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Pioneers By: Lorraine B. © 2005 Lorraine Bank The sky was gray with the air filled with a fine watery mist. Not a sound was heard from the furry inhabitants in the wooded area. There was no rustle of leaves from the numerous plants due to there not being any wind to stir them, just the constant drip of water droplets. The grasses were long and the trees green with droplets of water refracting the available light. This was open country surrounded by gently rolling hills, forests, pasture land, and small lakes with a smattering of towns and villages thrown into the foray of civilization. This was the year 1890 AD in the state known as Wisconsin, the middle part of it in North America. The stillness was broken by a soft humming sound and a large triangular shadow appeared. It appeared to hover parallel to the hill and then it seemed to disappear behind the hill or into it. Silence was once again the norm although inside and below the hill it was very active. Red recessed lighting gave way to soft white lighting illuminating seven large triangular vessels. If measured they would be one thousand yards in length and over one hundred feet deep tapering down to the outside, at the aft section of the ship was at least six hundred feet wide. The bridge was amidship at the top of the ship that rose fifty feet above the hull. The wings and apex were blunted to give the ships the pleasing to the eye look. The outer skin was flat black that was changing to a mirrored matte black finish. Three landing pedestals extended, the humming stopped, a hatchway opened amidship and a boarding ramp lowered to the floor silently. Fifteen male and female humans descended from the ship dressed in period dress of the 1890's. A tall, thin man dressed in black, leather like, flight pressure suit, approached the lead male descending from the ship. The man dressed in leather brought his right forearm to his chest with the other man nodding his head saying, "I gave orders for all personnel to be in local period dress and speak the local language Navigator." "Commander, the Planetary Systems Alliance is in jeopardy by the Gal'brith. Their representatives walked out on the council when the Plenerytes levied piracy charges against them. After the walkout, the Premier has ordered all Starbases to wartime status. It doesn't look at all good since Gal'brith attacked the Pleneryte and Broo'th Confederations. All of the exploratory bases are to be sealed with equipment in standby maintenance mode but personnel are to be picked up by Ultra Heavy Star Cruiser. We have sixty Earth minutes to be on the Western slope of the hill with a personal short range transponder transmitting at two Gigacycles per second, wide band, with a steady tone." "My crew and I will go below and change clothes, place the base into standby Navigator. Since we are going onto a cruiser, I suggest taking only the necessities. I don't understand why we don't take our ships because the shields, speeds and weapons far surpass anything the Gal'brith has available to them." "Sorry sir but the orders are we are to take nothing; all personal items will be returned after the conflict is over when we return, if we return." "What! That's absurd! What about our Comms?" "Nothing Sir, not even comm. bijous." In thirty minutes, the base was placed into standby. All one hundred and forty personnel were on the hill after taking the elevator up. All records from the base were transmitted to the nearest Starbase with the originals still in the computer. The Commander took the passenger lift up to the top of the hill and reset the entry codes to open with a simple one, two, three, and four. Once the access plate closed, dirt covered it and an oak wood tree sapling, was planted denoting the spot of entry. Just as the Commander joined the other personnel, they all heard the humming sound, which meant one of their ships was making an approach. On looking up, he saw the shadow of the large triangular shaped ship as it lowered five times the length of one of the ships inside of the base Once the ship was about three feet off the ground Port side forward and aft hatches opened followed by the boarding ramps with the visitors hurrying inside the craft. The ramps withdrew and the hatches closed, with the ship going straight up to the awaiting stars. Chapter 2 The year was 2020. It was raining when the electric car pulled up to the house after driving a mile off a county road, down the paved farm road. A man of about twenty-five years old, five foot nine inches tall with a slight frame, and blond hair in a ponytail, exited the car. With his deep blue eyes, he looked in every direction taking in the sights of the house, orchard, domed farmhouse, storage sheds, and equipment sheds. After walking to the front porch, using a keypad he entered a code, with the front door sliding letting him in. Taking off his jacket, he hung it up on a peg set into the wall and went into the kitchen. After searching, he found some coffee grounds and prepared coffee then sitting down at the table with a portable viewer/Visiscreen. He pressed some of the buttons of the Visiscreen and was rewarded by seeing a pretty receptionist with him saying, "Mr. Saunders please, Leslie Blake calling." "Hello Les, I see you got inside okay," Mr. Saunders said. "Yes I did, this place is huge compared to my student apartment in Madison at the university. Money is kind of a scarce thing being a Graduate Student in Anthropology and CompSci," Leslie said. "I understand but now you have one thousand acres of land with a spring fed lake on five hundred acres plus forest, three hundred acres of orchard with plum, pear and apple trees, new farm equipment, an AirCar and of course one million credits in the bank. My fees and all transfers were taken care of by Joe before he died, which included the taxes for five years. It was fortunate we met at his funeral." "Still I'm at a loss for words..." "Joe had no family and you always remembered him even when your parents died. He knew he wasn't in the best of health." "I was on the Visiscreen with him when he had his Stroke, I called for help and met him at the hospital, but he died on the way there. We were making our plans for meeting in Madison like we always did twice a month. I had no idea the farm was this modern or even knowing about the AirCar." "He was a wiley old cuss, and he loved new gadgets. Suppose we meet in two hours at the farm, I need your signature on some documents." "That's fine it'll give me time to drive to the grocery store to stock up." "Drive, drive, you have an AirCar at your disposal kid!" Fifteen minutes after I disconnected my Visiscreen call, I was airborne. The machine I was in was very responsive to the touch but I used the autopilot and GPS. The craft was huge being forty feet long, fifteen feet wide and six foot high with 6 Gull Wing doors. I found out later one little switch controls the cargo and passenger feature. While in flight, I pressed this switch and I had seats up in the back for twenty people. The top speed was over seven hundred miles per hour with cruising speed of over five hundred mph. In no time, I was at the grocery store, stocked up and returned back to the farm. I was in Heaven with this type of vehicle. The time really passed quickly as I restocked the pantry, fridge, and freezer when the attorney arrived. After fifteen minutes of pleasantries and signing my life away, I owned everything legally. Once Mr. Saunders left I was left to explore the house and explore I did, noticing the house was furnished with the top of the line furniture and electronics all built in a futuristic theme. Somehow, I made it to the fourth bedroom that was used as a den and office. Sitting at the desk, I fired up the computer noticing that it was new with holographic capabilities. First, I saw that the entire farm was networked and harvesting could be done from here with various pieces of machinery doing the actual work. I then found a letter addressed to me from Joe that I opened immediately. Hi Squirt; If you're reading this, I'm with the Maker. This farm has been in the family since the late 1800s, 1895 to be exact, and passed down to the oldest child. Since I don't have any blood family, I decided to leave it to you, as you're the only family I have. Anything you need to know is in the computer, it controls the farm, either ask it from any room your in or use the input devices. Yeah, the entire farm is wired. Thank you for being a good friend to an old man. My love to you always and I'll be watching over you. Joe Drying my tears after several minutes, I said a prayer for Joe and went back to the computer. One icon was blinking urgently saying it needed to be opened. On opening, I saw it was a severe weather warning for this area with severe thunderstorms, strong rain, and strong winds. Oh well, so much for weather control I thought. I secured the house for the night and went to the 20'x20' master bedroom. Checking for clean linens on the King sized bed; I then got ready for bed and fell asleep very quickly. Chapter 3 My dreams were far and few when I awoke feeling disoriented until I remembered where I was. Quickly I removed myself from the bed, made it up and went to the bathroom. Going into the attached overly large bathroom, I heard a chiming but an overfull bladder came first. I rapidly donned a pair of jeans nearly running to the front door. On opening the door, there was no one there but the chiming was incessant. The sound seemed to be everywhere until I realized it might be the computer calling me. "Yes computer, if the chiming is you, what is the problem?" I said as I went into the kitchen to brew coffee "Your voice patterns are not Joe, you are an unknown." "I am Leslie, I own the farm now, Joe ceases to exist please delete his sound files." "It is done, files are deleted, and Leslie is now primary voice. There is one status alert, do you wish a report?" "Yes computer, report please." "Very little damage was done to the orchard; robots are in the process of cleaning up storm and wind damage. There is no damage to the house or buildings. There is a tree fatality from the wind, an oak wood tree over one hundred years old." "Where is the location?" "The large hill before the lake, it is on its side, would you like it to be recycled?" "No, prepare the tree for firewood, place the cut wood by the driveway in cords." "It will be done," the computer replied as I poured a cup of coffee, walked toward the front door and out onto the porch. Once I was outside, I looked toward the hill seeing that indeed, there was a tree down and it was a big one in girth and length. Going inside I went to the Visiscreen and dialed a number committed to memory. It was to Gary "Mongoose" Avers, my best friend at school. The Visiscreen rang twice and was picked up by him with me saying, "Mongoose, I need a favor." "Sure Les, when do we get to party out there?" "I need you to empty out my room and bring my stuff here, leave the furniture. The next item of business is I had a tree fall last night so you get the wood for Prof. Wilson." "Done that on the packing, so there are no worries there, Wayne and I are coming anyway. Is the tree a big one?" "Yep over a hundred years old, you better get Wayne to hire a big truck." "Will do buddy, hey, we'll bring the food." "I have food here; I'll see you when you get here," I said and disconnected. Going back into the house and placing the coffee cup into the sink, I decided to finish getting dressed and passed on the shower until after I checked out where the tree fell for myself. Grabbing a comm. unit from the recharger to communicate with the computer and answer the Visiscreen, I made my way to the hill and the fallen tree. As I walked, I heard the robot crew busy with the chore of stripping down the branches and leaves. On arriving at the site, I felt saddened that this tree was so majestic in life and all it took was a strong storm to kill it. I thought of all the storms it withstood and the nasty winters it had seen it resisted that was when I looked at the root area. I am not a forester but the roots including the feeder root looked wrong to me. They all were to the sides of the tree it was as if they curved around an enormous rock and they were not straight down. It was then I decided to look at the hole that the tree came from. Looking down into the hole with the sun reflecting off a crystalline and opaque area of perhaps a square foot, I was intrigued. Due to the fact, it looked as if something long ago was buried here. Making my way cautiously down into the hole watching out for the remains of the roots, I finally