Sarafina Deux free porn video

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David silently accompanied me right through the airport. He left me at the door to the plane. I sat down in my seat in the nineteenth row at the window. Next to me were two Chinese men in their forties. Both gazed up and down at me as I passed them to reach my seat. As they sat one said to the other, "We need more American tourists. How much do you think I should offer this one for a fondle of her tits?" The second man laughed. Quite absently I said, "One hundred dollars," as I turned to look out of the window. The second man stopped laughing. It took me a moment to realise that I had answered in Cantonese. I kept my face towards the window and hoped the silence remained behind me. I began to suffer a headache during the safety demonstration, and couldn't tune in. I laid my head against the cabin wall and slumped into a deep sleep. It was dark when I awoke. I tried to recall fragments of a strange dream. I had an uneasy feeling like I'd forgotten something, or missed something important. I looked around and remembered that I was flying home. All around me people were sleeping, but I felt surprisingly awake. I sat up, and felt the slight change in weight as straps pulled down on my shoulders. I could feel my erection under the blanket that now covered me, but I put my hand down to my crotch and felt nothing. Why had she done this to me? I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I was angry, confused. I didn't know what to think about or do. And suddenly I could think. I looked back over the day since waking and realised that I'd been in a trance. I was in shock, but perhaps I was coming out of it now. I was barely able to lift my own suitcases from the trolley. David had done it with one in each hand. Would I get my strength back? What was I now? Then I felt the urge. I crept over the two sleeping men next to me and set off down the aisle towards the rear. There was a small queue waiting for the toilets. I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of a chair. Then I discovered that it wasn't really comfortable to cross my arms in their normal position as they were pressing down on my tits. I tried folding them under my chest, which was much more comfortable as they took some weight off the straps on my shoulders. The problem with this was that my arms squeezed my tits up and out, meaning that they were all I could see if I looked down. Judging by one or two looks from a guy ahead of me in the queue they were all he could see aswell. I tried to ignore him. I sat on the toilet seat. I'd gone for the zip in front, and not found one, then realised what I was going to have to do. I pulled my knickers down from under my skirt and lifted that up to sit down. It wasn't until I sat that I realised I was still wearing heels. It was a long way down. I released the stream, just like I would usually, and it felt normal, until the last squeezes caused a dribble to run down my right cheek. It reminded me forcefully that I had to wipe. I bent down to pull my knickers up and rearrange myself. It was all pretty similar to normal. But the little things that made it different were so different. Men sit, men wipe, men drop their pants and lift up their shirt tails. But men can also stand if they don't need to sit. I wanted to stand, and shake myself off. I didn't feel like I'd finished with just a wipe. I had the uncomfortable feeling that when I pulled my knickers back up some last remaining drops would leak out. I did pull my knickers up, and my skirt down, and everything felt safe. I automatically looked front for the zip again, after pulling my skirt down, but couldn't see a thing past my tits. No wonder skirts zipped up at the side or back, though it was probably a bonus rather than the real, more aesthetic reason. I wondered what the hell I would do with a pair of jeans. Buy them with side zippers? More likely I would get rid of these mounds of fat as soon as I could. That set me to thinking about what I would do next, as I got back to my seat. The first hurdle, which appeared almost insurmountable from where I sat, was to explain to Jan what had happened to me. Lucy had somehow deceived her into believing that everything in Hong Kong had progressed normally, and that I was coming home as Michael. She wouldn't recognise me as Michael, and worse, what was I going to say in front of my kids? Why should she take a stranger back home with her? It was likely that the whole family would be waiting for me, and I didn't know what to say! I could feel tears coming as I thought through all the disastrous possibilities of my family staring at me, laughing at me, rejecting me, my daughters crying and my son freaking out. I had to think about something else, so I switched on a video and ordered some noodles. I managed to order the noodles in Cantonese, and decided to watch a Hong Kong flick to see the extent of Lucy's black magic. It was a fairly mindless chop socky, so I could lose myself easily in something lightly enjoyable. After twenty minutes I found that I had only missed a few words. I had also found that I was full after half the pot of noodles, so obviously my capacity to eat had lessened, though whilst full, I didn't feel completely satisfied, and kept picking slowly at the noodles. I began to think back on what had happened to me in my missing months, and slowly the memories filtered back, and a picture began to unfold. The first weeks were very patchy. All of the physical work was done up front, and the pressure this placed on my body had sent me into a coma. I remember coming around and a concerned nurse wiping my brow. I gathered from her that I had been gone almost five days. Over the next few weeks I remained in bed constantly. I was virtually unable to move. The nurses and doctors explained quite factually what they were doing, and it sounded as if they were proud of it. The reason for my immobility was some form of spinal block that meant I had virtually no control over my muscles from the neck down. My immobile time was not unprofitable, however. As I was awake, my training began. I was rolled into what I came to think of as the training room. The lighting was soft, there were large screens within my vision, and speakers pumped out words regularly against a background of gentle classical music. I know I was drugged before entering the room. Though I was lucid, I felt quite high, and very relaxed. The training consisted of words, images, or both together coming at regular intervals from the speakers and screens. I found myself repeating the words a beat or two after they came. One day it would be English words, the next Cantonese, another French. Gradually the words built into phrases and short sentences. The images would match the words or phrases. After just a few days I could recall hundreds of words in the foreign languages. I also knew that I was beginning to speak English quite differently. My voice was higher, and suited a softer intonation, which the training room was giving me a lot of practice in. I received physical training, though it was out of my control. The nurses would attach bindings to various joints and then pull my body into contortions. It was painful, but only slightly. The nurses were adept at finding my points of resistance, and just stretching those slightly. Once my body had adjusted, they would pull the bindings a little more. The stretching was sometimes combined with the training room, as the relaxants helped me to respond to the stretches. It was a matter of weeks before they could get my legs into a box splits, or my head could rest between my outstretched legs. One of the less noticeable changes, or rather, one that slowly grew on me, was my breasts. It wasn't until the stretching exercises began that I could feel or see any parts of my body. Shock number one was the movement of my chest. At first these were slight shifts that were only perceptible because I wasn't used to them. The doctors kept injecting various parts of my body, including my breasts, with some form of growth fluid. I look back and realise that it was the same stuff that Lucy showed me not so long ago. Her amazing liposculpture solution. The injections that I felt were in my breasts, butt and hips, and the black