Grappling With SurvivalChapter 20: Future Plans free porn video

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"OK, as you all know, I've been debating how to approach this newest crisis, and I've already had you running missions concerning it," David explained to those gathered around as he strode from one end of the richly decorated though cobweb covered room, nervously flexing his hands as he spoke. Everyone listening was eager to hear what he had planned, as they knew how anxious David was about it, as well as knowing how much it would likely impact each of them personally. "As you can tell from the people who have already shown up today looking for help, this is going to impact us, even more so once people have time to spread the word and make their way to us."

David was speaking only to his core group of loyal followers, thinking he'd let them spread the word to the new people, but he wanted those closest to him to know what lay ahead of them, as what he was about to lay out would impact each of them, but some much more than others. Although he'd allowed the newcomers and their prisoners more latitude as their attitudes seem to have changed substantially, he hadn't wanted to tell anyone else what he was planning. Once he'd reawakened after collapsing the previous day, he'd seemed very intent as he began sending different people on various jobs. He seemed committed and confident, but he wouldn't tell anyone what he was up to.

"The problem, for any of you who haven't been paying attention lately, is that everyone is now looking at saving themselves. They know that there's no way to reach us if they suddenly get sick, so everyone and their friends are planning to join us, hoping to remain close enough so they'll be nearby if anything happens. Despite having prepared adequate food supplies and shelter to survive whatever comes, we don't have enough for everyone trying to move in. What's more, for everyone that undertakes this journey—often on foot or bicycles—they won't have the time to prepare for the coming winter, which everyone will have to work hard to survive, if it's anyway near as bad as I expect.

"But beyond that, even if we could put everyone up, there is no way we could possibly take care of dozens, hundreds or potentially thousands of sick people. So we need to head off each of these problems before they reach a crisis level. Instead of waiting for everyone to come to us, we've got to encourage everyone to stay where they are, hopefully gathering together and consolidating their resources."

"Easier said than done," Greg pointed out a little skeptically as he absently tried, once again, to rub away an old bloodstain on his shirt. "We've already been trying to encourage that, but no one seems inclined to trust anyone else."

"That's because we've been relying on the wrong motivation. Instead of telling people they have to trust each other, we need to capitalize on their fear of dying, much as Taylor did."

Everyone abruptly sat back, surprised by David's last statement. They had trouble reconciling David adopting Taylor Peterson's approaches since it seemed to run so counter to his nature.

"I know what you're thinking," he told them calmly, "but while most people won't trust others to not infect them, they will group together if it ensures they can survive getting sick. Just as they'll travel cross country to reach us, they'll travel to a central location if it means they'll be safe from dying, and more so if their loved ones will be safe as well."

"But you can't travel everywhere and reach everyone on your own," Alice argued.

"And even if you could," Monique added, "you couldn't hope to treat everyone you encounter because you'd never get very far."

"No, Alice," David responded, directing the answer directly to his own daughter, "you and I can't travel everywhere. As the only universal plasma donors to survive the treatment, our blood is too valuable. Since our plasma can help everyone, we need to stay in a central location so we can supply whoever needs more." David paused, a wicked smile growing on his lips as he reviewed each of them, especially those he'd treated. "However, the others, with their various blood types, will set out for different cities. They can donate blood plasma on their own, assuming they can find the medical supplies. Tom already assures me he can hook them up to run off a car's cigarette lighter as long as the car remains stationary. We'll give them as much of our universal plasma and a cross sampling of the other blood types as we can.

"We'll also preannounce each location we're heading for, telling them to begin preparing for us by gathering the survivors together. We'll announce that we can't treat everyone, but we can allow them to treat themselves. The priority will be to treat any type 'AB' individuals, whether they're sick or not. That way that location can take over treating people on their own, without needing our support, though we'll maintain them as trading partners. The same goes for any blood types we currently don't have on hand. They can also treat anyone else who's sick, or potentially anyone of their own blood type they can, assuming they have enough to continue."

"Who is this 'we' you speak of, Kimosabe?" Betty asked good-naturedly.

"I think that's clear enough. You, Mattie, Monique and Natalie can cover the four points of the compass."

"What if they encounter someone like those fake cops?" Melissa asked, clearly concerned with sending out defenseless women into dangerous territories on their own.

