squatted over my face and pressed her anus onto my mouth. I fought my gag reflex and pushed my tongue into the foul opening and thought "Execute". The disgusting experience of having a shriveled ball sack and limp cock hit my face was followed by the thud of the stunned man hitting the floor. Nina absorbed the cuffs around my wrists and I quickly stripped off the fetid underwear and after stripping the unconscious man I donned Gayle's clothing and picked up the nude man's ankles and drug his body over to a pillar in the room. I spotted a roll of duct tape on a shelf and retrieved it and taped the nude man's ankles to the pillar at waist height. I pulled his arms up over his head and taped his wrists above his ankles. I completed his binding by taping his mouth and eyes to blind and gag him. I wrapped a tablecloth around the pillar and the man and secured it with a strip of duct tape, I strode back into the room where my friends and the two remaining ringleaders waited. I wirelessly connected to Tommy and Alex and they looked at me and nodded. I told Stacia to collect a kiss from Tommy while I watched and was rewarded with the pleasure of seeing Tommy replace the unidentified man. After hiding the newcomer we invited Mindy to subdue Alex and in the few seconds it took we had Mindy replaced and a third strange man secured. The three of us re-entered the room where the three government agents waited and I spoke to my cousin "Well Cindy you want to collect your three thugs and give my wife back her body?" Cindy looked surprised and said "Damn Jimmy how the hell did you make that switch? Where did you learn to operate a reticulum so fast?" "Being both pissed on and pissed off makes you a fast study, suffice it to say I learned the tips and techniques from my reticulum and used what I learned. Now do you need us to continue this charade further?" "Sadly we do. The rest of the terrorist cell must be secured and the plan thwarted did you also download the terrorist's memory when you copied him?" "As a matter of fact I made a complete copy, you want to get a copy? I can transfer if you link up." "Send it to the laptop on the table." "Done." Cindy (Martina) opened the laptop and opened the file, did a little scrolling and clicking and chuckled softly. She produced a satellite phone and hit a speed dial button and said "Bring it on, park behind the restaurant." And broke the connection. "How long can you maintain the Gayle persona? Will three weeks be too long?" "Three weeks? What for?" "The rest of the terrorist cell is arriving just in time to assault a LNG tanker they plan on ramming into the Wilson Bridge on the Potomac and devastating DC." "Bullshit." "No bull, that's the plan straight from the feeble mind of Abu Maqawi the man you replaced. They plan to hijack a Liquefied Natural Gas Tanker and use it as a bomb." "How are they getting by the Nice Bridge?" "The what?" "The Governor Harry W. Nice Bridge which crosses down stream from the Beltway. The Potomac shallows out there too and as I recall the channel becomes erratic. They may be able to proceed but only at dead slow. " "Well let's see what our new friends say when the Busch mobile gets done reworking their plumbing." About an hour later there came a knock at the door and three burly knuckle draggers entered the back room and lifted the three unconscious men onto gurneys. Cindy and her spouse waved the three of us ahead of them into a nice looking motor home where we watched the three swarthy men being placed into clear tubes which were sealed and flooded with an iridescent fluid. We left the crew to their own devices and went off to Gayle's home with for dinner. To be Continued

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My wifes first big black cock part 1

Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...

4 years ago
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My wifes first big black cock part 2

(continued)Bobby pulled out of my wife with a loud audible *pop*, I was guessing since he was shoving so much pressure into my wifes now gaping cunt. Her leg was still propped up on the arm rest of the chair, I sat there horrified but strangely aroused by the interracial gangbang that was happening to my wife and her sister. I looked over at my wifes sister who a few guys were drilling deep being held mid air, two new "fresh" guys had taken the place of the two who were spent. Now every time...

3 years ago
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Old Wifes TailPart ThreeUranus is a Gas Giant

Old Wife's Tail--Part Three--Uranus is a Gas Giant. Juliette Lima Well thanks do very much For all your kind attention I'm sure your belief's and such Are stretched to great distention. The six of us sat around Gayle Cockburn's table after finishing dinner. My cousin still wearing my wife's body typed industriously on a laptop. "Well here's a hell of a note!" Cindy's spouse exclaimed. "What's that Colonel?" I asked. "These files on the laptop our swarthy little friends...

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Part 22 Sex With My Brotherinlaw8217s Wife

Dear Readers, Before going through the part 22A of my story, I would strongly recommend that you read my previous experiences posted. This will give you a good enough platform to understand the evolution of this 50 year old guy from his younger days until now. This is a long story, but one of my best experiences that is the pinnacle of my sexual experiences. The story is about my affair with my brother-in-law’s wife for about 4 long years without anyone in the family knowing it, that ended (not...