magic went to work. By the time I was released to begin walking again, my breasts were truly heavy on my chest, though they were very firm and didn't flop. I remember that first time I was allowed out of bed. A single step was enough to exhaust me. Part of the reason was my complete lack of balance as the unaccustomed weight on my chest drew me forward. The next strangeness occurred when I sat back down. There was nothing resting on the top of my legs. By that, I mean I couldn't feel my penis. At this stage I could still see between my tits, and there was nothing down there but hair. I put my hand there to confirm and only felt the smooth outside of a slit. I guess there were still some quite relaxing drugs in my system. Over the next few days I relearned to walk with the help of a physical therapist. He recoordinated my muscles in a way that felt entirely unnatural at first, but I soon grew used to. I discovered that I had to hold my shoulders back to counterbalance my breasts, and not swing the shoulders, to reduce swing across the chest. Upper body swing came from the arms below the elbows. Lower body swing was reduced by taking short steps, one foot in front of the other, and sliding my hips side to side to allow the feet to lift without lifting above the waist. That large side to side swing of the hips was what allowed the legs to move without having to move the upper body. I was able to walk with a book balanced on my head. I knew it was a very feminine walk, but I found myself little inclined to oppose it before it became habitual. The training room was used for fashion, beauty and makeup. I very quickly found myself able to identify not only types of female clothing, but even makes. I don't know why I didn't resist practising putting on makeup, but after having faces imprinted onto my brain in the training room, it seemed only right to make what was reflected in the mirror look the same. I absorbed the basics of other feminine issues quite quickly, including hygiene and grooming. When I began to learn to dance I can remember pain. It was a blur at first, but I recall more clearly some of the later sessions where I could complete routines without prompting. Mistakes were still punished by painful shocks, executed with a button press by my trainer. I was lucky that the routines were not advanced, requiring mostly slow movements. The most complex exercises were around and on the pole. Soon after I learned all that was required for the dance routines, the scenery changed. I was sent to work in the strip club. Everything was put together here, all my training and physical motions, and gradually I was weaned off the drugs until I was lucid. As I became lucid it was as though I was waking from a dream. All of my experiences whilst under drugs were pushed into the background. Like with dreaming, the information which I had assimilated was sorted, categorised, and written to memory. The dream itself faded unless I worked to recollect it. The information though was there, naturally. I walked like a woman, talked like a woman, and danced like a stripper. I could clearly remember that last night of work in the club, the group of Johns, the last dance for Mr Big. I remember thinking about the money I was making, as though that was a crutch for my behaviour. And I could remember some of his last comment, about a wedding present. That would tie with everything that Lucy had done. She hadn't just transformed me for her own fun, but for her future husband's fun. It was his bachelor party, and I was the entertainment. The ex-boyfriend, now on show as the big breasted, blonde stripper. How sick could someone be? I remembered the purse that Lucy had given me. Inside was a box, decorated like a present. I pulled it out and looked around it. Nothing special or curious, it was simply wrapped in decorated paper and tied with a ribbon. I undid it and opened the box. Inside was a dildo, in two parts, with a typed instruction sheet. I pulled out the paper and reclosed the box quickly. Why would Lucy provide me with that? Well, except as a cruel joke? The instruction sheet mentioned dilation for post SRS patients, but apparently I had had an organ replacement. That wouldn't require dilation, would it? As I considered the indignity of pushing a dildo inside myself, I realised that my body felt quite comfortable with the experience. I couldn't specifically remember it occurring in the hospital or club, but it had definitely been a regular part of the routine. Worse than that I realised that it was a part of the routine that I enjoyed. Because I couldn't remember anything specific, I couldn't recall what was enjoyable about it. I suddenly became aware that I was considering putting a dildo inside my vagina, an act which I looked on with disbelief and disdain, but wanted to try. The last time something felt so mentally difficult but physically necessary was probably when I wanted to lose my virginity. Here I was wanting to lose it again, and once again the hurdle to cross was in asking the girl to do it. All was quiet around and I was alone with the girl. I plucked up my courage and my purse, dropped the box inside and headed back to the toilet. The queue was again an exercise in ignoring other people. I felt quite desperate to get into the toilet, and I kept thinking that the guys staring at me knew what I was going to do. Just once I thought about turning back to my seat, but realised that I didn't want to. I couldn't figure out where the urge was coming from, but without analysing it too deeply, all I knew was that I wanted to do this. As I entered the cubicle the desire grew stronger. It was like needing to pee. Once you get to pulling your pants down you know you can't hold it back. So I sat on the toilet with my panties around my ankles and opened up the box. I rechecked the instructions whilst screwing together the two halves of the dildo. For both lubrication and hygiene a condom was recommended, almost insisted upon. I remembered the loose condoms in the purse and fished one out. I broke the wrapper and took it out, then held the dildo in one hand and rolled the condom down it with the other. My nails suddenly struck me as very attractive. They were quite long and painted in the same red as my blouse. I had to roll the rubber down with the tips of my fingers to avoid cutting it with a nail. Fortunately the condom fit quite securely onto the slightly ribbed plastic. The tip was between my legs and angling up to my new vagina before I paused to consider what I was doing. I was going to drive a dildo up into a vagina that I shouldn't have. But the physical demand was too strong to argue with. I needed it there. With an intake of breath I slowly but firmly pushed the tip past my cunny lips and deep into the cavern behind, the ribbed plastic causing ripples in my vaginal muscles that were interesting, to say the least. I let out the breath with a sigh, the physical relief evident as my whole body seemed to relax. The relief was a pleasure in itself, and as I relaxed I lay back against the bulkhead and absent mindedly stroked the dildo in and out between my widely spread legs. It felt good, better than good. But it was disquieting. A small corner of my mind kept pleading that I was raping myself. But the feeling that the action generated was growing unstoppable. Light waves of pleasure lapped at my body with every stroke, and I could feel the tide coming in. The ensuing orgasm caught me completely by surprise, and I bit my lip to stop myself from crying out. A muffled croak escaped me as I shuddered on the seat, tensing up every muscle around the invader inside me. I tried to pull it out, and almost squealed as the motion brought on aftershocks that caused me to clamp down on it again. I lay my head back, and waited for the last of the ripples to fade through my body. Slowly and gingerly I then extracted the dildo, suffering from squirm inducing sensitivity as I did so. Then it was out, and on came the twinges of guilt. Questions such as why had I done it, and why couldn't I control myself. The same questions I used to ask myself after masturbating. Time had passed and a queue was waiting, so I hurriedly pulled myself back together, and the dildo apart. I stepped out with my hands securely around my purse, and hoping that