stood on the surface I had seen. It felt like rock with no giving, even when I jumped on it. The rock sounded and felt solid. Using my hands, I moved more of the dirt away seeing more of that smooth rock formation. It must have been during my movements that I triggered a covering, which slid away in the dirt. With the covering gone it exposed a key pad and what looked like to me like a palm reader. By this time, I was really excited. Managing to get my comm. unit from a pocket I said, "House Computer, can you scan..." "The device is alien to me but the code is 1,2,3,4, starting at the top left," the computer said with me pressing the code in as it told me to do so with the keys lighting up. Nothing happened for several seconds except for the lights came on the keypad as I pressed the numbers into the pad. Suddenly I felt movement and tried to jump to safety but my feet would not move and I was being slowly lowered into what I thought was a gigantic cave. What in the hell had me? Lighting suddenly went on, bright recessed lighting and I saw seven Triangular objects that I just knew were UFOs. The objects were huge in length, height, depth, and width with matte black finishes. I was in total, startled surprise and awe in this find, not even realizing the elevator or whatever I was on had stopped. My mind reeled confusedly from what I saw that was hidden below the hill. Eventually questions began to formulate themselves but the answers were not forthcoming. Once I realized my feet were movable, I walked slowly toward the first Triangular object, cautiously. I expected the occupants of this mystery to make themselves known, with them and I wondering, whom is this stranger is and what was I doing in their domain, but there was not a sound except my almost silent footsteps. After looking around the exterior of all the ships, I found what appeared to be a computer data halo screen that had the words HELLO and SPEAK TO ME on it near a ship with the ramp down. I was still rattled and was ready to run from fear, and I did. I ran so blindly and quickly I didn't realize I had run into one of the ships, up the ramp along many ramps. I began to calm down and immediately was inundated with voices, and pictures that only I had in my mind. For some unknown reason I concentrated and not knowing why I wound up in what I could call the command center of the ship or what I thought was the command center. I seemed to relax and followed the directions of the voices. I lay upon a lounger after I found what looked like a simple wire metallic crown that settled upon the crown of my head, next to another lounger. After placing the crown onto my head, I fell asleep or passed out. Visions began to clarify showing me a planet covered with cities and technological wonders. The inhabitants of this planet were human like and they considered themselves pioneers, meeting all types of lifeforms both peaceful and aggressive. They were an old race, called the Pharth that when the primordial ooze was being formed on Earth, they were traveling the stars of space. Slowly I awoke checking my watch, which seemed unusually large, seeing that only fifteen minutes of time passed I thought. I heard a voice saying, "You are the commander." My eyes snapped wide open, I was confused at first were I was, and then I relaxed because somehow I felt that I was home. Chapter 4 Taking an inventory as I regained consciousness, I just felt different. I remembered my childhood and the people I shared it with. I remembered my parents along with both the good and bad times, their deaths, schooling and so on, even Joe that I missed so badly. Everything was there in my brain including where I was and how I got here, but who or what in the hell was Beta. I knew what the mission to Earth was, to study it, along with seeing this base being built and the former crews of it. I knew why I was called Commander; it was because I was the first to enter the base since it was closed off and I was the first person to enter it by entering the code after a century. Moving to get comfortable in the Pilot's Chair my shoes fell off of my feet and they didn't look like my feet, they looked too small. I swore softly and said, "Beta, what did you do to me?" "You were enhanced Commander." "Elaborate enhanced Beta," I said as I stood up. "Unknown to this Psionic AI, but you went into Cardiac Arrest as your brain was being rewired, so to speak. Your DNA, once it was scanned, showed a major heart defect and other defects you would have had later in life. Since you are the Commander, you could not cease to exist. On scanning my records, I found DNA similar to yours but it was a fertile female and I reconstructed it in you to keep you alive. My program is to keep you healthy." "Change me back to a male!" "Your DNA, it was flawed." "I don't care! Change me back!" "You must stabilize..." "Stabilize my ass! You didn't save the matrix, did you? I'm sorry but I need clothes first, then we'll think of another way. Whose DNA did you use? The first rule as an AI to me, is never try to lie to me, which is a human frailty," I yelled. "I used Sub Lieutenant Dra'na Kirra's DNA model for you since you were so similar physically and anatomically, it is perfect. Your mental abilities far surpass any living human today. You now use over ninety percent of your brain. You now have telepathy and know all things the previous crews knew. You even know how I function as your AI." "Have you been keeping track on the events on this planet?" "Negative, but now I am updating since this is the year 2020 on Earth. I am aware of those who plunder technology in the name of national security. I need to contact homeworld to update also, since I am ten of your years behind." "Okay, but about the homeworld, I don't know, you have been updating? We need another entrance, preferably underground, from here to the basement of the house. Can you join with the computer in the house?" "I must update fully from homeworld, as I've been doing it since the base was built for the last one hundred years. It was then done every ten of your years to give the base status along with updating equipment. As directed, the tunnel will be completed in 2.5 hours. I am now upgrading that which you call the house computer and adding the farm to my program. Your clothing is in Kirra's locker in the resting chamber." "Then by all means check in but, do not tell that homeworld computer I am here!" It will be done commander." On standing, I felt really different, things jiggled that never jiggled before, and I was more padded in the hips along with my butt. My waist was thinner but my jeans stayed on, yet they were tight due to my hips being bigger. Let's face facts whatever bulges I had before were now gone. I was now shorter, somewhat smaller, had curves and bulges where I didn't have them before. I was a female now, yet that didn't disturb me as much as I thought it might but I could do without my male form. As a matter of fact I was getting used to this form and I was comfortable in it. Walking to the resting area apartments with Beta's help, I realized I was somewhat glad that the computer had found the defects in my DNA; perhaps that was why I was concerned about my sexuality and demanded I be changed back earlier. Entering the bedroom area was spooky as I saw clothing that was in fashion at the turn of the century on the bed along with lingerie of the period. I remembered I saw in a magazine, a model wearing clothes like these, and she didn't look the least bit comfortable. Looking around the room, I found the bathroom that looked similar to the one in the house; you know bath/shower, sink, bidet, and commode. I found a closet with more period dresses and some very slick looking leather like clothes. Since there was a shower I decided to head for it, since I didn't have one that morning. I quickly removed my ill-fitting clothes and climbed into the shower not finding any water control valves, and then I thought I needed to contact the computer. "Beta, please turn on the water in the shower; make it hot but not scalding. Also scan the New Internet for women's fashions and put together wardrobes for me here and in the house to wear." I said with the water coming on and it being hot. While the water converged on my body, I felt the tingles that I never had before, as wave after wave of pleasure racked my body. This was the first of many orgasms I had and I loved every second of it. I remembered being male and masturbating, the orgasm was quick and forceful, but now being female, I really enjoyed the orgasmic pleasures more. Stepping from the shower a heat lamp and fan started blowing air on my body similar to that of a hair blow drier. While I dried off, I looked into the mirror seeing a reflection of a pretty, young woman, 16 or 18 years old. She has curly honey blond hair that went to the middle of her back, a small nose, cute ears, full red lips, tanned skin, deep blue eyes, possibly five foot seven inches tall with a slight build with B+ sized pert breasts. Her waist was small but her hips and butt were perfect, I was my own wet dream. Going out into the main room, I got the clothes laid out I was going to wear. "Commander?" the computer said to me with me acknowledging it. "I have a status report, the tunnel is complete as well as a teleportation station that I added, you have a complete up to date wardrobe in the house, I am tied into the farm network, and that computer is compatible with me, still it is old technology. I have completed updating it." "That was quick; did your minions do it? I assume that the clothes I have are new also?" "They are, as the other clothes were over one hundred of your Earth years old they were recycled. I hope you are pleased." "Not really, but I have to wear something. From now on you will call me Leslie and your name will be Mercury." "Yes Leslie, I am now Mercury, thank you for the name. What is Mercury? A heavy metal? I have also sent you a modified comm. pad, Visicomm, and jewelry. All maintenance droids have been reactivated. " "Very well. According to Earth's Roman mythology Mercury was the messenger of Jupiter. Now let me get dressed." I was still angry with Mercury for what that damn computer did to me. Quite simply, there was nothing I could do to change things. I had to live with what was done. Grabbing the panties seeing it was a tiny wisp of black satin fabric, I slid them up my legs covering my vagina and nothing more. While putting on my black bra and settling my breasts into the satin and lace cups I thought of what Mongoose and Wayne were going to say. I really didn't care, but I needed to tell them the truth, I thought, as I put on the suntanned bodystocking. It was then my brain started telling me of the wondrous sensations my body was feeling. Then I pulled on over my head a deep red colored, silk, sleeveless blouse that was cut out with a deep vee and buttoned at the neck. Stepping into soft black, leather with waffling areas in the thighs and waist, I fastened the zipper and button at the rear of my waist of the high waisted, cargo pocket, leather pants. Next, I almost choked seeing the leather, calf length boots with a three-inch stiletto heel in the same color as the blouse I was wearing. Managing to get the boots onto my feet, up my legs to my calves, and zippering the side zipper on top of the leather pants, I stood up. After walking a few steps, I had no problem maneuvering in the boots. At this point, my mind was starting to bring forth my old maleness saying it was wrong to be putting on this female attire. As quickly, as the thoughts arrived in my brain other thoughts took over saying it was alright, as I was female now. I was in a mental turmoil until like an electric switch turned on and the current flowed through the circuit giving it life to operate. Calming myself I realized that I was now a female and from what I gathered, a fertile human female. I was chronologically sixteen Earth years old with a lifetime expectancy of three hundred to four hundred Earth years. I was a teenager again. Oh, those hormones were raging. It was at this time I actualized that I spoke and read many languages of the universe besides the languages of Earth, along with the various societies, cultures, and customs. I knew the names and locations of star systems, I had never seen. I knew where all of our ships were along with each starbase. I realized the amounts of the personnel and their weapons available, if needed. I then thought about the specifications of the ships, along with the Operational Guidelines. The information was available to me instantaneously. These ships of the Pharth are called loosely Predators; she was of