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blackstrokerPunishment Not Pleasure

My older sister Sadie, a most appropriate name judging from her nature, is a fat, foul mouthed, mean spirited, tom boyish bitch. Since we were k**s she was always beating up on somebody, I included. At nineteen she is three years older and a whole lot bigger than me, taking after my big strapping mom, while I am a version of my slim wiry and muscular dad. Since we’ve become grown up she no longer hits me, because she realizes that although I am smaller, I am very tough, with quite a reputation as a fighter and would certainly whip her fat ass. But that doesn’t stop her from being mean and aggressive toward me every now and then, though it never gets further than a bit of tugging and wrestling, with her eventually backing off when she senses I am close to getting mad.

I sometimes wonder if she is a dyke, judging from the way she dresses and acts, and the fact that she never seems to have a steady boyfriend. There has been a guy here and a guy there for brief periods over the years, but for the last two or three years she seems to be in a prolonged drought romantically.

Although she is fat, she is not exactly unattractive, having a pretty face with pouty lips, big firm tits, a big heavy ass that I love to stare at and huge smooth rounded thighs. She is the fat but firm type, no slack flab. Her complexion is light brown, and her brown kinky hair is short cropped and shiny, and always neat. But her mean spirited ways, her constant scowl, aggressive walk and posture and foul mouth is a turn off. It seems like she just enjoys being mean. We were never particularly fond of each other, with me being closer with our older brother and sister, and she only with a sister a year younger than me. But my mom and dad almost always sides with her against the rest of us.

The two of us were alone at home. I was sitting in front of the TV and her moving about housekeeping. She was wearing a short tight stretchy material pink skirt that barely covered her fat ass, and one of those tank tops or whatever they called it, that was like a tight fitting T-shirt with the T cut off. It started somewhere on the top of her massive breasts, and ended a couple of inches above her navel. So her fleshy tummy and the top quarter of her boobs were exposed. I must admit that it was a stirring sight, and I felt my cock getting all puffed up as I looked at her moving around vacuuming the carpet, especially when she was backing me, slightly bent over. Through the material I could see dimples on her butt cheeks. There was no sign of panty lines, which suggested she was wearing a thong. I tried to imagine her without the skirt, with the thong sunk between the crack of that huge ass, rubbing against her puckered hole, and partly sunk into her fat pussy. Once when she stopped her vacuuming and went to do something else, as she was passing by me I gave her a little slap on the ass. Expecting her to fly into a rage and attack me either physically or verbally, I was surprised when she simply gave me a glare and with just a slight rise in voice, said:
“You little perv, you want to play with something, play with your dick.
“You’d love to watch me do that, eh, having not seen a dick yourself for such a long time?” She just sucked her teeth and waltzed away.

Damn, I thought, she must be in one hell of a good mood today. When she returned she bent right over to change the nozzle of the vacuum. I found myself staring at a fat barely covered lump of pussy flesh. I sat up straight, and without doing so consciously, grabbed my crotch, feeling the rapidly expanding cock. After she resumed her work I got up and went to my bedroom where I picked up a little, bent-wire and rubber band sling shot which I’d made a couple of days ago. The ammo for the sling shot was tight folded paper bent into a U shape. I loaded the sling shot and let the missile go at her broad ass. She let out a loud ouch and spun around, glaring at me with fire in her eyes. She stomped over and stood in front of me breathing hard with her hands on her hips and her huge bosom heaving.

“You little shit, you do that again and I’ll grab your fucking balls and squeeze them so hard, they’ll hear your yell in the next street.” I just looked at her and laughed.

