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Feminized By Margaret Jeanette Hilary Culp was watching Robert Beckman as he delivered the mail to her desk. He was a hunk and moved so sexily and showed so much power in his movements. She wondered what he would be like in bed. He was one gorgeous hunk! Then she thought about her husband, Peter. He had been fired at work for causing a machine breakdown. He said it wasn't his fault but the company said he was negligent for failing to keep it lubricated. He had appealed his firing to no avail. The union told him they could find no case for his reinstatement. That night at supper she laid down the law, saying, "You have to do more around here. You aren't even looking for another job and all you do is sit around all day doing little or nothing. You have to show some ambition. I didn't get to be a vice president at the bank by loafing every chance I got. I expect you to at least do a little cleaning and straightening up around here. That isn't too much to ask. I come home every evening and have to do laundry or clean a room. You have to get off your dead ass." "I didn't ask to get fired. Hiram Fielding called me today and said they are reconsidering their firing of me. I may get my old job back. It seems their wonder-boy isn't putting out as much as I did and they are falling behind." "Until then I want you to start doing some cleaning. This house is a mess and I am not the one making it a mess, you are!" "I'll think about it but I won't make any promises." The next day a woman was shown into her office. She was introduced as Wanda Forrest. She wanted a small business loan. Hilary looked over the paperwork and saw she was a consultant and ran a small retail shop. "It says here you are a consultant. What type of consulting do you do?" "I do behavior modification in people. I use hypnosis and other types of reinforcement to change people to meet someone's standards. Most of my clients come from out of town and I want to buy the house next door to me for some of them to stay in while their training is going on. A lot of my clients come from quite a distance." "It also says you have a retail shop. What sort of things do you sell?" "I sell a lot of women's specialty garments like corsets, special high heels and such " "That seems like two different lines of work. Tell me more about your business. What exactly do you do?" "In essence I change mostly men into maids to serve their mistresses, mainly their wives. I sell mostly to my clients as they need the means to control their charges." "Are you successful at it?" "Yes, I'm very successful. There isn't any man I can't train! At least I haven't met the man yet that I can't get into a maid's uniform, or dress and train to act like a maid. I make a decision as to what method would be the best. Sometimes it's hypnosis, sometimes it's pain, and with the easy ones it's persuasion of still another kind." "Could you change a husband into someone who will clean the house, do the laundry and cook the meals?" "That is simple! All you would have to do is bring him in and let me take control." Hilary looked at the financial workup and saw how much she was asking for, her last year's income and her outstanding debt. It was just inside the range of being acceptable for the loan. "How much do you charge to change a husband?" "I usually charge a base of one thousand dollars plus a fee for boarding. Any specialty items cost according to what they are and I take my price and add fifty per cent plus the sales tax. If you are thinking of having me train your husband I will give you a special rate. Five hundred dollars plus my cost, with a twenty per cent add-on plus sales tax. That should sound like a good deal." "When can you start?" "When can you get him to me?" "Tonight after supper sound all right?" "It sounds great!" "Great! I think we can make the loan. Buy the house next door and enjoy it." "Not only are people going to be able to stay there but it will make a great place where my charges can learn to clean, so it will be dual purpose." They both giggled at that. Hilary stared at Wanda's card and wondered if she really wanted to go through with it. The cost wasn't a factor but she didn't know if she wanted to put her husband through the humiliation of being put in a maid's dress. When she walked in she saw the living room was a mess. She told Peter to clean it up or else. She was angry that he hadn't done any cleaning today after she had asked him, as nicely and as firmly as she could. He didn't move to do anything. At supper she lit into him, telling him that he could have at least picked up the newspapers. He said he wanted to go through them one more time. "Tonight after supper we are going visiting. We are going to see a friend of mine named Wanda." "Why would I want to go see one of your friends and sit and listen to two women talk about old times?" "She deals in sex and sexual behavior. She sells sexual things. Maybe you will see something you like." "All right I'll go." They arrived at Wanda's and were shown in. Wanda was very cordial with Hilary and it was as if Peter was not there. Finally Peter spoke up, asking what kind of sexual things she sold. "I sell all sorts of sexual things. Are you interested in a good corset? Hilary tells me you don't do housework, is that true?" "I am not interested in a corset and Hilary does OK with the housework so it isn't really necessary for me to do it." "I have a great idea. How would you like to model some sex clothes?" "What kind of clothes?" "I have all sorts of sexy clothes. Why don't you step into that little booth and strip and I'll get them." He eagerly stepped into the booth and stripped in record time. Wanda slid in behind him and grabbed his clothes. She handed him a pair of panties with rows of lace on them. She put his clothes into a bag and handed it to Hilary. He was looking at the panties and wondering if she really expected him to wear them. Then he heard her say for him to come out and model them. He called there had to be some mistake. "There is no mistake. You will either wear them or go naked until you beg to wear them." Before he realized it she had the booth folded and he was on center stage standing naked and holding the panties. He said there was no way he was going to put them on. "You have ten minutes to reconsider or you will find yourself in a very difficult situation and that is not a threat, it is a promise!" "Now, Hilary, tell me about your husband." "Well, he was fired from his job and he will not even help a little bit keeping the house clean. All he does is sit and watch television and play on the computer. All I really want is some help from him and I don't think it's too much to ask." "Tell me big boy, why can't you do even a little housework?" "I don't do housework!" "When I am through with you, you will find yourself doing all of the housework and you will be wearing panties and a lot more. You have five minutes to get those panties on!" He couldn't believe it when Wanda told Hilary that he would not only be doing all of the housework but also would be wearing the most feminine dresses all the time, plus make up always. Wanda asked if she should leave him all of his men's memories or erase them, and Hilary said that to let him keep them. "You have thirty seconds to get those panties on!" He was getting scared and wondered what she was going to do if he didn't put them on. But he didn't put them on. She advanced on him and when she raised her hand he thought she was going to slap him. He raised his hands to protect his face. She grabbed his ear and pinched and twisted it. She led him and before he knew he was being put into something he didn't know what. He heard a door close and lock. . Wanda removed a drop cloth and Hilary saw he was in a tall cage that would require him to stay standing. He had a look of complete shock on his face. Wanda said he was now to beg to wear the panties. Wanda turned on a switch as he was leaning against the back of the cage. An electrical jolt ran through his body. Wanda told him that after each jolt the electricity went off for five minutes. He relaxed against the back of the cage and looked at the lock. There was no way he would be able to break it, he saw. He knew he was in big trouble. Five minutes later there was a low buzz. Wanda told him that was the twenty