the dim light would spare my blushes. There were just a few hours to go to touchdown. I put on another video. I wasn't going to analyse what I had just done, but lose myself in another action flick. As the obligatory piece of movie fluff got to touch a gun for the first time in her life a stewardess bent across to pass me a tray of breakfast. The two Chinese businessmen were rousing. I started to pick at the food and ignore their conversation. I stared intently as the action hero patronised the pretty young thing who had earlier torn her hair out as he drove her car madly through the streets and then run away from him towards the most obvious bad guys in movie history. Was this frailty expected of me now? From what I recalled I had a similar look to the girl. I was probably bigger and bustier but she was incredibly pretty and cute. I could only remember the face I shaved in the mornings, not the one I had now. The Chinese guys next to me could only see the woman on the outside. What would their opinion be? Would it be like Lucy's fianc?, whom I recall stating that I was 'stunning'. Was I really so unrecognisable as a man? Some things were obvious, but I could get rid of those, regardless of Lucy's views. Getting my body back in shape was just a matter of help from the doctor and working out, which I was used to. But what about my face? Would Jan even recognise me? Janice, waiting for me at the airport. Not knowing what had happened and with the children expecting their father. Would she recognise me at all? It would be better if she couldn't. At least that way I could break the news slowly. What if she did? What if the children did? My own children, wondering why their father wasn't their father anymore. I couldn't deal with them right away. As much as I wanted them to run into my arms, I needed to get Jan alone first. That would be hard enough, but not so hard on them. The next thing to sort out was how. I couldn't stop before the arrivals lounge, unless there was a payphone that I could call to her mobile. Then what? I could say that I had missed the flight and ask her to come back in a couple of hours, without the kids. Strange, but possible. Or I could say that I was being provided a taxi home later that day. But as I thought about it I really wanted to meet her on neutral ground, and not go to my old home where everyone would be expecting a joyous reunion. At least if she came back it would be neutral ground at the airport. But she wouldn't leave Katy behind, nor probably Kim, unless she was in nursery. At least Richard wouldn't be able to make it. But perhaps she had come on her own anyway, due to the early hour. Perhaps her parents or mine were babysitting? How could I determine if she was alone? I was beginning to think that the best solution was simply to walk out of the doors into the hall and look. If I walked past I would know if I was recognised. Also, if I walked past without paying attention to whomever was waiting, I was less likely to be recognised. That way I could get out behind her, and see if she was alone. If she was alone, I would call her over to the information desk, or something, as though I was bearing a message, then maybe invite her to have a coffee. If she wasn't alone, maybe the same ploy would work, or maybe I would just chicken out. As I mulled over the plans and ploys, I realised that I didn't want to be recognised until the time was right. Was my transformation so complete that my own family wouldn't recognise me? I knew that it would suffice for a first glance, at the very least, so I only had to work on making sure that they didn't take a second glance. Then how to get Jan to recognise me? As I mulled the potential conversations I began to feel anger. This wasn't my fault. Why should I have to pussyfoot around delicately? I didn't want to cause my family grief, that was true, but the first thing after convincing Jan that I was her husband would be to take my complaint to the police. All I had to do was tell Jan the truth, and she would back me all the way. After the plane landed the two Chinese men allowed me out in front of them. Carrying only my purse I walked quite steadily out of the aircraft on my heels. They, along with many other things, would be the first to go. As I carefully climbed a set of stairs to the terminal I swore that the tight skirt would also be the first to go, as well as the stockings that it was scraping against and riding up. As I walked closer to the baggage collection I wished for a pair of dark sunglasses to hide behind. Other women had them. I wouldn't have to meet the eyes of anyone walking the other way. I looked down at the floor, only to have my hair fall into my face. That would go once I found out what was written on the back of my neck. With my head back up and pushing the hair back out of my eyes I began to feel like I was at a funeral in a clown suit. The looks I was receiving were making me feel naked. I would probably have been less noticeable naked than the way I was dressed. Even at the passport control my breasts were compared with my photo. As I reached the baggage carousel and saw the cases beginning to arrive I thought back to the weight of the cases. I wasn't sure I'd be able to lift them off, but damned if I wasn't going to try. I found a trolley and rolled it in behind a mixed group. When my cases came round they came together. A couple to my right reached for a huge backpack just as I reached for the first case. It felt like lifting sixty or seventy kilos and I struggled to even slide it off the belt onto the floor. As it fell the guy pointed at the second and asked if it was mine too. When I nodded he reached over and yanked it off to the floor. "Which is your trolley?" He asked. I dragged my case up off the floor and stumbled towards it. "This one," I answered, standing by it. He gently lowered my second case onto it then helped me with the first one which was still at my feet. "Are you moving house?" he smiled. I smiled back. "Thanks for the help." Silently I was seething, with embarrassment and damaged pride. But he wasn't to know that, and much as I hated him right now, I had to give him the benefit of the doubt. He might be a nice guy. "Do you want a hand with the trolley? My name's Dan," he said, holding out his hand whilst simultaneously pointing over his shoulder with the other to the girl behind. "And this is Becky. We just got back from Oz and need to settle back here. What's your name?" I looked over at Becky as Dan reached for my trolley and laid the rucksack on it. Where he was quite handsome in a boyish way, she was quite beautiful in a cute, girlish way. Her tan was even and her hair blonder than platinum. She reached her hand out too. "Er, Tiffany." I responded, shaking both their hands. Dan pushed off and Becky slid her arm in to mine as I turned to follow him. "Nice to meet you, ErTiffany," Becky laughed lightly. She appeared a light and bright person. "Have you just come back from Oz?" "Hong Kong," I replied quickly, feeling a little nervous at having a girl on my arm and wondering who was watching. "Business or pleasure?" "Business." "You're not dressed for it. Have you been holidaying too?" "No, all business." "Then you're meeting your boyfriend here?" "Not exactly." Becky hummed for a moment. "You don't have any rings, so it's not a husband or fianc?. A girlfriend?" "A friend." "I didn't mean it in that way." She flashed me a smile. It was friendly and pretty and made me even more nervous. I didn't usually get into these situations with women unless I was drunk, and those times were before I married. "Are you travelling into London?" "Well, I don't know yet. That depends on whether somebody is waiting for me." "Oh, I thought you definitely had someone waiting. Well, if she's not there, why don't you travel in with us. Dan'll be able to help with your bags." "That's very kind of you." "Not at all. We haven't been here for years and we need a bit of direction. If you travel with us we'll be plugging you for the latest gossip!" Dan pushed the trolley through the doors into the arrivals hall. The crush of people at the barrier was only made more confusing by the plethora of signs hiding their faces. We were almost out into the crush, dodging kissing couples, before I spotted Jan a yard behind a wide