She stomped away from me and went back to the vacuum. She bent over again and once more I was looking at that fat lump barely covered in a wine color with tiny black dots thong. I was dumb founded as I stared at the amazing crotch. Her cream colored inner thighs was stained a darker brown from the rubbing of her thick thighs together. But unlike other fat girls, hers did not have that dark, dirty looking or pimpled roughness, just the slight discoloration. I’d love to grab that pussy while she was bent over like that, or better yet stick my tongue and nose there. If only she knew how close to the truth she was when she called me a perv. I was after all, looking at my big sister’s fat ass and thinking that I’d like to get up and fuck her to death right now.
About five minutes later I loaded another paper missile, and let it go at her ass. This time around I’d pulled it back very far, so it was released with more force than the first time.
“What the fuck!” she shouted and spun around grabbing at her ass and rubbing it vigorously. In no time she was standing in front of me like a mad bull snorting fire. With unexpected speed she bent over and grabbed my crotch. Her strong hand curled roughly around my erect dick.
“You can’t say I didn’t give you warning,” she said as she squeezed and tugged. I could only be pleased that it was my cock and not my balls she had in her hand. That would have been disastrous.
“And what is this?” she said as she squeezed and tugged at my cock, “you sick son of a bitch, you’ve been sitting there all this time having a hard on for your own sister.”
“What do you expect if you keep bending over and exposing your fat pussy,” I shouted back, “and you’d better let go of my cock, or I swear I’ll grab that stinking pussy of yours.”
“You wouldn’t dare, you do that and I sure as hell will tell mom and dad on you.”

She stood her ground looking me full in the face, now massaging more than squeezing my stiff cock. I swear she was enjoying it, while pretending to be angry and only interested in hurting me. I could tell by the suddenly erect nipples pushing against her top that this was more than anger playing out here. I raised my left hand and held her firmly at the back of the head so she couldn’t wriggle free, as I reached my right hand under the short skirt and cupped her ample mound. She tried to twist away but I held her fast behind the neck while my spread fingers sunk into the flesh between her thighs. We stood there, eyes locked in combat. I felt her, squirming, and she applied more pressure, now really squeezing into my cock. I increased my pressure on her hot fleshy crotch.
“You’re hurting me,” she blurted out, her voice almost breaking. And I could tell that she was really angry now.
“And I’ll keep on hurting you; when you loose then I will loose.”
“You sicko, using the opportunity to cop a feel off your own sister’s pussy.” She let go of my dick, but I kept my hand under her skirt, gently massaging the now moist mound.
“See, I knew it. I’ve let go of you but your hand is still under my skirt.” I started to slip a finger into her snatch, but she wrenched free, turned around and stomped away.
“I’ll tell mom and dad.”
“You won’t tell shit, because you enjoyed holding my dick, you fat whore.”
“Enjoyed my ass, and who are you calling a whore?” I thought she was going to burst into tears.

She grabbed a broom and charged at me, swinging. I evaded her swing and ran away. I bounded up the stairs and headed for my room. I threw myself onto the bed. Damn, I thought, that pussy felt good. I brought my fingers to my nose and savored the rich smell. Seconds later I saw the huge figure of my enraged sister fly through the air and land on top of me, knocking the wind out of me. Before I could regain my senses, she was straddling me, blowing hard.
“I’ll teach you to be fresh with me, you little sick fucker.”
She pressed down hard on me as she leaned forward and pinned my arms to the bed. Despite her weight and size, I knew that I could have toppled her, but I didn’t want to, my cock was raging hard and I liked the way it felt with her big hot booty pressing down on it. The short skirt had ridden up her thighs, and the fat pussy in the wine colored thong was right before me giving me the upskirt of my life. Holy fuck! My sister has some pussy!
“What is this I feel pressing against my ass, another hard on? Oh boy, you’re really messed up inside your head, getting hardons for your big sister, I’ll teach you to have some manners and respect and decency.”
She raised her fat ass up in the air and dropped it back down on my groin.
“Take this and this and this,” she snarled as she lifted her ass and slammed it back down on my groin area three times.
I lifted my hips up under her, pretending to be trying to unseat her, but actually pressing my cock against her pussy.
“Oh, so you’re trying to throw me off, trying to escape.”
I gave a mighty heave, almost toppling her, but she held on, like I thought she would.
“Uh uh, that won’t work, you little perv, I’m gonna keep you pinned down here ‘til you learn some manners” she laughed, “You can’t even control your b**stly desires around your own sister. I’m gonna grind this thing into your belly and right through your back, unless you show some respect and make it go down.”
She pressed down hard and started a quick grinding circular movement on me. She was breathing hard, her lips parted and her eyes half closed as she ground her pussy on me while looking intently at my face as if gauging it for some sign.

