Who Do You Want To Be Today 2 free porn video

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First, thanks for reading my writing; and second, thanks for taking the time to write a review. I read every one, from everyone and take them seriously. I want to incorporate, to the best of my knowledge, each suggestion that is offered. However, please feel free to come to your own conclusions, or endings, as you wish to see, in my stories. I emphasize YOU. Everyone is different. I may pick up where I left off, in another phase, at a later date, these stories I concoct in my mind. I am a TV! and not a TG. I know some of you may be different than me. I love women, and I aspire to be, As lovely as they, in my own special way We all agree, that femme is best! Or why would we be here, reading these texts? You may like men, or you may like women, But no matter what, we will find our own heaven What I desire is my feminine side That is the place, that I wish to reside. On top of that, I just love their twats, Of the women you see, that is what does it for me Their sensual bodies is what I adore To be like them, I desire nothing more My hair is short, but I so wish it was long To have it in curls, how could that be wrong? To feel their breasts. To caress my very own chest! How lovely it would be, To be my very own me! Who Do You Want to be Today? By: Catherine (PS): I may kill People for a living But to be a woman That is a given. I placed the photo in the scanning tray and stepped inside. Once I emerged from the machine I immediately reached up and fondled my breasts. Each time I did this it seemed as if it were the first. I turned and admired my firm rear in the mirror, and shook my wild hair. Now I needed to get this unruly mane under control. I drove to the trendiest salon in town: La Vitas. "Hello Maam. What can I do for you?" "I want a totally new look. I'm tired of this flat and drab brown hair." "Come with me and we can give you a consultation about your hair." I followed. "Have a seat here sweetie." I sat in the salon chair. She began to brush my hair out. "What did you have in mind?" "I want it lighter, no actually, I want to be a blonde. And, I haven't had them since I was a little girl, but I want tons of curls." "We can do it all, how about we color your hair, highlight it, and then perm it?" "I am all yours, transform me." This was my latest dream. They were all like this. I would sleep in fits, thirty-minute intervals, that was tops. It was next to nearly impossible to sleep at night, with the new machine in the garage consuming my every thought; but eventually I slept for at least a few hours each night. I was transfixed by my new toy. I played with the machine, and myself, for several days until a phone call brought me back to reality. My mentor had a job that he could not handle, and he needed me to do. I got all of the details and formulated a plan to execute, pun intended. My idea was bold, and I hoped that it would work. I figured I had it all worked out. I pulled out a copy of my favorite lingerie catalog and I scanned through the pages, finding it hard to choose the woman I wanted to be. Finally I settled on a gorgeous young model that stood out. After tearing the page from the magazine I placed it in the tray, and climbed into the tube. This time I felt something, however slight, but I did feel myself change. I stepped out and admired my new-self in the mirror that I had placed in front of the machine. I ran my fingers through my long golden blonde hair. My eyes were a piercing blue and my face was flawless, it was almost too beautiful! My gaze wandered down to the two heavenly breasts I felt jutting from my slender frame. The push-up under wire bra pulled them together to create a deep chasm of cleavage. The tan skin of my torso was highlighted by the pale pink of the lacy bra. Lowering my gaze again I saw the pink lace of a bikini framed by the lace straps of my garter connected to the pink sheer hose. The lingerie was accented by little white bows. I marveled at how I looked exactly like the model in the catalog, down to the last detail, I even had her small mole near my navel. I then went inside to slip into a dress, for I did have somewhere to go and something to do. After dressing I slid into my second car and drove towards town, relishing my new look, and the sensations it created inside me. I pulled into the familiar driveway, wondering if my plan would work. I knocked on the door and was greeted by an old friend, but to him I was just some stunningly beautiful young woman. "Can I help you?" He said a bit surprised. "Are you Gabriel? Simon sent me, for some identity papers." "Yes, I am, did he tell you the password?" "The dead letter office has been closed." "Yes, of course. Please come in," he told me, or, her. "What is your affiliation with my good friend," he paused for a moment, "Simon?" "I am working for him, he apologizes for not having called for he is away on business." He told me to get a drivers license, a passport, a Social Security card, an insurance card and two credit cards. "If it is not too much trouble?" I said, a little flirtatiously, I thought. "Not at all. Follow me." I could tell my old friend was taken by my beauty. I followed Gabriel back into his workshop. I knew the place well, since I had been there many times, but I tried to act as if it were my first time. He snapped three photos of me, typed on the keys of his elaborate computer system for a few minutes, and asked me several questions. "What name will you be using?" "Samantha Snow. BD: March 4th, 1985. Eyes brown, height: 5'10", weight: 115 lbs." "Okay," he said as he went back to work. Within twenty minutes he handed me an ID card, a sweet blue US passport with several stamps across the