Butchytown II free porn video

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Butchytown II By Trapper Jock McIntyre After their encounter in the girls restroom, Angie and Kathy walked and continued to talk about plans for Kathy to give Angie a masculine makeover. Well have to go out and buy you some fly-front briefs and some undershirts Kathy said. If were going to do this, we best do you right. Ill build you up from the inside out Sounds like a plan Angie replied. And how about a shirt and tie to complete the outfit Sounds dreamy! Oh look, theres my boyfriend Ken and our friend Mark. Want to meet them. Mark doesnt have a girlfriend so maybe you two might just hit it off Angie got a fluttery inside. She looked at the handsome hunk walking toward her and melted inside. Er, ah, not today. I have to get home. My, er, mom will worry about me Okay, then. Maybe next time. Ill call you. Until then, stay strapped Angie giggled. You bet. See ya Ken and Mark walked up to Kathy. Ken began kissing her passionately. Mark cleared his throat. Hey, enough of that you two. Oh hi Mark. Its just like we havent seen each other what like all day Who was that femme girl that I saw you with Ken asked. Oh her. Thats Angie. Wait till I tell you what I happened! I caught her sniffing my jockstrap in the girls restroom Kathy said. Youre kidding! Ken replied. Gee. Will wonders never cease Mark chimed in. As it turns outs, shes a transvestite, you know, a crossdresser. No shit. I thought that crossdressing was illegal in Butchytown. Right Mark? Ken asked. Mark was looking a bit preoccupied and watching Angie as she was continued down the sidewalk away from them. Huh? Isnt crossdressing illegal in Butchytown? After all, youre either butch or femme. Whatever you say Ken. Er, right Mark replied. Hey Mark, Ken and I are going to guy buy our tuxes for the prom tomorrow. You want to meet us and then go for as burger Er, ah no. I er have to meet someone Ooooooh! A date, eh Mark Ken asked. Something like that he replied. Knowing you I bet shes a real stud Kathy laughed. Ah, yeah, er, right. Look I gotta go. Swim practice. Ill see you later Mark sputtered. Whats up with him? Kathy asked. Who knows. Cmon. Lets go home and grab our Speedos and swimmer jocks and go for a dip ourselves Ken suggested. Good deal. Tell you what, lets just go by your place. Ill wear one of your jocks and Speedos instead Kathy replied Even better! Ken smiled as they began to walk. A femme sniffing a jockstrap and being a crossdresser. Whats world coming to! Meanwhile Angie excitedly rushed into her house. The house was empty as both her parents worked. High paying jobs that, to Angie's eyes, meant more to them than she did. It was this family atmosphere that molded Angie into who she was, a crossdressing femme girl in a town where all the other girls were butch. Well, almost all the other girls. Angie ran upstairs to her bedroom and grabbed the phone on her nightstand. She quickly dialed a phone number. "Hello?" The voice came back over the phone "Hey! Renee! You'll never guess what happened!" Angie replied. "Hey girl! What-up?" Renee asked. "You know that butchy girl, Kathy" from school" Angie asked. "Yeah, I know who she is. She is soooo hot" Renee observed. Angie got comfortable on her bed and continued. "She's a sizzler alright. She caught me in girl's room sniffing her jockstrap and jilling off" Renee let out a squeal of horror "Oh no! What happened? Did she freak? Did you freak?" "Well, I freaked. Angie replied. She left her gym bag in the girl's room and I stole her jock?" "Really?" Renee asked, her curiosity up. "Yes really. And she let me keep it!" "No way!" The though had Renee feeling all gooey in boys underwear. "Yes way! replied before boasting, She's really nice and she even offered to do a makeover on me" "You mean make you all butchy?" Renee asked with more than a hint of surprise in her voice. Butches werent always too friendly toward femmes. "Exactly!" Angie replied quite proud of herself. Renees tone of voice changed. "You didn't tell her about the club did you" "Oh no way! She's really freak then." Angie said rather matter of factly. "If only she knew what went on" Renee laughed "Yeah if only. Angie agreed and then continued. By the way .. your place on Friday?" "7 PM and don't be late" Renee answered. Yes, of course. there were other femme girls in Butchytown. They stuck together, thick as thieves to be sure. It felt different though, just 2 years ago when Angie was 14, and stumbled upon her uniqueness. A mail order catalog had arrived and made its way to the bathroom. Angie remembered sitting there thumbing though the pages of boy's underwear in awe of boys and the butch girls modeling them. The seed was planted and her minded drifted to