Suddenly she stopped and said: “Wait a minute, this is too easy on you, I’m not getting to really punish this thing enough, let me fix it into a position where I can really grind it into your gut and teach you a lesson. And when I move my hand don’t you dare try to get away, you little squirt or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

She removed one hand from my upper arm that she had been gripping, raised her ass up slightly and started tugging at the waist of my trunks. Without her requesting it I raised my hips up making it easy for her to drag my trunks down to below my knees. There was a wildness in her eyes that I had never seen before, and she was blowing hard as she grabbed my cock and positioned it stretched along my belly, where it refused to remain lying, and instead, sprung up, making bobbing little movements.
“There, now I can punish that disrespectful, little thing properly.”
I closed my eyes in sweet anticipation as she positioned herself above my hard stretched out shaft. Although I did not see it then because of my closed eyes, I realized later that she had hiked her skirt right up above her waist, almost all the way to her breasts, and pulled aside one leg of her panties to uncover her fat hairy crotch before bringing it down on my bouncing dick.

She started a sudden frantic grinding and heavy breathing as if someone had merely pressed a pause button to freeze her movements, and had now restarted her.
“How could it go down if you keep grinding your fat pussy on it?”
“What, you little bastard,”
She slapped me hard on my left cheek, followed immediately by a similar hard slap on the right cheek wit the back of her hand. The blows stung and I started to say something, but my words were cut off by two more similar slaps, causing me to shut up. Her grinding hips and ass had hardly missed a beat while she was slapping me.
“So you’re not going to make it go down, you stubborn prick, I guess I’ll have to be more rough, I’ll rub it till it’s sore, see how you like that.”
I wanted to laugh, my sister was coming over as a raving sexual lunatic, but I kept a straight face because I was enjoying her big hot body on mine as she acted out her fantasy. She leaned lower, gripping my sides between her huge inner thighs, and started making long, back and forth movements of her wet hairy cunt along my throbbing shaft.
“How does that feel?” she asked
“Wonderful!” I said, immediately pissing her off.
“What!” she exploded, punching me hard to the side of my head. “Who told you to say that?”
“But you asked…” I said, my words being cut off as she rose up and punched me hard, first in the right, then left side. I must admit that I suddenly felt a little bit frightened; wondering how far this lunatic was going to take this charade.
I groaned as I felt the hairs on her pussy bruising the tender inner side of my cock head. But in spite of the stinging, burning sensation, the pleasure I was experiencing was immense. The intimacy of the act of my sister’s wet fat pussy lips sliding along my rod caused a kind of wicked glow to envelope me. This was unlike any sexual feeling I had ever had.

