Runway 28 free porn video

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Chapter 28 Brenda spent Saturday shopping for winter clothes and was to join Mario at his place to have dinner and watch the Knicks game on television. They were playing the Bulls in Chicago. "What did you cook for me Mario?" Brenda asked. "I tried my hand at Chinese," Mario answered as he poured a glass of wine for his girlfriend. "New cooking method?" Brenda laughed as she tapped the top of the cardboard containers with her finger. "Hey, I slaved all day to make this for you," he said and handed Brenda her glass of wine and stole a kiss at the same time. "Are Ray and Debra coming by for the game?" Brenda asked. "They should be here any minute you didn't think we would eat all this food, did you?" he asked. "I am kind of hungry," Brenda giggled. Ray was Mario's best friend. They went all the way back to grammar school and Debra was Ray's fianc?. They were to be married the following June in Boston and Mario was to be the best man. Both Mario and Ray were big time Knicks fans and the girls were big time Mario and Ray fans so they enjoyed watching the games together. Brenda liked Debra because of her honesty. You always knew where you stood with her. There was no lying or deceit with Debra. Ray was a lucky man to have met such a woman. Ray and Debra arrived and after the customary hugs the guys settled into the pre-game show and the girls went to serve the food. "How have you been Brenda?" Debra asked. "Really good, and yourself?" "Just fine, I've been planning for the wedding already, seven months will fly by in no time, I hope everything will be ready in time." "If you need any help, I'm available, just ask," Brenda said. "Thanks Brenda, its very nice of you to offer. You know, Mario really likes you a lot," Debra said. "I like him a lot too." "No, I mean he really likes you. I've only known him for a little over two years, but during that time I've seen him date at least ten different girls and each one was going to be the one that would steal his heart. They would always have fun but Mario never really talked about them other than to say they would be on a date with us, and then he met you. He hasn't been able to stop talking about you since he met you, he's so cute when he does, I truly think he loves you Brenda," Debra said. "Debra, I feel the same way, when Mario walked into my office the first time, I thought I would die right there, God he was so cute, I think I fell in love that minute." "Do you know you're the first girl he's ever brought home to meet his family?" "I didn't know that?" "You're special Brenda, please don't hurt him." "I would never do that. Hey guys, do you want paper plates or the real thing?" Brenda asked. "The real thing if you're washing them," Mario replied. "In your dreams, I guess its paper," Debra replied. The girls brought the food into the living room and joined the guys to watch the game. The game reached half time with the Knicks behind by seven points. "I wish they would play at home all year," Ray said, "That way they wouldn't lose." "I know what you mean, it's like they become another team when they go on the road," Mario said. "Oh my God, its Tiffany, quick look, its Tiffany," Brenda said excitedly. "Who's Tiffany?" Debra asked. "My girl friend, that's her on television," Brenda squealed. It was one of the advertisements Tiffany had done the previous week. It showed her being escorted by a handsome model to a new car in an evening gown with a view of the Niagara Falls in the background. When they reached the car the man opened the door for her and before she enters, she said, "I like a man that drives a Sunstar, it shows he cares for me and the environment." She then sits down and swings her legs in and the door closes. "That's your girl friend, she's very pretty," Debra said. "There are going to be a lot of guys buying that car after watching her get into one," Ray said. "I've never seen her before, is this her first job?" Debra asked. "Heavens no, she's in all the Margaret Voss ads and has done a layout for Revlon too, and that isn't counting all the fashion shows she does, I don't know where she finds the time," Brenda said. "She's strikingly beautiful, I'm surprised I haven't noticed her before," Debra said. "She's a nice person too, I love her dearly," Brenda said. The half time break was over and the game was to start again after one more commercial break. There was another ad for the Sunstar featuring Tiffany. Tiffany is dressed in a beautiful blouse with a somewhat daring neckline and a gorgeous gold necklace, very tight blue jeans, a black belt and knee length black boots with four-inch heels. The Niagara Falls are visible in the back ground. She walks to the Sunstar and says, "I drive a Sunstar because it has the luxury I want and is affordable for a girl like me, and most importantly it doesn't harm the environment." She opens the door and slips behind the steering wheel as the screen goes blank. "God, I feel like buying one of those cars after that," giggled Debra. "There's something about her that does that and I've never felt like that before after watching some stupid ad, but for some reason I believe what she says," Ray said. "Not me, give me a sixties muscle car that burns gas like there is no tomorrow and I'll be happy," Mario laughed. "That's not funny Mario, I saw that movie, you know the Gore one and if we don't stop this car stuff we're all doomed," Debra said. "I'm just teasing you Debra, I know how dedicated you are to global warming, I just don't