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Out of my element

I look out the window and shake my head. Once again the residents of Massena are

waging war with Mother Nature, and as always she’s kicking our collective asses. The

Village and Town Highway Departments are trying their best to keep the roads clean

and salted, but the snow and rain is just too much. I walk over to the counter and grab

my list. Being born and raised in the North Country I know what to expect this winter.

They are predicting that this Ice Storm is going to be worse than that of the 1998 Ice

Storm and give the fact that a lot of people were 2 weeks without power this is going

to be hell.

I walk slowly out to my Jeep Wrangler silently thanking the wonderful people we

invented 4-wheeled drive. Not that it’s going to do much good on ice. Once inside and

the engine going I turn on the radio to hear the weather report and head to the nearest

store to buy supplies.

“And now our local weather report. Once again we can expect more rain straight

through into next week, with temperatures hovering just below freezing during the day.

At night however the temperature may drop well below zero. It looks like we are in for a

bad Ice Storm Ladies and Gentleman” The weatherman said.

“Great” I say to myself as continue listening to the radio an emergency broadcast

comes on. “Residents of the follow Towns are advised that the roads are now being

closed. Brashier Falls, Canton, Depry, Ellis, Hogansburg, Louisville, Massena,

Norwood, Potsdam, Raymondville, Sandfordville, Westville, and Union City. There is to

be no unnecessary travel. People on the roads now should return home as soon as

possible. If you need to go somewhere please contact your local Police Department

and explain why you need to leave. Only emergency and road crews are allowed on

the roads at this time. Once again…” I turn the radio off. Just great, well I’m out and I

need these supplies.

I pull into the store and quickly got what I needed. Lucky me I got everything on my list

just not as much as I wanted. Everyone had the same idea I had. I got back in the Jeep

and started to head home. I live about 5 miles outside of the village. I drive to the turn

off I need to take to get back home when I look down and see a tree laying in the

middle of the road. The sheer weight of the ice had brought it down taking a few power

lines with it. I laugh to myself thinking Mother Nature 2, Massena 0. A normal 10 minute

trip is going to take 3 times as long with this weather assuming I could take the main

road. Taking the back roads is going to be longer and possibly more dangerous. As I

enter the countryside I notice a car in the ditch and its owner standing on the side of

the road. “Oh this is not good” I pull over to offer the person some help. This isn’t going

to be a good time to be stranded, especially out here.

“Do you need some help?” I ask to anyone.

“Oh yes please” a female voice answers back.

I see the woman walking towards my jeep. I really couldn’t make her out. Her face

covered up from the cold. She was clearly shaking from the cold. Who knows how long

she has been out here. “What happened to your vehicle?” I ask.

“I don’t know. This is the first time I have tried to drive up here. I must have hit a patch

of ice and lost control.” She says.

“More than likely, how long have you been out here?”

“3 hours I think. I’ve tried to call someone but my cell phone isn’t working.”

“It isn’t going to work in this mess. The ice may have knocked some of them down, and

the others may have lost power. Listen your shivering, why don’t you warm yourself up

in my jeep while I take a look at your car. If I can pull you out I will, but I wouldn’t count

on it. It might be too deep and slippery to try.”

“Thank you but I’m fine”

“Ok, but if you get cold please go sit inside” I start walking down towards her car when

I hear one of my doors open and shut. I look back and see the mystery woman in my

jeep. I figure she would warm herself up. It’s wouldn’t be so cold if it wasn’t for the

damn rain. I take a quick look, and shake my head. She hit a patch of ice alright and

went into the ditch deep. The white paint job of what appears to be a BMW clashed

with the snow just right. Her entire front in is buried and the path her car took into the

dig is ice over. Nothing sort of a high powered wench is getting her out right now. I

head back to the truck, open the drive side door and stood there to talk to her.

“I’m sorry miss; I’m not going to be able to get you out. You’re going to have to have

something high powered to get out of there.” I tell her

“Is there someone I can call?” she asks

“Sure, problem is Mother Nature is kicking our butts. All roads have been closed. The

only ones I can call right now are the police and have them take you to an emergency


“I see. Well thank you but no thanks I’ll just wait it out then.” She says as she gets out of

my jeep.

I couldn’t believe this woman. She is definitely not from around here. I quickly rush over

to her and place my hand on her shoulder to stop her. When I did I realize just how cold

she must be. Her coat was soaked, definitely not good. “Hey wait a second here. I’m

not sure you realize what a mess you’re in. This storm is going to last at least a week,

maybe two. You will freeze to death before you die of starvation.”

“I don’t want the police involved. At least not yet, please you have to understand. If you

call the police and they put me in a shelter it will be so embarrassing. My life would be

ruined” as she pleaded with me. I could almost hear her cry. She might actually been

crying. The rain and the scarf are making it hard to tell.

