Grappling With SurvivalChapter 11: Alice's Friends, Part Deux free porn video

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"So just who is it we're picking up?" David asked, as they headed out to meet the mysterious Peter Alice had spoken to over the walkie-talkie earlier. They'd spent the morning helping Betty recover and reacclimate, including a mini 'Welcome Back' party, before finally putting her to bed under Tom's watchful guard. That had taken a while, and then preparing to venture out had taken even longer, so by the time they managed to hit the road it was late morning, meaning whoever was waiting for them had been sitting on their hands for hours.

"Peter is a classmate of mine from Washington, DC," Alice explained excitedly, leaning forward and peering out the windshield. "I don't know how he got here, who he's here with, or even how they managed to find us, but he said they came here looking for you, of all people." David glanced at her in surprise, both by the fact that a classmate of hers could have found her after all this time, and that they'd be looking for him, not to mention that he'd survived at all. It was an incredible distance from DC to here, especially for a friend of Alice's to manage.

David glanced in his rear-view mirror, confirming that the other two vehicles venturing out of the compound were still close behind. Curiosity about the new survivors had prompted the others to tag along. The three that had walked much of the way to David's were interested in how Alice's friends had gotten there; debating whether they'd walked as well. It was generally assumed they'd probably been driven by their surviving family members. Not knowing how many people they'd find, they took three separate vehicles, with David, Alice and Mattie leading the way in David's old Suburban, Greg and Melissa in a spare SUV, and Monique and Debbie in a small panel truck they'd been using to transport scavenged finds. In a first for David, they'd actually stopped driving their dead truck since they'd cleaned up most of the streets. There were still plenty of dead animals in the woods, but those were harder to process.

Mattie remained silent in the back seat, but David could hear the steady click-click-click as the young girl loaded bullets into clips. "Do you know anything about the group?" David pressed, anxious to know what they were facing. "How many there are or what shape they're in?"

"No," Alice replied with a quirky grin, "if you'll remember, we were a little distracted at the time. I simply told him we'd be by to see them and didn't get into any details."

David grunted, well aware of how unprepared they'd been for the distraction at the time, but still curious about whom they were meeting, a little nervous about it as well. "So what can you tell us about this Peter kid?" he finally prompted, still trying to fight off his exhaustion following the marathon with Betty over the past several days. His eyes still felt gritty—about all he'd had time to do was to scrub and disinfect himself, trying to rid himself of any contaminants remaining on him before they'd headed out. He felt sure he'd succeeded, but he'd been so nervous about it that his skin felt like it was burning, even now, as a result of how hard he'd scrubbed.

"Not much, really," she said thoughtfully, trying to recall details about her friend. It seemed so long ago since she knew him. "He's a kid from my school, but he wasn't in my class. He was quiet, not real popular, but he seemed nice enough and did well in his classes, as much as I can remember. We never really interacted that much, but I know he lived near our neighborhood." She shrugged, indicating there wasn't much she could add to her limited description.

David grunted, frustrated at their lack of preparation. It showed the costs of his allowing himself and the others to get so distracted. There was no sense pushing for more information, though the others were busy guessing over the radio about what they might encounter.

Pulling up to the familiar police station that Peter had called from, they found it deserted. Climbing out, David, Alice and Greg held their guns at the ready, each scanning their surroundings, flinching at any imagined movements, suspecting the lack of anyone waiting might imply a potential ambush. Mattie remained by the cars with Monique, her gun at the ready, as well, to provide support or to defend the other women. Melissa remained alert behind the wheel, keeping the radio handy and prepared to take off at the first sign of trouble. However, still not seeing anything after reviewing their surroundings, and not being attacked as they'd feared, David finally turned to Alice expectantly.

Just as mystified as the others, Alice stepped forward, keeping her rifle pointing down but still holding it ready, scanning the quiet deserted building for any signs of movement. "Peter?" she called out, the sound echoing eerily off of the surrounding buildings. She called twice more before receiving any response.

A young boy stood, revealing himself from behind the cover of the long overgrown grass surrounding the public park near them. The boy, around Alice's age, but standing about a few inches shorter and sporting longish brown hair cut in bangs straight over his eyebrows. He merely stood there, silently regarding David and his caravan without saying a word, eyeing them with suspicion.