the Star Chaser Class, a cruiser type ship. It has active camouflage and all emission control capabilities; it is what's called stealth or cloaking mode to and by other vessels, systems, or planets. All sensors for navigation and ranging are passive, mounted into the skin of the ships, which can be activated to active if need be. The weapons if needed are all energy/chemical based from what is called Hellstorm (To us it's a chemical Laser) to Gas Plasma generators (Planet Annihilator). Beyond light speed conversion in space are due to the Starlight Drives and the fusion generators with a maximum velocity of one hundred times the speed of light. Gravitronic magnetic drives propel the ship at sub light speeds, all the way from one hundred eighty six thousand two hundred eighty two point three, nine, seven miles per second to zero mph, and they are used for maneuvering the ship. All of these miracles are accomplished without the use of Cryogenic Sleep Systems or Nuclear Fusion that which Earth still uses for sub-light voyages. The pilot and the Commander along with the crew control all systems. There is but one true Commander per base/ship wing or squadron but Sub Commanders per ship. All other personnel (twenty members) are cross-trained in ship system operations, excluding the marine assault troops of which there are one hundred and fifty men and women when stationed aboard. The ship shielding is partially impenetrable from weapons from warships, radiation, or foreign objects such as meteorites to protect the ship systems and its crew. I was further skilled in navigation, electronics/communications (faster than light), tactics, insertion and deception, evasion, damage control, and ship operations, I knew just about everything from sleeping, using the head, sonic shower or even how to use the food Synthesizer. I was skilled in Marine Assault Tactics and deployments. How I managed to retain all this knowledge was still a mystery to me. What were next brought to bear in my mind are sanitation, grooming, and wellness of my new body. I found out what was expected from me as a female of the human species along with their tools. Without thinking, I went over to the dresser and placed what appeared to be a translucent bag over my head with an umbilical cord attached to it. I placed my hands into two box like receptacles and sat upon a chair next to the gadgets. I felt things happening to my head and face that can only be described as relaxing fingers. My hands were surrounded by warmth with the feeling of other hands touching mine, fingers touching fingers. What woke me from my feelings of serenity was the stinging sensation at the lobes of my ears. It was then I heard a soft ringing sound and removed my hands from the enclosures, removing the hood from my head. Glancing down at my hands, I saw my nails were now longer, pear shaped and were now red. I hurried to the mirror and saw that my face was adorned with Earth style makeup, my ears pierced with little studs in the holes and my hair was braided. It was then I realized what the bag and boxes did. My mind screamed! It was all wrong! Another soothing voice eventually took over for my screaming male voice and this one was female. The female voice told me to relax as she soothed my mental receptors, which I did. The voices stopped! I had managed to go back to Kirra' my locker and put on the black, below waist, quilted padded leather like jacket. I noticed extra fittings in the jacket and called out saying, "Mercury, what are all of these extra fittings on the jacket? What in the Hell is in my hip pocket?" "Those fittings are a part of the self sealing Space Survival Suit such as pants, boots, jacket, helmet (which is part of the hood), and gloves; it is designed for working in a vacuum like space for short periods of 200 hours. It is also projectile and small energy hand weapon proof. The gloves are in the left hand hip pocket of the jacket. In your right hip pocket is a personal stunner to protect yourself, all personnel do carry them. This weapon stuns only, with five energy settings. On your dresser is a comm. bijous or badge, which is linked to me, it is worn on the left breast in the shape of three starbursts interlinked to denote you are the commander. You will also find a necklace and earring set. The necklace and earrings appear decorative but in fact, they are a crystalline telepathy long range amplifier. The earrings are transmitter amplifiers and the necklace is the receiver." While Mercury spoke, I put on the gold and silver bijous into the holes on my jacket at my right breast. After completing placing the communication badge on, I took the necklace into my hands putting it around my neck allowing the crystal to rest at my cleavage and placing the earrings into the holes in my ears after removing the studs. It felt weird, but not disquieting, especially when I moved my head. Walking out of the room, I took a passageway out into the hangar area marveling at how deep the hangar really is from the top of the hill to below sea level. The entire installation was several hundred feet below ground. I was in gadget heaven, as I gazed around the inside of the base. Chapter 5 Hurriedly I found the transporter carousel, when I noticed the time. Anytime now, Wayne and Mongoose would arrive. I was a bit apprehensive at seeing them, as they both knew the old me. I had no idea if I should tell them both about what happened to me, or pretend to be someone else. I decided to tell them the truth! Stepping onto the Carousel I had found, I told Mercury to send me over to the house. I briefly thought about all the old Sci-Fi films I had watched and read about, as I blinked out of the base and into the house basement. In just a few brief seconds, I went from one location to the house. Damn what a ride that was! For a few brief seconds I was disoriented and then I recovered seeing my basement in the house. Springing from the Carousel, I bounded up the stairs to the main floor going to the front door, seeing that they had not arrived yet. I pulled on my hood, put on my gloves, and went outside seeing the cut and stacked wood about forty feet from the house. I was outside about fifteen minutes and never felt the cold or dampness through the clothes I was wearing, except for my face. Pulling at my right hand glove, I saw seeing the seal between the glove and the jacket. I then checked the jacket zipper area and where the pants ended, these also were sealed. I thought that this leather like material, whatever it was, was worth a fortune here on Earth. Suddenly I was thirsty, going into the house walking into the kitchen area. Washing out the cup I had used before my change and poured another cup of coffee. It was hot and good for this type of chilly day. I knew just then that winter was almost here. While I was drinking the coffee, I heard the unmistakable sound of fanjets and knew my guests had arrived. The doorbell rang just as soon as I heard the fanjets wind down and began stopping it. It was time to face both Mongoose and Wayne. Laying my coffee cup down I went to answer the door. On answering the door Mongoose said, "Hi, is Leslie in? He sure works fast, seeing you here." "Come on in Mongoose, you too Wayne. The droids will load you up Wayne. Mercury, please have the droids load the heavy AirCarrier. ", I said as I took them back to the kitchen and they both smiled as I poured coffee for them, handing them the full mugs. "Leslie, the Wing is ready." "Leslie? Wing is ready?" The both said in unison with me saying barely audible, "Oh shit! Me and that Damn computer are going to have words later." Wayne then said, "So your name is Leslie too...Okay...Wings are on birds but I have a suspicion your computer wasn't talking about birds, was it? Where is Leslie? He's not here and we find you waiting for us. Please don't say he took the AirCar or his car, because they're still here. Things just don't add up!" Mongoose agreed with Wayne when I said, "Wayne, you have a very suspicious mind and yes I am Leslie. I can prove it! Up until about six or seven years ago you worked for NASA as a pilot, training for a deep space probe, you flew shuttles before that. They offered you an instructor's position after your getting sick and you told them no along with the Navy that was it for your career. You never married because of NASA being your life, although, you are now living with Jessica Patel. Mongoose, I took Angie Randleman to the homecoming game against Drake last year because she didn't have a date for it. And the answer is no I am not a transgenderist, this is all me." By this time both of their jaws were onto the ground and I explained everything that happened as the end I said, "Mercury, have I spoken the truth?" "You have indeed Leslie, but your friends seem to be a bit perplexed, if I read their Bio signs correctly." "Guys, I can prove everything that I said and there are no little gray men here, all that's here is me and my Psionic AI, Mercury." Leading them both downstairs, after I took off my jacket and hung it up by the front door, I felt their excitement. Once we stepped onto the carousel, I mentally called to Mercury to transfer us to the base. In seconds, we arrived at the base in total darkness. There was that feeling of disorientation was evident and passed quickly. I contacted Mercury mentally and told the AI to bring up the lights to full intensity. The lights came on in unison and I saw the looks on Gary and Wayne's faces. The lights brilliantly lit up the ships and the entire base. Wayne was the first to get his vocal chords and saying, "Do you know what this means? It means you have unequivocal proof that this planet is not alone in the universe. Please accept my sincerest apologies for doubting you." "Mercury, could you make available a medium that can be read on Earth computers? If so, make available in English, all diagrams, schematics, maintenance, and specifications of the Star Cruisers and associated Base Wing equipment. Place the medium into Star Chaser One." "Affirmative Leslie, it will take twenty minutes." "Good, I'll be in ship one. Mongoose, why are you so quiet?" "I'm just overwhelmed and I'm on sensory overload..." "You're on overload! What about me? With the enhancements to my body and this new body, I'm a mess mentally. I have new toys to play with, so what? So don't start your shit with me Mongoose!" "She's right Mongoose and so are you, however, I look at this as an opportunity. C'mon, our ships are too slow, below light speed. We freeze people for transit, which is barbaric. Then there's radiation. We don't have any manned deep space probes. I, myself have dreamed about going into space, getting Cancer disqualified me for it. I want to see what's up there." Wayne said as we walked to the ship that was open and up the Port side-boarding ramp. While we walked through the vessel, I was simply astonished at the engineering to construct this ship. I also knew where everything was and how to operate the equipment surprising both Wayne and Gary with Wayne saying, "I was trained on equipment from the Dark Ages next to what I've seen here, what do you intend to do with everything?" "I haven't thought very much about it, after all I just found these ships and the Base, possibly I would like to explore the known cosmos, under the international law possession is nine tenths of the law and I have one hundred percent..." "Of course there are those that that would claim National Security of course there's also NASA, JPL, ESA, United Nations Office of Space Affairs, and RSSI and I know people at all of those agencies that would salivate getting copies of what you have. The primary is to keep the so called intelligence agencies away," Wayne said, all hyped up as we made our way to the Bridge. "The military will be sniffing the goods," Gary said with Wayne saying, "So let them, if it's for defense of the human race against aggressors especially if we go exploring then they need the new technology, but it needs to be controlled from the onset from not being aggressively used anywhere on this planet." "Plus some of the peaceful technology will be used for the world and emerging third world countries given freely to those countries," I said with the two guys agreeing. While we walked around the Bridge, I was communicating with Mercury mentally: {Mercury, could Wayne and Mongoose be enhanced and their Matrix saved?} {Affirmative Leslie, unlike you I need their permission; you were the first to enter the base, the commander. I have listened to these men and I have heard you and I agree with the discussion. This AI has made available the documents you specified, six copies of the media.