Deep Tissue free porn video

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I don't cheat, okay? Let me say it again. I. Do. Not. Cheat. The same way I don't drink

-drive or wear yesterday's underpants. It's a built-in rule and one that with a little

forward thinking is never broken. I'm engaged now to Amanda and our relationship

couldn't be stronger. It's built on honesty and it's built on trust, got me? We have a

varied, healthy and satisfying sex-life and we don't screw other people. End of story.

This is most reassuring when, for example, I end up talking to the new temp across the

photocopier at work. Or when I go out drinking with mates at the sort of club where

randy, dissatisfied wives and girlfriends go to prove they're still attractive to other guys.

The subtle explanatory reference is never far from my lips, should I fall into

conversation with such ladies: 'I was on holiday there with my girlfriend.' Or the more

direct 'Thanks, but I'm already with someone,' if required. And then there's that old

faithful back-up: 'Yes, but I'd know, even if she didn't.'

Nothing is ever going to happen.

This is especially good to bear in mind on a day like today. One of the days when I visit

Kelly. In fact, no - that's not even a cause for mild concern. Kelly's in a relationship as

well, and she really likes the bloke. He's quite the romantic, it seems. Last time she

told me all about her high expectations for Valentine's Day and I in turn described my

plans for Amanda and myself. The two of us, client and professional, sharing the same

warm glow from our respective love affairs. So the Kelly situation is nothing to worry


Okay, all right - so the reason we ended up talking so earnestly about our significant

others was to deflect from a certain... frisson that passed between us. Now hold on, I

didn't hit on her - don't think that for a second - and she didn't take it as such. I passed

some vague compliment about her loose perm suiting her, or something like that, and

she took maybe a little too much pleasure in it and then I held eye-contact a longer

than was perhaps wise... And then it was all embarrassment and rapidly changed

subject and very deliberate mention, on both our parts, of the people we were involved


Well massage is intimate after all, even purely the****utic massage. Kelly is a

consummate professional; she's friendly without being flirtatious, very careful to keep

that businesslike edge. But after several sessions you get to know each other a bit.

And if you have a natural connection and a degree of mutual attraction, however

unspoken, well, anyone's guard can drop. Okay, it's true - I did carry her final smile with

me for the rest of the day. And that night. When I was... having sex with Amanda. There

I was, my body moving on my fiancée, and when I closed my eyes, Kelly's smiling face

was floating before me. Amanda's moans and Kelly's smile... Shit, look, I mean

everyone has those thoughts! It's not as though I deliberately dwelt on them...

And - and - why the hell am I even feeling guilty? The massage sessions were

Amanda's idea in the first place. She was driving the bastard car when the accident

occurred! If she hadn't braked to save that frigging pigeon, we wouldn't have been

back-ended, I wouldn't have whiplash, there'd be no need for bleeding massage

therapy! And I haven't even done anything yet. Not that I'm going to!

Like I said, nothing is ever going to happen.

Nice to know, as I pass through the revolving doors of Blue Haven Health and Fitness

Spa. As I check in at the desk. As I make my way along the bright corridor to the

massage suite. The massage suite where I know Kelly, the lovely manipulator of my

limbs, will be waiting... Thank fuck she has a boyfriend.

'Hello?' Deep breaths as I knock on the door. I'm building this up out of nothing; it's a

fantasy I've apparently been entertaining too much. Kelly'll be her bright, brisk,

professional self. But I can feel my balls tingling as I hear her welcoming response. As I

enter the brightly, clinically lit room, she's busy fluffing towels over by the massage

table, but looks up with a grin of recognition. More welcoming than usual? But then

we're naturally getting more relaxed with each other after four sessions.

'Hi Ed,' she grins, with a degree of warmth that surprises and gratifies me. 'Come on

in, I'll be right with you.' I close the door behind me, acting casual, relaxed. She's

dressed in her usual white overalls and gym slippers, and I divert my mind from the

supple, tanned body I suspect lies beneath. Her wheat-blonde hair is tied back

revealing her sharp-featured, pretty face. The pastel-walled room, with its posters on

the virtues of acupuncture and various styles of massage, Eastern and Western, is

unchanged from before; so why am I more aware of its intimacy, complete with bed-

table and en suite shower?

'How's the back?' she inquires. 'Have I made it better or worse?' It's the usual relaxed

style of chat, but there's some indefinable difference in her tone that makes me wary.

Look, stop being an asshole, Ed - this is some type of twisted wishful thinking. Don't

fucking flatter yourself.

'Almost all better,' I say. 'Couple more sessions and I'll be fine.'

'And then I won't see you any more,' she says with a mock pout. I must register some

of the surprise I feel, because she adds, 'Well you're easier to talk to than a lot of my

clients. Take off your jacket.' I've been curiously immobile and she's noticed.

'So how was Valentine's?' I ask, slipping the jacket nonchalantly off my shoulders and

dr****g it over a chair. Get the conversation straight on to her fella, don't focus on the

fact that you'll soon be undressing in proximity to this girl.

Her face darkens. 'God, let's not go there,' she says. But after a long, angry sigh she

does. 'The bastard was cheating on me.' I'm knocked back. This is not what I've been

expecting. Or hoping for. I think. 'Yeah, I know,' she goes on. 'Think how stunned I was.

Mr bloody Romance. Only he's gone and had it off with some girl he picked up at a

night club. At the same happy hunting ground where he met me! Except one of my

friends sees him. Stupid bastard.' She pauses, seeming a touch embarrassed. 'You're

sorry you asked now.'

'No, I'm not - get it off your chest.' Good God, I'm quoting lines from a Seventies British

sex comedy now! Confessions of a Massage Client With a Dodgy Back. Get it off your

chest? For fuck's sake...

'So,' Kelly is finishing off, 'my Valentine's Day consisted of him trying to tell me it was

only a one-off and he was drunk, as if that's supposed to console me, and then me

finally telling him to piss off.'