“Alright, but I can’t leave you out here. My house is just a little ways down the road. Why

don’t I take you there, you will at least have a warm shelter, and some hot food. I

promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Ok. Can I bring my bags with my clothes?”

“My dear unless you plan on wearing my clothes I think you should. Last Ice Storm we

had, the roads were closed for about 3 weeks.

“Thank you; you are a life saver in many ways ummmm?”

“Kyle. Kyle Cook.” I tell her offering her my hand.

“I’m Amy” she says as she takes my hand.

I tell Amy to get into the jeep and warm up. She hands me her keys and says her bags

are in the back. I watch as she gets back into the jeep. Something about this woman

doesn’t fit, I think someone has done this girl harm and doesn’t want to be found. I grab

her bags, load them into the jeep and I take us home. Once home I help her with her

bags and instruct her to change out of her wet clothes into some dry ones, while I bring

in my stuff. I finish bring in my stuff and I see Amy still dressed the way she was when I

picked her up.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Oh Kyle, You have been so kind to me, I’m just scared of what you will think when you

see me.”

“It’s ok Amy. What is important is getting you into some dry clothes before you catch


“Ok please don’t freak out” I watch as she turns around. She removes her scarf,

followed by her hat. Her coat she slowly unzips and takes off. Keeping her face away

from me, she tries to hand me her stuff and I grab them from her. She lowers her head

and turns around. Slowly she looks up at me.

“My full name is Amy…”

“Koyuki, star of many blockbuster films” I finish for her. That explains something right

there. The tabloids would have a field day if they learned of what happened. Don’t

worry your secret is safe with me.

“You’re not upset? Or are you going to be like those guys I see all the time that hound

me when I go to the store wanting this and that?”

“Nope, that’s night me. I’m not upset and I am not one of those guys. Most I would do if

I say you one the street is probably say hi and tell you if I liked your new movie. I

believe there is a time and place for that kind of stuff. Red carpet type events that’s the

time and place, you being or at least trying to be a normal human being is not.”

Amy smiles and laughs, “I must have good karma to it lead me to the one man who’s

different in a good sort of way.”

“You sure about that because I was going to ask you to make yourself at home and if

you feel like helping out, go right ahead” I say with a light laugh.

“Of course I will help out, now you said something about dry clothes?”

“Yep, follow me and I’ll show you to your room.” I walk upstairs and show Amy the guest

bedroom is. “The bathroom is the first door on the left. Sorry about your room being

next to the stairs and that we have to share a bathroom.”

“It’s fine. I really can’t complain. It’s probably better than the shelter or my car.” She

says with a smile.

I leave her to change while I head downstairs to put things way. Amy comes down

about 5 minutes later. Standing at 5 foot 3, with shoulder length jet black hair, this

Japanese beauty had on a pair of grey sweat pants and matching sweat shirt. I figure

her for a 32C. I have seen many of her movies. I especially love her movie Escape to

Nowhere, since she was remarkably hot in that bikini showing off her tight ass and slim

body. I however am 6 foot with an average build, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I have

been told in the past that I am not much to look at by the single ladies, yet the ones

who are taken say I’m handsome.

“I hope you like chicken parmesan. I had thawed the chicken out this morning.”

“I honestly never had it, what is it?”

“Well its breaded chicken cooked in tomato sauce with melted mozzarella cheese

over it.”

“Mmm sounds good, can I help?”

“Sure, see if we have some pasta in the pantry; if so bring me a box”

Amy goes and comes back with a box of ziti. Good choice since I never use all of the

sauce. Most of the prep work is easy. I have Amy sit down as I tell her how to make it.

As I cover the pan and place it in the oven, I let her know we have to cook the chicken

for 45 minutes then place the cheese on it and cook it for another 15 minutes without

the cover on. We walk to the living room and we talk. Even after dinner was finished

and sat to eat we talk. In that hour we learned a lot about each other. I learned that she

was 24 and had been acting and modeling all her life, loves to garden and is a fourth

generation Japanese American.

“You got me beat. I am a second generation Italian American. My grandfather came

over from Italy when he was a baby.”

“So your 26 live alone and help strange women on the side of the road. What do you

do for work?”

“Promise not to laugh?”

“I promise”

“I am a video game tester for Game Informer Magazine. I get paid to play video games

and tell them what I think about them. I also test games for game designers looking for


“So you’re a video game nerd, can cook, and yet kind, sweet, and good looking a

weird but good combo”

I laugh “Not many tell me I’m good looking, ugly and Ok, but not good looking.”

“Awe but they saw beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I happen to think you’re very


“That’s sweet. I know your hear this a lot but I think you’re sexy not just in looks but I

love your personality.”

“Yeah well not everyone likes my personality, just my looks, but thank you. That means

a lot to me.”

