Darren's Dilemma Chapter 16 free porn video

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Darren's Dilemma Chapter Sixteen Visiting Queen Mother Trudicia By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened when Jana's computer started the radio software and she groaned and got up to turn the volume down. I sat up on the edge of the bed and she disappeared for several minutes after donning her pink, silky Kimono. She returned and started to collect her uniform and undies to get ready for work. Jana kissed me: "Start our bath and I will go get coffee." As had become usual I started our bath putting lavender crystals in the water. The tub was about half full and I had removed my corset, nylons and silky night shirt and was sitting allowing the tub to fill when Jana came in with cups and a thermal pitcher of coffee. After pouring us both a cup she slid in on the opposite end as always. Then there was the sound of something falling over under the sink which scared both of us stiff. Jana got out and opened the cabinet and a pinkish glow could be seen amongst the various hair care and cleaning products. Jana: "Annabelle, get out here!" Annabelle fearfully: "Please Majesty I didn't mean any harm!" She flew out and lighted on the edge of the tub. "Morning Princess." Darla giggled: "Hi Annabelle!" Jana sternly: "Now just what did you think you were going to accomplish by spying on us?" Annabelle still upset from getting caught: "I only wanted to know Princess Darla's true feelings about me. So lonely I have been." Jana soothingly: "Why don't you just simply ask her?" Annabelle: "Princess, have you truly chosen me?" Darla: "When Mother told me who you are I chose you and you it will be. You are stuck with me." Annabelle starts to dance along the slippery edge of the tub and slips falling backwards into a pile of suds. I scooped her out with both hands and held her up with open palms. She coughed and made a bubble making us all giggle. Annabelle: "Well there is nothing like a bubble bath in the morning. Wish I could swim I do! My very life I owe to you Princess! Thank you for choosing me." We got on with washing our hair and rinsing each other. I held Annabelle in my open palms and Jana held the rinsing hose for her to rinse off. We brushed our teeth and oiled each other as always. I held the blow drier while Annabelle danced underneath drying off. Mother cleared her throat letting us know she was watching from the doorway scaring us silly. Mother: "Well isn't this a fairy cute sight? Feeling nice and clean Annabelle?" Annabelle bows graciously awaiting her Queen to allow her to rise. "Rise Annabelle. It is nice to see you with a respectful disposition dear. I trust you watched over Darla all night." Annabelle: "Oh yes Majesty. No harm will I allow to come her, as it is my oath to serve and protect. Princess has chosen me and become her friend I will!" Mother: "You certainly have had a total reversal in your attitude. Darla dear, Mother has to go take care of a few little tidbits but I will be home at noon to take you to school and see about your grades. Annabelle why don't you help the Princess practice with her sword and armor while I am gone. Jana Dear, we will try to see you at around one thirty for her hair appointment. Play nice!" She left and the fairy dust war ensued for a few short hits. Jana laughed: "ENOUGH! I will be late!" We hugged and kissed Annabelle flew into my room ahead of me and landed on my bed which had my clothes for the day laid out on it. There was a Tartan skirt of bright blue and magenta and thin, yellow, lines with sharp, pleats that when on just covered my stocking tops. Also there was a magenta, sleeveless, cotton top with a shirt collar and pink, pearl buttons, a pink cami with ribbon straps, a pink corset, pink nylons and white, spike, heeled sandals. Noticing that this corset had been worn and was already tied, I hooked the front after a good struggle getting very dizzy in the process and then settled my new breasts into their satin cups. This corset sort of creaked when I bent over to put my stockings on. Jana came in and tightened my corset strings until my old belt tightened to an unused notch. That makes six notches since I started wearing corsets sixteen days ago! Darren believed he was going to shrivel up from lack of real meat and Darla looked in the mirror and smiled. As always my nylons made me shiver and Annabelle giggled. Annabelle: "I see you like dressing and acting like a girl. That is really good because to enjoy what is about to happen to you, you must feel as pretty as you look. Joey was a good Queen and is a powerful ally against Raven but she really wanted to remain a male and still has times when she is sad. Pushed her into it her Mother did. Darla: "Pinky promise, you will not convey what I am about to tell you in any way, shape or form about absolutely everything to no one?" Now maybe this was a mistake but I felt it would be a good test of Annabelle's loyalty. Annabelle: "Oh of course Princess! Never such a foolish thing as that would I do. A prankster I may have been for a while but I never did anything that would hurt anyone, just childish silly little things. I have my pride too!" We touch pinkies and kiss each other. Darla cleared her throat: "I don't like being a boy because I am small in the boys' world and I constantly have to fight back and prove myself. As Darla I am pretty and the girls love me. The guys know I am still Darren and try to get over on me but now I have my wand and can really stay a step or two ahead of them! Yes I love being a female fairy and especially a warrior trainee!" Annabelle takes a deep gasp: "Queen Mother Agatha told us you really wanted to be a girl fairy but I wasn't convinced until now. Watching you some I have been and you are as devious as I ever was. Turned those three foolish boys into cheerleaders you did with bells on their sneaker laces even! So precious you are!" She laughed hilariously about it as I was sliding my skirt on then pulled the side zipper and buttoned the waist. Darla putting on her sandals: "I am so scared about going to school in a skirt again today! Annabelle reassuringly: "Princess you have me now! Ever present I will be, just out sight to others! Remember, protect and help you I must. So stop all this worrying and smile Princess." I put the amethyst necklace on kissing it and felt my entire body tingle making me wonder what else was changing. Then kissed it two more times and smiled. Darla: "We must get one thing straight between us. You will call me Darla because I can't take that Princess stuff all the time if we are to become best friends." Annabelle: "As you wish Princess, from now on call you Darla I will except when in the high court were everything must be proper at all times. Queen Mother Trudicia nick named me Annie and call me that too you may. Actually I used to call her Trudy! She was a hundred sixty three when she was killed and for a hundred and seven years I was her helper. Miss her so I do. I sense her spirit around you because you have been given her genes. Help you become as great a warrior as she I will, possibly better!" Darla smiled: "I do hope you and I will be together twice as long!" Annie flew ahead of me and landed on the vanity in Jana's room as though she could read my mind. I remembered she had been watching over me but for how long I did not have a clue. I did my usual face inspection while Jana wiggled into her hair dresser's uniform. My skin seemed to have much finer pores and facial hair just did not exist. After removing the towel from my head and drying my hair it felt softer, finer and much silkier than yesterday. Even Jana noticed as she helped curl it under with her curling iron. I dipped my large, gold hoops in alcohol and put them on. Jana: "Your skin is slowly changing so use just enough base to make the color even." I did as she suggested and did my basic eyes and tried pink and lavender eye shadow which Jana said looked pretty good and Annie agreed. Jana gave me a pink plastic hair band I was finished except for a little of Jana's Channel. Jana: "Seven fifteen! I have to hurry. My room will have to wait." She kissed me good bye. Darla giggles: "No it won't." Jana smiled: "It will be much easier with a little sister! Thank you dear." Then we kissed and touched tongues then two claps and "POOF!" she was gone. Annie zapped Jana's room into shape while I zapped the bathroom and my disaster area. Tracey left an IM telling me to meet her at school. We went down to the kitchen only to find Mother in a tizzy and trying to get to an eight o'clock appointment. Mother smiles but is out of breath: "Morning dear, Miss. Annabelle, Mother has an early appointment with the lawyers about the sub division deal. I will be home around eleven to take you to school. You look very pretty Baby Boy. Ta, Ta for now." She then kissed me by, clapped her hands twice and "POOF!" she was gone. I never heard the car or the garage door, so I looked and the car was gone and the door was closed. Annie giggled: "That will be the fastest trip that car will ever make!" Darla aghast: "You mean she teleported, car and all?" Annie: "It does appear that way!" Annie lit on my shoulder and sat down. We were sitting at the table and I was munching a slice of cinnamon toast and sipping a cup of coffee when there was a loud "POOF!" complete with tinkling sparkles and tiny bubbles. Suddenly Queen Mother Joey was sitting across the table from us. She was a very pretty fairy with very light blonde hair, light complexion and bright blue eyes. Her makeup was dramatically done in violet shades and bright red lips. Her nails extended at least an inch beyond her fingers and she looked as feminine as any thirty five year old lady. Joey: "Am I in time for a little breaky or what?" I just couldn't resist. Darla: "Or what!" Joey puzzled: "Or what, what?" Annabelle bows. Darla: "I don't know, you asked me breaky or what and I said or what. Now if you would like an 'or what' that is where we are." Joey sighed: "Coffee? You may rise Annie." Darla: "Wand. First a saucer then a cup, we pour the coffee and fill it up." Then "POOF!" Joey's coffee was there in front of her. Joey grinned: "My we are certainly learning our trade, aren't we? You seem to be in good spirits." Darla: "Actually I am getting really excited about and really looking forward to tomorrow night. I so want to be a fairy!" Joey: "I was a boy about two hundred years ago and I sure have missed my friends. Won't you miss playing baseball or football or running with your chums?" Darla: "No ma'am. You were a boy in a different time and now a days it is all about being tougher than some other guy and kicking his butt to prove it. I am like so very tired of that shit I can't stand it. Besides, being a fairy and having all this magic power is like so very cool and once this happens all humans including my Dad will know me as always having been a girl. The kicker is I can go back this time next year if I decide I don't like it." Joey giggled: "Jana has said if you do that she is going to lock you in the basement!" Darla laughed: "Yea right! She has already run that gambit and still doesn't know how I escaped and there wasn't any magic to it!" Joey smiled: "Annabelle you look really well and very pretty. What is your mission this morning?" Annie: "Why Majesty Jean has given her permission to show myself to Princess and she has chosen me as her helper! A great warrior's helper I am to once again be." Joey: "Well, she is not a great warrior as of yet so you must control yourself. Darla has anyone told you about her?" Darla: "Yes, Mother told me about how mischievous she has been because she had no-one. She has me now though." Annie: "You'll see Joey, I am going to help her train and become fast, strong and very cunning; just as I did with my beloved Trudy." A tiny tear dropped from her left eye." Joey: "Annie dear I did not mean to hurt your feelings." Annie sobbed: "'tis not you but the memory of losing her that still saddens my heart." Joey: "I am glad you are confident with your choices. About 28 days after the change you will have your very first, very real female experience. The first few for me were easy but they got more painful for around a year then became normal. I have no idea how this will go for you but you may experience severe mood changes, then again some girls never have mood changes. This is one of those things they'll forget to tell you. They never told me. You may always summon me after all I am your Grand Mother. They were born women and have been told things since childhood and really have little patience explaining them to a new comer to womanhood. Hopefully Alex will