what it was like to wear boy's clothes like the butch girls did. Then a week later she was in the newsstand and came across a copy of Butchgirl magazine. She was about to snag a copy and sneak it into her backpack when one of her classmates came by. It was Renee. Nervously Angie tried to hide the magazine. "Hi Renee!" she stammered "Hi yourself. What are you up to." Renee asked. "Oh nothing. Just wanted to pick up some fashion magazines, you now, Seventeen and Cosmo Girl." Renee eyed her and scrunched her nose. "That doesn't look like Seventeen you have there" She was caught! "oh this. It fell on the floor. I just picked it up to put it back. Strange magazine" "Yeah, I see. You wanna go for a Coke?" Renee asked. "Sure. Just let me get my magazines" "I'll meet you outside" Renee answered. As soon as Angie was sure that Renee was outside the store, she stashed the copy of Butchgirl in her backpack and headed to the door. Nervously she opened the door to step outside and just as she thought she was safe she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Excuse me young lady, but I'd like to look into your backpack" Old Man Jenkins who ran the newsstand stood behind Angie and made his demand. Renee, who was standing there waiting for her looked on with shock. Angie undid the flap on her backpack, and then in a flash, she tossed her backpack to Renee, the magazine at the old man and yelled "Run for it" Renee dashed off and Angie broke from Old Man Jenkins grasp. Try as he might to catch them he couldnt keep up as the young girls ran down the sidewalk and turned down an alley. Stopping as soon as they knew they where safe the pair stopped to catch their breath. Breathing heavily Angie spoke "That was close" "Yeah. But we got away with it" Renee panted. "Got away with it? We?" Angie asked. "Yep .. I saw the magazine that tossed at Jenkins. Look here" Renee reached around to her back and pulled a magazine out of the waistband of her jeans. It was a copy of Butchgirl. "You arent the only femme girl in town who reads Butchgirl, you know" "Well, I, just wanted to see..." Angie began stammering. Renee looked her straight in the eyes, "Not to worry. There's a bunch of us who read it. We kind of have a club" "A club?" Angie asked. "Yep. and we thought that you might be one of us. But we weren't sure. This caps it" Renee smiled at her Angie began to stutter even more. "I..I...I..don't know what you mean." "Heather Urbanic saw you hanging around the boy's underwear down at the department store. Janice Lang said that she thought that she notices boy's underwear around your ankles when you where in a stall in girl's restroom at school. And I can see the word Jockey on the waist band of the one's you have on now." Renee's tone softened. "You're among friends." Angie was gobsmacked. "Okay, you got me." Renee leaned forward and gave her a hug. "Join us at Heather's house this Friday. I'll sponsor you." "I don't know. I'm kinda scared." "Its okay." Renee said the paused. "You do have come dressed butch, you know. That's a rule." "Well, thats a problem. All I have is a few pair of boy's underwear" Angie replied, a worried look clouded her face. Seeing this Renee spoke. "That is a problem. Tell you what, come to my place an hour before" Renee showed up that weekend, and what transpired was the beginning of her immersion into butchyness. Angie stood in the middle of Renee's bedroom and stripped down to her boy's Fruit of the Loom briefs. Renee handed her a tight white boy's undershirt that had the effect of flattening her breasts I think well introduce you with a preppy look Renee observed as she handed Angie a Polo shirt and a pair of boys Khaki pants. By the time Renee was finished, Angie looked every bit of gender-fuck. She still had her long girl-ish hair and her face was even feminine without any makeup, but from there on down she was all boy. Oh, one last thing Renee said as she admired her handiwork. She balled up a sock and handed it to Angie. As an initiation rite for the club, we like our girls to be hung Angie giggled. And so began the first night for Angie in Butchytowns underground crossdresser scene. Angie lay back on her bed and reached up under her skirt as she thought about all of it, wearing boys underwear to school, the time she snuck into the boys bathroom to pee, and jilling off in the girls restroom to the latest issue of Butchgirl. She was still wearing Kathys jockstrap. It was wet with her pussy juices and the thought of Kathys pussy juices mingling with her own in the rough fabric pouch of a jockstrap turned her on. She began running her fingers along the outline of her pussy lips through the pouch. As her passion Angie thrust her hand into her jockstrap and started to finger fuck herself. Her hips