The Receptionist - Part 1 free porn video

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I looked down at the note on the door, dumbfounded, for the third time. Antarctica? What the hell were they doing in Antarctica. It was bad enough they flaked on picking me up from the airport on my way home from college, but to be confronted with a "sale pending" sign on your childhood home, with just a note stating "Antarctic research opportunity of a lifetime, no time! Back in 5 years" was a whole other level of fucked up, even for my brilliant, yet somewhat useless parents. I sighed, my backpack carrying all of my worldly possessions feeling like an anchor on my back. I briefly wondered if they even bothered to store any of my childhood things from my room before they left. A bit of backstory, I grew up as a single child to two largely clueless whale biologists, who probably still to this day have no idea why I appeared into their life or what caused it. They were both frighteningly brilliant at their work, and equally such unsuited at being responsible human beings and or parents. Don't get me wrong, they loved me in their own way, but they were both known to pass out from forgetting to eat during research trips. At some point around when I turned 12, they managed to forget when my birthday was for several years in a row. Not to have a birthday party, just what month and day it should be on. Things like that littered my childhood and later adult life as I headed off to college, so it really didn't surprise me when they weren't there at the airport, or that they weren't answering phone calls, or any of it. I sighed again, and headed next door to see if our now former neighbor Mrs. Beaselly knew what was going on. For some reason my parents were more likely to tell her important details about what was next or what was going on than they ever were to tell me. I knocked on her door, and a short time later, I had the whole story. It turns out there was a research opening down on one of the Argentinian Antarctic bases, and my parents had been contacted last minute to go replace another group of researchers who had backed out. Apparently, all of the logistics and house selling had happened in the last couple of days, and my parents had mailed me a check to cover some living expenses and a letter of explanation to my college dorm address. The dorm I just vacated for the year. The dorm that was 1,200 miles away. I would have to see if I could get that letter forwarded on to wherever I ended up living in the meantime. The Antarctic destination certainly explained the lack of cell phone contact with my folks, but would it have killed them to call at least? There was no point in getting angry or upset about it, they weren't going to change. Mrs. Beaselly offered to let me stay on her couch for a day or two, but then she was heading off on vacation for a while herself. I gratefully accepted, then decided to start looking for a way to support myself. I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Paul. I'm 21 years old, sandy haired, grey eyes, fair complexion, between girlfriends at the moment, and I'm a business major specializing in logistics and internet technology implementation. Basically, means that I do IT shit and know my way around spreadsheets and presentations. I'm your average 5'7" white yuppie looking college student just in from college. I have most of a degree, and not much other work experience. Nice to meet you, are you hiring? I headed down to the bus station and headed for the local mall. I figured if I could get at least some sort of job I could at least keep from starving, and maybe get a shared apartment somewhere until I could find my way forward, and may as well start with the larger concentration of entry level jobs in the area, right? What's the worst that could happen. Job hunting turned out to be an exercise in frustration. It turns out there are lots of entry level no skill job applicants returning from college right around the same time, and Nelscott Valley, AZ is not exactly a hotbed of retail activity in the best of times. I filled in something like 200 applications, signed up at every temp agency I could find, filled in applications for factories, offices, basically anyone I could find that was hiring over 3 days of effort, and I had come up empty so far. I was starting to get desperate. I should have whatever funds my parents had sent me in a week or two, but that didn't really solve my immediate problems. We hadn't been in this area all that long, so it wasn't like I had a lot of friends I could crash with, and there really weren't any relatives to speak of. I was actually starting to head to the local homeless shelter to get more information on their offerings, when I saw a sign that I had missed before. The building sign read "A hole in One... or Two - Body Piercing and Tattoo Emporium". Below that in the window was a sign that read "Help Wanted! Receptionist!!! Please enquire within!!!" The entire sign was covered in stars and hearts and unicorns, all hand drawn and quite good. I stared at it for a full minute. Body piercing, Huh? I'd never even considered entering such a store before. I looked down at my exhausted list of job prospects, shrugged, and entered the store. I wasn't really sure what I expected when I entered, maybe the cover of a metal album made real, or some sort of surrealist metal fabrication and ink painting gone wild, but the inside was definitely the furthest thing from whatever I did expect. Inside the building was a nice and bright and cheery office space, festooned with plants and doodles everywhere. The furnishings were all nice and new modern decor, in light ashwood with brushed nickel accents. There was a large waiting room space with comfy looking couches with blue and white striped cushions, 3 tattoo chairs, all neat and tidy and well lit, and a currently unoccupied reception desk in the front, which would not have been out of place in a high-end hair salon. There seemed to be additional rooms in the back for other, more private work, as well as at least one office space I could see. The occupant of that office sang out, "Oh hi there! I'll be right with you hun!" After a very short wait, the office denizen emerged. Her name tag read simply "Kelly" She was about my height, probably a few years older than me. She was very cute, in an exotic style that I hadn't really seen before. I later found out she considered herself to be either an Alt girl, Scene Girl, or Goth girl, depending on how the mood took her. But at the moment she was dressed in fairly simple cutoff jean shorts and some sort of anime inspired t-shirt that may have been a size too small for her. She had a very extensive set of facial piercings framing her smiling lips, in her button nose, and highlighting and bright, friendly eyes, all surrounded by very neon pink hair. I felt a very unfamiliar stirring as I looked at her, though i wasn't sure why. She was certainly different than anyone I had really encountered before now. As she approached the desk, I said something lame and forgettable along the lines of "I saw the sign out front about the job?" rather than my carefully prepared opening "please hire me!" speech. She nodded. "Great! I'm Kelly, and this is my shop. Pleased to meet you! Here's an application, it's a bit slow today, so if you like, go ahead and fill that out and then if you have time, I can interview you right away when you are done!" I nodded and mumbled a thanks, then took a few minutes to fill out your pretty standard employment application. There was a section asking about any piercing or tattoo or art experience, and rather than answer None, I decided to write "I can draw this dolphin!" along with a smiling, yet quite terrible doodle of a dolphin that I could not, in actual fact draw. I figured it couldn't hurt to try a bit of humor. The interview itself was one of the oddest experiences of my life. Instead of the usual questions about work history and work background, and schooling I was expecting, it was a series of seemingly completely random questions about all sorts of topics. "What is my favorite color" Blue. "Which one of these two rocks did I like better?" the shiny red one on the left. "What country do I like the shape of best?" Lichtenstein. This went on for an amusing, and confusing hour. Finally, she asked me "Why do you want to work here, anyways? Forgive me for saying so, but you are kind of unusual for the kind of applicant we get around here..." I figured I had nothing to lose. So, I told her the whole story. About my parents and Antarctica, the college mail snafu and my lack of funding and living situation, the works. I showed her my parents research page, and finished with essentially "So that's the story, I'm looking for any and all work, any pay, any jobs available. You need the floors cleaned or the toilets scrubbed, sign me up!" I finished with a shrug. Kelly nodded, then leafed through my application again. She paused at my little doodle, and smiled a bit at it. She seemed to consider for a bit, then asked me to wait here for a second. She returned shortly with an e-book reader. "it says here you can do computer stuff, right?