Heels: A Friend In Need free porn video

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Heels: A Friend In Need By Deane Christopher Prologue Several years ago, William Castle was dealing with the emotional fallout of a fairly messy divorce. Having taken his wedding vows seriously, Bill took the sudden and unexpected dissolution of his marriage hard. Though he and his wife had gone through some rocky times, Bill thought that he and his wife had ironed things out. Obviously his wife held with a different opinion. Bill did not take the break-up well. In fact, once he faced the fact that his marriage was indeed over, he began to wallow in the black funk of depression. And though none of his friends or family thought that Bill was in danger of becoming suicidal, as his depression deepened it began to become a growing concern. However, as depressed as he was, there were two things that saved Bill from going off the deep end. The first of those things had been his best friend, one Jeffery Whitehall. In the early weeks of the break up, Jeff had been there for Bill, doing everything he could think of and them some to try to bolster Bill's sagging spirits. Though it was anything but easy, Jeff fought an ongoing battle to keep Bill both busy and active. On Jeff's urgings, the two joined the local Y with their intention being to swim laps at least once a week. Granted, Jeff had to pressure Bill into going each and every Tuesday. But week after week, Jeff managed to somehow cajole Bill into meeting him at the Y's pool. Likewise, on Thursday evenings, Jeff pressured Bill into playing volleyball with a group of their high school cronies. After the games, the whole kit and caboodle of them headed over to an Irish flavored pub where they would cap off the night by shooting the shit with one another and they downing a few brewskies. Though Jeff's intervention did help to lift Bill's sagging spirits, in the grand scheme of things it was little more than a stopgap measure. That is to say that it was not a cure-all for Bill's depression. Basically, Bill, in a zombie like fashion, went through the motions. Save for those rare and fleeting occasions, Bill, not wanting to put a damper on the proceedings, generally pretended to enjoy himself rather than setting his troubles aside, letting go and acutely enjoying himself. But all things considered, Jeff's ongoing struggle to keep Bill active went a long way in keeping Bill distracted from the woes that were doing a real number on his head. That brings us to the second thing that saved Bill from being overwhelmed by the practically omnipresent doldrums that he seemed to relish wallowing in. And that thing, or more correctly those things, were the contents of a package that mysterious appeared on his doorstep one day. Keenly aware the he had not ordered anything recently, Bill first thought was that the parcel had been delivered to the wrong address, and that it probably belonged to one of his neighbors. However when Bill examined the address label, only to see his own name and address neatly printed on its face, he realized that he was indeed the intended recipient. Perplexing him all the more was the fact that both the address label and the return address label contained the same exact information, indicating in a nonsensical way that he had sent the package to himself. That of course was ludicrous, owing to the fact that Bill knew that had done no such thing. Upon entering his house, Bill's first thought was to call the shipping company that had delivered the parcel in an effort to straighten out what he perceived to be an obvious mistake. Though the woman who answered the phone was sympathetic to Bill's quandary, the tracking number that was clearly printed on the shipping label bore no resemblance whatsoever to any tracking number the shipping company presently used, or for that matter, had ever used. Succinctly put, the woman politely informed Bill that the shipping company would not take the package back even if he were to try to drop it off at one of their distribution centers. As far as the shipping company was concerned, they had done their job. They had delivered the package to the correct address. Rightly or wrongly, the package and its contents belonged to the addressee, one William Castle. Though slightly perturbed with the shipping company, Bill remained undaunted. Figuring that he would find some sort of invoice packed inside the parcel along with whatever merchandize it contained, Bill proceeded on to open the package. As one might expect, there was a whole slew of Styrofoam packing nodules cushioning what appeared to Bill to be a fairly standard sized shoebox. But there was no sign of an invoice. Figuring that the invoice must have been packed inside the shoebox, Bill continued on to lift the classy silver foiled top off of the shoebox's glossy black bottom. Once again, Bill found no invoice. What he did find inside the shoebox, wrapped in some sort of shimmering rainbow hued tissue paper, was a pair of extremely petite, black kidskin leather stiletto heeled opera pumps, along with a handsome calligraphy- penned note that contained but one word, with that word being 'Enjoy'. Setting the shoes aside for the moment, Bill examined first the shoebox, and then unusual tissue paper that the heels had been wrapped in, with the hope that they might give him a clue as to just who the manufacture was. Again, he found nothing. In a last ditch effort to determine who had mistakenly sent him what were obviously a pair of women's shoes, Bill turned to heels themselves, thinking that they would surely shed some light on the matter. However, search as he might, Bill once again came up short. With the exception of a small stylized 'Z" stamped in the bottom of the tiny heel cap of both of shoes, the pointy toed opera pumps bore no other markings to help Bill identify their origins. Since he could not find out to whom he could return the pumps to, Bill figured that since he had no use for them himself, he would just go ahead and put the heels with the rest of the stuff he intending on eventually dropping off at Goodwill Store. However, just as he was about return the pumps to the shoebox they had come in, the phone rang, and he ended up leaving the heels sitting upright atop his living room's coffee table. And there they sat for the next several days. Strange, but one of Bill's wife's ongoing complaints was that he was a neatness freak. However, on the day she walked out the door, that ever so irritating anal-retentive idiosyncrasy of his strolled out the door right alongside of her. To say that Bill's house was a mess would have been a kind way of putting it. In fact, a mess would have been a vast improvement over the disorganize quagmire that his house had quickly turned into in the wake of his wife's leave-taking. In all honesty, Bill's place looked as if a cyclone had not only camped out there, but had literally taken over the house's cleaning duties. In fact the mess got so bad at one point that even Bill's most unkempt friends began to find excuses not to stop by and pay him visit. But, be that as it maybe, the significant point in all this is that the high heels remained on Bill's coffee table, standing upright, right alongside of the up-scale and extremely fashionable shoebox they had come in. Several evenings later, as Bill sat on the sofa watching a baseball game between the home team and those despised New York Yankees, something monumental happened, something that would in fact change his life forever. Though he endeavored to keep his attention focused on the game, Bill found himself being at first distracted, and then intrigued, and finally preoccupied by the mere presence of the high heels. Unable to discern why he was so attracted to the stiletto heels, Bill gave in to the compulsion to reexamine them. Picking up one of the ever so petite pumps, he proceeded on to turn it this way and that, as he diligently inspected it from every imaginable angel. Then, in an effort on his part to do a stare and compare, so as to determine the heel's approximate size, Bill hefted his left leg off the floor and rested the outer run of its ankle just behind the kneecap of his right leg. Having done that, Bill, using his right hand, positioned the heel in such a way so that he held it just beyond and parallel to the sole of his left foot. Though he wore only a man's size nine shoe, his foot appeared gigantic in comparison to the diminutive sized pump. That further perplexed Bill, for he could not envision a woman with a foot small enough to wear such a small shoe. A child, or perhaps a midget, might be able to wear such small pumps, but certainly not your average teenage girl, much less a full grown woman. And that begged the question as to why anyone would make that style of shoe in such a small size to begin with? Bill never got around to pondering that question. Never sure as to what had motivated him to do so, Bill, in sort of a knee-jerk reaction, unthinking began to slide the open maw of the diminutive pump over the toe portion of the bulky-knit sock which enshrouded his raised left foot. Oddly enough and shocking the living shit out of Bill in the process, the high heel slide smoothly and comfortably into place about his foot. As one might imagine, Bill was at a complete loss as to explain how a shoe that had no chance of fitting his foot, had done exactly that. Though snug, the heel neither pinched nor hurt. In fact, as flabbergasted as he was at that moment, Bill could not recall a shoe ever feeling as comfortable as the opera pump felt. Then, startling him all the more, Bill became aware of the fact that his left foot, the very same foot upon which now sported an ever so provocative stiletto heeled pump, was no longer wearing a white bulky- knit sock. Rather, his left foot was enchantingly encased in the coffee brown weave of sheer nylon hosiery. "What the fuck's going on here?" Bill frantically exclaimed, as he reached down, and with a harsh yank, pulled the spiked heel clear of his foot, only to see the hosiery that still encased his foot began to noticeable lighten, as it progressively made the transition back into a bulky-knit sock. Having taken a rather protracted moment to assess what had just transpired, a thoroughly bewildered, but nonetheless extremely intrigued Bill decided to repeat the experiment. Chiding himself to pay close attention, a badly shaken Bill timidly slid the pump unto his awaiting appendage. "Well, I'll be dammed!" an astounded Bill bemusedly muttered, as he watched his sock transmogrify into a nylon footy; a footy whose upper extent began to flow steadily up his leg, to the point where the hosiery actually passed beneath the gathered cuff of the sweatpants he was wearing. Not sure what to make of what was happening, Bill once again reached down and plucked the high heel from off of his foot. As he did so, the sheer nylon material encasing the lower portion of his left leg began to recede, as it progressively changed back into a sock. However, it seemed to Bill that it took a tad bit longer for the sock to reconstitute itself than it had previously. Pushing the elastic hem of his sweatpants to just below his knee, Bill repeated the experiment for a third time. On this occasion, Bill allowed the sensual mesh of the nylon material to climb all the way up to mid- calf level before he reached down and lifted the opera pump clear of his foot. Not only did the transition from nylon hosiery back to wool sock take longer than it had before, but Bill thought that upon removing the spiked heel that his foot looked considerably more like a woman's foot than it did a man's. And the reason he initially thought that was because his foot looked smaller, smaller and cuter, and its' instep appeared to have a markedly higher arch than he ever remembered it having before. However, that impression of his soon passed, leading him to assume that his perception had gone wacky, and that his eyes had to be playing tricks on him. On the fourth go-around, Bill held off removing the stiletto until he felt the nylon hosiery climbed to the mid-point of his left thigh. Immediately upon removal of the pump, a quick stare and compare of both of his feet confirmed the fact that his eyes had not deceived him. His left foot was indeed smaller than his right foot. Likewise, the instep of his left foot was at that particular moment in time arched higher than that of his right foot. Added to that, Bill realized that the shoe he was holding appeared to be a good deal larger than the one that still resided upon the coffee table, even though the one he held was already in the process of shrinking back to the diminutive size of its mate. Even more intrigued than he had been before, Bill decided to switch feet. As expected, the other pump had the same effect on his right foot as its counterpart had had on his left foot. Bill also took note of another rather fascinating change that was occurring as the nylon hosiery fluidly flowed upwards towards his groin. The leg that the hosiery so sensually climbed was being systematically re-sculptured, going from a man's hairy and muscular leg to the alluring symmetry of a woman's ever so smooth, hairless, and sexy lower appendage. Having reached the conclusion that the time for experimentation with just one foot was over, Bill reached down and adroitly plucked the pump from off of his right foot. Anxious to see what would happen when he tried on both shoes at the same time, Bill became impatient as he sat there waiting for his right leg to return to its normal manly disposition. Once it did, just to be on the safe side, Bill decided to give it another two minutes before proceeding. Though he did so with a good deal of trepidation, Bill, starting with his right foot and moving immediately to his left, donned the heels. As before, the dirty white bulk-knit socks he was wearing began to metamorphose into coffee brown nylon hosiery. 