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Chapter 5 Nine AM found Brenda in the offices of Universal Modeling Agency wearing her charcoal gray suit with a knee length skirt, charcoal panty hose and black pumps with four-inch heels. Her makeup was perfect as was her now almost shoulder length hair. "May I help you?" asked the very pregnant receptionist. "I'm here to interview for the job opening," responded Brenda. "Oh, could you please fill out this paperwork and when you are done Miss Benson will interview you." "Thank you," Brenda said as she took the clipboard from the girl. Brenda finished filling out the employment form and handed it back to the girl. She picked up the phone and spoke into it, "Miss Benson, I have a girl interviewing for my job, should I send her in? Miss Benson will see you now, her office is through that door." Brenda entered the office and said, "Hello Miss Benson, I'm Brenda Watson and I'm interviewing for the job opening you have listed." Brenda was stunned by Melissa Benson's good looks, she could see why Miss Benson didn't want to give up modeling, she was beautiful. "I'm pleased to meet you Miss Watson, please be seated," Melissa said. The interview continued with all the usual questions and then Melissa said, "The job is yours if you want it. You will find that it is a little different from most jobs though, in that we work different hours with many being late at night, with shows and parties to attend. If you would like to think about it, I'll understand but I'll need to know of your decision within the next two days so we can find someone else if you decide you don't want the job. We need time to train our new employee." "I'll take the job, it sounds exciting, and I can't wait to start." "I like that, a girl who can make quick decisions, we'll see you in the morning Brenda." "Thank you Miss Benson." "Call me Melissa, we're very informal around here." Brenda left the agency and returned to her apartment and called her contact at the FBI. "FBI." "May I have Bill Cline please?" Brenda asked. "Who may I say is calling?" "Brenda Watson." The phone clicked as the call was transferred. "Bill Cline." "Hello Bill, I'm Brenda Watson. I was sent here for an assignment to uncover a drug deal at Universal Modeling, and you're my contact. I'm sure you were contacted by the Washington office." "So, we're finally going to started with this thing. They contacted me three months ago and I wondered when we were going to start. Have you had contact with Universal yet?" Bill asked. "Yes, in fact they just hired me to start working for them, tomorrow's my first day." "Wow, that's good luck, just be careful, this group isn't one to fool around with, so watch your back. I understand there are two of you working this job, who's the other girl?" "Tiffany Rollins, but she won't be here until next week. I'm sure I won't find anything of interest for a while but when I do I'll be calling." "Thanks Brenda, I'm looking forward to your call, when ever that might be." Bill said. "Bye Bill." "Goodbye Brenda." Brenda lowered the phone and wondered if this job was going to be as much fun as she thought it would be. Here she was, a man dressed as a woman having to worry about what to wear to work, having to be careful not to be discovered by her employer as an agent, her body was changing because of the hormones she was taking, becoming softer and weaker and the thing that was scaring her the most was the need to grow breasts. She shouldn't feel this way, after all she was a man, but when she felt the tightness of her skin as she began to swell, she wanted more, almost like a drug, she had to have breasts. What should I wear tomorrow, she wondered, I have to make an impression, God I wish Jenny was here to help me. Brenda's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Hello, who is it?" she asked. "It's Annie sweetheart, I know you haven't eaten yet and was wondering if you would like to come and eat with me?" Brenda could hear her stomach growl and since she didn't know of anyplace to eat she responded, "I'd love to." She went to open the door and opened it for Annie to enter. "I'm trying to find something to wear, I start my new job tomorrow, I'm so excited," Brenda exclaimed. "You got the job, that's wonderful, where is it?" Annie asked. "In Manhattan at a modeling agency, I'm going to be the new receptionist." "You should be a model, you're so cute." "You think?" "Of course, you wait, I bet they'll ask you to be a model." "I'm not tall enough and I'm too fat." "My goodness dear you're not fat at all, look at me, I should lose twenty pounds." "I'm fat compared to the models, they're all skin and bone. I don't know how they do it." "Well, come on now, dinner will get cold." "Okay Annie, and besides, I'm famished, I haven't eaten all day." "You should eat something, starving yourself isn't good for you, you'll get sick." "Yes mom," Brenda giggled. "I'm sorry, I'm so used to saying the same thing to my boys that I just forgot that I shouldn't intrude like that." "Annie, I don't mind, I think it's sweet that you would care." Brenda hadn't eaten a home cooked meal in months an when Annie opened her front door Brenda's mouth watered as she smelled the stew Annie had cooked that day. "Annie that smells so good, what is it?" "Just a simple stew dear, now sit down and relax and I'll serve you." "Thank you," Brenda said as Annie placed a plate of the delicious meal in front of her. "Have you decided what to wear tomorrow?" "No not yet, I was hoping you might help me later." "I would be happy to, I missed having a daughter and helping you will be like having one." "Annie, this is the best stew I've ever eaten, you'll have to give me the recipe." "Only if you tell me how you keep so slim," Annie giggled. "It's easy, I just watch what I eat and how much. I would love to have seconds but I know if I do it will go right to my hips. Let me help you wash the dishes, it's the least I can do." "Don't be silly girl, I'll do that after we find something for you to wear tomorrow. Come on, this is fun for me too, let's see what you have." Brenda led Annie to her apartment and the search began. Brenda felt as though she was doing a modeling session by the time she had tried on her seventh outfit. She was enjoying the bonding that was taking place between her and Annie, she was becoming very much the young woman she was portraying. "Brenda, I think you should wear that navy blue suit with the matching skirt and pink blouse. Wear your black heels and nude pantyhose. You will look like a conservative businesswoman that's just a little flirty, perfect for the first day on the job. After you are there for a while and see what everyone else wears you can be a bit more casual but not too much so. People like to see a well dressed woman when they enter a business and the way some of the young girls dress these days I have to wonder what their mother's taught them. Go draw yourself a bath and relax, tomorrow will come soon enough, goodnight Brenda." "Goodnight Annie and thank you so much for all you've done, I'll see you tomorrow