R Kanes Nik Naks Reflection Trilogy
- 3 years ago
- 55
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Professor Joel Kane’s eyes began to glaze over as he read what he dearly hoped was the last page of the ecology student essay:
‘What a thrill it would be to walk the plains of North America as they were in the Pleistocene Age, twelve thousand years ago. To see great herds of camels, mammoths, and ground sloths, and other species of megafauna that soon became extinct. Now they exist only as fossils.’
Joel took another sip of decaf, seeing by the clock in his study that it was nearly midnight. The room was lit only by his desk lamp and the nearby street lights of Tulsa. A light mist hung outside in the night air.
C’mon, he thought, whoever wrote this, please let it be the last page. His policy when grading essays by his students at Marland University was to fold back the cover page, so that he did not know the name of the writer and could be completely objective as he read the essay. Like all teachers, Joel felt a natural fondness for some of his students. Others irritated the hell out of him.
He read the last sentences on the page: ‘We may never know what caused this great extinction of mammals: climate change, overhunting by humans, or even a catastrophe like a meteor impact. But it will continue to be debated for years to come.’
Finally! Joel thought in relief. Last essay finished. Only then did he notice that there was yet another page attached to the essay. With a deep sigh, he turned the page and began to read once more:
‘Thrills of ecstasy coursed through Amy as her lips glided down Ryan’s cock, letting his smooth hard manhood fill her mouth. She hesitated, and then drew the cock deep into her throat. Moaning quietly, she swallowed all of her lover. She savored the masculine scent of him as she buried her face in his dark pubic hair. Her throat muscles gently massaged his thick shaft even as her lips firmly squeezed the base of his cock.’
What the hell? Joel thought. What does this have to do with theories on megafauna extinction? Shaking his head in disbelief, he continued to read:
‘With his cock still deep in her throat, Amy sighed as Ryan’s hand glided over her soft, pear-shaped buttocks. He then moved his hand down to caress her swollen pussy lips. She gasped slightly as first one finger, then a second probed and gently thrust back and forth in her wet pussy.’
‘She drew up from his cock. Shaking her thick mane of red hair, she gazed at her lover, a look of raw passion on her face. Her emerald green eyes smoldered as Ryan continued to explore the warmth and wetness of her pussy with his right hand, while the other caressed her enormous breasts, cream-colored works of perfection.
‘Oh Amy,’ Ryan murmured, entirely under the spell of this sexy young goddess. ‘Sometimes I think you are too beautiful! I can’t resist you! No man could!’
The girl licked her pink lips and spoke, the voice of a woman who knows what she wants. ‘Then show it,’ she said in a low, sensual tone. ‘Fuck me, Ryan. I need a hard cock, and we’ve all night here in this cabin. Yes, fuck me again and again! To hell with school and my parents and our fiancées! I just want your big cock deep in me!’
‘God, yes, Amy!’ the man cried. The lovers joined in a deep passionate kiss, a kiss that expressed all the pent up desires that coursed through their bodies. Then, Ryan eased Amy over onto her back. She spread her legs, eager to feel his hard throbbing cock enter her.’
Whoa, Joel thought, this is hot. Who wrote it? He quickly turned to the cover page and read the title:
‘Current Ideas on Pleistocene Megafauna Extinction, by Amy Collins’
Amy Collins? he thought. Who is she? I don’t know her yet. Joel ticked off in his mind the coeds who had caught his eye during the first month of his course, Biology 202, General Ecology. Hmm, there’s Jennifer, cute brunette with bedroom eyes, Rachel, voluptuous and with an air of availability. And buxom Ashley, sits in the first row, always wears something cut low to show décolletage. Lovely Victoria: tall, lithe, moves like a cat on the prowl.
Amy Collins? Joel struggled to recall the other twenty or so students in the class. Finally it came to him. Oh yes. Shy, mousy little thing. She sits near the back of the class on the left. Wears horn-rimmed glasses, hasn’t asked a question all semester.
