Butchytown II free porn video

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Butchytown II By Trapper Jock McIntyre After their encounter in the girls restroom, Angie and Kathy walked and continued to talk about plans for Kathy to give Angie a masculine makeover. Well have to go out and buy you some fly-front briefs and some undershirts Kathy said. If were going to do this, we best do you right. Ill build you up from the inside out Sounds like a plan Angie replied. And how about a shirt and tie to complete the outfit Sounds dreamy! Oh look, theres my boyfriend Ken and our friend Mark. Want to meet them. Mark doesnt have a girlfriend so maybe you two might just hit it off Angie got a fluttery inside. She looked at the handsome hunk walking toward her and melted inside. Er, ah, not today. I have to get home. My, er, mom will worry about me Okay, then. Maybe next time. Ill call you. Until then, stay strapped Angie giggled. You bet. See ya Ken and Mark walked up to Kathy. Ken began kissing her passionately. Mark cleared his throat. Hey, enough of that you two. Oh hi Mark. Its just like we havent seen each other what like all day Who was that femme girl that I saw you with Ken asked. Oh her. Thats Angie. Wait till I tell you what I happened! I caught her sniffing my jockstrap in the girls restroom Kathy said. Youre kidding! Ken replied. Gee. Will wonders never cease Mark chimed in. As it turns outs, shes a transvestite, you know, a crossdresser. No shit. I thought that crossdressing was illegal in Butchytown. Right Mark? Ken asked. Mark was looking a bit preoccupied and watching Angie as she was continued down the sidewalk away from them. Huh? Isnt crossdressing illegal in Butchytown? After all, youre either butch or femme. Whatever you say Ken. Er, right Mark replied. Hey Mark, Ken and I are going to guy buy our tuxes for the prom tomorrow. You want to meet us and then go for as burger Er, ah no. I er have to meet someone Ooooooh! A date, eh Mark Ken asked. Something like that he replied. Knowing you I bet shes a real stud Kathy laughed. Ah, yeah, er, right. Look I gotta go. Swim practice. Ill see you later Mark sputtered. Whats up with him? Kathy asked. Who knows. Cmon. Lets go home and grab our Speedos and swimmer jocks and go for a dip ourselves Ken suggested. Good deal. Tell you what, lets just go by your place. Ill wear one of your jocks and Speedos instead Kathy replied Even better! Ken smiled as they began to walk. A femme sniffing a jockstrap and being a crossdresser. Whats world coming to! Meanwhile Angie excitedly rushed into her house. The house was empty as both her parents worked. High paying jobs that, to Angie's eyes, meant more to them than she did. It was this family atmosphere that molded Angie into who she was, a crossdressing femme girl in a town where all the other girls were butch. Well, almost all the other girls. Angie ran upstairs to her bedroom and grabbed the phone on her nightstand. She quickly dialed a phone number. "Hello?" The voice came back over the phone "Hey! Renee! You'll never guess what happened!" Angie replied. "Hey girl! What-up?" Renee asked. "You know that butchy girl, Kathy" from school" Angie asked. "Yeah, I know who she is. She is soooo hot" Renee observed. Angie got comfortable on her bed and continued. "She's a sizzler alright. She caught me in girl's room sniffing her jockstrap and jilling off" Renee let out a squeal of horror "Oh no! What happened? Did she freak? Did you freak?" "Well, I freaked. Angie replied. She left her gym bag in the girl's room and I stole her jock?" "Really?" Renee asked, her curiosity up. "Yes really. And she let me keep it!" "No way!" The though had Renee feeling all gooey in boys underwear. "Yes way! replied before boasting, She's really nice and she even offered to do a makeover on me" "You mean make you all butchy?" Renee asked with more than a hint of surprise in her voice. Butches werent always too friendly toward femmes. "Exactly!" Angie replied quite proud of herself. Renees tone of voice changed. "You didn't tell her about the club did you" "Oh no way! She's really freak then." Angie said rather matter of factly. "If only she knew what went on" Renee laughed "Yeah if only. Angie agreed and then continued. By the way .. your place on Friday?" "7 PM and don't be late" Renee answered. Yes, of course. there were other femme girls in Butchytown. They stuck together, thick as thieves to be sure. It felt different though, just 2 years ago when Angie was 14, and stumbled upon her uniqueness. A mail order catalog had arrived and made its way to the bathroom. Angie remembered sitting there thumbing though the pages of boy's underwear in awe of boys and the butch girls modeling them. The seed was planted and her minded drifted to what it was like to wear boy's clothes like the butch girls did. Then a week later she was in the newsstand and came across a copy of Butchgirl magazine. She was about to snag a copy and sneak it into her backpack when one of her classmates came by. It was Renee. Nervously Angie tried to hide the magazine. "Hi Renee!" she stammered "Hi yourself. What are you up to." Renee asked. