Professor Prick 20 free porn video

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Happy Ever After I awoke the next morning with a large hangover and an even larger portion of guilt heavy on my brain. What the fuck was I thinking about last night, could I tell Eddie, would it ruin us, could I keep it a secret, was that fair my mind was reeling. I dressed and took a taxi over to the house the car park was quiet as I arrived Ryan was sitting reading his paper in his car as we pulled up, he got out. "Where you been, what happened to your face?" he asked pointing to the plaster. "I'm sorry, I slipped last night and fell coming out of the shop and stayed at my Mum's last night and overslept this morning." "No hassle, Rachel's gone to get us a bacon sandwich." I opened the door and stepped inside Ryan following me walking into the lounge I picked up the key's to the shop and handed them to him. "Look, do you think you can manage without me today, there's a bit of a problem at Mum's," I lied. "Sure no sweat, I'll just put the key's through the letter box at closing is that ok?" "Yeah that will be great, just put the takings in the safe I'll count it tomorrow Ryan, I'll see you tomorrow," I said as he turned and left. I went upstairs and took some fresh clothes from the dresser and was back downstairs in a few minutes, noticing the light flashing on the answer machine I pressed the button nervously and listened to the message, it was Eddie. "Where are you babes, the interview went well yesterday high hopes for that one give me a call, love you." Guilt racked me as I heard the message rewind. Outside I climbed into the car waving to Rachel as she approached carrying Ryan's and her breakfast, reversing out I drove back to mum's. "You're back?" mum asked as I opened the kitchen door and went in. "Yeah, just thought I'd take a day off and give you a hand, that ok?" I lied. "Yeah, that's fine, in fact you can look after Mel and I'll go and get some groceries for the weekend." "Ok where is she?" I enquired. "She's in the lounge in her buggy, sleeping," she replied as she headed of to get changed. I went through and wheeled her back to the kitchen leaving the back door open so I could watch and hear her I stepped outside and lit a cigarette, what should I do should I tell Eddie about Gordy and Derek or should I keep quite, inhaling the menthol smoke into my mouth I could feel some tears welling up I may well have fucked this up if I tell but could I live with the secret if I didn't. I called Carol. "What was all that about last night?" she asked. I went on to tell her all that had happened. "What you think I should do?" I asked. "Well if I was you I would own up, nothing really happened and I've never seen a guy in love with someone the way Eddie is with you." "Yeah I know, but I'm scared I'll lose him," I sobbed. "Well it's your call but I've told you what I would do, your choice." "Thanks, see you soon," I said as I hung up the receiver. The rest of the day passed slowly finally I got to speak to Eddie after he returned to his hotel after the interview he had been impressed with the final company and expected offers from all three to take over development and production of his idea, he was on a high and I was guilty as I might be about to bring his high to a crashing fall. I left Mum's early on Saturday morning and returned to the shop in time to cash up do the books and have the till ready for the morning. Midday I left to go pick up Eddie from the airport. As he exited Arrivals I hugged him and he held me tightly. "I missed you, you should have come." "Yeah I wish I had I replied, let's get your bags," I said taking his hand and heading towards Baggage Reclaim. The drive home was full of Eddie telling me about London the interviews what they had asked what they were interested in and how he felt they were certain to make an offer. "You're quite?" he asked stopping his flowing conversation. "I was just listening, your really are excited about this?" He reached over and squeezed my arm. "It's almost the most exciting moment in my life, but only almost, marrying you was the most exiting," he said stretching over and placing a kiss on my cheek. I pulled into the car park and switched of the engine. We got out "I'm going to unpack," he said. "Ok I'm going to see how the shop is going," as we parted and headed in different directions. I finished off about 5pm and returned home Eddie was fast asleep on the couch; I noticed a message on the answer phone and played it back. "Nikki its Mum bring Eddie over for dinner tonight, see you about seven." I went over and gently woke him. "Hey sleepy head, mum wants us over for dinner tonight, better get ready were due at seven," I said kissing him on the forehead and heading upstairs to take a shower. By the time I came out Eddie was dressed and ready I slipped on a white lacy bra and panty set and some tan shiny tights, a denim knee length skirt and a yellow blouse with matching yellow three inch heeled shoes. Fixing my make up I applied green and yellow eye shadow a light touch of mascara and eyeliner and some pale almost skin tone lipstick. Picking up my bag I headed downstairs and hand in hand we headed to the car. Dinner was great Eddie impressed Mum and Robert with tales of the interview while I washed up and played with Mel till she dropped off and mum took her upstairs to bed. Eddie and Robert shared a couple of beers in the living room while me and mum went out into the conservatory for a cigarette, I closed the door behind her and opening my bag took out my ciggies and offered her one we both lit up, "You've been strange for the last couple of days," she enquired. "Thing's on my mind," I said. "Like what you know you can always talk to me," she responded. "It's just Carol has upset me a bit her situation and that," I lied. "No there's more