Ruby's Story free porn video

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Editor's notes: Well this one wasn't easy, that's for sure! It was conceived, and articulated by someone else-and that someone is the main person in the story. In other words, this is about a real individual. However, taking her small tidbits of writing, both on disk and on paper, and combining them into a workable article was very difficult. As well, the first draft had a lot of holes, so I interviewed her to get more details. Here is the final draft. Some points: 1) It#s long! At 60+k, one of the longest pieces recently published on fictionmania. It got this way, because as an editor, I couldn't cut anything out. The parts range from the mundane to the gripping. 2) Most physical things mentioned, are in fact real-homes, vehicles, and places are real. I've changed names, and left out some place details to protect peoples' identities. That said, I cannot vouch for a lot of the scenes. Some may be real; some may be wishful thinking on her part. You can believe what you want to believe. I've only edited the work. 3) This is a sissy tale. And I hope you enjoy it! As I said, earlier, this was a hard edit. As well, I acknowledge the time line may seem odd. This is one place where things seemed foggy. I've arranged things in a logical order. It may not be correct, but without the full, substantiated story, it's the best that can happen. Live with it. Article notes: basically an autobiography-as I said about, I've simply edited, conciliated, and written out this article. It goes all over the place. I have the interview notes, and if people want them published, leave a note on the review page. NOTICE: DO NOT COPY, PRINT, SAVE AND PRINT, RE-POST, OR RE-TRANSMIT THIS WRITTEN WORK! I RESERVE ALL RIGHT TO THIS STORY, AND PUTTING IT ON THE INTERNET DOES NOT IMPLY ANY RIGHTS HAVE BEEN WAIVED OR REMOVED. THIS STORY FEATURES STRONG SEXUAL THEMES, DOMININCE, TRANSGENDER THEMES, AND OTHER ADULT THREMES. IF THESE OFFEND YOU, DO NOT READ! Now that you've been warned, I hope everybody likes: Ruby's story By Ruby S. Edited and published by Bojok71 It had been quite the boring, long ride of a life. Moreover, to be frank I was sick of it. I wanted change-these started as small in the beginning, but then those changes grew into massive things. I want to tell you all about my change of life. I think you'll like them! I really do! Well, it all started a while ago now. At that time, I was living what was basically a normal, heterosexual male life (apologies for that stupid start, but it's the truth!). I had no idea I was gender different-not in any way. That part just grew out of some changes I made around sex. So I'll start at that logical place. I was then 42, happily married, with a 20 yr old son, and an 18 yr old daughter. My wife and I had just had our 21st wedding anniversary. I owned a very successful computer company with several different units (sales, company computer lease, software, peripheral supply and lease, and internet service). I was very successful. Or so it seemed. The problem was I simply wasn't happy. I felt empty, and unfulfilled. These feelings where especially strong during sex, which I hated with a passion-I simply didn't want to do it anymore. I began to research answers to this dilemma online. I soon found out all about castration, which is also called orchiectomy. At first, I was afraid of this option. But then I found a surgeon who advertised this service online. After a few E-mails with him, I was really intrigued with this operation. My wife, however, was very upset when I even broached this subject with her. She was also very upset that our sex life had declined to nil. When I reminded her of our wedding vows, she said, "Part of loving me is having sexual relations with me. If you don't start producing some results, I will go and find a man who will! I'm seriously thinking about a divorce!" That fight continued for several weeks. We tried marriage counseling, but it wasn't working. However, I was busy thinking. I asked myself, "Isn't this life? Why can't I be happy? If she loves me, why isn't my happiness figuring in her mind? I began to doubt whither I ever loved her at all. The whole thing seemed to be made for her." I also thought about my children. I decided that they where both adults-I had given them everything they had needed, but they didn't really need me anymore-at least, not in caregiver role. They could live with me changing-as well as me and their mother splitting up. After doing this for a while, I was finally at peace with myself. I had to visit that city for a computer convention anyway. I booked my surgical visit over the internet, and received a very supportive E-mail from the surgeon. I flew there on a Monday, but didn't enjoy the convention. I decided that, after returning home, I was going to sell off my business, and live off the money that this would create. I could then give all my time over to hobbies, community and myself. I realized these where the areas of concern that really mattered to me. I visited the surgeon's private clinic the following Monday. He asked me, "Do you want your scrotem removed as well? It should, by rights, be removed." I replied, "It will just be loose skin after surgery-just remove it, please." He then examined me completely, noting that I was uncircumcised. "I'll do that, too. Otherwise, the skin will shrivel, and become painful," he explained. An hour later, I was being prepped. A friendly nurse shaved me bare down there, and for some reason, I liked the smooth feeling. The surgery went off without a hitch. I spent the night at the clinic, and was released the next day. I visited the clinic once a day for the next four days. I was then pronounced healed, and allowed to go home. During the flight home, I realized just how peaceful I felt. An ugly part of me had been removed. I also thought about my wife-I was at peace with whatever she did. I thought about whom I should offer my company too-that would be a big decision. I also thought about a very good divorce lawyer I had spoken too, prior to my leaving. Everything seemed ready to go-even though I didn't want to use that last person! I arrived home late in the afternoon. My wife greeted me with a nod of the head. I walked right up in front of her, smiled, and dropped my pants. She stuttered, "What the hell?" and after looking a little closer, screamed, "Where are your balls?! What did you do...?!" She then jumped up at smacked me in the face! I tried to explain, but she ran to our room. She started quickly packing her clothes and possessions. She obviously didn't want to talk, so I simply let her rant. I offered to go to a hotel, bur she phoned a friend of hers, and then left. I phoned my lawyer, and explained what had happened, as well as what I had done. She commented, "So she left. Come see me tomorrow morning, at my office. In the meantime, don't say anything to anyone about this. However, report that assault to the police. The documentation will help us in the long term. Then, go and get money out of any joint accounts you have, and suspend and links she has to your money. Then try to relax, and get some sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning." I followed her directions. Two policewomen came and photographed my then slightly bruised face. I also got my money out of the two joint accounts. Luckily for her, she had a good job as an office manager, and most of our banking was separate. The interview with Jennifer, my new lawyer, was both professional and through. She seemed very interested in my case. Warning me not to discuss my plan to sell my company with anyone until my divorce was final. "Otherwise, you will pay. But with her income, if you play your cards right, she will pay." She noted that I had received no help from my wife to build my company, as well as the fact that I had paid all the mortgage payments. She commented that all this would help me win my case. She informed me that my kids where adults, and no court would order me to support them. I was relieved at that-while I wanted to help my kids, I didn't want them used as pawns by my wife. The next few days went by slowly. My wife returned to the house, and collected the rest of her things. She blabbed, "I've got a new man already. He's a better fuck then you ever where!" She also returned her wedding and engagement rings to me, saying, "I don't want them. I could pawn them, but that's too messy." I merely grinned, which infuriated her more. I asked about settlement, and she replied, "I don't want anything from you. I just want my life back. I can take care of myself, thank you very much!" She then left the house. I phoned Jennifer to ask about the legality of my wife's new relationship. Jennifer was ecstatic with that news. "I'm getting a private eye to follow them. You see, she's cheating on you. As well, and a hate saying this to you, but this is awful quick. I think she knew him before this happened. Infidelity will look very bad on her. I've also received her tax records today-she's richer then you!" I interrupted with, "What to you mean?" She replied, "I think she hid money from you. I think she's been having an affair on you. I plan to prove both points. Is that clear enough?" I mumbled, "Yes," and hung up. Over the next month Jennifer prepared my case. My wife had indeed hid money from me. Jennifer's PI had uncovered my wife's relationship, as well as proof that it had been going on for quite a long time. Any worry I had about divorce had gone-it seemed that I could win. And Jennifer did just that! My wife's lawyer (a cheap kid, fresh out of school) was no match for my experienced divorce court attack dog! In the end, I walked out with my house, a check from her for $75 000, and a monthly payment of $425. As well, she was ordered to add me to her company medical and dental plans-things I never really knew she had! After paying Jennifer's bill, which was large but worth every penny, I was free. I then pawned those rings (with the best feeling!), and spent the money on a fancy dinner to celebrate. However, problems where coming to the forefront. While I quickly found a suitable buyer for my company, the free time that that decision brought was large. As well, I soon found that a suburb was no place to launch an artist's existence. There where no local resources, or peers. However, I soon discovered an artist's area in a large nearby city. I visited it, and found all sorts of resources-many of which where free! The only problem was the commute-close to two hours, both ways. Then one day, during a visit to that area, I