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to pick up some fashion magazines, you now, Seventeen and Cosmo Girl." Renee eyed her and scrunched her nose. "That doesn't look like Seventeen you have there" She was caught! "oh this. It fell on the floor. I just picked it up to put it back. Strange magazine" "Yeah, I see. You wanna go for a Coke?" Renee asked. "Sure. Just let me get my magazines" "I'll meet you outside" Renee answered. As soon as Angie was sure that Renee was outside the store, she stashed the copy of Butchgirl in her backpack and headed to the door. Nervously she opened the door to step outside and just as she thought she was safe she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Excuse me young lady, but I'd like to look into your backpack" Old Man Jenkins who ran the newsstand stood behind Angie and made his demand. Renee, who was standing there waiting for her looked on with shock. Angie undid the flap on her backpack, and then in a flash, she tossed her backpack to Renee, the magazine at the old man and yelled "Run for it" Renee dashed off and Angie broke from Old Man Jenkins grasp. Try as he might to catch them he couldnt keep up as the young girls ran down the sidewalk and turned down an alley. Stopping as soon as they knew they where safe the pair stopped to catch their breath. Breathing heavily Angie spoke "That was close" "Yeah. But we got away with it" Renee panted. "Got away with it? We?" Angie asked. "Yep .. I saw the magazine that tossed at Jenkins. Look here" Renee reached around to her back and pulled a magazine out of the waistband of her jeans. It was a copy of Butchgirl. "You arent the only femme girl in town who reads Butchgirl, you know" "Well, I, just wanted to see..." Angie began stammering. Renee looked her straight in the eyes, "Not to worry. There's a bunch of us who read it. We kind of have a club" "A club?" Angie asked. "Yep. and we thought that you might be one of us. But we weren't sure. This caps it" Renee smiled at her Angie began to stutter even more. "I..I...I..don't know what you mean." "Heather Urbanic saw you hanging around the boy's underwear down at the department store. Janice Lang said that she thought that she notices boy's underwear around your ankles when you where in a stall in girl's restroom at school. And I can see the word Jockey on the waist band of the one's you have on now." Renee's tone softened. "You're among friends." Angie was gobsmacked. "Okay, you got me." Renee leaned forward and gave her a hug. "Join us at Heather's house this Friday. I'll sponsor you." "I don't know. I'm kinda scared." "Its okay." Renee said the paused. "You do have come dressed butch, you know. That's a rule." "Well, thats a problem. All I have is a few pair of boy's underwear" Angie replied, a worried look clouded her face. Seeing this Renee spoke. "That is a problem. Tell you what, come to my place an hour before" Renee showed up that weekend, and what transpired was the beginning of her immersion into butchyness. Angie stood in the middle of Renee's bedroom and stripped down to her boy's Fruit of the Loom briefs. Renee handed her a tight white boy's undershirt that had the effect of flattening her breasts I think well introduce you with a preppy look Renee observed as she handed Angie a Polo shirt and a pair of boys Khaki pants. By the time Renee was finished, Angie looked every bit of gender-fuck. She still had her long girl-ish hair and her face was even feminine without any makeup, but from there on down she was all boy. Oh, one last thing Renee said as she admired her handiwork. She balled up a sock and handed it to Angie. As an initiation rite for the club, we like our girls to be hung Angie giggled. And so began the first night for Angie in Butchytowns underground crossdresser scene. Angie lay back on her bed and reached up under her skirt as she thought about all of it, wearing boys underwear to school, the time she snuck into the boys bathroom to pee, and jilling off in the girls restroom to the latest issue of Butchgirl. She was still wearing Kathys jockstrap. It was wet with her pussy juices and the thought of Kathys pussy juices mingling with her own in the rough fabric pouch of a jockstrap turned her on. She began running her fingers along the outline of her pussy lips through the pouch. As her passion Angie thrust her hand into her jockstrap and started to finger fuck herself. Her