"Assuming they've heard of what we're doing, like those people did, they'll be too interested in what we can do for the community to risk stopping us. If they try to injure us, or even slow us down, they run the risk of having nowhere to turn if they or their friends get sick. Even if they don't know about us, we can convince them by showing them our medical supplies. They'll soon realize they can't treat themselves, and if they try to force us to treat them, we could easily simply let them die. There's no incentive for them to hurt us."

"I'm not so sure of that," Ayana replied. "Desperate greedy people might try any number of different things."

"That's true," David answered, turning to address her, knowing that this was a central component of his plan, "but it's a very peculiar case. First, we won't list blood type on any of the IV bags. Thus no one will be able to steal them and administer it to themselves without risking a violent reaction to the wrong blood type. What's more, even if they try to imprison the girls to force them to treat them, once they get sick, there's very little they could do, and if they have friends willing to threaten them as well, those friends wouldn't dare stick around during the treatment. But I think it's essential that they do this alone, because I want to ensure that this is seen as being as nonthreatening as possible. By having young girls doing the treatments instead of having an avenging force swooping down forcing the treatment on cautious people, I think we can get more acceptance by the general public. It's true that they'll be facing dangers, but I think it's an acceptable risk, given that any other approach wouldn't be as accepted as I hope this one will."

"You know, that could actually work," Greg replied, grinning at the possibilities as he sat, rubbing his jaw in consideration.

"You're right," Tom agreed. "We could expand our base of plasma supplies, potentially establishing a trade between cities, creating a whole new medical corps of people traveling between smaller towns treating people."

"How can we keep the plasma fresh while we travel?" Betty asked. "I mean, it'll take us between several days to a few weeks to reach each destination."

"That's what I've been having everyone doing. Jennifer, Tom, Franklin and Regina have been picking up supplies. They've searched all the nearby automotive and camping supply stores. We now have several car based refrigerators, as well as a handful of minivans, complete with refrigerators and power for us to add freezers. We could add medical crosses to make it clear what we represent, so we don't attract attacks."

"What about the rest of us?" Allison asked.

"And what happens when they run out of plasma, or can't make any more?" Ayana asked.

"The 'rest of you' can ferry supplies back and forth, as well as trading foodstuffs: seeds, eggs, farm animals and other supplies. At each stop you'll have to do an education effort, telling people what they need to know, how to prepare for the future, how to power their equipment and access the left over gas. Whichever people can't hear our broadcasts we can speak to directly. We'll clearly miss a lot of folk, but hopefully the word will spread after we've moved on, and the locals can take over the treatments.

"As for when people run out of plasma, that job falls to you, Ayana. Your job is to ferry our type 'AB' plasma to the different cities. That means you'll be on the road a LOT, as you run back and forth. The four girls will establish relationships and train the local community, and you'll keep them supplied with whatever they need to keep going."

"But we can't purposely infect everyone?" Natalie responded, perfectly aware just how difficult the procedure is.

"No, we'll just do enough to give each community a core group, much like we have. If we cover a couple type 'AB's, or at least the more common blood types, then we won't have to infect anyone else. The local community can treat whoever gets sick after that, dealing with it as a treatment protocol."

"I guess that's reasonable," she responded, contemplating how it would work in practice.

"The demand for spare food from the farm, functioning electronics, spare seeds and animals can keep the rest of you working full time trading with the these communities once we've set them up. But best of all, this will free the rest of us up to continue what we're trying to accomplish. Tom can work on his research, possibly adding other scientists. Heather and Peter can continue farming, Regina and Franklin can continue raising animals, and the other communities can continue our search for other animals to help rebuild the genetic diversity we'll need to survive on into the future."

"You know, this is a really exciting idea," Debbie said. "It'll give each of us something vital to do and something we can specialize in. It'll keep us moving, and best of all, it'll give everyone a reason to pull together, something they've been resisting so far."

"Actually, Debbie, I expect you to work setting up educational efforts in each community. I think you'll get more cooperation than one of us outsiders trying to tell the locals what to do. If they see kids, telling other kids what they need to learn, the adults will be less likely to resist."