'So is that it? No chance you'll get back together??' I hope I sound sympathetic rather

than hopeful.

'No, that's that,' she shrugs, matter-of-factly. There's the slightest of pauses. 'So I'm

single again. How did things go for you?'

'Oh - okay, okay,' I say. Don't want to set up my happy Valentine's evening against her

crap one, after all. 'Went to a new Tapas place, exchanged cards, usual stuff. Sorry

things didn't work out for you...'

She waves it away with a friendly smile. 'It's not your fault, Ed. Now go behind the

screen and get stripped off for me.' She says this with a cheeky grin, flinging a towel

my direction. 'And don't forget to wear that!'

Conversation has never been any problem with this girl, so why is every opening

gambit dying in my throat right now? A great yawning silence is opening up, as I drop

my shirt on the chair provided and set about unlacing my shoes. Don't be so bloody

ridiculous, Ed. This is not a problem. Despite the fact she hasn't removed herself

discretely from the room while I undress, like she usually does... Not a problem at all.

'No, I got too serious too soon with Nick.' Kelly's back on the subject of her break-up.

I'm listening in a semi-daze, removing my trousers. 'Should have seen it for what it

was. Should have seen him for what he was. No, Ed, it's given me a whole new


'It has?' I want to hear, despite myself.

'Yeah - forget serious, forget meaningful. I just want to enjoy myself a bit.'

'Sounds fair enough.' I slip off my briefs.

'Yeah, if I meet someone I like, I'm just going to fuck him.' She applies a lusty weight to

the f-word. Fuck with my head, more's the point! A powerful current channels from my

brain to the root of my dick, as soon as she says it. I'm standing naked behind the

screen in an aching conversational void, groping clumsily for my towel. 'So what do

you think of that, Ed?'

What I think is, When did Kelly the sweet-natured masseuse become Kelly the husky-

voiced little prick-tease? What I say is a stammered 'Well - I mean - yeah.' Okay Ed,

don't lose your cool. Just wrap the towel around as loosely as possible - try to disguise

your embarrassingly extending organ. 'You deserve to cut loose a bit after what he did

to you.'

'You said it. Ready yet?'

I sidle sheepishly out from behind the screen, clutching my towel about me, vainly trying

to hide the tent-pole effect at the front. Kelly's eyes flick momentarily there and back

again to my face. Shit - my arousal is duly noted. 'Shame you're taken, or I might just

have you here on the massage table,' she laughs. The come-on is jokey, but I must

look as if I'm about to choke. 'Sorry Ed, I'm being wicked - I don't know what's come

over me. Lie down on your stomach and I'll get the oil. You're safe with me.' But her

smile is teasing and she brushes a soft hand across my upper arm before moving

away. I have to adjust my hardened member in order to lie comfortably on the

massage table.

She's small-talking in a relaxed fashion, as she pours the warm oil smoothly down my

spine, but there's a sly undercurrent that's never been there before. My mind flits about

for something else to cling to, but her hands are slowly, rhythmically kneading the back

of my neck, and her words, whatever the hell she's saying, have a breathy, hypnotic

quality to them.

'We'll have you back to the gym soon,' she's saying. 'You haven't lost any of your

muscle tone in the meantime - still in really great shape.'

'Thanks,' I murmur, cheek pressed to the pillow, aware of her face hovering close

above me, the scent of the oil mingling with her skin cream. She works her way

insistently, skilfully down my spine.

'Your girlfriend's very lucky. She's done better than I did... Just don't tell her that you got

excited before your massage.'

'Oh, sorry about that,' I say, tensing again in shock at the very mention. Sorry? She was

the one introducing the subject of casual fucking!

'Relax, I'm joking!' she laughs. 'I know what you guys are like.' And she swoops down

to run her hands firmly the length of my arms, so that her pony-tailed hair brushes

across my neck. I can sense her mouth hovering close to the side of my face. 'Although

I'm flattered you got hard before we'd even started.'

The last sentence is a soft, girlish whisper and even minutes later, when she's working

her hands up my leg muscles, it has the blood pounding in my ears. Whatever blood,

that is, that hasn't been pumped to my now totally swollen cock. She kneads away just

below my ass for a moment. 'Tell me something Ed,' she ventures. 'I'd like the male


'Sure,' I croak like a bewildered frog.

'I mean, here I am, day in, day out, getting on with my job. And every now and then I'll

notice the guy I'm massaging has a hard-on. Mostly he'll have the decency to look

embarrassed and try to hide it, and now and again I get some perv who looks really

pleased with himself. So Ed, what I'm wondering is, do guys always, inevitably

associate massage with sex?'

How fucking naive is this girl? I groan inwardly. Not very, it turns out.

'Tell me honestly, Ed - Do you get a regular stiff one when you're lying here?' There's

playful mockery in her laughter as she says this. 'I know I've been very bad today, but -

well - do you?'

Rising panic, to accompany my 'stiff one'. 'Kelly, I don't think we should be having this


'It's just talk, that's all,' she says, reverting to surprised innocence. Her firm and steady

kneading of the area marginally south of my buttocks continues. 'I mean, I'm not trying

to flatter myself, but - do you reckon a lot of my male clients think of me sexually? Or do

I just imagine that?' Her hands are lingering tantalisingly around my left upper thigh.

She knows exactly how this male client thinks of her and is pressing it to her


'Well - I mean - it's just an involuntary reaction,' I stammer. 'You're an attractive girl

whose job just happens to be...'

'...Rubbing oil all over nearly nude guys, yes I know,' she laughs silkily. 'I suppose I've

just developed such a professional approach to it over time that I don't think about it in

that way. Plus most of my clients don't do much to distract me. Most of my clients...'

And she smoothes the oil slowly and deliberately between my legs, running her fingers

lightly over my ball sac. 'Oops...'

