Dearest Wife." free porn video

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Husband shows his Victorian wife the delights of erotic sex and spanking.
Her Victorian Bottom Thrashed.

Part 1.

For awakened Prudence, the days had been sexually listless for Henry, her husband, was away on business.

The sunlight flickered through the swaying branches of the old oak tree which majestically dominated the farthest reaches of their garden, and which underneath Prudence sat in deepest thought whilst trying to read the Times. Thoughts that unbidden always returned to the past month and the miraculous change in her marriage to her dearest husband. "Dearest husband." she murmured with a smile. Dearest darkest husband. A slight breeze ruffled the pages of the newspaper as she took a sip of lemonade and placed the crystal on the small garden table next to her. Henry had been away a week and Prudence felt every solitary moment with every breath she took.

She was a changed woman. Her husband had changed her on that night a month past. She felt liberated. Unburdened by convention and free of thought; no matter how wanton. And it was her dearest husband who had taken and led her to be so. Her resistance had been born of upbringing and propriety which, in those twilight hours, he had stripped away leaving her a slave not only to his desires but, more importantly, to her own. She closed her eyes and let those desires wash over her in waves of lustful memory. Her lips parted slightly at the memory of his large member that had slipped so sweetly into her mouth, and which had brought forth such delicious agony as it had forced its way up her virgin bottom. The rose blushed.

Never again would she deny her true feelings in the matters of the physical relationship with her husband. The following morning they had lain naked together and talked as if at the beginning of a new journey of discovery, and of their new found understanding of needs to be satisfied. Such was their shared delight they had spent the morning in perpetual coitus that had left them both sated and exhausted. Prudence felt the bud of her bottom hole flutter as the fleeting vision of her naked husband standing over her as he forced his rigid cock into her forbidden fruit as she knelt gasping endearments on their large ruffled double bed. Shivering, Prudence fanned herself and wished that her dearest Henry return home soon.

In the distance, a maid was coming towards her carrying what appeared to be a small parcel in her grasp.


In her bedroom, Prudence sat at her dresser, and using a thin paper knife, opened the letter which was addressed to her. She recognised the writing.

It was from her husband.

"Dearest Prudence,

I hope this missive finds you and the c***dren well. I miss you terribly dear heart and I am counting not only the days till my return but the very hours, minutes and seconds. The drudge of commerce is as ever thus and its wheel turns frustratingly slow but the good news is I suspect the outcome is fair and the rewards worthy of the effort afforded. Since my departure, I have had much time to consider recent events between us and at times I feel as if I shall nigh burst with the joy of it all. I feel a new man, Prudence. It is as if I have abandoned a shadow and walked unto a pure light that finally soothes my soul and blesses me with an inner peace. I give untold thanks to be rewarded with your favour and the knowledge that the spirit within you feels the same. I feel quite giddy with the thought that my desires for you are equally, if not more so, matched. Oh joy of joys. I do love you so, Prudence. We are at a time of life when there should be no secrets between man and wife.

The time apart is unbearable at times. To be with you in spirit and body is all that matters. My desire drips with lust at the very thought of our next encounter and the memory of your words "Be understood dearest Henry, thy imagination in the act of seeking pleasure is one I accept with eager anticipation. It is a small sadness that we shall never have the virginity of my orifices to partake again but let us not deny us both their endless pleasures and future possibilities." Fear not my love, for though the tingling sweetness of your mouth, pussy and arse shall be forever well used for as long as we live but I have recently, to my delight, discovered a new adventure which quickens my blood and am sure will find favour with you. I shall not speak of it in this letter but merely draw your attention to the parcel which accompanies this correspondence. It was a thing I came across a week ago in a small booksellers near to where I am staying and on perused sight I had to purchase. I wish you to read it before my return for I intend to follow its guidance and teachings. I warn you Prudence that it is a path which will test you both in body and spirit. It will change our relationship beyond measure and forever bind our love and trust. Be free of mind. Let thy imagination walk abroad. Read the book and await my return with as much anticipation as my own.

With deep love and admiration.

Your husband, Henry."

Prudence put the letter down and picked up the book shaped parcel. Carefully, she broke the wax seal, folded open the brown paper and removed the book. Turning it over, she stared at the title on the plain front cover.