Finally Alice broke the silence. "Peter?" she asked.

"Hey, Alice," he responded, still sounding hesitant. "Is that you, Mr. Scott?" he added, addressing David directly, not taking his eyes off of him.

"Yes it is. Have we ever met?"

"No, sir, though my father knew you. He described you, and I'm pretty sure it's you, but if you don't mind, who were the kids who came to see you earlier?"

David had to smile. The kid was no dummy—when a bunch of people show up carrying guns, it only makes sense being cautious. "There was a bunch, but their names were Caitlyn, Sara, Amy, Julie and Erica," he answered, motioning to the others to lower their guns.

With that simple assurance, Peter put two fingers to his lips and whistled loudly. At that, other figures started appearing. A tall thin girl with longer tangled blond hair dropped from a tree, a younger girl, equally blond, stood up from behind another patch of overgrown grass. A boy smaller than Peter with short cropped blond hair climbed out of a parked car, and finally an older girl, probably a teen ager, dropped from the roof of the police station. One by one, they moved to join Peter, standing beside him, still warily regarding David's group.

"Nina, it's good to see you again," Alice called out, clearly recognizing one of the girls. The lanky blonde brightened, a broad smile splitting her dour face, but she didn't shift from where she stood. Alice remained where she was, not moving or making any threatening gestures, not wanting to spook them. "Is that your sister, Wendy?"

"Yeah, it is," the girl called back. "Man, it's great to finally find you. We've been looking forever!"

She still didn't move any closer, and neither did any of the kids, although they were clearly excited to have finally arrived. The smaller kids were dancing in place, yet they looked clearly nervous about approaching.

"We stayed behind because no one could reach us when Mrs. Scott took off searching for you," Peter said, finally opening up, the words practically pouring from his mouth. "We helped our parents clean up the damages to our houses, and then they kept us indoors when people started getting sick." The older girl with hair the same shade of his moved up behind him as if to protect him. Their similar colors and features make it pretty clear they were brother and sister. While he seemed to be about Alice's age, his sister appeared to be older, somewhere in her mid- to late-teens.

"While they protected us by keeping us away from everyone else, our parents were talking to people every day. When my mother and a few others got sick, my father made a decision and started making plans with the other neighbors. They got us together and told us that we had to leave them behind, that they probably wouldn't make it, and that if we stayed we'd only end up getting sick as well." As the words tumbled out, tears appeared in his eyes and his voice trembled, but his sister, clearly yearning to hold and shelter him, remained behind him, not reaching out to touch him.

"He told us to stay away from anyone we met," Nina interjected, the spindly girl taking up Peter's story as the boy sniffed. "And to not ask for anything but to take whatever we needed from unoccupied houses, warning us that anyone we talked to would either try to hurt us or might infect us."

All the kids looked thin and lean, as if they'd been struggling, both for food and physically working for the past couple of weeks. They had a certain hard look about them that signaled they'd been struggling on their own, and their clothes, while typical of kid's clothes everywhere, looked worn and frayed.

"There used to be six of us," Wendy added, sounding remorseful but refusing to let herself cry. The kids had clearly learned to face death every day, so they weren't about to break down now, even though they were finally amongst friends at long last. "Another girl accompanied us. She was older, home for the summer from college, and she was supposed to watch out for us. But she was sick when we got up one morning and told us to take off without her, taking the car with us and abandoning her," Wendy said, looking tearful as she said it, as if she'd been holding it in all this time, only now feeling free enough to admit such emotions before a group of strangers. Yet still, none of them actually broke down and actually cried.

"We didn't want to leave her, but Jenny insisted," Nina explained, pointing at the older girl shadowing Peter. "She shoved us into the car making us leave her behind."

"It was our only choice," Jenny said flatly, finally speaking for the first time. "It was rough, but as we watched the bodies continually increase, and more and more people getting sick, we knew it was for the best."

"Well, you know who I am," David said, pausing the kid's story as he proceeded to introduce everyone with him. "Who are each of you?"