coach driver. She was looking back at the entrance from customs. I didn't stare, but she was wearing a loose white summer dress with a pink cardigan to keep her shoulders warm. She looked relaxed and radiant. There were no children visible. "Have you seen her?" asked Becky. "Yes." I turned to face her. "Why don't you give me your number, Becky, as I'm going to be in London, and we'll meet later." "That would be great," she gushed. "Have you got a pen?" I shook my head but Dan was already pulling a biro and paper from a pocket in the top of the rucksack. A quick scribble and he passed the paper over to me. He hefted the rucksack and held out his hand again. "Looking forward to meeting up with you again," he said. Becky gave me a peck on the cheek. They left me with a wave and the trolley. And with no idea of how to approach my wife. "Excuse me," I coughed, reaching for the pink-clad shoulder. Janice turned around and looked up. I wished I had a normal set of shoes. "Janice?" I watched the flicker across her eyes. "Yes. Do I know you?" she said, with some uncertainty. I pushed on. "Can we go and get a coffee or something?" "I'm waiting for someone." "I know. That's why I'm here. We need to talk." I turned to leave and almost grabbed her hand as I did. I checked just to make sure she was with me. After a moment of indecision she was. "Is Michael in some kind of trouble?" I considered the answer as we walked. I had taken a minute to drop the suitcases with left luggage so that Jan wouldn't jump to conclusions before time. Fortunately she jumped to another tack before I had to answer. "Was there something last second that kept him in Hong Kong?" "Do you mind if we get something to drink? I'm parched," I responded. "You're not airport security, are you?" "No, I'm not. Here we are." I walked up to the cafe bar and ordered a latte. Janice wanted a cappuccino. I almost ordered it without asking her. We sat down. Since the first introduction I had barely looked at her face, but now we were sat opposite each other across a table. "So," Janice began, "where is Michael?" I looked into her eyes. Again I caught a flicker across them, but then it was gone and a stern, questioning look came over her face. "Tell me!" I had thought she was going to recognise me at last. Now I had to spit out the words that I didn't want her to hear from me. "Janice, it's me, I'm Michael." Again I watched, but no flicker. Her face was impassive. Then she snorted lightly. "Is this a joke?" She began to look around. "Where's the camera?" I reached for her hand to get her attention back. "There's no camera. It's not a joke. I am Michael." "What am I supposed to do? Pull the mask off? Ask you about our first kiss?" "It's not a mask. And it was at the Christmas party. You'd offered me a lift home." "Are you wired? Who's feeding you the lines? Michael's in on this and I'm not happy. Tell him he can make his own way home!" She got up and turned to leave. I grabbed for her wrist. "It's me, Jan!" "Fuck you!" She wrenched her hand away easily. I watched her storm out of the cafe and into the crowd. I was too stunned to move. I gathered myself and my luggage. It was time to take stock. I had little cash left in my purse, but a few cards in my new name. Hopefully there was a little money behind them. I found a taxi that would take credit cards, and that would also take me for the forty five minute journey. The driver helped me with the bags to the front door of the house and left me there. Jan's car was in the drive. I knocked. After a few moments Jan opened the door. I was already prepared. I pushed her aside as I walked in. She yelled behind me but I ignored it and went straight into the living room. Richard was pulling his shoes on but stopped to stare at me. Kim and Katy ran in from the kitchen and paused when they saw me. Jan strode back in from the hall, the door closing behind her. She took stock. "Richard," she said calmly, "when you've got your shoes on you had better head off. He looked enquiringly at her, but seeing her face he finished tying his laces and headed for the hall. There was silence until the front door closed behind him. Kim and Katy went back to their business in the kitchen. Jan followed them. "Can I offer you a coffee?" she called back. "No, thank you." She came back in and sat down. "Those were Michael's cases out front." "They're mine. I am Michael." "No you're not." "What can I do to prove it to you?" She thought for a moment. "It doesn't matter. Proving it doesn't matter. You're not Michael. He was my husband and the father of my children. You can't be those things." "Janice," I remonstrated, "this was done to me against my will. I am your husband and I don't want to be this. I need your help to undo this and to get the person responsible." She took a deep breath. I could almost taste her hesitancy and confusion. "I need to get Kim to nursery. Wait here for me." So she did and I did. Eventually she came home with Katy in her arms. She set her down in her room to play, and came back down. I was sitting where she left me. Strangely, I hadn't looked around much. It felt like an invasion of someone else's home and privacy. Jan sat down again in her chair. "So," she began, "what is your story?" I told her everything that I could recall, though skimming some parts and leaving out others. She sat listening with barely a word. I rounded it right off to the present day, and after I had finished she sat contemplating me. "Well," I asked, "do you believe me now?" "When I first saw you I thought that you resembled Michael, but only in the eyes. Otherwise, you bear little similarity. The story is, quite honestly, a little farfetched, though it would be believable if it wasn't for the fact that I've spoken to Michael every day for the last three months. Do you know what we spoke about a week ago?" "Of course not, you weren't speaking to me. That was someone impersonating me." "They impersonated you well enough to fool your whole family! Look, Tiffany. I hope you don't mind me calling you Tiffany?" She carried straight on. "Michael is going to walk back in here. Until he does, there's not a lot I can do for you." "I don't understand." "You can't stay here, you do understand that, don't you?" I thought about the children, and I nodded. "You know that I don't work, and I can't support you. So you're going to have to find a place and support yourself. All I can do is try to find out where my husband went for myself." I nodded again. "Anyway, if you need to make any calls, feel free, and then if you need a lift somewhere, I'll take you. I need to go check on Katy, then I'll have to go pick up Kim. You know where the kitchen is." I took out the telephone directory and started calling around. Just under an hour later Jan drove me into the centre of town to a back street hotel that had a room free. With my cases out of the car I went back to the passenger window before she drove off. "You pulled me over to you before letting me out of the car. When we broke the kiss you looked shocked. A few weeks later you told me that it was with that kiss, the first kiss, that you fell for me. I always told you that I didn't really know when I fell for you. Well, it was when I saw that look on your face, that look of shock and indecision. You looked cute, and beautiful, and lost, and I wanted you more than I ever wanted anything." I stopped, and saw the same look. She shook herself. "When you find somewhere, when you're settled, give me a call." She said, then drove slowly away. I spent the rest of the day looking for an apartment, but nowhere would use a credit card for a deposit. I couldn't find evidence of a bank account among my belongings, but I found a couple of notes from Lucy. One related to the credit cards. I had a five thousand pound limit, apparently my earnings from the strip club. After one month they would be cancelled and unusable. This hotel was just over a hundred pounds a night, with breakfast. I could last the month in this hotel, but by the end of it I needed the rental and deposit on a place. Another note clarified a little of my story. Tiffany Michaels was a valid identity, but she had no history. Apart from my passport I had no documentation. I had no qualifications. I had to start from scratch. I had no one to help. I needed a plan.