bucked to meet every thrust of her fingers and her palm rubbed against her erect clit. Soon Angie began to moan in pleasure and with one huge contraction of muscles the inner walls of her cunt tightened around her fingers. As she returned from her ecstatic high she drifted off into a sound sleep, her hand still inside the pouch of her jock. At 7PM on Friday, Angie knocked on the door to Renee's house. A person who looked very much the part of a teenage boy with long-ish hair answered the door. "Hi Renee " Angie said. "Wow! You look super!" "Thanks. Everyones downstairs watching videos. Go change and come down. Our special treat is about ready to begin" "You mean ..." Angie asked her eyes wide with excitement. "Yes .. I mean ..." Renee smiled "I'll be there in a flash" Angie ran upstairs and quickly tossed her girly clothes in the corner. She opened the small duffel bag that she had brought with here and dumped its contents on the bed. She pulled off her panties and bra and stuffed them in the bag. Angie then sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to the pile of clothes. Finding the jockstrap that Kathy had given her, she stuck out her foot and began to pull it up to her waist, one leg at a time. Snuggling it around her waist she adjusted the pouch carefully ion her pussy. She then pulled on a boy's foot jersey and pair of running shorts before splashing some aftershave on her face. Grabbing a pair of boy's running shoes and socks, she finished dressing and headed downstairs. The other girls where all sitting around on the floor and the couch and TV flickered with a scene from an X-rated video. Heather Urbanic broke free from the video and came over and gave Angie a deep french kiss. "Hey butchy-girl! You look great. I heard about your encounter. Lucky you!" "Yeah and I got a jockstrap out of the deal" "Cool. I hope that youre wearing it" "You bet I am." "Good. then we're twins. I'll show you mine if you show me yours" Heather giggled as she led Angie to the couch. We got a new video. Heather continued. You know, one of the special banned ones. Its really hot. And banned it must have been, for on the screen, two somewhat masculine teenage boys where dressed in bras and panties. Their makeup and nail polish was perfect and everything, but one item, well actually two, was feminine. For in addition to their cocks, they also sported undeniably boyish haircuts. The two femininely clad boys on the screen where lying on a bed, in a 69 position position, madly sucking and stoking each other off. The scene made Renee's clit grow hard, and she could feel her jockstrap getting moist with her pussy juices. Heather and her began necking in concert with the masculinly dressed girls in room. Some sported strap on cocks, some were dressed only in Jockey Y-Fronts, other in only jockstraps. The scene was weird because what they where wearing contrasted with their otherwise feminine faces and hair. It was the exact opposite of the scene on the TV screen Just as things were getting hot, Renee entered the room and clapped her hands. "Attention everyone. Attention! Sorry to interrupt. But its time for our start guest tonight" The girls all broke from their love making and turned toward her. Renee dimmed the lights and continued. "May I present to you, Mister Mark!" With that she started a playing a CD with some sensuous music on it. The door opened, and out pranced Kathy and Ken's friend Mark. Just like the boy's in the video, he was wearing a pair of bikini panties, in virgin white with a panel of lace up the front. An unpadded white lace bra was around his chest. Completing the feminine part of his outfit was a white gather belt and stockings, with white high heels. His lips were wet and full adorned with red lipstick and pink eye shadow and mascara brought prominence to his eyes. His short boyish fingernails where pale pink, and his air was the usual boy-ish shirt back and sides. As Mark danced about the room in his girlish finery, the girls reached out to stroke his erect cock through his panties. Stephanie O'Keefe got up and began to dirty dance with him, rubbing her jockstrap covered pussy on his panty cover cock as Mark teased her. He knew how to put on a good show and reached into a box and pulled out a soft pack dildo and began teasing the head of it with his tongue and then began sucking it, leaving striped of his lipstick along the length. Mark made his way over to where Angie was making out with Heather. He bent down and rubbed the dildo over tithe front of Angie's jockstrap and then kissed her pussy through her jock before looking up at her. Their gaze connected and in an instant they flashed back to yesterday. Angie tilted her head and leaned forward. "You?" "You?" said Mark.... To be continued