second warning that the electricity was going back on. He stood perfectly still in the middle of the cage. Four minutes later he shifted his weight on his feet and brushed the cage and got a shock. Hilary saw he was really scared now. Wanda said it was time for Hilary to leave. Peter protested to her that she couldn't leave him there. Hilary told him to have fun. He was screaming as she walked out the door. Outside, Wanda told her that by noon tomorrow he would be begging to wear the panties and not to worry, that she had done the right thing. Two blocks away Hilary was almost ready to turn around and go back and get him, then decided he needed a lesson and he was going to get one. Forty-five minutes later he said he would put on the panties. Wanda told him he had to beg to put them on. He wasn't going to beg. She told him good night and went to her bedroom. The next morning she saw he was looking very haggard. She could tell he hadn't gotten any useful sleep. He glared at her and she could see the hate in his eyes. Everything was perfect. He watched as she sat and ate breakfast, and realized he was very hungry. He started thinking that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he wore panties. Finally he called out. "Please let me wear the panties!" "Not good enough. I want to hear how much you like them and how much you want to wear them." He thought he couldn't take another jolt of electricity. But as luck would have it he brushed the cage and got a jolt. "Please I really want to wear the panties. I have never had a pair that pretty. Can't I please wear them? " "If you really want to wear them you must want to wear everything that goes with them. Tell me you want to wear pretty dresses and everything that goes with them, and you better mean it!" He stood silent for almost seven minutes. Then shifting his weight again he got a jolt. "I can't stand it in this cage. I will wear whatever you want me to wear. I want to wear pretty dresses and everything that goes with them." "Are you going to learn to put on your own make-up and wear dresses on your own?" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Is that a promise? Do I have your word you will do that?" "Yes, just get me out of here." She opened the cage and let him out. He put the panties on. She looked at the clock and saw she was ahead of schedule. She asked if he was hungry and he said he was. She gave him a small bowl of cold cereal. He didn't normally eat cold cereal but dove into it. For some reason it tasted like the best meal he had ever had. She asked him if he was going to learn to do housework and he said he would do whatever she wanted. She smiled because he was going to be easier than she'd thought. She took him to a room that was decorated in all light pink furnishings. He stood as she glued breast forms on his breast telling him they were DD's. Then he watched as she put two batteries in something. She pulled down his panties and soon he had a chastity belt on. Then she roughly dry-shaved all the hair below his neck off of his body. She asked if he wanted some soothing lotion and he said he would like that. For a short while he luxuriated as she rubbed the very feminine smelling lotion all over his body. Then she fastened a tight bra on him. She laughed when she saw he was blushing. . He didn't know what the next thing was until she told him it was a corset called the Devil's Plaything. She said it was designed especially for men like him. When she had it as tight as she could get it she saw he did indeed have a feminine shape. He could hardly breathe, and when he tried to bend he had trouble because of the many stainless steel stays. Then it was a lacy garter belt, and when she drew the nylons up his legs he got the most delightful feeling. The silk lacy slip made his skin tingle where it touched bare skin. A pink dress with ruffles came next. He was shocked when she handed a white leather purse and told him they were going out. He said he couldn't go anywhere like that and she said he could either go with her or back into the cage. He decided quickly to go with her. In the car she told him he was going to get his hair done and learn how to apply make-up. She also told him not to worry, as the girls had done many men before him and knew exactly what she wanted. Ten minutes later he was in a beauty parlor and being led to a chair. He heard the woman tell Wanda she would call when he was ready. A little over four hours later he walked out with Wanda wearing make-up he had applied himself and a feminine hair-do, with long red fingernails. He felt completely different and he couldn't peg exactly how he felt. In the car he noticed Wanda wasn't going straight home. Then he became aware that Wanda was talking to him. "Earth to Peter, Earth to Peter, come in Peter." "I can hear you. What do you want?" "Now that you are a new you we can't call you Peter anymore. Do you have any favorite feminine name that you would like to be called?" "No, I can't even think of a feminine name." "Then I will pick one for you. I think you should be called Pansy. You look and are going to act like a pansy so we will call you Pansy." He looked alert when she pulled into a parking lot and stopped. He hadn't been paying attention to where they were going. He really perked up when he heard Wanda call out, "HEY, HILARY!" Hilary came over to the car and said hello to Wanda. Wanda said, "You have to go around to the other side and say hello to Pansy. Pansy put on her own make-up. Go say hello to her." Hilary walked around the front of the car and Wanda opened the window. Hilary looked, then she got a look of total surprise. "Is that really you, Peter?" Wanda said in a loud voice. "It is Pansy not Peter. What do you think?" Hilary walked back to Wanda's window. "Is he ready already?" "No. it will be two days yet. I have to teach him how to clean properly, and I have to do some programming for you to control him. He will be fully ready then. You better get Pansy some new clothes for when she returns home. I am going to have her clean the house next door from top to bottom. Then she will be ready to do a proper job for you. We have to get going now. See you around." They returned to Wanda's house and he had a light meal. Wanda told him he was going to have to watch his figure, and anyhow with the tight corset he didn't want to take a chance on eating too much. Wanda had him clean up after supper and showed him how to use the dishwasher. Then she asked if he wanted to relax. He said he did, and she took him to the pink room and held out two silk nightgowns, telling him to take his pick. One had a lot of ruffles and the other had a lot of delicate lace. He chose the one with the lace and Wanda gave him a knowing smile. She told him tomorrow he was going to learn all about cleaning. He watched television with her for about an hour before getting sleepy. Wanda told him to go crawl into bed if he was that tired. He almost slid freely on the satin sheets, and was sound asleep in minutes. A half hour later, Wanda came into the bedroom where he was sleeping and placed headphones on his head and turned the program on. She smiled to herself as she went to bed. The next morning she easily removed the headphones from his head and then woke him, telling him not to forget to redo his lipstick. She watched as he got dressed in a cranberry dress trimmed with lace. He went to redo his lipstick and when he came out he didn't see her. He went to the living room and she wasn't there either. This was his perfect time to escape. He headed for the front door. He opened the door and fell to his knees in pain. A scream emitted from his lips. From out of nowhere Wanda appeared and shut the door. "You were trying to escape. Now I am going to have to punish you!" "What? How?" "That's simple to explain. The door has a trigger switch that goes on when it is opened. Your chastity belt has a receiver that is connected to a power pack. When it's activated it gives an electrical shock. It's like those fences for dogsm where you bury a wire and when the dog goes too close it gives him a shock. There is also a remote for your chastity belt, to control you. Now as I said you have to be punished for trying to escape. Follow me!" She led him into the bedroom, where she took a pair of heels with a five-inch heel out and soon had them on his