"Oh my..." she gasped.


Two days later, Henry returned home.

At the gate he was met by one of the servants who took his baggage as he stepped from the carriage. In the distance, he could see his c***dren playing on the long lawn and smiled for there was no greater feeling than returning to the bosom of his family. He made his way up the gravel path towards the main house and saw that his wife was waiting for him on the steps. At the sight of her he felt the man in him awaken for she was a vision in curls and windswept frills. So very feminine. So perfect in every way. He stopped and looked up at her with a wide grin.

"Dearest wife." he said as he took her bare hand.

Prudence gave a slight curtsey. "Dearest husband, welcome home." She felt him grip her hand tighter. Her dainty hand looked so small in his. His hand. His large hand. She shivered and saw him smile with secret understanding. Oh, the cad!! He now knows me so well. She suspected after tonight he would know her even better. All because of that book. That book of vice.

"I trust I find you well and that the household has not run amok whilst I was away." he laughed.

Prudence shook her head. "Indeed not Sir," she replied. Her eyes were sparkling. "You of all people should know that firm discipline and a sturdy hand is all that is required to keep a loved one in line."

Their eyes met. Henry, aware that his household retinue were waiting to welcome him home, stifled a laugh. She understood. The rules of their new little adventure. She was truly a special woman and he would always be grateful that she was his. Would that the day become the night in the twinkling of an eye!! He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "That the loved one understands that firm discipline and a firm hand can have unexpected benefits is a thing to admire. I suspect we shall discuss their merits in more detail later."

His wife curtseyed again. "I shall await with anticipation, dearest husband."

At the sound of shouts, he turned to find his c***dren running towards him with the unbridled enthusiasm of the youth. He was home and he was happy. For now he had presents to give, stories to tell and bags to unpack. Much later he would do his husbandly duty and service his beautiful spouse by way of that book.


Part 2.

There is no place like home. The reassuring comforts of the familiar and the deep love of family are truly the only things of worth mused Henry as he watched his c***dren opening their gifts he had brought them from his business trip. His wife was sat in a fireside chair laughing and playfully joining in the excited chatter as she opened her own gift – a silver crescent moon on a crafted chain. As he stared at her she lifted her gaze to his. At that moment, no words could ever express his ever lasting worship of this woman. This woman, who a month ago, had let go the reserve that she had been born with and found her true sexuality. She was his to do with as was his desire. In life, at his side, an equal, but when alone together in their chambers, a submissive to her own needs. His mind recalled a passage in the book:

“To be submissive is to bestow the gift of trust to the dominant. It is the nature of this character that true inner self discovery and satisfaction can only be found at the order of another. That gift of trust should always be treated with the utmost respect, sincerity and understanding. This is never more so when the kiss of pain is used in the pursuit of pleasure..”

Henry felt his ardour stir. His stared deep into her soul. He saw her mouth part slightly and her face flush for his own was an open book of desire and lust. The hour was late and for them both more important matters were beginning to arise.

Prudence turned to a maid. “The hour is late, Polly.” she smiled. “Take the c***dren to their room and see to it they take to their beds. It has been a long and tiring day.”

Polly, a comely lass from the Shires, bobbed a curtsey. “Yes Ma’am.”

Prudence watched with a smile as the maid shushed her c***dren out of the room towards the stairs. It was then she turned to her husband. There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other. She could feel the deep thudding of her heart for the moment was at hand – literally.

“Did you read the book?” he asked suddenly.

She nodded. “Yes. Yes I have.”

Henry picked up his glass of wine and put it to his lips. “And?”

His wife glanced away for a moment. What had she thought? An unexpectedly thrilling surprise mixed with a shiver of trepidation for one thing. She was more surprised he’d actually bought the book to begin with! But things were different now. Her husband was a changed man. More fool her for not seeing that until a month ago he had been living a secluded lie with his true nature kept in check for the sake of marital propriety. That her love should live all those years with such a burden for no other reason that he imagined his needs would be most upsetting to her was a shame felt deep within her. Thank God he had made her see him as his true self and that by doing so he had set her free into the bargain. This book was another step towards that freedom they both felt. But this book was no small matter for it would take her beyond the sexual into a whole new world. It is fair to say that most of what she read had shocked her.