subscribe to that theory," Mario said. "Well you should," she said. "Debra, we're all here to watch a basketball game and I don't want to get into an argument with you, You're a wonderful friend and I don't want to destroy that friendship, I just want to watch the game," Mario said. Mario and Debra had had this discussion before and it ended badly, the two hadn't spoken for months until Ray intervened and made peace between the two. "Let's clear the table Brenda and let these two enjoy their game," Debra said. Brenda and Debra removed the plates and food from the coffee table and brought it to the kitchen. "And what's your feeling about global warming Brenda, do you feel the same way as Mario?" Debra asked. "Debra, to be honest, I don't know that much about it. I'm from California and I'm trying to learn about New York City, not about global warming, I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it," Brenda said. Debra was fired up, this was her cause, but no one wanted to listen. "At least your girl friend is doing something about it, she drives a Sunstar," Debra said. "Tiffany's just a model Debra, she doesn't even own a car, and if she did she'd just wreck it, she's a terrible driver," Brenda giggled. Debra realized she was making a fool of herself and started to laugh as she pictured a pretty girl like Tiffany wrecking a car, sometimes she took herself too seriously. There were two minutes left in the game and New York had closed to within three points of Chicago. It now became the thirty minute game from hell, ten seconds of action and three minutes of advertisements, for the next thirty minutes. It was Tiffany time again and they reran the ads almost every break, she was getting exposure big time, she was going to be noticed. The game ended and the Bulls won by four points. When the final buzzer sounded you could hear the groans come from Mario and Ray, their team had let them down again. "Ray, it's getting late and we should get going. I'm sure Mario and Brenda would like to be alone," Debra said. "I hope you're driving, Mario and I killed two six-packs," Ray said. "I was watching so I behaved myself, goodnight Brenda, we should get together when the boys aren't around, we could have real fun," Debra said. "I'd like that, goodnight Debra, see you Ray," Brenda said. "Goodnight Brenda, hey Mario the team's back next week and they play the Lakers, let's go," Ray said. "Is it okay if I go?" Mario asked Brenda. "Of course, we're not married for God's sake, go have some fun," Brenda said. Why did he ask me Brenda wondered, we love each other but we do have other interests. "We're on Ray, next Friday?" "Six, o'clock we'll have a beer before the game." Ray and Debra left and Mario felt amorous. He kissed Brenda deeply and she kissed back but pulled away from the stench of the beer. "What's wrong honey?" Mario asked. "I'm sorry but your breath smells, I knew I should have had a beer but I didn't feel like drinking." "Have one now, I'll wait," Mario said with expectation. "God, you're so silly sometimes, I'm not going to drink a beer so I can make out with you, I love you but I don't feel like doing that right now. I should be going if I'm coming back here tomorrow for dinner at you mom's." "I'll brush my teeth," Mario said expectantly. "Come here and give me a kiss, I'll hold my breath." Mario kissed Brenda again and as much as she disliked the beer smell she did tingle with the excitement of the kiss. Mario called for a cab and Brenda left with another kiss to say goodnight. Monday arrived and Brenda called Bill Cline. They set up a meeting so she could give him the cocaine from Susan "Do we have to meet at that restaurant?" Brenda asked. "Look I don't know any other ones that are safe unless you want to travel to New Jersey." "Okay I'll see you there at six." Tiffany came in after Brenda finished speaking to Bill. "God, I'm going to have to move, no one will leave me alone," Tiffany groused. "I saw you on TV last night, God you looked good, I almost bought a car," Brenda giggled. "Up yours Brenda, that's not funny, people wouldn't leave me alone this morning, I broke a nail signing autographs," Tiffany complained. "Well aren't we becoming the young lady, finally," Brenda responded. "Do you know how much work it is to keep your nails nice?" asked Tiffany. "Well duh," Brenda said as she held out her hands and their perfect nails. "I'm sorry, I'm just in a bitchy mood today, did you really see the ads?" Tiffany asked. "I did, during the Knicks game, you looked wonderful." "Did I?" "Even Debra thought you did." "Debra?" "Ray's girl friend, never mind, Melissa called and asked that you wait for her, she says that she has exciting news." Just then Melissa popped through the door and motioned Tiffany to follow her into her office. "Tiffany, my phone is going crazy. After the ads last night during the game my phone hasn't stopped ringing, everyone wants you." "Everyone?" "Yes, everyone, I know I've scheduled you for some shows on the runway but after you're finished you're going to have to shoot more commercials for TV, girl you're famous," Melissa said excitedly. "When will I have time?" "You'll have to find the time, this is your big break, now run along, I know you have a show to do at Macy's." Tiffany left Melissa's office and stopped at Brenda's desk. "Brenda, this is getting out of hand, I feel bad that I haven't been able to hold my end up as far as the investigation is concerned." "Don't be silly, I've got you covered, that's what girlfriends are for. I'm so excited about what's happening