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(C) 2006 Nick B All rights reserved Chapter 4 Jess snuggled up to Chris hearing his breathing change as he drifted off to sleep. It was a sticky situation, no doubt about it. She had jumped on the situation without a thought for what it would do. She thought it was just a bit of fun. She knew he enjoyed it, but she never once considered that it would ever be anything more than that. The fates, situation, whatever, conspired to make it more involved, more difficult than a bit of fun. She really hadn't meant to forget the solvent and was probably a bit harsh expecting him to go to work in the guise of a woman. She hadn't realised the implications of these actions, the ramifications with regards to the up coming meeting and what influence that would have on him. He had gone through with it only because the company needed him to and then had wound up deeper in it when he was held over a barrel with the customer wanting to deal with Pippa rather than being passed onto others who may not have the knowledge and the feel that she had. She felt terrible for taking advantage of the situation. She had indulged a fantasy with Chris, playing with his breasts, pretending he was a woman, feeling the soft, smooth skin, clad in nylon, being turned on by the thought that underneath it all was her man, but what was left of that man and how long could he continue to be one all the time she was treating him like he was anything but that man? Pippa was different. As much as she didn't want to admit it, he was right and she got on much better with Pippa than Chris, especially where the sex was concerned. She didn't know what it was about how Chris did things as opposed to how Pippa did them; it was just that with Pippa, she got the best of both worlds, getting sex with both a man and a woman without having to cheat on her man to do it. Chris's admission that he was starting to get lost in the whole fantasy/reality situation was something that now she came to think about it, was probably inevitable the way things were going. He was showing more than a healthy interest in being treated as, as well as acting the part of a woman and Jess knew that she wasn't doing anything to discourage that, in fact it would be true to say that she was actively encouraging it. This was a definite turning point. It seemed that while Chris was willing to make the sacrifice to fulfil the requirements of the customer with regards to being Pippa, it was having a confusing effect on him. For her part, she was probably willing to go back to the way things were, but she had to admit that it wasn't nearly as much fun. Jess's head was becoming crowded with all the things going on, but after more or less facing the fact that she was going to have to accept that while it was fun while it lasted, Chris was going to have to make the decision of what to do about Pippa. She hoped that Pippa would stay, but whatever happened, she didn't want to give Chris up even if he wound up as Pippa with only overtones of Chris remaining. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday morning, Chris got up and felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. The issues had not gone away, but he now felt that now that Jess understood that he was nervous and scared of what was going to happen, he didn't feel so alone in those fears. Jess was still asleep and he dressed in a jumper and skirt, brushing out the wig in front of the mirror in the bathroom after he'd had a shave and applied moisturiser, ready to apply makeup himself for the first time. When he'd finished, he was satisfied that Coco wasn't staring back at him and he went downstairs to make a couple of cups of tea. He returned to the bedroom and placed the tea on the bedside table. "Jess?" he said shaking his wife gently. "Huh?" she said sleepily. "Morning gorgeous," she said, pulling his head towards her and kissing him soundly on the lips, snaking her tongue into his mouth and grinning wickedly when he stood up. "Now, now, there's no time for that. It's time to get up." "Spoilsport!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ He got to work and was surprised how many people actually greeted Pippa, saying how nice it was to see her again and it set his mind to wondering just what he'd been like before. He got to know more of the staff as Pippa than he ever did as Chris and by Wednesday, he was sure that there were fewer people there that he didn't know than those he did. Wendy appeared shortly after his arrival. "I didn't think you'd be staying," she said. "Yes. Chris is going to be away for a while longer yet," he replied. "So you don't mind coming to work like that?" "Come in Wendy and close the door," he asked. She had a slight smile on her face and sat in front of Chris. "You know?" "What? You think I'm blind?" "The others?" "I don't think some people pay attention, but mostly, yes." "Alright. Do you know why I'm doing this?" "Yes." "How did you find out?" "I could already see what was going on, but Jamie confirmed it." "What?!" Chris was gob smacked. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I like you better like that. You're easier to get on with." "I don't believe this." "I shouldn't worry about it. I don't think anyone's going to give you any stick about it. You're the boss after all." "If you knew, do you think Bill will have spotted it too?" "Probably." "Oh God, I'm doomed. We're all doomed." He felt as though the world had just dropped out of his bottom (sorry, I think that SHOULD have been the other way round). He thought that no-one noticed and took his explanation that he was his sister, but it appears that he couldn't see the wood for the trees. His whole plan had backfired. For the rest of the day, he stayed in his office. He had plenty of work to be getting on with and had little or no reason to speak to anyone outside. He just couldn't wait to get home. He waited until everyone else had gone before he left the office. He was rolling drunk by the time Jess got home, sitting in his dressing gown, wig askew and needless to say, she was angry before she even knew what had happened. "What the fuck's going on?" she hissed. "I's had a bit of a jink," he said, one eye in the pot and the other up the chimney. "I can see that. Why." "Why not?" he said, raising his glass. She took the glass away from him and put it on the side. "What happened?" she said with that tone that implied that she knew something