wandered through the area north of the artists' area, a place called "the Indian bazaar". I was intrigued by all the shops, as well as the sights, the smells, and the friendly people. Then I came to the display window that would change my life! The mannequin in the window was wearing the most colorful and pretty outfit I had ever seen! It was a yellow with black polka dot "pajama" suit. The bottom of the pant legs where trimmed with yellow lace, and the top had a mandarin collar. I gazed on the clothing for several minutes. I noticed other inspiring but similar clothing in the shop. I went in for a closer look. In retrospect, I'm glad I did. I'm wearing that outfit right now, as I am typing. After my entry, I was warmly greeted by the shops owner, a woman named Lada. I asked about the outfit in the window, and she replied, "Oh, yes. That is a very pretty outfit! While it is made for a woman, do you want to try it on? You are not the first man who has bought them from me!" She was giggling at that. I stuttered, "Oh, no! You, see I'm an artist! I'm inspired by the colors and the material. I'd never wear woman's clothes..." However, part of me did want to wear the colorful, pretty outfit. I was really lost, but Lada said, as she smiled, "Oh I see! Well, you can buy the clothing for that purpose! I do not mind." As she talked, I noticed that she was wearing a similar outfit-only hers was in a soft blue color. I noticed her flat shoes, earrings, nose stud, and pretty hairdo. I suddenly wanted all of that. As I was lost in thought, she noticed that I wasn't listening, and touched my arm to bring me back to reality. I nodded that I wanted the clothing. She disappeared into the back of the store, and then brought me out the outfit. She demonstrated just how fully cut the clothing was- the trousers where massive! I paid for the clothing, blushed, and left as she said, "Good bye! Please come again soon!" I looked both ways, to see if anyone had seen me leave. I drove straight home, at top speed. In the privacy of my house, I could examine the clothing. I tried it on-hell no one could see me. I felt strangely contented and somehow, "proper" in the clothing. I felt complete in the outfit. However, I was suddenly offended by my male underpants and shoes. I fought with my emotions for a few minutes, and then stripped off the clothing. I was surprised by myself. What had just happened? I fought with them new urges for the next week. Sometimes I wanted a whole closet of just those suits, and then I'd realize I was thinking about female clothing! It was a hard fight. I was also getting very upset with my neighborhood. It seemed so dull and suburban. I longed for the artist's colony that I was visiting every second day. I began to think again. I realized that I no longer had any attachment to my home. I thought," Maybe, I should sell this place, and buy in the city. But what about crime? Violence? Housing? Services? I needed answers. So I decided to slowly explore re-location. I know that my suburban home would fetch a large selling price (many people wanted to live in that community, mostly young families). I realized this was a route of exploration. Simply put-a trip I needed to take! I began my adventure by slowly visiting residential areas near both the bazaar and the colony. I was surprised to discover that I actually had many options for a house! During these trips, I was drawn to an area that bordered those areas, as well as Greek town. It was all large old houses on side streets. I learned that they housed a lot of families, and the area was really very crime and noise free. As well, things like grocery stores where close. Things seemed to be looking up for me! I then contacted a real estate agent down there-she seemed to have several ideas! One of which was a large old house that had been used as a home for mental patients. The owner was now selling it. A visit to it revealed a cockroach infested dirty hole that was falling apart: but the house seemed in good shape structurally, and was cheap. It thought to myself, "It can be cleaned-it can be rebuilt with all the latest features!" I asked for a professional inspection of the house, to find any hidden issues. I also started thinking about what I wanted in that house-colors, appliances, and organization. I felt that I really wanted that place as my own! I also brought that agent to my then present home-she was very impressed, and recommended a high sale price. She noted, "In fact, you should make money selling this house and buying that other one you like so much! In fact I will cut my commission on this sale to 2% both ways, because you are helping out so many people down there! By getting rid of that house for crack heads and crazies, you're cleaning up the neighborhood! You can invest the extra proceeds in fixing up that place." I just nodded agreement. The report was given to me the next week. While it listed two and a half pages of needed repairs, and I had added an extra page of upgrades, there was nothing mind bending. The house would simply have to be gutted, fumigated, and rebuilt. And the landlord only wanted $800 000 for the place. I could pay that out of profits from selling my business! The math looked very good indeed: I was actually coming out ahead. The deal closed on one day-and I had the demolition people in there the next day. I used a close, local associate of my real estate agent as contractor. Soon the work was moving along quickly. Everything was new- electrics, plumbing, roof and windows. I got the brickwork cleaned and re grouted. In was soon looking like a nice, fresh home, instead of the dump I had bought! After some weeks of this a found a buyer for my old home-one ready to pay my price! I phoned my children, to inform them of this-and only my daughter shed any tears. But they didn't make me hold off. But in the end both of them accepted this. Not that that would have changed my mind. I made several trips to the city to pick out carpets, paints, appliances, and plumbing fixtures. I let my creative drive make the house-I didn't hire a decorator. If I wanted soft pink walls in my bedroom (I took the largest upstairs room, with a window facing the back of the house, for my private bedroom), and soft blue in my private living room, that was what I got. I also bought all new, commercial grade appliances (I figured they where worth it) and soft, heavy duty carpets. Yes, it was all coming together. I was also taking a serious look at my remaining furniture. While my wife had taken the best pieces, even the leftovers seemed to be more "her" then "me". I decided one night that I didn't want to take them. After phoning my children-to see if they wanted anything-I sold everything that was left though a series of cheap classified ads. I was so pleased with myself: I had made some money, and didn't have to even hire a mover! After prowling the city's furniture outlets and shops (including some very trendy ones) I had picked out all new furniture and electronics. I had bought only the best. Everything seemed to be coming along nicely. The only problem was the outfit-it seemed to be the only thing I wanted to wear. It felt "right". I wanted to wear it in public, but was very worried about that-what would happen? After a couple of more weeks, the house was finished. I received and signed off on the final inspection report-everything was ready to go. I rented a van to move my few things, as well as to take things to the dump. All that went into the new house where my clothes. Everything else was new. The first few days in the new place where spent settling in, finding the grocery store (there where three good ones a few blocks away), and setting up the house. How I just loved the place-it had no wife signs, no suburbs, only urban living. Everything seemed perfect! But again the outfit came out. I was wearing it every day, but still in private. As well, the new bed was an issue. I had bought a single, but it felt-small. So I moved it into a spare room, and went shopping. I settled on a soft, well-made, king size model. I also bought lots of soft pillows for it, and new silk sheets, soft cashmere blankets, and a very expensive, goose down quilt. While the new HVAC system would insure a constant 23 degrees C, I still wanted a warm, cozy bed. And what I wanted I got. Now, back to the outfit. I was visiting the bazaar every second day. I found that several of the shops down there had those nice clothes, as well as soft shoes, and pretty lingerie. I was beside myself-what was happening to me? I had never had these feelings before-why now? Then I thought to myself," Maybe these feelings are just surfacing now. Maybe I've just repressed them. Maybe I should act on them, if only for my sake.". Those where life changing thoughts. So I went shopping. I bought another pajama suit: this one was in a very soft blue color. And I was honest with Lada-I tried this one on, and looked in the mirror. I thought I looked very pretty. Lada never blushed or said anything bad-I guess a sale is a sale! Then she came with a large plastic bag. I thought it was for my new clothes. However, she packed up what I had worn into the store. "We are going for lunch. I will treat you to a taste of India. I think you need to do this. Let's go!" She put her arm around me, and before I could say anything, she had led me out of the store. She placed a "gone to lunch" sign in the window, and locked the door. I was wearing female clothes in public. I was so afraid but I carried on. She took me to a shoe shop. She spoke, saying, "those runners are not very female. We will get you some flat pumps to go with that outfit." she chatted with the saleslady there, who soon brought me a box. Inside where a pair of soft blue, no heel pumps. She had me try them on-they felt funny, but I was told they where a good fit. Lada packed my old shoes into the box, telling me, "Runners are fine for your home, or anywhere you need cheap shoes. But for outside in public, especially dressed like that, you need soft, feminine shoes." I handed over my credit card, and paid for the shoes. Then we went to lunch. I had never tasted such spicy but delicious food! The meal was large and excellent-veggie curry, rice, butter chicken, and greens. I ate the whole thing (washed down with a pitcher of water!). Then, the cook came out. He was a huge, east Indian man-and I was suddenly very scared. However, he was nice. He chatted with Lada for a minute, and then turned to me. "Hello, miss," he began. He grinned, and continued with, "What is your name? At least, what is your girl name?" I blushed, and stuttered, "I I don't