A Wager free porn video

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A Wager by Stats I was standing in front of the urinal of the washroom where I work, daydreaming. I was totally absorbed by the experience I had the day before where I wore a complete set of women's underclothes under my business suit. No one suspected a thing. Thought that the next time I did this I would wear some padding in my bra. Perhaps try to pull it off with no socks, the pants were long enough to cover my ankles if I was careful. Even my secretary-with her eye for detail didn't suspect a thing. "Do you really want to see how far you can go without them knowing?" a deep authoritative voice from behind me said. I must have damn near jumped about three inches; spraying the urinal and surrounding area like a mountain lion marking his territory. No one was in the washroom when I came in and I certainly didn't hear anyone enter. My stream had come to an abrupt halt as if caught in the middle of something embarrassing. I spun around trying to gather my thoughts and doing up my fly in nanoseconds. "What did you say?" I gasped. "You were reminiscing," said the stranger "about your charade yesterday. I asked you if you really wanted to see how feminine you could get without your workers noticing." The stranger looked like he just stepped out of an Arabian genie scene except for the small detail that he was dressed in a very fashionable business suit. He had a knowing grin on his meticulously bearded face. "How could he read my thoughts?" began to flash through my mind. He interrupted me in the middle of my question with "because it is second nature to me to read what other people are thinking" He continued, "I was born with this among other powers. I was able to give myself eternal life, an ability to fade in and out of the reality you know as your world at any place that interests me, change items to fit my whim, and last but not least, tell a good joke. The only problem is I grow bored and am always looking for some new situation that would brighten up my day, year, millenium, whatever? " "How feminine could I get without my work associates noticing" reverberated in my mind. It was an interesting thought. "I had thoroughly enjoyed the feel of feminine clothes on my body, and loved the little adventure of occasionally wearing female undergarments to work, secretly wishing I had a more female body. But there were certainly women things that I could never think of doing. Making love to another man, yuck! Having and rearing children, ugh! Involving myself with all those female type things, shopping for the sake of shopping, following senseless fashions, getting ever so involved with female small talk that doesn't?" "Look", the stranger interrupted, "I have a wager that will amuse me and give you exactly what you want. Only condition is that once we part you will not be aware of me, only of the wager. Have to preserve my element of surprise- can't have you blabbing around the coffee room that there is a genie loose on the premises. Here is the scoop. I will feminize you each time you urinate. Each time before you take a leak you have a choice. If you think of something to make you more feminine we will play that theme, if not, you will get the feminization change that I think up for you. So that you are aware what had been done to you after you are finished doing your thing, I will leave a little message for you in your thoughts. Anytime you say to yourself before urinating, 'Not tonight dear, I have a headache' no change will take place. At the end of the month you will be left in whatever state that you have arrived at?..unless?..you decide for one of two big prizes. I pay you $100,000 and you get the body you see in the mirror" My eyes rushed to the washroom mirror. There was a reflection of a strangely familiar face, my face, but subtly changed to one of the most alluring females I had ever seen in my life. It was so stunning that it was quite a time passed before I became aware of the eye entrapping cleavage and narrow waist and hips to kill for. As I returned to the face a small knowing smile appeared on the reflection. "I was tempted to make it a million dollars, but I wanted to give you enough to resettle in your new life without unduly influencing your final decision. And your second prize, if you so choose, is the reflection before your eyes." What I saw now was my normal self. There were a few small enhancements that made me as handsome as any movie star. There was no doubt my sex life would be greatly enhanced by either choice. "I know you will want a new wardrobe and a set of wheels with that body. The prize in this case is a cool $50,000. But this prize is only available if you have not become fully female before the end of the month." It looked like I was in a win win situation. I could become 99.9% female and still have the option of choosing to be a chick or a stud at the end of the month. "When do I have to make up my mind?" I asked amid a daze of the explosion of alternatives I had just been presented. "No hurry, I expect someone will need to use the restroom sometime this afternoon. You have until someone comes in to either think 'I accept your offer, stranger' in which case the bet is on, or, 'Go to hell, stranger' in which case this conversation never took place. Come to think of it, this conversation never took place in any event." No sooner had I digested this contract than I heard a key enter the washroom door lock. "I instinctively