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled. "OK! I'm terrible at computers. Can you make this talk to the internet so I can get books? If you can, you're hired!" I took the e-reader, powered it on, noticed the impressive list of recently read titles involving various types of erotic literature, cartoons, and what appeared to be graphic novel tentacle porn. I shrugged, entered the network configuration and several seconds later had the device connected to the shop WIFI using the connection credentials on the nearby wall. I handed it back to her, with the "Now updating library" message on the screen. She squealed with glee, said "That was amazing! You're a computer wizard! You're hired!" and gave me a big hug. Definitely my most unusual job interview. Kelly played with her e-book reader for a little bit, then seemingly remembered I was still here and continued "So, I've got two options for you. One, I can pay you a bit above minimum wage, 40 hours a week, some benefits and health insurance, paid sick leave and vacations after your 6-week probation. Option 2, there is actually an apartment upstairs that I was thinking of renting out. It's been empty since we built the shop here a couple years ago. If you want, you can clean that out and I'll deduct the rent from your pay, however we want to make that work, same benefits and whatnot otherwise. How about it, sound like a deal?" I quickly nodded, and shook her hand and thanked her profusely, and said that option 2 sounded great to me. The room turned out to be a cozy but not over small furnished 1-bedroom apartment with a built-in kitchen and a pretty nice bathroom. It had a washer and dryer and dishwasher, as well as a place to hang a TV on the wall. It was also very, very pink. I figured I would get used to the color, and it had everything I needed otherwise. It took me mere moments to stash my meagre possessions in the drawers. I let Mrs. Beaselly know that I found a place to work and a living situation via phone, and thanked her for her kindness in letting me crash in her living room. She wished me well, and good luck with my parents. My new apartment was located upstairs with its own staircase and exterior door. I even had a little mail box of my own. I decided to head out and see if I could find any food nearby. There was actually a taco truck across the way, so I was able to get some inexpensive food, and settled in for my first good night of sleep since this whole nightmare began. I was really too tired to even dream that night. But I got really good rest, and woke up refreshed and ready for my first day of work. I quickly learned that shop hours were a little bit flexible in the mornings, as Kelly was about 15 minutes late. She seemed very pleased to see me though. Kelly has one of those infectious bubbly personalities that can be a little bit flighty, but its impossible to be in a bad mood around her and she is always happy to see everyone. She quickly showed me my duties in the office, call people to remind them about appointments, greet people when they arrive, remind the other artists who I would meet today about their appointments, take cash or check payment, and sweep the shop or tidy things during down time. I frowned for a moment, then asked her, "What about credit card payments?" She looked at me incredulously, and asked with wide eyes, "You know how we can start taking credit cards?" I nodded, and told her that with her permission I would get it a card reader set up later in the week. I also discovered that the office appointment system consisted of a spiral notebook with hand written notes and sticky notes scattered throughout. There was a computer on the desk, but upon starting it, it was apparent that it had never been turned on before. This might be a bit more of a challenge than I thought. About that time, two of the shop artists arrived. Freddy, who goes by the name "Razor" was the first to arrive. I was a bit intimidated by him at first, with all the spikey piercings and somewhat scary looking face tattoos, but it turns out that he was basically the human equivalent of a teddy bear. He was very helpful with me figuring out what I needed to learn to set up a computerized appointment and fee scheduling setup. Freddy did most of the tattoo work for the office, with a bit of piercing on the side. The second to arrive was Eve. She was a tall willowy, slightly older blond-haired lady with lots of piercings and stretched ear lobes. She handled most of the piercing work. Very softly spoken and kind, she too was a joy to work with in the office. She was an avid collector of owl statues, and her work area and the back rooms were largely covered by overflow from her collection. It turned out most of the shop plants were her doing as well. Business was brisk, there was a steady stream of clients that morning, from all walks of life. People wanting their first tattoo, people wanting their 30th, People here for their first ear piercings, or to get things changed out or upgraded. I struggled with all the terms at first. Kelly suggested I start looking at the various piercing and tattoo websites to get a better idea of what was where, especially the genital mods. It's not every day that your boss tells you to go look up nipple piercings on the company dime. Things continued on throughout that day, and the next. I learned things about myself that I hadn't realized. For one, I recognized that I had some sort of mental stigma against people with piercings, that they might be mean or scary or whatever, when in reality it was a fun-loving group of inclusive people, and second, that I found people with piercings, or the thought of piercings and tattoos to be arousing. Lucky for me my job didn't involve a terrible amount of standing, so those times when thing got too, uh, heated downstairs I was usually able to just sit and wait out any spurious erections as they occurred. More than once I found myself idly fingering myself after hours up in my apartment to thoughts or memories of things I had seen during the day. Work was certainly never boring. I noticed that I was low key horny much more of the time for some reason, but I held it together pretty well during the day. By mid-week, the new credit card system arrived, and I was ready to get started on the new electronic scheduling, appointment, billing and business inventory system I was putting together. I also discovered that we didn't even have a website yet. Kelly was amazed at all the new things she could do in the new business software, I picked the easiest, most user friendly one I could find. She was so impressed with it, I got a promotion on the spot to "Head Receptionist" instead of just Receptionist, which apparently came with some more money. She also got really excited by the idea of putting up a website, and promised to get me some willing models of the shop's work and a decent camera to take some good pictures as soon as possible. I later found out that "A hole in One... or Two - Body Piercing and Tattoo Emporium" was really a hobby project for Kelly, she was actually fairly well off from her family, but she wanted something she could put her own spin on things and feel like she was making her own way. The shop hadn't actually turned a profit before, and she really