"My name is Jenny Thomas, I'm Peter's sister," the older girl behind Peter answered, not referring to anyone in a friendly manner, playing the role of senior matron; the one tough enough to order the others to abandon their companion. "The others are Wendy, Adam and Nina Foster."

"How are you doing?" David asked, trying to shield his assault rifle behind his back and smiling to ease the kids' minds, though he wasn't having much luck with his rifle. "If you don't mind, Monique here is a nurse and can check you out," he added, waving to Monique, behind a protective Mattie standing in front of her holding her rifle proudly, though she kept it pointed well away from everyone. "We also have food if anyone is hungry."

The kids all perked up at the mention of food, so seeing her chance Monique returned to the car and took out the bagged lunches, using them to purchase her acceptance into the group. As each one hungrily grabbed the sandwiches and began eating, she checked them over, gently asking about any accidents or injuries they'd had.

"We drove as long as we could, sleeping in the woods at night after we hid the car," Peter continued speaking around a mouthful of food. "People would come by, and we saw them attacking and hurting others, so we were glad our father warned us, and we stayed away from others that much more."

"We learned what to do through trial and error," the younger boy named Adam related. "Whenever we came upon a house that was quiet we'd watch it, then Wendy would approach and call out. We figured if anyone would try anything, they'd do it if they only saw her, since she's the youngest. If we saw any movement we'd run away, but if we didn't, we'd wrap our shirts over our faces and Jenny would go in, grabbing whatever food she could while trying to avoid the bodies."

"How long did the car last?" David asked, guessing why it had taken so long.

"It was rough, the roads were bad and there were cars blocking the roads, so we'd have to drive around obstructions," Jenny explained, taking over the tale. She was busy peeling open a treasured package of chips, but hesitated when Wendy Foster looked beseechingly at her. So she reluctantly handed it to her, smiling as she continued. "We were stopped by a flat tire, rather than running out of gas. The other girl and I changed the first tire, but when we got the second we had no more tires. We ended up taking one off of another abandoned vehicle, but it didn't really match the car, and it made it wobble and drive funny. When the next tire blew out, we knew the car couldn't help us anymore, so we decided to walk." Turning to the other girls she started issuing orders. "Nina, Wendy, grab our backpacks." The other girls hurried to do her bidding, while she wolfed down the rest of her sandwich.

"We walked until we found some bicycles in an abandoned house in a housing complex. We eventually found some for everyone. That was really better, since the bicycles were better for getting around on the rough roads as well as being silent and easier to hide," she continued. "We'd ride along the roads at night, then hide the bikes and sleep during the day with someone keeping watch, usually me."

She paused, taking a deep breath. "We saw some horrible things, but we managed to avoid most of it, and since we never talked to or interacted with anyone, we never managed to get sick. But it took forever to get here as a result."

"Peter and Jenny managed to repair our bikes whenever we'd get a flat, but we had to trade them in for newer ones every so often," Wendy added as she dropped two backpacks beside Jenny, sounding as if the simple task of changing a bicycle tire was a vital service helping them all survive.

"If you're interested, we've got hot food back at the house," Alice suggested.

The kids' heads shot up at this news. "You've got charcoal grills?" Wendy asked, her mouth practically salivating she looked so intrigued by the concept.

Alice couldn't help herself, breaking into a big grin. "Even better, we have full electricity. We have music, TV, heat and air conditioning."

"No way," Adam exclaimed. "I didn't think anyone had electricity any longer."

Getting another wicked grin, Alice pulled something from her jacket and tossed it to the smaller Wendy, who jerked defensively at the sudden movement but still managed to catch it. She examined the MP3 player she now held in her hands before looking back at Alice.

"Does it work?"

"Yep. It's got music and discussions about how to stay safe and survive in the weeks and months ahead," Alice explained. "We broadcast over the radio to anyone who... ," Alice tried to continue, but Wendy was hurriedly putting the earphones in her ears, turning it on as the other kids clustered around her, astounded by Alice's simple gift.

"Sorry about not trusting you initially," Peter apologized while the other kids each tried to get a chance with the magical device. "When we saw the bodies in the trees, we were afraid maybe you'd been killed by bad guys. When we called, Alice sounded so weird, I was sure she was being held against her will and couldn't talk freely."

