The Wager
- 3 years ago
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Two gods were sat in a New York park one day. Being deities from two different faiths, they were arguing as usual about who was the most powerful. Such arguments were common between gods as each wanted to prove they were better than the other (the past thousand years has seen a fast increase in such arguments as one by one, each god was slowly being forgotten about by the humans they watched over).
The two gods in question this day were Loki and Asiaq. Since the fall of the Nordic and Asiaq religions respectively, there really had been nothing at all to do for either of them. When Loki sent Chlamydia down to Earth to screw with the promiscuous classes, nobody prayed for him to take it back. Instead they wrapped themselves up in latex and blamed the disease on the Europeans. Likewise when Asiaq brought forth great storms and winds to beat down upon the humans’ homes, the people once again did not pray to her, they gave the winds names like Fred and blamed them on Henry Ford.
For the average man or woman it would be irritating to not be given the credit you deserve for such hard work, but when you are an immortal and this has been happening for hundreds of years… well eternity can really begin to drag. A god without followers is like a junior banker in 2009: redundant. Thus one has to resort to petty bickering and squabbles amongst themselves for any sort of recognition of their powers and glory. This in turn has led to the rise of the inter-deity wager.
Even though the arguments had raged on for centuries, the first such wager occurred in 1883 when Ra, the Sun-God got into a quarrel with the fire-god: Zhu Rong. Being one of the original great gods and lord of the greatest empire the universe had ever seen at the time, Ra soon became angry when Zhu Rong claimed that his time in the sun was gone for good. Zhu Rong chided him that gods such as Jehovah who were still all-powerful with followers controlled the sun now and as such he was now irrelevant. Such talk had angered Ra and so he issued the first ever inter-faith challenge to Zhu Rong. He boasted to Zhu Rong that his power over the sun was as powerful as ever and to prove it he bet Zhu Rong on a set day, he would be able to bring darkness to a specific part of the world for longer than Zhu Rong could.
Zhu Rong accepted the challenge and the terms of the wager were set: On the next day, Ra would attempt to bring darkness to Europe for as long as possible before Zhu Rong would be charged with trying to beat Ra’s target. The loser would become the winner’s slave for the next thousand years.
When the day of the challenge came, deities from all over the Earth gathered to watch the spectacle. Ra was unfazed by the crowd and when Zeus (who had been appointed referee) signalled, he began the challenge. The onlookers watched as Ra summoned up the whole of his power to push the sun behind the moon and cause an eclipse that did indeed plunge Europe into darkness. Ra’s success was short-lived though as soon the gods of Christianity and Islam saw what had occurred and quickly brought Europe back into the light and Ra’s challenge was over. Ra had achieved a time of just nine minutes, but he was not bothered. There was no way that a mere god of fire could better him.
The next day, the crowds once again flocked to see the second half of the spectacle unfold. Nobody gave Zhu Rong a chance in Hades of winning as none could see how a fire god could ever bring darkness. Zhu Rong was not fazed though, he had a plan and once everybody was in place to witness this historic event, he began:
At first it seemed like nothing was happening and Ra began to mock his opponent and encouraged him to just give up already. Zhu Rong however just smiled and pointed to a small island south of the Asian mainland. The spectators turned and watched as the island off-Java exploded in a cloud of ash and fire that billowed endlessly into the sky. Like the day before the modern gods saw the carnage in Krakatoa, but there was nothing they could do, to stop things now would require interfering with nature and that would not do. On that day, Zhu Rong successfully brought darkness not only to Asia, but the entire world and for much longer than nine minutes. Ra was forced to submit to Zhu Rong as his slave for the next millennium.
Since then, countless wagers had taken place and now Asiaq and Loki were sowing the seeds to be the next heavenly combatants.
‘So we have a wager?’ said Loki.
‘Very well,’ agreed Asiaq, ‘although you will regret this. Your parlour tricks cannot compare the power of nature.’
‘We shall see.’ smiled Loki. ‘There’s a lot more to me than you may think. I have won wagers with far greater gods than you my dear.’
‘Arrogance will be your downfall my friend.’
Loki just smiled at her, ‘then shall we summon our referee?’
‘If you really want to go through with this…’
‘Then it’s set.’ Confirmed Loki, ‘Apollo!!!’
In a flash Apollo appeared in the park. ‘So we have a wager?’
‘Yes my friend, we do.’