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You see me switching my butt from side to side as i bend over the counter. I ask you something you don't seem to catch. I watch you turn bright red and I smile. I tell you to come here. I sit on the counter spreading my legs wide. I grope myself, teasing you. I pinch my nipples through my shirt. You come between my legs and stand there. You put your hands on my thighs and slide them back towards my ass. we kiss, my breathing gets puffy as i get turned on to the max. you lick the shell of my...

2 years ago
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Going on Vacation

Introduction: I go on vacation with my family and evertything changes! When I was 15 years old, my parents decided we needed some family time. We packed all our stuff into our old beater station wagon and went to leave. It should have been no problem, a five person car with only four people in it, my mom, my dad, me, and my 16 year old brother Aaron. But when my dad had loaded the car, he hadnt been thinking very well and left only one seat open. This was back before all the laws they have now,...

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Nanbanin Sunnni Enathu Suuthil

Vanakam enathhu peyar arasu vayathu 24 naan enathu pata padipai mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikonu irukiren. Ennaku oru nanban irukiraan avanin peyar muthu vayathu 24. Naangal iruvarum kalluriyil padikum pozhuthu nanbargal aanom appozhu irunthe iruvarum nerukamaaga pazhaivanthom aanal enathu nanban ennidam konjam thagatha muraiyil pazhaga aarambithaan. Nangal ondraga kaama padangal paarpom appozhuthu naan oru penai ookum padathai virumbi paarpen aanal avan oru aanum inoru aanum oopathai...

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ExxxtraSmall Jenna J Ross Pigtailed Sex Pixie

Pigtailed sex pixie Jenna Ross has been having trouble with the kitchen sink, so she calls up a hung repairman to help her out. But as our stud tries to focus on drainage pipes, Jenna cannot take her eyes off the pipe in his jeans! She seduces him in the middle of the kitchen, yanking his dick out of his pants and slobbering on it. Then, she lies on her side and lets him enter her from behind, squealing as he rams her sensitive cooch. Finally, she strokes his dick and enjoys a shower of protein...

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Trafficked Love Ch 4

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

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My First Time Part 1

It was only one year ago i decided to tell anyone about my real sexual feelings, Kerry was a good friend even though i had not knowen her that long but seemed like someone i could open up to but i am sure it was because she was so much older as if she would understand and not judge me. I was very much attracted to Kerry as she was so open and honest and of course very sweet and sexy.It had been a girls night in at Kerrys house and i was the last to leave. We sat on the sofa as i got ready to...

2 years ago
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Sex With 20 Year Elder Aunty Than Me 8211 Part I

Hi there, This is Vicky basically from Vellore (130kms away from Chennai). This happened in the year of 2006, I was 19 at that time. I was starved for sex from my 18 and within a year I found my pussy, Which is none other than our tenant; a lady nurse. To start from myself, I’m a common boy, being an only son of the family I got everything I wished for. About me physique, I’m an above average person (90kgs). About my tool, it is not great as shown in movies but not worst as grandpa’s A normal 7...