feet. When he tried to walk he almost fell. "You have to take short steps and put one foot in front of the other with your toes pointing straight ahead. These heels have an additional benefit -- besides being a punishment they will teach you to walk like a woman. You will wear them all day, and if you anger me in any way they will stay on until tomorrow night. Do you understand?" He said he understood, and she told him to follow her. When she started to go outside he asked about breakfast. She told him he lost breakfast when he tried to escape. She led him to the house next door and once inside she told him he was going to clean it top to bottom. It looked clean to him but she told him he was going to start by scrubbing the kitchen floor. She said he was going to do it on his hands and knees, and she handed him a scrub rag and brush. She sat on a chair and watched him as he scrubbed then rinsed the floor. Then it was dusting in the living room and all three bedrooms. She had to tell him not to forget to do over the doorways. This was followed by doing all of the carpeting. His legs were hurting and he wanted to sit down in the worst way. When it was lunchtime she led him back to her house. She gave him a bowl of soup for lunch. When lunch was over she slowly swung a clear crystal pendant that reflected the light in different colors. In a low soothing voice she said, "Look at the pendant, see all the pretty colors. Concentrate on the colors. You are getting sleepy, sleepy, sleepy." He drifted into a trance, so she continued, "As Peter you will abhor any women's clothes. You will be yourself but you will not be able to refuse any suggestion from Hilary or me. As Pansy you will want to wear the most feminine, slutty clothes you can find. You will always wear the heaviest make-up possible. You will act as feminine as possible. You will love to clean and will do the best job possible. When you hear the name Petra you will remember everything that has happened to you. When I say the word sixty you will come out of your trance and not remember that you were in a trance unless you hear the name Petra." She looked at him and for a moment felt sorry for him. She thought that if he had only tried to do as Hilary had suggested he wouldn't be in the position he was in now. She felt she actually liked him in a funny sort of way. "Sixty" He sat blinking fast and she said "Pansy." He looked at what he was wearing and asked if he couldn't put on something sexier. Wanda told him that he had some cleaning to do, and he smiled and said he couldn't wait. The rest of the afternoon, as Pansy he cleaned the house until it shone. Wanda was amazed that he was humming as he cleaned. He was a very happy person. He finally finished with the cleaning. "Peter, you did a wonderful job of cleaning this house!" He looked at himself and almost screamed, "I have to get these clothes off!" "No, you are being trained to clean for your wife, remember?" He remembered, and still felt terrible about having to wear a dress. He wanted to get out of it in the worst way. Dejected, he followed Wanda back to her house. Inside she said, "Pansy, if you want you can go change into something nicer." Pansy left and went into the bedroom and looked in the closet. When Pansy came back out she was wearing a tight red blouse trimmed with lace and a black mini-skirt. She had redone her make-up, and Wanda had never seen anyone with make-up that heavy. Wanda smiled and wondered how Hilary was going to take her husband's new image. At supper Wanda told him all he had left was to learn to satisfy Hilary in a sexual way and the basics of cooking. He wondered what she meant by both of those things. He went to bed early because he was so tired. He was asleep when he heard Wanda call him. He went into her bedroom. "I need to be satisfied! You will satisfy me." He stood there wondering why she wasn't taking the chastity belt off. She laughed when he asked if she was going to take it off. "No, stupid! You have a tongue that can be put to use! Now, Pansy, get busy!" Pansy buried his face in her pussy and was quickly hitting her trigger. She came twice before releasing his head from between her legs. She told Pansy good night and Pansy went back to bed. The next morning Pansy heard herself being paged. She went into Wanda's bedroom and Wanda told her there wasn't any better way to start the day than with an orgasm. Pansy got busy and when Wanda came she told Pansy to go get dressed and do her make-up. All day she taught Pansy to cook, giving her ideas on recipes and how to spice up a meal. She had Pansy make a beautiful lunch and Pansy asked some great questions about cooking. Late in the afternoon she told Pansy to go pack all her clothes. As Pansy packed, she wanted to leave the full length dresses there, but packed them anyway. She wanted to put on the sexy five-inch heels, but refrained and packed them. She got everything packed and Wanda had her put the things into her car. As she was taking him home she tested him, saying, "Peter, are you ready to go back to your wife?" He immediately was uncomfortable in his mini-dress, asking if he could take it off. He said his wife shouldn't see him like this. Wanda told him his wife was going to see him exactly the way he was, then called him Pansy. He settled down for the rest of the ride home. At home he carried two suitcases up the walk as Wanda rang the bell. When they were inside she introduced Pansy to Hilary, then Hilary showed Pansy where her very feminine bedroom was. Pansy laid her suitcases on the bed. "Peter, this is your new bedroom. Don't you just love it?" "What is this? I don't know what you are talking about!" "Now, Pansy, go get the rest of your stuff from the car, then start putting it all away." Pansy went to get her things from the car as Wanda was giving Hilary the keys to her chastity belt and two pair of heels. She explained how the remote for his chastity belt worked. Wanda explained the command system with Peter, Pansy and Petra as keywords. Wanda told her she should occasionally humiliate him to keep him in line. She said she would drop the bill off at the bank tomorrow or the next day.. She completely filled Hilary in on everything she could think of, and then left. Hilary went into the bedroom where Pansy was putting away her clothes. She almost laughed out loud at his heavy make-up and his mini-dress with the three inch heels. "Well, Peter, you sure look different!" "Hilary, for God's sake, can I get this dress off! This is ridiculous, me wearing a dress!" "No, I think you should keep it on until bedtime." He tried to fight it but he had to do as she told him. He couldn't figure out why he was doing whatever she said. Hilary turned to leave, telling Pansy to finish putting her things away. Pansy got all the clothes put away and arranged her make-up on the vanity. She just loved the lighted make-up mirror on the back of the vanity. She finished putting everything away and went back out to Hilary. "Tell me, Peter, what do you think of Wanda?" "She is a bitch. Why did you subject me to her anyway?" "Because you wouldn't even do the slightest bit of work to keep this place clean. Now, you will do all the cleaning. I never liked to clean but I had to do it. If you do a good job then you will be rewarded, otherwise you will be punished." "Punished? You are talking like I am a little kid. I am your husband after all!" "Tell me, is it normal for a husband to be wearing a dress or make-up that he applied to himself? What about those heels you are wearing, are those shoes a man would wear?" He started crying. "Stop that crying or I will put you in diapers and you will wear them and poop in them then I will wait until you have the worst case of diaper rash imaginable. Then I will take you to a doctor with you wearing diapers and a dress. Is that what you want?" "No, you know I don't want that." "Good! Now tomorrow you will clean this house until it sparkles. I expect supper to be ready when I get home. Do you understand?" "I will try to do it." "You will not only try, you WILL do it!" He was in the bed and falling asleep when Hilary called to him. She said her pussy needed attention. Pansy went right to work on it. His tongue darted in and out of Hilary's pussy, and Hilary came quicker than she had ever cum before. She allowed him to continue, and just before