‘What is the challenge?’
‘Today, Asiaq will be charged with getting the human of your choice to strip down to their underwear without the use of physical contact. Tomorrow we shall return here and I will face the same challenge on a new human subject. Whoever completes the task quickest will be declared the winner.’
‘What are the terms of the wager?’
‘Should I win, then Asiaq will submit to me for five hundred years. She will do my bidding and be completely under my power.’
‘But if I win’ interjected Asiaq, ‘then old Loki here will have to submit to all the goddesses of the Inuit. He will be our little plaything.’
As per the custom, Apollo gave each competitor one more chance to pull out of the challenge and when each had declined the offer, the wager was set in stone.
The next day the usual spectators gathered (Romans, Egyptians, Brian: God of the Atheists and the like) to watch the latest challenge unfold. As normal Poseidon was running the book and made Asiaq the odds on favourite but there was still plenty of action for each side. Once the crowd was ready, Apollo beckoned the first contestant.
‘Asiaq, please take your position.’
Asiaq appeared before the crowd, the Inuit gods whooped and cheered, as did a fair number of the anti-Loki brigade. Apollo picked out a young brunette lady sitting on a park bench, reading a book. She was wearing a hat and summer dress and was a totally unsuspecting victim of what was about to occur.
‘She,’ began Apollo ‘is your challenge. Your time begins, now.’
Asiaq immediately began to summon all of her powers of the weather. Within seconds, the young lady’s hat was blown clear off her head by a sudden gust of wind. The young woman tried to chase after it but Asiaq was too quick for her. The woman was reduced to just standing in bemusement as an extremely localised gale force wind carried her hat up into orbit and far out of her reach. The woman barely had time to mourn over her loss though when another huge gust of wind swept up her dress. Unprepared, she was able to hold onto her dress in the nick of time before it was blown clean off her body. Even though passers-by must have bought they were witnessing a tribute to Marylyn Monroe as over and over again the woman’s dress flew up over her panties and she had to fight for all it was worth to remain decent.
As time went by, the deity audience was joined by a human one as park-goers stopped to watch this bizarre spectacle of a women seemingly being bullied by the weather. They watched as they saw her endure a mini monsoon, hail shower, heat wave and thunder storm that left the woman hot, wet and in a dress that was singed into tatters but still just about covering her modesty. Entering her third hour of the challenge, Asiaq was becoming frustrated by the woman’s resilience (as well as secretly a little desperate at her own failure so far). Finally, a
fter two hours and forty minutes she managed to succeed as an army of miniature tornados served to defeat the final wave of resistance from the woman and whisk the dress clean off of her and into the sky, thus leaving her standing dazed and confused, in nothing but her underwear.
The crowd of gods cheered Asiaq’s success, the crowd of humans (now that the crazy weather had ended) finally decided to come to the woman’s aid and Apollo announced the time to beat as one hundred and sixty minutes. Loki just smiled and agreed to meet everyone at the park again the next day to complete the challenge.
As the midday sun shone over the park the next day, Asiaq, Apollo and the crowd awaited Loki’s arrival. Minutes passed and murmurings began that possibly Loki had conceded, nobody had ever been late for an inter-deity challenge before so the crowd began to fear that the challenge was already over. Asiaq, who up until then had carried herself with a mixture of nervousness and forced confidence was beginning to relax, believing that Loki must be scared to show his face. She began to laugh and brag with her fellow Inuits, joking about all the things they would make him do when a flash of lightning took the crowd by surprise.
Smoke billowed from the ground, engulfing the confused bystanders until a figure emerged from the plume. Loki stood there with a smile on his face and a leash in his hand.
‘You didn’t think I’d miss this did you?’ he told the crowd.
Asiaq’s composure was lost, ‘I suppose you think you are funny do you? You were supposed to start at twenty minutes ago! And what’s this?’ she pointed to the leash, ‘You can’t use props, it’s not allowed.’
Loki laughed, ‘My dear, this is not for the challenge, it’s for you. I don’t want to waste a second of my victory. And as for the twenty minutes… you can have them. I’ll have this challenge won in less than an hour don’t you worry.’ And before Asiaq had a chance to respond, Loki’s back was turned and he had approached Apollo. ‘So, Apollo dear friend. Who’s it gonna be?’