'Damn!' he thought. 'I should've had the good sense to take off my sweatpants before I started. Oh, well...' Oddly enough, as the heels' feminizing effect reached just beyond the level of those knobby knees of his, Bill realized that the sweatpants he was wearing were also being affected by what he had begun to think of as the inherent magical wherewithal of the heels. Though still baggy about the upper third his leg, the bottom two thirds of his sweatpants appeared to Bill to have constricted to form body-hugging leggings. And that was not the only change that his sweatpants were in the process of undergoing. While the baggy top one third was still a drab cotton/polyester mix, the body hugging bottom two thirds had the sheen and feel of a slinky nylon/lycra weave. "Oh, my God!" Bill clamored, as he felt an eerie, though not all that unpleasant tingling sensation flow upwards through his groin. In an attempt to assess the damage, Bill thrust her right hand under the elastic waistband of the shimmering nylon/lycra leggings that showcased those shapely and ever so sexy legs of hers. Even as her probing fingers came in contact with the multiple lip folds of that new, ultra feminine crease of hers, Bill felt her waist constrict and her tummy flatten. 'Holy shit!' her mind shirked. 'My pecker's gone! This is crazy. I've actually got a vagina down there now. These heels, they're actually changing me into a girl.' Right then and there, Bill panicked. Hoping against hope that the damage could be undone, she hastily bent down and practically tore those magical high heels from off of her feet. A tense moment or two followed as Bill desperately tried to discern if she was beginning to retrogress back into manhood. She was. And that made him very, very happy, to the point where he actually became ecstatic about it. Ten minutes later, after a good stiff drink of scotch to bolster his resolve, Bill decided to have another go at it. However, before he donned the heels, he prudently relocated to the upstairs bathroom so that he could better monitor what was occurring in the full length mirror that was affixed to the back of the bathroom door. He also decided to take off all of his clothes. That way he could watch as that manly member of his reconfigured itself into a woman's pussy. Needless to say, a thoroughly turned-on Bill was amazed at not only how fluidly, but also how rapidly the transsexualization of her loin's occurred. As soon as he stepped into the stilettos, Bill became aware of two things that he hadn't noticed before, owing to fact that prior to this he had been far too preoccupied with the primary changes that his donning of the heels invoked. First off, he realized that the mere act of wearing the pumps had made him horny as hell. Secondly, his horniness caused his pecker to engorge blood at an accelerated rate. That being the case, by the time the lower portion of his legs were those of an attractive woman, Bill was well on the way to sporting a first rate hard-on. Fighting the urge to jerk-off, Bill looked on in amazement as his blood-engorged penis began to swiftly dwindle down to the size of an infant's ere the multiple lip folds that had formed out of his testicles extended forward, fluidly engulfing the ever so sensitive clitoral nub that her penis had miraculously transmogrified into. Though Bill was far to preoccupied with the changes that his primary sexual equipment was undergoing to notice, several other rather noteworthy changes were occurring almost simultaneously. That manly hung and hairy ass of Bill's was being re-sculptured into the ever so scrumptious, hairless, heart-shaped derriere of a lovely young sexpot's. Concurrent with that, Bill's hips splayed mere seconds before her waist began to contract, there by completing two-thirds of the bodacious hourglass figure she was destined to have. Gazing at herself in the mirror, Bill had to laugh at how absolutely ludicrous she looked at that point in the proceedings. There she was, every bit the lovely young woman from the waist down, while from the waist up, she was still was very much the hairy chested man she had always been. Though her beer-belly was only in their early stages of development, owing to the fact that Bill watched what she ate and tried to keep fit by exercising, and more recently swimming laps several times a week at the Y, she really enjoyed watching her budding stomach-paunch flatten out and form itself into a taut and trim little tummy. Fancying herself a true connoisseur of women's breast, Bill eagerly anticipated the development of her own mammary glands. Oddly enough, she was initially disconcerted when that manly chest of hers lost all semblance of rigidity and droopily sagged. However, within a few seconds, Bill fears began to subside, as her areola began to both darken and enlarge. Concurrently to that, the area immediately surrounding her teats began to inflate in a balloon-like fashion into the slightly raised nubbins that are the hallmark of a female's early adolescence. A half a dozen heart beats after that, though her bosom was still on the small side, Bill could definitely lay claim having a pair, albeit not what she would ascribe to being a truly great and upstanding pair. But Bill's breast development did not stop there. The ballooning effect continued to expand those chest melons of hers to the point where Bill was starting to become fearful that her mammary might grow to gross proportions. Luckily, that did not happen. Her breast development stopped at ample, or as Bill would later come to call it, the Goldilocks Point, with that point being neither to small, nor to large, but to her way of thinking, just right. In Bill's admittedly biased opinion, her breast were about as perfect as perfect could be. She could not envision any woman with better breast than those magical high heels of hers had fitted her out with. Added to that, not only did they look absolutely fantastic, one touch, one teasing little finger-swipe of her nipples, confirmed the fact that they were as sensitive as all get-out. Taking another look at herself in the mirror, Bill's mind clamored, 'God! Am I a sight, or what?' And Bill was right. She was a sight. From neck down she was all woman, fitted out with a body that wouldn't quit. However, sitting atop that ever so alluring body of hers was perched a head that was still as masculine as it ever had been. Add to that, making her look like some sort of grotesque sexual amalgamation, her arms and hands were still very much that of the man she had been born to be. Curious to see how she would look as a female, Bill had initially planned to allow the transsexualization process to run its course. However, as her neck began to take on the appearance of refined elegance, she began to second-guess herself. Then, just as her five o'clock shadow was beginning to fade from that manly sculptured face of hers, fearing that she would be stuck as woman for the rest of her life if she allowed the transsexualization to go full-term, Bill panicked and frantically stepped out of the heels. Oddly enough, though she was extremely relived on one hand to see that her body was indeed changing back into that of a man's, Bill was thoroughly pissed-off at herself for chickening-out. In fact, she was so pissed-off at herself that she began to verbally castigate herself for being such a ninny about the whole thing. Much like the character Gollum in J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings saga, Bill began to verbally debate with herself the pros and cons that were involved were she to go whole hog, and allow the transsexualization to run its course. The logically aspects of Bill's mind questioned, 'Do you really want to see what you looked like as a woman?' The emotional aspects of Bill's mind responded, 'Yes, very much so!' That prompted the logically aspects of Bill's mind to pose another question. 'Do you think that if you let the process run its course you'll end up stuck as a woman?' To wit, the emotional aspects of Bill's mind responded, 'No, not really. Given the way the heels seem to work, I'm inclined to believe that once I take them off, I'll simply change back into my old self.' That answer caused the logically aspects of Bill's mind to ask yet another question. 'Yeah, but what if that's not the case? What if you're wrong about that, pal? Tell me, what the hell are you going to do if you find that you have to spend the rest of your life as a woman?' The emotional aspects of Bill's mind responded, 'I don't know. What I do know is that I really want to try this. Look, I know it's risky. And I know that there's no way I could handle being a woman on a twenty-four seven bases. But I still want to try. I mean, I'll never forgive myself if I don't.' In the end, round about the time that her fledgling beer-belly was beginning the process of reasserting itself, Bill's emotional side won the debate. In an effort on her part to restart her male to female transsexualization before her male genitalia put in a re-appearance, Bill nimbly stepped into first the right pump, and then the left. It worked. As soon as the stilettos were back on her feet, the transsexualization process did an immediate one-eighty. Bill, though still apprehensive over what might or might not transpire, was nevertheless elated over the fact that things seemed to be back on track, and that she would soon be fondling and caressing the super-sensitive nipples of those magnificent new breast of hers once again. Several minutes later, with a come-hither voice that gushed with raw and eager sense of sensuality, Bill giddily gasped, as coil after coil after of honey-gold terseness elongated to a point where they began to cascade down the middle of her back. "Oh, my God!" she joyfully shrieked. "I can't believe how beautiful I am! I mean, even if I do say so myself, I am one fine looking woman if ever there was one! I don't know how these heels did it, but I've got to admit that they done good! I look terrific! Hell! I look so good right now that if I still had that trusty old pecker of mine, it'd be standing at attention, and chomping at the bit for me to jump in and lend a hand..." Though Bill's elation never entirely subsided, her growing sense of apprehension about whether or not she could ever return to her manly state did tend to take the edge off of it. That is to say that she was betwixt and between as to what she should do. Her indecision tormented her. Now that she was a woman, at least in a purely physical sense, Bill wondered is she should she do the prudent thing, and just go ahead and remove the heels to see if she would start to revert back? Or, should she do what she really wanted to do, and take some time to both explore and enjoy that bodacious new body of hers? After a rather heated debate with herself, Bill reached a compromise. She would give herself a good fifteen minutes as a woman before removing the heels in order to see whether or not she would revert back. Well, needless to say that once Bill got around to investigating how all those new erogenous zones of hers worked that fifteen-minute timeline hers went right out the window. An hour and a half later, having finger- flicked herself into a state of orgasmic ecstasy several times in quick succession, Bill, who was now a self avowed narcissist and a nymphomaniac to boot, came to the stark and troubling realization that she may have imprudently overstayed her welcome. In a knee-jerk reaction that was anything but lady-like, Bill quickly reached down and removed the stilettos, hoping and praying that she would begin to change back into a