pages, a blue SSA card, an insurance card and the two credit cards. "As always, all of the information will be plugged directly into the relative computer databases to make it totally legit. Will you be needing anything else today?" "No, this is perfect, thank you very much." "Have you're boss call me, I owe him a favor, and this barely nicks the surface." "Will do. Thank you Gabriel," I told him as I left. Before backing out of the driveway I put the top down on the Mercedes 650SL. Flying down the freeway I felt my blonde tresses billow over me in the wind, tickling my face and neck. I took note in the rear-view mirror as well, as they flirted with the top of the door, billowing in the.... I then looked down and noticed my pink tube dress had bunched up over my thighs. I saw the wetness in the front of my panties, and could not wait to get home. I ran into the house, stripping as soon as I made it past the front door. I raced up the stairs tossing my blouse over the railing and tripping over my skirt as I ran down the hallway. By the time I reached my room I had the panties off, and my fingers were massaging my throbbing genitals. I rubbed my nipples as I grappled for the shiny dildo. After inserting it I moaned in complete ecstasy. I thrust it in and out, unable to control myself, until I came. I then realized my feminine side was taking over, and I felt completely powerless to stop it. I must have dozed off, for when I woke it was dark outside. I got out of bed and slipped into a new pair of panties and a bra, followed by a black skirt and a white silk blouse. After sliding into a pair of black hose and a pair of black strapped sandals I went to my computer, to print out the forms for the second part of my plan. First-class to New York, a short overnight stay and a second leg aboard the Concorde to Paris' Chapter 6 I entered the hotel lobby dressed to kill. I wore a baby blue halter-top revealing my ample bosom as well as my slim belly; a pair of hip- hugging, low-riding blue jean Capri's, a pair of dainty white slip-on sandals and my hair was pulled up into a pony tail which bounced across my exposed shoulders, rather girlishly, I thought. I noticed the top of my lavender panties showing as I sashayed past the mirrored entryway. Oh well! I thought, again! I walked up to the registration table to an older woman. "Welcome to the model search, do you have your packet filled out?" "Yes," I said as I handed her my forms. "You didn't bring any clothes with you?" she asked, rather incredibly. "No, should I have?" "Why of course dear, you better get back there and find a girl willing to share with you, we do not supply any garments, only the stage and spotlight. Here is your badge and number, please go to booth 122 in the rear, and I suggest you find someone willing to share her clothes with you, it seems you have everything else." She winked, and I blushed. I went into the backroom, it was filled with small cubicles, which were full of gorgeous young women dressing and doing their hair. I found my booth right next to a stunning brunette who was pulling a blouse over her roller filled head. "Excuse me. I'm Samantha," I said, shaking her hand. "Could I ask you a big favor?" "Sure sweetie," she said with a southern accent. "I went off and left all of my clothes back at my brother's house, and have nothing to wear. Would you be a dear and let me borrow a dress or two?" I asked, pointing to her collection of thirty odd dresses lining her cubicle. "Of course! Pick a few out. I'm not going to wear any of these," she said, waving her hand to the left side. "I'm Ashley, what's your name?" "Samantha Snow, it's nice to meet you." "You too. If looks are everything, you're going to win hands down girl." "Well Ashley, I consider you to be the one to beat, and I don't know how I can ever repay you for saving me like this." "Oh, I'll think of something." She winked, with a wicked grin. "Tell you what, if you help me with my hair, I will do yours for you" She said. "Absolutely." I said, as my dreams were coming true by the minute. "I think this dress would look great on you." She said, holding up a slinky silk dress in white. "And this one too. But I need to do your hair in an updo to get a good look." "I'm in your hands Ashley. I love the dresses, and thank you so much," I said, and leaned in and kissed her cheek. She did not skip a beat and returned a kiss on my lips. I felt the wetness building in my panties as she pulled away. I wanted to take her here. Right now. After stripping to my bare skin she handed me a pair of black thong panties which I promptly slid up over me. Next was a strapless bra, essentially a bandeau, which held up my breasts tightly. She slipped the ruffled black dress over me and gathered the lacy ruffles in her hands arranging them. As she did she cusped my breasts in her hands, smoothing down the ruffles in the front. I instinctively reached behind me and wrapped an arm around the small of her back. We stared at one another in the mirror for a few seconds, feeling the mutual sexual tension. "I'm sorry," I said. "No, please don't be. I, I felt something, if I'm not, mistaken," she breathed? "No, I did too," I assured her. "Let's concentrate, uh, on the pageant, and we can acquaint ourselves later," she said, grinning from ear to ear before removing her hands from my hardening nipples and leading me to a chair. She sat me down as I remained speechless, and brushed my hair out. She plugged in a curling iron and rummaged around in a trunk for a moment, and when she returned she slipped a pair of heels to my feet, wrapping the straps around my ankles and tying them. I sat in awe, as she pulled out strand after strand of hair, sprayed each with a fine mist, wrapped them around the barrel