"That makes sense," Adam replied. "And while we're at it, we can train to become teachers ourselves, as well as helping teach a new generation of scientists, engineers and doctors."

"And don't forget trying to coordinate the raising of animals," Franklin reminded them. "We're especially concerned with horses, pigs and any animals that you think can become farm stock, no matter how small, including trading animals to diversify the breeding stock."

"Speaking of which, you need to emphasize to everyone that while we'll give them breeding stock, they're to be used for creating a basis for future generations. What's more, they have to promise to release half the animals they raise into the wild."

"Half?" Franklin asked, shocked at the number.

"Yes, while we need enough to survive, we need wild animals to propagate if any given community gets into trouble, or say a war breaks out eventually. By turning them loose, they'll not only serve as future food sources, hopefully they'll feed any omnivores or carnivores that are still alive. It'll make life for the next several years more difficult, but it's the best long term solution I can think of. We can't hope to create a functioning ecosystem if we turn every existing animal into a caged food source."

"Again, your insight amazes me," Tom replied. "I'm surprised that didn't occur to the rest of us."

"Still, it'll make the recovery effort difficult," Franklin argued, "especially if we're supposed to start shipping off any spare animals right off the bat. That leaves no spares in case the others get sick, there's an outbreak of something, or heaven forbid, we run out of food and are unable to grow food next year because the weather turns too severe."

"On a more positive note, we already have several spare rabbits, and we should have more chicks available soon," Regina informed them. "Plus the other animals are busy trying to help. Aristotle seems to be working overtime." That produced a few laughs around the room.

"Hopefully, if our message has been getting out, several communities will already have started, much like Jeff and Jessica have done," David added.

"Shit, we've got a lot of work ahead of us," Tom said, speaking for everyone in the room. "I've got to prepare equipment, start drawing and freezing plasma. The others have to start stocking up and making plans."

"Then I suggest everyone split up and get busy. I want to start getting the message out as soon as possible, so the communities we'll be visiting have a chance to get their acts together," David said, excusing everyone and finishing the discussion.

"We've got interesting news," Regina announced during that evening's broadcast. "As many of you may have heard, and for those of you who haven't, we have a successful but extremely difficult treatment for ALL the plagues. It's not a guarantee and the fatality rate still remains high, but it promises to allow those who become sick to actually survive, while prolonging their illnesses. The end result is that, once they've undergone this treatment, they'll be permanently immune to each of the Great Death plagues.

However, now that that news has leaked out, we're becoming overwhelmed with people trying to reach us, knowing it will be difficult to do so once someone becomes sick. Since we don't have the facilities for a lot of people, and since hosting that many people will prevent our other work, we've made other arrangements.

We're going to be traveling across the country. There are only four of us at the moment, David and Alice will remain behind since they're currently our only source of universal type 'AB-' plasma, the only universally accepted blood type. We'll be traveling to the largest cities we can find, so the local communities need to prepare. We'll travel with plasma ready for treatment. We'll attempt to treat anyone who needs it when we arrive, but we're looking for type 'AB' individuals. Since that blood type is so valuable, we're asking them to volunteer to undergo the treatment first so they can donate plasma for future treatments as they're needed. That will assure that everyone will be covered and we can all stop living in fear of each other.

We've had enough experience with this that we know how to prevent accidental transmission and minimize deaths during the procedure. We'll help each community learn to prepare for the approaching severe winter, set up animal recovery centers, create smaller manageable farms and help them function and create trading arrangements with other established communities.

This is very important, so don't brush it off. This coming winter is going to be harsh, and without advance planning, many of us won't survive it. And even if we do, the Great Death will continue to hang over us for a long time. These diseases will not die out on their own as it lurks around every corner. By banding together, we'll assure our future and guarantee that anyone who gets sick stands a decent chance of recovering.

We'll supply a list of cities and supply timeframes when we'll hit each location. However, before we arrive we need people to lay the groundwork by gathering people together and collecting necessary supplies. By doing this, you're laying the framework, not only of your own survival, but that of the future of humanity."

The crew was warily returning home again. Once the excitement of the various crises was past everyone's fatigue began wearing on them. There was still a lot for them to accomplish, and David had established an aggressive timetable to completing them, but still, they could hardly keep their yawns suppressed on the way home.