know." He touched my upper arm gently, and softly said, "I think Ruby is a nice first name. It is very girlie and sweet. Don't you think so, Lada?" She smiled and nodded yes. The man then hugged us both in a strong, powerful grasp. I was surprised by the gentleness and strength of this man. He then spoke again, saying, "You've obviously met my niece Lada. And you, like her, can call me Uncle Samson. Or simply just Uncle Sam. Judging from the looks of things, you need family." I was suddenly very emotional, and started to cry as we exited the restaurant. I went home-I didn't even get my male clothes from Lada. "Throw them out, please. I don't think I'll need them anymore!" The next two weeks where spent in a shopping tizzy. I bought several more brightly colored pajama suits from Lada, and some of the other woman's clothing outlets in the Bazaar area. I also invested in several pairs of good flat shoes, as well as vans (good quality slip on sneakers), soft patent leather zip up boots with a small heel, and sandals. I bought pink silk pajamas for sleeping and lounging. I was becoming a real girlie girl! I also braved shopping for underclothes. Lada took me to a small shop in the bazaar where an older East Indian woman made soft underpants by hand on a loom. I bought six pairs (all the stock she had in my size). I loved the soft feel and silky touch of my new panties. I also bought lingerie for an exclusive store. I then packed up all my male clothing (apart for a couple of sweaters) and gave it to charity. I was becoming very womanly in appearance. I wasn't really trying, but it was just happening. Of course I was worried about my face and hair. Even though I was shaving very carefully every day, I still had facial hair. After some research, I found a woman's day spa that offered both laser and electrolysis. After a consultation, I decided on both laser (for dark hair) and electrolysis (for lighter hair) mixed together. It would be expensive, but do the job in a shorter time. I started going once a week for two hours of treatment. Soon, I began to notice a much smoother, hair free face. I also had a technician there pierce my ears. I then began to wear three sets of real diamond studs-one large set first, then a small set, then finally, a tiny set to finish the look. I also had her put two small pairs of 24k gold studs between the sets of diamonds. After they healed, I planned to put small gold hoops in those holes. I also had a single gold stud put in the side of my nose. I thought it was cute but unique! However, all this growth and personal discovery was getting in the way of my housekeeping- the place was a mess! I decided that rather then slow down; I would hire a woman to keep the place clean for me. But whom to trust? I decided to approach the local community health centre for a recommendation. After phoning, I was referred to a "Case manager", who seemed very interested in me and my welfare. Her name was Ruth. After discussing the events of the past month, she said, "Well, yes, I agree you're changing. As well, I agree that should come first. I'll get a cleaner to visit your house every day, and take care of both you and the house. As well, I think I can help you too. Help out with things like bill paying, for example." When I asked about cost, she shook her head and said, "You are dealing with a large set of mental health issues. Don't worry about paying. Let the system work for you! I mean you are paying for it!" I agreed with her. She the told me that, "You will get to meet some ladies that do housekeeping after I've arranged it. Then, after you've met them, you can pick the ones you think you will like and trust. Is this all right?" Again, I could only agree with her. After a tour of the centre, and meeting most of the staff, I was asked if I needed anything else. I was curious about the foot doctor, or chiropodist, who I then saw. He was a very friendly man who expertly cut and filed (with a dremal motor tool!) my toenails. He then tended to my feet, removing any buildup of old skin, and massaging them. I was in heaven! He then shaved a few odd hairs from my feet, and painted my toenails a soft mauve color. I thanked him for all his work, as my feet looked perfect. He instructed me to: "Return and see me every three weeks for foot care. You have a badly ingrown toenail, which I want to treat. In fact throw out any toenail clippers that you own! Do you understand?" I agreed and we left him to his next patient. Ruth then returned and offered me a doctor's care. "If you want hormone treatments, or other feminization, we can certainly help you. In fact, I think you need those things. Please let us help you out!" I told her I would think about those things, and we would talk about it more during my next visit, which was only in a week. I left with more on my mind then ever. What was happening to me? As I returned home, still thinking about the days events, I took a good long look at my car. It was a five-year-old Chevrolet. I remembered I had bought it with my wife. It was suddenly so old and ugly. I said to myself, "I need new wheels. Something that is downtown, something that shows me. So what do I want?" I spent that evening at the car lots. In this city, all the lots are located in one part of the city. So off I went. After reviewing a few choices, I realized that I, in fact, need two cars-a small one for neighborhood stuff, and a larger car for longer drives. After reviewing several Japanese, European, and American cars, I settled on a good size Mercedes-Benz for large drives, as it handled like a dream. I also bought a small Smart car from the same dealership. After trading the old one, and signing some forms, I had two new cars. Over the next week, I brought both cars home-I was lucky that I had had the foresight to have a large new garage built during the house renovation, because now I needed the space! Indeed, these where good choices. Wither I'm going out for an elegant meal, or going for groceries, both cars work in tandem. I'm very happy with them both. By this time, my hair treatments had removed most of my facial hair, and my earrings had healed. I had my hair trimmed into a soft full style, and dyed to cover some grey. That grey had never worried me until now, but my stylist easily covered it up. I was starting to hear more "madams" then "sirs" in public. I guess I was just looking good! Then I interviewed, along with Ruth, some housekeeping help. I picked a 21 yr-old Chinese woman named Emily who seemed very nice, and not scared of my gender state. It had been decided that the centre would pay 60% of her wages, and I would pick up the rest. She was both bonded and insured, so I had really no worries about her. She would do my housekeeping only, for a start. It seemed all right. I also agreed to try a hormone treatment program from one of the centre's doctors. After an examination and blood test, she started me on a low dose of hormones. She commented, "As you are already castrated, there is no need for a lot of drugs. Just take your pills every day with food, and you'll be OK." She then listed the side effects of hormones, including weight gain, breast and bottom growth, and the very slim possibility of blood clots and liver damage. "But those risks are very slim, and as we are monitoring you every three months, we should catch any problems before they cause trouble." After filling the prescription, I went home, and that evening, I start hormone therapy. After a little while, I noticed much smoother skin, breast buds, and weight gain-without any help from me. These changes accelerated as my hormone doses where increased over a short time. As well, my hair started to really grow. While I wasn't at all balding before this started, my hair was now growing both quicker and fuller. Indeed, I soon needed a hair trim every few weeks. As well, Emily was really working out well, but she seemed to be doing more and more, as she found more and more to do. Soon she was working in my house almost every day, often for several hours at a time. She started calling me "honey" and other pet names. We became very close! She was soon not only doing housework, but cooking and freezing good quality meals. I soon learned she was also an excellent cook! It was however; after she did some laundry that I learned she could be quite dominant. Not that I mind now, but then it was a surprise! I guess I should explain. I was relaxing in my private living room while she did some laundry. As soon as she started the load, she appeared in my room, saying, "I'm sorry but I cannot do that wash-it is disgusting! I found something in your underpants that..." At that I blushed and cut in, offering, "Oh dear, I'm so sorry! You don't have to wash those! I'll do those, I'm sorry!" She then frowned, and replied, "It's not that I don't want to wash your delicate panties, because I do. If you kept up your hygiene, we wouldn't even be having this chat. I guess I'll have to tend on that as well, sweetie." My face must have shown my confusion, as she grabbed my hand and took me to the washing area. She was very strong, as I was learning. She donned a pair of latex gloves, and held up a pair of my silk underpants. I simply nodded my head in confusion. She then pulled something out one of the seams, and held up a long, dark pubic hair! She then explained, "Honey, I find this is very butch! If you where the woman I thought you where, I wouldn't find this in your panties, because the hair there would be mostly shaved, and the rest would be very short and trimmed. I'm very disappointed in you, sweetie! So here's what WE are going to do: I'm leaving for now. I'm returning tomorrow morning first thing, with proper trimmers and shaving equipment, and that big bush is going bye-bye! If you refuse, I'm going bye-bye! And I think you'd have a hard time replacing me! But I don't think you're the refusing type, are you sweetie?" I started to blubber and cry. I was upset at this, because I had never even thought of that! She then took a Kleenex from her pocket, and blew my nose. "Oh, stop crying! I'm not leaving you-if you co-operate with me. Besides, you'll feel very femme after I'm done." She then put her hand down the front of my pajama bottoms. She felt around, and then pulled the bottoms down. She looked at my heavy, thick pubic hair in disgust. She spoke, "Are you an animal? Only they should wear this much fur! It's a good thing I caught this, now before you found, oh, say, a man. He'd be very disgusted by this. As am I!" I felt awful! She pulled my bottoms back up, and said, "It's all over soon. It will be better tomorrow!" At