man in short order. To Bill's chagrin, nothing happened. She remained the woman she was. Riding roughshod over the damn near overwhelming and omnipresent urge to give into panic, Bill chided herself to give it five minutes, as if there was anything she could do about the situation then. Five minutes became ten minutes and then fifteen and still Bill could see nothing to give her hope that a change back to normalcy was in the offing. For all Bill knew she was going to be stuck as a woman for the rest of what would now be a most unnatural life, owing to the fact that while her body was indeed as female as female could be, she perceived that her mind staunchly retained its manly orientation. One look at herself in the mirror was all Bill needed to confirm the fact that mentally speaking, she was still very much a man, a man who possessed not only a very healthy male libido, but also an extremely vivid and, in light of her new sexual status as a fully functional female, a lecherous and perverted imagination as well. To say that Bill was pissed would have been the grossest of understatements. Though she had thoroughly enjoyed getting off as a girl, and would not mind being able to do so again, Bill desperately wanted to be a man again. The problem was that she had no idea how to achieve that desire of hers. She tried wishing. She tried praying. But nothing she did worked. As frazzled and annoyed as she was, Bill went from being pissed to being paranoid in the blink of one of those ever so tantalizing baby blue eyes of hers. Given the heels had mysteriously shown up on her doorstep, Bill began to suspect that she was the butt of someone's cruel joke. That or someone really had it in for her. Grabbing a pencil and a piece of paper, she divided the sheet of paper into two columns and hastily began to jot down a list of possible suspects that fit either one, or the other, or in some cases, both of the categories. Having done that, Bill began to run through both lists, evaluating, and by in large, eliminating names for one reason or another as she proceeded down the list of names she had jotted down. A second run through the lists whittled the possible suspects down to one sigh of a handful. Two were practical jokers. Another guy hated Bill's guts. And then there was Bill's ex. While she sat perched on the edge of her bed, unaware of the fact that she had started playing around with one of those sensitive nipples of hers, an extremely distraught and overly suspicious Bill began to carefully reexamine the remaining four suspects. Grudgingly, Bill came to the conclusion that it was unlikely that either one of the two practical jokers that she knew would go to such extremes to pull off a prank. The same could be said of that slimy son of a bitch who hated Bill's guts. The simple fact was that the bastard had neither the smarts nor patience to pull off something in the nature of the heels. While there was little doubt that SOB would have gotten a real kick out of turning Bill into a member of the opposite sex, knowing the guy as Bill did, Bill knew that he would not have left something like that to chance. Plus, the bastard would have wanted to be on hand to see Bill go from guy to gal. Then, knowing pretty much how that immoral asshole thought, Bill knew that the bastard would have found a way to forced her into going down on him, before getting down to the business of reaming her out. That left Bill with one other person to consider, with that other person being none other than her ex-wife, Susan. If someone had indeed sent Bills the heels with the hope that he would eventually try them on, and end up getting stuck as a female for the rest of her life, that person could have been Susan. Though Bill had not been aware of it prior to marrying her, he found out shortly after he did so that she was not what one would call a nice person. Susan had a short fuse and an extremely vengeful nature. Added to that, Bill had to admit that his ex was also both patient and diabolical enough to have sent him the heels. Susan was also a New Age kook, who bought into anything that even hinted at being of a metaphysical nature. However, after careful consideration, Bill, who had once again started playing around with that new clit of hers, came to the conclusion that her ex could not have been the person responsible for sending her the heels. Bill based her reasoning on her ex's vanity. There was just no way that Susan would ever turn Bill into a woman who was prettier than she was. There was no way that Susan's vanity would allow something like that to happen. After almost an hour and a half of trying to figure out who might have sent the high heels to her, a very horny and turned-on Bill was back to square one. While she was half tempted to call a few of the people that were on her short list of suspects, and demand that they tell her how to go about changing herself back into a man again, Bill thought better of it. Faced with the ignominy of having to confess that she had actually been foolish enough to have allowed her transsexualization to go full term, Bill realized that she did not want anyone to know how badly she had been duped, if in fact she had been duped. Though it was a small hope at best, Bill, who was struggling hard to remain optimistic, hoped and prayed that those magical high heels of hers worked something like Cinderella's glass slippers, and that she would begin to change back into a man again at the stroke of midnight. The trouble with that was the fact that Bill's was not anything close to an optimist. She was a pragmatist, who endeavored to take the realistic view of things. Trouble was, whenever Bill offered a realistic view of any given situation, more times than not, he tended to sound more like a pessimist than he ever did an optimist. That was because the School of Hard Knocks had taught him that reality has a marked tendency to suck. While she sat there on her bed, twiddling around with that nifty new clit of hers, Bill, aware that there was nothing she could do that night to get her old body back, decided to once again enjoy the perks of her new found femininity. 'Damn!' she thought. 'This new clit of mine sure feels a whole hell of lot bigger than it did earlier. Strange...' Bill was even more perplexed. 'Not only does it feel a good deal larger than it did before, it's nowhere near as sensitive as it felt earlier...' Glancing downwards towards his groin, Bill failed to immediately recognize the fact that his view was no longer obstructed by those conical new endowments of his. Had he, he would have realized that he was well on the way to regaining his manhood. However, given his rather frazzled state of mind, Bill did not at first pick-up on the fact that he was in the process of changing back into a man again. Aware that something was not as it should be, a befuddled Bill stared at his loins only to realize the fact that he was no longer fingering the elusive nub of a woman's clitoris. Though it took him a moment or two, it finally dawned on Bill that instead of fingering a woman's clitoris; he was instead employing the thumb and index finger of his right hand to ardently stroke a penis that was about the size of a toddler's. "Well, what do you know! I've got my trusty old pecker back!" an extremely relieved and jubilant Bill joyously proclaimed, as he watched his penis continued to grow both larger and thicker. "Thank you, Lord! Thank you for changing me back into a man again!" Though Bill had half a mind to try those magical high heels of his on again, he did not want to tempt fate. That being the case, he decided to do the prudent thing, and call it a night. But before he did that, Bill prudently picked up the discarded heels and, clearing a spot for them on his dresser, placed them there. Needless to say, Bill was not very productive the following day at work. He was by far too preoccupied with thoughts of the heels, and how they had changed him into a bona fide woman. Added to that, he found that he was being constantly distracted by thoughts of how utterly fantastic he looked as a femme fatale. Worse, the damn near omnipresent memory of the unbelievable amounts of sheer unadulterated pleasure that he had had enjoyed as a woman made it damn near impossible for him to concentrate on anything that was work related. Throughout the day, all Bill could think of was going home and slipping back into those marvelous high heels of his. As obsessed as Bill was thinking about those magical high heels of his, on his way home from work he began to piece together a theory revolving around the amount of time he had spent as a female after removing the stilettos. Reasonable sure that he had an explanation as to what had happened, Bill planned on putting that theory of his to the test as soon as he got home. And that is just what Bill did. As soon as he got in the door, he sprinted up the stairs and into his bedroom. A moment later, he had his loafers off and was slipping those manly sized feet of his into those ever so petite heels. Taking a quick moment to jot down the time, Bill, oblivious to just how nimbly he maneuvered while wearing such perilous footwear, fairly dashed into the bathroom, and began to check himself out in the full-length mirror that awaited him there. Bill, who was already horny from the day-long anticipation of what was to occur, became even hornier as he watched his body, and the clothes adorning it, make the steady and fluid transition from male to female. "Oh, my God!' she thought, as the charcoal slacks she had been wearing transmogrified into shimmering black Lycra/Spandex leggings. 'Have I got a great pair of legs, or what?' Several minutes later, as the white bulky knit sweater she was wearing smartly conformed to attractively showcase that new cleavage of hers, Bill, who had already started to teasingly caress that portion of the Spandex leggings concealing that revamped crotch of hers, mused aloud, "Holy, shit! Now that, my friend, is one fantastic set of knockers if ever there was one..." Having worked herself into a sexual frenzy, Bill, her voice still a manly baritone, narcissistically clamored, "I can't stand it any longer! I've just got to get these clothes off so that I can have at myself!" Then, upon the realization that she would have to take off the heels in order to remove the leggings encasing her lower half, Bill, whose vagina had already begun leaking love-juices like a sieve, shit-canned that idea out of hand, opting to only remove her sweater for the time being. In a frantic, to be almost spastic, unlady-like performance, Bill yanked and tugged that ever so flattering fisherman knit sweater up and off her torso. 'Well, what do you know!" she sensually exclaimed with that silky smooth contra-alto voice of hers. "I'm wearing a bra. The T-shirt I was wearing must have up and changed into one. Well, isn't that convenient? And it's satin, no less! Imagine me, wearing a bra. Too bad it and these tights I'm wearing aren't silver. I just love seeing women wearing anything silver..." At that precise moment in time, something occurred that shocked the living shit out of Bill. Even as she expressed her liking for women trussed up in shimmering silver duds, her pearl-white bra, and slinky black leggings, along with the heels themselves, instantaneously adopted a dazzling silver luster. "Oh, my God!" she giddily clamored. "What the hell just happened? What the hell's going on here? I say I like seeing women decked out in silver, and just like that, everything I'm wearing is silver! Hell, even these heels of mine are now silver. This is great." Bill was ecstatic. "I wonder what else these heels of my can do..." In the days and weeks that followed, Bill, through a lot of trail and error, pretty much provided answers for that very apropos question of hers. Bill's hunch about lag girl-time proved to be correct. There was indeed a penalty time enacted each and every time he wore the pumps. For every unit of time Bill wore the heels in order to change himself into a bona fide member of the opposite sex, she would spend a like amount time as a female once she took off those magical high heels of hers. That is to say that if Bill spent an hour as a woman while wearing the heels, and then took them off, she would be penalized, and have to spend another hour as a femme fatale before she regressed back into a man again. Co-opting a term he had learned when taking a course to become a certified scuba diver, Bill began to refer to this penalty, or lag-time, as Residual Girl Time. Though the Residual Girl Time issue posed a potential problem for Bill, it was easily manageable. All that was needed was a little foresight, and some basic record keeping. The truth is that the only time that the Residual Girl Time business