Joel smiled to himself. Well now, little Amy Collins, why did you include some hard core erotica in your ecology essay? How should I handle it? He was tempted to write something clever at the top of the last page: This belongs in our Sexology 101 class! Or perhaps, Did you fully research this part of your essay!
He glanced again at the essay, noticing that the first four sheets were perfectly aligned, but the last sheet, on which was written the sex scene, was not. That sheet was barely held by the staple that bound the pages together. An idea grew into certainty. This was, of course, an accident. Sweet little Amy never meant to include it in her essay. She picked up the essay from her desk or her printer, and hurriedly stapled the sheets together. She didn’t know that she’d inadvertently added a steamy sex scene she’d written.
Has she realized it by now? I wonder what she’ll do tomorrow in class, he thought. Let’s try an experiment. With a slight grin, Joel carefully pried open the staple holding the essay sheets. He removed the last page, then, pressed the staple back just as it had been.
The next morning, Professor Joel Kane stood before his full-length bedroom mirror, admiring what he saw. His self-assured look, dark stylishly cut hair. He wore eyeglasses, Versace of course, and a sweater vest to project an image of the scholar.
But Joel old boy, he thought, you’re still a babe magnet. His glacier blue eyes, chiseled features, and buff six-foot frame guaranteed that. Thank goodness for good genes and a good gym, he mused. Since his teen years, he’s received admiring looks from many women. Looks that often led to the inevitable: the woman, her thighs pressed firmly against his torso, crying out in passion as he took a man’s pleasure with her.
He glance briefly to the picture of Brianna Taylor on his nightstand. Buxom Brianna, her lush body a garden of delights in bed, as well he knew. Although not officially engaged, it was only a matter of time. He, a handsome young professor, she, a lovely young financial analyst, both from the best families in Tulsa. They were meant for each other. Everyone said so.
Three hours later, Joel entered the ecology lecture hall and began to spread student essays along the long desk at the front of the room. ‘Okay,’ he announced to the class, ‘I’ve graded all your essays. Come and get them.’ There was a clamor as every student came forward to retrieve their essay.
His eyes went to Amy Collins in the back. Slight of build, she was dressed modestly in jeans and a loose-fitting knit sweater. A distinct blush on her cheeks, she approached the desk and picked up her essay. Swallowing hard, she looked at the grade, A-, on the second page. She then did exactly what Joel expected.
Amy quickly looked at the last page of her essay, then, heaved a quiet sigh of relief. Joel, standing on the other side of the desk, watched with keen interest. He noticed that Amy’s light brown hair, cut very short and parted off center, was in fact soft and luxuriant.
Their eyes met. Amy’s chocolate brown eyes were surprisingly large and expressive, the sort of eyes a man can stare into and lose all track of time. He glanced down to her lips, startled to see how full and pink they were. The thought came unbidden: lips perfect for kissing a man, for enclosing a man’s cock.
Amy eyed him nervously. Joel could not resist saying, ‘Yes, Amy? What is it?’
‘Nothing, Professor Kane,’ she replied in a quiet voice. She turned and walked, indeed scurried, back to her desk in the rear of the room. Her jeans outlined a firm round derriere that drew Joel’s eyes li
ke a magnet.
He shook his head, surprised by the effect Amy had had on him. What’s come over me, he thought. She’s still a little mouse, nothing like Victoria or Jennifer. And yet …
That evening, Joel read Science magazine, enjoying an extra brandy before going to bed early. Sometime later, he found himself on an open, wind-swept prairie, gazing at a herd of wooly mammoths in the distance. He looked down and saw that he was completely naked.
Then the Indian girl was there, her brown eyes gleaming as she looked at him. She undid the ties to her buckskin dress. It fell to the ground, revealing her own nude body. She ran her tongue over her pink lips, then, knelt before Joel. She grasped his semi-hard cock in her slim hand. With a slight smile, she murmured, ‘I’d love to suck your cock, Professor Kane. May I? I want to feel it deep in my throat.’