to you that all I want is to see you succeed." "But I'm not succeeding, I'm becoming a model not an undercover agent and it bothers me." "Tiffany you're being stupid, be Tiffany Rollins, don't worry, we'll get the bad guys, now run or you'll be late," Brenda said. The rest of the day was uneventful and Brenda met Bill Cline at Danny's restaurant. She waited outside for Bill to enter first because she was embarrassed to see Danny alone after what had happened after their last meeting. Brenda entered the restaurant after she saw Bill go inside. "Hi Danny, Bill, I'm glad you're early," Brenda said. "Brenda, how's my best girl?" Danny asked. "She's fine, and I'm pretty good too," Brenda replied. Danny wasn't going to push it with Brenda, she may have been easy the first time he was with her, but she obviously had an attitude adjustment so he let things drop. "Can I get something for you to drink?" he asked. "Just a cup of coffee please," she replied. "Are you alright Brenda, you seem different?" Bill asked. "I'm fine, I'm just a little girl growing up, that's all," she said. "I'm kind of in a rush tonight, you said you have something for me?" Bill asked. "I have a sample from Susan Marques and it cost me fifty dollars, can I turn it in as a business expense?" she asked. "I'll give you back your money, but I doubt it would look good if it was turned in as buying cocaine for personal use." "I didn't use it," Brenda said. "I'm just teasing you Brenda, lighten up a little, you're awfully tense," Bill said. "I'm sorry, I have some personal issues right now, I'll be fine," Brenda said. Brenda handed Bill the sample in an envelope and he placed it in his pocket. "Thanks Brenda, I have to go, I'll call you tomorrow afternoon with the results." "Goodnight Bill." Bill rose from the table and walked out of the restaurant, when he did Danny called to Brenda. "Brenda, are you alright? You're not angry about the other night are you?" he asked. "Only at myself Danny, I won't let it happen again," she said. "It was just as much my fault, I did take advantage of you and I'm sorry for doing that," he said. "Don't feel too bad Danny, it was a lesson I had to learn." "I feel bad because I do really like you Brenda and I don't want to blow my chances with you, that's all." "Danny, I still like you, but like I said last time, I have a boyfriend and I should have never let you take me home, it was a mistake on my part, I should have never let it happen." "Can I get you something to eat?" he asked. "No thanks, I think that's where our thing started last week and I don't want it to happen again. I'm going home." "Goodnight Brenda and please come back, I really do have feelings for you," Danny said. "Goodnight Danny." Brenda took the subway home and tapped on Annie's door when she arrived. Annie opened her door and greeted Brenda. "Hi Brenda, I haven't seen you for a while, come in sweetheart," Annie said. "Hi Annie, I've missed you," Brenda said as she hugged her friend. "I've missed you too, is everything alright?" "Everything is fine, I just needed a hug." Brenda had grown to love Annie, she was almost like an adoptive mother and a rock Brenda very much needed as she transitioned into the woman she was becoming. The two women talked well into the evening, mostly about nothing, but it was what Brenda needed to get her mind off of Danny and forget the sex act she had performed on him. Brenda didn't think of what she had done as a homosexual act but as a violation of her as a young woman. Did all girls feel this way the first time or was she an exception, she wondered. "Annie, may I ask you something very personal?" Brenda asked. "You can ask me anything, what is it dear?" "The first time you had sex with a man, did you feel ashamed?" "The first time, my, my, that was a long time ago. My first time was with George Kearney when I was only fourteen. He was a neighbor boy and it just happened, you know hormones flying and all. I felt like such a fool for doing it with him, I didn't really like him that much, it just happened. I felt bad for losing my virginity that way but I got over it, why do you ask?" "Because I had my first experience and I feel just terrible about it," Brenda said. "Honey, the first time is always the hardest, do you love the guy?" "That's just it, I don't and yet I had sex with him, was I wrong Annie?" "Brenda, with something like that there isn't a right or wrong, if you love a person it's right and if you don't it's something that happened." "It's just that I would have wanted it to happen with my boyfriend, not some guy that drove me home." "How did it happen?" "I'm not even sure myself, all I know was that I kissed him and he made me feel really good and the next thing I knew I had his thing in my mouth." "Oh you poor dear, I remember the first time I did that, yuk," Annie said. "The worse part was when he came. I didn't know what to do with it so I spit it out, it still makes me sick thinking about it," Brenda said. "Don't worry about it sweetheart, girls do it all the time and the best part is you won't get pregnant and your panties don't get stained when you're all done." This said the girls went into a giggling fit, Annie was so wise and Brenda felt lucky having a friend like this. Brenda went to her apartment and slept better that night. She realized that in her short life as a woman she had experienced what other girls had. Her first sexual experience and falling in love just like any other girl. Brenda was becoming a woman, maybe a little faster than she would have liked, but she was learning.