too it than that Nikki," she said tapping some ash from her cigarette in the ashtray and taking another drag on it. My eyes began to fill up and she noticed a slight tear. "Nikki what is it, are you crying?" Tears began to tumble as I wiped them away. She walked over sat down hugging me too her, the story already bubbling out of me. Finished she looked at me sternly. "And that's all that happened?" she said. "Is that not enough, nearly raped and then I snog and feel up another guy," I said in surprise. "Well the first one is not your fault and the second, well at least you stopped it, yeah but part of me wanted it to happen." "I know dear. but you said yourself you were feeling a bit left neglected, now don't think I'm condoning it but thing's like this can happen. Let me tell you a story. Years ago before your father left and before he started messing around I was at a Christmas Party with the office, at the time me and your dad were arguing a lot over money you were about four and we were a bit broke he was out of work and we were struggling, well at the party another married guy I worked with me came on to me at first I ignored it but that night at the party thing's got out of hand, we ended up in a store cupboard in the office kissing and feeling each other up his hand inside my pants you know what I mean, anyway like you I pulled out at the last minute, who knows maybe I should just have let it happen because we all know what happened a few years later but no I stopped it." I looked at her in surprise taking a draw from my cigarette and blowing out a white plume of smoke. "Can I ask you mum did you tell dad about it?" "Yeah I did maybe that was part of his excuse when he started having it off with his workmate but I never went that far I stopped it before it got too far," she said. "So you're saying I should tell Eddie?" I asked. "Well it's your decision but I know one thing you'll feel better for it if you do. Now go and fix your make up before the guys wonder what were doing," she said grinding out her cigarette. Back home later that night I fixed myself a gin and tonic and sat with a cigarette while Eddie checked out the shops and workshop for security. "Ready for bed babes?" he said when he returned with that familiar look in his eye. "Eh can I have another drink?" I asked handing him my glass he took it and went over to the mini bar, fixing one for himself he returned with the two glasses and sat beside me. "Eddie you know how you said I was quiet, well I need to tell you something," taking a gulp for my drink I started, five minutes later with tear streaming from my eye's once more I waited for a response. "Eeeddie wht are you finking?" I said through sobs. "I can't believe after everything we've been through you could let that happen," he said. "I need some air," he said rising. "Eddie please come back talk to me," I said as he left the room and I could here the front door close. I put down my glass and ran upstairs falling on our bed the sobbing started again racking my already sore ribs as I cried. Some time later I heard the front door open and close but no footsteps came up the stairs, I got up and changed for bed slipping under the covers I waited in time sleep came but no Eddie. The next morning I got up and the house was empty Eddie had obviously made himself some toast and coffee and left. I looked outside the car was gone. I phoned mum blabbering down the phone that he's left me, she trying to reassure me all the time that he just needed time me near hysteria she hung up and drove over bringing Mel with her. "Did you tell Robert?" I asked. "No not yet," she said sitting by me as we smoked a cigarette. "He will come back Nikki both of you have too much wrapped up in this relationship to throw it away now," she said. "But he might want to end it here," I sobbed. "You love each other too much to let a silly thing like the other night ruin it all, ok it was stupid off you and not to mention dangerous, but he knows you care about him look how far you have come for him," she said. We sat around me silent and tearful while mum tidied up and Mel slept blissfully unaware of any crisis in the family. Around four the front door opened and Eddie walked in. "Can me and Nikki have some time alone?" he asked looking at mum. She nodded and picked up Mel, kissing me on the forehead she said, "Ring me." "I will thanks," I said through a stomach that was in knots as she left. Eddie sat down across from me. "Where did you go?" I asked breaking the ice. "Just drove around, parked in some park, sat around thinking," he replied. I looked at the floor in a nervous guilty way. "Nikki, I don't know what possessed you the other night, Gordy well that's to be expected, but this other guy." "I know, I don't know what I was thinking maybe it was the shock maybe the alcohol, I don't know I just wish I could take it all back, but I can't," I said in a trembling voice. "Well I think we've both come too far to go back now, I'm disappointed and hurt but I'll get over it, so do you want to give it another go," the answer was in my reaction as I leapt on him and the tears flowed as I continually said "Yes oh yes oh yes.," .......... A week later and we had three offers from the companies that Eddie had been to see the German firm were offering a sizeable amount of money with bonuses on sales the American and Australian firms were offering a good payment as well but in addition they were offering Eddie a place in their company if we moved abroad. So one quiet Sunday afternoon we sat down to consider our options. Eddie had always been leased impressed by the German company so we almost ruled them out straight away although they did not want us to move. I saw by Eddie's initial reaction that the thought of a brand new start away from here was favourite in his mind and given that Gordy had found us