after I get off of work." Annie left and Brenda hung her clothes and drew her bath. Annie was right, a bath was the perfect end to the perfect day. Brenda set her alarm for 5AM so she would have time to dress and do her hair and makeup, she wanted to be perfect for her first day on the job. The alarm sounded exactly at 5. "Argh," was the sound that came from Brenda's mouth as she rolled over and hit the snooze button. Nine minutes later it buzzed again and she finally realized that she had to get to work. No more sleeping in for our girl, it was time to impress. Three hours later Brenda walked into her new employer's offices. Brenda's stomach was doing flip-flops as she advanced to the reception desk. "Hi, I'm Brenda Watson and I'm to start a new job here today." "Well at least you're early, I'm Cheryl and you're taking my place. I'm so happy they finally found someone to replace me, I'm having my baby in two weeks and I feel as though I'm going to explode. It's so uncomfortable sitting all day and answering phones. Come over here and sit on this chair, I have some forms for you to fill out and then I can train you, come on don't be shy," Cheryl said. Brenda liked Cheryl right off, her conversation was straight forward but nice and she didn't mince words. Cheryl handed Brenda the tax forms and the emergency information forms from a folder that had Brenda's name on it, Cheryl was very efficient, Brenda only hoped she would be as good as Cheryl. It would be a shame if she were to screw up Cheryl's position even though she was here to observe the coming and going of possible drug dealers. Brenda took the pen and forms and filled them out and returned them to Cheryl. "Thanks Brenda, now this is how we work the phone system. All the names are on this list and all you have to do is answer the phone with a pleasant greeting, get the person's name and announce to who ever they wish to speak to that they are on the line. Every once in a while the person might not want to speak to them so you will have to make up a fib and tell them that the person is busy. I know this will look hard at first, believe me it scared the life out of me the first time I saw the phone, but it really is easy, watch what I do and then I'll have you answer the phones." Brenda watched as Cheryl answered the phone and when she finished she handed the ear and mouth piece to Brenda and said, "Its all yours girl friend." Brenda took the phone pieces and slipped them over her ear and in front of her mouth. Her first call wouldn't be long in coming. The phone rang with the standard office tone. "Universal modeling, good morning," Brenda said as a greeting. "Cheryl? You're not Cheryl, oh my God, did she have the baby?" "No, Cheryl's training me, I'm Brenda, Cheryl's replacement. Would you like to speak to her?" "Yes, tell her Jackie is on the line." "Please hold. Cheryl, there's a woman named Jackie calling for you, do you want to take the call?" "Sure, Jackie's my best friend, I'll take it over there on extension 43." Brenda transferred the call to Cheryl and then studied the list of extensions so she would be prepared for the next calls. The day seemed to go by swiftly with all the new things Brenda had to learn. It was hard for her to try to remember all her duties and watch what might be pertinent to the investigation that was the reason for her being here in the first place. Many people seemed to come and go, models, agents and various other people. Cheryl introduced Brenda to most of the people and explained who they were. Brenda took mental notes as to who ever seemed to catch her interest. One such person was Ron Strange the building engineer. Cheryl had stated that Ron spent a lot of time on their floor using an excuse that he was servicing an item almost everyday. "I think he just wants to see the models, what a pervert. He should just ask one out and be done with it," Cheryl said. "Doesn't Melissa complain that he comes here everyday?" "She doesn't seem to mind, maybe she likes him." Brenda made note of that fact, she wanted Ron checked out by the FBI. Brenda finished her day and was dog-tired, all she wanted was to get some rest. She couldn't wait for Dirk to start at the agency to give her a break even though she had been on the job for only one day. Trying to investigate and be a girl at the same time was a chore Brenda wanted to share with her best friend. When Brenda arrived home Annie was waiting. "How was your first day Brenda?" she asked. Annie barely knew Brenda and yet she felt like a mother to her, there was something sweet and innocent about Brenda that made Annie want to protect her. She seemed to have never experienced life, which she hadn't, at least as a girl. "It went well Annie, the phones were confusing at first but I got used to them. I think this job might be fun." "Did you eat dear?" "Not yet, I'll fix something for myself later." "I made some soup today and I'm having it with a little salad, I have to watch my figure you know, why don't you join me, I'd love to have the company." "Let me change first and I'll be right down." Brenda liked being with Annie and the interaction that took place when she was with her. It made her feel more like a woman and it was a good learning experience for her. Brenda was becoming more of a woman each minute she spent with Annie. The next day went smoother as Brenda became used to the phones. Ron came by as usual as did many clients of Universal. Brenda wanted to take names but she was just too busy answering the phone. Brenda heard the door bang open as the UPS deliveryman entered, pushing a hand truck. "Whoa. I think I just died and went to heaven," he said, as he looked at Brenda. "God Mario, if I hear that line one more time, I'm going to scream," stated Cheryl. "Brenda this is Mario, our UPS guy and dreamboat of the female world, not!" Cheryl giggled. "Mario, meet Brenda, she's taking my place while I have the baby and I want you to leave her alone." "God Cheryl, your such a stick in the mud. I know you're just jealous because I'm casting you aside for Brenda," Mario teased. "In your dreams macho-man," Cheryl responded. Mario handed his signature board to Brenda to sign and asked, "Maybe we can have lunch someday?" "Maybe," she responded as she blushed brightly. "I'll see you tomorrow Brenda, and thanks Cheryl," Mario said as he left. "I think he likes you Brenda, be careful, Mario's such a tease." Brenda was at a loss for words, this guy was flirting with her and what was worse she liked it, Brenda's femininity was winning over her caution toward men, she had to gain better control of herself or her secret might be discovered. The week continued pretty much the same. Ron was in and out of the office everyday and Mario flirted a little more each day. Brenda had pretty much settled into her routine and was able to observe the visitors a little more closely. She started writing down names to present to the FBI for investigation and found that she had accumulated twenty-three of them. This might take a little longer than she expected, a couple of weeks in and out wasn't going to happen.