I give a sharp, involuntary gasp. My cardiac activity is going crazy, my already inflated

cock stretching against the towel beneath me. A very scary line has just been crossed

by my masseuse. Oops? Don't acknowledge any line - just make light if it for fuck's

sake! 'Careful where you put your hands!' I say, my breath shallow. 'I'm as good as

married...' That did sound humorous, right?

'Sorry,' she says lightly and sweetly, retreating down my right leg. My state of panicked

arousal remains however. She works away quietly for a little while, but it's just a lull

before her next offensive on my libido, I know this. 'So Ed.' Her voice is soft, her

manner offhand. 'You ever think about our massage sessions when you wank?'

That's it, I'm going to get off the table, grab my towel and get the fuck out as quickly as

possible. Now. Right this second. Here goes... No. Can't do it. I haven't got further than

prising myself up a bit with one hand. She'll only see my prick pointing to the ceiling if I

move any more. 'Kelly, you can't ask me something like that!'

'Why not?' There's a disingenuous girlish sweetness in her voice.

'I'm engaged...'

'What, so you don't masturbate any more? You don't fantasise when you're on your


'That's not what I meant! Look, I'm not like... like your...'

'My weasel of an ex-boyfriend? I know you're not like him, Ed.' She sounds genuinely

affectionate. 'But you're still a guy.' She very purposefully begins to run her fingers back

and forth along the sensitive strip of flesh between my asshole and my balls. Holy fuck,

no... please no... I'm gasping audibly, half propped up on the table, unable to move.

'You like that, don't you? I don't think you want me to stop.'

'Kelly please...' I'm trying to fight the delightful, sinful sensations washing through my

body, but she lays her other hand on my shoulder and with the words 'Just relax,

darling' causes me to subside back on to the flat surface like a lost soul.

'Now you just lie there and let me massage that nice ass of yours.' I'm at her mercy, as

she unfolds the towel at the back and uncovers my buttocks. There's that same quiet

intensity in her voice, as she applies more oil to her hands and sets about me. 'There,

darling... isn't that good? Now don't you worry about a thing. You're safe with me.' As

her able fingers massage the warm oil slowly and rhythmically into my bum cheeks, I

feel a vast distance from safe. I'm temporarily... yes, temporarily overpowered by an

electric charge emanating from her work on my pelvic region to my entire body. It's

wrong. It's guilty. It's fucking fabulous.

'What if your boss walks in?' It's a feeble effort, crawling its way from beneath the

erotic cloak that's flapping about my brain.

'We're on friendly terms, she's very understanding,' Kelly reassures, and then she

giggles. 'You know I'm sure she's entertained at least one boyfriend round here


I'm so far gone this only just registers. 'You mean...'

'Yes sweetheart, it's all planned.' She dribbles oil between my buttocks and delicately

begins to smooth its warmth into my ass crack. The feeling is sensational. 'No one's

going to disturb us. And there are no clients in the adjacent rooms. We can do as

much or as little as you want.' Deftly she rims my asshole with a safely manicured

finger, while her softly breathing mouth homes in on my ear, her teeth gently tugging on

the lobe. 'You won't believe what I'm wearing underneath my uniform,' she tells me.

'Just for you. I haven't worn it since last summer on the beach in Ibiza.' She pauses to

let that sink in, her naughty little index finger still circling. 'It might as well not be there.'

And she slips her finger suddenly up my ass.

'Fuck!' That was a vocal ejaculation only, but with Kelly's intruding digit, I swear my

cock has never felt bigger or more potentially explosive. 'God, Kelly...' I'm panting in

agonised bliss. 'You - You bad little...'

'That feel good then?' she croons, stroking my neck with her free hand. 'Does it make

you hard? Does it make you want to fuck me?'

'Kelly I can't... I'm engaged...'

'Our secret,' and she kisses the side of my face. 'Inside this room. Once you leave, it

didn't happen.'

'But I'll know... I'll know...' It's close to a prayer.

She extracts her wicked finger. 'Okay,' she says gently. 'But just turn over. Turn over

and look at me. See what you're turning down.'

I have to. I can't not. The imagined joys of her uncovered body have been lurking in my

subconscious for weeks. But I instinctively clutch the towel over my bone-hard erection,

as I flip on to my back. She retreats from the table, smiling an impish smile, and tugs at

the front collar of her jacket with both hands. Metal press-studs pop apart one by one

from top to bottom, each pop revealing more of her impressive upper body. Her

delicate, gym-toned figure, tan topped up to a golden brown, is scarcely covered by an

outrageous, day-glo orange, one-piece swimsuit. Twin strips of material plunge from

her shoulders towards her crotch, clinging to the erect nipples of her perfectly

suckable, pear-sized breasts. She lets the jacket slide from her slender arms and sets

about loosening her uniform bottoms. Turning side on to me and jutting out her rear for

full effect, she peels them from her gorgeously pert ass and pads out of them lightly;

the swimsuit's string is swallowed up by her beautifully defined bum crack.

'So Ed,' she says, giving me a full-frontal blast of her near-naked, supple body, 'see

anything you want to fuck?'

Oh God yes, I want to fuck her tight, waxed cunt, tucked away as it is beneath that

sheer strand of swimsuit, very urgently. I want to work over that same cunt with my

fingers and tongue before shoving my cock inside it and pumping for Britain. I'm

getting married within the year and I want to nail this girl in the worst way.

'Just keep watching me, Ed,' she virtually croons, as she trickles massage oil down

her front. She draws the strips of her scant costume away from her breasts and

massages in the oil, both tits a neat, firm handful. 'I know you want to suck on these.'

She tugs on her hard, dark-pink nipples for my guilty viewing pleasure, to the point that

it must surely hurt her. 'And I know for sure you want inside this.' One delicate finger

swoops below and slips beneath the swimsuit's crotch, wriggling its way up that

secret, wet little fuck-hole. She appears to rotate her searching digit for a moment,

biting her lip in pleasure, then she withdraws it with a slick little sound and with relish

sucks it clean.