fair differently as she seems to have a better grip on life in general." Darla: "Before Annie flew up to me last night, many fireflies and gorgeous dragonflies were flying around me and seemed to be buzzing my name. So many it light up the entire deck where I was sitting. I have also, as of late, noticed an increasing number of the most beautiful butterflies and dragonflies I have ever seen. Am I crazy or do they know as well?" Joey smiled: "This house is the abode of Queen Alexis, Chief warrior of the Sisterhood of the Lilac Butterfly. It is also the home of Princess Jana soon to be crowned Queen. It is also the home of soon to be Princess Darla apprentice to Queen Alexis. So yes your whole house is under total surveillance by members of the Sisterhood who love and respect all of you. The butterflies are your Mother's personal guard who are assigned to protect all of you. The dragonflies are their helpers." Darla: "I have suspected there was something strange about it for a while but this is really grand! That means that all those butterflies I have seen for years around here were my protectors?" Joey nods no as a tear comes to my eyes. "I have killed some of them." Joey: "No you haven't. If they did not scream or beg for their lives then they were not sisters, only insects. Humans are much too slow to catch sisters. Besides, look at Annie's size. Have you ever killed one that big? I think not." Darla sighed: "That's a relief! Hey, does that mean that when we are in Thermodon that we are the same size they are?" Joey: "It learns quickly! Not exactly, the scale is something like one and a half inches equals a link. Fairy measurements are not precise and are based on the length of the current queen's thumb which is always assumed to be one link. Ten links equal one stick, ten sticks equal a staff. Every time we crown a new queen our measurements change. It is very archaic and unreliable and trying to bring a ruler of some sort with you doesn't appear to work because they are suspended during teleportation just as a watch is." Annie giggles: "I know but I'm not tellin'!" Darla: "How do you know?" Annie: "'cause seen ya at the castle I did. Flew up to ya and touched your shoulder I did. That was when I knew you would be my friend 'cause I felt love when I touched you. Yup, much too sweet a spirit to be a boy!" Joey: "What other questions can I answer for our soon to be Princess?" Darla: "Where you a warrior or just a regular queen?" Joey laughed out loud: "I am no warrior! The term you were searching for is civilian as she tends to the civil affairs of our little world which many times are anything but civil! She settles disputes and dishes out correction when need be. She sees to all of the holidays and festivities attached to them. She grants permissions for special reasons and just takes care of the kingdom in general. The queen warrior is commander and chief of our armies and establishes our security. She must see to the supply lines and military justice within the ranks. Your Mother is second only to Trudy and has exceeded everyone's expectations. She is a very well loved commander and her forces will follow her anywhere." Darla: "This is all so overwhelming! It so very cool but more than one human can take in at one time." Joey: "I can only imagine because I had six months to make my choice and no fairy genes or DNA changing me or pushing me into it. You my dear have had the deck staked against you from way back." Darla: "That's OK, I like it this way! Joey dear I have a list of duties Mother wants me to complete so that things are in order for tonight." I Hugged her. "Thank you for coming, see you tonight?" I kissed her cheek. Joey: "I wouldn't miss tonight for anything! You make a Grand Mother proud." She kissed my lips and was gone in a "POOF!" Annie and I had a lot fun trying to outdo each other's magic. At this point I really did not understand that for her this use of her powers was very miniscule in comparison to what she was capable of. Actually her abilities went far beyond most of the living Queen Mothers. Annie was Queen Mother Trudicia's secret weapon, but I would not realize this for a while yet. I would perform a task and she would top it challenging me to go a little farther until the entire list was completed and we were sitting on the deck sipping ice tea and enjoying what was left of the morning. Darla: "I must be getting stronger because I did not get out of breath once." Annie: "Sittin' on your shoulder I was. My power becomes your power. 'tis what helpers do, lending magical power to their sister. We have only the lawn to cut and trim. Let's see now, cut and manicured the lawn must be, front and back for all too see. The weeds in the garden must also be gone, to match the pretty manicured lawn." A flick of her tiny wand and "POOF!" there were tiny bubbles drifting slowly to ground and popping everywhere and bright blue sparkles tinkling to the ground everywhere I looked. The grass was perfectly trimmed and the flower beds looked perfect. Even the grass clippings were gone! I checked the front and it was done as well. Darla: "I can't do it all in one lick like that yet! It takes one for the garden, one for front and one for the back and then I have to sit and recover for an hour." Annie giggled: "Well not anymore Darla dear. Sit on your shoulder I will and do many wonderful things you can and will!" I heard a car door in the garage and we freshened our lipstick and went to the kitchen to find Mother entering from the garage. Darla: "Is this your way of conserving gas or were you just showing off?" Mother giggled: "A tad of both I think. Let's inspect shall we?" She was very happy as the entire house, with the exception of my computer area, looked picture perfect. While she walked out and inspected from the porch, Annie and I fixed tuna and pear salads with ice tea and set the table on the deck. "What a divine and thoughtful surprise Sweetheart! After lunch we will see about your grades and take you to Sam's for your body wave." Annie was standing on the table and appeared to be whispering to someone. "Now what are you two conspiring?" Long pause. "Donna show yourself and stop this silliness." Donna appeared and was in full warrior armor just like Annie. She had long black hair and blue eyes and dramatically done makeup. She was a little taller than Annie, though she had all of the same dragonfly attributes. Donna graciously bows: "I am your humble servant Princess!" Darla: "You may rise dear." Mother: "Well now that we are all acquainted please let us in on your whispering." Annie: "Majesty we meant no harm, only discussing the legalities of my bein' here. I was tryin' to quietly explain that Majesty Jean allowed me this wonderful chance to redeem myself." Donna: "But Alex she shouldn't be here until tomorrow night! It is the law! She has to be named by the council." Mother opens her compact waves her hand: "Jean." Queen Mother Jean: "Hey babe!" Mother: "Is Annabelle to be here or not?" Jean: "I she causing trouble? I will skin her myself if?." Mother cuts in: "No, no. Donna has questioned the legality of her presence." Jean: "Well I assure you I gave her my blessing and the council agreed that it would be in Darren's best interest to have an experienced warrior helper. I am going to pry myself loose around four-ish. See ya then lover! Ta, Ta." Mother: "Waiting impatiently dear." Then she looked at Donna. "Are you satisfied little one?" Donna: "Oh yes quite. I was just trying to avoid controversy at the ceremony. Annie is my beloved mentor and I would only expect good things for her." Annie with a cocked smile Looks at her from the corner of her eye with her eyebrow raised: "Acting foolishly I know I have been, however I would never stoop to breaking our laws." Then she closes her eyes and raises both eyebrows and puts her nose in the air. "Practical jokes and foolish pranks are one thing but to disrespect the council is taboo!" Donna Sighed: "I am sorry sweet sister as I meant no disrespect or that you would deliberately break the law." Then Donna kissed her cheek. Annie giggled and kissed Donna's cheek: "I suppose one would have to forgive one of pure intentions." Then the two of them giggled and danced the silly little jig putting on a show for Mother and I as we ate our salads. Then they got to flying around each other getting fairy sparkles all over everything. Mother and I laughed at their antics and decided to freshen up and leave for school. Annie: "Clean this up, we will. Run along and we'll be along shortly." Upstairs I collected my lipstick and purse then sitting at the vanity touched up and added a couple of sprays of perfume. Annie flew in and reclined on my right shoulder resting her head on my collar then complained of being full of leftover tuna and pears and needing a nap. Darla: "There is no time for a nap right now. You may snooze at the salon while I get my hair done!" With that I put my purse on my left shoulder and met Mother, down in the kitchen, and we exited to the garage and were down the street minutes later. Mother went on and on all the way to school and up the driveway about how proud I had made her these past few weeks. Surely you know how mothers can be! As the car stopped Judith and many of the other Pinkies were close by and just had to storm the car. When I got out and they saw Annie they all gasped for they knew her all too well. Annie whispers in my ear: "They don't know if you can see me yet." Darla: "Has somebody seen a ghost or what?" Tracy: "I think Darren's response would be or what." Darla giggled: "So like what is wrong already?" Then I saw Donna buzzing first Judith's shoulder and whispering to thin air then Tracey's. Judith giggled: "Relax all, she knows. Annabelle is great choice!" We walked through the front door and began to search the wall for my grades. At first I looked for Darren and when his name was nowhere I looked for Darla and there I was. English, A, Science, A+, Math, A+ and Antisocial Studies, C, Phys. Ed., B and let's not discuss deportment and attitude shall we? I was comparing grades with Leslie while Jonesy kept kissing her ear making her giggle when the charisma brothers Jeff and Don walked past, said "Hi." and kept on going. I assumed from their grades they flunked the year. Harold grabbed my arm as he passed by. Harold: "It's been to quiet around here without Jerry. I need a date for Saturday Perkins. So whatchya doin' then?" Darla dead seriously: "Remove your hand from my arm or else!" Harold laughed: "Or else what shit head?" I saw Annie throw black dust directly into his nostrils making him sneeze so violently several times that he bit the end of his tongue off making him shriek in pain holding his mouth. He ran to the nurse's office screaming and crying. Mrs. Devon came out and asked what all the fuss was about. Marian: "Harold had a sneezing fit and ran down the hall screaming and holding his mouth." Mrs. Devon went down the hall in the direction of the nurse's office. Mean while I was standing really close to the girls' restroom door and was dragged in by Rachel Conway and pushed against door so it could not be opened. Her little band of discontents, they all dress in studded black leather everything as Goth as one can imagine, were all laughing and staring at me. Rachel: "We want to know if those are real tits you little twerp fairy!" Before I could raise a protest two of them, one on either side of me, had my blouse unbuttoned and my left boob pulled out. While they stood there gaping Annie zapped them all, "POOF" giving them severe buck teeth and very coarse beards! Darla giggled as they cried: "Maybe you should have just asked? Now if you promise to leave me alone I'll change you back, otherwise?." Rachel cried: "You can't leave us this way!" Darla: "Can and will unless you promise to forgo this sort of foolishness in the future." Tonya: "We promise!" Darla buttoned her blouse and tucked it back in: "Annie." There was a loud "POOF!" and again they were normal. "If you must know, I am a very powerful fairy and I am growing really tired of trying to impress the boys around here and most of all smart ass girls that never give a real boy a break!" I re-entered the hall. Annie giggled: "Any of them touches my Princess again and I will really ruin their week!" Darla: "Annie what kind of fairy dust was that?" Annie laughed: "Black pepper! 