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Abby grabbed my hard cock and swung her right leg over my body and lowered herself toward my erection. She guided it to her entrance with her one good hand. When she got me there, she sank down and in a single stroke took me in. She sighed and closed her eyes as she came to rest. I was fully in her. There was a broad smile on her face and a look of satisfaction as she sat there. A shiver ran through her body. That was the last thing I saw for a while as Amber had moved up and now positioned...

1 year ago
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Sex with cousin8217s sister in law

Hi I am Hemant here, I am 28 yrs, 5’9″ inches male with a good physique & a very strong sex drive & I have a 7″ inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex just like I do. I love oral sex and lot of foreplay. I like ladies who r a little more than handful and mouthful with big boobs and big butts. Though initially I was hesitant to pen my story, but after reading other stories. This story is about my MINI, my wife’s elder cousin sister. This happened about two years...

3 years ago
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LOVE HIM Hung Like A Bull Chapter 2

L h O i V m E-Chapter 2 Hung Like A Bull-On my way to the ranch the next morning Cody’s email played over in my mind like the flashing white lines reflected in the hubcaps. Every mile marker I passed became a metaphor for the all the steps it’s taken me to get this amazing guy into my life. I beat myself up wondered why in the hell it’s taken me so long to get serious with him? In my eyes he was perfect, his shy smile melted my heart, his perfect bubble butt I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off...

1 year ago
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I ordered a Chastity Cage for my Hubby

I decided that I needed to move my husband forward with regard to the chastity device. I wanted him to get into it so that I could control him with it. We ordered a metal chastity cage over the weekend, with me telling him that it was just a bit of fun, for a few days running up to the weekend, to get him really horny, then we could have great sex.It arrived Wednesday, during the day, but when I got home he didn't mention it. I'd had a text confirming the delivery time, so I knew we had it in...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 53

Before I had a chance to react, Steve stepped between me and the Speaker. When they locked eyes, I saw the Speaker reach into his coat and pull something free. Steve's hand lashed out, even as his subordinates sprang into action. The Speaker found his arm held tightly by the Director of the Secret Service, as other agents placed themselves in position to defend me. The Speaker removed his hand from his coat and was relieved of a snub-nosed revolver. He stared at me with utter hatred in his...