“You’re welcome. I’m sure your life is chaotic, auditioning for parts, learning your lines,

and so on.”

I knew I said something wrong because I could see tears in her eyes. I placed a hand

on her forearm and apologies to her.

“It’s ok Kyle. It’s just that everyone is thinking I am some sort of sex pot. I was offered a

lead role in 2 movies for 6 million dollars each but I turned them down.”

“How come, if you don’t mind me asking that is?”

“One movie required me to have multiple nude scenes, one of them being a major sex

seen. I didn’t feel comfortable doing those and told them that. The other, the director

wanted me to sleep with him. I told him no way. He then told me to have sex with him or

no part. I walked out and so no thank you. I talked to my so called manager and she

told me I should have done it. After all everyone does it. ”

“That’s horrible” I tell her.

“I know that’s why I left and drove all the way over here. I figured I needed some time to

myself and that’s one of the reasons why I didn’t want the police involved yet. I knew my

manager would track me down and just hound me”

After hearing this I feel bad for Amy. Yes she’s smoking hot, but nobody should get

parts based on their bodies or have to sleep with a director. It was getting late and the

kitchen was cleaned up. I was about to put a movie on when the power went out. I grab

my flashlights, handed one to Amy and I quickly check the breakers knowing that it was

the storm that took out the power and I was right.

Amy decided to head to bed since she’s had a long day. I gave Amy an extra blanket

to cover up with incase she got cold. Lucky for us my place has a fireplace to keep the

house warm. I light it up and get it nice going before I turn in. As I walk up the stairs

past Amy’s room I hear a soft sigh. I didn’t think anything of it until I walk past her room

and I hear her moan softly. Well if she wants to rub one off who am I to complain,

granted I think it’s sexy. I walk into the bathroom and pee before walking to my room.

As I enter my room I get on my bed and cover up. I listen to the freezing rain pound on

the windows. This is going to be a long storm.

I awoke in the middle of the night because I was cold. I went down to the fire place and

put another log on it. On my way back upstairs Amy walked out of her room. She was

dress wearing an almost see through nighty. Her nipples clearly hard enough to cut a

diamond, I quickly am the flashlight downward. “I’m sorry Amy I didn’t mean to wake

you or shin the light in your face”

Amy stood there in silence, a small smile forms across her lips and her eyes were

staring down at the light. I looked down and realize why she’s so quiet. All I had on was

a pair of old pajama pants and my 6 inch cock sticking straight up. I quickly turn around

and apologies.

“It’s ok Kyle You have nothing to be embarrassed about we are two adults. Besides I

said you have seen my movies so I know you have seen me in less than this without

seeing me naked.” As she smiles and takes one more look at my hard member before

she starts heading to the bathroom. I quickly rush into my room and back into bed and

fell asleep.

The next morning I got up early and went downstairs to check the fire. It was down

again so I placed another log on the fire to warm the house back up. An hour later Amy

came down, I can feel my face turn red. She had on another jogging outfit.

“Once again Amy I am sorry about last night” I tell her

“It’s ok Kyle no harm no foul, besides you have nothing to be embarrassed about, from

what I saw any girl would be lucky to have that.”

I could feel my face getting redder with embarrassment. I have to look away. I am not a

virgin by any means, but this was the nicest thing any girl has said to me. We went

about the day as normal. No power yet, but both Amy and I were able to find things to

do. Hours turned into days and before we know it a week had gone by and we finally

got power back. Amy and I were having a good time. We never got tired of each

other’s company. As I was cooking dinner I sent Amy up to take her first hot shower in

a week. I walk upstairs to let her know dinner was done. Her door was open and the

shower was off. I figure she just got out of the shower. As I walk past her room I see

movement inside. I look in and there was Amy in her room naked. She looked even

more beautiful. Her dark color nipples still dripping water as she dries off her legs. Her

wonderful Japanese pussy is almost bare. She left a nice small landing strip. I couldn’t

help but wanting to be a pilot landing his cock on that strip. I turn away and cleared my


“Sorry Amy I didn’t realize you were in here, I just came to tell you dinner’s ready Amy” I

tell her.

“Ok Kyle I’ll be down in a second” she said as she closed her door.”

Amy comes down and we have a peaceful dinner full of laughs and stories. As I got up

to clear the table, Amy hops up and helps me. She puts her dishes in the sink and

quickly turns to me as I place mine in the sink. I look at her and she grabs my head and

pulls me down and quickly kisses my lips. Her lips were soft and sweet. I couldn’t help

but open my mouth and slide my tongue into her mouth. She moans in my mouth softly.

Our kiss broke and we look into each other’s eyes.