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A mother in law dilemma PART TWO

Despite the first part of my story not being especially well received I have nonetheless decided to submit part two I hope those of you who enjoy my writings might enjoy and as always I will look forward to constructive comments Over the following few days I had plenty of time to think long and hard about all that had happened. I tried, on any number of occasions to argue how none of it was my fault. In a sense I knew this to be true for it hadnt been me who had instigated it yet, deep down I...

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Introduction: This is a stroy about rekindling love between a married couple. Bill walked into the lounge to find his wife. He was a little confused why she left him a note under the windshield wiper of the car to meet her here. This was the fanciest hotel and restaurant in town and they have never been there before. Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesnt see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour...

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M Wifes Black Addiction

Introduction: A story of a white wife and mothers journey to black cock addiction! How many times have I witnessed this scene? Her gaze is directed at her Black lovers face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his...

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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

4 years ago
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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wifes Sisters Part I

Introduction: Who knew that buying something informercial would change your life so drastically? Thank you for taking a shot reading my story. It will start a little slow for most of your liking, as I really like to take care in making you care about the characters, and I try to make people seem as real as possible (Except for having extreme physical features — that is TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!). Hopefully you dig it and if you would, please offer some constructive criticism. I originally...

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wifes birthday surprise

You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...

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My wifes best friend

The other night i came home to find my wifes best friend sandy in the house with out my wife there. i though that was quite odd but not unsual for her to be there but not by herself. So i asked where my wife was oh she said she had to go to the grocery store to pick some stuff. I said oh okay no problem. I noticed that she had been drinking some wine. We started talking i asked her about her husband bill. She said oh hes at work like usual working long hours this time of year. I told her that...

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Introduction: By [email protected] I love to show off my beautiful wife. Even after 10 years of marriage at a age of 40 she is a stunner. No extra fat (except on her ample breasts), muscular and toned legs, and a fantastic set of ass to die for. She has flowing long hair which she never ties and they frame her face like a miasma of seduction. I always encourage her to wear low cut blouses and sarees tied way below the navel. When she wears those tightly wrapped around sarees she looks like the...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Best Friend

Introduction: A young man is left alone with his wifes best friend who has the hots for him. What follows is every mans dream. Ever since Id met Melissa at the local community college six years before, Id known she had a crush on me. Back then, I was twenty-six and she was eighteen. Id only been married to Natalie for a year and, well, Ive always gotten along better with the ladies than the guys, so Id developed a friendship with Melissa. Shed make a point of constantly flirting with me,...

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Kumar Apartments English Part 10 SisterInlaw Promises A Show

Narrated by Akash Hi friends, it’s me, Akash. Last time in episode 9, you guys read about how we talked after getting some alone time with my sweet Shobha bhabhi. I also got the golden opportunity to give her a tempting leg massage. Those legs and thighs of hers were which I admired all day long. Just gave me touch as much as I want. I was so overwhelmed with joy, and obviously, I was hoping for some more fun with her. But to be honest, she isn’t like an easy catch. She loves to tease me a...

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Meagans Tail ch2 a tail or two

Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...

4 years ago
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Me My Wife And My Sisterinlaw 8211 Part ll

Continuation of the first part… Life went on as usual for 1.5 months for all of us. I never interacted much with my sister in law except for necessary talks. My wife and she started getting even more intimate. During this time, my wife and i have sex every night. And when we have sex, she moans a lot. And this apparently had initially disturbed my sister in law. She then asked my wife about it and my wife also expressed the joy of it when it is with me every night. Amazingly, my sister in law...

2 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Introduction: Frank disciplines his bimbo wife after her interracial gangbang! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

1 year ago
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Lockdown With MotherInLaw And Wife During Summer 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of my story and a continuation of the first part. Around 15000 likes and 2400 critics for my first part is the only reason for writing part 2. Thanks for the likes and critics. During the whole day, my mother-in-law felt shy to talk to me. But what happened in the night triggered some kind of unknown sexual tension between us. Even though we didn’t talk, we exchanged looks a lot of times. We will be in our respective rooms usually if nothing is there to talk but this...

2 years ago
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My wifes job 3

Introduction: Now that I know what my wifes job is, the fun continues. This is the sequel to My wifes job and My wifes job 2 My wifes job 2 was posted on 2013 June 29. You may need to reread it to refresh your memory? The rest of the weekend was as brilliant as Robin had promised me. The whole time we were all naked. Richard and I gave Robin and Cindy three DPs each. Each DP was as exciting as the first one when Richard and I fucked Cindy. Between times we enjoyed the sunny weather on...