had happened and doubtless she wasn't going to like it. "They know." "Who knows what?" "Know I's Chris." "Oh shit." "'S funny. Thash what I said." "What's going to happen?" "I sink I's goin' a burp," he said, belching loudly, then keeled over sideways and proceeded to snore almost immediately. "Oh bugger," said Jess. It was about eight when he resurfaced, head pounding like Neal Peart's kick drum. The wig hair was plastered over his damp face; ironic, since only a short time before, he was the one that was plastered. Jess was on the phone and it sounded like it was to Jamie. She wasn't happy and by the tone of the conversation, neither was Jamie. Chris couldn't listen anymore, not that he could hear much. He could only hear what Jess was saying to Jamie about the state he was currently in. Anyway, he had other more pressing things to do, like calling God on the great white telephone. He arrived back downstairs looking extremely green and dishevelled. "How are you feeling honey?" "Like someone else has been using my brain and not put it back right." "It doesn't solve anything, you know, drinking." "Thanks. I'll bear that in mind." "Jamie told me all about it." "So what happened?" "Seems they all know and why too, more or less." "Yes. I got that from Wendy. I feel like crap." "I told you drinking wouldn't solve anything." "Not from the drinking; from work." "It's not over yet. You don't know what's going to happen there do you." "No, but if everyone at work could see through the disguise, then it's likely that Bill did too and I don't think it's going to sit too well." "Try not to think about it yet. Let's go to bed and perhaps you can sort it out in the morning." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next day, Chris was up at the crack of dawn using the solvent to remove the breasts from his chest and getting ready for work. When Jess joined him downstairs, he was in a business suit and looking like Pippa never happened. "Don't worry, Chris. Just take it as it comes," she said. He smiled back at her wanly. He arrived at work and went to his office. Some time later, a very shamefaced Jamie entered his office. "I know you're not happy with me, but it looked like so many already knew something was going on, I felt it was their right to know what it was." "I know. I was angry yesterday, but today I'm not. I was silly to think that I could pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I must have looked stupid." "No. I didn't know it was you until you said who you were, or that you were anything other than female. I think here was just too close to home perhaps. Maybe Bill won't have guessed." "I'm putting Bill straight today." "Don't. If we lose the contract, we lose the contract, but don't go putting your foot in it any further than it already is. Some of the people that have spoken to me, feel that if you've got to go to those lengths, then it isn't worth it." "Yes, but do they know their jobs are at stake if we don't get this contract?" "Er, no. I was a little selective about how much I told them." "Probably wise." No-one said anything about seeing the boss there as the boss and the rest of the day passed as though nothing had ever happened. Chris went home no lighter across the shoulders than he arrived. He was hoping to find out one way or the other, but obviously, SolTech were at liberty to consider all their options for as long as they wanted and anyway, Millennium had failed to get contracts before, what was the difference with this one? They desperately needed it. That was the difference. There was more on Chris's mind than the possibility of losing the contract for whatever reason. The fact was, that despite the short period of time he had been Pippa, he missed her, or rather missed being her. The morning had been almost solemn between him and Jess and he rued that. He missed the closeness Jess had with Pippa already, missed the fact that they told each other things that they didn't as Chris and Jess and they shared so much more that wasn't said. It felt like from the moment he expressed his feelings to Jess, everything changed. He probably didn't do the situation with his getting rat-arsed any favours, but it felt appropriate somehow although afterwards, he wished he hadn't. He knew that Jess felt at least partially responsible for the fix he found himself in and she was probably feeling just as bad as he was. The rest of the week went steadily down hill from that point. He was so wrapped up in his own problems that he failed to see that Jess was having a bad time too. She was hoping that he would be able to pull himself together, hoping that he would be able to draw from his experience as Pippa and bring that into his male self, although she didn't know how that would work. It was only a few days but it felt like an eternity. It was so difficult being with someone, but not at the same time. It seemed as though in taking off the breast forms, Chris also took off Pippa and not a trace of her remained. Sleeping with Chris didn't even feel the same anymore. Chris was having the same issues. He had taken off the clothes and the falsies and with them went the personality. He tried to be what he thought was the same with Jess, but it just didn't work. The snappy comments came out as though they were delivered with a machete in stead of a wry smile and he didn't know how he could change that. They say that clothes maketh the man, but in this case they were right. Well it made the girl, so they were nearly right. By Thursday, Jess and Chris weren't even speaking to one another. Being close in bed was a complete joke. They were both using mental guy ropes to keep from falling off the respective edges of the bed, leaving a space about the size of a football pitch in between them. Neither of them knew why and neither of them had the nerve to ask. Friday morning, they didn't speak and he went into the office feeling like the last man alive. He felt lonelier now than he had ever done in his life. After his outpouring of emotion and admissions the other night, he felt that he had pushed Jess away. He knew she liked him as Pippa. He guessed that if she could keep her instead of him, she would and it hurt. The fact that the two people were one and the same (well, sort of), didn't figure for either of them. It was like the way an actor can turn on the personality of someone else for a part and not even think about how they do it, but then afterwards, they take off the costume and the character disappears with it. Even if they can get the voice or the look, the costume does more to them than cover them with a disguise; it implants the character deep into the soul of the actor, making it believable. Who would have thought that Han Solo could be played by a man who when off the set could be the complete opposite to the character he was playing on it. It's the costume. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was now Friday and Chris felt awful. He hated the suit he was wearing, even though before Pippa, it was his favourite. He hated the shirt, hated the shoes and he hated even more the underwear and socks, which felt like they had been made for a scarecrow. As for the tie, well don't even go there. By ten o'clock, he was ready to call it a day. Jamie had been in a couple of times and could see he was distracted, though that really wasn't the right word and Jamie wasn't the only one who'd noticed. Everyone had acknowledged the fact that the ?Boss' was back even though they knew he was never really away. The person who had been in his place was lively and lovely and Wendy wasn't the only one who found Pippa easier to get along with than the person who was the current incumbent of that office. It was kind of like K-Pax - "Who's that" they all asked. "I'm sorry Jamie. Perhaps I'll be more together when we find out about SolTech." "Yes. That's probably what it is," replied Jamie, knowing full well that whatever had happened to Chris, had nothing to do with SolTech and probably had everything to do with Pippa. At midday, the phone rang. "Hi Bill," he said. "Can I speak to Pippa?" she asked. "No, I'm sorry, but Pippa's not here," he said, dreading what was coming. "When will she be back?" He knew she'd ask that question and he felt like this was it, that time when it all goes Pete Tong. "I don't think she'll be coming back," he said, a note of resignation in his voice. Hearing that last sentence coming out of his own mouth cut him to the quick. It sounded so final, so much like he was referring to a now deceased friend or family pet. "That is Chris isn't it?" "Yes." "I thought so. You miss her, don't you?" "More than you could imagine; more than I thought possible." "Oh I can imagine alright. I can remember when William first did just what you're doing now." "What?" "Didn't you know? Of course you wouldn't," she said with a chuckle. "I was William once. That's why I pushed so hard for Pippa. It had nothing to do with continuity. Christ, people come and go from jobs all the time. You can't guarantee that anyone's going to be there the next day, let alone in six months or a year's time." "You knew too?" "Well, obviously." "I don't believe this. Everyone knew and said nothing. I feel a complete dick." "Well don't. I think you did really well, you seemed so natural. Anyway, that's not really why I called. I'd like to make it at least semi official and tell you that SolTech would like to offer your company the opportunity of taking the project on - with or without Pippa, but I really hope to see her again." He didn't know what to say. He'd never have guessed that Bill used to be a Bill, rather William. He looked out of the office door. The office was all but empty, typical for a Friday afternoon. No-one would be back until Monday now, but this weekend was going to be fan-bloody-tastic! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Almost unable to contain his elation, Chris left his office and headed home. He was starting to giggle in the car, so many things going through his mind as he drove the twenty minute journey from work, images of him and Jess flooding his consciousness. At one point he nearly lost it completely, but he pulled himself together as he neared his house. He went inside and was so caught up in the phone call and the thought of everyone knowing that he was Pippa and not only apparently not being overly bothered, but actually expressing a preference for the feminine persona, that he didn't know what to do. In the bathroom as he was taking off his work clothes, he noticed the bottle of hair removal cream and he started to become excited as an idea formed. He disrobed and got the first stage of the idea in motion - hair removal. It was cold and he wished that he'd turned the central heating up before he started as he stood for the required time for the cream to do its work, then showered and applied the moisturiser. Next, he selected the clothes he wanted for the next stage. He brushed his hair back and fixed the wig in place before applying his makeup. It felt so good to be doing it again. It felt right, it made him smile and again he was accosted by a fit of the giggles as he thought about what he was doing, what had happened and what he planned to do. Once he was composed, he completed the application of the makeup and then went downstairs to the phone. "Hi, yes... I'd like a delivery of a big bouquet... Too late? Oh dear is there no way you can make an exception? I'm prepared to pay for the service... You will? Yes please, can you say it's from Pippa?" He concluded with a credit card number and hung up. He just couldn't stop giggling. Most of it he knew was as a result of getting the contract, but some of it was definitely due to Bill's words when suddenly all became clear. Anyway, stages one, two and three were now complete. Next? Chris got a chill run up and down his spine as he approached the front door, he wasn't sure he could go through with it. He checked himself in the mirror, looking for even the most minute of flaws, but he'd done as good a job on his appearance as he could, it wasn't going to get any better than that. He made his way across to his car and headed out. Next stop was the town centre. Returning to his car with surprises, candles, champagne and yet more flowers, he drove home with a self-satisfied look on his face. It wouldn't have happened at all if he hadn't remembered to withdraw some money from the hole in the wall before he hit the shops. He was quite a different person this time at the shops than he had been on Saturday with Jess and he was able to look about him, seeing the looks on the faces of the people that passed and even the teenage girls didn't give him a second glance. He felt empowered; felt good. God, he felt good. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Back home and the stage was set for a night of seduction and probably one or two apologies too, but the main thing was the seducing bit. First he changed into some nightwear Jess had expressed an interest in. Well actually, she couldn't keep her hands to herself when he wore it - perfect! Jess arrived back at home at her normal time and the house was in total darkness. Chris's car was in the drive, but there didn't seem to be any sound from the lounge and normally he would have said something when he heard the door open. She placed the huge bouquet that had been delivered to her place of work on the foot of the stairs while she hung her coat on the peg and opened the lounge door. What accosted her eyes at that moment brought tears to her eyes. The room was dark, well, subdued, lit only by a host of candles all around the room and directly in front of her stood Pippa. Jess was nearly in tears as Pippa came forward and took another large bouquet from behind her and 'presented' them to her. Jess's hands were shaking as she took them, tears already streaming down her face. "What's all this?" "For you," said Pippa smiling and shrugging. "I figure you went through just as much as Chris did this week and well, you know," she said blushing. "You sent the others to work?" "Yes." "I had so much explaining to do. Everyone wanted to know who Pippa was." "Yes, well I got some good news today and some rather enlightening news, but that can wait. I've run you a bath that should still be a nice temperature and I think you should go and relax. Maybe afterwards, you could slip into something er, more suitable?" "Okay, but first..." said Jess pulling Pippa towards her and taking her in her arms. "I've missed you," she said, the tears still rolling down her cheeks, but now the smile was more apparent. They hugged for a few moments, before Pippa initiated a kiss. Pippa could feel Jess tremble. She could feel the knees buckling as they kissed and it just made her take it a step further, increasing the pressure and the va-va-voom, squeezing Jess hard against her breasts and moving up the passion scale by a factor of about ten. "Holy..." whispered Jess, as they broke away from one another. Pippa smiled and waved her away. Jess didn't know what had hit her. Part of her wanted to stay and get into Pippa's panties and the other part wanted the whole scene to play out. In the end with a little sigh, she went upstairs to the bedroom. On the bed, Pippa had laid out several 'outfits' and any lingerie that needed to go with it. "My goodness!" she gasped. "This is something new." She chosed one and put the rest away then went into the bathroom which had been bedecked with flowers and candles. The water was perfect, topped off with a deep, sweet-smelling foam. Pippa was downstairs and in due course, Jess entered and nearly took Pippa's breath away. The 'outfit' was nightwear and all but transparent, even in the half-light produced by the candles. She nearly lost control there and then and the champagne cork went off unexpectedly, making both of them jump, then laugh. "Drink?" asked Pippa. "Love one." The two lovers sat side by side on the sofa and sipped their champagne, the talk was soft and both of them more or less reaffirmed their vows, promising not to ever go to bed angry like they did the night before. "So what was the news?" asked Jess. "We got the contract," said Pippa, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Oh, I'm so pleased. I told you not to worry. What was the other news?" "Oh just that Bill was Bill before she was Bill." "?" "William was Bill or rather Bill was William before, something like that. She said that she recognised what I was going through and that's why she thought Pippa should stay. It's weird, but he went through something similar a kind of discovery, but tried to switch it off. I guess sometimes if you turn something on, you can't turn it back off again." "So there's no need for Pippa to be at work anymore?" "Oh yes there is. I don't feel right as Chris. However short a space of time it has been, I don't want to go back. Pippa's here to stay. If you don't mind that is." "Mind?!" she said grabbing Pippa and drawing her close, laughing with more tears coursing their way down her face. "I wished you would, I just didn't want to make it difficult for you," said Jess emphatically. "Thank you," said Pippa. From then on, she couldn't keep her hands to herself, reaching a slightly trembling hand towards her wife, Jess taking a slight sharp intake of breath as Pippa's fingertips gently traced a line from her chin, down her lovely neck and over her nipples; Jess's trembling returning as she reached forward to touch Pippa in a similar fashion. Within seconds, they were in each others arms and hands were sliding up and down the silky material of the clothing both were wearing, Jess snaking her hand up under the hem of Pippa's gossamer gown, up towards that area of silken gauze that covered her nether regions. It was Pippa's turn to gasp as fingers stroked and probed at her most sensitive area. She returned the favour, brushing across Jess's barely covered flesh, sliding her hand languidly from there to her breasts over her already heaving chest, finding those dark pink nubs and tracing her fingers tantalisingly over the top of them. Jess's breathing became ragged, her trembling more pronounced as Pippa traced her fingertips back down towards Jess's stomach and onwards to the secrets below. It wasn't long before Pippa took Jess's hand and led her upstairs to the bedroom where things progressed slowly, sensuously, neither wanting the moment to end and all the while, it felt like it was the first time, everything so new, so intoxicating and so right. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Like I said at the beginning, this was last year and Chris is no longer seen. He now lives full time as Pippa, has already started a course of hormones and his breasts are currently driving him up the wall, being at that sensitive stage where they are neither one thing nor the other and the slightest movement causes him to hit the ceiling. That aside, he and Jess are both looking forward to the time when the breast forms can be discarded for good, which they both hope, will be soon. As for the rest of the transformation, they're not too sure about that. Pippa is not uncomfortable with still having 'manhood' and Jess isn't sure she wants to lose that aspect either, although with their sex play, sometimes she wonders what it would be like and after all, there are some wonderfully realistic replicas on the market nowadays. THE END.