But the greatest surprise was that, with the last page read, that initial shock had manifested itself into one of eager anticipation. To anticipate and experience the motivations and reasoning’s within each page. Each page describing the pursuit of pleasure through the affliction of pain.

She hesitated before answering. “Husband, it is through you that I have discovered that I am a sexual vessel and that the only limits are those of my imagination. With our physical satisfaction, I have found a calm within that has changed who I am for the better. Your demands for my body have made me feel more of a woman than anything ever could and I love you more for it. When you..” she paused, flushing slightly. “When you fuck me I know you fuck me with a desire born out of shared love and the need to trust you. I have read the book. And if you want us both to try out those things within I do so eagerly for the trust I have in you is without question.”

Henry slowly nodded. “I have missed you wife. Let us retire and partake on this new adventure.”


Part 3.

Henry turned the key to their bedroom door and locked it. He looked at his wife who was standing beside their large double bed watching him. In her hand was the book he had bought for them both.

Prudence smiled and read out the title. “The Pursuit of Pleasure through Pain. An essay on the art of flagellation and spanking of the female posterior by Miss Asher of East Riding.”

Henry walked to his wife’s side and wrapped his arms around her. “Nothing like a female writer to get straight to the point.” he laughed. He rested his chin on her shoulder and rubbed his stiffening groin against her full bottom. “Hmmmm, I have missed this so much these past days. No damnation is greater than the torment from being away from you.”

Prudence flicked through the pages of the book. In amongst the text were drawings of figures posing and outlandish implements that made her gasp at their intent. She closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck and a brief vision of her husband’s brass buckled long leather belt made her heart beat faster. Across her bottom? The very thought made her go weak at the knee. To be thrashed across her naked derriere with such a fearsome weapon was a most sobering thought. How was one to find pleasure in the obvious pain that would bring? But if such a thing were possible, as Miss Asher attested in her book, then she would find it with her dear hearts efforts.

“Do you wish me to undress, husband?” she asked softly. Against her backside, she could feel the length and girth of his cock growing in his breeches. A sore bottom would mean many things this night she imagined. “What do you wish to do to my bottom?”

Henry shook his head as he let her go. “No. I think it will be more entertaining to have our first experience by way of searching for your bottom underneath a maze of skirts, petticoats and bloomer. We shall start at the first chapter as novices and work our way through each subsequent chapters as and when time and our desires require.” He sat on the end of their bed and patted his lap. “Methinks over here, dearest. What is the chapter title?”

Prudence had no need to check for she knew each by heart. “Umm,” she mumbled. “The Kiss of His Hand: the basics of a good hard spanking.”

Henry grinned at the unsure look on his beloveds face. “Fret not, Prudence.” he said with some amusement. “With thy help – and bottom – I am sure I will in time and with practice make a most accomplished spanker.”

Prudence took his hand. “Of that I have no doubt, Sir. I am sure my bottom will complain at each lesson you learn. Shall I lie fully across thy lap and bed?”

“I can think of no more worthy place, dearest.” he agreed. “Such a pose will leave your bottom in a most vulnerable state.” Taking her hand, he guided his wife across his lap until the enticing swell of her arse was displayed to perfection under his gaze. “Splendid.” he exclaimed as he gave her a tap. “Are you ready? Shall we begin?” He briefly flicked through the relevant chapter before setting aside the book on the bedside table.

Prudence lowered her head and rested her brow on crossed arms. “I am, husband though I suspect a map may come in handy in order to find the object of your affection beneath so many layers of cloth.”

Henry reached down, grasped the first layer of her dress, and tugged it up over her bottom and folded it neatly across her back. Then another, and another. He smiled for it was like unwrapping some exotic present at Micklemas. One wrapping at a time. With each layer removed the shape of her bottom became more and more pronounced. And what a splendid bottom it was. Very much an English bottom. Full and creamy without a blemish. His wife was blessed with a body sculpted by a master. Firm of bosom, wide of hip and sturdy of backside. The idea of chastising it in a sexual way made him wonder why the thought hadn’t crossed his mind long ago.