4 years ago
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I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True

Introduction: This is another story inspired by my wifes fantasys I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasys about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasys, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be...

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Kumar Apartments English Part 9 Giving A Helping Hand To My SisterInlaw

Narrated by Akash Hello friends, it’s me, Akash, who recently arrived at Shobha’s house, and was giving a helping hand to her. In the last part, you read how I went to the apartment gym with my sister-in-law Shobha. Later I met her hot sexy friends. After Shobha’s friends left, I was having a high tide of reaction in my balls. It was difficult for me to take out her hot friends’ images and the way they talked, especially Bhawna. I thought to get in my washroom and jerk off. But then realized...

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wifes panties

never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...

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My wifes first big black cock part 3

My wife's sister Maureen looked over and saw me pumping my cock as hard as I could and took pity and reached over the arm of the chair and began to tug on my dick. "At least you got the larger of the two" she said to her sister (in reference to my brother Richard) she quickly let go because she was a size queen and only loved big cock now. I continued to jerk my cock as Bobby told the guy who was now taking Bobby's sloppy seconds from my wifes pussy to take his place since he was now ready for...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes last days

This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...

1 year ago
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Sucking cock while my wifes in the next room

One of my crazy storys that happened as always these storys are ture! Id always had a thing for sucking cock even before I had met my wife but even to this day she doesn’t know a thing about it. One day I bought a guy back his name was Tom he was an average guy in his late 30s and as I got home unexpectedly my wife was there but it was too late to turn back as we walked into my home and my wife(Jodie) had seen us! So quickly thinking I told my wife ‘this is my friend Tom from work his come to...

2 years ago
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My wifes surprise

Ah what a day I'd had in work!? Didn't get finished til after mid night and just couldn't wait 2 climb in2 bed and get a good nights sleep.The drive home was long and tiring, as I walked in the house I was surprised 2 see the living room light was still on (My wife never stays up late during the week)I walked towards the living room and started 2 make out a slight moaning sound, curiously I peered around the door and noticed both of my wifes legs dangling over both arms of the arm chair, as I...

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MFM so much cum in my wifes hole

We had a 2 hour MFM session with our close male friend Friday that was amazing. He had messaged me last weekend to make sure we were still coming to his house in a week I assured him we were still on with "don't worry you're definitely still getting to fuck my wife friday". He asked me if I could get her to wear some tight shorts "I fucking love your wifes ass she'd look really hot in shorts" I recently got her a Harley Quinn Halloween outfit that came with a tiny little pair of spandex shorts...

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My wifes job 2

Introduction: I learn more about my wifes new job This is the sequel to My wifes job. Please read that one first. Robin was watching with me as my wife, Cindy, was fucked by her boss, Richard. After we saw that they were both cumming, Robin announced, Well, Cindy, you dont need to worry about Ron being jealous. He just pumped a second load into my cunt when he saw that Richard was filling your cunt with his cum. Ron, Cindy, Richard said, I think it would be great if you two would spend the...

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The InLaws Help DaughterInLaw To Get Pregnant Part Four

Gina was starting to wonder why she wasn't getting pregnant.  She had sex with her father-in-law, her father, and Andy, and Steven.  All the men dropped their semen into Gina, but she was never getting pregnant.Gina knew that she was fertile but was starting to wonder if they lied and had vasectomies.  She hated going to bed with Andy and Steven.  They were so unattractive, and having sex with them was uncomfortable and made Gina sick.  Andy and Stephen called Gina a few times wanting to get...

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Old mother in law found in the Net

Old mother in lawI had never thought of my mother-in law in a sexual way, but for some reason on January 28th everything changed. I’m a 36 year old guy, skinny with short brownish hair and green eyes. And I had the most amazing experience. It was on my 36th birthday this happened.As far as I can remember my mother in law was a bit eccentric and forgetful (she was 87years old). But one day I rang her and asked if she needed anything and asked her what she had done that day. She said she had been...

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My wifes a whore Part2

MY WIFE IS A DIRTY WHORE - NOW SHE IS MAKING ME ONE TOO!≠===================================================Part35.306pm6.30...!!I was starting to get a bit worried and text Karen asking when she would be home.6.48...!!! "Karen's a bit shaky to txt now LOL Just fucked her lovely tight ass. Mmmm X N."What? He must be joking, trying to wind me up! Karen didn't do anal! At least.........??? Surely not.......!!!! With his cock?????!!!!!!!Seconds later a photo txt chimed it's arrival! My hands...