came close to causing a problem for Bill occurred one spring, a year or so after he came into possession of the heels. For some reason or another, Bill forgot to take into account the enactment of Daylight Saving Time. Owing to that oversight of his, Bill, who was scheduled to work that Sunday, woke up to shocking realization that he was still a she. Needless to say that Bill went into work an hour late that Sunday; earning him one glaring awshit from his asshole of a boss, which in turn, negated a hundred of those hard earned ataboys that he had managed to accumulate since his last evaluation. Basically, the way Bill had it figured, weekdays did not present any problem whatsoever. If he had nothing planned, and so opted to spend the evening femmed-out to the max, as long as she took off the heels before midnight, she'd revert to being a man again before six the following morning. Weekends were another matter. Unlike weekdays, weekends required a little planning on Bill's part. And given the fact that Bill did not let to many days go by without logging a little girl-time, there were only a handful of weekends in which Bill did not spend at least a few hours as a certified member of the crotch creased club. Bill was also quick to pick up on the fact that not only did the heels change any male attire he might be wearing into female attire, they also allowed her to drastically modify that female attire into anything that tickled that rather perverted male fancy of hers. That is to say that once female, Bill found that she could use the heels' inherent magical wherewithal to instantaneously reconfigure the garments she was presently wearing into anything that little lecherous heart of hers could devise. In other words, Bill could go from wearing a skimpy bikini to the splendor of an alluring evening gown in the mere blink of an eye. All she had to do was picture what she would like to be wearing in that staunchly male mind of hers, blink and - Whalla! - that is what she would find herself wearing. When it came to Bill's magically manufacture feminine attire there was one interesting little codicil that the heels religiously enforced. The heels ensured that as a woman, Bill would always look her very best. No matter what Bill elected to wear when operating as a female, it would be both pleasing to the eye, and extremely flattering to that curvaceous figure of hers. Needless to say, Bill thoroughly enjoyed the ability that allowed her to alter her feminine attire to suit those manly couched whims of hers to the point where when it became time to clean the house, more times than not, Bill would do so decked out in the satin finery of a scantly clad French Maid. As a woman, Bill took great pains to tease, and to please that healthy male libido of hers, adorning that sexy body of hers in all sort of fetish attire. Though she generally liked to lounge around the house in Lycra/Spandex tights, and either a bulky-knit sweater or luxurious satin blouse, occasionally Bill would opted for something along the lines of a Playboy Bunny Costume, or if not that, an I Dream of Jeannie styled harem girl ensemble. In fact, it was the fetish attire business that led Bill to discover another rather novel and titillating facet of the heels' inherent magic. One evening while putting on a flash fetish fashion show for herself, Bill blinked herself out of a Dallas Cheerleader Outfit and into not only the stunning silver wetsuit that Angelina Jolie wore in Tomb Raider II, but into the spitting image of Angelina Jolie herself. Though shocked and amazed at first, Bill, not one to look a gift horse in mouth, decided in short order to put that new found talent of hers to the test. Grabbing an Entertainment Magazine to use as a point of reference, Bill began flipping through the pages, assuming the appearance and attire of one gorgeous babe after another as she did so. As a woman, Bill found that she could be tall or short, white or black, Oriental, or Asian, African or European, or any conceivable mixture. She could chose her eye color, her hair color, the length of hair, and whether that hair of hers was kinky, curly, or straight. She could pick her complexion, and damn near any other physical attribute that one could call to mind. Once on a whim, just to see hard far she could push the envelope, Bill went so far as to change herself into a blonde harried, blue eyed, ebony skinned Australian Aborigine. There were several things that Bill could not do. For instances, the heels would not allow Bill to change herself into an unattractive woman. The heels were adamant that as a woman, Bill was going to be on the beautiful, to drop dead gorgeous side of attractive. In like manner, the heels would not allow Bill to change herself into either a prepubescent female or postmenopausal woman. The age of the woman Bill became had to fall within the nominal parameters of menstruation. Generally speaking, Bill liked to look in her early to mid-twenties when operating out in public as a female. It should also be noted that even though the heels allowed Bill to assume the appearance of any attractive menstruating female, once the novelty passed, ninety-nine percent of the time Bill spent femmed out to the max, she did so as the twenty-something, knock- down, drop-dead gorgeous blonde bombshell that her heels had initially turned her into. + Back in the beginning, back when Bill first began using the heels to turn himself into a bonfire woman, he was like that kid in a candy store that you are always hearing about. To put it bluntly, Bill found the sheer novelty of being able to spend time as a member of the opposite sex so erotically compelling that he spent almost all of his downtime as a female. But more than anything, as perverted and perverse as it might sound, Bill loved the multi-orgasmic rush that she enjoyed whenever she tickled that new fancy of hers, so much so that Bill quickly became mentally addicted to getting those female rocks of hers off. As much as he enjoyed lounging around the house as a female, Bill found the prospect of going out in public as one to be quite daunting. He was absolutely terrified of attempting it. As far as Bill was concerned, turning oneself into a woman was one thing. Functioning as one out in the public eye as one was something else altogether. As a man, Bill always had an aversion to feeling conspicuous. He did not like to stand out in a crowd. When and wherever possible, he liked to blend in. However, given how fantastic he looked decked out as a woman, Bill realized that people could not fail to notice her. Women, he presumed, would have a marked tendency to be envious of her good looks. And as far as men were concerned, Bill held no delusions. There was just no getting around the fact that men would be constantly eyeing his female persona up one side and down the other. And just the thought of having guys according him as a piece of eye-candy unnerved Bill to no end. Somewhere around six weeks after those magical high heels had mysteriously appeared on his doorsteps, a bad bout of cabin fervor, working in conjunction with his renewed sense of self-confidence, drove Bill to make a monumental decision. Though it took a lot of soul searching on his part, he came to the conclusion that it was high time for him to venture out of the house for the first time as a member of the opposite sex. Donning the heels, Bill fought the urge to chicken out as he crammed that well entrenched male ego of his up inside of that nifty new honey pot of hers. Then, aware that that the slinky black catsuit that her pajamas had on their own accord transmogrified into were inappropriate attire for the day ahead, Bill opted for something of a more casual nature. Closing her eyes, Bill proceed on to blink herself into an outfit that consisted of a lightweight black leather jacket, a white turtleneck sweater, a pair of skintight designer jeans, and of course those magical high heels of hers. Feeling as if everyone in the neighborhood was watching her, Bill rode roughshod over her inhibitions as she endeavored to casually saunter out to the curb where her pickup was parked. Climbing in behind the wheel, she adjusted both the front seat and the rearview mirror in order to compensate for her female body's slightly shorter stature. Turning on the ignition, Bill took a deep breath as a means to reinforce her resolve. Chiding herself that everything was going to be fine, and that no one would pick up on the fact that she was not really a girl at heart, an extremely nervous Bill headed off for a day of window shopping at the mall. All things considered, the day went off a lot better than Bill had expected it would. While it was true that men were constantly giving her the hairy eyeball, Bill handled it far better than she ever thought she would. Truth be told, save for a few random occasions in which a few men's stares where so blatantly threatening that they unsettled her, Bill found that once she got passed the all the ignominy involved, she began to actually enjoy the extemporaneous thrill she derived when men gazed at her admiringly. Though she refused to admit it even to herself, as time went on Bill began to really enjoy playing the part of Little Miss Innocent, the dick teaser's dick teaser. After that initial occasion of venturing out in public as a female, Bill began doing so with increasing frequency. In fact, after a time, practically all of his mundane shopping, such as grocery and the like, was accomplished while functioning as a member of the fairer sex. The heels began to restore Bill's confidence and sense of self-worth. And as his confidence grew, women who would not have given him the time of day in the wake of his wife's leaving, eagerly began to acquiesce to going out on a date with him. Once on a date, Bill's newfound familiarity with the various ins and outs of the female anatomy, came into play. As one might expect, the insider knowledge Bill possessed of the subtle workings of all the various female erogenous zones, as a rule resulted in Bill's date inviting him in for a nightcap, with that nightcap involving a lot more than just something to drink. Needless to say that once the word of Bill's sexual prowess as a slow-handed lover got around, he became a sought after commodity with the ladies. Having only dated a handful of women before hooking up with his soon to be divorced wife, Bill made the most out of his newfound popularity with the ladies. In other words, Bill took up a new hobby, with that hobby being none other than the tongue in grove pursuits of an amateur gynecology. Like a kid in a candy store, Bill went on a sexual binge, as he began to bed one woman after another, in an all out effort on his part to add notches to his thighbone. Eventually, Bill began to tire of playing the field. While it was a hell of a lot of fun for him at first, Bill found that the amount satisfaction he derived from hoping from one woman's bed to another had begun to diminish as the number of women he bedded markedly increased. Somewhere along the line, after a good deal of soul searching, an extremely tuckered out Bill came to the conclusion that what he really looking for was quality over quantity. That being the case, Bill began to date with his goal being to establishing an exclusive relationship with one woman at a time. And, for the most part, that is essentially what he did, with those one-on-one relationships of his lasting anywhere from several weeks to somewhere in the neighborhood of six months or more. Bill even went so far as to fall, if not in love; at least in lust with a handful of the women he dated. In fact, there were several women who forced Bill to consider the possibility of his getting married again. But there were several closely related problems that factor into that rather monumental decision. The first problem was that the heels had turned Bill into a narcissist of the First Water. The woman he was infatuated with most was none other than his own feminine alter ego. That meant that none of the women he entered into exclusive relationships with could ever measured up to his own feminine alter ego. Added to that, what Bill was looking for in a woman was someone who could not only accept him in both his male and female personas, but also engage in sexual relationships with both of those sexual persuasions of his. Being the realist that he was, Bill knew such a woman would be hard to find. And if he ever did find such an understanding and sexually ambidextrous woman, Bill was not at all sure how he would go about broaching the subject of his sexual duality. As it happened, the heels, mysteriously showing up on his doorstep as they had, proved to be Bill's salvation. For all intent and purposes, they turned his life around. They proved to be