Trying to stay fair, Apollo once again decided upon a young lady sitting on a bench reading a book. Once again the lady was in a summer dress although this time she was blonde and the book was of a far more academic bent. Loki sized up his target, cracked his knuckles and then to the bemusement of the crowd, went to get a cup of coffee.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ Asiaq yelled at him, clearly pissed off at the games he was playing.
‘Oh I’m sorry.’ Said Loki, ‘You’d prefer to lose this bet right now? Well, as you wish…’ Loki snapped his fingers and then just returned to his coffee.
Asiaq was about to rant again when something about the girl’s demeanour caught her eye. She was beginning to squirm in her seat as if something were making her feel uncomfortable. Asiaq glanced over to Loki who seemed to be sharing a joke with Zorg: the Martian God of snow, he didn’t seem the least bit concerned with the goings on at the bench.
The girl continued to squirm, she had come to the park to kill a bit of time before meeting her mother to go shopping but now she was starting to feel a little weird. She could feel a tingling in her pussy and it was becoming stronger and stronger. It was by far not an unpleasant experience, but in a busy public park, it was unwelcome. She tried shifting her weight, crossing her legs, uncrossing her legs but the sensations remained. In fact, they got stronger. The girl tried to concentrate on her book but soon a discrete hand was attempting to stealthily disappear up her dress. As long as she wasn’t overt, there was a good chance nobody would notice wasn’t there?
Unaware at how obvious you look to passers-by when you are sat on a bench with one hand disappeared up your skirt, the girl soon discovered that the more she tried to quell her urges, the stronger they became. A slow discretionary stroking of the clit soon turned into a desperate assault on herself as the girl became less and less concerned about being seen and more and more concerned about being seen to. A few seconds later, a book on quantum physics was flying through the air, landing by a growing group of young men that had stopped to watch the show. The book’s owner was now free to commit both hands to her body and soon the girl’s left breast was receiving the same treatment as her pussy.
Even including the twenty or so minutes lost to lateness, Loki’s challenge was barely half an hour old and the girl was already exposing a breast (after a futile attempt at subtlety the bra was cast in the same direction as the book before it). Asiaq was entering panic-mode, ‘He’s cheating! He has to be cheating!’ she cried, but her protests went ignored as the crowd witnessed the second breast win its freedom from the repression of clothing.
The girl though was not interested in the ins and outs of divine intervention, right now she was far more interested in the ins and outs of male penetration. She finally noticed the audience that had gathered around her and only one thought entered her head. She leapt to her feet, her dress falling off her shoulders and hanging at her waist and dived at the crotch of the nearest spectator. The young man appeared hesitant at first but was soon won round by the two delicate hands tugging at his shorts and two full red lips guzzling at his cock.
The girl sucked and sucked on the lucky guy’s cock, keeping one hand back to tend to her own crotch’s needs but it still wasn’t enough. She felt the guy’s hand on the back of her head and bolted her head back.
‘No! No! This isn’t right.’ She got to her feet. ‘I can’t do this like this.’ She grabbed her dress and ripped it off her body, her panties soon followed. ‘Please somebody, fuck me! I need somebody to fuck me when I do this.’
The girl then fell back to her knees and returned to the first guy’s cock, her naked ass up I the air, inviting the first person willing to step up to the challenge. After an initial attack of group stage-fright, one guy stepped forward, unsheathed his cock and began to give the girl the satisfaction she had been craving for. Over the course of that afternoon, the girl was fucked by every member in her audience and she couldn’t have been happier. By the time she had to meet her mother, she was full of satisfaction, full of cum and happier than her mother had seen her in years.
As for Asiaq, her heart had sunk the moment the girl’s dress had touched the grass (the panties just added insult to injury). She wanted to protest again but before she could, she felt a collar clasp around her neck. Her voice failed her and she fell to her knees, looking up into the eyes of Loki.
‘The collar will just make sure you behave yourself for the next five centuries.’ Said Loki before turning to the crowd ‘thank you all for your support, I hope the entertainment was to your satisfaction. I regret that Asiaq and I must now retire so that I can have mine.’ The assembled crowd cheered as Loki and his new slave disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Back in Asgard, Loki instructed Asiaq to undress herself.
‘We will have a lot of fun here. Just like that lovely young girl in the park did.’ He told her.
Asiaq said nothing as Loki continued, ‘You were never going to win, I gave my challenge exactly what she wanted, you didn’t. No amount of wind or sun can compete with that.’