"Yeah, I was ... uh, a bit distracted," Alice tried to explain without getting into what the distraction had been.

"Is your place ... safe?" Jenny asked, still looking out for the others.

"That's a complex question," David said, speaking before the others could respond. Though he wanted the kids to trust them, he also wanted to ensure they knew what they were getting into before they joined them. It may hurt them if they didn't join them, but he could tell from looking at them that they were used to making difficult decisions on the fly, so he'd decided to level with them.

"Some of us are like you, never having been exposed. However Alice, Mattie and I, and another girl back at the house, got all the diseases but survived, so now we're immune to them. However you can't touch us because we have a weakened version of it, meaning we can still infect someone if there's enough contact."

The kids all looked at each other, and then Jenny waved them over. Suddenly their meal was forgotten as they crowded together and discussed what to do, their voices low as they'd cast an occasional glances at the caravan.

"It's really quite—" Alice started to tell them, hoping to assuage their fears before David waved her off again.

"This is something they have to decide for themselves," he told her quietly. "Once they do we'll explain how it works."

Monique walked back behind David and Alice, respecting their roles as the lead negotiators, while Greg and Melissa stood off to the side waiting for the kids to make their decision. Mattie, still holding her rifle proudly, looked like she'd like nothing better than to run and join the new kids, some her own age, but knew she'd need to be careful because of her potential to infect them.

"Is it OK if we don't join you?" Jenny asked, speaking over the heads of the others.

"Absolutely," David answered. "In fact, if you decide to keep going, we'll equip you with food, a car with gasoline, and some weapons you can protect yourselves with."

They just stared at him for a second, and then hurriedly resumed their private conversation once more, spending several more minutes in intense discussion. Finally they broke apart and turned to address them as one.

"In that case, we'll trust you," Jenny said, speaking authoritatively for the group, but then paused, looking into David's eyes cagily. "We'll come along and see how safe it is, then decide whether we want to stay."

"You won't regret it," Alice assured them. "Aside from the electricity and food, we've got animals, a nice secluded spot and an amazing house."

"You're overselling it," David whispered to her, making no motions to alert the others that they weren't the entire focus of his attention, treating them as edgy creatures likely to take flight at the slightest wrong move. "We've already made the sale, let them determine what we have to offer on their own."

"It'll be good to get a hot meal," Wendy responded, breaking into a big grin now that they'd established their position. She grunted as she hoisted her backpack, and each of the kids grabbed their kits, eager to get on with it now that they'd committed to it.

"And a shower," Nina added, wiping her forehead after adjusted her own backpack. The long minutes trying to come to a decision while debating how much they trusted these people and considering the inherent risks were more than a little stressful. "You do have working water, don't you?" When Alice nodded that they did, her smile beamed across the expanse, showing just how much she was looking forward to it.

"Hell, I've love to sleep in a real bed again," Peter exclaimed, a sentiment that his sister agreed wholeheartedly with, if her enthusiastic nod was any indication.

"Well come on, then, let's get you back, fed and cleaned up," David said with a wave towards the convoy, turning and walking back towards the Suburban without watching to see if anyone followed. He wanted to show that they were free to come on their own and that he wasn't going to treat them as helpless children after they'd existed on their own devices for so long. He thought they'd respond to that better than any other approach. The sound of the kids running after them assured him they were convinced.

On the way back, David was anxious to answer one question that had been bothering him for some time. He'd split the kids up, letting Monique and Debbie drive the three Foster kids since they had a whole vehicle to themselves, while he drove Peter and Jenny. In order to not risk infecting them, Mattie and Alice shared the front seat with him. It made the front seat crowded, but they were both small and didn't mind being that close now that they could do so without worry. Glancing back in the rearview window, David addressed Peter's older sister.

"Jenny, whatever happened to Betts? Did she ever make it home?" he asked, a slight quiver flavoring his question.

"Betts?" Jenny asked, sounding lost.

"Mrs. Bennett," Alice explained, reminding them who they were speaking of since not everyone was familiar with the more personal nickname. "Sara's mother."