didn't care if it ever did from a financial perspective, but she was delighted by making things better for her employees and for her customers. Things continued on this way for first one, then several weeks. I still hadn't received the mysterious letter from my parents, but I at least had a bit of spending money and a place to live. I still wasn't sure what I was going to do about finishing school, or a future, or any of that, but at least for now I was content. I think Kelly and the rest of the shop staff realized I was really pretty shell shocked about the whole situation, and they went out of their way to make me feel at home in this new crazy life. Or maybe that's just the kind of people they are. Either way, I found myself growing more comfortable around them, and people with modifications in general. It was interesting seeing how Kelly, Eve and Razor all changed their looks on a whim. it was a freedom that I envied. I seemed somewhat boring and plain in comparison. Kelly did make a point to make sure everyone knew that we were free to express ourselves however we wanted, I just wasn't quite ready for a more expressive me. One day, I was inventorying all the piercing supplies and jewelry, when I ran across a particularly striking looking large silver piercing ring with a blue stone bead of some sort. I must have stared at it longer than I realized, because I didn't hear Kelly walk up behind me. "A Septum ring, huh? I think that would look sooo hot on you, you should try it! Get a feel for the customer end of the experience. My treat if you want!" Razor and Eve gave me a thumbs up and made encouraging noises. I looked up at Kelly and her beaming smile, I looked down at the ring again, then shrugged and simply said, "Ok." Kelly quickly led me over to one of the tattoo chairs, and had me lay back. She stuck some sort of pliers looking thing with two loops on the ends, then before I realized it, she had shoved a large tubular needle through my septum before I even knew she had it in her hand. I yelped a bit as I felt it go in, but surprisingly, it didn't really hurt all that much. Certainly, no worse than an accidental cut on the leg from a thorny vine or the like. There was a tiny bit of blood, but it soon stopped. Kelly and Eve gave me the aftercare instructions. Almost before I knew it, I went from the ranks of the normies to that of the modified. Funny, I didn't feel all that different. I found myself idly playing with my new nose decoration occasionally as the day went on, and over the next week or so it soon healed up. I started getting a lot of positive comments from the regulars who noticed the new addition, and even from random people off the street. Kelly started sending me pictures of people wearing similar septum rings with ideas of what I should do next. I told her I would think about it. Pictures of people with septum rings soon started invading my daydreams and me time. Life continued on. I made more improvements to the shop's electronic web and social media presence, the promised Camera arrived and I started adding pictures of various clients that wanted to be included to our new web page, complete with custom doodles and clip art by Kelly and Razor. It was fun being a "professional" photographer, and getting to work with models of sorts. Kelly eventually decided to add a section of more intimate work as well, and I was practically in frustrated heaven as I got to photograph pierced nipples and vaginas of all kinds. Male genital piercings were interesting too, but more from a curiosity standpoint. I found myself wondering what a Prince Albert or even an Apadravya might feel like. I think Kelly must be a mind reader, because a few times she whispered in my ear during those shoots that if I wanted to get my own piercing down there, she would be happy to help out with that. I finally took her up on that after a few weeks. I opted for an Apadravya, which had captivated me from the beginning of my "research". The thought of a piece of metal clean through my penis from top to bottom just sent shivers down my spine. I figured if I was going to get one, might as well go with something major. Kelley beamed at me with that radiant smile of hers, and led me to the back room. She was strictly professional in her application of the piercing, though she did talk me in to a somewhat larger piercing post than I might have otherwise gone with. She also recommended that for this one I use the numbing goo. I opted for the goo. Kelly soon lined up the piercing needle, and I soon found myself screaming a bit as the large 6GA needle went through the soft head of my penis, and out the bottom of my urethra. Kelly swiftly installed a temporary post longer than I would later need for healing, gave me what turned out to be a panty liner to put in my boxers to deal with any blood, then congratulated me on how well I handled that piercing. She mentioned that I was going to want to air it out as much as possible for the first couple of weeks of healing, and that I was strictly hands off down there for any fun times for at least a month, if not longer. She suggested that I consider wearing a kilt, or even a skirt to work for those first weeks if I wanted, to promote healing. She thought I would look neat with the goth guy look in a skirt anyways. I blushed profusely, and mumbled something noncommittal about that. It was getting near closing time anyways, so I soon made my escape back to my room. I'm not going to lie, the first week of healing on that piercing was pretty brutal. I was pale and kind of green looking for most of the week. At the end of the week, I found a new black leather pleated skirt mysteriously sitting on my desk. I ended up putting it on, and experienced a much better healing process from that point on. I had started swapping out other pieces of my wardrobe from college student beige and mild, to a bit more of an edgy look anyways, and the skirt kind of fit. Black combat boots below, skirt, metal band t-shirt above, it all kind of worked a bit. After a couple weeks, I barely even registered that I was wearing a skirt instead of shorts or pants most of the time. I started getting approving nods and smiles from customers as they checked in. Even the occasional folded phone number! My hair was getting a little long and shaggy at this point, so Kelley suggested we swing by her hair stylist during lunch. The stylist had time to fit us in for the afternoon. The shop was kind of on the small side, but lots of pictures on the wall with various punk, alternative and dyed hairstyles. The short stylist, a lady named willow, sported a very sleek and shiny rainbow fade hairstyle, which looked really cool. Kelly suggested that I might want to think about something a bit out of the ordinary, as it would be a great fit for the shop. Plus, she thought I would look cute with a dye job. A short time later, after a bit of convincing I found myself sporting a new shiny blue dye job to match my nose ring. It didn't occur to me until we were leaving that I was walking around in a skirt, and no one noticed. The thought kind of gave me a funny little thrill. Upon closer inspection it looked like my haircut might have been a little more feminine than I intended. I figured it would grow out though. Kelly thought it looked great. The other staff in the shop agreed. As weeks turned into months, I found my piercing collection growing slowly. On one particularly slow day, I found myself with first one, then two earrings. Then small stretched lobes. Then more rings in my upper ears and the back edge. I added some small cone shaped posts to my nostrils on both sides, and at Kelly's urging, I experimented a bit more with the goth look, adding black short nails and guyliner to my ever more edgy appearance. It did start to worry me a bit that I was looking a bit more uh, androgynous than masculine these days, but not enough that I wanted to stop. If anything, I found my thoughts idly considering maybe the opposite direction, and a softer look. Those thoughts filled me with a strange warm glow, as the thought of the forbidden wrestled with the arousal I was feeling. Things came to a bit of a head when Razor stayed after his shift one Thursday afternoon, and said, "Uh, hey, Paul, can