Asiaq now stood before Loki, naked and ready for instruction. He ushered her to her knees and guided her head in the direction of his waiting cock. Asiaq was powerless to do anything but take it in her mouth as Loki continued to boast:
‘It was like an old friend of mine once told me: ‘kindness effects more than severity”
The End.
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Notes: A couple notes before we begin our journey. I had no clue when I started this, but this story is actually very similar to to merkros' "A Fantasy Dynasty." The major difference is that this is focused on single character rather than a dynasty, but it is still rather similar. While you wait for new chapters to come out or something, just check out his story here: Some choices will have (SSI) next to them. These choices represent all the...
FantasyAnn and I must have sat and talked for hours in the coffee shop when I noticed it had become dark outside. I was surprised and said, “I’m sorry, Ann, I’ve kept you from wherever you were supposed to be. I was just enjoying talking to you so much I didn’t notice the time.” “Don’t be silly, Chad. There’s no place I’d rather be right now than sitting here talking to you. Do you have to be somewhere?” I looked into her eyes and said, “Yes, there is, and it’s right here, with you.” She looked...
David sat back and stretched, enjoying his time off. He'd always taken this week off because of Valentine's Day and his anniversary, even though it eventually didn't help to keep his marriage intact. After the divorce, he'd just kept up the tradition because it was part of the way he balanced his vacation weeks. A scowl crossed his face when the door downstairs slammed shut. David looked out the window to see his son climb in the car. He'd converted the basement into an apartment when...
So the wife last night called me up telling me she was heading to Widgi then there was a pause. You see the first time she fucked a guy without me there was at widgi. I said oh really kind of slyly. She giggled and said no hun not for that but I did just get a text from Jeff. Jeff is the guy she fucked at widgi. She quickly pointed out that was not what the text was about and she had not invited him there. I knew she was being coy with me and wanted me to say go ahead hun and fuck him again. So...
"Mom, I think I know who Tom is," said Natasha. "You do?" replied Helen. Natasha nodded, "I spotted Kev Hayles watching us as we were walking around." "So?" said Helen, cocking her head to one side. "Well, he was smiling before we started, it was as though he knew what was going to happen before we began," explained Natasha. Helen looked at her daughter and frowned, "That's a bit flimsy isn't it?" "It is a bit," agreed Natasha, "but he's also taken to making eyes at...
Part 3. Ruth and Ben.The four of us sat around Sharon's kitchen table working out our new routine for the coming week. A couple of days had passed since the first session and yesterday had me flat out on my sofa recovering from our little adventure.Angie, as usual, was in charge and taking notes."Alright," she said, calling us to order, "Here's what I'm thinking. Six days. Monday till Saturday. That means a potential two appointments per week for the three of us to have sex with Ben on our own....
MatureNote: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ******************************* ‘Sheila, let me tell you a story,’ Tim said,...
2080 a.d. Earth, the Easy Way Beth awoke with her sister spooned against her back. For several minutes she lay there, simply enjoying the relaxed sensation of waking up to someone she felt affection for. Béla's arm was draped around her waist, her fingers resting gently against Beth's breast. Bending her head downward, she gently kissed Béla's fingers, tasting the slight scent of apple and pussy juice as she inhaled. Béla sighed, waking up to having her fingers caressed by someone's...
NOT MY WORK A found tale which have edited and hopefully improved. One of my best friends was a girl named Kim. She’s of unusual parentage being half Iraqi, her dad and half Vietnamese, her mother. She and I had been in the same year since she moved into the area. We had often been seated in class together because of the alphabetizing of our names, and therefore were often project partners. One year we had a particularly complicated science project to accomplish and we decided it would be...
The sight of the pond and the surroundings calmed much of his mind, even with thoughts of the ring. He closely observed the ring. It was quite ordinary as rings came, only it had a strange unpolished stone as its center piece. The stone did not look as valuable. Lost in his thoughts, he was awakened by Ramesh calling him to come play with him. After spending some time with Ramesh, he walked back home. Surprisingly he didn't see Vandhana anywhere around. It was evening when he heard a...
The moon was just starting to peek over the distant range when Jake and his men finished rounding up the stray cattle. The skittish creatures rejoined the herd with grateful sounding bays and moos, as if leaving hadn’t been their idea in the first place. Jake spat the trail dust out of this mouth and leaned his long, rangy body onto the saddle horn as he watched his men bring in the last few stragglers. A quick count ensured that they had found nearly all of them. Midnight snorted and pawed...