My whole world is now centred on how hard my cock feels, on the tightness of my balls.

Her all-but-nude form moves gracefully, knowingly towards me. I don't even try to

prevent her, as she takes my towel between her thumb and index finger and lightly

plucks it away from my long, sturdy erection. Were it not for Amanda, my chief emotion

here would be pride at how ample my member looks, lying there heavily, thick and

purple-headed, a wet, silver strand linking its tip to my belly.

'Christ, Ed,' says Kelly in apparent appreciation, as she drops the towel to one side. 'I

really hope that's all for me!' She brushes the underside of my cock with warm

fingertips, sending a jolt through my whole nervous system, then she stoops down and

with her tongue-tip deftly licks away the pre-cum from the head of my prick, eyeing me

all the time.

'You little tease,' I whisper huskily, as she runs one soft palm over my chest and

stomach and commences manipulating my spontaneously twitching cock with the


'So what are you going to do with this little tease?' she asks, in her most girlish voice,

gently pinching my nipples and twanging my hard shaft so that it springs back against

my stomach with a firm slap. 'You going to show her how a tease gets treated? You

going to give her what a tease deserves?'

My hips are gently bucking now under her artistic touch. Thoughts of Amanda and

weddings and fidelity are being forced to the margins of my thoughts by the primal

urge to fuck and to fuck hard. Christ, I want to grab this girl, rip the flimsy swimsuit from

her tight body and bang the living shit out of her. Some final thread of conscience is

holding me back, however. Kelly's aware of this and sets about snapping it.

'Why don't I sit on your face, while you decide what you want to do to me?' Before the

words have sunk in, she's raised herself on the side of the table and gymnastically

swung a leg over me so she straddles my chest, then she hauls herself a foot up my

body, pulls the swimsuit crotch to one side and wraps her toned thighs round my head.

I have a fleeting impression of her naked, pink pussy descending on me, then the

bottom half of my face is smothered by her sex, my mouth and nose overwhelmed by

the taste and smell of her slithering, wet cunt-folds. Instinctively I slap my hands either

side of her firmly plump ass to support her weight and help myself breath, as she

begins to rock herself gleefully on my face, uttering happy little feminine moans. The

tangy, natural perfume of her snatch is filling my nostrils and her nectar is pooling

around my lips and chin, so what choice have I but to start licking my way into that wetly

pulsating tunnel? The feeling is glorious - like thrusting my tongue into a ripe, salty

peach and letting the juice flood my mouth.

I've got a firm hold of her gorgeous, tight bum-cheeks now, as she enthusiastically

rides my face, already off the starting blocks and sprinting for an orgasmic finishing

line. And she's a talker. 'Oh God, Ed - oh yeah, grab my ass, fuck me with your tongue,

that's right. That feels so fucking good. Oooooh - lick out my cunt, sweetheart - oh

yeah, you liking that? 'Cos I'm fucking loving it. Ohhhhh Christ - you want to fuck me

properly after this? You want to give me your... Oh God, oh God I'm close - Oh keep

doing that...' And her words dissolve into a series of crescendo-ing yelps as she hits

her peak.

Her whole body begins to shudder and thrash, as she achieves her climax. My hands

clamp tighter to her ass to support her and the slick, fleshy folds of her gash slither

about my mouth and chin, smearing me with juice. The exotic taste of her is flowing

down my tongue, thrust as it is up her hole, to the very back of my throat. Then, as her

orgasm starts to subside, the soft inside of her cunt turns hyper-sensitive and she

shivers and squirms, hardly able to bear the sensation.

'Oh - oh - Jesus - that's enough...' I grab her thighs and pull her closer to my face,

sucking hard on her engorged clit to punish her. She squeals and laughs semi-

hysterically, trying to pull away. 'Oh Christ, no baby, no - I can't stand it...' I'm fully

enjoying this, I realise, enjoying having a little control at last, and yes - enjoying the

thought of her gym-tightened body thrashing about on the end of my tongue. 'Oh God,

stop, please! Please - let me suck your cock for you...'

God help me, I'm way past resisting. I release her tight cheeks from my grasp,

enabling her to relieve her cunt of my teasing. Shaky but intent she swings her

gorgeous body off the table and seconds later my prone member is taken in hand and

gobbled up in her wet, sucking mouth. I can only surrender to the thrilling sensation of

my cock-head being swathed in the caressing tongue of my over-friendly masseuse.

Amanda's beautiful image is swimming tormentingly before my mind's eye, but my

hips are undulating to the rhythm of Kelly's gentle slurping.

I look up with a need to witness what's being done, and see her staring wickedly at

me, as she drools saliva down my shaft so that she can wank it more smoothly, all the

time sucking the head. It's a delicious image and one that pushes me beyond some

psychological boundary. I'm not just going to lie here passively accepting her

seduction. I'm going to give the sexy little bitch what she obviously wants, along with

whatever interest I can muster - I'm going to make her pay for what she's doing. Very

shortly this cheating guy is going to empty the contents of his balls inside Kelly - the

only question is which hole.

For a few moments I let her fabulous cock-sucking ministrations continue, then I sit up,

grab her ponytail and yank her head up, away from my dick, eliciting a startled gasp. I

clamber off the table, not letting go of her hair, then I grapple the rest of her lithe body

to me and kiss her hard, locking her lips to mine, thrusting my tongue into her

welcoming mouth. She kisses furiously in return, clutching my back, then sliding her

hands down to my ass and pulling, so that my rearing cock is pulled flat against her


I drag her head back from mine by her ponytail and look into her reddened, panting

face. 'I'm getting married later this year,' I say hoarsely. 'I shouldn't be doing what I'm

about to.'

'You're allowed one last fling,' she says, her breath shallow. 'Just enjoy it and...'