} {Very good, I will ask them.} "Look guys, I know you like my toys, however, I need both of you to help me. What I'm asking is if you want to be enhanced..." "Oh, Hell yes, as long as I remain a male," Wayne said with Mongoose agreeing to what Wayne said. They both went immediately to the loungers and lay down placing the wire crown onto their heads. I watched them both and in seconds, they were asleep. A very bright white and red light scanned both their bodies stopping every few seconds at different locations. I watched as they physically regressed in age with Wayne in his early twenties and Mongoose about my age of sixteen. Body fat disappeared, so did gray hair, facial and body hair vanished and muscles thickened. The light went off with Mercury saying, "It is complete Leslie, they will awaken shortly. They are enhanced, longevity increased, and tissue regenerated." "They will be called by their names but they are also sub commanders," I said. "It has been noted into memory." I went into the Captain's Stateroom on the Bridge walking directly into the lounge area, conference room, galley, and finally into the master bedroom. I looked into the storage spaces under the bed and the closets seeing that I had a complete wardrobe of not only uniforms but also other clothing and shoes. Going into the bathroom everything seemed just like what I had on the base earlier. I went back to the lounge area, sat on a lounger and looked at my surroundings. I looked around seeing Impressionistic, Seascape, and Landscape wall art of what I assumed were other planets. The more I looked at them the more I liked them. "Mercury, make certain Mongoose and Wayne have new clothing." "They do and they are getting dressed in their quarters in the Base next to your new quarters. Everything has been moved into it." "Alright I guess, are my new quarters near Kirra's old room?" "Yes Leslie." Mercury said with me speculating where that room was located when it flashed into my mind along with directions. Making my way into the conference room, I found the recorded media I had requested and decided to leave it there and went from the stateroom to the bridge were I called Mercury saying, "Are we prepared to liftoff?" "Yes Leslie, all system are green, the tanks are full of water and are in standby where are we going?" "Water? Oh, I forgot about the hydrogen. Once we liftoff we're headed probably to Cape Canaveral Florida, but that depends on Wayne. Download all air charts and we'll be cloaked and Stealthed so figure the right flight plan for us to take." "Done Leslie, everything is prepared for this flight," Mercury said with me thanking the AI. Taking one last look around the ship, I walked down the Boarding Ramp directly to my room. I was pleasantly shocked when I walked in through the sliding door that opened automatically as soon as I stopped in front of it; the room was triple the size of Kirra's old room, it was the same layout as the ship. Mentally I visioned Wayne and Mongoose to come to my suite, as I sat into a lounger. I was getting comfortable when I heard an incessant chime, mentally telling Mercury to open the door. The door opened with Wayne and Mongoose coming in with Wayne in their Flightsuits saying, "We both heard you Les; I haven't figured how to use the telepathy yet. Damn, this suite is just like ours." "My, you two certainly look good, has the ship's operations kicked in yet?" "Mine have, hey mom can I have the ship for a date?" Mongoose said smiling with me saying, "Dear, you can use the ship but you have to have it back by ten PM or you're grounded," I said and then giggled. "Oh Lord, I have two juvenile delinquents. Anyway, to answer your question, mine are kicking in now, thanks for the ring and watch by the way." "Mercury, how come they got rings and watches and I didn't?" I said pouting then I smiled with Mongoose saying, "You didn't get any because you were a bad little girl." "You know where you can put your..." "Leslie, they are in your sleeping chamber in your jewelry box, this AI must have forgotten." Mercury said almost humanly with me saying, "Oh Great! I have an absent-minded computer. No driving for you buddy!" I walked into the sleeping chamber and almost fainted, it was as big as the house bedroom, and the bathroom was bigger. I found the large jewelry case on the dressing table and opened it. Inside it was a Ladies, Digital, Chrono style watch, and a platinum ring with an exact copy of the ship detailed in gold into a massive marquis cut blue Sapphire. Taking my old watch off, I placed the new watch on my wrist and the ring onto my right hand ring finger. Then I saw an enormous collection of every piece of feminine jewelry I could think of. It was then I thought of the closet and dresser. I opened drawer after drawer finding it packed with all manner of silk, nylon, and lace. Then I walked to the huge closet, opening the door finding uniforms, flightsuits, skirts, dresses, blouses, sweaters, blazers, suits (both Pant and Skirts), and shoes. Pair after pair of shoes all different styles, colors, fabrics, leather and heel heights from flats to four- inch heels lined the floor. As a male student, I was lucky to have several pairs of jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, and a pair of sneakers. Now I had more clothes and jewelry than any one woman could use. If this closet was indicative of the one in the house and the ship, I was in big trouble. Moving my head in disbelief, I walked out into the lounge area and said, "Just wait until you see your closets later, they'll be packed with clothes. Look at those monster rings your wearing, the ship is on the stone, and it's a real stone." When I said that they both looked at the rings in surprise seeing the ship on the largest sapphires I had ever seen set into gold. "Wayne, when you're done staring at your ring get on the Visicomm that Mercury gave you and start making your calls. I would like the meeting in one of the empty hangars at Cape Canaveral tomorrow. Try to keep them guessing by not disclosing too much. Oh and call Jessica, she can come also." "While Wayne is making those screen calls here, Mongoose you and I are going to check out the loading of the wood cords," I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him from the suite to the carousel. Chapter 6 My disorientation this time was minimal, but poor Gary was discombobulated badly. It took him several minutes to be normal again but for him I pose this question, what's normal? We went upstairs where I got my coat, put it on, checked my seal, and put on my gloves. All the while, I explained to Mongoose what I was doing and why I was doing it. He then checked his suit complaining about his boots and the long johns he was wearing. Maybe he should try wearing pantyhose or a bodystocking? Anyway, we went outside noticing that the temperature had dropped. We checked the load of wood over and made sure it was secure. In no time, we were back inside, took off our coats, and went to the coffee pot in the kitchen. We each took a mug and went to the table with Mongoose saying as we sat down, "Les, are you okay with what happened to you? I mean if it was me I sure as hell would be ready to freak." I looked at him seriously saying, "Oh I did freak, not once but twice, I was a mess for awhile then the programming of the AI kicked in and it helped me a great deal in accepting my new form. Now I feel more or less okay and I feel as a woman should, I guess. I mean, I feel as if I was born this way and I'm beginning to love all the different sensations I get. Damn, I even had an orgasm when I took a shower." "I'm satisfied you're adjusting, but at first I felt a loss at losing my best bud. Now, it's as if you never changed, I still have my best bud. You're different but you're not different. By the way, I had the AI put your stuff into the den." "So when are you moving in? There's four bedrooms in the house and you have a suite in the Base, and I need company." "Are you kidding? I guess you're not; I have about the same amount of stuff in my one room student hovel. I think I can do it all today. Mom, may I use the AirCar, I promise I'll be gentle with it." "What's with this mom stuff? Sure you can use it, but one scratch and you won't ever fly my ship." "Whenever I needed the car I always asked my mom so you're a female without children, thank the Lord, I needed to use the AirCar since my car went bust so..." "Mongoose please promise me you'll never change, you're as nutty as ever. You know something, I really love you, you moron." "Might we go to bed together and play with each other under the sheets?" "Honey, I really don't think I'm ready for that yet but maybe in a few days we might." I said mischievously as I smiled at him just as Wayne flew up the stairs with him saying, "Damn it's good to be younger and fully fit. Anyway Jessie says hi and she thinks we're taking a commercial flight, she said she'll go." Wayne grabbed a mug of coffee and joined us at the table saying, "The Cape is ours, NASA, JPL, ESA, United Nations Office of Space Affairs, and RSSI, have all agreed to meet there. All I had to say was Faster Then Light Drives and if they could be there today, they would. Be prepared because each group is bringing five additional people. Okay and I specified no military or spook types are to come as we'll know who they are and exclude them from the meeting." "That sounds excellent, Mercury, I want an agreement made up in the form of a non-disclosure to the intelligence and military communities. Nothing they get can be used for war on Earth, ten copies each with eight blank spaces for signatures for download. Also have two droids go with Mongoose in the AirCar to unload Wayne's wood." "It is done Leslie and on the conference room table on the ship. The droids are on the way to the AirCar," Mercury said with me thanking it. We each had sandwiches that I made and several mugs of coffee while we spoke of trivial things. I could see by looking at the two of them that they were excited about tomorrow and to be honest so was I. yet I needed to relax and get some sleep. After we ate and cleared the dishes, Wayne and Mongoose were ready to leave. They would return later and get settled into their new home. In the meantime, I was going to change into something to lounge in. Once they left I headed straight to my bedroom. Chapter 7 On entering the bedroom, I went directly to the twelve-drawer dresser checking each of the drawer's contents. Then I went over to the two lingerie chests opening all of the drawers, every drawer was almost beyond full. Next were the closets, yes there are two of them, and they were crammed full. Shoes, hell I could outfit an army with the amount I had. Then there were the purses and scarves on the shelves, not even a JAP (Jewish American Princess) could come close to my inventory. After that was the bathroom, with additions of a vanity table, chair, my magic makeup sack for my head, and the boxes for my hands and feet. I had more powders, lotions and cr?mes than a drugstore has. While I was reading the various tubes, jars and bottles, the call of nature called me. I undid the seals and zipper of my pants and boots, gently pushing my clothing downward to eventually sit-down to urinate. I did my business and it was certainly different than I did it as a male but it was a welcomed relief. I removed all of my clothes placing them all into the dirty clothes and walked into the bedroom. In the bedroom, I found hanging several n?glig? sets and picked out a black set. I slid the panties up my legs, pulled the n?glig? on over my head, and adjusted my breasts into the lacey cups. Putting on the filmy black colored robe, I went to the closet. In the first closet, I found a pair of silk covered bedroom mules in black and placed them onto my bare feet. They slid right on and I stood up noticing the mirror seeing myself. Lord, I could give a dead man an erection when I looked at myself. I smiled minx like, walked to the living room, and turned on the Hologram TV. After trying several channels, I found one program about UFOs that I immersed myself in, telling Mercury, to place the program into memory record and for the AI to comment on it once it was ended. I was surely amazed as I relaxed and watched the Hologram about the misconceptions it portrayed about the triangular ships., especially when they called them warships after someone saw a battle in our atmosphere. The battle took place on the east coast. Three Circular ships attacked a Triangular one like the seven I had in the base. For some reason I knew the Circular ships were Gal'brith and the Triangular ship was a Pharth ship. Even though the