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Jill Chapter 1 Phone Call

I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn’t seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. “I need your help, George,” she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. “Jill, are you all right?” I asked....

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 21 Moving On

After five years at UGA, they lost Uncle Pete when his heart failed. He’d lived to see the Covey obtain five bachelors - two with double majors - two MBAs, one EdD, and three MA’s. Only Melba hadn’t reached her final goal. While they waited, the others continued filling up their knowledge banks; taking internships, and consulting opportunities. Susan, in particular, disenchanted with teaching as a career, was now picking up classes and assignments in law enforcement. Bob and Priscilla had...

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The Wakefield Cases The Licentious Life Of Mr Lacey Part 5

My heart was pounding so hard against my ribs, I was sure my chest would burst. I heard nothing but the sound of my feet making contact with the pavement as I ran through the streets. My belt was still not fastened, and I held my trousers up with my hands. The image of Andre Lacey’s twisted body haunted me. Now I had really messed up. My shirt was soaked in blood, but I had no time to stop and check how deep the wound was. I didn’t know if they were chasing me, but I was a dead man either way....

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For the Sake of ArtChapter 9

The next day, Mrs. James began her own portrait of Andrea as I added the finishing touches to mine. By the time the light began to fade on Saturday of the following week, I pronounced mine finished and signed T W Farris in the bottom left corner. Andrea was anxious to look but I put her off again, saying, "Why don't we wait until Mrs. James is done and we can look at both of them together?" Mrs. James scolded me. "Don't be so cruel, Terry! The poor girl has been waiting on pins and...

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PurgatoryX Chloe Temple Fantasy Couple Vol 3 E1

As a very-much-in-love couple (Chloe Temple, Jay Romero) prepare to take a morning shower, Jay embraces his lover from behind and reveals his fantasy; he wants to fuck her best friend, Clara. They’ve shared their fantasies before and Chloe’s turned-on by the idea. As Jay’s hands continue fondling her body, their passions build to a boil! Chloe and Jay do what young lovers do… engage in delicious morning sex with plenty of mouth-watering kissing, licking, sucking and fucking! Its passion-packed...

3 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Travis was up early, unable to sleep. He spent a long time in the shower, enjoying the hot water, soaping himself thoroughly. When he was dry, he inspected his face in the mirror, thinking that perhaps he had grown more beard overnight. He sure felt a lot older. Standing before the sink he thought about what he had done the night before, and felt tingly all over. It hadn't been another wet dream; he had really, actually,...

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It is your first time in the big city, having lived and worked in the quiet suburbs all your life - today is your birthday and your girlfriend is treating you to a night out. "See, look John, this is the place I love so much," Rachel said excitedly, pointing at a shop called 'Adult Video Store and More!'. "Ooh, I've been really looking forward to taking you here!" You laugh nervously as she happily pulls your through the front door - the place is packed with various adult books, movies, toys...

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Ticked off a friend

I have a few friends that I have done dares with in the past.  These two, K and C respectively, have witnessed me do things I have never been willing to do in front of anyone, usually at my request so I could overcome my shyness.  Allowing them to do this has led to them becoming more viscious with their dares, more creative and evil it seems as we go along.  Both K and C were very shy and sheltered when I had first met them, but after willingly being their ‘dare slave’ for years, they seem to...

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MousetrapChapter 3

It was quite a fiery debate and Tiff found herself increasingly confused as it went on. Partly it was the fact that they were even considering an offer from the bloody Confed, for gods sake, partly that it was Rajata herself who was, increasingly firmly, arguing for the idea and ... partly ... it was the realisation that Tiff herself was coming round to accepting it. She tried to rationalise this rather starling concept and couldn't ... OK, she acknowledged, guiltily, she had a personal...