recently and seemed to continue to want to make our lives hell the offer to move kind of appealed to me as well. "So what do you think Australia or America?" he asked. "I don't know really there's hardly any difference in the money so either seems attractive to me," I replied. "Ok then close your eyes," he said. "What?" "Close your eyes," he repeated so I did. I could here him moving towards me. "Reach out and pick one," he said. I moved my hand forward and found his leg. "Up a bit." I brushed paper then another bit. "Pick," he said. My hand moved right and took the piece of paper out of his left hand. "Open them then, where are we going." I opened my eyes and opened the paper, it was headed Univar. "We're going to America," I said as we both hugged at the thought of our new life. The next morning me and Eddie left Ryan and Rachel in charge and went round to see Mum. Obviously she had been aware of Eddie going to these interviews but not off the offers that we had been made by luck Robert was off work ill so both were at home as we parked the car and strolled up the path hand in hand. "Hey you two, what you doing here bright and early in the morning, who's watching the shop?" she asked. "Ryan and Rachel are looking after i, they'll be fine, can we talk to you and Robert?" I asked. A worried look appeared on her face. "It's ok it's not bad," I replied. "Ok I'll just get him," she went to the bottom of the stairs and called on Robert who appeared in his dressing gown still a bit the worse for wear with the flu that had laid him low. We sat on the settee hand in hand while I began to explain about the interviews and offers "so I said we've decided to go with the American company," I said. "Oh that's wonderful, did you get a large payment?" she asked exited by the news. Eddie took over. "Well the money's good, but there's one other detail, I've been offered a post in America with it and we're going to take it." Silence descended on the room as what he had just said sunk in to the assembled group, then tears. "You, you're going to America," mum started in a broken tone. "Yeah," I nodded, she rose crossing the room to me. "But what am I going to do without you?" she said. "It's a once in a lifetime offer, it's too good to miss," I said as she hugged me wet tears splashing on to my cheeks, silence descended again and it was some time before the crying stopped and the silence was broken. The next few months were chaos Eddie had to fly to the States twice to tie up the details. On his first visit he returned with some house brochures for us to look at although the job included an apartment in Sacramento most employees lived outside the city and commuted to work. Eventually we decided on a bay side house on San Pablo Bay which was around 80 miles out of Sacramento and gave Eddie the option of travelling or staying over at the town house should he wish. Details were ironed out during his second visit and we became owners of the property, issues around my passport were also ironed out as it still showed male but this was smoothed over by the company only two people the Managing Director and his secretary were aware of my old gender. While Eddie was in the US I was busy this side of the water arranging the sale of the house and business. The businesses went first as a going concern which I was happy about Ryan and Rachel were now living together so I would have hated to see them lose their jobs. The house went soon after, so by late August with Eddie still in the US I had moved in with Carol to see her through the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Mum was distraught and cried a lot, but inside I knew she was excited for me. A date was set for us to finally leave the UK in mid October so I just hoped that Carol would deliver in time. One early morning two weeks ahead of schedule Carol woke me up her waters had broken ensuing chaos and panic ruled for the next five minutes which seemed like an hour as I grabbed her bag and other personal items and shuffled her out the door and into the car. Three hours later a healthy young lady called Stacy was brought into the world and the look on her mother's face showed that she had no regrets in deciding to continue with the pregnancy and she was now a happy single mother of a bouncing baby girl. Two weeks later it was a solemn but exited bunch of people who gathered at the airport. Mum, Robert, Melanie and Carol with Stacy all stood around with me as I waited for the flight to be called. Mum and Carol with tissues in hand anticipating the tears in a short while. "You got everything?" mum asked. "Passport, money." "Yes mum, I've already checked three times," I replied. The public address system opened up. "American Airlines Flight 53 to Chicago is now ready for boarding." I stopped and turned. "That's me," I said a tremble in my voice. Mum moved forward the tears began. "You take care Nikki, I love you so much and I'm going to miss you so much," she said both of us now sobbing freely. The hug seemed to go on for ever then it broke Robert moved forward. "You take care now daughter," he said. It was the first time he had said that and the tears were freely flowing again and I could see mum from the corner of my eye still crying at will. Last but by no means least came Carol. "You jammy bitch," she said through tears, "Wish it was me, I'm going to miss you. Say hi to Eddie for me." We broke as the announcement sounded again. "You'll come over and visit," I said. "You just stop me soon as Stacey's a bit older I'll be on the first flight out, put aside some nice American guys for me will you." I laughed. "Will do," I said lifting the handle of my cabin luggage and turning I walked towards the departure gate reaching the end of the queue I turned Mum was wrapped in Robert's arms waving and wiping away tears at the same time as Carol held up