“Kyle I have wanted to do that for days now. You are the most caring and sweetest guy

I have met. I have grown so close to you this past week. You have become my best

friend, you treat me like a normal person, and more importantly you have opened my

heart and crawled inside it. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve fallen in love with you”

Amy says as tears come to her eyes.

“Shhh Amy there is no need for tears” I say as I hold her close.

“I’m just hope you feel the same way. I’m so scared I’m going to get hurt”

I tilt her head up and kiss her again deeply and passionately as I can. “What does that

tell you?”

“That you love to kiss me.” She says with a hint of a smile.

“That and I feel the same way about you” as I slowly move in for another kiss. My hands

start to explore her body. She is so soft and warm against me. I break our kiss and I

pull her into the living room, but she refused to go. She pulls me upstairs to my room.

As I walk inside she turns and pulls off her shirt. Revealing her braless tits, “it was no

accident you say me naked. I’ve wanted you since that night I saw your hard on in your

pants. I’ve gotten off every night thinking about it.” She says as she pulls her pants

down. She isn’t even wearing any underwear. I can feel my cock getting hard. I pull my

shirt off and was about to pull my pants down when Amy dropped to her knees and

pulls them down for me. I step out of them as she grabs my cock and starts licking it.

“Oh God its better looking than I imagine” she tells me.

She slowly starts jerking my cock hard as she licks every inch of my rising cock. Her

tongue feels so good. I watch as she likes my pre-cum that’s oozing out of my tip. She

looks up at me and smiles “You taste good too.” She then opens her mouth and slides

my cock into her tight mouth as she continues to jerk me off. I moan softly because it

feels so good. It’s been awhile since I have had anything sexual related done to me, a

side from my hand. I feel Amy starting to massage my balls with her free hand. Oh I

can’t take it anymore.

“Amy I’m going to cum” I warn her and I am get the reward of her jerking me off faster.

It’s too much; my cock starts firing off my hot spunk. Three powerful blasts are shot into

her mouth. She does the best she can to keep up but some cum dribbles out of her

mouth. I watch as she pulls my cock from her mouth and uses a finger to wipe up the

cum on her chin before licking it off. She then gets on the bed and opens her legs up.

“I hope you accept this wonderful gift Kyle. I wish I was a virgin so I could it to you, but

I’m not. I can only open my heart up to you because I love you and I feel it in my heart

you love me too”

I walk up to the bed and kneel down, placing my hands on her thighs. “Yes Amy I love

you and I accept this gift. I hope you enjoy this” I then kiss her pussy. Her juices feel so

good on my lips. I start licking her pussy. The aroma of her pussy’s scent fills my

nostrils. I slowly slide my tongue between its lips. “I love the taste of your pussy” I tell

her as I go back and start tongue fucking this tight treasure box. I tease her clit with

right index finger while cupping her right breast with my left hand.

“OH fuck yes lick me Kyle, my pussy’s yours”

I jam my tongue inside hard and then curl it up and down. Amy’s hands grab my head

as she grinds her pussy into my face.

“Oh shit, fucking shit you’re so good. Fuck eat my pussy make me cum”

I increase my pace and I can feel her pussy muscles tightening. Amy’s back arches as

what must be a powerful orgasm hits.

“OH FUCK I’M CUMMING. SHIT OH SHIT” Amy moans as she coats my face in a

fresh coat of pussy juices. I lick up all her juices as fast as I can. I feel her hands

release their hold on my head. I slowly kiss my way up her body. Each nipple gets a

turn as I lick them, suck on them, and then kiss them. Making my way up to her lips I

kiss her deeply as I feel my tip touch her wet pussy. Amy’s hand touches my cock as

she guides it into her pussy. I slowly push into her tight cunt.

“God baby you’re stretching my pussy good. Fuck my cunt, fuck it good. Make me your

Japanese fucking whore”

“Amy your pussy’s so tight and feels so good wrapped around my hard cock. I could

fuck this every night.”

“You can baby. Fuck me hard. This cock needs my cum on it and I want to milk your

cock now”

I slowly start pulling in and out of her pussy. As soon as I feel her pussy getting use to

my cock I speed up. I place her legs up on my shoulders and pound her pussy as fast

as I can. “Oh Amy I think your pussy’s made for my cock” I can feel her muscles tighten

around my cock squeezing it like python. I couldn’t help moan. Amy moans something

in Japanese. Her legs fall onto the bed and I pull out and roll her over. I ram my cock

back into her wet cunt and continue my cock assault on her pussy. With my hands on

her hips I rock her cunt hard, like a medieval battering ram pounding on a castle’s


Amy reaches down and plays with her clit, and at times teasing my balls as they slap

hard against her pussy. I can feel my balls getting ready to release their load. Amy

screams as her orgasm hits, but I don’t stop pound her pussy hard.



Her is so intense I can feel her juices trying to force their way out. “Amy I’m going to

cum” I warn her.