that I felt a little bit better. We went upstairs, and she showed me the chicken dinner she had left for me to heat up. At the door, she instructed me, saying, "Now don't you even think of shaving yourself- the result will be ugly! You just relax, and try to sleep. I'll deal with everything in the morning. By the way, tomorrow should be my day off, but duty calls! Now eat and go to bed! And honey, I'll see you in the morning." After eating (and finding I had little appetite) and trying to sleep (which was very hard-and even when I dozed, I imagined Emily doing scary things to me) after a very long night, morning came. A small part of me wanted to run away, but then I thought, "No, she's right. I am femme. And this kind of help shows hoe dedicated she is to my welfare. And on her day off even!" I then looked forward to her visit. She arrived promptly in the morning, with some shopping bags in her arms. I was in sleeping pajamas when she entered the house. "Go up to the spare bedroom, honey. We'll do it there!" We entered the room, and she set to work. Emily placed a new blanket on top of the bed, followed by a large, thick cotton towel. She then opened a small paperboard box, and removed an electric hair trimmer. She opened a small plastic box, removed a battery and placed that into the trimmer. She then placed a pink can of woman's shaving cream and a bag of pink razors on the nightstand. She then took a big plastic bowl and went to the bathroom, returning with in full of warm water. She plugged a small heating coil into the wall socket, and dropped the coil into the water. She then turned to talk to me, asking, "Did you sleep well last night?" I replied, "Yes," and she said, "Those bags under your eyes tell me you are lying, sweetie. Don't ever lie to me. And you should trust me-I'd never hurt you. Now strip, and lie on the towel, please." I obeyed her. After I lay down, she donned latex gloves, and used her fingers to trace the outline of my pubic hair. "This is huge, and hugely ugly! One of the biggest bushes I've ever seen. Now imagine this hairy thing sticking out of the leg holes of your pretty panties. No more! Imagine this bush against the silk in those panties-no more! Well, time is wasting, so I'm going to get started. Just relax, and trust Me," she said in a clear, controlling voice. She picked up the electric trimmer first, and trimmed the mound. She then lifted my small penis, saying, "Honey, you can afford a full change. Go for it!" She then trimmed between my legs. The vibration and buzz of the trimmer where both scary and exciting. She then placed my feet flat of the towel, and forced my legs apart and up at the same time. She then did the area around my anus, and between my scar and anus. I was humiliated, but she said nothing. After finishing, and replacing the towel, she had me lay down again. She put a wet, warm washcloth on my freshly trimmed parts, commenting, "You should get laser on this after your face is done! Otherwise, it's going to be once a week, honey. Pick your poison!" She then picked up the can of cream, and sprayed in right on my mound. After working the cream with her fingers until the whole area was covered in a thick coat of cream, she picked up a safety razor. "Now sweetie, this blade is very sharp and fresh. Just relax. It's me between your legs-just remember that!" She then shaved the whole thing smooth, working from top to bottom. She replaced the razor twice, to insure a fresh blade. She pulled skin taunt, then shaved it, always checking for the smoothest job. Eventually, she finished up. But she was not done. She then washed the area with fresh water from the bowl. She then took the third towel (they came in a big plastic zip bag, three in a package), and patted me dry. She then took a bottle of cream skin conditioner (the pink label advertised, "With aloe and cocoa butter and protein") and generously worked a lot of the cream into my now smooth pubis. She was singing to herself as she finished. She seemed very proud and happy. She spoke as she beamed, "Now that wasn't bad, was it? That huge ugly bush is now a smooth shaved pussy. You're a lot closer to girlhood now! Now that is something to be proud of! I know I'm proud of you, honey. It may feel a little different today-so don't wear any panties if you don't want to." She then giggled, "And please don't expose that to anyone. Keep it a secret-the world doesn't want to share this great moment!" She then cleaned up her stuff, taking the new towels to the wash. She then took me back to my main bedroom, dressed me in fresh pajamas, and put me to bed. She commented before she left, "Now you should have complete trust in me! You can discuss anything with me. I know you pretty completely now. So sleep. I'll see you tomorrow! Take care!" and with that, she smiled and left. I quickly fell into a deep, sound sleep. I was awoken a few hours later by the telephone beside my bed. I groggily answered it. To my surprise, and horror, it was Ruth at the other end! After exchanging pleasantries, she asked how I was doing. "Oh, fine," I sheepishly replied. "You know I don't believe that. I mean you must be traumatized! I mean that in the best way, but still, I know you've been through an important milestone today. I want to see you, and discuss it." I gasped, and cried, "How do you know about that? Oh god, don't punish or fire Emily-I couldn't live if that happened! Please, don't hurt her or me!" I was beside myself with grief and shock. "Please calm down, honey! Where do you think the money to buy those lovely towels came from? My petty cash fund, that's where! And how do the think Emily got the ability to do what she did? Because I told her to, that's why! I want to encourage you, and build up your self-esteem, that's all. Now let's be very positive from now on, ok?" I agreed with her. She told me that she was going to pick me up in 45 minutes, and take me for lunch. "I've already booked the mocha house for us. Is that OK?" she asked. I replied, "That's very pricey, can you afford it?" She exclaimed, "Yes, I can afford it! It's booked for both of us! Don't worry about prices-don't worry about anything at all! Understand?" I agreed, and we said good bye. I dressed in a bright pink pajama suit. As it was cool out, I added a cable knit, pink sweater, and a pink hat. The feeling of silk panties on my smooth crotch was different, but very nice. I added pinkish white flats, and went to wait for my ride. I wondered what she was going to discuss. She arrived promptly, with a small Toyota. We drove down the street, and parked behind the caf?. She held my hand as we entered the caf?. As soon as we entered, we were whisked to a private seating area at the back of the caf?. We sat in large soft leather recliners. A young woman brought us a large platter with many different kinds of sandwiches on it. She then left, returning the first time with a plate of Italian bread that was steaming, next, with a plate that had several different ice-cold bottles of fruit juice and soda pop. Ruth smiled, and said, "Now I know you're famished, so eat up!" I needed no instructions, as I was very hungry. I ate several sandwiches, as well as some of the bread. It was all very good, and soon my hunger was gone. Ruth then raised her hand, and the young lady returned, and cleared the dishes. She then returned with another large plate, this one of large cookies, tarts, and squares. She then returned with a big jug of coffee, and cups. After a leisurely dessert, she offered me a wrapped box. I commented, "That's to pretty to open." But she told me to. I gasped as I opened the box, because inside was a delicate gold watch. A piece of paper inside attested that it was a genuine woman's Gucci watch! "How did you afford this? I can't accept this!" I exclaimed. She grinned, and offered, "Well, that gift is from a fund the centre has. It's for me to buy gifts for major events in people's lives. You just had a major event, and today, we celebrate! Now open this next one, please." She gave me a small box. Inside of that one was a razor phone. It was already activated, and on. She explained, "The phone is so that you can contact me, the centre, or Emily at any time. Again from a centre fund-I told the boss that I was worried about your safety, so I was allowed to buy you that phone. The only thing it will not do is long distance. However, the access code for long distance is in the phones' memory, so you can use that, and you don't pay for anything! Don't we take good care of you?" I could only agree. I finished the cookies, and talked with Ruth about small stuff. Then see got serious, asking me if I was satisfied with the job Emily had done. "I don't want you to feel are rough spots, loose hairs, or stubble. Is that all gone? If there's any problem, tell me now, and I'll get a centre nurse to fix it! So, any issues?" I nodded no, but she said, "I want to see for myself." We went into the woman's bathroom, and she locked the door. After I dropped my pants, she examined the job, before declaring, "Yes, it's perfect. I just wanted to see for my own self. Looks good!" We then returned to the car, and drove to the centre. Inside, I thought we where going to her office, but instead, she stopped at the front desk. After getting a disposable toothbrush, and a tube of toothpaste, we went to a locked bathroom. Inside, she told me to brush my teeth. I obeyed, cleaning my teeth until she was happy. She looked in my mouth, then said, "It's a shame I can't get dental care for you without a board approval. You're mouth is ugly-filled with metal fillings. If we could get you dental care, all those problems would vanish, and you would look so much better." I replied, "I think, and I'm not sure...but I think that my ex-wife was supposed to provide me with dental insurance. But I'm not sure." Ruth then said, "If that's true, and I believe you, then I'll find out what you can get. How does that sound?" I begged her not to, saying, "I'm afraid of her finding out where I live! I don't want her to know any of that! And I don't want the money..." At that she cut me off, saying in a loud voice, "What money? If you're owed support money, I'm going to get you every dime! You deserve it all! And don't worry about her knowing anything about your house-she doesn't have too!" A minute later, she calmed down and spoke, "I'm sorry about that outburst-it's not your fault. Things like that upset me. And you've got to learn to trust me totally, and not hold back anything from me, so I can help you, and plan for you. I only want what's best for you. You got to believe that." She then gave me a big