“Be careful of my petticoats, Henry.” whispered Prudence. “They are of the finest stitch and weave.” She gave a gasp for her husband had suddenly grasped both mounds of her bottom and gave them a strong squeeze. “Ah, dearest. Thy ministrations are stirring the heat in my loins.”

“As my intent, love.” said Henry as he lifted her petticoats carefully away for they were of the finest stitch and weave, and did cost a pretty penny. All that lay between flesh on flesh were a pair of crisp white bloomers buttoned down the back. His breath caught in his throat for the sight was magnificent. The thrust of her rear was most becoming and stoked the quickening thrill of his ardour. After he spanked her bare bottom he well intended to fuck her juicy cunt until she begged him to stop – a situation he doubt would ever arise. And a juicy cunt it would be for even before he had laid a hand on her bottom she was gently rubbing her sex on his thigh.

In anticipation, Prudence closed her eyes and wondered why nothing was happening. Now that the moment of her first spanking was at hand she was both eager and curious to savour its taste. “Hmmmm, Henry,” she whimpered. “When are you going to undo the buttons and bare my bottom for I think I am rea..OWWWWWWWW!!”

Prudence gasped for her husband had slapped her hard across her bloomers with much gusto. No gentle pat that. The crack of the spank rebounded around their bedroom like a mid summer thunderclap. She kicked her heels and twisted to look at him with surprise. The cur was grinning at her like a Cheshire cat!! Insufferable man. “HUSBAND!!” she gasped. “A word to let me prepare for that smarted!!!”

Henry jiggled the offended cheek. “Forgive me, dear heart. The temptation to tinker was too great to resist. I must say I enjoyed that. Does it sting like a bee?”

Prudence reached around and rubbed her right posterior. “Oooo, it does. What a strange feeling. I think you had better larump the other cheek to even the score.”

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure, pumpkin.” nodded Henry in agreement. “I must say, a man could get used to this sport and want much more.” Raising his right hand, he walloped the virgin left cheek with a firm and meaty slap.

“Eeeek!!” squealed Prudence as the sting made her see fireworks. “Not so HARD!!”


Henry mopped his brow for this spanking lark was surprisingly hard work. Especially so because of the effort required to keep his wife firmly across his lap after each robust spank. He glanced down and saw that her bottom protruded between the gap in her bloomers like an angry red apple. An apple he intended to take a bite of sooner rather than later.

Spanking his wife had been a most illuminating experience. The act was so very visceral and physical. Each spank had Prudence twisting and crying but never straying from her position in truth. Struggled yes, but that was only to be expected for once he had undone the buttons of her bloomers, he spanked her bare bottom with some vigour. It had been absolutely wonderful and he let his wife gather her thoughts and emotions as she lay softly sobbing over his lap.

Prudence turned her head to look at her lord and master. Oof!! So THAT was what a proper spanking was like. It really really did sting horrid. Her bottom felt twice its normal size and throbbed like a sore tooth. But the most surprising thing was she felt such a languid ease all over. After many spanks, the pain had swelled, crested and ebbed away to leave her with a warm glow radiating from her belaboured behind. Such a feeling was most agreeable. She felt hot from top to toe and the cusp of her femininity was boiling and brimful of want. Her husband really must do something about that forthwith or she would lose her mind!!

“Hmmmm, Henry, I…I think you need to..” she murmured. Involuntary, she rubbed her sex against his obvious arousal.

Henry gave a curse. He nodded. “Indeed, Prudence,” he grunted as he turned her over and began to fumble with the laces of his breeches. “If I do not release my cock I shall end up strangling the bugger!!”

Prudence laughed as she watched him staggering around trying to open his stays. “I shall most definitely NOT be pleased if you throttle that cock of yours, Henry.” she giggled. “T’would be a heinous crime for such a magnificent b**st not to be able to service its duty. Really Henry, foresight should have told you to remove your britches before you set about spanking your beloved.”

Henry finally tugged off his leggings. “Any more barbed wit wife and I shall spank ye again!” He grabbed his engorged penis and fisted its length. “Now then wife, spanking that bottom of yours has fired my blood something cursed.” He stepped forward, grabbed her bloomers at the waist and began tugging them off with no small amount of frustration. Once they were cast aside, he knelt between the trembling thighs of Prudence and forced the bloated head of his member against her hairy vagina. “Prepare yourself wife for I have more than a weeks desire to assuage this night and a pair of balls that hang heavy and full.” He was sweating hard and his reason was disappearing like a morning mist.