dogfight was three against one, the Pharth ship destroyed the three Gal'brith ships with uncommon ease. The war was still on I assumed. "Mercury is the war still ongoing?" "According to my knowledge base the war was ended seven decades ago with the planet of the Gal'brith being destroyed because of the hostilities. The ships you see, I believe, were scouting for a planet to conquer which means they have a mothership or ships looking for a new home. This AI scanned the records and found this film to be one decade old and as an emerging planet the Planetary Alliance has vowed to protect the Earth until such time as they can defend themselves." "That's logical! Make a note on that piece from the HTV. I take it the Gal'brith motherships are still roaming out there?" "By all indications they are or they've been destroyed, whatever the case we seem to be the Earth's best defense. Please be advised those Gal'brith motherships, if out in space will be very hard to kill with what there is in the base. Those may be Star Cruisers and the technology is better, however the Gal'brith motherships have larger weapons and stronger shields." "I seem to remember that, may we call on the Planetary Alliance for help or join it as a member?" "Yes Leslie, to both questions but an ambassador is needed." "Access NASA, JPL, ESA, United Nations Office of Space Affairs, the UN, and RSSI for such a person and pick out a staff. Also, tap into the personnel records and find us the necessary people to staff the base and the ships. For our Marines, choose those from discharged and retired personnel, get only the best people, use the Bureau of Naval Personnel files for Marine recon, Russian's Spesnatz, Navy SEALs, Air Force Security, Army Rangers, Army Special Forces and the English Special Air Services and Special Boat Services I want both men and women. However be aware for any traps set for hackers." "It has been done covertly as you said Leslie. I am making media copies as we speak for the meeting tomorrow. The people I have chosen fit the criteria that the Pharth use to select crews, including couples whatever the sexual persuasion might be. I have even assigned them berthing in the ships and for the base security. I will display my finds on your Visicomm pad located in the bedroom where you left it." "Damn I was just getting comfortable, do I have to get up?" "No Leslie, I will teleport it to you," Mercury said and in seconds, the Visicomm pad was in my lap loaded with the information that Mercury had obtained. As I perused the information, I saw no problem with the personnel that were chosen other than some language barriers that would be lost on the enhancement they needed to go through. The major problem was going to be how to get them all here and to train them all. While I read, Mongoose returned with both Wayne and Jessica. When the three of them saw me, the guys drooled and Jessica smiled saying, "Les you look marvelous, are you waiting for Mongoose to get into those new panties the way you're dressed?" "That was very uncouth of you to say that Jessie, although I did think of it...briefly." I said with Mongoose grinning and then frowning with all of us laughing. I had Wayne take Jessica to the base for a brief tour and enhancement, which meant that Mongoose and I were alone. "What took you so long?" I said to Mongoose with him saying, "If I knew you were going to be dressed like that I would have been faster." "That's a cheap shot! So what happened?" "We picked up Jessie and took the wood to the faculty woodpile. While the droids worked, we told Jessie what happened while we were here. She of course thought we were taking drugs and hallucinated everything until Wayne mentioned the meeting at the Cape, then she started to believe us. She didn't even bother to look directly at us to see how we regressed in age." "Leslie I have the person called Jessica on Star Cruiser One, she requests enhancement, and do I have permission to commence the process?" Mercury interrupted with me saying, "Yes Mercury, but listen to her requests please if she has any, and give her anything she wants or needs. Okay Mongoose, so give, what else?" "We dropped off the Air Hauler, went to pack my stuff, went back to their condo, closed it down, and came directly back here. The entire time all we did was talk about this place and the spectacular sights we saw, we made sure no one could overhear us." I handed over the Visicomm pad to Mongoose with me telling him what I had done with him saying, "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, what I meant was, here we are coming to give this planet of ours all this technology and we want them to give us all of these people and believe us. They are going to be skeptical as hell. " "Mercury, display what you recorded earlier for Mongoose and then brief him afterwards please." I said as the recorded battle was displayed for Mongoose. After the clip was over Mercury briefed Mongoose with him saying, "Shit! There are bigger ships out there that might want to kill us?" "Oh yes my dear, and we're right in the middle of an interstellar war. These Gal'brith are the enemies of the Planetary Alliance, they've been here on Earth, and the Pharth blew their socks off." "What's with this dear crap? Keep it up, and you'll be losing those knickers real fast, as I take my way with you, on your back." "Lord I haven't been a woman for a full day yet and you want to screw me, did I drop the soap or something? Damn, your hormones must be raging boy." "Hey girl, I like what I see, besides you look and smell delicious, so shoot me. You are a man's wet dream come true." Before I could say anything Jessica and Wayne walked into the living room with her saying, "Mongoose layoff Leslie, so you haven't been Laid in a while, who cares? Grow up! Now to change the subject, Mercury is a surgeons dream, mass-produce that AI, it did things I always wanted done to my body." Jessica was correct, she was the same age as Wayne, her nose was smaller, her breasts were at least a C cup, and she had curves where there weren't any before. "I'm glad you're pleased but wait for the enhancements to really kick in, man what a trip that was for me." I said with Wayne and Mongoose agreeing with Wayne saying, "It was even worse for Les, but that part is over, she seems well adjusted now." "I'm so excited, I get a new wardrobe, and I get to be in on this adventure from the very beginning. I just love this house, the farm, and the base as you call it." Jessica said excitedly using her hands like semaphore flags, as she talked. "Jessie, just wait until you see the amount of clothes, shoes, purses, lingerie, plus all the uniforms you'll get. Poor Wayne will be living out of a trunk," I said laughingly. "I don't think so, because Mercury said it expanded all the bedrooms, the baths, the closets, the beds, bedding, and added some furniture." Jessica said whimsically with Mongoose saying, "Great! There go the taxes!" "I can afford them, besides with the four of us; we need a little more room. Damn, I knew my room looked larger! Oh well I'm going to bed." "Mom, can I sleep with you, I can't stand sleeping alone." Mongoose said with a smile, with Jessica saying, "You just want to get into her knickers..." "No, that's not true..." "Yes it is Mongoose, you just told me so, but the answer is...yes. Why do I feel naked?" "No, you aren't yet, but you will be soon, honey." Jessica said laughing as she and Wayne went to their bedroom. I then took Mongoose into my bedroom. Did we sleep or make love? Let's just say that Jessie was right. Did I regret the act? Hell no! Chapter 8 The alarm sounded, waking me up at five AM. I disentangled myself from Mongoose and made my way to the bathroom. I used the commode, made my way to the larger bathtub, and had Mercury draw the water for me at the temperature I wanted. I added bath oils and climbed into the tub. Damn, it was relaxing and for the life of me, I cannot understand why I didn't like baths before my change. While I lay in the tub, I almost panicked when I thought about the possibility of conception. {I felt your emotions Leslie and they were of what you call panic.} {Yes, they were panic, I just thought about the possibility of conception.} {You have not gone into your menstrual cycle as of yet. My scans indicate you are not pregnant. I could modify your uterine tubes until you are ready to conceive.} {Do it please! I want to have sex without the worry of pregnancy.} I saw a bright red light focus on my abdomen and then go out. {It is done, are you and Mongoose compatible?} {Yes Mercury, we are, I think I want him as a mate.} {Good, I will move his things into your rooms, if you wish." {Yes please, have you updated all of my records to female?} {I have, your new identification and photo Identification is in your stateroom aboard Star Cruiser One, so are the others.} {Thank you Mercury.} The tension I had felt dissipated and I got back to my bath. When the water started getting cold, I got out, found my towel, and dried off. Going back to the bedroom, I saw that Mongoose was gone and I proceeded to get dressed in my Flightsuit. I used my magic makeup bag, added my jewelry, and was on my way to the kitchen coffee. I had made coffee, poured a cup, and sat at the table. Sipping the strong, dark brew, I hoped today would go well with no adherent difficulties. I was brought out of my thoughts when Mongoose came in the room and kissed me, longly and lovingly. When the kiss was broken, I noticed my body was starting to respond to him. I was out of breath, warm, my nipples tingled, I shook some, and I was wet between the legs. Damnit I wanted him, now. He went for a mug of coffee and joined me after kissing me again with me saying, "Mongoose, I am about ready to take you back to my bed if you keep up the passionate kisses." "I just wanted to let you know I appreciated you by doing that. To be quite truthful with you, you're the first woman that made me feel the passion you had for me. I was in a state of sexual bliss. You know, I think I would fall for you even if you were male, but having my best buddy as a woman is even better. You've known about every woman I have ever had and you are the best." Blushing, I looked at Mongoose in a different light; he was funny, intelligent, caring, gentle, and loving. Could I love him as a mate? I guess I could at that, but I decided to test the waters instead. I thanked him for the complements when both Wayne and Jessica came into the kitchen for coffee. I had Mercury do the pre-flight when I felt a strange feeling as if someone was knocking at the door in my mind. I answered it with it being Jessica. She got her coffee and sat down at the table smiling. {So how was it last night Les?} {I am beyond satisfied; I think I'm in love with Mongoose.} {After one time, puh-leese.} {And it was more than once, I mean we both just clicked {Just give it time, but in Wayne's case I just set the hook. He's mine now for marrying.} {Congratulations! Do I get to be a bridesmaid?} {Hell girl, the Maid of Honor, nothing less.} {The same here, girl.} We smiled at each other, when Wayne said, "Uh-oh, I've seen those looks before and I'd say our bachelor days are numbered, Mongoose." "Hell, if I can be with Leslie forever, than let it happen now." Mongoose said and he kissed me again. We all finished our coffee, washed the mugs, and went to the Carousel. In no time, we were in the hangar area, suffering little disorientation as we hopped down from the carousel. We proceeded up the Boarding Ramp and into the ship, to go eventually to the Bridge. "Mercury, retract the ramp, seal the airlocks, and retract the skids." I said as the ramp retracted and the door shut with the two operations concluding silently. "Prepare Mag-Drive and Starlight, initiate three hundred and sixty degree view," I said as the ship began to hum softly. "Scan for traffic horizontal and vertical, if there isn't any, open the hangar door, and proceed," I said as I saw the hangar door retracting into the hill and the ship began to move toward it. "Continue scanning for traffic, move outside at hover, cloak the ship, and close the hangar door. Proceed with flight plan for Cape Canaveral and secure the base and farm," I said when the ship took off like a bat out of hell, going straight up to the ionosphere then into space itself. I looked at everyone seeing smiles on their faces, especially Wayne's face as he held Jessica close to him with him saying, "I never thought I'd fly like this again." "If this meeting goes well we'll be even deeper into space where Earthers have never been before," I said with everyone nodding agreement as we traveled. While we watched the