hug. I felt much better after that. By then it was getting late, and the centre was quiet. As Ruth was showing me to her car to drive me home, a large man with grey hair, and wearing a shirt and tie appeared, and started talking to Ruth. I was very afraid-he was a man, with obvious power. I went to hide, but Ruth gently held me. She said to me, "Ruby, this is Alec, my boss. Don't be afraid. He already knows all about you from case conference. And he only wants to help and support you. Don't you Alec?" I caught him grinning out of the corner of my eye, and looked at the floor, trembling. I was very scared of him. He spoke in a soft voice, "Don't be afraid. I'll never hurt you. I only want to help you. I think I know something that will help us get to know each other a lot better." He led both me and Ruth into a large office. He went into a closet, and returned with a large brown teddy bear. He handed me the bear, and I instinctively hugged it. He then spoke to Ruth, "Now, how can I help her? What do you need me to do for her, or for you to help her?" At that I gasped, and Ruth then dutifully told him all about the insurance and support money issue. "No problem, I'll get started on that tomorrow. I'll get her what is hers." He then turned to me, saying, "You can keep the bear. In a little while, will start having long chats, too. I want you to have nothing but trusted friends in this building, including both male and female. Now, I'll bet you're hungry. Can I take you for something to eat?" At that Ruth hugged me, and said, "I think that's a good idea-you can get to know Alec a bit better." She then winked and continued, "He buys very good dinners, too." At that she touched my arm, and left. We went out to his big car (a Lincoln) and he drove us to a Greek restaurant. We went in, and ate a large meal. We made small talk, but I was very reserved, and still a little afraid. He commented, "I know what you've been through-it's all been very hard on you. But you can trust me. I know that will take time, but remember, I'm not going anywhere. Now, do you feel any better around me now that you've had this meal with me?" I told him, "Yes, a little. It's just that you're a man. I'm afraid of you simply because of that." He said, "I understand that. But I want to understand you. And remember, I have a lot of sway over the funders and the board. I can get you all kinds of supports and services, but you need to talk to me- and to trust me. Is that OK?" I said yes, and he took me home. As I cuddled up to sleep with the teddy, I wondered about him. He seemed nice, but it would take a while before a trusted him as much as Ruth or Emily. A week after that, Ruth called that Alec had completed my insurance and support claim. While she phoned me every day to check in on me, this one was serious. She said, "We found her, and sent her a letter of claim. The court is enforcing your support order! Now, I can get your teeth fixed! I already picked an excellent dentist to do all the work, and you're first appointment is next week. I will fill you in the rest of it during our weekly outing tomorrow. And by the way, your checks will be coming here-this is the address Alec used on the paperwork. So no worries about being found out, OK?" I wanted to talk, but she said, "I'm very sorry, but I have to go. I'm going to hang up now, OK? Good- bye." I said good bye and hung up as well. Later that day, after Emily had left, I started to think about the earlier call. Why did she hang up? Why did she abandon me? I decided to call Alec to complain. He wanted a friend ship with me. I phoned him and voiced my displeasure about it! He listened intently, then said, "You really need her support don't you?", and I agreed. He continued with, "Well I can see you need her. I'll figure something out. Now don't worry about it." Before I could hang up, he asked, "Oh, by the way, how would you like to go to the zoo? How about the museum?" I joked that he shouldn't date me, but he explained, "No silly, I don't want a date! But we have a fund here at the centre to run community outings for those who need them. And I think you need them. What do you say? I've already mentioned it to Ruth, and she thought it was a good idea!" I told him I'd think about it, and hung up. Ruth and I had our weekly outing the next day. After a diner lunch of a massive cheeseburger with onion rings and salad, we went for ice cream. She was urging me to take advantage of Alec's offer. "While I can't go with you, Alec is an excellent caregiver. Just give him a chance, he's great!" I finally agreed to try one trip to the zoo. All of the next week was spent at the dentist. He cleaned and polished my teeth on one day, drilled out and replaced my old fillings with ceramic and porcelain the next day, removed an old wisdom tooth two days later, and finally fixed a gap in two of my front teeth two days after that. After a small amount of swelling went down, I realized that I now had a perfect smile. As well, it was all pre-paid! I looked very good. He instructed Ruth to, "Bring her back every three months for a cleaning and a check up. That way, her smile will stay pretty for a long time!" My first trip in the community with Alec was coming up. The thought of it made my knees buckle, but I went. I wore a bright yellow pajama with black flower outlines printed on it. The zoo was very interesting, seeing all the animals, fish, and birds. We watched a show put on by the elephant trainer, which was fun. Alec had a lot of energy, and we saw a lot of the zoo. But when we sat down at a bench on a deserted pathway, I wondered why. We sat together, and looked at some pictures he had taken using a digital camera. He then asked me, "Can we discuss something that is very serious? Don't worry; it's not a bad thing! Not in the least!" I was puzzled, and asked him what it was. He smiled, cleared his throat, and talked, "I've been thinking about you and all your needs. I've decided to create for you both a circle of support, and a circle of friends. I've also been thinking about you and me, and our relationship. I've decided that the way to break down barriers is simple: create a family relationship!" I was very puzzled, and asked him what he meant. He explained, "It's very simple, really. Can you call me daddy? Can you see me as a father figure? Can you accept that in your life right now?" I imminently went into shock! Then I started bawling on his broad shoulder. I continued crying and sobbing for a little while, as he held and comforted me. I finally stopped, and asked, "Do you really mean that? Can you love me like a daddy should? Can I call you that all the time?" He then answered, "Yes honey-yes, and yes, and yes!" I felt my heart grow by about 150% upon hearing that, but me mental state was as thing as an eggshell! I think he sensed that, because he said in a soft voice, "I know you've been badly hurt by people who you thought loved you. I know I'm asking you for a massive act of trust. But I think the pros for you outweigh the cons. Just give in to your heart, and you'll feel a lot better." I blurted out, "Ok, daddy!" We then walked up to the seal show, and sat together and watched it. He had a protective arm around me, and whispered cute comments in my ear. I just giggled. As we left the show, we stopped at a booth selling souvenirs and stuff. He held up a small stuffed seal toy, and asked if I wanted it. I cuddled it, but the price tag was $25.00! I said, "That's too much-I can't ask you for that!" He replied, "You're right, it is a little small, and cheap!" At that, we asked the attendant for a large stuffed dolphin toy that was hanging on a line. He bought it, and then handed it to me. I was in shock as he asked the female attendant what else she had to offer. She held up a big soft yellow sweatshirt with pictures of the sea mammals on it. He bought that, as well a pink sun visor hat. He handed the bag to me as we left. I whispered, "Alec, you shouldn't have! This is over $100.00 in stuff! I can't accept this." He frowned, and said, "My name to you is daddy or papa from now on! And daddies like to spend money on their daughters! Now let's go get some ice cream, and then ride the zoo train, Ok?" and to back up his point, he placed his index finger over my lips so I couldn't speak. After the ice cream and ride, we returned to his car. I said, "Oh daddy, haven't we had a lovely day? Thank you!" So it seemed to me that I was on a role, with good caregivers, a new father, and a safe house to live in. I decided to attempt to restore at least a friendship with my ex and kids. After peeking in my file while Ruth was in the hall, I got her numbers. Then I tried to call her from a pay phone. After being told by her work that on no uncertain terms did she want to speak to me, I tried her home phone number. She answered, and I tried to talk. But she said, "Look, I'm very happy for you! If you want to be a baby and do god knows what, fine. But I don't want any kind of relation with you! Do you get it? Don't ever call here again? Now, fuck off!" and she slammed the phone down. My kids had both disappeared-gone on to new adventures. It was hard to take, but everything came through. I was happy, and I had no right to interfere in their happiness. Besides, I had good people all around me. That thought comforted me. Then one day soon after, I was visiting daddy in his office. After some warm small talk, he mentioned that a local community recreation centre had received a large grant of city money to run free programs for poor people. I shrugged my shoulders and asked what that had to do with me. He replied, "Well, I know the executive director of that centre, and he owes me a bunch of favors. I've called in some of those favors, and guess what?" He then smiled at continued, "You're going to learn ballet and dancing for daddy. You will have private lessons down there with one-on-one instruction. As well, you're going to learn some guitar playing. We need to tap some of your creative abilities. As well, as your new daddy, I never got to watch you dance ballet. I'm going to change that now. Ruth will take you shopping for a pretty dance outfit tomorrow. Is that OK?" He then answered his own question, saying, "I know it is. Now go and get ready!" While my new daddy was becoming very involved in my life, it seemed OK. Part of wondered where it would stop, and part of me wanted it to go into a legal, permanent place. I just decided to ride the wave out, and enjoy it. I was going through a hard time, and in dealing with that a little dependence wasn't a bad thing. The next day Ruth took me across town to a