Prudence raised her hips and thrust against him. She gasped for the largesse of his organ was slipping deep into her honey pot. It was a b**st. Uncoiled and spitting. Her fucker dropped heavily onto her and the last of him speared deep bringing forth a grunt and stream of excited endearments for them both. Raising her feet, she clasped them behind his back and surrendered to his fierce fucking that she thought would drive her beyond mad. This was so much more than before. The emotion was without equal and she realised that its heart was the smarting from her spanking.

“Henry,” she whimpered. “Next time we really must do this again!!”

Henry grunted as he fucked on. Of that there was no doubt.

The next time he would introduce her to one or two little gifts he had bought especially for their new adventures whilst he was away on that business trip. The thought of using those gifts on her bottom drove him over the edge.

With a final thrust, he gave her his spend.


The end

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His Dominant Landlady

Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...

4 years ago
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When she Swallows

So, you're laying back in bed, getting a wonderful bit of head from that special someone. Her lips are wet and by now so is every inch of your cock. Her tongue is flattened out against the bottom of your shaft and it does this delicious little swirl around the head on every upstroke. You can feel the moment closing in: balls start to tighten up, an electric feeling warming your testicles and rising up your shaft, your brain starts to shut down as your prostate takes over all thought...

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Wifes away

"Where my passport?" Sophie shouted as she desperately searched her bagIt was 08:23 and the taxi was due to pick her up at 08:30, "You put it on the side in the kitchen! To keep it safe!" I collected it and handed the passport to her. The taxi was waiting outside; I kissed her goodbye and said I would see her on Wednesday.Sophie was away for 3 days on a business trip, which meant I had the house to myself. Sophie and I had been married for about 5 years, as far as I knew, she never suspected...

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MommyBlowsBest Sarah Vandella Hot Mom

Hot MILF Sarah Vandella feels so hot that she strips down to her sexy lingerie and rubs an ice cube in her perfect body. Suddenly her stepson Alex shows up! Sarah asks him to get closer and she will show him how passing an ice cube over his body will chill him too, but that is not enough for the horny MILF and with no shame she ask him if she can suck his cock. He shyly obliges and what follos is the most epic blowjob ever: deepthroated, face fucked and taking only breaks to tittyfuck that cock...

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The Cleaner Chapter 4

THE CLEANER - CHAPTER 4 Atlas quickly got back up and pushed the ignition button. The engine sparked ready, and the automatic gearbox immediately locked into gear. He pressed the pedal, and the car gripped on the dirt just before falling off the cliff, spinning it’s tyres and taking off. The black SUV gave chase. “What the hell is happening!?” asked Kate in panic. “Must be someone that doesn’t like us. Just-“ He was cut off by a powerful jolt to the side, caused by the SUV ramming...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 12 House Calls

November 8, 1993, Chicago, Illinois A dark fog swirled before my eyes as I tried to take stock. My head hurt, badly. I felt something on my face and realized, dimly, it was an oxygen mask. My right hand was uncomfortable and I recognized the feeling of an IV and pulse-oximeter. My left arm ached fiercely. On my chest I felt the pads and wires of an EKG. I didn’t feel anything else wrong as I continued taking inventory. I tried to open my eyes, but the fog didn’t clear. I tried to speak, but...

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The Start Of Being A Naughty Slut Chapter 3

When I finally arrived home after spending the afternoon getting my arse fucked by these four very rough lads. I sheepishly made my way upstairs and instantly run myself a bath. My Husband was picking the Kids up from School today and was taking them swimming straight after so I had about an hour to relax before they come home. I lowered my aching body down in to the water, my bum hole was so sore the water was making it sting as I slowly put my bum cheeks on the bottom of the bath. I lay their...

Group Sex
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first time with gorgeous CD

Back in the early 80's before I was using the internet as a masturbation aid, all I really had was VHS video porn and dirty magazines. 1-900 Phone sex was all the rage at the time. Tranny, shemale porn was really cumming along. I remember when Hustler mag first starting showing a picture of a shemale and her little cock in the advertisement section. It was such a turn on for me. I used to jerk to the tits and pussies and cum to the shemale pic. This was the time when I really started becoming...