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Surfside chapter four

Chery left for work at the real estate firm and Kevin left shortly after for work. He worked as a clerk in a video and music store. It didn't pay all that well but the work was pretty easy and it paid for his meager needs. Mrs. Estevez greeted him with a warm, hello! when he arrived at work. She and her husband were the owners. They had been in business for about a year and a half and the business was growing quite rapidly. She had hired him right away and he could tell from the way that...

2 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

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The Temptation of GheeranChapter 4 Death and Betrayal

The mansion glowed. Not only were there lanterns everywhere, but the owner had gone so far as to have magical lights summoned to the house’s window sills, bathing the whole structure in a swirling rainbow of ethereal hues. The large, round flower bed in the driveway seemed like one single pool of fire, made from hundreds of candles planted onto the frozen earth. When we exited the coach, I could hear soft string music, wafting from the open doorway. And guarding said doorway were ......

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The Pub Toilet

Well after lounging in the garden for the afternoon in the hot sunshine, I think it would be nice to head off to the local pub for a nice evening drink. We get ready to go out, I decide to wear a short skirt, buttoned at the front and a low cut top as the evening is warm. We have a nice long deep kiss and cuddle before walking out the door. We slowly walk to the pub and sit down at a table next to each other. Just sitting there next to you is turning me on so much, smelling your so lickable...

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Wilfully Disobedient

Karen still couldn’t quite believe it.   Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt.   Three times she had been to bed with him.   And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling.   There was no question about it……Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with.   Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but nevertheless,...

2 years ago
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I wanna Zebra

I wanna Zebra Just some funny idea I came up and carried around in my head for a while - after a holiday trip to the beautiful country of Namibia. Jeff likes zebras and so does his mom. So no wonder he tries to surprise her with one. But guess who is surprised the most... ************************************************************************* 'This must have been the best day ever!' Jeff thought. Jeff's 14th birthday and he had spent it with his mom at the city's zoo. His mom...

2 years ago
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A Weekend On The Boat

Rhett and I started a new routine. One night we spent the night at my place, and the other at his. We woke up before dawn for a nice session of steamy sex, then we went for our walk on the beach, then went back to have breakfast on the porch. We usually spent the morning on the beach until about eleven, chatting, swimming, reading, napping. Then we went back to my place for lunch. After lunch we liked to take a nap accompanied with some good sex; not always though.In the afternoon we usually...

3 years ago
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Sperm DonationChapter 8

Jack woke up the next morning to find Lorie still sleeping beside him. Ever since Jack had answered the sperm donor ad his life had been getting more interesting and fun with each passing day. Jack found himself wondering what today would bring, and if he would receive another call into the clinic. If that were to happen he wondered what Lorie would decide to do while he was there. Jack got out of bed and went into the bathroom, taking care of business and then going into the shower, leaving...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 257

In their bedroom, dressed in pajamas, the girls flopped into bed. Terry grabbed the remote and dialed the lights down, then turned to her sister. "Arlene said that we wouldn't have any more periods until Little One turns them on for us again. Boy, I can sure live with that." Alice got a look on her face and responded, "Well, as you know, I've only had one, but it sure was icky – not to say anything about worrying if I were bleeding to death. If that's what it takes to be a woman, I...

2 years ago
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Sexting With My Mallu Junior Anita In Chennai

Hi all, I have been a reader of ISS for quite some time and I thought I’ll also share my stories with you people. To start with, my name is Mathew and am 28 years old from Kerala. I am going to share with you the incident that happened between me and my junior Anita when I was doing my degree in Chennai. So this happened back in 2010 when I was doing my degree 2nd year in Chennai. I used to stay in a flat with my classmate Madan, who was from Chennai. One day he showed me a pic of one of our...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 94

Sandra and her dad didn't speak with each other during the drive to her school. Sandra didn't show it to her dad, but she was troubled about herself. After all that she had done this morning, she was still feeling as horny as hell. And the worst part of it all, while she did feel troubled about it, she also liked it a lot. Charles wasn't sure what was going on with his daughter, but even he could see how turned on she was. It made him wonder what had happened to her earlier this morning....