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Jammal Scotts looked out the window of the bus he was traveling on. It was starting to get dark outside and he was cold. It seemed only yesterday that it was a hot afternoon and he was graduating from high school in Phoenix. He had a lot on his mind, namely, where he was going to sleep tonight. He had come to visit his brother for two weeks while his parents were visiting relatives in Georgia. However, his brother had been incarcerated when he arrived,...

4 years ago
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Curing My Aunt8217s Back Pain

This happened sometime back when I was staying with my paternal Uncle. His family includes his wife and his toddler son. Though I did find her to be very attractive I never wanted to do anything sexual with my Aunt. One day when my Uncle, a doctor was away, my Aunt asked me to help her to clean up his clinic which was located in the ground floor of the house. It was a rectangular room with a table in one corner and an examination bed in the middle of the room. While bending down to pick up a...

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Look But Dont Touch

She swayed into the room atop six-inch platform high-heeled, thigh high patent boots. The boots were worn over black stockings, the tops of which were slightly higher on her thighs, attached to garters that disappeared under panties. She wore her garter belt under the panties so she could pull her panties off for easy access to her pussy without having to remove her garter, stockings, or boots. A deep blue corset covered her midsection, pushing her tits up and making them fuller than her...

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Kristi Sold and Bought

SynopsisBecause of her behaviour, her father sells her on a month’s trial as a slave to the owner of a store where she’s caused much disruption. She pays a painful price for it. More pain follows when she returns home before she is sold again.  Kristi, Sold and Boughtby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

1 year ago
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Hawaiian Valentines Lei For Daddy

Friday, February 8th, New Hampshire "Is this the famous artist Katherine O'Malley?" were the first words I heard when I picked up the phone that cold February day. "Daddy?" I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. "How's the weather over there in sunny New Hampshire these days?" he asked in his deep, unmistakable voice, the smiling, teasing tone clear. "You're watching the weather channel aren't you?" I accused grumpily as I lifted my eyes to my apartment window...

4 years ago
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“Good morning yourself,” said Jamie. “How’d you sleep?” “I slept fine.” I said. I had slept okay so I wasn’t lying. “Want some breakfast?” she said to me. “Yes please.” I was definitely starving. We got up and Jamie cooked a fabulous breakfast. She lived next door so she went and got Audrey and Austin up and brought them over for breakfast too. We had eggs and bacon and sausages. It was amazing! “Any plans for today Mr. Brown?” said Austin. “Good question Austin. I was thinking we could...

3 years ago
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Sleeping with Beauty part 2

Prince had located Beauty and was just getting the feel of things, before kissing her lips to awaken her from her deep slumber. He now felt that Beauty was urging instruction to his fingers to roam even further, in fact much further he told himself.Prince gently lifted the hem of her dress to clearly expose her shimmering white, silk panties. Panties which clung closely to her skin to follow the contours of her crotch. He could see Beauty's tight groove being expressed clearly by them. He...

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The Switch

From D to s Rita discovered the world of BDSM about a year ago but had not really hadmuch experience in it until about 6 months ago when she put her profile upon Alt. She didn't really know whether she was a sub or Domme, but she reallyenjoyed the idea of control and submission. She was very much in charge ofthings in her vanilla life, where she owned her own business with a small staff.So she was very used to controlling others and seeing to their welfare. Soit was only natural for her to...

1 year ago
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Jess and I

Well hear I am, never thought I would be here writing to you about something that actually happen to me. To start with I guess you could say I am bi, Yet my story involves no man. Just myself and a woman every man should be so lucky to hold. Will call her Jess for now. Jess and I started talking over the internetthrough craigslist. Yeah I hear you all, anyway she was someone to talk to. And I could talk to her about anything. Because frankly I would never come face to facewith her anyway. I...