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At last! I think I just didn't want to finish the story. What do you do when you know you've done a good job; drawn characters that you want to live; created a story that you don't want to end? And then, with it starting so well, can the finish ever live up to the expectation? I always knew it would end this way, the story was always drawn out this way, but so many times I wanted to change it. Still, finally, I got it down, and hopefully the way it needs to be. I hope you find...

2 years ago
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Tango at the VingtDeux

The Vingt-Deux is an intimate club just behind the Rue Fénélon.    It’s really a night club, but for those in the know, the bar is open during the afternoons except for Mondays.    Whatever else we might be at the Vingt-Deux we are discreet. Although I work with the band, on this particular Tuesday afternoon I was behind the bar instead of Henri, our usual barman.   Henri is a good friend, and I was happy to help him out when he needed the afternoon off.   Tuesdays are always very quiet.  ...

3 years ago
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Tango at the VingtDeux

The Vingt-Deux is an intimate club just behind the Rue Fénélon.    It’s really a night club, but for those in the know, the bar is open during the afternoons except for Mondays.    Whatever else we might be at the Vingt-Deux we are discreet. Although I work with the band, on this particular Tuesday afternoon I was behind the bar instead of Henri, our usual barman.   Henri is a good friend, and I was happy to help him out when he needed the afternoon off.   Tuesdays are always very...

2 years ago
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Pas de Deux

Whoever named it necking was a poor judge of anatomy. -- Groucho Marx Chassé, emboité, jeté, Kathy and I danced around the den practicing our Pas de Deux, dance for two for you non-French speakers. We were at my house because we could be alone. My folks owned a Rexall, my dad was the pharmacist and mom ran the cash register, so they worked a lot. Usually, I had to work there too, but if I had to practice, like this Saturday, I was excused. This morning there had been the typical scene in...

4 years ago
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Sarafina Sept

I woke up to an empty bed once more. Normally this was for the purely practical reason that I came in late and Jan left early. Once, not wanting to rouse Jan in the middle of the night I decided it would make more sense to sleep in the tiny fourth bedroom we used as a study. That did not go down well with Kim and Katy, for whom parents always slept together. Those are the rules of the child and Jan and I had to abide by them. Today this was for the slightly more esoteric reason...

4 years ago
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Twist of the knife ch 9 Part Deux

Lori looked at me snorting and jerking as what I said slowly sank in. I could tell she was trying to choke back her tears and speak and I was hoping she finally understood, but then her face twisted with pain and she blurted out, “I’ve ruined everything!” as she violently tried to pull away from me, screaming, “WHY DON’T YOU HATE ME?”I pulled Lori to me as she thrashed and held her tight until she finally fell limp in my arms. Then I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, whispering, “I love...

2 years ago
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New House New Adventure Part Deux

New House, New Adventures Part DeuxChelsea and I had a nice Saturday all planned out. The boat hadn’t been taken out all summer so we decided it was time to go drop it into the lake and have ourselves some alone time. The lake was only about an hour away and everything was packed up and we were ready to get on the road. Mandy and Misty had been out all morning shopping with each other and had just pulled into the driveway as we were just getting ready to take off. I stopped the truck and rolled...

4 years ago
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How To Build A Better Sissy Part Deux

How to Build a Better Sissy Part Deux by: Missy Satinpanties I spent the rest of the night sleeping like a rock in my diapers. Maybe sleeping like a baby? My new master came in to the room several times to check my diaper, and changed me once. Finally, around seven thirty in the morning, he came in, and gently pulled the curtains back, and opened the mini blinds over the window. I was told to get a shower, and to put something pretty on, while he ran out to get us some...

1 year ago
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Caught Part Deux

We were both dumbfounded and speechless. Susan stood there with my pants in her hand, visibly upset and just as speechless.“You didn’t chain the door?” I mouthed to Mark. He just smiled weakly and tune to his wife.“Honey, listen it's not what it looks like,” he started weakly.“Well, it looks like you were fucking John,” she abruptly stopped him,” or am I missing some crucial detail here?”“No, well, yes,” Mark muttered quietly, while I was still sitting on his lap with his cock firmly in my...

2 years ago
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Meet The Haitian Goddess Deux

Sebastien Renard looked at himself in the mirror. A tall, ruggedly handsome, big and bulky young Black man looked back at him. He smiled to himself. He looked really good in a red silk shirt and Black silk pants. He was getting ready for church. His grandmother Cecilia was already waiting. Although they lived exactly three hundred meters from the Catholic Church of Quartier Morin, she always insisted they went early. Today, he was in the mood to accommodate her. For there was someone at church...

3 years ago
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Alien Sex Deux

Alex stepped out for a movie, not having many friends and abandoning his previous lifestyle, he went alone. Akemi was ready and set out to stage everything. It was her turn to spike the drink and managed to distract Alex during the film, just long enough to slip the liquid into his Coke. The movie ended and Alex felt the starting effects of the drug, feeling almost buzzed as he exited the theater. No further than a block away, three men approached him and offered some help. By now the drug...