her second climax she said, "Peter, you do a wonderful job of satisfying me. He started to choke, so she quickly called him Pansy, and he resumed pleasuring her. After she came again she told him 'good night' and lay there thinking that this was pretty great. She was glad she'd taken the path she did. The next morning she was surprised to see Pansy all dressed in a mini-skirt and tight blouse and wearing heels. She said she expected to see the house shining when she got home. Pansy said that would be fun. When Hilary got home the first thing she noticed was the delightful smell of supper cooking. Then she looked around the kitchen and saw it looked cleaner than she could ever remember it being, even when she did a full clean job. She went into her bedroom to change and was greeted with a pleasant smell and an exquisitely clean room. She was a little jealous that the cleaning had been done so well. She was still having a problem believing that it was Peter who had done the cleaning, but when she saw him she was back to reality and saw Pansy, and knew it wasn't Peter but Pansy that had done all the work. As she sat in the living room to relax before supper with a drink, all she could do was look around at how clean everything was. She couldn't believe Pansy had gotten all of this done in one day. Wanda had done a beautiful job training him. At supper she was amazed at how good the meal tasted. There was a hint of something in the meat but she couldn't place it. Everything convinced her that whatever the cost, it was worth it to have Peter trained. "You did such an excellent job today Pansy that after you clean up from supper I am taking you shopping. What do you think about that?" "I love the idea. Do you think I could get a new dress?" "Sure, you can get two dresses!" "Great, I know exactly what I want." They were at an upscale women's clothing store and Pansy selected a red and white mini-dress with red sequins on it, plus a micro-mini one that was sheer black on top and bright orange for the pleated skirt. It was adorned with rhinestones that drew attention where the bright orange didn't. Pansy tried on the micro-mini and looked at herself in the three-way mirror and said it was just what she wanted. "I don't know, Peter, it doesn't look like you." Immediately there was a change in Pansy to one of panic as Peter said, "I have to get this off of me!" "Settle down Pansy! I suggest you get a different one, one that's a little less noticeable. Why don't you look for a different style?" "I like this style. I'm the one who'll be wearing it so why can't I get what I want?" "Okay, okay, get what you want." She ended up taking Hilary's advice on the black and orange one, and got a coral micro-mini that was trimmed with multi-colored crystals that seemed to reflect light from a mile away. Hilary presented her with a beautiful women's watch telling her it was for the beautiful job she had done today. Pansy gushed her thanks and Hilary almost was laughing, thinking how Peter had changed. At home Hilary asked Pansy to rub her feet as they were sore. Pansy sat at her feet and gently massaged them until Hilary told her it was enough. The next day Wanda came and presented Hilary with an itemized bill. The total cost was in the upper seventeen hundred dollar range. Wanda said she was charging her cost, three hundred dollars, for the special corset. She said the special chastity belt cost two fifty and that she got a discount for a bulk order on it. Hilary gave her a check for the amount and told her it was all worth it. Wanda asked if she had any regrets and Hilary said she didn't. She did tell her she'd almost turned around the first night, but didn't. Wanda said that was normal, and that she would have been surprised if she hadn't had second thoughts about it. Every day Hilary was surprised by something Pansy had done that day. The house not only looked clean, it smelled clean. Hilary even enjoyed the scent Pansy put in her underwear. A month later Hilary wondered if Peter was ready to assume his cleaning duties. She knew he wouldn't do as good a job as Pansy but she wanted to give him a chance. She decided to sit down and have a talk with him. She grabbed the remote for his chastity belt just in case he gave her any trouble. "Peter, I was wondering if you wanted to take over keeping the house clean for me. Next week is Christmas and I want it to be like it was for past Christmases." "Next week is Christmas? Where did Thanksgiving go?" "You have been asleep for some time. I am now willing to let you back if you'll promise me that you'll do something around here." "You bitch, what have you done to me? Why am I wearing a dress?" He rose and started toward her. She hit the button on the remote because he had hate in his eyes. He went down, and when she removed her thumb from the remote she sneered. "It appears you are not ready to remain and do as you are asked. I am going to send you back and I don't know if I will ever bring you back. Good bye Peter!" "Pansy, you did a wonderful job today. The house looks wonderful." "Thank you, it was fun! I enjoy cleaning." Then Hilary remembered that Petra was in there also. She wondered what Petra would be like. She kept the remote handy just in case. "Petra, what do you think of everything?" "I think Peter knows he was fired for a good reason but he won't admit it, even to himself. He thinks only women should do housework and that isn't going to change. He is very angry and he isn't going to get over it unless everything changes in his favor, including getting his old job back. Pansy is an airhead. All she is interested in is cleaning and her obscene clothes. Believe it or not she doesn't even think about attracting a man, she only wants to wear the skimpiest clothes possible. Personally I think she has the IQ of an earthworm." Hilary laughed at that and decided she liked Petra. Petra seemed to be level-headed and smart. She knew Petra was right about Peter and she felt bad that he was so disturbed and set in his ways. "What if I left you in charge and let Peter and Pansy sleep?" "I would put Peter to sleep permanently. I know you can call up any of us at your whim. I also know you want someone to talk to from time to time and Pansy doesn't cut it in that department. I know how Pansy works hard, and I can't say I will do as great a job as she does cleaning, but I would try. Pansy is happy no matter where she is." "I have to agree with you. I'm enjoying our talk, and I do miss someone to talk to that can give me sensible answers. What benefits would I get if I left you in charge?" "Well, immediately you would cut the make-up bill in half, at least!" They both laughed at that. Petra continued, "There is one thing I would like, and that is, can we get some clothes that cover me a little more?" "Sure that won't be a problem. Will the food be just as great?" "That'll be no problem." . "You know, it's funny, I forgot all about you until tonight, when I was angry with Peter. Wanda told me you existed but I never thought you would be like you are. I am going to leave you in control. Do you think you could go to the storage area in the basement and put out some Christmas decorations tomorrow?" "Sure, that shouldn't be a problem. Is there anything special you'd like out?" "No, I'll leave it up to you. Surprise me. There is one area I'm wondering about though, sex. Will that continue like it was with Pansy?" "It can, but I think about the fact that there are thousands of men out there looking for one thing, a one-night stand. I'd think you'd want to be with a real man too. For all intents Peter is in the past, so you're free to do as you wish. Hilary was impressed with Petra and knew she was right. She thought about everything Petra had said, and knew things would be better if Petra was left in control of the different personalities. The next day when Hilary got home she was surprised at how Petra had put out the Christmas decorations. They were arranged as never before, and they looked spectacular. Six months later Hilary was officially divorced from Peter, whose address was unknown, and she was seeing a man who worked in a rival bank. She'd paid for Petra to get breast implants, and Petra was on female hormones and looking forward to getting a sex change. Both were very happy with how things turned out. (c) 2006 by Margaret Jeanette