David, as usual, took the lead in his Suburban. The SUV was better at handling the rough roads and he could figure out the best passages for the slower moving or harder to maneuver vehicles following them. They'd just cleared one such series of obstacles and he and Mattie were just edging past it when they ran across a whole new obstacle before them.

"Whoa, what the hell is that?" Mattie asked, leaning forward to peer out the still damaged and dirty windshield.

David slowed down, slowly edging forward as he too peered at it before finally stopping. "It looks like a damn pig, just standing there in the middle of the street," David said, stating the obvious. There, right in the center of the expressway, with abandoned vehicles on either side, aging carcasses lying scattered about, stood a large hog, just glancing at them as if curious what they were doing there. "You'd better tell the others we're stopping for a bit."

"What the heck is it doing here?" Mattie asked, after she alerted the others.

"I've got no idea. As far as I know, there weren't any pig farms around here, but then I could easily be mistaken about that. But generally they put pig farms far from residential areas because of the smell and contamination risks."

"It doesn't seem to be scared or nervous," Mattie observed.

"See what you can find in the food container. See if there's anything a hungry pig may like."

"What the fig do pigs like?" Mattie asked, never having encountered that many beside Jacob before.

"They eat just about anything. Fruit would be best, but we don't have any left. How about a sandwich," David suggested.

"Sorry, but we ran out of bread several days ago. I've got some packaged cookies, though. Luckily those things last forever."

"That should work. See if it'll take it."

She grabbed some food and they both got out, slowly advancing so they wouldn't scare the docile but potentially dangerous creature away.

David approached it, moving cautiously, holding the food before him and calling to it as one would a slow child. It simply watched him, equally as confused by the strange encounter.

Stopping a short distance from it, David knelt and continued to call, breaking the cookie in two and placing half on the ground in front of him. Growing more confident, though it never appeared nervous, the large animal finally approached and sniffed the food. David had no clue what it had been eating up until then. While it was big, it wasn't fat, so it was obvious it hadn't been eating a lot, so he supposed it had been doing like so many things now, living off grass and berries, having supposedly learned to avoid the many dead things that meant infection and death. Given this option, it gladly ate the cookie, then came nosing forward looking for more.

Standing, David began backing up, enticing the animal forward even as he did. It advanced, eating pieces of cookie that David would drop for it as he kept roughly the same distance as they both moved steadily backwards.

"Greg, open the back of the trailer," David said, speaking softly and touching his earpiece with his free hand. "I think we've got a hitchhiker. And don't bother asking what it's doing here, as we have no clue either."

David kept moving backward and after he'd given it a series of small pieces, Mattie handed him more, allowing him to continue. Once he finally managed to finagle it into the back of the horse trailer, which didn't have many other animals in it at the moment, the others rushed up, curious about the strange sight.

"Wow, this is great," Alice said. "We've been searching for a mate for Jacob for a long time. This will change things quite a bit. If we can restore the pig population, we can go a long way towards feeding people in the future."

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Special thanks to Patti Bart, Denise Em, and Steve Zink for proofing this story. Future House - The Full Cycle By Kelly Davidson ([email protected]) Fade in... Mark slid himself into the kitchen and looked around. His small size, thanks to a reducing formula that modern science had developed, allowed him to fit through the small dog door without any problem. He had taken a large dose of the formula that had reduced his 5'8" frame to 22" in height. The effects were...

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Future Shocked

Future Shocked, Really Shocked By Ayla Jaxxon         "Damn."  The truck slowed, coasting until the driver pulled over to the side of the road and came to a stop.  "Damn, damn, damn."  Ayla Jackson let out a deep sigh and unbuckled her seatbelt.  She got out and opened the hood of the pickup.  "Shit.  I have no idea what I'm looking for."  She looked at the engine, it wasn’t smoking, all the tubes were attached to something or the other, the battery had cables hooked to it.  The truck had...

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Repeat PerformanceChapter 13 A Change in Plansf14

I remember, early in my management career, wasting hour after hour developing long range plans, five year plans, expanded development plans, and the like. Somewhere along the line, the Boston Consulting Group and a variety of their clones had decided that the only way business could succeed was to have rigidly constructed plans to follow as a certain pathway to success. Bullshit! We knew it was bullshit when we first heard about it and we were right. We couldn't predict what was going to...