My head felt light, and the overwhelming inner satisfaction and feeling of unprecedented connection with my panting sister, emboldened me in a perverse way.
“Put it in,” I said while at the same time reaching up and grasping a fat bouncing breast in each hand.
“What, how dare you make such a disgusting suggestion, this is punishment, not pleasure.”
She knocked away my groping hands and slapped me hard in the face. I felt something snap in my head. I raised a hand and slapped her hard across her face.
‘Put it in you crazy fat bitch, I know that is what you really want, so stop fucking around and take the dick.”
Her mouth fell open as she stared at my angry face.
“Put the fucking cock into your cunt, you fat stinking fucking whore.”
She straightened up, her mouth open and eyes blinking rapidly. She jerked her head back, and then shook it puzzlingly, as if she had just come out of a trance.
“Pu…pu…put it in?” she asked.
“Yes, you fat fuck, put my cock in your cunt and stop wasting my time.”
“O…ok,” she said, looking at me testing, as if expecting me to change my mind, but hoping I “Put it in!” I screamed, losing patience, “put it in or let me get up, I’m tired of your fucking game. I want to fuck if you don’t want to, get your fat ass off me.”
She gripped my cock with trembling fingers. Her entire body was trembling as she positioned the hard rod of hot flesh at the entrance of her dripping pussy and let the head part her brown hairy lips.
“Push up,” she whispered, looking down at me with what looked like admiring eyes.
I pushed up hard, sending my cock deep into her. She grunted, and lowered her body, letting her pussy slide all the way down my shaft to the base. She bit her bottom lip as I pumped upward, causing her fat belly to shake, over me. I reached up and grabbed the tank top, pulling it down and watched in amazement as her beautiful big firm shining boobs fell free, looked at the very large expanse of areola and the stiff stout nipples. I slapped them both and she grimaced. I began furiously slamming upward into her slick cunt, eliciting a grunt from her with each thrust. I could see her thighs and fleshy hips and the sides of her ample ass quivering and bouncing as I pounded her. She was squinting down at me with her pouty lips half open. She reached forward and removed my hands that I had clasped behind my head, and deposited them on her big soft buttocks. I gripped them tightly sinking my fingers into the bouncing rubber balls, as I continued pumping upward.
“Stop, let me do it,” she said. I lowered my hips to the mattress. I felt her sweat dropping unto my chest and face.
“Take off your top.” She obeyed, pulling it quickly over her head. Her clean shaven armpits looked beautiful. I rose up and licked under one of them. She suddenly leaned forward and smashed her big breasts onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her broad back, and held her tight.
“I love the feel of your cock inside me, little brother,” she whispered.
She started making small up and down and clenching movements on my cock. I relaxed, enjoying the controlled movements of her big wet body over my meager frame. I slid my hand along her wet back and over her huge spongy balls. I put four fingers of each hand into the crack of her giant ass, resting them against the inner walls as I spread the cheeks apart. She quickened her movements, and her mouth found mine. She licked my lips slobbering, and then poked her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battled, as her hips moved at a brutal pace, her steaming pussy lashing against my groin. On an impulse I rested my right forefinger at the entrance of her puckered hole. I pressed against it hesitantly. She reached around and covered my hand with hers. I felt her lips move against mine as she tried to speak without breaking the kiss. I heard a muffled ‘push it in, push it in’. I needed no further urging. I let my finger aided by her own pussy juice, slide into the tight hole. The walls of her anus claimed my finger, clamping around it possessively. After I had sunk it all the way in I let it rest there and found that her quick up and down rhythm and little jerking thrusts controlled the finger’s in and out probing of her anus. After a while I heard her tell me to put in another finger. As the two fingers sliced into her, she let out a loud aaahhhh, followed by a forceful grinding. Seconds later she removed her mouth from mine and began hissing loudly through her clenched teeth, her body convulsing, her hips rocking wildly as she cried out.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, oh why did you make me come.”
She rose up on one hand and began slapping me in the face while muttering.
“Why you make me come, why you make me come.” Then she started sobbing.
I reached up and grabbed her swinging breasts, squeezing them hard, intent on returning the pain of her slaps. Then I felt the swelling in my own loins, the sensation creeping up between my eyes, and then my own body’s convulsions beneath hers which was still quivering. She gave out a loud yeaah, like an excited sport fan.
“Yes baby brother, yes, come inside your fat slutty sister’s pussy. Drain you sweet cock inside my pussy.” She leaned forward, stretched out her legs and remained lying on me as both our bodies weakly jerked out their last spasms.

After we were both drained, she rolled off me, turned around and straddling me with her back to me and her fat ass in my face started licking my cock and sucking at my tight balls. My cock began to come to life. I rose up and planted my face in the wet musky crack and licked at the little tight hole. The musky smell worked wonders on my eager cock, causing it to stretch out full and hard. I pushed her forward and got up behind her. I lathered my cock with saliva, and then did the same to the entrance of her anus, I put my cock against it and she pushed back encouragingly. I pressed forward, and felt the closed flesh gave way to an inch or so of my cock. I continued to push until I was a good way in. I felt her shiver, and heard her grinding teeth. I began the back and forth pummeling, pushed to heights of passion by her little whimpering sounds. I rode her for a long while before her knees gave way and she fell face down, flat on her belly. I continued to pump into her, as she lay motionless, just taking whatever I was giving in silent acceptance. When I came she used her muscles to clamp around me and pump me gently as I drained into her.
That was the beginning of a regular pounding of my fat sister’s ass and pussy for many years.