of the curling iron, and released tiny little ringlets. My head was soon full of tons of tiny spiral curls. I had to squeeze my thighs together, trying to prevent an oncoming orgasm at the erotic experience. "You look gorgeous Samantha," she said smiling. "Now let my hair down and style me so we can be ready when they call for us." She sat in the chair I had occupied and I unrolled her soft curls. I felt I would explode at any moment, feeling her hair in my fingers. Her hair held over thirty Velcro rollers that I gently pulled from her head to produce soft ringlets that covered her entire head. I brushed her hair into smooth waves as she asked me to, and which I did rather reluctantly, I loved her curls! "Thank you sweetie," she gushed, kissing me lightly on the lips once again. "You are welcome, and thank you, I just love my curls," I said before kissing her back. "Samantha, Ashley?" a woman inquired while poking her head through the curtains, we nodded yes. "You two are up, in five minutes." We only smiled at one another. We frantically touched up our makeup, hair, and dress before hurrying over to the short line of women waiting for their turn on the cat walk. I nervously fingered the locket hanging around my neck, knowing what my primary mission was. I followed Ashley out into the spotlights. I strutted down the runway, my curly hair swinging behind me, with one foot in front of the other causing my hips to thrust from side to side. I saw my target dead ahead, sitting at the table reserved for the judges. What an obese and grotesque man, I thought. I did my turn at the end of the cat walk, dropping the pill into his water glass so nonchalantly that no one would notice. It merely looked as if I strutted and stopped. I sashayed back down the catwalk and into the back to find Ashley waiting. "Hurry. We have about ten minutes before we are up again," she said. I ran after her, and after arriving at our now double cubicle we stripped down and dressed in our second ensembles. She pulled my hair down, teasing it into fluffy curls, and I pulled hers up, wanting to kiss her neck as I did. We ran to the stage entrance where I sashayed down the runway again, this time feeling my hair envelop me in my sexy walk. I noticed my targets glass now empty before flipping my hair around and turning for my walk back. "Let's go kick back in the cubicle, I stashed a bottle of champagne before you showed up," Ashley told me. I like her, I thought. I followed her to our booth, we sipped on the bubbly, and the same woman came in to tell us to get ready to be up front. Ashley said we should be top five, I thought differently. We stood at the doorway with eight other girls as names were called out. I became nervous when she and I were the only two left. She leaned in and we kissed. One of us would win this. No matter that I could be the clone of a top model. Then Ash was called out, and then myself: Samantha Snow, Miss Model de Paris 2002. I was handed a bouquet, was crowned, and was led into the back after the applause had died down. Everyone congratulated me, I signed some papers, was told about my future modeling jobs being offered, and Ashley and I went back to our dressing room. "Well Miss Paris? What do you have planned?" she asked. "Probably go back to my room and relax before tonight's party, and you?" "I haven't gotten a room yet." "Stay with me," I told her. "Really?" "If it were not for you Ash, I wouldn't have finished in the top ten." "Why, thank you," she said, "and thank you for calling me Ash, that's...." She gushed, and hugged me like, I don't know.... We crammed all of her clothes into the cases and went out to the waiting limo. I noticed the ambulance pulling up in the foyer. People were bustling around the front entrance. The pageant director approached us and informed us Mr. Vilene, a judge, had had a heart attack, and was likely not to make it, therefore the festivities for the evening would be cancelled. I looked at Ashley. "Would you want to fly back tonight, you can stay at my brother's house with me?" "I would love to," she replied, grinning. "Miss? Would the limo please take us to the airport? We will be traveling back home, just call us when we will be needed back." "Of course." She motioned the limo towards us, we hopped in, flew back to New York, and I decided we should stay there for the night. "Driver?" I asked. "Yes Miss Snow?" "Drop us at the Waldorf." "Yes Madam." "Mmmm," Ashley cooed, "The Waldorf?" "Nothing less for my new sweetheart." I said before leaning in for our the tenth of our tons of kisses to come after our long Trans-Atlantic journey. "Just wait until I get you alone," I said and her eyes twinkled. We were dropped in front, the doors opened for us, and a young lady appeared out of nowhere, grabbing us and pulling us through the throngs of reporters and photographers. "Hurry, do not stop," she said. We were whisked in the door and upstairs in a matter of minutes. I held Ashley's hand tightly as we were led into a massive suite with an expansive view of New York's skyline. "Can I get you anything?" the woman asked. "Yes, a bottle, no," she hesitated, "two bottles of Pol Roger 85', a bowl of cut strawberries, a bowl of fresh whipped cream, two buckets of ice, and do you have any good cheesecake?" Dixie asked. "Yes we do, I will have it all up in fifteen minutes," she said before leaving. "My, my, Miss runner-up. You sure know when to be assertive." "Yes I do. And, I want to show my lady how to have a good time," she told me. "You seem a little wet behind the ears when it comes to engaging me, so I thought I would take it upon myself, if you don't mind?" She whispered, embracing me, and nibbling on my ear ring. "Just what do you mean?" "You will see, and you will know."