3 years ago
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Sex games 6

The next morning we were relaxing on the deck. We both wore our usual outfit, T-shirts and bare bottoms. I said to Carol, "I never imagined a night like last night, with Billy." I looked over the lake. I called Carol over to look at the beach. She saw Billy and smiled. I said, "We gave him the best night of his life." I stood behind Carol and nestled my prick between her ass cheeks. I got a little hard but was still recovering from all of our adventures yesterday. We discussed what to do today....

Wife Lovers
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Opening Up

Over the past several months I've opened up to my husband a bit and while I haven't told him about my previous encounters, I told him about my "fantasy" of multiple partner sex....male.....and female. Initially he was taken aback a bit by it although I told him about it while we were lying in bed naked. He spoke as if he was really upset about it however something else told me otherwise....if you get my drift. So while I was apologetic when I first told him, I almost immediately started...

Wife Lovers
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Good porn 1 from model to director

After my series "Why I dislike most porn" it is time to stop to focus on bad porn, there is too much!At request of a fervent reader I'll tell about the career of a friend who went from model to directorI got to know awesome Australian amateur Liandra D(...) by her profile here: a tasty choice of uploadsI defriended the profile as she told me she would leave it alone, we became friends in Facebook beforeI keep my list of friends here on purpose below one hundred as I like to remember who is whom...

2 years ago
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Homosexuality no matter how innocent was totally frowned upon by the US military in the 1960s. Any relations I had with males had to be very discreet as I enjoyed my time in the US Air Force, But I also liked the occasional experience with a consenting Male. Obviously opportunities were few and far between and when the happened I had to be very careful. Once stationed in West Germany at twenty years old my job as an air policeman in security took up a lot of time and Didn,t allow much time off,...

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Page SixChapter 9

Page Six Last seen: The aforementioned Josie Paterson last heard having an argument with her mother in the dressing room at Bendel's. Sources say her mother was pretty riled up to see how trashy she looked in the Page Six of Monday. The gals, Emma, Amanda, Elizabeth, and Nicky, gathered at Bendel's to shop. They grabbed tons of Dolce & Gabbana, Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Prada, and Les Best dresses, claiming they had somewhere fancy to be that weekend. As Emma stripped to her...

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Seasonal DaughtersChapter 9

We woke up together in the morning. I sent the girls to their bathroom and Laura to mine. I went downstairs to start coffee and fiddle around. When it was ready, I took two cups upstairs. I came to my bedroom and knocked. I heard Laura say, "Come in, Paul." I entered and saw her pull her panties on. I was in love with the woman inside but sure did like the outside packaging! I thought for a second and realized I should say something. I walked to her and gave her a soft kiss and put her...

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Anita in the tattoo parlor

I finally agreed with Ana she could get a little spade tattoo on her belly.Her black lover Jerome had asked her to get it; in order to show his friends my sexy wife was his submissive white slut bitch for black men… My dick got hard as a rock just thinking of her belly with a spade tattoo. It would keep my wife’s pussy wetter, just knowing about all those black bastards that would fuck her regularly…Ana told me while she was getting the tattoo, she would wear her micro skirt while she had a...

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Jennys Shenanigans

Jenny Malone and her husband Tom were married for twenty years.  He was a wonderful husband and a great father.  He worked hard to provide for his family.  He traveled a lot but when he was home, he worked late.Jenny was a stay at home mother.  However, her children were teenagers and did not need her as much.  She kept herself busy with things she liked to do.  As wonderful as Tom was, in the bedroom he was a real dud.  He did not have a big penis, nor did he have the skills to get by.She...

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A Womans WrathChapter 2

Peter was home by 3:15AM, alone in an empty house. Stripping his clothes off he took a quick shower, climbed into some old boxers to lounge in, then went downstairs and pulled a beer out of the refrigerator. Sitting down with his first drink since dinner he reviewed the evening. What a disaster! After ignoring him all day, Susan called him upstairs then hustled him into a suit to go out to the dinner he had promised her the day before. She also cancelled the dinner reservations at their...