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BlacksOnCougars Jasmine Jae 06292019

Jasmine is a hot housewife. She and her friends have gotten together and started a new game. They are competing with each other to see who can fuck the most guys in a week. Currently she has six points. While out that morning, she sees a flyer with two hot trainers offering up their services. She decides a twofer would put her ahead and calls them up. She lures them to her home and takes them to her personal gym where they start to go over her goals and workouts. She makes it very clear from...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 63 More Honeymoon

Tuesday Week 32 Kellie woke, at first wondering who this man was who had his face between her legs, but soon remembered and her hands went behind, Peter's head, holding him against her sex, enjoying the sensations he was delivering to her. But she was even happier when he took his mouth away and replaced it with his erection, which slid easily into her aroused and eager vagina, before then thrusting in and out of her as he held her tight against his body. She wrapped her arms around him,...

3 years ago
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Family that plays together 4

radio her sole companion. Understandably, Donna Howell was weary. Add the facts that she had slept restlessly the previous night, had left much later than anticipated, was now traveling over an unfamiliar road, and it was not hard to understand that the blonde schoolteacher was slightly irritable as well. It was an exhausted Donna Howell who finally stumbled into the lobby of the Ahwahnee Hotel, inquired about her family, and dutifully followed the bag-toting bell captain across...

2 years ago
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The Education of Kim Chapter 3

By Kim The rest of my summer between high school and college flew by quickly with Jon and I screwing like rabbits at every available opportunity. The week before Labor Day we said goodbye and headed off to college. He left for a school in the Midwest and my parents drove me to Boston. I knew I would miss Jon on several levels – we were really good friends and he had been my only lover. During the trip to Boston I decided it would be fun to be a virgin again. I moved into the freshman...

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Mothers Forbidden PassionChapter 4

Bette awoke in the guest room a few minutes before nine the next morning, stretching languidly, the sheets cold and sweet smelling against her naked body. Sunlight slanted in through the partially drawn blinds over the window, falling across her eyes, and she raised one arm to shield out the bright light. As she lay there, the events of the preceding evening returned vividly to her mind. She dwelled for a moment on the frenzy of passion which had been generated between her and her...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

I wanted him so badly. It was amazing to think how much I wanted him despite the fact he was taken. I was seventeen but I had wanted him for so long. I felt he was attracted to me as well- he would joke with me and look at me in a way that left no doubt in my mind that there was something between us. When I heard he had broken up with his girlfriend I knew that that this was my chance and I had to use it. He was older than me by a few years and much more experienced- what with me being a...

First Time
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Culture ShockChapter 21

Elaine trotted to the bathroom, her anxiety mounting. Quickly she used the toilet, cleaned thoroughly and washed her hands and her new plug. Her excitement was evident in the reflection above the sink. Her nipples were so hard. She couldn't believe she was going to do this now. Looking at her watch, Elaine noted she was down to twenty-five minutes. She had second thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't do this... What if someone comes home? She sighed and dried everything off. In two minds, she...

3 years ago
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Set Your Phone To Vibrate

I clicked the green button, and her video window appeared on my laptop. She held up her phone for me to see, switched it to silent, gave it a kiss, and then winked at me as she reached down out of frame. I knew she was putting the phone between her thighs. She was sitting at her desk at work. I could see her office behind her, the window with a view of trees in the park, and a bookshelf full of binders. She was wearing a white button-up shirt with a camisole on under it, and a black skirt. Her...

Office Sex
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Night Wolf Ch 03

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Translations: Nénáasêstse: Come here He’kotoo’êstse: Be quiet Hámêstoo’e: Sit down (plural, spoke to more than one person) Méseestse: Eat Tâhéovešêstse: Go to sleep (or Get some sleep)...

2 years ago
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Friends with benefits

This is my first story; I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to comment, and please give constructive criticism. Thank you. Jane is a 16-year-old girl who is very confident with her body and knows how to mess with boys' heads at school. She’s about 5'2" tall and has well-shaped legs to complement her sexy, curvy body even at her age, a set of C cup tits and a nice round ass. Not bad for white girl! She has beautiful dark long hair that falls just past her...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 10

After a whole night of hardcore sex, spending the day on horseback was the last thing Noah, Valia, and Elisandra wanted. Still, if they didn’t make it back to Sylphtoria before nightfall, the elves would assume the worst and send an army to find the queen, so they had to tough it out. Before leaving, they took their time in the purification pool to cleanse their bodies, clothes, and the blanket. They didn’t want the sharp-nosed elves wondering why the trio smelled suspiciously like cum....

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Temporary Release

Robert flashed his badge to security and took the lift to the sixth floor, checking himself out in the mirror as he ascended. He was in uncommonly high spirits for a Monday morning, looking forward to an easy week of training temps. Alyssa being one of them.Alyssa had come from the agency a week ago. A young, wide-eyed blonde who genuinely seemed unaware of her allure. She didn’t dress provocatively, but her curves would have turned heads under a bin liner. She didn’t flaunt them, though, which...