1 year ago
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Oh Oh my O Part Deux

Sophie and I parted ways and haven’t had any form of communication for almost one whole year. I had known that I was mostly all her firsts: first real kiss, first serious boyfriend, first sexual encounter, first greatest love and first living-in partner. Me, Josh am a real great guy except that I can’t stop being always the philanderer… inspite of the fact that I really love her, I just can’t help it when temptation comes along. Our sex has always been great that is why I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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Twist of the knife ch 10 Part Deux

 Lori squeezed my arm and snuggled against my shoulder saying, “I love you, baby, and I got really turned-on thinking about how everything Eric and I did was affecting you.”I put my hand on her thigh and playfully pushed up her skirt, “Well, I have to admit, when Eric put your foot in his lap and played with your chain as you gave me that evil smile. I mean, damn, honey, my cock was bucking and throbbing as I watched his hand slip under your skirt, and when your body arched at the feel of his...

2 years ago
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Twist Of The Knife Ch 7 Part Deux

That's when Sandra came into the den with her makeup done more the way she likes, hot but not too slutty!"Oh, just getting to the good part I see," she chuckled as she walked to the desk, clicked pause and came to the bed smiling. She bent down to kiss me, and I felt the last of my fear and pain drain away as she caressed my face, our warm loving kiss was deep but not desperate.Then she stood and playfully lifted her dress a little, no little white cotton panties, no panties! I couldn't...

4 years ago
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Pas de Deux

This is a story of fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead and to institutions is coincidental. My thanks to Erik Thread for his invaluable advice. * CHAPTER ONE Many people had heard of Toni Berwick. She was the new sensation of the Ballet, a young dancer in the classic mode who was thrilling the critics with her poise and skills. Even I had heard of her. I did lift my eyes from the laboratory bench from time to time, a break from the constant research that absorbed me. In those...

3 years ago
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Alien Sex Deux

Introduction: Akemi wants payback, but when she finally get it, the satisfaction she thought she would get just isnt there. Akemi kept an eye on her new broodlings, watched them slowly come into their own, trying to adapt to their new bodies, ones that even they found attractive. But it would be at least a year before they reached maturity and it was before this time that she wanted to make sure they understood just what they had done. Alex stepped out for a movie, not having many friends and...

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The Cruise Singer Part Deux

I walked out of the hotel heading towards the Eiffel tower which I could see off in the distance. I managed to avoid the various gypsy beggars and their children who tried to con me into giving away my euros. My thoughts weren't really on sightseeing at the moment, Amanda and I had planned on walking around together and now that was a bust. Well, you know where my mind was; with Amanda and Monique. I grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many sidewalk cafes on my little tour. I sat, eating and...

2 years ago
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Ballad of Jonathan Part Deux

I am Jonathan Walker and this is my next tale about me and my love for Caroline Hartowski. After my Mom saw us kissing at my Dad's funeral, she told me to take Carrie back to the hotel. When we got there, we kissed again and began to take off our clothes. I saw her naked body and I was charmed by it. "You look beautiful naked, Carrie," I said and she blushed. Sticking out her tongue she said, "Thank you my dear Jonathan and you are quite the hunk!" I laughed, kissed her again and pulled her...

Love Stories
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Pas de deux

It all started in the last year of Primary School when I discovered the pleasure of masturbation. Just as I started in Secondary School, I began producing sperm, causing all sorts of spillages everywhere I went. I can truly say that there was not a single place in our house I hadn't cum in. And in the garden, in the school, at the playground, in the library, at friends' houses, ... In fact I seemed to walk around with a permanent hard-on ready to spew at the least provocation, more or less,...

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Wow… it has been so long that I have written… and I apologize for that. If you were all taking enemas along with me, you were holding yours in for years waiting for the conclusion to this explosive narrative. ( And you can thank “little-gothic-slut” for motivating me to start writing again…LOL)Where I last left off, k**dies, I was being carried to the king-sized bed where Mistress Sylvia, my very own personal tormentress was laying comfortably totally naked on her back, her gorgeous long legs...

3 years ago
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Back to the Bath House Part Deux

Marti (now back to being Marty) and I slept until early noon. The day began in his room with a couple rum and cokes and a truly nice 420. We chatted on the pleasures of the afternoon and night before and I told him of my prowling XHamster and getting turned on by pictures of uncircumcised cock. We started rubbing each others cock and suddenly, Marty backed off with an epiphany The hotel was loaded with Europeans. That meant there should be a lot of uncut cock on the hoof. We formulated a plan...

2 years ago
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my first threesome part deux

Paul and i had both came looking and looking rather pleased with ourselves Sarah said we'll i hope i get to come too since you both have and let out a cheeky laugh, of course we we both said in unison then sarah said but you sucked him dry there's nothing left for me! i then said to Sarah well there's still some in my mouth and grabbed a hold of her kissing her passionately driving my sum covered tongue into her mouth tasting my juices and Paul's cum at the same time was bliss then i felt...

3 years ago
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Away From the Campfire Part Deux

I never for a second believed he was actually going to show up next Saturday. But, it hardly mattered. That quick, trashy blowjob I'd given at the camp had awakened something in me: lust. I'd long repressed my bisexual tendencies, and buried my femme side. And now they were awake.When I got back home from the cabin, Sunday, I dug out my old friend, Dildo Daggins, and went to work on my ass. I came three times that night.It was hard to concentrate, and to sit, at work Monday, but I managed....

4 years ago
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True Story Best Anal Sex to me Part DEUX

True Story – Best Anal sex to me part 2That same afternoon we met again at the park, this time the sun was out and I was on my knees sucking away, I’m not the best cock sucker in the world but I do a very good job, that good job didn’t do me any good as he was not able to get it up… or I failed to get it up. We decided to leave it alone and get back to chatting. Around two in the morning, we were still chatting and he asked me to meet up again. Now mind you the park is a mile and a half away...

2 years ago
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Clubbing Part Deux

Clubbing 2 Magda and I leave the girl's room and head back out to our new guy friends who are waiting at the bar. It's getting late and the crowd is beginning to thin. I tell Frank that we would love to accompany them back to their place. Since we only had the two beers, and that was a while ago, I felt fine to drive. Frank takes me by the arm, while Jason takes Magda and they lead us out of the club. We hop in our car, and follow them to their place. Even though it's dark,...