large, expensive dance shop. I figured I would only get tights and a simple leotard. But before I could say anything, Ruth had instructed the saleslady to bring me everything! When I went to protest, Ruth simply covered my lips with her finger, and whispered, "Don't worry about it! I've got it covered, so relax! OK, sweetie?" Following a hug we continued. I simply let her talk for me, as she seemed to have a plan. She always both had and has a plan! I guess that's why I can't imagine life without her guidance. Soon the nice saleslady had everything laid out on a table. There where pretty pink leotards, with soft grey tights. A soft white short sweater and matching leggings where also laid out on the table. After measuring my feet, the saleslady brought ballet slippers. Ruth then said, "How about some spandex underwear? She needs those, too." The saleslady apologized, and got the underwear, along with soft pink socks. I then tried the outfit. I felt ridicules, but went out. Ruth praised me, saying, "You really look girlish now. You are going to be such a great dancer!" The sales lady smiled and nodded her agreement. After the clothes where packed, we checked out. Soon I was learning ballet. It was in fact fun, and good exercise. My instructor, a pretty Italian woman named Sylvia, taught me privately twice a week. She commented to Ruth that I should do a recital for all the people in my life. Ruth commented, "Oh, yes. After proper training, we all want to watch her prance around the room, and dance for us. But that will not be for a while." Sylvia then said, "Well, you could do that. But with her life, and I've read the notes you gave me, it would be better if she performed every couple of weeks. It would really build up her confidence and self esteem. And that is want we want, isn't it?" Ruth agreed, commented that she hadn't thought of it that way. While I hated guitar, and quit it after telling daddy and Ruth I hated it, I carried on dancing. I still dance in that program. By then, it was getting very warm outside. The air conditioning tech had turned everything on, and Ruth had arranged for a community gardener. But the heat, even when wearing a thin pajama, was stifling. I complained about that to daddy, who suggested that I spend an upcoming long weekend with him at his house. "It will be another growing experience for both of us. We will have fun!" Soon the weekend came. Daddy picked me up early on the Friday morning, and we drove to his massive, private home in the country side. I noticed a large pool, but realized I couldn't go swimming. As well, because my dear Emily had taken a few days off that week, I was very stubbly between my legs. I figured I'd have to tough that out. However, I was getting itchy! After a nice barbeque dinner of sausage and hamburgers on the deck, daddy took my into a large basement room. Inside, the room was dirty and dusty (as compared to the immaculate state of the rest of the house). We sat down on an old couch and he got an old photo album from a shelf. He showed me a picture of a smiling woman with a teenage girl. He cleared his throat, and finally said, "That was my wife and daughter. They where both killed last year in a car accident. It wasn't their fault, because the other guy was very drunk. After that, I started to think about my love. Before I gave it to them-now I give it to you. I love you as I loved them, because you are family. I think that part of you still doubts that. I want to expel those doubts, and have things completely open and honest between us. To have a relationship with you that has no secrets at all. I think that would be very special and beautiful! Can you do that for me, please? I know you can!" By then, he was sobbing, and he held me close. I felt very special, and honored. The moment was so very special. After a few minutes, he spoke, saying, "So no more secrets, ok? And you can ask me for anything you want. I'm going to spoil you rotten, as only a daddy should!" He then hugged me again, and we went out onto the grounds of his home. As we walked we held hands and chatted. Hr caught me scratching myself once, and asked about it. I replied that it was nothing. We then returned to the deck, and sat down. He spoke in a miffed voice, commenting," I thought you meant it about no secrets between us. Or at least what you thought was a secret!" I replied, "Oh daddy, I'm so sorry! But what are you talking about? What did I hide?" He looked me square in the face, and said, "It's that special service Emily provides you. I know about that, and I know it hasn't been done in a while. And to think I bought your favorite towels, and all new shaving supplies just for you. While I never had a chance to change your diapers, I thought shaving you would make up for it. But you'd rather hurt daddy, who really loves you. Why do you do that?" By then he was weeping, and felt very low. I hugged him, and finally said, "I'm so very sorry daddy. I didn't even know you knew about that! Or that you'd be willing to do that for me! It seemed so base and female, and you are a man. But I" He then spoke, "I know everything that you do with my staff. And this is not a 'guess so'. A 'guess so' is a proper response to a pizza topping that you're not crazy about. This one has to be a, 'go for it!' and given out of love. Straight for the heart, if you will!" At that I suddenly felt very inspired, and said, "OK, daddy! We can go for it! Just be very careful and complete. Please be very gentle, daddy!" He then tickled me, and I giggled out loud. We watched the sun set, and then entered the house. He kissed my cheek, before sending me to my room to strip. He instructed me to wear a t-shirt, and meet him by his bedroom door. I quickly complied, and he emerged wearing and old track suit. He led me by the hand to an extra bedroom where he set about getting ready. After showing me everything, so that I knew it was the same as Emily used. He set up a small digital camera at the foot of the bed to capture everything. He explained the images where only for us. Then he used scissors to cut my t-shirt just below my breasts, which where growing. He then laid me on towel-covered bed, and rubbed my tummy, thighs, and hips. He commented, "You are very tense, and not relaxed. But daddy knows what to do!" He then went to the bathroom, returning with a pill, and some water. He explained, "This is a mild sedative. It will relax you. It wouldn't put you to sleep, but will make you a little spacey. Because I'm only giving you that pill, instead of mixing it with some other ones, you will see strange things. It's just like a cartoon. Now here." I took the pill, and after a few minutes I started to relax. Then, before my eyes, a white sheet seemed to decent. I started groaning. Daddy noted this, and set to work. "Boy you really are hairy down here! I guess those hormone treatments don't do everything we want them too!" He spread my legs wide, and pushed my feet up under my thighs. He then used a wet washcloth to wet me down, before spreading a large glob of thick, pink shaving foam all over my pussy. As I was moving my hands, he gave me a small teddy bear to hold, and he hushed me. He then shaved my mound, before moving down to between my legs. He then rolled me onto my tummy, and placed my hands on my butt cheeks. I was under the full effect of the pill, and basically out of it (there where to large baby blue balls laughing and jumping before my eyes!) but he ordered me to hold my cheeks apart. When I couldn't respond, he pulled my hands out from underneath me, placed them on my butt cheeks, and pressed them apart. He then said, "Now you just keep them like that." I instinctively obeyed him, and he praised me with, "That's my good girl! Just think tomorrow you can go swimming or run around the yard nude. Doesn't that sound fun?" His voice seemed very loud. I gurgled something while he shaved around my defenseless anus. After he was finished, he rolled me over again, and then he gently washed me, and patted me dry. He then rubbed skin cream into my freshly shaved skin. He commented, "See, no razor burn now! I'll bet this feels good, doesn't it?" After completely checking his handiwork, he pulled the towel out from underneath me. He then wrapped me in a blanket, and plumped my pillow. I was starting to come out of the first pills' effects when he left, returning a minute later, with another pill. "While daddy doesn't want you to get hooked on anything, daddy also knows what's best for you. This is a sleeping pill. It will insure a good deep sleep tonight, and that's all!" I took the pill, and daddy checked the AC, turned out the light, and closed over the door. I was soon fast asleep. I dreamed all about my strong daddy, and his love for me. It was all so beautiful! I awoke to find sunshine in the room. I got up, and marveled at daddy's mixture of strength and gentleness. There was no more itching, and my crotch was perfectly smooth. I owed this one to daddy! But then I remembered that my clothing was in another room. I tried to cover myself with my hands as I moved through the house. But then I felt two large hands start to tickle my back and bum! He playfully took me down on the carpeted floor. Soon I was laughing and rolling on the floor. Daddy spoke, saying, "And how are you this fine morning? How is everything? How is my precious daughter today?" I finally answered, in a giggling voice, "I'm fine daddy! I just want to get dressed." Daddy responded, "Oh, no, you're not. Daddy wants you to go around nude for a while. Daddy wants you to learn about trusting him fully and completely. It's about understanding that I would never hurt you-even when you're totally defenseless! Do you understand that?" I nodded, yes, and daddy took me into his room. He rubbed more skin cream on my shaved crotch. Then he removed my t-shirt, and hugged me. Soon he asked again how I was doing. "I'm fine daddy! Why do you ask?" I said. He replied, "You seem peevish. Did you go poop yesterday? Are you hungry? Honest answer, please!" I stared at him for a minute then answered, "No and no. but I'm seldom hungry in the morning." He then picked me up, and carried me into his bedroom. He then locked the door to the hall, and opened the door to his private bathroom. He went in, and returned wearing latex gloves. He set a few things on his night stand, and placed a funny sheet on the bed. He ordered me to lay on it. And he lifted my feet up. I soon realized he was inspecting my anus! I asked what him, "What are you doing?" He answered, after a minute, "Daddy is now going to make you poop. DON'T FIGHT DADDY! UNDERSTAND?" I was afraid,