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She Tries To Forget Ch 03

Passion in James County XVI Martin Flannigan, Ann Wallin’s next door neighbor, was standing at his kitchen counter making coffee when he saw the big blonde man leaving Ann’s house. ‘Looks like Ann had another, ah, guest, again last night,’ he thought and shook his head sadly. ‘What’s going on with that girl? What makes a pretty woman like her act like that?’ Martin, a tall, bulky graying man of fifty-five, had been Ann’s neighbor for about a year. He moved to Jamestown at the invitation of...

4 years ago
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I’d never met my biological father before. But when I was a teenager, I asked my mom about him and she told me that he lived alone on the outskirts of town. I told her that I was interested in connecting with him. My mom became very worried and said that she knew this day would come.She said that my dad was a very handsome, very sexy self assured man. She said he had “a way with the ladies”…especially younger ones, which is why he left my mom when she got to be “too old for him”.“I’m not...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 121

~~Jack~~ It was like staring through a window into another universe. Not like, was. “Um ... what’s on the other side?” he said. “The Realm of the Dead.” Jack froze. Clara froze. The two slowly turned to look at each other, before they both stared at the giant creature squashed inside the hallway. “Uh, what?” Clara said. Sándor looked at them, and waited, quiet and stoic despite the massive bomb he’d just dropped on them. “Sándor,” Jack said, “you’re going to have to fill us in, because...

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UniversityChapter 48

Even Gordy Hollister doesn't always win. By the time we got back to the Intercontinental, there was a message from the realtor. Dad called and was told that his bid was "unacceptable." "Fine," he said. "Make it $850. But that's it. There are other properties. Yes, I know it's Saturday. Surely your commission is large enough to make telephoning on the weekend feasible. I noticed there was an open house in Beecroft tomorrow." "C'mon, dad," I said. "Stop pulling your punches....

3 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 6

I convinced myself that if I didn't introduce Sarah to soft drugs - or at least admit her to the possibility of taking something in my presence - then someone else soon would, and it would be better coming from me, because I was properly experienced in these matters, and I knew that Sarah was not a girl to say no to a new adventure, and why shouldn't I, her lover, be there to enjoy and advise her? Over breakfast I ascertained that Sarah knew a bit already, she said she'd had a few puffs...

1 year ago
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Sex with Hot Guys is Worth the 15 Admission

Well, I got to a gay sex club in Los Angeles again this week. They are addictive!I am writing this to remind myself of these good experiences when I can’t have them anymore, so I try to keep them accurate. I am also writing in case readers find them erotic and educational. Hope you do!My last experience was so great I had high hopes for this trip. It had its good points but wasn’t as great as the one before. The main difference was the injection didn’t work on my tool this time. The weather...

3 years ago
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First Kiss At Her Pussy

My dear all ISS readers as well as lovers and I give my heartfelt respects to those who take sex as an eternal passionate feeling rather than just maintaining the image of getting laid or screwing or banging and for me sex is an way of expressing the love which one carries for someone. This is my first story on ISS rather I can say my first attempt of sharing something which I could not tell some person in real and so cutting the crap and lets jump to the topic that how I landed with a pussy...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 980

The following are compliments of Pete Compton A ninety year old man lived in a rest home and got a weekend pass. He stopped in his favorite bar and sat at the end and ordered a drink. He noticed a seventy year old woman at the other end of the bar and he told the bartender to buy the lovely young lady a drink. As evening progressed, the old man joined the lady and they went to her apartment, where they got it on. (“The Horizontal Disco”) Four days later, the old man noticed that he was...

2 years ago
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True story 2

Answered an ad last week.'Female company wanted £££" on another site.He was 72 and we emailed a few times again before arranging for me to go and see him.He wanted he said some light massage/lunch/company.... but his emails were quite flirty and i thought why not.When i arrived i asked if i could take a quick shower as a baby had thrown up on the tube and the smell of sick had worked its way into my hair and clothes.Of course he said and showed me to the bathroom.I waited a couple of minutes...

2 years ago
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Neha Bhabhi In Goa 8211 Part II

Next morning when I woke up I saw she was not there. I quickly went to the washroom and saw her last night dress were also not there. I was quite scared now as what might she think of yesterday night. I was not getting the courage of going into her room. I was quite restless now and then after some time I saw her coming towards my cottage. I quickly went back to sleep again. I did not want to face her now. She opened the door as she took the keys with her in the morning. I was lying on the sofa...

4 years ago
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Childhood Sex Memories

Hai friends…I was a great fan of this site and using using since 4 years. Now I have decided to write my memories happened in childhood. Also the sex stories happened recently. Please provide the feedbacks to the mail id . Coming to me my name is prasanth I am 6.2 ft with thin and I am from a small village in khammam distirct. In my childhood my house and my grandparents houses are side to side . My cousin will live with my grandpas house . She was 17 years then and I am 12 years she will look...

2 years ago
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Summer in san Francisco

When i was "18", i met a man at a rave.he asked me if i wanted to go party at his house.when we got to his house, he revealed he was gay.he was in his 40's and he was gonna be my first master.and i was gonna be his prefect Fuck doll.He owned an adult arcade in San Francisco and had a whole room full of extra merch,and seeing that i was curious he didn't push, instead he suggested we party a lil bit. When i use stimulants,i.e. coke,crystal meth,extacy,molly, i get really horny for man on man...