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Whoring Days

My whoring days - I start my careerI felt his cock enter me from behind and he thrust it upward violently, all but lifting my feet off the floor. Ten minutes earlier I had entered his flat on the second floor of a large block of mansion apartments located opposite Battersea Park, South London. This was my first ‘escort’ agency assignment. A home call prearranged by the agency office and I was scared shitless! I rang the bell and was let into a large spacious flat by a tall not particularly...

2 years ago
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Whored out at the mine

This a true story of my first experience of being whored out.I sat at my desk in my office at work ( I recently got a promotion to team leader) I was feeling so horny, yesterday my husband took my naked pictures in to his work ( he works asa heavy mining equipment salesman) and put them up in the men's changing rooms and public toilets with add reading " whore to use please contact on number below if you want to use her!"My naked pictures were up for any one at my hubbies work to see, the...

3 years ago
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What Youre Missing Part Two

Introduction: The nightmare continues as Adam tries to break lesbian Lila. Will she submit? Lila squirmed in her confines as Adam approached her, his demeanor hadnt exactly been sunshine and cuddles before, but now it seemed to grow even darker. His bright blue eyes had lost their humor and light, and instead had become filled with angry determination. Adam, please stop, She begged him. He said nothing and didnt even acknowledge that she had spoken. He crawled into the bed towards her and she...

1 year ago
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What Youre Missing Part Four

Introduction: Lila and Luke get Adam thrown in jail, Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0. Happily Ever After! Or is it . . . The semen inside of Lila was indeed Adams, the police confirmed. They made the arrest the next morning, he was less than happy. You bitch, He hissed at Lila. She watched them drag him into the police department, it took three officers to do it. Adam continued, You fucking whore. Youre lying! You fucked me and you know it! Lilas heart fluttered with fear. Luke sensed it and held her...

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

3 years ago
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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...

2 years ago
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Whorestone Heroes of Whorecraft

"Oh!" chuckles the Innkeeper as you push open the door. "I can tell you have some new stories tonight!" What started as a joke by Blizzard's Team 5 turned out to be a punchline nobody saw coming. The world of Hearthstone spawned an entire universe unto itself, uniting players who enjoyed the lore and history behind its MMO predecessor, and those who became hopelessly addicted to a free-to-play card game that didn't take itself too seriously. It was really only a matter of time before Rule 34...

3 years ago
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Whorror Movies

You're sitting on the couch in your living room, flipping channels with your husband. It's pouring rain outside, occasional lightning brightens the windows followed by shaking, rumbling thunder. The different tv channels form an incoherent collage as you skip past them. Mysterious break-ins around the town of---bzzt--- the wild antelope grazes peacefully, unaware of the nearby pred---bzzt--- authorities have not disclosed any apparent explanations to the disappearances---it sucks, and it cuts!...