I ask a really big favor of you?" I nodded, and innocently said "Oh, probably, what do you need?" Razor looked around, then fidgeted a bit uncomfortably. Then he sighed. "So, er, my mom is coming for an unexpected visit. She lives down in Argentina, and I certainly wasn't expecting her to visit way up here. Anyways, I kind of might have sort have told her that I have a girlfriend, and she is kind of insistent on meeting her. And she knows Kelly and Eve already, so it can't be them. So, uh..." He trailed off, uncertainly. My eyes got really big as what he was implying started to register in my brain. I started to sputter, but he continued. "I know, I know, but I think you could pull it off! you're a bit shorter than me, you already rock that skirt in public everywhere, and you aren't exactly a baritone. Look, I know it's a huge ask, but I just need you to go to a restaurant with me. I'll buy you dinner, you answer a few noncommittal questions from my not exactly fluent in English mama, I pay you a couple hundred bucks for your inconvenience, and pay for whatever it takes to make you look like a girl for an evening." he added, and looked down, wringing his hands together a bit. He looked up again, and said "Kelly said she would help" he finished lamely. I sat down, floored. Me, A girl? Was I that much changed? I looked at myself in the shop mirrors. I could maybe see it, kind of, if I squinted. I sighed. I really could use the extra money to build up some sort of savings. I looked at Razor hard. "Just dinner. Nothing else? Just one night in a restaurant, then I'm gone?" I asked, hardly believing I was even considering this. Razor nodded eagerly. I sighed again. "Ok, Fine. But the restaurant better have a good lobster," I said, with a sardonic look. Razor looked like I had just found his lost puppy, he shook my hands repeatedly and said, "Oh thank you man, you don't know what this means for me, you're a lifesaver!" I just nodded, and muttered something about it needing to be a very big lobster. I started to realize exactly what I had signed myself up for. There was a small chance that Kelly would literally explode with glee when she heard the news. Pink and purple glitter guts everywhere, flattened buildings for blocks, no survivors, etc. I shook my head at my own imagination. Well, there was no helping it now, I was committed. The next day, Kelly arrived early and practically flew around my desk and gave me a big hug as she repeated 'Oh my god! Oh My god! You're going to look so cute! over and over again." By this time, I was having third or fourth thoughts about this whole thing. We had about a week until Razor's mom, Sephorina, arrived, but it seemed like my doom was already at hand. Kelly practically dragged me from the shop, telling Razor to cover for us both as we headed back to the hair salon. They did some sort of magic to my head there, and managed to insert something called a hair extension, which after a couple of hours of work, resulted in me having long blue hair. A purple streak front to back over bangs and down to my new ponytail also made an appearance. It was definitely a girly haircut, but I still looked more like a guy in a skirt than a girl, at least to my eyes. Next, we headed to a nail salon. They quickly dispensed with my black gothy nails, and started installing a longer set of acrylic nail tips. After a bit more work there, I ended up with almond shaped robin egg blue nails, with purple tips matching the streak in my hair. We then headed to the other half of the shop, which was a cosmetologist area. There, my eyebrows were waxed a little, and a full set of feminine makeup was applied to my face. Kelly promised to help me apply the look again on the day of the dinner. Once they were done, I was poleaxed. I looked from the neck up like a very hot scene girl. There was no trace of guy there. My practically non-existent facial hair was finally an asset for once I guess. For some reason I never seemed to grow much body hair. During this whole process, I was aware that I was getting a bit turned on, but now I was getting very aroused at the sight of myself, and for once my perforated penis wasn't aching from the holes poked in it. This was going to be a problem. We headed out of the building. After stopping to pay, we ended up back in Kelly's car on the way to one more mystery destination. She apparently noticed me fidgeting in my seat and maybe saw something, because she smiled and said, "Wow, you're really getting into this too, aren't you?" She patted my leg over my skirt. "Don't worry, one more stop and we'll end the torture for now," she said, with a wink at me. We pulled into the parking lot of a building claiming to be "Intimate Transformations - A boutique". It was a very nondescript building otherwise, with mirrored film over the front windows. We walked inside. On the inside, the shop was a completely different experience. Light and airy, with a faint smell of perfume in the air, it was filled with all sorts of displays of feminine finery, sex toys, and other items of erotic nature. My young eyes boggled at the display before me. Intimate transformations was clearly involved with a wide range of exotic tastes and kinks. Kelly waved at a very tall lady at the counter, and exclaimed "Liz!!!" Liz waved back, and made her way over, hugging Kelly in a very familiar way, then kissing her on the cheek. Kelly quickly introduced me to Liz, and explained the situation. Liz responded with a fairly deep voice, and said "Oh my! We certainly can't have this young lady make a poor impression on her first date; it would just destroy poor Razor." She giggled, then waved us along as she made her way towards the back of the shop, pulling seemingly random things off the rack and handing them to me as we made our way through most of the store and towards a changing area. I soon found myself holding a bra and panty set, a box of something heavy and kind of squishy, several accessories and bangles, some belts, a shoe box, and half a dozen other miscellaneous items. Kelly and Liz entered the changing area, and instructed me to follow. They asked me to strip completely, something I was strangely reluctant to do. Liz raised her eyebrows as she saw my fairly excited member that I was studiously ignoring, a bit of liquid dripping from the tip. Kelly smiled, and said, "We might have to do something about that in a bit. But first things first." Liz opened up the box with the squishy items. They turned out to be a set of 36C breast forms, and adhesive. A cool, funny smelling spray was applied to my chest and the forms, then they were both applied to my chest. I was told that they would stay on for a little over a week, but could be removed if needed. I lifted them a bit to feel the weight. The sight of my nailed hands lifting breasts below my exotic looking feminine face made me even a bit more turned on. I shivered. Next up were a few accessories. A bra to contain my new assets, black with a lacy frilly cup section. A neck choker to hide my Adams apple, a couple of cute hair clips with little silver skulls on the top and some wrist bangle bracelets with some metal studding. Liz looked down at my predicament below once more, and excused herself for a minute with a knowing look at Kelly. Kelly turned me to face her. "Paul, and we really should think of another name for you when you look this way, I'm not sure you picked up on it, but I'm a Lesbian, and Liz is one of my on and off girlfriends. Also, she didn't start out as a girl... But the reason I mention that is the next steps of outfitting you involve adding panties and pantyhose. We can't do that with your friend there at full attention though, and normally I wouldn't be all that interested, but you look incredibly tasty right now, so if you would like some help making your little problem there go down, I'd be happy to help if it wouldn't make things too weird. This wouldn't be a regular thing or anything. If it helps, I've slept with Razor and Eve as well?" she asked with that same bubbly infectious smile that never seemed to leave her face. I boggled at here for a minute, then shrugged as I shivered a bit, and said softly, "Yes, please." That was all the encouragement Kelly