Stacey and waved I handed over my passport and moved through the gate to a new life. ........... I drained the last of the white wine and stood up, taking one last draw from the Virginia Slim I crushed it out in the ashtray. Kicking of my white high heeled mules I stepped forward the tight white one piece bathing suit clinging to by body. My nipples hardening slightly as a slight breeze caught me it was cooling down ok I thought. I walked towards the pool my long tanned legs and arms shining in the sunlight as I reached the edge I flexed my arms my long sculptured nails painted a deep pink caught my eye as I dived forward and broke the water, surfacing I began to swim to the other side of the pool. That was five years ago now, two years after we got here I began pestering Eddie about children and finally he agreed to adopt. We saw several possibilities each one with a sad story to tell. I knew Eddie secretly had hoped to find a boy but when we were asked to look at a little girl called Kristina I knew that this would be the one. She had melted my heart from the minute I saw her but when the story of her parents and brothers death in a freeway accident was told I knew that would clinch it. So Kristina became ours and is now fully adjusted into our family, it was hard at first but she's now blooming. Reaching the end of the pool I kicked and started my swim back to where I had entered the water. Climbing out of the pool I picked up my towel and patted myself dry. What of home you may ask well I've been back a couple of times for a break once on my own and once with Kristina to introduce her to the family. Robert has got a contract with a company in Fort Bragg which is just up the coast for two years starting in November so Mum will be moving out with him so I'm naturally thrilled at that. Eddie bought a diner on the highway not far from here for me where I work part time and mum has promised to help me out to keep her busy. Carol, well Carol was true to her word and as soon as Stacey turned three she acme out to visit she arrived to spend Christmas with us just in time for the companies Christmas party. There she met Brett a Distribution Manager and although out to see us spent the whole second week with him in Sacramento. Eddie tells me that he calls her all the time and is going over to the UK on an Exchange visit to examine UK distribution with the intention of asking her to come back with him. I've talked to Carol lots on the phone and I know the answer to his question will be yes and I would not be surprised if she's on the same flight back with him or at least the one after that. I picked up my cigarettes and the slim gold lighter and the empty glass. Slipping on my shoes I clicked my way along the side of the pool and on to the path leading to the house. So what of the other's I hear you say. Well, Brian and Dave disappeared off the radar, they both took jobs down south and got married and had kids. We all know what happened to William with little regret. Angela was probably the most naturally beautiful of the group and always said she would bag a rich husband. She eventually captured a Premier League footballer but as his career hit the lower division she hit another mans bed and was last know to be living with someone who owned a couple of public houses. Andy eventually got Margo pregnant and moved in with her, his constant cheating with Tracey eventually caught up with him and so did his love for speed as he wrote of his car and himself in an accident two years ago. Margo has since moved on and has a new man in her life let's hope he's more trustworthy than Andy. Gordy well what did you expect really he had narrow scrapes with the law for a number of years fights, stealing, a number of things his luck eventually ran out after Lesley sensibly ditched him and he got into an argument after leaving a pub. His vicious assault on the other guy was the last straw and a four year prison sentence followed. Lastly Lesley, well her sense in dumping Gordy led to an upturn in her fortunes, Eddie apart I would say she was the most intelligent of the group and she had always been driven to have her own business. She started off with one salon in our home town and now has four across the region, she is very much the career woman married to a lawyer they are successful and comfortably off. I don't grudge any of that as I doubt that I would be standing here today had it not been for her idea, I owe her a lot and would probably thank her if I ever met her again. Climbing the stairs I reach our master bedroom and step inside to get dressed. Dressed in a lacy white see through blouse with a white bra underneath, a black pencil skirt with stockings and three inch heeled black velvet patent pumps, I pick up my evening dress in it's protective bag and my overnight bag. Eddie's company is hosting a reception tonight following a successful merger with another company in the US. Kristina is on a sleep over with one of her friend's tonight so I'm free to go out and party. I set the alarm and close the door hanging up the dress in the back of my four wheel drive SUV and put my overnight bag in the back. Looking at my watch it's just gone three so I've got time to spare as I reverse out of the drive and head for Sacramento. In the overnight bag is a sexy figure hugging white latex nurse's uniform with fishnet white stockings and six inch metal heeled leather stilettos which I got off the Internet recently. After the reception is over I plan to slip of into the bathroom of our flat and change into it, after all my husband has been working hard all week for our benefit and he deserves a treat, which I intend to deliver for the rest of the night. The End Nikki xxxxxx Author Note - Thanks to all my regular readers for support and kind words while this story was being written - Hugs and Kisses - Karin R