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Bimbo Asylum Future Spirits Sance

Abstract: The brainwashing will only work on four out of five women. The others will find themselves at the Bimbo Asylum. INTRODUCTION Dear Reader, Because of the evil people here, so many women will be brainwashed into submissives or killers or lures for purposes of blackmail. Others will find themselves, like me, as ‘uncooperatives’ to be housed here in the Bimbo Asylum. Guards will force those women to wear shear silky white stockings, lacy panties, revealing bras, strappy garters, and,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 105 Future Plans

Sophia and Warren weren't back from Worlds long before Warren's phone rang. It was Curtis Ingalls, the president of the US Figure Skating Association. "Warren, were you guys serious?" "About what?" "About not coming back next year." Warren sighed. "Well, you know Sophia's pregnant." "Yeah, but, I thought you were going to shoot for Nationals. If you take the whole year off, it could damage your standing," Curtis pointed out. "Oh, Curtis, if we take next year off, that...

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Future Mother In Law

Future Mother-In-Law Brandi was so happy when I popped the question that she jumped up and down shouting, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I’ll marry you.” We were in the middle of a fancy restaurant at the time but she didn’t care. She ran around the table as I turned my chair sideways to get up but she jumped onto my lap facing me with her legs out behind me. She was not at all concerned that she was wearing a tiny mini skirt and that her bright yellow thong panties were visible to other...

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The Future is Bright Pink Part One

The Future is Bright (Pink) Part One By Miss Clare Chapter 1 This was to be the most brilliant and extraordinary mission of all time. Scientists had been working on this matter for many years it seems and the prospect of many science fiction fans dreams was secretly about to be realised. Time travel. A woman called Cathy Newheart had made the breakthrough; her proclamation that this was a huge step for women scientists everywhere was greeted by acceptance by the...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 78 Lucy

Thoughts I'm continually learning things about myself, even after this long in continuous operation. For example, I only recently uncovered a tiny subroutine that increases my happiness and pleasure in direct proportion to how sexy I am dressed, or undressed. The effect is subtle, which is why it has taken me so long to become aware of it. It's completely overwhelmed, for example, by my normal sexual programming. But when nothing else is going on in me it leaves me thinking, can I do a...

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Sears IslandChapter 8 Future Plans

While the ground was frozen I used the tractor to drag the trees I'd cut to the areas I'd set aside as mangers for the deer. It was several weeks of hard work in the cold before I was satisfied. The tractor would easily traverse the old roadbeds despite the stumps if I kept the speed down. Nobody but a madman with a death-wish races around any fields in a tractor—they have turned over and crushed many an unsuspecting farmer doing simple things such as plowing or baling. Farm injuries and...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 5 Future Plans

He looked at his arm where that bitch had got him; there were two long, deep furrows down his bicep almost to his elbow; already the blood was flowing. His own damn fault, he shouldn’t have untied her wrists before he had the restraints fitted. But he hadn’t expected the drugs to wear off so quickly. Until she had scratched his arm, everything had gone perfectly. He found her sitting in the beer garden; he sat next to her, and was able to slip the pill into her drink. It took just fifteen...

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A Better Future

A Better Future by Jade Catherine Devlin "It's a fiercely competitive world. Laying the groundwork for your child's professional and personal success begins at birth! LLM Success Consultants will work with you to help ensure that your child has the educational and physical background to make it in today's marketplace." That's what my company's brouchure says. It's true, too - we shepherd kids from the cradle all the way to their entry-level job. I'm proud of my job. ...

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The future has changed since women rule

The year is 2232 and males have lost all rights. As the world is at peace, woman now ruled it and men are property now and they can not own anything; my father is a slave to his mistress, my mother, and I was born a boy. Now I am 16yr old guy due for selection, meaning I will become a girl or stay as a male slave; until then, my father must call us Miss. Boys must call all females Mistress (except our mothers as we just call them Mother), but girls can call their mother, mom or...