"Oh, no, after she left with your mother and everyone else we never saw her again. Did something happen to her?" Jenny asked worriedly, despite the devastation they'd all witnessed in the intervening weeks.

Steeling himself for her possible response, his muscles tensing in anticipation, David whispered what had occurred. "None of them made it, but Betts decided to go back to try to bring some more of you out here. After she left, we never heard from her again, and we've always wondered what happened to her."

"That probably wasn't a very smart thing to do," Jenny responded sympathetically. "The roads were a mess, and not only weren't they cleaned up, they weren't patrolled either. People would stop cars at makeshift roadblocks, killing people at random. It was pretty bad," she reflected with an involuntary shudder as she recalled what they'd experience on the road, unwilling to voice all she'd witnessed.

"Yeah, we encountered that kind of thing ourselves," David told her. "Did you happen to notice the warning when you exited the highway? We put a quick end to that here." While David had no way of knowing whether his grisly warning had in fact stopped anyone else, he wanted to reassure the kids that they were now safer than they had been.

"We noticed; that's partially why we were so nervous when you arrived, especially when you showed up with multiple cars loaded for bear."

"Our parents said that you'd be prepared," Peter said, blurting out the words as he changed the subject. "Mrs. Scott described how you had everything, and she drew a map about how to get here, so we didn't have to ask anyone for directions. But her map wasn't very detailed, so every time we turned off the trail we had to search until we got back on the same route again."

"We finally broke into a store someone had robbed and found a map, that helped a lot," Jenny added.

"Well, one of the things we'll do is teach you how to shoot a weapon, whether you stay with us or not," David told them. He paused as he navigated around a large pothole and a couple abandoned vehicles, and then added, "And just so you know, we expect everyone to chip in."

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Alice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...

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Alices Dirty Fantasy

Why the fuck haven’t I been packed until now?! I began cursing myself as I realized I only had a few minutes before my ride to the airport was to show up. I scrambled through the mess of clothes that happened to be lying in a heap on my bed. Would it have fucking killed me to do this shit last night? No, instead I had to go to the fucking bar and get plastered with my friends before heading out! I should’ve packed before then! I was very angry with myself. I heard the horn of my buddy’s car...

2 years ago
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my first threesome part deux

Paul and i had both came looking and looking rather pleased with ourselves Sarah said we'll i hope i get to come too since you both have and let out a cheeky laugh, of course we we both said in unison then sarah said but you sucked him dry there's nothing left for me! i then said to Sarah well there's still some in my mouth and grabbed a hold of her kissing her passionately driving my sum covered tongue into her mouth tasting my juices and Paul's cum at the same time was bliss then i felt...

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Alices Awakening Part 2

Padding barefoot through a lush jungle towards a tinkling waterfall, looking desperately for a restroom and vaguely aware of a church bell ringing… ringing… Alice’s eyes jerked open. She looked around wildly for the moment it took to remember where she was. She became aware of two things simultaneously, the burning need to urinate and the ringing of her cell phone. She rolled onto her knees and half staggered into the adjoining suite in search of the bag containing her phone. She fumbled it...

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Caught Part Deux

We were both dumbfounded and speechless. Susan stood there with my pants in her hand, visibly upset and just as speechless.“You didn’t chain the door?” I mouthed to Mark. He just smiled weakly and tune to his wife.“Honey, listen it's not what it looks like,” he started weakly.“Well, it looks like you were fucking John,” she abruptly stopped him,” or am I missing some crucial detail here?”“No, well, yes,” Mark muttered quietly, while I was still sitting on his lap with his cock firmly in my...

2 years ago
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Ballad of Jonathan Part Deux

I am Jonathan Walker and this is my next tale about me and my love for Caroline Hartowski. After my Mom saw us kissing at my Dad's funeral, she told me to take Carrie back to the hotel. When we got there, we kissed again and began to take off our clothes. I saw her naked body and I was charmed by it. "You look beautiful naked, Carrie," I said and she blushed. Sticking out her tongue she said, "Thank you my dear Jonathan and you are quite the hunk!" I laughed, kissed her again and pulled her...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Back to the Bath House Part Deux

Marti (now back to being Marty) and I slept until early noon. The day began in his room with a couple rum and cokes and a truly nice 420. We chatted on the pleasures of the afternoon and night before and I told him of my prowling XHamster and getting turned on by pictures of uncircumcised cock. We started rubbing each others cock and suddenly, Marty backed off with an epiphany The hotel was loaded with Europeans. That meant there should be a lot of uncut cock on the hoof. We formulated a plan...