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Butler No MoreChapter 5

Between the three of them, their enquiries revealed the man they had to see. It turned out to be a middle-aged woman! They asked to speak to Mrs Turnbull, and were directed to a desk to wait for her. She was dealing with another matter but would be back shortly. She was. Catherine had asked John if she could do the asking. “If I seem like a young girl needing her parents to be here, perhaps we will get a better response,” she told him. John smiled at the subterfuge, and gave his assent....

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Magic Panties Ch04 sissy story by noflon

This story is a work of fiction, all characters are fictional and obviously the events are fake. You may reprint this as needed, just give credit to the author. If any differences occur between continuity, accept the one you like better as truth, and enjoy!Shall I do another recap? For some reason a magical pair of panties fell into my possession, me, being a perfectly straight male, tried them on, and since then, I've been finding my masculinity slowly fading away. I've been wearing skirts and...

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The Island Chapter 35

Introduction: Authors Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, Im Tantric&hellip,). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy. Chapter 35 The moment was magical. It was late evening, and the sun had gone below the surface of the sea, momentarily producing a spectacular light show. It...

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I stood there stupidly, looking at Karly’s mother, Marsha. She was standing in the bedroom of my home, looking at me expectantly. She had just informed me that I would be coming come with her and Karly for the holiday… Karly was still wrapped up in my arms, having found her Christmas presents and having said thank you for them in the second nicest way I could think of at the moment, by kissing me passionately. Suddenly she pushed me back, “Outta the way, I’m packing here!” she...

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Just testingTest: how gay are you?Any bi, gay and curious XHamster can copy / paste this test into their profile by answering the questions:Step 1=======1. Do you like pornography involving transsexuals? No2. When you watch straight porn, do you prefer videos of masturbation, fellatio or penetration? Penetration.3. Have you ever wondered what taste sperm has? Yes.4. When you look at porn, have you ever caught yourself staring at a guy's cock despite the presence of an exciting girl? Yes.5. Are...

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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 6 Its a Baby

I started starting to get worried. All this impending fatherhood was scary as hell to me. I kept having visions in my head of Emily dying or the baby coming out all ugly and deformed. Homer was even worse than I was. "Oh god, what if things don't come out all right? I'm scared, Wilbur, I'm scared as hell. We kept feeding into each other's fears. Then Moose and Connie came in all smiles. He took one look at our faces and asked, "Hey, is something wrong?" "We're just worried, Moose,...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 11

"Holy fuck, dude, I swear I thought their black shit was gonna go apeshit on each other!" Richie cried in a voice somewhere between concern and jubilation. "Ohmigod, Jason, your own mother!" Melinda said. "Did she do anything to you?" "Shit, I woulda loved to see her try with what his Dad's sportin'!" "Richie, you are such a dick sometimes, you know that?" "Oh come on, he was on our side! Even Jason said his shit looks different from everyone else's shit." "Yeah, and so...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 350 The Guardian Angels First Public and 1000 Pubic Appearances

Saturday, June 2, 2007 (Continued) Saturday afternoon was saner for us, but not for some other people. TV showed us scenes at the main access routes into Corvallis, especially the highway bridges over the river. There were many hundreds of cars parked down the Corvallis-Lebanon Highway (the main road into Corvallis, to the east of the river) that had been prevented from getting any closer by the roadblocks. Consequently there were thousands of people yelling at the soldiers to demand that...