1 year ago
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Mark and the Lady Teacher part Deux

Mark was in class with Mrs Swift the Physics teacher, had done an experiment and went to have it signed off at her desk. She signed off his exercise book in red, put a favourable comment on it then down the bottom of the page wrote " See me 7.00pm at home"Mark went round, Mrs Swift said " Hi Mark, it was my 37th Birthday yesterday and that husband of mine has bought me a "present" so I can fulfill his fantasy which we went over last week! Lyn was looking lovely as always, her shoulder length...

3 years ago
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Christines Valuable Lesson part deux

In our first encounter with Christine, we learned that she was just a little promiscuous and was caught in the act. Her two gentlemen friends plotted against her, but she got wise to their game. Using her feminine wiles, she appealed to their most basic animal need … sex. She became their little naughty sex slave. And so we continue our erotic tale. “Mmm … please.” Christine moaned. “Get your fucking clothes on,” Devon ordered. “We’re going on a little trip.” “But, it’s ten o’ clock …”...

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Bi in the Woods Part Deux

Cris chuckled at the suggestion and slowly slid over the top of Dave's body, momentarily rubbing her soaked pussy all over his resurging hardness and kissing him fully on the mouth, letting me watched as they played tongue tag in the open, before she slid in between us and I felt her smooth, flawless skin against mine. Dan immediately leaned in and took her right nipple into his mouth, suckling it to its full half inch length and taking my cue, I did the same with her gorgeous left nipple,...

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Its Only Love Part Deux

We had the goods on Baxter and his evil apprentice. Their lives would be hell when their spouses received the information contained in our anonymous 'report'. "They should be used to that by now," reasoned Susan as we rested together in bed. "They have been on the other end of those situations many times. It will be good for them to walk a mile in someone else's moccasins!" Then she chuckled as she turned to me and grinned that grin, "I have already come up with a plan to teach that...

1 year ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 23 Lady Heather Deux

Thoughts Lady Heather remains to this day the most amazing fembot I've ever met. She is also the oldest. And the more I learned about her story, the more amazed I've become. Lady Heather was constructed before the days of mass production that made robots like me affordable to all willing to expend the necessary effort to own them. Her owner was so rich that other quite wealthy men and women called him "The Rich One". In the days when robots were still being built one at a time by hand,...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 16 Deacutejagrave vu Deux

I managed to get a seat on the night train to Edinburgh; I would have a wait of a couple of hours at Darlington for the Catterick Flyer in the morning but there was no point in hanging about Plaistow. As I sat in my less than luxurious seat I reflected on the past few days, and wondered where it had all gone wrong. I had arrived home on leave, armoured by my high moral behaviour of being celibate for six months. If that didn't put me on the side of the angels I don't know what would....

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 11 Alices Friends Part Deux

"So just who is it we're picking up?" David asked, as they headed out to meet the mysterious Peter Alice had spoken to over the walkie-talkie earlier. They'd spent the morning helping Betty recover and reacclimate, including a mini 'Welcome Back' party, before finally putting her to bed under Tom's watchful guard. That had taken a while, and then preparing to venture out had taken even longer, so by the time they managed to hit the road it was late morning, meaning whoever was waiting...

2 years ago
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Throwing a Halloween PartyChapter 4 The Party Part Deux

After breakfast the next morning, we all sat and talked. "Daddy, thank you for making love to me, but I want to be true to Caleb, I hope you understand," Katy said. "I had been thinking of you that way since our last Halloween Party. That Supergirl outfit really fit you ... well," dad said. "Mom, I need to say to you that at that same party, I realized how beautiful my mother was. Katy even told that me to call her Louise a few times when we were making love. It was wonderful, but I...

4 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 31 The Patient Redeux

Saturday evening, after dinner, June decided to ask her parents for permission to stay overnight on Friday. “Mom, Dad,” she began. “One of my girlfriends asked me to come to a sleep-over this Friday. No boys will be there. Only a few girls are getting together for a little fun before I graduate. Can I go?” June’s father looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can go. Behave yourself and try to be home before we leave for the store Saturday.” Her father replied. June...

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Memoires of the Marquis dAmour 9

9 - Satisfaction »All night long I had to masturbate just thinking about your magnificent tool, Sir! I need punishment or further satisfaction, Sir, urgently!«, so greeted me my black pearl, holding my breakfast tray out to me. With the smooth elegance of a black panther she moved then in front of the long mirror, dropped the blue skirt and the bright white bloomers around her ankles. In the classical african tradition she arched her back, intertwined her fingers in the back of her head, spread...

1 year ago
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The Promise 03

Isabella was looking deep in her twin brothers eyes and felt pure love, lust and passion. This feeling made her body yearn for her brother even more and she just had to feel him inside her now. Seven felt how his twin sister grabbed his hard cock and rubbed the purple head all over her wet cunt. “Please brother, please I can’t take it any longer without your beautifull cock inside me" Seven positioned himself face to face with his sister when Isabella let out a loud and satisfying...

4 years ago
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Broken Little Thing Chapter 1

DarksX for "I could ask Mom to let me come live with you after they get married, you know," Ava said while sitting sideways on the oversized couch I had in front of my TV. The young teen girl woke up late, had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, then came to the living room to make me company while she checked her homework for the weekend on her tablet. I sat at the comfy recliner chair to the right side of the large TV room, perpendicular to where she sat, and I watched a...

3 years ago
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The Djinn and I Chap 9

Chapter 9 Day 6 A visit to Bethany's place Another sunny day greeted Dylan which helped his mood for what was looking to be a difficult day. He was looking forward to his talk with Bethany and his kids too but the topics were going to require a lot of tact and restraint. He started getting cleaned up and went through his daily inspection. 'More hair on top, no chest or gut, hair thinned out there, nipples are bigger, my package is smaller, and I can't blame that on the cold. Face is...

2 years ago
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The Lake

It wasn't until I went on a vacation that it finely came true. I had gone up north to stay at a cabin on Lake Tahoe. Everything was beautiful and clean. I had just finished unpacking, and need a shower. The lake looked so cool and inviting. Realizing that no one was around, I stripped all my clothes off and ran down to the crystal blue waters of the lake diving into the blissfully cool water without a moments hesitation. Pure bliss! Somewhat shocked by the sudden cold of the water, for a...

4 years ago
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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Winter part 13 of 13

Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson Sunday, March 24, 1872 "Let us pray," Reverend Yingling, said, continuing with his Easter Sunday sermon, "that, on this glorious Easter morning, we, too, can find a new birth in the salvation of His own Resurrection. For, to share in the re-birth of our Lord is to be changed into a being of light and joy. Such change is the very hope -- the _only_ hope for our immortal souls." "And yet, not all...