4 years ago
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Away From the Campfire Part Deux

I never for a second believed he was actually going to show up next Saturday. But, it hardly mattered. That quick, trashy blowjob I'd given at the camp had awakened something in me: lust. I'd long repressed my bisexual tendencies, and buried my femme side. And now they were awake.When I got back home from the cabin, Sunday, I dug out my old friend, Dildo Daggins, and went to work on my ass. I came three times that night.It was hard to concentrate, and to sit, at work Monday, but I managed....

2 years ago
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Mark and the Lady Teacher part Deux

Mark was in class with Mrs Swift the Physics teacher, had done an experiment and went to have it signed off at her desk. She signed off his exercise book in red, put a favourable comment on it then down the bottom of the page wrote " See me 7.00pm at home"Mark went round, Mrs Swift said " Hi Mark, it was my 37th Birthday yesterday and that husband of mine has bought me a "present" so I can fulfill his fantasy which we went over last week! Lyn was looking lovely as always, her shoulder length...

3 years ago
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Christines Valuable Lesson part deux

In our first encounter with Christine, we learned that she was just a little promiscuous and was caught in the act. Her two gentlemen friends plotted against her, but she got wise to their game. Using her feminine wiles, she appealed to their most basic animal need … sex. She became their little naughty sex slave. And so we continue our erotic tale. “Mmm … please.” Christine moaned. “Get your fucking clothes on,” Devon ordered. “We’re going on a little trip.” “But, it’s ten o’ clock …”...

3 years ago
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Bi in the Woods Part Deux

Cris chuckled at the suggestion and slowly slid over the top of Dave's body, momentarily rubbing her soaked pussy all over his resurging hardness and kissing him fully on the mouth, letting me watched as they played tongue tag in the open, before she slid in between us and I felt her smooth, flawless skin against mine. Dan immediately leaned in and took her right nipple into his mouth, suckling it to its full half inch length and taking my cue, I did the same with her gorgeous left nipple,...

3 years ago
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Its Only Love Part Deux

We had the goods on Baxter and his evil apprentice. Their lives would be hell when their spouses received the information contained in our anonymous 'report'. "They should be used to that by now," reasoned Susan as we rested together in bed. "They have been on the other end of those situations many times. It will be good for them to walk a mile in someone else's moccasins!" Then she chuckled as she turned to me and grinned that grin, "I have already come up with a plan to teach that...

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 15 New Friends and Foes

Leaving Harrisonburg at first light, they drove into Charlottesville as early as possible, but of course it wasn't as simple as that. Downed trees and abandoned vehicles made entering the city difficult at times. That delayed their arrival, but they needn't have worried. Their hearts sunk as they surveyed the condition of the college town. Not only were there no signs of life, the place was a wasteland with numerous grocery stores ransacked and homes and businesses burned. This made the...

2 years ago
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Meet The Haitian Goddess Deux

Sebastien Renard looked at himself in the mirror. A tall, ruggedly handsome, big and bulky young Black man looked back at him. He smiled to himself. He looked really good in a red silk shirt and Black silk pants. He was getting ready for church. His grandmother Cecilia was already waiting. Although they lived exactly three hundred meters from the Catholic Church of Quartier Morin, she always insisted they went early. Today, he was in the mood to accommodate her. For there was someone at church...

4 years ago
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Alien Sex Deux

Alex stepped out for a movie, not having many friends and abandoning his previous lifestyle, he went alone. Akemi was ready and set out to stage everything. It was her turn to spike the drink and managed to distract Alex during the film, just long enough to slip the liquid into his Coke. The movie ended and Alex felt the starting effects of the drug, feeling almost buzzed as he exited the theater. No further than a block away, three men approached him and offered some help. By now the drug...