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The Future Isnt What It Used To Be

I am leaving this record for the future. I imagine that people in the future might imagine that life right after The Plague was much different than it was. But since I am writing for the future, let me explain what The Plague was. It was a disease that reached pandemic proportions, in the year 20XX, and which targeted almost solely males, with a mortality rate well over 90%. Women were mostly unaffected by the disease, though many also lost their lives in the social upheaval. My family is gone....

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Divorce and Futurepassed

Getting over a divorce is always rough. In terms of emotional stress, they say that it's the equal of actually having your spouse die. I actually think that it's worse. I'm not a psychiatrist or any kind of professional counselor but I'm sure I'm right. Let's compare the two. When your spouse dies, you lose the person that you've lived with, loved and been emotionally attached to for whatever period of time. After a divorce, the exact same parameters are in effect. The difference is,...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 2

Reg got up and went to find Frances and return her phone to her. “Thanks, pet. That was interesting. He has opened two more boxes and found one box full of knives and daggers, and a box of pistols. It is looking like all these boxes were stashes of negotiable future assets for when the house owner retired as a drugs baron. Most of them will have appreciated in value, except for the uranium. His early death left all his stashes in limbo, and your Dad is getting the benefit; quite right...

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 29 Back to the Future

Thursday, November 2, 1961 1:30pm Something over 18,000 students registered at UBC for the 1961-62 year. Finding one single individual might turn out to be an impossible task. However, Jesse’s memory recalled that by 2010, there were over 50,000 students at the expanded campus, so the task would be far less complex than if he were still in twenty-first century time. He pondered how he would go about looking for her. The only thing that came to mind was to ask the administration office if...

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My future wifes maid of honor has no honor

The summer before l was married, my future wife, Colette, was working and living with her mother almost 300 miles away. I was spending a lot of time with her best friend Kay (a very good looking redhead with nice tits). Going to parties and just hanging out together. Once in a while she would be very drunk and when that happened she would get very promiscuous and would throw her arms around any guy and plant a kiss on them. And sometimes it would lead to them disappearing for a while, I could...

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Fertility Down Chapter 4 Future Solutions

Chapter 4: Future SolutionsI walked into the main office and there was a slick attractive woman standing at the large desk the receptionist sits at when you come in. She seemed to know me right away because she turned to me and put on a big smile for me.“Hi Logan. I’m from Future Solutions.” She stuck out her hand for a hand shake. Her outfit if you could call it that, almost seamed like it came from a Halloween shop labeled “Sexy Professional” of something. Her large bust had a decent amount...

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My Future Wife And Her Lover

Hey, guys, I am back with a new story. Do check out my other stories. My name is Rahul and I am 26 years old. I was in a relationship with a girl named Nisha she was 25. Our relationship lasted for 5 years. We both worked in IT living in Bangalore away from home gave us a lot of freedom to fool around as often as possible. But during all these 5 years I have never fucked her as we both wanted to be virgin until we got married. We used to get naked and kiss for hours, cuddle. We also had oral...

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Our Future

"Our Future" is a work of fiction? I hope. All copy write names are owned and operated by their respectful owners. Set only a few years in our upcoming future. If my imaginative version of future events offends you, I do deeply apologize. And if you have any complaints, please take them up with me? The publishers of Fictionmania are just full filling my and many other peoples wishes of being drunken artists. (Okay. So maybe they're not all as drunk as me. Our Future In the year 2008...

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Mistress Dyvias Future Bimbo Actress

Disclaimer: This is my intellectual property, as such, do not plagiarize it. This will be posted to and and possibly other places in the future. Any who wish to post this elsewhere, must do so with two conditions, it must remain free, and I must be informed. This story also has adult themes involving sex, transgendered individuals, and other controversial subjects. Please be 18 years or older (depending on the laws where you live) before reading...

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Future Girl Pleases Herself

Dee was becoming tired of spending her Saturday afternoons re-filling all the cupboards in the kitchen and family room, following the recently completed renovations. It had taken her three Saturdays, as work was busy and spare time was minimal. She had started throwing out a lot of stuff that had seen better days, or had not been used in a while, if at all!Dee was just about to call it a day and put her feet up with an icy cold beer when the bright colours caught her eye. There, in a cardboard...