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Punishment The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 1

The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of...

Monster Sex
2 years ago
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Punishment configuration 1

There are zero niceties from the start. I am just barked short orders and sharp questions. I am not allowed to speak but to concisely answer such questions. Of course, there will be no kind of stop word or anything like that. This is a real punishment, not kinky play. Upon arrival, right on the hall, I am ordered to strip down from crown to toes, including any jewelry or accessories, and throw it all into a box on the floor. The slightest doubt or resistance are immediately treated with...

2 years ago
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Punishment Room

Somtimes I fantasise about bdsm and being a domThe room has one door and no windows with the only light coming from 4 floor lamps positioned in each of the rooms four corners. They illuminate a low wooden box which sits in the middle of the room. The box is just over foot square and made of pine with a number of rings screwed to its sides and top surface. These can be used to restrain an uncooperative fidget slave if necessary. Two chalk lines are drawn on the box the purpose of which will...

4 years ago
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Punishment and Reward Via Remote control

Jamie lives half the country away. This would be fine, except Jamie is my submissive, is collared to me and is my lover and friend.In order to overcome these difficulties, we manage to use a couple of tools, and use them well. First and foremost, of course, is the airplane. We can scrape the money together to fly, one to the other or vice versa about every other month. It's the days in between those visits, however, which are truly difficult.Our second tool is the phone. We chat about life, we...

4 years ago
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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

4 years ago
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The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn't been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter's place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn't quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...

2 years ago
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Punishment? It had never gotten easy for her to raise a growing boy all by herself. Lisa just came home from work, a couple of hours earlier then normal thanks to a big account being finished completely. She had also received a big bonus, which always was a good thing in her household. Her son Frank had had his fifteenth birthday a couple of months ago, and by now she did not have a good insight into his life and thoughts. To her he seemed to be a loner, even on his birthday there had...

3 years ago
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punishment 3

it was quiet in the house for a month until a phone call from the school about scot they found d**gs in his locker he is suspended from school while they investigate'scot take your clothes off and go stand in the middle of the garden facing brians house for 10 minutes' kevin says 'you know the rules your punishment will start now'scot knows better then to try to argue strips goes out into the garden facing brians house he puts a hand in front of his limp cock'hands on your head' sally tells...

2 years ago
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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

1 year ago
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Over the years, I’ve written many stories. Some include an element of spanking, albeit quite light. I have to admit, I do like the occasional situation where, usually as part of foreplay, or during sex, I get a kick out of being spanked. A hard slap, or two, across my bum cheeks, while I’m being taken doggy style, always adds that little extra thrill. On occasion, a particular friend of mine has used a leather belt on me. Actually, that’s one situation I do like. Standing there, watching a man...

1 year ago
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Punishment for copying in exam

My own private heaven and hell. Its not that the kids are rowdy, or that I hate my work, its. She sits there, an innocent angel. Even her name fits, mala. Eighteen years old, and already turning heads. Today she is wearing what must have been her idea of a schoolgirl’s uniform. White shirt that left a small band of skin showing at the bottom. Green plaid short skirt (mid-thigh) & boots. Damn this girl/woman is beautiful! Her hair shines in the light, a chestnut color, and her eyes are a...

3 years ago
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Punishment ParkChapter 4

Hortense sneered with a curt spitefulness as Clara and Norma revelled in seeing her to a piece of ground on the outskirts of the park, lying fallow, the earth uneven, and showing an abundance of plant growth, unlike anywhere else in the park, the wicked looks of the three directed at Tanner as he was led up to them on his leash, whipped smartly there by Georgina. As Hortense simmered, guessing the reason for the disturbed ground, Madam Norma Greer stood hand on hip, and barked at him. “Well?...