'Look Kelly, just shut up the fuck up and get on to that table,' I tell her softly, giving her a

gentle shove that bumps her ass into its side.

'Okay,' she mouths in quiet excitement, scrambling obediently on to the padded

surface. Her eyes are locked on mine in anticipation.

I'm on her in an instant, tearing the inadequate bikini off her body in a rough and

determined single move and climbing on to her, my angry, swollen cock homing in on

the wet entrance opening up between her spreading thighs. Now I'm right over her,

flicking a hardened nipple with my tongue and tugging it with my teeth hard enough to

produce a little moan. Her taut, bare thighs are close against my waist. Then I feel the

head of my dick brushing between them, nuzzling against her slippery cunt lips.

I'm frozen momentarily, primed above her for the initial thrust. Every inch of my body is

tensed, holding back an immense charge of sexual energy that screams to be

released. I'm about to fuck what will be my first pussy in four years other than

Amanda's, for the simple reason that it's there. That it belongs to a hot, cock-stiffening

wannabee-slut. Christ she's about to get fucking pounded.

'Come on sweetheart, what are you wait...' And before she can finish, I roll my hips and

thrust the whole length of my cock inside her, like I'm slamming home a door bolt. She

expels a great gasp of air as my body slams into hers. I grab her upper arms and set

about fucking her with hard, deep thrusts, loving the way each impact jars her slender


'That what you want? That what you were looking for?' I start to build up a steady,

pumping rhythm, propping myself up so I can see her flushed face and lovely jolting tits.

'Yes, oh fuck yes...' she moans, and she holds on to my arms, as I continue to shaft her

tight, sucking tunnel. Gradually I build up the speed of my pistoning cock, till I'm

properly hammering her cunt. The head of my prick is spearing deep inside her, while

my balls slap, slap, slap against her ass. She begins to let out a sharp gasp with each

penetrating thrust and her nails dig into the flesh of my arms. I could easily carry this on

till I spurt, but there are other ways I want to enjoy her now.

Slowing down, I gradually withdraw my pole from her juiced-up pussy, my eyes still

fixed on her sex-charged visage. 'Get on all fours,' I tell her, already guiding her into the

required position.

'Whatever you say,' she pants, with a flicker of her teasing smile. 'Keep it coming, you

big fucking stud.' I gaze at the wet, red slash of her so recently-reamed pussy, running

my palms over her delicately muscled ass. Then I deliver a sharp slap to her right

buttock, making her yelp and look back at me in amused shock. Having got her

attention, I apply a series of stinging slaps turn-about to both ass cheeks, breaking off

mid-way through to stick two fingers into her soaking slit, so that my spanking

proceeds to smear cunt-juice over her ripe posterior.

'Ow - ow - OW!!! God baby, you're so bad!' she cries out playfully. 'That's right, spank

me like your little slut, be bad to me!' Well okay then.

'That's - what - little - teases - get,' I grunt in time to the final few extra-hard, cheek-

reddening whacks, then I grip Kelly by the thighs and drag her back towards my still

rampant cock. 'Along with this,' I add. And I plunge my carefully positioned rod back

into her waiting juice-box. She squeals and laughs with delight.

I no longer give a shit. This feels fucking amazing. Half and hour ago Kelly was the

nice-girl masseuse, who gently worked knots out of my recuperating back. Now she's

the hot piece of ass being used by my illicitly pumping cock. Yes I know she's inwardly

grinning, I know she's the one who's conquered me along with all my scruples and

good intentions, that this is exactly what she's planned all along. But on a point of pride

I want her to feel this. I want her body to register every slamming thrust. When she gets

up tomorrow morning, I want her cunt to know it's been fucked.

And she encourages me the whole way. 'Oh yes - oh yes Ed, that's right, keep going,

fuck me hard...'

'God, Kelly -'

'Tell me what I am, Ed, go on, you know you want to...'

'You little bitch!' I'm gripping her shoulder now with one hand, grabbing her tits in the

other and squeezing them together, my cock probing her deeply all the while. 'Come

on - Come on, Kelly,' I urge her, falteringly at first. 'Take it - take it you hot fucking

bitch!' I've never spoken to a woman like that before in my life, wouldn't dream of

saying such a thing to Amanda, but if that's what Kelly wants... And there's something

so fucking liberating about it. It doesn't matter that I've always liked or respected this

girl - right now she's there just to get me off and I'm possessed with the need to let her

know it. 'That's it, come on, take it, take it like a slut, take it like the hot little...cock-bitch

you are!' Cock-bitch? Where the hell did that come from?

Kelly's only response is a prolonged, low groan, punctuated by each intrusion of my

dick into her body. All her playfulness has been displaced by pure desire. She

embarks on her own string of obscenity, as she moves inexorably towards her second

orgasm. 'Oh yes, oh fuck - give it to me, keep it coming you horny bastard - screw me

hard you dirty fucker - Oh shit, yes!!!' I grab her ponytail once more and drag her head

up, accentuating the curve of her back and the swell of her tight rump as her pussy

clenches on my driving pole. My hold on her hair and that of my other hand on her taut

waist control her renewed, whole-body spasms, but nothing contains the joyous stream

of filthy verbiage pouring from her hot mouth. 'Oh God - fuck my cunt, fuck my cunt, you

filthy bastard - Oh shiiiit!!!'

Her body starts to go limp as the orgasmic wave subsides, but I can feel my own crisis

approaching and I've got more work for her to do. I ease my prick with a slurp out of

her drenched hole and drag her with me off the table into standing position, supporting

her under the arms as her legs threaten to give under her.

'Okay, get on your knees,' I demand quietly.

Still reeling after her climax, it's a natural position for her to assume. She looks at me

challengingly, however, as she sinks floorwards, toying with me to the last. 'You going

to make me your bitch?' she asks breathlessly. 'That what you're going to do?'