thought "I accept your offer, stranger" as my boss appeared in the door. Desperately trying to appear composed I commented that someone must have had his pisser turned to spray to make such a mess of the area. He looks at the urinal and comments that it looked like someone had a hard time holding on to his member when the earthquake hit. With a "rank has its privileges" he steps up to the clean urinal leaving me to carefully straddle the puddle on the floor. I managed to finish my job without further interruption when the following message crossed my mind. Your waist is too fat and your hips are too slender Let me take from the first and give you a fender. I suddenly realized that I had urinated without any advance thought and the first of my feminization steps had been the default. I tried to think about where the bazaar wager had come from, had no clue but was totally aware of all the conditions leading up to the final wager to take place in only 10 days, the end of the month. "See me in my office when you have a moment, Sam. I want your advice on the Preston report we are about to let loose on our unsuspecting client" my boss said.as he wiped his hand on the absurdly small paper towel extracted from the wall unit. All I could think about was how it would cover up my new slender waist. I waited for the door to close and leaped into the stall. My pants felt so loose around my waist that I was afraid they were going to drop right in front of my boss. I closed the door, dropped my pants and underpants in one quick gesture. Looked down at my naked torso. I imagined my hips were somewhat broader but I couldn't see my backside. My guess was my waist was a good six inches smaller than my normal 34 inches. That evening, when I got home I was in front of the mirror before I heard the front door slam shut. I had sneaked back to my office and hid all afternoon. Shit, my boss wanted to see me about the Preston report. All I could think about was the wager. Try as I might, no revelations occurred to me about the origin but the conditions were branded into my memory. I went to the john to take a crap and inadvertently started to pee. Too late again. From your chest, legs and arms without any pain Hair was removed and added to your mane. I quickly moved to the bathroom mirror. My hair, which was just covering my shirt collar before, was now a good six inches longer and decidedly thicker. Also, not since I was thirteen had I seen my chest so devoid of hair. A quick scan on my legs and arms told me that the hair there was not only very scarce but it was much finer, a truly feminine amount of body hair. The first thing I did was get a tape measure and measure all parts of my body. My waist was indeed now 27 inches and I had a 37-inch bum. My flat as a pancake chest was 34 inches. I resolved that the next alteration would be to give me a bust from, I decided, my thick calves. So first thing when I woke up the next morning was to think through the alterations. Each calf reduced to 14 inches giving me a one and one half-inch bust. Nothing to brag to the beauty pageant about but really quite spectacular for me. As a bonus my nipples had become distinctly female. It took only a minute to have them fully erect and me feeling as horny as I ever felt in my life. My aortas were now quite dark and now measured almost two inches across. No verse flashed through my mind to tell me what had happened. Pity, I enjoyed the way the unknown was revealed to me. The next day was uneventful although my boss was rather caustic about my lack of concern about the Preston Client. I couldn't believe no one mentioned anything about my hair, which I slicked down as best I could and tied back in a ponytail. It was Friday the twenty third and I decided that I needed the weekend to get a plan together. The end of the month was a week tomorrow, a Saturday. I needed to be sure that I had the $50,000 to make me into the model hunk at month end. I had to use the "Not tonight dear, I have a headache" routine twice that day to make sure no surprise changes took place. That night I dressed in my favorite female outfit to get the full impact of the changes. After putting on my black dress and looking at myself in the mirror I got all turned on by the feminine reflection I saw. I took inventory and decided that there were two items that needed changes, I needed more cleavage and my legs really needed to be denuded. The last was easy. Removing my pantyhose, I sat on the edge of the bathtub, lathered up my legs and carefully removed all the hair. The second was not so easy to accomplish but I just had to see what my dress looked like with more cleavage. After my fifth change of mind I said "to hell with it" and took a pee while thinking my waist could be thinner and my breasts fuller. All hesitation vanished as I looked down at a pair of knockers that were more than a handful. As near as I could tell they were a full B cup, jutting out little over two and a half inches. Thinking that I could get a little more bust I squeezed out three or four more drops and the next thing I know I was a full C cup with a full three inches stretching to the front. My waist now measured 25 inches and there could be no doubt the torso was a female. I would have a pretty problem trying to fit this into my three piece suit. However, the dress now looked stunning on me. Enough cleavage to satisfy any male onlooker and absolutely smooth legs to make me feel ever so feminine. Even though my face looked