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LoriCorp Corporate Restructuring

LoriCorp: Corporate Restructuring By Lori San D'Angelo The restructuring took place shortly after our company was sold. The owners of our mid-sized drug distributing firm were in their 60's and apparently the deal was too good to refuse. Days later so-called "specialists" were called in from the new parent company, known as LoriCorp. No one knew much about this group, other than it apparently had pharmaceutical holdings...

1 year ago
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The CavemanChapter 62

Hugo and George—we get to first-name terms pretty quickly once George starts suspending his disbelief—spend half the night talking. At one point I ask George if he needs to call somebody, but he’s a bachelor with nobody at home expecting him. Ultimately, after he downs a second and then a third drink, I make up the guest bedroom for him, I don’t want him on the road. Mostly I just sit around listening. A lot of what Hugo is saying I’ve heard before, but not all of it—he’d never told me the...

3 years ago
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Monnies secret

 Monnie had chosen this place, she wasn't sure why, but her husband was happy. It wasn't often that they went out with their close friends, but this was a special occasion, a lunchtime meal for them all to celebrate her birthday. Travelling fifty miles to meet might seem excessive but it was worth it. They met up in the pub carpark at noon, Monnie was wearing her favourite dress and it fitted in all the right places, her full breasts complemented her figure and she was proud of them. Her...

3 years ago
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Christmas With The Family ReWrite

It happened two days before Christmas. Mom and dad left early to go to a private party leaving Jill and I home to entertain ourselves for the night. A fire was roaring away in the fireplace and we sat on the floor playing games on the x box. There was friendly competition happening and as the room started to get warm from the fire, we found ourselves stripping down to just our underwear to cool off while we continued our game. Jill was stripped down in her skimpy black panties with the...

2 years ago
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Caring for my daughter Part 3 Dad can you cuddle with me

It's another hot evening. When my partner Debbie, Ava’s mom, was still alive, we used to have movie nights once in a while. We had food and drinks in front of the TV at home and cuddled. It was wonderful to bond that way. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Ava and I decided to watch a movie tonight, continuing the tradition. I let Ava order the food. The doctor instructed that Ava still remains in bed, so we are putting some pillows towards the head of her bed and try to make ourselves comfortable....

4 years ago
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Fantasized Date Rape

Jennifer age 33 divorced, mother of one child. Slowly, nervously, Jennifer approached the cafe. Looking through the window, she can see me sitting at the table, drinking my coffee and casually reading a newspaper. Jennifer hesitated at the door and cursed herself silently for her uncertainty. She knew why she was here and she had been looking forward to it for weeks. Well, actually, months would be more accurate, since that first ice-breaking meeting, circumstances had transpired to ensure...