'You're already my bitch,' I tell her, warming to my new-found wickedness. 'Now shut up

and suck my cock.' Then as she opens her mouth and reaches forward with her

tongue, I stick my fully engorged pole past her lips, jam her head down on to me and

fuck her face. Slimed with cunt juice, my bulging prick is driving in and out of her

surprised, wet mouth, as her tongue writhes about, trying to tame my invading organ.

I'm crazed with lust now, at the sight of pretty Kelly gorging herself on my thick

member, and I ram my entire length several times down her throat, causing her to

choke and gurgle on me. I pull out, thick ropes of saliva dangling between the end of

my shaft and her tongue. She gazes up at me and I'm gratified to see a touch of shock

that she's drawn out this much nastiness from her mild-mannered client.

'Now here's what's going to happen,' I explain with lascivious enjoyment. God, what

has this girl done with my head? 'You're going to suck the cum right out of my balls and

then you're going to take it down your throat. Okay?' She nods, playing along with an

expression of meek acceptance, and slurps my purple-headed shaft purposefully back

in her mouth. I take her head once more and commence sliding my meat back and

forth, as her cheeks turn concave and she sucks me like a vacuum pump, darting her

tongue along the underside of my shaft. I build up a steady thrusting, fucking my way

gradually deeper into her throat, orgasmic urgency now rising in my balls.

'That's good, that's good, you cock-sucking little bitch. Suck it deep, come on...' She

grabs my ass with both hands and gamely inhales my entire cock, so that my bollocks

are bouncing off her chin. I feel my whole body starting to tense, my scrotum tightening,

and instinctively I weave my fingers through her hair and begin to repeatedly push her

head down on to me, using her throat as I recently did her pussy.

I'm achieving a pitch of outrageous sexual excitement, as if every particle of my body

is gearing up to propel my cum into Kelly's stomach. I pound her throat and cut loose

with my own spontaneous stream of deranged filth. 'Suck my fucking cock, come on,

drink my spunk you fucking horny bitch! Oh fuck - holy fucking God...'

My balls start to clench involuntarily, unleashing a huge, pent-up surge of cum up my

shaft. It bursts out of the end of my cock and gushes, spurt after glorious spurt down

Kelly's crammed gullet, as my throat gives vent to a strangled orgasmic howl.

'Ohhhhhhh God - fuck...' I genuinely empty my balls into lovely Kelly, taking a good half

dozen blasts, my dick shoved so far past her larynx that she couldn't avoid swallowing

if she tried. Then drained, the former contents of my scrotum washing around my fuck

-partner's stomach, I feel my legs give way and I crumple towards the floor, my cock

flopping heavily out of her mouth.

Before my knees touch down, the reality of my situation has flooded back into my lust

-assuaged brain. I'm a cheat... After four years with Amanda, endless protestations of

love and a two thousand pound engagement ring, I've just fucked the hell out of my

physical ther****t first chance I got. I've behaved like some person I don't begin to

recognise. Don't remind me of anything I told you when I arrived here. Just don't remind


'You'll have to forgive me,' Kelly says sweetly. 'I get a bit unladylike sometimes, but only

when the sex is really good... Did I imagine it, or did you use the word cock-bitch?'

'Ehhh - yes, I might have done...'

I kneel, holding on to Kelly's perspiring form, my head resting lightly against hers.

Dubious sex-talk is somehow the least of my worries right now. Kelly seems to sense

my renewed mental turmoil. 'You okay?' she whispers, as her breath returns. 'You

okay, sweetheart?'

'I...I... Oh holy God, Kelly,' I moan. The rest I can't put words to. She holds me in a

prolonged hug, but it only adds to my sense of shame. What the fuck have I done?

It's all gone hazy. Kelly is leading me to the shower cubicle. She's soaping and rinsing

me, with loving attention applied to my cock. Now she's towelling me down, with an

affectionate 'why worry?' ruffle of my hair. Finally I'm standing fully clothed, my

masseuse-with-benefits back in her uniform - all sweat, cum and cunt juice mopped

away as if nothing had happened. Then she crosses her arms behind my neck and

places a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. 'You're a sweet guy, Ed. It was very bad of me

to take advantage. Now don't you go worrying yourself about this.'

I manage a half-smile and gently release myself from her hold. 'Okay then, eh - thanks,'

I say lamely. 'Thanks for - eh - Look, I'd - I'd better go.'

I move sheepishly towards the door, but am stalled by her question: 'See you next

week? Check out we haven't just done your back another mischief?' There's an

undeniable logic to her cheeky remark, but also the scary prospect of some awful

vicious circle being created.

'I'm not sure that's a good idea,' I say, trying to raise a smile to cover my sense of

dread. 'Maybe just leave it.'

'Pity,' she responds, biting her lip with the same coy impishness as earlier. 'I think you

enjoyed being a bad boy, didn't you? I liked it too. Plus, if you came back... I might just

let you fuck my ass.' Oh my holy Christ. The thought hangs in the air between us for a

long, aching moment. 'But you think it over,' she says softly.

As I leave the spa and walk into the gathering dusk, I know only two things. One - the

guilt from what I've just done is going to weigh on me like a millstone, burdening my

every waking thought and blighting every moment I spend with Amanda, so it's all I can

do to look her in the eye. And two - I'll be back next week for Kelly's hot little ass.

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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 2

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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree Part 1

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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree 8211 Part 2

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Deepa aunty needs computer training

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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 4

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Deepika Perfect Milf Part 8211 3

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Deepa my dream gal

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Deep Tissue

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Erotic Fiction
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Deepa Aunty In Asai Night

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DeepThroating Lessons

Here on Literotica and on the internet in general, there are several stories and guides posted on the subject of giving blowjobs. Many of them are great and give various techniques and opinions on how to enhance oral sex on a guy. Once again, I'm not claiming to be an expert, especially at the young age of 22, but I do have skill, experience and above all, enthusiasm. In this post, I'm focusing on the deepthroating aspect because I feel over time I have gotten pretty good at it and want to pass...