somewhat male and my hands and feet were a bit too large I felt sure I could pass for a female in public. These were dangerous thoughts. If I did much more I would not be able to go to work on Monday. So I enjoyed my alterations to the fullest as I sat in front of the TV fanaticizing and masturbating. The next morning, Saturday, I woke up to the phone. It was my boss. He wanted to know if I could come in to the office for an hour or two to help him revise the Preston report. I panicked, as I would have to go in wearing at most a tee shirt or thin sweater. No one wears heavy sweaters in Oregon in June. The only thing that popped into my mind was that I had come down with a bug. He bought off that I was sick with some help from a tired voice routine. I added that if I didn't feel well by Monday I would go to the doctor before I showed up for work (Hey doc, how do I make these mammeries disappear when I wear my three piece suit.) My boss offered that he would personally clean my wagon if I infected his staff with whatever ailment I had contacted, probably from peeing in that unclean urinal. Relieved and reprieved, I hung up the phone and went to take a pee. I should have known better but I was still mentally patting myself on the back for my great deception when the beginning of a stream registered in my sleepy head. At the risk of a major hernia I immediately shut off my faucet. Too late. Your bones are too large for a petite female form Your ribs, hands and legs we will downward reform. Now I had double trouble. First I was looking at hands and feet about two thirds the size of what was there a few minutes ago. Second, if I didn't think of something to change quick, I would be in for a second surprise, real quick. "My face needs to be slightly more feminine" flashed across my mind as the muscles holding the dam gave out to the golden flow. I reluctantly went to the mirror to assess the damage. My eyebrows were no longer bushy, but unisex. My mouth was slightly larger revealing a beautiful set of even teeth when I smiled. My lips were much fuller which gave me an extremely female pout. There were also some side effects. My ears were pierced after I moved the somewhat longer hair to find them. My dictate "to be slightly more feminine' resulted in a look like a sex kitten. But after a long rational reflection I decided it gave me the ultimate unisex look. It also appears that my beard had completely disappeared. After about ten minutes I decided that there was no way anyone at work would not see the changes. I was devastated. What was I to do? In total resignation I now looked at my two female size seven feet with my toenails still painted bright red from last night. Here it was less than 2 days since the contract was made, however it was made. I was everything but a functional female. The doorbell brought me out of my stupor. I looked out over the driveway and saw my boss's car. It was show and tell time. He had just phoned so I couldn't pull the old I am not at home routine. I yelled down the stairs that I would be down in a moment. In no time at all I had my nail polish off my hands and my face cleaned up from the makeup. I convinced myself I looked masculine enough to answer the door if I wore my big terry cloth bathrobe and slippers hiding my feet. The terry cloth seemed to fill in where the wager had taken away, except I didn't need any fill in on my hips or bust. I opened the door not knowing what to say to my boss. He rushed past me with an apology for getting me out of my death bed but he was desperate for my help. He just kept talking as he looked at me, not being aware of the massive changes to my body. After about an hour and a half and four cups of coffee each we had the contract problems resolved and he said that he was going to treat me to lunch. I looked at him rather blankly, like lunch was not a word in my vocabulary. Finally he said, "Sam, I could really care less that you like to dress up as a female. You are by far the best employee I have and I will accept you anyway you care to present yourself. Now get dressed and let's get something to eat" I was stunned. He knew I had worn female underclothes. I managed to get out in my unisex voice "How long have you known?" "Ever since that day last April when you came back from the washroom with your slip hanging out from the back of your pants. Remember, I called a staff meeting and you were asked to man the phones. Well it turns out about half the staff knew about this already. However, we all agreed you were the kindest, most gentle person we knew and it would not be appropriate to embarrass you. So the whole company, all 15 of us, made a vow to not let on we knew anything to you about your fetish. Will you please get dressed. I am famished." My mind was a bog. In my room I sat down at the edge of my bed. What was I going to do?. Then the reality of four cups of coffee hit me. As I walked to the john I chuckled at my change of plans. In quick succession I wished for two other things but saved a few drops for another surprise. My long wavy hair hung down to my waist as I descended the stairs in my tight fitting shorts, cleavage-exposing halter-top and sandals. "Well boss, do you think the other employees will be able to keep their vow?" I said in my new sexy soprano voice. What previously was out is now quite in Your only option is $100,000 to win. I had a lot to do before next Saturday. After all, it takes a lot of planning to spend that kind of money. (the end)