'twas not fairy dust a' tall. When applied directly as I did, it works every time!" The pinkies all laughed as she explained. "there be less evidence that way!" Judith strained not to laugh: "I am like so really tickled Annabelle is on our side!" We walked out front and they surrounded me holding hands, over their heads, in a circular chain, bending at the waist and chanting: "Long live Princess Darla!" over and over. I noticed Jeff and Don smoking behind a huge tree in this little wooded area off to the left of the front door and laughing hilariously. I knew if I ever returned as Darren my goose would be cooked for certain. However with Annie as my helper and all of these Pinkies surrounding me I felt very safe from the mortal world. We split up hugging and agreeing to meet for the decorating party. Tracey: "Can I come with you?" Darla: "Sure. You can make sure I don't look like a frizzy fuzz ball when Jana gets through with me." Tracey: "Huh?" Darla: "Jana wants to do a permanent body wave on my hair." Tracey as we got in the car: "Jana is a jam up beautician. You have nothing to worry about." Mother seriously: "Annie you are to be commended for sending that fool on his merry little way. Grades Sweetheart?" Darla: "I hope death comes quickly. OK, English, A, Science, A+, Math, A+ and Antisocial Studies, C, Phys. Ed., B and deportment and attitude were the pits." Mother: "Cheer up Baby Boy; it could be much worse considering how rebellious you have been up until recently. I figure your overall is probably a low A. I actually thought your grades were really suffering. Mother is proud of you so I don't think a death squad is in the works." We got to Sam's Salon and Sam met us at the door in a very up and cheery sort of mood. Sam: "Princess Darla! You honor me with your presence again this week!" The salon was a buzz and all sounds stopped and all eyes were on me as Sam led me to Jana's station where she was finishing Queen Mother Agatha of all things! Grandmother looking me over: "Magenta is definitely your color Sweetheart. How are your grades?" I did the same routine for her benefit. "So that means we are now a freshman doesn't it? Your other Grandmothers will be very proud to hear this news. Annabelle, I assume, is going to be your choice then?" Darla: "Yes ma'am." Grandmother: "Annie, are you prepared to honor your oath to Princess Darla?" Annie: "Queen Mother you know that I am and will!" Jana kissed me: "Go sit in my shampoo chair and Celeste will get started while I finish Grandmother." Celeste tilted the chair all the way back so that my head was in the sink. Then she shampooed and rinsed my hair using her fingers to massage my scalp in this very relaxing way. She then wrapped my hair in a towel and sat me up to wait for Jana. I started to try and think of something classy to say tomorrow night while waiting. So how about "Thanks for the offer I couldn't refuse!" Na. "A funny thing happened when I ran away?" Na. "When I was an infant Queen Mother Millicent implanted Queen Mother Trudicia's genes and DNA in me hoping to create an heir. At first I felt as though I had been trapped into this but soon discovered it would be a trial for a year and I would decide after that time. The only thing that matters to me?.." I was interrupted by Grandmother Agatha kissing my cheek. Grandmother: "Lost in thought dear?" Darla: "Jut trying to collect my thoughts for the ceremony." Grandmother: "We all love you so very much. Joey thinks your thinking is very straight and you are doing this for all of the right reasons. See you tonight Sweetheart." Darla: "Would you tell Queen Mother Millicent that I adore her for doing this to me?" She nodded yes with a huge grin. Jana as I sat in her chair and she removed the towel: "We are going to use these large two inch diameter rollers all the way around and these one inch rollers on your bangs. The result will be a gentle inward long curl all the way around and your bangs will curl inward as well giving you a tidy style." She parted my hair and started rolling my hair so tight I complained. Darla: "Ouch! Does it have to be that tight?" Jana smirked: "Yes dear it has to be that tight. Beauty does not come without a price." My scalp felt like it was being stretched in every direction. Then she used the perm fluid and it smelled absolutely rank! There is no other smell that comes to mind that smelled as bad as this stuff. Pine-sol and ammonia might come close, anyway P U what a stink! Annie disappeared while Jana worked. She put me under a drier and turned it on which sounded like being lost in a tornado sort reminding me of Dorothy and the land of Oz. She handed me a trade magazine opened to an article about eye makeup and how to apply it. The illustrations were really helpful in teaching me some additional techniques for changing the way my eyes could appear for different occasions. I could feel my hair tighten even more as it dried. This would be a really nice place to be in the winter if you were cold as it got downright hot under there. I wondered where Annie had disappeared to as Jana returned and lifted the hood pronounced me dry. She would not allow me to look until she was finished and finally I was turned to look in the mirror. When I opened my eyes she had done a marvelous job. No frizzies and my pretty black hair was just like she said it would be. Darla: "I wonder where Annie has gotten off to. Have you seen her?" Jana: "She disappeared because the setting solution is hazardous to helpers' sinuses. There is a table in the back where they all hang out until their fairy is done. Just use your stone and summon her." Darla holds her amethyst and quietly: "Annie." There is a tiny "POOF!" and a few sparkles and she is standing on the edge of the counter. "Where did you go?" Annie with a devilish grin: "Havin' a bit of tea with some of my friends I was. Ate up with jealousy they are all because you have chosen Annie!" Jana blew some bright, green, sparkling dust over my hair which made Annie sneeze: "Watch this." She took her hand and a blow drier and messed it up. "Now just twist your head back and forth." I did and my hair almost straightened out by itself! I had to comb it a little but no more hairspray and working for twenty minutes to make it look right in the morning! "Now you won't have to work so hard to look pretty! Annie, suppose you tell Darla about the wild stories you have probably told about the two of you." Annie tried to act hurt: "Darla is just a baby warrior and there is nothing to tell, yet. I told how she saved my life lifting me ever so gently from the bath and never chastised me for my stupidity. Instead she has welcomed me and that is worth tellin' for certain! Then there was this morning at school with that nasty Harold! Grab my Princess by the arm? I think not! He'll not be talkin' for a bit! Then there were those nasty little girls in the restroom! Wanted to find out if Darla's boobs were real they said. They think I reversed my spell but only part of it. Boobs as big as soccer balls they'll have in the mornin'!" I gasped and then we all cracked up! Jana: "Ruthanne is she telling the truth?" I could not hear or see the her yet. "So we are to believe she has become an honorable fairy again. I think that still remains to be proven." Tracey got her braid and bangs trimmed by Jana while I freshened my lipstick then told about the little incident with Harold and then Rachel and company. Jana laughed: "It is true that it was just black pepper but not ground coarse like humans consume but ground to an extremely fine powder. In this form it is has a far greater effect on the sinuses especially when a helper throws it directly into the nostrils. You have done very well protecting our new little sister!" Annie stood proudly and sort of strutted around on the counter: "'tis nothin' but a helper tending her post! Far greater than that of a Civie is a warrior's oath. Help Princess become the greatest warrior of all time I will! Why maybe even greater than the Amazons themselves." Jana: "Well that could take some time to develop!" Darla giggled: "Yea, for real! I'm not even officially a fairy yet." Annie arrogantly: "A mere formality. Feel and hear your heart I can. Your true feelings are as I have stated. You want this as much as I and make us invincible it will!" Jana: "It certainly does my heart good to know I will be protected by such absolute determination!" Tracey: "B.B. we have time to get a little Tomb Raider in this afternoon and maybe even a few minutes to ourselves in the pool." Darla: "Sounds like fun to me." I took out my compact and waved my hand over the mirror. "Queen Alexis." Mother's face appears. Mother smiles: "I see you are finished Sweetheart. Mother will be there shortly." I closed my compact then Tracey and I kissed Jana for her expert craftsmanship. Annie kissed Jana's cheek: "It honors me to have been in your presence Majesty." Sam had us to fill out questionnaires and inspected Jana's work. Sam: "She gets better and better." Mother drove up and we rushed out to the car. Mother asked about my perm and I gave her my rundown about that terrible smell and the uncomfortable tightness of the rollers. Darla: "The end result was worth it though after I watched Jana mess my hair up and just shaking my head straightened it up!" Mother grinned slyly: "It would appear that you are beginning to show some real signs of maturity." Tracey and I just stared at each other and smirked. At home we went straight to the kitchen for cold drinks then upstairs to my room and got busy answering IM's. Jeff typed: "Man you are turnin' into such a pussy! Two days in a row you wore a skirt! So how does it feel to be a pussy? You can believe I wouldn't wear a dress for no body. What wimp! Good bye wimp!" Don typed: "Perkins I always knew there was something wrong with you. Come near me again and I'll kick your ass you faggot." I closed their windows and sighed. Tracey reassuringly: "They can't help it. They're just morons and that is going to be their lot in life!" Karen typed: "Tell Annie I give her two thumbs up!" Marian typed: "I am like so for really glad Annie has a purpose to be alive. Good for you Annie!" Annie excitedly: "Princess, they are talkin' to me?" Darla grinned: "Yes dear." Annie: "Two thumbs up is a good thing?" Tracey: "Yea it means they approve your actions. Karen likes what you did double! I think what you did to Harold was pretty neet!" Judith typed: "So how's the perm? Annie is just what you need to get you started on the right foot!" None of them were still online so I closed the windows as I read them, emailed Dad about my grades and we got started on our game. Explaining a video game to Annie took some doing but she caught on. Actually she was great help figuring out the puzzles and historical stuff that Tomb Raider requires you to know. We played the final two levels and then watched as Lara got trapped and Von Croix got away then we all sniffled with tears in our eyes. Annie: "So what we got to do to get her out?" I explained you have to play the next game, Chronicles, to find out how she escapes and the next game to catch Von Criox. Jana had come in from work and wanted to know what we were teary eyed about. She went into hysterics when she discovered the truth. Jana still in uniform: "Oh for Pete's sake! That is as bad as crying over a soap." We heard the doorbell and then Mother called us downstairs about two minutes later. We descended the stairs to find Aunt Jean or more correctly Queen Jean standing in the hall looking as radiant as ever. Her waist, length, golden hair was done in a long braid and tied at four places with aqua ribbon and a much larger bow at the end. She was wearing an aqua, cotton, sleeveless sheath that just covered her stocking tops and then had about a three inch white ruffle on the bottom. She had on white, high, heeled pumps, bright, magenta nails and lipstick and light blue and pink shades of eye shadow. Aunt Jean: "Jana my dear you look very together after a day at work. Tracey, what a pleasant surprise! I am hearing very good reports about your grades and helping your Mother. I hear you are going to graduate next week! Where do the years go? Darla, Sweetheart, you have changed so much in the last two weeks. Well don't just stand there, come give your Queen a hug." We all kissed and hugged Aunty then she simply snapped her fingers and a loud "POOF!" and sparkles tinkled to the floor. "Unpacking is such a task!" Then we giggled and went into the kitchen. Mother smiled mischievously: "Maybe the Princess would like to demonstrate her skills and set the table for tea." Darla: "Wand! Mother's best china for Queen Jean to see, now fill the pot with Agatha's tea." There is a quiet "POOF!" Instantly the table was set. Aunty: "Annie dear, I see you have succeeded in your quest to become Darla's helper. Good for you! Now don't blow it by playing silly games." Annie proudly hovering over the table in front of Jean bows in mid air. "Rise little one and speak your heart." Annie