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Reddit Deepthroat, aka r/Deepthroat! is once again at it, and this time around, they have a really sick subreddit that ThePornDude feels is worth my time for a review. This is a pretty big community, and there’s no way any porn enthusiast would miss it, especially if you’re a sucker for Reddit NSFW sites. As you can probably figure out, the main focus of this subreddit is on ladies that really love to have massive cocks or dildos stuffed down their throats just like the cock-starved...

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Deep Tissue

I don't cheat, okay? Let me say it again. I. Do. Not. Cheat. The same way I don't drink-drive or wear yesterday's underpants. It's a built-in rule and one that with a little forward thinking is never broken. I'm engaged now to Amanda and our relationship couldn't be stronger. It's built on honesty and it's built on trust, got me? We have a varied, healthy and satisfying sex-life and we don't screw other people. End of story. This is most reassuring when, for example, I end up talking to the new...

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XSFGCChapter 3 Peters Muse aka Man of Steel Vs Woman of Tissue

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Sandeep8217s Big Ass Aunty

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Hardeep Introduces Me To The Amazing World Of Sex

Hi friends, my name is Preeti and I am a 48yrs old woman with a very sexy figure (38-28-34) of mixed race basically my paternal family from Haryana and my maternal from kottayam. I have been a very big fan of this website because it gives me a lot of pleasure to read all the stuff posted here irrespective of whether it is reality or a piece of someone’s fantasy because I being a single woman have my own share of physical needs. Yes you read that right that I am a single woman and never married...

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Hello doston mera naam Pabby hai. Hmesan ki tehan is baar bhi main aap ka feedback chahta hoon aur mera email id hi and .Meri umra 36 varsh hai aur main dekhney mein kafi smart aur handsome hoon aur body sporty he aur meri height 5 ft 11 inch he. Mainey abhi tak shadi nahi ki thi is liye me pure thhat key sath rehta hoon. Mera jaipur me apna 4 bed room flat kharid liya hai aur mai poori mauj masti main rehta hoon. Main bara hi rasik mijaj ka hoon 15-16 varsh ki ayu se hi chudai ka maja ley...

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Deepaker Jounno Life 8211 Part II

Porer din Deepak office thekey chuti niye Sushmar shathey shokar 9 tai tader barite gelo, giye dekhey buro naak teney ghumacchey. Tara duijon aste aste hate dori niye burokey khater shathey badhey buro bhoy peye jege uthey, shey kichu bolar ageyi takey tara bedke ney. Buro-Kire khanki amakey badli ken, eda kedai char amare togo ami mairalamu. Sushma-chup kr shala hijra, eta amar batar, amar malik, amar dallal hay tor shamney amar voda chudbo aar tor muher bitre hay maal falaibo, tarpor tore...

3 years ago
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Kuldeep Fucks Pakhi Pushpa And Bimla

Kuldeep Singh (not real name) was heading his company and was posted in Himachal Pradesh. A 44-year-old male, he was full of energy and lust. He was working round the clock to fulfill his professional obligations. He was surprised when one of his cousin sisters came to him for a job for her daughter Pakhi (not her real name). Pakhi was a 24-year-old girl, very beautiful and fit to be a model or heroin of television serials. Pakhi was appointed, and it was the responsibility of Kuldeep to train...

2 years ago
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Deepedias Oneshot Repository

Hello, Readers This hub contains my one episodic, short stories, set-ups, or scenes. This is an outlet for me to collect and dump some of the ideas I get from time to time to see how they go over and gauge what is popular and what isn't. With enough interest from the readers, I might consider a one-episodic story to get a longer serialization/ sequel. My genre of stories most of the time will be involving mind-control, but, from time to time, I will write stories in different genres without an...

1 year ago
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Ah, Adult Deepfakes! We’ve all thought about this sort of content, don’t lie! You know that moment when you’re watching Game of Thrones and you see Emilia Clarke’s tits and you’re like: “Holy shit I want to see her do a porno.” or even “Dude I’d fuck this bitch stupid mad.” Yeah, we’ve all been there, buddy. We’ve all been there. Well, guess what. You can FINALLY see her in a real porno! Well, not Emilia Clarke but someone that looks exactly like her. We’re talking about deepfakes and to...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Mr Deepfakes will help you with fake celebrity porn! Technology has come a long way in the last hundred years, helping mankind live a healthier, happier life along the way. From cars to factory machines, technology has definitely enriched society by making it easier to travel and live as well as ensuring that people are healthy and don’t have to resort to pain-staking labor jobs which many machines can easily do. Nowadays, technology has come even further, with new applications that feature...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Deepfake Porn is a bit of a controversial subject these days, and it seems like everyone has a strong opinion about it. Celebrities and #MeToo warriors hate it, saying it violates the privacy of its alleged victims. Perverts, on the other hand, think it’s the greatest fucking thing since sliced bread. Hell, I’ll give up sandwiches for the rest of my life if it means seeing more photorealistic fakes of my favorite famous people getting is almost exactly what you think it...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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MrDeepFakes Blowjob

Have you ever heard about ‘deep fakes’? I would not be surprised if you haven’t. I mean, not everyone is familiar with all the internet crap that exists, like I am. So, let me introduce you to what that actually means. ‘Deep fakes’ are usually videos, and sometimes images, created with an advanced technique for human image synthesis…What the fuck does that mean? Well, if you ever wanted to see some of the celebrities get fucked or do whatever the fuck else, you have videos labeled as ‘deep...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Deep Nude! calls itself “Your X-ray Vision App,” which is definitely enough to catch my eye right away. I once bought a pair of X-ray specs from an old comic book ad, but it was just a garbage pair of shades with cardboard lenses. You had to look through tiny little holes that were supposed to give everything an X-ray effect but really just made your eyes hurt and your heart sad. Technology, in general, has come a long fucking way since then, so I had high hopes as soon as I heard...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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I’m surprised wasn’t even a registered domain until the beginning of 2022 because that’s internet gold right there. It’s not particularly catchy or clever, but it’s straight to the fucking point. People will type that into their browser thinking there’s just got to be some deepfake porn there, and what do you know? Of course there fucking is!I wonder how many of their half million visitors a month heard some buzz about the site and how many were just guessing about the name. On...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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Pinay Deep Web! This one is for the fans of tight wet Pinay pussy. Well, websites that deliver this kind of content are not easy to come by. And of course, one could spend hours or even days on end scouring the internet for this content. But, as hard as it may be, you know I always have something for you.Reviewing porn websites for ThePornDude is a full-time job because it means taking care of the needs of perverts of all kinds, and that includes fans of Pinay porn videos. Well, Pinay Deep Web...