The girl did not wait for an answer. Joel shuddered in pure delight as he felt his cock engulfed by the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Now watching a lumbering ground sloth nearby, the man sighed as the girl held his buttocks with her hands and slowly, easily, swallowed all of him. She then held the cock, gently massaging it with her throat muscles.
Joel gasped again as he suddenly awakened. He stared up at the bedroom ceiling, breathing hard. His cock was fully stiff and erect. The slightest touch would send him into an orgasm.
Joel now recalled the dream. It had seemed so real. The Indian maiden, her mouth giving pleasure beyond imagining. And her lustrous brown eyes. Not the eyes of my lovely Brianna. Not those of my front row sex kittens Ashley or Victoria. No. The girl whose eyes looked deep into mine, whose mouth pleasured my cock, was Amy Collins. Shy, mousy little Amy Collins. What the hell is going on?
Love, said the philosopher Pascal, has reasons which reason cannot understand. Perhaps it is the same when a man becomes infatuated with a young woman. There is no logic, no rational principle to it. It merely happens.
Joel’s days became filled with thoughts of Amy Collins. At night she appeared in his dreams, raising him to levels of sexual excitement that he never felt with any woman. In one recurring dream, Amy came to the lecture hall and studiously took notes. Only Joel seemed aware that she was in fact stark naked.
In another dream, Joel stood at the chalk board, describing the principles of plant succession. The students quietly watched and listened. None seemed to notice that Amy had walked to the front of the room, knelt before her professor, unzipped his pants, and drawn out his manhood. She calmly sucked his cock even as he lectured. Joel never paused or hesitated as he talked.
Joel was sure that had Amy been a voluptuary like Rachel, who displayed her charms to one and all, he would not have been so fascinated with her. Had Amy been a flirtatious slut, her name well-known at every fraternity house, he would not feel this way.
No. What held him in her grip was the fact that here was a plain, ordinary young woman, yet possessed of a vivid imagination. Seemingly quiet and shy, she harbored within her a secret fantasy world, a world of raw passionate sex. It was that which captivated the man: the striking contrast between what Amy Collins appeared to be and what she truly was.
Joel dared not look at her during lectures. The sight of her, peering thoughtfully at him through horn-rimmed glasses, reminded him of his dreams. It invariably aroused him, caused his manhood to stiffen. Is she thinking of ecology, he wondered. Or sex? His lectures suffered.
Who is Amy Collins? I must know more about her, he decided. He visited Professor Adrian Lee, who was advisor to all the biology students at Marland. After the usual small talk, Joel asked about the background of his ecology students, say, Amy Collins, for example.
‘Amy?’ the older man replied. ‘Ah yes, sweet little girl. Smart as a whip, but hasn’t had an easy life. She borrowed money to go to college. Comes from over in Red Rock. Ever been there?’
‘No. Isn’t that mostly a Native American town?’
‘Yep. Otoe-Missouria tribe. Amy’s on the tribal rolls, I believe.’
The news startled Joel. ‘So, she’s like, an Indian maiden?’
Lee laughed. ‘I guess you could call her that. She’s about one-fourth native, as I recall.’
His only refuge from Amy was in Brianna Taylor’s arms. Their lovemaking became more passionate than ever. Joel’s appetite for sex grew insatiable. Several weeks after reading the fateful essay, Joel and Brianna spent the evening at home, which is to say, in bed. Near midnight, he found himself between the woman’s legs, worshiping with his lips and tongue her delectable pussy.
He could not get enough of Brianna. His tongue eagerly glided over and into each fold and crevice of her sex. He held her swollen clitoris between his lips as Brianna cried out, clutching his hair with both hands.
Then, just before tipping her over the edge into orgasm, Joel drew back, now planting gentle kisses on her puffy labia. He slid up and into her arms. They exchanged kisses flavored with the piquant juices of the young woman’s pussy.
They paused. Joel could see her half-closed eyes, which he knew to be gray in color, glowing in the faint light coming through the windows. The weather had turned cool, a light mist hung in the night air.