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Whitney Wright 22559

Prepare to get messy! Those are baking guru Whitney Wright’s words as she teaches Johnny the art of the craft, as he wants to prepare his wife a fabulous batch of surprise cupcakes for their anniversary. They start by tossing flour all over the counter, but things get really messy when Whitney catches Johnny with a big boner in his pants! She hops up on the counter and rolls her fat, big ass in flour, alluring Johnny to peel off her thong to reveal her wet spot. After Whitney deepthroats...

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Keichi Tales Young Dumb Full of Cum 1

“Tch! He said he would be back in ten minutes and I know my Keitaro needs some Alpha lovin’~” Yoichi’s cocky smirk showed off his pronounced canines as a few hairs of his purple bush peeked through the boxers as he gripped flaccid, if still quite long, cock and twirled it around twice as his violet eyes twinkled mischievously. He stepped closer to me and his husky voice dripped with lust. “Besides, you said last time ‘Whenever and wherever Alpha’, and I am here to collect~” “GAH! Y-Yoichi!...

3 years ago
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Mexican Vacation 2002

We got in the room, I took her by the hand and we went on the balcony to see the view and started watching the people below, we started kissing and hugging, I had my hands on Dianne's ass, Dianne grabbed my cock and asked me "Do you want me?" I then said "Right here on the balcony?" Diane replied "Yes, I do if you want, come on it'll be erotic, come on know one knows us here!" I said "I love you!" I then removed her sarong and we continued kissing each other and we both started...

4 years ago
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The New Pet Part 2

Rocco finished his whiskey and watched the ladies nursing their glasses of wine. The three of them had retired into the living room and sat down to relax with a couple of drinks. Sarah and Jolene sat on the sofa across from Rocco. Sarah was still naked. Jolene was wearing her jumper dress without panties and she had been flashing Rocco quite often the entire evening through dinner and drinks.His cock twitched every time Jolene caught him staring at Sarah. Each time, she winked and spread her...

1 year ago
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Dead StickChapter 4

Tyrome awoke a few hours later, feeling Cloe snuggle closer startled him a moment 'til the day before came flooding back into his mind. Getting up he had to get ready for another day of training with these young enforcer wannabes. Sighing it was going to be a long day today he was hoping the training they had done yesterday had strenghtened them up some, if not then they'd work on it more, Funny thing not many knew of the exercises to increase power, hell it seemed like something he'd have...

3 years ago
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Lingerie Marketing 8211 1

This is an incident that happened to me a few months back. I am Santhi Prakash, a 32-year-old married woman, mother of a 4 year daughter and I have been married for the last 6 years and I stay at Chennai. Basically I am commerce graduate and working as cashier in a private company. My husband is working as an admin personnel in a company at Bangalore, as he got transferred there about a year back. Once in a month or so, he used to come home. Since my daughter is studying in a kinder garden...

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Invitro wsrinlaw part 1

I’ve been happily married for several years to my wife Tracy and have a great sex life. My wife’s younger s****r Sara has always been someone who I’ve lusted after. While her breasts are slightly larger than my wife’s, her ass cheeks while nicely shaped, they are longer. This means over the years when we swim together at f****y outings more cheek comes out of the suit. Being an ass freak this made me consistently log images of her ass to the masturbation Rolodex in my mind! Never in my...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kendra Spade Creampie Angel

Beautiful brunette Kendra Spade sways, showing off her plump booty in skimpy lingerie. Aggressive stud Markus Dupree stuffs his throbbing cock between her salivating lips, and she gives him a gagging blowjob. He fucks her pussy doggie-style, making her moan in orgasmic heat. Markus switches holes, his thick prick filling her rectum. He slips his fingers inside her sphincter, making her cunt ejaculate girl squirt! Kendra sucks his meat ass-to-mouth and then parks her ass on his boner for an...

3 years ago
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Caring Doctor

That morning I woke up to a weird sensation. My penis felt bigger, but it didn’t turn out like the dream-come-true many guys hope for; on the contrary, I sensed that my limp dick was unable to extend and get hard. Pushing the covers aside, I pulled down my pyjamas to take a look and saw that my cock definitely had an unusual shape: the foreskin had swollen, covering the head with an awful amount of skin. I’m uncut, so having the head covered was not strange, but it had never looked like this....

Gay Male
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Freshman Spring Break

(episode 6)Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...

College Sex
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One night with an old flame

It was late, Anastasia had needed somewhere to stay for her interview at some company in the city, I didn’t really understand what the company did. Eleanor was out at Janine’s so we had the flat to ourselves. We were sitting on the sofa recounting our memories of strange things at the School, to much laughter from us both. ‘And then he ended up getting away with it didn’t he’ she cackled. ‘God I cannot believe they let him off’ I mused. ‘You know Max’ she said after a moments silence. ‘Probably...

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