Asian Porn Sites
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Deep Fucks! Well, it happened. Finally, we’ve got dedicated websites that serve nothing but deepfake videos. It was only a matter of time before these kinds of websites became common, and I am not in any way surprised. I knew deepfakes would take off and sell like hotcakes from day one. I remember a few years back when the first realistic deepfakes came out; I recognized the potential instantly.Whenever we as a species evolve any kind of new revolutionary technology, it will immediately be used...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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The Deep Swap concept has probably been a fap fantasy of humans since the caveman days, even if it wouldn’t have a name for another few million years. Hell, the actual technology is still new enough that we can all remember the old days, back when you couldn’t just ask a computer to stick a girl’s pretty face on another babe’s sexy body. Those really were the dark ages, huh? Honestly, I bet a lot of you still don’t realize how fucking easy it’s become, in which case this next site might...

Deepfake Porn Sites
3 years ago
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JosieThe first time I saw Tony Rizzi, I thought I would die. He was the best-looking guy I had ever seen with black slightly curly hair and deep brown eyes set in an angular face. He wore jeans and a white T-shirt. His arms and chest looked strong and he had a smile on his face like he didn’t care about anything or anyone. Let the world be his, seemed to be his motto.We were lined up outside the residence when the social worker brought him over. I stood in the middle with Kelly to my right. She...

Oral Sex
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Deepthroat Flip

Deepthroat Flip There are times that I wonder what happened to our little blue planet. Some have called it a curse or a blessing from some higher power. Scientists state that it was the human race trying to preserve itself. Either way I am glad that I kept little notes to myself so that I could see each stage of how it occurred to us during that lovely changing. March 18th: Coffee fueled my day, the taste rather bitter because I didn't really enjoy the silken feel of sugar or cream...

4 years ago
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Deepthroat Flip Growing Up

Deepthroat Flip: Growing Up Sometimes I used to wonder what the meaning of my life was. Here I was a woman in her early-thirties with nothing to show for it. There were no men that wanted to date me. Those that did thought of me only in the idea of a cougar that would want to help them financially. That wasn't something I was going to do anytime soon. I taught high school chemistry, and there were never any real promotions in the near future. Holding onto my insurance was the biggest...

4 years ago
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Deepthroat Flip Discontent

Deepthroat Flip: Discontent There isn't much that I remember from before the Great Change. I was only 3 years old when it happened, and my father changed into the modern male. When I imagine him, it's in skirts with breasts that he kept in a loose top that always showed his cleavage. Now that I'm 16 I found it rather hard to make friends. After all when a boy reaches that age of 13 he gets the urge to suckle on a girl's thick cock. Like any other boy I had those urges, but I kept...

2 years ago
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Deepthroat Flip Expecting

Deepthroat Flip Expecting Day 1 No matter how many chemicals someone used they could never prevent the film from forming on the top layer of the water. Sam curled his nose whenever he dipped the mop. Even with the antiseptic smell he could feel every inch of that dirt that collected whenever he moved the bucket. Thankfully they had wheels that allowed him to push the bucket with his foot whenever he went between floors. Sam sighed, his nose tickling at the anti-septic smell that...

1 year ago
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Deepthroat Flip Watch the Bay

Deepthroat Flip: Watch the Bay Just Working Heat radiated off the sand. The little fan over the counter tried feebly to keep the air circulating in the little shop. Old wooden walls kept the sun from beating on anyone. The wide windows let the sea breeze help the poor fan to keep the air at least from becoming too stagnant. A slurping sound came from one of the seats that the little shop had. A young man sipped from a drink through a straw. The cool iced cherry went up the straw...

1 year ago
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Deepthroating hubby but not me

Sunday morning, I was sharing a nice breakfast with my hubby in the kitchen.My sweet niece Jimena was still staying at our home; but she soon would go back to Buenos Aires. She was happy after sharing some days with us.A few days ago, I had found a huge black dildo amongst her used panties and, feeling really horny and naughty, I had masturbated myself using this very big toy. I had enjoyed it until I came, screaming like a bitch.But Jimena had caught me, with her toy buried deep in my ass.Her...

1 year ago
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Deepest Darkest

Deepest Darkest, Is a story of the darkest fantasies of humanity, our secret desires which we are too humble to admit we enjoy. But here are the anonymous and like minded readers with ravenous, raw, and unquenchable hungers to fill. Below here awaits an adventure into the unfathomable depravity, the only guideline to those who write is to adhere to our sites guidelines and boundaries, write responsibly, but keep two fingers at your back for play. And for readers I construct no boundaries, I...

4 years ago
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Deepest Pleasure

Author: trela|na{Kal} Subject: M/f, bondage,humiliation, slavery, ws This story is intended only for education and enjoyment ofalternate sexual lifestyles and is not to be released or viewed byminors. Deepest Pleasures Black, thick and dense, deep, dark, scary black,impenetrable by the human eye, fear fluttering in her chest as she slowly opensher eyes and sees….nothing. Absolutely nothing at all, pure blacknesssurrounding her on every side, head twisting to try and look...

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