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Deena’s turn: Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and be an adult, even if you’re only fourteen. We have Sandy with us. And a hotel with a king-sized bed, and nobody offered to put anybody up for the night in the Auburn community, so there’s Bill, sounding all apologetic. “I’m sorry. I must’ve clicked the wrong button when I made the reservation. You DO have a room with two queen beds, don’t you?” “Yessir, we do,” the desk clerk said. “Same price. I see you have one of our...

2 years ago
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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 11

Lexi finished up her book shopping, with a shrug she went into a dressmakers and purchased a fashion book, looked over the material in the shop making note of what type she liked, she chatted with the sales clerk and the dressmaker for a short while then left. Her next stop was the hair dressers, she smiled at the nattily dressed man who came forward asking if he could be of some help, Lexi nibbled her lip then nodded “I need my hair cut” and took off her large wide brimmed hat, her hair...

2 years ago
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Was That Wrong Of Me Baby

It was my idea, just to spice things up a bit. I thought it might turn me on, and it did. My girlfriend and I have been together for a about a year now, which is way longer than any other relationship I’ve had. I guess I love her, but I have no intention of marrying her. I’m way too young for that. We get on great, and the sex has been fantastic, so I’m just enjoying myself. Debbie’s not the sort of girl I usually go for. She’s classy. The truth is, I’m punching way above my weight and I...

2 years ago
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Group Sex With Bhabhi8217s Group

Hi, I am Rahul from Raipur C.G age 27 fair good body with 9″ dick. I have been readinh iss stories since last 5 years I am a big fan. Any girls, bhabhis, couple or group near C.G can contact me at Ab mein apni kahai pe aata hoon meri bhai ki shaadi abhi 1 mahine pahele hi hui thi aur meri nayi bahabi bahut hi sundar thi unka size 34 26 34 tha bhut hi gori thi lambe baal aur badi badi aakhen. Meine kabhi unke baare mein kabhi galat nahi socha tha. Ye baat unke shaadi ke ek mahine baad ki jab...

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From a B17 to a 34C

FROM A B-17 TO A 34C Note: This was intended to be the 3rd of four stories of the Richards and the bewitching book. After writing the first installment, I quickly wrote most of this one and the next one but have had so much trouble with the 2nd part that I think I will just skip it. This story follows after my earlier story, Marquis to Marquise. But it's not necessary to have read that story to understand this one. ************************ I look back on the earlier part of my...

4 years ago
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What had I let myself in for? Not only me but poor Amy as well. It had started as an ordinary Saturday evening. Now, here we were, in a flat with two naked, muscle rippling black guys neither of who's cock was less than a foot long. What the fuck was going to happen to us? Could we take these monster pricks on and survive? How the hell had it happened? Oh shit he wants me to suck the fucking thing. Amy called around four that afternoon. "Hey Trudy what you want to do tonight?" "Don't...

2 years ago
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Rainy Romance

Sharing erotic fantasies had become part of our work day, but for some reason today’s conversation seemed different. Greg had recently shown interest in my past relationships, and for some reason just talking about them seemed to push the right buttons. Never being very good at explaining things, it seemed to be easier when he asked direct questions. Those questions dug up things I hadn’t thought about in years. Needless tosay, I was ready to jump his bones. So I decided to try a little...

2 years ago
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Fun Sex With Friend8217s Divorced Sister

Hi Readers, This is Sachin living in pune from last 2 years. I have been a reading these sex stories from my school days and I am very fond of them. This is the first real sex experience that I am narrating today, which happened with one of my colleagues elder sister and me. She is around 36 yrs and has good Stats 38 36 36 and is a divorcee with two childern. Please excuse me if you feel boring as I am not that good in narration. This was my first sex experience with one of my best colleagues...

2 years ago
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Charmaines Downfall Part 1

Their anniversary was coming up this weekend. It would be James and Charmaine’s fifth wedding anniversary. They married when Charmaine was 19 and James was 23. He had a really great job and Charmaine was just graduating. They met a year ago when she came for a job interview and ever since then it was nonstop romance. Her parents were not sure about her marrying at still a young age, but they didn't try to stop her. James is now like one of the family to them, as well as going on family holidays...

3 years ago
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Lives Alone of Stone

© 2003 We've all had that feeling of danger. You wake up from a dead sleep with your heart pounding. But there's nothing there. Or was there? We are alone, ultimately, but there is someone out there. Watching. I watched her as she entered the cathedral. She moved like the water under a bridge, with purpose but easily. My eyes followed her as she slipped into the protective shadows of the Saints, and my gaze fell upon her breast as she wiped away the droplets of glistening sweat from...