the major factor involved in rebuilding his sense of self-worth. Basically, they made him feel good about himself. All things considered, even if it meant that he would remain a bachelor for the rest of his life, sexually speaking Bill felt that those magical high heels of his afforded him the best of both worlds. While he thoroughly enjoyed being the man he had been born to be, there was no getting around the fact that he also relished his almost daily sojourns as a vivacious young woman. To put it bluntly, the heels allowed Bill the ability to live a very self-centered, to the point of being almost selfish, self-contained life. And while it is true that there were times, though infrequent and of short duration when he did just that, Bill was by far to gregarious an individual to cut himself off from friends and family for any extended period of time. As much as he treasured the time he spent operating as a female, Bill treasured the relationships he had with friends and family. However, fearing that it would be a rare individual who would be either understanding enough, or tolerant enough to abide his frequent forays into the fascinating world of the feminine mystique, Bill closely guarded the secret life that the heels afforded him. Though there were times when he felt the pressing need to tell someone about the heels and how they allowed him to function as an anatomically correct member of the opposite sex, he always thought better of it, save when it came to his sister. Though it was not easy thing for him to do so, Bill, feeling the pressing need for some coaching when it came to the ins and outs of the feminine mystique, looked to his sister for help. Though Beth Castle was constantly poking fun at him and calling Bill names such as the pervert in petticoats, or her brother the transsexuals' transsexual, Bill's sister proved to be a real godsend. Without any qualms or qualifications, Beth took Sara, the name Bill had chosen for his feminine alter ego, under her wings and taught her how to accord herself as the young woman she appeared to be. In fact, as time went on, Beth confessed that she enjoyed spending time with her sister, Sara, more than she ever did with her brother, Bill. Though she was somewhat inebriated at the time, one evening while the two 'sisters' were commiserating with each other over a bottle of Chardonnay, Beth went so far as to teasingly imply that it was a real shame that Bill had not been born a girl. Slurring her words ever so slightly, Beth continued to point out the fact that Sara had a real zest for life, where as she found her brother her brother Bill was a real stick in the mud. Oddly enough, Sara, who was felling any pain either, found herself in total agreement with her sister's assessment. Chapter 1 Three and a half years after he came into possession of those magical high heels of his, Bill was living what he deemed to be a rewarding, somewhat selfish, and generally carefree life of a bachelor slash part- time bachelorette. Having amicably ended a seven-month relationship with a very nice young lady, Bill was in one of his infrequent dating dry- spells when his oldest and dearest friend, one Jeff Whitehall, called early one evening and informed Bill that his wife, Stacy, had up and left him. Knowing that Jeff would take the break-up hard, Bill did not waste a minute. Grabbing his wallet, watch and his keys, Bill bounded out the door of his house. Climbing in behind the wheel of his pickup, Bill sped off to spend the evening commiserating with Jeff over the apparent dissolution of his friend's marriage. As Bill suspected, Jeff was devastated by his wife's unexpected announcement that she was leaving him, and that he would be hearing from her lawyer within the next week or so. Jeff, having admitted to Bill that he and Stacy had been going through a rather rough spell, seemed to think that things were getting better. Apparently Stacy held another opinion. Having gone through a rather messy divorce a few years prior himself, Bill knew that his friend was in for bad spell. But as bad as had been for Bill, it soon became apparent that Jeff was taking the dissolution of his marriage far harder than Bill ever had his. Where Bill's self-esteem had been severely dented in the wake of the break-up of his marriage, Jeff's sense of self-worth took a serious nose-dive, quickly plummeting to a point where it was for all practically purposes nonexistent. In an effort to help his friend, Bill tried everything he could think of and then some to bolster Jeff's spirits. But try as he might, nothing Bill did seemed to work. Jeff stolidly remained a morose shell of his former self. Basically, Jeff became an automaton, going through the motions of living without allow himself any of the enjoyment that life bestows along the way. As the weeks stretched into months, without any appreciable sign of Jeff beginning to claw his way out the doldrums that he wallowed in, Bill began to become increasingly concerned. While Bill did not think that his friend was in any way suicidal, he truly believed that a crisis was on the horizon, and that if Jeff did not snap out of his depression soon, something drastic would happened. The heels had been Bill's salvation. That led Bill to speculate that they might just prove to be Jeff's as well. As perverted as it was, Bill enjoyed spending time as a woman far too much to ever consider the notion of lending Jeff the heels. That was not an option. Bill was not about to part with those magical high heels of his even for a day, much less the months that it would take his friend to fully recover. Besides, lurking in the back of Bill's mind was the sneaky suspicion that those magical high heels of his would not work for Jeff the way they did for him. And Bill was right. Though he was completely unaware of it, the heels had formed a metaphysical bond him and owing to that, they would not work their magic on anyone else but him. Added to that was the fact that while Bill enjoyed spending time as a woman, it did not follow that Jeff would too. Having taken all that into consideration, Bill came up with another idea. Reasoning that the quickest way to bolster Jeff's self-esteem was if a new woman were to enter Jeff's life. While it was true that Bill could arrange a date for Jeff with any one of several of the single women he knew, given his friend's present state of mind, doing so would be risky at best. When it came to the dating scene, Jeff was his own worst enemy, your quintessential accident waiting to happen. It would take a magical night, or a very special kind of woman to deal with someone as morose as Jeff tended to be. It did not take a rocket scientist to realize that it was just too risky to try to arrange a date for Jeff. Bill knew all to well that a bad experience at this stage of the game could well prove to be disastrous. It might even push Jeff right over the edge and send him into an emotional tailspin. However, Bill knew that he did not need to set Jeff up with a date with any of the women he knew. While he in no way relished the idea, Bill was aware of the fact that he could use those heels of his to actually function as Jeff's date. In that way Bill could negate pretty much all the risk factors involved in such an undertaking in one fell swoop. That left Bill with only one major problem. He had to come up with a cleaver way of hooking Jeff up on a date with his own feminine alter ego. Chapter 2 Bill pondered the matter of how he could go about arranging a chance meeting between himself, in the beguiling guise of his feminine alter ego, Sara Keep and his best friend Jeff Whitehall for several days before he finally hit upon a scheme that had a chance of working. However, before Bill could put his plan into motion he had several purchases to make. For a good while their Bill had it in the back of his mind to purchase a used car to tool around in when he was out operating as Sara. His rather harebrained scheme to help Jeff out of depression gave him the impetus do just that. Though it cost him a little more than he wished to pay, having always wanted to own one, Bill purchased a used MGB that was in mint condition from a friend of friend of a guy he used to work with. Thankfully the heels' inherent magical wherewithal would insure that the car's registration would dovetail itself to Bill's current sexual orientation. That is to say that if he functioned as Sara, the MG's registration would identify Sara Keep as the car's owner. Likewise, if Bill drove the car as himself, the car's registration would identify him as the car's owner. The second item Bill acquired was a cell phone. If everything worked out as planned, Sara would end up giving her number to Jeff. It just would not do for that number to be the same as Bill's home phone, a number that Jeff would have surely noticed. The cell phone would suffice quite nicely. The last of Sara's purchases encompassed several related items. The first of those was a woman's bathing suit, which was rather ironic for it was the first piece of feminine attire that Sara had ever had the need to buy for herself. Prior to that, if Sara wanted to adorn that absolutely scrumptious body of hers in something that tickled that lecherous male fancy of hers, all she had to do was to close her eyes and picture herself wearing such provocative attire in her mind's eye. Those marvelous high heels would dutifully belly up to the bar and - Whalla! - upon opening her eyes that would be the outfit that Sara what she would find herself stunningly decked out in. The reason why Sara found it necessary to purchase a bathing suit for herself was do to the fact that she planned to somehow nonchalantly engage Jeff in a casual conversation while the two of them were at the Y swimming laps. Though Sara had as yet figured out exactly how she was going to go about it, her hope was that once she engaged Jeff in a conversation, he would take the bait and follow up by asking her out on a date. Basically, unsure as to how she was going to actually go about it, Sara figured that she would just have to play it by ear and hope that an appropriate opportunity would present itself. Back to Sara's last group of purchases. Along with a woman's basic black nylon/lycra tank suit, Sara prudently picked up a bathing cap, swim goggles, a pair of flip-flops, two extra fluffy towels and a distinctly woman's styled pink and white gym bag. Making an early day of it on that Tuesday, the day on which he was to put his plan into play, an anxious Bill arrived home around three-thirty in the afternoon. As soon as he got in this house, Bill called Jeff's home and left a message on his friend's voice-mail confirming the fact that while he might be a little late, baring any unforeseen consequences he would hook up with Jeff at Y sometime that evening. Aware that if his plan was going to work, he had to build up enough Residual Girl Time to cover the time he would be spending devoid of the heels while swimming laps at the Y's pool, Bill prudently donned the heels. Having done that, he kicked back and began to relish the phenomenal sensual rush that went hand in hand with his fluid transformation into a bonafide member of the opposite sex. Once she was fully female, Sara stripped off her clothes as a prelude to getting down to the business of indulging those narcissistic needs of hers. Owing to all the anxiety she was feeling Sara arrived at the Y about a half an hour earlier than normal. Though she had been using women's public restrooms without giving it a second thought for several years, it was a novel and somewhat unnerving experience using the ladies' locker room in order to change into her bathing suit. She felt oddly conspicuous and though she tried to keep her eyes averted, Sara found herself hard pressed not to stare. Then, unnerving her all the more, was the dread she felt when she came face to face with the notion that she would have to leave her heels in the locker along with all her other clothes. While it was true that she had secured the locker in which she had stashed her stuff with a combination lock, it still troubled her greatly to be separated from those marvelous high heels of hers. Sara would never forgive herself if someone broke into her locker and absconded with them. In fact, Sara had half a mind to go back and get them; thinking that she could put them in her gym bag and take them out on the pool deck with her so that she could keep an eye on them while she swam. But if she did that, the risk of having someone steal them was greatly increased. So, even though she was still uncomfortable with the idea of leaving them in her locker along with all her other possessions, Sara, telling herself that she was being a real ninny about those heels of hers, decided in the end to d