hips bucked to meet every thrust of her fingers and her palm rubbed against her erect clit. Soon Angie began to moan in pleasure and with one huge contraction of muscles the inner walls of her cunt tightened around her fingers. As she returned from her ecstatic high she drifted off into a sound sleep, her hand still inside the pouch of her jock. At 7PM on Friday, Angie knocked on the door to Renee's house. A person who looked very much the part of a teenage boy with long-ish hair answered the door. "Hi Renee " Angie said. "Wow! You look super!" "Thanks. Everyones downstairs watching videos. Go change and come down. Our special treat is about ready to begin" "You mean ..." Angie asked her eyes wide with excitement. "Yes .. I mean ..." Renee smiled "I'll be there in a flash" Angie ran upstairs and quickly tossed her girly clothes in the corner. She opened the small duffel bag that she had brought with here and dumped its contents on the bed. She pulled off her panties and bra and stuffed them in the bag. Angie then sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to the pile of clothes. Finding the jockstrap that Kathy had given her, she stuck out her foot and began to pull it up to her waist, one leg at a time. Snuggling it around her waist she adjusted the pouch carefully ion her pussy. She then pulled on a boy's foot jersey and pair of running shorts before splashing some aftershave on her face. Grabbing a pair of boy's running shoes and socks, she finished dressing and headed downstairs. The other girls where all sitting around on the floor and the couch and TV flickered with a scene from an X-rated video. Heather Urbanic broke free from the video and came over and gave Angie a deep french kiss. "Hey butchy-girl! You look great. I heard about your encounter. Lucky you!" "Yeah and I got a jockstrap out of the deal" "Cool. I hope that youre wearing it" "You bet I am." "Good. then we're twins. I'll show you mine if you show me yours" Heather giggled as she led Angie to the couch. We got a new video. Heather continued. You know, one of the special banned ones. Its really hot. And banned it must have been, for on the screen, two somewhat masculine teenage boys where dressed in bras and panties. Their makeup and nail polish was perfect and everything, but one item, well actually two, was feminine. For in addition to their cocks, they also sported undeniably boyish haircuts. The two femininely clad boys on the screen where lying on a bed, in a 69 position position, madly sucking and stoking each other off. The scene made Renee's clit grow hard, and she could feel her jockstrap getting moist with her pussy juices. Heather and her began necking in concert with the masculinly dressed girls in room. Some sported strap on cocks, some were dressed only in Jockey Y-Fronts, other in only jockstraps. The scene was weird because what they where wearing contrasted with their otherwise feminine faces and hair. It was the exact opposite of the scene on the TV screen Just as things were getting hot, Renee entered the room and clapped her hands. "Attention everyone. Attention! Sorry to interrupt. But its time for our start guest tonight" The girls all broke from their love making and turned toward her. Renee dimmed the lights and continued. "May I present to you, Mister Mark!" With that she started a playing a CD with some sensuous music on it. The door opened, and out pranced Kathy and Ken's friend Mark. Just like the boy's in the video, he was wearing a pair of bikini panties, in virgin white with a panel of lace up the front. An unpadded white lace bra was around his chest. Completing the feminine part of his outfit was a white gather belt and stockings, with white high heels. His lips were wet and full adorned with red lipstick and pink eye shadow and mascara brought prominence to his eyes. His short boyish fingernails where pale pink, and his air was the usual boy-ish shirt back and sides. As Mark danced about the room in his girlish finery, the girls reached out to stroke his erect cock through his panties. Stephanie O'Keefe got up and began to dirty dance with him, rubbing her jockstrap covered pussy on his panty cover cock as Mark teased her. He knew how to put on a good show and reached into a box and pulled out a soft pack dildo and began teasing the head of it with his tongue and then began sucking it, leaving striped of his lipstick along the length. Mark made his way over to where Angie was making out with Heather. He bent down and rubbed the dildo over tithe front of Angie's jockstrap and then kissed her pussy through her jock before looking up at her. Their gaze connected and in an instant they flashed back to yesterday. Angie tilted her head and leaned forward. "You?" "You?" said Mark.... To be continued