1 year ago
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Oopsy Wrong Room Part 2

So my parents were having another party. So, I was hiding out in my bedroom watching YouTube and stuff. Mostly cat videos. I was laughing at a cat trying to stuff itself into a tiny little box. Then there was a little knock at the door and a man came in. It was that same guy from the last party! OMG!"What are you doing in here?" I squealed, but not too loud."Isn't this the bathroom?" he said with a grin and came into the room. But this time, two other guys came in with him! OMG! There were...

2 years ago
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The Night Continues

That grin still hadn’t left his face… I was starting to get the feeling that he was planning something. Our night wasn’t over yet, so he had said. But what, I wondered, could he possibly be planning? This question faded from my mind upon pulling into the driveway. It was quiet as we casually got out of the car, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. Immediately I went to the bedroom, and donned a clean satin nightgown. My still shirtless husband appeared then, carrying a tray of strawberries...

3 years ago
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Butter FaceChapter 7

"Man, that's like totally unfair!" Dale blurted out over the murmurings of the others. I hadn't seen them in two days as Jimmy and I have been really busy getting Heather's career started. She's been pumping cock for almost two solid days, and Jimmy kept her going with her pipe every once in a while. She didn't seem to mind the steady stream of strangers using her body to get off in just as long as she got her reward. "What do you mean it's not fair?" I yelled back having to be...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law Moves in Part 2

If you read the first part of this story, you would know that after my mother in law had moved in, I had been sniffing her panties and jerking to her daily. This progressed to me setting her up to catch me jerking off and seeing how she reacted. At the conclusion of that story, she had been watching me jerk off with her panties nightly, while fingering herself. It ended with me licking her pussy to orgasm, as I shot my cum all over. The next day was awkward to say the least. She stayed in her...

1 year ago
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Window Watcher

It was a midsummer Friday night after my graduation. I had just turned 18, but still hadn’t really taken advantage of my newly awarded freedom. I was rather quiet and would always take spending a night at the gym for pilates class over the wild party down the street. This just happened to be one of those nights. I walked into my living room around 8 pm. I had just finished a 45 min jog and needed a shower. I tossed my water bottle in the sink and turned to bump into my older brother Josh. ...

3 years ago
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The AdventureChapter 11

The next few weeks were heaven for both Gwen and Daniel. As soon as Robert left for work the two would be mating like minxes. Clothes would be strewn all through the house and every room was christened, more than once. Varied techniques that Andre had taught Daniel were used to rapturous effect and the two lovers even invented a new one or two along the way. They simply could not get enough of each other and the effect which Gwen thought might wane actually grew stronger as Daniel became her...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits With Colleague 8211 Part 1

Hi, girls and guys, am a big fan of ISS site since college days and am going to share here my first ever experience I had with my office friend. If any girls looking for sex chat or tn girls for a short-term relationship can contact me at the below email.   Contact me for feedback or comment   Am Krish 28 years old from Chennai and working in mnc. This story is about my office friend and me how we connected to each other into a sexy friendship.   Let’s have quick look at my friend, her age...

3 years ago
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April Fools Diary My Birthday

7 May 2021My name is April Fool and this is my diary. Today was my sixteenth birthday. What a bizarre and strange day it's been. I'm totally weirded out by the whole thing even if it has been the bestest day ever. Last night when I went to sleep mine was a normal life. A single child with loving parents, my mind filled with everyday teenage concerns: Is that a spot or blemish on my chin? What's the best concealer? Why is my skin so oily? Is that foundation too dark? Which is the best lipstick...

1 year ago
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Ms Red 15

[prelude to a sequel] Ms. Red 1.5 Mrs. Alberetta, the old Biology teacher, would be out all week this week. In her place came a substitute, a young man. Think you know where this leads? Very handsome young man, possibly in his mid-20’s. Slightly long black hair, to the middle of his neck; always kept it curled behind his ears. His look was rather conservative for a public high school teacher though, what with his dress shirts and expensive pants, even shiny shoes that click when a step is...

2 years ago
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Another Dark and Stormy NightChapter 2

I am Mick Odell, the Next and I was born on the boat coming over from England. My parents thought that this new world would be better than England and they were right. My father disembarked, with me in my mother’s arms, and walked straight away to the first smithy he saw. Being an experienced wheelwright, he found work, as you would say today, right off the boat. Making wheels for wagons and carts, at a time when the whole world seemed to be moving West, paid well, and provided steady work....

1 year ago
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Fucked on the side of the Highway

We were on our way back from a trip and I was driving. James looked over at me with lust filled eyes. "What are you thinking about?" I said teasing him. I knew exactly what he wanted.  "Nothing" he said shifting his body towards me. He reached under my shirt and pulled my bra down and pinched my nipple hard. "Fuck!" I said as my eyes closed and I moaned. He knew my nipples were extremely sensitive, one little pinch or twist and I was ready to be fucked. I reached down to rub my throbbing clit,...

3 years ago
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House Of Debauchery Part 1

Alternate Title: How my Mother Became A Prostitute - Another story I haven't proofread this one yet. [email protected]===============================================================I can hear the rythmic creaking of the bed in next room. The moans of obvious pleasure and dirty talk between a man and a woman leaves no doubt that they are having sex. The woman is Gina, my girlfriend. The man is her customer.I met Gina about an year back. Actually I saw her ad to provide "guilty pleasure and full...

3 years ago
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he was not expecting this

This was going to be interesting, it's not like he knows I work with his wife or that I like women. As far as he knows I am just a woman he met online and exchanged a few pics with, masturbating simultaneously, joking about meeting up. He was going to get the surprise of a life time when I came over for the dinner his wife invited me to. I wondered what to wear while at the same time wondering how he would react- would he be all cool and pretend he didn't know me or will he be freaked out,...

Group Sex
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The Good Wife 5 Busting Siss Cherry

15-year old Zach sat nervously in his room, wondering what was happening with his mother and sister. His 14-year old sister, Grace, had come home unexpectedly and discovered Zach and his mother fucking their brains out. His mother, Alicia, had immediately sent him to his room with the promise to come for him later. He'd secretly watched the two of them from the hallway outside his mother's room, and it looked like his mother had calmed Grace down, the young girl's naïve curiosity surpassing...

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The Stalker

When I entered my teen years I started to work out alot along with masterbating. My bedroom was large enough that I able to put a work out bench in there. I wanted to get buff, you know, in the hopes that I would attract lots of women wanting sex. As I worked out I would get the feeling of being watched. Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of a shadow in the upper window of the next door house. I assumed that Mr. Foster might be spying on me and that he might have some kind of fetish for me. ...