needed. She dropped to her knees, and took my throbbing penis into her warm, tender mouth. I had never noticed that she had a tongue modification before now, but I felt the most exquisite sensual sensation as both halves of her split tongue, and their associated tongue studs went to work covering the surface of my relatively long cock. This wasn't my first sexual experience, I had a few girlfriends in college and before, but this was my first blow job. Her split tongue gripped my cock piercing, pushing it up and down, as she started moving her mouth in and out over my penis. It was immediately clear to me that I was in the presence of oral sex royalty, as her expert technique and my one very turned-on state brought me very swiftly towards a climax. That, coupled with the somewhat public nature of the event was propelling me there at light speeds. I moaned softly, and indicated I was already getting close. She looked up at me, and winked. Between mouthfuls she said that if we ever play again, she will take her time, but we didn't have time for that at the moment. I shuddered as I neared release, and hissed "I'm cumming!" loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough so that I wouldn't alert the rest of the shop if anyone was inside. Kelly quickly buried my cock to the hilt in her mouth, and took my long-delayed release as I came for the first time since getting my Apadravya piercing. The feeling of that release pushing around the metal obstruction in my dick was both intense and very exotic even without being deepthroated by my beautiful boss. Kelly quickly stood up, then kissed me full on the lips, her tongue transferring a bit of my seed into my own mouth as our coated lips found one another. But quickly she broke away and stood back. "Not bad, right? I had some pretty amazing teachers!" Kelly beamed with a wink. I chuckled and said, "That was the best release I have ever had. Thank you very much! that was amazing!!!" She gave me a quick hug, and then went to retrieve Liz. Liz returned with another box. She opened it up, and pulled out a shiny metal contraption that looked like it might go around a penis. Without a word, she hiked up her own skirts and down her panty, and showed me the matching chastity device over her own very well-endowed penis. She grinned. "You're a big girl down there, so you might need a bit of help keeping things modest during your dinner party. There are other cloth options, but they can sometimes fail unexpectedly, so it's better to be prepared with something a bit sturdier. You might grow to have a love hate relationship with this, but for now it's probably a good idea," she finished, with a wink at Kelly. I blushed, and nodded. She quickly fit the stainless-steel chastity device over my penis, threading my Apadravya piercing through the bulbous tip and locking the included ring behind my scrotum. She gave it a quick tug to check the fit. That wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I winced a bit as I felt my penis trying to recover for a round two that wasn't happening when the locking pin went into the main body. Liz handed me the keys, and I added them to the choker necklace I was wearing. Thus armored, she had me put on pantyhose and panties that matched my bra, and then step into a pair of black low-heeled pumps that kind of matched my skirt. Then some sort of waist shaper that pinched in my figure slightly. She then handed me a new very girly lacy top to put on, and a wide studded belt to go around my waist. A tiny purse, and a soft purple jacket completed the look. I stood gaping at the mirror. You couldn't tell I was ever a boy by looking at me. Liz and Kelly clapped. I took a mock bow, then attempted a disastrous curtsey that did not end well, but did elicit a round of happy laughter. We headed towards the counter, where Kelly again paid to give Razor a bill later. Liz wrapped up a few other things for me to try, including more panties and hose. I felt a little thrill at the thought. She also slipped a mid-sized plain brown package into the bag and winked at me, and told me to open it later when I was alone, her treat. Kelly and I headed back to her car, and then towards the shop. I couldn't help but grin at her as I thought back to our brief encounter inside Liz's shop. I asked her about the tongue split. Kelly considered. "No, it wasn't really all that painful actually. Eve did it. It took a couple weeks to heal, and you will want a tongue stud to use as a starting point for best results. Are you thinking about it? I think that would look delicious on you!" she replied. I shrugged. Talk turned to other things, topics I would need to know about to pull off being a girl. How to walk, how to sit, etc. It was a bare crash course at best, and I couldn't see how I would ever pull this off. Secretly I was hoping that I would though. Finally, as we pulled up into the shop, Kelly asked me, "So, have you thought of a name yet?" I nodded, and practically whispered, "Chloe?" Kelly smiled, and said, "Nice to meet you, Chloe! I hope you will stick around!" She made a show of shaking my hand. We both dissolved in a fit of giggles, and walked inside the shop. I walked inside first while Kelly retrieved some things from her car. Razor was at his station, working on a customer tattoo. He looked up and noticed me. I saw him staring a bit, but he didn't say anything in greeting. It wasn't until I walked around the counter and started to sit down that he started to say something. "Hey, Miss, you can't sit back there! Someone will be right with you, we have waiting chairs right over there!" he spoke. I raised one manicured eyebrow at him, and said, "Really?" in my best "Paul" voice. Kelly walked in right about then as the penny dropped and Razor figured it out. "You're... But... You... You're... Wow!" he stuttered. Kelly started laughing, as I stuck my tongue out at him and then logged into my computer at my desk. Eve had a similar reaction later. It was odd working in the piercing shop surrounded by all the mirrors. I would look up and see this beautiful girl sitting where I was sitting. It wasn't what I expected to see, but it felt so much better than what I was expecting for some reason. It was hard to explain the feeling. I found myself getting very turned on during the rest of the day, but the accursed chastity device put a quick end to any thoughts along those lines quite quickly, which was probably for the best in the crowded shop. We had a steady stream of customers in and out that day. One upside to our new media presence and phenomenal reviews so far, was we were more popular than ever. Kelly was actually looking at hiring another tattoo artist and another piercer just to keep up. She gave all of us employees raises to celebrate the new higher workload. I still wasn't making banker money, but I was definitely making better money than I would at some retail hellhole in the mall now, when you factored in my living space. Things were looking up, even with all the weirdness of my parents potentially being eaten by rogue penguins. We did have one very memorable customer stop in that day. A cute girl with green hair and a very large septum had an appointment for some lower region work in the piercing booths. She was looking at me periodically while she was waiting. I smiled at her, but didn't think much of it until after her appointment, when she slipped me a piece of paper with a phone number and "Vicki" written on the front, circled by a heart. My own heart skipped a beat. She was clearly interested in girly looking me, and I was definitely not uninterested in her, but was it fair to call her when I wasn't planning to stay looking like this? I WAS planning on switching back after this whole dinner thing, right? Pondering along those lines took me to the end of the work day. Kelly told me to show up a bit early the next morning and she would teach me more about how to apply makeup. I nodded, and headed upstairs in a bit of a daze. I ended up calling Vicki. I figured it wouldn't hurt to see where things go, and I told myself it would be easy enough to tell her later on if things got more serious. We ended up talking for hours that first night. Apparently, we had more than a few things in common. She