3 years ago
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We Ne Banaya Behen Chod

Hello friends main do saal se iss ka reader hu toh maine socha kyun na apni kahani bhi daalu toh shuru krne se pehle main bta du ye meri pehli story h iss liye agar kisi ko pasand na aaye toh I’m sorry. Ye kahani meri sexy Behen Shalini name changed aur mere beech h tb uski age 18 thi aur meri 19 hum dono wwe bahut dekhte the ye uss waqt ki baat h jb hum dono ne Monday night raw miss kr di thi phir raat ko uska repeat aata h mummy papa sb bahar kisi marriage mein gye hue the. Main aur meri...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 177 Crazy Day

Go back to enjoying the fantasy you were having when I came in. Chrissy’s mom was moaning away again as I headed out their door. In my room I found both girls laying naked on my bed having very heated discussion with someone. Given the amount of begging and pleading, they must be talking to their parents. I had just finished washing Chrissy’s mom’s juices off my dick when one of the girls pushed her body up against mine and buried her head in my chest. She was saying something, but I...

2 years ago
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A Porn Star is BornChapter 2

Kris laughed, "Why not? I am sure Saheb will not have any objection. You can check out his cock after you have made this girl look fourteen year old." "No problem," she said looking at Amita, "now you both get out. Give me half an hour and I'll make her look like a thirteen year old kid." When we were outside, I asked with a naughty smile, "You seem to be fucking Meera." "Oh yes, I fuck all of them," he laughed. "They don't mind," I asked. "Of course not, On the contrary...

1 year ago
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Friday Afternoon in Parallel Worlds

If the fate exists and there's only one path for you, one choice you are destined to make in your world - then would making a different choice create a new world for you? Or would it have always existed with you in it? The choice you made the only logical one to make? If so - let the choices define you, and let them define the world you live in! Which world will you end up in? One where all the women are naked? One where all man are? One where owning humans is normal, or the one where all...

1 year ago
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The big Cat groaned as it dug into the hillside with its sharp scraper blade, crisscrossing the side of the hill like a bright yellow prehistoric spider taking tons of dirt into its gaping maw with each pass. Katie Arden operated the huge piece of equipment with the skill of a surgeon, deftly maneuvering the big earth mover like it was the family car. At first the other operators were skeptical of her ability to handle one of the big rigs, but grudgingly they had to admit that she could do the...

3 years ago
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Wrong Text Now Eat my Pussy

I had always thought I was fairly normal. I married my high-school sweetheart and we have a good, 20-year marriage.Our sex life was normal. She was the only girl I had ever been with, and we still found time to play each week, even after having k**s late in our marriage. My wife isn't really adventurous, but I was satisfied with my fantasies and getting her to spice things up once in a while. I find most women attractive, and can find something to fantasize about a woman easily. My wife is the...

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Sissy rider learns a lesson

It was a warm summers evening as sissy rode around the indoor school on her masters favourite mare her tight white jods were clinging to her as she gripped tightly with her legs urging the mare on with a gentle kick .The mare was proving to be a difficult ride and gave a few playful bucks sissy gripped tighter with her legs and found that she was getting a hard on from the vibration coming through the saddle instead of correcting the mare with her crop she lent foward pushing her cock against...

2 years ago
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One Night in Bangkok

WARNING: This story deals with the subjects of child molestation and pedophilia. If this offends you, please do not read this story. Fictionmania has tons of other stories that do not deal with this subject. I got the idea for this story from a book I read that detailed how Western men are going to Thailand to have sex with the abundance of child prostitutes in Bangkok. ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK By Ken Meredith Sam Haywood was sitting in the first class section of United...

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Cherry BombChapter 12

"I ALWAYS miss you and Reggie but I need you here, right now. No fooling around. I've already called Reggie," was the reply I got "Can you talk?" Shelly's vagueness had me a bit worried. "No, Dom, just come and get me." "I'm on my way." I was suited up and on the bike faster than normal. Pulling out of the compound at work, I made sure there were no cops around and opened it up for a few blocks. Thinking about the time, I got on Highway 54 and into Bonita and then took the back...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 3 The Next Morning

Thursday morning SENATE MINORITY LEADER KILLED Washington, DC, Thursday, October 25 By Deidre Holland, The Washington Post The Senate minority leader was found shot to death in a row house in Northwest on October 24. Also dead from gunshot wounds was an unidentified woman of Asian ancestry, Metropolitan Police spokesperson Angela Waters announced. Police are actively seeking witnesses and neighbors who may have heard the shots or noted unusual activity around the row house where the...

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Late For DinnerChapter 11 Out of the Frying Pan

Kathy heard Mrs. Potter's voice as her head began to clear. "Now, Mr. Barnes, I've warned you and warned you about loosening your grip when your partner starts turning blue." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Potter, I keep forgetting. I'm sorry," Mr. Barnes moaned. He was lying on the floor, cupping his tenderized privates with both hands. "You were across the room, what did you hit me with?" "I took the precaution of inserting a remote-control electric prod in Kathy's ass. All I did was push...

3 years ago
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The babysitter returns

It all went well for about five years, and then things started falling apart. It happened slowly; a decline of degrees that was almost imperceptible at first. She would work longer hours; he would need a break from the kids. She would go on weeklong symposiums; he would go on weekend fishing trips with ‘the boys’. Eventually the regularity of their sex life was reduced to once a week, and then once a month, and finally only on special occasions like birthdays. They grew apart like two...

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Dan Becomes Dawn

Chapter One: The InvitationI work from home and am able to dress enfemme most days.Today I am wearing a pink flower-pattern, button front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig and clip-on earrings. Under that I am wearing a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties and underwire 40-D bra to support adhesive-attached breast forms, which give me a comfortable bosom.I had just received a call from an investment group...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Tori Beautiful Cheetah does first porn E411

– 31 yrs old – She is currently single and has never been married, no kids – Is a country girl from the midwest loves to ride cowgirl – She is very independent and owns 3 companies – She travels a lot for her work – Has at least a few boy toys to play with – She more so did this shoot for the experience – Doing porn was on her MILF bucket list – She does watch porn, loves threesome videos – Loves all types of anal play, toys and anal sex – She is super hot with a rock hard fit body – Has one of...

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A Slut Must Obey Chapter 2A

I was tied outside in the open, for anyone who goes through the street, to have a look at my pathetic state. I didn't realize, but I started crying heavily. I must have been there all night as I could see the sun, ready to rise any minute now. People were going to wake up and watch me in such an embarrassing position. I had to call Miss Amy out, and beg her to take me in before any one sees me. I started banging the door with all the little energy that I could gather. It was after some repeated...

3 years ago
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Mumbai Local

The blonde couple were pressed against the wall at the end of the carriage. He against the window, she against his back, blank rear wall of the carriage against the right shoulder of each. Surrounding them were dusky men. Some in Dhotis, some in shorts, all in sandals. Most of the men faced the girl, some to press against her, some to merely look. She had a pretty, shapely, figure, and her brief floppy shorts and sleeveless T left little of her charms to be imagined. They were on honeymoon....

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Twins Sort Of

My sister (Bel) and I are twins. Sort of. I’m Alan. We celebrate the same birthday. We are in the same grade in school – right now, that’s Junior Year of Waltrup High. Our Moms insist we were born at the same moment. Right. We don’t really look alike; of course – she’s a woman. She has rich, chestnut brown hair, a turned-up nose. She stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, as opposed to my 6 feet zero. My hair is lighter than hers. We keep our hair short because we swim 50 laps every morning and long...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 135 Still Welcome To Tour

Warren and Sophia joined the tour in New York City. All of their friends were happy to see them. They met with Ted Kantor, who ran the tour. "Two slots, one before and one after intermission. That OK?" "That's fine," Sophie told him. "I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. Sixth place at Worlds and we get two slots?" she laughed. "Oh, to hell with that," Ted said. "You're former world champions, you're three-time national champions, and we all know that that sixth place was a...

3 years ago
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New Friends

It had been a long day and Em was ready for it to be over. She had just pulled another twelve-hour shift at the firehouse. As she walked into the grocery store, she became even more aware of how tired she was. She kept her head down and made her way to the prepared foods. She just had to get some dinner and get out of there. As she was contemplating the burrito versus the chicken pot pie, she stumbled backwards and bumped into someone. Immediately she felt big, soft tits against her back. She...

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Snow White And The Apple

"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...

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Jills adventure into slavery

Jill’s adventure into slavery Part 1By Goddess RachealIt was Thursday morning and Jill Evans was at her desk at the accounting firm she worked for thinking of the upcoming weekend and what was going to happen to her.  Jill was 24 years old and after graduating from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business (head of her class) with an MS in accounting and Business Administration, and one of a few persons with an IQ over 200.  She took a job at a leading accounting firm in New York...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Camila Cortez Colombian Maid Fuck Fest

I have a filthy house, and I need a dirty girl to clean it. Camila Cortez seems adequate for the job. She has a perfect body and beautiful brown eyes. She was shy and worried about the agency but fuck those people. It’s a little secret between us. With the help of some cash, she takes it all off. She so sexy cleaning naked. I can’t help to whip it out and jerk off right in front of her. She’s a little shocked. But she knew what to do. She sucked my cock so good. She turns...