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SexAndSubmission Jane Wilde Giving Up The Ass

Jane has been flirting with her neighbor behind her boyfriend’s back. She is planning a big backyard show to let him see everything but her boyfriend Quinton has other plans. He noticed that she’s been distracted lately so when she leaves her phone on the counter he can’t help but take a look. He finds out that she has been flirting heavily with the neighbor George and that he has plans to fuck her ass in the backyard next to the pool. He makes sure that he is home just in time to catch this...

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Richs Valentines Gift

I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...

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The Courtesan 3 The Reckoning

As we continued our tour of the Castle, Kurt led me down a long spiral staircase deep under the main building. At the bottom of the stairs there was a dimly lit hallway with rooms on either side. Each of the roughly hewn doors had bars in small window openings. It was obvious these rooms were jail cells. Our footsteps echoed on the slate stone floor as we walked. It gave me an eerie feeling knowing this place was over eight hundred years old. I’ve had a fear of dark confined places since I was...

Wife Lovers
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Satisfying her needs Chapter 2 of 3

Based on true eventsContinued from chapter 1...It is a beautiful Saturday night at the hotel, Ruhi and I went for dinner, she was wearing a black one-shoulder dress with heels, it was a perfect fit dress, enhancing her figure. On her ear she wore a glamorous tear drop earrings and her long hair is just flowing from one side of her head upto her waist, She looked magnificent that night. I wore a self Design white shirt with a pair of black trousers.It was a lakeside, dinner date. Cool breeze...

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Fallen Angel Freedom

How often does one get opportunity to rewrite your story and correct mistakes you’ve made in the past? I wondered, as I sashayed ahead of Petra and her husband Gert, carrying their luggage, to show them their bungalow. I was conscious of every naked part of my exposed body, the swaying of my boobs, their hard nipples, my belly and my naked backside. Most of all, I could feel the wetness seeping between my pussylips as a prelude to promises nobody made. But I needed to discover why they were...

Group Sex
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Stage Daddy

"Oh, that's nice!" Marco smiled at me from behind his camera as Gary, the wardrobe guy, slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders. Gary was a serious fag too, like a stereotype, and older the others. He was the only one there who wasn't interested in me, because I was mostly a girl and he only liked boys. He seemed to like my dad a lot, even though I told him Daddy wasn't queer. All the guys ignored him since they were pretty much only into girls, so Gary pouted a lot and sat in a corner...

4 years ago
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The Rub

It didn’t matter. I was up now. I rolled over and fumbled my hand across the side table to find a glass of water. When I had gone to bed the room felt like a sweltering jungle, but now in the middle of the night the air was a current of ice that caused my throat to crack and rasp with each breath. I found the glass and took a sip deep enough to lubricate my throat, but not so deep as to trigger the urge to empty my bladder. If that happened I would never manage to find my way back to sleep....

3 years ago
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For Him

For Him By Kyrie Hobson -------------------- This work of erotic fiction is copyright 2009 by Kyrie Hobson. It is distributed freely and may be freely used as long as it remains unedited and in its original condition, including this notice, and is provided free of any charges. All of the characters and situations are imaginary and have no bearing on real life. If you are under the age of consent in your state, or are just someone who is easily offended by explicit sexual...

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by HammertimeBen and Paul slid the canoes from the back of Paul's pickup and down to the edge of the river. Liz was unloading the supplies from the back of the truck. They were about to embark on a two night trip down the river, a trip that Paul and Liz had taken many times before. It was a first time for Ben and he wasn't at all sure about doing it. Being on water wasn't one of his favorite things. The idea of white water ahead made him wish he had just told them no again.Ben and Paul were...

2 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 13 Baghdad Cleansing

The Iraqi Council of Representatives consisted of three-hundred and twenty-five members. Seventeen of those members were identified by Ambassador Lee and Colonel Murphy as supporters of Iranian involvement in Iraq. Ghost One spent the next thirty-six hours gathering intelligence on the structure and depth of penetration by Iranian hardliners in Iraqi politics. The brush of an unseen hand was enough to gather the mental signatures needed to read the men from short distances. It also allowed...