4 years ago
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Manwhore for hire

You walk into the mansion. Demi Moore walks in and sees the front of her car crushed. You had been driving it. You see, you are a man whore. You are good at your Job. You cock almost never goes soft, but sometimes it could be degrading. I mean, you are a hoe, after all. Demi Moore was your pimp. She grabs you by your neck. "What did you do to my car, bitch?" Demi demanded. "I'm sorry someone backed into me. I ..." "No excuses, you stupid whore. This will come out of your pay, bitch. You better...

1 year ago
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“So, you’re a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?” asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? “What’s wrong with the alternatives, Kev?” Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. “What about virtual sex? What’s wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?” “Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff,” Kevin pointed out. “How many women have you known who’d want to live here?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Whorishly Professional

Taking a seat in the lobby of his psychiatrist's office, Avery crossed his legs and picked up an issue of Vogue off the end table beside him. He never understood fashion's do's and don'ts but the people around him always complimented him on his innate sense of style. He wasn't attracted to the models in this magazine; there was no basis for attraction. Their billowing garments, intricately patterned and sharp coloured made it difficult for him to perceive the natural beauty they undoubtedly...

3 years ago
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LaWhore in Lahore

Shazia awoke by the sound of banging iron gates, she opened her eyes staring at the lizard above her mattress, the small beam of sunlight shining through a letterbox sized window, Shazia had to adjust her eyes to where she at. The gate banging became louder as finally a brighter light came into her cell as the door opened. The police officer, with his thick moustache and grimy grin standing over her whipping he ass with his cane whilst instructing her assertively to get up.Shazia jumped off the...

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Lake_Whore by edintx99The lake—water crystal clear and sparkling in the sun—was on one side of the narrow sandy trail. Small boulders and rocks, bleeding out to a desert landscape were on the other. A jagged mountain range rose starkly in the distance. I’d been hiking since sunrise, the cool morning air now turned furnace-hot by the mid-day sun. I had chosen this isolated trail to clear my mind of the week’s burdens. I hadn’t seen a soul the entire time.I shed my T-shirt, rung it out, and...

1 year ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

2 years ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

2 years ago
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Cheatingwhorewife at work

I slowly took off my dress leaving me in nothing but my high heels and a thong. Red. You sat on a chair and watched me as I slowly danced for you. I came closer to you, straddled your knee and ground my pussy into your leg. That's when you grabbed me and kissed me hard and stood up. I started to stand with you but you put your hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees.I know what you want, and I reached out and unzipped your pants, reaching inside and pulled out your cock. It's huge! It's...

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Whoopsies ? By: Beverly Taff. This story is subject to the usual criterion and restrictions applying to age and copyright as laid down in FM?s preamble. The shock of learning about my parent?s death in a car crash was enough to destroy any child?s self confidence but for me the distress was doubled because I had nobody to share the trouble. People say a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled whilst a pain shared is a pain halved. Nobody learned that better than I. I...

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Whoopsies Chapter 2

Whoopsies, Chapter 2 ? By: Beverly Taff The following week proved progressively more traumatic for me. Several times I accidentally wet my panties and Miss Jones worked miracles in keeping my little problem a secret. Sadly though, my lack of control completely failed me. On the Friday morning of that second week I finally disgraced myself. I fouled my panties in the playground and became the laughing stock of the whole school. As the mess leaked down my leg the frills of my...

1 year ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 3

Whoopsies, Chapter 3 ? By: Beverly Taff By the end of that school year, my breasts had grown quite full. My child- sized 22-inch chest now sported a splendid pair of C cup breasts with exquisitely sensitive nipples. With such a small child?s chest, it was impossible to disguise my adult breasts for they stuck right out from my narrow chest. I always received some curious stares when Mummy Jones took Pauline and me out to the mall. The sight of such a splendid pair of breasts on...

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Whoopsies Chapter 4

Whoopsies, Chapter 4 ? By: Beverly Taff For the rest of that year we studied hard and scored highly in the National Curriculum exams. Colin exceeded himself despite having to sit the exam in his special baby chair with its adapted writing table. It was incongruous to realise that inside Colin?s toddler body with his chubby little bandy legs and soft podgy arms, there lived a consummate adult author. Despite being only able to crawl everywhere and occasionally wobble uncertainly...