‘My turn?’ Brianna murmured.
‘If you like.’
‘Oh, I like,’ she smiled. Then she was on her knees beside him, holding his hard cock and planting soft kisses on the head. Joel’s right hand moved over her thighs and her magnificent derriere. Then to a pussy that now felt drenched and possessed of a heat of its own.
Joel held his breath as Brianna took his manhood. Most of the shaft glided into her mouth. Soon she was slowly and rhythmically sucking his cock.
The man felt he might explode from the pure delight of it all. ‘Aah, yes,’ he sighed. ‘Oh god Amy, that’s wonderful.’
Joel would later decide that a period of about three seconds elapsed as Brianna froze, now holding his cock such that her teeth touched his shaft. Then, like a tigress, she rose up and pounced on him.
‘Amy? Who the hell is Amy!’ she said through gritted teeth. Stunned by how quickly things had turned, Joel looked at her, speechless. He saw her yellow hair outlined by the street lights, the gleam of moisture on her lips and her forehead.
‘What?’ he finally gasped.
‘You called me Amy, you bastard! Now who the hell is she?’ The words were fired at him like bullets.
Joel swallowed. ‘I don’t know. Are you sure I called you that?’
‘Yes you did.’ Brianna grabbed his hair and held him roughly. ‘Listen to me, Joel,’ she hissed, her eyes mere inches from his, ‘there is never a good time to accidentally call a woman by another woman’s name. But believe me, the worst time of all is when she has your dick in her mouth. Now who is Amy, damn you!’
In matters of love, when a woman has suspicions, the cardinal rule for a man is simple: deny, deny, deny. But having made one terrible blunder already tonight, Joel compounded his troubles by telling the truth. He told all: the sex scene Amy had written, his erotic dreams of her. Everything.
After he had finished, Brianna sat on the bed, wearing a Ralph Lauren wrap robe and sipping the last of their merlot. ‘Joel,’ she began, ‘none of this makes sense. You’ve never even talked to the girl? You say she’s not all that pretty, and she’s one of your students for Pete’s sake. And you got turned on because she wrote some porn you accidentally read? It’s crazy.’
Joel nodded. ‘I know. I thought it would pass, but it hasn’t. I try to resist, but every time I look at her in class, instead of a quiet young girl, I see this sexy woman she described in the erotica she wrote. The sexy girl in my dreams. I can’t stop thinking about her.’
After a long silence, Brianna s
aid, ‘Joel, I think you should leave now.’
He sighed, and then replied, ‘We’re in my condo tonight.’
‘Oh, right. I forgot. Well, I guess I should be the one to leave.’
‘That sounds rather final.’
‘Maybe it is,’ Brianna replied in a quiet voice. And it was.
The school semester dragged on and finally ended. Grades were given out, the students scattered. As unsettling as it had been to see Amy Collins during his lectures, far worse was to not see her at all. Joel’s dreams of her became more vivid than ever. Finally mustering his courage, he donned jeans, a T-shirt under a cotton blazer, and went to the apartment where she lived.
Her apartment row was shabby, low rent. He rang the doorbell and waited. The door opened and Amy Collins looked at him in amazement through her horn-rimmed glasses. She was unkempt, wearing an Eskimo Joe T-shirt and faded jeans. Yet even then Joel ached to hold her in his arms, to cover her with kisses.
‘Professor Kane?’ she cried. ‘What are you doing here? What’s happened?’
‘Nothing, Amy,’ he replied nervously. ‘I was … was in the neighborhood, and thought I’d look you up.’
Thoroughly nonplussed, the girl stared at him for a moment, then said, ‘Well, okay, come in, I guess.’
Joel entered the apartment, noticing the chipped paint on the walls, the cheap furniture, the faint musty aroma of old carpets and old plumbing. Amy looked at him, still seemingly unsure if she were actually seeing the man.
‘Would like something to drink, Professor Kane? I’ve got some Sprite.’