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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Rubys Storie

Ruby sat in the livingroom of their backwoods home listening to her father and 5 uncles talk. They were all White Supremacist and hearing them talk was strange at best.Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg ( had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Ruby Jha Looses Her Virginity in Style

Dear ISS Readers,This is Rajiv again, Rajiv Dogra. I am here with my second story of fucking a beautiful neighborhood damsel Ruby, a mere 18 years young eye candy who was still studying. Friends first take a look at my and don’t miss the feedback I got there from friend readers. I am tempted to make a feast to all you fuck-story-lovers with my second story and hope to gather many more friends… Girlfriends …… only. Please…Here we go.. Her name was Ruby Jha. She lived just next door to me where...

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Rubi The Gorgeous Lady

Hi friends this is vinay from indore (m.P), this is my first and real kamukta story. I hope you like it and also enjoy it. First mai aapko apne bare mai kuch batana chahunga meri body slim wt. 67 kgs. Height 6 ft age 29 hai mujhe bachpan see hi married bhabhi and aunties bahut pasand hai meri ek girlfriend ( shaya ) bhi thi jiski ab shadi ho chuki hai or mene uske sath wo bahut sex enjoy kiya . Ab mai aapko apko apni real story sunata hu :- Ye 18 july 2014 ( 3 year pahle hi baat hai ) mene...

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Ruby and the Machine

Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...

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RubyChapter 16 Anything You Can Do

Ruby slipped her arm around Jimmy's waist as they went out front to see her new car. "Oh Jimmy, I seem to get stronger just leaning on you." He hugged her tighter against him. "Darlin', we give each other strength and I wouldn't have it any other way." They stopped beside the new canary yellow Olds eighty-eight convertible with all the bells and whistles. "Jimmy, what took you so long to get around to getting me my own car?" "Well in the first place you don't need a car, you got...

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RubyChapter 4 Lies Of Love

One month passed and Ruby had not begun to show her pregnancy yet, except for the imperceptible inch she gained in her waist. Even that tiny inch was probably due to her improved diet. Although she figured she was in her sixth week, perhaps a little over six weeks pregnant, she felt no hint of tiny life growing inside her. She was afraid of what Jimmy might say or think if he found out, she was pregnant. She had heard the guys back in Perkins go on about how "no man wanted to raise another...

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Ruby And Phils Night Of Lovemaking

Ruby cleaned the office and then headed for Phil's house for what promised to be a night of passion for both of them.Although he had fucked her in the office, withdrawing before he came, and also fucked her in the arse what twenty-eight-year-old Phil Cooper really wanted to do was to make love to the gorgeous fifty-four-year-old West Indian lady. She had phoned to invite herself to his house but she had not yet told him what had changed for her to have made that call.Ruby arrived and Phil was...

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RubyChapter 7 With A Song In Her Heart

To Ruby, the early Sunday morning sunshine seemed brighter than usual. She stretched hard and rolled over to look at Jimmy. He was awake. "I like to look at you, Ruby." His soft voice sent shivers through her stomach. Ruby kissed his bared chest and burrowed her face hard against his nipple. "Jimmy," she whispered. She rubbed her naked body against his. They began to make slow and gentle love, never in a hurry. She felt him tense, hug her tight and pour himself inside her. "I love you...

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RubyChapter 11 Best Served Cold

They had a month of peace. At last, Ruby became aware of the changes within her own body. She felt a tightening in her belly and knew the baby inside her was growing. One of her secret worries was the baby might resemble one of the uglier men she had been rented out to. In her mind she shied away from the name "whore." In her heart of hearts, she was never a whore. The part of her life where she became abased and used was locked off. Only at times like this did she think of those dark...