3 years ago
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Punishment 5

Punishment 5 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Delivery It was now Friday morning at 10.00am. Jim was standing in front of the full-length hallway mirror reciting his mantra. He was reciting it there, because Karen insisted he now do it there, so that he would have a visual aid to help get his mind-set as feminine as possible. As he said each part of his mantra (which he was instructed to do in as feminine a voice as possible) he was to gaze at any part of his body that his...

4 years ago
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Punishment Coming Soon

– Day 1 – In hindsight, it was one of the moronic things I had ever done! The only excuse I can offer is that I was a bored 19 years old on a hot summer’s afternoon. Mother and I had gone into town to go shopping. She had bought some clothes for me, but most of the afternoon had been looking for boutiques for Mom. It was my last summer of freedom before fall semester began, and This was”NOT” how I wanted to spend my time. I suggested that I go browse some shops myself while she did her...

2 years ago
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Punishment Day

The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping ladder which was cleverly designedto allow her entire body to be exposed ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? PUNISHMENT DAY The beautiful naked white woman hung face down on the ? Whipping Ladder ? which was cleverly designed? to allow her entire body to be exposed . The Ladder was one half meter wide at the base and tapered to only a few centimeters at the top. It was inclined at 45 degrees and mounted on a platform to...

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I step into the bedroom and Nicole winces at the light as it moves into the blackened room. She squints to see me but I'm a silhouette before the illuminated doorway moving slow towards her as she straddles the coffee table, her body impaled deeply on phallic silicone. Her ankles restrained to table legs and wrists bound to wrists. She trembles and sweats, her chest heaves nervously and each step I take towards her causes her breath to quicken. I've left her alone in the dark for an hour and...

3 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 4

The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Monday morning. Time to get up, have my breakfast and go to school again. After a few moments, I sat up in bed, brushed the hair from my eyes, yawned and stretched, swung back the duvet and put my feet into my low- heeled mules before standing up and re-arranging my nightie which had managed to wind itself round my waist again during the night. Into the bathroom for the morning wash and brush-up before returning to my bedroom to dress for the day's activities. As it was a...

4 years ago
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Punishment 4

Punishment 4 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Decision A few moments passed, as Jim, Maria and Karen, all for their own reasons, sat silently on the sofa and collected their thoughts. As Jim sat, squeezed in between the two girls, his mind ever awhirl, he desperately tried to think of some way out of the surreal mess he now found himself firmly entrenched within. His gaze shifted downwards towards his legs. Legs which were sheathed in dark, sheer tights. Girls legs for sure! His...

2 years ago
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You are sitting at a bar wearing a thin low-cut blouse with the top three buttons undone showing your huge cleavage. The pushup bra is giving your breasts the support they need to lift them higher. The bra stops just below your nipples so the cool air makes them hard and well noticed through the thin blouse.I'm sitting behind you just out of your view. I see a man hitting on you and you're flirting back with him by laughing at his jokes. You're even allowing him to touch your smooth bare...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

3 years ago
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Punishment And Reward

He was trembling as he knelt before her, awaiting her next action. he was both excited and scared of what might happen. They had been teasing and playing online previous to this meeting and the last time they played he had cum without permission and then freaked out and hastily left without explanation. He knew that she must be really mad at him and that his behavior had been unacceptable. It took a few days before she had answered his messages and he had been worried that she might not want to...

2 years ago
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Punishment of NatalieChapter 1

Natalie was a bitch! She was rude to everyone. She was a luscious piece of 17-yr old ass and she knew it. She thought this gave her the right to put down anyone and everyone. She was wrong as she would soon find out. Natalie opened her front door. She was wearing tight hot pants that showed her cunt-crack. She was wearing a tight tee top that was stretched almost translucent over her firm tits. Her nipples poked eagerly though the fabric. She looked out at 15-yr old Bill with disdain. He...

2 years ago
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Beasts Chapter Four Minotaur

"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...