“Keep it in my, fill me full of your hot stuff. I can feel it throbbing in me, that’s right shoot

your cum inside my tight Japanese cunt.” Amy moans to me as I start to cum deep

inside her pussy. We collapse on the bed our bodies covered in sweat. We cuddle up

to each other and look into each other’s eyes.

“Kyle you are so wonderful. I’m so glad to have met you. I hope my life isn’t too much

for you because I want you in it. I love you” she tells me

“Amy I know with your life I will be out of my element, but in my eyes you are perfect in

every way. I want this to work. I love you too.

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Japanese twin sexual lust

Hot and sweaty summer days are the worst, but luckily we had a local pool were my friends and I would hang out at after school. This particular day was another scorcher, so we headed for our favorite cool spot and went swimming. We were all swimming around, trying to enjoy the heated weather, when I noticed two hot looking Asian girls walking around the pool area. They were nearly identical, except for their hair and swim suits. One had a white skin tight, two piece bathing suit that had a few...

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Japanese cuckold

So I've been exploring the underbelly of Japanese online hook up sites as of late. I thought I'd share some of my limited success. Where I have been looking is NTR message boards. Actually it was a Japanese member of XHam that turned me into them. So, thank you!NTR is the Japanese slang for cuckolding. It's a bit of a mine field as you can imagine. Lots of fakes and "pros". Also finding Japanese people that are interested in a foreigners is a bit hit or miss, having a big cock helps (relatively...

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Japanese Intern

I went to lunch in the company cafeteria as usual. After picking out my grub I noticed Minami, our Japanese intern, sitting by herself in the far corner. She was looking down as if she didn’t want to be noticed so I asked, “May I join you”? “Yes, Tony-san,” she replied quietly without raising her head. “Minami, is something wrong?” She looked at me and her eyes were starting to fill with tears. “It is nothing, Tony-san.” Just like a guy I said, “I can see that you are very sad. Let me...

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Japanese HotelHealth

There are some establishments in Japan called Delivery-Health or Hotel-Health. They advertise on the web and are located in the red-light districts in Tokyo. The shops have a narrow store-front and advertise with neon signs. You go in, they show you cards of available girls who are foreigner friendly and they will find a hotel for you. It is best you have Japanese skills. I have heard of people turned away because they could not speak Japanese. A usual session is for two hours. Yuki, the girl I...

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Japanese HotelHealth

There are some establishments in Japan called Delivery-Health or Hotel-Health. They advertise on the web and are located in the red-light districts in Tokyo. The shops have a narrow store-front and advertise with neon signs. You go in, they show you cards of available girls who are foreigner friendly and they will find a hotel for you. It is best you have Japanese skills. I have heard of people turned away because they could not speak Japanese. A usual session is for two hours. Yuki, the girl I...

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Japanese Girlfriend UncensoredChapter 2

We arrived in Japan a week later and this is when the story gets very dark and extreme. Her mother was amazing and looked young enough to be Kumi’s sister, her other 2 younger sisters were also incredible and were always walking around half naked and were obviously really naughty and openly had sex with customers in the club in front of us. The mother Tatumas was also clearly encouraging them and to my surprise, flirted with me whenever she got the chance. The night club was more like a dark...

1 year ago
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Japanese prostitute

Last summer I went on a business trip to Fukuoka in Japan. I went to a brothel every night I was there. The first time I went I was very nervous but excited. I went up to the counter and the man there showed my about ten pictures of girls. I chose the one who looked the hottest to me. Her face was blurred but she had and a great petite japanese figure. I paid around 150 dollars for my hour and was led through a door. I sat in a waiting room with about ten Japanese guys while I waited. After...

Erotic Fiction
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Japanese Bathhouse

Yesterday I went to a local Onset (Japanese bathhouse) where there have hot tubs, jacuzzi, heated stone beds, sauna, massage area, restaurant, stores and a Korean Body Scrub. Of course, the bathing areas are divided into a male area and a female area. What I found interesting in the male area is how body shy some men are, they walk around from hot bath to jacuzzi and other areas in the bathhouse with a small towel held Infront of there groin. Find it interesting that they have a woman that...

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Japanese Girlfriend UncensoredChapter 3

The next day we all went down to the club lounge area with the red carpet and big round bed to meet the customer that has come for another big bollocks injection and I had no idea what to expect. The guy walked in like he was royalty with a troop of people following him. Four male bodyguards and 4 girls dressed like very elegant hookers with expensive clothes and jewellery. Kumi told me he was a big Yakusa boss and everyone was bowing and looking down at the floor. He wasn’t that big,...