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Official fuck

This is again a true story that has happened recently. There is no point in describing details about me or the other person , suffice to say I am in Mumbai and work in marketing, the lady in question works in sales of a TV channel.. I have known this lady (rashmi) for almost 2 years now and she always has been the flirty kind with innuendos and jokes but plays hardball if you want to take it further. She is 28 years of age, about 5ft 6 height and a slim figure I would guess a 35 – 30- 32 types....

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NaughtyOffice Kayla Kayden 24099

It’s either walk or fuck! So goes the situation for JMac, who’s essentially willing to get fired for the love of his wife. It’s their anniversary and they’ve got dinner reservations to head to, but his boss Kayla Kayden throws an extra 10 pounds of work on his desk at quittin’ time and tells him she needs it done by midnight. His hot blonde boss threatens to fire him when he tells her he’s not staying late, but JMac balks, forcing her and her big tits to come up with another brilliant idea....

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A sexy night with my cousin

one day i visited my cousin s****rs house. my cousin s****r was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

2 years ago
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Jasmine Learns The Ropes

“Good morning daddy,” chirped Jasmine walking down the stairway in her nightie.Caffeine was not required to tune into the fact my daughter’s supple 15 year old frame was filling in nicely these days.“What’s for breakfast?”Wish it were your nipples soaked in maple syrup so I could swirl my tongue around them for a while, I thought. “Pancakes,” I answered.Plumping her petite five foot nothing frame on the sofa and resting her feet up on a table caused my boner to press up hard against my jeans,...

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The End

Copyright© To say we had drifted apart would be an understatement. Our two kids had finished college and found employment half way across the continent. Beth was a teacher in Oklahoma and Jeff worked for a software company in Denver. Our nest was empty. My wife, Bonnie, had compensated for this by concentrating more on her job. She worked for an advertising firm and had climbed her way up to a good position, and the responsibility that came with it. I sold cement. There were times when it...

3 years ago
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ReunionChapter 3 Settling In

Ashley took Bill back to her large elegant bedroom and showed him where to hang his clothes. The clothes rod on his side was completely empty, with enough hangers for a whole family. She opened empty drawers he could use, and indicated which side of the roomy bathroom was for his shaving kit and other man gear. She folded his wrinkled clothes and helped him put things away, all the while describing the options for entertainment during the next few weeks. Benny was following them around...

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Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemale

Passionate Sex with a Beautiful Shemalea man and his shemale lover get down to businessWill led Sarah by the hand into his bedroom. He closed the door as they entered and pulled her towards him. He placed his hands around her, caressing her toned stomach as he slightly nibbled on her earlobe. He could feel her trembling in his arms. Sarah lightly ground her ass into his crotch, rubbing herself against his hardening cock.“Mmm,” she moaned, feeling Will’s lips kiss the nape of her neck, causing...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Cadence Lux The Squirting Contest

Cadence Lux and AJ Applegate are looking sexy as fuck sitting next to each other on their bed. When they turn the camera on, they introduce themselves and tell their viewers how they’re going to win the squirting contest. Armed with two large jars, the girls are going to try and fill them up with their juices. Cadence volunteers to go first as she strips down and starts making out with AJ. She lies down as AJ starts playing with her pussy. Not a moment passes before she starts squirting...

3 years ago
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I Assfucked My Mindhacked Sister

"Brad!" a voice shouted from behind. Zack slapped Brad's shoulder good-naturedly. "So glad to see you out and about!" "Just wanted to get some fresh air, and to check your place out." "Make yourself at home, all food is on me." "Thanks, man." Just then, a shock of dark brown head appeared from the kitchen. Abigail. Even fully clothed, his sister’s body made an incredible impact on Brad. His cock throbbed at the sight of her halter top, clinging tightly against her massive...

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Back Home Again

I never had any intention of being back in this city. Never in the far recesses of my mind had I ever thought about coming back to my home. It has been over two years since I left and I wouldn't be here now if I didn't feel that I had to. My father has a heart problem; something to do with a clogged artery and has to have bypass surgery. He was in the hospital waiting for the operation. I came home because he refused to let the doctors operate until I was there. I just hope the ongoing feud...

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My Mothers SonChapter 7 Exciting Day

The diary entry brought back memories of the single most thrilling and exciting day of my life, bar none. DIARY: "C has reached puberty. I've been worrying how to handle it. Now it is upon us. Hope I am handling it openly. Should help him get through with as little stress as possible. Just wish I were sure. He probably needs his dad, but I'll have to do. It appears that he had his first ejaculation last night. Well, his first and second. I've explained and think I made him comfortable....

1 year ago
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Guising by miss circe AUTHOR'S NOTE: When I was little, growing up in Scotland, we called Trick or Treating "Guising." I'm not sure it fits for the story, but I've always liked the triple pun, so there! -------------------------------------------------- Lizzie crouched in the narrow doorway, hiding from the heavy rain. She rubbed her bare arms and stuck her head out from under the awning, glancing this way and that up the cobbled alleyway. The gas lamps spluttered and...

1 year ago
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The lad from the sea

Maybe it was because I was a complete stranger that he felt able to tell me his secret. At least I thought so at the time. I figured out later that he had started talking to me because I had a broad, hairy chest, a beard and was older than him. It was all part of his secret. He told me he was eighteen. Actually he said he was eighteen and four months so I didn’t argue. Then he said he had a secret and was bursting to tell someone. I told him that he was welcome to tell me his secret and that my...

3 years ago
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The One for Me Ch 0406

Hello, everyone. Here is the ending of a story I wrote last year. I never posted it because, I felt it wasn’t good enough, but it is a story I really liked. So I decided to submit it anyway. If you like it, fine. If not, well that’s OK too. I certainly hope you read it. It’s a long read, but I think it will be worth it in the end. If you are going to search for errors and mistakes, I’m sure you will find plenty, as this is self-edited, but please don’t let human error distract you from the...

4 years ago
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When in Toronto

The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For one glowing moment in his life, however long it would last, he was the biggest name in eSports. Ken wasn’t thoroughly stupid....

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Why a Bull

But why a Bull when you can have the full gamut of men? Its because a Bull is so seriously in charge and demanding. They take control and know how to be sweet and stern as the situation warrants it. Many Bully boys relish taking over another man's sex, or what tries to be a man and in fact is just a fem boy, making all its choices for it or just dictating its life in general. Fem t-girls should be expected to attract men so why settle for anything but the most Alpha powerful man you can find?...