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Seduced My Apartment Aunty On A Rainy Day

Hello friends, I am glad I can put a real sex story after all these years reading in ISS. Myself Sathish, 24, currently doing Ph.D in chennai. This story happened few days before in my hometown. My family(mom,dad, and me) stays in an apartment where around 12 families stay. There is a specific family got shifted to our apartment 5 yrs ago. At that time, that aunty (meena, name changed) came to our home to give sweets. That was the first time I saw her. The moment I saw her, I was amazed by...

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Hot fuck

Hi to all of u once again I am going to share true experience in my life. This is the 3rd story which I am going to tell all of you. I am 24 years old from Hyderabad. My name is Raushan Kumar. I was working but resigned for higher study. So coming to the story I was taking coffee at barista banjara hills my favorite time pass place in Hyderabad. So I saw there was 1 girl alone in coffee day and was looking at me . At last after seeing each other for 1 hour she came nearby me and we started...

2 years ago
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FamilyStrokes Autumn Falls Slam That Snitch Slit

When Autumn Falls catches her stepbro sneaking back in after a crazy night out, she snitches right away. So, when he catches her doing the same exact thing one week later, he is not going to let her off the hook too easily! He pulls out his raging boner and Autumn slobs all over it so he will keep his big mouth shut. Then, he pounds her tight, caramel pussy as she begs for more cock. She hops on top, and makes sure that this little incident stays between them with her pro dick riding skills....

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Milfty Natasha James Ink In The Pink

Natasha James stepson is so excited to be at the tattoo parlor to get a new tattoo. He is not sure what he wants to get, so he flips through the design book with his stepmom to make a decision. Looks like nothing suits his fancy until he finally comes across a design that will properly express how much he loves and admires his MILF stepmom. But when he gets in the chair and has the needle buzzing against his skin, he just cannot take the pain. Luckily, Natasha knows just how to calm her stepson...

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IncorrectionChapter 15

Yes, basic cable, but it was something, which always beats nothing. Grisham set it to a national news network as instructed on the work order. The remote would be taken to the warden, and I was left wondering when I was going to get it back if ever. How I went from happy to mad so quickly almost surprised me. But it was my kind of luck, as always. If I could find some way to reach it, I could change the channel myself. The question I contemplated was the punishment that would be for doing...

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Caits first

Sunday afternoon and I was at the coffee shop waiting for Cait. I called her that morning, after a long shower and a late breakfast and she didn't answer. It kept on ringing and then it went to voice mail so I hung up, and I thought Oh no! And I felt this huge lump in my throat but just as I was about to throw myself down on the bed crying and kicking and hitting the pillow, she called me back and she said “Sorry, phone was in the other room” and I acted cool and said “Yeah sure” like I was...