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It all started with that sms, on the 14 February around 11:00am. Judy was just on her way out to get some milk and fruit at the corner shop, when she got the sms. ‘I’ll pick you up at 8:00pm. To a night, to unlock floodgates of desire.’ She had no idea of who this sms came from. The number was not in her phone list. What now? She thought. So she sent a message back. ‘I think you have the wrong number, sorry I don’t recall this number on my cell.’ Not long after she sent it, she got a reply...

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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake

------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a restaurant on the boat and had a nice lunch alone, thinking about what all had happened. Needless to say, I ordered several strong drinks and I was quite buzzed by mid afternoon. I headed back to toward the room, my thoughts gathered, I had the intention of ending this. Though we had five days left together on the cruise, I was worried. If the sex was going to continue, I...

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Hot Mom And ISS Reader

After publishing the story about me and my friends making a short film with my mom, many guys contacted me. I became friends with some. But one guy was so desperate to meet us. His name was Aravind. Arvind wanted to talk with my mom first. I had no issues in it and asked my mom to talk to him. After talking to him for once, my mom said that she was kinda into him. Then he started talking to my mom regularly. She liked him too. Arvind was so desperate to meet us. After so many missed chances, he...

4 years ago
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Slushpile RomancesChapter 5 Hooray for Hollywood

Wolfe took Gene's advice. He called the studio and was told he'd be contacted with the tickets and all necessary information. In short order, he was on the train out to the West Coast in the solitary luxury of a Pullman cabin. At Los Angeles he was greeted by a studio representative and driven in style to the studio Hollywood offices. Once the greetings and publicity photos were taken, they got down to business. They gave Wolfe a contract to sign for his services on the screenplay for...

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BethChapter 24

July 15, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written July 16] I woke to the mattress moving under me. I cracked my eyes, but I was facing away from the motion. I turned my head and saw roughly what I expected to see. Heather was on hands and knees, her ass in the air and her face buried between Rhee’s legs. I decided to help things along by slurping Rhee’s right nipple into my mouth. Rhee let out a sigh-moan, and her right arm came around and held my head to her tit. I put my right hand on her left tit...

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"How was your meal this evening, Mrs Letterman?" the waiter asked as he placed a cup of coffee in front of her. "It was perfect as it always is here, Mario. You can tell the chef I'd like to take him home with me. I've never been disappointed with a meal here yet." Thank you, Mrs Letterman. Karl will be pleased. He takes a lot of pride in his work." Out of the corner of her eye, Mrs Letterman was watching a man, who had been sitting over the other side of the dining room, slowly...

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Her So Called Life

HER SO CALLED LIFE BY PAUL G. SUTRAS "So Jason, what would you like for your eighth birthday?" Amy asked as she pushed the shopping cart dressed in a white blouse, gray blazer and matching skirt with black stockings and three inch heels. "A dress," replied Jason. "What?" Amy asked her son as she stopped the buggy quickly. She watched Jason run down the isle of birthday decorations. "And these," Jason continued as he put Barbie image paper plates, party hats, napkins and table...

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Vacation With Teens Episode 3 The Camping Site

This is a new story of our little series called "Vacation With Teens", which is a true story and actually happened. While the writer (Hailie) still decided to include some fiction just to make the story even more enjoyable.You can find the earlier episodes by going to our profile and check out the "Sex Stories" section.Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 3 - The Camping SiteShe was the first to spot them. "Over there." Emilia said....

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PervMom Alexis Fawx Afternoon Snacking On My Stepson

My stepmom loves to bother my friends and I. We were just trying to relax and watch tv until she showed up in a revealing dress and started distracting us. We usually don’t mind this, but she decided to give me a cock massage right in front of my best friend! This is usually something we do in private, but she handled it with candor. I could not keep a straight face when she began to blow me. My friend could tell that I felt like the man, and he definitely was not wrong. Things got even...

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Strange Surroundings

It seems like a normal morning as you wake up until you open your eyes and do not recognize anything in the room you are in. That includes the night clothes you have on. As soon as your feet hit the floor a voice comes over what seems to be a loud speaker in your room. This voice says, "Now that everybody in the building is awake the challenge is started. Here are the rules: there is one and only one way out of the building and you have to find it and leave the building in under 48 hours,...

Mind Control
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Graduation Day

This is another story of Zach and Kyle. After me and Kyle’s hot escapades in the locker room we fell in even more love, we both were horny all the time and pleasuring each other was no problem. We were in love, and nothing would break us apart. We hadn’t told anyone about it yet so we kept it a secret. Well it was the end of our senior year in high school when we got caught for having sex. We were getting ready for graduation the day before graduation actually started. Well me and Kyle finally...

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Lost FoundChapter 57

Brian Henson joined Chip, Christian, Tanner, Damian and me Monday afternoon to work on our pass routes and timing. I was pleased Brian had taken my advice. Tanner Riggs stepped up his game a bit too when he saw Brian out working with Chip. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with Tanner being pushed to excel. I found time to talk to Chip Monday evening after class about the summer. "Hey, Chip, my brother Will was wondering what you are planning to do this summer," I said. "He and I...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Plaything

Jennifer's Plaything By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most people would call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home from work on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner and vegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in a technical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eight hours of dealing with frustrating customers. I stopped by the...