grew up with flighty executive parents that were often absent, we had similar tastes in music and movies, as well as other things. Eventually, we decided to call it a night, but she asked me if I might want to grab lunch with her sometime. My heart fluttered, and I quickly agreed. I had a date! Well, technically two dates, but one wasn't really a date per say. After I calmed down a bit from my heart beating fit to burst out of my chest, Curiosity got the better of me as I remembered the plain wrapped packed in my newfound box of loot. I retrieved it, and opened the box. On top was a short note. "Enjoy! I think you can figure out how these work. The bottle contains e-pills, not many, but enough for you to see how it feels. Come see me when you run out if you like!" E-pills, huh? I figured she probably meant ecstasy, or maybe one of those new penis pills. I set the tiny bottle aside, and looked at the other items inside. One item appeared to be a set of pointed egg-shaped items, with flared bases. They looked kind of like an ace of spades from a playing card. I had to look those up on image search, and soon discovered that they were a set of anal plugs! The other item in the box was easier to discern, as it was long, firm yet squishy, and vaguely penis shaped. I was now the owner of a starter set of sex toys! There was also some lubricant and instructions inside the box upon further investigation. I shrugged, decided "when in Rome!" and lubed up the smaller plug and began working it into my virgin asshole. The feel of the cool rubber coated with lubricant was very unusual. It hurt a little at first, as I followed the recommendations and slowly worked it inside, pausing where it felt too large, and letting my muscles relax for a bit. Eventually, it settled in past some sort of internal obstruction with a little "pop" sound as it seated home. I decided to try one of the E-pills, though it didn't seem to do all that much. I figured maybe they took a while to act, so I resolved to try them again throughout the week. I decided to remove the chastity device, and my penis sprang back to life. There wasn't much chafing or redness, so it seemed like the device was a good fit. Seeing my nail covered hands on my pierced cock was a huge turn on, and I soon found myself hard enough I could hang a painting off of my member without worry. I must have masturbated more that night than I ever had in one session before. Maybe it was the small but persistent intruder in my ass egging me on, how I looked, or the whole events of the day, but I found myself getting even more horny as the night went on, not less. At one point I decided that I needed to taste my own sperm again. It took an act of will to scoop up a warm gob of it on my new nails, but I found that I enjoyed the taste quite a bit as I licked my nails clean and went back for seconds. The next morning, stripped of my makeup, but still wearing feminine garb and re-equipped with the accursed chastity, I headed back downstairs. I had a couple of suitable skirts now, and a couple of decent tops, and I figured I was going to need all the practice I could get this week before my "date" with Razor. Makeup class with Kelly was fun, and she was a good teacher. She declared me to be a bit of a natural, and I figured if this career went bust I could always try the cosmetology route. I was seated at my desk when Razor arrived. He straight up stared at me for a full 30 seconds when he arrived, before his brain rebooted and he said an unusually shy "hello" I waved back. As the morning went on, in between clients and during slow times, he went on and on about how I looked "Man, I can't believe how good you look! If I didn't know you were a guy, I would totally be trying to get your digits!" Razor had a bit of a reputation as a player in the shop, so that was high praise indeed. I blushed, and shrugged, and made some quip about being willing to do anything for a really good lobster, but secretly, deep down I was pleased. The week flew by. Lessons with Kelly continued, and I got decent at applying makeup, and practice entering a restaurant and sitting down and standing up and walking without tripping myself in heels or making a massive faux pas. I worked on my voice and speech, and I could just about maintain short sentences without my voice breaking. Eve came up with a brilliant suggestion the day before the dinner that I should get a tongue piercing, so that I would have an excuse of the new piercing not to talk so much. That went surprisingly quick and painless, and I soon had a nice shiny metal stud in my tongue to play with, and play with it I did. It rapidly became one of my favorite things. Finally, the big day arrived. Kelly helped me get ready, and gave me some last-minute pointers. Razor showed up at the shop to pick me up. he usually arrived on his Kawasaki motorcycle, so I wasn't prepared for the very nice corvette he arrived in. He actually got out of the car and opened the door for me. I gave him a bit of a look, but he shrugged, and said "have to keep up appearances, right?" I sighed and nodded. The ride to the restaurant was fairly short. Razor filled me in on a bit of background about his mom, what she looked like, what to expect, the usual. I could tell he was very nervous. I was too, but for completely different reasons. We arrived at the restaurant, where the valet took the car elsewhere and we were quickly seated. The restaurant, "The Wilted Clam" was a fairly upscale spot. We looked a bit out of place with our piercings and in Razor's case, Tattoo's, but the wait staff took it in stride. After a short wait and ordering some drinks. Razor's Mom arrived. She quickly started gushing over both of us in rapid Spanish which I couldn't follow a single word of. Razor turned a little red in the face, then calmly introduced me to his mom as Chloe. His mom insisted that I call her Sephorina, and we settled in to weather a rapid-fire barrage of typical relationship questions. Luckily I was fine with letting Razor field most of those. Apparently we had just started dating a couple weeks ago, I still worked in the shop with him, but I sprouted a set of new to me hobbies in response to details that he had apparently told his mom about his new girlfriend. I certainly didn't think I did basket weaving on the side, but I guess I didn't know much about the new me yet, so who knows? Dinner finished without any major disasters. As we got up and headed out to the car, Sephorina called out to Razor, "Oh Come on, at least give her a good kiss before you leave, for your mama?" Razor hesitated, clearly not wanting to put me on the spot like that. I decided to take the initiative and not disappoint his mom, and pulled him in for a soft kiss. I whispered, "Not. A. Word." as we broke apart after a short period of time, to a squealing and very happy clapping mama. I waited at the front entrance as Razor walked his mom to her own waiting car. They talked for a while, then she departed. We soon found ourself back in Razor's corvette. After a short silence, he blushed and said "Mama likes you. She called you a catch. She never says that about anyone I have her meet." He shook his head, then handed me a pair of hundred- dollar bills, which I secured in my new purse. He started to continue. "Look man, about that kiss back there..." I stopped him with a finger to his lips. "Shh, it was just the moment. I did it to make your mom smile. She seems like a lovely lady, and you really should think of settling down with someone you can bring home to her for real, but it didn't hurt to put on a little show for her. I really didn't mind." I smiled at him, and winked. Then I continued "but if Kelly ever hears about this, they will not find your body, right?" Razor nodded, and swallowed nervously. All in all, it was an interesting experience, and I really enjoyed my lobster, but it was nice to have confirmation that I was not attracted to guys, even looking as I did. Razor dropped me off at the apartment entrance, and I grabbed my mail as I headed inside. For once it wasn't just junk mail, as I discovered a very battered, multiple stamped letter that looked like it had been through a war zone awaiting me. From my parents. To be continued...