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Good neighborspart 1

I have the most incredible neighbors. I have so many stories, but I'll try to break them up. Hope you enjoy them. Warning: If you're easily offended by women peeing then don't read any further.The other day I was at the mall and ran into one of my neighbors. She's a little bit too skinny but tall and beautiful redhead (my fav!) and was with her two small c***dren. I don't really know her too well but said hi anyway. She smiled back and we exchange the normal pleasantries. I said her k**s looked...

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Life Felt Complete

The air smelled musty, and the thick smell of cigarette smoke clouded her nostrils. Amy Thompson sat at her usual bar, in her usual spot, drinking her usual Corona Light. She watched her best friend pulling the man she was dancing with by his tie. Her friend bit her lip seductively. Amy sighed. She’d definitely have the apartment to herself tonight. For the, ‘what was it again?’ Amy thought, ‘the 3rd night in a row?’ 3 nights at Thompson Tavern, 3 different guys, 3 times that Amy walked...

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The PatientChapter 5

“Gene, don’t try to talk; just shake your head if you can. You were in an accident; you were severely injured. You have been in a coma for over three years. I’m here to help you. Your body has been dormant, so you won’t be able to move much. Do you understand? Gene nodded; “wa-wa-.” “I’ll get you some ice to suck on. Your body won’t be able to handle any water yet.” Lisa ran to the kitchen, got a cup of ice chips, and returned to his room. “One chip at a time, just relax Gene. I’m here;...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 16 Just like Sue

I allowed myself to fall asleep next to Alicia knowing that sexual desire would awaken me in the small hours. When it did, instead of turning for relief to the gorgeous and compliant little creature next to me I went to the main bedroom where Wendy was sleeping. She was my wife, after all, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive all evening. There are wives in this world, I reflected, that might object if their husband brought home a big-titted eighteen-year-old and shagged her...

2 years ago
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first time with sister

My sister and me would play cards for hours sitting on her bed. One morning we were getting ready for school when she walked out of the bathroom and the towel fell to the floor. She was standing there naked in front of me and i wished i could have taken her to the room and fuck her right then. at the time i was 19 and was 18. She has A cup tits and a nice shaved pussySo there we were sitting on her bed playing card i was looking at her thinking when to make my move. then out of no where she...

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Office Akka Udan Nadantha Kama Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en udan velai seitha thirumanam aagiya akkavai eppadi sex seithen endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagiguriren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar dharani vayathu 25 aagugirathu. enaku puthithaaga oru idathil velai kidaithathu, aam naan oru civil engineer puthithaaga velaiku sendru irunthen. Niraiya kanavugaludan thaan velaiku sendru irunthen, aanal enaku angu oru kanavanu thevathai enaku kidaika irunthaal. naan velai seiyum idam foreigner...

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Scarlett and Mike Both sides of the story

Mike had just rolled into work at 9.35am to start yet another boring day at the office. He was a little late but seemed in no hurry what so ever.I really want to quit this job, thought mike as he opened the fridge and peered into it longingly. He took out the milk and slammed the fridge door shut. His colleague was sitting in the same room, looking at a newspaper, suddenly jumped and nearly spat out his coffee when Mike had slammed the fridge door. Mike poured the milk in his cup roughly...

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Watching secrets 4

One more time Sapna is back with another secret of mom. I had a holiday in school and so I had remained at home for the day. As usual I got asleep in the afternoon. As I got asleep door bell rang and I wake up to open the door. I opened the door and here was standing my mom’s friend – Sheetal aunty. My mom and she had studied together in school and they are being friends from long time. As she entered the door, “Hi sweetie, how are you?” I smiled at her, “Fine. Did you bring Sandhya?” Sandhya...

3 years ago
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Eight Is Enough And Twos Not Bad Either

In a house with eight kids it's hard to find time alone. Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in a real crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabeth in the room with me when we were watching this old movie on TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford. I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight kids. And Elizabeth's one of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, but they're all older than me. I'm the baby of the...