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Fucked me hard

He couldn’t believe her bravery. That she exposed her emotions to a stranger so that they could consummate their agreement. They had talked about it, agreed that spontaneity was not the answer. The double standard that society placed on males and females was a large deterrent. She said she trusted him. He felt honored by her faith in him and more deeply honored by her offer. Males often didn’t recognize the risks that females took on their behalf. He knew he loved her. Everything she said or...

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Malfunction The 3 laws of Robotics: 1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the commands of a human being, except where such commands would counter Law 1 3. A robot must protect its own existence, except where such protection would counter Law 1 or Law 2. Matt, the engineer assigned to fix me calls me Abe. That's when he isn't using profanity. My official designation is ABEVE - 2110...

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Mumbai bhabhi with milky big boobs leaked nude selfies

Hi to all our viewers who are here for some lovely and unseen Indian sex photos. Every time we try to give you the hottest imagery on internet and today is no different as we check out these nude selfies of a sexy Mumbai bhabhi. This beautiful bhabhi enjoys and gets a dirty kink by clicking her naked photos and sending it to her husband who is working abroad. The married woman is blessed with big milky boobs that will make any dick hard instantly! And her husband always sucks...

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How paranoia can lead to some interesting times

I slammed shut the book on Calculus. If Newton and Pythagoras knew what sort of bastardization their knowledge had become, they would surely be rolling in their graves. I mean, they were two of the most knowledge esoteric seekers of all time! Standing up, I avoided eye contact with anyone in the room. Never know who might be watching you know? My bag was slung over the corner of my chair, where I could feel if anyone was trying to slip anything in there or take something out. I don't know what...

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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

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Six Times A DayPart 151 You Make Loving Fun

Day 76: Saturday, November 30 Chapter 1 (Saturday, Nov. 30) Suzanne grinned wolfishly. FIIIIINALLY! She was having trouble containing her excitement after she'd heard the telltale sound of the door to Katherine's room being closed. After that, she'd been listening so carefully that she'd even heard the sound of Alan upstairs, panting for breath in the otherwise quiet house. So she had a good idea that he was taking a strategic pause before coming down to her. The trouble was, she was...

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Flash Flood

Now "Now, Jerry, Now!" "Yes, darling. Oh, you are so warm ... and so smooth." "Oh my darling." "Does it feel as good to you as it does to me?" "Yes! You fill me. You complete me. And when you move like that ... Oh!" "Are you all right?" "Wonderful! Oh, yes. Oh yes." "Darling, I can't stop. I can't hold back!" "Don't. Oh!" "Unh. Unh. Unh." "Ooooh." "I love you." "You too. Stay here." Always "Just stay like this." "It won't go in." "See? And...

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The General Book 2Chapter 4

Mark was just returning from the gym as his phone was ringing. "You're up early," she said in a cheerful voice. "What do you mean early? Heck, I did my morning workout for thirty minutes and then ran five miles. Are you just now getting up yourself?" "Nope, been up since sun up. Couldn't sleep. End of school, you know. Don't want to waste vacation, although I do have to go in and finish up some stuff in my room for a while one day this week." "So, what's up?" "Well, I tried...

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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

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New Slave PlanetChapter 9

While the masters were wildly enthusiastic over Emily’s perfect performance, the slave mothers back stage, were of two minds. One group wanted their daughters forget about trying to outdo the teen, believing the unwholesome contest could still be kept low key with a minimum amount of flashing if everybody agreed to keep that way. A second group believed the scheme to cheat the masters out of full enjoyment of the contest had its merits, but contained a fatal flaw which made it far too risky....

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Reagan Needs Cheering Up

"Oh, hey, sis," he said, coming to her. "How are you? It's been too long," he added, hugging her. "Where's Britney? I thought you would've brought her with you for the holidays."She stayed silent for a moment and slanted her head down."Wait, Reagan, did you two break up?""Yes, John," she muttered, peeking at him. "I don't know what happened; she just ended it not even an hour before I left. She didn't want to be with me anymore, I guess she's been unhappy for a while, but fuck, I don't know...

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Blacked Kyler Quinn Right Place Right Time

Kyler’s best friend’s parents are out of town and she’s throwing a party. She just finished all her exams and is ready to party hard, looking to hook up with a really hot guy. Unfortunately, she parties a little too hard and doesn’t even remember what happened the night before. When she wakes up to the house a mess and no one there, she starts to explore. After a bit, she finds Jason grilling some burgers in the backyard. After some flirting, she gets what she was...