4 years ago
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It Started Here

The story is about myself and started when I was a boy 8 years of age. Family life for me was not the best, with a single parent alcoholic with no real time for me, so I took every opportunity to escape and by this I mean looking for affection wherever it was to be had. This meant that I would do errands for most of all the elderly people in my immediate area, shopping, collect their newspapers, walk dogs etc. and even help prepare meals for them. I had no real friends and found it very...

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Cousin Ki Friend Ke Saath Mazedaar Sex

Hi this is mayank. Privacy ke liye saare naam badal raha huun. Story ki baat karuun toh most sexiest story hogi aapke liye mera vaada hai yeh bas jo bhi mai likhunga usko imagine karna. It happens to me in this summer vacations. Meri 1st year ki summer vacations start hi hui thi aur mai apne ghar aaya.1-2 din baad meri cousin shivani (nane changed) ne muje phone karke kasauli bhulaya. Vo har saal bhulati thi aur mai bahane hi banata tha. Par is baar mai chala gya socha hill station dekh lunga....

2 years ago
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Raising Grades

    Sitting in English one day staring into the distance, my teacher comes by me and starts talking to me about my weekend. I try to shrug off the questions with effortless one word answers and as least eye contact as possible. My teacher tells me that he is quite disappointed with my grade and that he would like me to stay after school today and have me make up a few assignments. At first I protest, and then finally agree to come.    After school I walk into his classroom and realize that he...

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Overboard TooChapter 24

"Rob! What?" Kay grabbed my arm as George bent to pick up my phone. Hope it survives my dropping it! I looked at her and said the first thing that popped into my mind. "Gotta figure out something else for a honeymoon trip, babe." She just looked at me, not really comprehending what I was saying. "I mean, Nocturne's gone. That was Gary on the phone. Somebody just blew up our boat." Kay and Laurel both gasped in shock. "Nooooooo!" moaned Kay, and Laurel sagged against the Escape....

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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 27

Deena’s turn: Deena’s horny. I’m in the car with Haley; this afternoon’s schedule calls for us to make a stop at the beautician for haircuts. Horny? I know myself. Two days before my period, that’s MY peak. Haley’s is a few days AFTER hers. Bill? We keep him pretty much worn down, but he’s at HIS horniest when he walks into the house after being out of town overnight. Oh, wait ... I’m supposed to be thinking about my academic progress and intersocial relationships or music and...

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Cum hungry paper boy sissy

Cum hungry paper boy sissyWhen I was thirteen our next door neighbor Pat offered me a summer jobhelping him deliver papers and magazines. I quickly said yes and myfoster parents agreed. I liked Pat a lot as he always patted my ass whenVance and Liz were doing something when he came over for dinner as hesmiled and winked. I loved the way it felt and smiled back as my cock gothard.I was light build and kept my long blonde hair in a pony tail and alwayswore cut off jean shorts. I had also been...

4 years ago
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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 16

TIFFANY Once he started, I didn't want him to stop. My body squirmed and wiggled under his tongue as he toyed with my nipples. He had no mercy but I wasn't looking for any right now. My wrists chafed and my arms ached from their position but I forgot that when his lips wrapped around one of my nipples, teasing it hard. I arched my back when he gently sucked on it ... feeling a jolt of pleasure spread through me. I knew I shouldn't be liking it ... I should be pissed off at what he'd done...

2 years ago
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Couples Desire

Mike and Anna were an attractive, mid-twenties couple who had no reason to look elsewhere for pleasure. They had been married a couple of years and both were completely happy in their relationship. Sure, they had their ups and downs, as every couple does, but they never considered their relationship to be anything but healthy. That being said, they were also an open-minded couple, and one of the things they both fantasized about was sex with other people. They openly discussed this with one...

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Lilliahna Zac Ch 03

*Hey guys, sorry this has taken so long to put up, i had university exams then my net died at home. I have a few chapters ready though. Hope you like them. :)* ~*~ Lilliahna ~*~ ‘Mum? Dad? I’m home,’ I called out as I headed for the kitchen. No one answered and the house was quiet so I figured that no one was home. Then I found the note telling me that they had gone to Grandma’s for tea and that they hopefully wouldn’t be too late. ‘Looks like I’m home alone,’ I said as I looked up from the...

2 years ago
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Getting Married tomorrow Chapter 2

Joy slugged down her drink and asked if would get her another. “Sure.” I replied, “But start going easy on the booze. I have been making these quite strong and mellow is OK but getting sloshed is going to ruin your night.” I showed her to the room and told her to get up on the table and relax, but to keep the robe on till I got back, as she didn’t want to get cold. I went to the kitchen and while mixing up the Vodka, Trixie came in and told me she had phoned Ivan, he was still up at the...

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