1 year ago
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Panty Wali Bhabhi Ko Choda

Kaise ho mere pyare ladies aur gents dosto. Main hajir hu aapka Yogu apki seva mein. Abhi mera work from home chal raha hai. To thoda busy rahata hu. Waise apko batata hu aj ki kahani maine kaise ek bhabhi ko choda iski hai. Maine pure 2 saal mostly night pant aur t-shirt pe nikale kyuki wfh chal raha hai. Main aisehi Saturday ko underwear aur night pant kharidne ke liye kapdo ki dukaan mein gaya. Main kuch 2 baje dukan mein gaya tha. To dukaan ke worker khana khane gaye the. Dukaan mein sirf...

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rainy night part 2

I said how about this weekend you and I take off somewhere? She said how about next weekend so we can actually plan something? He said that sounds fine Lynne. They had just finished dinner when there was a knock on the door and Bill was getting up and Lynne said I will get it. Lynne went to the door and when she opened it there stood a woman with big breasts wearing a too tight half shirt and jean shorts that looked like they had been painted on. Hello can I help you Lynne asked/ Yeah...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 13

A woman packs for every possible occurrence ... and then Murphy takes over. But before the packing Mom asked, "Where are we going in Pentwater?" "I've spoken to the real estate agent here. He has spoken to the realtor there. There are exactly three places for sale on the north side of the lake." I paused for the sake of drama. Mother made that motion with her hand that signifies, hurry up, asshole. We don't need no stinking drama. "The house on the north east corner of Dover and...

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Party fight 2

Corporate 2. After a fight at a corporate party, many girls were also not against this way of sorting things out. They provoked me more than once, but they themselves were afraid to get into a fight. I wanted revenge, but there was no reason and place for this. ..one employee pissed me off now more than others. She got a job here through pull, just came and wiped her pants, her mink coat and outfits. She was paid for nothing. We divided bonuses and bonuses into her, because she is also our...

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Tales of the Twisted and Taboo

This is a collection of short stories (just a few chapters long). Some are strange, some are taboo, all are erotic and more than a little twisted. Essentially this is a place for me to excise the ideas that I have that aren't detailed enough to deserve their own unique stories. Suggestions are always welcome as is feedback of any kind. Now on to the tales.

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A very good view 4 P

Very good this video http://xhamster.com/videos/awesome-upskirt-470303 very thanks at who that has loaded it, a similar situation, i must say similar, is happened also at me, with my sister. It was a nice sunny day of a sunday of end summer of september i remember :-P, i and my sister we're at home (without parents :-P) and we lunch, she's with a nice clear tunic of color yellow-white cream (more or less like the skirt of the girl in the video above :-P) and legs nude with low clogs and feet...

1 year ago
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Snow Tubing Frenzy

It was winter time already, and my friends and I were all ready to spend a day at the slopes. We hopped in on of my friend's dad's car and drove off, headed for the mountains. Of course, when I got comfortable in my seat and put on my walkman, I had no idea that I would be having my first sexual experience in a few short hours. On our way up to the mountains, my friends Jordon and Mitch (names have been changed) were enjoying the views as I was enjoying my music. Jordon had no idea I was gay,...

4 years ago
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Spicy Spring

THE CABIN Donna took her by the hand and guided her out of the cold wet snow into the warmth of the cabin. The young blonde woman, a little nervous and shaken from the crash that occurred just days ago, just left her the sole survivor out in the cold and emptiness of the wilderness. Donna, removed her parka took the young woman by the hand and brought her closer to the warmth of the fire Donna (softly)…”Here, come closer where the fire is warm. You’re freezing, poor dear, you must have had some...

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Farm Helper Part Three New Job Assignment

Lara had been working and living at Sunny farms for a month now, and she couldn’t have been happier. She had left her old, miserable life behind for good and she was fully enjoying life in the countryside. She was also enjoying David and Peter’s company almost daily. A quick blowjob here, a quick fuck behind the barn there, the guys were keeping her busy and satisfied. Some days she fucked Peter during the day, and then spent the night with David, fucking for hours per day. On days when neither...

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