Same as The Receptionist - Part 1 Videos

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Drinking The Receptionists Pee

When we finally arrived at the resort, it was getting late already. The hotel I had booked stood a little apart from the rest and didn't have its own beach connected to it, but it looked really nice and was affordable. Plus, not being in an area with lots of drunken tourists was a definite advantage in my book. The lady at the reception looked a little tired when we walked in, pulling our suitcases behind us, sweating from the heat and the walk. My friend and sub Martina was looking around...

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RECEPT.TXT by Cindy V. TV, Fem dom, humiliation When someone describes a girl as having a nice personality, that usually means that she's not much to look at. But our receptionist Kathy is quite the exception. First of all, she truly does have a nice personality. She always has a smile and a cheery word for everyone, and it's sincere. Guys just seem to congregate around her desk in the receptionist area, partly because she has such a sweet disposition. Well, maybe that's not...

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The Naughty Receptionist

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Receptionist Challenge Accepted

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The Hotel Receptionist

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First my boss and then the receptionist

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First my boss and then the receptionist

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Hot Office Receptionist Fucked By Me On Her Honeymoon

Hi, this is Gourab Gupta, a resident of Kolkata, 22 years old, height 6’3″ well-built body and a CA final aspirant. I am interested in aunties and bhabhies. I have been reading some of the in ISS since last 8 years and I am a huge fan of ISS. Coming to the story; as being a CA aspirant, I was undergoing my industrial training in a Kolkata based MNC. The receptionist of the company was Rinki Das (the female lead of the story). Her stats was 36-24-36. Everyone in the office had an eye on her...

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Office Receptionist Made Me Appreciate Old Women

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Intimate Experience With A Receptionist

Hi horny guys of ISS. Firstly I would like to thank ISS for publishing my two experiences. My earlier experiences were true and this is my another true and sexy experience. One can reach me on : for their valuable comments. This is a bit lengthy description, please be patient to read it. This incident happened couple of years back. I used to travel widely in connection with my work. I was 36 at that time. I stand 5’10” tall and an average built body. During my visit, I used to stay in one...

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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 1

Hotel ki online receptionist ko asli sex ka maja dia hun Hi iss readers, am basa here am a big fan of iss, regular reader and all most read all the story here, i hope ill do more sex experience through iss in future, i like and believe most story and little was fake also, ok leave it come to point, i want to submit my story in Hindi because Hindi is sexy compare to English. Mai iss may 2nd story submit karta hun aur first story ka first part submit kiya hun aur 2nd part be bahut jald submit...

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Fucking My Office Receptionist

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My Sexy Receptionist Gita

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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 2 The Receptionist

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The Hotel receptionist Part 4 Three is never a crowd

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Elsa the receptionist

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Help Me Out A Receptionist earns extr

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Married Receptionist With Me

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Shakuntala My Receptionist

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Hot Relationship With Sexy Receptionist In Hubli

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Beauty Salon Receptionist Person

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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

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Our receptionist Bharti

Hi I am 24 years Punjabi male 4 u? This is a real story happened in 20003 when I was working in a private limited company at Baroda. Three brothers who were Directors ran the company. Ours was a small office staffed by one Receptionist, one Accountant, and five others including me, as a Stenographer. I was the only Malayalee staff, remaining were Gujaratis. Our company was located hardly ½ k.m. Distance away from the Gita Mandir Bus stop in the outskirts of Baroda city, where I used to get down...

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Gym receptionist

Hey ladies. I’m Bedroom Basher. The story I am about to narrate is my own and true. This is my first story here on ISS and I hope you guys enjoy it. I’m 27, 5’ 9” (180 lbs), and working at a prestigious firm. This incident took place in Bangladesh, my home country. I’m not conceited in anyway, but it has always been the case that wherever I went, there would be a crowd of people attracted to me – sometimes they would do it so much, that I’d be left uncomfortable. I am not gorgeous but I have...