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RubyChapter 12 The Elusive Mister X

"Oh god," Ruby moaned to herself. "How in hell did mama have more than one baby? I'm only a few months along and I feel like..." she could not finish one complaint before the next one poured from her lips. "It's so hot and I feel like I want to die. I feel cranky and miserable. I feel like shit." She carried the baby low and had at last begun to show she was pregnant. "Sweet Jesus, won't this damned heat ever let up?" On hot humid days in late spring and early summer the old swamp...

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RubyChapter 19 And Baby Makes Three

Greta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...

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Ruby baby sits

Note : This story is completely fictional! Fifteen year old Ruby was doing her homework when the phone rang. It was Mrs. Jackson. She wanted her to baby sit. Tommy was a ten year old brat and she hated the boy. She said yes because she needed the money. When Ruby was inside Mrs. Johnson's house she ask her how long she would be gone."I'm going to a and I won't be home until early morning""That long" sighed Ruby.Mrs Jonson could see the girl was upset and said.""I'll give you forty dollars"Ruby...

First Time
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RubyChapter 3 Transition

Her foot throbbed; pain shot up from her ankle and ended in the pit of her stomach. She whimpered as she made her way into the living room. Somehow, she had gotten the cast wet while rinsing the clothes in the washing machine. It was soaked all the way through and became a sodden mess. She switched on the big late model Philco radio and sat back in the kitchen chair next to it to listen to "Stella Dallas" as Stella, the star of the soap opera, comforted Ruby as her raspy man's voice gave...

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RubyChapter 13 X Marks The Spot

Once in the car and on their way to the Pagoda, Su Li's restaurant, Ruby let out a raucous laugh. "Oh Jimmy!" She began to laugh hard. Neither Ruby nor Jimmy was aware of the extent they had both outwardly changed. Some of the changes ran deep. Many of Ruby's were caused by fear she would be found out. With the love she had for the man who filled her life, she would do anything to keep the past buried. Jimmy had changed because Ruby had awakened him. "Yahoo!" he shouted as he steered...

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RubyChapter 2 One Taste Of Heaven

Ruby could not believe her eyes when Jimmy parked his Oldsmobile in front of a well maintained cottage just outside the city limits. Her breath caught in her throat and she stared all amazed. To Ruby, it looked like Heaven on Earth, all painted in white with Dutch blue trim. She stared at the flowers in the front yard. Then she thought back to the broken down machine parts and wind blown litter she grew up with. There were no bits of trash scattered about like back home in Perkins. The grass...

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RubyChapter 6 Hercules Unbound

Once they left the small café, Ruby urged Jimmy to walk a little faster toward their car. "Honey, I want to do some dastardly deeds on you and make you too weak to walk. I love you, man of mine." Jimmy was deep in thought and didn't hear her. "Ruby honey, you got to stop making me hard in public. It's embarrassing." "Jimmy, the crack of dawn or a knot hole in a tree makes you horny. You are so much man it takes an extra big body to hold it all." Jimmy snorted and grinned in spite...

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Ruby My First Encounter

Hello friends this is preet..Sorry late ho gya.As you knew my dick is 6 and mein old writer hu iss parmeri story rimpy bhabhi ki chudai.And sweety bhabhi ki chudai…And mein business man hu Chandigarh se yeh story ek sales bhabhi jo airtel mein kam karti hai jiska naam ruby hai… This is my first incident with ruby when I was of 21 and I lost my first virginity as she works for airtel and her figure is 36.32.36 she is so sexy cant tell you she works for airtel and call me for connection fir...

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Ruby and Bettys sexy undies

As our sexual and friends relationship continued to grow through the years, Ruby and Betty shared many ideas on how to keep the spice growing.It started with oils and creams followed by experimenting in bed with positions. Both ladies knew how much I loved them naked and shaven but they wanted to feel the silky things most women enjoyed. I got a bonus at work and when I went home to them, I gave each $200 to do with what they wanted to excite them as well as me in bed. My thank you for that was...

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RubyChapter 9 The Glory Trail

Jimmy felt out of place as he sat beside Ruby in the Haven Of Rest Baptist Church. He sat straight and fidgeted. He wanted it to all be over with. From the podium, he looked out over the sea of faces, all strangers. Ruby seemed more at ease as they waited for Reverend Friend to give the bible lesson to the Sunday night congregation. Because of the incident with Leech that afternoon and the radio coverage of the affair, the church was full to overflowing. People stood in the aisles while...

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Ruby didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body. Every suggestion of his, every “ask” was greeted with enthusiasm, a little giggle and a smile.“I want you to suck my cock?”“Yummy.”“Put the green dress on.”“You want me naked underneath?”They met at a coffee shop, the kind that is hard to find these days. No chain, no marketing, just a funky little spot on the corner of his street. Every day he stopped by for his morning cup. She served it up, hot with a smile. Just twenty-four, her English still...

Strap-On Sex
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RubyChapter 15 New Beginnings

"When we get to Woodward I'll take you to the hospital and have a doctor look at you. We need to get you checked out, Martha. I'm quite worried about you." Jake West turned his head to look in the back seat. Martha lay curled on her side. Her eyes were closed. Her face was contorted with pain. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead. He flinched when her faint moans reached his ears. "Oh Jakey, I hurt bad. "I'm scared, Mister West," Reba told him, "real scared." He did not...

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Ruby introduction to something big

i remember a girl i dated when i was a junior in high school and she was a 8th grader. we had been dating since the middle of summer and been having sex every single day it seemed. she had been with a few guys her age. she was about 5'3" black curly hair and a little on heavy side. i told her that i wanted her to fuck my friend, but she said no. i would always bring it up and especially when i was fucking her. i would ask her if she would like a huge dick in her or if she knew what...

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Ruby is a woman -- gorgeous to every syllable. She is 31 years old, tall, about 5' 6", 124 lbs, with a perfect and god-envying figure of 38C-29-38. She is fair in complexion and beautiful but there is something in her appearance that acts like a magnet to attract both sexes. Really, her large, bright and eloquent eyes, finely trimmed eyebrows, small forehead, a dense mass of jet-black hair on her head -- pruned carefully up to her mid back -- sharp nose and a pair of slightly protruded lips...

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Ruby My Chat Friend

Hi, Friends… My name is Hrishi I am an ISS fan for long. I enjoy reading the experiences. Today I thought let me try to share my experience with you all. Let me tell you about myself I am 26 years old, medium built and decent looking man. I am working in a MNC bank as a manager back in Kolkata. The story is my real experience which happened 6 months ego I chat a lot in yahoo and got some good friends from there one of them was Ruby. Our chatting started casually no sex of that sort of thing was...

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IN THE AGE OF INNOCENCE I hated my best friend, Chaz! Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I sure felt that way. We grew up best buds and fiercest competitors. We were more friends than competitors until we discovered girls. Through some twisted sense of humor of the Gods it seemed that we always fell for the same girls. I guess it started when we were juniors in high school. Chaz went to East High and I went to North. My name was Deal Edwards and Chaz was Charles Theron. Deal sounds like...

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RubyChapter 14 Heres Reba

Reba Skye sat at the counter in the diner and nursed her cup of coffee. She glanced at the grainy newspaper picture, looked away then did a double take and looked back again. She recognized the woman in the picture. It couldn't be ... but it sure was! There was big sister Ruby, bigger than life. The rip in her dress showed her leg almost up to her butt. She knew one thing for certain, that was definitely Big Sis. Reba grabbed the much out of date newspaper away from the man reading it. "Do...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence – Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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Reminiscence Entwining part 2 Storylines

Reminiscence - Entwining ‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject. ‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking. ‘I’ve been...

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The Storyteller

After picking up her coffee, Meara looked around the crowded café for a seat. Every seat seemed to be filled. After looking further, she noticed a table in the corner where a man about her age sat typing on his laptop, and the seat next to him was vacant. Approaching him, she said, "There are no other available seats; would you mind if I join you?" "No, you're welcome to join me," responded Sam. "Just let me finish recording my thought, here, and I'll put this away." "Don't stop on...

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