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Japanese wife real stories before marriage 1

This story is actually something that happened recently and is the reason to start these posts. I'm white and English. My now wife is japanese but raised in london. We met in school at 14 and lost virginity together at 14 then broke up off and on between 16 and 19 when we settled down and married at 20. Now both 30.At 16 she went to college and started hanging around with a group of black and mixed race guys. I always accused her of cheating with them and I was very paranoid back then. My now...

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Japanese GF number 2 MILF Nurse

It was about four summers ago when I had to get rid of this polyp I got on my intestine.Nothing major. I have a 2mm scar where my pubic hair is and an easy surgery to laser this pimple sized lump in my stomach. It was a hot and humid day and my mother helped me to get to the hospital. So the next morning was the day, everything went smoothly and I didn't feel a thing obviously with the help of anesthesia. Next thing I knew, I woke up, my mother next to me asking if I was ok.I also distinctly...

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Japanese Wife Next Door

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. This time I’m going to narrate another fictional story, which is actually a Japanese porn flick. I found it interesting and I thought let me write it up. I have slightly modified things from the actual movie. It has group sex and lesbian sex and incest sex. For wild and nasty sex lovers, this one is for you. So it is a treat for all the readers. Let me get straight into it. One day our hero Takashi goes to a club alone and meets two girls...

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Japanese Schoolgirl Impregnation

Population in japan is declining so the government has made it mandatory for high school girls to be impregnated by their male classmates. Everyone thought it was a hoax at first but the government is very serious about it. 'War is looming and japan needs men to compete with the rest of the world,' the emperor has decreed. The teachers will pair up the boys and girls in a way that'll maximize the chances of the babies having traits desirable by the japanese government so the girls can be...

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I was browsing Ero Japanese this morning, and the whole time I was thinking about how good the younger weeaboos and perverts have it these days. I remember when Japanese porn was still hard to come by in the West. A couple of times, I ordered DVDs from overseas, choosing carefully from slim catalogs that only hinted at the full scale of Japanese perversion. Then I waited patiently for weeks, hoping they weren’t region-locked so they’d actually work in my player when they arrived. And well, even...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Japanese Houseboy Serves

by Bryan Price In 1945, shortly after World War 2 ended, and Japan was under occupation I was stationed there as part of the occupying US forces. I had seen the war through as a Colonel and was finishing up my term of service. In those days of occupation, one could live in Japan in luxury, on only a small amount of money. I had procured a very spacious native home and employed a housekeeper.. I was out one evening, got lost in the city, and along came, a well educated, but ragged lad,...

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Japanese Love

My name is Bonnie waxley, twenty years old, a virgin, I go to college and share a room with the hottest girl ever, Megumi Hiragana from Tokyo, Japan. The reason why I’m still a virgin is because I’m extremely shy, wear glasses, I’m very skinny so I look like a little girl, and have very long dirty blond hair that falls in front of my face. One late rainy afternoon after I’d finished college I got back to my dorm room and found Megumi lying on the couch in black hotpants and short yellow top....

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Japanese Mother Caught

"Oh man, finally." Toki commented to himself as he stepped off the school bus. It was noon on a Sunday and he had spent the weekend trapped in a log cabin in the middle of the woods as part of the mandatory Senior retreat his school forced his entire class to attend. It was hot and humid and Toki was relieved to be back in the suburbs. His father was away on business as usual so his mother was supposed to pick him up. Toki looked around but didn't spot her amongst the parents there to pick up...

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Japanese Love

My name is Bonnie waxley, twenty years old, a virgin, I go to college and share a room with the hottest girl ever, Megumi Hiragana from Tokyo, Japan. The reason why I'm still a virgin is because I'm extremely shy, wear glasses, I'm very skinny so I look like a little girl, and have very long dirty blond hair that falls in front of my face. One late rainy afternoon after I'd finished college I got back to my dorm room and found Megumi lying on the couch in black hotpants and short yellow top....

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Japanese Exchange Student in San FranciscoChapter 2

Fushimi, the teenaged exchange student from the suburbs of Tokyo, considered her assignment to the Patterson household as a live-in student during the time their own daughter Brittany was attending the university in Yokohama for the next twelve months as the most fortunate of circumstances. Her initial impression of Mister Doug and Mrs. Nikki was brought to fruition with the introduction of Mrs. Nikki's skillful tongue into her special place igniting her spontaneous release and the glorious...

2 years ago
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Japanese American RelationsChapter 2

Eito’s elder sister was down on her knees before him and she was crying real tears. He was a little shocked at her odd request to join him on his transfer to the United States for the Corporation. The fact that he had no wife to accompany him was her excuse to beg his flexibility in giving into her request. In point of fact he personally would have inclined to welcome her company because she could deflect the stigma of being single in a married person’s world and offer him household...