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Whore Wife

I've read several stories posted to the Internet about interracial affairs and pregnancy, and many of the writers have said they would like to hear from similarpeople. At my husband's suggestion, I have decided towrite to you about our experiences.***I'm a lil white girl; I grew up around blacks all my life, and even though there's always been a barrier between the races I've had a secret desire to fuck some of the black studs I knew in school and around our neck of the woods.So at the age of...

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Sexual Journey Between Voluptuous Aunt And Nephew 8211 Part 7

Hello everyone. I am Manav, and I’m back to describe my sexcapades with my aunt, Shruti, and mom. Shruti aunty is a 36 years old, voluptuous young lady, and mom is a 45-year-old angel in disguise. Thank you all for your feedback and for loving my stories. I hope the reading gets exciting as we go further into the story. Days passed after the incident with mom catching Shruti aunty and me fucking the hell of each other. Even mom got into the action revealing that it was their plan all along to...

3 years ago
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Panty Spanks A Charmed Ones Bum

Santa Panty Spanks A charmed Ones Bum Part, 1 [email protected] do not own the TV Show Charmed or any of its characters. I write for fun and receive no monetary gain from the writing of this storyThe Christmas Ball Room overlooking the San Francisco Skyline was nearly full. The pretty long brown haired witch swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed into her black corduroy pants. Prue Halliwell found herself in the presence of "Panty Santa at the hip...

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Military Escort

It’s my first time in Newcastle Upon Tyne. My first time up north. I’d fallen in love with your accent but we’d never made it up here together. We’d always planned to. We’d said we’d come up, visit your folks and I could watch a match. I look out the window of the hotel and watch the hordes of black and white-clad men parading down the road from St James Park. The chants and songs rising up leave me in no doubt as to the paternity of the referee. I look at my watch. It’s almost 5 pm. I really...

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Vikkirsquos Consultation

After the girls left I decided to make another batch of juice to have with my breakfast as I was certainly pleased with the effect it had on me and after clearing out the guest room and putting a wash on I sat down to some nice bacon and eggs washed down with a pint of my homemade concoction and with nothing else planned I sat down in my tatty old shorts happy to have a restful day and catch up with some TV.I was surprised at how quick the juice took effect and it wasn’t long before I was sat...

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Intimate Diaries 8211 Part 3 The Long Night

Recap: Part 2 saw Karan and his cousin Vani finally getting together and going at it in Karan’s bedroom. After some passionate foreplay and boob-sucking, topless Karan takes topless Vani to their guest room. It is going to be the night of their lives. It is 2 am in the night. Everyone is asleep and loins are burning in these cousins’ bodies. As soon as they closed the door, Vani pushed Karan on the bed. She came on top of – her pussy directly over his crotch. She could feel it was hardening,...

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Family of 4 Family Together

Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 18 years ago; since then, the 3...

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Mom Lands In Trouble In Village Gets Gangbanged 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, this story is about my mom’s gangbang by members of village panchayat. My mom’s name is Reshma and she has big pairs of boobs and ass,her boobs size is 36 d and ass around 38. When this incident happened my mom was 38 years old. We used to live in delhi.I had just completed my high school and my holidays were on.I was getting bored and asked mom to visit our village in u.P. As my father was out of town he said my mom to visit village without him. My mom had not visited village since...

2 years ago
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Blushing Bride Part Six Wedding Presents

Blushing Bride - Part 6: Wedding Presents by Richard-to-Rachel I was on an incredible high for a couple of days after my wedding. Like many bridegrooms on the day, I had felt very nervous, both about the day itself and the years of married life that stretched out before me. Only, I had a little more to be nervous about than many. It wasn't just my bride- to-be's contrasting virginal Catholic upbringing and sexy clothing choices that made me worry about my wedding night, it was the...

3 years ago
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Roof top

It was early in morning when 12 year old Abdul went on the roof of the block of flats he lived in, it was normally deserted this time of morning but today he saw a girl there, he knew her and knew she was trouble, he went down the opposite end of the block but after a few minutes the girl 16 year old Mandy came down and asked him if he had a light, Abdul told her no and saw her blouse was open quite a way showing her yellow bra that covered her ample boobs, Mandy said ” what you looking at”...

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