2 years ago
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Mom And Son Sex No Limits Part 3

Hi dear. It is my story another part I think you will read it and comments soon. Is story ko parhny say phly parts parh lyein.Thanks Let’s start sex story Mny ghalti sy orange ke jaga boob pkr lia, Phir mom sy alag ho k next trees dakny lag gaya, Phir hum wps dada k ghr a gay Rat wahein. Gozari aur subha hoty he ghr lot ay apny, As usual din gozarty rahy, dad out of county thy,dad ke call ai k wo ak 2 week nae a paein gy.Mri chotain abhe baqi thein Phir do din asy gozar gay. Next day was...

1 year ago
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Little IndiansChapter 18 Thanks for the memories

Hypatia sat on the end of Tsanja's bed. The Felthings still surrounded her, and Tsanja felt bloodied, defiled, her insides damaged. Hypatia lifted a little bag up, and put it up on the bed. Opening it, she pulled out a small creature. It was furry, and looked soft, and, as she stroked it, it tried to wrap itself around her finger. It was just a night-wing These creatures were only seen at night, and they stayed well away from people. The legends had it that they were older than time...

3 years ago
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The Class Project Chapter 9

The Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 9 "Brad?" Robyn asked, feeling a little thrill course through her heart. She fought to dispel her sleepiness. "Yep, it's me," he replied. "How're you doing, Sweets? I hope I didn't wake you." She shifted in bed slightly, moving the phone to her other ear. "No, you didn't wake me," she lied, "I was just lying here resting my tired feet. Cathy took me shopping and nearly walked me to death." "Are you too tired to come over," he...

4 years ago
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Star Trek Cinna

I sat in my chair and looked around the bridge at my crew. This would be our first mission together for most of us. At the party the previous night we got to know each other and got to catch up with those we haven't seen in a while, most of us of which we haven't seen since the Academy days. I smiled and stood, walking around to the back of the Bridge. My eyes roamed over the bodies at each station. My Executive officer stayed in his seat. My eyes came to rest on the science officer standing at...

4 years ago
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Amelia Lillys little sister

Introduction: Wearing Lillys preteen sister as a sex suit Forming the plan as I went along I placed one of two pills with a note to little Amelia that simply read trust me sis this will make you feel good ,) in her room on top of her diary in her cupboard, I have noticed her these last few months after all, the second one I set on the coffee table while my dad was in the bathroom, his Friday night ritual put him on the couch watching Netflix. I go back into my room and power everything down but...

3 years ago
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I Need More Sex

-“Raw Sex, For The First Time” (Part 1) chapter two: I Need More Sex...-I had slept the night away easily after getting off three times before. Sex at a party with a random hook up, sex with a stripper for money, and another random hook up with the girl from the party and her cock hungry friend. I still wanted more sex but my body was exhausted. I couldn't stop thinking that my eagerness to lose my virginity, and the unprotected sex filled night, might have been a mistake. Once I thought about...

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Slow Burning Fire

Soaked! Nothing could be more disappointing than crawling into bed and laying in an icy wet spot. I jump out and pull the heavy brown quilt down to discover the cause of the wetness. I don't drink in my bed, it can't be anything I've spilled on the bed. I haven't wet the bed, I hope it's not from an animal that came inside the cabin to escape the snow. Snow. Of course it's snow, I look up and can see a fine flutter of snow falling from a hole in the ceiling. I sigh, what I viewed as quaint...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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My aunt confession Part 2 My mothers past

100% fiction! as she guided my hand to her wet pussy, she told me how she had lost her virginity. "it was your grandfather, the one who fuck this and your moms pussy first" she said, my heart was beating as i heard her shocking confession. it was around seven,the sun was going down,the soft breeze coming in through the small opening in the window, it had been around one hour that my mom had left to go with my dad,we both laid there on my bed complete naked, my hand was soaking wet with her...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Therapy

A small brown man in an expensive but ill-fitting suit sat behind the desk, smiling benevolently at the client in from of him. "Your complaints are not dissimilar to many I've heard, Mr. Frusten. Your wife has borne you the two point zero zero zero children she felt was her duty and has now turned her attention to other matters. 'Getting on with her life' many call it. Sex just isn't important in that plan, or outright dangerous in case another two or three point zero zero zero babies come...

1 year ago
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sissy wants to be black mans slut

Hi Sweeties! Guess what? Well, adult arcade sissy, Miss Terilyn Bardot, got her ass whipped but good the other night. It happen at an adult video arcade in Providence, RI.One of the reasons Terilyn likes going there is because they could care less what kind of sex goes on in those preview booths. in fact they installed larger booths that hold up to 6 occupants. A lot of the adult bookstores, mainly the ones in Massachusetts, have signs posted to the effect of no sexual behavior allowed, or, one...

3 years ago
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Rima Boss Gets her first taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

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Jabardasti ka maza

Hi dosto mera naam ravi hain aur mai jaipur ka rehne wala hoon.pehle meri id and my cont no 09783522734 pls call me any female .Haan to main 23 saal ka hoon aur wheatish complexion or well build body ka hoon.maine recently jaipurme join kiya hain after doing my engg.ok ab mai story par aata hoon.hua yeh ki main kisi kaam se noida gaya hua that aur main waha ek 3 star hotel me stay karne waha tha.tabhi meray friend ka jo ki mere saath hi jane wala tha uska phone aaya ki uska village pass me hi...

2 years ago
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15 x 3

I got you a new Dildo; it's 15 inches long, and 3inches thick! I know how you like that stuffed fullfeeling, but this time I think you've met your match.I know how you like a challenge, and I thought I wouldraise the bar just a bit. You tell me "So far Ihaven't had much luck, I can only get about half ofthe head in, not that I don’t cum like mad trying, butit is a bit frustrating; perhaps I need a bit moremotivation, can you help to finally push me over theedge?" you ask. "No worries, I think I...

1 year ago
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Reality Kings Twitter 3000 598000

It's pretty difficult getting into porn and not knowing about Reality Kings. Whether you've found some clip of them on a popular free porn site or stumbled across their social media, Reality Kings is well-known. The studio provides some amazing porn with high-quality and beautiful girls. What they do on their website translates quite well to their Twitter account.Reality Kings holds over 630K followers on Twitter. That's no surprise considering how widespread they are in the porn industry. I am...

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