1 year ago
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Birthday surprise

Suzie came over for the regular BBQ a bit early last Saturday. Arnie was at a high school football game that she wanted to see too, but she had other things on her mind that had to be taken care of. The day was starting to look a bit like dinner was going to be indoors, with thunderheads growing fast, so that’s where we were already. “Do you know what the turkey did to me?” Suzie opened, “I had his birthday present all bought and wrapped and ready, then he went out and bought practically the...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 66

Dad took off before we arrived. He left it for my mother to inform us he had decided to postpone his efforts to use weddings to help promote business. He had gotten so carried away with the prospects it had escaped his notice that it would be inappropriate to do at his daughter’s wedding. My mother tried hard to sell it, but it was pretty clear she didn’t believe him either. I told her to let him know how much I appreciated his understanding. I doubt she believed me any more than she believed...

2 years ago
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Wife Of A Friend Is Also A Lady Worth Making Love

Hi fellas, this is ronn again from Delhi with a new story which involves me & a lady whom I met at a family function. Thanks to this wonderful platform where we can share our hidden desires and secrets. About me I’m a normal guy from Delhi with a 5-inch tool and the lady in the story is Nikki who’s from Noida. A smart lady with complete good assets, blonde hairs and a very good sense of humor. Her vital stats are 34-30-36. Ass is quite bigger and she is a bit on a bulky side which I loved the...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kenna James Sofi Ryan Gia Derza A Familiar Match

Sofi Ryan is a divorced woman ready to get back into the dating scene. But since she’s nervous, she’s working with Kenna James, a matchmaker, to find her the perfect match right from the start. As Sofi meets with Kenna, Kenna assures her that she’s found Sofi’s soulmate. She’s even asked the mystery woman to come into the office so that they both could meet on neutral grounds. Then after she’s sure everything is going smoothly, Sofi and the mystery woman will...

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The virus

Hi All - This virus thing is getting in the way of my (I am sure many of your as well) cravings for cocks and cum. Most of you know my desire to service the truckers mostly a the truck stops. Well, lately there has been very little truck traffic especially at the truck stops and rest areas. Saturday night I got all dolled up like a street slut and drove to my favorite truck stop. Pulling into the parking lot holy crap the lot half empty. I parked at my normal location next to the dumpsters and...

2 years ago
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Young Wifersquos Ass Too Small For Anal

One of the reasons my wife Cindy married me was my healthy nine inch cock. Cindy and I enjoyed a great sex life and we wanted to experiment with new things. But it turned out that anal sex was out of the question. Every time I went to put the head of my sizable organ into Cindy’s small tight ass she screamed in excruciating pain. I understood why, her asshole was so small in comparison to my huge cockhead that I knew there was no way I could assfuck her. So we just decided to rule out anal...

4 years ago
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The Way HomeChapter 9

Benito puts his hands around me and helps me to sit. I hold my head in my hands. He waits, patiently, while I compose myself. Finally, I am ready. I look up. "Benito?" "Yes." "What happened to the park?" "Nothing happened to the park. Memorial Park is still where it has always been." "Where am I?" "What do you see?" "I see a room with wood-panelled walls. And books, lots of books. I see drawings on the walls – children's drawings. I see you and me sitting on a leather...

3 years ago
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Cindys Sex Party

   Cindy's Sex Party My story begins in the Summer of 98. My wife and I had just moved into our new home in a suburb of Chicago. The next day our neighbor Cindy Johnson came over with a pie she had baked especially for us and she told us that she just wanted to welcome us into the neighborhood. It wasn't long before my wife and I started hanging out with the Johnsons. One evening my wife invited them over for supper. The four of us sat around talking until nearly midnight. The conversation...

Group Sex
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Private Ginebra Bellucci Anal In The Sun

After a fight with her man Alberto Blanco, Spoiled Rich Girl Ginebra Bellucci heads out on the boat with her boyfriend to reconcile and amongst the privacy of the waves this hot couple are soon made up and ready to fuck! Watch the sexy Ginebra sunbathe on the deck and show off her irresistible body before getting a taste of cock and quickie outdoors in the sun. Then enjoy this beautiful star in action as she takes her man back to their mansion and offers up her perfect ass for some hot anal...