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Japanese Girlfriend UncensoredChapter 4

I eventually got Kumi to tell me more about how she became so into bestiality and in particular her dogs in Japan and Slider in the UK ... I told her that her mother told me she’d tried to stop what happened and that she was severely punished for going against her husband. Kumi responded by saying, OK ... I’ll tell you because you’ve been so good to me and understanding and I really appreciate you coming with me to Japan. I haven’t told anyone what happened when I went to stay with the old...

1 year ago
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Japanese Exchange Student

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started quite innocently, with a phone call, from the head teacher at the local school. “Debby, would you be able to help me out, I’ve got a small emergency on my hands and I need some one I can trust. This was Mrs. Ashley, a very nice middle-aged woman, who had devoted most of her life to her school and students. Mid 40s looked after her self, some one who was in charge, always looked ready for any thing, the students loved her, all bark and no...

1 year ago
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Japanese girl Anzu Hebe

It was late August and me and Anzu were hanging outside in a nearby park. I was making this the chance that I would know if she was having the same ideas that I was. I think I was confident, I don't want to be conceited or anything but lots of people did give me compliments. I wanted to impress her by wearing black, white and green, her 3 most favorite colors. Yes I was desperate. That day she was wearing a plaided blue mini skirt and a cute sleeveless top. Her hair was set in small piggy tails...

4 years ago
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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

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Thank You MotherFucking Nature a short story

He was intriguing. He was different. I found myself thinking about him more and more. He made me nervous. He made me check myself in the mirror when he would swing by. He made me make sure my makeup was done well before I would say “hello”. I was nervous, I always get nervous the first time with a guy. My heart was racing. Yes, I wanted this to happen, but could I really go through with this? Jeremy stood in front of me. He made it clear from the get-go what this was. I have worked with him for...

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MotherFucking Friends

In Motherfucking Friend I told you of Elanee 69 and her 49 year old son Chester. Being Chester's best friend of 40 years, he is like a brother of mine and Elanee is a second mother for me. Seeing I have not found the right words to get my own mother to let me eat her pussy and suck on her tits, I thought my friend and his mother would love to fuck. Well, it's not like I asked them before I tied them both their chair, stripped them naked and pumped Chester full of viagra. Then watched what came...

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more motherfucking

I am looking for a direction from readers who enjoy the stories from my twisted mind. I need your feedback and opinion on what makes you hot. All involve American Families who's genitals are given offers they can't refuse A quickie short involving a hard up 40 year old man and what happens after moving back home with dear ol' mom. He left his wife of 10 years over a year ago and has not felt a warm pussy in over 3 years. But tonight Mom is celebrating her 60th birthday and is returning home...

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Lets be honest, a large majority of men have imagined fucking their own mother. Very few of these guys allow this secret desire to be known by anybody else. And even less number of sons can concoct a scheme that replaces his right hand with moms mouth.Speaking honestly, ladies if you have a son and he has hair on his balls, his dick will gets hard if he thinks of fucking you. If he sees you naked enough times, masturbation will not fulfill his lust for you and he will spend a life time dreaming...

2 years ago
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" not much honey just checkin you out." as he smiled back he replied,"oh thats right youre a biter. I like that!" She laughed a bit and pulled him on the bed with her "yea I'm a biter but you love it! Want to come curl up with me?" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "yea, let's cuddle babe." he said opening his arms to her. "Mmm." he smiled slyly as he already knew what was gonna happen next. She curled into his arms facing him. She kissed his neck, then traced down his chest...

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My fanfuckingtastic weekend repaired

As with most of my stories. This is non fiction. (TRUE for those in Rosalinda) Yes it really happened. If I ever post fiction, I will make that perfectly clear up front. I prefer writing non fiction. If this goes well and is well received I will write more. I am a VERY lucky man that has absolutely no problem getting all the sex I want from several women. So I have a lot of experiences to relay. Heck I play almost every weekend and often with someone new. Guess you can call me a male slut....

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bMy fanfuckingtastic weekend postb

As with most of my stories. This is non fiction. (TRUE for those in Rosalinda) Yes it really happened. If I ever post fiction, I will make that perfectly clear up front. I prefer writing non fiction. This is ONLY part one with a lot more sex coming, so keep checking back. I had planed a Thursday night to Sunday evening weekend. But plans change. A friend was suppose to come camping Thursday but she got stuck with an extra half shift. I had the camp trailer ready and was itching to go....

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I looked at the clock. It was about 2:00. I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't get the image out of my head. I was cleaning some stuff up earlier that day and went into the upstairs bathroom to wash my hands and apparently John didn't lock the door and had just stepped out of the shower. She was drying off her very large breasts and I walked right in almost bumping into her. I stopped and stared at her for a second and she froze. We just stood there for a second not sure of what...