1 year ago
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Old Mother in Law

Old mother in law Note : This story is completely fictional! I had never thought of my mother-in law in a sexual way, but for some reason on January 28th everything changed. I’m a 36 year old guy, skinny with short brownish hair and green eyes. And I had the most amazing experience. It was on my 36th birthday this happened. As far as I can remember my mother in law was a bit eccentric and forgetful (she was 87years old). But one day I rang her and asked if she needed anything and asked her what...

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A Twisted Tail

A Twisted Tail By Morpheus The entire garage shook from the sound coming from my drum set as well as from the guitar my best friend Ricky was playing beside me. Calling it music might have been a little generous, at least as far as my playing went, but we were getting a lot better. Ricky and I came out to practice in the garage several times a week, doing so for at least a few hours every weekend and after school when possible. My best friend was actually pretty good since he'd...

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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time With Ruth My MotherinLaw

I dropped down under the shade of the tree next to Bill and Joe. "Has she been out yet?" "Ya don't see any laundry hangin' up do ya'?" Joe observed. "Good, I had to finish fixing the fence out back, I thought she might be done by now." Working on a cattle ranch in Montana in my youth did not offer many possibilities for sexual extertainment. We couldn't log in on the Internet and surf for porn sites, we had no soft core porn on the movie channels, and the nearest titty bar was some...

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I Dream of Demie 4 A Tail and Two Titties

--- I Dream of Demie 4 - A Tail and Two Titties (MF, anal, con, lac, nc, preg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Previously, on I Dream of Demie: Hi, my name's Tom. I killed a man to summon a sex demon from Hell. She loves to smoke my pot, so she spared my life, stays with me, and occasionally we have incredible sex. Demie kills people, but she can make herself look (and feel) like any girl I want! But is it worth it? --- Five weeks ago... Abe Sorensen walked into...

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Sex Video With Mother In Law 8211 Part I

Hi this is Vinay from Chennai age 30. I have been living in Chennai from birth. I had many casual encounters in life with many women’s. Few of them were my family relatives, which ill tell u people after this story. I got married at the age 23. I am from a well settled family. My in laws family were good with me. But my mother in law was a little diff. she use to check me whenever I went to their house. She uses to ask all sort of questions to see whether I am taking care of her daughter well....

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Wifes Story 3 Aunt Madge comes to stay

Back in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...

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Wizards Tail a SRU mermaid yarn

Arron Murphy could not believe how fortunate he was to be accepted to that university. The one that was near the beach that had the perfect lagoon for racing rowing sculls. This was the same university that was known for the number of buxom beauties that seemed to exist in all the sororities, and worked the shops and cafes and bars in the nearby mall. There was the smell of fall in the air, brick and granite buildings. University lawns idyllic to the inlet that lead to the lagoon ...

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Getting caught by The Mother in Law Part2

Rose called me on my mobile and asked if I was at the house, I said yes and asked if there was something wrong ? she said no she just wanted some company and she would be over in an hour. It was a really nice warm day and I had been in the garden sunbathing, my garden was'nt that secluded so I'd set up some garden furniture so I could lie in the sun naked without the neighbours being able to see. Almost an hour had passed since Rose had called so I put the kettle on in anticipation of her...

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Me My Wife My SiisterInLaw 8211 Part I

Hi this is a fantasy story of mine i am regular reader of erotic literature and fantasies a lot and this first submission and is a pretty long one. So patience is needed when reading this story. Tere will be no immediate sexual escapades as such and every action will pan out naturally as the story flows. Please don’t forget to give your comments on the story or send me a mail at Positive criticisms are always welcome. Without further ado, let me come to my fantasy. I am an average guy married...

3 years ago
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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Introduction: Alice is taken away by a pair of Black man posing as cops, but the busty, bimbo wife doesnt care. Shes eager to help the Black men and their friends. Today, the bimbo wife is gangbanged hard. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 6: Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a...

1 year ago
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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my b*****r in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my brother in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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The Wifes Store

Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...

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My 18 year old wifes first black cock from my best friend

Introduction: My wife deflowers my best friend, which leads to black cock and gang bangs I took a photo of my young hairy wife Dee Dee naked in 1974 when she was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and getting ready for class when I asked her to pose naked for me. She asked why and I said I wanted it so I could remember how she looked naked when she was in high school. She thought that was a good idea and posed for me in a position they used in cheers, as she was a varsity cheerleader...

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