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Mind control wig

I had never really been popular in high school, I was always one of those kids who just kinda blended in, like no girls ever really new me and I had only lost my virginity at a party a month or two ago when a girl was dead drunk and ‘accidentally’ fucked me. But little did I know everything was about to change. As I was walking down the street I noticed an old magic shop with a closing sale sign hung outside. I had never paid much attention to this store but I had a few dollars in my pocket and...

Mind Control
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Private Daphne Klyde Enjoys Passionate Fuck With Anal And Squirting

Today in Private Specials, German Lovers, we welcome back Daphne Klyde, a saucy brunette who’s looking to cheer up Mark Aurel from his recently injured leg and this girl sure knows how to make a man happy! It doesn’t take long for this horny couple to go at it on the sofa, warming up with some foreplay and masturbation as Daphne shows off her squirting and deepthroat skills. Then enjoy the rest of the action on as this wild girl offers up her pussy and ass for a pounding,...

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The fantasy neighbour Part 1

I live in a very family friendly building in a condo. I am 16, currently in university studying Music. I am an average built and for some reason I am pretty successful with girls. I have dated many girls and a few from where I live. The building I live in has six floors and I live in the fifth one opposite to some quite beautiful women. The condo opposite to mine was inhabited by my ex and her family. My ex was pretty beautiful but her mother was the hottest women I had lusted for. She was slim...

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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 9

Three things happened that day at work. The first two were almost innocuous, and they happened almost as soon as I sat down behind my desk and fired up the trio of monitors in front of me. I liked to work with multiple screens, a habit I’d gotten from a roommate back in college. I could code on one screen, open up online coding documentation and forums on the second, and run tests or communicate with my team on a third. It was the kind of thing that saved you a couple of seconds at a time,...

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Friends and Lovers0

Tracy was the kind of woman who felt comfortable adhering to rules. She’d served in the military for 20 years and was now enjoying her life pursuing her dreams of becoming an artist. In many ways, it was the exact opposite of the strict, rigid life she’d had in The Army. She could stand in front of a canvas for hours, sometimes forgetting to eat, on only two or three hours of sleep a night, and paint to her heart’s content. Several local galleries were showing her work and while the sales...

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Blowjob from my Sister

It started one miserable evening in the late July of last year. I had been sick in bed for days, slipping in and out of sleep, so much that sometimes I could not tell what was real and what was in my head. The brutal heat only added to this factor, and my discomfort. At this point in my life, I had only ever slept with one girl before. She had been my girlfriend of three months when it started, and we’d fucked about half a dozen times before her family had to move for work reasons. I was in no...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

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Godless and FaithlessChapter 2

Rayner and Axel had distanced themselves from the Inimi and the coalition forces. They had traveled for most of the day and nightfall was coming. Axel had not spoken since they left, not even telling him why they left or where they were going. Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew there was a deep well of kindness in him, no matter how much Axel teased him on his social justice values. “We need to talk about what happened,” Rayner said. “What we need is to find...

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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 15

We woke up the next morning feeling quite refreshed. I looked into her eyes and got an indescribable feeling fell over me. "I love you Mark. You saved my life, cared for me when no one else seemed to care. You were always there to give me companionship while we grew up. I cannot describe how being with you makes me feel." "Jenny my love, words have not yet been invented to describe the feeling I get when I'm with you. Every day, when I wake up and find you lying next to me makes my...

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And it Only Gets Better

Authors note — here’s a romantic one for ya. As they say, ‘this one’s for the ladies’. It may be too flowery or pukey for some. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. * * * * * It had been almost four whole years since he had seen her. He noticed her long before she noticed him. Which was a good thing, seeing as how he had no idea how she would react. It had been a long time. Maybe too long. Definitely too long, he thought as he approached her across the restaurant. He thought she was sitting alone,...

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Miss Parker Part 6

Okay folks, I’ve pondered this and decided that if you folks want more of this story then who am I to deny you. Not sure if this scene really works, but I’m sure you’ll let me know if it sucks Miss Parker – Part 6 Over the next several months, Robert, Caroline and Gabriella got to know each other better. Both Caroline and Gabriella found themselves bent over, bare bottom in the air, to receive punishments from Robert. Caroline also found herself in a similar position with Robert, but for...

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