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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 5

We woke up from our nap a couple hours later. I got dressed and we acted like nothing crazy happened. We went to her living room and started hanging out there. We poured some drinks, sat around, watched tv and talked. It was honestly nice to have a normal conversation again, not to have anything sexual come up. But then it happened, I started having feelings for her again. I thought I was done, but as we sat there enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help it. I started thinking about how I...

4 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 9 Alterations

Heels: The Ultimatum 9 - Alterations By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 8: Variations On A Theme After experiencing an unprecedented unbroken string of simultaneous orgasms via their nightly use of the double-ended dildo, Gale and Kelly had to concede that their good fortune could only be due to some sort of intervention initiated by Dennis' magical high heels. Several nights after that, Gale asked Kelly if the dildo felt somehow different to...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriends Best friend

(Left out some descriptions so you can imagine whoever you want) I had occasionally fantasized about my girlfriend's friend Lucy, but I never thought she felt the same way. My girlfriend Rebecca, Lucy and I all go to the same high school. Being a great guitar player I usually brought my guitar to school and played during lunch times, on occasion we would get a sing along to our favorite bands such as pearl jam and red-hot chili-peppers. Lucy would always sit next to me during these...

2 years ago
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My part time taxi job and the single mom who neede

My dads friend ask me to drive his taxi for two weeks. An old guy who has regular cash customers. I got his car and his cab phone and worked until the end of the 2nd week. I had a call yesterday with a women and her mentally ill son. She got in the front seat and put him in the back. She had a Dr appointment and would only be a while. On the way there she told me she was marginally old when she got pregnant. and thats the reason he came out that way. Then she told me her husband left her, seven...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 10

Some time had passed since I last hung out with Sarah. She seemed to want to go back to our old ways of friendship, so I think she was starting to avoid me. We would text here and there, but nothing too much. If she wanted to go back to a normal friendship, then I would accept that, although I would be a little sad about it.In the meantime, I was frequently joining in with Rachel and Eric. It was always so hot watching them. Sometimes it was so passionate, other times it was rough fucking. They...