2 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 5

Whoopsies, Chapter 5 ? By: Beverly Taff Still naked, we trotted obediently to the bathroom and set about investigating our butt plugs. As we bent over we found we could only unscrew our butt plugs one at a time. The key chains were all attached to the same bolt in the wall of the new enlarged shower cubicle. This bolt was set in the wall immediately above a new toilet pan that had also been installed in the shower cubicle. The chains were too short to allow our rounded teardrop...

1 year ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 6

Whoopsies, Chapter 6 ? By: Beverly Taff The trip to Paris took longer than an ordinary commercial flight. The private executive jet only had a limited range so we had to stop to refuel in Newfoundland and Ireland. On the other hand, the jet?s toilet facilities were better appointed and we were able to address our butt-plug needs satisfactorily. The lavatory was large enough to accommodate two ?seven-year-old? sized people at a time. By now we had become reasonably proficient in...

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Whoopsies Chapter 7

Whoopsies, Chapter 7 - By: Beverly Taff The following morning I woke to find myself lying on my back. This in itself was unusual for we usually slept curled up in a ?three-sided? bundle of intertwined arms and legs. Before I had time to consider this unusual separation, I realised that it was the gentle twitching of my butt-plug that had woken me. As I became more awake, it was starting to writhe and squirm inside me. For a moment I lay on my back beside Pauline, wondering...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 8

Whoopsies ? Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Beverly. Author Pauline Beverly?s younger stepsister. Marjorie Beverly?s long-time school & Childhood friend. Henrie The trio?s new ?lesbian male? dance partner Mummy Jones Beverly?s step mummy & Pauline?s mummy Mummy Williams Marjorie?s Mummy See previous chapters for, Daddy Jones Beverly?s transvestite step dad. Jacqueline Beverly and Pauline?s au pair then wet nurse and friend. Colin Beverly and...

2 years ago
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Whooooo Maki Chut Ka Maja

Hi . I m hitesh barma,age 24. Me chatisgarh ki rehne wala hun. Mere papa navy me job karte hain isil delhi me rehte hain.Gharme maa,me aur papa hain. Aj se 2 sal pehle ki bat hai. Ki papa harwaqt gharse bahar rehte hain. Ghar ka sara khyal mujhe rakhna padta hai. Meri maa jiska nam kamal barma hai. Unki height 5″6′ hai. Body size 38-34-38 hai. Woski age 46 hai.Dikhne me mast sunder mal hai. Papa har waqt bahar rehte hain isi liye unhen vi man kar raha hoga ki koi unhe chue. Meri nazar hamesha...

2 years ago
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Chatwhore I was being blackmailed. It didn't start that way of course. It all started about six weeks ago. I was in a chatroom and I started talking to a girl named Rachel. We chatted for a while and then I asked her about makeup. She was amused and asked me if I wanted to put on makeup. If I was a sissy. I meekly told her I was and asked her to help me learn how to do my makeup. Over the next few days she trained me step by step how to apply my makeup. Sometimes when she...

2 years ago
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Chatwhore pt 3

Chatwhore - Pt. 3 3 weeks later...I am just back from the hair salon standing in front of my mirror. My hair is now cut in a bob style. It is beginning to grow out and the girls won't allow me to cut it anymore. It was embarrassing asking the woman at the hair salon for this haircut but it was already in a pixie cut so it wasn't so bad. At least when I went to work I could comb it differently and make it look a little bit like how a man's hair usually looks. I have an hour until I...

3 years ago
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"So, you're a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?" asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? "What's wrong with the alternatives, Kev?" Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. "What about virtual sex? What's wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?" "Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff," Kevin pointed out. "How many women have you known who'd want...

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I hated him the first time I saw him. Jealousy is a powerful emotion and I was full of it in a heartbeat. Miriam was laughing at this person as they stood at the punch bowl with his hand on her shoulder. Then he slid it down her back, paused at her waist and let it come to rest on her butt. She never moved a muscle or tried to stop him. If she had only flinched, but she did not. Instead, he looked up into his face and laughed loud enough for me to hear her from ten feet away. He brazenly...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't love some Horny Whores? Just by seeing the site’s name, isn’t it pretty obvious to know what the fuck you can expect? I mean, on hornywhores.net you will obviously get to see some gorgeous bitches who can’t wait to get fucked. The first time I visited this place, I thought that this shit only offers VR videos, because of the shit that was suggested at the time I visited, but they actually offer a lot of random clips instead.Now, this is a site that allows you to download all of the...

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