‘Yes. No, no, I won’t stay long.’ Now feeling like an awkward teenager, he said, ‘I actually came to see if… if you would go out on a date with me, Amy.’
The girl, open mouthed, looked at him in astonishment. ‘Me?’
‘Me?’ she asked again, the dazed look still on her face.
‘I don’t see any other pretty girls in the room,’ smiled Joel. ‘And if you’re wondering, Marland U. has no policy against unmarried faculty dating students, as long as the student is not in his or her class and won’t be in the future.’
Shaking her head, Amy finally responded. ‘Well, sure, I suppose so.’
A wave of relief swept over Joel. ‘Great. How about this Friday. We could have dinner. Do you like Italian?’
‘It’s okay.’
‘The Pepperoni Grill isn’t far from here. We could go there. Pick you up at, say, seven?’
The puzzled look remained. ‘Sure, that’s fine.’
That Friday, a suave professor once again felt himself a nervous teenager as he rang Amy’s doorbell. She opened the door and invited him in. Now the girl was dressed in a denim jacket, white knit sweater, and knee-length plaid skirt. Joel smiled as he gazed at her luminous brown eyes and soft lips, saying, ‘You look quite lovely, Amy. Quite lovely.’
‘Thank you, Professor,’ she replied in an even voice.
‘Some flowers for you, of course. And please, call me Joel,’ he said smoothly, producing a bouquet of carnations and forget-me-nots. Amy smiled. The smile, however, did not reach her eyes.
Joel sensed a coolness about Amy that he had not felt before as they drove to the restaurant and were seated. He ordered a nice Chablis. Amy, being only twenty, could only order a Coke.
The silence between them grew awkward. Finally, taking a deep breath, Amy began to speak. ‘Professor Kane … Joel, I’ve figured out why you asked me on a date.’
‘Yes.’ Now blushing, the girl continued. ‘I sometimes write … well, erotic stories for myself. And I’m almost certain that one page of a story got accidentally stapled to my first ecology report. It wasn’t there when you handed back our essays, but I think you read it. Did you, Joel?’
After a pause, Joel said quietly, ‘Yes Amy, I read it.’
The girl’s eyes grew dark. ‘Look, I know you’re a sophisticated, handsome guy. Half the girls on campus would hop into bed with you if you asked them. And I’m just little Amy, someone that no one looks at twice when I walk by.’
Her eyes now glowed from some inner fire. ‘But I’m not a nothing, Joel. I’m somebody, and I’ve got pride and self-respect. So if the purpose of this date is to somehow get me to play out what I did in my sex story with you, to say and do those things, well, forget it! It’s not going to happen.’
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The musky scent of whiskey and cigars clung to his heavy breath as Jolie encased his tongue in another one of her ravenous kisses. The bar was crowded and people were in their own worlds; minding their own business as this sex deprived couple created their own world too. The man began to slur in his heavily intoxicated state, “Can we take this somewhere a little more…quite?” Jolie smile mischievously before she replied. “Sure thing, come with me.” Jolie quickly finished her drink and grabbed...
Taboo‘Hi Professor Tom, what a pleasant surprise!’ Suzy said cheerfully. She cocked her head, smiled sweetly at him and held out her hand to shake his. Tom was thrown for a loop and stammered, ‘Uuumm, hi Suzy….: He realized she still had her hand outstretched and also noted the receptionist was watching them closely. He nervously held out his hand and shook hers. ‘I am so, so sorry for not having returned your calls sooner. With the holidays, and the crazy amount of work I’ve had around here,...
You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...
Mind ControlI am a Tamil girl. This is my story on how I lost my virginity to my biotech professor in college. I was 19 when this happened. I am dark skinned and curvy. My boobs are huge and wear a 38 D cup bra. I was very horny at the time and was craving for proper sex. I studied in a private college that was in the suburbs. My area was 15 minutes from the college. We enter into our specialized department in second year only. That is when I met Karthik sir. He was dark skinned too and very toned body. I...