1 year ago
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Punishment Some people are strange, and some people are quite ordinary. In their owneyes at least. Take me - ordinary, married (once), thirty or so, so-so job,good looking enough to have a sex life that means I pick up girls and fuckthem.I like that. Fucking. I like young bodies, tight cunts and big breasts.Yeah... big breasts. Preferably tied up, pierced, roped, branded, clamped,tight, fucked... I life that, watching as my cock ploughs through breaststied so tight they are purple. And maybe...

1 year ago
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Punishment From Master

Kneeling in the floor of T/their dungeon the tears slowly sliding down her cheeks she awaits Him. Why? She wonders to herself did she not obey. She saw the anger in His eyes and heard it in His voice. Now she awaits His punishment. She knows he is waiting til his temper cools as that is T/their rule. He will never punish her while angry. How long she has been waiting she is not sure but it seems like an eternity for her. As her shoulders shake with the sobs she tries to hold in she hears Him...

4 years ago
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Punishment For a Sissy IV

Punishment For a Sissy IV By PJD The silence in the cell was prolonged, each of the watching women waited for the housekeepers reaction. When it came they were cold measured words, not the hysterical screaming torrent of abuse, they had expected from the spinster. "For your behaviour to me and the girls, you will be punished, but not now we have to much to do, tomorrow you will be thrashed in front of the entire staff." She pushed the whimpering sissy back onto the bed, "Now...

1 year ago
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Dancing with the Hypnotist

‘I am now going to place my penis in your mouth.’ Annabel was appalled but she could not move so much as a muscle without his command. She had watched as the man had quietly undressed, neatly folding his clothes on the chair, and been so relieved to see his penis flaccid. She had thought he intended her for sex but the physical evidence showed otherwise: how wrong she had been! ‘You need to open your mouth, yes, that is just right.’ He had come closer and closer to her, his hand reaching...

3 years ago
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Punishment Or Treat

It all starts with the platonic love and the feelings for each other takes you in the deep ocean of the love and you don’t even realize, when the ocean of love gets murkier and you tend to re-think about… about a lot many things. Let me start with it, I’ll tell you, my Gf was like a cupid with bow and arrow. Don’t you believe ? Yes, she was at least for me. I always like her sweet little kisses and her sweet smell of her persona (or maybe her perfume). She was gorgeous and I wouldn’t say any...

2 years ago
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punishment fit the crime of Josie

Josie's Beginning by puppy girl ?? This was my punishment for cheating on my wife. I was always a crossdresser and really enjoyed the role-playing scenes with my wife Sarina. But I was selfish and wanted to enjoy some extra-marital affairs with other women. Sarina at first was put-off by my crossdressing but after a few years she got more and more involved. To the point that we would go out as girlfriends, or I'd be her "barbie doll" and she would pick out my clothes or decide what make-up to...

2 years ago
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Punishment of NatalieChapter 10

As Mr. Williams had predicted, within a half hour-- Natalie sucking the whole time-- the doorbell rang. Mr. Williams hollered "Come on in, it's open!" In stormed Tiffany with her father in tow. She was still sputtering. "Do you see? Do you see? Natalie's being raped and sodomized." Mr. Williams waved at Tiffany's father Frank Jones and said serenely, "Come on in Frank, grab a chair." Natalie was busily slurping Bill's cock. Fred's own cock got hard. But given Mr. William's...

4 years ago
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I phone you in your office, I am actually sitting outside your building looking up at your window. I tell you that I'm downstairs and would really like to see you, "ohhhhhh and by the way... I have no knickers on". I know you are looking out your window at me, I am wearing a skirt just above my knees and I part my legs just a bit to give you an impression..... you cant see detail from where you are, but you get the general idea.You come down to meet me, its the first time we meet in person. You...

Wife Lovers
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punishment 1

We had been out the night before and had a wild night just for a change with a Cuckold couple and when we got home you were so turned on that you totally forgot yourself and as we walked in the door you grabbed my cock and said fuck me now please.You had your collar on and had forgotten yourself slut but I let this slip pass as I pushed you on to the bed and slowly fucked you as we pleasured each other slowly licking and sucking every inch of each other’s bodies, before I entered your warm and...

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