2 years ago
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Love ReDefined 8211 Part l

Hello everyone!! Finally after 1 year of the incident, i wrote this, my very first story. I don’t know why i took so much time to write it, may be i wanted a masterpiece to come up with. Ok, I am Omya 6ft, muscular, 24yrs male, i am a Software tester. I live with my mom and dad. I have 2 sisters both are married and happy. This one recent incident that happened with me, it was very shocking and surprising for me, but nevertheless the most beautiful one. This Diwali was really a mix of...

3 years ago
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finally two cocks

I have a sexy girlfriend who loves to suck cock and fuck I want her to have a threesome but she always says no One night we were lying on the couch watching tv when we got a visit from a old friend of mine My girl got up and let him in even though she only had on panties and then she climbed back on top of me one thing led to another before I had my cock in her mouth and my friend had his cock in her pussy we fucked her all night long she sucked both of our cocks together and licked our...

2 years ago
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God and Adam

God was watching Eastenders. Don’t ask me how, but they do say he works in mysterious ways. And being omnipotent, he could, if it was his wont, sit under a larger tree in a beautiful garden and watch the miserable faces of walford. Especially as this was Sunday all and his day off. Just put all calls on the answer machine and let ’em pray. Life was sweet. When he notice Adams figure meandering along the meadow he guessed that life wouldn’t be so sweet for much longer. Adam plonked his self...

2 years ago
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EdChapter 16

It was almost 2:00 in the afternoon when Steve Golden and another doctor came in and closed the door behind them. "Okay, first I will say that the operation was a huge success. We found where the major trouble was almost immediately. We took a section of a blood vessel from his leg and spliced it between two dangling vessel ends in his brain. What we found was something unusual and none of the doctors had ever seen anything like this before. "We believe, as I said before, that this was a...

3 years ago
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A Novice SorceressChapter 14

Elements Elements: Earth, air, fire and water are the four classical elements. Spiritual beings of these elements are known as Elementals. These in their singular entity are very powerful. As combination they are almost unstoppable, anyone who has seen a hurricanes, a water and air manifestation. A Firestorm as fire and air manifests. Volcanoes as fire and earth all are dangerous and will kill. But the Practitioner who can call them forth and control them will be ranked in the top tier of...

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Juliettes Journey

Juliette's Journey By Juliette Lima A lover of play in satin and lace Finds the course is laid for an endurance race Now kept confined in lacy things He learns he's tied to apron strings A swish of silk a flick of skirts He makes penance to the one he hurts Had he but been a truthful lover He'd have no need to run for cover? Part One ? Marla lays down the law. "...some of that champagne punch would be nice. Go on don't just stand there get going." I stood stunned...

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Magnificient Triangle

I am Sis Fucker and this time I am here with a story of fucking my mom’s friend horny Mona. I hope you will all love to fuck Mona. Tell me how you like my relation with Mona at I am Alok, aged 21, working as clerk in a bank. I am 6 feet tall and very athletic. I live with my widow mom Maya. My dad died 3 years ago and Mom was only 40 then. Since my father’s death, mom has not had any affairs with any man. She has one special friend, Mona aunty who is about 37 years old. Mona aunty is a...

2 years ago
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The Creators Manual

Creator's Manual Preface: If you are reading this then you are not me. I'm me and I wrote this book so why the fuck would I read this part? So if you ARE reading this part then, shit I've lost my manual and you found it. Congrats I guess. This is God, yep... THE GOD. Well IN THE BEGINNING everything was complicated as shit. Physics, Chemistry, and Humans, don't get me started. Making them good enough not to destroy the whole world but juuuuust crazy enough to try. It was a delicate balance. I...

Mind Control
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 1 4

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Written 24 July - 8 August 2013 Two teenage twins, one boy and one girl Looking so much alike, from their toes to their curls But the spider of fate had them caught in its web And had other ideas for the lives that they led. Chapter 1 The spider of fate, is building its web The strands that it weaves are lives that are led. With each...

4 years ago
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Halloween Cheat

Halloween Cheat Hi, my name is Lori and this is a story about a Halloween party I attended recently. I am a 35 year old housewife from Nashville with two children and a wonderful husband. I am a fitness nut, which has allowed me to keep my figure, even after two pregnancies. My C cup breasts have remained perky with large upturned nipples that have gotten even longer since breastfeeding my two children. My nipples are so large that they can clearly be seen through my padded bras. I often notice...

Wife Lovers
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt3 Toys R Us

Rachel - Fire & Innocence-Part3-Toys R UsI started to get up when I saw Harry head to his private shower. Rachel grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her side. She had a warm, wistful look on her face, and she tilted her head and smiled at me. She told me that Uncle Harry had said he thought I was a special person. She said she could see why. She thought I was special too, kind and cute and fun to be with. In fact, I was the first person her age that she ever had sex with.As she ran...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 3

Having advanced a school year in just three months, which was unheard of, so needless to say there were a few problems to overcome. I needed to make up the three months that I was behind in my new class as fast as possible, this would enable me to join the class already in progress with little to no disruption to the students already there. In order to do this I spent a month attending a special class at the school to catch up to my new classmate while learning. It wasn’t always the same...

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You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever you're around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, that's how I feel anyway. It's a feeling that I can't control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since I'm a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time. "Anyway, I've been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time I'm around someone I like," I whisper...

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TSINF 93 Recollections pt 3

Steph walked into the house to see no one in sight. She guessed Nate and Amanda were upstairs stretching each other. As for Natalie, she couldn’t guess for sure, maybe on the phone with Cole telling him how much she missed him or something like that. Steph thought about what she saw earlier with Natalie sun bathing nude. As much as she hated to admit she didn’t feel like sitting in the tanning booth and she didn’t like tan lines. She walked over to cabinet where she knew where Amanda had put...

1 year ago
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Mom Helps Me In My Slutiness 8211 Part 3

Hello this is RIDA again with the third part of my story. After that steamy session with mom and hardick there was a new phase in my life. My mom had agreed to get me married to hardick to have a nice fucking life ahead. But the problem was my dad. My mom was also getting horny . Many a times my mom and me would go to hardicks place and have sex with him. But as days progressed mom was getting horny day by day.. She would slip in the night in my room and have lesbian sex with me. One such day.....

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