proudly: "Majesty my days of foolish trickery are over! The helper of a great warrior queen I am to be. Though she has not yet achieved that status but work hard together we will until this goal has been achieved!" Aunty: "Now that is the Annie I've heard so many delightful stories about! If you remain serious for one full phase cycle of the moon I shall reinstate you to full commander of the helpers with Donna as your second. I am becoming suspicious of Gwendolyn as she has been seen alone in the Dark Wood." Annie beamed all over proudly as she bowed again still hovering: "A waste of my Queen's forgiveness and great compassion I will not be. Proud of me I will make you!" Aunty: "You are dismissed dear." Annie flies to and sits on my shoulder. Donna hugged her and flew back to Mother. From Annie's actions the other helpers were doing the same as we continued. Mother: "So our little decorating party starts at six and Friedman's should be here a little after six. Their finger sandwiches are so tasty! We have several newcomers that will be here to meet their Queen for the first time and of course all of the others. Carol Washburn you already have met, Coach Joan Stanton, and three girls from Darren's, I mean Darla's, Social Studies class and Veronica Casteel who is a from Jana's senior class. How is the castle coming along?" Aunty: "All of the Queen Mothers and their helpers and the regular staff and their helpers are scurrying everywhere making things ready for tomorrow night! The guard are polishing their armor and practicing their fancy drills, the maids are dusting and shining every inch of the castle, the pool has been cleaned, the lawns and gardens are being seen to and even the moss has been scoured from the walls!" Darla: "Mother it is after five. May we be excused to get dressed for the party?" Mother: "Yes Sweetheart. You girls go and make yourselves pretty. Remember we are wearing uniforms tonight." Tracey had to call her Mother who teleported her Pinkie dress to her. "POOF!" And it was lying on my bed with all the accessories and tiny bubbles popping on everything. Jana had hung her older dress, which evidently was mine now, in my closet. I was already wearing the correct color corset and panties to go with it. I wondered if Jana had planned it that way. Hmm? Anyhow we changed into the uniforms. To remind everyone it was a frilly, pink, charmeuse, satin covered by ultra, thin, black, lacy chiffon. The blouse portion was very, fitted, sleeveless, scooped, collarless, neck fitting snugly at the waist. The chiffon formed fluttery, short sleeves. The skirt started at the hips where full, rolling pleats gathered and hung lightly on the petticoats to the knees. The sparkly, magenta, high, heeled, sandals finished the outfit. Tracey told me to leave the fake wings off so the real ones could appear. We went into Jana's room to add our hair band, fairy earrings and makeup. Miss very all together was finishing her makeup. She looked every bit as gorgeous as she did for the dance last Friday night. We sat down I started to remove my makeup. Jan had to do my nails and twenty minutes later I had two coats of glittery magenta nail polish on my fingers, a fairy appliqu? on both index fingers, a coat of clear finish then she passed her hand over them making it all dry instantly. Jana painted Tracey's who fussed about looking to feminine and girly and put this cocked frown on her face. Jana: "Tracey, give us all a break! I mean, after all you are a young woman about to start college and want to become a nurse of all things and nothing could be more girly than that! I mean if you must nurture your boyish tendencies then ask Mother about becoming a warrior." Tracey: "I can't help it that I like doing boy things like building stuff with power tools and industrial arts. Maybe I ought to go to school for auto mechanics or become a robotics engineer like my adopted father! Cher`re is doing just that and if she can I can too!" Jana: "We have been like family longer than any of the other girls and you can believe me when I say folks will expect you to behave like a lady no matter what you do even if you chose, heaven forbid, to become an auto mechanic. I know you are good with small engines and Dad was like so totally speechless when you fixed the carburetor, on his chainsaw, this past January; however he still sees you as a pretty girl. You do not have to look like a man to do guy things!" Tracey: "Well,? if you say so." Jana: "Our Brat Brother thinks you are very pretty and definitely H O T! Ask him or, a, I mean her." Darla: "SMOKIN'!" Tracey: "You two are just prejudiced! Love is blind." Annie: "Known ya since ya was just a bit I have. Tells you those things your father does to keep ya away from boys he does. Jealous and selfish he is. But the truth Annie knows! How pretty you are and start believin' in yourself you must!" Darla: "Follow me Toots." I went over to Jana's computer and signed on to MSN Messenger and sure enough Jonesy was online. Darla typed: "So didjya?" Jonesy typed: "Hey man. Did I what?" Darla typed: "PASS FOOL!" Jonesy typed: "Oh, yea buddy for sure, for sure! B average too. Mom was stupefied 'cause I never had a B average before. I blamed all on your studying with me. I didn't see your grades posted." Darla typed: "They were in special code. My average was A." Jonesy typed: "Brainiac!" Darla typed: "Hey, if the fit shits wear it! Isn't Tracey turning out to be a really foxy chick?" Jonesy typed: "She sure is and you are a lucky dude to have that gorgeous dudette as a budette!" Tracey cracks up over him saying budette. "I wish she'd come play games with me!" Tracey gasped. "While I got your attention, Danny told me who Darla really is! She is you! You been busted!" A severe adrenaline rush made the hair on the back of my neck curl and I froze for a minute. Darla: "Mother is calling. Catch you on the flip bro'." Jonsey: "I'll bet she is. You will always be my bud, or budette, I guess, but we need to talk tomorrow or something 'cause Danny and me are like confused to the max. You know how it is, enquiring minds have to know. Later gater." If I let his comments about me pass after tomorrow night they wouldn't even exist; however buds are buds and for those who take that seriously explanations are always expected. Darla: "See? Most of the guys I know think you are very pretty and sexy. Ya know what is really sexy? A gorgeous chick doing what a guy does best better! So be a tomboy, just be as pretty and sexy a girl as you know how." Tracey sighed: "Mother braids my hair like this though and it makes me look like a little girl!" Darla: "Pigtails are little girlish, long braids are sexy and pretty. Lara Croft keeps her long hair braided and all the guys think she is a fox!" Tracey: "Well, maybe. What about my freckles and this tiny button nose? I have knobby knees and I am too tall." Darla: "Which part of the word sexy or gorgeous did you not understand? Do you know a lot of guys like tall chicks even if they themselves are short? Your freckles and delicate facial features make you appear innocent and sensuously inviting. You have very pretty athletic legs, great boobs and have a very curvy hourglass figure. Take a look at Carey Payne's knees and then tell me about how you have knobby knees, you have perfectly rounded knees. Then there is your very contagious smile, that makes others start smiling because they can't figure what you're thinking. You are every bit as pretty as Jana, a total knockout even!" Jana: "B. B. is right. You are really very beautiful!" Tracey: "OK already! I surrender. I will try to see myself as pretty." Darla: "No trying allowed, failure is not an acceptable option. What you need is the Darren Perkins self esteem improvement system! Why in just two or three easy to follow lessons I can have you strutting around as proud and cocky as any maggot at our fine high school. Why you'll be as stuck up as any twit you can name! But the cost man, the cost! Why just fourteen ninety five per lesson and if you act now, I'll even throw in my talking wrist mirror so it can tell you just how gorgeous you really are!" Both Jana and Tracey where laughing hysterically. "But wait that's not all! I'm also going to give the first ten callers two full cans of knobby knee reducer. Call now 1-800- lowesteem and you too can be on your way to full self confidence! Imagine telling the little pervert down the street to go take a long walk off of a short pier and then kicking him in the butt to get him started in the right direction! What would you give to be able to kick that jerk at school so hard in the crotch that he'd have to sing soprano for a year!" Jana was red in the face and tears rolled down her cheeks as she couldn't stop laughing and Tracey was just trying to breathe! As the laughing came to a conclusion both girls made a trip to the bathroom. Jana giggled as she returned: "I like so really hope you don't lose that wonderful sense of humor!" Darla: "Who told you, that you are homely or ugly? It doesn't matter because it was a downright lie! Annie is probably right about it being that fool father of yours." Tracey nodded yes. "I should have guessed. He has the intelligence of a two by four and the charisma of a junkyard dog." We heard the doorbell ring and knew we had to finish our makeup. I put my base on as usual and then my mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil. Jana filled the corners of my eyelids a little more than usual then used a sparkly blue eye shadow. She then used a pink glittery powder to highlight my cheeks. Berry pink lipstick and the girl I saw looking at me was more than I could have ever imagined was remotely possible. Jana did Tracey's makeup against her will and used a similar look on her. She used pink sparkly eye shadow though because of Tracey's brown eyes. When Jana finally let Tracey look in the mirror there was this long awkward silence as she gazed at herself. Jana took her braid out then straightened her hair using a smoothing iron. Jana encouragingly: "Darla look at how pretty our sister Tracey is!" Darla: "Well talk about extreme makeovers; from plain old tomboy to gorgeous fairy in just one easy lesson!" Tracey stutters: "B, bu, but it's all makeup and tricks and I don't want anyone thinking I'm cheap." Jana: "Look at what a little makeup does for Darren. I mean it changes him into Darla! Even our helpers think you are very pretty." Annie: "Anyone ever thinking ya are cheap there is no chance. Work to hard a fellow must just to talk to ya." Darla: "Makeup is meant to hide the things that are not really you and show the things that are." The door bell had rung several times and we could hear talking and laughter down stairs. Jana insisted that she and Tracey go down and I would wait to be called for a grand entrance. I stood at the top of the stairs listening to all the oohs and ahs as they descended into the hallway leading to the living room. Jana and Tracey at the bottom of the stairs: "Loyal sisters we present to you now our new Princess Darla for the first time in full dress!" I descended as gracefully as I knew how then paused to glance right and left as I stepped into the center of the hall. Judith was right behind Tracey to my right and Jana to my left. When I stepped into the center of the living room they all gazed at me in a deafening silence that scared me out of my wits! All I could think about was my ice blue Secret holding up? I could hear whispers and couple of muffled giggles then from somewhere behind me I heard a voice that sounded like Tracey, quietly say "Long live Darla. Princess Warrior of the Sisterhood of the Lilac Butterfly!" then they all started to chant it whispering at first, then louder and louder until the all applauded me for a long time. Then I was hugged and kissed by all and told how pretty I had become and that there surely could not be any boy left in me. Queen Mothers Millicent, Agatha and Joey hugged me first as Annie bowed in mid flight in front of them. Darla whispered in Millicent ear: "Thank you for giving me Grand Mother Trudicia's DNA and genes." She gazed deep into my eyes for a long moment. Queen Mother Millicent: "You are the dearest child! Rise Annie. I had not thought that you would like all this fuss and such girlie things. I can tell you have spoken from Darren's heart and truly want to do this. You have caught me off guard and I am so honored I do not know what to say. I was right! You are indeed a very loving and caring child and will make a superb queen." Queen Mother Agatha: "See Millie? I told you Darren was probably the wrong sex anyway. He is not doing this only out of duty; he wants to be a fairy!" Queen Mother Millicent giggled: "I see Miss Annabelle is on your shoulder. There is no better choice for a new warrior than Annie because her powers are endless. She and I have been in battle together with Mother, that is Queen Mother Trudicia, many times and she is as true blue as they come. Annie Mother would be proud that you have taken on this responsibility!" Annie grinned: "My duty 'twas. Alone I have been much too long. Majesty Jean says return to commander I will if I do well!" Mother loudly from the bottom stair: "May I have everyone's attention please?" All became silent. "The food is soon to be spread out all over the kitchen and as always drinks are in the refridge. This is to be a fun meeting decorating for our reception tomorrow night. Help, swim, laugh, socialize or eat and run if life's little commitments have you all tied up. Your Queens do acknowledge your loving attendance." With that said everyone seemed to migrate into the kitchen and then out back to hang firefly lanterns and long ropes of daisies and lilacs everywhere. Firefly lanterns look like silk Japanese lanterns and have a lilac branch in them so that maybe fifty to sixty fireflies can fly in them, sit on the branch and give off light. We heard the doorbell and I followed Mother to answer the door and it was Fabulous Treats delivering the cake for the reception. Mother had already fixed the living room table with a blue lace tablecloth, paper plates, and forks laid out in sort of a chevron pattern. Several of the women that were hanging lilacs and daisies all over the place magically vanished in a "POOF!" The two delivery persons set the cake on the table with Mother giving directions then assembled it. Mother handed them a tip and thanked them for their help. The cake looked like a wedding cake of three tiers only it was pale lavender with small, multi colored butterflies, lilacs and a butterfly fairy on top which I was told was supposed to be me. The fairy on top was wearing a gown very much like the ones that appear as we teleport to Thermodon. Her right hand was stretched forward holding a tiny butterfly in her palm and her left held her wand. Mother's cut glass punchbowl was on the other end with the cups neatly laid around and hanging from hooks on the rim of the bowl. Mother's silver cake knife had been polished to a sparkling finish and placed by the cake. The helpers returned and continued decorating the living and dining rooms with lilacs and daisies until the entire house was filled with the marvelous scent of the flowers. The caterers, from Friedman's, arrived to setup the food on the kitchen table and I went out on the deck to see how things were turning out. Jana was directing everyone and the entire yard was abuzz with butterfly fairies and dragonflies everywhere. Fireflies had filled the lanterns giving a colored glow as the sky darkened. Several butterfly fairy warriors had gathered around one who appeared to be their leader on the deck table. Annie and Donna were listening intently to what she was saying. Q. M.'s Agatha, Millicent and Joey as well as Queen Jean were watching and listening as well. Captain Naomi to her Lieutenants: "?in short we must be on elevated watch as Darla and our Queens celebrate this momentous occasion. Annie, Ruthanne, Donna and Misty you must all be on high alert as well. So that is the entire plan for here. You are all dismissed back to your posts to pass this along to your various squads." Queen Jean: "Captain Naomi, you are doing a marvelous job as always. I know you know who this lovely girl is but have you actually met her?" Captain Naomi: No Majesty. Queen Jean: "Princess Darla this is Captain Naomi of the Queen Warrior's Elite Guard. Naomi dear, you stand before our soon to be Princess Warrior, Darla the feminine!" Naomi bows on one knee. Captain Naomi: "Princess I am at your service." Darla: "Rise noble Captain and graciously accept my adoration for protecting us and our home." Captain Naomi: "May I speak freely Majesty?" Darla: "I shall be hurt if you don't!" Captain Naomi: "I never thought you would ever agree to become Princess. I have never seen any girl in you at least not during the ten years I have been watching over you. However I was terribly mistaken and wish to say that you are turning into a very gorgeous fairy. Some of your infamous escapades and sordid affairs as a teenage boy do not reflect the true feelings of the person inside; however I also have faith that you will honor us and remain faithful to the Sisterhood as I have firsthand knowledge of your honesty, integrity and faithfulness." Darla: "Thank you Captain. I will do my best not to disappoint you." She stands at attention, raises her right fist to her heart like a Roman soldier and flies off smiling. Annie all smiles: "Likes you immensely she does. Majesty Jean may I take Darla to see Q. M. Trudy?" Queen Jean: "Yes you may but you must tell Alex first." We found Mother fussing over little details in the kitchen and dining room. Annie bowed: "Majesty, I was wonderin' if I could take Darla to meet Trudy." Mother stammers: "Well, um, I ah, don't know if that is a good idea. All that is there is her shade and she may not like being disturbed." Annie: "Welcome Darla she will! Feel it in my heart I can!" Darla: "What is a shade?" Mother: "Someone's shade is like a ghost of their spirit. It can only travel a short distance from its grave and appears as a smoky image." Darla: "How cool!" Annie: "Go down ta visit her I do. 'specially when I am so lonesome I could cry for a day." Mother apprehensively: "If we must! I mean it is so dark, dank, musty, muddy and moldy down in those catacombs. I suppose though, that you have a sort of attachment and your little enquiring mind just has to know." She walked out onto the deck. "I have been elected to accompany Princess and Annie to visit Q. M. Trudicia's burial site. Jana you are in charge as this has become your project anyway. Jean dear, please try to keep things cool, calm and collected." Queen Jean: "You have nothing to fear lover, either here or there." Q. M. Millicent: "May I join you? I have not spoken to her for quite some time." Darla: "Yes!" We made our way into the living room where we could form our circle where we started our little chant like the other night. She blew a little Fairy Dust off her palm and signaled for us to start as the glittery dust sparkled and drifted into the air. "Butterflies, butterflies, give us direction, come and take us to the palace of Perfection!" As we chanted walking in a circle a pink glow washed over the room from the ceiling and progressed slowly to the floor. As the light touched our heads a crown of lilacs and daisies appeared on our head as the light washed down our bodies we were magically dressed in long, flowing, chiffon robes. Mother's Q. M. Millicent's were white and mine was pink. Rainbow colored, shear wings appeared behind both women as the now bluish glow reached the floor. Our circle began to lift from the floor and spun at an accelerated rate. The room disappeared into the darkness and a beautiful summer day appeared in the Thermodon Plain just a few steps from the castle stairs. Annie and Donna flew ahead as we followed walking. Remember that at this point my wings were too small to lift me to flight. We were lead to a remote corner of the castle court yard where an opening was concealed by foliage. We entered in single file encountering the damp, dark, coolness of this natural cave while Mother and Q. M. Millicent called their wands into service as a light source. Our footsteps and noises echoed deep into the empty halls. We followed along several corridors that were lined with huge vault like graves of ancient Amazons which seemed to be crying out for human compassion. The gentle breeze made sounds that gave one the impression of spirits whispering. Huge spider webs hung from the ceiling and had to be wisked out of the way with our swords as we made our way to a large, cathedral, ceiling room deep in the cave. I could see my breath in the light from the others wands and the cold desolate feeling of despair made me shiver. Annie led us to Trudicia's grave and called to Trudy. Annie: "Trudy please come visit with us." A smoky trail arose from the grave, like a rushing whirl wind, and a smoky image, of a Warrior Queen, in full armor, appeared directly over the grave and lit up the area. Shade bellows: "Who calls me from my rest?" The shades voice echoed forever in the hollow halls and I nearly soiled my panties! Annie: "'tis I, Annie. Miss you terribly I do. I have brought Darren so he might meet you, his Great, Great Grandmother." Shade grins: "Darren? Has he accepted the trial?" Annie: "Oh yes and really wants to be a fairy! Millicent and Alex are here as well." Shade: "Millie dear, how are you getting on and is he the one?" Q. M. Millicent: "Oh I am getting along just fine mother. I do miss you though. Yes, he is the one I implanted your DNA into." Shade gently: "I can feel his presence as though I were looking into a mirror. Darren dearest, come closer." I apprehensively stepped close enough to the shade to be able to touch it. "I wish I could take you in my arms and kiss you." Shade sighs. "Are you certain you are ready for this very unique challenge?" Darren: "Yes Grand Mother. I truly want to be as great a warrior as you." Shade: "I can sense your emotions which seem to be happy with your decision. I have but one bit of advice to you dear Grandson. You must learn to be much better than I, why just look at what has happened to me. Watch your back constantly and never let your guard down even for an instant or danger may sneak up on you as it did for one fateful moment to me. I allowed my over confidence to dull my sense of danger. DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOU! Precious one, did you succeed in your little quest to become his helper?" Annie gleefully: "That I did and why I have brought him to meet you." Darren: "Grandmother, can you see me?" Shade: "Yes I can. You are becoming a very pretty girl." Darren: "Well I am now Princess Darla, the feminine. Darren is a guy from my past." Shade chuckles: "Well Darla it will be then! I sense a great strength amongst you." Annie: "'tis Queen Warrior Alexis, Darren's Mother and mentor." Shade: "I have heard great things of Jean's mate and her helper Donna. We get little news down here but what I have heard of Alexis is worthy of my utmost admiration and respect. Annie you apprenticed Donna didn't you? I have heard of bravery and unending loyalty about you dear and it honors me to be in your presence. When is the ceremony?" Mother: "Princess Darla, the feminine is to be transformed tomorrow evening during the full moon." Shade: "Alex dear, much has been bestowed upon you for your loyalty and devotion. Your own genetic daughter Jana is to become Queen. Train Darla well so that she and Annie will become a single unit of speed, agility and cunning so as to protect Jana from all would be danger! I must go now for it drains me so to show myself. Darla, live long and use your powers to defeat evil and help others. You have my blessings and expect you make me proud of your accomplishments. Precious one, I miss you also, thank you for coming and bringing Darla. Our little visits have warmed my soul over the years. Darla you may return to confide in me if you feel the need. Bye all." The shade returned to a column of smoke then vanished slowly back into the grave just as it had come with the sound of a rushing whirl wind. We were very quiet as we made our way back through the catacombs to the castle and then down the steps to the grassy field. We started our little chant like the other night. She blew a little Fairy Dust off her palm and signaled for us to start as the glittery dust sparkled and drifted into the air. "Butterflies, butterflies, give us direction, come take us home from the palace of Perfection!" As we chanted walking in a counter, clockwise circle a pink glow washed over the field and progressed slowly to the ground. As the light touched our heads our clothing returned and our wings disappeared. Our circle began to lift from the grassy field and spun at an accelerated rate. The field disappeared into the darkness and soon we were back in our living room, where we stood gaping at each other in a deafening silence. Mother breaks the silence: "I am most delighted that we went to visit her now." Annie sniffled back a tear. "We all share your sad feelings Annie dear." Annie with a half hearted smile: "'tis a good to know I am once again loved." Darla: "You are no lager there than you are here!" Mother went out to the deck to see how the decorating coming along while Annie and I decided to check out the f