Hi, This is James de (If you like my story, mail me at ). I present a story based on reality, though the sex postures and name of teacher (of cos) have been changed for rhetorical purposes. I was a studious guy. I still am. Reading was my passion. Perhaps that was the reason that I used to participate in class discussions with such vigor that all teachers whether art school or college were deeply impressed with me. And Professor Ruksana was also one of them. She was, and is, an intellectual of...
Decision Time and the First Outing I awoke the next morning after what had been a rather restless night, the closing events of last night weighing heavily on my mind. There was just no way I was doing this. I went down stairs for breakfast my mother was busy in the kitchen. "Morning Craig you want something to eat." "It's ok just fruit juice will do for me," I replied as I opened the fridge to pour myself a glass. "You going out today?" she asked. "Yeah a little later," I...
She’s not laying on top of my arm, so I climb off the bed and grab another gel I just-so-happened-to-have. I dab a little on my finer and reach around her giving Stacey Putnam a caress. She responds by sighing as she wakes, and slides back into me. I use the moment to grope her and give it a quick apply to her clit. While she is still waking, I manage to grope a bit more on to her nipples. “mmmph….morning. Stacey manages to get out thru the fog of waking. She knows she is still with This Man,...
This was written for an invitational on another side. I’d never even considered writing a Western so this was something new. This is very much patterned after Western Dime novels and Western Spicy Pulps. I typically don’t write graphic sex and that remains true here. I normally thank everyone up front, but those acknowledgements at the end of this story, as they are a bit more extensive than usual. Professor Barnabas Bones and Esmeralda The Astounding, Incredible, Unbelievable, Traveling...
I stood in the doorway watching him. He was sitting in his office, feet on the desk drinking coffee and finishing the last of his bagel with hungry bites. It was a little past 7 in the morning, and the rest of the English building was quiet. The newspaper sat unread on his desk, he preferred to gaze out the window. I smiled to myself as I realized that he was busy watching the female students walking by. His eyes were out on stalks as an extremely attractive brunette strolled past the window...
EroticI was a professor at college. I had a reputation of giving my students the grades they deserved. I would not give extra credit. I had heard of professors sleeping with students. I dated another professor that I caught fucking one of her male students. I told her I would turn her in if she did not fuck me instead. It worked out great for two years. I fucked her in my class room or hers during the week. She came to my place for the weekend. We stayed nude and fucked most of the weekend. About a...
College SexIt was a week before the second semester started and I wanted to talk to my English professor to see how she was doing and how her break went. I wasn’t sure if she’d be in her office but I went anyway. I got there early so I could take care of a few things before we talked. I finished much more quickly than I expected so I decided to wait for her by her office. When I got to her office, the door was slightly ajar. I was about to knock when I heard a sniffle, at first I thought she might have...
Professor Diaz, SirBy: Londebaaz Chohan Of course, it was Saturday night but it was December 31st too. I would never believe in a million years that tonight the bath house will be as crowded. I thought, tonight the people will go out to welcome and party the new year but was I wrong or what. I was sure, not to get into the line going around the block; loaded with people trying to get in. I had walked out of the bar and told my friend the bar man that I shall be better off in the bath house to...
Sue was a sexy college girl. She had decided teasing the handsome professor was great fun. She would sit with her legs spread flashing her bald pussy or sitting so her big tit was peeking with her open blouse. The professor took a week of it then told her "I need to see you in my office at 3." Sue showed up right on time. First thing he did was lock his door. Then he grabbed her and pulled her top over her head and began kissing her mouth as his hands ravaged her bare tits. It was not long when...
I am a 49 year old male, living in Pune with my wife. I am a good professor with a money spinning education society, 25 years on the job and going strong so also my wife in another educational establishment. I met my professor’s daughter, much younger than me, just after I turned 30. She was a beauty and not the type of woman I am usually attracted. She was tall, leggy, blue eyes, stunning. She was pregnant and pathetically a young widow. She lived as my neighbor with my professor’s wife, her...