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Professor Prick 1

Professor Prick The Beginning It's been a nice day not too hot with a light breeze, as I recline back in a lilo a glass of white wine in one hand and a long white menthol cigarette in the other. I watch as the sun glints on the water in the swimming pool. The water gently, lapping against the side of the pool. My mind drifted back to just around 15 years ago when thing's were not as good as this and life was so different. Let me tell you about it............ My name was Craig...

3 years ago
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Professor Prick 3

A Damsel to the Rescue The week went quickly the second practice session at Margo's had gone well on Wednesday. The girls had dressed me and we had gone for a Burger at our local MacDonalds before having a walk around a local shopping centre, doing some window shopping. So with my confidence increased, I was more assured as Friday and my big night arrived. The plan was simple we all had to meet at the school around 7:30pm when the chess club ended around 8:00pm then we would wait...

2 years ago
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Professor Linskys Blow Job Papers

All the women in Professor Linsky's World Economics class knew that he was a lecherous pig. He would stare at them during his lectures admiring their bodies if they were lax enough to wear anything even remotely revealing to his class. They were sure that the wearing of his long black Lecture Robe as he stood in front of the students was to hide his erections. His smile was lewd when one of his female students posed an answer to his questions. His female students had heard rumors of his...

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Professor Tom Ch 03

Tom Smith was startled when he heard a young voice say, ‘You really didn’t think I would leave without saying goodbye, did you?’ He almost tripped when he spun around to see where the voice was coming from. He had just about opened his car door when the voice startled him. He saw Suzy walking towards him. He smiled and said, ‘My, you startled me! What are you doing out here? Do you park your car out in this lot too?’ ‘Are you kidding me? I don’t think you can park any farther away from...

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Professor Prick 4

Getting to Know Each Other I helped the Professor away from the group his hand clamped over his still bleeding nose while his other arm rested around my shoulders. We were about 500 yards away from the group. "Their not following lets get a seat in the park and we can clean up your nose," I said. "Ok," he mumbled in reply. We stumbled into the park and I led him over to one of the wooden benches easing him down as he clutched his side in pain. Opening my clutch bag I took out...

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Professor Tom Ch 07

Tom Smith nervously paced the front lobby of the office. He kept pulling at his tie, straightening it and adjusting his sleeves. He felt as if he was swimming in a pool of sweat. He glanced up at the receptionist. The receptionist kept giving him dirty looks. He was positive she had her hand on the phone just in case she needed to call security. He thought to himself, ‘Geez, they’re paranoid around here. Give me a break, I’m in a suit and tie, it’s not like I’m some thug that just dropped...

2 years ago
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Professor One Night Stand

The musky scent of whiskey and cigars clung to his heavy breath as Jolie encased his tongue in another one of her ravenous kisses. The bar was crowded and people were in their own worlds; minding their own business as this sex deprived couple created their own world too.  The man began to slur in his heavily intoxicated state, “Can we take this somewhere a little more…quite?” Jolie smile mischievously before she replied. “Sure thing, come with me.” Jolie quickly finished her drink and grabbed...

1 year ago
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Professor Tom Ch 08

‘Hi Professor Tom, what a pleasant surprise!’ Suzy said cheerfully. She cocked her head, smiled sweetly at him and held out her hand to shake his. Tom was thrown for a loop and stammered, ‘Uuumm, hi Suzy….: He realized she still had her hand outstretched and also noted the receptionist was watching them closely. He nervously held out his hand and shook hers. ‘I am so, so sorry for not having returned your calls sooner. With the holidays, and the crazy amount of work I’ve had around here,...