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What the Future Holds

This is a story that I wrote some time ago, which I originally posted on another site. For the most part my readers seemed to enjoy the plot, but my spelling, grammar and punctuation errors received a lot of criticism. My new editor Bachgen has graciously taken the time to correct my many typographical errors so that I can re-post this on SOL for your enjoyment. I would like to personally thank him for doing this, as I am sure that it will make for a much better read. – Double_entendre What...

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What the Future May BringChapter 48

Air Force 1 slowly pulled up to the terminal at Philadelphia International Airport. The steps were pulled up to the specially equipped Boeing 747, the door seals were cracked, and the door opened. The public had been held behind police barricades about 200 yards from the scene of the welcome home ceremony for Kathleen Lehrer on her first trip back to Philadelphia as President. The Secret Service and police presence was extremely visible for the President's first real public appearance since...

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Not This TimeChapter 20 To the Future

We started presales in April. All the infrastructure was completed and the build-out of the commercial village on the ground floor was underway. The first level of condos was framed and our showpiece was ready to be decorated. I hired and trained an entire office staff for sales and management. We weren’t going to be able to count on the services of Loring Properties in the office in South Minneapolis for this. Gordon shared part of the office to focus on listing the property that people...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 35 The Female Future

These two seductions caused me much concern. I had intended neither of them, but had been unable to avoid them even though I was well aware of what was happening. I knew that sooner or later, if this sort of thing went on, someone was bound to notice, and what then? I had nightmare visions of being emblazoned across the tabloid press; and I feared, too, that the civil authorities might take some action against me, although I hardly dared think what this might be. Indeed, I thought, already...

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No FutureChapter 88 War

Odile 2111 There were several things that could have killed Odile. So much devastation was happening at more or less the same precise moment in time that there was an embarrassingly rich choice of lethal candidates. But whichever it was, it happened far too suddenly and with absolutely no warning for Odile to take evasive action, not that there was much she'd have been able to do anyway. The intense blistering heat alone was more than enough to kill Odile even though the explosion's...

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A Night In The Jungle With My Future FatherInLaw 8211 Part 1

Well to start of I recently got married a year back and the following event dates back 6 months prior to the day of my marriage. I’m Arjun and I stay in Mumbai, 27 years of age, smart and rugged. I’d weigh around 75kgs and would be around 5’9 in height. Me and my fiancé had been dating for around 4 years and it was time to meet the families to take the relation forward. She had met my dad a week prior and it was my turn to meet her dad. So we set up to meet on a Saturday morning over coffee,...

Gay Male
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He Saw His Future in Her Eyes

Once again this is not a stroke piece but a different sort of love story that deals with fate, design and a master plan. Marti Dodson, the lead singer for the pop/rock group ‘Saving Jane’ —and they do know how to rock — has penned (or co-written) a hauntingly authentic series of songs that deal with teenage female angst. The group’s first hit, ‘Girl Next Door,’ is the story about a girl ‘in the marching band’, the ‘girl next door’ and her struggle to deal with her envy of the lucky one…’Miss...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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The Future Isnt What It Used To Be

I am leaving this record for the future. I imagine that people in the future might imagine that life right after The Plague was much different than it was. But since I am writing for the future, let me explain what The Plague was. It was a disease that reached pandemic proportions, in the year 20XX, and which targeted almost solely males, with a mortality rate well over 90%. Women were mostly unaffected by the disease, though many also lost their lives in the social upheaval. My family is...

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My future wife gets a Big Black Cock

Before getting married I was living with a black co-worker in his condo in Newport. We both enjoyed having threesomes with the girls we were dating. He'd set me up with black girls and I'd set him up with my white or asian friends. If neither of us had a date I would suck then swallow his load or bottom for his 9.5" Big Black Cock.When I met my future wife she was a bit of a prude. My roommate wanted to fuck her and I wanted to watch but she was married to a racist alcoholic. Robert my roommate...

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My Future Wife And Her Mother

Hello, My Dear Readers. I have been writing a lot of stories ever since I finished with the script of ‘Sexting My Mother’. The remaining episodes are on the way. In the meantime, I am trying to move in a new direction, opening up more possibilities. Though these are all mostly smaller stories, and still in the initial stages, I have been getting them published part by part. I know some of my friends hate that habit of mine. But I am only doing it so that I can understand if the content is liked...


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