4 years ago
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Pas de Deux

This is a story of fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead and to institutions is coincidental. My thanks to Erik Thread for his invaluable advice. * CHAPTER ONE Many people had heard of Toni Berwick. She was the new sensation of the Ballet, a young dancer in the classic mode who was thrilling the critics with her poise and skills. Even I had heard of her. I did lift my eyes from the laboratory bench from time to time, a break from the constant research that absorbed me. In those...

3 years ago
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Alien Sex Deux

Introduction: Akemi wants payback, but when she finally get it, the satisfaction she thought she would get just isnt there. Akemi kept an eye on her new broodlings, watched them slowly come into their own, trying to adapt to their new bodies, ones that even they found attractive. But it would be at least a year before they reached maturity and it was before this time that she wanted to make sure they understood just what they had done. Alex stepped out for a movie, not having many friends and...

4 years ago
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Pas de deux

It all started in the last year of Primary School when I discovered the pleasure of masturbation. Just as I started in Secondary School, I began producing sperm, causing all sorts of spillages everywhere I went. I can truly say that there was not a single place in our house I hadn't cum in. And in the garden, in the school, at the playground, in the library, at friends' houses, ... In fact I seemed to walk around with a permanent hard-on ready to spew at the least provocation, more or less,...

2 years ago
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Sarafina Deux

David silently accompanied me right through the airport. He left me at the door to the plane. I sat down in my seat in the nineteenth row at the window. Next to me were two Chinese men in their forties. Both gazed up and down at me as I passed them to reach my seat. As they sat one said to the other, "We need more American tourists. How much do you think I should offer this one for a fondle of her tits?" The second man laughed. Quite absently I said, "One hundred dollars," as I turned...

2 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 23 Lady Heather Deux

Thoughts Lady Heather remains to this day the most amazing fembot I've ever met. She is also the oldest. And the more I learned about her story, the more amazed I've become. Lady Heather was constructed before the days of mass production that made robots like me affordable to all willing to expend the necessary effort to own them. Her owner was so rich that other quite wealthy men and women called him "The Rich One". In the days when robots were still being built one at a time by hand,...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 16 Deacutejagrave vu Deux

I managed to get a seat on the night train to Edinburgh; I would have a wait of a couple of hours at Darlington for the Catterick Flyer in the morning but there was no point in hanging about Plaistow. As I sat in my less than luxurious seat I reflected on the past few days, and wondered where it had all gone wrong. I had arrived home on leave, armoured by my high moral behaviour of being celibate for six months. If that didn't put me on the side of the angels I don't know what would....

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 18 Retribution Interrupted

"It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye," Mattie broadcast in a haltering childlike voice filled with grief, just the thing to touch the heartstrings, "not only to one wonderful individual who'd survived against such terrible odds, but two. The fact that they were killed by a pompous, self-righteous group who think they were protecting the world from those who are suffering makes it even worse. But for now, we need you, our listeners, to pray for our recently departed, and to...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 13 For Whom the Siren Wails

"OK, an important notice to anyone listening. We're striking out; searching for supplies or anyone we can meet. If anyone is in the region, we'll be in Harrisonburg, Virginia tomorrow morning, and we'll try to be in Charlottesville the next day. If you can pick up this broadcast and are close by, we'd be glad to meet you. Just be careful how you approach us, as we're likely to be a bit gun-shy. We've survived a lot of craziness before the big die-off, so don't startle us. We'll try...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 16 A Surprise Visitor and the Repercussions of His Visit

There was a flurry of activity in the household as they prepared to meet the newcomer, someone who hadn't even bothered to introduce himself. Everyone wanted to go along, especially the kids left behind during the last trip, but David was forced to put his foot down as he did not want to intimidate the person they were meeting by arriving with an army of excited onlookers. He figured the stranger would be skittish enough as it was, and that the meeting would likely progress much more...

2 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 9 Stupid Ideas Justified

"We have new information on the plagues that constitute The Great Death that everyone listening should be aware of. It may not help you avoid it, but at least it will give everyone a common frame of reference. There appear to be at least five different component plagues of the Great Death. We've decided to name them in reference to specific figures, not because of any specific reason, but just because we needed some terms we could easily use. Normally one uses Latin names, but never having...