Same as Darren's Dilemma Chapter 16 Videos

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Dilemma Continued Ch 03

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Little Sisters Dilemma Part IV Conclusion

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Dilemma Surprise

Dilemma? Well, yes. Ask any writer and storytelling is apparently ‘very easy.’ Back in my school days, you learned that to write successfully that all stories had a beginning, a middle and an end. They may have been called by differing names but basically, that was it. So what’s the dilemma? Well, in the case of what I’m going to tell you I have no idea where either this really started or where the end is either likely or going to be. I only know that I’m writing down what happened in the last...

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Plumbers Dilemma

One Monday morning, a very light trickle from a closed bathroom faucet had turned into a steady flow. Not wanting to receive a hefty water bill, I decided that action finally needed to be taken. After contacting my boss to explain my situation, my boss told me to take the day off, fix the problem, and enjoy a relaxing day, once my plumbing dilemma had been sorted out. Having put in a lot of extra time at work in the preceding months, my boss further added that I had earned the day off.A...

Gay Male
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Prisoners Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as the other stories in the Prisoner's Dilemma word, "Curiosity Killed the Cat" and "Separate the Men From the Boys," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury like a Woman Scorned Lockman University had been in turmoil since Professor Ripley had invented the biomass reorganizer four years before. The astonishing new creation hadn't simply thrown communities of physicists and doctors...

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Wifes Dilemma chapter 2

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities. desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Esther was desperate to minimize her cheating, cheating on her loving husband. This was her only chance to break off any further involvement with Ralph. Wednesday morning made Esther jittery, but happy that her guilt would be relieved. Jerry gave her a long kiss before leaving for work and she waited a few minutes as he drove away. She then grabbed her car keys...