2 years ago
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Young Sissy SonBrother Part 3

Young Sissy Brother/Son Part 3 But it was June, who laid in her bed and reflected on the evening events she just experienced with her two children. She thought Ali actually had fun helping her make dinner. And she started to see him in a new light, more girlish and less rough. And Bree was also helpful in suggesting that Ali leave on her apron as it looked so nice and would help protect his clothes while eating. Ali, of course, was very cooperative and left on his apron. June...

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Ovid 12 The Rescuer

Ovid 12 - The Rescuer By The Professor There is nothing stranger than watching a violent storm cloud build and knowing with absolute certainty that it is nothing to worry about. The cloud approaching Ovid was massive, boiling with shades of black tinged with green completely hiding the afternoon sun. Distant rumbles of thunder were like heralds announcing the approach of a royal visitor, and the flashes of lightning were almost constant. I was just coming out of March's Department...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 151

These are compliments of Fmwarmac ‎ Blonde: “What does IDK stand for?” Brunette: “I don’t know.” Blonde: “OMG, nobody does!” Yo momma is so fat when she went to KFC the cashier asked, “What size bucket?” and yo momma said, “The one on the roof.” Yo momma is so stupid when an intruder broke into her house, she ran downstairs, dialed 9-1-1 on the microwave, and couldn’t find the “CALL” button. Yo momma’s so stupid, she put two quarters in her ears and thought she was listening to 50...

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Rakhi Behan Ka Mast Chudai

Hi, I’m back again mera naam hai Raj Gupta. Sabse pehle mai apne ISS readers ka sukriya ada karma chahunga kyuki use meri kahani pasand aai. Maine Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai mai bataya thi ki maine kaise apne cousin Payal ko choda. Cousin Sister Ki Mast Chudai – II mai maine bataya ki mera dost Amit ke sath kaise plan karke cousin Payal ko chouda aur Meri tisri story Dost Ki Behan ka Mast Chudai jisme maine apne dost Amit ki behan Anu ko plan kar ke choda tha. Kher ab mai batane jar aha hu...

3 years ago
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Taken by Surprise

They met at a hotel bar. She was across the room, sitting alone in a dimly lit section. She looked sultry enough, with a tight mini that showed off her slim, firm body. Her dark brown hair spilled across her shoulders and her lips looked inviting. He was in town for a technical conference and he was only there for a quick drink. Meeting a woman was not on his agenda. He had a young wife back home who was hoping to get pregnant. Sex was not something in short supply at home these days, so it...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 9 In Which our Hero has Lots of Dates

“Crank up the A.C, sweetheart. Let me get some water ... Oooaaahhh...” “Sweetheart? Again?” “Yes. I suddenly cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of great drought. And especially for that bag with bottled water. Let’s get a move on. You drive.” “Destination?” “The most expensive hotel in Al Hofuf. Unless you can find one with a charger?” “I cannot execute that search. We will reach Al Hofuf in two hours.” “Okay. Then I’ll do a search and you drive. Stop at the next empty rest...

1 year ago
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The mobile phone

The mobile phone. By Sleep walker. This story is a work of fiction, and is intended for adults only. It is a fictional biography, and conforms to all legal statutes and is protected… The mobile phone. By Sleep walker. This story is a work of fiction, and is intended for adults only. It is a fictional biography, and conforms to all legal statutes and is protected under the Byrne Convention. This can be a little bid fantasy and the truth, U can decide. Thanks to a Wonderful Woman, She know...

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Salla and Savva crouched low as they worked their way through the jungle flora. The waist high bushes provided perfect cover along with the camouflage of the leopard fur shorts and bras the duo wore. The two long brown haired jungle women would not easily be seen. The tribal explorers moved stealthy and silent as a jungle cat. They edged toward the strange sounds. If the sounds were voices they were not like any voices they ever heard. These voice-like sounds had a deep tone. Never before while...

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The 2 Part Trilogy Part 2 The Final Flowers Fall

Tori had just given me an incredible blow job and I couldn’t wait to get her home to my place. We both gladly would have left the party right away, but we had to wait for Annie and Steph to leave before we could go. Tori was supposed to be staying at their place and we had to wait for them to leave, to make sure her brother Dan wouldn’t find out that she was with me. I don’t think Tori cared so much about Dan finding out, but since he’d been pissed with me before for poaching a girl he liked I...

First Time
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First Sex With Cousin Sister

Hi this is Ram and I’m going to give you my first experience. I am a good looking guy with 5’5” height and good athletic body this was happened last year when I went to my aunts home for an interview and this was the first time I am meeting her in four years, coming to my cousin sis she is not that much fare but having good looking face and a nice structure her lips were damn sexy to say actually they make me hornier over her. At home she usually use to wear night dress and this allow me to see...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 534

???????????????? ???????? A Scottish Golf Story John, who lived in the north of England, decided to go golfing in Scotland with his buddy, Shawn. They loaded up John’s minivan and headed north After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard. So they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night. ‘I realize it’s terrible weather out there and I have this huge house all to myself, but I’m recently widowed,’ she explained,...

3 years ago
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Fucking Lisa My Lusty Online Friend In Her Hotel Room 8211 Part 2

I am writing this erotic memoir as a continuation to the previous part. After I wanked myself and drained energy out of me thinking of the hot lady’s body. She would be happy to slurp my cum, yet she isn’t near. Thank you for the super good responses which, I think, you wrote after wanking or fingering yourself. As always, fire your response at my email. I don’t remember much after that amazing kiss we had when she squeezed the very last drop of my semen out of the cock. It’s all vague but I...

4 years ago
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on reaching the shop he knew his girlfriend was in. He’d only met her recently and they’d got on like a house on fire. Today she’d invited him to come shopping with her. Not his favourite pastime but this relationship was rapidly becoming something more. He entered the store. He hadn’t really realised it was a lingerie store until he saw it, the name sort of hinted at clothes. He saw Janice stood by the tills talking something over with the girl behind the counter. She looked...

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

1 year ago
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Teaching Tina

I stood with his arms crossed, glaring at the raven-haired girl. "You're lucky I don't call the police right now!" Tina's sobbing worsened, and she reached her hand out pleadingly. "I'm SO sorry, Dan! I was scared you'd kick me out if I didn't pay my rent, and Daddy wouldn't give me any more money, and I was behind on tuition again...I was so scared!" I shook my head, really angry. "I want your stuff out of the apartment in half an hour, or I call the cops!" He picked the videotape of Tina...

Mind Control
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Fucking Friend Leads To Her Mom

Hello to all the sex story readers. I am Rivan from Delhi, 25 years old guy with 5’9″ height. I have muscular body and always up for new adventures and experiences. Coming to the story, this story is about my friend and her mom. Let’s call her swati. She lives in my neighborhood and has perfect boobs and ass that every guy dream of. She is my childhood friend but we were not in link as I was outside Delhi for my studies. As I came back we met and start chatting with each other.Our conversations...

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Coffee Shop Madness

My name is Selena, a 40 year old, professional who is married with children.   My children are grown and my husband has his own career and is gone most of the time.   My husband and I had decided how important a healthy sexual activity was in our marriage.   So I placed an ad on a friend finder and meet Abigail.   Abigail was also in a similar situation and began to write back and forth.   We discussed our likes and dislikes and then agreed one day to meet.   Abigail and I had finally...

2 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 12

I thought I would share another experience from my teens. Sorry its been a while but I have been very busy lately and haven't had the time to complete any more experiences. I have already shared how as a teen I teased, and then had some oral fun with the Asian shopkeeper I used to work part time for. Following my leaving working in his shop, I would, from time to time pop in to buy stuff. I got a real thrill from seeing him and his family in the store. Them being totally unaware of how...

2 years ago
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Friend Touched sleeping Wife

I have been waiting years for the opportunity, because my wife rarely drinks and never does d**gs, even head ache pills. I had to wait for the right moment.I had been teesing her for a couple of days masterbating her to nearly climax then stopping and i knew she was gagging for it.This Friday night we went out for a meal and she decided to have a few glasses of wine and a couple of rums, (quite unheard of).We got home and as soon as we walked through the front door, she was naked and laying...

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Husbands HobbyChapter 4

Natalie Jenkins surveyed the twelve new faces of her second week's students. Among them, she immediately picked out Jason Powell, but he smiled innocently when she called his name, not even hinting that he had ever met her before. Phew, the teacher sighed to herself. At least the boy was mature enough to realize how dangerous it would have been to brag to his friends about his prior association with the young instructor. Nevertheless, the twelve boys in her new class were all members of her...

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The Dominance Experiment

Carolyn paced up and down as she lectured. She could never keep still, and had a pretty lively and vivacious personality. Generally speaking, it kept her audience in rapt attention for most of the time, which is more than she could say about other professors at the University of Wyoming, from what the students told her as she visited with them. With this particular course, no one had trouble paying attention, and it had a wait list a mile long just for the fascination factor. It was titled,...

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Giantess World

GiantessWorld! So is it a Disney porn site or is it a porn site that features female giants? does actually have those Disney fonts as their logo, and yes, the Giantess does actually mean female giants. Now, some of you might confuse that green Oger Fiona from Shrek as one, but no! Giantess World is a literotica site that features stories written and submitted by users that revolve around stories that have giants and giantesses in them. So yeah, these are kind of sex fables of...

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