IncestJay is a professor at a college. He is a very handsome man. Some would say he had devilish good looks. Jay makes a good salary at the college and he has a beautiful wife and daughter at home. Jay loves his job. He is really good at it and pushes himself everyday to be the best teacher he possibly can be. However there is one thing Jay gets embarrassed about when teaching his classes. The problem is Jays cock gets really hard during lecture. The reason for this of course is all the sweet...
EroticMy name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit on a bench near four-way, discuss cricket, tease each other by their girlfriend’s name and many other things. One night, one of my friends introduced us to Harry. Harry was a few years younger to us. As there was no boy of his age in the locality....
Extra Marital AffairAntonia had bet a dime, Patty raised and I folded. It was our Saturday poker game; we played from noon to five. Dime, quarter poker, no one won much no one lost much but we had fun. There used to be four of us but Cassandra’d moved to Georgia; we’d never replaced her. Antonia Santiago, Patty O’Casey and me, Gil Roister, we played at my house each Saturday. I supplied the premises; the gals brought a snack and their drinks. Today they’d brought pizzas. Patty had diet Pepsi, Antonia...
You remember all those stories about fifties and sixties universities: ‘good grades for good favours’. It happened on the gay side too, but rather more secretively, given the times.Some were seduced by the prof. Some just offered themselves to the prof. Some had to do the seducing. I was in the last group, since I was not especially attractive, and also short and chunky. To me, the prof was hot in any case. Craggy face, thick hair, as thin as Ichabod Crane. As Washington Irving said of his...
January 1, 2008. Humpf. What a hell of a way to start a new year…….. Suzy had been artfully dodging Professor Tom’s calls for the last two weeks. She stared at the pile of phone messages Donna, the receptionist, had given her. After the 7th message, she found a handwritten post it on the phone message. Donna wrote, ‘Girl, are you going to return this guy’s call or what?!’ Well, at least she thought she had been artful in her avoidance. After a few days, even her boss noticed she wouldn’t...
My cheeks burned and my knees were like rubber when I walked barefooted up the few steps to Professor Greenstein’s house in one of the better suburbs of the town. I felt displaced among the well-kept hedges and lawns, the straight lines of fences and the neat, freshly painted houses. I knocked and waited with bated breath. It took almost a minute, but then I heard the faint sound of measured steps approaching the door. A human shape became visible through the pane of frosted glass and the door...
This story is a continuation of “Professor Greenstein’s Offer”. I watched her carry the old, worn-down wooden chair into the middle of the room and felt a mixture of trepidation and thrill. I watched her eyes as she critically observed its placement and studied her movements while she pushed and turned it. She took an awfully long time for a thing as simple as setting up a chair for a spanking, and impatience welled up in me. I forced it down, for I knew that this was all part of the game. Not...
Mera naam Lavanya hai. Jo mard mujhsee aur mere jism se wakif hai woh mujhe Lava bulate hai. Woh chahe purush mere family ka ho, bhai ka friend ho ya papa ke friends. Sab mujhe lava bulate hai. Jaise lohe ko chumbak chipakta hai waise mujhe tharki purush jakadte hai. Mujhe mere jism par bohut naaz hai. Main gori chitti hu, kad mera 154 cm hai, boobs 36d hai. Aur gand meri kisi bhi umar ke purush ko ghayal karde utni ubhri hui hai. Waise mere gand dekhe to ghayal hona avashya hai. Jab main short...
My First Real Date The next week went very quickly and no sooner had it been Monday till Saturday came around and I was heading back to Margo's for my latest adventure. I arrived at Margo's just after 5:00pm her parents had gone out for a meal and then a film so we had time to complete my look for the night. I arrived and Margo had run a bath and left some cream for me to use to make my body smooth I was comfortable with doing this now as the hair had just started to grow back in so I...