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Secretly Licking the Receptionist Behind Her Counter and Fisting

The next day, when we were going out to the beach, Giulia was again tending the reception desk. She smiled shyly as she watched us approach her. Martina was wearing a Bikini that looked three sizes too small for her, barely covering her nipples and pelvis, and showing dark pubes all around the sides of her bikini bottom. Over that, just to cover it up slightly, she wore a loose blouse that she knotted under her wide breasts, and some really short jean shorts. I was in my orange and black...

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Tittiefuck looked up from her long, purple-painted nails to greet the latest client. As usual, it was an angry woman with a flier. "Hi, I'm Tittiefuck! Welcome to Bimbotech Inc.!" she said, smiling wide. The woman stopped and stared. They often did. Tittiefuck was so pretty since they fixed her! Her titties were so big and round now, her ass so full and firm! The company had taught her how to spray her hair and blow it big and wild. They had given her new clothes like this shiny purple...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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WIth my receptionist

It wasn’t a regular Monday as I drove to work. I had remembered to wear the only green long sleeve shirt I owned,. My socks and boxer shorts were green as well. The office building I worked in was two stories tall and situated in an upscale industrial park. The company had swelled from only a small handful of employees to a much larger group of a hundred. It was my first real job out of college, and I liked the dynamic urgency of the daily business. Something was always going on. A rush or a...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

2 years ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
4 years ago
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The Hotel Receptionist Part 2 Shopping for toys

As I sit at the conference, I realise I haven’t heard a word the last speaker has said. My thoughts keep constantly drifting back to last night and Joanne, the hotel receptionist kneeling between my legs as she used her tongue to bring me off. The smile and sparkle in her eyes when she told me she would be working for the next few nights signalled that she didn't want last night to be a one-off.As the afternoon session draws to a close, I decline the offer to join a few of the delegates for a...

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The Savoy Part 1 Sam the Receptionist

Everyone knew of the Savoy Hotel in London, after all it was one of the most prestigious hotels in the world. What people didn’t know is the sort of things that happened once you were inside. But as the night manager I knew all too well, and it seemed to me that you might like to hear the stories.Where to begin, well I think Sam would be a good start, he was my receptionist; he had worked alongside me since I started. We had learnt the way things worked together. Let me explain, in our...

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The Office Receptionist Heena

Hello pals! I am Jason and I would like to post another incident of mine here. I am originally from Canada, however, I have been in India for the past 2 months to live with a childhood friend of mine. The friend of mine – Kartik had some competitive exams coming up so he called me up and asked if I can come to stay with him as he has no family. I agreed. The incident is narrated in detail so it is going to be long but surely pleasurable. :) I arrived in Mumbai. Now, I knew I have to stay here...

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The receptionist part 3 I guess

So I had planned to take the day off of screwing around and give myself a chance to recharge and rest. And as anyone should know plans don’t always go the way we want them too. Around 9pm I had gotten an email from my boss informing me that I would have to stay in the area possibly another month and continue my work on this new contract. Apparently the client had specifically requested me after my 'excellent' work.I had phoned my wife and let her know the bad news. She was annoyed to say the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e2 Shannon 42 receptionist from Wimbledon

Series 3, Episode 2: Shannon Introducing the Pocket Rocket. She’s short. Less than 5 feet tall, with a nice pair of boobs, hair cut short and blonde, styled into a punky-funky close-cropped style, and thick rimmed, squared off spectacles make her eyes look a little beady. She’s not unpleasant to look at, but she’d be well down the list of “best looking women you’ll see today” on any day. She sits behind a large reception desk. Her clothes are tight, but smart, plenty of cleavage on show,...

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The Receptionist 8211 Part l

This is completely a fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone mentioned in this story is completely false and any matches to anyone in this place are purely a coincidental occurring. Hey buddies. I’m writer 001. A young writer who writes stories and a first time in writing a story of this kind… This is completely fictional. Now the story.. As narrated by Karthick. I’m a young businessman. I travel loads around the world. Stay at many places. And perhaps have some intercourse with some porn...

2 years ago
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The Receptionist

His hands were in his lap, he was so nervous. This interview could make or break him and he knew he couldn’t mess up. He went over what he was going to say in his head; “I’m enthusiastic, punctual, a team player, and always willing to seek advice if I cannot handle a situation myself.” He knew that this was one of those moments in his life that he would either look back on and say “Oh yeah, I nailed that.” Or “Oh well, I gave it my best.” He pushed negative ideas out of his mind and stretched...

Straight Sex
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The Ultimate Receptionist 8211 Pune

I accidentally happened to visit this website and over a period of time started liking the sex stories and the experiences out here. Here I am today with my personal encounter with an office colleague of mine. feedback, suggestions, complains, proposals are welcome at Let me take all you guys to a few months back when it all started. I have recently joined this company in Pune and There happened to be a really hot and sexy receptionist with great assets, 34B-28-36. Let’s call her Diya. She was...

5 years ago
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The receptionist

I've worked in a large company for over 10 years now and have climbed the corporate ladder to now be in a senior management position. Whilst there are many good looking ladies in our office, I've never been tempted to "fish off the company pier" in attempt to avoid any issues and impact my job. That is, until I met Sally...In my role, I quite often have guests come and see me for meetings. We have quite a big reception area where guests come to sign in and wait for their meeting. For this...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient part 2

I can’t move. I stand in place, mesmerized. I look right at his equipment and am amazed. He’s got the biggest dick I have ever seen, even better than in any magazine or x- rated movie. He is long, uncircumcised; with a thick mushroom on the top. And the rest of his naked body is terrific too. He’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. “You like it?” His question interrupts my thoughts. “I’m sorry,” I suddenly feel tremendously embarrassed....

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Joy Was a Great Receptionist

Joy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...

Office Sex
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Sally The Doctors Receptionist

Hi, I am Sally. I work as the receptionist at the local surgery, I am looking to go to medical school but until then I have a very mundane job at the surgery. I am single and live with my mum and step-dad. I never really knew my dad and mum at thirty remarried when I was nine and my step-dad who was much older accepted me as his own. We were always an open family and my parents often lounged around the house in their underwear and encouraged me not to be afraid of nudity, I came to accept it...

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