3 years ago
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Professor Puppetmaster

You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Professor Took My Virginity

I am a Tamil girl. This is my story on how I lost my virginity to my biotech professor in college. I was 19 when this happened. I am dark skinned and curvy. My boobs are huge and wear a 38 D cup bra. I was very horny at the time and was craving for proper sex. I studied in a private college that was in the suburbs. My area was 15 minutes from the college. We enter into our specialized department in second year only. That is when I met Karthik sir. He was dark skinned too and very toned body. I...

2 years ago
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Professor Ruksana 8211 The Intellectual Bitch

Hi, This is James de (If you like my story, mail me at ). I present a story based on reality, though the sex postures and name of teacher (of cos) have been changed for rhetorical purposes. I was a studious guy. I still am. Reading was my passion. Perhaps that was the reason that I used to participate in class discussions with such vigor that all teachers whether art school or college were deeply impressed with me. And Professor Ruksana was also one of them. She was, and is, an intellectual of...

1 year ago
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Professor Prick 2

Decision Time and the First Outing I awoke the next morning after what had been a rather restless night, the closing events of last night weighing heavily on my mind. There was just no way I was doing this. I went down stairs for breakfast my mother was busy in the kitchen. "Morning Craig you want something to eat." "It's ok just fruit juice will do for me," I replied as I opened the fridge to pour myself a glass. "You going out today?" she asked. "Yeah a little later," I...

3 years ago
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She’s not laying on top of my arm, so I climb off the bed and grab another gel I just-so-happened-to-have. I dab a little on my finer and reach around her giving Stacey Putnam a caress. She responds by sighing as she wakes, and slides back into me. I use the moment to grope her and give it a quick apply to her clit. While she is still waking, I manage to grope a bit more on to her nipples. “mmmph….morning. Stacey manages to get out thru the fog of waking. She knows she is still with This Man,...

2 years ago
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Professor Barnabas Bones and Esmeralda

This was written for an invitational on another side. I’d never even considered writing a Western so this was something new. This is very much patterned after Western Dime novels and Western Spicy Pulps. I typically don’t write graphic sex and that remains true here. I normally thank everyone up front, but those acknowledgements at the end of this story, as they are a bit more extensive than usual. Professor Barnabas Bones and Esmeralda The Astounding, Incredible, Unbelievable, Traveling...

1 year ago
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Professor Thornton Chapter One

I stood in the doorway watching him. He was sitting in his office, feet on the desk drinking coffee and finishing the last of his bagel with hungry bites. It was a little past 7 in the morning, and the rest of the English building was quiet. The newspaper sat unread on his desk, he preferred to gaze out the window. I smiled to myself as I realized that he was busy watching the female students walking by. His eyes were out on stalks as an extremely attractive brunette strolled past the window...

1 year ago
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Professor Pimp

I was a professor at college. I had a reputation of giving my students the grades they deserved. I would not give extra credit. I had heard of professors sleeping with students. I dated another professor that I caught fucking one of her male students. I told her I would turn her in if she did not fuck me instead. It worked out great for two years. I fucked her in my class room or hers during the week. She came to my place for the weekend. We stayed nude and fucked most of the weekend. About a...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Professor in Need

It was a week before the second semester started and I wanted to talk to my English professor to see how she was doing and how her break went. I wasn’t sure if she’d be in her office but I went anyway. I got there early so I could take care of a few things before we talked. I finished much more quickly than I expected so I decided to wait for her by her office. When I got to her office, the door was slightly ajar. I was about to knock when I heard a sniffle, at first I thought she might have...

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Professor Diaz Sir

Professor Diaz, SirBy: Londebaaz Chohan Of course, it was Saturday night but it was December 31st too. I would never believe in a million years that tonight the bath house will be as crowded. I thought, tonight the people will go out to welcome and party the new year but was I wrong or what. I was sure, not to get into the line going around the block; loaded with people trying to get in. I had walked out of the bar and told my friend the bar man that I shall be better off in the bath house to...

1 year ago
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Sue was a sexy college girl. She had decided teasing the handsome professor was great fun. She would sit with her legs spread flashing her bald pussy or sitting so her big tit was peeking with her open blouse. The professor took a week of it then told her "I need to see you in my office at 3." Sue showed up right on time. First thing he did was lock his door. Then he grabbed her and pulled her top over her head and began kissing her mouth as his hands ravaged her bare tits. It was not long when...