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Daddy Watches Laceys Phonefucking

"Hey Daddy -- I'm gonna just go up and fuck on the computer for a while, okay?"My father, whom I still call "Daddy" but whom everyone else calls Robert, looked embroiled in a pile of spreadsheets and thick contract papers on the kitchen table. He usually brings work home from the office, so that he and I can have dinner together and, you know, spend our quality time together and stuff. Now usually he doesn't get to his work until well after dinner, because he and I usually can't stop from...

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My First Soulfucking

by Randi ParkwoodI met him at work. His deep blackness overwhelmed me. We flirted for days. I finally knew he would have me. One night after work he took me to a hotel across the street. I was actually going to let this black God fuck me. I was soaking wet and trembling as he slid his tongue into my mouth.Naked, on the bed he opened my legs and his huge incredibly muscled body loomed above me. His unbelievable cock was rubbing against my dripping shaved pussy. It was massive. I'd never seen a...

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I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...

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Starfucking Goes Wrong

Starfucking Goes WrongBy The Qmoq (c) 2008A tale with three distinct parts, so if you don’t like what’s in one part, you can skip that bit. It’s partly inspired by, though not a copy of, a story called ?Casino?. Prologue – general smuttiness Part I – M/f, F/f, semi-consensual, toys Part II - M/f, non-consensual, watersports, toys Part III - M/f, F/f, non-consensual, seriousPrologueThey were being tracked. The security cameras picked up the three intruders from the moment they had sneaked...

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GROUPFUCKING OF MY WIFE It was New Year eve my friends were to go on outing to their farmhouse. They invited me to come along and bring along with me my wife Sarita too. As you all know we have already swapped with my two intimate friends namely Sumanta and Rajiv and regularly fuck each other’s wives. But my wife’s fantasy was to be fucked by my friends’ in-group alone while no any other lady would present there. Sarita liked to handle more than one cocks alone. I thought this was the right...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected but welcomed Classroom Throatfucking

College, 2015. Class, right before my lunch hour is supposed to begin…I have been having a “flirtationship” with my classmate, Kenny for the past year, and this was our first time having a class together, and thus seeing each other regularly every week. He has more than hinted at wanting to hookup and having more than adequate equipment to do the job and do it properly. Aside from the fact that I was a virgin at the time, I did not shy away from the attention.The lecturer is having each of us...

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My hubby, Frank, and I had moved back to the small town I grew up in. It maybe had 400 to 500 people. Back then I loved to party and have a good time and Frank, my husband, loved to party as much as me. I had met some guys in town I hadn’t seen since high school and they asked if I wanted to go for a ride in the truck with them. Back in high school I had quite a reputation and had my share of fun. I was bored with not having much to do and Frank was working so I decided to go with them. I...

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Reddit CumCoveredFucking, aka r/CumCoveredFucking! When a slut does a good job, she needs to be rewarded accordingly, and in this scenario, that means that she deserves to be covered with love juices. Well, if that is what you are looking for, you are more than welcome to check out what r/cumcoveredfucking/ has to offer. This is a subreddit that will feature loads of sluts who will get cum covered.Reddit.com is a free site with a lot to offer, and r/cumcoveredfucking/ is one of the subreddits...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit StruggleFucking, aka r/StruggleFucking! Are you a fan of obedient girls who enjoy getting rammed hardcore? I think that everyone enjoys watching a slutty girl who simply loves rough handling, and that is why I am here to introduce a subreddit called r/StruggleFucking/. This place basically speaks for itself… the chicks are struggling while getting fucked.Now, before you go down on my ass, you should already know that the babes here are not being forced to do anything. This is all out of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Female submits to multiple doggy fuckings

The drive home from picking you up at the airport to our secluded 150 acres of paradise didn’t take long as it was only 1pm and traffic out of the city was minimal, still it seemed to take forever for you. You had been away visiting your parents for the last two weeks and missing me, home and probably most of our two purebred stud Labs, we have a chocolate one Franky and a golden Ralph. We have other animals as well that I’m sure you missed too but knowing you wouldn’t have...

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Everyday I get up in the morning and put on my crap for work and head to the bus stop right on Hennepin and 3rd and get ready for another shitty day of work but today was different. It was one of those days where everything just seems so surreal and soso. Me a really fresh looking 21 year old and I have a really slim, smooth, muscular build and my face looks 17 and its really a kick in the ass when the cops try busting me for curfew, well anyway I was headed to work and half way there my boss...

2 years ago
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House Party Fuckings Part Two Becoming Slaves

The girls carried a bottle of wine with them they put on some make-up in the bathroom. “I can’t wait to see them fucking!” Emily said excitedly, as she broke the kiss. They arrived at the door but Amber stopped short. “Hold on, appearance check.” She said. Emily brushed down Amber’s long, straight, platinum blonde hair and lowered her already tight corset dress; it made her C-cup breasts pop out more and her curves seem curvier. Amber ruffled Emily’s pixie cut red hair and lowered...

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