Big Dog By Tony505 free porn video

Got a Peterbuilt at my backdoor then Rolled up upon a White
Dang it is gonna be one ruling good time
Down on 95 or across I10 it don't matter what state I am in
Traveling with the others in the cool of the Night
Me and my Big Dog Sailing down with delight
Grab the stick Slam into Gear Let me Whine I have no fear
Make my Wheels Sing with Glee me and my Big Dog are Wild and Free
Hit the Spot Let it Roar Push in the Clutch there is Room to Explode
Hear the Whine Listen to them Sing got the Wheel spinning as the Stars dance for me
Running down Naked but it is ok I know there is another Load some place
Always Ready to Take on and Ride me and my Dog with a Freightliner by myside
International Running along highways and byways singing the song
Of the Ribbon long and Wide long as I keep up the Shiny Side
No one is gonna put me down as I lay the ole hammer down
13 Gears and I use them all even Granny's sometimes have to crawl
But for this Gal as she sings in the Night just handle me with care
For I am a Lady after all
Who is out there upon the Road
Me and my Big Dog Running with Jimmy Or maybe soaring with Ford
Does not matter who I Run with Long as it is upon the Road
My Handle My Name you all should know
Moonlight Wonder the Cross Bearing Gear Jamming Lady of Truckerville

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