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Carols Dilemma

Carol Hart had a dilemma. For the last year, she had worked as a waitress in a coffee shop in San Francisco’s business district, without making much money but with other positives. She had a chance to meet a lot of men there, including mostly gentlemen but there were a few assholes as well. Until that day, she had always thought of Hank – she didn’t know his last name – as one of the former. However, something had happened that morning to make her unsure and she thought he might even be one of...

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Dilemma Continued Ch 02

These stories will not stand alone, the reader should read both Dilemma and particularly Dilemma – Lorelei’s Story by Joesephus first as this chapter hinges on that story but I don’t want to bore the reader by repeating it. Some of Lorelei’s story as written by Joesephus is included for continuity Time for a decision No matter how I tossed and turned, I could not find sleep that night. At about three in the morning I gave up and threw on a robe and went downstairs. At the kitchen table I...

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This story is about a 16 year old teenage girl and a middle aged man, who due to a slight mishap, found himself in an unplanned situation with the moral dilemma, should he or shouldn’t he? First off a little about myself, my name is John and I am retired and live in the south of England. I live in a detached house in a better part of the town and have done so for the past 30 years. 15 years ago my wife Carole and I were on holiday in Spain with our young daughter Sue, when a waiter at...

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Bikini Beach Julies Dilemma

Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma This is the prize for my first story-writing contest, for Julie (who wrote the winning entry). Julie provided the idea, and I filled in the details. So she gets most of the credit for this one. Now whether this story bears any resemblance to reality is a question to ask Julie, not me. [email protected] ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma By Elrodw Julie eased herself...

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High School Dilemma Part 2

From: fundipity: [email protected] Subject: High School Dilemma Part 2 (TG) Story written in 2001 High School Dilemma Part Two (final chapter to follow) By Lauren Westley Jimmy told me to get him a beer. As I turned to go to the kitchen Sean called out that I was to curtsy and say, "Yes Sir," when a man was talking to me. I turned back to Jimmy and curtsied saying, "Yes Sir." But, again Sean called out and reminded me that a proper curtsy was with my...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter One

Darren's Dilemma Chapter One Crimes And Chastisements By Suzie Q Haff I reached into my pocket, pulled my door key out and unlocked the front door of our two story house. As I entered I closed the door behind me and dropped my book-bag next to the coat rack. I walked down the hall towards the kitchen trying to be as stealthy as a fourteen year old boy knew how. It was Friday and I was trying to figure a way to get out of bring grounded. Slowly I pushed open the swinging door to the...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Four

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Four The Shopping Expedition By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to the sound of a gurgling brook, chirping birds, and Jana calling me gently in the distance. She was bent kneeling over me. Her long hair was tickling my nose on purpose. Jana gently shaking me: "Darla dear... Wake up already!" I started to stir and she kissed me gently. "Good morning Little Sis." She tugs the leash. "I love you and now you are mine." How could I forget? "I have everything I need to...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Nine

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Nine My First Pinky Thursday By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to Jana shaking me desperately and telling me we over slept. I sat straight up removing the ear phones and could now hear what she was saying. Jana: "Move it Darla! Its six forty five already." She had already gotten coffee. Darla: "Wow! What a short night." Jana: "Well I think we are safe if we skip our bath today. Let's just wash up and get on...

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Prisoners Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat

Prisoner's Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat Professor Ripley's research division of Lockman University's college of biotechnology had a peculiar reputation. All of the students knew that there was good money to be made volunteering for biotechnical research. The department was always looking for warm bodies, and he paid well for the use of them, but volunteering for Ripley's experiments usually left his volunteers with a slightly different warm body than the one they started with. ...

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Prisoners Dilemma FAQ

Okay, I can't call it a FAQ because to qualify for the acronym, people had to have asked questions frequently, and they haven't yet. Still, I suppose a few people will have questions about the setting, so here are answers to questions I believe might occur to you. The Location 1. Where is the universe set? Is it in America? The Prisoner's Dilemma experiment was built at fictional Lockman University. It doesn't exist in any specific location and I'd like to keep it that way. If in...

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Prisoners Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys

Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...

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Cousins Dilemma

Cousins' Dilemma: by DebWeb Certain elements of this fantasy story are inspired from minute memories of my childhood. Yes I did have a close friendship with Julie my cousin. We were soul mates for the first six years of life. The incident where she demanded I wear the dress is factual and to this day I regret not being able to summon the courage to say yes. That was a defining day between me and Julie's friendship. She cut off most all verbal communication between us. I was...

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Little Sisters DilemmaChapter 4

Joanne and I watched Sarah's car disappearing through the trees of Palisade Lake campgrounds as it took her back to the city, leaving the two of us to enjoy our week of isolation. The whole day had been one of discovery, not only of ourselves, but also of a part of us that we never suspected might exist. What had started out that day as a bit of exhibitionism had turned out to be something more intimate, more perverse, and more exciting than any of us would have guessed. We had all...

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Wifes Dilemma chapter 3

By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Wednesday again, Esther visited Ralph and C.J. Yes, she enjoyed their cocks as they fucked her into total ecstasy. Many loads of cum in her pussy and ass, plus appetizers for her stomach. She was careful to watch the time and regretted when 3 pm ended her enjoyment. She talked with Ralph and told him her plan. She wanted him to be free Friday night. She was...

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Futa Naked In School 07 The Naked Futa Problem 1 Randis Naked Futa Dilemma

Chapter One: Randi's Naked Futa Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Randi Bjork Week, Monday Everyone was staring at me. Groping me. I trembled as I moved through the halls, resisting the urges to cover my naked tits. I was selected for the Program. Me. I knew the odds. Two girls a week, and only a fifty-fifty chance they'd select a junior as one of them made me hope I'd get through this year and next without getting selected. But I was. “Wow, I did not realize how big your tits...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirls Dilemma

A Day in Gotham – 3 – Batgirl’s Dilemma Chapter 1 – Good Dream, Bad Dream? She woke up with a start, instantly awake and scanning her surroundings urgently. What had happened!? Her heart was racing, but her breathing quickly returned to normal as her brain registered the air of normality in the bedroom. The early morning Gotham City sunlight was streaming through the curtains and already it felt pleasantly warm as her home city prepared itself for another baking hot mid-Summer day. She...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Teachers Naughty Wish Chapter 1 Ms Marcies Student Dilemma

Chapter One: Ms. Marcie's Student Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Every day was torture when I walked into the hallowed halls of Washington College, the school where I taught at. Everywhere I looked, the girls strutted down the halls, so youthful, so sexy in their tight jeans, their tighter tops, their short skirts, their leggings that molded to nubile flesh. My heart raced, my pussy so hot in my panties and pantyhose, my nipples hard in my blouse. So many beauties. The...

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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

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The Dilemma

Jock couldn’t sleep. That night with Erin - Holy shit!  His entire five-foot eleven-inch frame felt like it was still intertwined with Erin’s tight, lithe body.  He couldn’t get her out of his mind to save his life.  When you’ve just had a fuck session with a mesmerizing, forty-something woman who seemed to be completely into you, what now?  Could he really have fallen for her this quickly, this unexpectedly?  At fifty-five years of age, with thirty hard, tough years working the San Francisco...

Love Stories
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A MORAL DILEMMA PART 2 To get with the flow of this story (Plus other flows) you should read part 1 first. I hope you enjoy? After my gorgeous 16 year old niece Kim standing stark naked in front of me, and after sucking on my very hard 9 inch cock practically begging me to take her to her to my bed and to teach her all about sex, and shove my big hard cock inside her taking her virginity what could I say? After not having any sex for 2 years apart from self induced orgasms whilst fantasising...

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I arrived in Dallas mid morning on Monday and went straight to the hotel to change into business attire.   It was not quite lunch time, so I caught a cab to the office.   This was one of my favorite units to audit because the CFO was very yummy.   He was tall, built like an NFL linebacker, always tan and had a gorgeous smile.   It was also apparent that he was attracted to me.   I announced myself at the front desk and the receptionist called the Controller to let her know I was here.  ...

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Tease and Workplace Dilemma

The Tease and The Workplace Dilemma I want you to know that I enjoy thinking of you, reading my stories. I enjoy the power that my seductive language has over you. You are drawn in by the words as they unravel on the screen in front of you. There are no sexy photos, yet your libido is ignited in ways beyond the visual. You have to match my description of our seduction, though you don’t think we have ever met, with your imagination of how it would be.. The first glance as I walk past your...

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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

Introduction: Lisa Cohan gets an unwanted proposition. IHNC 6.5 Lisas Dilemma (Mf, teen, nc, preg, softcore) (This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Beckys who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE! Studying for my SATs, I...

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His Best Friends Daughter Part IIIHis Dilemma

His Best Friend’s Daughter: Part III- His Dilemma Well, when we last left John and the ever so teasing and flirtatious Gabby (the sexy sixteen-year-old daughter of his best friend Patrick) who had been teasing and flirting with him for weeks had finally seduced John in the guesthouse of her family’s villa in Majorca. Seduced him not once, but twice! Gabby had not only bedded John that night after the club and dancing, but John had awoken in the early Spanish sunlight to a young inexperienced...

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Head Girls Dilemma

Head Girl Joanne’s dilemmaPauline Margaret Manson had taught at my school for twelve years. She had always seemed to me to be fair and kind to her students, but Miss held a deep secret that had started as a rumour when we were lower down the school and had become a rather loud whisper around school. Pauline had a target to administer corporal punishment to all her students by the end of the school year. So far that year, each one of her twenty A-Level History students had been placed in after...