Hi friends this is Charan back again with erotic sex story.I would like to thank all for your suggestions and comments for my previous stories.I hope the same thing with this story your queries to my email So aunties and girls from anywhere interested to have wild sex experience can contact me through my email.Dont feel shy to ask and I am available to you anytime. Nenu vizag lo vunapudu oka aunty undevaaru ma quarters lo .Tanaki 38 years age chala laavuga ,nalla ga untundi and vaala...
Dave's eyes got as big as saucers. "Uncle Mike used to rub mom's tits when they were kids?" "That's what she said." "She really suggested that I should massage your breasts?" "She said that I should ask you. Will you Dave?" "You really want me to fondle your tits?" "Oh, yes, please." "Did mom say anything else?" "Yes, she said that you would get a hard on and that I should not be a cock tease. Do you have a hard on?" "Of course I do." "Can I see it?" Dave...
NUMBER NINE: Randy Marx stared down in disbelief as Stacy Richards sucked hungrily on his cock as it jutted out of his pants; her mouth made loud slurping noises as it worked its way up and down. He was standing in the woods behind Greenwood High, just out of sight of the main school building. Stacy, now on her knees in front of him, had met him after class and had asked if he would go with her into the woods; she wanted to show him something, she had said. Randy, who like most of the boys...
Hi. Friend. This is Deepak again with a new hot story first let me introduce myself. I am 28 years old with good height and body this incident has been taken place at the same time when I had an encounter with my aunty in my village. I am going to tell the story of cousin sister who is no more in this world. Her name was Punita and she used to call my brother and was just 18 years old. She was very beautiful and had a sexy figure. I used to see her body whenever I get a chance to see. This...
IncestDarren fumed as Stephanie closed the door behind her. She's not happy with me! Good God, when did she turn into a selfish bitch? Darren's fists clenched and unclenched as he paced the hotel room. Angry thoughts coursed through Darren as he wore a path into the carpet. He untied the tie and tossed it onto the bed. He frowned as he watched it land next to the fake hundred dollar bill. He walked to the window and stared out at the night sky. How did we get here? I thought we were...
"Each ability group should have equal say in the governing. No one group should lord its will on the others." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .33 Line 6. The month that followed was one of the most tumultuous ones in Docre's recent history. There were more political and social debate in that one month than in the last five years. The four other guildmistresses joined with Javum in a solid pro-male stance. The ones from the other guilds who thought males were a danger to society, joined a...
Namashkar dosto, Mera naam Pleasure Boy! hai. Naam angrezi aur story hindi mein kyunki main ek desi banda hu aur mere story ka English version bhi aayega lekin jo baat hindi mein hai wo English mein kahan. Aap logo ko meri kahani pasand aaye to please mujhe mail kar dena ‘ Meri story kaafi lambi hai lekin aap sab ko kaafi maza aayega ise padhne mein. So aap logo ka time jada waste na karte hue main apna intro deta hu. Main Pune mein rehta hu jo ki Maharashtra mein aata hai. Yaha har saal...
Ashley Lane and her BFF slash former lover Jamie Michelle haven’t seen each other since bisexual Jamie married a man. Now Jamie has a stepson, Ricky Spanish, and a new life that just doesn’t include getting girls. Jamie’s husband has to go away for a few days, so she invites Ashley to stay with her for a few days. They are just getting acquainted like old times in the kitchen when Ricky walks in on them. The girls try to brush it off, with Jamie leading Ashley to her room....
xmoviesforyouSome abbreviations and terms relevant sexual activities to perform for threesomes and foursomes.Please feel free to discuss or suggest changes in the comment section.GeneralM: stands for maleF: stands for female(V): could be used after below acronyms for extra indication in threesomes that the sex of which there are two don’t play with each other. I.e. FMF(V)Bi-: could be used on before below acronyms for extra indication that the sex of which there are two do play together. I.e. WSW: Women who...
Forewarning - this might take a while to read but good on you if you stick with it :DI was sitting in the office of the store i work in, filing some paperwork. I always keep an eye on the cameras - as you never know when someone might be up to something they shouldnt be. Whether it be staff or customers We have a high quality CCTV setup. I have been known to mis-use this quality once or twice in checking out some of the ladies that walk in. But on this occasion, it was the front office that...