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 12 Resuming an Old Pattern

"Hello world; we've got some exciting news: we've finally identified specific cells associated with the Great Death plagues. This is significant, because while we still consider the plagues to be caused by viruses, we've identified a companion cell that seems to flag when the virus is present. The problem researchers had before the collapse of the medical system was that they were looking in the blood for the source of the infection, where there were just too many components to consider....

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 17 Connecting the Dots

Once Monique had rested and her fever had dropped to a reasonable level, David helped her back inside the house. While David had certain specific plans in mind regarding the Charlottesville group he held responsible for both Monique's current state and the two most recent deaths, there wasn't anything he could do about it at the moment, so they'd have to wait while he took care of other necessary details. One of which was taking care of Monique. "So, here comes the Grande dame," Tom...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 10 The Unrelenting Struggle and the Man Who Wont Give Up

"Are you sure you really want to go through with this?" David asked Betty one last time. Beside them, Monique's face remained impassive as she prepared the plasma transfer that would infect Betty with the Great Death. Something they all realized could very well kill her. "It's not too late to back out," he reemphasized. "Yeah, I'm sure. I've had plenty of time to consider it and it's something I want. I'd rather live as a social creature, unafraid to interact with other people...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 7 Unappreciative House Guests

Pulling up in front of the house, Alice ran out before David could even get out of the vehicle. It had turned overcast, and looked like it was about to pour. David climbed out of his SUV and waved Monique's car up so Debbie could make it into the house without having to limp too far. Monique took in the Humvee and the military tanker parked a ways off, making her own assumptions about what David was trying to do here, though she didn't bother to voice them out loud. "Uh, Dad, I've got...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 4 Another New Face or Two

"This is Radio Scott again, signing on a bit late today since we no longer have the support staff we once did. We had an interesting time exploring today, making new discoveries and finding new signs of life. We discovered several new animals including a coot, a smaller duck if you're unfamiliar with them, a turtle and a fully grown dog that hadn't yet turned aggressive or suffered a major bout of sickness. Whether the dog can continue to avoid it will remain to be seen, but I'm hoping...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 6 Distractions

"Today we have some more information on the animal front: as expected, cattle, deer and the majority of pigs are officially history, as are corn and potatoes. Other species were impacted, but they seem to have survived to an extent. We're sure there were a lot of mass extinctions, like insects, carnivores, frogs, mice, rats as well as other vermin. It'll be years before we have any kind of official list. If anyone is so inclined, we desperately need people to take over existing farms...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 5 Decisions and their Ramifications

David woke up unexpectedly, not to the early morning sun, but instead to the unexpected sensation of having something cold and wet pressing against his face. As his brain finally kicked in, he realized that Lassie was nosing him while whining. Pulling back, he leaned up, stretching his arms over his head. "Jeez, OK, OK. I take it you want to go out. I'll take you girl, just hold on," he told her softly, trying not to awaken the girls. But instead of being calmed, she seemed even more...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 2 Picking up a New Charge

"This is Radio Scott once again. This is our... ," Alice halted, unsure just how long they'd been broadcasting for, "well, frankly we've given up trying to keep track of time. Since the Great Death was so significant to all our lives, it's made every other historic event pale into insignificance. While history remains good for teaching, dating everything in the current world according to when everything else occurred now makes little sense. Although we still have clocks, we've zeroed...

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 20 Future Plans

"OK, as you all know, I've been debating how to approach this newest crisis, and I've already had you running missions concerning it," David explained to those gathered around as he strode from one end of the richly decorated though cobweb covered room, nervously flexing his hands as he spoke. Everyone listening was eager to hear what he had planned, as they knew how anxious David was about it, as well as knowing how much it would likely impact each of them personally. "As you can tell...

2 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 14 A Little Horse Trading

The sun was still peeking through the surrounding tree cover as the convoy finally entered downtown Harrisonburg. David had argued that most criminals would avoid the early morning hours like the plague, which had generated its own spirited discussion. "How do we know how late potential criminals sleep now that everyone has no lights, media or entertainment to keep them up after sunset," Greg asked, clearly confounded. "I'm just going by my assumptions that most criminals, of all...

1 year ago
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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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