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Professor8217s plank

I am a 49 year old male, living in Pune with my wife. I am a good professor with a money spinning education society, 25 years on the job and going strong so also my wife in another educational establishment. I met my professor’s daughter, much younger than me, just after I turned 30. She was a beauty and not the type of woman I am usually attracted. She was tall, leggy, blue eyes, stunning. She was pregnant and pathetically a young widow. She lived as my neighbor with my professor’s wife, her...

1 year ago
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Professor Jay gets hard for his students

Jay is a professor at a college. He is a very handsome man. Some would say he had devilish good looks. Jay makes a good salary at the college and he has a beautiful wife and daughter at home. Jay loves his job. He is really good at it and pushes himself everyday to be the best teacher he possibly can be. However there is one thing Jay gets embarrassed about when teaching his classes. The problem is Jays cock gets really hard during lecture. The reason for this of course is all the sweet...

3 years ago
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Professor Insect

You remember all those stories about fifties and sixties universities: ‘good grades for good favours’. It happened on the gay side too, but rather more secretively, given the times.Some were seduced by the prof. Some just offered themselves to the prof. Some had to do the seducing. I was in the last group, since I was not especially attractive, and also short and chunky. To me, the prof was hot in any case. Craggy face, thick hair, as thin as Ichabod Crane. As Washington Irving said of his...

3 years ago
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Professor Tom Ch 06

January 1, 2008. Humpf. What a hell of a way to start a new year…….. Suzy had been artfully dodging Professor Tom’s calls for the last two weeks. She stared at the pile of phone messages Donna, the receptionist, had given her. After the 7th message, she found a handwritten post it on the phone message. Donna wrote, ‘Girl, are you going to return this guy’s call or what?!’ Well, at least she thought she had been artful in her avoidance. After a few days, even her boss noticed she wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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Professor Greensteins Offer

My cheeks burned and my knees were like rubber when I walked barefooted up the few steps to Professor Greenstein’s house in one of the better suburbs of the town. I felt displaced among the well-kept hedges and lawns, the straight lines of fences and the neat, freshly painted houses. I knocked and waited with bated breath. It took almost a minute, but then I heard the faint sound of measured steps approaching the door. A human shape became visible through the pane of frosted glass and the door...

2 years ago
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Professor Greensteins Price

This story is a continuation of “Professor Greenstein’s Offer”. I watched her carry the old, worn-down wooden chair into the middle of the room and felt a mixture of trepidation and thrill. I watched her eyes as she critically observed its placement and studied her movements while she pushed and turned it. She took an awfully long time for a thing as simple as setting up a chair for a spanking, and impatience welled up in me. I forced it down, for I knew that this was all part of the game. Not...

2 years ago
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Professor Se Hawas Ka Akarshan

Mera naam Lavanya hai. Jo mard mujhsee aur mere jism se wakif hai woh mujhe Lava bulate hai. Woh chahe purush mere family ka ho, bhai ka friend ho ya papa ke friends. Sab mujhe lava bulate hai. Jaise lohe ko chumbak chipakta hai waise mujhe tharki purush jakadte hai. Mujhe mere jism par bohut naaz hai. Main gori chitti hu, kad mera 154 cm hai, boobs 36d hai. Aur gand meri kisi bhi umar ke purush ko ghayal karde utni ubhri hui hai. Waise mere gand dekhe to ghayal hona avashya hai. Jab main short...

1 year ago
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Professor Prick 5

My First Real Date The next week went very quickly and no sooner had it been Monday till Saturday came around and I was heading back to Margo's for my latest adventure. I arrived at Margo's just after 5:00pm her parents had gone out for a meal and then a film so we had time to complete my look for the night. I arrived and Margo had run a bath and left some cream for me to use to make my body smooth I was comfortable with doing this now as the hair had just started to grow back in so I...

4 years ago
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Stacey opened her eyes. She felt content, if not also a bit sore in the appropriate places. Standing, she looked at her Dom and simply said “Shower?” Seeing him smile made a part of her melt. “I like the way you think” said I “Go get the shower started, and I’ll be right there.” I wondered my dick was actually up for this, as I heard the shower come on, and the timbre of the water flow change as Stacey manipulated the controls, getting the water to the right temperature. Stacey enjoyed being...

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I looked up from my desk as you entered the room and felt a twitch in my pants. I really try my best to not get excited by my students, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Every so often, I get a student as lovely as you and my cock gets a mind of its own. As it began to harden, my heart skipped a beat to see you wink at me as you walked by my desk to your seat. The rest of class went by in a haze. I had to struggle to keep my mind focused on the subject at hand so as not to let the other...