3 years ago
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Me and my bestfriend Jake part 2

Sorry for the part 1 guys I accidentally press post and I din know how to edit but anyways here's the part two hope you like it. Jake said he was really sorry for what happen. I was a bit mad because of he said that. I thought he liked me so I ask him "Jake, do you really like me or you just made me feel better about what happened with nick? Jake drove and no words came out of his mouth not even a nodd. I was dissappointed I thought to myself I will never ever do this stupid things I did to...

4 years ago
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Me and my bestfriend Jake part 2

Sorry for the part 1 guys I accidentally press post and I din know how to edit but anyways here's the part two hope you like it. Jake said he was really sorry for what happen. I was a bit mad because of he said that. I thought he liked me so I ask him "Jake, do you really like me or you just made me feel better about what happened with nick? Jake drove and no words came out of his mouth not even a nodd. I was dissappointed I thought to myself I will never ever do this stupid things I did to...

1 year ago
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HeelsThe Ultimatum Chapter 2 Show

Heels: The Ultimatum 2 - Show & Tell By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 1: A Change Of Heart Even though she knew that her husband, Dennis and her girlfriend, Kelly, had in all actuality been one and the same person, Gale Mallory nevertheless came to find that she missed that former girlfriend of hers more than she ever thought she would. While she thoroughly cherished the time she spent with that new husband of hers, Gale grudgingly came to...

3 years ago
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Friend to Crush to Friendzoned Cuck 2

After we woke up from our nap we only briefly talked about what happened. I again admitted that I loved her, and even though what happened was hot, I wasn't sure if I'd want something like that again because of my feelings for her. She said she understood and we would keep it a secret. It was to be buried between us, never to be talked about again.Things seemed to have gone back to normal. We didn't talk to much during the week, then she texted me on Friday. She asked me if I wanted to go to a...

2 years ago
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Clarisse and I had been married for almost 20 years and had reached a stage in our marriage where everything was comfortable but not that exciting anymore. We had sex occasionally but it was pretty average and seemed to be just a formality rather than the passion it evoked when we were younger. Clarisse had worked a few years and then decided to stay at home and be the typical wife. She took care of the house, enjoyed her hobbies, volunteered for charities, and kept herself trim...

3 years ago
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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck

I've known Sarah for years and we hit it off immediately. I always thought she was attractive, with her long legs, her dark hair, her beautiful thick lips. But I didn't have romantic feelings for her right away, it was something that slowly grew as we spent more time together. One night we were drunk at her place. We flirted a lot, and I thought it was time for me to finally make my move. I told her how I felt, but she gently let me down. She said she couldn't ruin our friendship. She loved me,...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 4 Gales Quandary

Heels: The Ultimatum 4 - Gale's Quandary By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 3: Platonic Relationship Having addressed those damn near insatiable carnal needs of hers, Kelly dutifully called down the stairs, informing Gale that she could safely rejoin her in their bedroom. There, once Gale had slid into bed beside the shapely figure of her ultra feminized husband, the two of them began to discuss how they were going to handle the platonic aspect...

3 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 8 Variations On A Theme

Heels: The Ultimatum 8 - Variations On A Theme By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 7: Kinky & Squeamish In light of Gale's lesbian epiphany, that schedule of hers went right out the window, as Dennis began spending roughly seventy-five to eighty-five percent of his non-working time in the guise of his feminine alter ego. However, though Dennis was spending most of his at home time as Kelly, Gale came up with a timely suggestion that allowed...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 3 Platonic Relationship

Heels: The Ultimatum 3 - Platonic Relationship By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 2: Show & Tell Having watched Dennis transform himself into her girlfriend, Kelly, via the use of those magical transsexualizing high heels of his, Gale proceeded on to make another request of that drop dead gorgeous husband of hers. Somewhat demurely, she asked Kelly to demonstrate the extra-added magical ability that allowed that ultra feminized husband of...

4 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 6 Road Trip

Heels: The Ultimatum 6 - Road Trip By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 5: Kelly's Seduction What Gale did not know, and probably would never come to discern, was that the heels had used those lesbian couched fantasies of hers to fabricate a shadow, or if you will, an auxiliary libido, a libido that was heavily tinged with the pure essence from which manly desires arise. Whenever Dennis was operating as Kelly, Gale's shadow libido would kick in;...

2 years ago
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My girlfriends best friend1

The previous day she had been wearing a short skirt and platform heels the entire day, when I had met her, and nearly every subject we spoke on she connected with sex somehow. My girl knew from the way I had been watching her friend's legs stroll down the street in front of us that I was probably going to try and fuck her. She also knew that if her old friend said no that it would only be rougher for her. She had thought about warning Karen not to say no, but had decided her slutty friend...

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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 9

A little later in the week I talked to Rachel some more. She told me Eric would be into the idea of me being there while they fucked and them treating me kind of like their cuck. We set up a time for Saturday. They had plans for the night, so they wanted to do something early in the day, which was fine with me.Although I never had the feelings for Rachel like I did for Sarah, Rachel is very attractive. A pretty blonde girl, busty, curvy. She's soft in the right places. Unlike Sarah, I've...

4 years ago
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Caught in my girlfriends lingerie by her friends

My girlfriend lives alone, so whenever I am at her house by myself, while she's out clubbing or working, I always take the opportunity to go through all of her sexy clothes and lingerie and dress up like the slut that I crave to be.I undressed and put on a pair of white fishnet stockings, a black thong, mini skirt, black and white see through top and a sexy pair of silver high heels. I set my camera up at the end of the bed and set it to record myself in various poses. After a while doing this,...

2 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 10 More Surprises

Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy...

2 years ago
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Tricked by his BestFriends Girlfriend Gay

"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...

3 years ago
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Amazing Friendship Anniversary Moments With A Friend 8211 A Lovely One

Hello everyone. Here Raj again from Bhubaneswar presenting my first ever story. Thank you all for the feedbacks received for my previous story. You may please contact me for feedback of this story too at Ladies, aunties and unsatisfied women are most welcome. You people can drop a mail to me if you want a secret relationship or some fun. Your secrecy is my guarantee. Now coming to the story. Who don’t know me previously, for them; I am Raj, from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Well-built with gym touch....

1 year ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 5 Kellys Seduction

Heels: The Ultimatum 5 - Kelly's Seduction By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 4: Gale's Quandary Though Dennis, whenever functioning as his feminine alter ego, Kelly, continued to restrain herself from engaging in anything could be misconstrued as being even mildly suggestive, the same could not be said for Gale. Owing to the fact that she was a touchy-feellie kind of person to begin with, she was, with increasing frequency, overstepping the...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Girlfriend

My Girlfriend's Girl Friend Although this is fictional, many parts of this story actually happened. You, the reader can decide for yourself which are real and which are entirely a lifetime crossdresser's vivid imaginations. My name is Don. This story takes place in the late 60's when everyone had a little different or new view of their sexuality. From the time I was able to masturbate, I was in my mother's lingerie drawer trying on her silky panties and hose. I was probably 12...

3 years ago
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 8

It didn't take much to turn me on. Before I knew it, I was jerking off again for the third time that day. I was looking at a pic of Sarah and Rachel together. In my state of horniness, I texted Sarah."So I thought about it, I'm okay with you telling Rachel about me being your cuck," I typed.What I got back was a much longer response than I expected."Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel obligated. I really care about you and I don't want to ruin our friendship with this. I want to tell...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Flirts with Boyfriends Father

I was living at home right after I graduated from college and I was dating this girl Brittany at the time.  She was a little wild though and I had a hard time dealing with her. This one time, my mom was out of town visiting her sister and Brittany came over to visit and have some beers.  It was a hot summer day and we were drinking by the pool and my dad was in his lawn chair, reading the paper under a shady tree nearby.“It’s so nice out, I want to go swimming,” said Brittany stretching...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends Gum A Witchy Girlfriend

My Girlfriend's Gum (A Witchy Girlfriend) By: Boredsitting This story is heavily influenced by the story A Force Of Habit by Jessica Drew. I read the story a long time ago, and it is still one of my faves. There's also some other influences in here, as well. I just hope that it is as good a read as hers. Also, I tried to change the story about midway through to avoid copying her directly. The first half is a tribute to A Force Of Habit, but the rest needed to be my own. This...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Her Bestfriend First Time

I sat down and turned on the movie as the two girls got the food ready. It was still early in the night and we had nothing really planed. Sara, my girlfriend, sat next to me and handed me dish of food. Amanda, Sara’s best friend, sat on the couch across from us. We had a few beers each as we ate and watched the movie. Time moved on and the events of the night took an unexpected twist. Before we continue let me describe Sara. Slightly darker skin, about 5’5 with shoulder length black hair. Her...