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Casey goes to Miami Beach Part2

Introduction: The three girls had fun… Part#2 Angelia could not sleep that night. She thought constantly about having sex with Amy and Casey. She had never witnessed such a sexy thing as the two hot girls having sex with each other. Her husband Ryan snored loudly beside her in bed. He sounded like a freight train. She played with herself as she thought about the two girls who rented the suite across and down from her. She wanted them badly. She stimulated herself to orgasm as she imagined them...

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Private Misha Maver Camgirl Anal

The spectacular Misha Maver has come to Private Specials, Anal Beauties 2 and this gorgeous star has decided to become to a camgirl to help her boyfriend overcome a small monetary crisis. Watch the amazing Misha in action as she puts on a show with her big tits and tattooed figure before getting the toys out for some ass play. Today however she won’t be alone for long as boyfriend Alberto Blanco joins the party for a sloppy blowjob and a hot anal fuck that will finish up with Misha covered in...

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Too Much LoveChapter 65

Verity Ferrari-Stone woke in a tangle of limbs feeling warm and loved in a way she’d never really felt before. She hadn’t meant to take things as far as she had last night, but there was a point where she’d just chosen to let go, let things happen, and deal with the consequences tomorrow. Tomorrow had come and the consequences were probably right outside the window, but they weren’t here in this room with them now. Last night had been a moment of weakness, but the weakness had been so...

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Skin Deep II Chapter 15

Chapter 15 A Final Waltz One year later, July 18th 2103 AD Michelle stood on the balcony of the Sheraton Rio in the newborn Brazilian morning, now not two hours old, still another four hours from sunrise. She looked up at the vast hillsides covered with specks of light for as far as the eye could see. When Gary suggested they take a small vacation, it seemed to her to be an ill timed idea. She would have leapt at any chance to stay at home, to hide from the feelings that...

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visit to a female doctor ff

As I sat in the waiting room for my second appointment with Dr Milman, I couldn't help thinking about the last time I was here:The doctor gave me a bare-bottom spanking over his knee and it got me so aroused! He took my temperature in my bottom and stimulated my private areas until I came... He was so powerful and dominating and he got me so excited before pushing his nice hard penis into my tight pussy and asshole.I was really nervous and excited about my second appointment. Just thinking...

2 years ago
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Her Dominant Boss

Sandra was in love with her boss.  Well, if she wasn’t in love with him, she was definitely in lust with him.  She looked across the desk at Jon Willingdon: she was his personal assistant.  They were in their daily morning meeting, where he outlined all he required of her to do for the day.  She was taking notes but was also checking him out.  He was six feet, two inches with broad shoulders, strong arms, and a narrow waist.  She knew that he worked out often, as he used the company gym.  He...

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An Angels Fix Pt 07

Jasmine was toying with the pendant at Ashley’s throat, just as Ashley was toying with the matching one at Jasmine’s. They were coming down from their highs after grinding on each other’s legs. Joe was asleep on the other side of the bed, a side effect from the long day, and also Ashley’s ability to satiate him quickly after they came home. ‘Does it bother you that we do this so soon after that gorgeous Mass?’ Jasmine asked after kissing Ashley’s shoulder. Ashley looked over at her, amazed...

2 years ago
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Just A Girl

"Just A Girl" by Katie Risita My name is Frank. OK, it WAS Frank, until recently, when things...changed. Now, more often than not, I answer to Katie. I know, I know. Yes, I am a guy, technically, but, well...to explain, it's gonna take a story, a loooong story...but not a boring one, I promise! I am a 33-year-old white male from Long Island, New York. I have always been overweight, unattractive, short, and very insecure, especially about my looks and desirability to the...

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Wifes horny boss

Last year my wife got a new boss, a lady by the name of Kathryn who is 55, divorced and has a daughter at University.The first time I met her I was soon undressing her in my mind and with my eyes. She has a great figure and keeps herself quite fit and she dresses immaculately.Every now and then she has invited us over to her large house for dinner and we have been treated to some fabulous meals. These times have also given me opportunities to find out more about Kathryn and also what she wears...

2 years ago
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In the Locker Room

They had just won their final game of the season and were headed to state at the end of the month. Joey and Tyler, generally called Gainer by his teammates, were still in the locker room after the game after everyone else had left. They were catching a ride together, but it was cold and snowing outside, so they had decided to wait inside. Gainer checked his phone and read the text that had just come in: Sorry, will be late, roads are bad. Mom Well, it looks like well be here a while, dude,...

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