1 year ago
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Professor Cougar

I have always been good at making up stories. When I was really young, adults would write it off as having an over-active imagination.Maybe someone should have told my college English professor. Maggie was a single thirty-year-old whom, as far as I oculd tell, was always at work. Not bad seeing as how I too was always around campus. I had been researching my thesis paper so long that it was already dark when the janitor woke me up. "Studying late again Melissa?" He said as he gave me a hand up...

3 years ago
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Eat My Pussy You Prick

  Turn About Is Fair Play One of my neighbors is named Bill. Bill is not particularly good looking and a very dominating person. He is always telling his poor wife what to do how to do it. She can’t do anything without Bill getting involved. Bill is a Carpenter. I bought some pictures last summer that Jerry never got around to putting up so I asked Bill if he would come over and put them up. He said he would be over when he got time. That was Bill everything had to be done on his schedule. ...

4 years ago
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Eat My Pussy You Prick

  Turn About Is Fair Play One of my neighbors is named Bill. Bill is not particularly good looking and a very dominating person. He is always telling his poor wife what to do how to do it. She can't do anything without Bill getting involved. Bill is a Carpenter. I bought some pictures last summer that Jerry never got around to putting up so I asked Bill if he would come over and put them up. He said he would be over when he got time. That was Bill everything had to be done on his...

3 years ago
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Little Sissy Prick

I know what they say about it not being your fault; that you are the victim and are in no way responsible when someone forces you to have sex. Still, I cannot help but feel somewhat to blame. I, after all, did stupidly put myself in a bad place and even if circumstances did play a part in what happened, I would still be a virgin if only I had not taunted him so. My brother, Howie, and I had a typical roller coaster, sibling rivalry relationship. We had the usual childhood fights and were...

3 years ago
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Professors Wife

Introduction: Allie finds an admirer Allie wiped the table and set the condiments back in place. She went to check on her other customers. She was happy to finally have a job that she enjoyed. It didnt pay too well, but the tips were excellent. She had learned quickly how to flirt with the male patrons enough to encourage them to leave big tips. The guys seemed to like her, but who wouldnt. She was an athlete so her body was lean and tight. The black button up blouse hugged her 34B breast...

1 year ago
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Rick the Prick

I hate my older brother Rick. “Rick is a prick!” How on Earth can this asshole be related to me? When I tell you about the shit this guy has pulled you’ll understand why I think he’s a “prick.” It all started when I was 17-years-old. I remember it was a Saturday evening when I returned home from a movie I’d been dying to see. When I rounded the corner of the block where my house was, I noticed all the lights were off. As I got closer to the front door, I noticed a faint glow coming from the...

2 years ago
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Professors Wife

Drew’s was a local sports bar in a small college town. It was nothing fancy, just a few tables, a long bar and several TVs playing football, races, and any other sports of interest. It was a hang out for most of the college men, students and professors. It was also next door to a gym. So after work outs, customers would come into Drew’s and replenish their bodies with fluids. The menu at the bar was typical of any sports bar; burgers, wings, and sandwiches of many shapes and sizes. Since...

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Christal Persursion Chapter 2a Filet His Prick

For those who haven’t already, I would suggest reading Christal Perusasion: Chapter 1_Fucked Up Please note, this story is pretty graphic.He was going to pay for his involvement with Petra’s disappearance and our rap3. We’d searched for three night’s straight to find boy-Adonis, the one I remembered from our drvg-induced fuck fest two weeks ago. He had a rude evening ahead of him; much hard probing for answers.“Alex, you sure you have those...

2 years ago
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Prickoless On Prickoless

I am Prickoless. I wonder, can you remember my real name without looking back? No? Well, my name is Barry.I know that most of you despise me. You keep reading because you want to see how far I will be humiliated before I snap.  I know that some of you reading this transfer the ire you feel for your own husbands and heap it onto my shoulders.You guys out there (I know there are some, perhaps the enlightened ones who have read the story so far), don’t be complacent. You may find yourself either...

4 years ago
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Professor Tom Ch 02

Tom Smith was relieved when the last student finally handed in their final. He gathered his belongings and quickly looked around the room to make sure he had gotten everything. The last day of class was actually a bittersweet day for him. He knew he wouldn’t miss the late nights grading student papers, or the nights where he was just bone tired and felt as if he wouldn’t make it through his entire lecture. He would however, miss the students. They kept him going and their energy made it all...

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