Stacey opened her eyes. She felt content, if not also a bit sore in the appropriate places. Standing, she looked at her Dom and simply said “Shower?” Seeing him smile made a part of her melt. “I like the way you think” said I “Go get the shower started, and I’ll be right there.” I wondered my dick was actually up for this, as I heard the shower come on, and the timbre of the water flow change as Stacey manipulated the controls, getting the water to the right temperature. Stacey enjoyed being...
I looked up from my desk as you entered the room and felt a twitch in my pants. I really try my best to not get excited by my students, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Every so often, I get a student as lovely as you and my cock gets a mind of its own. As it began to harden, my heart skipped a beat to see you wink at me as you walked by my desk to your seat. The rest of class went by in a haze. I had to struggle to keep my mind focused on the subject at hand so as not to let the other...
I have always been good at making up stories. When I was really young, adults would write it off as having an over-active imagination.Maybe someone should have told my college English professor. Maggie was a single thirty-year-old whom, as far as I oculd tell, was always at work. Not bad seeing as how I too was always around campus. I had been researching my thesis paper so long that it was already dark when the janitor woke me up. "Studying late again Melissa?" He said as he gave me a hand up...
LesbianI was feeling stressed lately and experienced back pain. My husband normally remains on business trips and I had nothing much to do. So I had called for a masseur to come home and give me a good rub on my back and shoulders. When he showed up my eyes bugged out. It was a he and he was super built. Hot even. That led to a sensual erotic massage and anal sex with him. I let him in asked him to set up in the living room. I went in to get changed and came back in a towel. “Take it off,†he said....
AnalWhen I was growing up, I always felt different. Like I didn’t belong in this body. It may sound like a typical transgender discovery story, but it is not. I came from a very open family who would embrace every aspect of my personality. At age 7, when being a boy I wore my mom’s dress to a party and they applauded for my courage despite of attracting hatred from the rest of the family. To when I was beaten up in the college for my obnoxious dressing sense, by some men, who could accept...
ShemaleIntroduction: Allie finds an admirer Allie wiped the table and set the condiments back in place. She went to check on her other customers. She was happy to finally have a job that she enjoyed. It didnt pay too well, but the tips were excellent. She had learned quickly how to flirt with the male patrons enough to encourage them to leave big tips. The guys seemed to like her, but who wouldnt. She was an athlete so her body was lean and tight. The black button up blouse hugged her 34B breast...
It all took place in november 1987 just after a hurricane hit the uk.I had just turned thirty and had a dog then (don't worry its not about the dog) we used to go for early morning walks over the downs and through the woods.On this occasion it was about 7.00 am and we set off through the woods,there were many trees toppled over exposing there huge roots. As we walked amongst them I thought how quiet and peaceful it was after the violent storm.I looked around it was very secluded and there was...
[uWe present our dear readers an erotic essay with sexy videos by great girls from all around the world[/u]We love to tease our dear readers and slowly build up the erotic experience from 'hot', by 'hotter', to 'hottest'.We show you videos, chosen from the three main continents. From amateurs in awesome Australia to tough America and Eurasia. Which is halfway the former two, in terms of porn production. We present models, similar in looks and age. Students of around twenty years in age. All are...
The Girl in My Dreams By Andy Hollis I woke, sweating up a storm. The stench of smoke and flames from my dream still lingered in my nose. With a groan, I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled out of bed to hurry to the bathroom. The light turned on, and I squinted throughsleep-encrusted eyes to see my mother standing in my bedroom door. ?Are you okay, Will?? ?Bad dream,? I mumbled and tried to get around her. ?I?ll be right back.? I stumbled down the hall to...
Damsel of Fey Dreams by Tegeli PART I - The Dandy and Swordswoman CHAPTER 1 I glanced behind me. The sober neighbourhood didn't have an ill reputation, as far as I knew. Yet the sun had set, and most of the windows yawned lightless. My physique lacked the sturdiness for me to be confident when walking through dark and unfamiliar places. I should have armed myself with more than my rather superfluous walking stick. But I had to make the best of impressions. No weapon was...