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Joggers Dilemma

Deciding to become healthier had interesting consequences for me. By the age of twenty-eight, I had put on a few extra pounds and when an acquaintance of mine paid tribute to my enlarging hipline at the pub one evening, I decided that action needed to be taken. I made a decision to start jogging in the hills behind my home. There was an enjoyable path that meandered through that area and day by day, I began to extend the distance of my runs. This exercise coupled with a healthier eating plan...

Gay Male
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Dougs Dilemma

Doug's Dilemma, by MaxMonThere was a slight shiver in her voice, as Tammy asked herself aloud, "Why am I doing this?" After a brief pause, she continued, " Doug, you are scaring me! I can't walk down stairs blindfolded... I need to see the steps!" "Come on, Hon. I have your arm, so you're not going to fall." Her husband's attempt at reassurance came across with a shallow breach, as if those high heals on the sandy concrete stairs were, indeed, of great concern to him. "Let me get in front of...

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Dans Dilemma

Well this is my first time writing a story like this. So I hope that I can keep the story true to the Spells R' Us story line. Remember this is my first time so please be patient. Comments about this story can be made on the fictionmania hyperboard. I would prefer at this time to remain anonymous at this time. Dan's Dilemma "You know if we put a wig on you, you'd pass for a girl." "Ha, ha, that's funny Steve." "Hey Dan, you' re so short when you sit on a curb your feet...

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Mindys Dilemma

Mindy's Dilemma By Bashful The webmaster spent most of his morning on the Internet, chatting with friends. Not his usual Saturday morning routine but he had decided to try it once. He wasn't sure if he would ever do it again but it was a better experience than he had expected. Now he had chores to perform. First the dishwasher had to be replaced. That took him only an hour and a badly scraped set of knuckles. He then set to work on the server farm. He intended to split his...

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Davids Dilemma

David's Dilemma By Bashful ########### Author's Note: Once again I offer special thanks to Janice Dreamer, the Princess of Author's Notes, for her insightful assistance in preparing this story for publication. ############ Patty felt like screaming. She held tight to the headboard with both hands and squirmed in ecstasy. David's talented lips and tongue were driving her mad. She climaxed with a squeal and allowed her body to go limp. Best of all, that was just the...

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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma: Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5" and weighed around 120 pounds. But, Kelly was Joe's...

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High School Dilemma

High School Dilemma Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5"...

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Estate Agents Dilemma

Estate Agent's Dilemma By Sylvia Who? 1) My 'Initiation' Robert Hart is my name and seven years ago I went into business as an estate agent in the village of Shere on the South Coast of England, employing two part time ladies, and operating from a former village post office store. Attached to which I have a self contained bachelor pad which suits my present needs. Three years ago an interloper set up in competition with me just a few doors away, strangely enough run by...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Two

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Two The Trip Home By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to feel Aunty gently shaking me. The sensual feeling of the satin sheets against my nylons and baby doll PJ's that started driving me wild and making me shiver returned. Darla: "Do girls ever get used to the slippery, arousing feel of nylon and satin or the taste and feel of lipstick?" Aunty giggles: "Never! Furthermore, any female that would give up those spoils just isn't much of a female. Long nails force a...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Three

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Three Jana's New Sissy Toy By Suzie Q Haff Jana shaking me in her high pitched voice: "So are you like dead or what? Come on sleeping beauty, rise and shine!" She rolled me over on my stomach and planted a really hard whack on my butt that made a deafening smack and stung for ten minutes. Darla complaining in Darren's voice: "Damn! That was not necessary! I was getting up." Jana: "I have been...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Five

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Six

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Six Darla Does Mother Proud By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened before dawn by Jana sliding in to my bed and cuddling up to me. I glanced at the clock on my stereo and it said 4:30 AM. She held me close but gently. She kissed my shoulder several times and drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep again listening to that woodpecker. Mom came in at eight AM and woke us. Alexis was in her robe shaking us: "Well what do we have here, sisters at arms?" Jana yawns: "I...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Seven

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Seven Just Another Day At School By Suzie Q Haff Jana had snuggled with me under the covers all night and started kissing to wake me up. The screen saver on my computer read six AM. When I wouldn't get up she pinched my ass so hard I cringed and yelped. I arose pulling the gloves off dropping them in the waste basket. We soaked in the tub for what was becoming our regular fifteen minutes then we shaved and...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Eight

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Eight Wednesday, Hump Day By Suzie Q Haff I woke up to hear Jana's voice coming from her computer saying: "Six bells dear, time to rise and shine." Jana kissed my ear and sat up complaining about not getting her beauty rest because she had to help me. I hugged her and she smiled at me for several seconds. The amethyst felt heavy around my neck as I stood and realized last night was not a dream. I smiled as...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Ten

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Ten Friday's Picnic By Suzie Q Haff I awoke and Mother still had my back nestled to her as I snuggled deeper into her loving arms. Her leg was draped over mine and when I tried to move she gently held me fast. She gently removed the ear phones and caressed my ear so delicately I shivered. Mother's gentle, breath kissed my neck as her feminine fragrance and soft, silky, warm, delicate, body snuggled me into it. As she continued to gently nibble and tenderly...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 11

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Eleven Mother and the Mall By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to sound of gentle rain that made me want to be lazy and stay in bed. Mother snuck in during the early hours and had my back nestled to her. I had been savoring every second of her warm, caring, sleeping embrace. The pitter, patter of the rain in the ear plugs had blocked the truth from reaching me ears. The enjoyment of her arms wrapped around me and her leg over mine while totally engulfed in her motherly...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 12

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Twelve Mother's Little Test By Suzie Q Haff I woke up briefly and tried to change positions several times during the night only to have Mother regain her Anaconda like hug on me snuggling me against her silky, soft, warm body. Mother relinquished her hold to go to the john resuming her loving hold on me when she returned. Jana softly: "My turn!" she got up and went to the bathroom. "Next." Mother was kissing my ear when she returned and let go so I could...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 13

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Thirteen Test Day Uno By Suzie Q Haff As I awoke with Jana's most gentle shaking, the sounds of the cheering crowd gave way to children giggling and a squeaky swing. I looked around the room removing my earphones and the morning sun was shining brightly through my bedroom windows. Jana sat up and put her arm around me and I turned to kiss her cheek. Darla warmly: "Good morning Queen Sister" Jana: "Whew! I am like so really glad that was just a dream!...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 14

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fourteen Another Testy School Day By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to hear little bell chords and other gentle fairy sounds in my ears and realized it was the disk. Jana turned me to face her and took the earphones out. Jana gently kissing me: "I," Kiss, "Love," Kiss, "you. I do not want to get up. I would rather stay here and kiss you into oblivion!" Darla: "Yea well, I have an English paper for a final and you have to go make the ladies of our little community...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 15

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fifteen Jana Goes Over The Top By Suzie Q Haff I was awakened by Mother gently caressing my ear and the back of my neck. My sleep had been so restful and peaceful that I felt totally recharged. We laid there for several minutes with Mother engulfing me in her love until Mother gently sat up on the edge of the bed. Mother stretched and yawned: "Baby Boy, we must get up and get a move on! I am going to jump in the shower and you need to go get ready for your...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter 17

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Seventeen Princess Darla is Born By Suzie Q Haff Out of the darkness of sleep I could hear Kenny G's music playing softly in my ears and there I was at Perfection standing front and center. To my left was Queen Jean who was seconded by Jana and to my right was Mother. On the far left was the Council of Elders and on the far right was the Royal Guard standing at attention. I was facing the audience made up of...

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And your enemies closest Aka Erics Dilemma

ERIC'S DILEMMA BY TOXIS The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that meant. The back of Club MALES was dark, some booths filled with shadowy...

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Flower Institute Northern dilemma

One of the most delicate requests to the Institute came from sexually liberated Scandinavia. A young Swedish teen wasn´t a virgin anymore. But her Mistress decided it was high time to try her butt for offer. Best by an expert sexpert pervert. So she wrote to the Institute in Amsterdam.Of course her letter was well received. Not only because of the contents. The directorate of the Flower Institute recognised the author immediately.She was very famous for her educational stories on horny...

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High School Dilemma Part 3

(Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. This particular episode is very XXX with pee scenes etc. I suggest those who don't like this kind of story not to read on. I know I make both grammatical and punctuation mistakes. I promise all of you I will try harder every time to get it right. Hey what else can a submissive do? However, I do know many parts of my stories will not appeal to all of you. I only wish there is enough to make each of...

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High School Dilemma Part 4

(Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. This particular episode is very XXX with pee scenes etc. However, I do know many parts of my stories will not appeal to all of you. I only wish there is enough to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) High School Dilemma Part Four By Lauren Westley A bubble bath is one of the...

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High School Dilemma Part 5

(Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IS YOU HAVE AN AVERSION TO PEE SCENES AND EXTREME HUMILIATION. This is only a fantasy story XXX+. I only wish there is enough here to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) High School Dilemma Part Five By Lauren Westley As the car bounced around on old shocks...

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High School Dilemma Part 6

[Attachment(s) from lauren westley included below] (Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IS YOU HAVE AN AVERSION TO PEE SCENES AND EXTREME HUMILIATION. This is only a fantasy story XXX+. I only wish there is enough here to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. If you don't like the story that's understandable but please be kind in...

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