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DeborahChapter 14

Even though he was bursting to tell Deborah what had gone on he realised that she had no clue as to the full situation so he would have to let it develop. He would not see her until Saturday anyway and with Annette there he would have to watch his step. He arrived early again. Only two or three minutes but Tilly did nothing to alleviate the situation. Deborah was early too, arriving within half a minute. Richard was pretending to be sorting out his shoelace. "Hello!" he said looking up in...

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Dad and I part 10

Once we got to the mall turned out to be that almost every clothes store in the mall was crowded with people. After almost an hour of still trying to look at some clothes my dad and I decided to go to another store just outside of town. To our surprise it turned out to be very quiet in there. It wasn’t very modern but it did look nice. In the front of the store there were the clothes that had just came in. Then there were the underwear section and all the way in the back there were only...

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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 35

As we headed out of town and back up to our little house on the lake, Andrea could hardly sit still. I don't even have to look at her to know how excited she is. I can feel the excitement and the happiness radiating from her. She pulled her legs up under her and sat facing me in her seat. I glanced over at her and saw her looking at me with so much intense emotion showing plainly on her face. She grinned and said, "This has to be a dream. This is just like the fantasies I would play with...

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Fireworks in the Hot Tub

Fourth of July My friend Ryan and I had gone over to Michaela’s for a party on the Fourth of July. Michaela was my girlfriend at the time. She’s about 5’6’’, reddish-brownish hair, and pretty fit body with some very nice D cup breasts. It was a neighborhood party that her parents were throwing, but there were still some people our age. That night I found myself in a hot tub with Michaela, her friends Deanna, Natalie, my friend Ryan, and some other guy. Michaela’s dad was right next to the hot...

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My Widow Professor Part8 Two Bodies One Soul

Hello friends. What’s the craic? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy this story, where we become two bodies one soul. Thank you to everyone for giving so much love and affection to the previous parts. I am highly obliged to all of my readers. Your love made my heart filled with pride. In this part also I too provided you all the details. I hope you will give loads of love and feedbacks by your email and comments. Here I continue. Occasionally in life,...

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A married female friend

A story written by female married friend after our sexHi, I am Neha, 24 yrs old. I have been married for last 2 yrs now. I live in a posh area of Delhi. My husband is a software engineer and keeps traveling across the globe. He has a special liking of lingerie. He keeps buying it for me from every place he visits.This has helped me build a great collection of sexiest intimate and innerwear that you can imagine. Though we have a very loving and satisfying relationship, there are times I find my...

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What was I doing?Ashamed to look the barman in the eye, I mumbled for a straight Talisker. Peaty, dry and smoky with a bitter hit on the lips, it always seemed to suit nights like this. Here I was again, dressed up and alone, soaked in aftershave as if it could somehow hide the stench of what I was lowering myself to.'Thanks,' I murmured, taking my whisky without raising my eyes from the bar. I lifted the glass to my mouth and found my thoughts wandering, as they always did. I was married,...

College Sex
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 231 A Mans Back 4Touch Go

Fudozawa: What the hell you think you're doing, street fighter? Sanosuke: Nothing. I just don't need you interfering in a fight you gave to me. Fudozawa: Don't get too far above yourself, kid... Tani (stepping forward): So this is the street fighter you mentioned the other night. You've got guts, but I've afraid we won't be needing your services any longer. We'll take it from here. Let's just settle up now. Don't worry, I'll pay your asking price. How much do we owe you,...

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Ravathi My Dream Aunt

Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will be purely fictional and won't b resemblance to any person.anyone can contact me on my email Have fun reading it and do reply me.on [email protected] my dear Iss readers I am a regular reader of ISS .This is my first story. Hope you like it. This is a real incident that happened in my life . And the best one. Let me introduce...

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Doggy Styles 5 Sharing Duke

Chapter Summary – Claire and Duke find some new friends. Previous Chapter Summary – Duke got lucky. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's...

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