1 year ago
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Housemaids Kneeds

HOUSEMAIDS KNEEDS BY HAJIM I had just come out of a long term relationship-she had gone off with anotherman. As she had not put in any money towards the purchase of the house, I wasthe sole owner & occupier. However it was too big for me to keep tidy bymyself so I decided to advertise for a housekeeper-I thought just for a larkI would advertise in one of the Alternative papers so I did in the followingway- "Man (30) very strict disciplinarian needs a housekeeper. Please submitdetails to...

2 years ago
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The Maid Has Needs

We were renting a portion of a HIG villa in the posh South Delhi neighborhood of Vasant Vihar. Our housemaid, Yukta, lived not very far, in the modest dwellings of Yusuf Sarai. Ever since the curfew was declared in Delhi, the classes I was teaching at college became online classes. From then on, I’ve had a lot of spare time. That morning, I gazed at Yukta from the dining table, where I was sitting with my laptop. Initially, the ‘gaze’ was out of focus. I was looking in her general direction,...

1 year ago
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Many girls crave attention on the internet, and you can give them just what they are asking for. You have a subreddit called r/needysluts/, and here you have loads of gorgeous women who love to post nude and seductive pictures that will make your woody rise. It is straightforward, and everyone is allowed to participate.Reddit.com is a free website, and this is just one of many other subreddits you can explore. There are tons of NSFW subreddits that are filled with porn, so if you are partially...

Reddit NSFW List
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Whenever people are thinking about the various places on Reddit that they can visit for porn, they rarely think of something that’s broad. Well, sometimes you just want to get a whole bunch of content at once, and that’s when you need to look into subs such as /r/AdultNeeds. This place has got everything you need for a different porn experience. Everything from pics and gifs to vids and tips is here for you. And when you have all this stuff in one place, it can be tempting to check this place...

Reddit NSFW List
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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 7

When I woke up I helped clean Rachel's a little bit so the whole place wasn't a complete mess. Eventually Sarah and Mark came out of the room. It was awkward with other people there, and no one really said anything. I felt like everyone kinda knew I was a cuck, even though Sarah and I weren't together. I knew I had been in love with her, but she just fucked one of my friends. My two best friends were fucking each other and I was stuck masturbating.Eventually Sarah asked me to drive her home....

1 year ago
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My Friend My Friends Mother Me Have The Time Of Our Life

I waited outside the door waiting for her to open the door. Soon I heard footsteps and the door opened. It was her mother. For a moment I was awestruck. This was the first time I had seen her mother and she was beautiful. She must have been around 40 but she had a very firm pair of breast. I could see that she was not wearing a bra or anything. So her tits were just bouncing around when she walked. I could even see her nipples. Suddenly I had an urge to touch them, but I contained my self and...

First Time
3 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 7 Kinky Squeamish

Heels: The Ultimatum 7 - Kinky & Squeamish By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 6: Road Trip Having just enjoyed their first lesbian encounter, Gale suggested that they both take the remaining personal days that they both had due them from the previous year, and use them for a long weekend lesbian based getaway together. Kelly absolutely loved the idea. The next morning, having called into work and left voice-mail messages with their...

1 year ago
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She gazed at her shiny, red heels. New heels - freshly out of the box in which she had carried them home, complete with new-shoe smell and a gleam they would never quite achieve again. Tall heels. Daring heels.Slutty heels. They were perfect. She had plans for these. Tonight. She was getting horny just thinking about it. She sat, mesmerized, for a little longer, fantasising about her plans for later. She could feel herself becoming aroused - wet even. She began to move a hand towards her...

3 years ago
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Bestfriend Jack and girlfriend Kaylin Caught

Jack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...

1 year ago
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My best friend and her boyfriend1

Zully and I had a habit of going over to each others house on Fridays and catch a movie and this particular Friday was not different, except for this time she was bringing over Adam, her boyfriend at the time. Usually my parents would never have allowed this but no one was home on this night and we didn't expect anyone anytime soon either. So we figured it wouldn't be a problem. So I think it was around six when my doorbell rang. I go to answer the door wearing just regular...

2 years ago
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Sex Carving Girlfriend Fucking Her Best Friend Forever And Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...

2 years ago
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Heels clicking

The girls were gone, and there I was, naked except for the pinkribbons adorning my private parts. I caught my reflection in themirror and pondered the absurd sight. As if the ribbons weren'tenough, I was sucking my own semen out of a dirty sock. Why was Idoing this to myself? Why couldn't I control the lust I had to abasemyself at Jen's feet? Why was I more turned on by this degradationthan I ever was before? I went to sleep that night with the ribbons on, the anklet in mymouth, and a...

1 year ago
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My boyfriend and his friend

His hands travelled around my body, feeing every inch of me. As I lie there, naked and exposed, ready for him to please me in any way he desired, someone knocked on the door. Panicking, I got to my feet and hurried off to get dressed. I waited anxiously, praying that he would hurry up and finish talking to who ever was at the door. Footsteps starting coming close to me and their voices were now crystal clear outside the door. “Come out babe” my boyfriend said, “Meet a friend of mine”. I...

Group Sex
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My Girlfriends Best Friend

It's the start of your senior year, and things are going great. School is a breeze, and you're lucky enough to have been with your girlfriend Jane for almost a year now. You two are in love, and you've never been happier. Jane is what most guys would call "cute" -- not particularly curvy or anything, but on the smaller side with a pretty face framed by her brownish-blondish hair. She has smallish B cups and a nice ass -- plenty to keep you happy, but it does leave you wanting more... She's...

2 years ago
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Being watched by my boyfriends best friend Pt 2

Well that night made a bit of an impression on me; I'd always been quite reserved. For example, if we ever went on holiday, even with the girls, I always stayed covered up. But after that night with our friend, I developed a bit of an exhibitionist side. We spoke the following morning, as I'd said, and agreed that we would never mention it in case someone picked up on our conversation. Although he did remind me of the promise. And true to his word, whenever we were out, if there was anyone...

2 years ago
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My Girfriends Friend Shayla

I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, who I’ve always wanted to see naked, on her knees eating my girlfriend out. Shayla’s tight ass looks so incredibly sexy with that hot pink thong on.I shut the door behind me and walk up to the couch as I get...

3 years ago
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me my bestfriend and our three girlfriends Teen

Part 2------- As i stood there in the orange pink tinted supper time sun in denver colorado i heard her brother open the door. " whats up bro " he said " just waiting for a good time. " i responded "come in" he said and in i walked. i said hi to his mom which worked the night shift at the local wallmart at 10pm. her dad got laidnoff but went to sleep and he was out when he slept. after we ate we plyed some xbox and down came kiana at 9:00 she was in her pajamas and had a light...

1 year ago
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me my bestfriend and our three girlfriends Teen

Introduction: me as o lets say josh and my best friend will be jessy and one girl is kiana my next door neighbor girl 2 as malorie girl three as anna may not be the best story dont hate on me but i felt like i want to write keep in mind im young so go easy. also spelling may be iffy and ya Ever since i moved in ive never thought about kiana being my fantasy or never thought of her in a sexual way being in 7th gradenow adays we talked more and she developed she was actualy popular in our school...

2 years ago
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Visiting my boyfriends friend

For those that have been following the story, you now know about my exhibitionist side. For newcomers I could re-cap but it would be easier and hopefully better for you if you read my previous stories. However, I shall bring you all up to speed with what happened in between the last story and this one. After the holiday things went back to normal for a while. Then out of the blue, my boyfriend and his friend both moved away with their jobs. They weren't connected, it was just bad timing (for me...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Trade Girlfriend For A Friend

Hi friends, this is Rani from Tamilnadu. I have read many stories on ISS, so thought to share few my own personal experiences with my boyfriend and our friends. My boyfriend and I enjoy a great sex life. To start with I will tell you how I lost my virginity. My boyfriend Rohit and I both were studying in same college. He is a perfect definition of tall dark and handsome with gym body and nicely built up chest n biceps and abs. I am 34 28 34, ht 5.3″ fair, black eyes, long hair, boobs round n...

3 years ago
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my best friend got seduced by my girlfriend and fu

Amar girlfriend onek sexy shob chelera pagol oer jonno oer dudh onek boro r shundor ..oer ass o onek sexy oer body shape 36-24-36 ...oke dekhle emon kono chele nai je pagol hobe na..ekdin ami amar girlfriend ke nia amar best friend er bashai gesi ..best friend er basha khali chillo er jonno girlfriend ke nia gesi chudte ...amar girlfriend ke sheidin onek sexy lagtisilo ekta tight sleeveless kameez porsilo oer dudh mone hoitesilo je jama chire baire ashbe....r kameez er gola onek boro chillo...

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